2002;55;812-816 J. Clin. Pathol.
P Hancock and E McLaughlin
assessment of post vasectomy semen samples
British Andrology Society guidelines for the
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British Andrology Society guidelines for the assessment of
post vasectomy semen samples (2002)
P Hancock, E McLaughlin, for the British Andrology Society
J Clin Pathol
The British Andrology Society guidelines for the
assessment of post vasectomy semen samples
recommend that initial assessment is undertaken 16
weeks post vasectomy and after the patient has
produced at least 24 ejaculates. The laboratory should
examine a freshly produced seminal fluid specimen by
direct microscopy and if no sperm are seen the
centrifugate should be examined for the presence of
motile and non-motile spermatozoa. It is recommended
that the clinician should give clearance after the
production of two consecutive sperm free ejaculates. In
cases of persistent identification of non-motile
spermatozoa the referring clinician should advise the
patient regarding the cessation of other contraceptive
precautions. Surgeons are responsible both
preoperatively and postoperatively for the counselling of
couples regarding complications and the possibility of
late recanalisation after clearance.
s a lear ned society, the British Andrology
Society (BAS) has sought to improve
standards of diagnostic andrology services
within the UK via educational courses and the
publication of guidelines for the screening of
semen donors.
In 1993, the BAS conducted a
pilot study within the membership and was
instrumental in the setting up of the UK National
Exter nal Quality Assurance Scheme (UKNEQAS)
for Andrology.
In April 1999, at the fifth meeting
of the UKNEQAS for Andrology user group at
Manchester Royal Infirmary Postgraduate Medi-
cal Centre, the UKNEQAS specialist advisory
group debated with the delegates the problems
associated with the assessment of semen samples
after vasectomy. Over 100 delegates were present
and took part in discussion sessions, and it was
proposed from the floor and endorsed by all
present that the BAS should produce guidelines
for laborator ies undertaking post vasectomy
semen analysis, in an attempt to promote best
practice in this difficult but medico legally impor-
tant area of laboratory andrology practice.
The aims of the BAS guidelines on the assessment
of semen samples after vasectomy are to give
guidance to laboratory staff to ensure standardi-
sation of seminal analysis protocols and reporting
of results. After consultation with members of the
British Association of Urological Surgeons, the
Royal C ollege of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(RCOG), and the Family Planning Association
(FPA), the committee and members of BAS have
produced these guidelines. The BAS guidelines do
not deal with the counselling of patients or
discuss the indications for male sterilisation, all of
which are considered in the RCOG guidelines on
male and female sterilisation.
Vasectomy is regarded as one of the safest and
most effective methods of birth control,
and it is
popular particularly among the many stable cou-
ples who have completed their families.
though vasectomy is a relatively simple proce-
dure, it is not without complications,
and careful
preoperative counselling is required.
Failure to
provide and to document adequate preoperative
infor mation and counselling are common causes
of litigation.
Complications include the short
ter m problems of wound infection, scrotal hae-
matoma formation, and primary surgical failure,
together with the longer term issues of chronic
epididymal pain
and spontaneous reversal.
Evidence suggests that virtually all ejaculates will
contain potentially fertile spermatozoa immedi-
ately after vasectomy,
and that patients should
continue with contraceptive precautions until
they have been advised by their clinician other-
wise. In the small number of studies performed so
far, the spermatozoa remaining within the male
reproductive tract rapidly become immotile, often
within a few days of the vasectomy operation,
and usually by three weeks.
Although standardised follow up studies are
it has been suggested that several
unplanned pregnancies have occurred immedi-
ately after vasectomy, and these have been attrib-
uted not to technical failure of surgery or
recanalisation, but to the patient failing to comply
with instructions regarding continuing contra-
ceptive precautions.
Both technical failure (such as missed vasa defer-
entia) and early recanalisation of the vas deferens
have been documented.
