Base Guide
Chapter 2
Creating a Database
This document is Copyright © 2020 by the LibreOffice Documentation Team. Contributors are listed
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License (, version 3 or later, or the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, version 4.0 or later.
All trademarks within this guide belong to their legitimate owners.
This chapter was translated from the German LibreOffice Base Handbuch.
To this edition
Pulkit Krishna Dan Lewis Jean Hollis Weber
To previous editions
Jochen Schiffers Robert Großkopf Jost Lange
Martin Fox Hazel Russman Jean Hollis Weber
Please direct any comments or suggestions about this document to the Documentation Team’s
mailing list: [email protected]
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Publication date and software version
Published May 2020. Based on LibreOffice 6.2.
Documentation for LibreOffice is available at
Contributors................................................................................................................................. 2
To this edition.......................................................................................................................... 2
To previous editions................................................................................................................ 2
Feedback..................................................................................................................................... 2
Publication date and software version.........................................................................................2
Creating a new database using the internal HSQL engine..............................................4
Accessing external databases............................................................................................6
MySQL/MariaDB databases........................................................................................................6
Create a user and a database.................................................................................................6
Direct MySQL connection using an extension.........................................................................7
MySQL connection via JDBC..................................................................................................7
MySQL connection via ODBC.................................................................................................7
Connecting to a MySQL database with the Database Wizard.................................................8
PostgreSQL............................................................................................................................... 13
Creating a user and a database............................................................................................13
Direct connection to Base.....................................................................................................14
dBase databases....................................................................................................................... 15
Spreadsheets............................................................................................................................. 17
Thunderbird address book......................................................................................................... 18
Text tables................................................................................................................................. 19
Text tables within an internal HSQLDB database..................................................................19
Text tables as a basis for a standalone database..................................................................21
Firebird...................................................................................................................................... 23
Creating a user and a database............................................................................................23
Connecting to Firebird via JDBC...........................................................................................24
Firebird connection using ODBC...........................................................................................25
Subsequent editing of connection properties................................................................25
Chapter 2 Creating a Database | 3
The basics of creating a database in LibreOffice are described in Chapter 8 of the Getting Started
Guide, Getting Started with Base.
The database component of LibreOffice, called Base, provides a graphical interface for working
with databases. In addition, LibreOffice contains a version of the HSQL database engine. This
HSQLDB database can be used by only a single user. The entire data set is stored in an ODB file
that has a file locking mechanism in the configuration folder when opened by a user.
Since LibreOffice 4.2, an internal Firebird database has been available in addition to the internal
HSQLDB one. The Firebird database was included in “experimental features” up to version 6.0.
The database examples in this book continue to refer to HSQLDB, but are customized so that most
functions are directly transferable to Firebird. If necessary, alternatives in Firebird are shown.
Creating a new database using the internal HSQL engine
If a database with multiple users is not planned, or if you wish to gain some initial experience with a
database, the internal database engine will suffice. It is possible at some later stage to transfer the
database to an external HSQLDB environment, where multiple users can have concurrent access
to the database on the HSQLDB server. This is described in the Appendix to this book.
To create an internal database from the LibreOffice Start screen, click the Database button; or,
from anywhere in LibreOffice, use File > New > Database. The Database Wizard (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Step 1 of Database Wizard: Select database
Select Create a new database. By default, this is an embedded HSQLDB database. An internal
Firebird database is also available; see Caution note on next page.
The other options serve to open an existing file or create a connection to an external database
such as an address book or a MySQL database.
4 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Choose Next>> to proceed to Step 2 of the Database Wizard (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Step 2 of Database Wizard: Save and Proceed
A database registered with LibreOffice can be used by other components of LibreOffice, for
example for mail merge letters in Writer. It is recommended that all databases should be
registered when created, but the final choice belongs to the reader.
Select Open the database for editing and deselect Create tables using the table wizard. The
latter option was covered in Chapter 1; the rest of this book does not use the wizards for creating
tables, queries, and so on.
Click Finish to save the database. A standard Save As dialog opens, requesting a name and
location for the *.odb file, which is ready for the entry of records from the internal database, and the
storage of queries, forms, and reports. Unlike in the other parts of LibreOffice, the file is saved
before you have made any visible entries.
If Experimental Features are turned on, then if an existing internal HSQLDB database is
opened, a message may be displayed, asking if you wish to migrate the database to Firebird
Caution is advised: Do not simply confirm. Be extremely careful here! Click Later and then
make a backup copy of the database file. When you are ready to migrate the database,
follow this procedure:
1) Back up the HSQLDB database file.
