Version 01 | Published 01 September 2023
Department Head
Program Track Chairs
Daniel Cardoso Llach (MSCD)
Associate Head of Design Research
Joshua Lee (MS-PhD AECM)
Dana Cupkova (MSSD)
Academic Advising
Nida Rehman (PhD Arch)
Vivian Loftness (MS-PhD BPD)
Alison Petrucci
Erica Cochran (DDes, PhD AECM)
Admissions and Enrollment Coordinator
Jeremy Ficca (MAAD)
Alexis McCune Secosky
Stefan Gruber (MUD)
Sarosh Anklesaria (M.Arch)
Omar Khan, SoA Head 2
SoA Mission 3
CMU Vision 5
CMU Mission 5
CMU & Soa History 1
Studio-based Programs 2
MS and PhD Programs 2
Departmental Personnel 7
Administrative Faculty 7
Financial Matters 8
Career Development & Alumni Networking 8
Shops & Labs 9
Computing 9
Communications 9
Public Programs 10
Undergraduate Advising 10
Graduate Advising 10
Studios & Classrooms 11
SoA Fabrication Facilities 12
Computing 13
SoA Communications 16
SoA Master’s Program Requirements 17
Standard Degree Requirements & Degree Certification 17
Residency Requirement and Limits 18
Early Completion 18
Extended or Longer-than-Standard Completion 19
Program of study 19
Financial aid and student account 19
International students 19
Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) 20
Opting-Out of Courses 22
Program Transfers 22
Thesis Submission Requirement (Ms Programs Only) 23
Student Reports & Records 23
Graduate Programs Committees 23
The Graduate Programs Executive Committee (GPEC) 24
The Graduate Programs Working Committee (GPWC) 24
PhD Program Committee 24
Soa Standards, Policies & Practices For Graduate Programs 24
Admissions Review 24
Academic Advising 25
Academic Resources 25
Curricula And Enrollment Information 26
Privacy Rights Of Students 26
Course Overload 27
Independent Study 27
Student Leave and Return Policies 27
Withdrawal of a Degree 27
Master of Architecture 28
Master of Advanced Architectural Design 29
Master of Urban Design 30
Master of Science in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Management 34
Master of Science in Building Performance and Dynamics 38
Master of Science in Computational Design 39
Master of Science in Sustainable Design 44
Pass/Fail 45
University Policy on Grades 48
Appealing Final Grades 48
Grades for Transfer Courses 48
GPA and QPA Graduation Requirements 51
Academic Standing 51
Regular Reviews by Department 51
Academic Integrity and Disciplinary Action 53
Academic Rights And Responsibilities 53
Student Rights – Appeal and Grievances 53
Intellectual Property Policy, Restricted Research and Policy for Handling Alleged
Misconduct in Research 54
Safeguarding Educational Equity 54
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities 54
Policy against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault 54
Parental Accommodation Protocol 55
Consensual Intimate Relationship Policy Regarding Undergraduate Students 57
Additional Department and University Policies 57
Enrollment Verification 57
Change of Address 57
Computing and Technology Resources 57
“Grandfather” Policy 57
New Policies 57
Vacations and Time-off 57
Employment Eligibility Verification 58
Financial Support 58
Departmental Support 58
Research Assistantship (RA) and Teaching Assistantship (TA) 59
Additional Policies for PhD Students: 60
Graduate Student Enrichment Fund 61
Outside Employment and Internships 61
Visiting Students, Scholars and Fellows 63
University Information on Finance and Financial Aid 63
Office of the Dean of Students Emergency Support Funding 64
Appendix A 64
2023-2024 64
Highlighted University Resources for Graduate Students and The WORD, Student
Handbook 64
Key Resources for Graduate Student Support 64
Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs 64
Office of the Dean of Students 65
The Division of Student Affairs 1
Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion 1
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities 1
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation 2
Graduate Student Assembly 2
Office of International Education (OIE) 3
Veterans and Military Community 3
Carnegie Mellon Ethics Hotline 4
Policy Against Retaliation 4
Key Offices for Academic & Research Support 4
Computing and Information Resources 4
Student Academic Success Center 4
University Libraries 5
Research at CMU 5
Office of Research Integrity & Compliance 6
Key Offices for Health, Wellness & Safety 6
Counseling & Psychological Services 6
Health Services 6
Campus Wellness 7
Religious and Spiritual Life Initiatives (RSLI) 7
University Police 8
Shuttle and Escort Services 8
The WORD 8
Omar Khan, SoA Head
I’d like to welcome you to the School of Architecture’s Graduate School.
The SoA Graduate School offers seven masters programs, a doctorate of design and four PhD
programs in the areas of Architecture and Advanced Architectural Design, Urban Design, Sustainable
Design, Computational Design, Building Performance and Diagnostics and Architecture, Engineering
and Construction Management. This provides you a unique opportunity to engage in the multiple
ways design and research can overlap. Our aim is to provide you with the latest technological
competencies as well critical understanding of the political, social, economic and cultural contexts
within which architecture performs. Our teaching is interdisciplinary, helping you untap your creativity
and providing you the necessary skills to practice architecture and its related professions in the
future. We are committed to equity and inclusiveness and look forward to helping you succeed in
your studies.
SoA Mission
The SoA provides deep immersion in the discipline of architecture, intensified by the broader CMU
culture of interdisciplinarity and creative inquiry.
The SoA educates students in the discipline of architecture emphasizing the role of creativity in
architectural design; understanding its historical, social and environmental context; critically engaging
technology in its innovation; and ethically working for social progress and justice in the built
environment. Our undergraduate and graduate degree programs prepare students for the challenges
facing architecture and urbanism in the twenty-first century, namely global warming, artificial intelligence
and social justice. We aim to produce discipline-defining designers and thinkers in diverse global
This world-class architecture education is enhanced by our position within one of the world’s leading
research and entrepreneurship institutions, and by the fundamental premise that architectural excellence
demands both rigorous training in fundamentals and the development of unique specializations.
Students may extend their core knowledge either through concentration in architecture subdisciplines
like urban design, sustainable design or computational design, or through interdisciplinary interaction
with CMU’s other renowned programs in the sciences, humanities, business and engineering. Though
every SoA student graduates with intensive architecture knowledge, no two graduates leave with the
same education.
In the twenty-first century, few architecture problems are straightforward. Graduates of SoA excel in the
roles architects have performed for centuries - and in new roles catalyzed by the depth and breadth of
their education - to create and execute innovative solutions to a huge range of emerging global
CMU Vision
Carnegie Mellon University will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation
in education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
CMU Mission
To create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary
knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; and personal
health and well-being.
To cultivate a transformative university community committed to (a) attracting and retaining diverse,
world-class talent; (b) creating a collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas, where
research, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship can flourish; and (c) ensuring individuals can
achieve their full potential.
To impact society in a transformative way — regionally, nationally, and globally — by engaging with
partners outside the traditional borders of the university campus.
CMU & Soa History
CMU has been a birthplace of innovation throughout its 111–year history. Today, it is a global leader
bringing groundbreaking ideas to market and creating successful start–up businesses. The faculty
members are renowned for working closely with students to solve major scientific, technological, and
societal challenges. The University puts a strong emphasis on creating things—from art to robots,
and architecture.
CMU is the only school founded in the United States by industrialist and philanthropist Andrew
Carnegie, who wrote the time–honored words, "My heart is in the work," when he donated the funds
to create Carnegie Technical Schools in 1900 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1912, the schools,
including the SoA, became the Carnegie Institute of Technology, highly regarded for both the arts and
technology. A merger with the Mellon Institute–the nation’s first major research institute–created CMU
in 1967. Today, CMU is a national research University of about 11,500 students and 5,000 faculty,
research, and administrative staff.
CMU is a diverse blend of academic disciplines. The University consists of seven colleges and
schools: the College of Fine Arts (which includes the SoA), the Carnegie Institute of Technology
(engineering), the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Mellon College of Science,
the Tepper School of Business, the School of Computer Science, and the H. John Heinz III College
(Public Policy & Information Systems). It has become an international leader in technological fields
such as computer science, robotics, and engineering. From its inception it has had a strong emphasis
on the applied and practical arts and trades, as well as the fine arts. Its position of leadership in both
the arts and in technology is unusual in higher education today.
The SoA is one of five schools within CMU’s CFA, alongside the schools of Art, Design, Drama, and
Music. Founded in 1905, the CFA was the first comprehensive arts learning institution in the United
States. Today it is a unique constellation of internationally top–ranked conservatory schools in the arts
embedded within a tier–one research university. The five schools are committed to community
engagement, supportive of creative risk–taking, and actively embracing diversity. The pedagogy
across the college is built on the principles of “thinking through doing” and “learning through doing”
in studio and conservatory–based environments, and respect for tradition while encouraging
The SoA offers the following masters degree programs:
Studio-based Programs
Master of Architecture (M.Arch)
Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD)
Master of Urban Design (MUD)
MS and PhD Programs
Master of Science in Architecture–Engineering–Construction Management
(MSAECM) (jointly offered with Civil & Environmental Engineering)
Master of Science in Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD)
Master of Science in Computational Design (MSCD)
Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD)
A Track Chair who is a full-time faculty in the SoA coordinates each master’s degree program. Track Chairs
coordinate the program’s curriculum (and any changes thereof), admissions, certification of degree, and
often serve as Academic Advisors to students in their program.
The SoA also offers a PhD degree in four concentrations and a Doctor of Design (DDes) degree. The rules
governing the PhD programs are given in the SoAs Doctor of Philosophy Degree Student Handbook. The
rules governing the DDes programs are given in the SoAs Doctor of Design Student Handbook.
For details on all of our program offerings please visit our website at: https://soa.cmu.edu/graduate/
This handbook includes information about the graduate school’s policies, expectations, and
guidelines, the specific requirements of your program. It also points you to other faculty, staff, and
online resources for questions not addressed fully here. You will also find useful examples in the
appendices. This handbook replaces all previous versions. The rules and guidelines set forth in this
handbook apply toallmasters students in the School of Architecture; however, for each individual
student specific curricular requirements that were in effect at the time of matriculation apply. In
accordance with university policy, students who began their studies prior to the date of this revision
of the handbook may follow time-to-degree requirements from the previous policy.
This handbook also has valuable information on CMU student policies and resources for Diversity,
Equity & Inclusion (DEI), International Students, Financial Services, Counseling & Psychological
Services, Health Services, Campus Wellness, Religious and Spiritual Life Initiatives (RSLI), Shuttle &
Escort Services, and links to many other resources. For additional information or clarification, the
student may consult with SoA staff, faculty, and other university personnel.
Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission, employment or administration of its
programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status or genetic information.
Furthermore, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and is required not to discriminate in
violation of federal, state or local laws or executive orders.
Inquiries concerning the application of and compliance with this statement should be directed to the
university ombudsperson, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213,
telephone 412-268-1018. Obtain general information about Carnegie Mellon University by calling
Carnegie Mellon University publishes an annual campus security and fire safety report describing the
university's security, alcohol and drug, sexual assault and fire safety policies, and containing statistics
about the number and type of crimes committed on the campus, and the number and cause of fires in
campus residence facilities during the preceding three years. You can obtain a copy by contacting the
Carnegie Mellon Police Department at 412-268-2323. The annual security and fire safety report also is
available online at
Information regarding the application of Title IX, including to admission and employment decisions,
the sexual misconduct grievance procedures and process, including how to file a report or a
complaint of sex discrimination, how to file a report of sexual harassment, and how the university
responds to such reports is available at www.cmu.edu/title-ix. The Title IX coordinator may be
reached at 412-268-7125 or [email protected]u.
Students at Carnegie Mellon, because they are members of an academic community dedicated to the
achievement of excellence, are expected to meet the highest standards of personal, ethical and moral
conduct possible. These standards require personal integrity, a commitment to honesty without
compromise, as well as truth without equivocation and a willingness to place the good of the
community above the good of the self. Obligations once undertaken must be met, commitments
As members of the Carnegie Mellon community, individuals are expected to uphold the standards of
the community in addition to holding others accountable for said standards. It is rare that the life of a
student in an academic community can be so private that it will not affect the community as a whole
or that the above standards do not apply.
The discovery, advancement and communication of knowledge are not possible without a
commitment to these standards. Creativity cannot exist without acknowledgment of the creativity of
others. New knowledge cannot be developed without credit for prior knowledge. Without the ability to
trust that these principles will be observed, an academic community cannot exist. The commitment of
its faculty, staff and students to these standards contributes to the high respect in which the Carnegie
Mellon degree is held. Students must not destroy that respect by their failure to meet these
standards. Students who cannot meet them should voluntarily withdraw from the University.
The Carnegie Mellon Code can also be found on-line at:
It is the responsibility of each member of the Carnegie Mellon community to be familiar with university
policies and guidelines. In addition to this departmental graduate student handbook, the following
resources are available to assist you in understanding community expectations:
The Word/Student Handbook: https://www.cmu.edu/student-affairs/theword/
Academic Integrity Policy: https://www.cmu.edu/student-affairs/ocsi/
University Policies Website: https://www.cmu.edu/policies/
Graduate Education Policies Website: https://www.cmu.edu/graduate/policies/
Doctoral Student Status Policy:
Graduate Student Registration Website: https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/registration/index.html
Office of Graduate and Postdoc Affairs: http://www.cmu.edu/graduate/policies/index.html
Please see Appendix A for additional information about The Word and University resources.
