1 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Table of Contents and Introduction
Table of Contents
A. Introduction 1
B. Safety Precautions 2
C. Getting Started 3
D. Using Batteries or the A/C Power Supply 4
E. Maintaining Your Lamira 5
F. Cleaning Your Lamira 6
G. Disinfecting Your Lamira 9
H. Assembling Your Lamira Handset 10
I. Taking ARIKAYCE 13
J. Frequently Asked Questions 16
K. Troubleshooting 17
L. Specifications 19
The Lamira
Nebulizer System (Lamira) is a battery operated
electronic nebulizer, which vibrates and forces liquid ARIKAYCE
through thousands of small holes to form an aerosol mist for
These Instructions for Use contain information and safety
precautions for the Lamira nebulizer that is made just for the
medicine ARIKAYCE
(amikacin liposome inhalation
suspension). Do not use any other medicine in the Lamira
Before using your Lamira nebulizer, read and understand all the
Instructions for Use and save them for future reference. If you do
not understand any part of these directions, contact the Arikares®
Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273) before
using the Lamira nebulizer.
To reduce the risk of infection, illness, or injury from
contamination or improper use, it is important to complete
the following 2 steps:
1) Before first use, rinse and clean the Handset including
the Aerosol Head. Moving forward, rinse and clean the
Handset including the Aerosol Head right after each use
(see Section F). Do not wash the Controller, Connection
Cord, or A/C Power Supply. Use clear liquid soap made for
washing dishes to clean the Handset including the Aerosol
Head. Do not use liquid dish soaps that are white or
antibacterial liquid dish soaps because these may contain
additives harmful to the Aerosol Head.
2) Before first use, disinfect the Handset including the
Aerosol Head. Moving forward, disinfect the Handset
including the Aerosol Head after every use (see Section
Take special note of all safety precautions marked Danger and
Indications for use
Limited by Federal Law for use only with ARIKAYCE.
2 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Safety Precautions
Read all dangers and warnings before using.
To reduce the risk of fatal injury from electrocution:
Do not place or store the Lamira Nebulizer System near water or
other liquid such as bathtub or sink. Do not place or drop into
water or other liquid. Do not use while bathing.
Do not reach for the Lamira Nebulizer System if it has fallen into
water or other liquid. Unplug right away. Pick up the Lamira only
after it has been unplugged.
To reduce the risk of serious injury:
The Lamira Nebulizer Handset (Handset) is for single patient use.
Do not share your Handset with other people.
The Handset is made just for ARIKAYCE. Never use other
medicine in the Handset. Using other medicine in the Lamira
nebulizer can result in severe injury or death.
Read, understand and follow all warnings and instructions in these
Instructions for Use before using the Lamira nebulizer.
To reduce the risk of fire, burns and damage or malfunction of the
Do not overload wall outlets or use extension cords.
Keep all electrical cords away from heated surfaces.
Do not spray liquids onto the housing of the Controller
(Controller). (See Section C: Getting Started) Liquid may cause
damage to the electrical parts and could lead to a malfunction. If
liquids enter the Controller, contact the Arikares Support
Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273).
Do not insert any object into any opening on the Lamira.
Do not operate where oxygen is being given in a closed
environment such as an oxygen tent.
Always unplug the Lamira right after using and before cleaning.
Before use, check your Lamira for proper assembly. All parts must
be connected and firmly in place. Use of an improperly assembled
Lamira could decrease or stop the effectiveness of your treatment.
Use only A/C power supply and accessories that are made for the
Lamira. Use of unapproved A/C power supply or accessories can
lead to improper administration, injury, leading to damage to the
Never substitute the Handset for any other eFlow® Technology
Handset such as Altera®, eRapid® or any other eFlow®. Never use
the Lamira Aerosol Head (Aerosol Head) in any other eFlow®
Technology Handset. This Aerosol Head has unique performance
characteristics for ARIKAYCE.
Never operate the Controller if it is improperly or incompletely
assembled or damaged. See Section K: Troubleshooting for more
information about alerts that appear when the Lamira is improperly
assembled or might be damaged.
Never operate the Lamira if:
It has damaged cords or plugs,
it is not working properly,
it has been dropped or damaged,
the Controller has been exposed to liquids
To reduce the risk of infection, illness, or injury from contamination,
clean and dry all parts of the Handset after each use. Follow the
instructions in Section E to maintain and clean the Lamira.