2) Adapt functions as far as possible according to the list on this wiki page:
3) Copy views that can not be directly converted from the SQL code and save them as
4) Table Names and Column Names in Firebird can be a maximum of 31 characters long. If
necessary, adapt to a shorter name.
5) Pure text tables (integrated *.csv table, etc.) are not possible under Firebird, so they
must be placed elsewhere.
Creating a new database using the internal HSQL engine | 5
Accessing external databases
An external database must exist before it can be accessed. If access to a database is desired, the
database must be set up to allow network connections with a specific user name and password
before external programs can connect to it.
When such a database is properly set up, you may, depending on the available connection
software (the database driver), create tables, input data, and query data.
Click on File > New > Database to open the Database Wizard (Figure 1) and choose Connect to
an existing database. The list of available database types varies according to operating system
and user interface, but the following should always be available:
Oracle JDBC
as well as various types of address books.
The connection options vary according to the type of database selected. You can change the
options after the *.odb file is created.
Some database types (for example, a connection to spreadsheets) do not allow new data to be
entered. These are used only to search for or report on existing data. The descriptions in the
following chapters deal exclusively with LibreOffice Base using the internal HSQLDB database.
Most of the design work can be extended to databases that use MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so on.
Here are a couple of brief examples of how you can connect with an external database.
MySQL/MariaDB databases
Base can connect to MySQL and MariaDB databases by three methods. The simplest and fastest
way is direct connection with the MySQL connector. The other two are connection using ODBC or
In MySQL and MariaDB, it is possible to enter and change data in tables without a
primary key field. The GUI of Base displays these tables, but offers no input or
modification options.
If you want to use tables without a primary key, you can use Tools > SQL instead, or
within forms via macros, to supply the tables with data.
Create a user and a database
After MySQL or MariaDB has been installed, do the following steps in the sequence described.
1) The administrator account in MySQL is called root. Linux users should note that this is not
the root user of the Linux operating system. The root user must be assigned a password
directly after installation, if this was not done before installation.
mysql -u root -p
6 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
To begin with, no password is set, so just press Enter. An entry prompt appears:
All the following entries are made at the MySQL console. The passwords can be different
according to whether the prompt comes from the local computer (localhost) or a different
computer which is acting as a MySQL server (host).
SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('Password');
SET PASSWORD FOR root@host=PASSWORD('Password');
For Windows users, the second line reads:
SET PASSWORD FOR root@'%'=PASSWORD('Password');
2) As a security measure, all current anonymous users are deleted.
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';
DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User='';
3) A database called libretest is created.
4) All rights to the libretest database are granted to the user lotest, who will log in with the
password libre.
GRANT ALL ON libretest.* TO lotest IDENTIFIED BY 'libre';
Now the database is available and can be connected to as follows.
Direct MySQL connection using an extension
Starting with LibreOffice 6.2, the direct connection from Base to MySQL / MariaDB has been
integrated into LibreOffice. Installing an extension is no longer required.
MySQL connection via JDBC
General access to MySQL is via JDBC or ODBC. To be able to use JDBC, it is necessary to install
mysql-connector-java.jar. This Java Archive file is best copied into the same folder where
the current java version used in LibreOffice is located. This is likely to be a subfolder like
...javapath.../lib/ext for a Linux installation.
Alternatively the appropriate folder containing the Java archive can be set through Tools >
Options > LibreOffice > Advanced > Java > ClassPath.
MySQL connection via ODBC
To connect via ODBC, you must of course have ODBC software installed. Details of how to do this
are not given here.
After installation of the software, it may happen that LibreOffice refuses the service because it can’t
find the library. In most systems, will be present. You will need to make a
link to this file in the same folder with the name
In the odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini, which are necessary for the system, you need to make
entries similar to the following:
Description = ODBC Driver for MySQL
Driver = /usr/lib/
Description = MySQL database test
Driver = MySQL
Accessing external databases | 7
Server = localhost
Database = libretest
Port = 3306
Socket =
Option = 3
Charset = UTF8
In Linux systems these two files are located in the /etc/UnixODBC folder. If you do not enter the
character set that you are going to use, there can be problems with umlauts even if the setup is the
same in MySQL/MariaDB and in Base.
Details for the connection parameters can be found in the MySQL Handbook.
