Swiss social insurance system:
Period of stay in Switzerland
and departure
Information for foreign nationals
A Important information on the Swiss social insurance system 4
1. How is Swiss old-age, survivors’ and disability insurance set up? 5
2. Key facts about the OASI/DI 6
3. Key facts about the occupational pension scheme (2
pillar) 8
4. What do I have to do if I change jobs? 9
5. What do I have to do if I stop working and stay in Switzerland
but am not yet entering retirement? 10
6. Which certificates and documents do I have to keep? 11
B What do I have to do to prepare for a permanent departure from
Switzerland, and what are my entitlements? 12
7. OASI/DI 13
7a. If a social security agreement is in place 13
7b. If no social security agreement is in place 15
8. The occupational pension scheme (2
pillar) 17
8a. How do I request a cash pay-out of the termination benefit? 17
8b. How can I receive 2
pillar benefits after leaving Switzerland? 18
8c. What happens to my termination benefit if I do nothing? 19
9. Drawing an accident insurance pensions 19
C What are my entitlements if I no longer live in Switzerland? 20
10. My entitlements under the OASI/DI 21
11. My entitlements under the occupational pension scheme (2
pillar) 23
D Appendix 24
Important Addresses 25
Possible claims upon and following departure from Switzerland 26
Glossary 28
1 These persons come
under the Treaty
on the Free Movement
of Persons signed
with EU or EFTA.
Cf. Leaflet No. 880
«Leaving Switzerland»
(on the Internet at
2 Cf. footnote 1.
What is the purpose of this brochure?
This brochure explains the basic elements of the Swiss social
insurance system, namely the Old-Age, Survivors’ and Disability
Insurance scheme (OASI /DI, 1
pillar) and the occupational
pension scheme (2
pillar). It is also intended to provide practical
guidance on these topics for persons preparing to leave
Switzerland permanently.
Who is this brochure for?
The brochure is for foreign nationals who live and/or work in
Switzerland or have done so in the past:
Persons with an annual residence permit or a permanent
residence permit (Permit B or C);
Asylum seekers, temporarily admitted aliens or persons in
need of protection (Permit N, F or S);
Recognised refugees or stateless persons;
Persons without legal residence, if they are gainfully employed.
However, the brochure is not intended for:
Citizens of EU or EFTA member states,
Recognised refugees or stateless persons who leave Switzer-
land for an EU or EFTA member state.
This brochure cannot, of course, address every individual case
and describes many aspects only in a very simplifed way.
Leaflets addressing specific questions are available at the com-
pensation offices or on the Internet. Furthermore, there
are specialized offices which provide reliable information. You
will find the addresses on page 25.
A Important information on
the Swiss social insurance system
1. How is Swiss old-age, survivors’ and
disability insurance set up?
Swiss old-age, survivors’ and disability insurance is divided into
two sectors:
the OASI/DI (1
pillar) is the basic insurance. It is compulsory
for all persons who live or work in Switzerland.
the occupational pension scheme (2
pillar) is an occupa-
tional insurance. It is compulsory for all those working in
Switzerland with an annual income of at least 21 150 francs
(as per 1.1.2018).
It is quite possible that you are insured under both insurance
schemes at the same time. Thus you can draw benefits from
both forms of insurance at the same time.
The OASI /DI and the occupational pension scheme are
compulsory and cover:
retirement (old-age pensions),
disability (disability pensions),
the death of the spouse or a parent (survivors’ pensions).
The OASI /DI and the occupational pension scheme are organized
differently and managed by different institutions:
The OASI /DI is run by compensation offices.
The occupational pension scheme is run by the pension fund
institutions (e.g. pension funds), which vary greatly in their
structures. All employers with employees subject to mandatory
insurance must be affiliated to a registered pension fund
2. Key facts about the OASI/DI
What does being insured mean for me personally?
Affiliation with the OASI /DI entails rights and obligations,
the main obligation being payment of contributions. These
generate benefits (e.g. pensions) when you enter retirement or
if you become disabled. In the event of your death, your
family members receive survivors’ pensions.
When am I insured?
All persons living or working in Switzerland, including children,
are insured.
When you become insured, you receive an OASI insurance
number. You must quote this number in all correspondence with
the compensation office. You will also find the number on your
health insurance card.
How do I pay the insurance?
As long as you are working, you must pay contributions.
The obligation to pay contributions does not commence before
1 January following your 17
birthday. If you are not gainfully
employed, you must pay contributions starting from 1 January
following your 20
birthday until, at the latest, the end of
the month in which you reach the legal retirement age (women:
64 years of age, men: 65 years of age).
If you are an employee, the contributions are equally split between
you and your employer. Your share is directly deducted from
your salary and credited, together with your employer’s share, to
your account with the compensation office.
If you are are self-employed or not gainfully employed, you must
pay the full contributions, at a minimum however the minimum
contribution, which is a fixed amount (478 francs per year, as per
1 January 2018).
Asylum seekers, temporarily admitted aliens and persons
in need of protection without a residence permit who are not
gainfully employed do not pay contributions until:
they have been recognised as refugees;
they have a permanent residence permit;
they have a claim to OASI/DI benefits
Contributions received by compensation offices are kept in
individual accounts.
