A Dissertation
Presented to
The Academic Faculty
Omar Alrawi
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in the
School of Engineering
Department of Electric and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
May 2023
© Omar Alrawi 2023
Thesis committee:
Dr. Emmanouil K. Antonakakis
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Fabian Monrose
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Douglas Blough
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Mustaque Ahamad
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Roberto Perdisci
Computer Science
University of Georgia
Dr. Michael Bailey
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Date approved: April 18, 2023
First and foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Almighty for
bestowing upon me knowledge and wisdom like that of Prophet David and Solomon, as
mentioned in the Quran, chapter 27, verse 15: And We had certainly given to David and
Solomon knowledge, and they said, ‘Praise [is due] to Allah, who has favored us over many
of His believing servants’. I want to thank the Ph.D. committee, whose mentorship, sup-
port, and constructive feedback have been instrumental in shaping my research and refining
my dissertation. I am grateful for their thoroughness during my defense and for setting high
expectations to push me to my full potential. I am deeply grateful to my advisor, Profes-
sor Manos Antonakakis, who has been my number-one fan throughout this journey. Your
unwavering faith in me and your constant encouragement provided the impetus I needed to
persevere through the challenges of completing my Ph.D.
I am indebted to Professor David Mohaisen, who introduced me to research, mentored
me, and convinced me to pursue a Ph.D. As a close friend, I have admired your unmatched
productivity. I aspire to attain the level of brilliance and dedication that you embody. A
heartfelt acknowledgment goes out to Professor Brendan Saltaformaggio, a close friend
and mentor. I am very grateful for your willingness to guide me through the intricacies of
research and academia. Your generosity in sharing resources, time, and friendship has been
a true gift. I owe a special gratitude to Professor Fabian Monrose, who opened my eyes to
what it truly means to be a scientist. Your rigorous approach, wisdom, and experience have
shaped me as a researcher. I have genuinely enjoyed every moment spent working with you
and receiving your invaluable feedback.
To my fellow lab mates, Chaz, Gong, Kevin V, Panos, Rosa, Thanos
, Thanos
, Thomas,
Yizheng, and Zane, thank you for your support and camaraderie. A special thanks to Chaz,
whose mentorship has been invaluable throughout my journey. I am grateful to the numer-
ous outside collaborators from industry and other academic institutions. Your partnership
has been an essential part of my growth and success.
I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my loving mom, sisters, and in-
laws, who have been my pillar of strength during these years. Your sacrifices and love
allowed me to concentrate on my studies. My sincere appreciation extends to your un-
derstanding and support. To my incredible wife, Shireen, and our lovely children, Bayan,
Bekr, Belal, and Badr, thank you for your unwavering support, love, and understanding.
Your love and patience have sustained me during the most challenging times to achieve
this milestone. Thank you, my precious Bayan, for smiling at me from the front-row seat
during my first paper presentation and melting my stage fright away. Finally, I am thankful
to everyone who has contributed to my journey in big and small ways. This dissertation is
not only a testament to my efforts but also a reflection of the collective efforts of those who
have touched my life throughout this incredible experience.
Thank you all!
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
List of Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Thesis and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Thesis Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 Security Evaluation of Home-based Internet of Things (IoT) De-
ployments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.4 A Longitudinal Security Measurement of Home-based IoT Devices 3
1.1.5 A Large-Scale Analysis of The IoT Malware Lifecycle . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Dissertation Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 2: Foundational Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1 IoT Security Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.1 Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.2 Mobile Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.3 Cloud Endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.4 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Malware Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.1 Infection Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.2 Payload Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.3 Persistence Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.4 Capability Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.5 Command & Control Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.1 IoT Security Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.2 IoT Malware Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 3: Security Evaluation of Home-based IoT Deployments . . . . . . . . . 34
3.0.1 Security Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.0.2 Evaluation Scope and Attack Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1 Security Evaluation Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.1 Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.2 Evaluation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.1 Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.2 Mobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.3 Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.2.4 Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3 Evaluation Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.1 Good: Withings Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.2 Satisfactory: Nest Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3.3 Needs Improvement: MiCasa Verde VeraLite . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.4 An Integrated Security Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.4.1 Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.2 Mobile App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.3 Cloud Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.4 Network Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.5 Attack Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.5 Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.5.1 Mitigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.5.2 Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.5.3 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Chapter 4: Longitudinal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.1.1 Longitudinal Studies of IoT Deployments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.1.2 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1.3 Evaluation Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.1 Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.2 Data Collection and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.2.3 Challenges and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3.1 Study One: The Impact of Updates on Security Posture . . . . . . . 73
4.3.2 Study Two: A Longitudinal Analysis of Devices’ Security Lifecycle 78
4.4 Iterative Security Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 5: Large-Scale Analysis of the IoT Malware Lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.1 Challenges and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2.1 Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.2.2 Analysis Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.3.1 Detection and Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.3.2 Infection Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.3.3 Payload Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.3.4 Persistence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.3.5 Capability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.3.6 C&C Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.4 Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.4.1 Code Reuse and Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.4.2 Payload Hosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.5.1 Similarities and Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.5.2 Stakeholders and Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.6 Using Threat Analysis to Inform Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.6.1 Targeted Devices In The Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Chapter 6: Risk Assessment Framework for IoT Deployments . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.1 An Informed Risk Assessment Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.2 Risk Assessment Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.2.1 Overview and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.2.2 Threat Model and Attacker Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.3 Risk Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.3.1 Base Risk Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.3.2 Risk Score Adjustment: Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
6.3.3 Risk Score Adjustment: Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.3.4 Risk Assessment Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.4 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.4.1 Multiple Devices, One Vendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.4.2 Incorporating Exposure and Attack Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Chapter 7: Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7.1 Risk Assessment and Empirical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7.1.1 Understanding Attacks and Abuse on IoT Deployments . . . . . . . 128
7.1.2 A Longitudinal Security Evaluation of IoT Cloud Backends . . . . . 129
7.1.3 Understanding Attacks on The IoT Software Supply Chain . . . . . 129
7.1.4 An Automated and Iterative Security Evaluation Framework for LE
IoT Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
7.2 Broader Impact of Empirical Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
7.2.1 Security Evaluation of Home-based IoT Deployments . . . . . . . . 131
7.2.2 Large-Scale Analysis of the IoT Malware Lifecycle . . . . . . . . . 134
7.3 Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
2.1 Systematization of the IoT literature. Each section corresponds to a compo-
nent of IoT deployment across attack vectors, mitigations, and stakehold-
ers. The implies the category of attack, mitigation, or stakeholder applies
to the discussed literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 A summary of the proposed comparative framework and definitions for
each component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 A comparison between desktop, mobile, and IoT malware using the pro-
posed framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1 A summary of the efforts required for the testbed components and evalua-
tion stages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 An overview of the devices used in the evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3 This table is a summary of each evaluated device per graph component
in Figure 3.2. The device section summarizes the number of running ser-
vices and issues found. The mobile application summarizes excessive per-
missions, sensitive data, or incorrectly use of cryptographic protocols. The
communication category summarizes the susceptibility to MITM attack and
the communication channel state as fully encrypted ( ), partially encrypted
(G#), or not encrypted (#). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.4 Device Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.5 List of devices and their CVEs with CVSS score of Critical and High. . . . 63
3.6 Mobile Application Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.7 Cloud Endpoint Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.8 Communication Evaluation. + (TLS/SSL) — - (3rd-party recursive DNS) 65
4.1 Device evaluation based on an initial evaluation, baseline evaluation, and
update evaluation. Red cells show an increase for services and issues and
green cells show a decrease in services and issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2 Summary of device use of encryption (#- None, G#- partial, - full), issues
found in SSL/TLS protocol, and vulnerabilities affecting services. Green
shows improvement, red shows decline, and yellow shows improvement
but poor encryption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3 A summary of issues for baseline evaluation. Green rows show fixed issues
by updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.1 A summary of documented or publicly available IoT Malware analysis plat-
forms. indicates resource no longer available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.2 The data sources used for the empirical study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3 A statistical summary of the dataset, metadata, static, and dynamic analysis
grouped by IoT malware’s target architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.4 Top anti-virus (AV) labels based on reports from VirusTotal. . . . . . . . . 94
5.5 Device categories and their top vulnerabilities that are targeted by IoT mal-
ware based on data from Bad Packets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.6 Top exploits found in IoT malware binaries based on static analysis. . . . . 97
5.7 Scanning methods found in IoT malware binaries based on dynamic analysis.101
5.8 DDoS capabilities found in IoT malware binaries based on static analysis
and leaked source code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.9 Top IoT malware clusters grouped by AV Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.1 Example of point assignment for the VeraLite device . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.2 A summary of assigned weights to exposure and attack variables . . . . . . 123
6.3 The risk scores for the Belkin WeMo Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.4 The base risk score and temporal and threat weighed risk score for four
devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.1 Citation sources by societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
7.2 A sample of 15 academic research projects using the YourThings dataset. . 133
2.1 Typical home-based IoT setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1 Single IoT deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2 IoT graph model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3 An overview of the lab architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1 Summary of critical Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) vul-
nerabilities found in testbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2 Summary of high CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed. . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.3 Summary of medium CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed. . . . . . . . . 81
4.4 Summary of low CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed. . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.1 The daily volume of files and detected files submitted to VirusTotal in 2019
per platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.2 An overview of the static and dynamic analysis pipeline. . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3 The number of AV engines that detect IoT malware per architecture. The
dotted vertical line marks five AVs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.4 A timeline of exploits for Mirai variants based on reports from security
researchers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.5 DNS measurement of domains for the top IoT malware family clusters
based on the pDNS dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.6 Mirai’s faulty evasion code (top) and the fixed code found in newer variants
(bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.1 The main components of IoT deployment and their security properties. . . . 114
C&C Command and Control
CDN Content Delivery Network
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name System
EOL End-of-Life
ICS Industrial Control System
IoT Internet of Things
ISPs Internet Service Providers
LAN Local Area Network
MITM Man-in-the-Middle
NAT Network Address Translation
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OS Operating System
UPnP Universal Plug and Play
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
Practitioners must use an informed approach that prioritizes security measures based
on risk and cost to improve the security of deployed Internet of Things (IoT). For several
reasons, improving the overall security of IoT is essential. First, IoT devices are widely
used in various sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, and finance, and often handle
sensitive data, making them a prime target for cybercriminals. Second, many IoT devices
have limited computing resources, making it challenging to implement robust security mea-
sures. This limitation can expose IoT devices to several vulnerabilities, making them easier
targets for malicious attacks. Third, many IoT devices are interconnected and communi-
cate with each other, increasing the attack surface for cybercriminals. An attack on one
IoT device could compromise the entire network, causing significant harm to the system
and its users. Therefore, improving the overall security of IoT deployments is crucial to
ensure data privacy, protect against cyberattacks, and maintain the integrity and availability
of critical services.
To do so, practitioners require an approach to assess the security of IoT deployments
comprehensively, standardize the security assessment across diverse devices, and prioritize
security measures for high-risk devices. A comprehensive security evaluation can identify
the most significant security threats and vulnerabilities in IoT deployments. This will help
practitioners focus on the most critical areas that require the highest priority. Standardizing
security assessment will help reduce costs associated with customizing security evaluation
for each device and make it easier to compare security across diverse devices. Finally,
prioritizing security measures provides a more strategic approach to protecting high-risk
devices vulnerable to cyberattacks. Toward improving overall security, this dissertation
contributes a systematic and replicable approach that better prioritizes vulnerabilities in
IoT deployments.
Insecure IoT deployments can cause severe operational issues for critical internet infras-
tructure, including downtime, data breaches, network congestion, malware propagation,
and control system manipulation [1]. Understanding the risk of deploying IoT systems
is complex. For example, operators must enumerate their assets, identify vulnerabilities,
correlate cyber threats that target these vulnerabilities, and prioritize their resources to pro-
tect the most critical IoT deployments. More problematic, IoT deployments often consist
of legacy and newer devices, which can be challenging to secure. Legacy devices may
not have the latest security features and may be more vulnerable to modern threats. Fur-
thermore, patching legacy devices may be difficult or more costly than replacing them.
Many IoT deployments are dynamic and evolve in various aspects through updates, end-
of-lifecycle, and changes to their network infrastructure and topology. These changes can
cause them to be misconfigured and vulnerable to cyber threats. These compounding com-
plexities overwhelm operators, and it becomes difficult to prioritize what IoT deployments
security issues should be addressed quickly. Therefore, assessing the risk of IoT deploy-
ments is essential to prioritizing security measures and involves comprehensive, iterative,
and large-scale efforts.
1.1 Thesis and Contributions
1.1.1 Thesis Statement
A comprehensive and iterative vulnerability and threat analysis of IoT deployments im-
proves risk assessment models for prioritizing security measures.
1.1.2 Contributions
Prior to my work, risk assessments for IoT deployments focused on custom security evalua-
tions, lacked iteration, and did not consider internet threats. Prior approaches paint a partial
picture of the potentially exploitable security issues that exist in IoT deployments leaving
gaps in the overall risk assessment. This is far from sufficient, as the modern internet threats
evolve and the pace of new IoT applications are rapidly growing while custom security as-
sessment techniques cannot keep up. For example, an IoT vacuum cleaner and a home
assistant device may use an embedded Linux operating system, but the software services
on the devices will be different. A smart vacuum may expose a web server that accepts
commands locally from a mobile application to initiate cleaning tasks, while a voice assis-
tant may accept commands from several remote cloud endpoints to service requests from
users: each requiring a customized security evaluation approach for the different type of
software services and deployment. In addition, as the devices age and their threats evolve,
the device risk levels change over time. There have been several large-scale studies that ap-
ply theoretical-based approaches to simulate these complexities, but they do not accurately
represent real-world IoT deployments.
My research aims to break from traditional approaches and instead develop a systematic
and replicable approach based on end-host binary program analysis and network vulnera-
bility analysis for real-world IoT deployments. In this dissertation, I present three studies
that combine binary program analysis and network vulnerability analysis to investigate the
fundamental security problems that contribute to high-risk IoT deployments. Specifically,
this body of work is built upon systematic methodologies that allow others to reproduce,
verify, and extend. The overall goal of this dissertation is to combine real-world security
evaluation observations and malware threat analysis to quantify the risk and prioritize se-
curity measures for IoT deployments. Below, I will briefly introduce these studies and their
1.1.3 Security Evaluation of Home-based IoT Deployments
This work proposes a component-based security evaluation framework that provides a com-
prehensive and standardized assessment method for IoT deployments. The framework de-
composes complex IoT deployments into manageable core components and uncovers the
breadth of the attack surface. Leveraging this framework, we build a test bed of 45 diverse
home-based IoT devices and assess their security properties for device services, cloud ser-
vices, companion mobile applications, and network protocols. We limit the assessment
scope to home-based IoT devices because they are readily available and the experimental
setup can be reproduced. The results show an IoT deployment can have multiple com-
ponents, each with vulnerabilities. By systematically combining end-host binary program
analysis and vulnerability analysis, we discover that certain device types or vendors can
have disproportionate vulnerabilities affecting specific components. Holistically studying
these vulnerabilities is essential to understand the potential risks associated with an IoT
1.1.4 A Longitudinal Security Measurement of Home-based IoT Devices
A systematic security evaluation must consider the temporal component of an IoT deploy-
ment by incorporating an iterative approach that can account for vulnerability changes over
time. In this study, we conduct 13-month longitudinal assessments to understand how se-
curity flaws evolve throughout the device’s lifecycle. The longitudinal component enables
a more comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities as they arise and uncovers trends
that are otherwise impossible to observe. This study reinforces the replicable approach pro-
posed in the first work and contributes new findings. The results reveal additional vulner-
abilities missed in the initial one-time security evaluation. Moreover, the findings evaluate
the effectiveness of security patching for different device types and vendors. Lastly, the
results highlight groups of vulnerability types by severity and their persistence through-
out the lifecycle of an IoT device, which can inform the risk analysis and prioritization of
security measures.
1.1.5 A Large-Scale Analysis of The IoT Malware Lifecycle
Toward providing a more accurate risk assessment of IoT deployments, we study the mal-
ware threats that target vulnerable IoT deployments. In this work, we investigate attacks
on IoT systems at scale by empirically studying the lifecycle of IoT malware and com-
paring it with traditional malware that targets desktop and mobile platforms. We build an
extensible binary program analysis platform for six Linux-based system architectures and
characterize IoT malware infection tactics, their infection payloads, and their capabilities.
We leverage the binary analysis platform to carry out a large-scale measurement of more
than 166K Linux-based IoT malware samples collected over a year. The results contribute
new observations about the IoT malware lifecycle, including device targeting, persistence
techniques, abuse tactics, and Command and Control (C&C) communication operation.
Specifically, the results identify areas of an IoT deployment that may be particularly vul-
nerable to attacks. Furthermore, the results discover trends similar to the development of
traditional malware for desktop and mobile platforms, which inform the potential evolution
of future threats. These findings help more accurately characterize the threats targeting IoT
deployment and provide a more informed risk assessment. Lastly, we make our binary
analysis platform and the malware dataset publicly available for the research community to
encourage reproducibility and validation.
1.2 Dissertation Organization
The dissertation is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 presents the challenges in risk assessment and security measure priori-
tization for IoT deployments. Next, the chapter briefly highlights the gaps in prior
works, which do not provide a holistic understanding of risks in IoT deployments. Fi-
nally, the chapter overviews the dissertation’s contribution and describes three works
that build upon one another to provide a better risk assessment and security measure
prioritization of IoT deployments. The chapter closes by providing an outline of the
Chapter 2 provides the foundational work required to design and evaluate system-
atic and replicable methods for security evaluation and malware analysis of IoT de-
ployments. First, the chapter systematizes prior work in the security evaluation of
home-based IoT deployments. The findings guide the design and inception of a novel
security evaluation framework, which later chapters use. Next, the chapter system-
atizes malware lifecycle studies for traditional platforms like desktop and mobile.
The findings inform the design of a systematic and comparative lifecycle framework
tailored to modern IoT malware and encompass traditional malware threats.
Chapter 3 uses the derived framework from the foundational chapter to evaluate a
large-scale and diverse testbed of home-based IoT devices. First, the chapter de-
scribes the security evaluation framework and its components. We formalize the
framework into a model that allows others to replicate and generalize to different IoT
deployments. Next, the chapter presents the testbed design and engineering efforts,
including their challenges. This includes the lab setup, evaluation tools, automation,
data collection, and analysis. Finally, we present the results and notable findings
that highlight the utility of our framework. Specifically, we provide three case stud-
ies based on our large-scale evaluation showcasing good, satisfactory, and poor IoT
Chapter 4 presents a temporal security evaluation using the framework from the
previous chapter to reinforce reproducibility and uncover new vulnerabilities as they
arise. Specifically, we evaluate the security of the device component from the home-
based IoT testbed. We describe our experimental setup and data collection using
the automated tools built by our first study. Finally, we present the results showing
changes in the vulnerabilities that impact IoT deployments and uncover insightful
observations about vendors, device types, and severity of vulnerabilities. We then
show how these findings impact the results from the initial security evaluation using
two case studies, which informs the risk modeling.
Chapter 5 presents a large-scale study of the IoT malware lifecycle. Using the
framework derived in the foundational chapter, we empirically evaluate how IoT
malware infect, persist, abuse, and communicate on IoT devices. Next, we use the
findings to inform the risk of attackers targeting vulnerabilities found in IoT deploy-
ments. Moreover, we compare our findings with traditional malware and discuss the
future evolution of IoT malware, which helps prioritize security measures and more
accurately characterizes risk.
Chapter 6 combines the empirical results and proposes a module, risk-scoring model.
We derive a simplified risk assessment approach based on the Common Vulnera-
bility Scoring System (CVSS) proposed by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). However, unlike CVSS, the scoring methodology provides a
module risk score that incorporates the components, time, and threats targeting IoT
deployments. We demonstrate the risk assessment by presenting two case studies.
Both case studies empirically show a more accurate risk characterization than less
informed approaches. Together, the module scoring and holistic approach provide a
better prioritization of security measures.
Chapter 7 summarizes the key findings from each study and lays out future work
for improving the overall risk analysis process. Specifically, we highlight additional
studies that would provide a more in-depth analysis of the security and threats in IoT
deployments. These studies include a longitudinal study into how attackers co-op
and abuse infected IoT deployments, a large-scale analysis of IoT cloud backends
availability and security, a comprehensive study of the third-party software supply-
chain used by IoT deployments, and toward automating the security evaluation of
low-energy network protocols found in IoT deployments. Beyond the risk assess-
ment, we highlight our work’s broader impact on the field.
This chapter establishes the foundation of prior knowledge to which the dissertation will
contribute. Specifically, we present two systematizations. The first systematization ex-
amines the security evaluation literature for attacks and defenses against smart-home IoT
systems. The second systematization looks at malware threats for traditional platforms like
desktop and mobile to compare to IoT malware. Finally, we present a related work section
differentiating the contribution of this dissertation from prior efforts. The systematized
literature is chosen based on the following criteria:
Merit: The work is unique and among the first to explore a given security predica-
Scope: The work focuses on the security (offensive and defensive) of home-based
IoT systems or malware analysis.
Impact: The work is regarded as significant based on the number of citations.
Disruption: The work uncovers a new area the community is investigating.
2.1 IoT Security Evaluation
We noticed four broad categories of approaches as we surveyed the literature for security
evaluation of IoT deployments. These approaches include security assessment of IoT de-
vices through device services, cloud backends, companion mobile apps, and network com-
munication. Using the same differentiae, we organize the literature based on those four IoT
components: the device, the cloud backend, the companion mobile application, and the net-
work communication. This organization allows us to understand each component’s attack
techniques, proposed mitigations, and stakeholder responsibilities. Table 2.1 presents an
overview of the systematized work and their corresponding subsections where we discuss
the literature in detail. The component classification highlights the focus of the work while
the attack vectors, mitigations, and stakeholders identify the approach. The systematization
highlights representative work; hence it does not provide an all-encompassing reference to
every related work.
2.1.1 Device
Most of the home-based IoT research focuses on the device because the device component
is the cornerstone of an IoT deployment.
Attack Vector
Several works ([2, 3, 4, 5]) explored IoT device configuration insecurities. Barnes [2],
building on the findings of Clinton et al. [3], demonstrated how exposed hardware pins on
a device allowed him to gain privilege access and spy on the end-users. Insecure configura-
tions combined with weak or a lack of authentication can exacerbate the problem as shown
by Chapman [6] and Rodrigues [7]. Weak or a lack of authentication in running services is
a key contributor to several documented attacks [8, 9, 10, 11]. These attacks demonstrate
that device setup and configuration is an important process that the vendor must consider
and evaluate for security flaws. Vendors should enforce strict authentication policies and
for end-users to configure the device before allowing it to operate.
Table 2.1: Systematization of the IoT literature. Each section corresponds to a component
of IoT deployment across attack vectors, mitigations, and stakeholders. The implies the
category of attack, mitigation, or stakeholder applies to the discussed literature.
Attack Vector Mitigations Stakeholders
Component Ref
Vuln. Services Weak Auth Default Config Patching Framework Vendor End User
Ur13 [4]
Costi14 [12]
Chapm14 [6]
Kaval14 [11]
Wuess15 [5]
Rodri15 [7]
Lodge16 [13]
Ike16 [3]
Franc16 [14]
O’Fly16 [15] - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ferna16 [16]
Max16 [8]
FlowF16 [17]
Oberm16 [10]
Barne17 [2]
Morge17 [19]
Ferna17 [20]
Ronen17 [21]
Dolph17 [22]
Tian17 [9]
subsection 2.1.1
Wang18 [23] - - - - - -
Permissions Programming Data Protection
Barre10 [24]
Au12 [25] - - - -
Egele13 [26]
Vienn14 [27] - - - - - - - -
Max16 [8]
Sivar16 [28]
Demet17 [29]
subsection 2.1.2
IoTFu18 [30] - - - -
Vuln. Services Weak Auth Encryption
Max16 [8]
Oberm16 [10]
Nandi16 [31]
Blaic16 [32]
Wilso17 [33]
Surba17 [34] - - - -
subsection 2.1.3
DTAP18 [35]
Encryption MITM
BEAST11 [36]
Garci11 [37]
LUCKY13 [38]
Ryan13 [39] - - - - - - - -
Foula13 [40] - - - - - - - -
Alfar13 [41]
Selvi14 [42]
POODL14 [43]
FREAK15 [44]
CRIME15 [45]
Adria15 [47]
Zilln15 [48] - - - - - - - -
DROWN16 [49]
Jasek16 [50]
Kinti16 [51] - - - -
Aptho17 [52]
subsection 2.1.4
Wood17 [53]
Max [8] assessed the security of the August Smart Lock and found that weak authentica-
tion and insecure default configuration broke the security of the lock. He found hard-coded
credentials and debug configurations that allows modification and introspection of the lock.
The work of Obermaier et al. [10] on cloud-based cameras found that although the device
had what appeared to be a strong password (36 characters of alphanumeric and symbols),
the password was the MAC address of the camera reversed and Base64 encoded. Kavalaris
et al. [11] showed that the Sonos device runs undocumented and unauthenticated services
on high ports allowing LAN clients to fully control the device. The Sonos device was sus-
ceptible to unauthorized device pairing due to the lack of authentication. SmartAuth [9]
found that the authentication problem also manifests itself in the IoT application platforms
through over-privileged applications. Device pairing establishes a trusted channel between
a client and their device. Further, IoT hubs bridge LE devices to IP networks, which have
a pre-established trust relationship. An attacker would exploit this specific process to cir-
cumvent the device or use it as a pivot point.
IoT application platforms expose a permission-based model to allow third-party ap-
plications to run. Fernandes et al. [16, 17, 20] showed how implicit trust to third-party
applications can have major implications on the security of the device. There are many
subcomponents within the device’s platform, which can make securing the device difficult.
Many vendors have good practices in place to ensure secure authentication and secure de-
fault configurations (as demonstrated by O’Flynn [15]), but core device services can suffer
from side-channel information leakage. Ronen et al. [21] showed that although the Philips
Hue device was reasonably secure, they were able to extract the master encryption key
through a side-channel attack and combine it with a vulnerability found in the communica-
tion protocol, which resulted in a wormable exploit.
Flaws in firmware allow attackers to steal WiFi credentials [13], turn smart thermostats
into spy gadgets [18], ransom them [14], run arbitrary commands on smart TVs [19], and
control home assist devices covertly [22]. Costin et al. [12] conducted a large-scale study
on firmware analysis and found an array of flaws. The literature showed that device se-
curity requires defensive approaches to secure side-channel, firmware, and hardware. The
toolchain for software and hardware development has a well-defined secure development
process that vendors must utilize.
To address vulnerable services, misconfiguration, and weak authentication, vendors patch
through device updates, while inherent design flaws in IoT platforms are mitigated through
new frameworks. Wang et al. [23] proposed a provenance-based framework to aggregates
device activities across a deployment that can detect errors and malicious activities. Smar-
tAuth [9] is a framework that identifies required permissions for IoT applications running
on platforms like SmartThings and Apple Home. FlowFence [17] is a framework that splits
application codes into sensitive and non-sensitive modules and orchestrates the execution
through opaque handlers. This approach burdens developers because they must be mindful
of what code operates on sensitive and non-sensitive data. Furthermore, researchers can
adapt techniques found in mobile application frameworks to address IoT platform insecu-
Table 2.1 shows that the main stakeholder is the vendor. Vendors are responsible for patch-
ing and updating vulnerable devices but can delegate some of the responsibilities to users
through configurations. For example, users can mitigate insecurities by disabling prob-
lematic services on the device. SmartAuth [9] provides a derived authentication approach
for applications on the device, but the implementation must be done by the vendor. Users
gain control by having a choice about what permissions to authorize for third-party appli-
cations. Kavalaris et al. [11] showed how services that the Sonos device exposes create
a security risk. Users can mitigate this risk through network segmentation, but it requires
Figure 2.1: Typical home-based IoT setup.
IoT Hub Mobile Apps Smart TVLE Devices
Cloud Endpoints
Vendor Vendor/User
some technical expertise.
Not many devices allow users to fully configure running services or even disable them
unless they have privileged access. Based on all the proposed mitigations, end-users can
manage configuration or network segmentation residing on the home demarcation side as
shown in Figure 2.1. End-users do not have much control and often are given a minimalistic
interface, which limits the mitigation of vulnerable services. Vendors, on the other hand,
bear the responsibility for keeping the device up to date.
