Applying to Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science
Mor Harchol-Balter
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
Last updated 2014
1 Introduction
This document is intended for people applying to Ph.D. programs in computer
science or related areas. The document is informal in nature and is meant to express
only the opinions of the author. The author is a professor of computer science
at CMU, and has been involved in the Ph.D. admissions process at CMU, U.C.
Berkeley, and MIT.
Please direct any further questions you have after reading this document
to our Admissions Coordinator ( Do not send email
to the author of this document.
1 Introduction 1
2 Do I really want a Ph.D.? What does a Ph.D. entail? 2
2.1 What is a Ph.D.? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Lack of emphasis on courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.3 The research process and advisor/advisee relationships . . . . . . 3
2.4 Frustrations and joys of research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5 Funding during the Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Life after the Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 Should I get a Ph.D.? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 The Application Process 8
3.1 Transcript – grades and classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 GRE scores and TOEFL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Personal statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Previous Research Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5.1 Whom to ask for a letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.5.2 How to ask for a letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.6 Awards and Extracurriculars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.7 How many schools should you apply to? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4 Fellowship Information 18
4.1 Why you need to apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 List of fellowships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 Choosing the right Ph.D. program for you 19
6 Current 2014 Rankings of CS Ph.D. programs in the U.S. 21
2 Do I really want a Ph.D.? What does a Ph.D. entail?
2.1 What is a Ph.D.?
A Ph.D. is a long, in depth research exploration of one topic. By long we’re typi-
cally talking about 6 years. By in depth we mean that at the end of the Ph.D. you
will be the world expert or close to it in your particular area. You will know more
than your advisor about your particular research area. You will know about your
research than anyone at your school. By one we mean that by the last couple years
of your Ph.D., you will typically be working on only one narrow problem. The
Ph.D. is not about breadth, it is about depth.
2.2 Lack of emphasis on courses
The M.S. and B.A. degrees are about breadth not depth. The main requirement in
the M.S. and B.A. degrees is often a large numbers of courses. A B.A. or M.S. in
CS often entails taking 3 or 4 classes each semester.
In contrast, a Ph.D. program typically requires typically less than 10 courses
during the entire 6 years (at CMU there are 5 required “core” courses, and 3 re-
quired “electives”). The emphasis in the Ph.D. is not on classes, but rather on
research. A Ph.D. student will typically take classes only when she feels that they
will be useful in her research. The classes she takes may not even be in CS at all.
They may be in Statistics, Operations Research, Math, Psychology, Linguistics, or
anything else useful for her particular research topic.
2.3 The research process and advisor/advisee relationships
As stated earlier, the main focus of a Ph.D. is research. You typically begin your
research at the time when you select an advisor. At most schools you pick an
advisor sometime after your first year. At CMU, we like you to start research right
away, so you pick an advisor within a month or two of starting the program.
Research is very different from taking classes. Many students never make
the transition between taking classes and doing research – in fact, at most schools
only 1/2 of the students who enter the Ph.D. program leave with a Ph.D. (at CMU,
about 3/4 end up with a Ph.D.). Keep in mind that we’re typically talking about
students who came in with 4.0 GPAs from a top undergraduate program.
Some key differences between classes and research:
In classes, the homework problems all have known answers and the tech-
niques needed for solving the problems have (usually) been introduced in
class. In research, you may be working on a problem for years without a
clue of whether it is solvable. You will be the one inventing or nding the
techniques for solving the problem.
In classes, you are assigned certain problems to work on. In research, you
get to pick the problems. In fact it is your job to find good problems. By
“good we mean problems which are “fundamental. For example, finding
a system hack which makes a particular product like Ciscos Local Director
run better is something that Cisco would love, but would not count as fun-
damental research. However discovering better algorithms for the problem
of task assignment of jobs to hosts in a server farm is considered fundamen-
tal research. You are also responsible for making sure that no one else has
already solved this problem. This typically involves reading hundreds of
papers on earlier research in this area.
In classes, if you can’t solve your homework problem, you can always ask
other classmates. Even if none of your classmates know, you can ask the
professor, who certainly knows the answer. In research, you are often work-
ing alone, or at best with you advisor and maybe one other student. You are
free to ask anyone in the world for help, but they will typically not be able to
help you, since they don’t know the answer either if they did, it wouldn’t
be research. Many students have a hard time with working independently.
In classes, you are constantly being given grades and you are constantly
being told what to do next. In research, there are no grades. There is some
instruction (from your advisor), but mostly it’s up to you to be self-motivated
and pro-active.
