Ten simple rules on writing clean and reliable
open-source scientific software
Haley Hunter-Zinck
, Alexandre Fioravante de Siqueira
, Va
leri N. Va
Richard Barnes
, Ciera C. Martinez
1 Berkeley Institute for Data Science, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States of
America, 2 Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States of America, 3 VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, Massachusetts,
United States of America, 4 VA St. Louis Health Care System, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America,
5 Energy and Resources Group, Rausser College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley,
Berkeley, California, United States of America
Functional, usable, and maintainable open-source software is increasingly essential to sci-
entific research, but there is a large variation in formal training for software development and
maintainability. Here, we propose 10 “rules” centered on 2 best practice components: clean
code and testing. These 2 areas are relatively straightforward and provide substantial utility
relative to the learning investment. Adopting clean code practices helps to standardize and
organize software code in order to enhance readability and reduce cognitive load for both
the initial developer and subsequent contributors; this allows developers to concentrate on
core functionality and reduce errors. Clean coding styles make software code more amena-
ble to testing, including unit tests that work best with modular and consistent software code.
Unit tests interrogate specific and isolated coding behavior to reduce coding errors and
ensure intended functionality, especially as code increases in complexity; unit tests also
implicitly provide example usages of code. Other forms of testing are geared to discover
erroneous behavior arising from unexpected inputs or emerging from the interaction of com-
plex codebases. Although conforming to coding styles and designing tests can add time to
the software development project in the short term, these foundational tools can help to
improve the correctness, quality, usability, and maintainability of open-source scientific soft-
ware code. They also advance the principal point of scientific research: producing accurate
results in a reproducible way. In addition to suggesting several tips for getting started with
clean code and testing practices, we recommend numerous tools for the popular open-
source scientific software languages Python, R, and Julia.
Creating functional, usable, and maintainable software is increasingly essential to open-source
scientific research, especially in fields like bioinformatics [1,2]. Previous 10 simple rules papers
have focused on open software development [3], robustness [4], usability [5], documentation
[6], version control [7], and scientific programming [8]. Here, we add to this collection with
PLOS Computational Biology | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009481 November 11, 2021 1 / 9
Citation: Hunter-Zinck H, de Siqueira AF, Va
VN, Barnes R, Martinez CC (2021) Ten simple rules
on writing clean and reliable open-source scientific
software. PLoS Comput Biol 17(11): e1009481.
Editor: Scott Markel, Dassault Systemes BIOVIA,
Published: November 11, 2021
Copyright: © 2021 Hunter-Zinck et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Funding: This research was funded in part by the
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (https://www.
moore.org/) through Grant GBMF3834, by the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (http://sloan.org)
through Grant 2013-10-27 to the University of
California, Berkeley. HHZ was funded by the
Innovate for Health Data Science Fellowship
science-health-innovation-fellowship), a
collaboration between U.C. Berkeley UCSF, and
Johnson & Johnson. CCM holds a Postdoctoral
Enrichment Program Award from the Burroughs
Wellcome Fund (https://www.bwfund.org/). The
funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
tips on clean coding (standardized and clear writing styles) and test design (writing code to
confirm program behavior) to further encourage high-quality scientific software development
for academics building open-source scientific software packages. These suggestions are drawn
from the authors’ experiences in developing software across academia, industry, and govern-
ment laboratories and are predicated on the understanding that unit tests are fundamental to
robust code development: They facilitate accurate modifications as well as new contributions
and serve as a form of documenting intended behavior.
Clean coding, test design, and their execution are inconsistently introduced to academic
researchers outside the software development domain. This results in a large variation in for-
mal training for software development, sharing, and preservation [9]. Furthermore, the limited
uptake of these tools could cause serious errors within software code, leading to inaccurate
research results and paper retractions [1013]. More broadly, estimated error rates in scientific
publications, although not demonstrated to be higher than commercially developed software,
have been estimated to range from approximately 3% for simple tasks to 14% for more compli-
cated tasks [14]. Alarmingly, software popularity has not shielded against software bugs (flaws
in program design that result in unwanted behavior): This is exemplified by the BLOcks SUb-
stitution Matrix (BLOSUM) matrix miscalculations, which persisted unnoticed for 15 years
(although the miscalculations, ironically, improved search performance) [15].
