MLA Format: First Page Revised: 8/2016
MLA Format, 8
Edition: First Page
When you write a paper in MLA format, remember to do the following:
Select a readable font (Times New Roman, Calibri) in an appropriate size (12 pt.).
Set one-inch margins on each side of the text (excluding the page header, which is discussed below).
Double-space your paper.
Use only one space after each period.
No title page is required for a paper written in MLA format. (Note: If your instructor requires a title page,
format it according to the instructions you’re given.)
The first page of a paper written in MLA format includes the following components:
Page header in the upper right-hand corner
Half an inch from the top of the page and flush with the right margin, type your last name, a space, and then
insert the page number.
Name and course information in left corner
One inch from the top of the page and flush with the left margin, type each of the following pieces of
information on separate, double-spaced lines:
Your first and last name
Your professor’s name
Your class’s name and number (e.g., ENGL 111)
Date of submission as DAY MONTH YEAR (remembering that all months get abbreviated
in MLA except May, June, and July)
Title of paper
On a new, double-spaced line, center your title even if it is longer than one line. Do not apply any styles to
the title; italicize only the parts you would italicize in the text.
Text of paper
Indent each new paragraph half an inch and double-space throughout.
Yankley 1
Josh Yankley
Dr. M. Garmo
CJ 381
21 Mar. 2015
Criminal Justice in Modern India
Double-space and begin the body of your paper here. Indent each paragraph one half of an
inch. Be aware that Microsoft Word for Office 2007 automatically adds an extra space between
paragraphs, so you should be sure to change that default.