April 24, 2020
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Trump:
During this unprecedented global crisis, it is imperative for the U.S. to demonstrate leadership by
working with the global community not only to stop the spread of COVID-19, but also to help
strengthen the global public health architecture to mitigate a crisis of this magnitude from
happening again. Therefore, we, the undersigned organizations, urge the U.S. Administration to
continue to fund the World Health Organization (WHO) to end this pandemic.
The United States cannot rid this insidious virus from the country, nor around the world, without
WHO is the only organization with the technical capacity and global mandate to support the
public health response of all countries during this critical time. China first alerted WHO to the
possibility of a novel type of coronavirus on December 31, 2019. WHO worked closely with
U.S. public health institutions like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as the global community, to collect, analyze,
and disseminate public health information about COVID-19.
These actions equipped countries with advance warning and guided states’ efforts to prepare for
the spread of the virus. Just one day after receiving the alert from China, WHO alerted the CDC
and by January 10, WHO issued guidance to countries on how to detect, test, and manage
potential cases of the novel virus, and best practices to protect health workers delivering care on
the frontlines of the response.
As the threat became more understood, WHO continued to engage with the Chinese government
to ensure vital public health data from the Wuhan epicenter was conveyed to the global
community at rapid pace unlike during the 2002-2004 SARS epidemic. Through this
engagement, China shared genetic sequencing of the novel virus, accelerating the development
of vaccine candidates and therapeutics. While their transparency in many areas was still lacking,
this paved the way for a WHO technical team to visit Wuhan in late January and again in
February to study the disease, gaining knowledge that informed containment and response
measures now being implemented by member states globally. The February visit also included
scientists from NIH and CDC.
Led by WHO, work began immediately to design a global Research & Development Blueprint.
Hundreds of researchers from dozens of countries participated; paving the way for more than 78
vaccine candidates being worked on in dozens of countries, with five in clinical trials. This pace
is both essential and unprecedented and would not have been possible without rapid WHO
At the same time, WHO began essential, rapid work often done collaboratively with CDC
technical experts to design more than 50 pieces of technical guidance to help countries and
communities prepare. These resources have been used by hospitals and frontline staff throughout
various cities and states in the United States, as well as all over the world.
Given the lack of scientifically proven and effective treatments, by March 18, WHO launched a
study called the “Solidarity Trial” to compare the effectiveness of four potential treatments for
COVID-19 against one another. Over 90 countries are now participating in this trial.
During an unprecedented and hugely complex public health crisis like this, there are bound to be
challenges. After WHO and the global community turn the tide against COVID-19, WHO has
signaled an eagerness to assess where mistakes occurred and how best to strengthen the
institution and global public health response capacities of all countries in the future.
It is without question, however, that WHO efforts have been vital to flattening the curve, slowing
the virus’ spread, and ultimately saving lives in the U.S. and around the world.
As the virus continues to spread into poorer countries ill equipped to combat the disease, WHO’s
role will become even more vital as it supports fragile health systems already struggling to
provide basic health interventions to vulnerable populations. In this capacity, WHO’s
interventions will not only save lives but also ensure economic stability as the world recovers
from this devastating disease.
With a COVID-19 vaccine still at least 12-18 months away, all countries must strengthen efforts
to stop the spread of the virus, save lives, and restart the global economy. At a time of the worst
public health disaster in the last 100 years, suspending funding to WHO would be like cutting the
water supply to a firefighter in the middle of a fire. More than 1,000 organizations and
individuals are joining to express their support. We believe it is critical to continue to support
WHO’s work, especially as they partner closely with leading U.S. agencies like CDC, NIH,
USAID and the Department of State, to keep people safe around the world and here at home.
1,000 Days
Access Challenge
Action Against Hunger
Action on Smoking and Health
Advancing Synergy
Advocates for Youth
Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence
America’s Voice
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College of Nurse-Midwives
American College of Obstetricians and
American Jewish World Service
American Public Health Association
American Society for Clinical Pathology
American Society of Tropical Medicine and
Amref Health Africa
Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology
Association of Public Health Laboratories
Association of Schools and Programs of Public
Better World Campaign
Big Cities Health Coalition
Bread for the World
Breast Health Global Initiative
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Catholics for Choice
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for International Policy
CEO/Disabled Children's Fund
CHANGE (Center for Health and Gender
Child Family Health International
ChildFund International
Children’s HeartLink
Children's Institute
Christian Connections for International Health
Church World Service
Coalition for Adolescent Girls
Coalition of communities of color (CCC)
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the
Good Shepherd
Consortium of Universities for Global Health
CORE Group
Dining for Women
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Endocrine Society
Engineering Ministries International
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Faiths for Safe Water
Food for the Hungry
Francois- Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health
and Human Rights
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Friends of Angola
Friends of the Global Fight for AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria
Friends of UNFPA
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Georgia Global Health Alliance
Global Citizen
Global Health Council
Global Health Technologies Coalition
Global Health Visions
Global Ministries of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of
Global Network of Black People working in
Global Water 2020
GlobalPartnersUnited LLC
Good Shepherd Services
Guttmacher Institute
Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation,
Health Alliance International
Heartland Alliance International
Helen Keller International
Hesperian Health Guides
HIV Medicine Association
House of Blahnik, Inc.
Housing Works, Inc.