If you are not gainfully employed, you must report to the compensation
office in your home canton. It is your responsibility; compensation
offices will not become active on their own initiative. You will find the address
on the Internet at
. Non-payment of contributions
may result in a reduction of benefits (e.g. of pensions).
How much is my contribution to the insurances
(OASI/DI and ALV/AC) if I am gainfully employed?
The amount corresponds to 6.225 per cent of your gross salary
(Exception: the rate is 5.625 per cent for portions of salaries over
148 200 francs).
Does my insurance cover my family members as well,
or do they have to be individually insured?
The OASI /DI is a personal insurance scheme. Your family
members are covered only if they meet the conditions them-
selves, i.e. if they either live in Switzerland or work here.
Where can I find further information?
You can find additional information at your compensation office
or on the Internet under
3. Key facts about the occupational
pension scheme (2
What does the being insured mean for me personally?
Affiliation to the occupational pension scheme entails rights and
obligations, the main obligation being the payment of contribu-
tions. These generate benefits (e.g. pensions) when you enter
retirement or if you become disabled. In the event of your death,
your family members or heirs may receive survivors’ pensions.
When am I covered?
All persons who are insured under the OASI/DI ( Section 2) and
whose earnings from a single employer amount to at least
21 150 francs annually (as per 1.1.2018) are insured. Persons with
multiple jobs who do not receive earnings of at least that amount
from any one employer, are not auto matically insured, even
if their total salaries amount to more. In such a case, voluntary
insurance is possible.
The insurance begins upon commencement of employment, but
no sooner than on one’s 18th birthday.
How do I pay for the insurance?
The contributions are split between you and your employer, who
pays at least half of the amount. Your share is directly deducted
from your salary and sent, together with your employer‘s share,
to the pension fund institution.
If you change employers, you will most likely change to the new
employers pension fund institution. The total amount of your
accu mulated capital (termination benefit) is transferred. The pre-
vious pension fund institution transfers the termination benefit
to the new pension fund institution. This capital must therefore
always remain in the pension fund institution of your current
employer. You cannot dispose of the money freely.
Withdrawal of the money is possible only under certain specific
How much is my contribution to the insurance scheme?
Each pension fund institution determines the amount of the con-
tribution itself, within the statutory limitations. The amount
of your contribution may therefore vary from one institution to
another. It also depends on your age.
Does my insurance cover my family members as well,
or do they have to be individually insured?
The 2
pillar is a personal insurance scheme. Your family
members subject to the obligatory insurance only if they are
themselves employed and earn at least 21 150 francs annually
(as per 1.1.2018).
Where can I find further information?
You can find additional information at your pension fund
institution. Your employer will give you the address.
4. What do I have to do if I change jobs?
For the OASI/DI:
Please give your new employer your OASI insurance number.
For the occupational pension scheme (2
You have to give the address of the pension fund institution of
your new employer to your previous employer’s pension fund
institution (you can obtain the address from your new employer)
so that the accumulated capital (termination benefit) can be
5. What do I have to do if I stop working and
stay in Switzerland but am not yet entering
Regarding the OASI/DI:
You have to report to the cantonal compensation office in your
canton of residence. You will find the address on the Internet
Regarding the occupational pension scheme (2
You cannot have the accumulated capital (termination benefit)
paid out to you in cash. You do have three options though:
1. The capital can be paid into a special blocked bank account
(vested benefits account).
2. The capital can be paid into a blocked insurance policy
(vested benefits policy).
3. You also have the option of leaving the capital in
the auxiliary fund.
Tell your pension fund institution which option you have chosen.
Information may be obtained from the pension fund institution
of your previous employer.
6. Which certificates and documents
do I have to keep?
Always keep all certificates and documents that you receive from any
social insurance office!
If you apply for social insurance benefits, it is possible that you
will be required to present certificates and documents. So please
keep the following:
The OASI insurance number.
Any extract from your OASI/DI individual account:
You can order a free extract from your account at any time by
writing to your compensation office.
Individual earnings statements: These are the documents
that you normally receive from your employer each month.
They show your salary and the relevant deductions. Thus you
can always prove that you were employed and for how long
and that contributions were deducted from your salary. This
may be useful if you apply for benefits or for reimbursement of
your OASI contributions ( Section 7b) and your records do not
match the OASI/DI records. You should also know the names
and addresses of all your employers.
Salary declarations serve the same purpose. These are the
documents issued by your employer for the tax authorities.
They are issued once a year and show the total amount of your
salary and deductions.
Benefit certificate from the 2
pillar: This shows the
amount of the benefits due when you retire or if you become
disabled or die. It also shows the amount of the termination
benefit and regulations regarding the contributions. You can
apply for the certificate from your pension fund institution at
any time.
Regulations of the pension fund institution: Each pension
fund institution has its own regulations. They contain the
general rights and obligations of the insured.
B What do I have to do to prepare
for a permanent departure
from Switzerland, and what are
my entitlements?