Take Away
The literature addresses some aspects of device security. Devices have many components
that contribute to their overall security like the platform permissions, unauthenticated ser-
vices, insecure configurations, and software and hardware bugs. Further, they are amplified
when combined. The device security is not purely in software, but vulnerabilities manifest
themselves in hardware and side-channels as well. Embedded Linux is found in many of the
devices, but there is no secure open IoT platform, which can incorporate newly proposed
frameworks [23, 17, 9] by the community.
System patching addresses most of the vulnerabilities. The patching process is not
perfect [18] and can be improved by good practices implemented in other areas of com-
puting [54]. The end-users have almost no control or visibility into the operation of the
device. Securely providing health telemetry and fine-grained configuration parameters can
empower users to mitigate immediate risks. Users can deploy the device in many ways that
go beyond the vendor’s permissive assumptions, hence vendors should assume the device
is Internet-facing when building security measures.
Similar problems are faced with general purpose computing systems that are publicly
accessible and running vulnerable services or using weak authentication (SSH with guess-
able password). Adapting techniques from secure platforms and operating systems will
improve the security posture of many IoT devices.
2.1.2 Mobile Application
Many of the home-based IoT devices have a companion mobile application to control,
configure, and interface with the device. Mobile applications can be leveraged as an attack
surface against IoT deployments.
Attack Vector
Acar et al. [55] identified five different areas of Android mobile application issues, namely
permission evolution, permission revolution, webification, programming-induced leakage,
and software distribution. We adapted Acar’s approach and identified three major classes
of insecurities that effect IoT devices: over-privilege (permissions [24, 25]), programming
errors (programming [26]), and hard-coded sensitive information (data protection [27]).
Max [8] showed how programming errors leak sensitive information about the device and
the cloud endpoint. Max used the sensitive information to dump credentials, escalate priv-
ileges, and circumvent the security of the August Smart Lock. Apart from Max’s work,
there are no direct attacks leveraging the mobile application to circumvent an IoT device.
Chen et al. [30] presented IoTFuzzer that instruments the mobile application within an
IoT deployment to find bugs on the IoT device. Chen’s approach is unique and leverages
the semantics that the vendor programmed into the application. Although there are no re-
ports of this technique used in the wild, theoretically an attacker can use the same approach
to escalate privilege on an IoT device. Sivaraman et al. [28] showed how a mobile appli-
cation can be used on a local network to collect information about available home devices
and then reconfigure the router/modem firewall rules to make the devices Internet facing.
Hanguard [29] showed how permissive security assumptions by vendors about the LAN
can expose an IoT device. Companion mobile applications are an entry point to the device
and vendors often assume that the deployment network is trusted and secure. These as-
sumptions can have grave effects on the security of the device especially when devices rely
on unauthenticated services or unencrypted communications.
Hanguard [29] proposed a user-space mobile application that interfaces with the router to
control access through role-based access control (RBAC). Hanguard’s approach will pre-
vent the attack discussed by Sivaraman et al. [28] but cannot stop attacks from a compro-
mised companion application. Securing the mobile application by adhering to best prac-
tices discussed in Pscout [25], Barrera et al. [24], Egele et al. [26], and Viennot et al. [27],
reduces the attack surface. Unfortunately, as Viennot et al. [27] showed, a large portion
of the applications in the Google Play Store contain issues relating to permissions, pro-
gramming errors, and information leakage. Mobile application platforms are mature and
have built-in security facilities to promote good practices. Developers and vendors should
adhere to best practices and audit their mobile applications periodically.
The mobile application component relies on both the user and the vendor. This is partly due
to the permission model that most mobile platforms provide to end-users. Hanguard [29]
provides the user with a system to deploy inside the local network through routing rules
(user demarcation Figure 2.1), which does not involve the vendor. Sivaraman et al. [28]
proposes that users should be vigilant when running mobile applications on their networks
and only use authorized stores (Google Play, Apple App Store, etc.). The vendors must
address programming errors and secure information storage through updates. Vendors must
familiarize themselves with the mobile platforms to deploy secure applications or use a
reputable third-party developer to provide secure development expertise.
Take Away
The work of Acar et al. [55] showed the maturity of the mobile application security field.
An inherent trust is given to mobile applications, which in many cases control core com-
ponents of an IoT device or a cloud service. Max [8] and IoTFuzzer [30] demonstrated
how to abuse the implicit trust between mobile applications and IoT devices or cloud ser-
vices. IoT vendors and developers should adhere to platform development guidelines and
leverage security features to ensure proper deployments. Limiting mobile application ac-
cess to the device through fine-grained controls is a promising direction that can reduce the
attack impact. Lastly, Hanguard’s [29] approach should be further investigated to provide
end-users with control to mitigate risks.
2.1.3 Cloud Endpoint
Cloud endpoints are the Internet components of the IoT deployment, and in a sense, they
define what IoT is. They provide core services like remote administration, alerts, and digital
content. The IoT devices and their mobile applications trust these cloud endpoints, which
gives adversaries an additional attack point.
Attack Vector
The attack by Max [8] is a great example that touches on all components of the IoT ecosys-
tem. The attack discovered insecure application program interface (API) on the cloud
endpoint for the August Smart Lock, which escalated a guest account to an administra-
tor account. Blaich [32] audited the Wifi Barbie doll for various vulnerabilities and found
that the cloud endpoints did not authenticate firmware downloads, had multiple cross-site-
scripting vulnerabilities, allowed username enumeration, had no brute force limiting, and
issued never expiring cookies. Obermaier et al. [10] audited the cloud endpoints of surveil-
lance cameras and showed that an attacker can inject footage, trigger false alarms, and carry
out a denial-of-service attack against the camera system. These attacks were possible due
to vulnerabilities introduced in the configuration of the infrastructure, vulnerable services,
and insecure APIs. Zuo et al. [56] leveraged client-to-cloud trust to implement AutoForge,
which forges requests from the mobile applications to the cloud endpoints enabling pass-
word brute-forcing, password probing, and security access token hijacking. Implicit trust
between IoT components is sensitive and vendors must verify endpoints before allowing
them unfettered access.
IoT integration platforms, like IFTTT [57], automate.io [58], and CloudWork [59], are
third-party cloud endpoints. They use OAuth tokens to connect multiple IoT devices to
perform user programmed tasks. Surbatovich et al. [34] studied the security implications
on privacy and integrity when using recipes
and showed that some recipes can allow at-
tackers to distribute malware and carry out denial-of-service attacks. Nandi et al. [31]
reported a similar type of user-induced programming error through trigger-action program-
ming (TAP), which led to an incorrect event triggering or a lack thereof. Fernandes et
al. [35] pointed out that the cloud integration platforms can be compromised, which might
expose the user’s OAuth tokens publicly. These scenarios are likely to happen based on
recent platform compromises like Equifax [60] and Orbitz [61]. The work of Wilson et
al. [33] did not identify an attack vector on the IoT ecosystem, but it studied the privacy
and trust that users place with IoT vendors. These attacks show that cloud integration ser-
vices lack fine-grained control and they leak private and sensitive information that can lead
to a breach.
recipes are high-level programmable instructions that are used to trigger IoT device actions based on an
occurrence of an event.
To mitigate these attacks, Max [8], Obermaier et al. [10], and Blaich [32] recommend
proper configuration and secure authentication mechanisms. Surbatovich et al. [34] offered
a framework to analyze the cloud platform recipes, which motivated later work. Nandi et
al. [31] proposed an automatic trigger generation system that analyzes user-defined triggers
for errors and rectifies them by rewriting the triggers. Fernandes et al. [35] proposed the
use of a decentralized framework for trigger-action programmable platforms called DTAP.
The DTAP platform is a shim between the IoT cloud platform and the user’s local network
and brokers access to the IoT devices based on transfer tokens (XTokens). The mitigation
techniques include securing cloud endpoints, offering tools to analyze third-party integra-
tion services, assisting developers in generating correct triggers for their applications, and
providing short-lived tokens with constrained access to a device’s functions.
Somewhat related, Wilson et al. [33] looked at empowering IoT users that trust the
vendors with their private data. The technique is known as TLS-Rotate and Release (TLS-
RaR), which requires an auditor entity collecting TLS packets to request the session key
from the vendor to decrypt the communication. The vendor then rotates the TLS session
key and discloses to the auditor the prior key to decrypt the collected TLS packets. The
audit system must be deployed on the end-user demarcation side and collects traffic for
devices that they wish to audit.
The vendor controls the cloud endpoints and the users do not have a way to inspect or con-
trol what their device sends to the cloud endpoints [53, 62]. Additionally, third-party cloud
providers offer infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to IoT
deployment. Many of the IoT devices rely on cloud-based infrastructure to run their ser-
vices. Unplanned outages[63], infrastructure compromises[64], and intentional attacks[65]
impact the deployment of the cloud endpoints. When it comes to cloud infrastructure con-
figuration and API implementation ([8, 32, 10]), the vendor is responsible for the mitigation
of the vulnerabilities.
Newer IoT devices are taking advantage of managed IoT platforms, which offload much
of the security responsibilities to the public cloud providers. On the other hand, the majority
of the proposed frameworks ([31, 35, 33]) are user-centric and give end-users visibility and
control in a limited way. The work by Fernandes et al. [35] and Wilson et al. [33] is a
hybrid approach and can be deployed jointly by vendors and users or by a trusted third-
party. As for cloud providers, the vendor can mitigate their exposure by diversifying and
over subscribing to different cloud providers.
Take Away
IoT cloud endpoints exhibit insecure cloud deployment through configuration and API im-
plementation, but these vulnerabilities can be addressed with readily available tools for
cloud security. Additional measurements are needed to further understand the extent of
these misconfigurations in cloud deployments. The Censys Project [66] is a valuable source
of data that can allow researchers to historically analyze IoT infrastructure. Further, the
IoT cloud integration platforms introduce new challenges that mimic classical work like
Decentralized Trust Management [67]. Integration cloud platforms offer users a way to
chain multiple IoT devices to execute tasks based on an event, and they suffer from over-
privilege recipes and privacy implications, which is demonstrated in the work of Surbatovic
et al. [34].
Fernandes et al. [35] utilized prior techniques for the IoT cloud platforms by applying
trust management systems and token authentication protocols to the IoT platforms. Vendors
are adapting managed IoT cloud platforms, which shifts the security responsibility to cloud
providers like Amazon IoT Core [68], Azure IoT Hub [69], and Google Cloud IoT [70].
IoT cloud endpoints are relying more on third-party infrastructure to deploy and run their
services, which means vendors should consider a contingency plan for unplanned outages
and infrastructure compromises. Additional studies are needed to understand the managed
IoT cloud platforms and what possible weaknesses exist.
2.1.4 Communication
Network communication in IoT deployment fall into two classes of protocols, Internet
protocol (IP) and low-energy (LE) protocol. Both communications can exist on the user
demarcation (see Figure 2.1) of the network, but only IP communication can go over the
Internet. Researchers from industry and academia both are heavily invested in the security
of network communication because of its applicability in other areas.
Most home-based IoT systems implement four types of communication protocols: IP,
Zigbee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth-LE (BLE). IoT devices choose to use the IP suite for com-
munication due to its reliability and proven capability of transferring incredible volumes
of global network traffic. The IP protocol is stateless and offers no security, but it can be
supplemented by the use of TCP and TLS/SSL protocols to provide the security features
needed. Based on the literature, we identified five popular application layer protocols that
home-based IoT devices use, namely: DNS, HTTP, UPnP, NTP, and custom implementa-
Attack Vectors
The DNS protocol is a lightweight protocol that Internet services rely on, but inadvertently
leaks private information based on the recursive and client configurations. Kintis et al. [51]
found that open recursive DNS that enable EDNS Client Subnet feature (ECS) [71] (which
embeds a truncated portion of the client’s IP address) have privacy implications. Selvi [42]
demonstrated how a MITM attack on NTP was used to bypass HTTP strict transport se-
curity (HSTS). The HTTP protocol gives a more reliable mode of transportation, but like
DNS and NTP, it does not provide any confidentiality or integrity. Bellissimo et al. [72]
and Samuel et al. [54] demonstrated how an insecure protocol like HTTP allows attackers
to MITM and backdoor the system software update process.
IoT devices widely rely on UPnP protocol to offer easy configuration and control. UPnP
uses the HTTP protocol, hence inherits the same flaws [73]. Garcia [37] showed how
attackers abuse UPnP because it lacks authentication, validation, and logging. GNUciti-
zen [74] demonstrated how an UPnP enabled device is vulnerable to cross-site scripting
(XSS) vulnerabilities, while HD Moore [75] presented statistics and measurements around
UPnP enabled devices on the Internet. Their work demonstrates that unauthenticated and
unencrypted use of application layer protocols enables attackers to mass exploit devices,
which leads to additional attacks. TLS/SSL sessions provide confidentiality and integrity,
which help address the inherent flaws in these communication protocols.
Researchers have thoroughly examined the TLS/SSL protocols and uncovered severe
vulnerabilities. Starting off in 2011, BEAST [36] exposed the initialization vector (IV) flaw
in TLS 1.0, which allowed attackers to predict the IV of the next message in the stream.
In 2012, CRIME [45] showed how TLS sessions that allow compression, like Google’s
SPDY protocol, were susceptible to session hijacking. In 2013, AlFardan et al. [38] used
malformed packets to infer time delays, a side-channel attack, in the MAC verification to
statistically infer the plaintext from the ciphertext. AlFardan et al. [41] also showed how
the RC4 stream cipher weakens the security of TLS sessions. POODLE [43] exposed a
downgrade flaw in SSL 3.0 that allowed for insecure communication between two parties.
Beurdouche et al. [46] found flaws in several client and server implementations of TLS/SSL
libraries that allow MITM attacks, including the FREAK [44] vulnerability.
Additional attacks disclosed by Adrian et al. [47] and DROWN [49] illustrated the dif-
ficulty of implementing secure communication protocols. Many IoT communications are
susceptible to MITM attacks because they support older versions of TLS/SSL protocols.
TLS/SSL is also widely used in managed IoT platforms to secure the communication chan-
nels. Emerging managed IoT platforms, like AWS IoT Core [68], Azure IoT Hub [69], and
Google Cloud IoT [70], implement custom protocols that utilize certificates and TLS/SSL.
These protocols and platforms are sparsely documented but rely on time-tested technolo-
gies to implement secure end-to-end communication.
The BLE [76], Zigbee [77], and Z-Wave [78] protocols have many security problems.
Ryan [39] showed a severe flaw in the key-exchange protocol for Bluetooth, which allows
an attacker to passively recover the session key. Jasek [50] demonstrated how attackers
can passively and actively abuse the generic attribute profile in the GATT layer found in
Bluetooth network stack. Zillner et al. [48] showed how the Default Trust Center Link
Key defined by the Zigbee Alliance [77] is the same across all devices. Fouladi et al. [40]
showed how a hard-coded constant in the Z-Wave firmware is used to derive session keys,
which eventually became publicly known. Legacy versions of LE protocols have critical
security flaws, which many home-based IoT devices implement in hardware; hence limits
their mitigation options.
Aside from the inherent flaws, LE protocols offer a proximity feature that authentica-
tion systems rely on to identify geographical presence. Ho et al. [79] showed how relay
attacks were possible against LE protocols by serializing the LE packets and relaying them
over IP. Researchers have shown that MITM relay attacks against LE protocols are practical
and break the geographical proximity, which authentication systems rely on. These com-
munication channels can have privacy concerns as demonstrated by Apthorpe et al. [52]
and Wood et al. [53].
For HTTP, UPnP, DNS, and NTP protocols, the suggested mitigations include disabling the
ECS feature in DNS, using updated versions of the NTP protocol (NTPv4), and using TL-
S/SSL with insecure protocols (HTTPS). For TLS/SSL implementation flaws, upgrading
the server-side and client-side libraries to the latest version should address the vulnerabil-
ities. Further, disabling weak or vulnerable TLS/SSL versions reduces exposure but loses
backward compatibility. For LE-based communication, the first generation of Zigbee and
Z-Wave protocols have critical flaws and have limited mitigation options. Vendors can
disable insecure portions of these protocols [80] at the expense of compatibility.
A recent direction by researchers is the work found in Apthorpe et al. [52] and Wood
et al. [53]. Wood et al. [53] proposed a system that monitors the home network and in-
form users of sensitive data sent by IoT devices. Apthorpe et al. [52] demonstrated how
traffic shaping on the home network can prevent side-channel snooping. This direction of
research requires additional attention to empower consumers in protecting their networks
and privacy.
Devices electing to use Z-Wave must now opt for Z-Wave Plus, which has improved
security [81] and over-the-air (OTA) update capabilities. Also, Zigbee added a new secu-
rity model to allow for secure-key distribution known as Trust Center (TC) [82]. TC is
a trusted entity within the Zigbee network that is authorized to distribute keys to Zigbee
client devices. TC gives each Zigbee connected device a unique encryption key, unlike the
legacy key distribution schema. To mitigate relay attacks in LE protocols, Ho et al. [79]
introduced a touch-based-intent communication approach using body-area network (BAN)
for signal propagation.
End-users cannot address the communication flaws since the implementation is on the de-
vice, the cloud endpoint, or in the mobile application. Further, vendors have limited options
in addressing the communication vulnerabilities since some flaws require a hardware up-
grade, but in some cases they can disable them [80]. The vendors can patch vulnerable
libraries on the device, the mobile application, and the cloud endpoints.
Internet service providers (ISPs) have visibility into the utilization of IP based proto-
cols, but they are not directly responsible for any mitigation. For ISPs to be involved, they
must provide network and legal policies that define their role. As for the LE protocols, ven-
dors can mitigate legacy devices by disabling vulnerable pairing. Users can use alternate
methods for pairing LE devices with IoT hubs if such options exists. Users can buy newer
devices that offer next generation secure LE protocols, like Z-Wave Plus and Zigbee.
Take Away
Communication channels provide essential functions for home-based IoT. Home-based IoT
devices have adapted industry standards for IP and LE protocols, but they suffer from
legacy libraries that in some cases cannot be fixed.
Vendors bear the responsibilities for addressing the vulnerabilities in the communica-
tion channels. Further, cloud endpoints and mobile applications can be updated by the
vendor directly, but vendors must be proactive and informed about vulnerabilities affecting
their software. IoT devices continue to rely on insecure protocols like UPnP and, as we will
show next, rarely encrypt their communication on the LAN. End-users do not know if their
device or mobile application is vulnerable to weak encryption or MITM attacks unless they
analyze and test the communication traffic. An informed power-user might segment their
local network into trusted and untrusted zones to limit the exposure.
TLS/SSL addresses insecure protocols that are susceptible to MITM attacks, but they
also exhibit flaws in their implementation and deployment. The work of Clark et al. [83]
provided additional analysis regarding SSL and HTTPS. ISPs can provide reports outlining
best network practices and statistics about device and protocol utilization. Managed cloud
IoT platforms use custom communication protocols that rely on public-key infrastructure
(PKI) and TLS/SSL protocols. Further studies are required to investigate protocols used
by managed cloud IoT platforms. These new platforms are not well studied and warn for
further investigation to identify any weaknesses.
2.2 Malware Analysis
In order to perform a systematic comparison between traditional and IoT malware, we
require a principled framework that describes the malware threat cycle. We systematized
the literature on traditional malware and noticed ve main components of the malware
Infection Vector is how the malware attacks a system.
Payload is the dropped malware code after exploitation.
Persistence is how the malware installs on a system.
Capabilities are the functions in the malware code.
C&C Infrastructure is how the malware communicates with the operator.
For each component, we identify techniques discussed in the literature for traditional mal-
ware (desktop/mobile) and empirically measure it for IoT malware (chapter 5). We further
refine the categories by examining 25 papers from the systematized works to derive subcat-
egories under each component qualitatively. We then use the MITRE ATT&CK taxonomy
to derive additional subcategories not found in prior academic works but documented by
security companies. Table Table 2.2 summarizes the comparative analysis framework com-
ponents and their definitions.
2.2.1 Infection Stage
Desktop Infection Vectors. In Table Table 2.3, we see desktop malware pioneered many of
the infection techniques. Moore et al. [84] document the SQL Slammer worm that exploited
vulnerable SQL services on the internet. Although no large academic study explored desk-
top malware use of repackaging, default credentials, and removable media, there are ample
instances from security companies documenting these techniques [85, 86, 87]. Desktop
malware rely more on infection vectors like drive-by download and phishing. Provos et
al. [88] present an extensive study on drive-by downloads, and several prior works mea-
sure [89, 88, 90, 91] and propose defenses [92, 93, 94] for them.
Table 2.2: A summary of the proposed comparative framework and definitions for each
Definition for each component’s subcategories
Remote Exploit Remote Exploit refers to exploiting a service or an application running on a device.
Repackaging Repackaging refers to benign application repackaged with malware (i.e. pirated software).
Drive-by Drive-by refers to infection by redirecting the system to a malicious resource.
Phishing Phishing refers to social engineering attacks that trick a user into getting infected.
Default Cred. Default Credentials refers to the use of vendor default credentials for device access.
Rem. Media Removable Media refers to the use of USB for infection between devices.
Packing Packing refers to the use of packers or polymorphic techniques for obfuscation.
Env. Keying Env. Keying refers to the dependence on the target’s environment artifact (i.e. HW id).
Scripting Scripting refers to the use of a scripting interpreter (i.e. Powershell, sh, etc.).
Cross-Arch/Plat. refers to using payloads for different architectures (x86, ARM, etc.) or platforms (Windows, Android, etc.).
Firmware Firmware refers to persisting by modifying the device’s firmware.
OS - Kernel OS - Kernel refers to persisting as a kernel module.
OS - User OS - User refers to persisting in user-space through configuration or process/service.
Priv. Escalation Priv. Escalation refers to exploiting OS vulnerability to elevate privilege on a device.
Defense Evasion Defense Evasion refers to actively avoiding or disabling security features on the device.
Info. Theft Info. Theft refers to profiling and exfiltrating sensitive information from the device.
Scanning Scanning refers to using the device to scan for other devices.
DDoS DDoS refers to using the infected device to orchestrate a DDoS attack.
Destruction Destruction refers to actively destroying or ransoming the device.
Resource Abuse Resource Abuse refers to using the device to run unauthorized services or applications.
Peer-2-Peer Peer-2-Peer refers to using peer-2-peer network protocol for managing the botnet.
Centralized Centralized refers to using a central C&C server for managing the botnet.
Email/SMS Email/SMS refers to using email or short message service for call-back to the bot master.
For phishing, Abu Rajab et al. [95] present a multi-dimensional measurement into bot-
nets. Their work documents how botnets leverage phishing emails for spreading. Holz et
al. [89] and Kotzias et al. [96] empirically show that phishing is a common infection vector
affecting desktop users. Desktop malware continued to evolve and make up a large portion
of the threats on the internet. The key insight is that desktop malware initially used remote
exploitation and default credentials to automatically spread but has evolved to depend on
user interaction. Currently, desktop malware’s most common infection techniques require
user interaction such as phishing (email), drive-by download (browsing), removable media
(physical interaction), and repackaging (i.e. pirated software).
Mobile Infection Vectors. Similar to our study, Zhou et al. [108] look at Android mobile
malware and characterize the infection techniques. Their work shows that many Android
malware use repackaging, drive-by download, and phishing to propagate as shown in Ta-
ble Table 2.3. Lindorfer et al. [110] identify removable media propagation techniques in
their large-scale study. The key insight is that unlike desktop malware, mobile malware is
dependent on user interaction. Automated spreading has not been documented for the mo-
bile platform. While worm-based malware for the Android platform do exist, they require
Table 2.3: A comparison between desktop, mobile, and IoT malware using the proposed
Components Summary Desktop Mobile IoT
Moore03 [84]
Krueg05 [97]
AbuRa06 [95]
Barfo07 [98]
AbuRa07 [99]
Dagon07 [100]
Holz08 [101]
Polyc08 [102]
Kanic08 [103]
Holz08 [89]
Provo08 [88]
Stone09 [92]
Lu10 [93]
Cho10 [104]
Lindo11 [105]
Shin11 [90]
Rosso12 [106]
Inver14 [94]
Kwon15 [91]
Ganan15 [107]
Kotzi19 [96]
Zhou12 [108]
Lever13 [109]
Lindo14 [110]
Tam17 [111]
Remote Exploit
Sec. subsection 5.3.2
Repackaging *
Default Cred. *
Rem. Media *
Sec. subsection 5.3.3
Env. Keying
Scripting *
Cross-Arch/Plat. *
Sec. subsection 5.3.4
OS - Kernel +
OS - User +
Priv. Escalation
Sec. subsection 5.3.5
Defense Evasion
Info. Theft
Resource Abuse
Sec. subsection 5.3.6
Techniques documented by security researchers. + Unified software layer that integrates OS and firmware.
users to visit a link to get infected.
2.2.2 Payload Stage
Desktop Payload Properties. In Table Table 2.3, we see that all the payload categories
apply to desktop malware. Kruegel et al. [97] predicted the rise of polymorphic payloads
and proposed a way to detect them offline. Later, Barford et al. [98] studied the operation
of several desktop family bots, such as GT bot, SpyBot, SDBot, and Agobot, and identified
polymorphic payload obfuscation using XOR encoding. Moreover, Holz et al. [89] show
that the payloads for the Storm botnet are polymorphic and change every minute, which
ensures the payload has different static features to evade detection. Rossow et al. [106]
studied downloaders, which are bots that download other malware or unwanted programs.
Their work identified more than eight different packer techniques in use by downloaders.
These findings suggest that desktop malware payloads use polymorphism to evade detec-
On the defense side, Invernizzi et al. [94] propose a technique to detect polymorphic
payloads in large networks by augmenting networking information such as URI and counts.
In addition to packing, environmental keying [105, 112] and scripting [113] are key compo-
nents for desktop malware to bypass network and host defenses. For scripting, the payload
is in the form of a text file that is executed by an interpreter such as Powershell, Python,
Lua, or sh. Moreover, desktop malware makes use of cross-architecture and platform pay-
loads for banking malware [110]. These observations suggest that the packaging of cross-
architecture and platform payloads introduce a novel infection approach by crossing from
trusted devices such as mobile phones and desktops.
Mobile Payload Properties. Zhou et al. [108] observe polymorphic and environmental
keying behavior in Android apps. They identify malware samples that adopt the use of
polymorphic techniques in the Android environment by using code reflection. They also
identify malware samples that check the integrity of their code to ensure that the code is
not tampered with. Similar to desktop malware, Lindorfer et al. [110] observe Android
malware embedding Windows malware with autorun features that execute once the phone
is plugged into a desktop. This advanced behavior leads to cross-architecture and platform
infection from trusted devices giving attackers further reach. The key insight is that mo-
bile malware use the same techniques as desktop malware but have limited script-based
payloads. Script payloads for mobile devices can be invoked from installed applications,
WebView, or exposed services like Android Debug Bridge (ADB), which requires the mal-
ware to be already present on the device.
2.2.3 Persistence Stage
Desktop Malware Persistence. Table Table 2.3 shows that desktop malware use all levels
of persistence. Provos et al. [88] and Polychronakis et al. [102] identify bots that persist
through user-space and kernel modules, respectively. Additionally, Stone-Gross et al. [92]
document torpig’s botnet and the mebroot infector, which both modify the Master Boot
Record (MBR) entry on a hard drive’s partition allowing them to run before the OS. Desk-
top malware demonstrate the capability to persist on machines at many levels from the
user-space all the way down to the firmware, which are outside the visibility of security
tools making them hard to detect and remove.
Mobile Malware Persistence. Mobile malware by default installs and persists as a mobile
app on devices unless removed by users or security software. Mobile malware can request
background service permissions, subscribe to activities, and broadcast receivers giving it
multiple entry points for execution. Researchers [108, 110, 111] show that mobile malware
leverage all these entry points for persistence on the Android platform. For example, if
malware subscribes to a broadcast receiver for SMS, the malware can execute a specific
code that reads the SMS content. The key insight is that the event-driven nature of mobile
applications provides a unique persistence method for malware. Detecting event-driven
methods is more challenging because it requires anti-malware tools to know the triggering
event ahead of time, which can be difficult when the malware is obfuscated.