Humanity & Inclusion
Infectious Diseases Society of America
International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke
International Cancer Expert Corps
International Health Section, American Public
Health Association (APHA)
International Women's Health Coalition
International Youth Alliance for Family
IntraHealth International
John Snow, Inc. (JSI)
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local
Kaiser Permanente
Last Mile Health
Lillian Carter Center for Global Health and
Social Responsibility, Emory University
Living Goods
Management Sciences for Health
Medical Teams International
Medicines for Humanity
Mercy Corps
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
Milwaukee Global Health Consortium
MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health
and and Rights
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the
Good Shepherd
National Association of Pediatric Nurse
National Birth Equity Collaborative
National League for Nursing
National Partnership for Women & Families
NC Relief Collective
Newborn Foundation
Nothing But Nets
NTI | bio
Nurses Who Vaccinate
Oxfam America
PAI Life Sciences, Inc.
Partners in Health
Partners Worldwide
Pathfinder International
Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Peace
Plan International USA
Planet Aid, Inc.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Population Association of America/Association of
Population Centers
Population Connection Action Fund
Population Council
Population Institute
Population Services International (PSI)
Presbyterian Church USA
Project HOPE
Refugees International
RESULTS-Asheville, NC
ReSurge International
Seed Global Health
SHARE Foundation
Sister of the Good Shepherd
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur USA
SNPhA Student National Pharmaceutical
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Sustainable Sciences Institute
Sustainable Sciences Institute
TB Alliance
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The Episcopal Church
The G4 Alliance
The Gerontological Society of America
The Grandmother Project
The Hunger Project
The Mauricio Aquino Foundation Corporation
The United Methodist Church - General Board
of Church and Society
TogetHER for Health
Triangle Global Health Consortium
Trust for America's Health
U.S. People Living With HIV Caucus
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness
United Nations Association of the USA
United Nations Foundation
United States People living with HIV Caucus
University of Washington Department of
Global Health
Washington Global Health Alliance
Weaving Earth
West Central Initiative
What to Expect Project
White Ribbon Alliance
Women Deliver
Women in Global Health
WomenStrong International
World Education, Inc.
World Medical Healthcare Project
World Vision US
International Organizations:
Arbutus Medical, Canada AIHMS-Global, India
Karika Ageing and HIV/AIDS Programme,
Israeli Association of Public Health, Israel
Ageing Nepal, Nepal
The Coalition for Children Affected by
AIDS, Canada
International Pediatric Association,
Medical IMPACT, Mexico
London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, United Kingdom
Oxford University Clinical Research Unit-
Nepal, Nepal
Institute of Research and Actions in Africa,
Cote d’Ivoire
Grandmother Project - Change through
Culture, Senegal
Action for Global Health Network, United
Policy Cures Research, Australia,
International Society for Infectious Diseases,
South Africa
Health Poverty Action, United Kingdom
International Union of Basic and Clinical
Pharmacology (IUPHAR), Switzerland
Primary Trauma Care Foundation, United
(TiYO), Kenya
Centre for Human Rights & Governance,
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Local Initiatives Development Agency
(LIDA), Kenya
Rural Infrastructure and Human Resource
Development Organization (RIHRDO),
Carbone Guinee, Guinea
Women Volunteers for Peace, Kenya
Zero Poor Africa (ZPA), Guinea
Centre for Family Health Initiative (CFHI),
Lake Region Public Benefit Organizations
Network (LPN), Kenya
NIGERIA, Nigeria
Youth and Environment Vision, Tanzania
Emonyo Yefwe International, Kenya
MeTA Kenya CSOs Alliance for SRHR,
Public Health International Consulting
Center (PHICC), Cameroon
Nigeria Universal Health Coverage Actions
Network (NUHCAN), Nigeria
Association for Promotion Sustainable
Development, India
Rwenzori Center for Research and
Advocacy, Uganda
International Planned Parenthood Federation,
United Kingdom
TANZANIA, Tanzania
Advocacy Network Africa (AdNetA), Kenya
Meera Foundation, India
Community Initiative Action Group Kenya
(CIAG-K), Kenya
Golden change for concerned youth forum,
Civil Society Support and Support Network
for Vaccination and strengthening of the
health system in Mauritania "Vacnet-
Mauritanie", Mauritania
The LAC Key Correspondent Team,
The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
World Merit Burundi, Burundi
Aidsfonds, Netherlands
Imani House, Inc., Liberia
Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers
Association, Nigeria
Fundacion Octaedro, Ecuador
Albino Trust of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Fundacion Huesped, Argentina