Cleaning the Handset properly will help prevent the Aerosol Head
from clogging. Replace the Aerosol Head with a new one after 7
uses. Lamira Handset is to be used for 28 days. If the Aerosol
Head becomes clogged, the aerosol mist will be reduced, which may
increase your inhalation time of therapy. If clogging occurs, use the
instructions in Section F to clean the Aerosol Head.
Cleaning the Handset and Aerosol Head only removes the medicine
and saliva. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal illness caused by
contamination of the Handset, you must also disinfect the Handset
and Aerosol Head after every cleaning. See Section G for
disinfection instructions.
The Lamira contains small parts that may become a choking hazard
to small children. The Lamira Connection Cord (Connection Cord)
also may become a strangulation hazard.
Do not allow pets, for example dogs or rodents, near the cables.
Keep the Lamira out of reach of children.
Keep the Handset level when in use. Excessive tilting can cause the
Controller to shut off leaving unused ARIKAYCE in the Medication
Reservoir and resulting in incomplete dosing.
Closely supervise use when the Lamira is used near children or the
physically or mentally impaired.
Do not use your Lamira while driving or in any situation which takes
away your full attention.
If the Lamira has been damaged or is not operating properly, contact
the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273).
Do not take the Controller apart at any time. There are no user
serviceable parts inside the Controller. Contact the Arikares Support
Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273) for all Controller
service needs.
Do not modify this equipment without authorization from the
Do not use the device in areas exposed to elevated electromagnetic
or electrical radiation such as a MRI scanner or high frequency
surgical equipment.
Do not place near other medical devices during operation unless
both devices are monitored constantly to make sure both are
operating properly.
Do not use within 12 inches (30 cm) of portable wireless
communication devices such as cell phones or antenna cables or
external antennas.
Do not use near airplane or train control systems. Do not use aboard
Do not use the nebulizer near anti-theft systems and Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) readers, which are used in a wide
variety of settings, including stores, libraries, and hospitals. Do not
power on the nebulizer when passing through security screening
or theft protection (RFID) systems at entrances or exits of stores,
libraries or hospitals. Note that some entrance and exit security
systems are not visible.
Technical electromagnetic compatibility data is available in table form
upon request from PARI Pharma GmbH or on the internet at
3 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Getting Started
Step C1: Gather your dosing supplies:
Clear liquid soap for cleaning the Handset
Distilled water for disinfecting the Handset
The ARIKAYCE 28-day drug kit will contain the following:
o 28 vials of ARIKAYCE (1 vial to be used each day for 28 days)
o 4 Lamira Aerosol Heads (1 Aerosol Head to be used for 7 days and then replaced)
o 1 Lamira Handset (to be used for 28 days until the next ARIKAYCE drug box arrives)
o 1 ARIKAYCE Quick Start Guide
o 1 Instructions For Use Insert
o 1 Full Prescribing Information Insert
Step C2: Check your Lamira Nebulizer System package to make sure you have the items shown below. Note that the package
contains a Handset that should be set aside as a spare. If anything looks damaged, contact the Arikares Support Program at
1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273).
4 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Using Batteries or the A/C Power Supply
The Lamira is made to be used with “AA” batteries or with the A/C
Power Supply.
Using Batteries: Four (4) high quality “AA” batteries should
provide 2 hours of total use.
Step D1: Open the Battery Door on the Controller by placing
your thumb on the tab of the Battery Door and firmly
pulling the tab to open the Door (D-1).
Step D2: Load the Batteries. Each Battery Chamber has a
small figure that shows the proper position of each
battery (D-2). Using the battery “tips” as guides and
starting left-to-right for each row, insert the batteries:
Tip Out, Tip In, Tip Out, Tip In.
Close the Battery Door. To close the Battery Door,
push it closed until you hear it “click” into place.
NOTE: Rechargeable and Disposable Batteries have
differences in storage life and output. If you plan to
store the Controller for more than 30 days, it is
recommended to remove the batteries to reduce the
risk of battery leakage.
