International Journal of Asian Business and Management (IJABM)
Vol.2, No.5, 2023: 721-730
ISSN-E: 2964-3651
Concepts Marketing Mix : Increase in Sales of Airlines Ticket on
Route International
Helena Louise Panggabean
, Prima Widiyanto
, Ika Utami Yulihapsari
, Erni
Pratiwi Perwitasari
, Teguh Maianto
, Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan
Universitas Thamrin, DKI Jakarta
Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, DKI Jakarta
Akademi Sekretaris dan Manajemen Kencana Bandung
Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Aviasi, DKI Jakarta
Corresponding Author: Helena Louise Panggabean
Keywords: Marketing Mix,
Sales Airlines Ticket
Received : 3 September
Revised : 17 September
Accepted: 17 October
©2023 Pangabean,
Widiyanto, Yulihapsari,
Perwitasari, Maianto,
Suryawan: This is an open-
access article distributed
under the terms of the
Creative Commons Atribusi
4.0 Internasional
This article aims to provide an arrangement of
literature related to this scientific article by
providing an answer. The method used is to
describe with qualitative methods the literature
review of existing scientific articles and the
findings of the results related to this scientific
article by corroborating the answers conveyed in
the results.Marketing mix has been implemented
in the aviation industry, especially in serving
passengers and goods that exist today, existing
literature that states the findings to strengthen
research results in the form of scientific articles can
provide a view that the suitability in
implementing the marketing mix depends on the
existing airlines, because the ability of each
management is different to achieve an
organizational goal expected by Management
over and the expectation of fulfilling passenger
expectations. For other researchers in the future to
develop using these variables in continuing this
research or developing, the results of this
collaborative scientific article can add a wealth of
literature to aviation bisang in particular
Pangabean, Widiyanto, Yulihapsari, Perwitasari, Maianto, Suryawan
Once upon a time, in the challenging world of the aviation industry, a
revolutionary marketing concept managed to change the game and resulted in a
spectacular surge in international flight ticket sales. By using a smart and
innovative approach, airlines are able to capitalize on opportunities and create
inspiring success stories. According to (Kotler &; Keller, 2016) this marketing
concept focuses on a deep understanding of consumer behavior, global travel
trends, and market dynamics. With robust data and analytics, airlines are able to
identify potential market segments and devise strategies that tie customer needs
and wants to their offerings. (Lee, S. S., &; Lee, C. K., 2015; Smith, D. G., &; Ng,
A, 2017).
One of the most important steps is the use of advanced technology to create
a seamless and engaging ticketing experience. With an intuitive and responsive
interface, customers can easily explore flight options, view competitive prices,
and feel comfortable in the purchasing process (Fuchs &; Sigala, 2021; Xiang et
al., 2017). The use of artificial intelligence also plays a crucial role in presenting
offers tailored to individual preferences, making each customer feel cared for and
valued. Commitment to superior customer service is also a key pillar in this
marketing concept. By providing a friendly and responsive support team, airlines
are able to answer questions, solve problems, and provide solutions in real time
(Grönroos, 2007). These positive experiences not only create short-term
relationships, but also build strong long-term loyalty.
Through collaboration with strategic partners in the tourism industry,
airlines have also managed to develop attractive and comprehensive travel
packages. This includes exclusive offers on accommodation, local experiences,
and other ancillary services, all of which bring significant added value to
customers (Buhalis &; Leung, 2018). This move not only increases the
attractiveness of airline tickets, but also creates a mutually beneficial ecosystem.
Result? A dramatic spike in international flight ticket sales (Fesenmaier &; Xiang,
2017). Smart, integrated, and customer-oriented marketing concepts are able to
open the door to growth that has never been imagined before. Through a
combination of data-driven strategies, cutting-edge technology, superior
customer service, and strategic collaboration, airlines are able to carve out
achievements that inspire the entire industry, proving that when brilliant ideas
meet with the right execution, extraordinary success is inevitable (Sigala, 2020).
With this remarkable achievement, the positive impact is not only felt by
the airline itself, but also by the tourism industry as a whole. The surge in
international flight ticket sales opens the door to an increase in tourist visits to
destinations around the world. This has an impact on local economic growth,
increased income from the tourism sector, and the creation of new jobs (UNWTO,
2020). In addition, the success of this marketing concept also encourages airlines
to continue to innovate and maintain the quality of their services. This creates a
positive cycle in which increased sales allow further investment in product
development, technology, and employee training (Morrison, 2023). The
competitive advantage gained by these airlines also encourages other
competitors to adapt and raise their standards, making the airline industry as a
International Journal of Asian Business and Management (IJABM)
Vol.2, No.5, 2023: 721-730
whole more competitive and qualified. Not only that, the success of this
marketing concept also creates inspiring stories that inspire businesses in various
sectors. The airline's experience shows that with a deep understanding of
consumers, creativity in marketing approaches, and a commitment to quality,
companies can achieve remarkable levels of success (Joachimsthaler &; Aaker,
It stimulates innovation in various sectors and encourages other businesses
to dare to think outside the box. Smart marketing concepts have opened the door
to phenomenal growth in international airline ticket sales (Peelen & Beltman,
2013). Despite a significant increase in international flight ticket sales through
successful marketing concepts, there remain some issues that need to be
addressed An increase in the number of international flights can have a negative
impact on the environment, especially in terms of carbon emissions and other
environmental impacts. Successful marketing concepts need to consider social
and environmental responsibility and look for ways to reduce the environmental
impact of increased aviation activity (Pham et al., 2022).