Connecting to a MySQL database with the Database Wizard
To access an existing MySQL database with a direct connection, follow these steps.
At Step 1 of the Database Wizard, select Connect to an existing database. From the list of
database formats on the pull-down menu (Figure 3), select MySQL. Click Next>>.
Figure 3: Connecting to an existing MySQL database
At Step 2 of the Database Wizard (Figure 4), you can choose to connect using ODBC or JDBC or
Figure 4: Step 2 of Database Wizard: Set up MySQL connection
8 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Direct connection
Direct connection is best for both speed and functionality. At Step 3 (Figure 5), fill in the required
Figure 5: Step 3 of Database Wizard: Enter required information for the connection
The database name must be known. If the server is on the same computer as the user interface in
which the database is to be created, you can select localhost as server. Otherwise you can use an
IP address or, according to the network structure, the name of the computer or even an Internet
address. It is thus possible for Base to access a database which is on someone’s home page.
When working with Base over the Internet, you need to be aware of how the connection is set up.
Is the connection secure? How is the password transmitted?
Any database accessible over the Internet should be protected by a specific username with a
password. This provides a direct way of testing whether the connection should go ahead. A
corresponding user needs to be set up in MySQL or MariaDB for the named server.
Figure 6: Step 4 of Database Wizard: Set up user authentication
At Step 4, provide a username and select Password required. Click the Test Connection button
to launch authentication with the given user name. After entering the password, you are informed
whether the connection was successful. If, for example, MySQL is not currently running, you will
get an error message.
Accessing external databases | 9
On each subsequent occasion that the database file is accessed, the dialog below
appears when you first access the MySQL database.
Click Next>> to display Step 5 of the Database Wizard (Figure 7). Select No, do not register the
database and Open the database for editing. Click Finish.
Figure 7: Step 5 of Database Wizard: Decide how to proceed after saving the database
In this example, the database will not be registered, as it is only being built for tests. Registration is
only necessary if other programs such as Writer are to access the records, for example for a mail
The wizard ends the connection setup by saving the database connection. The Base file is created
and a view of the tables of the MySQL database is opened (Figure 8). The database tables are
displayed under the name of the database itself.
At this stage the *.odb file contains only the connection information that will be read each time the
database is launched, so that the tables in the MySQL database can be accessed.
Some drivers will show only the libretest database for which the connection was ordered. Other
drivers also show other MySQL or MariaDB databases on the same server.
10 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Even with drivers showing only one database, access to other tables for queries is possible if the
database user (lotest in the above example) can access the records with their password. Unlike
the previous native LibreOffice drivers, this one does not provide write access to other MySQL
databases on the same server.
Figure 8: View of the open database file with table overview and in the footer of the
designation of the driver used MySQL (Native), the database name libretest, the user of
the database lotest and the server on which the database is running, localhost.
In contrast to Base’s internal database, queries in MySQL require the database name for defining
the tables. For example:
... FROM "test"."Class" AS "Class",...
It was necessary to give the combination of database name and table name an alternative name
(alias) using “AS“. Several versions ago, the use of AS was dropped with the alias writen without it.
For example:
... FROM "test"."Class" "Class",...
Tables can be created and deleted in the database. Automatically incrementing values
(AutoValues) work and can be selected at the table design stage. In MySQL, the values start at 1.
Connecting using ODBC
The first steps to making an ODBC connection are the same as for a direct connection. If an ODBC
connection to MySQL is selected in the second step, the page shwon in Figure 9 appears in the
Database Wizard.
Accessing external databases | 11
Figure 9: Setting up a connection to an ODBC database
The ODBC data source need not have the same name as the database in MySQL itself. Here you
must enter the name that is listed in the odbc.ini file. The simplest way to do this is to read the
name directly out of odbc.ini by using the Browse button.
Figure 10: Choosing a data source
The name from the odbc.ini file appears. Here too, when you connect to a database, other
tables on the MySQL server can be read quite easily.
Steps 4 and 5 are identical to those for a direct connection.
Connecting using JDBC
For a JDBC connection, the first steps are the same. The difference appears only with step 3
(Figure 11).
The wizard asks for the same information as for a direct connection. The database name is the one
used by MySQL itself.
Use the Test class button to test whether the archive mysql-connector-java.jar is
accessible by Java. This archive must either be on the path of the chosen Java version, or directly
embedded in LibreOffice.
All further steps are identical to the previous connections. Connections to other databases on the
same MySQL server are again read-only.