2.2.4 Capability Stage
Desktop Malware Capability. In Table Table 2.3 we find that desktop malware exhibit
all of the listed capabilities. Moore et al. [84] document the capabilities of the Slammer
worm, which other botnets also borrow [95, 98, 102, 90, 96]. Several works [103, 92, 104,
107] identify information theft and resource abuse (cryptocurrency mining, click fraud,
proxy services, spam, etc.) as a common use of infected devices by desktop malware.
Additionally, more recent activities include ransoming devices [96] and DDoS attacks [95]
for hire.
Another aspect of desktop malware capabilities is the fact that it can escalate privi-
leges [102] by exploitation or keylogging, and they can evade detection by disabling se-
curity tools [105, 106]. The key insight is that desktop malware have diverse capabilities,
and malware families specialize based on the intended target and the attacker’s goal. For
example, remote access can be a specialized capability that targets payroll processing sys-
tems. Moreover, the amount of sensitive information and compute resources (i.e. GPU)
found on desktop platforms may make them a desirable target for ransom, information
theft, extortion, and compute-intensive abuse.
Mobile Malware Capability. Table Table 2.3 shows that mobile malware has the same
abusive capabilities as desktop malware with the exception of scanning and DDoS attacks.
Zhou et al. [108] identify malware that root mobile devices, evade detection through dy-
namic code reflection, steal sensitive information, and abuse SMS services by sending mes-
sages to premium numbers. Lindorfer et al. [110] present similar findings, but in addition
they find ransomware capabilities that lock devices in exchange for payment. Mobile mal-
ware implement a subset of the capabilities found in desktop malware, which may be corre-
lated with the features found on each platform. Unlike desktops, mobile devices generally
have lower bandwidth, lower compute resources, are energy conservative, and support a
single-user profile.
2.2.5 Command & Control Stage
Desktop Malware C&C. Table Table 2.3 shows that desktop malware use all of the listed
methods for C&C communication. Polychronakis et al. [102] show that desktop malware
rely on email for C&C call-back. Moreover, Kanich et al. [103] and Holz et al. [89] study
the Storm botnet P2P network to analyze the spam campaigns and estimate the botnet
size. They identify a complex layered infrastructure of a hierarchy of workers, proxies,
and master nodes based on the Kademlia DHT protocol. They speculate that this complex
infrastructure allows the botnet to scale and be resilient to takedowns. However, Rossow et
al. [106] found from a large-scale study that centralized infrastructure was more prevalent
than P2P.
For centralized C&C infrastructure to be more resilient, malware use domain genera-
tion algorithms (DGA) [92, 94], multi-tier centralized topology [104], fast-flux [101], and
bulletproof or hacked [107] servers. The key insight is that desktop malware enhances the
scalability and resilience of their infrastructure by organizing into specific topologies or by
incorporating pseudo-randomness in their domains. For example, Holz et al. [101] note
content delivery networks (CDNs) and round-robin DNS (RRDNS) provide resilience for
internet applications, which malware mimics by using fast-flux.
Mobile Malware C&C. Lindorfer et al. [110] found that even though the majority of
malware use centralized C&C servers, some mobile malware use SMTP to send sensitive
information by email. Most empirical measurements [108, 109, 110] identify that mobile
malware does not use the same sophistication for C&C call-back found in desktop mal-
ware. Furthermore, Lever et al. [109] compared mobile malware domains with desktop
malware domains and found no major differences. The key insight is that mobile malware
may not use sophisticated C&C infrastructure because of their network mobility property.
For example, if a mobile device is connected to a network that blocks its C&C server (mo-
bile network operator), the device will eventually connect to another network (coffee shop
WiFi) as it changes its physical location, which may allow connections to the C&C server.
Take Away
The systematization highlights the maturity of the desktop and mobile malware landscape.
In particular, we observe that desktop and mobile malware have diverse attack vectors, uti-
lize unique tactics in their payload, and persist at different layers in the system. Moreover,
desktop and mobile malware tailor their capabilities to extract monetary value from infected
systems through resource abuse, extortion, or information theft. Lastly, we find three pri-
mary communication tactics used by malware that vary in implementation. These derived
categories provide a point of reference that we will later use to compare IoT malware to
traditional malware to infer the potential development of the IoT malware landscape. This
will inform the risk analysis approach of potential attacks that we must consider.
2.3 Related Work
2.3.1 IoT Security Evaluation
The systematization shows that current efforts focus on one or two components of an IoT
deployment, leaving a gap in comprehensiveness. In contrast, in this dissertation, we ap-
ply a more complete approach that considers all four components: device services, mobile
app, cloud endpoints, and network communication. Furthermore, this work incorporates
a time component by iteratively evaluating the security of IoT deployment. Recently, re-
searchers have started to investigate changes in IoT device lifecycle by characterizing TLS
communications [114], measuring device updates [115], and attacks on cloud management
endpoints [116]. However, these efforts provide a micro-view of a specific protocol or
feature over time on the device. This dissertation provides a broader view by examining
the device and network communication over a more extended period (18 months), which
provides a better perspective on how IoT devices age.
2.3.2 IoT Malware Analysis
Malware targeting embedded Linux-based systems was first reported in 2008 with the dis-
covery of the Hydra IRC bot [117]. Since then, several other bots have entered the scene
with various capabilities. Such bots include psyb0t [118], Chuck Norris [119], Carna [120],
Tsunami [121], Aidra [122], Dofloo [123], Gafgyt [124], Elknot [125], XOR.DDoS [126],
Wifatch [127], TheMoon [128], LUABot [129], Remaiten [130], NewAidra [131], and
Moose [132]. Each family had different purposes such as credential theft [132], cryptocur-
rency mining [133], device destruction [134], internet-wide scanning [120], and cleaning
up infected devices [127, 135]. IoT malware development has many considerations due
to the heterogeneity of devices. For example, an IP camera and a set-top box can have
different processors, C libraries (uclibc, musel, glibc), and kernel versions/features (Linux
2.6, 3.2, 4.6, etc.).
The release of Mirai’s source code and recent developments in embedded system toolchains
has made it easier for IoT malware development. Antonakakis et al. [1] note that Mirai had
a wide impact due to the fact that its small code base runs on diverse devices, spreads effi-
ciently, and targets a large number of insecure IoT devices on the internet [136, 137]. The
Mirai botnet took down critical DNS infrastructure [138], disconnected over 900K internet
subscribers [139], and attacked a large cloud service provider [140]. Soon after the release
of Mirai’s code, many variants began to surface with enhancement to its infection vector,
payload obfuscation, and C&C communication. For example, Satori [141], a Mirai vari-
ant, gained momentum as it exploited a new vulnerability in Huawei routers. These recent
developments provide further motivation to understand the IoT malware landscape.
Prior studies looked at IoT malware from different perspectives. Cozzi et al. [142]
investigate Linux-based malware but only examine 10K samples, of which 35% are for
x86 and x86 64 architecture. Other studies examine specific malware families such as
Mirai [1] and Hajime [135]. More comprehensive studies examine individual components
of the IoT malware lifecycle. For example, several works [143, 144, 145, 146] examine
IoT malware infection tactics and the payload properties. Other works [147, 148] look at
how to detect IoT malware by studying its binary static structural features. De Donno et
al. [149] organize IoT malware attack capabilities into a taxonomy while Choi et al. [150]
study the role that C&C infrastructure plays in the lifecycle of IoT malware.
Additional efforts [151, 152] investigate scanners on the internet to identify if they are
infected by IoT malware. Finally, C¸ etin et al. [153] present a unique perspective on IoT
malware infection cleanup by combining multiple data sources and a user study to measure
remediation efforts. Our work differs in two aspects. First, we propose a five-component
framework that captures the entire lifecycle of IoT malware, which we use to compare with
desktop and mobile malware. Second, we conduct the largest and most comprehensive
empirical measurement for more than 166K Linux-based IoT malware samples collected
over an entire year.
Figure 3.1: Single IoT deployment.
IoT Hub Mobile AppsLE Devices
Cloud Endpoints
Figure 3.2: IoT graph model.
In chapter 2 we identified four components of an IoT deployment. In this chapter, we
formalize this observation and utilize it to evaluate 45 commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
home-based IoT products. The approach involves segmenting each device into its respec-
tive topology as shown in Figure 3.1. Formally, we define an IoT deployment as a set
of vertices V and edges E as illustrated in Figure 3.2. Overall, our abstract model has
four main components: a set of devices (D), a set of cloud endpoints (C), a set of mobile
applications (A), and a set of communication channels (E).
where: A, C, D V ; D : {d
, i Z};
C : {c
, j Z}; A : {a
, k Z};
E : {e
, l Z}
For each device deployment, we construct a representative graph and examine the security
properties for each component.
3.0.1 Security Properties
The security properties have three categories: attack vectors, mitigations, and stakeholders.
Attack vectors are the methods used to circumvent the security of the IoT system. The
mitigations define which measures should be taken to address the attack vectors. Lastly,
the stakeholders represent the party responsible for mitigation. In this chapter, we will
examine the attack vectors on all four IoT components by empirically evaluating 45 COTS
IoT devices for the following attack categories:
Attack Vector. The device has three attack categories: vulnerable services, weak authenti-
cations, and default configurations that are defined as follows:
Vulnerable services refers to vulnerabilities in running services.
Weak authentications refers to weak or guessable credentials.
Default configurations refers to the device operating with insecure factory settings.
The mobile application has three attack categories, permissions, programming, and data
protection that are defined as follows:
Permissions refers to a mobile application being over-privileged.
Programming refers to the mobile application containing vulnerable implementa-
tions, including improper use of cryptographic protocols.
Data protection refers to the mobile application hard coding sensitive information.
The communication of the components have two attack categories, encryption and man-in-
the-middle (MITM) that are defined as follows:
Encryption refers to the lack of encryption or support of weak encryption protocols.
MITM refers to the susceptibility to a man-in-the-middle attack.
The cloud endpoint shares the following attack categories with devices and communication
edges: vulnerable services, weak authentications, and encryption, as defined above.
3.0.2 Evaluation Scope and Attack Model
We limit our scope to home-based IoT devices because they are relevant to the systematized
work, they are readily available, and the experiment setup can be easily reproduced. For the
evaluation, we simplify the attack model to an Internet protocol (IP) network attacker. We
recognize that there are more powerful adversaries that can attack low-energy (LE) based
devices [21], but they require specialized resources that are not available in many home
networks. We consider the exploitation of a hub device (communication bridge between
low-energy and IP) to be equivalent to exploiting all the connected low-energy devices
because a trust session exists between the hub and the low-energy devices. We exclude
direct evaluation of low-energy devices but consider their hubs for evaluation. Finally,
we consider the home network to be an untrusted network and we make no assumptions
about the security state of mobile applications, modems/routers, or web browsers that have
complete visibility to the home network ([28]).
3.1 Security Evaluation Methodology
This section will cover the testbed architecture, challenges and limitations, and the security
evaluation approach. Our methodology and evaluation require minimal technical expertise
to replicate and are deliberately devised to appeal to a wide range of technical audiences
allowing them to contribute to this effort. We used a mix of commercial and open-source
tools to conduct the evaluation; all of the commercial tools have open-source counterparts.
Our evaluation results are summarized in Table 3.3.
3.1.1 Testbed
Building a home-based IoT testbed is challenging and requires careful planning. This sec-
tion will cover the details of the testbed we developed for this study. We will cover device
selection, network architecture, device management, data collection, and testing tools. Ta-
ble Table 3.1 summarizes the automation effort for each stage in the testbed. For each
stage, we will present the tools and technical approach.
Table 3.1: A summary of the efforts required for the testbed components and evaluation
Stage Process Manual Semi-Auto Automated
Network Provisioning
Physical Deployment
Connectivity Configuration
Reachability/Functional Test
Data Collection
Network Traffic
Device Scans
Mobile App Analysis
Cloud Scans
Network Protocols
Network Interception
Mobile App
Network Proto./Intercept
Device Vuln.
Mobile App Vuln.
Cloud Labeling
Cloud Vuln.
Device Selection
We evaluated 45 devices spanning categories that include appliances, cameras, home assis-
tants, home automation, media, and network devices. We chose the most popular devices
available on the market at the time of the study but also included some white-label devices
with no specific brand (i.e., Chinese Webcam). A complete list of the evaluated devices
is in Table 3.2. The device selection process is essential for several reasons. First, the
diversity can identify vulnerabilities unique to specific device types or vendors. Second,
diversity can help evaluate the effectiveness of security measures across a range of devices
rather than just a single device or device type. Third, device diversity helps provide a more
realistic representation in a real-world household with IoT deployments, which typically
involve a mix of device types and vendors. Lastly and more importantly, representative
device selection increases the relevance and generalizability of the results.
Table 3.2: An overview of the devices used in the evaluation.
Device Category Hub
Mobile Application Communication
iOS Android IP Low-Energy
Belkin WeMo
Appliance 27
Roomba Appliance 11
Belkin Netcam Camera 79
Canary Camera 22
Chinese Webcam Camera 1
D-Link DCS5009L Camera 4
Logi Circle
Camera 341
Nest Cam IQ Camera 9
Nest Camera Camera 7
Netgear Arlo Camera 59
Piper NV Camera 42
Withings Home Camera 20
Amazon Echo
Home Assistant
Apple HomePod
Home Assistant
Google Home
Home Assistant
Google Home Mini
Home Assistant
Harmon Kardon
Home Assistant
August Doorbell
Home Automation
Belkin WeMo Link
Home Automation
Belkin WeMo Motion
Home Automation
Belkin WeMo Switch
Home Automation
Caseta Hub
Home Automation
Chamberlain myQ
Garage Opener
Home Automation
Insteon Hub
Home Automation
Koogeek Lightbulb
Home Automation
LIFX Virtual Bulb
Home Automation
Home Automation
Nest Guard
Home Automation
Philips HUE
Home Automation
Ring Doorbell
Home Automation
Home Automation
TP-Link Wifi Bulb
Home Automation
TP-Link Wifi Plug
Home Automation
Wink 2
Home Automation
Amazon Fire TV Media 174
Apple TV (4th Gen) Media 439
Bose SoundTouch 10 Media 26
Logitech Harmony Media 17
nVidia Shield Media 261
Roku 4 Media 231
Roku TV Media 226
Samsung SmartTV Media 182
Sonos Media 65
Google OnHub Network 24
Securifi Network 938
Local Management
Network Services
Traffic Capture
Storage Server
Wireless Access Point
Analysis Tools Mobile Apps
Traffic Capture
48 Port Switch
Figure 3.3: An overview of the lab architecture.
Network Architecture
The goals for the testbed network architecture are to ensure isolation from other user net-
works, reliable connectivity through wired and wireless mediums, scalability and expan-
sion for adding new devices, minimum congestion, monitoring visibility, and access control
and logging. We design our network architecture to achieve these goals as shown in Fig-
ure 3.3. Our network topology consists of three primary networks: IoT VLAN, local man-
agement VLAN, and egress traffic (multiple networks). The gateway configures the VLAN
segmentation and assignment, which provides essential network services such as Domain
Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and traffic capture.
We configure wired and wireless connectivity to support various IoT devices. Precisely,
we deploy an unmanaged 48-port network switch with port mirroring and a wireless access
point. We prioritize wired connectivity over Wireless since it provides more stability and
less interference with other wireless devices. Moreover, the wired medium allows visibil-
ity on East-to-West traffic through port mirroring. On the other hand, Wireless requires
specialized networking equipment to gain visibility on East-to-West traffic.
The gateway is a general-purpose x86 computer running Debian Jessie Linux that hosts
dnsmasq for the DNS and DHCP services. The gateway runs full-packet capture using
tcpdump and remotely stores the traffic capture on a storage server with 50TB capacity. The
traffic is sent via an out-of-band management network configured on the gateway and never
crosses the local IoT network. The VLAN allocation helps manage and isolate IoT traffic
from other devices that need to be on the network. For example, the local management
VLANs contain several necessary devices that allow us to interact and configure the IoT
devices. Moreover, the analysis tool servers host security tools that enable us to evaluate
each device’s device and network security. Therefore, the local management VLAN and the
IoT VLAN require connectivity managed by the gateway. In the local management VLAN
we deploy two tablets, namely an Apple mini iOS iPad and a Samsung Galaxy Android
Tab. These two tablets run the IoT companion apps, which interface with the deployed IoT
The analysis servers run a variety of security tools like network vulnerability scanners,
UPnP profiler, ARP manipulation tools, TLS/SSL interception, and custom scripts. The
local management VLAN provides a testing ground to probe and manipulate traffic in the
IoT VLAN. We assign static IP addresses for the VLANs (IoT and management) to track
devices’ egress traffic and map the network communication to the corresponding device.
The static IP address assignment is critical because managing and tracking IoT devices
become cumbersome as the lab grows. Lastly, we build redundancy in the lab by deploying
a backup gateway (not shown in Figure 3.3) that maintains a copy of the active gateway.
We maintain an Ansible playbook that automatically configures and deploys the secondary
gateway in case of a network, software, or hardware failure.
Device Deployment
When deploying each device into the testbed, we strive for a standardized approach that
ensures systematic onboarding. Moreover, we design the testbed environment to have a flat
network, similar to a home network (IoT VLAN in Figure 3.3). The device deployment is
a manual process, as noted in Table 3.1, and it is a one-time effort. Our device onboarding
procedure is the following:
1. Document device make, model, MAC address, and credentials.
2. Note the configuration method from the manual.
3. Create a DHCP entry in the dnsmasq configuration file assigning a static IP from the
IoT VLAN pool.
4. If applicable, download the mobile applications for both platforms, iOS and Android.
5. Create an account using the mobile app and document the credentials.
6. Plug the device into a power source and configure it to connect to the internet.
7. Ensure the device has internet connectivity, correct local IP address assignment, and
is visible to mobile apps.
8. If applicable, document failure to deploy devices, the reason for failing, and potential
The device configuration is kept at a minimum to represent the default vendor configura-
tions. We assume many users will most likely use the default security configurations on the
device and customize the functional features instead. For the initial security evaluation, we
disable automatic updates, when it is possible, to limit device behavior change. However,
after the initial security evaluation, we turn automatic updates back on and continuously
evaluate the device. More on the iterative security evaluation in chapter 4. Lastly, we cre-
ate a fictitious persona with an email address, a phone number, and a physical address to
register all the accounts for the deployed devices.
Data Collection
There are several things to consider for data collection. In the testbed, we collect network
traffic, device service scans, mobile app analysis artifacts, and cloud service scans. Each
requires a specific approach. Network collection is the easiest, which we passively collect
at the gateway. However, we only have partial visibility of the LAN traffic (East-to-West)
because the mirroring port on the switch only captures wired traffic. Wireless traffic re-
quires specialized equipment, which we could not accommodate. We capture the traffic
on the gateway and remotely store it on a storage server as compressed full-packet capture
files. The device service evaluation is an active approach that scans the IoT VLAN once
every week. The scanner collects the results and saves them to a managed cloud service.
We use Tenable Nessus, a commercial cloud-managed scanner. The mobile app binary
analysis requires specialized reverse engineering and analysis pipelines. We initially semi-
automated the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) to analyze the IoT companion mobile
apps. Later, we partnered with Kryptowire, who gave us access to their cloud analysis plat-
form. We use their platform to analyze the companion mobile apps and collect the results
automatically. Lastly, we semi-automated the scanning task through Tenable Nessus for
cloud scanning. However, we observed many IoT devices churn through different cloud
backends over time, requiring continuous extraction, manual labeling, and scanning. We
could not scale this process and opted to conduct a single scan based on a manual effort.
Moreover, we received requests from some cloud backend owners to exclude their back-
ends from the scans, which we manually removed.
Device Functional Features
The deployed devices are in an idle state most of the time. We manually exercise certain
features on each device during the evaluation to induce network activity or for security
testing. For example, when we want to study the control network paths for a lightbulb,
we would turn it on/off and change the brightness and color. We then analyze the network
traffic to see if the mobile app communicated directly with the device on the IoT VLAN
or through a cloud backend (across the internet). Moreover, once we identify the path
from the control point to the device, we would exercise the functions again but attempt
to intercept the communication. This functional device testing allows us to evaluate the
security between different components. We document the time for each experiment and
analyze the corresponding data collection in the network traces offline.
Challenges and Limitations
Building a home-based IoT testbed presented many challenges, including power provision-
ing, device deployment, firmware updates, idle-to-off state, emulating a natural household
environment, and testbed maintenance. Typically devices’ power source can be directly
powered by a wall socket. When deploying a large number of devices, we require power
provisioning. This provisioning entails the allocation of power sockets and amperage. Most
home-based IoT devices typically operate at a 5V or 12V and draw a current of 0.5A to 2A
in the United States. However, some devices with heat elements such as Belkin WeMo
Crockpot can peak to five amperages. We had our facility modify the room power source to
allocate 30 amperages per 12 devices. We have 120 amperages dedicated to the IoT testbed
to maintain and avoid power interruption.
Power Provisioning. Some devices require specialized power supplies, such as smart
doorbells, thermostats, and door locks. Door locks are mostly battery-operated, which
requires constant monitoring and battery replacement. Smart thermostats like the Nest re-
quire unique power brick to supply power to the device, and the device must be connected
to an HVAC system to operate. We address these issues using a breadboard to hard wire
the power supply and a standalone relay emulating an HVAC system. Similarly, we used
a power brick for smart doorbells that output the appropriate voltage and amperage range
and hard wire it to the device using a breadboard. Lastly, smart lightbulbs use non-standard
power sockets that we had to account for in our budget. We purchase several lamp polls
with multiple lightbulb reciprocals to accommodate multiple smart lightbulbs under one
Device Updates. Tracking device updates presents an additional challenge. In our initial
onboarding process, we turn off automatic updates; however, some devices do not allow
users to turn off automatic updates. When a device updates, the behavior of the device
can change, and prior observed behavior or vulnerabilities may no longer be visible. The
updates make the security evaluation less reliable because we cannot repeat the assessment
and observe the same results. One potential solution is to block internet access for the
device until we scan the services on the device. However, some devices will only activate
once they can reach the internet. Another potential solution includes adding the firmware
download site to a blocklist to make the device fail in the update process deliberately. We
did not implement any of these solutions, but we document them for future iterations of the
Natural Household Environment. The deployed devices are in a lab with very little foot
traffic. This setting reduces the activities around the devices and, therefore, may not rep-
resent a natural household environment. Specifically, many devices have an idle-to-sleep
process meant to conserve power when they are not actively used. For example, many
smart TVs will turn off when idle. Other devices require activation for them to work, like
smart vacuums. To address these challenges, we would repeat music or a movie on the
smart TV to keep it from sleeping. However, this approach creates additional traffic on the
network, which may mask the idle behavior of the smart TV. For devices requiring activa-
tion, we created a schedule to activate and perform their function. Other devices require
physical interaction to activate their functionality, like home assistants. A potential solu-
tion would be to play a recorded message to voice-enabled devices or instrument the power
through metered power distribution units to activate the devices. We did not implement
those solutions and document them here for future iterations.
Ongoing Maintenance. Lastly, the ongoing maintenance of the lab is cumbersome and
requires due diligence. For example, the testbed requires various approaches to address the
abovementioned challenges. As the testbed scales, each custom solution requires monitor-
ing services to ensure they do not fail. With the smart TV playing music, YouTube will
periodically prompt the user if they are still there. Most video streaming services like Net-
flix have similar features. Moreover, device monitoring is complex because not all devices
have the same network behavior or network services we can check via a network probe.
Sometimes, the device may be powered but does not have connectivity due to wireless
congestion, for example. Network monitoring will report that the device is offline, and we
will only identify the problem if we manually inspect the device. Battery-operated devices
require a periodic manual inspection to replace the batteries when needed. We have yet
to identify an efficient solution to this problem and currently use a manual approach to
maintain the testbed.
3.1.2 Evaluation Procedures
We define a threat model for evaluating the security of deployed devices. Specifically,
we assume several scenarios including, a nearby attacker, an on-LAN attacker, an on-path
attacker (dubious Internet Service Providers (ISPs)), and a remote attacker. These threat
models will become more relevant in chapter 6. For each IoT component, we use specific
tools to evaluate their security. With the exception of network communication, Table 3.1
shows that the evaluation is mostly automated because we rely on automated commercial
and open-source tools.
We use Tenable Nessus Scanner [154] to scan devices for service discovery, service pro-
filing, and vulnerability assessment. Nessus Scanner annotates the CVE [155] information
with the versions of running services and provides a summary of their security state. Nessus
Scanner uses the CVSS [156] scoring system to rate the severity of the discovered vulnera-
bility on a scale from one to ten and categorizes them into low, medium, high, and critical.
We consider any classification of the categories high or critical by the CVSS scoring system
as problematic and note it in Table 3.3.
Mobile App
We used MobSF [157], Qark [158], and services from Kryptowire [159] to statically and
dynamically evaluate each mobile application for the IoT devices. We looked at both the
Android and the iOS applications and presented the vulnerable of the two
in Table 3.3.
There are 42 devices that have a companion mobile application. We analyzed a total of
83 mobile applications of which 41 are Android and 42 are iOS. We evaluate the apps for
permissions and permission use (over-privilege), embedded secrets (passwords, API keys,
etc.), and programming errors (incorrect use of cryptographic functions).
Cloud Endpoints
We used Nessus Scanner to discover, profile, and assess running services on the cloud
endpoints. We classified each domain into one of four categories: first-party, third-party,
hybrid, and unknown. First-party refers to cloud-based services that run on the vendor’s
infrastructure, third-party refers to subscription services like Content Delivery Network
(CDN), hybrid refers to cloud-based infrastructures (IaaS), like Amazon AWS or Microsoft
Azure, that host IoT cloud services, and Unknown refers to unclassified infrastructure due
to ambiguity. For each cloud endpoint, we evaluated the running services and TLS/SSL
configurations, if applicable.
Network Communication
We used Nessus Network Monitor [154], ntop-ng [160], Wireshark [161], and sslsplit [162]
to profile the communication edges for each device. We manually inspected traffic and
The portal contains the data for both platforms iOS and Android.
tested them for Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack using sslsplit. IoT devices connect
with their components using IP-based channels, represented as edges in the model graph
(see Figure 3.2). We classified three types of connections, device-to-cloud (D-C), mobile
application-to-device (A-D), and mobile application-to-cloud (A-C). We observed 43 de-
vices connecting to cloud endpoints (D-C), 35 mobile applications connecting to cloud
endpoints (A-C), and 27 mobile applications connecting to devices through the local area
network (LAN) (A-D). We categorized these connections into ve application protocols,
namely: DNS, HTTP, UPnP, NTP, and custom. The custom category refers to device-
specific application protocols. Smart devices utilize many protocols, but in our lab, we
only observe the five listed above.
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Device
We evaluated 45 devices and found a total of 84 running services and 39 issues related to
those running services. We found devices with running services such as SSH, UPnP, HTTP
web server, DNS, Telnet, RTSP, and custom services. Many devices configure TLS/SSL for
their services, but their configurations had several issues. For example, the certificates were
self-signed, they supported weak to medium ciphers, they used short TLS/SSL keys, they
permitted the use of vulnerable versions of SSL (v2, v3, and CBC mode), and had expired
certificates. Further, some devices ran outdated and vulnerable services that allowed remote
code execution, leaked sensitive information, and ran unauthenticated services.
For example, the Insteon hub runs a web server with TLS on port 443 and listens on
port 22 for SSH connections. The certificate used for the TLS connection is expired and
self-signed, while the TLS service allowed for weak ciphers like RC4 and insecure pro-
tocols like SSLv3. Similarly, the Wink 2, Sonos Speakers, nVidia Shield, Google Home,
Samsung SmartTV, and Samsung SmartThings all had issues with their certificates or TL-
S/SSL configurations. The Wink 2 and Sonos both used short SSL keys of size 1024 bits.
Other devices like D-Link DCS5009L, Bose SoundTouch 10, Chinese webcam, and Securifi
Almond lacked encryption for service authentication, which allows any device on the LAN
to snoop.