Using the A/C Power Supply: The A/C Power Supply will
automatically adjust to the incoming voltage and will power the
Controller with or without installed batteries. It can be used
worldwide, but requires “Plug Converters” for use outside the
Step D3: Plug the A/C Power Supply into the Controller. To
connect the A/C Power Supply to the Controller, place
the Controller on a clean, flat, stable surface. The plug
inlet port is located on the underside of the gray
Battery Door. Push the round end of the A/C Power
Supply plug into the plug inlet port (D-3). Do not try to
insert the A/C Power Supply into the front of the
Step D4: Plug the A/C Power Supply into the wall outlet.
Note that the A/C Power Supply will not charge the
batteries in the Controller.
If you choose not to use the A/C Power Supply, you should
have an extra battery set with you at all times.
A/C Power Supply
5 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Maintaining Your Lamira
To reduce the risk of infection, illness, or injury from contamination or improper use, it is important to complete the
following 2 steps:
1) Before first use, rinse and clean the Handset including the Aerosol Head. Moving forward, rinse and clean the Handset
including the Aerosol Head right after each use (see Section F). Do not wash the Controller, Connection Cord, or A/C Power
Supply. Use clear liquid soap made for washing dishes to clean the Handset. Do not use liquid dish soaps that are white or
antibacterial liquid dish soaps because these may contain additives harmful to the Aerosol Head.
2) Before first use, disinfect the Handset including the Aerosol Head. Moving forward, disinfect the Handset including the
Aerosol Head after every use (see Section G).
Do not put the Handset or the Aerosol Head in the microwave oven.
Do not try to clean the Handset or Aerosol Head in a dishwasher.
Do not try to clean the Handset or the Aerosol Head with brushes or abrasives.
Handset Maintenance Summary (see the next page for complete instructions)
Instruction When Parts cleaned Method How Long Comments
each use
Medication Reservoir and
Aerosol Chamber
Wipe with clean
paper towel.
1 second per
Wipe to remove residual
medicine and then
dispose of paper towel in
trash with solid waste.
Prior to
first use,
then after
each use
Aerosol Head
Medication Cap and Seal
Blue Valve
Medication Reservoir and
Aerosol Chamber
Warm running
tap water.
10 seconds
Rinse each side of the
Aerosol Head for 10
Prior to
first use,
then after
each use
Aerosol Head
Medication Cap and Seal
Blue Valve
Medication Reservoir and
Aerosol Chamber
Soak each
piece in warm
soapy water.
While soaking
swish or shake
each piece.
5 minutes
Use 3 to 5 drops of clear
liquid dish soap in a bowl
with enough warm water
to cover all pieces.
Soak longer if Handset
has dried or if visibly
Prior to
first use,
then after
each use
Aerosol Head
Medication Cap and Seal
Blue Valve
Medication Reservoir and
Aerosol Chamber
Warm running
tap water.
Until soap is
Check each part and
soak for another 5
minutes if any part looks
Prior to
first use,
then after
each use
Aerosol Head
Medication Cap and Seal
Blue Valve
Medication Reservoir and
Aerosol Chamber
Boil in distilled
5 minutes
Air-dry in a dust-free
6 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Cleaning your Handset
Step F1: Disconnect your Handset from the
Connection Cord (F-1).
Step F2: Remove the Medication Cap by turning
counterclockwise and pulling straight up
Step F3: Remove the Mouthpiece from the Aerosol
Chamber by pulling straight off (F-3). The
Blue Flap must still be attached to the
mouthpiece as shown in the picture.
Your Handset including the Aerosol Head is not sterile. Contamination and moisture
may cause the growth of bacteria and the Aerosol Head can be affected by ARIKAYCE left over in it.
Before first use, it is important to rinse, clean, and disinfect your Handset including the Aerosol Head.
Moving forward, rinse, clean, and disinfect the Handset including the Aerosol Head right after every use.
If your Handset or Aerosol Head looks dirty, soak the parts in soapy water for longer than 5 minutes. Do
not place the Handset or the Aerosol Head in a dishwasher.
Cleaning Your Lamira
7 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Step F4: Gently pull up on the tab to open the
Handset and remove the Blue Valve (F-4).
Step F5: Being careful to touch only the plastic outer ring
of the Aerosol Head, press the 2 flexible
plastic tabs on the side of the Aerosol Head
towards each other and remove (F-5). After
the Aerosol Head has been used 7 times, throw
away (dispose of) and replace with a new one.
