Resume Tip Sheet
Can include an “Objective” in your resume if not
submitting a cover letter. However, avoid generic
objectives such as “Looking for a job at a business.”
o GOOD EXAMPLE: “Ambitious student with strong lab
research skills and extensive lab experience seeking
post-graduate biochemistry research position.”
Otherwise, “Education” should be the first section you
list. Include academic awards, honors (e.g., Dean’s List).
o Include college name, location (city and state), degree,
any minors or concentrations, and graduation date.
o Include GPA and/or Major GPA if above 3.0.
o Can list “Relevant Coursework” and/or your senior
project/thesis if applicable to the job you are seeking.
o Include study abroad experiences.
o Can include high school if applying for a job in your
All of the following are acceptable in an “Experience”
section: internships, paid and unpaid jobs, RA and Lab
Assistant positions, campus work-study positions, fast
food or retail jobs anything that indicates that you have
held some position of responsibility.
o Include your title/position, company/organization
name, location (city and state), timeframe worked,
and description of responsibilities and skills learned.
o Avoid repetition (e.g., listing two similar positions) as
well as including irrelevant jobs from high school.
If you have a well-rounded set of “Activities,” show it!
o List leadership and volunteer activities as if they were
jobs, including: organization name, your position/role,
location, timeframe, and description.
o Avoid acronyms that employers might not understand
(e.g., Hendrix Experience Ambassador Team instead of
H.E.A.T.) and clarify club names when needed (e.g.,
Campus Kittycharitable fundraising organization).
For “Experience” and “Activities” sections:
o Start descriptions with active verbs such as developed,
created, led, won, awarded, researched, directed,
coordinated, and competed. Verbs should be past
tense if the activity has been completed. Avoid using
“Responsibilities included” or “Job duties were.”
o Quantify accomplishments when possible (e.g., “raised
$500 for charity” or “supervised 25 campers”).
Select 3-5 people who know you professionally (advisor,
professor, internship supervisor, etc.) as “References.”
o Ask these people for their permission to use them as
references before including them on your resume.
o Put references last, or create a separate References
page to submit along with your resume. List each
reference’s name, job title, company, company city
and state, phone number, and email address.
Does your resume pass the 10 second test? Could a
prospective employer find the most important and
relevant information about you within 10 seconds of
reviewing your resume?
o The higher up the page you place an item, the more
likely it is to be read. Recruiters may spend as little as
10 seconds reviewing a resume, so put your most
relevant achievements and experiences at the top!
Always modify your resume to suit the job for which you
are applying. Highlight the experience and skills relevant
to the qualifications sought for each unique position.
o Thoroughly understand the job and the company to
which you are applying. Search the job description and
information provided on the company website to
determine which of your skills and experiences best fit
what they are seeking. You can even incorporate key
words from the job description into your resume.
Regularly update your resume to reflect your most recent
accomplishments and experiences.
Generally, list your experiences in reverse chronological
order with the most recent position or activity at the top
of the list. To highlight relevant experiences first, consider
creating a “Related Experience” section followed by one
for “Additional Experience.”
When listing skills, highlight least common skills first to
stand out from the crowd. (Remember 10 second rule!)
Use appropriate margins. Those at 3/4" or 1” tend to
work well. Never use margins less than half an inch.
Font size should be between 10 and 12 points. Your name
is the one element that can be larger than the rest of the
text, but don’t go overboard! (Maximum size: 16 pt.)
If possible, fit all information on one page.
CAPITALIZATION, bold, italics, and underlining create
visual appeal. But be consistent and don’t overdo it!
Send your resume as a PDF file if emailing or submitting it
electronically so that it cannot be altered in any way.
Do not use resume templates! They are difficult to work
with and the recruiter will see this as an inability to create
an original layout for your document.