In the classroom, there is a distance between you and your professor. In re-
search, you and your advisor will work side-by-side. Your advisor will still
tell you what to do – give you ideas for problems to work on, assign papers
for you to read, give you programming assignments, and often give you a
time-line and schedule. However, when you and your advisor are working
on a problem together, you will work as equals. You will both learn from
each other. You will make discoveries together. Many students are surprised
to nd that their advisor is very different in research than in the classroom. A
professor who is very dry in the classroom and often looks bored and uncom-
fortable will often become extremely enthusiastic and excited when working
on research problems. In the classroom, you hear your professor discuss re-
sults which he/she has already worked out. All problems are always solved
by the end of lecture. In research, you will watch your advisor think out
loud and see how he/she thinks and reasons. Students often find this very
exciting. You may nd that you think more quickly than your advisor, but
your advisor has more ideas than you. Or you may find that you are better
at computations or coding, but your advisor is better at proofs or writing or
speaking. This surprises many students, who expect their advisor to be better
than they are at everything. Don’t pout, this is an unrealistic expectation. As
in all of life, you will be most successful if you simply figure out what skills
your advisor has that you don’t and work hard at picking up all of those skills
without complaining.
When taking classes, you will almost never see your professor alone. When
doing research with an advisor, you will typically have 1 hour per week
when you meet with your advisor alone. If your advisor is especially busy
(remember, professors have to do research, teach, apply for grants, serve on
committees, fly around giving talks, etc.) you may only get 1/2 hour a week.
If your advisor is a newer faculty, you may get as much as 2 hours per week.
It’s your job to plan ahead so as to maximize the utility of your time together.
Keep in mind that no one can give you a complete picture of what research is.
The best way to learn what research is, and whether you like it, is simply to start
doing it. The earlier the better!
2.4 Frustrations and joys of research
Research can be very rewarding and very frustrating. Most students describe grad-
uate school as a roller-coaster with tremendous highs and tremendous lows.
Frustrations can come from not being able to solve a problem that you’re work-
ing on, or from having someone else beat you to the solution. Frustrations can come
from loneliness. However, probably the biggest frustration is the realization that
you’re not as great as you thought you were. Here’s a typical story at CMU:
Student X comes from famous school Y in country Z, where he was
ranked 5th out of over hundreds of thousands of students and #1 in
his college graduating class. The student comes to graduate school
expecting to be the best and starts working very hard on research. By
the end of his first or second year, the student realizes that he has
not yet published any papers. His friends and family from home start
asking what’s wrong with him. He feels frustrated and ashamed. He
blames his advisor, he blames his department, he blames his school.
Finally, he grows up and accepts the fact that maybe he’s not the best,
but he can still do well if he works hard. He starts listening better,
works harder, and ends up quite successful.
For all the frustrations, research can be extremely joyous. For some people, the
joy of research is the joy of discovering something new that no one knew about.
You might be discovering a new algorithm, a new operating system design idea, a
new idea for maximizing the performance of disk arrays, etc.. For others, there’s
the joy of truly understanding. You’ve probably noticed that in classes a professor
or book will stop just when things are getting really interesting and say, “the rest is
beyond the scope of this class. In research, you can take a problem as far as you
want and understand everything about it. For many, the joy of research comes from
being able to make an impact to change the way systems are built and design them
in a smarter way. Theres also the joy of doing it right. In a company, the aim is to
get a working product and ship it out quickly. In research, you can take your time
and plan out your project so that you are proud to defend every one of your design
decisions. Research is not about simple heuristics or quick hacks. Many people
also relish the joy of being the authority on an area and of having their work read
and cited by others.
My own story: As a student in the early 1990’s, I was interested in CPU load
balancing in networks of workstations. The common wisdom at the time was that
it never paid to migrate a process that was already active (already running). I dis-
agreed with this logic, since I believed that processes that were already running
might be exactly those which were likely to run even longer. Unable to get anyone
to listen to me, I went off on my own to measure millions of UNIX processes.
This took a whole year, during which time I was often terrified that I was wrong
and wasting my time. In the end, I discovered that the CPU lifetimes of UNIX
processes obeyed a heavy-tailed distribution, which vindicated my original intu-
ition that active process migration could make sense. My research won the ACM
Sigmetrics best paper award for integrating systems and theory, and I graduated.
2.5 Funding during the Ph.D.
Unlike the B.A., where you or your parents pay many tens of thousands of dollars,
or the M.S., where you typically work as a teaching assistant and possibly continue
to pay many tens of thousands of dollars, the Ph.D. is a time where funding is not a
concern to you. At most schools, you will not pay tuition during the time that you
are getting a Ph.D.. Typically, you will also receive a living stipend – on the order
of $2000 per month, from which you will pay your living expenses. Ideally, your
only responsibility will be research. This is called doing an RAship (Research
The Ph.D. is a tremendous opportunity. You get to pick an advisor in any re-
search area you like and then you get to do research in that area, receive mentoring,
think deeply on problems, publish papers, become famous, while paying zero tu-
ition for 6 years and receiving a salary. Your advisor is paying for this opportunity
by writing grant proposals to companies and to the government to ask for fund-
ing. A single graduate student can cost an advisor upwards of 80K per year (given
the cost of tuition, the stipend, the overhead tax charged by the school, cost of
equipment and physical space, etc.).