In a large study of
Abbreviations: BAS, The British Andrology Society; FPA,
Family Planning Association; RCOG, Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; UKNEQAS, UK
National External Quality Assurance Scheme
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Mr P Hancock, Department
of Microbiology, Yeovil
District Hospital, Higher
Kingston, Yeovil, Somerset
BA21 4AT, UK;
Accepted for publication
26 June 2002
on 16 February 2007 jcp.bmj.comDownloaded from
16 796 vasectomy operations carried out within one centre in
the UK, the surgeons reported a failure to achieve sterility in
72 men. This early failure rate was quoted as 0.36%,
and has
been linked to operator experience
and the technique used
by the surgeon.
Early failures were usually identified by the
presence of motile spermatozoa in ejaculates examined three
to six months postoperatively,
18 19
and surveys have suggested
that many surgeons will opt to repeat surgery
as soon as
Late failure is defined as the presence of spermatozoa in ejacu-
lates after documented azoospermia in two post vasectomy
semen analyses.
12 22
Although uncommon, the late failure rate
has been reported to be 0.04–0.08%,
18 19
and recanalisation is
usually only discovered after pregnancy in the female
12 18 22 23
It has been suggested that because women may
not inform their partners of a pregnancy for fear of being
accused of infidelity, but may seek a termination, the late fail-
ure rate may be an underestimate.
Similarly, the identification
of spermatozoa in 9.7% of ejaculates from a group of 186 men
undergoing semen assessment prereversal
of their vasectomy
also suggests an under reporting of late recanalisation.
Sample collection
The RCOG has recommended that before vasectomy
patient should have received information from his clinician
regarding the likelihood of a successful vasectomy operation
and the possibility of recanalisation. It is recommended that
such information should be given both verbally and in writing
and repeated by the clinician at the time of final clearance.
The laboratory should ensure that the clinician has clear
written instructions for sample collection (appendix 1) and
suitable specimen containers to give to the patient. Laborato-
ries should advise clinicians that men must be asked to collect
their entire ejaculate by masturbation into the non-toxic sam-
ple container provided.
Semen samples should be collected after an abstinence
period of no less than 48 hours and no more than seven days,
and maintained at body temperature before delivery to the
laboratory (ideally within one hour of production in line with
cur rent World Health Organisation protocols
). It is recom-
mended that laboratories endeavour to examine samples
within four hours of production. If this is not feasible, the
period elapsing between production and examination should
be stated on the report form. However, in cases of the persist-
ent presence of non-motile sperm in the ejaculate, further
fresh samples should be examined. These samples must be
delivered to the laboratory within one hour of production and
again maintained at or near, but not exceeding, body
temperature until receipt in the laboratory. It is suggested that
an appointment be made with the laboratory to ensure that
the sample is examined immediately on arrival, to establish
sper m motility. Postal delivery of samples is not recommended
because sperm motility declines rapidly with time.
“It is recommended that laboratories endeavour to
examine samples within four hours of production”
If, however, there is a significant risk of patient non-
compliance or hardship, laboratories may make exceptions
and accept samples by post. Laboratories accepting postal
samples should ensure that patients understand the sample/
request form labelling requirements and the current regula-
tions for the transport and packaging of samples (see HSE
1996). Postal samples must abide by these requirements and
be sent by first class post.
In cases of paternity dispute, samples must be delivered
personally to the laboratory and all details confirmed with the
patient before the sample is examined.
Many men will produce ejaculates that contain residual
(usually non-motile) sper matozoa for some weeks after
The BAS recommends that patients should be
instructed to ensure that they have had at least 24
and preferably wait at least 16 weeks before
submitting a first semen sample for examination.
This will
reduce the number of false positive samples and thus
minimise both patient inconvenience and repeat laboratory
On delivery of the semen sample to the laboratory
reception, staff should ensure that the collection container is
clearly labelled with at least three patient identifiers (such as
name, date of birth, and clinic number) and the corresponding
for m is completed in full with details of sample collection and
abstinence period (appendix 2). If an unlabelled sample con-
tainer is delivered, for medicolegal reasons the laboratory
should not examine the specimen and should request a repeat
ejaculate for assessment.