A surge in international flight ticket sales can result in overcrowding and
strain on airports and other related infrastructure. This can disrupt the customer
experience, increase wait times, and reduce operational efficiency. Efforts are
needed to develop and improve infrastructure in order to handle this growth
(Tan et al., 2017). From the description and existing problems, this article aims to
provide an arrangement of literature related to this scientific article by providing
an answer.
According to (Kotler &; Keller, 2016; McCarthy, 1960) The marketing mix,
also known as the "4Ps", is a framework used in marketing to describe and plan
the combination of key components that make up a marketing strategy for a
product or service. This idea was developed by E. Jerome McCarthy in the 1960s
in the 1960s.
The main components of the Marketing Mix are as follows (Kotler &;
Keller, 2016; McCarthy, 1960) :
Product Is a good or service offered to customers. It includes the design,
features, brand, quality, variety, warranty, and any aspect pertaining to the
product to be sold. Price: Is the amount of money a customer asks to buy a
product or service. Pricing involves factors such as production costs, competitor
prices, product value in the customer's mind, and appropriate pricing strategies.
Place or Distribution: The way a product or service is delivered to a
customer. It includes distribution channels, sales locations, storage, and other
distribution methods. Promotion: Is an effort to promote and market a product
or service to customers. It involves advertising strategies, personal selling, sales
promotion, and other communication strategies.
Pangabean, Widiyanto, Yulihapsari, Perwitasari, Maianto, Suryawan
Flight ticket sales is the process by which airlines or travel agents sell
tickets to prospective passengers who wish to travel by air. This process involves
various stages, including flight selection, ticket pricing, payment, and official
ticket issuance. Flight ticket sales may also include various additional services
such as seat selection, meal service, and other facilities (Buhalis &; Leung, 2018).
The method used is to describe with qualitative methods the literature
review of existing scientific articles and the findings of the results related to this
scientific article by corroborating the answers conveyed in the results.
The findings of the existing literature to strengthen this scientific article
began with a study (Yu, 2016) where it was stated that research has focused on
how business models and management practices affect airline operations.
Studies of aviation productivity and efficiency increasingly focus on
environmental performance, with CO2 emissions as a negative or undesirable
outcome. Furthermore, a study from (Ivaldi &; Toru-Delibaşı, 2018) states that
Air France's price increase will be 0.17 percent, compared to a 1.05 percent
increase for other airlines in our sample, These figures show that the impact of
solidarity tax will be very minimal when compared to the growth rate of air
Overall, the level of airline competition will not be significantly affected
by the airfare taxes imposed by all European airlines.
Studies from (Lee et al., 2018) state that high operational costs and fierce
competition are challenges for airlines. Now that they have found that using e-
tickets is a great way to save costs, market research shows that online airline
tickets are increasing, most of these purchases are made by citizens of developed
countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, online shopping is
slightly cheaper in Malaysia, Malaysians want to increase the number of online
bookings, it is very important to understand the factors that influence consumer
purchase intent. However, there is little academic research in Malaysia. This
study, based on a technology acceptance model, examined the effects of usability
and ease of use on the intention to buy airline tickets online, online data collection
and statistical analysis was performed on the data. shows that perceived
usefulness fully mediates the relationship between perceived ease of use and
purchase intention, and there is a significant positive relationship between
perceived usefulness and purchase intention. However, there is no correlation
between perceived ease of use and online purchase intent. Therefore, perceived
usefulness influences purchase intent more than perceived usefulness. Future
research should examine how demographic factors influence consumers' intent
to buy airline tickets online.
International Journal of Asian Business and Management (IJABM)
Vol.2, No.5, 2023: 721-730
The study from (Rezaeianjam &; Mohammadian, 2018) states SWOT
Analysis of Fly-Dubai, Air-Arabia, and Iranian customer populations in UAE are
among the secondary data. Authorities are interviewed, and customer surveys
constitute most of the primary data. Investigating the impact of various
components of the marketing mix on low market share aided by fishbone
diagrams created from secondary and SWOT data results, obtained from
interviews, can increase its market share by facilitating long-term direct bookings
online through its website. Through direct customer interaction through low-cost
social media platforms like Telegram and WhatsApp, the company can also
manage its marketing campaigns. Sudi further from (Ni, 2022) stated that
influencing the policies currently offered by airlines, in the future, The
development of jet fuel prices will not return to pre- low levels epidemi because
The general environment of rising crude oil prices, and its effect on consumers
will increase over time, in China, work stoppages due to quarantine policies
implemented due to the epidemic and economic slowdown have gradually
reduced people's consumption and desire to shop. The increasing trend of
consumer demand in the tourism industry is also in line with the easing of
quarantine policies.