The official, up-to-date CMU Academic Calendar is at: https://www.cmu.edu/hub/calendar/index.html. It
provides information on ALL deadlines including registration, class start, add/drop deadlines, holidays,
exams dates, etc. See below for a summary of dates:
Fall 2023 Semester (F23)
August 28
Semester & Mini-1 Classes Begin
September 1
Mini-1 add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
September 4
Labor Day; No Classes & University Closed
September 11
Semester add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
September 20
Mini-1 drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date (2)
October 2
Mini-1 Pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (3)
October 2
Mini-1 Faculty Course Evaluations open
October 9
Semester drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date
October 13
Mini-1 Last Day of Classes
October 13
Mini-1 voucher election deadline (4)
October 13
Family Weekend
October 14
Mini-1 Exams
October 14
Mini-1 Faculty Course Evaluations close
October 16
Fall Break; No Classes
October 23
Mini-2 Classes Begin
October 23
Mid-Semester & Mini-1 grades due by 4 pm
October 27
Mini-2 add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
November 7
Democracy Day; No Classes, except Evening classes after 5 pm will still meet
November 11
November 13
Spring 2024 Registration Week
November 13
Semester pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (3)
November 15
Mini-2 drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date (2)
November 22
Thanksgiving Break; No Classes
November 27
Mini-2 pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (2)
November 27
Semester & Mini-2 Faculty Course Evaluations open
December 8
Semester & Mini-2 Last Day of Classes
December 8
Semester & Mini-2 voucher deadline (4)
December 11
Final Exams
December 13
Reading Day
December 14
Final Exams
December 16
Reading Day
December 17
Final Exams
December 18
Make-Up Final Exams
December 18
Semester & Mini-2 Faculty Course Evaluations close
December 20
Final Grades Due by 4 pm
December 23
Winter Break; University Closed
January 8
Fall Deans' Lists Posted
Spring 2024 Semester
January 15
Martin Luther King Day; No Classes
January 16
First Day of Class
January 22
Mini-3 add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
January 29
Semester add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
February 7
Mini-3 course drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date (2)
February 19
Mini-3 pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (3)
February 19
Mini-3 Faculty Course Evaluations open
February 26
Semester course drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date (2)
March 1
Mini-3 Last Day of Classes
March 1
Mini-3 voucher deadline (4)
March 2
Mini-3 Exams
March 2
Mini-3 Faculty Course Evaluations close
March 4
Spring Break; No Classes
March 11
First day of Mini-4 Classes
March 11
Mid-Semester & Mini-3 grades due by 4 pm
March 12
Summer 2024 Registration Opens
March 15
Mini-4 add, audit & tuition adjustment drop deadline (1)
April 1
Semester pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (3)
April 3
Mini-4 course drop deadline; withdrawal grade assigned after this date (2)
April 11
Spring Carnival; No Classes
April 15
Fall 2024 Registration Week
April 15
Mini-4 pass/no pass & withdrawal deadline (3)
April 15
Semester & Mini-4 Faculty Course Evaluations open
April 26
Last Day of Classes
April 26
Semester & Mini-4 voucher deadline (4)
April 29
Final Examinations
May 1
Reading Day
May 2
Final Examinations
May 4
Reading Days
May 6
Final Examinations
May 6
Semester & Mini-4 Faculty Course Evaluations close
May 7
Make-Up Final Examinations
May 8
Graduating Final Grades Due by 4 pm
May 12
May 14
Final Grades Due by 4 pm
May 21
Spring Deans' Lists Posted
Departmental Personnel
A complete listing of all SoA faculty and staff can be found at: https://soa.cmu.edu/faculty-staff
Administrative Faculty
Omar Khan, Head of School, is responsible for all of the activities of the School. He hires faculty and
staff and oversees all the academic and financial aspects of the School. He is available to students by
appointment. Office in CFA201, okhan2@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-8076.
Mary-Lou Arscott, AADip, RIBA, Associate Head for Design Fundamentals, is responsible for
organizing the ASO studios, and the general structure of the undergraduate studio curriculum. Office in:
CFA 206, [email protected], 412-268-1709.
Joshua Bard, Associate Head for Design Research, is responsible for coordinating the School’s
graduate programs, and for facilitating the research activity of faculty and students. Office in: MMCH
310B, [email protected], 412-268-7182.
Erica Cochran Hameen, PhD, Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), responsible for
coordinating the DEI efforts and policies of the SoA. Office in: MM 410F, ericac@andrew.cmu.edu,
Kai Gutschow, PhD, Associate Head for Design Ethics, responsible for coordinating the SoA' efforts
towards social justice, the "Design Ethics" curriculum, as well as the SoA's engagement with the
community. Office in: MM 302a, gutschow@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-7999.
Financial Matters
David Koltas, Assistant Head, is responsible for oversight of all financial and personnel matters of the
school, and serves as a liaison with central administration. Responsibilities include budgeting and
reporting, purchasing oversight, hiring transactions, and submitting student accounts transactions for
school charges, scholarships, and awards. Office in: CFA 201, dkoltas@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-1561.
Alycia Barney, Financial Assistant, is responsible for day-to-day financial transactions, including
reimbursable expenses. Office in: CFA 201, abarney@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-2356.
Career Development & Alumni Networking
Kristen Frambes, Director of Alumni & Professional Relationships, is the career development and
alumni relations director for the SoA. She is also responsible for the administration of the faculty
promotion & tenure cases and faculty searches. Office in: CFA 201, kframbes@andrew.cmu.edu,
412-268-1538. Schedule an appointment at: calendly.com/kframbes.
Alexis McCune Secosky, Director of Recruitment and Enrollment, works with admission for all
undergraduate and graduate programs by meeting with prospective students, coordinating recruitment
efforts, managing the admission committees, and completing initial enrollment for incoming graduate
students. As the SoAs Architect Licensing Advisor, she advises students on architecture licensure.
Office in: CFA 201, amccune@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-6390. Schedule an appointment at:
Peter DePasquale, Assistant Director/Career Consultant for College of Fine Arts, Career &
Professional Development Center, is the liaison and rep for all architecture students in the university
careers office. They help organize job fairs, and can help students with resumes, interview skills, etc.
Office in: WW 262, pdepasqu@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-2064.
Shops & Labs
Jon Holmes, Shop Director, oversees the Architecture Shop. He is responsible for providing instruction,
setting safety policy, and providing training/maintenance on all Shop equipment. Shop & Office in: CFA
A9, jcholmes@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-2089 and the Shop at: 412-268-2361.
Terry Hritz, dFAB Lab Manager, along with a team of monitors who have training in the operation and
safety of lab use, staff the dFAB Lab. They are responsible for the lab’s robots, equipment, computers,
software and facilities scheduling. See: https://soa.cmu.edu/dfabLinks to an external site.. Shop & DFab
in: MM C4, thritz@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-8520.
Robert J. Armitage, Computing Administrator, is responsible for the school’s computing
infrastructure, including hardware, software, servers, workstations, printers, plotters, and scanners.
Office in CFA 201, rja2@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-1542. All computing problems, questions, and
concerns should be immediately conveyed in detail to soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu.
Meredith Marsh, Marketing & Communications Manager, is responsible for all of the internal and
external communications for the school, including the website, social media, newsletters, events
publicity, publications, and marketing initiatives website. Office in: CFA 201, mamarsh@andrew.cmu.edu,
Christi Daner, Marketing & Outreach Manager, is responsible for external communications, including
alumni outreach and publicity for events and opportunities at the school. Office in: CFA 201,
Todd Luckey, Office Assistant, is responsible for the administration of the SoA office. He supports the
marketing and communications efforts of the school and assists with room reservations, mailing list
management, event coordination, office maintenance, and other various tasks. Office in: CFA 201,
tluckey@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-2355.
Public Programs
Sarah Rafson, Curator of Public Programs, is responsible for curating and organizing all public
programs in SoA. Office in CFA 201, srafson@andrew.cmu.edu.
Undergraduate Advising
Heather Workinger Midgley, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty & Senior Academic Advisor, assists students in
establishing their class schedules and gives guidance about general university regulations. She is
responsible for registration and transcripts. She can answer scheduling, academic audit, and general
academic progress questions. She coordinates study abroad activities including inquiries, applications,
and transfer credits. She teaches First-Year Seminar in the fall and spring semesters. She also acts as a
coordinator for the SoA Faculty Mentors and the Architecture Peer Mentors (APM) Program. Office in
CFA212, [email protected], 412-268-1345. Schedule an appointment at: calendly.com/hworkinger.
Graduate Advising
Erica Oman, Senior Academic Advisor for Studio-Based Grad Programs, assists graduate students
in the M.Arch, MAAD & MUD programs in registering for their class schedules and all official actions
related to registration and transcripts. She gives guidance about general university regulations and
questions about the academic progress of students. Office in: CFA212, [email protected], 412-268-1345
Schedule an appointment at: calendly.com/eoman.
Alison Petrucci, Graduate Student Advisor, assists graduate students in all programs in registering for
their class schedules and all official actions related to registration and transcripts. Assists with course
related paperwork and serves as liaison with the office of international education (OIE) for enrolled
students. Office in: MMH 410G, apetrucc@andrew.cmu.edu
Lynn Karawatani, Liaison Librarian to the School of Architecture. She is available for individual
appointments and research help, administers the Architecture Archives, and maintains the Architecture
Research LibGuide (https://guides.library.cmu.edu/architecture). Office in: Hunt 302,
Valeria J. Martinez, CFA Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is responsible for
reinforcing our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the College of Fine Arts, and will
help us to continue to assure that CFA continues to become a more diverse, truly inclusive, and
equitable environment for all. Office in: CFA 100 (Dean's Office), [email protected].
Studios & Classrooms
The studio spaces are the heart of the physical environment of the School. The maintenance of the
studio is the responsibility of the students. The studio is home to both your colleagues and your
faculty. Its arrangement and maintenance is a design problem that must serve many needs from
individual expression to group meetings and communication. Students are responsible for the
condition of all studio furniture including, but not limited to, desks, chairs, file cabinets, and tool
storage chests.
Students are expected to leave the studio at the end of the semester in the same condition they
found it at the beginning. The costs to the School of cleaning the studios at the end of the semester
or the costs of repair of damage to the studio beyond regular wear and tear may be evenly divided
between the students in the studio. The cost will be directly charged to each student account.
Individuals found destroying studio, classroom, or crit-space facilities can be suspended from the
university. Students must use a cutting mat when cutting on any surface, especially drafting boards,
tables, or the floor. Students will be charged for damages, so please be careful.
Students are not permitted on roofs, parapets or other non-public areas of campus. Anyone found
throwing objects off the roof or out any window could be suspended from the university.
The School is not responsible for personal belongings brought into the studios.
Studio Furniture
Students are responsible for the condition of all studio furniture including, but not limited to, desks,
chairs, file cabinets, and tool storage chests. Students must use a cutting mat when cutting on any
surface, especially drafting boards, tables, or the floor. Students will be charged for damages, so
please be careful.
Portable projectors are available for school-related activities. The projectors are kept with the
computing team in CFA 201, the main office of the School of Architecture. To borrow a projector,
students must work with a member of the faculty to assist in submitting their request. All requests
must include a purpose, date, and time for pickup and return. Students should send this information
to a faculty member and ask that they submit the request to soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu.
Copiers are located throughout the campus. The School of Architecture copiers in CFA and MMCH
are for the use of the faculty and staff only. Public printers and copy machines, including a color
copier in Hunt Library, use Campus Xpress, Plaid Ca$h cards, or cash.
Fax Machine
Students may send and receive faxes via the office fax machine. Incoming faxes must be labeled with
your full name and year. The fax number for the School is 412.268.7819.
SoA Fabrication Facilities
Paint Spray Booths Paint spray booths are located in CFA A9 and MMCH 322. Spray adhesive, spray
paint, and other aerosol media are forbidden in all indoor spaces and around campus buildings.
Training on the use of each spray booth is required of all persons prior to usage. Studio coordinators
are responsible for training their studio faculty at the beginning of each semester. Students are only
permitted to use the booth for studio-related work or projects. Students are not permitted to use the
booths to spray large items not related to studio work (e.g., buggies). Improper use of the spray booth
will result in a loss of privileges of the unit and/or suspension from the university.
Architecture Shop
The SoA maintains a shop facility on the ground level of CFA A9, and in surrounding spaces, for use
by students, faculty, and staff of the SoA. Students are trained to safely use a wide variety of tools
and to explore the creative potentials of their interactions with various materials. The Shop maintains
equipment for working with wood and metal, a small crit space, and a student project storage area.
Jon Holmes is the Shop Director. Shop access should be scheduled in advance at
Design Fabrication (dFAB) Lab
The SoA's Design Fabrication (dFAB) Lab equips young professionals with the skills to thrive in an
increasingly fluid and technologically sophisticated model of practice. The Design Fabrication (dFAB)
Lab is located on the C-level of MMCH and can be accessed via the MMCH elevator and exterior rear
stairs. This facility includes a range of digitally-driven additive and subtractive tools including 3D
printers, laser cutters, a four-axis CNC router, CNC Bed Mill, and vacuum former. The lab also
includes a dedicated robotic fabrication space that includes two large and one small industrial robotic
arm. These robotic arms are configured as a six-axis robot with a dedicated rotary table as well as a
six-axis robot mounted on a 23-foot linear track. The small robotic arm is mounted on a mobile cart
for use in locations outside the dFAB Lab. Tooling includes a milling spindle, gripper, hot wire saw,
and digital probe. Dedicated computer workstations with CAD/CAM software compliment the
fabrication equipment.
Professor Jeremy Ficca is Director of dFAB Lab and Terry Hritz is the dFAB Lab Manager. Terry is
typically available in the lab M-F 9am - 5pm. Student lab monitors extend lab hours into the evenings
and weekends. As classes are held in the lab throughout the week, students should confirm lab hours
and equipment availability through the SoA website at soa.cmu.edu/dfab. Use of the lab facilities
outside of staffed hours is strictly forbidden.