Important note 1: At most schools, you can only do an RAship if you have
an advisor who has funding for you. Since some advisors don’t apply for grants
or are in areas which aren’t well-funded, you may have to work as a teaching
assistant every semester to get your stipend. This is called a TAship (Teaching
Assistantship). When I was a graduate student, I had a few friends who were
forced to TA 13 semesters, to fund their way through school! Alternatively, you
will have to restrict your choice of advisors to those who have funding. At CMU,
every Ph.D. student is guaranteed a stipend plus tuition regardless of which advisor
she chooses to work with.
Important note 2: There are many companies and government organizations
which offer Graduate Fellowships for Ph.D. students. If you are lucky enough
to get one of these, they will cover most of your way through graduate school,
and you will never have to worry about whether your advisor has funding or not.
Details about graduate fellowships will be discussed in Section 4.
2.6 Life after the Ph.D.
When making a decision about the next 6 years of your life, it’s good to stop and
think about what you might do when you finish. Most students upon completing a
Ph.D. either go into academia (research university or teaching school) and become
a professor, or they go to a research lab. Some people never do research again after
completing a Ph.D. For such people, the Ph.D. was largely a waste of time.
If you choose to be a professor at a research university, your life will consist
of the following tasks: (i) doing research on anything you like, (ii) working with
graduate students, (iii) teaching classes, (iv) applying for grants, (v) flying around
to work with other researchers and to give talks on your research, (vi) doing service
for your department and school (like giving this talk). Note that I say “your life”
rather than your job, because for new faculty, your life becomes your job. It’s a
fantastic job/life for me because I love these activities, so I’m happy to work hard
at all of them, but it’s not right for everyone.
If you choose to be a professor at a teaching college, your job will consist of
the following: (i) teaching lots of classes, (ii) doing service for your department
or school, (iii) occasionally advising undergraduates on undergraduate research, or
doing a little of your own research.
If you choose to go to a research lab, your job will consist of the following:
(i) doing research (half will be on whatever you want, half will be on whatever
the company wants you to do), (ii) working with other people in the company, (iii)
traveling around a little to give talks and work with others.
2.7 Should I get a Ph.D.?
Here are some things to keep in mind when making this decision:
i. A Ph.D. is not for everyone!
ii. A Ph.D requires 6 years on average. The opportunity cost is high.
iii. Do not even think of applying for a Ph.D. if you have not tried research
and/or teaching and found that you like at least one of those. (Note: the Ph.D.
program will require mostly research, not teaching, but a love of teaching
may help motivate you to get through, so that you can go on to be a teacher.
I have seen many examples of this.)
iv. A Ph.D. requires a particular type of personality. You need to be someone
who is obsessed with figuring out a problem. You need to have tremendous
perseverance and be capable of hard work. You need to be willing to do
whatever it takes to solve your problem (e.g., take 5 math classes, learn a
whole new area like databases, rewrite the whole kernel, etc.).
v. You need to know why you want a Ph.D. You need to have vision and ideas
and you need to be able to express yourself.
vi. Obviously, many people are still unsure straight after a B.A. I was one of
them, so I understand. For such people working in a research lab or in an
industrial lab which involves doing research for a few years will help them
decide. If you are unsure, I highly recommend working for a few years
before starting a Ph.D. Do not apply to graduate school until you are sure
you know what you want.
My own story: After I finished my B.A. in CS and Math, I went to work at
the Advanced Machine Intelligence Lab at GTE in Massachusetts. At first I
was very excited by my paycheck and the great feeling of being independent.
I also really enjoyed my area of research at the time: pattern recognition and
classification. I was working with frame-of-reference transformations in-
volving eigenvectors of autocorrelation matrices. It was exciting! However
I quickly realized that I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why some
algorithms produced good results and others didn’t. I wanted to come up
with my own algorithms. I worried that I didn’t have enough of a mathe-
matics background to answer my own questions. In summary, I wanted to
delve deeper. Everyone around me thought I was very odd for wanting these
things. I left after 2 years and went to graduate school. That first month of
graduate school I looked around and realized that everyone there was just as
weird and obsessed as I was, and I knew I had made the right decision.
3 The Application Process
The Ph.D. application has several parts:
i. Transcript – Grades and classes
ii. GRE scores & TOEFL scores
iii. Personal Statement
iv. Previous research experience (possibly in industry).
v. Recommendation letters
vi. Awards and extracurricular activities
I will elaborate on each of these below in detail. People often ask me which
of these is most important. The answer is: it depends. For the top Ph.D. programs
In case you didn’t notice, the words “you need to be smart” are purposely absent from the above
list. Anyone accepted is more than smart enough. The rest is up to your own determination.
in CS, the most important component is your prior research experience and what
your recommendation letters and personal statement have to say about your prior
research experience. At these schools every application is carefully scrutinized
by at least 3 faculty, all of whom are trying to gauge your research potential. At
lesser-ranked schools, there may be a simple formula which looks at GRE scores
and GPA and undergraduate school and based on that classifies applications into
piles of “highly-desirable”, “less-desirable”, etc.. Everyone in the highly-desirable
pile is then admitted.