Step F6: Gently wipe away any drops of medicine
from the Medication Reservoir (F-6a), Aerosol
Chamber (F-6b) and Mouthpiece (F-6c) before
rinsing to reduce antibiotics added to water
Use only plain, dry paper towels or wipes.
Do not use towels or wipes that have any
chemicals added to them such as alcohol,
lotion, or baby wipes.
Be careful not to harm the parts.
Do not wipe the Aerosol Head.
Throw away paper towels by disposing in
trash with solid waste.
Step F7: Rinse each of the parts under warm running
tap water for 10 seconds. Pay special attention
to rinsing the Aerosol Head and rinse each
side of the Aerosol Head for 10 seconds
(F-7). Thorough rinsing of both sides of the
Aerosol Head helps to prevent clogging and
makes sure the Aerosol Head works properly.
Never use a brush or any other object to clean
the Aerosol Head.
Cleaning Your Lamira (continued)
10 seconds
Do not touch the center silver part of the
Aerosol Head.
8 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Never let the Controller come in contact with
water or cleaning agents. If liquid does get into the Controller,
contact the Arikares Support Program.
Step F8: Clean all Handset parts by adding a few
drops of clear liquid dish soap and warm tap
water to a clean tub or bowl. Cover the
Handset parts in the warm soapy water and
soak for 5 minutes, shaking them periodically
Step F9: Rinse all parts thoroughly under warm
running tap water to remove soap (F-9).
Check each part and soak for another 5
minutes if any of the parts look dirty. After all
parts are cleaned and free from soap,
disinfect your Handset.
Step F10: Disinfect the Handset including the
Aerosol Head after cleaning. In addition to
cleaning ARIKAYCE from your Handset, you
must also disinfect your Handset to remove
bacteria and avoid infection. See Section G
for instructions on how to disinfect your
Lamira Handset.
Cleaning your Controller and Connection
Step F11: To reduce the risk of electric shock,
disconnect all connections before
cleaning. Switch off the Controller.
Remove the Connection Cord and A/C
Power Supply cord from the Controller.
Step F12: Clean the Controller housing and
Connection Cord as needed with a soft,
clean, damp cloth. Do not place the
Controller unit under water or allow liquid to
get inside the Controller. Make sure moisture
from the cloth does not enter the Controller.
Cleaning Your Lamira (continued)
9 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
To prevent serious or fatal illness
or injury caused by contamination, disinfect your
Handset including the Aerosol Head after every use.
Step G1: Clean your Handset right after every use with
soapy water as described in Section F.
Step G2: Disinfect your Handset after every use by
boiling in distilled water.
To disinfect with boiling water,
Make sure the pot has enough distilled
water to completely cover all the Handset
parts including the Aerosol Head.
Heat the water to a boil in a clean pot.
Place the Handset parts, including the
Aerosol Head into the boiling water.
Boil for a full 5 minutes. Note: It may be
helpful to use a timer.
tep G3: Air dry on a lint-free towel (G-3). After the
parts are completely dry, wrap them in a lint-free
towel for storage. Reassemble just before taking
your next treatment. This is to make sure the
Blue Valve will not become damaged.
Disinfecting Your Lamira
10 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Your Handset including the Aerosol Head is not sterile.
Before first use, rinse, clean, and disinfect your Handset (See
Section F). Moving forward, rinse, clean, and disinfect the
Handset right after each use (See Section G). Inspect all parts to
make sure they are cleaned and are not visibly damaged. Do not
use dirty or damaged parts.
Step H1: Clean and Disinfect your Handset before the
first time you use it. See Sections F and G.
Step H2: Wash your hands with soap and water and dry
them well (H-2).
Step H3: Open the Handset. The Medication Reservoir
and the Aerosol Chamber are attached using a
“hinge”. First, gently pull up on the tab of the
Medication Reservoir (H-3). This will release the
Aerosol Chamber so that you may open it.
Step H4: Insert the Blue Valve on top of the Aerosol
Chamber (H-4). Make sure the 2 valve flaps are
positioned down (valve flaps not bent) as shown in
H-4a. Do not push the Blue Valve inside of the
Aerosol Chamber. The Blue Valve should be
placed on top of the Aerosol Chamber.