Access is limited to SoA faculty, staff, currently-enrolled students, and other students enrolled in
dFAB-authorized courses that specifically require the use of the lab as part of the course syllabus. All
users of dFAB must be trained on the equipment prior to use and are subject to all policies and
procedures posted on the dFAB website. Students may also reserve equipment time through the
online reservation system found through the dFAB website. Refer to the dFAB website at
soa.cmu.edu/dfab for more information.
All incoming SoA students are expected to have familiarity with digital tools and workflows. CMU and
SoA are world leaders in the area of computation and the many ways it relates to design and
architecture, and we expect students to master these tools and skills as part of their education. The
stronger your computing skills, the more you will be able to get out of your CMU SoA experience. To
best support your educational experience and success as a student member of the CMU SoA
community, you are expected to be prepared with your own sufficiently powerful laptop computer,
specific software packages, and essential digital skills that are catered to your curricular needs at
The computing facilities of the School of Architecture are for SoA students, faculty, and staff only.
Use by other students is by permission or by enrollment in courses offered by the School. If you
observe unauthorized use, please inform: soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu. General Computing Rules
Violations of any computing rules or policies may result in disabling access to the SoA computing
Game playing is forbidden on SoA workstations, unless it is specifically related to
Headphones must be used for all music and sound.
No personal software may be installed on SoA workstations.
All data must be stored on an external device or on the server. Do not save to the desktops;
the SoA team is not responsible for any data left on studio workstations.
Problem Reporting
Any and all issues with computers, printers, plotters and scanners should be immediately conveyed in
detail to soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu. The description of the problem should be as specific as
possible, including: the machine in question; the software being used; the task being performed; etc.
If reporting a computer problem please provide the hostname for the machine in question. In
windows open a command prompt and type in “hostname”. Studio Computing Equipment CFA
studios will provide power for laptop use and MMC studios will have desktops for the studios that
require them. Plotters and printers are available in spaces adjacent to the undergraduate studios.
Food or drink are expressly forbidden near any SoA computing equipment.
Flat Screen Monitors
Upon request the SoA will provide students in CFA Studio with one 22” flat screen monitor and
articulated arm for use at their studio desk.
Monitors must NOT leave the studio and must remain locked at the studio desk the entire
Distribution times will be set at the beginning of each semester.
Monitors are to be returned at the end of each semester in the condition in which they were
received. Failure to do so will result in a fine equal to that of the replacement value.
Studio Coordinators have final discretion as to whether monitors are allowed in studios.
Monitors are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should contact SOA
Computing [soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu] to request a monitor once they have received
approval to do so from a Studio Coordinator.
Printing multiple copies is forbidden. SoA printers are not copiers and should not be used as
such. If you require multiple copies of a document, please print one copy and take the output
to a copy station on campus. Tartan Ink is located in the University Center and services
provided include black/white and color copies, single and double-sided copying, assortment
of colored and textured papers, including cover stock, specialty papers such as gloss paper,
resume quality paper, etc. They also offer binding and finishing options that include cutting,
lamination, folding, padding, stapling, tape binding (thermal binding), collating, comb binding,
and coil binding: www.cmu.edu/tartanink
Large printing jobs (greater than 50 pages) are not permitted. Printing larger jobs or multiple
copies can result in suspension from computer use.
Use double-sided prints whenever possible for paper and ink conservation.
Transparencies, sticky back, and all other personally supplied media are expressly forbidden
in the studio laser printers. Use of these types of materials will damage the equipment.
Please recycle print paper.
Please inform soa-ithelp@andrew.cmu.edu if ink or toner is low in any SoA printer.
Studio-based Media
Both the second floor of CFA and the third floor of MMC have large-format color inkjet plotters, a
flatbed scanner, and multiple black-and-white laser printers. There is also a 36” large format black
and white laser plotter and scanner located in MMCH. SoA will provide plotter ink cartridges and
paper, and laser toner cartridges and paper. Plotter paper will be provided in limited quantities. If the
free plotter paper privilege is abused, students will be responsible for providing their own paper.
SoA Media Center
Equipment specifications and policies for the SoA media center can be found here:
We prefer to use in house paper with our equipment, if you have a special request please check with
the Media Center beforehand. When submitting files to the Media Center, make sure PDFs do not
contain multiple page sizes, if you require more than one size printed, please submit multiple files with
like-sizing. Please allow extra time if you are submitting a large print job, it is suggested to contact the
media center before submitting a large print job. Files that are over 200mb can cause a plotter to
crash, please make sure to optimize your files in Acrobat, un-optimized files will take two to three
times as long to process on the plotters. Vector graphics will cause plotters to take much longer to
print, if at all. Please rasterize files containing vector graphics. Please be attentive to your email after
submitting files to the Media Center as we will email you if there are any issues with your submission.
Canon photo printers are extremely slow, please contact the media center about printing on these
Hours will be posted on the SoA website and on the door of the media center.
CFA Multimedia Computer Labs
The CFA Multimedia Computer Labs are located in CFA 317, 318, 321, and 323. Computing Services
and the College of Fine Arts Dean’s Office jointly maintain the Computer Lab. These spaces have PC
and Mac stations and are available to SoA students. Staffed hours change throughout the year, for up
to date information please check www.cmu.edu/computing/labs. These spaces are not operated or
supported by the SOA team. Direct any questions about these Labs to a Support Specialist.
[[email protected]] Multimedia equipment, such as video camcorders, DSLR still cameras, and many
other devices, are available for lending in Hunt Library at the main circulation desk. For more
information, see https://www.library.cmu.edu/services/techlending.
Tech.soa (tech.soa.cmu.edu) is an ecosystem of architectural design technology resources offered to
and by CMU SoA students, faculty, and staff. At this website you can register for upcoming
workshops, contribute your own content, learn about the facilities, view useful tutorials, and utilize a
repository of common references. In conjunction with tech.soa, the SoA also launched a Slack forum
(cmusoa.slack.com) as a platform for more real time and organic discussion around SoA technology
resources and general school culture.
SoA Communications
A student’s failure to receive and read University communications delivered to their official email
address in a timely manner does not absolve that student from knowing and complying with the
content of such communications.
While students are allowed to redirect email from their official University email address to another
address (e.g. @gmail.com), they do so at their own risk. The University is not responsible for the
handling of email by other service providers. Having email redirected does not absolve students from
knowing and complying with the content of the communication sent to their official University email
In addition to maintaining standard email etiquette, students are not allowed to use school
distribution lists without first requesting permission. Students who wish to use these lists should
contact Meredith Marsh [mamarsh@andrew.cmu.edu].
You may check your email at any University or School computer. Individual classes and studios may
have separate bulletin boards or Canvas sites on the campus network. To access the Canvas system,
go to: www.cmu.edu/canvas.
Announcements and Room Reservations
The SoA community is encouraged to share events, news, announcements, and updates with the
Marketing & Communications team by completing the form at https://soa.cmu.edu/calendar. All room
reservations for student meetings, events, etc. must also be submitted through this form without
exception. Submitting information through this form also allows students the opportunity to suggest
content for the SoA newsletters, website, social media accounts, and calendars.
SoA Calendars
The SoA lists events on the SoA website calendar and on individual Google calendars for students,
faculty, public events, and room reservations. The calendars are listed on the following pages on the
SoA website:
SoA Website Upcoming Events: soa.cmu.edu/events
SoA Google Calendars: soa.cmu.edu/calendar
SoA Website
The SoA website, soa.cmu.edu, is a good source of information for SoA events, announcements, and
course information.
Marketing Surveys
The SoA Marketing & Communications team sends out annual surveys to current students to collect
feedback on the program. Stay tuned for information in SoA newsletters for the links to these surveys
each year.
Weekly Email Newsletters
The School of Architecture shares news, upcoming events, reminders, and job opportunities in a
weekly email newsletter to students. Students are responsible for reading this newsletter to know
what is happening within the school.
Social Media
Students are encouraged to follow SoA on the school’s official social media accounts on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, and Flickr under the handle @CMUSoA and on LinkedIn. These are the
only social media accounts maintained by SoA; the SoA is not responsible for the content published
by any other associated or non-associated account. These accounts serve a range of audiences,
both internal and external, and do not comprehensively publish information necessary for students.
As noted above, students must know and comply with all content of communications sent to their
official University email address; social media does not act as a substitute for official email
Display cases are located on the second floor of CFA by both stairwells and on the third floor of
Margaret Morrison. A schedule of displays is coordinated with faculty from the School. Studio
coordinators will work with their students to create displays in the vitrines and gallery spaces.
Message Boards
There are two message board locations maintained by the School of Architecture. Message boards
are located in both of the stairwells outside the main studio of CFA 200. Two additional message
boards are located on the third floor of Margaret Morrison by the elevator and between the staircases.
These message boards are for SoA communication only. They will include school announcements,
important deadlines, community activities, conferences, lectures at other universities, scholarship
information, and competition announcements. Students should check these message boards
regularly for announcements and information.
SoA Master’s Program Requirements
The following requirements are common to the different master’s programs offered by the SoA.
Specific details pertaining to each masters degree program, including program description, duration,
curriculum, residency requirement, degree requirements, and more, are available later in this section
and online at: https://soa.cmu.edu/graduate/
Standard Degree Requirements & Degree Certification
Carnegie Mellon graduate students are expected to complete their degree requirements within the
standard length of time for their program of study as outlined in the relevant Graduate Student
Handbook. Standard program lengths for graduate students vary significantly – ranging from two
semesters for some full-time masters programs to several or more years for doctoral programs. Upon
completion of the graduate program degree requirements, the degree will be certified by the student’s
academic program in the semester in which the student completes the requirements.
Residency Requirement and Limits
The University’s Master’s Students Statute of Limitations can be found online at:
students will complete all requirements for the master’s degree within a maximum of seven years
from original matriculation as a masters student, or less if required by a more restrictive department,
school or college policy. Once this time-to-degree limit has lapsed, the person may resume work
towards a master’s degree only if newly admitted to a currently offered master’s degree program
under criteria determined by that program.
Under extraordinary circumstances, such as leave of absence, military or public service, family or
parental leave, or temporary disability, a school or college may, upon the relevant department's
recommendation and with the written approval of the dean (or designate), defer the lapse for a period
commensurate with the duration of that interruption. Students who are pursuing a master’s degree as
part-time students for all semesters of their program, as approved by their program, may also appeal
to their program or department for extension of the time to degree limit.
International students are required to consult with the Office of International Education for visa
extensions beyond the stipulated full–time residency period.
Early Completion
Graduate students who consider the completion of all degree requirements in less than the standard
length of time for their program of study may consult with their degree-granting program or
department to determine if early degree certification is allowed and under what circumstances.
Students must follow the minimum residency requirements for each SoA graduate program.
Extended or Longer-than-Standard Completion
Longer-than-standard degree completion may occur due to academic interruptions in making
progress toward the degree as defined by the academic program, interruptions of full-time study or
progress towards the degree due to serious, documented medical issues, or other unusual or
unforeseen circumstances.
Master’s students who require longer than the standard time to complete their degree requirements
are expected to remain in close contact with their graduate program, and will be certified at the end of
the semester in which they have completed their degree requirements. Students shall reference CMU
Policy on Master’s Student Statute of Limitations:
regarding guidelines and restrictions which place an upper limit on the maximum length of time
allowable for master’s degree completion and certification.
Program of study
Students seeking guidance about their program of study and degree requirements should consult
with their academic advisor and/or appropriate associate dean.
Financial aid and student account
Students are expected to make normal progress toward their degree in order to graduate within the
standard timeframe for their program of study. Under U.S. Federal Title IV regulations, student
eligibility for federal financial aid is contingent upon enrollment in and successful completion of
courses that are counted as credit toward their current degree program. To receive the maximum
amount of federal financial aid for which they may be eligible, students must enroll each semester in
at least 36 units that count toward their current degree level. (See separate guidance regarding
integrated degree completion.) Students should consult with their designated college liaison in The
HUB regarding billing and financial aid, particularly for early completion, longer-than-standard
completion, or integrated undergraduate and masters degree programs.
International students
Immigration status for students in F-1 and J-1 non-immigrant status is tied to making normal
progress toward completing degree requirements. Therefore, F-1 and J-1 students who are
considering completing their degree requirements early, anticipating longer-than-standard
completion, or moving from an undergraduate to a graduate student classification (integrated
undergraduate-graduate study) should consult with their designated advisor in the Office of
International Education (OIE) to ensure compliance with immigration regulations.
Accelerated Masters Program (AMP)
The Carnegie Mellon School of Architecture offers undergraduate students the opportunity to obtain
an accelerated Master’s degree in one additional year after completion of their Bachelors degree.
The Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) saves both time and money, enabling students to enter the
job market with specialized knowledge and two Carnegie Mellon degrees.
5+1 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) Five years of undergraduate coursework followed by two
semesters of full-time master’s level coursework for a total of six academic years.
4+1 Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (B.A) Four years of undergraduate coursework followed by two
semesters of full-time master’s level coursework for a total of five academic years.
Degree Completion
An AMP student must complete all of the units required by BOTH programs, less a maximum of 48
units that can be double-counted. In addition, AMP students in their final undergraduate year (B.Arch
during fifth year, B.A during fourth year) can pursue additional Master’s coursework provided they
also meet the minimum bachelor degree requirements. These additional units can count toward the
Master’s degree requirements. AMP students must maintain full-time Masters status for at least two
semesters after completion of their bachelor degree.