Since my view is that of the top-ranked CS programs, my description below
will follow the perspective of those schools. By a top-ranked program, I’m typi-
cally talking about a Ph.D. program ranked in the top 15.
3.1 Transcript – grades and classes
When applying to a Ph.D. program in CS, you’d like your grades in CS and Math
and Engineering classes to be about 3.5 out of 4.0, as a rough guideline. It does
not help you, in my opinion, to be closer to 4.0 as opposed to 3.5. It’s a much
better idea to spend your time on research than on optimizing your GPA. At CMU
the mean GPA of students admitted is over 3.8 (even though we don’t use grades
as a criterion), however students have also been admitted with GPAs below 3.3,
since research is what matters, not grades. A GPA of 4.0 alone with no research
experience will not get you into any top CS program. Keep in mind that GPAs are
evaluated in the context of the undergraduate program. A 3.4 GPA from a top-
ranked CS undergraduate program like CMU counts the same as a 3.8 or 3.9 GPA
from a less well-known CS undergraduate program.
Some questions I hear frequently are “will taking extra classes make me look
good” and “will it make me look good to take advanced graduate classes?” The
answer to both questions is “only if these extra courses lead you to work on an
interesting research problem. Taking arbitrary extra classes usually does not lead
to doing more research. However, taking one or two carefully selected graduate
classes, and cutting back on other classes that semester, will often lead you to find
interesting research problems to work on. In a graduate class, you will get far more
attention from the professor, you will learn about open problems in the area, and
the professor will be far better able to write a meaningful letter of recommendation
for you.
Note: Your grades may be somewhat low under 3.0 because you were
having a good time in college, and you may therefore be having trouble getting
into a Ph.D. program. In this case, you may want to do an MS and use the time to
boost your grades and reapply after the MS.
3.2 GRE scores and TOEFL
The GRE exam has 2 parts, which you can take on the same day or different days.
i. The general GRE exam This is very much like the SAT test you took to
get into undergraduate school, except that it has Quantitative (Math), Verbal
(English), and an Analytic Writing portion.
ii. The subject exam As of 2013, this no longer exists for CS, so you can
ignore it if you’re applying to a CS Ph.D. program. This still exists for other
areas like Math, and I know that Math departments check this score.
Each exam is 3 hours long. You can study for these exams. I did. Most bookstores
have study guides with old exams. Study guides are also on the Web.
The GRE Verbal (English) portion is very similar to the SAT. However, just
because you got an 800 on your Verbal SAT does not mean that you will repeat
this performance. If you’ve been in a CS program for 4 years, your vocabulary and
reading speed are not what they were 4 years ago. Also, you’ll be competing with
people who majored in English for 4 years.
The Analytic Writing portion is different from the SAT. You will be asked to
write two essays. In the first you will be given an argument and asked to analyze
it. In the second you will be asked to give your perspective on some topic. There
are examples given on the GRE web page.
The Quantitative (Math) portion is very similar to the SAT math test. It doesn’t
go beyond the 10th grade level.
The GRE exam is offered every 2 months. Check out this web site for more
Once again: Your score on the GRE will be largely ignored by the top schools,
particularly if you are coming from a top school. At lesser-ranked schools, how-
ever, your GRE score can be the difference between your getting in or not.
Note: If you are planning to work for a few years between completing your
undergraduate degree and applying to graduate school, I highly recommend taking
the GRE exam before leaving your undergraduate school. The material is fresh in
your mind while you are an undergraduate, and more importantly, your test-taking
skills will diminish while you’re working.
The TOEFL is a test which is required for anyone who is not a native speaker
of English. Schools take the TOEFL very seriously. Although all parts of the
TOEFL are important, the portion of the TOEFL that CMU pays attention to most
is the Speaking TOEFL. Generally, a score of less than 22-23 on the Speaking
TOEFL tells us that we may have a lot of trouble understanding you. This will
definitely hurt your chances of admission.
3.3 Personal statement
It’s misleading that the personal statement is called a “personal” statement, since
what admission committees are really looking for is a research statement. What
admission committees want is a statement about what research you have done, what
research you hope to do, and why you like research.