Human rights n Health Institute, Peru
People’s Health Movement Tanzania,
Strategic Poverty Alleviation Systems
SPAS, Kenya
ASPAT International, Peru
The George Institute for Global Health,
United Kingdom,
The Fred Hollows Foundation, Australia
Asia Pacific Network of People Living with
HIV (APN+), Thailand
OSOGBO, Nigeria
Sukaar Welfare Organization-Pakistan,
EANNASO, Tanzania
Connected Advocacy for Empowerment and
Youth Development Initiative, Nigeria
IMRO, Rwanda
Youth Nexus, Bangladesh, USA
Uhuru Community Development Project
(UCDP), Kenya
Uganda NCD Alliance, Uganda
Shanduko Yeupenyu Child Care, Zimbabwe
Blood Patients protection Council, India
World Action Fund, Uganda
SCI Foundation, United Kingdom,
Organisation pour Développement Inclusif au
Niger (ODI NIGER), Niger
Institute for Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and
Development (ICAD), Canada
Integrated Management for Health services,
NGO- Ayandeh Sazan Fardaaye javanaan,
African Centre for Global Health & Social
Transformation (ACHEST), Uganda
Bimmed Medical Foundation Inc., Nigeria
Friends of the Global Fund Europe, France
Medical IMPACT, Mexico
Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers
Association, Nigeria
Bestway Initiative for Health, Education and
Self-sufficiency, Nigeria
Foundation for African Research and
Development (FARD), Ghana
Bezev, Germany
NCD Child, Canada
RESULTS UK, United Kingdom
World Vision India
Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
Sisters, Canada
Union des Amis Socio Culturels d'Action en
Development (UNASCAD), Haiti
TB Europe Coalition, Netherlands
Newlands west Baptist Church, South Africa
CHEN - patient fertility association, Israel
NGO Republic Information Education Center
"INTILISH", Uzbekistan
Family Planning Association of India, India
Center for Health Studies, Albania
Global Health Alliance Australia, Australia
Mary Nagel, Angola
Dr. Brian J. Williams, FSAdata, Australia
Alyson Wright, Australian National
University, Australia
Amy Seath, Australian National University,
Ashley Thompson, Australian National
University, Australia
Brendan McMorran, Australian National
University, Australia
Brett Scholz, Australian National University,
Carmen Au, Australia
Carolyn Hawkins, Australian National
University, Australia
Cathy Banwell, Australian National
University, Australia
Christopher Nolan, Australian National
University, Australia
Danielle Somers, University of Sydney,
Deb Mills, Medical Practitioner, Australia
Deb Wong, Australian National University,
Delhis Reynolds, Australia
Diana Cardenas, Australia
Dr. Jodi Matic, Australia
Elizabeth E. Gardiner, Australian National
University, Australia
Emily McEwan, Australia
Guthrie Dyce, John Curtin School of Medical
Research, Australia
Hardip Patel, Australian National University,
Ian A. Cockburn, Australian National
University, Australia
Jerry Li, Australian National University,
Jill Guthrie, Australian National University,
Joanne Rathbone, University of Queensland,
Karen Brennan, Australian National
University, Australia
Ke-Jun Wei, Australian National University,
Ky Ruprecht, Australia
Lola Radnoti, Australian National University,
Lora Starrs, Australian National University,
Lucy Campbell, Australian National
University, Australia
Makayla-May Brinckley, Australian National
University, Australia
Marie Parmenter, Australia
Marita Linkson, Australia
Meru Sheel, Australian National University,
Michael Tran, Australia
Michael Webeck, Australian National
University, Australia
Mila Knezovic, Australian National
University, Australia
Naomi Clarke, Australian National
University, Australia
Narci Teoh, Australian National University,
Nicolas Cherbuin, Australian National
University, Australia
Nicole Gorddard, Australia
Olga Zaytseva, Australia
Professor David Tscharke, Australian
National University, Australia
Professor Karin Leder, Australia
Professor Dr. Frank van Haren, Intensive
Care Unit, Canberra Hospital, Australian
National University Medical School,
Professor Graham J. Reynolds, Australian
National University, Australia
Rafat Hussain, Australian National
University, Australia
Rebecca Matthews, Australia
Sally Somi, Australia
Samantha Colquhoun, Australian National
University, Australia
Simon Easteal, Australian National
University, Australia
Soraya Zwahlen, Australian National
University, Australia
Suji O’Connor, Australia
Tatum Street, Australia
Taylor Singh, John Curtin School of Medical
Research, Australia
Teresa Neeman, Australian National
University, Australia
Thomas Preiss, Australian National
University, Australia
Tornike Janjgava, Australia
Trevor Parmenter, University of Sydney,
Vicki Kilby, Australia
Victoria Thomas, Australian National
University, Australia
Xylia Ingham, Australia
Martin Haditsch, TravelMed Center
Leonding, Austria
Dewan Tanvir Ahmed, FPA Bangladesh,
Kirsten Accoe, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Ann Peters, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Anne Marie Trooskens, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Barbara Barbe, Belgium
Britta Campe, Belgium
Christophe Van Dijck, Belgium
