IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeett FFoorr TTooooll NNoo.. 775500
Rev 0
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 Fax 805-482-9224
Visit us on the web at WWW.JIMSUSA.COM
A Division of Thiessen Products, Inc.
IInnlliinnee SSppaarrkk TTeesstteerr bbyy LLiissllee
Quickly diagnose ignition systems with this inline tester. Works on all ignition systems including distributorless ignitions.
Instructions for use:
1. With engine off, remove plug wire from the spark plug.
2. Connect female end of tester wire (use straight or 90° as needed) to the spark plug. Be sure the other end of tester wire is
attached to male end of tester.
3. Connect other male end of tester to the plug wire.
4. Start engine and check tester.
5. Repeat for all plugs.
Test Results and Diagnosis:
Test result: Engine doesn’t start, tester doesn’t flash.
Diagnosis: Check ignition system.
Test Result: Engine doesn’t start, tester is flashing.
Diagnosis: Check fuel system and compression.
Test Result: Engine starts, tester flashes erratically.
Diagnosis: Plugs are fouled or dirty, or ignition system is weak.
Test Result: Engine starts, tester flashes dimly and erratically as engine RPMs are increased.
Diagnosis: Ignition system is weak.
Refer to your vehicle’s service manual for more information.
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeett FFoorr TTooooll NNoo.. 775500
Rev 0
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 Fax 805-482-9224
Visit us on the web at WWW.JIMSUSA.COM
A Division of Thiessen Products, Inc.
IInnlliinnee SSppaarrkk TTeesstteerr bbyy LLiissllee
Quickly diagnose ignition systems with this inline tester. Works on all ignition systems including distributorless ignitions.
Instructions for use:
1. With engine off, remove plug wire from the spark plug.
2. Connect female end of tester wire (use straight or 90° as needed) to the spark plug. Be sure the other end of tester wire is
attached to male end of tester.
3. Connect other male end of tester to the plug wire.
4. Start engine and check tester.
5. Repeat for all plugs.
Test Results and Diagnosis:
Test result: Engine doesn’t start, tester doesn’t flash.
Diagnosis: Check ignition system.
Test Result: Engine doesn’t start, tester is flashing.
Diagnosis: Check fuel system and compression.
Test Result: Engine starts, tester flashes erratically.
Diagnosis: Plugs are fouled or dirty, or ignition system is weak.
Test Result: Engine starts, tester flashes dimly and erratically as engine RPMs are increased.
Diagnosis: Ignition system is weak.
Refer to your vehicle’s service manual for more information.