Total number of units = min. required undergraduate units + min. required graduate units - 48 double
counted units.
Example: BArch (450 units) + MSBPD (160 units) - double counted (48 units) = Total (562 units)
Fall graduation for undergraduate degree
Any undergraduate student who anticipates a fall (December) graduation due to early completion of
the degree or being out of sequence should consult with their academic advisor(s) no later than the
fall of their penultimate year. This situation, while sometimes possible, is not common due to the
necessity of staying on track for both undergraduate and master’s degree programs in an integrated
Movement from undergraduate to graduate student classification
AMP students who are certified as having completed their undergraduate degree – typically in the
number of semesters that is the standard for their integrated program – then will be classified as a
graduate student at CMU, and are expected to complete their graduate degree requirements within
the standard length of time for their integrated program of study. Students should be aware of and
plan for financial implications, including financial aid, and/or F 1/J-1 non-immigrant implications due
to the change of level when moving from undergraduate student status to graduate student status at
CMU. (See details below.)
Incomplete graduate degree requirements
In some cases, students in an AMP program may withdraw from the graduate component of the
program of study and, therefore, will not be certified or awarded the graduate degree. Any such
withdrawal decision also may require close consultation with the undergraduate advisor to determine
eligibility for undergraduate degree completion and certification if the undergraduate degree is not
already certified.
Extended or longer-than-standard graduate degree completion
Longer-than standard degree completion may occur due to academic interruptions in making
progress toward the degree as defined by the academic program, interruptions of full-time study or
progress toward the degree due to serious, documented medical issues, or other unusual or
unforeseen circumstances.
AMP students who require longer than the standard time to complete their graduate degree
requirements are expected to remain in close contact with their graduate program, and will be
certified at the end of the semester in which they have completed their degree requirements.
Students shall reference CMU Policy on Masters Student Statute of Limitations
(www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/masters-students-statute-of limitations.html)
regarding guidelines and restrictions which place an upper limit on the maximum length of time
allowable for master’s degree completion and certification.
B.Arch and B.A. students can pursue the following accelerated degrees:
MAAD / Master of Advanced Architectural Design
MSAECM / Master of Science in Architecture–Engineering–Construction Management
MSBPD / Master of Science in Building Performance and Diagnostics
MSCD / Master of Science in Computational Design
MSSD / Master of Science in Sustainable Design
MUD / Master of Urban Design MUD
To take advantage of all the benefits of the program, students must apply to the AMP during their
penultimate year ( B.Arch in the fourth year, B.A. in the third year). AMP applicants follow the
standard graduate admissions cycle and guidelines.
AMP Roadmap
After acceptance to AMP, students must work with their academic advisor, graduate program
track-chair, and SoA administration to complete an individualized AMP Roadmap.The worksheet
should be submitted to the director of Admissions by the enrollment deadline.
Tuition and Financial Aid
AMP students will apply all undergraduate tuition and financial aid guidelines through the completion
of their undergraduate degree (typically the end of the 4th year for B.A and the end of the 5th year for
B.Arch students). At the time of acceptance into an SoA Masters program each student will receive
detailed information outlining graduate tuition and scholarship offers. These will take effect when the
student transitions to full time Master’s status in the final year (typically the fall of the 5th year for B.A
and the fall of the 6th year for B.Arch students). Students should consult with their designated college
liaison in The HUB regarding billing and financial aid, particularly for early completion, longer-than
standard completion, or integrated bachelor and master’s degree programs.
International students
Immigration status for students in F-1 and J-1 non immigrant status is tied to making normal progress
toward completing degree requirements. Therefore, F-1 and J-1 students who are considering
completing their degree requirements early, anticipating longer-than-standard completion, or moving
from an undergraduate to a graduate student classification (integrated undergraduate-graduate
study), should consult with their designated advisor in the Office of International Education (OIE) to
ensure compliance with immigration regulations.
More information: https://soa.cmu.edu/accelerated
Opting-Out of Courses
SoA strives to provide students with new knowledge and skills and, as a result, aims to avoid
requiring any student to retake courses for their masters program. If a student’s masters program
curriculum has a course requirement that they believe they have already met through a previously
completed course, that student can petition the Track Chair to replace that course with an equivalent
elective course.
Program Transfers
Students who wish to transfer to a different SoA program are advised to discuss the transfer with their
Advisor and Track Chair of their current program, and then with the Track Chair of the program they
seek to transfer into. Students requesting transfer must submit a new Statement of Purpose and
Portfolio, where applicable, for the review by the Track Chair and the Graduate Program Working
Committee of the program they wish to transfer to. Transfers must be completed prior to the
university’s course add deadline, typically two weeks after the start of the semester
Once a decision is made, the student will be notified. If the student is offered admission, upon
acceptance of this offer the Graduate Programs Coordinator officially documenting the transfer to the
new program will submit a new form.
International students should note that they would need to contact OIE and complete additional
forms to update their program name, any scholarship, and length of program.
Thesis Submission Requirement (Ms Programs Only)
Common to all MS programs, except MSAECM, is the degree requirement of thesis submission.
Students in any Master of Science program (MS) can only be certified for their degree after their
thesis has been approved by their Thesis Advisor and, if applicable, committee, and an approved final
electronic copy of it has been received by the program’s coordinator for submission to the CMU
Library’s system of record.
Note that additional degree requirements may vary from program to program. Consult your Track
Chair for specific degree requirements. To submit your thesis, follow these simple steps:
Download and fill thischecklist for thesis submission.
Name this checklist using the following convention:AndrewID_Checklist_Department_Year
Name your approved thesis PDF using the following convention:AndrewID_Degree Type_
Send these two files electronically in PDF format to thegraduate academic advisor for MS
and PhD programs (apetrucc@andrew.cmu.edu)before the Final Grades deadline.
Note: your thesis PDF should include the signatures page with your Thesis Advisor and (if applicable)
committee members' signature. You can find a template of thesignatures pagein the Appendix, and
at: https://soa.cmu.edu/ms-thesis-submission/
Student Reports & Records
A file is created and maintained by the Graduate Programs Coordinators when a student first enrolls
in any graduate program. The following documents will be maintained in each file:
Application and all supporting documentation, and admission review forms completed by
relevant members of the Graduate Program Working Committee.
Any academic action reporting by the Graduate Programs Working Committee and the PhD
Program Committee – letters of commendation, warning, probation.
Any formal report of academic progress and performance.
Documentation pertaining to the enrollment status of the student.
Documentation on financial support (e.g., award of scholarships, fellowships, etc.) where
Access and review of a student’s records by students and university personnel are governed by the
Public Law 93–380 “The General Education Provisions Act” and other relevant policies of CMU, as
stated in the university’s Graduate Education website.
See also Student Privacy Rights in the section below.
Graduate Programs Committees
The Graduate Programs committees administer all of the graduate programs. Their roles and
responsibilities are described here, as well as in relevant sections below.
The Graduate Programs Executive Committee (GPEC)
The Graduate Programs Executive Committee (GPEC) comprises four full time faculty members
appointed by the Head for a period of two years. The GPEC monitors all professional and
post–professional graduate programs and makes recommendations to the Head of the School.
The Graduate Programs Working Committee (GPWC)
The Graduate Programs Working Committee (GPWC) comprises the Track Chairs of every master’s
program, as well as Principal Advisors of PhD students, Graduate Programs Coordinators, and
Graduate Admissions Coordinators. The GPWC is responsible for holding periodic curricular reviews
of all graduate programs and any changes thereto.
The members of the Executive Committee chair the working committee and may nominate other
faculty and graduate students to serve as members of the GPWC.
The GPEC determines who can or cannot vote on any matter brought before the GPWC, based on
consideration of the role, qualification and expertise of members in relation to the subject matter, any
potential conflict of interest or violation of confidentiality circumstance. Such determination shall be
communicated in writing in advance to the Committee along with motion(s) prior to the vote being
taken. The GPEC considers and may approve any petition requesting an exception from the
academic guidelines and requirements spelled out in this document.
PhD Program Committee
The PhD Program Committee, comprising all faculty members who are Principal Advisors of Ph.D.
students, administers all matters pertaining to the Ph.D. programs. Members of the PhD Program
Committee are also members of the Graduate Program Working Committee. The Chair of the
Graduate Program Executive Committee is a member of the PhD Program Committee.
Soa Standards, Policies & Practices For Graduate Programs
Unless otherwise stated, and where specific and detailed declarations are provided by the School of
Architecture, the Graduate Programs in the School adopts the standards, policies and practices
stated in the prevailing Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Student Handbook (“The WORD”)
pertaining to academic advising, academic resources, curricular and enrollment issues, and
academic rights and responsibilities. The WORD can be found online at:
Admissions Review
Admissions are normally reviewed in the Spring Semester.
The Admissions and Enrollment Coordinator and Graduate Program Working Committee (GPWC)
oversee admissions to all graduate programs. The Track Chair coordinates the review process for
applications to their program and communicates all admission decisions to the GPWC. All applicants
must complete the online application in full, and with all required supporting documentation.
Information pertaining to application requirements, policies and procedures is available online at:
Multiple faculty members review every application. Exceptions to admissions requirements to any
program are referred to the Committee. In cases when a decision is neither ascertained nor readily
ascertainable, the application is then referred to the GPWC at large for review. Exceptions to
admissions requirements to any program are also referred to the GPWC. The GPWC will decide on
the outcome of the application based on a review of the completed application materials. Each
applicant will be notified of the outcome by email from the Graduate Admission Coordinator. For PhD
students, positive decisions require at least one faculty agreeing to advise the applicant. Student
representatives in the Committee are excused from the review and decision-making process.
Academic Advising
Every master’s student is assigned an Advisor, typically the Track Chair of the respective master’s
program. The Advisor and/or Track Chair guides a master’s student throughout their academic study
in the SoA.
PhD students are advised by a member of the PhD Program Committee with specific content
knowledge aligned with the student’s Personal Statement.
Students may also seek advice from the GPEC, the Head of School and the other graduate program
faculty as well as the Graduate Programs administrative staff.
Students are required to meet with their Advisor prior to each semester’s course registration to
discuss matters such as course selections, course performance, and other academic matters, and
periodically during the duration of the semester to report progress in courses, research, thesis, and
other aspects of academic life. Students are expected to bring administrative matters such as course
substitution and program transfers, to the attention of both the Advisor and the Track Chair in cases
when they are different people.
Academic Resources
The University offers a range of academic resources, which are listed in the University Graduate
Student Handbook (The WORD). These include Academic and Professional Development Seminars
and Workshops, Teaching Support, intercultural communication, computing services and libraries.
Curricula And Enrollment Information
The University Graduate Student Handbook (The WORD) provides information pertaining to:
Standards for Academic and Creative Life
Privacy Rights for Students
Academic Standards and Actions
Cheating and Plagiarism Policies
Academic Disciplinary Actions Overview
Privacy Rights Of Students
Every student at Carnegie Mellon University is protected by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html. FERPA is a Federal law that protects the
privacy of student education records.
Generally, schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information
from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records,
without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
School officials with legitimate educational interest;
Other schools to which a student is transferring;
Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
Accrediting organizations;
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address,
telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However,
schools must tell students about directory information and allow students a reasonable amount of
time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify
students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification, such as this student
handbook, is left to the discretion of each school.
Access and review of a student’s records by students and university personnel are governed by the
Public Law 93-380 “The General Education Provisions Act” and other relevant policies of Carnegie
Mellon University, as stated in the University Graduate Student Handbook (The WORD).
Course Overload
There is a university policy for course overload, which applies to undergraduate and graduate
programs alike: https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/registration/course–overload.html
SoA has established a normal course load for each program. Students should check with their
academic advisor, track chair, department head, or dean's office for the definition of a normal course
load. Individual colleges may have overload policies that are more restrictive; therefore, students
should consult with their advisor when considering an overload.
Independent Study
Independent Study allows opportunities for students to pursue self-directed study with a faculty
advisor pending written approval of the faculty member and the Track Chair for MA and MS students,
or Committee Chair for doctoral students. Students who are not on an academic action are permitted
to take one independent study course of up to 18 units per semester with a CMU faculty member if
permitted by their program Track Chair. This limitation does not apply to 48792 Ph.D. Independent
Study, 48793 Ph.D. Thesis, 48797 PhD Dissertation Defense, 48811 Proposal Preparation, 48812
Thesis Preparation DPP, and other similar courses. Rare exceptions to this policy can be petitioned to
the Graduate Programs Executive Committee (GPEC).
Student Leave and Return Policies
The School of Architecture adopts the University’s student leave and return policies. For more
Student Leave and Return information, refer to:
https://www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/student-leave.html and
https://www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/return-student.html respectively.
Withdrawal of a Degree
The university reserves the right to withdraw a degree even though it has been granted should there
be discovery that the work upon which it was based or the academic records in support of it had
been falsified. In such a case, the degree will be withdrawn promptly upon discovery of the
falsification. The complete reference to this university policy is available at:
Master of Architecture
Program Description
The Master of Architecture (M.Arch) is a studio based,professional degree program, accredited by the
National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) to educate tomorrow’s leaders in architecture and
related careers. It engages with the very forefront of disciplinary and transdisciplinary questions that
locate architectural thinking and design ethics at the intersection of the pressing issues of our
time—Climate change and its impending challenges of ecological thinking in the Anthropocene;
Social justice and the need for an intersectional politics to frame questions of equity and inclusion;
and finally, Technology and the role of architecture in considering a posthuman society. Our
program’s strategically small size allows students to shape their individual agendas as they interact
directly with leading- edge faculty and projects in the school, community and around the world.