Clean and disinfect your Handset before
the first use.
Assembling Your Lamira Handset
11 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Step H5: Insert the Aerosol Head
Note: It is important that you do not touch the
silver part of the Aerosol Head at any time
during assembly. (H-5a)
Check to make sure the Aerosol Head is labeled
“Lamira®”. Do not use other eFlow Technology
Aerosol Heads in the Lamira. (H-5b).
Carefully grasp the Aerosol Head by the 2 flexible
plastic tabs on each side of the Aerosol Head.
Turn the Aerosol Head so that “Lamira®” is facing
toward you and is at the top of the Aerosol Head
Squeeze the two flexible plastic tabs together while
inserting the metal arms and flexible plastic tabs
into the Medication Reservoir (H-5c). You should
feel the flexible plastic tabs “grab” as you insert it.
Step H6: Close your Handset by pushing the Aerosol
Chamber together with the Medication Reservoir
until you hear a “snap” (no gaps along the blue
valve edge) (H-6). If you do not hear a snap, open
the Handset and check that the Blue Valve is
seated properly (See Step H-4).
Assembling Your Lamira Handset (continued)
12 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Step H7: Attach Mouthpiece to your Handset. Make sure
the Blue Flap is facing up (H-7) and is pressed in
the slot on the Mouthpiece. Push the Mouthpiece
straight onto the Handset. Make sure the
Mouthpiece stays attached to the Handset during
tep H8: Attach the Connection Cord by lining up the
bottom of the Connector with the bottom of the
Handset (H-8a) and pushing the Connection Cord
upward against the rear underside of the Handset
(H-8b) until you hear the parts snap together.
tep H9: Connect the Connection Cord to the Controller.
Push the round end of the Connection Cord into
the plug inlet port located under the digital display
(H-9). Place the Controller with the attached
Handset on a clean, flat, stable surface.
Assembling Your Lamira Handset (continued)
13 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Important information to know before you start
If you use a bronchodilator (reliever), use the
bronchodilator first, before using ARIKAYCE. Refer to your
bronchodilator leaflet for information. The nebulizer for
ARIKAYCE should only be used for giving ARIKAYCE.
Each vial of ARIKAYCE is for single (1 time) use only.
Do not use ARIKAYCE with any other type of Handset or
Aerosol Head than the one provided in the carton.
Do not put other medicines in the Lamira Nebulizer
Do not drink the liquid in the vial.
Do not use ARIKAYCE if the expiration date has passed.
Getting your ARIKAYCE ready before adding it to the Lamira
Nebulizer Handset.
Step I1: Shake the ARIKAYCE vial well for a minimum of 10 to
Step I2: Lift orange cap from vial and throw away (dispose of)
the orange cap (I-2).
Step I3: Grip metal ring on top of the vial. Pull it down gently
(I-3) until 1 side breaks away from the vial but do not
pull the tab completely off (I-3a).
Step I4: Pull the metal band from around the vial top in a
circular motion until it comes off completely from the
vial (I-4). Throw away (dispose of) the metal band after
it is removed.
Step I5: Carefully remove the rubber stopper by pulling it
upward (I-5).
Step I6: Make sure your Handset is placed on a clean, flat, stable
surface. Pour 1 vial of ARIKAYCE into the Medication
Reservoir (I-6). Do not use more than 1 vial for each
Do not use other medicine in your Handset.
Your ARIKAYCE should be at room temperature before
use to make sure that your Lamira operates properly.
Bring ARIKAYCE to room temperature by removing it
from the refrigerator at least 45 minutes before use. Do
not use if your ARIKAYCE has been frozen.
14 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Step I7: Attach the Medication Cap by lining up the Tabs on
the Medication Cap with the Tab Slots on the
Medication Reservoir (I-7). Turn the Medication Cap
clockwise until it stops. As the Medication Cap is
turned, the inner cap of the Medication Cap should rise.
Step I8: To begin your treatment, sit in a relaxed, upright
position. Press and hold the On/Off (2 to 3 seconds)
(I-8) until the start screen appears on the LCD display
(I-8a). You will also hear 1 “beep” and the status light
will turn green. The Lamira is now On.
After treatment begins, the treatment screen (I-8b) will
replace the start screen (I-8a) and aerosol mist will
begin to flow.
