Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to inform you of my reasons for applying for a Working Holiday Visa in
Like many other children raised in the UK back in the ’90s, I remember growing up watching TV
favourites such as Pokemon, Takeshi’s Castle and many other Studio Ghibli films. What caught
my interest, besides all being great shows in their own right, was how they provided a snippet
into Japanese culture - something very alien to me at the time. Over the next few years, I began
learning about the country through library books (the internet was still very new then). This
made me realise I had a great passion for learning about other cultures, but more specifically
about Japan.
Now at the age of 27 and having worked as an editor, writer, and photographer for the last three
years, I deeply appreciate the artistic nature displayed by Japan. Beauty isn’t just found in the
country’s landscapes and architecture, but also, and perhaps more so, in the people here as
they live out their daily lives. During my visit to the Kansai region of spring last year, I was taken
aback by how thoughtful everyone was, even something as simple as a greeting showed a level
of respect and kindness seldom seen anywhere else in the world. By spending a year over in
Japan, I hope to learn from its people not only how to create beautiful work and art but also how
to live life in a more beautiful way.
Adding a third language to my repertoire has also been a long life-time goal of mine. I was lucky
enough to be raised in a Chinese family in the UK which allowed me to pick up both English and
Cantonese fairly easily. I have first-hand experience in the power of being able to speak another
language as it has allowed me to connect with locals (in Hong Kong) in a much more
meaningful way. The thought of this with Japanese locals highly motivates me to start learning
the language. At this moment in time, I have begun learning through online courses but know a
Working Holiday Visa would present invaluable opportunities in practicing and improving my
Lastly, as a lover of nature and the outdoors, natural wonders such as the Sakura blossoms and
the Nemophila bloom has me excited to be working and living in Japan. Other places and
experiences I am interested in include the Takeda Castle in Hyogo Prefecture, climbing Mount
Fuji, ice-breaking cruise in Hokkaido - these are just to name a few. In my personal opinion, I
believe there is no other country that offers such beauty in diversity and tradition and I hope I
am able to soak it all in through a Working Holiday Visa.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I hope it has allowed you to understand a
glimpse of my passion for Japan.
Kind regards