This is a two- year program designed for individuals who hold a pre- professional baccalaureate
degree in architecture, or a professional architecture degree from an international university, or the
equivalent in professional experience. The curriculum aligns closely with the Pedagogies
conversations at CMU SoA to offer courses in three simultaneous tracks: Fundamentals, Design
Ethics and Research. A careful evaluation of previous coursework and professional experience for
each student determines the minimum course requirements for each student to achieve professional
standards by graduation (including NAAB Program and Student Criteria).
All M.Arch students must enroll into the M.Arch Canvas Portal at the time of registration and stay
enrolled for the duration of the program.
The program is STEM-eligible for international students, and it is accredited by the National
Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). For information on the M.Arch’s NAAB accreditation see the
appropriate section of https://soa.cmu.edu/about.
Residency Requirement
Residency: A four semester full term residency requirement is mandated. Full term entails a minimum
36 units per semester. Coursework taken during the summer at CMU or at other institutions, may be
used to satisfy program requirements, but not reduce residency.
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the SoA, students in the M.Arch
program must satisfy the following:
Students must complete a minimum of 180 units of coursework relevant to the professional
degree and approved by the Track Chair.
Students must complete a minimum residency of four (4) academic semesters with full-time
status (minimum 36 units per semester). Coursework taken during the summer at CMU or at
other institutions may be used to satisfy SPC, but do not reduce the residency requirement.
All course substitutions must be approved by the program Track Chair.
M.Arch Curriculum 2024 Graduates
M.Arch Curriculum 2025 Graduates
Master of Advanced Architectural Design
Program Description
TheMaster of Advanced Architectural Design(MAAD)is a postgraduate,studio-based program that
engages emerging methods of design and fabrication through architectural design to speculate upon
future modes of architectural practice,enhanced construction methods, and material culture within
the built environment.
With a particular emphasis upon design, the four-semester program leverages the School of
Architecture’s and Carnegie Mellon’s core strengths in design fabrication, architectural robotics,
computational design, and ecological thinking as vehicles for knowledge acquisition and speculation.
The program focuses on the creation of new insights and new knowledge—or “research”—through
the design process, or “research by design.
The program seeks to probe the technical and cultural opportunities and implications of a data-rich
future in which design methodologies, construction processes, and sustainable building life cycles
are intrinsically interlaced.
The goal is consciously speculative and experimental work that is deeply enmeshed with social and
environmental concerns, with explicit ties to humanistic and cultural discourses, industry, and
contemporary practice. The faculty seek advanced-level projects that will position graduates as future
thought leaders in architecture and allied fields relating to advanced fabrication, material
performance, construction methodologies, or academia.
Residency Requirement
The MAAD is a 2-year (4 semester) program with an option for advanced standing at 3 semesters.
Students must complete a minimum residency requirement of three (3) academic semesters. Full-time
status (minimum 36 units per semester) is required during the residency period.
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the School of Architecture, students in
the MAAD program must satisfy the following:
Students are required to attend a Digital Fabrication Workshop in the week immediately preceding the
start of the fall semester of their first year. These sessions will provide basic skills to utilize digital
fabrication tools available in the school of architecture.
Students must complete a minimum of 165 units of course work including a minimum of 63 units of
elective coursework for graduation.
All course substitutions must be approved by the program Track Chair.
MAAD Curriculum
Master of Urban Design
Program Description
The Master of Urban Design (MUD) is a post-professional, two- year program that prepares
graduates for careers using urban design to critically address environmental, economic, social,
political, and cultural issues affecting contemporary urbanization. The studio- based curriculum allows
students to explore design strategies in a variety of scales and settings, from the post- industrial city
to the suburban periphery to the dense global metropolis.
The studio sequence is supported by small-group seminars and workshops to develop the skill sets
necessary for an urban designer in the twenty- first century. Students graduate with a firm grasp of the
history, theory and practice that has established urban design as a discipline, as well as skills in
cutting-edge media and design methods.
This program is distinguished by its emphasis on integrating socially engaged practice with new tools
and techniques for representing, understanding, and designing cities; by the opportunity to work in
trans-disciplinary teams at the intersection of the arts, humanities and technology across Carnegie
Mellon's departments and colleges; and by its location in Pittsburgh—a thriving post-industrial
Residency Requirement
The MUD is a two-year program with a minimum residency of four (4) academic semesters at full-time
status (36 units).
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the School of Architecture,
students in the MUD program must satisfy the following:
Students must complete a minimum of 180 units of coursework for graduation.
Each semester requires a minimum of 36 units to achieve Full Time Status; however, the
typical semester course load is 45 units.
Core course substitutions are allowed only with the consent of the Track Chair.
MUD Curriculum
Master of Science in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Management
Program Description
The Master of Science in Architecture–Engineering–Construction Management (MSAECM)
Program is jointly offered by the School of Architecture and the Department of Civil & Environmental
The MSAECM degree program is intended for practitioners, researchers, and educators in
engineering, architecture, construction management fields, and other professionals in the building
industry who wish to be leaders in advanced management technologies and their application to the
built environment.
The program is designed to accommodate flexibility in the admission and graduation needs of
candidates through program length and prerequisite courses that build up toward more advanced
Admission to the MSAECM FAST TRACK program is contingent upon a resume review documenting
a minimum of eight years of leadership experience in Architecture, Engineering, and/or Construction
For those that matriculate during the 2021-2022 school year we are temporarily offering an
alternative spring matriculation and course of study due to the pandemic and visa restrictions.
Students will meet with the Track Chair individually to structure their course sequence.
Residency Requirement
Students admitted to the standard MSAECM must complete a minimum residency of three
academic semesters at full-time status (minimum of 36 units per semester).
Students admitted to the standard MSAECM FAST TRACK must complete a minimum residency of
two academic semesters at full-time status (minimum of 36 units per semester).
Graduation Requirements For MSAECM
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the School of Architecture,
students in the MSAECM program must satisfy the following:
Students must complete a minimum of 120 units as outlined on the curriculum chart below.
Pre/Co-requisites: Waivers are available by request if similar work has recently been completed
elsewhere. These units will be replaced with Approved Electives.
Core courses: Two semesters of 12-794 Graduate Seminar, 48-725 Real Estate Design &
Development, 48-759 Value Based Design, 48-767 Transdisciplinary Thinking, and 48-765 AECM
Synthesis Project.
PROGRAMS, Outside Work and Internships” in this handbook for additional requirements.
Selectives: 12 units each in the “Or/And” categories of Sustainability Assessment, Quantitative
Modeling, Management, and Computational Skills. Students are encouraged to take the other
selective courses as electives.
Approved Electives: A minimum of 36 units as noted on the chart or by petition. Prerequisites
count towards this total.
A maximum of 54 units per semester.
Grade of B or better in courses marked with an asterisk (*) on the curriculum chart.
Advanced standing is available to qualified CMU students within the B.A. in Architecture or
B.Arch or other Masters programs through the Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP).
Graduation Requirements For MSAECM Fast Track
Students must complete a minimum of 96 units as outlined on the curriculum chart below.
Core courses: Two semesters of 12-794 Graduate Seminar, 48-725 Real Estate Design &
Development, 48-759 Value Based Design. 48-767 Transdisciplinary Thinking and 48-765 AECM
Synthesis Project are not required but are encouraged as electives.
Required Internship: Not required.
Selectives: 12 units each in the “Or/And” categories of Sustainability Assessment, Quantitative
Modeling, Management, and Computational Skills. Students are encouraged to take the other
selective courses as electives.
Approved Electives: A minimum of 36 units as noted on the chart or by petition. Prerequisites
count towards this total.
A maximum of 54 units per semester.
Grade of B or better in courses marked with an asterisk (*) on the curriculum chart.
Advanced standing is available to qualified CMU students within the B.A. in Architecture or
B.Arch or other Masters programs through the Graduate Accelerated Masters Program (GAMP).
Ms AECM Curriculum
Ms AECM Fast Track Curriculum
Master of Science in Building Performance and Dynamics
Program Description
The Master of Science in Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD) is a two-year program for
architecture and engineering graduates committed to advancing the quality of the built environment
for human health and ecological sustainability. MSBPD graduates have successful careers in design
and engineering practice, industry, government, consulting, and non-profit sectors designing,
catalyzing and quantifying high performance buildings and communities.
The MSBPD curriculum is intended to provide four (4) semesters of intensive learning about:
sustainability science; sustainable technologies and systems; performance simulation tools; data
acquisition and analytics; social science and statistics; sustainability economics and policy. Courses
are offered by faculty across the disciplines at CMU. The MS curriculum also serves as the required
minimum coursework for PhD studies at CMU, upon successful admission to the program with a PhD
Residency Requirement
The MSBPD is a 2-year (4 semester) program with a minimum residency of three (3) academic
semesters at full-time status (36 units).
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the course requirements for the MSBPD program, students must satisfy:
A minimum of 160 units of coursework with a minimum residency of three (3) academic
semesters at full-time status (36 units).
A GPA of 3.0, with exceptions to be approved by the graduate faculty.
Advance standing & core course substitution that have been pre-approved by the Track
Advanced standing of one or two semesters of coursework for qualified CMU students within
the B.Arch and M.Arch program through the Accelerated Masters Program (AMP).
MSBPD Curriculum
Master of Science in Computational Design
Program description
The Master of Science in Computational Design is a post-professional research-based program
investigating new design opportunities and critical perspectives at the intersection of design and
computation. The program mobilizes Carnegie Mellon University’s computational strengths to enable
students to explore technical and cultural aspects of computation as it relates to architecture, design,
and the built environment. Ranging from the applied to the speculative, and from the poetic to the
critical, the work of the program illuminates subjects such as artificial intelligence, architectural
robotics, digital fabrication, simulation, computational geometry, responsive environments, and shape
grammars —as well as embodied and tangible forms of design interaction, fabrication and
The program is well suited to highly inquisitive applicants from a variety of fields who are interested in
challenging disciplinary boundaries, developing a unique research agenda, and acquiring the
conceptual and technical skills to explore computational design at the highest levels of creativity and
scholarly rigor.
Interdisciplinary by nature, the MSCD curriculum is designed to provide a strong theoretical and
technical foundation in computation while offering students flexibility to create unique paths through
the School of Architecture's and Carnegie Mellon University’s broad knowledge space, offered by
leading educators across fields. Students develop a thesis of publishable quality, often through the
development and implementation of experimental design systems, algorithms, computational
artifacts or environments, or novel theoretical perspectives.
Students in the MSCD program are housed in the Computational Design (CoDe) Lab, a beautiful
double-height space strategically located in the Margaret Morrison building’s fourth floor. MSCD
students work closely and collaboratively with students and faculty from neighboring SoA programs
such as Building Performance and Diagnostics, Sustainable Design, and Advanced Architectural
Design, as well as with those in the Schools of Art, Drama, HCI, and Design. For more info and news
visit http://code.arc.cmu.edu/. In addition, MSCD students have access to the School of Architecture
and Carnegie Mellon University’s world-class research environment and facilities, including
state-of-the art Design Fabrication and Applied Architectural Robotics laboratories. For more info on
the dFab laboratory, visit https://soa.cmu.edu/dfab
Graduation requirements
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the School of Architecture,
students in the MSCD program must satisfy the following:
· Complete a minimum of 144 units of course work including a 36-unit thesis for
· Complete the sequence of three research seminars and 36 units of thesis described in
the curriculum chart (see below).
· Satisfy the thesis submission requirement as specified in this document and in the
following link: https://soa.cmu.edu/ms-thesis-submission/
Residency requirement
The MSCD is a two-year program with a minimum residency of three (3) academic semesters with
full-time status (minimum 36 units per semester). Highly proficient candidates may request waivers
for certain course requirements during the admission process.
Applying to the PhD Program from the MSCD
MSCD students who wish to be considered for admission into the PhD program in Computational
Design (PhD-CD) should apply through the School's online application system by the appropriate
deadline. While applicants from the MSCD program are not required to submit new transcripts or
GRE/TOEFL scores, including an updated statement of purpose and a letter of support from a
Computational Design faculty member is strongly encouraged. See more information about the PhD
program in Computational Design (PhD-CD) at https://soa.cmu.edu/phdcd.
MSCD Curriculum
Master of Science in Sustainable Design
Program Description
The Master of Science in Sustainable Design is a post-professional research-based graduate program
focused on enabling innovative design solutions through deep technical expertise and critical
thinking. The MSSD offers an integrated education that strives to prepare its graduates for careers
that will reshape the built environment. The MSSD program engages socio-ecological and
environmental issues related to architecture and urbanism at the intersection of design, building
science and technology. This program welcomes applications from both research and
practice-oriented candidates.
MSSD's intensive curriculum is structured as a combination of critical thinking inquiry with technical
skills and design-research classes based in the School of Architecture and offered across Carnegie
Mellon University. The curriculum stresses the importance of design and technology integration, value
of total-building performance, human-centered design, large scale ecology and natural systems
knowledge within the design processes. Classes provide both depth and breadth, while the
culminating Synthesis Thesis Project allows each individual student the opportunity to narrow his or
her research focus to a topic of personal and professional interest.
The MSSD Advanced program welcomes applications from both research and practice-oriented
candidates and features a four-semester (two academic years) curriculum.
Residency Requirement
The MSSD Advanced program is a two-year (4 semesters) program with a minimum residency of
three (3) academic semesters at full-time status (36 units).
Graduation Requirements
In addition to the standard requirements for all graduate students in the School of Architecture,
students in the MSSD program must satisfy the following:
MSSD Advanced students must complete a minimum of 159 units of coursework.
All MSSD students are limited to a maximum of 54 units per semester.
All course selectives and substitutions must be approved by the program Track Chair.