Patients should be given a further collection container and
instructed to produce a second ejaculate for examination at an
interval of two to four weeks after the initial assessment. In
the event that samples delivered by post contain non-motile
sper matozoa, it is mandatory that a freshly produced sample
be examined within one hour of production to exclude the
possibility that motile sperm are present.
Sample examination
After registration, freshly produced semen samples should be
examined as soon as liquefaction is complete, ideally within
one hour of production,
and preferably within four hours of
production. Before examination, semen samples should be
stored either at room temperature or in an incubator at 37°C.
The specimen should not be subjected to extremes of
temperature (< 20 or > 40°C) because this will significantly
impair sperm motility.
The sample should be mixed well and a 10 µl aliquot pipet-
ted on to a clean non-toxic glass slide using a direct displace-
ment pipette and the semen covered with a 22 × 22 mm
coverslip. This gives a suitable depth (20 µm) to allow any
motile sperm present to swim freely.
Using phase contrast microscopy, it is recommended that
the entire (22 × 2 mm) coverslip area should be examined in a
systematic grid search pattern for the presence of sperm. Any
sper m detected should be categorised as either motile or non-
motile and reported to the referring clinician (appendix 3).
If no sperm are observed by direct microscopy, the entire
semen sample should be transferred using a sterile pipette
into an appropriate conical bottomed non-toxic polypropylene
centrifuge tube and centrifuged at no less than 3000 ×g for 15
Failure to centrifuge the sample at the appropriate
g force may result in the failure to recover spermatozoa from
the ejaculate.
30 31
The entire centifugate or “pellet” should be resuspended in
a minimum volume of autologous seminal plasma (< 100 µl)
and the entire sample examined systematically (as described
above) for the presence of motile and non-motile
sper matozoa.
The BAS recommends that an estimation of
sper m concentration or numbers of spermatozoa observed in
each high power field (×400 magnification) should be
reported to the clinician.
After centrifugation, the pellet may contain a large number
of cells including germ cells, epithelial cells, and leucocytes.
The presence of many cells may make the detection of any
sper m in the pellet very difficult and the laboratory should
advise the clinician that these cells might have obscured any
sper m present (appendix 3). Early examination, before the 16
week postoperative period, may exacerbate this problem
because of the cellular response.
BAS guidelines for post vasectomy semen samples (2002) 813
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In a small minority of cases, when the semen sample is
extremely viscous, laboratories may be unable to obtain a
suitable centrifuged pellet to examine. In this situation, it is
recommended that a repeat sample should be requested. In
cases of persistent seminal viscosity, the entire ejaculate may
be incubated for 30–60 minutes at room temperature with a
protease such as 1% bromelin (Bromelain, CN Biosciences UK,
Beeston, UK). A stock solution of 10% bromelin in phosphate
buffered saline (pH 7.2) should be prepared and aliquots
stored at 20°C until required.
Aliquots can be thawed and
diluted to 1% with phosphate buffered saline and brought to
temperature when required. Incubation with bromelin may
immobilise any motile sperm present and the laboratory
should advise the clinician accordingly (appendix 3).
The RCOG and FPA guidelines state that at least two
azoosper mic consecutive samples two to four weeks apart
must be obtained before contraceptive precautions can be dis-
pensed with. Recent studies have re-emphasised this period as
It is the responsibility of clinicians not the labo-
ratory to communicate the results of semen assessments to
their patients.
A large proportion of patients (up to 25%) fail
to submit post vasectomy semen specimens for
27 28 33
or fail to comply with instructions regarding
sample collection,
making reliable laboratory assessment
Proscriptive sample collection may increase the
risk of non-compliance by patients; however, this should be
minimised by appropriate counselling and laboratory staff
should endeavour to ensure patient compliance by accommo-
dating clinical and patient wishes (such as postal delivery of
semen specimens) whenever possible.
Persistent non-motile spermatozoa in the initial two ejacu-
lates is not uncommon, with studies reporting up to 33% non-
azoosper mic samples at three months,
and 10% of ejaculates
containing non-motile sperm at six months.