Here’s a template if you need one:
i. First paragraph – Describe the general areas of research that interest you and
why. (This is helpful for a committee to determine which professors should
read your application.)
ii. Second paragraph, Third, and Fourth paragraphs Describe some research
projects that you worked on. What was the problem you were trying to
solve? Why was it important? What approaches did you try? What did you
learn? It’s fine to say that you were unable to fully solve your problem.
iii. Fifth paragraph Tell us why you feel you need a Ph.D.. Look back to
section 2 and explain what in there appealed to you.
iv. Sixth paragraph – Tell us why you want to come to CMU. Whom might you
like to work with? What papers have you looked at from CMU that you
enjoyed reading? Why is CMU the right place for you?
It’s important to realize that the research statement is not a commitment to do
research in that area. A third of all applicants end up working in an area different
from that which they described on their research statement.
Here are the common mistakes that many of our applicants make:
The grade regurgitator “In my high school, I was ranked Number 1.
Then I got a perfect score on my college entrance exams. Then I competed
in a statewide math competition and I was the best. Then I competed in a
national programming competition and I was 5th. In college, my GPA was
3.95 out of 4.0. For these reasons, I believe I will do well in your graduate
What’s wrong with this? This portion of the essay is a waste of space.
Awards are certainly relevant, however any award you won should be listed
on a separate piece of paper which is titled “Awards and Honors” and which
you can include with your application. There is no reason to tell us all this
in your essay. It will only piss-off the people reviewing your application be-
cause they already read all this information earlier in your application and
they now want to hear about research.
The boy genius “When I was born, my mother gave me a glass ball to play
with. I would lay and look at the prisms of light shining through my ball.
At age 3, my father brought home our first computer and I disassembled it
and then put it back together. It was then that I knew I wanted to become a
computer scientist. By age 5, I had taken apart every appliance in our house.
At age 6, I became a chess whiz ....
What’s wrong with this? We simply don’t care what you did as a child, and
we don’t believe you either. You’d be surprised how many applications from
Einstein-wanna-bes we get. If you really think this is relevant, put the im-
portant facts on a separate sheet of paper, and include it in your application.
It’s best if your essay can stick with stuff you did in college and later.
3.4 Previous Research Experience
As I’ve said earlier, to get into a top graduate school you need prior research ex-
perience. This is not necessarily true for schools below the top 10, or maybe even
the top 5. Note that prior research experience does not mean that you need to have
published a paper. It does not even mean that your research needs to have yielded a
result – results can sometimes take years. We just need to have confidence that you
know what doing research is like. At CMU we receive hundreds of applications
each year from 4.0 GPA students who have never done research. These are all put
into the high risk pile and are subsequently rejected.
So the question is, where can you get this research experience?
There are five places where you might get research experience:
i. As an undergraduate, you can do research with a professor. I did this. You
can even get course credit for this, and sometimes if you’re really lucky you
can get paid a little (e.g., during the summer).
ii. As an undergraduate, you can apply for a summer internship at a research lab
or another school. I did this. Type “summer internships for undergraduates”
into a browser, or type “REU” (research experiences for undergraduates),
and you’ll be amazed how many opportunities there are.
iii. After graduating, you can get a job, where sometimes you can do research
on the job. I did this.
iv. As an M.S. student, you will work on an M.S. project, which might involve
some research.
v. You can work alone or with a friend. Ask professors in your classes to tell
you about interesting open problems and new research (most professors en-
joy doing this). Ask them to tell you names of conference proceedings. For
example in my area (performance modeling of computer systems) a rele-
vant conference proceeding is Sigmetrics. Sit down and start reading these
proceedings. You will come across all sorts of interesting problems. Think
about how you can improve upon the solution proposed in the paper.
Since most of you reading this are probably undergraduates in your Junior
year, I will spend most of my time talking about option 1 above. Unfortunately,
convincing a professor to take you on for a research project is easier said than done.
I have therefore put together the following guide:
How to ask a professor to do research with him/her
i. Make a list of professors with whom you might want to work. Most profes-
sors have a web page with lots of papers and descriptions of their research.
Take your time and read these.
ii. Make a summary sheet about yourself. This is a one-page piece of paper
which you will be giving out. It should have the following information about
(a) Your photo. Professors can’t remember names, but they do remember
(b) Your name and contact info.
(c) Brief description of your research interests.
(d) Your availability are you looking for a full-time summer position, a
part-time fall position, both? How many hours can you devote to this
project? Are you looking for class credit?
(e) List of every class you took and your grade and the professor you took
it with (professors like to talk to each other about you).
(f) Relevant previous experience and skills.
iii. Talk with your undergraduate advisor – at CMU this is Tom Cortina – about
whether anyone has an open position for undergraduate research. Tom main-
tains many such lists.
iv. Pick a professor from your list. Go to his/her office hours or send email
to schedule an appointment (most professors prefer office hours). Explain
your situation and give your summary sheet. Be prepared for the following
questions which he may ask you:
(a) Do you have any ideas about what you might want to do research on?
(b) Which of my projects are you most interested in working on?
(c) Describe your math background.
(d) Describe your programming background.
