ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Stacks: ApplicationsStacks: Applications
AtulAtul GuptaGupta
Using Stacks:
Parentheses Matching
Consider the following expression
[a + b *({c/d(1-n) + e/f (1+n)})/(g – sqrt[(b**2) – 4*a*c]/2)]
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Stacks 3
Parentheses Matching
Each “(”, “{”, or “[” must be paired with a
matching “)”, “}”, or “]”
correct: ( )(( )){([( )])}
correct: ((( )(( )){([( )])}
incorrect: )(( )){([( )])}
incorrect: ({[ ])}
incorrect: (
boolbool ParenthesesMatchParenthesesMatch(char[ ] exp)(char[ ] exp) {
char next_char, popped_char;
stack S;
bool valid = true;
while (not_empty(exp)) {
next_char = get_next(exp);
if ((next_char == ‘(‘) or (next_char ==‘{) or (next_char == ‘[‘)) then
push (S, next_char);
if ((next_char == ‘)‘) or (next_char ==‘}) or (next_char == ‘]‘)) then {
If (stackEmpty(S)) then
return (valid = false);
else {
popped_char = pop (S);
if (! match (next_char, popped_char) )
return (valid = false);
If (not stackEmpty(S)) then
valid = false;
return valid;
Algorithm ParentheseMatch (
An array
characters, each of
which is either a parenthesis, a variable, an
arithmetic operator, or a number
true if and only if all the parentheses in
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Lets write the Code
Evaluating Expressions
Infix Prefix Postfix
a + b + a b a b +
a + b * c + a * b c a b c * +
(a + b) * (c - d) * + a b - c d a b + c d - *
b * b - 4 * a * c b b * 4 a c * * -
40 - 3 * 5 + 1
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Stack (from
bottom to top)
2 2
* 2 *
5 2 * 5
) 10 2 * 5 = 10 and push
- 10 -
( 10 -
1 10 - 1
* 10 - 1 *
2 10 - 1 * 2
) 10 - 2 1 * 2 = 2 & Push
) 8 10 - 2 = 8 & Push
/ 8 /
( 8 /
11 8 / 11
- 8 / 11 -
9 8 / 11 - 9
) 8 / 2 11 - 9 = 2 & Push
) 4 8 / 2 = 4 & Push
New line Empty Pop & Print
(((2 * 5) - (1 * 2)) / (11 - 9))
Infix Expression Evaluation
Analysis: Five types of input characters
Opening bracket
Closing bracket
New line character
Data structure requirement: A character stack
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Infix Expression Evaluation
An Algorithm
1. Read one input character at a time
2. switch (input)
case (Opening bracket) : Go to step (1)
case (Number) : Push into stack and then Go to step (1)
case (Operator) : Push into stack and then Go to step (1)
case (Closing bracket) : op2 = pop (s)
op = pop (s)
op1 = pop (s)
result = computer (op1 op op2)
Push result into stack and Go to step (1)
case (new line character) : Pop from stack and print the answer
This algorithm doesn't handle errors in the input,
although careful analysis of parenthesis or lack of
parenthesis could point to such error determination.
Converting Expressions
Example: Converting Infix to Postfix
1. Create an empty stack and an empty postfix output string/stream
2. Scan the infix input string/stream left to right
3. If the current input token is an operand, simply append it to the output
string (note the examples above that the operands remain in the same
4. If the current input token is an operator, pop off all operators that have
equal or higher precedence and append them to the output string; push
the operator onto the stack. The order of popping is the order in the
5. If the current input token is '(', push it onto the stack
6. If the current input token is ')', pop off all operators and append them to
the output string until a '(' is popped; discard the '('.
7. If the end of the input string is found, pop all operators and append
them to the output string.
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Postfix Expression Evaluation
1. Scan the expression left to right
2. push values (constant) or variables (operands)
3. When an operator is found, computer the result by
applying the operation to the preceding two
operands (by popping two operands from the stack)
4. Push the result back to stack
5. When finished, print the stack
A formal Algorithm
An Algorithm to evaluate Postfix expressions
1. Read one input character at a time
2. switch (input)
case (Operand)
case (Number) : Push input into stack and then Go to step (1)
case (Operator) : op2 = pop (s)
op1 = pop (s)
result = computer (op1 Operator op2)
Push result back into stack and Go to step (1)
case (new line character) : Pop from stack and print the answer
This algorithm doesn't handle errors in the input, although
careful analysis of input and stack status could point to
such error determination.
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Stacks: Applications
Parenthesis Matching
HTML tag mapping
Expression Evaluations
Implementing backtracking
Maximum Span
procedure call, System Programming
and others…
Stack: C implementation using Array
#define MAX 10
typedef struct stack {
int arr[MAX];
int top;
void createStack (STACK *);
int stackEmpty ( STACK *);
int stackFull ( STACK *);
void push (STACK *, int item);
int pop (STACK *);
void createStack (STACK * s ) {
s->top = -1;
void push ( STACK *s, int item ) {
if ( stackFull(s)) {
printf ( "\nStack is full." );
s->top++ ;
s-> arr[s ->top] = item;
int stackFull ( STACK *s) {
if ( s->top == MAX - 1 )
return (1);
else return (0);
int stackEmpty ( STACK *s) {
if ( s->top == -1 )
return (1);
else return (0);
int pop( struct stack *s ) {
int item;
if ( stackEmpty(s)) {
printf ( "\nStack is empty." );
return (-1);
item = s ->arr[s -> top];
s -> top--;
return item;
ES 103: Data Structures and Algorithms 2012
Instructor Dr Atul Gupta
Stack: C implementation using Pointer
struct node {
int data ;
struct node *link ;
} ;
void createStack (struct node ** )
void push ( struct node **, int );
int pop ( struct node ** );
void delStack ( struct node ** );
Int stackEmpty ( struct node **);
void createStack (struct node ** top )
*top = NULL;
void push ( struct node **top, int item ) {
struct node *temp;
temp = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof (struct node ));
if ( temp == NULL )
printf ( "\nStack is full." );
temp -> data = item;
temp -> link = *top;
*top = temp;
int stackEmpty ( struct node **tos) {
return ( *tos == NULL );
int pop ( struct node **top ) {
struct node *temp;
int item;
if (stackEmpty(top)) {
printf ( "\nStack is empty." );
return 0 ;
temp = *top;
item = temp -> data;
*top = ( *top ) -> link;
free ( temp );
return item;