In an effort to help scientific software developers prevent such issues, we propose 10 “rules”
centered on 2 best practice components: clean code and testing. These 2 areas are relatively
straightforward and can provide substantial utility relative to the learning investment. Existing
institutional knowledge and growing community practice standards serve as evidence of their
efficacy. Adopting clean code practices helps to standardize and organize software code in
order to enhance readability and reduce cognitive load [16,17] for both the initial developer
and downstream contributors [18]. Increasing readability while reducing cognitive load allows
developers to concentrate on core functionality and reduce errors, while also exemplifying
clean and inviting code for community open-source contributors.
Clean coding styles can also make software code more amenable to testing, for example, via
unit tests that work best with modular and consistent software code. Modularity is a program-
ming design technique that encourages the creation of functions to serve a single purpose,
enabling interchangeability. Unit tests interrogate specific and isolated coding behavior to
reduce coding errors and ensure intended functionality, especially as code increases in com-
plexity [19]. Furthermore, unit test design provides benefits beyond checking for errors,
including encouraging modularity and documenting code with example usage.
Although conforming to coding styles and designing tests can add time to the software devel-
opment project in the short term, these foundational tools can contribute to improving the qual-
ity, usability, and maintainability of scientific software code for long-term research goals. This, in
turn, can reduce the amount of time spent on a project later in its life cycle. Here, we suggest sev-
eral tips for getting started and recommend tools for the popular open-source scientific software
languages Python, R, and Julia (links included in Table 1 below) as scientific software developers
tend to work in open-source over commercial software [9]. Creating a clean and standardized
codebase is especially important in open-source software as there are often more diverse contribu-
tions (e.g., many different styles or levels of coding abilities) compared to commercial software.
That said, we note that all of these rules can be applied to software development generally.
Rule 1: Choose a style guide—And stick with it
Each programming language has its own coding conventions, resulting in several acceptable
ways to write code. When programs are written using a mixture of styles or employ no consistent
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the manuscript. HHZ received a salary from the
Innovate for Health Data Science Fellowship.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
style at all, the code can be difficult to read and absorb as a user or developer, even as an original
developer who is returning to old code. To ensure standardization and maximize readability
[16], adopt a style guide: a set of previously specified conventions on how to write code.
There are many style guides to choose from, but above all, consistency is key. When you
choose one of many possible coding styles, apply that style throughout your code to ensure
standardization. Google, for example, offers detailed style guides for several languages, includ-
ing for Python and R. For Python documentation specifically, consider the numpy docstring
guide. The tidyverse style guide is a good option for R users. Julia users can refer to the Julia
style guide explicitly developed by that community.
In addition to passive style guide references, tools known as linters are available to check
your adherence to a coding style automatically, highlighting any deviations from a chosen
style. For Python, automated style checkers include pylint and pycodestyle, while tools such as
black and autopep8 check and also reformat code to meet prespecified guidelines. For R,
styler, formatR, or lintr can be used to automatically check coding style. For Julia, automated
versions of style formatters exist in packages such as Lint.jl or are contained within extensions
to integrated development environments (IDEs; see Rule 2) such as VSCode.
Rule 2: Consider using an integrated development environment
Many of the tools referenced in Rule 1, as well as the testing frameworks discussed below (see
Rule 6), are incorporated into IDEs such as VSCode or RStudio, to name a few. An IDE is a
Table 1. Tools and resources in Python, R, and Julia for relevant clean and tested code rules.
Rule Language Purpose Recommendation(s) Alternative(s)
1 Python Style guide Google Python Style Guide and numpydoc
Style checker pycodestyle and pylint
Style formatter black autopep8
R Style guide tidyverse style guide Google R Style Guide
Style checker lintr formatR and styler
Julia Style guide Julia style guide
Style checker Julia linter in VSCode extension Lint.jl and JuliaFormatter
3 Any Parameter reduction Parameter objects
4 Any Refactoring Catalog of refactoring
Python Refactoring VSCode Python Refactoring extension
5 Python IDE
VSCode spyder and Gnome Builder
RStudio VSCode and RKWard
Julia IDE
VSCode Juno
6 Python Property-based testing hypothesis
R Property-based testing hedgehog
Julia Property-based testing Checkers.jl and Test module
8 Python Test coverage coverage
R Test coverage testCoverage
Julia Test coverage Coverage.jl
9 Python Test suite snapshottest
R Test suite testthat
Julia Test suite testset
10 Any Automation git hooks
Any Automation GitHub Actions GitLab CI/CD
IDE, integrated development environment.
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tool that generally makes it easier to develop software and usually consists of a source code edi-
tor, build automation tools, and a debugger with the potential to install additional extensions
that further enhance functionality. Using an IDE makes it easy to write code, check style
adherence, and run tests simultaneously.