With very high probability the professor will thank you for your interest, but
tell you that he isn’t taking on any undergraduates this term. This does not
mean that he hates you! Be brave! Try the next person on your list. You may
have to try this 10 times. Hang in there. If the professor does say yes, you
need to be prepared with your own list of questions:
(a) What is the goal of the project?
(b) What exactly will be my responsibilities?
(c) Whom will I work with? e.g., will you work directly with the profes-
sor, with one of his graduate students, with another undergraduate?
(d) What background material can I read to learn more about this project?
(e) What textbooks can I study to learn more about this research area?
If you can’t deal with rejection, there are other ways to get involved in research
with a professor:
i. Take a grad class with the professor.
ii. Get to know a grad student of the professor, and see if you can help the grad
student with something.
iii. Find out when the professor has weekly (or monthly) seminars or group
meetings and ask if you can attend those.
Warning for international applicants: The admissions committee needs to be
able to evaluate your research. If your publications appear in conferences/journals
which we are not familiar with and have no access to, then we cannot evaluate
the quality of your work. In my experience, this usually leads us to discount such
publications. If you don’t want this to happen, here are two things you should do:
i. Publish in internationally recognized conferences – ask your advisor.
ii. Create a web site that has links to all of your papers in English. Explain in
your application that all of your papers can be found on your web site.
3.5 Recommendations
Perhaps the most important part of your application is the letters of recommen-
dation. You will need 3 letters of recommendation for the Ph.D. program, and
typically 4 letters of recommendation for a fellowship.
3.5.1 Whom to ask for a letter
Ideally you would like to make all your letters of recommendation count. Consider
the following two letters:
i. Letter 1: “I highly recommend student X for your graduate program. Student
X received an A+ in my undergraduate algorithms class. He was ranked
Number 2 out of 100 students. He got the highest score on the final. He
worked very hard all semester, never missed a class, and was always able to
answer the questions that I asked in class. This conscientious attitude makes
him an excellent candidate for any graduate program.
ii. Letter 2: “I highly recommend student Y for your graduate program. Stu-
dent Y received a B in my undergraduate algorithms class. He was ranked
Number 29 out of 100 students. Halfway through the semester we started
working on network flows. Student Y seemed extremely excited by this
topic. He disappeared for 4 weeks and even missed an exam. However when
he came back, he showed me some work he had been doing on a new net-
work flow algorithm for high-degree graphs. He had done some simulations
and had some proofs. I’ve been working with student Y for the past couple
months since then and he is full of ideas for new algorithms. I think student
Y’s initiative makes him an excellent candidate for any graduate program.
Which letter do you think is stronger? It turns out that Letter 2 is very strong.
Letter 1 actually counts as 0. At CMU we mark all letters like letter 1 with the
acronym D.W.I.C.. This stands for “Did Well In Class” which counts for 0, since
we already know from the student’s transcript that he did well in class. By contrast,
student Y’s letter gives us a lot of information. It explains that the reason student
Y didn’t do better in class was that he was busy doing research. It also tells us that
student Y started doing research on his own initiative, and that he is quite good at
doing research. The professor was impressed enough with student Y’s ideas that
he took him on as a student researcher despite student Y not having high grades.
You want your letters to all be of type 2 (this doesn’t mean that you should
skip class!). Remember that letters of type 1 will not count. You want words like
self-motivated, strong research potential, own initiative, independent, and driven
to appear in your letters. These are the words that we circle when reading recom-
mendation letters. You therefore want to ask letters from people who have seen
you do research. These may be professors or employers.
One caveat: It makes a difference whom you ask for a letter. A letter counts
a lot more if the admissions committee knows the recommender. It also helps if
the recommender can compare you with current PhD students and other applicants
to graduate school. As a general rule of thumb, letters from professors count the
most. Next highest are letters from research scientists. After that come letters
from lecturers, systems scientists, employers, or postdocs. Please do not get a
letter from a graduate student. If you found yourself doing research where you
were supervised by a graduate student or postdoc, you should ask the professor for
whom they work if she can co-write the letter. The reason is simple: professors are
the ones reading the letter, and they are most likely to know other professors.
There is an issue for students who have been working for a while. You will
certainly want a letter from your employer, but you will also want two letters from
professors. This was an issue for me when I applied to graduate school. What I
did was to keep touch with a few professors during my time at work. When I was
ready to apply to graduate school, I contacted the professors who knew me well
and scheduled a meeting with them to discuss the research that I had done while I
worked. I gave them each an oral presentation. I also gave them each writeups of
each of my projects.
3.5.2 How to ask for a letter
Asking for a letter of recommendation won’t be a problem if you have been do-
ing research with this person, but that won’t be possible in every case. Here’s a
guideline which will maximize the contents of your letter. This works on the the-
ory that professors have very little time and little memory (both of which are good
i. Prepare a packet for each recommender. This packet should contain all the
relevant information about you that could help the recommender. Be careful
not to make the packet too large. Here’s what should be in it:
(a) Your statement of purpose.