Devices that run UPnP services have no authentication or security built in and by default
are insecure. Devices like the MiCasaVerda VeraLite, Wink 2, Sonos, Bose SoundTouch 10,
Samsung SmartTV, Logitech Harmony, and Roku all run UPnP services that allow anyone
on the LAN to control the device. Specifically, the MiCasaVerda VeraLite uses vulnera-
ble versions of the UPnP service libraries that have public exploits, such as libupnp 1.6.18
(CVE-2012-5965), dropbear 2016.72 (CVE-2012-0920), and UPnP RunLua (CVE-2013-
4863). A complete list of CVEs with CVSS scores of high and critical are found in Ta-
ble 3.5. We found 16 devices with running services that had no issues and ten devices
that did not expose running services. For example, the Nest camera uses a push/pull client
approach, which limits the exposure of running services.
Findings. The device evaluation found issues related to the device setup, software up-
dates, and service configurations. Additional evaluation results for each device are found
in Table 3.4.
3.2.2 Mobile
We found that 39 devices had one or more issues related to permissions, sensitive data, or
incorrect use of cryptography. We observed 24 over-privileged mobile applications that ask
for permissions on the mobile device that are not used by the application code. As for sensi-
tive data, we found 15 mobile applications to have hard-coded sensitive data like API keys
for Google Geocoding, Google Maps, fabric.io, HockyApp, Localytics, Microsoft Virtual
Earth, Umeng, and other credentials to cloud and device services. We found 17 mobile ap-
plications that did not implement cryptographic protocols securely or had hard-coded static
keys and initialization vectors (IVs). The cryptographic implementations relied on older or
broken algorithms like AES-128 and MD5 hash, respectively. Other applications did not
enforce SSL and allowed for communication over unverified connections.
Findings. The evaluation identifies issues with inherent trust between mobile applications
and devices that the systematized work neglects. A summary of our mobile application
evaluation is provided in Table 3.3 and additional details are found in Table 3.6.
3.2.3 Cloud
On the IoT network, we observed over 4,000 cloud endpoint domains across the 45 de-
vices. We classified 950 domains as first-party, 1287 domains as third-party, 630 domains
as a hybrid, and 1288 domains as unknown. The unknown category includes unattributable
domains for a device. For example, the Hulu application running on a Smart TV uses an
AWS CloudFront domain, which gives us no indication if the domain belongs to Hulu or
the Smart TV. We found 18 devices that used outdated services, leaked sensitive infor-
mation, lacked encryption for authentication, or ran a vulnerable service. We found eight
devices using cloud endpoints that are vulnerable and have public exploits. Additionally,
seven devices were authenticated with cloud endpoints in clear text. We found 26 devices
using cloud endpoints that have TLS/SSL configuration issues, like self-signed certificates,
domain name mismatch, and support for vulnerable versions of TLS/SSL protocol. We
found ten devices that used misconfigured cloud endpoints, which allowed for sensitive
information disclosure like file paths and running processes on the server. We saw four de-
vices use cloud endpoints that ran outdated operating systems with expired vendor support
(Ubuntu 10 and Ubuntu 12).
Findings. The evaluation found issues with the deployment of unsupported legacy OS
and sensitive information disclosure. We summarize our findings in Table 3.3 and provide
additional details in Table 3.7.
3.2.4 Network
We found 41 devices used the DNS protocol, where 6 of them did not respect the network-
configured DNS recursive server, and instead used Google’s or OpenDNS’s servers. We
found that 38 devices used the HTTP protocol and 34 of them used TLS/SSL sessions
(HTTPS). We found 21 devices that used the UPnP protocol either by sending a multicast
SSDP request or responding to an SSDP request. Additionally, we saw 25 devices that
used the NTP protocol for time synchronization. We observed 28 devices that used custom
protocols that were specific to a device. For example, Google products (OnHub, Home,
and Home Mini) all sent traffic to Google’s servers using a custom protocol on ports 5228
and 5223.
The majority of the devices used encryption over the Internet (D-C). We found 25
devices that encrypted all their communication, 15 devices that partially encrypted their
communication, and two devices that did not encrypt their communication to the cloud
endpoints. As for the mobile applications (A-C), 24 encrypted all their communication, ten
partially encrypted their communication, and one did not encrypt its communication to the
cloud endpoints. On the LAN (A-D) we observed ve devices that encrypted their com-
munication, two devices that partially encrypted their communication, and 20 that did not
encrypt their communication. A few devices, such as the Chinese webcam, did not have a
companion mobile application but provided an HTTP interface that allows any device on
the LAN to authenticate and interact with.
In addition to the communication analysis, we actively MITM attacked every commu-
nication edge to test their susceptibility. We found in total 20 devices had one or more of
their communication edges susceptible to a MITM attack. We found four device-to-cloud
(D-C) communications that were susceptible, two mobile application-to-cloud (A-C) com-
munications that were susceptible, and 20 application-to-device (A-D) communications
that were susceptible.
Findings. The evaluation finds that not all communication channels are secured and lack
endpoint verification. We found devices that leak usage information by forcefully using
third-party recursive DNS servers. Table 3.3 summarizes the device encryption and MITM
attack and additional details are found in Table 3.8.
3.3 Evaluation Cases
Our evaluation shows that some devices have a better security posture than others. In this
section, we take a look at three devices that we categorize based on their overall security
evaluation. We propose three categories: good, satisfactory, and needs improvement, which
highlight good security practices and shortcomings.
3.3.1 Good: Withings Home
Functional Features. The Withings Home device is a camera paired with an air quality
sensor. The device has a mobile companion application, integrates with cloud endpoints,
and communicates over the Internet and the local network. The device exposes mDNS ser-
vice, which allows zero-configuration protocols to find and configure the device (i.e. Ap-
ple’s Bonjour). The device uses a low-energy protocol, Bluetooth, to configure the device
initially, then switches to IP communication. Device updates are not applied automatically
but require user consent.
Assessment. We found no issues with the mDNS service running on the device. The
companion mobile application correctly utilizes secure storage facilities to store sensitive
data, correctly uses cryptographic protocols, and has proper permission provisioning. The
majority of the cloud infrastructure is self-hosted by Nokia and runs services to enable user
notifications and control. The network communication between device-to-cloud, app-to-
cloud, and app-to-device uses full encryption and is not susceptible to MITM attacks. The
device did authenticate in clear-text (an insecure practice) across the Internet to associate
the device with the cloud management interface that runs an XMPP server
endpoint located at: xmpp.withings.net:5222
3.3.2 Satisfactory: Nest Cam
Functional Features. The Nest Cam is an indoor camera that senses motion, records
video, and notifies users of activities. The device uses forced configuration, which means
users have to configure and set up their device before it can operate. The camera uses the
Bluetooth protocol to configure the device via the mobile application, which pairs using
a pin/barcode located on the back of the camera. The camera does not utilize the local
network to control the device, all of the activities and controls operate through the cloud
endpoints. Finally, updates to the device are applied automatically with no user consent,
ensuring the device always has the latest running firmware.
Assessment. The Nest Cam does not expose any services but uses a client model, where
the device acts as a client that communicates directly with the cloud endpoints. The lack of
exposed services running on the Nest Cam considerably shrinks the attack vector and limits
an IP-based attacker. The Nest Cam uses certificate pinning on the device, which verifies
and validates the device to cloud communication is secure. The device setup and configu-
ration require mobile application pairing via Bluetooth, which both ensures the proximity
of the end-user and limits remote attack vectors. The mobile application manages all Nest
products, including the Nest Cam, which requests access to the microphone, camera/pho-
tos, geolocation, and other sensitive services. The cloud endpoints fully manage the Nest
Cam, which means without Internet access the device is inaccessible. The Nest products,
in general, forcibly use the Google DNS recursive and ignore the DHCP configurations on
the local network. A savvy user can configure static routes on their gateway to redirect
DNS traffic toward their desired resolver.
3.3.3 Needs Improvement: MiCasa Verde VeraLite
Functional Features. The VeraLite is a smart-home Z-Wave-enabled controller that can
monitor and control low-energy sensors and other devices around the home. The device
pairs through a cloud portal using a pre-printed pin on the back of the device. The VeraLite
requires manual updates, but the device notifies users of the availability of new updates.
The device exposes four services including a web, DNS, UPnP, and SSH server. The mo-
bile device requests excessive permissions like calling, controlling the phone network state
(on/off/airplane mode), and access to the camera. The VeraLite is a discontinued product
and is no longer offered by the vendor.
Assessment. The VeraLite device provides a hardened setting that disables many of the
running services on the device, but they are on by default. The hardened mode forces device
management and monitoring from cloud endpoints. The device has several exploitable
vulnerabilities as illustrated by Table 3.5. The UPnP services use a vulnerable version of the
libupnp library, and the SSH services use a vulnerable dropbear (2016.72) implementation.
The configuration of the SSH server supports Cipher-Block-Chaining (CBC) mode,
specifically 3des-cbc, aes128-cbc, and aes256-cbc, which an attacker can exploit to recover
the plaintext from the ciphertext. The DNS service is configured to allow queries for third-
party domains that do not have the recursion bit set; hence allowing attackers to snoop
on the DNS cache. The mobile application requires users to establish an account with
the Vera vendor, which allows end-users to manage their controllers. The device does not
use certificate pinning, which leaves the deployment susceptible to MITM attacks. The
cloud endpoints use clear-text authentication, run exploitable services, expose sensitive
information, and run unsupported operating systems.
3.4 An Integrated Security Evaluation
In Chapter chapter 2, we learned that most security evaluation approaches for IoT focus
on only a few components. However, our proposed approach provides a more compre-
hensive evaluation that includes all components. So far, we have evaluated each device’s
components and demonstrated that security vulnerabilities could occur in one or more of
them. In the previous section, we discussed three cases of devices, with a particular focus
on the network service component. In the following sections, we will demonstrate how
our approach can identify more security vulnerabilities in IoT deployments by integrating
the security evaluation of all components. To accomplish this, we will present an empiri-
cal case study of the Belkin Netcam device, including its mobile app, cloud backends, and
network communication.
3.4.1 Device
The Belkin Netcam runs a Linux-based Operating System (OS) based on Linux Kernel 2.6.
The device exposes an HTTP server that listens on ports 80 and 81. The HTTP service pro-
vides unauthenticated UPnP functions that users on the local network can invoke. When
users set up the device, they are guided through a configuration process using the compan-
ion mobile application. This configuration process includes connecting the device to the
local wireless network to access the internet. The user configures the device by connecting
their mobile device to a wireless access point that the Belkin Netcam broadcasts. Users
authenticate to the wireless access point using a four-digit pin, which is publicly known.
To configure the device, the user must also authenticate using the credentials admin/admin
(username/password) that are also publicly known. The device automatically checks for
updates and notifies the user if new firmware is available. However, for an update to occur,
the user must manually consent to update the device.
3.4.2 Mobile App
The Belkin Netcam companion mobile application supports both Apple iOS and Android
devices. Our analysis of the Apple iOS application found no issues related to permissions,
embedded secrets, or programming errors. For the Android mobile application, we found
an embedded application key for Localytics. Localytics is an application analytics software
that tracks application usage and provides in-depth insights to help developers improve
engagement. The application key allows anyone to authenticate to the Localytics remote
server and spoof activities. However, regarding the security impact on the Belkin Netcam
deployment, the app key does not expose any security flaws.
3.4.3 Cloud Endpoints
The Belkin Netcam device communicates with 79 different backends. These backends
include 13 first-party, 63 third-party, one hybrid, two unknown, and two direct IP ad-
dresses. First-party backends are servers owned and operated by Belkin, and third-party
backends provide analytics, ads, and telemetry services through third-party companies. Hy-
brid servers are backends that reside on public cloud infrastructure, AWS, Azure, and GCP,
but host applications developed by Belkin. We could not label two backends and two IP
addresses observed in the Belkin Netcam evaluation. Our evaluation of first-party backends
shows that the Belkin Netcam cloud services contain several security flaws ranging from
medium to critical in CVSS. Specifically, one server backend contained a JBOSS unautho-
rized access and remote code execution flaw that we categorize under exploitable services
and information disclosure. Moreover, we found some backends to expose their Apache
tomcat configuration files, which can potentially contain sensitive information about the
server application. We found other services that use basic HTTP authentication without
TLS/SSL protection, which allows an on-path attacker to view the credentials. We found
that services that use TLS/SSL support SSL versions 2 and 3, which allows an attacker to
downgrade secure connections and decrypt the encrypted sessions. Lastly, some backends
expose SSH service that supports weak authentication algorithms that attackers can poten-
tially abuse. These findings directly impact the Belkin Netcam deployment and potentially
give an attacker control over all devices that use the same backends.
3.4.4 Network Communication
The Belkin Netcam uses several network protocols, including DNS, HTTP/HTTPS, UPnP,
and custom protocols. We found three types of communications, namely mobile app-to-
device (A-D), device-to-cloud (D-C), and mobile app-to-cloud (A-C). For each communi-
cation type, we evaluate MITM attacks to assess the manipulation of network communi-
cation. Additionally, we look at each communication and assess if they are encrypted (not
visible to an on-path attacker). The Belkin Netcam A-D communications do not use en-
cryption, which exposes them to MITM attack and information disclosure. The D-C com-
munication uses encryption and is not susceptible to MITM attack. We attempted a MITM
attack by serving a fake certificate to the device, but the device raised an unknown/untrusted
CA error and failed to connect to the cloud endpoints. However, we found that the Belkin
Netcam streams unencrypted video on port 5338, which allows anyone on the network path
to view and record video footage. These security flaws allow different attacks related to
privacy and information disclosure.
3.4.5 Attack Paths
We observe several security flaws impacting the Belkin Netcam device, mobile app, cloud
backends, and network communication. In traditional security evaluation of IoT deploy-
ments, the device and network communication components are the only two considered,
which creates a blind spot in the security evaluation results. Our approach has shown that
cloud backends and mobile applications contain security flaws. Furthermore, the cloud
backend component analysis uncovers serious flaws that not only does it allow attackers to
compromise one deployment but many. Numerous flaws can give attackers control of the
IoT deployment or disclose sensitive information about the users or systems depending on
the IoT deployment. For example, in the case of the device, a nearby attacker can hijack
the setup process by configuring the device before the legitimate user allowing complete
control of the device. Even if we assume a secure device deployment, a user may deploy
the device in an open network that gives open access to any user. An attacker on the local
network can abuse the unauthenticated UPnP service found on the Belkin Netcam to hijack
the device. Furthermore, the attacker on the local network can also view video footage
from the camera directly or expose the video stream to the internet.
For the mobile application, no direct attack vectors would give an attacker control over
the IoT deployment. However, an attacker can use the hard-code app API key for the ser-
vice Localytics to poison the results and feed false information to the Belkin Localytics
account. The network communication appears to allow local network attackers to intercept
and manipulate traffic from the mobile application to the device. The communication be-
tween the mobile app and the device does not use encryption. The cloud backends have
critical security flaws that can give an attacker control over many Belkin Netcam deploy-
ments. For example, an attacker can exploit the JBOSS remote code execution flaw to gain
access to the backend server and use it to abuse all Belkin Netcam devices that connect to
that server. Using our framework, we can systematically map out the entire attack surface
for an IoT deployment and find more security flaws than a traditional security evaluation
approach. In chapter 6, we will use these findings to provide a more holistic risk assessment
of IoT deployments.
3.5 Proposals
Our large-scale security evaluation of diverse devices gives a unique perspective into good
and poor security practices. We found cloud-managed devices to be, in general, more
secure. Moreover, devices automatically updating without involving the user tend to be
more secure and contain fewer flaws. Lastly, device communication over the local network
appears to have a lax security posture, which can allow an attacker to compromise the
target device. Based on these observations, we discuss several mitigation strategies and
3.5.1 Mitigations
Device. Affected devices should patch through secure channels to ensure the integrity of
the update. Vendors can limit running services on IoT devices and follow a client ap-
proach where the device is managed through cloud endpoints using push/pull requests.
Device configurations can be remedied using a configure-before-operable approach, where
the device will not activate without proper configuration and setup. Many devices follow
a configure-before-operable approach, and it should be mandated by industry standards.
Finally, endpoint (cloud or mobile) verification ensures that only authenticated parties can
interact with the device. Vendors can limit the interaction to a sandboxed environment
and assign temporal fine-grained access control for required resources. Trusted endpoints
should not operate with unfettered access, and devices should enforce authentication time-
outs for all parties. Modern home-based IoT devices are equipped with enough compute
power ( [163, 164]) to apply many of the suggested mitigations, contrary to the popular
belief that they are under-powered and energy-constrained devices.
Mobile. Over-privileged applications can have privacy concerns regarding users’ activities.
Mobile platforms should implement a system to derive permissions based on functional
analysis of the application and grant permissions temporarily at runtime. Further, sensitive
information, such as API keys, should be derived when the application is installed on the
mobile device and stored in an encrypted key store. Cryptographic protocols are difficult to
implement correctly, and therefore developers should rely on mature libraries with proper
implementations. Finally, developers should adhere to the recommended guidelines that
accompany these libraries.
Cloud. Managed platforms and configuration management tools can alleviate the vulnera-
ble services on the cloud endpoints. Vendors should utilize commercial platforms that are
managed by experienced professionals. Similarly, automating cloud endpoint configuration
through API integration can reduce the chances of misconfiguration. For example, Let’s
Encrypt [165] can automatically renew certificates for servers. Cloud endpoints should
not support insecure protocols, but instead, they should verify both endpoint devices and
mobile applications.
Communication. Network communication between all IoT components should adhere to
the same security standards (LAN or Internet). Vendors must use the latest secure pro-
tocols, offer limited functionality for backward compatibility, enforce protocol upgrade
requirements, and verify endpoints. Endpoint verification will ensure MITM attacks are
not successful and protect the integrity of the communication. Vendors should default to
a fail state if endpoints are not verifiable. Additionally, vendors can provide an option to
install custom certificates in IoT deployments for transparency.
3.5.2 Stakeholders
Vendors. Vendors have to get the security requirements correct for every component at
every level, including the design, implementation, and deployment of IoT systems. Our
evaluation shows that many vendors strive for device security but often fail with due dili-
gence. Realistically, many vendors do not have all the expertise to develop, manage, and
deploy these heterogeneous technologies. Vendors that lack expertise in specific areas can
outsource to specialized third-parties to develop their products.
End-Users. Home-based IoT deployments transform simple home-based networks into
complex enterprise-like networks. End-users can follow good security practices by config-
uring devices to use encryption, disable remote administration features, and segment their
network. Most importantly, consumers can influence vendors by purchasing privacy-aware
and secure devices. Our portal is meant to give an objective security assessment of IoT
devices and allow consumers to make informed decisions.
Other Parties. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are not direct stakeholders, but the ubiq-
uity of home-based IoT devices affects the operation of their networks. Much of the traffic
seen by the ISPs will be encrypted, but ISPs can identify devices by destinations, service
ports, and communication frequency. ISPs can potentially implement technical remedies
to block certain ports, but legal policies are needed to intervene. These decisions can pose
policy and compliance disputes due to the global nature of IoT and international jurispru-
dence [166]. ISPs can offer their expertise in running and operating residential Internet
networks that can help identify implications around home-based IoT deployments.
Cloud providers offer infrastructure-as-a-service to many IoT vendors and have years of
experience in developing, running, and securing cloud infrastructures and platforms. Their
offerings are economical and practical for vendors, but they do suffer from outages occa-
sionally [63]. Cloud providers are playing an important role in securing IoT deployments
and should continue to offer tailored cloud services that alleviate security responsibilities
from vendors.
3.5.3 Recommendations
Measurements. We recommend additional measurements for inter-device communication,
mobile application-to-device interaction, and trust relationship between IoT components.
Inter-device communications (device-to-device and mobile application-to-device) are not
well studied within the LAN. Many IoT systems, like home assist devices, auto-discover
and interact with other devices on the LAN without users’ consent, which warrants fur-
ther investigation to understand the security and privacy implications as a result of these
communications. Further, conducting longitudinal studies can expose latent flaws that are
otherwise difficult to observe without temporal analysis.
Standards. Many well-established vendors have put forth standards for IoT systems, but
there is no consensus among the community. Vendors and researchers should combine their
expertise to jointly draft industry standards that provide techniques to address common
mistakes found in home-based IoT systems. Some home-based IoT systems have cyber-
physical components, like connected ovens, fridges, and water heaters. These classes of
IoT systems must be regulated by safety mandates and code standards to ensure no physical
harm can result from their abuse or component failure. The government must play an active
role in the development of these standards to protect consumers’ safety and privacy.
Table 3.3: This table is a summary of each evaluated device per graph component in Fig-
ure 3.2. The device section summarizes the number of running services and issues found.
The mobile application summarizes excessive permissions, sensitive data, or incorrectly
use of cryptographic protocols. The communication category summarizes the susceptibil-
ity to MITM attack and the communication channel state as fully encrypted ( ), partially
encrypted (G#), or not encrypted (#).
Device Services
Table 3.4
Mobile Application
Table 3.6
Cloud Endpoints
Table 3.7
Table 3.8
MITM Encryption
Amazon Echo 1 0
Amazon Fire TV 1 0 G#
Apple HomePod 4 0
Apple TV (4th Gen) 3 0
August Doorbell 1 0 G#
Belkin Netcam 1 1 G#
Belkin WeMo Crockpot 0 0 G#
Belkin WeMo Link 1 1 G#
Belkin WeMo Motion 1 1 G#
Belkin WeMo Switch 1 1 G#
Bose SoundTouch 10 4 1 G#
Canary 0 0
Caseta Wireless 2 0 G#
Chamberlain myQ
Garage Opener
1 0
Chinese Webcam 4 1 #
D-Link DCS5009L 3 2 #
Google Home 5 2 G#
Google Home Mini 5 2 G#
Google OnHub 1 0 G#
Harmon Kardon Invoke 5 1
Insteon Hub 4 6 #
Koogeek Lightbulb 2 0
LIFX Virtual Bulb 0 0 G#
Logi Circle 0 0
Logitech Harmony 2 1 G#
MiCasaVerde VeraLite 4 6 G#
Nest Cam IQ 0 0
Nest Camera 0 0
Nest Guard 0 0
Netgear Arlo 0 0
nVidia Shield 2 3 G#
Philips HUE 2 0 G#
Piper NV 3 0
Ring Doorbell 0 0
Roku 4 2 0 G#
Roku TV 2 0 G#
Roomba 1 0 G#
Samsung SmartThings 1 1
Samsung SmartTV 4 1 G#
Securifi Almond 2 1 G#
Sonos 3 3 G#
TP-Link WiFi Bulb 1 0
TP-Link WiFi Plug 0 0
Wink 2 Hub 4 4 G#
Withings Home 1 0
Table 3.4: Device Evaluation.
System Services System Setup
Detected OS
Pairing Config. Upgrade
Insteon Hub Linux 2.6 4 6 Wired+Pin F C
4 6 Cloud+Pin D M
Wink 2 Linux 2.6 4 4 Wired D M
Sonos Linux 3 3 Wired D C
nVidia Shield Linux 2.6 2 3 Wired D M
Google Home Linux 3.3 5 2 Wifi F A
Google Home Mini Linux 3.3 5 2 Wifi F A
D-Link DCS5009L 3 2 Wired D M
Harmon Kardon
Linux 3.3 5 1 LE F A
SoundTouch 10
Linux 2.6 4 1 LE F C
Chinese Webcam Linux 2.6 4 1 Wired+HTTP D N/A
Samsung SmartTV Linux 4.8 4 1 On-Screen D M
Logitech Harmony 2 1 LE F M
Securifi Almond Linux 2.6 2 1 Wired D M
Belkin Netcam Linux 2.6 1 1 Wifi+Pin F C
Belkin WeMo
1 1 Wifi+Pin F C
Belkin WeMo
1 1 Wifi+Pin F C
Belkin WeMo
1 1 Wifi+Pin F C
Linux 2.6 1 1 Wired F C
Apple HomePod FreeBSD 6 4 0 LE F C
Apple TV
(4th Gen)
tvOS 3 0 Wired F C
Piper NV 3 0 Wifi F A
Caseta Wireless Linux 2.6 2 0 Wired F M
Koogeek Lightbulb 2 0 LE+Pin D C
Philips Hue Linux 2.6 2 0 Wired+Button F C
Roku 4 Linux 3.3 2 0 Wired D M
Roku TV 2 0 Wired D M
Amazon Echo Linux 1 0 Wifi F A
Amazon Fire TV Linux 2.6 1 0 Wired D M
August Doorbell Linux 2.6 1 0 Wifi F M
Chamberlain myQ
Garage Opener
1 0 Wifi F M
Google OnHub Linux 4.8 1 0 Wired F A
Roomba 1 0 Wifi F M
TP-Link Wifi Bulb
1 0 Wifi D M
Withings Home 1 0 LE F C
Canary 0 0 Wifi F C
LIFX Bulb 0 0 Wifi D M
Logi Circle 0 0 LE F A
Nest Cam IQ 0 0 Wired F A
Nest Camera 0 0 LE+Pin F A
Nest Guard 0 0 Wired F A
Netgear Arlo 0 0 Wired F M
Ring Doorbell 0 0 Wifi F M
TP-Link Wifi Plug
0 0 Wifi F M
Belkin WeMo
0 0 Wifi+Pin D C
(F)orced configuration change when device is setup; (D)efault device configuration is acceptable and
allows device to operate. (C)onsent by the user is required for the device to upgrade; (A)utomatic
updates are applied without user intervention; (M)anual device update via user request. N/A means
the category is not applicable.
Table 3.5: List of devices and their CVEs with CVSS score of Critical and High.
MiCasa Verda
CVE-2012-5958, CVE-2012-5959,
CVE-2012-5960, CVE-2012-5961,
CVE-2012-5962, CVE-2012-5963,
CVE-2012-5964, CVE-2012-5965,
CVE-2012-0920 High
Wink 2
CVE-2016-7406, CVE-2016-7407 Critical
CVE-2016-7408 High
Table 3.6: Mobile Application Evaluation.
Mobile Application
Name Platform Version
Securifi Almond
iOS 3.5.6
LIFX Virtual Bulb
iOS 3.8.6
Ring Doorbell com.ring iOS 4.1.13
Roku TV
Roku 4
iOS 4.2.3
Netgear Arlo Camera
iOS 2.4.8
TP-Link WiFi Plug
TP-Link WiFi Bulb
iOS 1.11.1
Chamberlain myQ Garage Opener com.chamberlain.myq.chamberlain
iOS 6216.0.0
Google Home Mini
Google Home
iOS 1.28.508
Apple HomePod iOS
Wink 2
iOS 6.8.0
Google OnHub
Samsung SmartThings
Android 2.13.0
Philips HUE
Android 2.19.0
Insteon Hub
Android 1.9.8
Android 8.3.1
Nest Camera
Nest Cam IQ
Nest Guard
Belkin WeMo Motion
Belkin WeMo Switch
Belkin WeMo Link
Belkin WeMo Crockpot
Android 1.19.0
Amazon Echo
Android 2.2.1615.0
Belkin Netcam
Android 2.0.4
Amazon Fire TV
D-Link DCS5009L
Android 1.0.3
Logitech Logi Circle
Android 2.3.2220
Canary is.yranac.canary Android 2.14.0
Piper NV
Android 1.4.0
Withings Home
Android 1.5.3
MiCasaVerde VeraLite
Android 7.25.47
August Doorbell Cam
Android 6.1.4
Logitech Harmony
Android 5.1.1
Caseta Wireless
Android 5.1.0
Bose SoundTouch 10
Android 17.170.82
Harmon Kardon Invoke
Android 2.3.1
Samsung SmartTV
Koogeek Lightbulb
Android 1.2.2
nVidia Shield
Chinese Webcam
Table 3.7: Cloud Endpoint Evaluation.