In addition to providing a text editor, using an IDE will allow you to integrate many of the
previously mentioned tools into one platform, making it even easier to follow style guidelines
and clean coding practices. Some IDEs offer additional benefits including syntax highlighting,
function suggestions, code outlines, automated refactoring, and easy file system access and
editing via remote connections. Examples of IDEs that support multiple languages are VSCode
and its open-source version VSCodium or language-specific IDEs like Spyder for Python,
RStudio for R, and Juno for Julia.
Rule 3: Reduce complexity when possible
In general, the more complex and less modular a piece of code is, the harder it will be to
debug, understand, and adequately test. Modular design is based around the concept that each
function or piece of code should have one purpose allowing the reuse in many areas of a script.
For example, if a function does 2 things, try to split it into 2 functions. More concise and mod-
ular programming can make software easier to understand and debug by collaborators; code
is, after all, read far more than it is written. Some formatting guidelines, like limiting line
length, can help to make your code more readable [16] but need not be reduced to dogmatism.
Other recommendations, like limiting the number of function arguments to a reasonable
number (e.g., 5), can make your code easier for you or new members of your development
team to absorb, modify, and troubleshoot. Parameter objects, a single argument object for
commonly co-occurring groups of parameters, can help to limit the number of arguments per
function while maintaining necessary inputs and functionality. Parameter objects can also
improve the logical organization of multiple parameter inputs. Furthermore, limiting function
length (e.g., 40 lines or less) can also help to reduce complexity and facilitate testing, usage,
and expansion. Some of these limits on code length and complexity are automatically checked
by linters mentioned in Rule 1, such as pylint in Python or lintr in R. JuliaFormatter integrates
with previously referenced editors such as VSCode to enable this functionality in Julia.
Rule 4: Refactor as needed
Refactoring is the process of restructuring your code without changing its interface—that is,
rewriting the internals of functions without changing their inputs or outputs—often to
improve its adherence to a set of best practices. Performing code refactoring frequently ensures
that your software will be easier to understand, maintain, and expand while reducing the risk
of introducing new errors.
Refactoring is often necessary for simple housekeeping over the course of development, for
example, removing commented-out code or unused functions (e.g., dead code). Removing
dead code reduces clutter and confusion in your program, making it easier to absorb. Refactor-
ing may also be necessary to provide more substantial changes to the internal structure of a
program to ensure that new features can be easily added. Modifying the internal structure can
include changes like extracting a function to modularize a behavior and to avoid repeating
code in several places. Another common refactoring involves grouping related functions into a
single class. Automated analyses, such as tools (e.g., lintr) that highlight areas of high cyclo-
matic complexity, a metric measuring the number of separate pathways through your pro-
gram’s logic, can help to highlight specific areas of your program that could benefit from
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When refactoring, do so incrementally, and always construct and run tests before imple-
menting changes. Rerunning these tests after refactoring will ensure that functionality has
been maintained. Moving in small increments will allow the changes to be rolled back easily if
errors are introduced. While the amount and type of refactoring will depend on your program
and application, an inspirational list of refactorings are available as a catalog. Following the
measure of quality that “the true test of good code is how easy it is to change it,” quality refac-
toring should, above all, make your code easier to modify [20]. In addition to the catalog, sev-
eral IDE extensions automate a subset of simple refactorings.
Rule 5: Program defensively
All code may contain bugs, even for intended use cases, and additional issues may arise when
the software is used in a way that the developers did not anticipate. Even the cleanest, most
straightforward code can be used incorrectly. And as the codebase evolves, the definition of
“correct” with respect to inputs, outputs, and use cases may well change. Therefore, to the
extent possible, the developer should anticipate potential issues arising from different use cases
and user error. This is called defensive programming or defensive design: proactively account-
ing for unexpected user interactions with the code [21]. Defensive programming principles
allow your program to respond predictably in the face of unforeseen inputs.
Preconditions ensure that inputs to a function or code block have the expected data type,
value ranges, or other qualities. These programmatic checks protect against unexpected user
input. Similarly, postconditions ensure that the output of a given code block or function
matches the value range and data type required for downstream analysis. There are multiple
advantages to implementing these conditions and other defensive practices, such as excep-
tions, which enable users to self-correct by providing explanatory warning or error messages
when an exception is encountered. Such checks furnish internal testing abilities and explicitly
define expectations for input and output from commonly used functions.
