Bartolomé de las Casas
written 1542, published 1552
PRESENTATION by Bishop don Fray Bartolomé
de las Casas or Casaus, to the most high and potent
lord Prince of all the Spains don Felipe, our
Most high and potent lord:
Because divine providence has ordered in this world
that for the direction and common utility of the human
lineage the world be constituted by Kingdoms and
peoples, with their kings like fathers and shepherds (as
Homer has called them) and therefore the most noble
and generous members of the republics, for that reason
no doubt of the rectitude of the royal spirits of those
kings may be held, or with right reason might be held.
And if any wrongs, failings, defects, or evils should be
suffered in those kingdoms, the only reason for that is
that the kings have no notice of them. For these wrongs
&c, if they be present and reported, it is the duty of the
king, with greatest study and vigilant industry, to root
them out. . . .
Considering, then, most potent lord, the evils
and harm, the perditions and ruin the equals or likes
of which, never were men imagined capable of doing
considering, as I say, those evils which as a man of
fifty years’ and more experience, being in those lands
present, I have seen committed upon those so many
and such great kingdoms, or better said, that entire vast
and new world of the Indies lands conceded and given in trust by God and His Church to the king and
queen of Castile, to rule and govern them, convert them to belief in Christ and the Holy Catholic Church,
and give them to prosper temporally and spiritually , this subject was not able to contain himself from
supplicating with Your Majesty, most importunely, that Your Majesty not concede such licence nor allow
those terrible things that the tyrants did invent, pursue, and have committed against those peaceable,
humble, and meek Indian peoples, who offend no person. . . .
Excerpted by the National Humanities Center, 2006: From Bartolomé de las Casas, An Account, Much Abbreviated,
of the Destruction of the Indies, with Related Texts, ed. Franklin W. Knight, & tr. Andrew Hurley (Hackett Publ. Co., 2003), pp. 2-3, 6-8. Permission
pending. De Bry engravings in de Bry’s 1598 edition of Destruction; digital images reproduced by permission of the John Carter Brown Library, Brown
J. Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Title page, 1598 edition [Frankfurt] published by
Theodore de Bry with his engravings
And thus pregnant and nursing women and children
and old persons and any others they might take, they
would throw them into the holes until the pits were
filled, the Indians being pierced through by the stakes,
which was a sore thing to see, especially the women
with their children.
National Humanities Center
. . . Into and among these gentle sheep,
endowed by their Maker and Creator with all
the qualities aforesaid, did creep the Spaniards,
who no sooner had knowledge of these people
than they became like fierce wolves and tigers
and lions who have gone many days without
food or nourishment. And no other thing have
they done for forty years until this day,
still today see fit to do, but dismember, slay,
perturb, afflict, torment, and destroy the
Indians by all manner of cruelty new and
divers and most singular manners such as
never before seen or read of heard of some
few of which shall be recounted below, and
they do this to such a degree that on the Island
of Hispaniola, of the above three millions souls
that we once saw, today there be no more than
two hundred of those native people remaining.
The island of Cuba is almost as long as from
Valladolid to Rome; today it is almost devoid
of population. The island of San Juan [Puerto
Rico] and that of Jamaica, large and well-
favoured and lovely islands both, have been
laid waste. On the Isles of the Lucayos
[Bahamas] . . . where there were once above
five hundred thousand souls, today there is not
a living creature. All were killed while being
brought, and because of being brought, to the
Island of Hispaniola where the Spaniards saw
that their stock of the natives of that latter
island had come to an end. . . .
Two principal and general customs have
been employed by those, calling themselves Christians, who have passed this way, in extirpating and
striking from the face of the earth those suffering nations. The first being unjust, cruel, bloody, and
tyrannical warfare. The other after having slain all those who might yearn toward or suspire after or
think of freedom, or consider escaping from the torments that they are made to suffer, by which I mean all
the native-born lords and adult males, for it is the Spaniards’ custom in their wars to allow only young
boys and females to live being to oppress them with the hardest, harshest, and most heinous bondage
to which men or beasts might ever be bound into. . . .
The cause for which the Christians have slain and destroyed so many and such infinite numbers of
souls, has been simply to get, as their ultimate end, the Indians’ gold of them, and to stuff themselves with
riches in a very few days, and to raise themselves to high estates without proportion to their birth or
breeding, it should be noted owing to the insatiable greed and ambition that they have had, which has
been greater than any the world has ever seen before. . . [A]ll the Indians of all the Indies never once did
I.e., since 1502, the year las Casas first went out to the Indies with the expedition led by Nicolás de Ovando. Las Casas is, then, implying that his
Brevísima Relación will be based on personal experience and observation. It should be noted that las Casas did not adopt the views expressed in this
account until 1514, twelve full years after he came to the Indies. He was, in fact, an encomendero at first, one of those who exploited the Indians, and it
was not until he was exposed to the ideas of Antonio de Montesinos, a Dominican who preached that the Indians were “men,” with souls, that las
Casas’ eyes were opened to the brutality of the Conquest. [Knight & Hurley, p. 6]
Univ. of Alabama Library
Ortelius, Americæ sive novi orbis, nova descriptio, Antwerp, 1570
National Humanities Center
aught hurt or wrong to Christians, but rather held them
to be descended from heaven, from the sky, until
many times they or their neighbours received from the
Christians many acts of wrongful harm, theft, murder,
violence, and vexation. . . .
Las Casas proceeds to recount specific acts of cruelty
perpetrated on the people of Hispaniola, San Juan (Puerto
Rico), Jamaica, Cuba, Nicaragua, New Spain (Mexico), the
Yucatan, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru, Granada and other
small Caribbean islands, and “Florida,” referring to Spanish
claims north of Mexico in North America.
I, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, or Casaus, friar of the
order of Saint Dominic, who by the mercy of God am
here today in this court of Spain, was persuaded by
the same notable persons resident in this Court . . . to
set down an accounting of the hell that is the Indies,
so that those infinite masses of souls redeemed by the
blood of Jesus Christ may not die for all eternity
without any help for it, but rather know their Creator
and be saved. And by the compassion that I have for
my native land, which is Castile, I pray that God not
destroy it for the great sins committed against its faith
and honour. . . .
I have great hope that the emperor and king of
Spain, our lord Don Carlos, the fifth of that name,
may come to understand (for until now the truth has
always been most industriously covered over) the acts
of malice and treachery which have been and still are
being done upon those nations and lands, against the
will of God and his own, and that he may bring an end
to so many evils and bring relief to that New World
which God has given him, as the lover and cultivator,
as he is of justice.
For political as well as religious reasons, including the
evidence from las Casas, King Charles issued the “New
Laws of the Indies” in 1542 to moderate the treatment of the
Indians. The New Laws were opposed and ignored by most
colonial officials in Spanish America.
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
They would erect long gibbets . . . and bind thirteen of
the Indians at one time, in honour and reverence, they
said, of Our Redeemer and the twelve Apostles, and put
firewood around it and burn the Indians alive.
Another time, because the Indians did not give him a
coffer filled with gold, . . . they killed an infinite number
of souls, and cut off the hands and noses of countless
women and men, and others they threw to the savage
dogs, who ate them and tore them to pieces.
[T]he lord asked the holy father whether Christians went
to the sky. The priest replied that they did, but only
those who were good. And the cacique then said . . .
that he did not desire to go to the sky, but rather down
to hell, so that he would not be where they were and
would not see such cruel people.