Also avoid:
o Grammar/spelling errors
o Standardized test scores
o Personal information: age, marital status, gender, etc.
o High school clubs
o Writing in complete sentences
o Scholarships (unless nationally recognized)
o Listing supervisorsnames in Experiencesection
o Personal pronouns: I, my, our, etc.
Ivana Z. Warrior
Hendrix Box 1234 1600 Washington AvenueConway, AR 72032501.111.1111
OBJECTIVE (Use ONLY if you are not including a cover letter. Be specific avoid generic statements.)
Seeking forest ecology internship involving lab research. Fast-learning biology student with extensive lab experience
through advanced-level biology coursework. Highly competent in algae and fungi species, plant physiology, phycology,
and botany. Enjoy challenges and working long hours in the lab.
EDUCATION (List in reverse chronological order most recent educational institution first.)
Hendrix College Conway, AR expected May 2013
Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Minor in French overall GPA: 3.4 / major GPA: 3.9
Dean’s List: Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Spring 2011
Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit BrusselBrussels, Belgium Spring 2012
Relevant Coursework: Natural History of Afro-Eurasia
Middleton High School Orangeville, CA May 2009
Valedictorian; Tennis State Champion 2008 GPA: 4.0
EXPERIENCE (List in reverse chronological order most recent experience first. Be specific about responsibilities and skills gained.)
The Nature Conservancy, Land Stewardship Intern, Little Rock, AR, Summer 2011
Assisted with data collection during field work; entered plant and animal species data; coordinated volunteer trips
to nature preserves; answered phones and assisted with general office upkeep.
Forest Service, Forest Ranger Assistant, Forest Town, CA, Summer 2010
Worked alongside head forest ranger; assisted with controlled burns; collected data regarding forest health;
researched independently and presented to staff on contemporary issues facing the Pinus echinata.
LEADERSHIP (List in reverse chronological order most recent activities first. Be specific about responsibilities and achievements.)
Environmental Concerns Committee, Events Coordinator, Hendrix College, Fall 2009-present
Brainstorm event ideas; manage budgets and timelines, and delegate tasks to committee members; ensure event
refreshments are purchased from local, organic sources; coordinate lectures and documentary screenings.
Office of Student Activities, Orientation Leader, Hendrix College, Fall 2010
Led group of 20 first-year students on canoe trip on Buffalo River; coordinated transportation, lodging, and meals.
VOLUNTEER WORK (List in reverse chronological order most recent volunteer work first. List any specific achievements.)
Women’s Shelter of Central Arkansas, Volunteer Chef, Conway, AR, Fall 2010-Spring 2011
Cooked every Saturday night for residents; prepared and organized fundraiser dinner for 30; raised $300.
Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer, New Orleans, LA, Spring Break 2010
Assisted with cleanup efforts post-Hurricane Katrina at three residential locations.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Central Arkansas, Big Sister, Conway, AR, Fall 2009
Tutored 5th-grade students in math for two hours every Friday afternoon.
ACTIVITIES (List in reverse chronological order most recent activities first. Include any awards and/or accomplishments.)
Biological Society, Hendrix College, Spring 2010-present
Tennis Team, Hendrix College, Fall 2009-present
Captain (2010-present); Letterman (2009-present); SCAC Academic Honor Roll (2009, 2011)
SKILLS (Include any specific skills, certifications, qualifications, and/or unique interests.)
Languages: Fluent in French Computer: SPSS Statistics Program Proficiency Certifications: CPR, First Aid
REFERENCES (List name, title, institution, address, phone #, and email)
For more examples of resumes for students and recent graduates, see The Only Resume and Cover Letter Book You’ll Ever
Need! and other resume books, located in the Career Services Resource Library (SLTC 238).
Dr. Mike Roskop
Professor of Biology
Hendrix College
Conway, AR
Dr. Bea Kerr
Professor of Chemistry
Hendrix College
Conway, AR
Anna Splingo
Director of Ecological Research
The Nature Conservancy
Little Rock, AR