Domains SSL Services
Hybrid Unknown Host
Amazon Echo
221 15 191 3 12 17
Fire TV
174 100 17 14 43 99
182 80 6 76 20 113
Apple TV
(4th Gen)
439 170 14 188 67 38
August Doorbell
55 7 12 34 2 32
Belkin Netcam
79 13 63 1 2 12
Belkin WeMo
27 7 15 5 0 11
Belkin WeMo
14 4 6 4 0 11
Belkin WeMo
24 7 12 5 0 9
Belkin WeMo
29 5 19 5 0 10
Bose SoundTouch10
26 10 10 6 0 11
Canary 22 19 3 0 0 9
Caseta Wireless
22 2 11 5 4 6
Chamberlain myQ
Garage Opener
1 1 0 0 0 1
Chinese Webcam
1 1 0 0 0 1
D-Link DCS5009L
4 4 0 0 0 3
Google Home
42 29 3 0 10 14
Google Home Mini
40 27 3 0 10 17
Google OnHub
24 24 0 0 0 15
Harmon Kardon
128 0 108 5 15 9
Insteon Hub
20 2 12 5 1 5
Koogeek Lightbulb
1 0 1 0 0 0
LIFX Virtual
3 2 1 0 0 1
17 6 5 6 0 8
Logi Circle
341 158 5 178 0 20
74 1 30 43 0 40
Nest Cam IQ
9 4 5 0 0 4
Nest Camera
7 6 1 0 0 5
Nest Guard
14 6 6 2 0 4
Netgear Arlo
59 23 2 7 27 18
nVidia Shield
261 23 177 3 58 24
Philips HUE
27 14 8 0 5 11
Piper NV 42 24 16 2 0 16
Ring Doorbell
9 5 3 1 0 6
Roku 4 231 37 177 4 13 28
Roku TV 226 36 144 6 40 28
Roomba 11 2 5 4 0 5
10 6 1 3 0 4
182 27 138 2 15 20
Securifi Almond
938 9 0 0 929 6
Sonos 65 13 34 7 11 1
WiFi Bulb
11 3 7 1 0 4
WiFi Plug
11 3 7 1 0 4
Wink 2 12 3 7 2 0 4
Withings Home
20 12 2 2 4 9
Table 3.8: Communication Evaluation.
+ (TLS/SSL) — - (3rd-party recursive DNS)
Observed IP Communication MITM Encryption
Google OnHub - + G#
Samsung SmartThings +
Philips HUE + #
Insteon Hub #
Sonos + G# # #
Securifi Almond G#
Wink 2 Hub + G# #
Belkin WeMo Motion
Belkin WeMo Switch
Belkin WeMo Link
Belkin WeMo Crockpot
+ G# G# #
LIFX Bulb G# #
Amazon Echo
Belkin Netcam + G#
Ring Doorbell
Roku TV
Roku 4
+ #
Amazon Fire TV + G#
nVidia Shield + G#
Apple TV (4th Gen)
Netgear Arlo +
D-Link DCS-5009L #
Logi Circle +
Canary +
Piper NV - + +
Withings Home +
MiCasaVerde VeraLite
+ G# #
Chinese Webcam #
August Doorbell + G# G# #
TP-Link WiFi Plug
TP-Link WiFi Bulb
Chamberlain myQ Garage Opener
Logitech Harmony + G# G#
Caseta Wireless G# #
Google Home Mini
Google Home
- + G# #
Bose SoundTouch 10
+ G# #
Harmon Kardon Invoke
- +
Apple HomePod +
Roomba + #
Samsung SmartTV + G# G#
Koogeek Lightbulb
Nest Camera +
Nest Cam IQ - +
Nest Guard
In the last chapter, we conducted a large-scale security evaluation of 45 COTS IoT de-
vices. The result provided a single snapshot of the security state of the device services,
network communication, cloud endpoints, and companion mobile app. The security evalu-
ation needs to iteratively characterize the security posture of the IoT device since the device
can update. These updates can improve, degrade, or stagnate the device’s security posture.
We provide two different longitudinal analyses in this chapter to investigate this matter.
The first study takes the original security assessments and compares the device services
and network encryption before and after applying device updates. Recall that our initial
deployment and configuration of the devices disabled automatic updates. The second study
takes 18 months and analyzes the device services and vulnerabilities weekly. The first
study provides an overview of the effect of updates, while the second study provides a
better characterization of the device’s security throughout its lifecycle.
4.1 Background
4.1.1 Longitudinal Studies of IoT Deployments
Two primary works explore the longitudinal aspect of IoT security. One study explicitly
focuses on TLS communications of consumer IoT devices [114]. The second study scans
the internet for exposed Industrial Control System (ICS) devices and compares the change
over time [167]. Our work studies the security of device services and network communi-
cations deployed in a testbed. Unlike prior work [114], we study the vulnerabilities for all
services and network protocols found on a device. Moreover, our testbed provides better
visibility and more control than internet scans because we can physically interact with the
devices and verify observations. Internet studies of IoT devices [167] can be honeypots
that may impact the results and conclusions.
4.1.2 Goals
This study aims to understand two aspects of IoT deployments. First, how do updates
impact devices’ security? Second, what are the trends in device vulnerabilities over time?
The first question explains how well a security vendor update improves the overall device’s
security. This is important to empirically show because the prevailing assumption is that
a IoT update will address all security problems. However, as we will see in later sections,
that assumption is untrue. The second question provides insights into how quickly a vendor
addresses vulnerabilities as they arise. This is important to study because it can inform the
risk calculation of the IoT deployment.
4.1.3 Evaluation Scope
We limit our evaluation scope to the device services. We exclude the longitudinal anal-
ysis of the companion mobile app, the cloud endpoints, and network communications.
As shown in Table 3.1, the analysis aspect of including every component is manual and
requires weekly testing of 45 devices, which is impossible given our resources. The man-
ual analysis is essential to characterize each component’s security posture accurately. The
evaluation component of our framework is automated using a mix of commercial and open-
source tools. These tools can have high false positives, and we must manually validate
them. To prioritize our time, we study the longitudinal component of the device and net-
work communication. We leave the longitudinal analysis of cloud endpoints and mobile
apps for future work.
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 Devices
Our initial evaluation included 45 COTS devices. Over time, some devices malfunctioned,
and we had to decommission them. Moreover, we added additional devices to the lab to
account for newer devices. This change only affects the second study that analyzes 13
months of device activity. The following is a list of devices decommissioned:
1. Chinese Webcam
2. Withings Home
3. Caseta Hub
4. LIFX Lightbulb
5. Harmon Invoke
6. Koogeek Lightbulb
7. Roku TV
The following are new device additions to the testbed:
1. Amazon Echo Show
2. Western Digital myCloud Home
3. Western Digital myCloud EX2
4. Rachio 3
5. Eufy HomeBase
6. AVTech Network Camera
7. Axis IP Cam
We apply the onboarding method described in chapter 3 for new devices.
4.2.2 Data Collection and Analysis
We apply the method described in chapter 3 for the data collection. We depend on the
Nessus Scanner for automated device scanning. We use Nessus Scanner [154] to scan
devices for service discovery, service profiling, and vulnerability assessment. The scanner
uploads the results to the Tenable cloud portal, where the Tenable engine indexes the data
for analysis. We use the Tenable portal to investigate specific devices and their associated
vulnerabilities manually. We use this approach for study one. However, for the weekly
analysis (study two), we exported the historical data from the Tenable cloud backend and
analyzed it offline.
Study One: Update Impact. Our initial evaluation was done in March 2018, which leaves
a big time gap between more recent evaluations. Additionally, we did not have a complete
accounting of updates for each device, which can either be automatic, require consent, or
manual. To objectively study the lifecycle change of IoT devices, we conduct a baseline
evaluation and an update evaluation. The baseline evaluation is a device-only evaluation
that focuses on identifying services on an IoT device and any known security issues associ-
ated with those services. The update evaluation applies all available updates for each device
and then reevaluates them to identify changes in the services and their security issues. Our
baseline evaluation was done on 21
of April 2019 and the update evaluation was done on
of June 2019.
During these 50 days, we track devices that update automatically to identify if they ap-
ply any updates to the IoT device. Specifically, we manually check on a weekly basis if the
firmware version numbers for the devices change due to updates. All of the devices that
automatically are updated had at least one update between the two evaluation periods. The
remaining devices require user consent or manual update, which we applied a week before
of June 2019) our update evaluation. We confirmed the updates were applied success-
fully by manually checking the firmware version for each device before the baseline and
update evaluation. This controlled experiment ensures that the measurements are accurate
and represent an update in the software of the IoT devices.
Study Two: Longitudinal Analysis. Recall that some devices may go into sleep mode or
go offline, which the Nessus scanner cannot scan. We include the scan reports for devices
that the scanner successfully scanned at least four times throughout the study window (Dec
2021 to Mar 2023) to improve the accuracy of our results. The four scans must be at least
one in Dec 2021, one in Mar 2023, and two others in between. The intuition behind our
approach is that we need to capture an initial state, a final state, and at least two samples to
characterize the device’s security lifecycle accurately. If we only have two scan reports, we
miss out on potential vulnerabilities arising in the middle of the study period. The filtering
resulted in 36 devices out of the 47 in the testbed. The excluded devices include the August
doorbell, TP-Link Wifi Bulb, Sonos, Roomba, Ring Doorbell, Piper NV, Netgear Arlo,
Canary, and Amazon Echo. The excluded devices had at most two scans. The 37 devices
had a minimum of 23 scan reports and at most 57 scan reports.
Table 4.1: Device evaluation based on an initial evaluation, baseline evaluation, and update
evaluation. Red cells show an increase for services and issues and green cells show a
decrease in services and issues.
Device Name
Initial Eval.
Base Eval.
Update Eval.
Services Issues Services Issues Services Issues
Amazon Echo 1 0 0 0 0 0
Amazon Fire TV 1 0 3 4 4 4
Apple HomePod 4 0 3 3 3 4
Apple TV 3 0 6 77 4 0
August Doorbell 1 0 1 0 1 0
Belkin Netcam 1 1 3 0 3 0
Belkin WeMo Crockpot 0 0 2 0 2 0
Belkin WeMo Link 1 1 2 1 1 1
Belkin WeMo Motion 1 1 1 1 1 1
Belkin WeMo Switch 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bose SoundTouch10 4 1 5 24 5 2
Canary 0 0 0 0 0 0
Caseta Wireless 2 0 4 0 4 0
Chinese Webcam 4 1 4 1 - - - -
D-Link DCS5009L 3 2 1 1 3 3
Google Home 5 2 4 4 5 7
Google Home mini 5 2 4 4 5 5
Google onHub 1 0 2 0 2 0
Harmon Kardon Invoke 5 1 1 1 1 1
Insteon Hub 4 6 - - - - - - - -
Koogeek Lightbulb 2 0 1 0 1 0
LIFX Virtual Bulb 0 0 0 0 0 0
Logi Circle 0 0 0 0 0 0
Logitech Harmony 2 1 0 0 0 0
VeraLite 4 6 3 18 3 18
Chamberlain myQ 1 0 1 0 1 0
Nest Camera 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nest Guard 0 0 0 0 0 0
Netgear Arlo 0 0 0 0 0 0
Next Cam IQ 0 0 0 0 0 0
nVidia Shield 2 3 4 6 4 5
Philips HUE 2 0 3 0 3 0
Piper NV 3 0 1 0 1 0
Ring Doorbell 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roku 4 2 0 2 0 2 0
Roku TV 2 0 0 0 0 0
Roomba 1 0 1 0 1 0
Samsung SmartThings 1 1 2 4 2 4
Samsung SmartTV 4 1 9 0 9 1
Seurifi Almond 2 1 3 1 0 0
Sonos 3 3 4 1 4 2
TP-Link WiFi Plug 0 0 0 0 0 0
TP-Link WiFi Bulb 1 0 0 0 0 0
Wink 2 Hub 4 4 3 4 3 4
Withings Home 1 0 0 0 0 0
4.2.3 Challenges and Limitations
As seen in the prior section, keeping devices active is challenging and impacts data collec-
tion. Moreover, wireless congestion caused several wireless devices to go offline, including
Roomba, Ring Doorbell, Piper NV, Netgear Arlo, D-Link DCS Cam, Canary, and Amazon
Echo. As the number of devices increases in the lab space, the wireless spectrum because
more congested, causing some devices to disassociate from the access point and become
unreachable via the network. This problem became more severe as other researchers in ad-
jacent space built a router testbed. Because of these circumstances, we could not study the
entire 46 devices in the lab. This limitation may impact the result’s generalizability since
we have fewer representative devices. We are considering using Faraday cages to better
partition the wireless spectrum in a constraint room to address these limitations.
Additionally, analyzing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and CVSS scores
derived from automated tools such as Nessus may be inaccurate. First, CVE numbers are
not assigned to all security issues found in IoT devices, which makes them difficult to
track and rate. Second, the rating system (CVSS) may not accurately capture the threat
model for home-based IoT devices. For example, CVSS severity for cleartext protocol is
rated low, while SSL/TLS issues such as an expired certificate are rated medium. Although
misconfiguration in encryption weakens the security of the protocol, it remains better than
having no encryption at all. Third, essential network services that run on IoT devices are
flagged as security issues with a medium severity, which are false positives. For example,
many home-based IoT devices run mDNS (port 5353) service to announce their features
and enable zero-configuration networking.
In traditional enterprise networks, end-hosts are not expected to run the mDNS service,
whereas for home-based IoT devices this is a common practice. Fourth, some devices
reach End-of-Life (EOL) or become defective like the MiCasaVerde VeraLite and Chinese
Webcam, respectively. These issues can be problematic when trying to evaluate changes in
a device’s lifecycle. Lastly, assessment tools, such as Nessus [154], require tailoring for
Table 4.2: Summary of device use of encryption (#- None, G#- partial, - full), issues found
in SSL/TLS protocol, and vulnerabilities affecting services. Green shows improvement, red
shows decline, and yellow shows improvement but poor encryption.
Device Name
Service Eval. 04-21-2019 Service Eval. 06-09-2019
Encrypted SSL/TLS Issues Vuln. Encrypted SSL/TLS Issues Vuln.
Amazon Fire TV G# 2 G# 2
Apple HomePod G# 2 G# 3
Apple TV # #
Belkin WeMo Link # #
Belkin WeMo Motion # #
Belkin WeMo Switch # #
Bose SoundTouch10 # #
Chinese Webcam # - - - - - -
D-Link DCS5009L # G# 3
Google Home 4 8
Google Home mini 4 G# 6
Harmon Kardon Invoke # #
MiCasaVerde VeraLite G# G#
nVidia Shield 6 5
Samsung SmartThings 4 4
Samsung SmartTV # G# 1
Seurifi Almond # - - - - - -
Sonos G# 1 G# 2
Wink 2 Hub G# 4 G# 4
home-based IoT devices and their results have to be reexamined to prioritize the security
issues. In the first study, we manually examine each evaluation to ensure the accuracy of
the characterized change.
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Study One: The Impact of Updates on Security Posture
We present the results in Table Table 4.1, and the highlights change in green for improve-
ment and red for the decline in the device’s overall security. The baseline and update evalu-
ation columns present the number of services and security issues found for each evaluation.
We find 10 devices that change between the baseline and update evaluation either by ser-
vices, issues, or both. We find seven devices that have an increase in services or issues and
three devices that have a decrease in services or issues. Moreover, we find nine additional
devices that have security issues, which do not change (improve or worsen). This implies
new features often do not lead to additional exposures.
Device Improvements
The Apple TV device does not update automatically, instead, it requires user consent. The
device can be configured to automatically update with recent versions of the firmware.
In the baseline evaluation, we find the Apple TV device to have multiple issues such as
vulnerabilities that affect firmware versions 11 and 12. The update addresses all 77 issues
and decreases the number of network services from six to four. The update disables Digital
Audio Access Protocol (DAAP) on port 3689 and Xsan Filesystem access on port 49152.
We highlight the change in green in Table Table 4.2 and document the vulnerabilities in
Table Table 4.3.
Similarly, we find the Bose SoundTouch10 to require user consent to apply the updates.
In the baseline evaluation, we find the Bose SoundTouch10 to have 24 issues. The update
addresses 22 of the 24 issues and does not decrease or increase any of the network services.
The remaining two issues are low severity in comparison to the 22 issues that have critical
severity. For the nVidia Shield device, the issues decrease from six to ve by upgrading the
SSL/TLS service to disable weak hashing algorithms like MD5. We highlight the change
in green in Table Table 4.2 and document the vulnerabilities in Table Table 4.3.
Lastly, the Belkin WeMo Link requires user consent to apply updates. The baseline
evaluation finds that the device runs two services, DNS server on port 49154 and syseventd
on port 52367. The syseventd service allows any network attacker to run system commands
on the device without authentication as a root user. The update improves the security of
the Belkin WeMo Link device by disabling the syseventd service. Additionally, the DNS
server allows a network attacker to snoop on the DNS cache, which discloses recently
resolved records. This example illustrates the challenge in quantifying changes in IoT
device security because some vulnerabilities are not tracked by a CVE number.
Table 4.3: A summary of issues for baseline evaluation. Green rows show fixed issues by
Issue Description CVE CVSS Affected Device
Dropbear SSH Server ¡ 2016.72 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2016-7406 Critical MiCasaVerde VeraLite
Web Server Directory Traversal Arbitrary File Access CVE-2014-3744 Critical Bose SoundTouch10
UPnP Devices (libupnp) ¡ 1.6.18 Multiple Stack-based Buffer Overflows RCE CVE-2012-5958 Critical MiCasaVerde VeraLite
Apple TV ¡ 11.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-5383 High Apple TV
Apple TV ¡ 12.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-4431 High Apple TV
Apple TV ¡ 12.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-4368 High Apple TV
Apple TV ¡ 11.4.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-4261 High Apple TV
Dropbear SSH Server Use-after-free Remote Code Execution CVE-2012-0920 High MiCasaVerde VeraLite
SSL Medium Strength Cipher Supported (SWEET32) CVE-2016-2183 Medium Google Home (mini), nVidia Shield
Apple TV ¡ 12 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2016-1777 Medium Apple TV
Dropbear SSH Server ¡ 2013.59 Multiple Vulnerabilities, CVE-2013-4434 Medium MiCasaVerde VeraLite
SSL Certificate Signed Using MD5 CVE-2004-2761 Medium nVidia Shield, Apple HomePod, SmartThings
DNS Server Cache Snooping - - Medium
Belkin WeMo (Link, Motion, Switch),
Securifi Almond, MiCasaVerde VeraLite,
Harmon Kardon Invoke
SSL Self-Signed Certificate - - Medium
Amazon FireTV, Google Home (mini),
Apple HomePod, Wink 2, SmartThings,
nVidia Shield, D-Link DCS5009L
SSL Certificate Fails Basic Key Usage Extensions - - Medium nVidia Shield
Unencrypted Telnet Server - - Medium Chinese Webcam
SSL Certificate Expired - - Medium Amazon FireTV, D-Link DCS5009L
SSL RC4 Cipher Supported (Bar Mitzvah) CVE-2015-2808 Low Amazon FireTV, Wink 2
SSL Certificate RSA Keys Less Than 2048 bits - - Low Apple HomePod, Wink 2, D-Link DCS5009L
SSH Support Weak MAC Algorithms - - Low MiCasaVerde VeraLite
SSH Server Support CBC Mode Ciphers - - Low MiCasaVerde VeraLite
Web Server Basic Authentication w/o TLS - - Low D-Link DCS5009L
Web Server Transmits Cleartext Credentials - - Low Bose SoundTouch10
Device Exposure
In Table Table 4.1, we highlight seven devices that correspond to an increase in services
or issues following the update in red. The Amazon FireTV, D-Link DCS5009L Cam,
and Google Home (mini) introduce new network services. The Apple HomePod, D-Link
DCS5009L Cam, Google Home (mini), Samsung SmartTV, and Sonos have an increase in
the number of issues. All of the issues increase in Table Table 4.1 correspond to SSL/TLS
issues. Table Table 4.3 presents a full listing of these SSL/TLS issues and the affected
devices. This observation highlights that SSL/TLS issues are common problems found in
home-based IoT devices.
For example, in Table Table 4.2 highlighted in yellow, we see that the D-Link DCS5009L
enables SSL/TLS service for its network service, but introduces three SSL/TLS issues.
Similarly, the Samsung SmartTV and Sonos enable SSL/TLS for one of its network ser-
vices and introduces an SSL/TLS issue. Table Table 4.3 documents these issues under SSL
Self-Signed Certificate, SSL Certificate Expired, and SSL Certificate RSA Keys Less Than
2048 bits. For each issue in Table Table 4.3 we document related CVEs and their CVSS
For the Google Home mini device, the update introduces a new service that does not
use encryption. We document this result in Table Table 4.2 in red, where the network ser-
vices drop from fully encrypted to partially encrypted. This observation shows an increase
in exposure when introducing non-encrypted services. The Apple HomePod changes the
TLS/SSL configuration on one of the network services to support a weaker cipher making
the device susceptible to the SWEET32 vulnerability, documented in Table Table 4.3. Other
devices that have issues in the baseline evaluation did not exhibit any change after the up-
date, such as most of the Belkin WeMo family of devices, MiCasaVerde VeraLite, Harmon
Kardon Invoke, Samsung SmartThings, and the Wink 2. This observation shows that issues
related to IoT devices generally do not get better over time.
IoT Device Vulnerabilities and Remediations
In Table Table 4.3 we observe a wide range of severity for each issue, which we split
between critical/high and medium/low. Moreover, many issues do not have a CVE number.
The green rows represent the issues that the device updates fix. Almost all fixed issues
are related to a service vulnerability except for Web Server Basic Authentication w/o TLS,
which is a feature enhancement that improves the device’s overall security. Furthermore,
the device updates do not fix all critical/high-severity issues.
For example, MiCasaVerde VeraLite has several critical/high severity rated vulnerable
services, but applying the device update did not fix any of the issues. The device is la-
beled as EOL by the vendor, which may explain the lack of security fixes. In the case of
the MiCasaVerde VeraLite we observe a firmware version number change but do not see
any network service change due to the update. This observation shows that EOL devices
receive infrequent updates and ignore critical security issues associated with network ser-
vices. Additionally, critical/high issues seem to be associated with a single device, whereas
medium/low issues are associated with multiple devices.
Finally, as noted earlier, the prioritization for issue types can be misleading since a
lower CVSS score for a device’s issue has higher severity in the context of IoT devices. We
see cleartext issues such as Web Server Transmits Cleartext Credentials and Web Server Ba-
sic Authentication w/o TLS have lower severity than SWEET32 and SSL Certificate Signed
Using MD5. When evaluating the change (improvement/exposure) in the device’s lifecycle,
researchers must consider the context and threat model associated with home-based IoT de-
vices. These observations provide insights into how complex an IoT device’s lifecycle is
and bring transparency into what researchers and practitioners should prioritize.
Overall, devices will eventually become vulnerable over time. New vulnerabilities will
be discovered, but the critical point is how IoT vendors manage their device’s security
through updates. The Apple TV is a good example showing security prioritization through
patches that address all critical/high issues. These practices reduce the exposure period and
attack window, which reduces the risk associated with the IoT deployment. Further, we
observe medium/low severity vulnerabilities persist across updates and several devices. For
example, Self-Signed Certificate is a common issue found in multiple devices and persisted
across updates. Finally, updates can introduce new issues like the example in the Apple
Takeaway. In this study, we perform additional security evaluations one year after the
first evaluation and present our findings. Our study is among the first to provide essential
insights for users to understand the complexity of IoT device updates throughout their life-
cycle. Our results show that IoT device updates incorporating new features or functional
improvements appear not to increase security exposure; however, our subsequent study
shows that vulnerabilities will surface throughout the device’s lifecycle. Further, devices
must address security issues early on to avoid more exposure throughout the device’s life-
cycle. We find that EOL devices often receive infrequent updates, and vendors forgo fixing
critical/high-severity vulnerabilities associated with network services. Devices that do not
expose network services have a limited attack footprint and, in general, are more secure.
Figure 4.1: Summary of critical CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed.
4.3.2 Study Two: A Longitudinal Analysis of Devices’ Security Lifecycle
In this study, we take a closer look at the update changes with respect to CVEs and their
CVSS severity. We already highlighted the challenges and limitations of the current CVE
and CVSS scoring system in the context of IoT deployments. For this study, we will use
the ratings as is but address the limitations by proposing an alternate risk scoring system
in chapter 6.
Critical CVSS Vulnerabilities
In Figure 4.1, we observe three devices with four critical CVSS vulnerabilities. Except
for one vulnerability impacting the Insteon Hub device, all three vulnerabilities persist
throughout the device’s lifecycle. The VeraLite, as noted in the prior section, does not
address the vulnerability when we apply the vendor-available updates. This device has an
EOL status, which can explain the lack of security support. On the other hand, the Axis Net-
work Camera requires a manual update. The update process is involved and requires users
first to create an account with the vendor, log on to the support page, search and identify the
Figure 4.2: Summary of high CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed.
correct firmware update, download the firmware locally on a personal computer, connect
the personal computer to the same network as the Axis Network Camera, log on to the cam-
era’s backend portal, navigate to the administration page, scroll through several features
to find the firmware update link, use the firmware form to upload a copy of the firmware,
apply the firmware, restart the device, and finalize the device setup through the camera por-
tal. We went through obtaining the firmware but did not update the device because we were
planning to use the current firmware for another experiment. However, the firmware update
explicitly addresses the vulnerabilities based on the release notes. Nevertheless, updating
the Axis Network Camera is esoteric and can be cumbersome for large-scale deployments
across enterprise or government facilities. The Insteon Hub critical vulnerability emerges
around June 2022 and persists onwards.
High CVSS Vulnerabilities
In Figure 4.2, we observe six devices with eight different high CVSS vulnerabilities. The
Insteon Hub appears to have the same security issue as shown in Figure 4.1. However, the
CVSS scoring system appears to have increased the severity from high to critical. Taken
together, the SSL Version 2 and 3 vulnerability predates the observation in June 2022. This
example highlights the challenges with the current CVSS scoring system and longitudinal
tracking of vulnerabilities. The WD MyCloud Home has two vulnerabilities: a misconfig-
uration that users can address and one related to the Samba service. A firmware update
after September 2022 addresses the Samba service vulnerability and the Local User Access
misconfigurations renamed to Unpriviledged Access. Similarly, we find the WD MyCloud
EX2 suffers from the same issue and updates around the same time (same vendor). The
VeraLite is an EOL device, and the vulnerability associated with the SSH service persists
throughout the lifecycle. We observe the Apple TV to have a high CVSS vulnerability, but
a firmware update fixes the vulnerability two months later. Finally, the AVTech IP Cam
appears to have a single vulnerability associated with its local TLS service running on port
443. The vulnerability does not appear to persist after the initial observation on December
Medium CVSS Vulnerabilities
In Figure 4.3, we observe many medium CVSS vulnerabilities. The majority of the vul-
nerabilities appear to be TLS/SSL related. We find TLS/SSL issues related to deprecated
protocol versions, vulnerable versions (Bar Mitzvah, BEAST, POODLE, and SWEET32),
weak hashing algorithms, incorrect host names on certificates, expired certificates, and
malformed certificates. Some devices address these medium CVSS vulnerabilities like the
Samsung SmartThings, WD MyCloud EX2, Nvidia Shield, Amazon Echo Show, and Google
Home. However, we could not understand why some vendors prioritize medium CVSS vul-
nerabilities while others do not. Interestingly, we observe a distinct pattern between differ-
Figure 4.3: Summary of medium CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed.
ent groups of devices. A few devices have a very short exposure period, while the rest have
a long exposure period to the vulnerabilities. For example, the Amazon Echo Show and
the Google Home (mini) have short vulnerability exposure periods. Once vulnerabilities
surface, they are addressed almost immediately (within a week).
However, we notice that this behavior is not vendor-related but device-related. For
example, the Amazon Echo Show and the Amazon Fire TV are from the same vendor but
have vastly different exposure periods (short vs. long). Another example, the Google
Home (mini) and the Google OnHub have similar exposure periods, but the OnHub appears
to be longer. The hardware platform and third-party partnerships may contribute to these
discrepancies. In the case of Google, the Google Home is a Google-based hardware running
Google firmware. On the other hand, the Google OnHub is a TP-Link-based hardware
running Google firmware. For Amazon, the underlying firmware types also differ. The
Fire TV uses a variant of the Android OS, and the Echo Show uses a Linux-based OS
tailored for Amazon devices. In these two examples, the heterogeneity between hardware
and software platforms potentially contributes to the variation in exposure periods.