MSSD Advanced Curriculum
Quality Points
Notes (as of Fall 1995)
Minimum grade for passing a course for graduate
Conditional failure
Not Passing
Credit granted for work completed at another
institution or by examination credit
Passing (P)/ Not Passing (N) A Grade of P counts towards graduation requirements but is not factored
into the semester or cumulative Quality Point Average (QPA). The Graduate Program Working
Committee has adopted the following additional requirements regarding P/N:
Inside Arch
Outside Arch
Core Course
No P/N
*C or Better
No P/N
*C or Better
No P/N
*C or Better
Yes P/N
*C or Better
Yes P/N
C or Better
Yes P/N
C or Better
48-704 MS INTERN
Yes P/N, credits count except
Notes: You must have the minimum credit hours for the degree and have a minimum cumulative
QPA of 3.0 to graduate.
*Unless stated otherwise in the specific graduate program requirements.
Only one course per year can be taken P/N except as noted in specific graduate program
The university may overrule these requirements if it declares otherwise due to a
pandemic or other unforeseen emergency.
Questions about grading for a specific course should be addressed to the instructor of the course in
question. Graduate students with questions about Pass/Fail and Drop/Withdrawal should contact
their Program Track Chair, or Graduate Program Director.
University Policy on Grades
Unless otherwise specifically declared, the School of Architecture adopts the University policy, which
offers details concerning university grading principles for students taking courses,
This policy covers the specifics of Assigning and Changing Grades (including Final and Mid-Semester
grades, Incompletes and Conditional Failures), Grading Options (Audit and Pass/Fail),
Drop/Withdrawals, Course Repeats, and defines the undergraduate and graduate Grading Standards.
“Non-factorable” is not factored into the semester or cumulative Quality Point Average (QPA).
Appealing Final Grades
Final grades will be changed only in exceptional circumstances and only with the approval of the
instructor and the department, unit or program. Grading is a matter of sound discretion of the
instructor and final grades are rarely changed without the consent of the instructor who assigned the
grade. The following circumstances are the unusual exceptions that may warrant a grade appeal: (a)
the final grade assigned for a course is based on manifest error (e.g. a clear error such as arithmetic
error in computing a grade or failure to grade one of the answers on an exam), or (b) the faculty or
staff member who assigned the grade did so in violation of a University policy.
Grades for Transfer Courses
Carnegie Mellon University offers students the opportunity to take courses for credit through a
cross-registration program (see Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) and
Cross-registration below) and through the receipt of transfer credit from other accredited institutions.
The Carnegie Mellon University transcript will include information on such courses as follows:
Carnegie Mellon courses and courses taken through the university's cross-registration program will
have grades recorded on the transcript and be factored into the QPA. All other courses will be
recorded on this transcript indicating where the course was taken, but without grade. Such courses
will not be taken into account for academic actions, honors or QPA calculations. (Note: Suspended
students may take courses elsewhere; however, they may receive transfer credit only if their college's
and department's policies allow this.)
GPA and QPA Graduation Requirements
At a minimum, a student must attain a QPA of 3.0 in order to be granted a graduate degree. The
GPEC must approve any exception.
Academic Standing
After midterm grades have been issued, students are advised to check their grades online and may
receive a WARNING letter for achieving a grade below a minimum of B for any class identified on the
program curriculum with an asterisk (*) to qualify for graduation OR a grade below a minimum of C in
any course taken in any semester OR a semester quality point average of below 3.00. If any of these
conditions are met, students are required to arrange a meeting with their Track Chair to discuss a plan
for immediate improvement.
Regular Reviews by Department
The Graduate Program Working Committee holds a Grades Meeting at the end of each semester,
after the semester grades have been issued. The purpose of this meeting is to review and monitor
the academic progress of all graduate students. In this meeting, the Track Chair will present an oral
report to the Graduate Program Working Committee along with oral reports by the Principal Advisor of
each doctoral student. Any academic actions or recommendations developed are transmitted, in
writing, to students and to the Head of the School by the Graduate Program Executive Committee,
after the Graduate Program Grades Meeting.
In addition to the Grading Practices and Academic Actions stipulated by the University and College of
Fine Arts, the Graduate Program in the School of Architecture has implemented the following
School-level actions:
COMMENDATION – For achieving a quality point average of 4.0 or above in any semester
while carrying a full academic load of a minimum of 36 units AND comprising a minimum of
four (4) courses, OR an 18-unit studio and a minimum of two (2) courses, OR full-time status
with thesis/dissertation.
STUDIO COMMENDATION – Studio commendations are given to students for excellence in
design work and/or leadership during a particular semester. The studio professors teaching in
that year select recipients at the semester grades meeting.
PROBATION – For achieving a grade below a minimum of B in any course identified on each
program curriculum with an asterisk(*) to qualify for graduation OR a grade below a minimum
of C in any other course taken in any semester OR a semester quality point average below
3.00 AND when the Track Chair and Graduate Program Executive Committee determines that
there is still a possibility for the student to improve their performance to meet requirements
for graduation as stipulated in the respective program descriptions online. Academic
probation may result in any scholarships, research assistantships and/or financial awards to
be rescinded. Students on academic probation cannot be selected to receive awards. For a
student on academic probation, this status will be automatically removed during the next
academic review if the semester and cumulative QPA are 3.0 or better.
DROP FROM PROGRAM – For achieving a PROBATION AND when the Track Chair and
Graduate Program Executive Committee determines it is NOT likely that the student will be
able to meet the requirements for graduation OR under extraordinary circumstances as
determined by the faculty, you may be dropped without previously having been on probation.
The student will be notified in writing and should meet with their Advisor and Track Chair as
soon as possible to discuss their academic situation. The student will then meet with the
Department Head. If a decision for removal from the program is made, the student will
receive the decision in writing and may appeal the decision by sending a formal letter stating
the basis for appeal to the Department Head. The student will have an opportunity to appeal
a removal decision by the Department Head to the Dean of the College of Fine Arts.
Generally, sanctions resulting from an Academic Action (e.g. probation or drop) take effect
immediately, regardless of whether an appeal is filed. In exceptional circumstances, however, the
appropriate Dean of Graduate Students or the Provost may elect to hold sanctions in abeyance
pending the resolution of an appeal. If the removal decision is not overturned, the student is not
entitled to a refund of tuition or student fees incurred during the semester in which the appeal was
being considered.
Academic Integrity and Disciplinary Action
Please review the University Policy on Academic Integrity:
https://www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/academic-integrity.html. The policy includes
the University expectations around academic integrity and provides definitions of cheating,
plagiarism, and unauthorized assistance.
Also review of the University’s Academic Disciplinary Actions procedures:
https://www.cmu.edu/student-affairs/theword/academic-discipline/index.html. These procedures
outline the process for investigating, reporting, and adjudicating violations of the University Policy on
Academic Integrity. The procedures also outline the appeal process.
Academic Rights And Responsibilities
Standard information pertaining to academic rights and responsibilities listed in the University
Graduate Student Handbook (The WORD) cover the following:
Degree attainment: achievement, timeline & format of requirements
Financial Support
Dissertation & Theses
Graduate Student Concerns & Grievances
All But Dissertation Policy
Intellectual Property Policy
Policy for Handling Alleged Misconduct in Research
Student Rights Appeal and Grievances
Graduate students will find the Summary of Graduate Student Appeal and Grievance Procedures on
the Graduate Education Resource webpage,
https://www.cmu.edu/graduate/policies/appeal-grievance-procedures.html. This document
summarizes processes available to graduate students who seek review of academic and
non-academic issues. Generally, graduate students are expected to seek informal resolution of all
concerns within the applicable department, unit or program before invoking formal processes. When
an informal resolution cannot be reached, however, a graduate student who seeks further review of
the matter is to follow the formal procedures outlined here. These appeal and grievance procedures
shall apply to students in all graduate programs of the University. Students should refer to the
department specific information in this handbook for department and college information about the
administration and academic policies of the program. Additionally, students may confer with the
graduate student ombudsman on issues of process or other concerns as they navigate conflicts.
The School of Architecture adopts the University’s practices regarding student rights. Students who
believe that they have been treated inappropriately are encouraged to raise their concern(s) with their
Program Track Chair, the GPEC, Head of School or other designated people in their department,
college or central administration. For further information about procedures that graduate students can
pursue when addressing concerns and grievances, go to
Intellectual Property Policy, Restricted Research and Policy for Handling
Alleged Misconduct in Research
The School adopts the University’s policies pertaining to:
Intellectual Property:
Restricted Research:
Handling of Alleged Misconduct in Research:
Safeguarding Educational Equity
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities
The Office of Disability Resources at Carnegie Mellon University has a continued mission to provide
physical and programmatic campus access to all events and information within the Carnegie Mellon
community. We work to ensure that qualified individuals receive reasonable accommodations as
guaranteed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sections 503 and 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students who would like to receive accommodations can begin the
process through Disability Resources secure online portal or email access@andrew.cmu.edu to begin
the interactive accommodation process.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to self-identify with the Office of Disability Resources and
request needed accommodations. Any questions about the process can be directed to Catherine
Getchell, 412-268-6121, [email protected].
Policy against Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
The University prohibits sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/
domestic violence and stalking. The University also prohibits retaliation against individuals who bring
forward such concerns or allegations in good faith. The policy can be viewed in its entirety at:
If you have been impacted by any of these issues, you are encouraged to make contact with any of
the following resources:
Office of Title IX Initiatives, http://www.cmu.edu/title-ix/, 412-268-7125, [email protected]
University Police, 412-268-2323
University Health Services, 412-268-2157
Counseling & Psychological Services, 412-268-2922
Additional resources and information can be found at:
Parental Accommodation Protocol
The School of Architecture extends the Student Maternity Accommodation Protocol
https://www.cmu.edu/graduate/programs-services/maternity-accommodation-protocol.html to all
parents with births or adoptions. Students should also consult with their Track Chair either before or
in conjunction with registering with the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
Providing holistic student support is a top priority at Carnegie Mellon. The protocols on this page are
designed to support the parental needs of students and their families.
Students seeking any of the Parental Accommodations described below must register with the
Office of the Dean of Students by contacting the office for an appointment by calling
Students are encouraged to register with the Office of the Dean of Students ninety (90) days in
advance of the anticipated arrival of the child as applicable in the individual circumstance. At the
time of registering, students will have the opportunity to consult about resources, procedures, funding
options and preparation for discussing academic accommodations with the student’s academic
department. Students should also consult with their academic advisors either before or in
conjunction with registering with the Office of the Dean of Students.
Accommodations for Gestational Parents
The birth of a child is a significant life event that may require time away from academic pursuits for
delivery and recovery from delivery of a newly born child. Students whose anticipated delivery date is
during the course of a semester may need to take time away from their academic responsibilities.
Carnegie Mellon students seeking time away are afforded two options as possible accommodation:
Short-Term Accommodation for Gestational Parents – A short term absence from academic
responsibilities up to a maximum of six (6) weeks. Short-Term Accommodation may be extended by
two (2) weeks, for a total of eight (8) weeks, where a longer absence is medically necessary. Prior to
the absence students must work with relevant university faculty and staff to adjust their course work,
research, teaching and other academic responsibilities during the period of absence. This may
include extensions of time to complete assignments, incomplete grades, and/or dropping courses,
shifting research responsibilities and adjusting TA assignments. Students who take a Short-Term
Accommodation will remain enrolled.
Formal Leave of Absence– A formal leave of absence under the Student Leave Policy. Generally, the
Student Leave Policy permits students to take a leave of absence for a full-semester, mini-semester,
or for the time remaining in the semester during which the leave is taken. Students who take a
Formal Leave of Absence https://www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/student-leave.html
drop all remaining courses for the semester and are unenrolled for the semester. International
students must consult with the Office of International Education https://www.cmu.edu/oie/ before
considering this option due to visa implications.
Financial Assistance for Student Parents
Carnegie Mellon also offers the following options for financial assistance to students who become
parents while enrolled:
Interest Free Loan – Any student who becomes a parent is eligible to apply for an interest-free
parental loan (https://www.cmu.edu/student-affairs/dean/loans/) from the Office of the Dean of
(https://www.cmu.edu/graduate/programs-services/maternity-accommodation-protocol.html) to all
parents with births or adoptions as amended below with brackets.
Consensual Intimate Relationship Policy Regarding Undergraduate Students
This policy addresses the circumstances in which romantic, sexual or amorous
relationships/interactions with undergraduate students, even if consensual, are inappropriate and
prohibited. The purpose of this policy is to assure healthy professional relationships. This policy is not
intended to discourage consensual intimate relationships unless there is a conflicting professional
relationship in which one party has authority over the other as in the policy.
Additional Department and University Policies
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment Services is the only University office that can provide an official letter of enrollment, official
transcript and enrollment verification. Enrollment verification can be requested online through The
HUB at: https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/student-records/verifications/enrollment.html.
Specific Declarations in the School of Architecture
Change of Address
Students are responsible for notifying the HUB of all address changes in a timely manner. Students
will be held responsible for any failure to receive official college notices due to not having a correct
address on file; F-1 students may jeopardize their status if address information is not kept current.
Students can change their address using SIO, which is available via the HUB website:
Computing and Technology Resources
See Departmental Resources
“Grandfather” Policy
The School maintains a “grandfather” policy that assures that students can graduate under the
policies in effect at the time of matriculation.
New Policies
When policies are changed it is because the school believes the new rules offer an improvement;
graduate students will be informed of any changes. However, students currently enrolled in a degree
program that is affected by a change in policy may choose to be governed by the older policy that
was in place at the time of their matriculation so long as the change is curricular and not procedural.