In one prospec-
tive study, the median time to azoospermia was 10 weeks, with
most men (93%) being azoospermic by week 20.
sper m can reappear in ejaculates 12 months after surgery,
despite previous sperm free ejaculates.
Over 1000 men taking
part in a prospective long term follow up study have submit-
ted semen samples at one, two, and three years post
Twenty men had a positive semen analysis but
there were no reports of unwanted pregnancies in the
partners of these men.
Discussion in the literature has
suggested that the risk of pregnancy occurring from these
non-motile sperm is small,
and probably no more than the
risk of pregnancy after two azoospermic semen samples, as a
result of spontaneous recanalisation.
12 21
It has been suggested
that repeat ejaculates seven months after surgery are probably
unnecessary because pregnancy is very unlikely to occur.
27 36
“It is the responsibility of clinicians not the laboratory to
communicate the results of semen assessments to their
Samples in which non-motile sperm are repeatedly detected
should be examined within the recommended time periods to
optimise motility detection. Before the issuing of “special
clearance” the clinician may ask the laboratory to confirm the
vital status of the non-motile spermatozoa using an appropri-
ate staining technique.
If any motile sperm or substantial numbers of immotile
sper matozoa (> 10
) are detected then the laboratory should
infor m the clinician promptly because many surgeons will opt
to repeat surgery
as soon as possible.
These men with low numbers of persistent non-motile
sper matozoa in their ejaculates (that is, after seven months
and at least 24 ejaculations) may be given “special clearance”
by their clinician to discontinue other contraceptive precau-
tions following appropriate oral counselling and written
advice (appendix 4) regarding the risk of pregnancy.
21 29 36
The BAS recognises the problems associated with patient
non-compliance in the production and assessment of post
vasectomy samples, as highlighted by various workers.
37 38
Because single, early (< 16 weeks) samples are more likely to
give inconclusive results requir ing further patient samples,
these laboratory guidelines coupled with careful pre vasec-
tomy counselling are designed to ensure that appropriate
clearance should be available to men and their surgeons
within 20 weeks of the operation. The BAS suggests that close
adherence to these guidelines will provide a high quality
accurate laboratory service to patients and clinicians following
It is the intention of the BAS committee that these guidelines
will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as necessary.
The BAS thanks Dr H Cooling, Senior Clinical Medical Officer in Fam-
ily Planning, United Bristol Hospitals Trust; Professor J Guillebaud,
Medical Director, Margaret Pyke Family Planning Centre London; Mr
C Gingell, Consultant Urological Surgeon, North Bristol NHS Trust
Department of Urology; Mr T Hargreave Consultant Urological
Surgeon, Western General Hospital NHS Trust Edinburgh; Mr C
Parker, Consultant Urolog ical Surgeon, East Somerset NHS Trust; Mr
J Pryor, Consultant Uroandrologist, Lister Hospital London; Dr C
Smith and Dr J Walsh, Clinical Effectiveness Unit, Faculty of Family
Planning and Reproductive Health Care, London; and Dr P Trotter,
Lead Clinician in Contraception and Sexual Health Family Planning
Clinic Taunton and Somerset Hospital for their help and advice.
Authors’ affiliations
P Hancock, Department of Microbiology, Yeovil District Hospital, Higher
Kingston, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 4AT, UK
E McLaughlin, University of Newcastle, School of Environmental and Life
Science, University Drive, Callaghan, New South Wales 2308, Australia
Take home messages
This article describes the British Andrology Society (BAS)
guidelines for laboratories undertaking post vasectomy
semen analysis, which are designed to promote best prac-
tice in this difficult but medico legally important area of
laboratory andrology practice
These guidelines recommend that initial assessment is
undertaken 16 weeks after vasectomy and after the patient
has produced at least 24 ejaculates
A freshly produced seminal fluid specimen should be exam-
ined by direct microscopy and if no sperm are seen the
centrifugate should be examined for the presence of motile
and non-motile spermatozoa
Clinicians should give clearance after the production of two
consecutive sperm free ejaculates
When non-motile spermatozoa are persistently identified,
the referring clinician should advise the patient on the ces-
sation of contraception
Surgeons are responsible for the counselling of couples
regarding complications and the possibility of late recanali-
sation after clearance
814 Hancock, McLaughlin, British Andrology Society
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Appendix 2 Pathology laboratory request form
Surname ____________________
Forename ____________________
Date Of Birth _____/_____/_____
Address ____________________
Clinic No. ____________________
Requesting Doctor ____________________
Date of Vasectomy _____/_____/_____
Specimen details
When was the semen sample collected? Date ___/___/___
Time ______ a.m./p.m.