12 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Figure 11: Setting up a connection using JDBC
LibreOffice has a direct driver for PostgreSQL databases, which is preinstalled. To ensure a secure
connection, follow these brief instructions for the first steps after installing PostgreSQL.
Creating a user and a database
The following steps are necessary after installation using the package manager in OpenSUSE. You
can assume similar ones in other operating systems.
1) The postgres user must be assigned a password. This can be done using the operating
system’s utility.
2) The Postgre server must be launched by the administrator:
service postgresql start or rcpostgresql start.
3) The postgres user logs in at the console with:
su postgres
4) An unprivileged database user, here called lotest, is created with a password:
createuser -P lotest
5) In order to allow the database user ro connect to the database which is to be created, an
entry in the /var/lib/pqsql/data/pg_hba.conf file must be changed. This file
includes the methods used for identifying users at various levels. The method LibreOffice
uses to communicate is the “password” method and not the “ident” method as set out
initially in the file.
6) The system user “postgres“ logs in with “psql“:
psql -d template1 -U postgres
7) The system user creates the “libretest“ database:
Accessing external databases | 13
Direct connection to Base
Choose the postgres entry in Step 1 of the wizard. To make the connection, give the database
name (dbname) and the host. Under some circumstances, it is necessary to give the fully qualified
hostname including the domain name.
Figure 12: Setting up a direct connection
The user authentication (Step 3) is exactly the same as for MySQL.
The Save As dialog (FIgure 13) shows the various schema in PostgreSQL. The only one that can
actually be saved to is the public schema, unless extended rights have been granted to this user.
If tables from the internal HSQLDB database are copied to PostgreSQL, the Import
Wizard uses the simple table names from HSQLDB, for example Table1. However,
importing under this name will lead to errors. Instead, the schema name must be
prepended, so that Table1 becomes public.Table1.
Figure 13: Saving to the public schema
14 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
When tables are being created, Base might suggest data types which the current PostgreSQL
installation cannot handle. For example, by default text fields are given the field type
Text[character_data]. PostgreSQL cannot process this field type. Changing the type to
Text[varchar] solves the problem.
The various schema appear in the table view of PostgreSQL (Figure 14). In the public schema you
can see a table called Name.
If the database is being opened for the first time, you will see a great many tables in the
Information schema area. These tables, like those in the pg_catalog area, cannot be read or
written to by the ordinary user. These different areas are called schema in PostgreSQL. Users
create new tables in the public schema.
Figure 14: Table view of Postgre_SQL in LibreOffice Base
dBase databases
dBase databases have a format where all data is contained in separate, previously initialized
tables. Links between the tables must be made in program code. Relations are not supported.
The dBase format is especially suitable for the exchange and extensive editing of data. In addition,
spreadsheet calculations can directly access dBase tables.
dBase has no way to prevent the deletion of, for example, media in a library database that continue
to be referenced in the media loans table.
At present the only dBase databases that are recognized are those contained in files
with the ending *.dbf in lower-case letters. Other endings such as *.DBF are not
recognized. (Bug 46180)
Accessing external databases | 15
Figure 14: Setting up a connection to dBase files
The connection is made to a specific folder. All *.dbf files in this folder will be included and shown in
the *.odb database and can be linked together using queries.
Tables in dBase have no primary key. They can in principle be described as corresponding to the
worksheets in Calc.
Figure 15: Tables in a dBase file
Tables can be created and will then be copied as new files in the folder previously selected.
The number of different field types for a new dBase table is clearly less than when the internal
HSQLDB format is used. In the following figure there are still some field types with the same type
16 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Figure 16: Field types for a new dBase table
Base takes over the coding of the operating system. Therefore old dBase files easily develop
errors when special characters are imported. The character set can be corrected subsequently
using Edit > Database > Properties > Advanced Settings (Figure 17).
Figure 17: Correcting the character set
The Import Wizard for dBase has problems with automatic recognition of numeric field
types and Yes/No fields (Bug 53027). This may require you to make subsequent
Calc or Excel spreadsheets can also be used as the table source for databases. If, however, a
Calc spreadsheet is used, no editing of the table data is possible. If the Calc document is still open,
it will be write-protected.
Accessing external databases | 17
Figure 18: Setting up a connection to a spreadsheet
The only questions to be answered are the location of the spreadsheet file and whether or not it is
password protected. Base then opens the spreadsheet and includes all worksheets in the
document. The first row is used for the field names and the worksheet names become the table
Relationships between spreadsheets cannot be set up in Base, as Calc is not suitable for use as a
relational database.