(b) A summary of every research project you worked on and with whom,
regardless of whether this was at a school or research lab. If you have
published a paper, or have a technical report, please include that too.
(c) A sheet of paper listing all math/cs/engineering/science classes you
have taken with the names of professors and grades.
(d) A list of extracurricular activities and awards/competitions.
At the top of the packet should be:
(a) A recent photo of you professors receive many such packets and don’t
remember you the second after you leave the office.
(b) Directions. E.g., please send to this address by Jan. 5. Put an earlier
date than the real deadline – professors are notoriously late.
(c) Confirmation information: Please send me email at blank address after
you send this off. If I don’t hear from you by Jan. 5th, I will send you
an email reminder. (You need this confirmation information because
otherwise you’ll never know if the recommendation was sent and you’ll
be sitting around biting your nails wondering.)
ii. Go to your potential recommender with your packet and ask her the follow-
ing question: “Do you feel comfortable writing a strong letter of recommen-
dation for me to graduate school?” You need to phrase the question this way
so that the potential recommender has a way out. Do not be upset if the po-
tential recommender says no. It is good that she let you know. This is much
better than getting a weak letter.
iii. Check with the school to confirm that they have received a letter from each
of your recommenders.
iv. Remember to send your recommender a thank you card (or chocolate!). It’s
a lot of work to write a decent recommendation letter, and you may need
more letters in the future :-)
3.6 Awards and Extracurriculars
Often applications do not have sufficient space for listing awards you may have
received, or extracurricular activities which you participate in. Think about any-
thing relevant and include it on a separate sheet of paper, which you attach to your
application. A particularly relevant extracurricular activity which many people do,
but don’t think to note is tutoring or previous TA experience. A long history of
tutoring suggests that you are a good teacher, which is highly correlated with being
a good researcher as well.
3.7 How many schools should you apply to?
There is no rule about how many applications you should send out. People gen-
erally apply to 3 schools at their level, 2 schools above their level (you may get
lucky), and 1 or 2 schools below their level (you need a safety school). If you
are unsure about what your level is, find a student with a similar application to
yours and consider where he was accepted/rejected. You can also ask your rec-
ommenders to evaluate your application and tell you your approximate level. In
choosing a school, you may also want to consider schools which are very strong in
your particular area of interest, but possibly not as strong overall. Read Section 5
on how to choose a school.
4 Fellowship Information
4.1 Why you need to apply
Even before you decide which schools you want to apply to, you should pick out
which outside fellowships you are eligible for and apply to all of these. I myself ap-
plied to 5 outside fellowships. Many outside fellowships require a U.S. citizenship,
so not everyone is eligible. There are at least 4 reasons to apply for a fellowship:
i. If you are awarded the fellowship, it is an honor that will forever appear on
your cv.
ii. An outside fellowship typically pays for several years of graduate school.
This leaves you free to pick any advisor you want to work with and never
have to worry about whether this person has funding or not.
iii. Schools like applicants who write on their application that they’ve applied
for lots of fellowships.
iv. You’re a fool not to apply for at least a couple fellowships. If you’re good
enough to get into a top school, then youre good enough to get a fellowship.
Warning: The deadlines for fellowships are usually a month or two earlier
than the deadlines for graduate school.
4.2 List of fellowships
Below is a list of the fellowships that I am personally familiar with. Please check
the web for other fellowships:
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship This is the fellowship that everyone ap-
plies for. It pays for 3 years of your tuition and stipend. It is only available
to permanent residents or US citizens.
NDSEG Graduate Fellowship This fellowship pays for 3 years of your tuition
and stipend. It is only available to U.S. citizens.
Hertz Fellowship This fellowship pays for 5 years of your tuition and stipend.
It is only available to US citizens and permanent residents. The fellowship
has a pretty tough interview process. When I applied they asked me to write
the Taylor series expansion for some functions.
National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC) This fellowship pays for 6 years
of stipend. It was originally designed for women and minorities, but they
sometimes consider white males to be minorities. I believe that this fellow-
ship is only open to US citizens.
The above fellowships are all general fellowships that don’t put any restriction
on your studies. There are also specialty fellowships like DOE Computational
Science Fellowship or the DOE High-Performance Computer Science Fellowship
for students whose research emphasis is high-performance computing.
5 Choosing the right Ph.D. program for you
By March or earlier, you will have heard from all of the Ph.D. programs to which
you applied. If you haven’t heard, you should send email to the person in charge
of admissions. You will need to make a decision by April 15, which doesn’t give
you much time. During the next month and a half, most schools will have an Open
House, during which they invite accepted prospective Ph.D. students to visit the
school and meet with faculty and other students. Do not skip these visits. They
are a highly valuable source of information. Remember that you are choosing a
place where you will spend the next 6 years, and choosing faculty with whom you
will work for the next 6 years.