In case degree requirements are changed and certain courses are no longer offered, the school will
try to find some compromise that allows those students to satisfy the original requirements.
Vacations and Time-off
Students with graduate assistantships are expected to continue with their research during academic
breaks (including the Summer months) with the exception of the official university holidays. A
complete list of the official university holidays can be found at the Human Resources website.
Due to federal regulations governing graduate student support, paid time off for personal business
and vacations is not provided. A supported graduate student wanting to take a one-week break
during one of the summer months in which they are receiving a stipend is expected to get approval
for that break with their advisor and make up the work during the other three weeks of that month.
Supported graduate students wishing to take longer periods of personal time off must do so without
pay and must receive advanced approval from their research advisor a minimum of four weeks prior
to the requested time off. The advisor must then notify the Graduate Program Administrator and
Business Manager of this approval so that stipend adjustments can be processed.
Employment Eligibility Verification
If you are receiving a stipend, you are going to be a TA or you are planning to have a position with
CMU then Employment Eligibility Verification is required.
Form I-9 must be completed within 3 business days of beginning work for any type of compensation
(stipend or employment). Additional details are highlighted below.
To ensure compliance with federal law, Carnegie Mellon University maintains the Employment
Eligibility Verification (I-9) Policy [pdf] covering the university’s I-9 and E-Verify requirements:
Every individual receiving a stipend from CMU or employed by CMU must comply with the I-9 Policy
by completing the Form I-9 within three business days following the first day of stipend start
Individuals who expect to work on a federally funded project are further responsible for submitting an
E-Verify Processing Request Form to the Office of Human Resources.
For more information, please see CMU’s Guidance for Completing the Form I-9 and E-Verify
Requirements at CMU [pdf], or visit the Human Resources Service website to learn more about Form
I-9 and E-Verify and to schedule an appointment to complete the Form I-9.
Financial Support
Departmental Support
The tuition charges for each academic year, as published by the university, apply only to the Fall and
Spring semesters. Summer tuition, whenever applicable, are additionally charged and are normally
based on the number of academic units taken. The university also publishes estimated cost of living
for a graduate student each year at: https://www.cmu.edu/sfs/tuition/graduate/index.html.
Exceptional applicants may be offered Merit Scholarships when they are admitted to the SoA. These
scholarships will be processed at the beginning of each Fall and Spring terms and will continue in the
following year(s) only if you maintain full time status, pay your balance according to the University’s
schedule, and remain in good academic standing. The Merit Scholarship is valid only for the program
to which you were first admitted, and cannot be applied to cover living or travel expenses, medical
insurance, enrollment fees, or book and supplies for which you are responsible.
All enrolled students are automatically considered for an increase to the SoA Graduate Student Merit
Scholarship in their second year. You will be notified at the end of your first year should you receive
this increased award. Increased scholarships are awarded only to exceptional students based on the
strength of their performance in the CMU program and demonstrated potential for advancing in their
careers. Further funding can be obtained through paid Teaching and Research Graduate
Assistantships, a limited number of which are available. See “Research Assistantship (RA) and
Teaching Assistantship (TA)” below.
The School of Architecture does consider application requests for financial support. However, the
award of graduate student support is dependent on several factors:
Acceptance into one of the graduate programs in the school
Needs of the school for Teaching Assistants
Funds available to the school for various research projects and/or programs from within the
university or from external sources
Other budgetary resources of the school which may be allocated for graduate student
support (only for Fall and Spring semesters)
Research Assistantship (RA) and Teaching Assistantship (TA)
A limited number of Research Assistantships (RA) and Teaching Assistantships are available to
graduate students on a first-come and as-needed basis. Students should consult their Track Chairs
and other SoA faculty for opportunities that build on previous strengths and experiences.
International students are reminded that they must comply with United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) policies pertaining to their visa status. The Office of International
Education is a resource for international students on this issue.
The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence is a resource for TA and instructor training and included in
the section Additional University Resources, Appendix A.
Graduate students are required to have a certain level of fluency in English before they can instruct in
Pennsylvania, as required by the English Fluency in Higher Education Act of 1990. Through this Act,
all institutions of higher education in the state are required to evaluate and certify the English fluency
of all instructional personnel, including teaching assistants and interns. The full university policy can
be reviewed at: https://www.cmu.edu/policies/faculty/evaluation-certification-english-
fluency-instructors.html. The fluency of all instructional personnel will be rated by the Language
Support in the Student Academic Success Center to determine at what level of responsibility the
student can TA.
In addition to administering the International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Test (a mandatory screening test
for any non-native speaker of English), Language Support in the Student Academic Success Center
which helps teaching assistants who are non-native English speakers develop fluency and cultural
understanding to teach successfully at Carnegie Mellon. Visit the Student Academic Success
website for additional information: https://www.cmu.edu/student-success/.
Resources and Regulations Governing Research at Carnegie Mellon
Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Research Integrity & Compliance
Intellectual Property Policy
Policy on Restricted Research
Human Subjects in Research Policy
Additional Policies for PhD Students:
A Ph.D. student who is fully funded (tuition and stipend) by the School during the Fall or Spring
semesters is expected to contribute 20 hours of work per week. The work may involve serving as
Research Assistant for project(s), or Teaching Assistant, or both. The nature of work and
responsibilities will vary depending on the project(s) and courses.
The School has no obligation to provide RA-ships or TA-ships for self-supported Ph.D. students.
Should these students be appointed as RA or TA, monetary compensation will be provided based on
the hourly rate established by the university, and up to 20 hours per week, unless otherwise agreed
with the faculty providing the support and approved by the PhD Program Committee.
Every effort will be made by the faculty to support and mentor those Ph.D. students who have an
interest in an academic career and to give them increasing teaching responsibilities as the ability of
the student develops. For Ph.D. students willing to and capable of being course instructors, teaching
a course is equivalent to serving as a TA for two courses. In this case, the student will be supervised
by a faculty advisor or mentor.
As a default, summer stipend support, if available, remains the same as the regular semester and
hours expected remain the same (i.e., 20 hours per week). The principle is that students will continue
to work on their own Ph.D. research work during summer. Any variation to this may be negotiated
between the student and the Principal Advisor.
Only students engaged in full 3 months of RA work in summer can be given two weeks off (paid).
Otherwise, the student will only be paid for their actual working time.
Graduate Student Enrichment Fund
The School of Architecture encourages students to advance their own academic, professional, and
career development. Limited funds are available to each Track-Chair on an annual basis to award on
a first-come basis to the students currently enrolled in their programs. The funds are intended to
offset the costs associated with student research projects including materials and equipment; special
studio travel; earning professional credentials; presenting papers, posters, research products or
creative work; and under special circumstances to supplement internships and research work for
others and student fellowships. The Funds may NOT be used to pay students to do faculty research
or other professional work, even if there is a perceived benefit for the students. Students should
contact their Track Chair to inquire.
Outside Employment and Internships
In general, outside employment is discouraged during the period of full-time graduate studies except
where specified by any given program. When employment is for an outside organization the student’s
Program Track Chair and the Head of the School must be notified in writing. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure that such outside employment is allowed by the appropriate regulations (e.g.,
immigration rules, scholarship funding agency rules etc.).
In the case of an internship, it must meet a declared curricular or research objective. In such cases,
the internship is equivalent to either 3 units of required elective credit, or up to a maximum of 36 units
of independent study to fulfill a curricular requirement. Internships require approval of the Program
Track Chair. Internships may be taken at any time during the calendar year unless specified by the
International students are required to consult with the Office of International Education for eligibility
before seeking outside employment, an internship/co-op or signing an offer contract.
Graduate students wishing to do a Summer Internship are responsible to secure their position.
International masters and doctoral students interested in working off campus during the summer may
apply for CPT status provided that they have completed one academic year of full-time enrollment
and will be enrolled in the Fall semester.
All international graduate student internships must be in a field related to their program, have
academic oversight, and students must be enrolled in an associated course that is counted toward
the degree. All M.Arch internships must follow the NCARB AXP Guidelines outlined below. Student
Interns will register for 3 units of 48-704 MS INTERN or 48-695 M.Arch Internship in the summer
semester. MS students doing an internship will be coded INT and MS students remaining on campus
to do research will be coded MMR. An Internship Plan Form must be submitted once the position is
secured, and a Final Internship Report will be submitted once the Internship is complete for grading.
International students must consult with the Office of International Education for eligibility before
seeking an internship or signing an offer contract. It is also recommended that international students
review the CPT handout at: https://www.cmu.edu/oie/foreign-students/docs/cpt.pdf for detailed
information about this employment authorization option.
PhD students that are required to be off campus to collect data for their research may be permitted to
apply for CPT. Because the PhD program does not have a course requirement all other PhD students
wishing a Summer Internship would apply for pre-completion OPT.
PhD students who will be doing an internship will be coded either INT or IDR. The INT program code
follows the Summer All calendar. The IDR program code is used for students who will continue to be
supported through the entire summer.
Many of the graduate programs at the SoA have been assigned CIP codes that are STEM-eligible.
This means that in addition to one year of OPT, a student may apply for a 24-month STEM OPT
The Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD), the Master of Architecture (M.Arch) and the
Master of Science in Building Performance & Diagnostics (MSBPD) programs are assigned the CIP
code – 04.0902, Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology.The Master of Science in
Architecture Engineering Construction Management (MSAECM) is assigned the CIP code – 15.1501,
Engineering/Industrial Management. The Master of Science in Computational Design (MSCD) is
assigned the CIP code – 15.1302, CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician. The
Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD) is assigned the CIP code – 30.3301, Sustainability
The MSAECM program requires an internship, so CPT will enable an F1 student to complete the
required internship. The other STEM-eligible grad programs do not require internship, therefore F1
students do not automatically qualify for CPT. To qualify for CPT, students must demonstrate that the
3-unit practicum counts toward the units required for graduation. For example, if a program requires
120 units to graduate, and the practicum would lift a student’s total of required courses to123 units,
the CPT does NOT count towards graduation. Hence the student is not eligible for CPT. A student
may take more units than the required minimum, but the CPT must fit into the required minimum.
INTERNSHIP WHILE ENROLLED: for ALL F1 students that want to do an internship while enrolled in
our grad programs in the fall and spring semesters, must comply with the following provisions.
Complete the necessary forms available from the Office of International Education (OIE)
Enroll in 48-704 MS INTERN or 48-695 M.Arch Internship for three (3) units
Get a letter of commitment from a faculty member to supervise the practicum
Bring the forms and an employment offer letter to the head of school for signature.
The offer letter must comply with the NCARB Employment Requirements excerpted below. In
simple terms NO unpaid internships - it is both illegal and unethical.
At the completion of the internship, submit a report to one's faculty adviser for grading.
INTERNSHIPS TOWARDS NCARB LICENSURE: For those pursuing architect licensure, the NCARB
AXP Guidelines (https://www.ncarb.org/sites/default/files/AXP-Guidelines.pdf) describe Employment
Requirements on page 17:
To earn experience in setting A or work-related setting O opportunities including: “Other Work
Experience Under Licensed Professionals,” “Design or Construction Related Employment,
and some scenarios in “Construction Work,” one must be employed.
Unpaid internships are not eligible to earn experience hours with the exception of the
approved Community-Based Design Center/Collaborative as defined in experience setting O.
No experience may be earned outside of the U.S. or Canada, except at an organization
engaged in the practice of architecture or an approved Community-Based Design Center/
Collaborative as defined in experience setting O.
If the employment situation earns academic credit or is a requirement for a class, it can still
qualify for AXP hours. Only employment situations qualify for AXP in this condition. The
experience needs to be in compliance with the employment requirement and submitted as
per the AXP rules.
Visiting Students, Scholars and Fellows
Visiting students, scholars and fellows supported by outside funding sources who wish to undertake
postgraduate or non-matriculating academic work at the School of Architecture may do so at the
discretion of the Head of the School, and may be required to provide an amount equal to the current
graduate student tuition to the School on a semester by semester basis.
University Information on Finance and Financial Aid
The “Graduate Student Financial Aid Guide” provides detailed and useful information regarding the
Financial Aid Application Process
Loan Eligibility
Fellowships and Scholarships Office (FSO)
Tuition Payment Plans (TMS)
Student Employment
Summer Stipend Payment Options
Tax Status of Graduate Student Awards
Tuition Remission
And more....
Detailed information can be found online at:
https://www.cmu.edu/graduate/financial-assistance/index.html and
Office of the Dean of Students Emergency Support Funding
Graduate students who find themselves in need of immediate funds for emergency situations should
contact the Office of the Dean of Students (see Appendix A),
www.cmu.edu/student-affairs/index.html, to inquire about the types of emergency funding available
to enrolled students.
Appendix A
Highlighted University Resources for Graduate Students and The
WORD, Student Handbook
Note: The following pages are meant to broadly include only some of the resources available to graduate
students. It is not an exhaustive appendix of resources, and students are strongly encouraged to visit the
various websites linked below for the most up-to-date information.