Ciska Maeckelbergh, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Claudia Nieto-Sanchez, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Ella Van Landeghem, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Ellen Mitchell, Prins Leopold Instituut voor
Tropische Geneeskunde (ITM), Belgium
Florence Eric, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Geert De Greef, Belgium
Heleen Annemans, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Idzi Potters, Belgium
Inge Dierynck, Belgium
Irith De Baetselier, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Isra Deblauwe, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Jan Coenen, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Jen Engelen, Belgium
Joke Vervliet, Belgium
Jose Penalvo, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Kristien Cloots, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Kristien Wouters, ITG, Belgium
Kristof Decoster, Instituut voor Tropische
Geneeskunde (ITM), Belgium
Leen Rigouts, Belgium
Lenka Benova, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Leo Heyndrickx, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Linda Paredis, Belgium
Liselotte Hardy, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Ludwig Apers, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Marc-Alain Widdowson, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Marjan Peeters, Belgium
Maya Ronse, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Nancy Janssens, Belgium
Peter Bruynseels, Belgium
Professor Dr. Marianne A.B. van der Sande,
MD, MPH, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Sabien Salomez, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Sytse Kuijk, Belgium
Tinne Gils, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Valerie Bastiaensen, Instituut voor Tropische
Geneeskunde (ITM), Belgium
Gert Van der Auwera, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Werner Soors, MD, MPH, Institute of
Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Wim Adriaensen, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Wim Aernouts, Belgium
Wim Van Damme, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Belgium
Wouter Arrazola de Onate, Belgium
Yves Van Laere, ITG, Belgium
Charles Saidu Bangura, Botswana
Thomas Welty, MD, Cameroon
Anne Gatignol, Professor and Researcher in
Virology, McGill University, Canada
Ashley Wazana, McGill University, Canada
Barbara Marcus, Canada
Brent Richards, McGill University, Canada
Carolyn Ells, McGill University, Canada
Cecile Rousseau, Canada
Celia Greenwood, Lady Davis Institute for
Medical Research, Canada
Christina Greenaway, McGill University,
Claudia Kleinman, McGill University,
David Thomas, McGill University, Canada
David Dunkley, Lady Davis Institute Jewish
General Hospital and McGill University
David Eidelman, McGill University, Canada
Dr. Lorraine Chalifour, Canada
Elizabeth MacNamara, McGill University and
the Jewish General Hospital, Canada
Ernesto Schiffrin, MD, PhD, McGill
University and the Jewish General Hospital,
Ian Shrier, McGill University, Canada
Ivan Topisirovic, Canada
Jennifer Thompson, Canada
John Bergeron, McGill University, Canada
John Legere, Canada
Jose A. Morais, Canada
Kathleen Dickson, Canada
Kostas Pantopoulos, McGill University,
Leah Moss, Canada
Lindsay Belvedere, Canada
Lysanne Campeau, Canada
Michael Libman, McGill University, Canada
Michel Y. Pelletier, Canada
Nancy Feeley, McGill University, Canada
Nicoletta Eliopoulos, Canada
Norah Neylon, Canada
R. Thomas Jagoe, McGill University, Canada
Rachel Cardon Kronick, Canada
Soham Rej, McGill University, Canada
Susan R. Kahn, McGill University, Canada
Vahab Soleimani, Canada
William Foulkes, Canada
Wyeth W. Wasserman, University of British
Columbia, Canada
Yves Langlois, MD, Canada
Zeeve Rosberger, Lady Davis Institute for
Medical Research, Canada
Matthew Brown, China
Dieudonne Bidashimwa, Democratic
Republic of the Congo
Professor Lars Hviid, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark
David Imbago, Ecuador
Fethia Keder, PSI, Ethiopia
Wubshet Mamo, UW-DGH, Ethiopia
Annett Korner, Germany
Evan Williams, Germany
Peter Wiessner, Germany
Professor Dr. Till Barnighausen, Germany
Professor Dr. Olaf Muller, Germany
Simiao Chen, Germany
Tilman Ruppel, Medical Mission Institute,
Blessina Kumar, Global Coalition of TB
Activists, India
Prateek Ghatage, India
Sonal Mehta, South Asia Regional Office of
IPPF, India
Abed Nasereddin, Israel
Alina German, Bnei Zion Medical Center,
Daniel Gold, Israel
Gail Stolovitsky, Israel
Joel Bigman, Israel
Michael L. Alkan, Israel
Oxana Ibragimova, The Kazakhstan Union of
People, Living with HIV, Kazakhstan
Alfred Osoti, Kenya
Beatrice Wamuti, Kenya
Evans Naibei Rotich, Kenya
George Gitau, American Leprosy Missions,
Kerusha Nyabiage, University of Washington,
Kenneth Ngure, Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Nelly Mugo, Kenya Medical Research
Institute, Kenya
Nicholas Kipkurui, KEMRI, Kenya
Christine Kamamia, University of
Washington, Malawi
Tilinde Chokotho, Queen Elizabeth Central
Hospital, College of Medicine, University of
Gareth White, Mauritius
Allert Brown-Gort, Casa de la Universidad de
California en Mexico, Mexico
