Course Overload Guidelines
Full-time tuition entitles a student to register for 18 credit hours; credit hours over 18 (up to 20) are considered
an overload. Students are charged a few for each credit hour above 18. Students may use this form to apply for
a waiver of the fee for up to two (2) credit hours above 18 credit hours.
Students who wish to register for up to 20 credit hours and are willing to pay the additional tuition charge should
not use this form.
The following CAS students may qualify for a course overload fee waiver:
a) CAS students who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher who wish to register for up to
10 credit hours with no extra fee should apply by filling out this form and turning it in to CAS Student
Records, CAS Room B3, no later than the end of the fourth week of classes. Students applying after the
fourth week of classes will be required to pay the extra tuition for 2 credit hours. Fees are not waived for
over 20 credits.
b) CAS seniors (those who have completed 88 or more credits) do not need to apply for the fee waiver; it is
granted automatically.
Students may be denied overload approval if they are:
Enrolling in CAS for the first time
On Academic Probation or in a warning status
Using the semester to complete an “I” grade
All students, especially those in the preceding categories, should consult with an academic advisor before
attempting to overload.
Students denied the course overload fee waiver may request a review of their criteria. To appeal a denial, a
written request for review, an unofficial copy of a current Boston University transcript, and any other related
documents should be submitted to the receptionist in the CAS Student Records Office, CAS Room B3.
Course Overload Fee Waiver Form
Fee Waiver Procedure:
1) Read the instructions to verify your eligibility for an overload fee waiver. This form is to be used by CAS
students only. NOTE: the fee waiver applies only to 2 credits over 18; total credit enrollment
allowed is 20 credits.
2) Fill out this form completely.
3) Submit this form to CAS Student Records, Room CAS B3.
NOTE: Fee waivers for the next semester are based on the results of your current coursework and thus
cannot be keyed until all grades are recorded for this semester. If you enroll for more than 18 credits, you
will be billed for the total number of credits until the end of the semester when fee waivers are keyed.
Your options are: (1) wait until you have been approved for the fee waiver to add more credits, or (2) pay
the charges for the extra credits and request a refund if/when you are awarded the fee waiver.
Semester: Year:
Student’s Name: ID:
Major Concentration Department:
Expected Date of Graduation:
Student’s Signature: Date:
Do not write below this line
Approved _______ Denied _______ CAS Official ________ Date:
PET _______ OUR _______ GPA _______ Credit Hours _______