Low CVSS Vulnerabilities
In Figure 4.4, we observe six devices with eight low CVSS vulnerabilities. Most of the
vulnerabilities appear to impact TLS/SSL and SSH services. These vulnerabilities appear
to be configuration-based. It is essential to point out that in the case of the VeraList and WD
MyCloud EX2 devices, the users may not have access to the configuration to address the
SSH vulnerabilities. Even if the configuration is accessible to users, the users must have
the technical knowledge to configure the SSH service properly because the SSH service is
not a typical service found or used in IoT deployments. In our testbed, only three out of
37 devices expose SSH service on the network. The SSL Certificate Chain vulnerabilities
appear to persist throughout the device’s lifecycle. Moreover, low CVSS vulnerabilities are
not prioritized by vendors when compared to medium and high CVSS vulnerabilities. We
Figure 4.4: Summary of low CVSS vulnerabilities found in testbed.
observe a security fix for a low CVSS vulnerability impacting the AVTech IP Cam. The
vulnerability relates to an issue that leaks sensitive information via the Ethernet interface.
Vulnerable devices may add different data to each Ethernet frame for padding. This data
could come from the device’s memory or a hardware buffer on its network card. An attacker
on the same network as the device can gather sensitive information (passwords, secret keys,
and device information).
4.4 Iterative Security Evaluation
Our first study observed that devices not addressing security issues from the beginning
likely result in more exposure throughout the device’s lifecycle. EOL devices often receive
infrequent updates, and vendors forgo fixing critical/high-severity vulnerabilities associ-
ated with network services. Devices that do not expose network services have a limited
attack footprint and are generally more secure. In our second study, we validated these
observations by closely examining the devices’ lifecycle for emerging vulnerabilities and
exposure periods. We observe that high and medium CVSS vulnerabilities appear to be pri-
oritized over low CVSS vulnerabilities. Moreover, critical CVSS vulnerabilities in some
devices’ lifecycles remain for two reasons. First, we show that EOL devices most likely
will not receive security updates. Two, devices may have cumbersome update processes
making it difficult for users to address critical vulnerabilities. Finally, reclassifying vulner-
abilities from high to critical CVSS may create ambiguity in the severity score.
The main goal of the longitudinal analysis is to provide a better understanding of how
vulnerabilities evolve over the lifecycle of a device. This information will inform the risk
assessment methodology to consider the temporal aspects of vulnerabilities. For example,
we learn that critical CVSS vulnerabilities should increase the risk associated with IoT
deployment, especially for long exposure periods. On the other hand, high CVSS vulnera-
bilities can increase or decrease the risk of IoT deployment because the vulnerabilities have
varying exposure periods. In the case of the Apple TV vulnerability, the exposure period is
two months, which can lower the risk associated with IoT deployment because a firmware
update fixes the vulnerability. We will use the exposure times as a metric to inform the risk
score approach in chapter 6.
Combining vulnerability and threat assessment can help quantify the overall risk and the
potential impact on IoT deployments to protect sensitive information, prevent financial loss,
protect physical safety, and ensure compliance. Understanding these threats is necessary to
identify potential exploited vulnerabilities and develop security measures or remediations.
When conducting risk assessment, we need a basis to understand the patterns and trends
in attacks against IoT deployments. Threat trends can inform operators and prioritize de-
cisions about the deployment environment and needed security measures. Unfortunately,
traditional threats do not apply directly to IoT deployments because they have unique chal-
5.1 Challenges and Limitations
Unique Challenges in IoT Attacks. These challenges include device diversity, compu-
tational resource limitations, physical exposure, communication protocols, multiple net-
worked components, and limited user interface. The device diversity creates varying hard-
ware and software platforms that require matching threat analysis tools to study their
threats. The limited computational resources restrain the security measures that IoT de-
vice can implement. The physical exposure of IoT deployments gives attackers additional
attack surfaces like low-energy network protocols or physical access to the device. The
number of communication protocols found IoT deployment can enable additional attacks.
Finally, a compromised IoT device is challenging to identify because the device has a lim-
ited user interface to investigate.
The Need for Large-Scale Study. We must conduct a large-scale study to understand IoT
threat landscape. A large-scale study can provide a more comprehensive understanding by
analyzing a range of data across time, including malware systems and network behavior,
which leads to a better understanding of the IoT threat landscape. Moreover, a large-scale
study can identify patterns and trends in attack behavior over extended periods, proactively
identifying emerging threats. We use the framework proposed in chapter 2 to study IoT
threats. Specifically, we characterize infection, payload, persistent, capability, and C&C
communication for 166K IoT malware samples. Our framework deliberately includes re-
producibility to allow researchers to replicate the study and validate our findings. This
approach increases the scientific rigor of the study and ensures that the results are reliable
and can be used to inform security decisions like risk assessment.
Need for IoT Malware Analysis Platform. In order to study IoT malware, we need to
develop an extensible malware analysis platform to support the diversity of hardware and
software. In Table 5.1, we summarize prior efforts for building an IoT malware analy-
sis platform. We can observe that many solutions either have partial support for analysis,
are closed source, or are no longer available online. Open-source dynamic platforms like
Lisa [168] Detux [169], and Tamer [170] have partial support for hardware architectures
like ARM and MIPS. Furthermore, V-Sandbox [171], which promises many useful fea-
tures, has yet to be made available by the authors. Lastly, commercial or closed-source
sandboxes like IoTBox [143] and Padawan [172] appear to provide a rich analysis platform.
However, we need access to the platforms to conduct our large-scale study. We reached out
to Padawan’s authors, who provided access to the platform. The platform only supported
a few architectures and limited the samples we could analyze to a few hundred. As of this
writing, the platform is no longer online or accessible. Due to these limitations, we built
our own IoT malware analysis platform called BadThings [173], which we describe next.
5.2 Methodology
This section will describe our dataset, malware analysis platform, and analysis approach.
Our IoT malware analysis platform is more comprehensive than prior efforts and democ-
Table 5.1: A summary of documented or publicly available IoT Malware analysis plat-
forms. indicates resource no longer available.
Tool Name
Supported Arch.
ratizes access to advanced malware analysis techniques for the security community. Our
platform includes a large, diverse, and representative malware corpus. Additionally, we
made our platform easy to use by building rich analysis virtual machines, containerizing
them, and automating their deployment. We create extensive documentation for using the
tools, artifacts for each sample in the corpus (reproducibility), and the analysis results (val-
5.2.1 Data Sources
We list all the dataset sources for our measurements in Table Table 5.2.
VirusTotal. VirusTotal (VT) is a malware analysis and sharing platform that is used by
hundreds of commercial security companies and thousands of researchers. We source our
dataset from VT and assume that it provides good coverage because of the sheer size of
files submitted to the platform, see Figure Figure 5.1. We use VT to identify new binary
submissions that meet the following criteria: (1) ELF binaries, (2) never seen by VT before,
(3) machine architecture is not x86 or x86 64, (4) ELF binary is not Android type, (5)
submission is not tagged as ”shared-lib, ”coredump, or ”relocatable, (6) file size is less
than 30MB, and (7) has at least one anti-virus (AV) detection. We choose these criteria
based on the access limitation (10K files/day) and the following assumptions.
First, our work studies malware that target embedded IoT systems. The vast majority
(82%) of IoT systems rely on Linux-based OS (ELF) [174] and utilize Reduced Instruction
Set Computers (RISC) architecture [175], whereas x86 and x86 64 are based on Complex
Instruction Set Computers (CISC) architecture, mostly found in servers, desktops, and lap-
tops. We exclude x86, x86 64, and Android malware because (1) they are well covered in
prior works [101, 96, 108, 110, 176], (2) are more likely to target mobile or traditional com-
puting devices (servers, desktops, and laptops), and (3) their volume inundate our access
capacity, as shown in Figure Figure 5.1.
Second, we found ELF files larger than 30MB to be mostly coredump
, shared-lib, or
. We found seven files, over 30MB, detected by one or more AV engines and
one file detected by five or more AV engines
. Third, our analysis pipeline can analyze
native ELF binaries, therefore, it does not support Java-based Android apps, but it supports
files that run on the Android Runtime environment (native). VT classifies files that run na-
tively in Android (Android Runtime) as ELF files because Android uses a tailored version of
the Linux Kernel. We found a limited number of files for Android IoT and TV, specifically,
113 (AV labels 11 as malicious) and 57 (AV labels 6 as malicious) files, respectively.
We rely on AV detection as a way to identify possible malware, similar to prior works [177].
First, we collect files with one AV detection to stay under the daily access quota (10K/day,
see Figure Figure 5.1). Second, we filter files with less than five AV detections to suppress
false-positives, which are common in VT [177]. These criteria filter out possible irrelevant
samples that are not likely to be IoT malware with minimal impact on the empirical results.
However, we do acknowledge this might lead to a bias in the malware dataset since our
collection relies on AV detections that can have inherent limitations.
Active and Passive DNS. Our active DNS (aDNS) dataset comes from the ActiveDNSPro-
ject [178], which actively resolves many popular zones (COM, NAME, NET, ORG, BIZ,
etc.), top sites from the Alexa Top 1M, and public blocklists daily. The passive DNS
(pDNS) is an anonymized dataset provided by a large internet service provider (ISP) based
in the US. The ISP operates a large set of geographically-distributed local DNS resolvers
A recorded state of a program during a crash
An object file that linkers use to build an executable.
MD5: 3c5a75bd1df81c6f355b3edf61729507, Label: BitCoinMiner
Unique Files
Detected Files
Figure 5.1: The daily volume of files and detected files submitted to VirusTotal in 2019 per
Table 5.2: The data sources used for the empirical study.
Data Provider Data Type Role
Detection & Labels
Binary Analysis
Growth & Size
ActiveDNS Project Active DNS Internet Measurement
Large ISP Passive DNS
Bad Packets Honeypot Device Targeting
Tranco Top Site Ranking Filtering
that service over 40 million internet-connected devices, which include IoT devices. We use
aDNS and pDNS to investigate IoT malware infrastructure. Our aDNS and pDNS datasets
cover the period from May 2019 up to Jan 2020. We specifically use aDNS and pDNS to
enumerate relationships between observed IPs and domains. We use pDNS data to quantify
the lookup volume and the number of anonymized clients resolving the C&C infrastructure.
Bad Packets Honeypots. Bad Packets [179] operates a set of proprietary honeypots that
monitor emerging cyber threats targeting enterprise networks, IoT devices, and cloud com-
puting environments. We were provided an aggregate dataset that spans the entire month
of June 2019. We use the honeypot dataset to identify attack characteristics observed on
the internet and quantify what devices IoT malware target. Specifically, we use aggregate
statistics about internet scans that are classified as IoT malware by Bad Packets.
Tranco Top Site Ranking. We use Tranco’s top site ranking [180] to identify and filter
benign domains. Our static and dynamic analysis yield large sets of domains and IPs,
which may not be related to malware. For example, a link to the UPX packer website is
commonly found in samples that are packed by UPX.
ELF Binary
7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
02 00 28 00 01 00 00 00
94 81 00 00 34 00 00 00
40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
48 c7 01 00 00 00 00 00
Targe t Ar ch .
Library Linking
UPX Unpack
Infection Vector
binutils Ghidra Yara
Binary Emulation
QEMU Build Root Zelos
Static Binary Analysis
Dynamic Binary Analysis
Figure 5.2: An overview of the static and dynamic analysis pipeline.
5.2.2 Analysis Methods
Figure Figure 5.2 presents an overview of our analysis and measurement methodology. We
use static, dynamic, and network analysis. We do not claim any of the techniques as a
novel contribution, instead, we use them as a means to study IoT malware. We rely on
well-established approaches from prior works [142, 181, 182, 183] and tailor them for our
Metadata Analysis. We use VT for AV detection, AV labels, and in-the-wild names. We
combine the AV labels with AVClass [184] to consolidate the labels for each sample. This
metadata analysis provides context about the malware samples and helps us to correlate the
findings from static and dynamic analysis.
Static Analysis. The goal of static analysis is to identify each binary’s target architec-
ture, linking method (static vs dynamic), anti-analysis tactics, packing, embedded domains
and IP addresses, and infection vectors. We use a set of tools from binutils suite to per-
form static analysis, namely readelf, objdump, objcopy, strings, and hexdump. The file
tool parses the binary information and identifies the target architecture, endianness, and
linking information based on the file headers. Next, we examine the ELF binaries for anti-
analysis artifacts by using four heuristics. First, we inspect the ELF file for the first LOAD
(PT LOAD) segment in the section headers that is marked for read, write, and execute
(RWE). This anti-analysis trick is commonly used to hide the program’s entry point and
break analysis tools.
Second, we examine the ELF file for fake section headers that overlap the program’s
entry point by iterating through each segment and section. For each segment, we check
if the segment overlaps the entrypoint address. If we detect an overlap, we conclude that
the sample has anti-analysis artifacts. This well-known tactic overlays fake data and text
sections with opposite flags (switching W and X) to confuse analysis tools by parsing the
fake data sections for code. Third, we examine the ELF file for fake dynamic symbol tables
by checking the section header for one or more dynamic symbol tables (SHT DYNSYM).
We iterate through each segment and look for dynamic symbol tables that come after the
dynamic table (DT SYMTAB) and check if the dynamic symbol table overlaps the dynamic
table (virtual address + size is outside the segment). This anti-analysis technique inserts
fake dynamic symbol tables for dynamically-linked binaries that mix up the symbols of
Fourth, we iterate over each segment and check the section header fields (e shoff,
e shentsize, e shnum e shstrndx for zero values. This technique removes critical infor-
mation about the section headers making it impossible to parse. The Linux kernel does not
use the section headers when loading and executing the ELF file, therefore removing the
section headers breaks some analysis tools that rely on section headers, but does not affect
the execution of the binary. Next, we try to detect UPX packed samples by looking for
UPX sections and string artifacts. For UPX packed files, we also check if the UPX header
is zeroed out, which usually breaks the UPX decompression utility but not the executable.
We then attempt to unpack each sample using the UPX utility. Some files fail to unpack
due to corrupt UPX headers, but they execute in the dynamic analyzer.
Finally, we use static analysis to extract IP addresses and domains using strings with
default settings and regular expressions. For captured domains, we use tldextract, a python
library, to check for properly formed domain names. For IP addresses, we remove all
bogons and invalid IP addresses. We also use static analysis to identify infection vectors by
using over 200 Yara signatures. We source our Yara signatures by enumerating a set of IoT
and router device vendors, crawl the NVD [185], and identify Common Vulnerability and
Exposure (CVE) entries that have public proof-of-concept (PoC) code. We then manually
build and verify each Yara signature. For each matched Yara signature, we verify that (1)
the offset matches the signature inside the binary and (2) the binary offset is referenced by
the code section.
Dynamic Analysis. We build architecture-specific virtual machines that execute each sam-
ple and collect their system call and network traffic, which we call full-system analysis.
We run each sample for 60 seconds and collect system call traces using strace and net-
work traces. Further, we use a binary emulator that emulates the instructions and system
calls of an ELF file to generate system call traces, referenced as Zelos [186] in Figure Fig-
ure 5.2. The run time of a sample influences the observed behavior as documented in prior
works [105]. To account for this limitation, we measure trace divergence between full-
system and binary emulation. Binary emulation allows us to skip over sleep system calls
and fast forward the execution of malware hence revealing possible hidden behavior. Ad-
ditionally, we use leaked source code from various IoT malware found online [187] and
match them with the execution traces and function symbols to identify capabilities.
We empirically found full-system emulation traces to match 85% of binary emulation
traces for ARM. The remaining 15% could not be compared due to application binary
interface (ABI) mismatch during full-system analysis or failure to run in binary emulation
(missing required libraries or incompatible architecture version). Furthermore, we found
that before 30 seconds of full-system emulation about 95% of malware will engage in
network system calls that either block or loop infinitely. Hence, we chose 60 seconds
to balance between analysis quality and performance. We count successfully executed
samples by two metrics, namely system artifacts and network artifacts. For system artifacts
we consider a malware to be active if it creates three or more processes in the VM or if it
invokes 100 or more system calls.
These parameters were conservatively chosen by examining diverging traces from full-
system and binary emulation. For network artifacts, we collected network traffic from the
VM for 72 hours without executing any malware. We then filter out any traffic that matches
the baseline or bogon networks. We note that this is a modest attempt to build a dynamic
malware analysis system for six different architectures and we recognize the challenges
that are documented by earlier works [181, 182, 188]. Nevertheless, we report the results
in Table Table 5.3 and make our analysis tools public for the community. Dynamic anal-
ysis allows us to study infection attempts, persistence methods, exercised capabilities, and
C&C communication. We use these findings to empirically document them in the lifecycle
framework and compare them to desktop and mobile malware.
Infrastructure Analysis. We use a three-tiered process to filter and identify C&C indica-
tors. First, we use Tranco [180] top sites to enumerate a list of benign domains. We count
the most referenced domains and filter them using the top site list. Second, we manually
inspect the new list to remove the remaining benign domains. Third, we build a bipar-
tite graph between domains and IPs to find connected components and filter out additional
benign clusters [183]. After removing all the benign indicators, we use historical pDNS
and aDNS to expand on the malicious indicators to find common infrastructure. For IP
addresses, we look into pDNS and aDNS to identify associated domains. We repeat our
method on the newly identified domains and IPs until we remove all benign nodes. We
verify each node manually.
Table 5.3: A statistical summary of the dataset, metadata, static, and dynamic analysis
grouped by IoT malware’s target architecture.
VT Metadata Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis
Honeypot Library Linking
Coverage Static Dynamic Packed Unpacked DNS Outbound
ARM 81,152 57,484 25,406 50,117 4,797 2,570 11,464 9,124 36,660 2,939 42,765
MIPS 19,574 17,675 7,769 17,258 94 323 2,812 2,566 14,536 1,271 13,070
MIPS-EL 15,906 14,757 6,052 14,372 71 314 2,517 2,351 13,481 1,178 12,077
PPC 15,648 14,909 6,393 14,604 74 231 4,232 2,468 13,536 756 12,580
SPARC 11,650 11,218 5,197 10,904 31 283 7 0 10,344 729 9,181
SH4 11,587 11,303 6,667 11,038 67 198 6 0 9,619 414 10,772
M68K 11,255 10,983 6,578 9,420 1,342 221 7 0 - - - - - -
Total 166,772 138,329 64,062 127,713 6,476 4,140 21,045 16,509 98,176 7,287 100,445
Table 5.4: Top anti-virus (AV) labels based on reports from VirusTotal.
Label Count Label Count Label Count Label Count Label Count
mirai 37,505 (65.244%) mirai 22,602 (66.61%) mirai 11,350 (76.12%) mirai 8,305 (74.03%) mirai 8,030 (71.04%)
gafgyt 15,468 (26.91%) gafgyt 8,290 (25.56%) gafgyt 3,336 (22.36%) gafgyt 2,810 (25.04%) gafgyt 3,101 (27.44%)
NOLABEL 1,117 (1.9%) hajime 1,181 (3.64%) tsunami 149 (1.00%) tsunami 62 (0.55%) tsunami 114 (1.01%)
dofloo 893 (1.55%) NOLABEL 729 (2.24%) NOLABEL 62 (0.42%) NOLABEL 33 (0.29%) NOLABEL 51 (0.45%)
dvmap 716 (1.25%) tsunami 418 (1.29%) mirai-dl 2 wanuk 1 bricker 3
tsunami 544 (0.95%) dofloo 91 (0.28%) sshdkit 1 telnetd 1 mirai-dl 2
hajime 531 (0.92%) ddostf 50 (0.15%) linksys 1 sshdkit 1 aidra 1
ddostf 264 dnsamp 14 hydra 1 solaris 1 - -
lotoor 260 aircrack 7 hive 1 snamp 1 - -
dnsamp 28 bricker 5 healerbot 1 silex 1 - -
5.3 Results
Using the proposed lifecycle framework, this section presents the results from our empir-
ical measurements and observations. We summarize the results for each subsection by
takeaways (TA).
Measurement Setup. We filter our dataset from 166,772 to 138,329 samples that are
detected by five or more AV engines. We then analyze each sample statically and dynam-
ically to group the results by architecture as shown in Figure Figure 5.2. We use binutils,
Yara, Ghidra, and hexdump to identify the target architecture, library linking, symbols,
packing, and anti-analysis artifacts. For packed samples, we attempt to unpack them using
UPX [189]. For dynamic analysis, we use Buildroot [190] and QEMU [191] for full-system
analysis and Zelos [186] for binary emulation. We build our full-system virtual machines
(VM) by using the results from static analysis to identify a common set of required libraries
to include in the VMs. However, we were not able to build a VM for M68K architecture
0 20 40
Number of Detections
0 20 40
Number of Detections
0 20 40
Number of Detections
Figure 5.3: The number of AV engines that detect IoT malware per architecture. The dotted
vertical line marks five AVs.
due to legacy code incompatibility, therefore, we only considered the M68K samples for
static analysis.
Table Table 5.3 summarizes our analysis results by architecture. The VT metadata has
two main columns, namely detection and honeypot. Detection refers to the number of
samples that are detected by five or more AV engines and honeypot refers to the number of
samples seen by the VT honeypot. The static analysis section has three columns, namely
library linking, anti-analysis, and polymorphic. The library linking column presents the
number of static and dynamic linked samples, the anti-analysis column presents the number
of samples that break static analysis tools, and the polymorphic column presents the number
of packed samples and how many were unpacked. Lastly, the dynamic section has two
columns, namely system and network. The system column reports the number of samples
that create three or more processes or invoke at least 100 system calls. For the network, we
report the number of samples with DNS and outbound internet traffic.
5.3.1 Detection and Labeling
In Table Table 5.4, we present the top 10 AV labels grouped by system architectures. We use
AV engines hosted by VT, which are reported to have better detection coverage than their
desktop versions [177]. However, Figure Figure 5.3 suggests that traditional AV engines
Device Type
12/1/2016 3/1/2017 6/1/2017 9/1/2017 12/1/2017 3/1/2018 6/1/2018 9/1/2018 12/1/2018 3/1/2019 6/1/2019 9/1/2019 12/1/2019
IP Cam/Media
Smart Home
Web App
Figure 5.4: A timeline of exploits for Mirai variants based on reports from security re-
lack support and detection for IoT malware. VT hosts over 70 AV engines, but only 55
support ELF files. We observe 50% of the malware is detected by less than 25 AV engines
and at most by 45 AV engines as shown in Figure Figure 5.3. Furthermore, AV engines
appear to detect ARM malware with better coverage, over 25% of the ARM samples are
detected by at least 2 AV engines. AV engines provide AV label coverage for at least 97%
of the detected malware.
We observe that the mirai label dominates in all system architectures and accounts for
76% of the PPC samples. The next most popular label is gafgyt. The ARM samples have
more diverse labels in comparison with the others. For example, the label lotoor and dvmap
are only found in the ARM dataset. Some labels are exclusive to a set of architectures like
hajime. Herwig et al. [135] report that Hajime malware is only built for ARM, MIPS, and
MIPS-EL, which is aligned with our findings. The inconsistencies in AV detection and
labeling are also reported in prior studies [192, 193].
TA1. Given that no host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS) run on IoT devices,
detecting malware after an infection is not possible. However, signature-based scanners
can detect suspicious binaries forensically captured from the network or the device. Our
findings suggest that many AV scanners lack support or have limited signature coverage
(mostly mirai labels) for IoT malware in the wild.
Table 5.5: Device categories and their top vulnerabilities that are targeted by IoT malware
based on data from Bad Packets.
Category Type Scans Top Vuln. in Category Scans (%)
CCTV 221,340 GoAhead login.cgi 221,340 (100)
Modem/Router 102,690 Linksys 26,239 (25.55)
DVR/NVR 40,998 Kguard DVR 24,069 (58.71)
Enterprise 18,277 Yealink VOIP 11,958 (65.43)
Smart Home 8,806 Google Chromecast 8,422 (95.64))
Web App 6,133 Apache Struts 2 6,094 (99.36)
IP Cam/Media 1,458 WIFICAM Generic 661 (45.34)
NAS 565 QNAP 565 (100)
ICS 11 Schneider U.Motion 11 (100)
Table 5.6: Top exploits found in IoT malware binaries based on static analysis.
Vendor CVE Dev. Type Vuln. Type Dev. Arch. AV Labels ARM MIPS PPC SPARC SH4 M68K
Huawei CVE-2017-17215 Router CMD Inject MIPS
gafgyt, ircbot,
mirai, tsunami
10,046 5,527 2,604 2,352 2,277 2,226
ZTE - - Router Default Cred MIPS
dlink, exploitscan,
gafgyt, mirai, tsunami
3,190 2,038 912 728 735 724
D-Link CVE-2014-8361 Router CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 2,378 1,436 656 534 530 534
GPON CVE-2018-10562 Router CMD Inject Unknown gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 2,016 1,245 539 448 443 435
Zyxel CVE-2016-10372 Modem CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 531 356 129 117 132 132
Juniper CVE-2015-7756 Firewall Backdoor ARM gafgyt, mirai 413 256 115 95 77 82
Multi-Vendor - - DVR CMD Inject ARM gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 326 229 74 56 68 70
D-Link CVE-2013-7471 Router CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 317 205 79 62 71 71
Synology CVE-2017-9554 NAS Info Leak Various
gafgyt, intercepter, minerd
mirai, stealthworker, xmrig
289 145 49 31 34 31
Zyxel CVE-2017-18368 Router CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai 191 105 48 41 43 38
Asus CVE-2018-15887 Modem CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai 166 92 40 42 53 50
NETGEAR - - NAS CMD Inject ARM mirai 112 87 25 21 26 24
HooToo CVE-2018-20841 Router CMD Inject MIPS gafgyt, mirai, tsunami 112 60 28 17 22 22
WePresent - - Router CMD Inject MIPS mirai 98 58 24 21 25 23
LG CVE-2018-17173 Display CMD Inject ARM mirai 98 58 24 21 25 23
Vera CVE-2013-4861 Hub Info Leak MIPS mirai 92 52 21 18 21 20
Belkin - - Smart Home CMD Inject MIPS mirai 88 50 20 17 20 19
Multi-Vendor - - Camera CMD Inject MIPS mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
Multi-Vendor CVE-2017-8225 Camera Info Leak MIPS mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
DreamBox CVE-2017-14135 Media CMD Inject PowerPC mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
Multi-Vendor CVE-2019-3929 Router CMD Inject MIPS mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
Oracle CVE-2019-2725 Web App CMD Inject x86 64 mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
Schneider-Electric CVE-2018-7841 Industrial/Home CMD Inject x86 mirai 85 48 20 17 20 19
Linksys - - Router Mem Corrupt MIPS mirai 83 50 20 19 21 20
EnGenius - - Router CMD Inject MIPS mirai 68 64 13 12 14 13
5.3.2 Infection Analysis
We observe that IoT malware use remote exploitation and default credentials to infect de-
vices. We present a timeline in Figure Figure 5.4 that shows the incorporation of exploits
in IoT malware based on reports from researchers. The timeline begins right after the Mirai
source code became public and extends to the end of the malware collection period (Dec.
2019). We find nine categories of devices across 70 different exploits [194, 203, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202]. We observe that the
number of exploits increases significantly in 2019, which target new categories of devices
not seen before such as enterprise network equipment, industrial control systems (ICS),
network attached storage (NAS), and smart home devices.
Moreover, in Table Table 5.5 we present results from the Bad Packets LLC [179] hon-
eypot. The table shows a list of device categories targeted by IoT malware in June 2019
ranked by the number of observed scans. We present the top vulnerability in each cate-
gory to the right and quantify the composition of the scans per category. For example, the
Kguard DVR vulnerability makes up 58.71% of the scans in the DVR/NVR category. We
present our empirical findings in Table Table 5.6. The table shows the vendor of the target
device, CVE number, device type, vulnerability type, device architecture, malware labels,
and the number of samples containing the exploit.
First, we observe that the exploits affect internet-facing devices and devices behind the
NAT. For example, routers and firewalls are typically internet-facing while smart home
devices such as hubs should be behind a NAT device. Second, we observe that most of
the vulnerability types affect network services by command injection, credential leak, or
default credentials. Third, the affected device architectures are mostly ARM and MIPS,
nevertheless, IoT malware appears to be architecture agnostic. Finally, we observe that
certain malware families, such as minerd, xmrig, intercepter, and stealthworker target spe-
cific devices like the Synology NAS, which suggests that some IoT malware specializes in
device targeting.