Veronica Barroso, La Casa de la Universidad
de California en Mexico, Mexico
Svetlana Doltu, Moldova
Vitali Rabinciuc, PULS, Moldova
Abhilasha Karkey, Nepal
Badri Raj Pande, Nepal Public Health
Sagun Paudel, Public Health Update, Nepal
JW Brandsma, Netherlands
Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch, University
Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands
Lisette van Lieshout, Leiden University
Medical Center, Netherlands
Wim van Brakel, NLR, Netherlands
Erica D’Souza, New Zealand
Danjuma Daniel, Nigeria
Ogbemudia Uwoghiren, Nigeria
Ogbonna Collins Nwabuko, Nigeria
Oladapo Walker, Babcock University, Nigeria
Laura Altobelli, Universidad Peruana
Cayetano Heredia, Peru
B.J. Eco, Philippines
Mwananawe Aimable, IMRO, Rwanda
Esabelle Yam Lo Yan, Singapore
Lucille Hellen Blumberg, National Institute
for Communicable Diseases, South Africa
Marc Mendelson, South Africa
Dr. Hasitha Tissera, Sri Lanka
Sumithra Tissera, Sri Lanka
Andrew Strong, Sweden
Anna Sondell, Sweden
Anna-Karin Hurtig, Sweden
Anne Hogberg, Sweden
Anneli Ivarsson, Umea University, Sweden
Barbara Schumann, Sweden
Bjoem Pehrson, Sweden
Bjorn Hogberg, Sweden
Borje Rehn, Sweden
Chatarina Carlen, Umea University, Sweden
Claudia Hanson, Karolinska Institutet,
Elin Larsson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Frida Saide, Sweden
Gunilla Stenberg, Umea University, Sweden
Hakan Jonsson, Department of Epidemiology
and Global Health, Sweden
Jaran Eriksen, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Jennifer Stewart Williams, Sweden
Jing Helmersson, Umea University, Sweden
Joacim Rocklov, Umea University, Sweden
Karin Wadell, Umea University, Sweden
Kaspar Meili, Umea University, Sweden
Kerstin Edin, Sweden
Khalif Bile Mohamud, Somali Swedish
Researchers Association, Sweden
Klas Goran Sahlen, Sweden
Lars L. Gustafsson, Karolinska Institutet,
Lars Weinehall, Umea University, Sweden
Margareta Norberg, Umea University,
Maria Nilsson, Umea University, Sweden
Marian warsame Yusuf, Sweden
Marie Lindkvist, Umea University, Sweden
Mikael Emsing, Sweden
Monica Burman, Sweden
Osvaldo Fonseca Rodriguez, Umea
University, Sweden
Professor Peter Byass, Umea University,
Sarah Marklund, Umea University, Sweden
Stefan Hanson, Sweden
Stig Wall, Umea University, Sweden
Ulf Hogberg, Epidemiology and Public
Health, Umea University, Sweden
Urban Janlert, Umea University, Sweden
Emma Hodcroft, Switzerland
Marcel Tanner, Swiss Academy of Arts and
Sciences, Switzerland
Marilyn Blaeser, Switzerland
Matthias Egger, Switzerland
Robert Steffen, MD, Chairman, Ebola
Emergency Committee IHR and University of
Zurich, Switzerland
Roman Stocker, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Valerie D’Acremont, Centre for Primary Care
and Public Health, University of Lausanne,
Daines Nyigu, Tanzania
Innocent Grant, Young and Alive Initiative
Tanzania, Tanzania
Simon Ernest Nakitundu, Tanzania
Anne Merriman, Hospice Africa, Uganda
Ssekitoleko Richard, World Health
Organization, Uganda
Evgenia Heliukh, ICF “Alliance for Public
Health”, Ukraine
Abdelaziz Mohamed, United Kingdom
Professor James Logan, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United
Ronald Behrens, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Stefan Flasche, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Aaron Katz, University of Washington, USA
Abbey Ogunwale, USA
Adam Eads, Fair Trade USA
Adrienne Shapiro, MD, PhD, Departments of
Global Health and Medicine (Infectious
Diseases), University of Washington, USA
Agape Skinner, USA
Ahoua Kone, USA
Aimee McHale, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, USA
Albertha Nyaku, USA
Aleksandra Shineleva, USA
Aleta Elliott, University of Washington, USA
Alex Ezeh, Drexel University Dornsife
School of Public Health, USA
Alex Johnson, USA
Alex McGee, University of Washington, USA
Alexa Juarez, University of Washington,
Alexa Swingle, USA
Alexander Hirata, USA
Alexis Kaushansky, University of
Washington, USA
Alfonso Rosales, USA
Ali Groves, USA
Ali Macstudy, USA
Alison C. Roxby, University of Washington,
Alison Drake, University of Washington,
Alison Park, USA
Alison Schroth Hayward, USA
Aliyah Cruz, Student National
Pharmaceutical Association, USA
Allison Dinh, USA
Allison Williams, USA
Alvaro Garza, USA
Alyson Klausing, USA
Amanda Hosch, USA
Amber Hathcock, USA
Amy Carroll-Scott, Drexel University School
of Public Health, USA
Amy Dempsey, Panorama Global, USA
Amy Frith, USA
Amy Wintermeyer, USA
Ana B. Amaya, Pace University, USA
Ana Ortiz, USA
Andrea Lara, USA
Andrew Chiao, Boston University School of
Public Health, USA
Andrew Franco, MD, USA
Andrew Hale, USA
Andrew Rosenblatt, Cornell University, USA
Anjuli Wagner, University of Washington,
Anlan Cheney, USA
Ann DeHart, USA
Ann Downer, University of Washington,
Ann Van Haney, University of Washington,
Anna P. Durbin, USA
Anne Phillips, USA
Annette Ghee, University of Washington,
Anthony D. So, USA
Ardis Ann Moe, UCLA, USA
Arianna Means, USA
Arti Varanasi, USA
Ashima Khanna, USA
Ashley Lieser, USA
Ashrit Multani, UCLA Health, David Geffen
School of Medicine, USA
Barbara Crane, USA
Barbara J. Klas, USA
Barbara Turner, USA
