Other Income
About Other Income
Additional resources listed in L&LT “References” tab
Review all tips and cautions in the lesson
Read all examples and sample interviews
We will review answers to each exercise
Other Income
Objectives Other Income
Other types of income and how to report them
Determine the requirements for the cancellation of debt on
nbusiness credit card debt when preparing tax returns
Determine when canceled credit card debt is included in gross inco
Form 1040, Schedule 1
How to properly report income earned from worldwide sources
Who is eligible for the foreign earned income exclusion
How to calculate the excludible amount using Form 2555, Foreign
arned Income
Time Required: 30 minutes
Other Income
Other Income
Nonbusiness Credit Card Debt
Worldwide Income
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
Period of Stay
Qualifying Income
Reporting Other Income
Other Income
Key Terms
Definitions are always available in the L&LT online Glossary.
Blocked Income
Bona Fide Residence Test
Coverdell ESA
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
Foreign Tax Credit
Period of Stay
Physical Presence Test
Medicaid Waiver Payments
Regular Place of Abode
Tax Home
Worldwide Income
Other Income
Other Income
Other Income
What are some examples?
Prizes and awards
Gambling winnings
(including lotteries and raffles)
Cash for Keys
Jury duty pay
Alaska Permanent Fund dividends
Nonbusiness credit card debt
Other Income
See Publication 4491 for details on these types of other income:
Health Savings Account distributions
Qualified Medicaid Waiver Payments
Distributions from ABLE accounts
Coverdell ESA and a 529 plan
Other examples of other income are:
Gambling Winnings, Cash for Keys, Penal Income,
Other Income
Cancellation of Debt Nonbusiness Credit Card Debt
Other Income
If a taxpayer receives Form 1099-C for canceled credit card debt and
was solvent, all the canceled debt will be included on Form 1040, Other
Income line.
Generally, taxpayers must include all canceled amounts (even if less
than $600) on the Other Income line of Form 1040
Review the
Insolvency Determination Worksheet
Worldwide Income
Other Income
For U.S. citizens and resident aliens, income earned outside the U.S. is
subject to the same taxes and filing requirements as U.S. income.
Amounts reported on a U.S. return must be converted to U.S. dollars.
What exchange rate do you use?
Use the rate in effect when the income was received.
The average annual exchange rate can be used if:
Foreign income was received evenly throughout the year, and
The foreign exchange rate was relatively stable during the year
Monthly exchange rates can be used for foreign income earned evenly
for one or more months, but not the whole year.
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
Allows qualified taxpayers to voluntarily exclude foreign earnings from
taxable income amount is indexed to inflation, updated yearly
Does not apply to members of Armed Forces or U.S. governmen
Taxpayers cannot claim the earned income credit or foreign tax credi
using this exclusion
The term “foreign country” does n
nclude U.S. territories or possessions
see Chapter 4 of
Pub 54 for details
Claimed using
Form 2555
Other Income
Current year not available
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
To be eligible, the taxpayer must:
Demonstrate that his or her tax home is in a foreign country
Meet a period of stay requirement either the bona fide residence
test or the physical presence test
Have income that qualifies as foreign earned income
Married couples requirements must be met separately for each
Taxpayers whose “regular place of abode” is in the U.S. cannot be
considered to have a foreign tax home and would not qualify for the
exclusion see
Pub 54 for details
Other Income
Period of Stay
What is required to meet the period of stay requirement?
Bona fide residence test taxpayer must have set up permanent
quarters in a foreign country for an entire, uninterrupted tax year.
Physical presence test taxpayers must be physically present in a
foreign country 330 full days in 12 consecutive months
Other Income
Qualifying Income
Must be earned income for services (other than military or U.S.
government) performed in a foreign country
Professional fees
Self-employment income
What types of income would not qualify?
Dividends, interest, capital gains, alimony, social security benefits,
pensions, annuities
Other Income
Reporting Other Income
Reporting on Form 2555 using TaxSlayer
Link to Form 2555
The exclusion amount is calculated by TaxSlayer and entered as a
negative number on Form 1040, Other Income line.
Other Income
Out of Scope for this Lesson:
Distributions from an ABLE account in which the funds were not fully
used for qualified disability expenses
Distributions from Educational Savings Accounts in which the:
Funds were not used for qualified education expenses, or
Distribution was more than the amount of the qualified expenses
Taxpayers who are insolvent and had debt canceled
Other Income
Other Income includes any taxable income for which there is not a
specific line identified on Form 1040. This income is reported on Form
1040, Schedule1.
U.S. citizens and resident aliens are taxed on worldwide income, and
must file a U.S. tax return even if all the income is from foreign sources,
and even if they paid (or will pay) taxes to another country.
Amounts received in foreign currency must be converted to U.S. dollars
for reporting on the return. Use the exchange rate prevailing when the
taxpayer receives the pay.
If the taxpayer is eligible to exclude some or all of foreign earned
income, complete Forms 2555. The excludible amount will be entered
as a negative number on Schedule 1.
Other Income