Step I9: Insert the Mouthpiece by placing it on top of your
bottom lip and tongue. Close your lips around the
Mouthpiece but do not cover the blue flap (I-9). Take
slow, deep breaths then breathe normally in and out
through the Mouthpiece until your treatment is
complete. Your treatment should take about 14
but could take up to 20 minutes.
Taking ARIKAYCE (continued)
15 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Hold the Handset level throughout your treatment.
If the Handset is held at an angle over 45 degrees
(I-9a), it will sound 2 beeps (and LED flashes) and shut
off after 30 seconds. If this occurs, hold the Handset
level and press the On/Off Button to start your
treatment again.
Note: The Lamira can be paused at any time during operation
by pressing the On/Off button for 1 second. The screen
will go from On (I-9b) to Pause (I-9c), a 5-beep alarm
tone will sound, and the status light on the Controller
will flash. To resume your treatment, press the
Controller On/Off button for 1 full second. The
Controller will run for up to 20 minutes. If your
treatment is not complete after 20 minutes, press the
On/Off button to continue treatment.
Important Information:
The amount of time to nebulize your ARIKAYCE may change
from dose to dose and may become longer unless the
cleaning and maintenance instructions are followed (See
Maintaining Your Lamira).
Step I10: At the end of your treatment, the following will
The Lamira will beep 2 times.
The Dose Complete Checkmark will appear briefly
on the screen (I-10a).
The Controller will automatically shut off.
Always check the Medication Reservoir by removing
the Medication Cap (I-10b) to make sure you have
completed your dose. If more than a few drops of
ARIKAYCE remains, replace the Medication Cap
(I-10c) and press On/Off start button and complete
your dose.
Change your Aerosol Head after 7 uses. After the
Aerosol Head has been used 7 times, replace it with a
new Aerosol Head during the cleaning process. Follow
the instructions in Steps F6 through F9 and replace the
Aerosol Head with a new one.
ON with mist PAUSE no mist
Important: Clean and disinfect your Handset after
each use. See sections F and G for instructions.
Change your Aerosol Head after 7 uses.
Taking ARIKAYCE (continued)
16 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
QUESTION 1: How long should my ARIKAYCE treatment
Answer: With normal operation and proper cleaning, your
Handset should deliver 1 vial of ARIKAYCE in about 14
minutes but could take up to 20 minutes. Your Lamira
should automatically shut off shortly after your treatment is
complete or after 20 minutes. If the Lamira turns off after
20 minutes, check the Medication Reservoir. If it is empty,
you have received your full dose
QUESTION 2: How much ARIKAYCE should be left in
the Medication Reservoir at the end of my
Answer: Only a drop of ARIKAYCE should remain in the
Medication Reservoir. If more than a drop remains, start
the Controller and complete your dose. Then clean the
Aerosol Head (Section F). If after proper cleaning, more
than a drop remains in the Medication Reservoir, contact
the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-
QUESTION 3: When I turn on my Nebulizer, nothing
happens. There does not seem to be any power.
Answer: If you are using batteries, use the figures in each
Battery Compartment to check that the batteries are
inserted correctly. If the batteries are positioned properly,
check to see if the light is blinking on the Controller
signaling low battery power. If it is, replace the batteries or
use the A/C Power Supply.
Answer: If you are using the A/C Power Supply, check
the connection to be sure it is firmly connected to the
Power Supply Port located underneath the Battery
Be sure that the A/C Power Supply is plugged into a
working wall outlet.
QUESTION 4: Sometimes I have trouble removing the
Medication Cap at the end of my therapy session.
Answer: A vacuum has formed in the Medication
Reservoir. Remove the Connection Cord, open the
Handset and carefully remove the Aerosol Head. The
Medication Cap will then be easier to remove.
QUESTION 5: What if no mist is coming out of your
Answer: First, make sure ARIKAYCE is at room
temperature before use. If ARIKAYCE is not at room
temperature, your nebulizer may not mist immediately.
Secondly, check that the Controller has power and is not
paused. Thirdly, make sure the Connection Cord is
correctly attached. Fourthly, check to be sure that your
Handset has been assembled properly (Section H) and
that the Handset is level throughout your treatment.
