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August 1, 2019
Assistant Director for Detention Management
Lead Compliance Inspector
The Nakamoto Group, Inc.
SUBJECT: Annual Detention Inspection of the Monroe County Jail
The Nakamoto Group, Inc. performed an annual inspection for compliance with the ICE Performance
Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS 2008; PBNDS 2011 SAAPI Standard) of the Monroe
County Jail in Key West, FL, during the period of July 30 - August 1, 2019. This is an IGSA facility.
The inspection was performed under the guidance of , Lead Compliance Inspector. Team
members were:
Subject Matter Field
Team Member
Detainee Rights
Medical Care
Medical Care
Type of Inspection
This is a scheduled annual inspection which is performed to determine overall compliance with the ICE
PBNDS 2008 for Over 72 hour facilities. The facility received a previous rating of Meets Standards
during the August 2018 inspection.
Inspection Summary
The Monroe County Jail is currently accredited by:
The American Correctional Association (ACA) - Yes
The National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) - Yes
The Joint Commission (TJC) - No
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) - No
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Standards Compliance
The following information is a summary of the standards that were reviewed and overall compliance that
was determined as a result of the 2018 and 2019 PBNDS 2008 annual compliance inspections:
2018 Annual Inspection
2019 Annual Inspection
Meets Standard
Meets Standard
Does Not Meet Standard
Does Not Meet Standard
Repeat Finding
Repeat Finding
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Facility Snapshot/Description
The Monroe County Jail is located in Key West, FL. The facility is owned by the Monroe County Public
Works and operated under the jurisdiction of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.
It currently houses adult male ICE and U.S. Marshal Service detainees and adult
male and female Monroe County inmates. All ICE detainees are classified as either medium or high
The facility, constructed in 1994, is a two-level structure on a stilted foundation due to the threat of
hurricanes and tide surges in the area. The compound is enclosed by a perimeter fence, which is patrolled
by an armed officer on an irregular schedule. The exterior doors of the building are alarmed and
controlled by main control personnel. The exterior walls of the building comprise the secure perimeter,
which is monitored by surveillance cameras observed by main control deputies. The 206-surveillance
camera network also monitors all housing units, common areas and movement corridors. All movement in
the facility is escorted.
It is configured into two tiers with 48
two bed cells on each level, except for one cell on the lower tier. It has been modified to accommodate
wheelchair access and contains only one bed. ICE detainees are under constant direct supervision in their
housing area. The special management unit consists of 32 two bed cells and six one bed cells. No ICE
detainees were housed in segregation status during the inspection. SMU detainees have their own outdoor
recreation area.
The ICE housing unit dayroom has two televisions and several fixed seat-table units where detainees eat
their meals and watch television or participate in table games or other social activities. The housing unit is
equipped with: six telephones; one informational kiosk where detainees can file requests/grievances, order
commissary, check their commissary account balance, review local handbook content and activity
schedules and menus; two video-visit stations; one ping-pong table; and various fixed homemade physical
exercise apparatuses. An outdoor recreation yard is connected to the housing unit where detainees are
permitted free and frequent access throughout the day. The law library for ICE detainees is also connected
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to the housing unit. It contains two LexisNexis computer work stations and is available daily upon
request, during waking hours. Sanitation throughout the facility was observed to be above average.
Each member of the inspection team made multiple visits to the ICE housing unit and interviewed
numerous detainees. Interviews were conducted during meal times, while detainees were participating in
board/card games, on the recreation yard and in their cells. Formal and informal interviews were
conducted in English and through the use of the language line for some of the LEP detainees.
Detainees voiced concerns regarding the taste and quantity of the food, all stating it was better at their
previous facility (all ICE detainee pass through Krome SPC before transfer into this facility). The safety
SME addressed the comments with the food service director who took note and stated the production of
meals adheres to recipe cards, which satisfies non-ICE detainees housed in the facility. The calorie count
at this facility is 2,600 calories a day. No further action was taken.
Two detainees stated they were dissatisfied with their health care. The medical SME reviewed the claims
with the health services administrator (HSA). The medical SME and the HSA reviewed each detainee’s
medical chart, which indicated both detainees have a history of treatment. Both detainees were seen again
and treated again for the same concerns they asserted during their previous visits. One detainee wanted a
different medication than he received, and the other detainee refused his medication. Their cases will be
monitored by the health services administrator.
Staff/detainee interaction was relaxed and normal. Facility employees are experienced and resolute in their
instructions. There was no discussion when detainees were asked to do anything, just compliance.
Detainees’ daily movements are orchestrated and orderly.
Health services are provided by WellPath LLC; food services and kiosk maintenance by Aramark
Corporation; building maintenance by Monroe County employees; and detainee telephone services by
ICSolutions. The facility does not charge ICE detainees co-pays for medical, mental health or dental care
Areas of Concern/Significant Observations
There were no areas of concern or significant observations.
Recommended Rating and Justification
The Lead Compliance Inspector recommends that the facility receive a rating of Meets Standards. The
facility complies with the ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS 2008; PBNDS
2011 SAAPI Standard). No (0) standards were found Does Not Meet Standard and three (3) standards
were Not Applicable (N/A). All remaining thirty-eight (38) standards were found in compliance.
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LCI Assurance Statement
The findings of compliance and non-compliance are accurately and completely documented on the G-324
Inspection Form and are supported by documentation in the inspection file. An out brief was conducted at
the facility and in addition to the entire Nakamoto Group, Inc. Inspection Team, the following were
ICE Officials (assigned to
Miami field office)
Facility Staff
Printed Name of LCI Date
, Lead Compliance Inspector
August 1, 2019