TA2. Early IoT malware (see subsection 2.3.2) relied on default credentials or a specific
vulnerability to compromise internet-facing IoT devices. Our findings suggest that IoT
malware has evolved to rely on a suite of exploits that target many diverse device categories
not seen before, which can be either internet-facing or behind a NAT device.
TA3. Given most IoT devices are headless, lack a graphical user interface (GUI) or periph-
eral devices, all observed exploits do not require user interaction. This IoT device property
allows malware to efficiently infect many devices very quickly. Additionally, the archi-
tecture agnostic nature of IoT malware may potentially make them more of a threat than
earlier desktop worms.
5.3.3 Payload Analysis
We observe that IoT malware payloads use packing, environment keying, scripting, and
cross-architecture binaries. Table Table 5.3 shows that at least 15% of the malware use
packing, and we were able to unpack 78% of the packed samples. The remaining samples
used anti-analysis tricks that broke the standard unpacker. We observe in dynamic analysis
that IoT malware payloads use environment keying before executing. For example, we see
payloads profiling the device name, CPU, and memory to check for the right environment.
We found a set of payloads that rely on script interpreters like Python and Lua for
functionality. However, most payloads use the system shell for system reconnaissance and
persistence. For example, various binaries invoke shell commands like uname, whoami,
lsof, crontab, and os-release to collect information about the device. We observe on ex-
ploitation that multi-architecture payloads are delivered to the device to brute force the
target system architecture. For example, if the malware cannot identify the device’s ar-
chitecture, they test many variants of the payload for different architectures such as ARM,
MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, SH4, and M68K.
TA4. Our analysis suggests IoT malware uses polymorphism to evade signature-based
detection. We estimate at least 15% of the samples use packing and 3.3% use a more
advanced anti-analysis method to thwart unpacking. Also, the analysis suggests that the
device’s system shell interface is a primary component for payload selection and infection.
5.3.4 Persistence Analysis
Before presenting the results, it is important to understand how embedded devices configure
their file systems. First, most embedded devices mount their rootfs (file system) as read-
only (RO). This reduces wear on flash memory, eliminates system file corruption, avoids
accidental overwrites, facilitates device update over-the-air (OTA), and eases factory reset.
Still, there are processes on the device that need write-access for passwords, configurations,
and keys. Embedded devices designate a non-volatile data region and a volatile temporary
file system region on the flash memory. The data region is used by processes and services to
store their configurations. Malware have to consider these file system constraints to persist
on the device.
We observe in dynamic analysis that IoT malware attempt to persist on the device’s
firmware. We must clarify that firmware refers to the IoT device’s OS, which is a customized
embedded Linux instance (unified layer, see Table Table 2.2). In many IoT devices, services
run as root, which means if exploited by malware then they will gain root access on the
device. We observe that IoT malware use many persistent methods by installing themselves
as either a service, a startup script, a system module, or a backdoor. Some samples attempt
to remount the file system with read-write permissions to persist on the rootfs. For example,
using the command mount -o remount, malware can remount the file system with read-write
permissions. In several instances, we observe malware using vendor-specific tools such as
/bin/cfgmtd that target Ubiquiti devices to add an SSH backdoor.
Even with volatile memory regions, we observe IoT malware using tmpfs paths to per-
sist. On system reboot, the tmpfs paths will be wiped, which will remove the IoT malware.
However, to prolong the infection, we notice that IoT malware will disable the watchdog
process on devices. A watchdog process on an embedded device is a privileged process
that mitigates software faults by forcing a device to reboot into a clean state. If malware
causes the system to become unstable, the watchdog process will reboot the device and
consequently remove the malware. For example, IoT malware will disable the watchdog
process by writing the ”Magic Close” value (“V”) to one of the following locations /de-
v/FTWDT101 watchdog, /dev/misc/watchdog, or /dev/watchdog.
TA5. The results suggest forensic identification of infections on a device may be difficult
because malware can persist in many locations. Although IoT devices mount their file
system as read-only, there appears to be many methods to overcome this limitation, which
can worsen infection cleanup.
Table 5.7: Scanning methods found in IoT malware binaries based on dynamic analysis.
Protocol Port Number Attack Type
Telnet 23, 2323 Dictionary Attack
ADB 5555 Android Debug Bridge Shell
5555, 55555, 52869, 37215,
7547, 8080, 8081, 443, 80, 81
Command Injection
5.3.5 Capability Analysis
Initial variants of IoT malware discussed in subsection 2.3.2 focused on DDoS and scan-
ning capabilities. Our analysis shows an expanded set of capabilities found in modern IoT
malware. Using dynamic analysis, we observe aggressive evasion by disabling firewall pro-
cesses, access control modules, ISP remote administration, unblocking restricted domains,
deleting access logs, history logs, and service access logs, and modifying timestamps on
files. Moreover, we observe privilege escalation attempts targeting the Android Runtime
environment. We also observe data theft attempts that look for Sybase database files, col-
lect device profiles, harvest device configurations, and enumerate system files. Perhaps
the most prevalent capabilities are network scanning and spreading. Table Table 5.7 is a
summary of the observed scanning and exploitation attempts, which includes a subset of
the vulnerabilities found in Table Table 5.6. We do not observe direct DDoS attacks, but
through static analysis, we find DDoS capabilities in the malware. We identify a set of
DDoS attack functions using function symbols in the analyzed samples and match them
with public malware source code. Table Table 5.8 presents a list of the DDoS functions
found in IoT malware.
Additionally, we observe from dynamic analysis device destruction attempts by IoT
malware. Malware will try to delete the root directory of the file system, dbus devices, zero
out MMC memory, remove configured devices on general-purpose IO pins, and delete the
Linux device table. Furthermore, we observe IoT malware will abuse device resources for
cryptocurrency mining and proxy services. Malware will download open-source miners
such as cgminer and attempt to lock out the device owner by removing restore tools, dis-
abling device upgrade, and hard-coding an IP address to a specific mining pool server. We
Table 5.8: DDoS capabilities found in IoT malware binaries based on static analysis and
leaked source code.
DDoS Type Function Symbol Name
attack tcp syn, attack tcp ack,
attack tcp stomp, attack method tcp,
attack tcp ysynack, attack tcp nfo,
attack method tcpfrag, attack method tcpall,
attack method tcpusyn, attack method asyn,
attack tcp lynx, attack method tcpxma
attack udp generic, attack udp vse,
attack udp dns, attack udp plain,
attack method udpgame
GRE attack gre ip, attack gre eth
attack app http, attack method ovh
attack method miscdestruct, attack app cfnull
attack method std, attack method generic,
attack method misckill
also observe attempts to set up a proxy service that configures network traffic forwarding
on high ports.
TA6. Infected devices can degrade or damage IoT services not only for device owners but
also for network operators and device vendors. Additionally, they can facilitate criminal
activities by tunneling malicious traffic through infected devices or eavesdropping on local
network traffic.
5.3.6 C&C Analysis
We observe from the dynamic and static analysis that IoT malware can use P2P and central-
ized infrastructure for C&C communication. For example, Hajime [135] uses the Kademlia
overlay network, which is a P2P protocol. We also observe some malware using the Tor
network either for C&C call-back or for connecting to a cryptocurrency mining pool. For
centralized infrastructure, we find that IoT malware rely on hard-coded IPs rather than do-
mains, as shown in Table Table 5.3. We only observe 7K samples with DNS lookups, which
accounts for less than 7% of the network active samples. From network traces, we gather
306 unique domains and 10,895 IPs, which have a very small overlap. This reinforces
that IoT malware rely mostly on hard-coded IP addresses for C&C call-back. Lastly, we
observe that some IoT malware attempt to hide their DNS IP address resolution by using
DNS TXT records.
We investigate the domains and IP addresses using the pDNS dataset. Table Table 5.9
presents the top six malware families based on the infrastructure analysis described in sec-
tion 2.2. We rank the rows by the number of unique client IDs found in the pDNS dataset.
The columns are as follows, Labels is the AV family, Clients is the number of unique client
IDs, FQDN is the number of unique fully-qualified C&C domains, IP is the number of
unique C&C IPs, e2LD is the number of effective second-level C&C domains, Days is the
number of distinct days the C&C was queried, Samples is the number of malware, and Clus-
ter is the number of C&C clusters per family. We observe that the mirai samples are the
most active with 874 clients, 144 e2LD, 151 unique clusters, and 2,607 associated samples.
The next largest is gafgyt, which shares 63 clusters with mirai. Also, Figure Figure 5.5a
and Figure Figure 5.5b present the malware activity as seen from pDNS. We observe that
the lookup volumes are sporadic throughout the year, then for the period from November
to January, there is an uptick in lookup volume especially for the tsunami family.
Table 5.9: Top IoT malware clusters grouped by AV Labels.
mirai 874 229 369 144 269 2607 151
gafgyt 687 121 146 69 269 2727 73
chachaddos 300 2 7 2 253 2 1
hajime 156 4 3 3 265 2 3
NOLABEL 132 44 158 24 269 41 29
tsunami 112 41 48 18 268 263 34
TA7. Network detection of malware communication can prove to be difficult with P2P
channels and evasive DNS resolutions. However, the use of hard-coded IP addresses makes
IoT botnets less resilient to takedowns. IoT malware network activities can be difficult to
measure on the internet using DNS since very few samples rely on DNS.
Passive DNS Lookup Volume by Family
Lookup Volume
(a) The number of queries per IoT malware fam-
ily cluster.
Passive DNS Unique Client IDs by Family
Number of Unique Client IDs
(b) The number of clients IDs per IoT malware
family cluster.
Figure 5.5: DNS measurement of domains for the top IoT malware family clusters based
on the pDNS dataset.
5.4 Case Studies
Motivated by our empirical results in section 5.3, we take a closer look at how IoT malware
reuses Mirai’s code to provide more context on attacks.
5.4.1 Code Reuse and Evolution
Bugs in the Source. During our dynamic analysis, we noticed a number of IoT malware
samples failed to run in the full-system emulation. Further investigation showed that the
samples would crash at the beginning of execution. These samples had their function sym-
bols stripped and only affected the MIPS-EL and ARM architecture. We tracked down the
issue to a set of faulty compilers that are used in the build script of the leaked Mirai code.
These compilers were specifically for ARMv6 and MIPS-EL architecture. To reproduce
the bug, we compiled a test program with the faulty compilers and ran them, but they did
not crash. However, when we passed the “strip” flag to the compiler, the binaries crashed
on execution. This bug was found in over 8,000 ARM samples from our dataset. More-
over, we reproduced this bug on real hardware by running the test program on two physical
devices, namely a Raspberry Pi 3 (ARM) and a GLiNet 300M (MIPS) router. The physical
hardware exhibited the same behavior as our full-system emulation.
Investigating additional malware samples that failed in the dynamic analyzer, we found
a set of traces that crash in the middle of execution. We analyzed the crash files and found
that a segmentation fault is generated when the malware attempts to hide its process name.
A snippet of the code is shown at the top of Figure Figure 5.6 based on Mirai’s code.
However, other samples did not have this bug, which used a different version of the code
shown at bottom of Figure Figure 5.6. The bug is caused by a fixed length buffer used to
store the process name, which only supports a maximum of 20 bytes including the path of
the binary. The newer code fixes this issue by using a variable-length buffer as shown in
the lower portion on line three of Figure Figure 5.6.
TA8. Mirai’s original code has distinct bugs that transcend into newer variants, but some
samples fix them. Although this evolution overall improves the stability of IoT malware,
many samples use Mirai’s code as a template, which can make them easier to detect by
signature-based techniques.
Corrupted DNS Resolutions. We found a large number of malformed DNS packets from
our dynamic analysis, which we initially assumed to be a misconfiguration in our analyzer.
We came across a set of samples that attempt to resolve a domain but created malformed
DNS packets. These samples had very similar system traces to the original Mirai code.
We investigated Mirai’s code and found an initialization bug that causes DNS queries to
be malformed. Specifically, the code does not initialize the buffer where the DNS query is
stored, which can contain random bytes from the device’s memory as padding. We found
this bug to affect all Mirai variants [187] in our study, and it appears to contribute to IoT
malware reliance on IPs instead of DNS for C&C call-back.
TA9. Since DNS resolution is unreliable for samples seen in the wild, this may explain the
use of hard-coded IP addresses for C&C call-back. Furthermore, given the evolutionary
trends observed in other components of Mirai’s code, a fix for the DNS resolution function
can make new variants more resilient to detection, blocking, and mitigation.
/ / Hide ar g v 0 F i x e d Le n gt h Name ( Bug )
n a m e b u f l e n = ( ( r a n d n e x t ( ) % 4 ) + 3 )
4 ;
r a n d
a l p h a s t r ( na me buf , n a m e b u f l e n ) ;
nam e b uf [ n a m e b u f l e n ] = 0 ;
u t i l s t r c p y ( a r g s [ 0 ] , n a me b uf ) ;
/ / Hide ar g v 0 V a r i a b l e L en g th Name
n a m e b u f l e n = ( r a n d n e x t ( ) % ( 2 0 u t i l s t r l e n ( a r g s [ 0 ] ) ) )
+ u t i l s t r l e n ( a r g s [ 0 ] ) ;
r a n d a l p h a s t r ( name buf , n a m e b u f l e n ) ;
nam e b uf [ n a m e b u f l e n ] = 0 ;
u t i l s t r c p y ( a r g s [ 0 ] , n a me b uf ) ;
Figure 5.6: Mirai’s faulty evasion code (top) and the fixed code found in newer variants
5.4.2 Payload Hosting
Having identified the DNS bug in the Mirai code, we wanted to understand how some
samples used domains. We study the lifecycle of two different IoT malware C&C infras-
tructure, specifically, we pick iwantallthesmoke.club and str3sser.com from the top clusters
identified from Section subsection 5.3.6. We manually investigate these domains using
DomainTools and VT.
Str3sser Domain. The str3sser.com domain was registered by Namecheap on 2018-06-29
and was inactive for almost six months. On 2018-12-27, the domain records changed to
point to Cloudflare. There were two A ( and and two NS
records (liz.ns.cloudflare.com and jobs.ns.cloudflare.com) created. We speculate that these
records were for initial testing before going live because of the low DNS lookup volume
(average 16 lookups). After 79 days, the domain’s A ( and
and NS records (dns1.registrar-servers.com and dns2.registrar-servers.com) change to point
to Google cloud.
Approximately 50 minutes later, based on pDNS first seen resolution, the domain
is detected and reported to URLHaus. The domain remained active based on a screen-
shot captured nine days later but after 14 days the A records changed to a residential
IP address ( Finally, after two days, the owner created five child labels
(cuteguyss, est1976, apneager, chivethethrottle, and aq) pointing to OpenDNS infrastruc-
ture ( before the domain went offline. We base the shutdown evidence on
the abrupt change in pDNS lookups from hundreds a day (average 350 lookups) to zero.
The domain remained dormant with no lookups seen by pDNS sensors until it expired.
The domain was used for hosting the IoT malware payload, which is downloaded after
exploitation. The malware sample associated with this domain checks-in with the C&C
server using the hard-coded IP address on port TCP/443 (not TLS). In this
case, the payload domain operated for approximately 16 days.
IWantAllTheSmoke domain. The iwantallthesmoke.club domain was registered by Namecheap
on 2019-01-10. A day later, one A record ( is added to point to a virtual
private server (VPS) (Host Sailor Ltd.). Two days later, a screenshot of the domain’s front
page reads “me nah wan go jail. On day three, 11 lookups are seen by pDNS and the do-
main goes dormant with no activity for five days. Then, on 2019-01-21 the domain updated
the A record ( to point to another VPS (Zare.com). Approximately 50 min-
utes later, the domain is reported to URLHaus. The domain’s DNS lookups increased to an
average of 10 lookups per day, but three days later the lookups stopped. On the seventh day,
the domain was no longer available and only operated for six days before going offline.
However, this domain is one of ve domains associated with the payload hosting server.
Using pDNS data, we observed four additional domains that were used throughout the
year (Jan’19 to Jul’19) pointing to IP address and hosting similar payloads,
suggesting a rotation of payload domains. The malware sample checks-in with the C&C
server using the same IP address on port TCP/9285, but instead of resolving any of the
ve domains the sample uses the hard-coded IP address. The domains are only used in
the initial exploitation followed by payload download. These observations suggest that
malware using domains for payload download rely on the device’s DNS resolution instead
of Mirai’s code. Recall, many of the exploits in Section subsection 5.3.2 rely on the device’s
system shell to download and run the payload, hence the DNS resolution is done by the
device, not the malware code.
TA10. IoT malware uses domains for payload hosting and rarely for C&C call-back. Al-
though payload hosting domains are short-lived (i.e. six and 15 days), their lifespan is
sufficient for IoT malware operation because the malware can efficiently infect many de-
vices. This suggests that domain takedowns only affect malware spreading but not the
botnet itself.
5.5 Discussion
This section will compare IoT malware and traditional malware to understand common
trends. We then present a qualitative assessment of current defensive techniques against IoT
malware to understand available security measures that can address IoT malware attacks.
5.5.1 Similarities and Differences
First, we observe that the majority of IoT malware is based on Mirai’s code. This is vastly
different from traditional desktop and mobile malware, where there are hundreds if not
thousands of desktop and mobile malware families. This observation suggests that offline
IoT malware detection (TA1) may be relatively easier than traditional malware because
a large majority of samples in the wild stem from a shared code base. However, similar
to traditional malware, polymorphism and anti-analysis (TA1) found in IoT malware can
be effective in evading signature-based detection. Although we only observe 3.3% of the
samples to use anti-analysis methods, we can only claim a lower bound.
The infection analysis (TA2 and TA3) suggests that IoT malware can be a bigger threat
than traditional malware. For example, desktop malware has more categories of infection
(drive-by, phishing, etc.), however, remote exploitation and default credentials for IoT mal-
ware apply to a larger set of architecture-agnostic internet-facing devices. Furthermore,
we predict as IoT devices advance, repackaging, drive-by, phishing, and removable media
will all be practical infection vectors that IoT malware may abuse. The payload analysis
results (TA4) show that IoT malware has already incorporated advanced polymorphic and
anti-analysis tactics, which suggests that we may see a wide adoption in the near future
similar to desktop and mobile malware. One difference from traditional malware, which
can be used against IoT malware, is the reliance on the device’s system shell, which can be
disabled or limited (i.e. seccomp).
Persistent analysis (TA5) shows that IoT malware has to deal with file system con-
straints not found on desktop or mobile systems. Yet, the unification of user-space, kernel-
space, and firmware removes layered protections found in traditional platforms, which can
allow IoT malware to have privileged access to the device’s hardware. This suggests that
although current persistent methods are limited, direct access to a device’s hardware can
enable stealthier persistence tactics that may require device replacement to remediate. The
capability results (TA6) present a spectrum of abuse that can range from infecting devices
by scanning and exploitation to more sophisticated such as information theft and network
traffic hijacking. The results in Table Table 5.6 show that some IoT malware families target
specific devices, which suggests that we may see more tailored IoT device targeting based
on the malware’s capabilities (rise of specialization). This is analogous to desktop malware
that specializes in financial crime, ransomware, and credential theft, for example.
Furthermore, IoT malware C&C communication results (TA7) show a mix of P2P and
centralized control infrastructure. Based on the abrupt IoT botnet activity observed on ISP
networks, botnet operators may shift to implement a similar layered C&C communication
approach to the Storm botnet [89] to achieve scalability, stability, and resilience. However,
IoT malware reliance on Mirai’s code may have hindered its potential due to inherited
bugs (TA8 and TA9). This is further evident by the fact that IoT malware operators use
DNS mostly for payload hosting (TA10). It appears based on the infrastructure analysis
in subsection 5.4.2, IoT malware operators have adapted to register multiple domains for
payload hosting. Since IoT malware uses a very noisy internet-wide scanning and infection
approach, the payload domains are quickly detected and blocked. On the other hand, it
seems that short-lived payload domains provide sufficient time for the botnet to spread
5.5.2 Stakeholders and Defenses
We identify three primary stakeholders, namely device owners, device vendors, and ISP
Device Owners. Device owners have limited options for detecting and removing IoT mal-
ware infections. Device owners, whenever possible, should disable internet-facing services,
change default credentials, and segment their network to mitigate some of the risk of in-
fection. Most device owners would reboot their device if it becomes unresponsive or the
quality of service degrades, which is also applicable to IoT malware infections. Although
most IoT malware may be cleaned up with a simple reboot, we have observed several in-
stances of IoT malware using more persistent methods (TA5). Moreover, re-imaging the
device with a trusted firmware may not be possible, is technically difficult, or can damage
the device. We believe the impact of this problem is much more serious than reported in
prior work [153]. Specifically, we speculate that the current reinfection rates are much
higher than what was measured in 2017/2018 (only 5%).
Device Vendors. Device vendors have end-to-end visibility that can provide early detection
and remediation of IoT malware infections. For example, device telemetry can help detect
system anomalies, device firmware can limit system shell interaction, containerization can
limit cross-process interaction, process whitelisting can allow only trusted processes to run,
remote attestation via trusted execution can guarantee a clean state, and client-server design
can limit the exposed services on the network, therefore reducing the attack surface. These
approaches may not all be cost-effective for vendors, but some features can be implemented
as default protections for embedded Linux to boost the overall security of Linux-based IoT
devices. Moreover, as vendors innovate in the IoT space, they must be mindful of future
attack surfaces. For example, future IoT devices may incorporate more human interac-
tions, which can inherit all the attacks from traditional malware such as phishing, drive-by
download, and application repackaging. More precisely, incorporating a browser in an IoT
device allows IoT malware to reuse attack tactics that are found in traditional malware.
ISP Operators. ISP operators can play an important role in IoT malware infection cleanup
as documented by C¸ etin et al. [153]. Besides using a walled garden for infected customers,
ISPs can hinder the infection by deploying IP blocking and redirection for known IoT C&C
or payload hosting servers. A more active approach would be for ISPs to intercept payload
delivery or C&C communication and instead deliver a therapeutic payload that cleans up
and disables vulnerable services transparently without the user involvement. However, this
approach requires careful planning and engineering to scale to large networks. Current
defenses at the ISP level can disrupt IoT malware infection breakouts, but this requires
close monitoring and measurements to detect such events.
5.6 Using Threat Analysis to Inform Risk Assessment
The large-scale study of IoT malware lifecycle yielded several takeaways. These takeaways
can inform our risk assessment scoring framework. We provide explicit examples of how
the takeaways adjust the risk-score metric. We will not use all the takeaways; the risk
score will be weighted based on a multiplicative factor. We will describe the risk scoring
methodology in chapter 6.
1. TA1 concludes that host-based detection security measure is not practical. We lin-
early increase the risk score for an IoT deployment over time to account for exposure.
2. TA2 finds that IoT threats evolve to exploit vulnerabilities on internet-facing and Net-
work Address Translation (NAT) configured devices. We increase the risk score for
devices with lax security measures on the Local Area Network (LAN) (unencrypted
and unauthenticated services).
3. TA3 infers that IoT threats can spread very quickly without user interaction because
most IoT devices are headless. We increase the risk score for devices without user
interfaces and expose network services.
4. TA6 concludes that infected IoT devices can proxy other cybercrime or attacks to
degrade critical internet services. We increase the risk score for always-on devices
with copious computational resources.
5.6.1 Targeted Devices In The Testbed
Our study identified many targeted IoT devices across different device types (CCTV, ICS,
and Smart-Home). We present a list of the top targeted devices in Table 5.5 and Table 5.6.
In the smart-home category, we find devices like Google Chromecast, VeraLite Hub, and
Belkin WeMo (Switch, Link, Motion, Crockpot). Our testbed, presented in chapter 3, has
deployed IoT devices for both the Belkin WeMo and VeraLite Hub. We found that the
VeraLite Hub is an EOL device with many critical and high vulnerabilities that persist with
the device. These vulnerabilities increase the risk of deploying a VeraLite Hub because we
empirically show that IoT malware actively targets the device. IoT malware also targets
the Belkin WeMo devices. However, the deployed instances of the Belkin WeMo devices
addressed the targeted vulnerabilities through a firmware update. These two examples
show the need for studying IoT malware at scale to identify trends in device targeting and
inform the risk assessment approach.
The risk assessment framework aims to help practitioners prioritize security measures for
at-risk IoT deployments. A risk assessment framework can quantify risk based on vulner-
ability and threat analysis of an IoT deployment and provide a ranking. Practitioners can
use the ranking to prioritize their limited resources to implement optimal security mea-
sures strategically. The framework provides a basis for users to adjust the score calculation
based on their environmental needs. In this chapter, we will demonstrate an instance of
the framework, which can be subjective. However, the exercise aims to showcase how
users can use the framework to generate a risk score. The framework will highlight the im-
portance of conducting a comprehensive (chapter 3) and iterative (chapter 4) security and
threat (chapter 5) evaluation for risk assessment and prioritization of security measures.
6.1 An Informed Risk Assessment Model
Our first study in chapter 3 provides an overview of the vulnerabilities found in the com-
ponents of an IoT deployment. The study provides a holistic approach that accounts for
more attack vectors against IoT deployment than traditional security evaluations. Using
each component’s security properties (see subsection 3.0.1), we derive metrics contribut-
ing to each component’s risk score. There is a base score for each component that users
can adjust for vulnerability exposure period and exploitation by threats. The longitudi-
nal observations can adjust device risk score weight based on the exposure window or the
time delta between vulnerability identification and patching. For example, we find that
EOL devices do not address any of the vulnerabilities on the device, and we can increase
the weight of such devices to account for the exposure. We use the IoT malware lifecycle
study (see chapter 5) to adjust the weight on devices’s risk score that have actively exploited
Internet Pairing
Sensitive Data
Figure 6.1: The main components of IoT deployment and their security properties.
6.2 Risk Assessment Framework
The following section defines key properties of the risk assessment framework, including
the security properties and the threat models. We describe the security properties for each
component. We define three threat model types and provide examples for how the threat
models can mount an attack against the device.
6.2.1 Overview and Terminology
We summarize the components and their security properties in Figure 6.1. Smart-home
devices have four main components:
1. The device - the hardware purchased (Alexa, SmartThings, Sonos, etc.).
2. The mobile application - the companion mobile application that interacts with the
device (Android or iOS application.)
3. Cloud endpoints - Internet services with which the device or the mobile application
4. Network communication - Network traffic between each component (local and Inter-
net traffic).
For each component, we can use the following security properties to compute the risk
Device Properties. The device properties are the following:
1. Internet Pairing - The configuration of network credentials to connect the device to
the Internet.
2. Configuration - The device configuration during the setup phase, creating an account,
and setting up preferences.
3. Upgrade - The device’s upgrade options (automatic, consent, or manual).
4. Services - Network services on the device, like UPnP, mDNS, and HTTP server.
5. Vulnerabilities - Vulnerable services on the device.
Mobile Application Properties. The mobile application properties are based on static and
dynamic binary analysis to identify three types of security issues:
1. Sensitive Data - Sensitive data includes artifacts like API keys, passwords, and cryp-
tographic keys that are hard-coded into the application.
2. Programming Issues - Implementation errors and incorrect use of libraries include
weak initialization vectors in cryptographic functions or guessable seeds to pseudo-
random number generators.
3. Excess Permissions - Mobile applications request excess permissions not required or
used in the application code.
Cloud Endpoints Properties. We use the device and the mobile application’s cloud end-
points for evaluation. There are three security properties:
1. Endpoint Categories - Endpoint categories define three main categories: first-party,
third-party, and hybrid. First-party domains are endpoints that are owned and man-
aged by the vendor of the product. Third-party domains are endpoints that use exter-
nal services like Google Maps. Hybrid domains are endpoints run on cloud infras-
tructure like Amazon or Azure but managed by the device vendor.
2. TLS Configuration - TLS configuration refers to the proper set up of TLS/SSL, in-
cluding using a trusted and valid certificate and avoiding legacy versions of TLS/SSL
with known vulnerabilities.
3. Vulnerabilities - Vulnerable services on the cloud endpoint includes cleartext authen-
tication, misconfigured services, exploitable services, or unsupported legacy operat-
ing systems as the host for the cloud endpoint.