Lastly, check to be sure that the ARIKAYCE is in the
Medication Reservoir. If you are still having a problem,
contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE
QUESTION 6: What if liquid is leaking from my Handset
during my treatment?
Answer: To prevent leaks, be sure (1) the Blue Valve is
properly attached to the Aerosol Chamber (valve flaps not
bent) (Fig H-4a), (2) the Aerosol Head is inserted
correctly, (3) the Medication Cap is screwed on fully, and
(4) the Medication Reservoir and Aerosol Chamber are
closed properly and snapped together (no gaps along the
blue valve edge)(H-6).
Answer: It is normal to have some liquid collect in the
Aerosol Chamber and some liquid may leak from the
mouthpiece. Try to hold the Handset level so that liquid
does not pour out of the Mouthpiece.
QUESTION 7: What if my Controller shuts off before my
treatment begins, or does not restart?
Answer: Low voltage. Replace the batteries or use
the A/C Power Supply. Press the On/Off button to
continue your treatment.
Answer: Your Handset was tilted above 45°. Hold
your Handset level and press the On/Off button to
continue your treatment.
Answer: ARIKAYCE is cold. Allow the ARIKAYCE to
warm to room temperature and then press the On/Off
button to continue your treatment.
Answer: Lost power while using the A/C Power
Supply. It is recommended to keep batteries inserted in
the device as backup in case power is interrupted while
using the A/C Power Supply. Doing so can help avoid
treatment disruption.
QUESTION 8: What if my Controller does not shut off at the
end of my treatment?
Answer: Your Controller may take up to 60 seconds to
shut off after you complete your dose. If you wish to stop
your Controller earlier, press the On/Off button.
Answer: Disconnect the A/C Power Supply from the
Controller and remove the batteries. Then, reinsert the
Batteries following the procedure in Section D.
Answer: If this situation continues 3 or 4 times, contact
the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-
QUESTION 9: How long will a new set of batteries last?
Answer: A new set of batteries should provide 2 hours
of total use.
Answer: Consider using rechargeable batteries.
QUESTION 10: What if something arrives damaged?
Answer: Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-
ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273).
Frequently Asked Questions
17 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Fault and Condition
Possible Cause and Solution
Controller running on A/C Power.
Controller running on battery power.
Empty battery, replace batteries or switch to A/C power.
The LED flashes and the battery symbol is blinking
during treatment
Low battery, replace batteries or switch to A/C power.
Lamira turns on but the LED flashes and the LCD display
flashes this symbol
Bad or missing Connection Cord. Check Connection Cord between
Handset and Controller. Bad or missing Aerosol Head. Correct then
restart Controller.
Lamira beeps 1x, then beeps high-low with the LED
flashing and the LCD display flashing this symbol
No ARIKAYCE detected. Add ARIKAYCE. If you have already added
ARIKAYCE, gently tap the Handset, hold the Handset level and restart
the Controller.
Lamira beeps low-high 3 times, the LED flashes, the
LCD displays this symbol and then turns off
Have reached 20 minute maximum time and will shut down. If
ARIKAYCE remains, restart the Controller. After treatment is
complete, clean and disinfect the Handset including the Aerosol Head.
Lamira beeps 1 time and LCD shows this symbol
Misting and working properly.
Controller has paused. To resume press On/Off button.
Press button to start treatment.
Functioning properly, the Controller has started properly.
18 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Fault and Condition
Possible Cause and Solution
The Lamira beeps 2 times, displays this checkmark
symbol, then turns off.
No ARIKAYCE remaining, your treatment is done.
If ARIKAYCE is remaining, your Handset might be tilted. Keep
Handset level, gently tap Handset and restart Controller.
The Lamira cannot be activated and no green LED, no
screen, and no beep.
Bad, missing or misloaded batteries.
Bad or missing A/C Power Supply.
The Lamira beeps 1 time and begins to produce a mist,
then stops and shuts off with no beep, no LED, and with
ARIKAYCE still present.
Bad batteries or bad A/C Power Supply. Replace batteries or A/C
Power Supply and restart Controller.
The Lamira stops before ARIKAYCE is completely used
Lost power. Replace batteries or use A/C Power Supply.