Barbra Richardson, USA
Benjamin Chan, USA
Benjamin Mason Meier, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Benjamin O. Anderson, MD, University of
Washington, USA
Benjamin Spencer, University of Washington,
Beth Kirkpatrick, MD, USA
Bethesda O’Connell, USA
Betsy Ingalls, USA
Betty Dennius, APHA, USA
Bilen Fraye, USA
Bill Lober, University of Washington, USA
Bobby Green, USA
Bonnie Porter, USA
Brad Wagenaar, Assistant Professor,
Department of Global Health, University of
Washington, USA
Brent McKinney, USA
Brian Granger, USA
Britt Yamamoto, University of Washington,
Bryan Berube, Seattle Children’s Research
Institute, USA
Bryan Verity, USA
Catilin Scoville, USA
Camerin Rencken, USA
Camille Sheppard, USA
Carey Farquhar, University of Washington,
Carleen Confer, USA
Carmen W. Weder, USA
Carol J. Dabbs, USA
Carol Larivee, USA
Carol Levin, University of Washington
Department of Global Health, USA
Caroline Liou, USA
Carolyn Reynolds, USA
Catherine Aragon, USA
Chantley Thomas, Student National
Pharmaceutical Association, USA
Charles De. Ericsson, MD, International
Society of Travel Medicine, USA
Charlotte M. Brantley, USA
Chau D. Ngo, USA
Chelsie Kolberg, MPH, RD, USA
Chinyere Onyirimba, USA
Chloe Morozoff, University of Washingotn,
Chris Fontana, USA
Chris Yin, USA
Christina Capo, USA
Christina Gwin, USA
Christina Sherry, USA
Christine Rousseau, University of
Washington, USA
Christopher Behrens, USA
Christopher Huston, University of Vermont
College of Medicine, USA
Christopher Kemp, University of Washington,
Christopher Sanford, MD, University of
Washington, USA
Christopher Tymchuk, USA
Cindy O’Brien, USA
Claire Brown, MD, USA
Claire Panosian Dunavan, David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA, USA
Claire Schertzing, USA
Claire Slesinski, USA
Clara Dewey, USA
Clare Cattarin, Primary Functional Medicine,
Corinna Tempelis, USA
Corrine Olague, USA
Courtney Noll, USA
Cynthia Robin Rentrope, USA
Cynthia Whitney, Emory University Rollins
School of Public Health, USA
Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH, Emory
University, USA
Dalia Kaakour, USA
Dalton Price, USA
Daniel Massillon, USA
Daniel O’Neill, MD, MTh, Christian Journal
for Global Health, USA
Darcy Rao, USA
Daren Wade, USA
Dari Emily Goldman, USA
Darian Allen, Student National
Pharmaceutical Association, USA
David B. Richardson, USA
David F. Pyle, PhD, USA
David Goodman, UCLA, USA
David Kaufman, USA
David Peters, Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Department of International Health, USA
David Scoville, USA
David Sherman, University of Washington,
David Watkins, University of Washington,
Davidson Hamer, MD, Boston University,
Dawd S. Siraj, USA
Deborah Confer, USA
Deborah Fuller, University of Washington,
Deborah J. Donnell, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, USA
Diane Downing, USA
Diane Greene, USA
Dianne E. Young, APHA, USA
Dilani Loga, RESULTS, USA
Divali Magnus, USA
Donald Scott Burke, University of Pittsburgh,
Graduate School of Public Health, USA
Donald Zeigler, USA
Doris Davis, USA
Dr. Eileen Barrett, USA
Dr. Natasha Aduloju-Ajijola, USA
Dr. Christin Gilmer, USA
Dr. David Citrin, University of Washington,
Dr. Don Tyson, Professor of Nursing, USA
Dr. Lisa Rubin, USA
Dr. Paul F. Walker, Green Cross
International, USA
Duane J. Gubler, USA
Eden Blackwell, USA
Eileen O’Carroll, Sisters of the Good
Shepherd, USA
Elisabeth Hayes, USA
Elizabeth Anne Gulleen, USA
Elizabeth Glaser, USA
Elizabeth Harrington, University of
Washington, USA
Elizabeth Long, USA
Ellen Agler, USA
Ellen Fey, USA
Eloise Evans, USA
Emily Anne Vall, USA
Emily Barker, USA
Emily Beatrice Frank, USA
Emily Hirata, USA
Emily K. Pearman, University of Washington,
Emily Mendenhall, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service, USA
Emily Sanderson, USA
Emily Weiss, USA
Emira Woods, USA
Emma Anderson, USA
Emmanuel Saint-Phard, USA
Engi Attia, University of Washington, USA
Eric Jones, USA
Erica Williams, USA
Erin E. Branigan, USA
Estefany Nunez, USA
Eva Harris, University of California,
Berkeley, USA
Evan Bowen, USA
Evelyn CHerow, Global Partners United
Everett Peter Greenberg, University of
Washington, USA
Felicity Belle Duran, USA
Fern Jackson, APHA, USA
Fidel Dolorier, USA
Gabriela Boyle, USA
Gail Gustavson, USA
Gerard Cangelosi, University of Washington,
Ghada Farhat, USA
Gillian Levine, PhD, Swiss Institute for
Tropical and Public Health, USA
Gillian O’Bryan, University of Washington,
Greg Rossum, USA
H. Nina Kim, MD, MSc, USA
Hannah Atlas, University of Washington,
Hannah Stewart, MPH, USA
Heather Haq, MD, MHS, FAAP, USA
Heather Martinez, USA
Heather Quinn, USA
Helen Baker, USA
Henry Mosley, USA
Henry Perry, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, USA
Herbert C. Duber, MD, MPH, USA
Hina Shaikh, USA
Hina Syed, Panorama, USA
Hong Van Tieu, USA
Howard Frumkin, University of Washington,
Hussain Zandam, USA
Indi Trehan, University of Washington, USA
Inge B. Corless, USA
Irene Dotson, USA
Ishan Basyal, USA
Ivan Estrada, USA
Ivonne Butler, USA
Jacarmen James, Student National
Pharmaceutical Association, USA
Jacob Mosley, MIT, USA
Jacqueline Wallace, MD, MPH, USA