Rule 6: Follow established patterns for writing unit tests
Any good experiment should have checkpoints, validations, and controls. In order to deter-
mine if the code currently works as expected (and will continue to do so with future modifica-
tions), programmers use tests that are situated adjacent to the main codebase to automate the
verification and validation of a program’s behavior. Unit tests check to verify the accuracy of
specific pieces of code and are central to the growth of a production codebase and as such were
expected to meet high-quality standards. Today, it is generally agreed that the primary purpose
of unit tests is to protect against regressions or bugs that occur due to software modifications.
Unit tests should be designed to satisfy 3 major principles. First, each unit test should evaluate
only one behavior, focusing on the result of a code segment rather than details of implementa-
tion. Second, that behavior should be testable in isolation from other dependencies. Third,
unit tests should be implemented such that their checks can be run with frequency for the sake
of quick iteration, but without incurring substantial computational overhead [19].
There are additional broad guidelines for designing useful unit tests, but, to some degree,
appropriate unit tests demand both creativity and subject matter knowledge on the part of the
programmer. Basic prescriptions that apply to any codebase include straightforward test nam-
ing conventions that reduce coders’ cognitive load [17] and the use of specialized environ-
ments, called fixtures, to standardize test inputs and isolate targeted behavior from other
dependencies [19]. As with coding style, consistency in unit test design is paramount. Certain
language-specific tools, like pytest, inherently address both of these recommendations by
requiring each testing function to begin with a standard naming prefix (e.g.,
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“test_functionname”) and including functionalities for reusable unit tests. For example, using
fixtures to specify predefined sample data to test functions each time your code is run enables
consistency and simplicity.
Property-based testing can be used in conjunction with unit tests [22]. A property-based
test passes a randomized input to a function and determines whether the output has expected
properties. For instance, no matter what input you pass to a standard cosine function, the output
should be bound to the range from 1 to 1. Since the input is randomized, property-based testing
can find many problematic corner cases that a handcrafted unit test would miss. Some tools for
property-based testing include Python’s hypothesis, R’s hedgehog, and Julia’s Checkers.jl.
Rule 7: Create tests throughout the development cycle
Don’t wait until software completion to write tests! Waiting to write tests until the day after
you develop a piece of code—or worse yet, when your program is at or near completion—will
only provide time for you to forget the intended purpose of the code. It will also allow for an
accumulation of unanticipated behavior, which may be difficult to disentangle. Writing clean
code according to a consistent coding style can make it easier to write tests for your code
throughout development. Testing from the beginning of the development cycle will allow for a
strong foundation on which to expand your codebase and provide checks for base cases,
boundary conditions, changes in functionality, and expansions of behavior as the code devel-
ops. This mindset also allows for (more) seamless continuous integration, the practice of fre-
quently merging copies of code contributed by multiple developers to a single project.
Designing software with testing in mind will also help reinforce a modular coding style, in line
with many best practices, in order to ensure that software behavior is amenable to testing. In
the extreme, test-driven development proposes writing tests before writing the target program
code [23]. But at a minimum, writing tests when you encounter bugs will help to validate a fix
and prevent such issues from reoccurring unexpectedly in the future. Finally, designing tests
for each module throughout the development cycle provides documentation for code behavior
and usage for future reference as the package increases in complexity.
Rule 8: Ensure adequate testing coverage
How do you know when you have enough tests? Test coverage is a metric used to assess how
much of your codebase is being tested by constructed unit tests. Ensuring that a line of code is
covered in the context of a test helps guarantee that the code not only executes but will also
execute with anticipated behavior. Calculating test coverage is one quantitative way to assess
the sufficiency of your testing framework. You can calculate testing coverage, or the scope of
your code that has been tested, in several ways, including the raw test coverage percentage,
meaning the total lines of code in a piece of software executed by your unit tests divided by the
total number of lines of code in your codebase. In general, the code coverage percentage may
be easier to calculate, but branch coverage, the fraction of logical branches in your codebase
that are executed by your tests, will give you a better sense of the tested logic. Optimal coverage
estimates depend on the application and context of the codebase, but as a general rule of
thumb, try to aim for at least 60% coverage [16].
That being said, it is important to remember that writing tests for scientific code can be dif-
ficult for several reasons, especially because of the intrinsic nondeterministic nature of explor-
ing research questions [24]. Also, remember that tests also require maintenance, so ensure that
tests are of high quality and adequate utility to merit inclusion. Tools for automatically calcu-
lating test coverage are available in many programming languages, such as the coverage pack-
age in Python, testCoverage package in R, and Coverage.jl in Julia.