Tilted Handset. Keep Handset level, gently tap Handset and restart
Lost power while using the A/C Power Supply. It is recommended to
keep batteries inserted in the device as backup in case power is
interrupted while using the A/C Power Supply. Doing so can help
avoid treatment disruptions.
The Lamira does not stop automatically after all
ARIKAYCE is consumed.
Clean and disinfect the Aerosol Head. If condition continues, contact
the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273).
Longer than normal nebulization time.
Aerosol Head is dirty. Clean and disinfect the Aerosol Head. Replace
the Aerosol Head with a new one from your kit after 7 uses.
Handset leaks.
Make sure Blue Valve is placed correctly in the Handset and the 2
flaps point into the Handset Chamber (see Section H).
Make sure Aerosol Head is correctly placed in the Handset.
It is normal to have some liquid collect in the Aerosol Chamber and
Mouthpiece. The amount depends on the volume of the ARIKAYCE
and on your breathing pattern.
The On button was accidently pressed for 10 seconds, which
activated the easycare function. The easycare is an accessory that
assists in cleaning the Aerosol Head but it is not used for your Lamira.
Press the On button briefly to turn-off the Controller and stop the
easycare function.
Troubleshooting (continued)
19 Questions about Lamira? Contact the Arikares Support Program at 1-833-ARIKARE (1-833-274-5273)
Weight: Controller and Handset ................................................................................................................ approx. 8.2 oz.
Weight: Controller, Handset, and Batteries ............................................................................................... approx. 11 oz.
Handset Dimensions (W x H x D) ............................................................................................................. 2.0" X 2.4” X 5.5"
Controller Dimensions (H x Ø) ................................................................................................................. 1.6” X 4.6"
Minimum Fill Volume ............................................................................................................................... 0.5 mL
Maximum Fill Volume .............................................................................................................................. 8.4 mL
Electrical Requirements .............................................................................................................. 110 V - 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Power Wattage ........................................................................................................................... 2.0 Watts under normal load
Transport and Storage
Temperature ............................................................................................................................................. -13° to 158° F
Relative Humidity (non-condensing) ......................................................................................................... 0% to 93%
Air Pressure .............................................................................................................................................. 9 to 15 PSI
Temperature ............................................................................................................................................. 41° to 104° F
Relative Humidity (non-condensing) ......................................................................................................... 15% to 93%
Air Pressure .............................................................................................................................................. 10 to 15 PSI
Device Classification According to IEC 60601-1
Type of electric shock protection (A/C Power Supply) .............................................................................. Protection Class II
Degree of protection from electric shock of part used (nebulizer) ............................................................ Type BF
Degree of protection against water ingress per IEC 60529 IP rating (nebulizer) ...................................... IP 21
Degree of protection when in the presence of flammable mixtures .......................................................... No protection
Continuous operation................................................................................................................................ Operating mode
Device Performance Characteristics
Total Delivered Dose by Breath Simulation
273.8 350.4
Total Delivered Dose by Breath Simulation (% of label claim
46.4 59.4
by NGI
4.38 4.52
1.59 1.60
Respiratory Dose by NGI (≤ 5µm, mg)
316.5 337.6
Respiratory Fraction by NGI (≤5µm, % of delivered dose)
53.8 57.4
Range - two-sided tolerance interval, proportion of total population=0.95
Breath simulation - tidal volume of 500 mL, 15 breath per minutes, and inhalation:exhalation ratio is 50:50
label claim - 590 mg
MMAD - Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter
NGI - Next Generation Impactor
GSD - Geometric Standard Deviation
Handset materials
Polypropylene, polyamide, silicone, stainless steel, thermoplastic elastomers. Does not contain any natural rubber (latex).
The Lamira components and batteries must be disposed of in accordance with local (state, county or municipal) regulations.
Manufactured by:
PARI Respiratory Equipment, Inc.
2412 PARI Way
Midlothian, Virginia 23112 USA
For patent information: www.PARI.com/ip
©2021 PARI Pharma GmbH. All rights reserved. The PARI logo is a registered trademark of PARI GmbH. Lamira®, Altera®, eRapid®, and eFlow® logo are registered trademarks of
PARI Pharma GmbH. ARIKAYCE and Arikares are registered trademarks of Insmed Incorporated. Touchspray® made under license from the Technology Partnership.
This Instructions for Use has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
678D0204 Rev C 02/21