Network Communication Properties. We use the network communication properties
observed between the three components; the smart-home device, the mobile application,
and the cloud endpoint. Each pair of components can have a network connection, namely
device-to-cloud (D2C), mobile application-to-device (M2D), and mobile application-to-
cloud (M2C). For each connection, there are three security properties:
1. Protocols - Inspect connections for the use of third-party DNS, HTTP, UPnP, NTPv3,
or custom protocols.
2. MITM Vulnerabilities - Identifies whether the communication is vulnerable to MITM
3. Encryption - Identifies whether the communication uses encryption.
6.2.2 Threat Model and Attacker Types
We define three types of attackers. We categorize them by their accessibility to the device
Attacker Types
Type 1: LAN Attacker. The LAN attacker is on a network where the devices are deployed
and can carry out direct attacks. This attacker is the most capable since they can access
device services on the local network.
Type 2: Internet Attacker. An Internet attacker can access only Internet-facing devices.
The attacker does not have direct access to the local network, but they can use software
vulnerabilities, known flaws, or default credentials to exploit Internet-facing devices to
access the local network. Although we consider a Type 2 attacker less capable than Type 1,
a Type 2 attacker can become a Type 1 attacker by pivoting from a compromised Internet-
facing device to the LAN.
Type 3: Nearby Attacker. A nearby attacker is physically near the deployed device but
does not have direct physical access (malicious neighbor). A Type 3 attacker can perform
attacks against the initial device setup or using a low-energy medium, such as Bluetooth,
Zigbee, or ZWave. Although Type 3 attacker is less capable than Type 1, they can access
the LAN through a compromised device (become Type 1 attacker) via flaws in low-energy
Attack Examples
We provide examples of how the three types of attackers can target devices on the network.
1. Internet Pairing - A nearby attacker (Type 3) hijacks the configuration setup over in-
secure Wifi or low-energy (Bluetooth, Zigbee, ZWave) protocols. A device is secure
if it requires manual credentials input or a wired connection.
2. Configuration - An attacker (Type 1 or 2) knows a device’s default configurations
and uses this information to attack the device. A device that requires configuration
before operating is more secure.
3. Services - An attacker can directly access unauthenticated services locally (Type 1)
or on the Internet (Type 2). A client-mode device that runs no services is more secure.
4. Vulnerabilities - An attacker can use one or many vulnerabilities on the device to ex-
pose sensitive information or gain control. The vulnerabilities are in four categories;
critical, high, medium, and low CVSS. The critical and high categories mean the
vulnerability can lead to a complete or partial device takeover. The medium category
means there are misconfiguration issues that could disclose sensitive information,
which may lead to a device takeover. The low category means the device has minor
issues, such as supporting a weak hashing algorithm in encrypted services.
6.3 Risk Model
This section formalizes the risk model and provides examples of risk assessment. The risk
model has two types of scores; a base score and a weighted score. The base score provides a
risk score for each component (device, mobile, cloud, and network) in an IoT deployment.
We calculate the risk score from the security properties in subsection 3.0.1.
6.3.1 Base Risk Score
The base score is a composite normalized score between zero and one that accounts for
each security propriety. A higher base score indicates a higher risk component, and a lower
base score indicates a lower-risk component. Formally, we can calculate the base score for
the device using the following equation:
base scor e
P airing
+ Conf ig
+ Upgrade
+ Services
+ V ulnerability
P airing
+ Conf ig
+ Upgrade
+ Services
+ V ulnerability
P airing
= max(W iF i, LE, W ired, Manual)
Conf ig
= max(Def ault, F orced)
= max(Manual, Consent, Auto)
(x) = Services
V ulnerability
(level = Critical) + CV SS
(level = High) + CV SS
(level = M edium) + CV SS
(level = Low)
(level) = CV SS
(level) Importance
We can assign points based on the importance of each security property. For example, we
can assign a value to each pairing method. If devices that pair (connect to the Internet)
using WiFi are risky in the network, we can assign a large value to WiFi pairing method
that will reflect the risk for devices using WiFi pairing. We can also assign values between
zero and 100 to Importance for the Services and CVSS categories that accounts for the
deployment environment. For example, if a device has five or more network services but is
in an isolated Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), then we assign an Importance value
of 25%. Additionally, if critical CVSS vulnerabilities are very risky to a network, we can
assign higher values to the Importance variable. Similarly, we can calculate the risk score
for the other components using the following equations:
base score
+ P rogram
+ P rivil ege
+ P rogram
+ P rivil ege
base score
+ T LS
+ Services
+ T LS
+ Services
base score
P rotocol
+ M IT M
+ Encryption
P rotocol
+ M IT M
+ Encryption
6.3.2 Risk Score Adjustment: Exposure
The longitudinal security evaluation results can adjust the score categories and weights
using temporal features. In this instance of the scoring system, we will only consider the
device category since our longitudinal analysis only studied the device component over
time. However, we can apply a similar exercise to other components with a longitudinal
security evaluation. We define a metric to account for the exposure of vulnerabilities found
on the device as E
. Since the exposure weights impact the vulnerability category of the
device score, we adjust only the V ulnerability
variable. We use the device base score
equation ( Equation 6.1) to incorporate the exposure weights (E
V ulnerability
weight score
= E
V ulnerability
6.3.3 Risk Score Adjustment: Threats
Next, we want to use the IoT malware insights to inform our risk model. IoT malware
analysis focuses on IoT device targeting, which accounts for the device and network com-
ponents and excludes the mobile and cloud components. However, for the network compo-
nent, we include any network communications that involve the device, like mobile application-
to-device (M2D) and device-to-cloud (D2C). The framework in chapter 5 describes five
stages of the IoT malware lifecycle: infection, payload, persistence, capability, and com-
munication. We use the analysis from the infection stage to adjust the security base score
using an attack weight variable A
. Similar to the longitudinal analysis, we increase the
risk level if a device has a vulnerability that malware actively targets. We adjust the device
exposure score equation ( Equation 6.3) to incorporate the attack weights (A
V ulnerability
weight score
= A
V ulnerability
In addition to the device, we adjust the base score equation ( Equation 6.2) for the
network component to account for the attack weights.
weight score
P rotocol
weight score
weight score
+ Encryption
weight score
P rotocol
+ Encryption
P rotocol
weight score
= T hirdP artyDN S
+ CustomP rot
+ A
+ A
+ NT P v3
weighted score
= A
+ M2C
+ A
weighted score
= A
+ EM 2C
+ A
We apply the attack weights to clear-text protocols (UPnP and HTTP) because they offer
no security features. An attacker (Type 1) can abuse these protocols without exploitation.
The weights applied to the Equation 6.3 and Equation 6.5 can result in the risk score being
greater than one. To remediate this, we apply the Min function to bound the risk score (x)
between zero and one. The Min function is the following:
f(x) = min(x, 1) (6.6)
6.3.4 Risk Assessment Example
Base Risk Score
We calculate the base risk score for the VeraLite device. We will assume a Type 1 attacker
(LAN access) for this risk assessment. The VeraLite pairs using a wired connection, default
configuration, and manual update. The VeraLite exposes four network services on the LAN.
The VeraLite has two critical, one high, two medium, and three low CVSS vulnerabilities.
We present each security category’s values in Table 6.1. We assign ten points per category
and set the importance preference for each security property. We multiply the total category
by the importance factor to get the score column. We can now use the score values directly
into Equation 6.1 to calculate the risk score.
Table 6.1: Example of point assignment for the VeraLite device
Category Total Points Importance Score
Pairing 10 30% 3
Configuration 10 100% 10
Upgrade 10 100% 10
Services 10 75% 7.5
Vulnerable Low 10 30% 3
Vulnerable Medium 10 50% 5
Vulnerable High 10 70% 7
Vulnerable Critical 10 80% 8
Total 80 - - 53.5
base score
P airing
+ Conf ig
+ Upgrade
+ Services
+ V ulnerability
P airing
+ Conf ig
+ Upgrade
+ Services
+ V ulnerability
base score
= 0.67
Weighed Risk Score
Next, we assign values to the exposure period (E
) and active attack (A
) weights. Note,
users can adjust the exposure and active attack weights for specific environments. In this in-
stance, we define the exposure weights based on a flat network as shown in Figure 3.3. The
following are the weight assignment for each exposure period: justify the below, clearify
type 1
1. Exposure for less than one month should reduce the score by 20% because device
update addresses vulnerability and reduces the exposure period.
2. Exposure between one and three months should reduce the score by 10% because
device update addresses vulnerability and reduces the exposure period.
3. Exposure between three and six months should increase the score by 10% because
delayed device update addresses vulnerability but increases the exposure period.
4. Exposure over six months should increase the score by 30% because device update
never addresses the vulnerability, and the exposure period is indefinite.
For the active attack weight, we increase the targeted vulnerability by 50%. We summarize
the weight assignment in Table 6.2.
Table 6.2: A summary of assigned weights to exposure and attack variables
Category Description Weight Weight Factor
Less than 1 month -20% 0.80
Between 1 and 3 months -10% 0.90
Between 3 and 6 months 10% 1.1
More than 6 months 30% 1.3
Attack Actively Exploitation 50% 1.5
The following is an example of a weighted risk score using the VeraLite device:
V ulnerability
weight score
= A
V ulnerability
V ulnerability
weight score
= 1.5 1.3 V ulnerabil ity
V ulnerability
weight score
= 1.5 1.3 (23) = 44.85
weight score
= 0.94
We assign a 1.3 weight factor to E
since the VeraLite device is EOL with an exposure
period of over six months. We assign a 1.5 weight factor to A
because IoT malware is
actively targeting a critical CVSS vulnerability on the VeraLite device. The weighted score
increases the risk level by 40% from 0.67 to 0.94.
6.4 Case Study
We demonstrate how to calculate the risk score for multiple devices from the same ven-
dor. Additionally, we demonstrate the impact on risk scores using longitudinal and threat
analysis features.
6.4.1 Multiple Devices, One Vendor
In this case study, we will look at the Belkin devices that include the Belkin Netcam, Belkin
WeMo Link, Belkin WeMo Motion, Belkin WeMo Switch, Belkin WeMo Crockpot. We derive
the security property values from Table 3.4, Table 3.6, Table 3.7, and Table 3.8. We assign
importance factors based on our deployment environment Figure 3.3.
Table 6.3: The risk scores for the Belkin WeMo Devices.
Name Device Mobile Cloud Network
Netcam 0.14 0.46 0.61 0.39
Link 0.21 0.38 0.34 0.46
Motion 0.19 0.38 0.07 0.46
Switch 0.19 0.38 0.45 0.46
Crockpot 0.29 0.38 0.58 0.36
In Table 6.3, we present the risk scores for comparison. Our component-based frame-
work highlights the variation in risk across different components for devices from the same
vendor. Surprisingly, the results show that the device risk levels are inconsistent for a sin-
gle vendor. For example, the cloud component risk score for all ve devices ranges from
0.07 to 0.61. The mobile and network component is more consistent, ranging from 0.38
to 0.46 and 0.39 to 0.46, respectively. The mobile components’ consistency is because the
four products use the same mobile application. We can see a correlation between the mo-
bile and network components since the network protocols enable communication between
the device and the mobile application. We hypothesize that a vendor builds their products
consistently using a predefined pipeline. However, our results show that each product has
varying security issues contributing to the risk score in Table 6.3.
6.4.2 Incorporating Exposure and Attack Weights
This case study demonstrates how temporal and threat analysis can better prioritize insecure
devices. To do so, we compare the base risk score of four devices with their weighted
exposure and attack risk score. In Table 6.4, we calculate the risk score for four devices;
VeraLite, nVidia Shield, Apple TV, and D-Link Camera. We calculate the base risk score
using Equation 6.1 and the weighed exposure and attack risk score using Equation 6.3. We
use the weights defined in Table 6.2.
The VeraLite device and network risk score increases due to long vulnerability exposure
and active malware attacks that target the vulnerabilities. This device has the highest risk,
Table 6.4: The base risk score and temporal and threat weighed risk score for four devices.
Base Temporal & Threat
Device Network Device Network
VeraLite 0.67 0.54 0.94 0.68
nVidia Shield 0.40 0.14 0.40 0.14
Apple TV 0.12 0.11 0.23 0.11
D-Link Camera 0.38 0.21 0.39 0.32
and we should prioritize its security measure over other devices. Notably, the device has a
critical CVSS vulnerability (CVE-2013-4861) that IoT malware threats target. The nVidia
Shield risk score does not change, although the device has medium CVSS vulnerabilities
that have more than six months of exposure. The device component had a low CVSS
vulnerability that the vendor fixed, which lowered the risk score. However, because the
medium CVSS vulnerabilities remain, the exposure weight factor compensates for the low
CVSS vulnerability. An internal risk score change did not affect the overall device score.
The exposure and attack weights did not impact the nVidia Shield network component.
The Apple TV device risk score increased by almost 100% but remained the lowest
relative to other devices. The device had a high CVSS vulnerability with three months of
exposure. The vulnerability was a TCP/IP Initial Sequence Number (ISN) Reuse Weakness,
see Figure 4.2. An ISN tracks the order of messages sent between two endpoints. The reuse
of ISN vulnerability allows an attacker to predict the next ISN. If the attacker successfully
guesses the ISN, they can send spoofed messages to disrupt communication, steal data, or
gain unauthorized access. However, because the exposure period was three months, the
weight factor for this vulnerability is 0.9, which reduces the risk score. The factor is less
than one since the vendor addressed the vulnerability within three months. The risk score
for the network component of the Apple TV did not change.
The last example is the D-Link Camera device. The risk score for the device and net-
work component increased. The device risk score increased because there is a low CVSS
vulnerability (see Figure 4.4) that had more than six months of exposure. The device’s risk
score increased due to the long exposure period. The network risk score also increased,
but the increase is due to the attack weight since the device uses Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP), is susceptible to MITM for Mobile-to-Device communication and does not use
encryption for Mobile-to-Device communication. A network malware threat (Type 1) can
attack the device’s communication by intercepting or modifying the traffic between the mo-
bile application and the device. Our risk score framework is an example that practitioners
can customize to fit their deployment environment. As we stated before, the risk scoring
in this instance may be subjective; however, the framework’s purpose is to provide a ba-
sis for practitioners to calculate the risk of their IoT deployments and prioritize security
Risk assessment frameworks are pivotal in effectively guiding organizations to prioritize
their efforts and resources. However, these frameworks’ efficacy intrinsically depends on
the quality of empirical data. A comprehensive understanding of the vulnerabilities and
threats associated with IoT deployments, enriched by context-aware insights, is paramount
to the accuracy and reliability of risk assessment outcomes. Consequently, this interde-
pendence necessitates continuously pursuing up-to-date, pertinent knowledge to enable in-
formed decision-making and foster robust IoT security risk assessment. This body of work
has shown that comprehensive and iterative vulnerability and threat analysis at scale im-
proves the risk assessment of IoT deployments. In this chapter, we delve into additional
facets of IoT vulnerabilities and threat intelligence, emphasizing the criticality of empiri-
cal data in shaping and refining risk assessment frameworks. Lastly, we will highlight the
broader impact of our research on the academic community and industry.
7.1 Risk Assessment and Empirical Data
This work introduced a systematic security evaluation framework to identify vulnerabilities
in IoT deployment. The framework provides a more comprehensive view of IoT deploy-
ments by accounting for the device, companion mobile application, cloud backends, and
network communication. We then applied the security evaluation framework iteratively
for one year and characterized the vulnerabilities that impact IoT devices’ lifecycle. We
derived insights for vulnerability exposure time and incorporated them in our risk score
framework to provide more accurate risk levels for IoT deployments. We then applied
empirical threat analysis insights to enhance our risk assessment framework further and
improve the accuracy of risk levels. Evidently, The more empirical observations we collect
on IoT deployment vulnerabilities and threats, the more accurate our risk assessment re-
sults will be. To that end, we propose future studies to uncover additional facets to improve
the risk assessment of IoT deployments.
7.1.1 Understanding Attacks and Abuse on IoT Deployments
Understanding how attackers abuse IoT devices can provide essential insights to inform
risk assessment accurately. For example, identifying the most targeted type of IoT devices
and how they contribute to the attack chain can help practitioners monitor similarly targeted
assets in their environment. We can adjust the risk models to account for highly targeted
device types from a risk assessment perspective. Moreover, understanding the attacker’s
behavior on the device can help identify intentions and potential attack paths that can im-
pact other assets on the same network. For instance, if the attacker installs software on the
device or only uses the device to relay traffic may signal different intentions. One looks
to persist on the device (long-term infection), while the other looks to use the device as a
redirector (proxy). These intentions inform the risk of different attack types, and we can
use that to revise the IoT deployment risk models.
Conducting such a study is challenging. The diversity of device types hinders the scal-
ability of many approaches. We must rely on software emulation or simulation of devices
to achieve scalability. However, emulation and simulation are low-fidelity approaches that
many attackers can detect and evade. Moreover, threats evolve and adapt to detect and
evade defensive and measurement systems. We must develop a technique to identify new
defensive and evasive tactics and notify us to analyze and understand the new tactics auto-
matically. Finally, the threat intelligence gathered from these measurement systems must
be vetted for deceptive behavior. Identifying deceptive behavior is challenging and may
require the system to correlate historical events.
7.1.2 A Longitudinal Security Evaluation of IoT Cloud Backends
Our initial security evaluation of IoT deployment found that cloud backends have many se-
curity issues. Moreover, devices from the same vendor can use different instances of cloud
backends with varying vulnerabilities and exposure. These backends change frequently
and may be different for various geographically deployed devices. These inconsistencies
can create gaps and additional complexities that IoT operators must consider in their risk
assessment. In particular, these backends are critical in facilitating data processing, stor-
age, and device management. Characterizing their security over time can inform the risk
assessment models by accounting for external risks to IoT deployments.
There are several challenges to evaluating the security of IoT cloud backends. Every
device has unique services and capabilities that are often cloud supported. For example,
home assistant devices use machine learning models to respond to voice commands. Other
devices may use cloud backends as a management interface to command IoT devices to
perform functions like unlocking a door or turning on or off a light. Developing a general-
izable approach to account for the diversity in custom backend functionality is challenging.
In addition, the use of encryption between device and cloud backends makes it challeng-
ing to inspect the connections and evaluate their security. For longitudinal analysis, cloud
backend churn must be tracked and cataloged throughout the evaluation period. As devices
update or cloud outages happen, the devices often rely on redundant cloud backends that
we need to account for in the evaluation. Lastly, legal and ethical considerations are of
utmost importance when evaluating the security of cloud backends. Since we do not have
ownership or permission to probe the cloud backends actively, we must carefully design
our measurement techniques to be passive and non-disruptive.
7.1.3 Understanding Attacks on The IoT Software Supply Chain
Software developers rely on libraries and modules to speed up development. These mod-
ules can contain vulnerabilities that may impact IoT firmware. Studying the attacks that
can impact the software supply chain for IoT deployments, like the device firmware and
mobile applications, can identify external risks. These potential vulnerabilities can impact
many types of IoT devices. Identifying if a particular IoT deployment depends on a highly
vulnerable library that can inform IoT operators of high-risk devices and prioritize their
security measures. A large-scale study on the software supply chain of IoT firmware and
mobile applications can inform risk models to account for latent software vulnerabilities.
There are several challenges to studying the IoT software supply chain. Many IoT de-
vices are closed-source, or their firmware is not publicly available. We must leverage binary
analysis and hardware reverse engineering to extract and analyze the firmware software to
address this challenge. Moreover, the binary analysis techniques must account for varying
system architectures. Additional challenges must be addressed within the binary analysis
to identify library and module dependencies accurately. These challenges include inferring
compiler optimization, identifying code modules, and matching the modules to third-party
libraries. Lastly, this effort must be large-scale to account for the many software libraries
and the combination of different software interactions.
7.1.4 An Automated and Iterative Security Evaluation Framework for LE IoT Protocols
Low-energy protocols are widely used in IoT devices. A security evaluation of these pro-
tocols can identify potential vulnerabilities that further improve the risk assessment model.
For example, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and ZWave are LE protocols that IoT devices use for
authentication, sending sensitive data, and controlling peripheral devices. Prior work [21]
shows the impact of such vulnerabilities on large IoT deployments. Therefore, to account
for various threat models, like type 3, a continuous evaluation of LE protocols can identify
more vulnerabilities that impact IoT deployments.
There are several challenges in developing an automated methodology to evaluate LE
protocols. The diversity of protocols and variation of protocols require a substantial en-
gineering effort. We require specialized radio hardware to monitor and study these LE
protocols. Additionally, automating the LE monitoring tools is challenging for many de-
vices near. For example, if many devices use the same LE protocol, we must differentiate
between signal beacons, which require advanced signal processing techniques. Lastly, we
want to democratize the tools for automating security evaluation. To do so, we must utilize
affordable hardware, which may have low-fidelity signal processing, and provide support
for different protocol versions.
7.2 Broader Impact of Empirical Studies
Beyond the risk assessment application, our empirical studies have a broad impact.
7.2.1 Security Evaluation of Home-based IoT Deployments
We built a state-of-the-art testbed of off-the-shelf home-based IoT devices and evaluated
their security. In doing so, we captured the entire evaluation process by recording the full-
packet captures from 45 diverse home-based IoT devices. We thoroughly documented our
methodology and device configurations, which we make public to researchers and prac-
titioners. We created a dedicated resource known as YourThings
to host the experiment
artifacts. Since then, YourThings has garnered the attention of the research community,
consumer technology advocacy groups, acclaimed media, and practitioners from the In-
ternet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Our paper, which appears in the proceeding of the
2019 IEEE Security & Privacy, and dataset have accumulated over 300 citations and used
in over 20 projects by the academic community. The dataset of 150GB of full-packet net-
work capture traces has been downloaded over 130 times. Consumer technology advocacy
groups, such as the Wirecutter, have used our data and methodology to inform consumers
about secure IoT devices and provide recommendations. Our work has been featured in ac-
claimed media such as Newsweek and the New York Times, which disseminate technical
material to wider audiences.
Academic Impact
To highlight the impact of the citations beyond the numerical count, Table 7.1 shows the
publication societies (conferences and journals) for the works that cite YourThings. We
can see that IEEE society is the highest, followed by ACM, Springer, and Elsevier. These
publication societies are among the most active in the field of computer engineering and
computer science. Additionally, eight book series have referenced our work. Our work has
had a broad impact on the research community with citations from areas in privacy, sys-
tem design, network security, energy, human-computer interaction, measurements, access
control, digital health, artificial intelligence, cyber forensics, and software testing to name
a few. The “Other” category includes dissertations, technical reports, Arxiv papers, and
miscellaneous digital publications citations. It is clear from Table Table 7.1 that the impact
of our work on academic research is substantial.
Table 7.1: Citation sources by societies.
Publication Societies Citations
ACM 29
Springer 15
Elsevier 10
Usenix 9
Others 172
Total 304
Applied Research
To provide more concrete examples of how our work has impacted research, Table 7.2
presents a sample of 15 works that incorporate our dataset into their research. Specifi-
cally, these research projects span different applications such as device identification, be-
havior detection and classification, security and privacy device labels, IoT authentication
techniques, device behavior transparency, and surveys on security assessments and device
identification. These publications appear in various top security venues like IEEE S&P
(Oakland) and NDSS. Beyond academic works, our dataset has been used by practition-
ers in the industry. McAfee detection engineers used our dataset to prototype certificate
signatures to reduce false positives when identifying IoT device traffic. We worked with a
McAfee security engineer to answer questions about our dataset and how they can extract
certificates associated with each device’s communication. Hamilton Beach, an appliance
manufacturer, leveraged our systematic security evaluation methodology to vet cloud plat-
forms they intended to use with their smart-home connected products. Lastly, our dataset
is helping researchers define a protocol for sending DNS messages over the Constrained
Application Protocol [211].
Table 7.2: A sample of 15 academic research projects using the YourThings dataset.
Paper Year Application
HomeSnitch [212] 2019 Identifying and Controlling IoT Behavior
Storming the Kasa [213] 2019 Reproducibility of Security Evaluation
Hestia [214] 2019 Defining Least Privilage Network Policy
Ask the Experts [215] 2020 Security and Privcy Device Labels
PingPong [216] 2020 Automated Device Signature Identification
ML Traffic Classification [217] 2020 IoT Traffic Classification
Automated Standards [218] 2020 Automation of Security Assessment
IoTFinder [137] 2020 DNS-based Device Identification
IoT ETEI [219] 2021 Device Identification
FIAT [220] 2021 Improved IoT Authentication System
ByteIoT [221] 2021 IoT Device Identification
Standards and Technology [222] 2021 Survey on IoT Security Evaluation
Survey on Device Behavior [223] 2021 Survey on IoT Device Behavior Identification
PinBall [224] 2021 IoT Device Event Identification
Improving Consumer Security
The Wirecutter has incorporated our methodology and evaluation results to recommend
secure light bulbs to consumers [225]. We worked with Hamilton Beach, a consumer ap-
pliance company, to apply our security assessment methodology and identify secure IoT
deployment practices. We worked with Aura, a digital identity management company to
recommend techniques for identifying and securing deployed home-based IoT devices run-
ning inside their customers’ networks.
News Outlets
Our work has been featured in a Newsweek piece about the security and privacy of home-
based IoT devices [226]. The article highlights the evolution of home-based IoT products
and the risk associated with using these internet-connected devices. The New York Times
featured our work on Amazon’s Sidewalk project that uses nearby Amazon home-based
IoT devices to share internet connections [227]. The article describes the new feature,
informs users how to turn it off, and highlights our work to provide a security and privacy
perspective. The Verge featured our work in reference to the privacy issues found in the
Anker Eufy Security Camera. Eufy claimed the video feed is end-to-end encrypted (E2EE);
however, that was not what the case [228].
7.2.2 Large-Scale Analysis of the IoT Malware Lifecycle
To prepare for future IoT attacks, we created a dedicated website called BadThings
for re-
searchers to study IoT malware threats in-the-wild. The broader impact of our research on
the IoT malware lifecycle spans multiple dimensions. It has a far-reaching influence within
the cybersecurity community and across various multidisciplinary fields. Our work on the
large-scale analysis of IoT malware and the subsequent release of our binary analysis plat-
form, binary files, and analysis artifacts have fostered a collaborative environment among
researchers worldwide, enhancing the security posture of IoT devices and networks. Our
paper has garnered significant attention in the research community. It has been cited over
45 times in papers appearing in top venues, reflecting its substantial influence on the field.
Furthermore, our website was accessed by over 1,200 researchers from ten different coun-
tries, including the US, China, Germany, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia,
the Netherlands, and South Korea. This global engagement underpins the importance and
applicability of our research findings and tools in diverse contexts.
The insights gained from our research can be applied across multiple fields. For exam-
ple, our findings can inform policymakers and regulators to devise more stringent security
standards for IoT devices. Additionally, our work can be utilized by IoT device manufactur-
ers to develop more secure products, minimizing the risk of future large-scale IoT malware
infection breakouts. The international interest in our research has fostered collaboration
and knowledge sharing among researchers from diverse backgrounds. This collaborative
environment can help accelerate advancements in IoT security, malware defense, and in-
novative solutions to emerging threats. The resources we have released serve as valuable
tools for educating and training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals, equip-
ping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle the evolving threat landscape
in IoT and related fields. By sharing our binary analysis platform, binary files, and analysis
artifacts, we have contributed to open science, which promotes transparency, reproducibil-
ity, and accessibility in research. This approach helps to accelerate the pace of innovation
and discovery in the cybersecurity field and democratizes access to all.
7.3 Closing Remarks
This dissertation aims to combine real-world security evaluation observations and malware
threat analysis to quantify the risk and prioritize security measures for IoT deployments.
We have shown that a systematic framework can identify more vulnerabilities in different
components of an IoT deployment. We conducted a longitudinal security evaluation of IoT
devices and showed how vulnerability exposures could increase the risk level of IoT de-
ployments. We conducted a large-scale analysis of the IoT malware lifecycle to inform our
risk assessment model with threat data. We demonstrated how the risk assessment model
could prioritize high-risk devices based on vulnerabilities, exposure, and threats. Finally,
we highlight the broader impact of our empirical studies and results on the academic com-
munity, industry, and consumer advocacy groups.
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