The study from (Ragab Abdelhady et al., 2019) states that understanding
the airline business model, it is worth seeing how the airline industry has
changed since the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. The purpose of this study
was to determine how the four components of an airline's marketing mix (aka
"4Ps") affect consumers' purchasing choices. A questionnaire was used to
conduct this study. 600 air passengers participated in the study. The results
showed a strong positive correlation between the three components of the
marketing mix product, promotion and venue and travellers' purchasing
decisions, suggesting a significant inverse relationship between price and
travellers' purchasing decisions. The results also show that air transport is
typically the most important part of the marketing mix influencing consumer
purchasing decisions.
A study from (Aprilia et al., 2020) states that based on research, Indonesia
AirAsia has a large enough market share in Lombok flights. With the help of the
Lombok government, AirAsia became one of the airlines that made Lombok a
hub route, boosting Lombok tourism after the 2019 disaster, marketing analysis
tactics used by PT Indonesia AirAsia in the new hub is a research problem in this
regard. For Indonesia AirAsia, the Lombok-Perth and Perth-Lombok routes
represent a strong argument for a superior marketing approach based on its
effectiveness, practicality and technological support, including the company's
website, mobile app and traditional direct points of sale. Studies from (Kasim &;
Mahmut, 2020) state that Performance appraisal is essential for airlines to achieve
their goals and gain a competitive advantage in the highly competitive aviation
industry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of airlines by
considering the evaluation of the performance of the aviation industry. 12 FSC
(Full Service Carriers) were evaluated by airline-specific and financial indicators
for the years 2015-2017, sensitivity analysis was also carried out to check the
reliability and consistency of the results. According to the results of the study,
Pangabean, Widiyanto, Yulihapsari, Perwitasari, Maianto, Suryawan
financial indicators affect the results more than operational indicators. Singapore
Airlines is also the largest airline.
A subsequent study from (Hammad, 2021) stated that by implementing
guerrilla marketing, EgyptAir tickets can be marketed in a unique, attractive and
affordable way, and as a result, the company's market share increases. This
research introduces the concept of guerrilla marketing, its role and scope of
implementation in EgyptAir Airlines. Guerrilla marketing is not widely used in
EgyptAir Airlines, except for some EgyptAir and Star Alliance sign designs,
boards and logos at airports. shows that digital marketing is the marketing
method that EgyptAir relies on the most. Therefore, the study recommends that
EgyptAir Airlines adopt guerrilla marketing as a form of marketing in addition
to digital marketing and other marketing techniques already used in EgyptAir
Airlines to increase the company's market share.
The study from (Lin, 2022) states from the results of his research shows
that this model can determine "airline", "travel date", "source", "destination",
"exchange time", "oil price", "depth hours", "depth min". "Future class" on airfare,
hopefully some price tips for airlines. The next study from (Krisdayanti &; Fryda
Fatmayati, 2022) states that the results of price research have an impact on
consumer purchase intent, while promotion also has an impact on consumer
purchase intent. Promotion and price factors affect Citilink's purchase intention
by 74 and 2 points respectively, while the remaining 25 and 8 points are
influenced by unknown or excluded variables.
From the results above, the implementation of the marketing mix with
prices applied on flights has been researched and the results from various
countries and scientific articles selected by researchers as strengthening the results
of this study, the market mix used starts from products, prices, promotions carried
out and distribution that is currently used such as tickets using existing technology
to make it easier for passengers to check this independently or print a ticket.
The marketing mix of the results also shows that the airline or airline must
be able to meet the expectations of passengers, and always look at competitors in
providing an innovation or creative abnormality of product creation and added
service to passengers.
International Journal of Asian Business and Management (IJABM)
Vol.2, No.5, 2023: 721-730
Marketing mix has been implemented in the aviation industry, especially in
serving passengers and goods that exist today, existing literature that states the
findings to strengthen research results in the form of scientific articles can provide
a view that the suitability in implementing the marketing mix depends on the
existing airlines, because the ability of each management is different to achieve an
organizational goal expected by Management over and the expectation of fulfilling
passenger expectations.
For other researchers in the future to develop using these variables in
continuing this research or developing, the results of this collaborative scientific
article can add to the literature for aviation bisang in particular.
This research still has limitations, so it is necessary to carry out further
research related to the topic Concepts Marketing Mix: Increase in Sales of Airlines
Tickets on International Routes in order to perfect this research and increase
insight for readers.
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