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Rule 9: Set up end-to-end and regression testing
Unit testing and property testing (see Rule 6) help ensure that functions or simple composi-
tions of functions work as intended. However, a full software program forms a complex system
whose behavior may be difficult to predict, control, or test. Deep neural networks are a quin-
tessential example: The mathematical operations that compose such a network (e.g., matrix
multiplication and dot products) are easily tested, but the network’s aggregate behavior is not.
End-to-end tests address this problem. In the case of the neural network example, a simple
end-to-end test might ask if metrics of the network’s performance (e.g., RMSE and AUC)
meet expectations during initial tests or stay within a tolerance interval of previous perfor-
mance when updates are made to any of the software layers that support a program—for
example, an upgrade of the operating system or updates to base libraries. In particular, end-to-
end tests can be coupled with property testing: If a model or simulation is not expected to be
sensitive to variation in an input, this can be formally tested by running the model a number
of times while varying that input.
End-to-end testing can also be accomplished by recording the outputs of a program and
ensuring that they are constant over time. For instance, in particularly difficult testing situa-
tions relevant to app development, a screenshot of the app can be taken for each of its views.
An end-to-end test can then compare the app’s user interface after a change and confirm that
the views match. Similar techniques can be applied to the numerical outputs of programs.
Packages for this include Python’s snapshottest and R’s testthat. Julia incorporates end-to-end
testing into its base capacities by enabling the creation of custom testsets.
Finally, end-to-end tests are often slower to run than static analysis or unit tests. They also
may require more complex testing frameworks and provide less useful feedback when they fail
(as opposed to a unit test, which can pinpoint exactly which function input pair is problem-
atic). For this reason, end-to-end testing may be brought into play later in the development
cycle once the software is clean and well commented with a comprehensive test suite. How-
ever, since scientific software is often complex, end-to-end tests can provide a valuable verifi-
cation that results have not unexpectedly changed while modifying the program.
Rule 10: Automate your software testing workflow
By following all the previous rules, you will have a robust software package. Your code will be
readable, consistent, and well covered by high-quality tests. However, coding styles and tests
must be checked often; writing clean code and developing tests are habits that should start at
the beginning of the software development cycle and continue throughout the process.
To ensure that your software will not be difficult to read or prone to break when you add
new functionality or fix a bug, you need to run your test suite whenever you change part of
your code. As mentioned in previous rules, tools are available to check coding style adherence
(e.g., pylint, black, and JuliaFormatter) and run a suite of tests efficiently (e.g., pytest for
Python, testthat for R, and testset for Julia). Initially, you may run these tools on an ad hoc
basis, but automating linting and testing can add convenience and guarantee that these checks
are consistently run.
When using online repositories such as GitHub [7], you can integrate these automated
tools into continuous integration scripts that execute the tools upon a trigger event, like a code
push, instead of running automated tools manually. This can be done using Git Hooks, a series
of scripts that will run when an event occurs in your repository. For example, you can set your
test suite to run when you commit new code, avoiding the necessity of running tests manually
every time you modify your software. When using services such as GitHub or GitLab, these
automated pipelines can be further integrated within the software workflow by using tools like
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GitHub Actions or GitLab CI/CD, in which testing and style checking can be additionally
automated to run at specified times (e.g., daily at midnight). For an example of how to use
GitHub Actions, please check GitHub’s documentation. There are also many online resources
specific to Python, R, and Julia (including a community repository of prebuilt actions).
Although adhering to consistent coding styles and developing tests may seem to divert atten-
tion from the main research goal, in fact, these practices help to advance the principal point of
scientific undertakings: producing accurate results in a reproducible way. These rules are espe-
cially important in open-source software development: Clean code encourages a diversity of
skill levels to contribute as maintainers; it also promotes more straightforward community
code review protocols and assessment of code quality. Of course, community code review is a
cornerstone of modern software development, whether the code in question is open source or
proprietary [2527]. Overall, these 10 simple rules will help to increase the clarity and robust-
ness of your developed software.
The research environment’s increasing reliance on software tools reveals what can go
wrong with small, and very human, mistakes. That being said, the conversation on software
development for scientific research has shifted from “best” practices [28] to “good enough”
practices [29]. Open-source scientific software is a collaborative endeavor requiring unique
demands on researchers, and, therefore, standards should be adopted according to their
appropriateness for your research community [30]. An individual or team of researchers
should not strive to follow all best practices of software development, but rather strive to
improve over time. The practices described here can become a natural part of your technical
tool kit and rapidly add value in terms of quality and reproducibility in the scientific open-
source software you produce.
The authors would like to thank the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) Best Practices
Group for helpful comments and discussion and Ste
fan van der Walt for feedback on the first
draft of this paper.
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