Jade Fairbanks, University of Washington,
Jamal Yearwood, USA
James Mullins, USA
James Ricca, USA
James Squires, USA
James Timothy Pfeiffer, USA
Janak Koirala, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA,
Southern Illinois University, USA
Jane Simoni, University of Washington, USA
Jason Smith, USA
Jean Meyer Capps, Jean Capps Associates
Consulting, USA
Jeanne Freed, USA
Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, USA
Jeannie Ginnis, USA
Jeff Green, USA
Jeffrey Jacobs, USA
Jeffrey K. Edwards, MD, MPH, University of
Washington, USA
Jen Balkus, USA
Jennifer A. Unger, MD, MPH, University of
Washington, USA
Jennifer Govero, USA
Jennifer L. Hyde, University of Washington,
Jennifer Mas Gilvydis, USA
Jenniver Velloza, University of Washington,
Jennifer Wrenn, USA
Jeremy Hess, USA
Jerilyn Hoover, USA
Jessica Fleming, University of Washington,
Jessica R. Barbee, East Tennessee State
University, USA
Jil Smith, USA
Jill Hoxmeier, Central Washington
University, USA
Jim Huges, SA
Joan Lombardi, Early Opportunities, LLC,
Joanne Csete, USA
Jodelie Bellot, SNPhA, USA
John Cranmer, Emory University, USA
John Mittler, University of Washington, USA
John Monahan, Georgetown University, USA
John Oetzel, USA
John Sholl, USA
Jordan A. Hatcher, USA
Josh Herbeck, University of Washington,
Joshua Monrad, Yale University, USA
Judith Currier, University of California, Los
Angeles, USA
Judith N. Wasserheit, MD, MPH, University
of Washington, USA
Judith Sutterlin, USA
Judy Otto, USA
Julia Robinson, USA
Julie Brnett, USA
Julie Wilson, USA
Justin Garoutte, MPH
Justin Ortiz, USA
Kaori Ogawa, USA
Karen Luz, USA
Karen Politis Virk, USA
Kate Pfizenmaier, USA
Kate Thomas, University of Washington,
Kate Wilson, University of Washington, USA
Katherine Ives, USA
Katherine Logan, USA
Katherine Ohara, USA
Katherine Weybright, USA
Kathleen Leppig, USA
Kathleen Webster, USA
Kathryn Roberts, USA
Kathy Etale Monangai, SNPhA, USA
Katie R. Nielsen, MD, MPH, USA
Katya Corado, Infectious Disease Specialist,
Kaveh Khoshnood, Yale School of Public
Health, USA
Kay Branz, USA
Kaylin Beiter, USA
Kee B. Park, Harvard Medical School, USA
Kellie O’Laughlin, University of Washington,
Kennethy Mugwanya, USA
Keri Mau, USA
Keshet Ronen, University of Washington,
Kevin D. Robertson, USA
Kevin T. Smith, USA
Kia Guarino, USA
Kiersi Harmon, USA
Kim Berg, USA
Kim Hoffman, USA
Kim Sutton, USA
Kingsley, Ndoh, University of Washington,
Kirkby Tickell, University of Washington,
Kirsten Greene, USA
Konstantin Lomidze, CORE Group, USA
Kortney Eichenberger, USA
Kristie L. Ebi, USA
Kristine East, USA
Kurt Sorensen, MD, USA
Laura A. Post, USA
Laura Arntson, USA
Laurasona Leigh, PhD, MPH, USA
Laurel Code, USA
Lauren Adjumani, Department of Global
Health START Center, USA
Laruen Dunnington, University of
Washington, USA
Lauri Gayle Winter, USA
Leonard Rubenstein, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Leslie Cofie, USA
Leslye Heilig, Dining for Women and
Liene Topko, USA
Linda Faye Lehman, USA
Linda Lloyd, USA
Linda Patterson, USA
Lisa Frenkel, Seattle Children’s Research
Institute, USA
Lisa M. Thoompson, Emory University, USA
Lisa Querido, USA
Lisa Howard, Georgetown University, USA
Lorelei Goodyear, USA
Loren Miller, USA
Lori Kabangu, USA
Luba Ivanov, USA
Luciana Gordon-Smith, USA
Luke Martin, USA
Lynette Menezes, PhD, USA
Lynn Sibley, USA
Lynsey Tafreshi, USA
Maanasa Reddy, USA
Madhuram Nagarajan, USA
Magnus Conteh, USA
Mallory Witt, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,
Mamta Swaroop, USA
Marc Allmeroth, USA
Marcella Anderson, USA
Marcie Rubardt, USA
Marcus Horwitz, UCLA, USA
Maria E. Compte, USA
Maria Hondras, University of Kansas Medical
Center, USA
Maria T. Restrepo-Ruiz, USA
Marian Baldauf, USA
Maribel Gray, USA
Marie Anderson, ITECH, University of
Washington, USA
Marilyn McEntyre, Westmont College, USA
Marilyn Parsons, University of Washington,
Mark A. Strand, USA
Mark Brotman, USA
Marla E. Salmon, ScD, RN, FAAN, USA
Mary Claire Walsh, USA
Mary Fabri, USA
Mary Graham Fallon, USA
Mary Johanna Fink, USA
Mary Kay Gugerty, University of
Washington, USA
Mary Louise Scully, USA
Mary T. Bassett, MD, MPH, Francois-Xavier,
Bagnoud Center For Health and Human
Rights, USA
Matthew P. Heffron, USA
Maximo O. Brito, USA
Megan Crook Nikiema, University of
Washington, USA
Meghan Nolt, USA
Meighan Krows, USA
Melanie Studer, USA
Melinda Camardella, Illinois Society of
Acupuncturists, USA
Melissa McPheeters, USA
Meredith Marcus, USA
Micahlyn Rachal, USA
Michael Beharie, USA
Michael Horner, University of Washington,
Michael Yudell, Dornsife School of Public
Health, Drexel University, USA
Michal Rubin, USA
Michele Barry, MD, FACP, FASTMH, USA
Michele Heisler, USA
Michelle Holston, University of Washington,
Mira Mehes, The G4 Alliance, USA
Misti McDowell, USA
Mohsen Naghavi, USA
Molly Biehl, USA
Molly Moss, USA
Monica Cox, USA
Monisha Sharma, University of Washington,
Myla Marshall, USA
Nancy Jacobsen, Dining for Women, USA
Nancy Nagramada, USA
Nani Nicanor, USA
Naomi Komuro, USA
Natalia Rodriguez, PhD, MPH, Purdue
Neville Beharie, USA
Ngash Modo, USA
Nicola D’Souza, USA
Nicola Hawley, Yale University, USA