Was the whole sample collected? YES/NO
When was the last time you ejaculated before this? Date ___/
___/___ Time ______ a.m./p.m.
Appendix 3 Pathology laboratory report form
Name _______________________
Clinic No. _______________________
Date sample_____ / _____/ _____
Delay to examination ______ hrs
Volume ______ ml
Specimen collection: Complete/Incomplete
Direct microscopy: No sperm seen/____Motile sperm
seen/_____Non-motile sperm seen
Centrifugate: No sperm seen/____Motile sperm seen/
_____Non-motile sperm seen
Vital staining: Live sperm seen/No live sperm seen
Centrifugate contained many cells—these may have obscured
any sperm present
Viscous sample treated with bromelin—this may have caused
immotility of sperm present
No further specimens necessary
Repeat sample requested
Clinician to review
Appendix 4 Example letter to patient
Miss Jane Jones Consultant Urologist
Outpatients Clinic, St Elsewhere’s Hospital, Newtown
Mr Smith
12 The Avenue, Newtown
15th September 2000
Dear Mr Smith
This letter is to confirm that there were no active sperm present in your post vasectomy semen samples; however, a very small
number of non-motile (inactive) sperm were still present in your last sample. There is no evidence that a pregnancy has
occurred in men producing these low numbers of inactive sperm.
At your initial appointment we discussed that vasectomy operations are not 100% successful and there is always a small fail-
ure rate of between one in two to three thousand cases. This means that there is a very low but not zero chance that you
might conceive in the future.
If at any time in the future you have any problems regarding your vasectomy operation or there is a possibility that Mrs Smith
has become pregnant, then you must contact you general practitioner immediately.
Yours sincerely
Miss Jane Jones
Appendix 1 Semen analysis (post vasectomy)
Please read these instructions thoroughly
Semen analysis is carried out only by appointment with the laboratory. Appointments can be made by phoning 01234
56789, between 0900 and 1600 hours Monday to Friday. Your first appointment must be at least 16 weeks and 24 ejacu-
lations after your operation.
Collection of the sample
The specimen must be collected in the morning. You must not have had sex or masturbated for 48 hours before collecting the
sample but should have had an abstinence period of no longer than seven days. First wash your hands and genitals with soap
and water, please ensure complete removal of all soap residues and dry thoroughly.
The container
Please use the sterile container provided. Do not open the container until you are ready to produce the sample.
Collect the sample by masturbation, collecting the entire specimen directly into the container. (Do not use a sheath/condom
for collection, as they are harmful to sperm. Please note: No other forms of sample collection are acceptable.)
Seal the container immediately after sample collection with the lid; make sure that the lid is on tightly. Do not use adhesive
tape. Write your name, date of birth plus date and time of production on the container label. Record your period of absti-
nence and the date of your operation on the form provided and ensure the name of the requesting consultant/general prac-
titioner plus your name, address, and date of birth is also stated on the form.
Delivery of the sample
Deliver the sample and completed form to the Pathology Laboratory within one hour of collection. The sample must be
examined before it is four hours old, for this reason postal delivery is not acceptable.
If you have any difficulties associated with the collection and delivery of your sample please contact the laboratory on tele-
phone number 01234 56789.
BAS guidelines for post vasectomy semen samples (2002) 815
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