Below are just a few things to consider in the schools that you visit. You will
need to decide for yourself which things are most important to you.
i. Count the faculty in your chosen area of research. Now subtract all the ones
who are not actually present (their name appears on the web page, but they’re
actually at some other school). The number left are the resources you will
have to help you with your thesis research. Since half of all people end up
changing their research area, it’s a good idea to repeat this count for at least
two more areas that you might be interested in going into.
ii. Count the number of faculty whose research you feel really excited about.
Now subtract off the number who are not taking on students. What’s left is
the number of faculty whom you might be choosing from when you look for
an advisor.
iii. Try to assess the atmosphere within the department. Is the atmosphere com-
petitive or collaborative? Do people tend to mix areas (e.g., research combin-
ing systems and theory) or stick to one area. A lot of hints can be gleaned by
looking at the seating arrangements: Are areas separated by floor, or mixed
up? Are the students within an office all working in the same area, or are stu-
dents mixed up? Are the faculty offices separated in floors from the student
offices, or are faculty offices side-by-side with student offices.
iv. How are graduate students treated within your area? Perhaps the most im-
portant question here is: How frequently do the grad students in your area
meet with their advisors? Talk with students of professors with whom you
are considering working with. What do they work on? Are they excited by
their research? Is their advisor helpful? Do they like the other students?
Graduate students will reveal all!
v. How are graduate students treated by the department overall? What is the
equipment and office space given to students? Does the department have a
method for reviewing grad students and sending them progress reports every
semester (this is very important to get you through your Ph.D.). What is the
fraction of students who come in wanting a Ph.D. and actually leave with a
Ph.D., (not an M.S.)?
vi. How does funding work within the department? Are you restricted to choos-
ing an advisor who has funding? What happens if that advisor loses her
funding? Will you have to then become a teaching assistant?
vii. What are the hurdles associated with completing the Ph.D. degree? What are
the course requirements? What exams will you have to pass? What are the
teaching requirements?
viii. Pay some attention to what is outside the department. For example the De-
partment of Computer Science at CMU (which consists of about 66 faculty)
is contained within the School of Computer Science (which consists of over
200 faculty). The School of Computer Science comprises 7 individual de-
partments including the Computer Science department, the Robotics Insti-
tute, the Machine Learning department, the Human Computer Interaction
Institute, etc.
ix. Consider the overall ranking of department. This is important only because
it determines the average quality of your peers (the other graduate students).
Your peers are the people who will teach you the most in graduate school.
x. Lastly, keep in mind the cost of living. At almost every graduate school, you
can expect a stipend of around $2000 per month. In some cities, you will
live like a king off of this. In others you will be live like a church mouse.
This may not bother you at first, but it can grow old after 6 years.
6 Current 2014 Rankings of CS Ph.D. programs in the
I’m including the 2014 Rankings from the U.S. News & World Report for the top
40 CS PhD programs: (Ranking score is out of 5) Note that the top 4 schools in
this list have been fixed since the time I applied for graduate school, over 20 years
1. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 5.0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0
Stanford University (CA) 5.0
University of California -- Berkeley 5.0
5. University of Illinois -- Urbana-Champaign 4.6
6. Cornell University (NY) 4.6
University of Washington 4.5
8. Princeton University (NJ) 4.4
9. Georgia Institute of Technology 4.3
University of Texas -- Austin 4.3
11. California Institute of Technology 4.2
University of Wisconsin -- Madison 4.2
13. University of California -- Los Angeles 4.1
University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor 4.1
15. Columbia University -- 4.0
University of California -- San Diego 4.0
University of Maryland -- College Park 4.0
18. Harvard University (MA) 3.9
19. University of Pennsylvania 3.8
20. Brown University (RI) 3.7
Purdue University -- West Lafayette (IN) 3.7
Rice University (TX) 3.7
University of Southern California 3.7
Yale University (CT) 3.7
25. Duke University (NC) 3.6
University of Massachusetts -- Amherst 3.6
University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill 3.6
28. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.5
29. New York University 3.4
Penn State University -- University Park 3.4
University of California -- Irvine 3.4
University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities 3.4
University of Virginia 3.4
34. Northwestern University 3.3
Ohio State University 3.3
Rutgers State University -- New Brunswick (NJ) 3.3
University of California -- Davis 3.3
University of California -- Santa Barbara 3.3
University of Chicago 3.3
40. Dartmouth College 3.1
Stony Brook University -- SUNY 3.1
Texas A&M University -- College Station 3.1
University of Arizona 3.1
University of Colorado -- Boulder 3.1
University of Utah 3.1
Virginia Tech 3.1
Washington University in St. Louis 3.1
Take this ranking with a grain of salt. Ranking is based on people’s opinions.
Even very low ranked schools have some truly great professors and some very
famous professors. Also remember that a famous professor does not imply a great