Nina Sun, Dornsife School of Public Health,
Drexel University, USA
Nisah Beharie, USA
Noah G. Tuell Simpson, USA
Olusegun Soge, PhD, University of
Washington, USA
Olusesi Alliu, United Nations Foundation,
Oscar Weder, USA
Otto Yang, Geffen School of Medicine,
Paige Lombard, USA
Pam Lee, IDSA, USA
Pamela Matson, USA
Pamela Parham, RESULTS, USA
Pat Lordan, USA
Patricia A. Taylor, USA
Patrica Pavlinac, University of Washington,
Patricia Stauber, USA
Patty Foley, USA
Paul Ehmer, USA
Paul Freeman, Independent Consultant,
University of Washington, USA
Paul Holmes, USA
Paul Yager, University of Washington, USA
Paula B. Chakravarti, USA
Paula Tavrow, USA
Perri Sutton, USA
Philip Massey, USA
Philomena Anyagwe, USA
Phyllis Turk, APHA, USA
Professor Ferric Fang, University of
Washington, USA
Professor Tanya Parish, USA
Pryce Gaynor, USA
Rabita Aziz, Infectious Diseases Society of
America, USA
Rachel Tollerton, Cedarville University, USA
Rachel Hall Clifford, Emory University
Rachel Johns, USA
Rachel Liu, Yale New Haven Hospital and
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Rafael Perez-Escamilla, Yale School of
Public Health, USA
Randy Strang, MedSare International, USA
Raphael Landovitz, USA
Raul Figueroa, APHA, USA
Raymond S. Marton, USA
Rebecca Mackay, Emory University, USA
Rebekah Maldonado Nofziger, USA
Reena Gadhia, USA
Rena Patel, University of Washington, USA
Renee Allen, USA
Renee Heffron, University of Washington,
Rev. Douglas Cox, USA
Rev. James D. Bell, USA
Rhea Coler, USA
Richard A. Murphy, MD, MPH, Harbor-
UCLA Medical Center, USA
Richard Rapport, MD, Department of
Neurological Surgery, UW, SOM, USA
Richard Scoville, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Risa Hoffman, UCLA, USA
Rob Thames, USA
Robert A. DeForde, USA
Robert Blum, Johns Hopkins University,
Robin Breen, USA
Robin Houston, MD, MPH, USA
Roger Eugene Bumgarner, University of
Washington, USA
Roseline Jean Louis, Emory University, USA
Ruihong Luo, UCLA, USA
Ruth & Alan Larson, USA
Ruth Hang, USA
Ruth Larson, USA
Sadie Blake, USA
Sadiya A. Muqueeth, USA
Salem Gugsa, University of Washington,
Samantha Millar, USA
Samantha Walla, USA
Sara Bennett, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, USA
Sarah Benki-Nugent, University of
Washington, USA
Sarah Coney, USA
Sarah E. Kohl, USA
Sarah Fey, USA
Sarah Lawrence, USA
Sascha M. Retailleau, USA
Sasha Turrentine, USA
Sean Galagan, Department of Global Health,
University of Washington, USA
Shannon Dorsey, University of Washington,
Shauna Hamilton, USA
Shawna Stonum, USA
Sheila Hosner, Bukobero Community Health
Center, CBO, USA
Sheila Lukehart, University of Washington,
Shelly Tonge-Seymour, USA
Shereen Bhan, Stanford University, USA
Sherrilynne Fuller, University of Washington,
Sierra Garth, USA
Silicia Lomax, University of Pennsylvania,
SJ Ross, USA
Solveig Cunningham, Emory University,
Sonora Stampfly, University of Washington,
Stacie Helm, USA
Stefano M. Bertozzi, University of California,
Berkeley, USA
Stephanie Marton, USA
Stephen Bezruchka, University of
Washington, USA
Stephen E. Lankenau, Drexel University,
Stephen Gloyd, University of Washington,
Stephen J. Polyak, University of Washington,
Steven Berkshire, Central Michigan
University, USA
Steven Buchsbaum, Bermuda Associates,
Steven Schnittman, USA
Steven Wayling, USA
Suchi Bansal, USA
Susan Hingle, USA
Susan M. Dyer, USA
Susan Mello, USA
Susana Hong, USA
Susana Lazarte, Infectious Diseases Society
of America, USA
Suzanne Arrington, Milken Institute School
of Public Health, The George Washington
University, USA
Suzanne Gaudreault, MD, MS, SUA
Sydney A. Spangler, Emory University, USA
Sydney Sauter, Pepperdine University, USA
Tara Friebel, USA
Tara Vijayan, University of California Los
Angeles, USA
Taylor Nystrom, USA
Tessa Davis, USA
Therese McGinn, Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health, USA
Thomas Clasen, Emory University, Rollins
School of Public Health, USA
Thomas Turner, USA
Thomas Turrentine, USA
Tiffany Lucas, USA
Tim Hatlen, USA
Tim Lahey, MD, MMSC, University of
Vermont Larner College of Medicine, USA
Tina Pruna, USA
Toby Long, USA
Tosha Zaback, USA
Tracy Woodman, USA
Travis Lester, SNPhA, USA
Trisha Cornsti, USA
Tulio de Oliveira, University of Washington,
V. Sundareshan, USA
Valicia Miller, SNPhA, USA
Vanessa E. Espina Romo, George
Washington University, USA
Vanessa Ramirez, APHA, USA
Veronica Sandoval, USA
Vidhya Prakash, USA
W. David Holden, MTh, MA, MPH, USA
Walter A. Orenstein, USA
Wendy Heipt, USA
Wendy J. Frattolin, Dining for Women, USA
Will Sander, USA
Yasmin Ibrahim, USA
Yohannes Beraki Habtegabr, USA
Youmna, Elkamhawy, University of North
Carolina School of Public Health, USA
Yu An, USA
Yvette J. Benjamin, USA
Zarina Syed-Sholl, USA
Dmitrii Subotin, Uzbekistan
Tatyana Nikitina, NGO Republic Information
Education Center Intilish, Uzbekistan
Bruce Nyoni, Zimbabwe
Secretary of State, the Honorable Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Honorable Alex Azar
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader, the Honorable Mitch McConnell
House Minority Leader, the Honorable Kevin McCarthy
Senate Minority Leader, the Honorable Charles Schumer