Thunderbird address book
The Wizard will automatically seek a connection to an address book, for example as used in
Thunderbird. The Wizard will prompt for the location of the ODB file that will be produced.
Figure 19: Tables in a Thunderbird address book
All tables are shown. As with Calc spreadsheets, the tables are not editable. Base uses the table
data only for queries and mail merge applications.
18 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Only the Personal addresses file is read as an address book in Linux and macOS.
Collected groups are currently only visible as part of the Personal addresses. Groups
from Collected addresses are not shown.
Text tables
In Base you can create a complete database by accessing text tables. Text tables can also be
accessed from within an internal database.
Text tables within an internal HSQLDB database
The *.csv format is a common exchange format between databases. Records are stored in a form
that can be read and modified by a simple text editor. Individual fields are separated by commas. If
a field contains text that includes a comma, the text fields are enclosed in double quotes. Each
new record begins with a new line.
For example, the contents of an address book which is in a format not supported by any Base
driver can either be imported via a *.csv file (using Calc as an intermediary if necessary) or the file
is directly imported into the database as a text table. To be editable there, the *.csv file must
include a field with unique values that can serve as a primary key.
Figure 20: Creating a text table using Tools > SQL
Accessing external databases | 19
A text table cannot be created using the graphical user interface
. Instead you must use Tools >
SQL to create a text table (see Figure 20). The fields in the text table must correspond in type and
order to those that the text table makes available. For example the ID field must contain positive
integers and the Birthday field must contain date values in the form Year – Month – Day.
The table is not directly visible in the user interface. If another enlargement is to follow, use View >
Refresh tables to make the tables available. The table symbol indicates that this is not a “normal”
database table.
The table is opened for editing and the primary key field is changed to an automatically
incrementing field.
Figure 21: Editing a text table
1 See the supplementary database for this book, Examples_CSV_import.odb
20 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Now we must make a connection to an external text table using using Tools > SQL. The text table
lies in the same folder as the database itself.
SET TABLE "Addresses" SOURCE "Addresses.csv;encoding=UTF-8";
After this the text table is available for input in the normal way. But the following points should be
Text tables can be opened and edited simultaneously by external text programs. Loss of
data cannot be excluded in these circumstances.
Changes in records already written lead to the corresponding line in the original file being
cleared and the new version added at the end of the table. The table view shown above
presents four written lines with correctly sorted ID numbers. In the original file, the second
record has been altered, leading to the following record sequence by ID: 1, blank line, 3, 4,
When connecting to a text file, the following parameters are available.
“ignore_first=true” would mean that the first line is not read in. This makes sense if the line
contains only field headings. The internal default for HSQLDB is false.
By default, HSQLDB text fields are only placed in double quotes if they contain an internal comma,
since the comma is the default field separator. If every field is to be quoted, set all_quoted=true.
For further parameters, see
prevents anything from being written into the table. The table is then available read-only like an
address book from a mail program. Setting write protection separately is only necessary when a
primary key has been set for the table.
Text tables as a basis for a standalone database
As in the previous example, *.csv files are used as a data source. Using Base, a folder containing
the *.csv files is embedded as a data folder.
We begin by connecting to an existing database. Here the format Text has been selected.
2 The encoding=UTF-8 term works in many systems. In some cases you need to use ansi instead of
Accessing external databases | 21
The path to the text files is looked up. In the folder, all files of the specified type will be listed later.
For *.csv files, choose the second option.
At this stage you can already see a clear warning that the files will be opened read-only with no
write access.
22 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
In the Table view, all the tables in the specified folder are shown by their filenames but without the
filename suffix. The tasks for creating tables are not active. The tables themselves can be read but
not written.
Access to the tables by queries is also limited to one table at a time and without the use of
When such a database is used to search briefly in a *.csv file for records or to import a *.csv file
into another database by using the copy function, it has fulfilled its purpose. The corresponding
*.csv file is only moved into the specified folder and can be directly searched or copied. Such text
databases are not suitable for more general use.
At some time, the old HSQLDB version used for internal databases will be replaced by an internal
Firebird database. If you wish to see what Firebird can offer, here is the procedure for connecting
to an external Firebird database.
As the documentation is not as comprehensive as for MySQL or PostgreSQL, here are the most
important steps in installation.