Table of Contents
Key Resources for Graduate Student Support 1
Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs 1
Office of the Dean of Students 1
The Division of Student Affairs 2
Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion 2
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities 3
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation 4
Graduate Student Assembly 4
Office of International Education (OIE) 5
Veterans and Military Community 5
Carnegie Mellon Ethics Hotline 6
Policy Against Retaliation 6
Key Offices for Academic & Research Support 6
Computing and Information Resources 6
Student Academic Success Center 7
University Libraries 7
Research at CMU 8
Office of Research Integrity & Compliance 8
Key Offices for Health, Wellness & Safety 8
Counseling & Psychological Services 8
Health Services 9
Campus Wellness 9
Religious and Spiritual Life Initiatives (RSLI) 9
University Police 10
Shuttle and Escort Services 10
The WORD 11
Key Resources for Graduate Student Support
Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs provides university-wide
support for all graduate students and academic programs, with a focus on
supporting graduate student success at Carnegie Mellon. Examples of
resources offered through the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
include, but are not limited to:
Website with university resources, contact information for CMU
programs and services, possible financial assistance and potential
funding opportunities, and various procedural and policy
Newsletter to all graduate students with information on activities,
resources, and opportunities
Professional development seminars and workshops, and various
programming and events for the graduate student community
The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs also works directly with
the colleges and departments on issues related to graduate students and
serve as a resource for developing policy and procedures. The Office of
Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs partners with many other offices and
organizations, such as the Graduate Student Assembly, to support the
holistic graduate student educational experience.
Office of the Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students provides central leadership of the
metacurricular experience at Carnegie Mellon including the coordination
of student support. Graduate students will find the enrollment
information for Domestic Partner Registration and Parental
Accommodations in the Office of the Dean of Students or on their website.
This Office also manages the Student Emergency Support Funding process.
There are currently three forms of support funding for enrolled students:
emergency student loans, student parental loans, and the Tartan
Emergency Support Fund. Inquiring students will be provided with
additional information about the various types of funding during a
consultation meeting with a member of the Dean of Students team. Tuition
costs are not eligible for Student Emergency Support funding.
College Liaisons and the Student Support Resources team serve as
additional resources for graduate students. College Liaisons are senior
members of the Division of Student Affairs who work with departments
and colleges addressing student concerns across a wide range of issues.
College Liaisons are identified on the Important Contacts list in Student
Information Online (SIO). The Student Support Resources team offers an
additional level of support for students who are navigating a wide range of
life events. Student Support Resources staff members work in partnership
with campus and community resources to provide coordination of care
and support appropriate to each studentʼs situation.
The Division of Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs includes (not an exhaustive list):
Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation
Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)
Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion
Cohon University Center
Counseling & Psychological Services (CaPS)
Dining Services
Office of Community Standards and Integrity (OCSI)
Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement
University Health Services (UHS)
Wellness Initiatives
Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion have a singular place among the values of Carnegie
Mellon University. The Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion actively
cultivates a strong, diverse and inclusive community capable of living out
these values and advancing research, creativity, learning and development
that changes the world.
The Center offers resources to enhance an inclusive and transformative
student experience in dimensions such as access, success, campus climate
and intergroup dialogue. Additionally, the Center supports and connects
historically underrepresented students and those who are first in their
family to attend college in a setting where studentsʼ differences and talents
are appreciated and reinforced, both at the graduate and undergraduate
level. Initiatives coordinated by the Center include, but are not limited to:
First generation/first in family to attend college programs
LGBTQ+ Initiatives
Race and ethnically focused programs, including Inter-University
Graduate Students of Color Series (SOC) and PhD SOC Network
Womenʼs empowerment programs, including Graduate Womenʼs
Gatherings (GWGs)
Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities
The Office of Disability Resources at Carnegie Mellon University has a
continued mission to provide physical, digital, and programmatic access to
ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to their
educational experience. The Office works to ensure that qualified
individuals receive reasonable accommodations as guaranteed by the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973. Students who would like to receive accommodations can begin
the process through Disability Resources' secure online portal or email
access@andrew.cmu.edu to begin the interactive accommodation Process.
Students with physical, sensory, cognitive, or emotional disabilities are
encouraged to self-identify with the Office of Disability Resources and
request needed accommodations. Any questions about the process can be
directed to access@andrew.cmu.edu, or call (412) 268- 6121.
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation
The Eberly Center offers a wide variety of confidential, consultation
services and professional development programs to support graduate
students as teaching assistants or instructors of record during their time at
Carnegie Mellon University and as future faculty members at other
institutions. Regardless of one's current or future teaching context and
duties, Eberlyʼs goal is to disseminate evidence-based teaching strategies in
ways that are accessible and actionable. Programs and services include
campus-wide Graduate Student Instructor Orientation events and our
Future Faculty Program, both of which are designed to help participants
be effective and efficient in their teaching roles. The Eberly Center also
assists departments in creating and conducting customized programs to
meet the specific needs of their graduate student instructors. Specific
information about Eberly Center support for graduate students is found at:
Graduate Student Assembly
The Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) is the branch of Carnegie Mellon
Student Government that represents and advocates for the diverse
interests of all graduate students at CMU. GSA is composed of
representatives from the different graduate programs and departments
who want to improve the graduate student experience at the different
levels of the university. GSA is funded by the Student Activities Fee from all
graduate students. GSA passes legislation, allocates student activities
funding, advocates for legislative action locally and in Washington D.C. on
behalf of graduate student issues and needs, and otherwise acts on behalf
of all graduate student interests. GSAʼs recent accomplishments are a
testament to their making a difference, and steps to implementing the
vision laid out by the strategic plan.
GSA offers an expanding suite of social programming on and off-campus to
bring graduate students from different departments together and build a
sense of community. GSA is the host of the Graduate Student Lounge on
the 3rd floor of the Cohon University Center. GSA also maintains a website
of graduate student resources on and off-campus. GSA continues to rely on
student feedback to improve the graduate student experience at CMU. Feel
free to contact them at [email protected] to get involved, stop by their office in the
Cohon University Center Room 304 or become a representative for your
Office of International Education (OIE)
Carnegie Mellon hosts international graduate and undergraduate students
who come from more than 90 countries. The Office of International
Education (OIE) is the liaison to the University for all non-immigrant
students and scholars, as well the repository for study abroad
opportunities. OIE provides many services including: advising on
personal, immigration, study abroad, academic, and social and
acculturation issues; presenting programs of interest such as international
career workshops, tax workshops, and cross-cultural and immigration
workshops; international education and statistics on international students
in the United States; posting pertinent information to students through
email and the OIE website and conducting orientation and pre-departure
Veterans and Military Community
Military veterans are a vital part of the Carnegie Mellon University
community. Graduate students can find information on applying for
veteran education benefits, campus services, veteranʼs groups at CMU, and
non-educational resources through the Veterans and Military Community
website. There are also links and connections to veteran resource in the
Pittsburgh community. The ROTC and Veteran Affairs Coordinator can be
reached at [email protected] or 412-268-8747.
Carnegie Mellon Ethics Hotline
The health, safety and well-being of the university community are top
priorities at Carnegie Mellon University. CMU provides a hotline that all
members of the university community should use to confidentially report
suspected unethical activity, violations of university policy, or violations of
law. Students, faculty and staff can anonymously file a report by calling
1-844-587-0793 or visiting https://cmu.ethicspoint.com/. All submissions are
reported to appropriate university personnel and handled discreetly.
The hotline is NOT an emergency service. For emergencies, call
University Police at 412-268-2323.
Policy Against Retaliation
It is the policy of Carnegie Mellon University to protect from retaliation
any individual who makes a good faith report of a suspected violation of
any applicable law or regulation, university Policy or procedure, any
contractual obligation of the university, and any report made pursuant to
the Carnegie Mellon University Code of Business Ethics and Conduct.
Additional details regarding the Policy Against Retaliation are available at:
Key Offices for Academic & Research Support
Computing and Information Resources
Computing Services maintains and supports computing resources for the
campus community, including the campus wired and wireless networks,
printing, computer labs, file storage, email and soware catalog. As
members of this community, we are all responsible for the security of
these shared resources. Be sure to review the Safe Computing
(https://www.cmu.edu/computing/safe/) section and the University Computing
Policy (https://www.cmu.edu/policies/information-technology/computing.html)
Visit the Computing Services website (https://www.cmu.edu/computing/) to learn more. For
assistance the Computing Services Help Center is available at 412-268-4357 (HELP) or
Student Academic Success Center
The Student Academic Success Centerʼs (SASC) work to support success focuses on
creating spaces for students to engage in their coursework and approach to learning
through many group and individual program options. SASC supports student success by
providing academic coaching, subject-specific tutoring, effective communication
strategies, accommodations for students with disabilities, and language support for
multilingual learners. SASC engages with faculty and staff to improve the coordination
and professional development for academic advisors. Visit the SASC website for more
information about services offered in areas such as communication and language
support; language and cross-cultural support; and learning support.
University Libraries
The University Libraries offers a wide range of information, resources, and
services supporting graduate students in coursework, research, teaching,
and publishing. The library licenses and purchases books, journals, media,
and other needed materials in various formats. Library liaisons,
consultants, and information specialists provide in-depth and professional
assistance and advice in all-things information, including:
Locating and obtaining specific resources
Providing specialized research support
Advanced training in the use and management of data
Sign up for workshops and hands-on topic-specific sessions such as data
visualization with Tableau, cleaning data with OpenRefine, and getting
started with Zotero. Weekly drop-in hours for Digital Humanities and for
Research Data Research Management are scheduled during the academic
year. Start at the library home page to find the books, journals, and
databases you need; to identify and reach out to the library liaison in your
field; to sign up for scheduled workshops; and to connect with consultants
in scholarly publishing, research data management, and digital
Research at CMU
The primary purpose of research at the university is the advancement of
knowledge in all fields in which the university is active. Research is
regarded as one of the universityʼs major contributions to society and as an
essential element in education, particularly at the graduate level and in
faculty development. Research activities are governed by several university
policies. Guidance and more general information are found by visiting the
Research at Carnegie Mellon website.
Office of Research Integrity & Compliance
The Office of Research Integrity & Compliance (ORIC) is designed to
support research at Carnegie Mellon University. The staff work with
researchers to ensure research is conducted with integrity and in
accordance with federal and Pennsylvania regulation. ORIC assists
researchers with human subject research, conflicts of interest, responsible
conduct of research, export controls, and institutional animal care & use.
ORIC also provides consultation, advice, and review of allegations of
research misconduct.
Key Offices for Health, Wellness & Safety
Counseling & Psychological Services
Counseling & Psychological Services (CaPS) affords the opportunity for
students to talk privately about academic and personal concerns in a safe,
confidential setting. An initial consultation at CaPS can help clarify the
nature of the concern, provide immediate support, and explore further
options if needed. These may include a referral for counseling within
CaPS, to another resource at Carnegie Mellon, or to another resource
within the larger Pittsburgh community. CaPS also provides workshops
and group sessions on mental health related topics specifically for
graduate students on campus. CaPS services are provided at no cost.
Appointments can be made in person, or by telephone at 412-268-2922.
Health Services
University Health Services (UHS) is staffed by physicians, advanced
practice clinicians and registered nurses who provide general medical
care, allergy injections, first aid, gynecological care, and contraception as
well as on-site pharmaceuticals. The CMU Student Insurance Plan covers
most visit fees to see the physicians and advanced practice clinicians &
nurse visits. Fees for prescription medications, laboratory tests, diagnostic
procedures and referral to the emergency room or specialists are the
studentʼs responsibility and students should review the UHS website and
their insurance plan for detailed information about the university health
insurance requirement and fees.
UHS also has a registered dietician and health promotion specialists on
staff to assist students in addressing nutrition, drug and alcohol and other
healthy lifestyle issues. In addition to providing direct health care, UHS
administers the Student Health Insurance Program. The Student Health
Insurance plan offers a high level of coverage in a wide network of health
care providers and hospitals. Appointments can be made by visiting UHSʼs
website, walk-in, or by telephone, 412-268-2157.
Campus Wellness
At Carnegie Mellon, we believe our individual and collective well-being is
rooted in healthy connections to each other and to campus resources. The
university provides a wide variety of wellness, mindfulness and
connectedness initiatives and resources designed to help students thrive
inside and outside the classroom.
Religious and Spiritual Life Initiatives (RSLI)
Carnegie Mellon is committed to the holistic growth of our students,
including creating opportunities for spiritual and religious practice and
exploration. RSLI has relationships with local houses of worship from
various traditions and many of these groups are members of CMUʼs
Council of Religious Advisors. They also offer programs and initiatives that
cross traditional religious boundaries in order to increase knowledge of
and appreciation for the full diversity of the worldview traditions. RSLI
staff are available to support students across the spectrum of religious and
spiritual practice and would be more than happy to help you make a
connection into a community of faith during your time at CMU.
University Police
The University Police Department is located at 4551 Filmore Street. The
departmentʼs services include police patrols and call response, criminal
investigations, fixed officer and foot officer patrols, event security, and
crime prevention and education programming as well as bicycle and
laptop registration. Visit the departmentʼs website for additional
information about the staff, emergency phone locations, crime prevention,
lost and found, fingerprint services, and annual statistic reports. Carnegie
Mellon University publishes an annual campus security and fire safety
report describing the universityʼs security, alcohol and drug, sexual
assault, and fire safety policies. The report also contains statistics about
the number and type of crimes committed on the campus and the number
and cause of fires in campus residence facilities during the preceding
three years. Graduate students can obtain a copy by contacting the
University Police Department at x2323. The annual security and fire safety
report is also available online at:
Shuttle and Escort Services
Parking and Transportation coordinates the Shuttle Service and Escort
Service provided for CMU students, faculty, and community. The Shuttle &
Escort website has full information about these services, stops, routes,
tracking and schedules.
The WORD is Carnegie Mellon Universityʼs online student handbook and
serves as the foundation for the department (and sometimes college)
handbook. The WORD contains university-wide academic policy
information and resources, community policies and resources, and
describes the university level procedures used to review possible violations
of these standards. It is designed to provide all students with the tools,
guidance, and insights to help you achieve your full potential as a member
of the Carnegie Mellon community. Graduate students are encouraged to
bookmark this site and refer to it oen. University policies can also be
found in full text at: https://www.cmu.edu/policies/.