Creating a user and a database
Linux provides Firebird packages through its package managers. After installation, the server must
be set up. The following steps under OpenSUSE 12.3 link to a functioning Firebird database:
1) Sysdba is the username for the administrative account. The default password is
masterkey. This should be changed in a production environment.
2) To change the password in a terminal:
gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -mo sysdba -pw newpassword
Accessing external databases | 23
3) To get to a functioning database, you need administrator rights on the computer. The
system user firebird must have a password assigned to it.
4) The firebird user logs on at the console:
su firebird
5) A new user is created, shown here with the original default password for sdba:
gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -add lotest -pw libre
This creates a new user with the name lotest and the password libre.
6) Next, still as superuser, create a database for the user. For this we use the auxiliary
program isql-fb.
You see the following message:
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
followed directly by the SQL> prompt. The appropriate entries are:
SQL> CREATE DATABASE 'libretest.fdb'
CON> user 'lotest' password 'libre';
If these tasks are carried out as the system administrator root, the database will not be assigned to
the correct user when networked. The database must be entered as the firebird user in the firebird
group. Otherwise the connection will not work later.
Connecting to Firebird via JDBC
First you will need to embed the Jar-archive into LibreOffice. However, there is no archive called
firebird-*.jar. The current JDBC driver can be found at
driver/. The driver name begins with Jaybird...
Copy the archive jaybird-full-2.2.8.jar (or whatever the current version is) out of the zip
file and place it either in the Java path of the installation or import it directly into LibreOffice as an
archive. See the corresponding section on MySQL.
The following parameters are important when installing JDBC:
JDBC URL jdbc:firebirdsql://host[:port]/<path_or_alias>
Driver bus name: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
In the above example this becomes the URL
If you do not specify the character set, you will get this error:
When creating tables, take care that the formatting of corresponding fields (field properties) agrees
from the beginning. Otherwise LibreOffice will set the default format for all numeric values, which,
strangely enough, is a currency.
Subsequent alteration of field properties in tables are not possible but you can enlarge the table or
delete fields.
24 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
Firebird connection using ODBC
First you must download the appropriate ODBC driver from
driver/. This driver is usually a simple file called This file is usually placed in a
generally accessible path in the system. It must be executable.
In the odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files, which are necessary to the system, the following
entries are required:
Description = Firebird ODBC driver
Driver64 = /usr/lib64/
Description = Firebird database libreoffice test
Driver = Firebird
Dbname = localhost:/srv/firebird/libretest.fdb
SensitiveIdentifier = Yes
In a Linux system, these two files are in the /etc/unixODBC folder. The variable
SensitiveIdentifier must always be set to “Yes” so that entry into tables works when names
and field definitions are not in upper case.
Subsequent editing of connection properties
Especially with connections to external databases, a connection may not function quite as desired.
The character set may not be correct, or subforms may not function without errors, or something in
the underlying parameters needs to be changed.
The following screenshots illustrate how you might change the connection parameters for an
external PostgreSQL database.
Under Edit > Database, you will find the choices Properties, Connection type, and Advanced
settings. Choose Properties.
Subsequent editing of connection properties | 25
If the name of the data source has changed, it can be changed here. For an ODBC connection, the
name by which the database is called up is set out in the odbc.ini file. The name is usually not
quite the same as the actual database name in PostgreSQL.
Is there a problem with the character set? These problems can be solved using the second tab of
the dialog.
An additional special configuration of the driver is possible if a parameter should need to be
implemented that is not currently in the odbc.ini file.
26 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database
If the connection type is selected, the whole contact with the data source can be altered. The
following steps are similar to those in the Database Wizard from step 2 onward. So, for example,
you can change from ODBC to JDBC or a direct connection with LibreOffice’s internal driver. This
is useful if you are doing preliminary tests to determine which connection method is most suitable
for a project.
According to the database system, there are different commands to create automatically
incrementing values. If you need to do something of this sort which is not currently possible with
this driver, then you will need to do it by hand. This will require a command for creating an
AutoValue field and also one to query the most recent value.
Subsequent editing of connection properties | 27
The special settings accessible through Tools > Database > Advanced Settings affect the
interaction of external databases with Base in various ways. Some settings are grayed out as they
cannot be changed in the underlying database. In the above example Replace named parameters
with ? has been checked. It has been shown that otherwise the transmission of values from a
main form to a subform in PostgreSQL does not work. Only with this setting does the form
construction in Chapter 4, Forms, work correctly.
28 | Chapter 2 Creating a Database