It is essential to prepare well for your departure. There are certain
points you must bear in mind to ensure that you do not encounter
problems in connection with obtaining your benefits. The OASI/
DI and the occupational pension scheme (2
pillar) are governed
by different sets of rules. The procedures you must follow are
therefore also different.
If you leave Switzerland without giving notice of your departure,
and remain for a period in a third country illegally, your depar-
ture from Switzerland will be difficult to prove. That can make it
difficult to request benefits from the insurance schemes.
We recommend that you verify your employer’s and your own personal
payments into your individual OASI/DI account before leaving Switzerland.
Write to your compensation office or visit Contacts and ask for
a free copy of your individual account (cite your OASI insurance number).
Before processing your claim, the insurance office will check
whether a social security agreement is in place between
your country and Switzerland. There are also special provisions
for recognised refugees or stateless persons.
7a. If a social security agreement is in place
Switzerland has concluded social security agreements
the following countries: Australia, Chile, China, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, India, Israel, Japan, Canada, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Philippines, San Marino, Serbia, South Korea,
Turkey, Uruguay and USA.
3 Cf. Leaflet No. 1.01
«Extract from the indi-
vidual account (IA)»,
published by the OASI/
DI Information Centre,
available at the com-
pensation office, at
the Federal Social Insu-
rance Office (FSIO) or
on the Internet under
4 There are also social
security agreements
with EU states (agree-
ments on the free
movement of persons)
and EFTA states
(EFTA Convention).
Cf. footnote
If you are a citizen of one of the above-mentioned countries,
the social security agreement applies when you leave Switzerland
for good. The same applies if you have been recognised as a
refugee or stateless person in Switzerland and settle in one of
these countries and are also recognised there.
Social security agreements mean that the pensions from the OASI /
DI are also paid abroad, as a rule.
For this reason, you cannot
generally apply for any reimbursement of your accumulated OASI
contributions ( Section 7b) when leaving Switzerland (special
provisions exist for Australian, Chilean, Chinese, Korean, Indian,
Philippine and Uruguayan nationals).
You can get more information about each social security agree-
ment from the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO).
You can ask your compensation office to calculate the expected
pension for you. There may be a fee for this.
If you have been drawing an OASI/DI pension in Switzerland,
the pension can, in principle, also be paid out abroad.
mentary benefits, in contrast, are generally not paid abroad.
Please keep the Swiss Compensation Office (SCO) in Geneva informed
of your address abroad at all times!
5/6 There are restrictions,
depending on the
7b. If no social security agreement is in place
OASI /DI pensions are not paid out to foreign nationals abroad.
You can, however, apply for reimbursement of your accumulated
OASI contributions.
Reimbursement is only possible if you:
have paid OASI /DI contributions for at least one full year;
leave Switzerland permanently. Your spouse and children
under 25 years of age also have to leave the country;
are not already receiving an OASI /DI pension.
Exception: Should you have received OASI or DI benefits and
no longer receive these after leaving Switzerland, you
may nevertheless apply for the reimbursement. OASI benefits
already received will be deducted from the total amount.
Please note:
Receiving the reimbursement means that you are no longer
entitled to any benefits from OASI /DI. Any OASI /DI payments
will stop.
Only employees’ and employers’ actual contributions to the
OASI are reim-bursed, without interest. Contributions paid for
you by social assistance authorities are not reimbursed.
DI contributions are not reimbursed.
If the reimbursable OASI contributions exceed a certain sum,
the amount is reduced.
In the event of your death, your spouse or your children
may also apply for reimbursement, if they would be eligible for
a survivor’s pension.
7 OASI contributions
amount to 8.4
of the gross salary
(employer’s and emp-
loyee’s contributions
8 Exception: children
18 years of age or
older who have com-
pleted their education
and training may
stay in Switzerland.
9 The so-called expecta-
tion of pension:
this corresponds to
the capitalized,
anticipated pension.
10 Children up to 18 years
of age, those still stu-
dying or in training up
to 25 years of age.
How do I apply for reimbursement of my OASI
You have to apply to your compensation office or to the Swiss
Compensation Office (SCO). For this purpose, please complete the
form application for reimbursement of OASI contributions
(«reimbursement request form»). This form is available at all com-
pensation offices or on the Internet (
forms/Forms/General-administration-forms) and must be submit-
ted together with the following documents:
OASI insurance number;
confirmation of your departure from Switzerland;
valid proof of nationality or a copy of the valid passport for
you and your spouse;
divorce decree, if applicable, indicating the date of entry into
legal force;
recognised refugees and stateless persons have to provide
proof of their status.
The address of your intended domicile abroad or confirmation
of your current address abroad. The confirmation must also
include your spouse and your children under 25.
Please note:
Married couples apply separately.
As a rule, reimbursement amounts are only paid out for
receipt in another country.
Payment may take several months.
Payments can only be effected into to your personal bank
account or to you personally.
8. The occupational pension scheme (2
If you are leaving Switzerland definitively and relocating to a
state outside of the EU/EFTA, you can choose whether to
apply for payment of your accumulated capital (termination
benefit); or
maintain the pension fund institution cover
(for the three
Section 5 «Regarding the occupational pension
scheme»). When you retire or if you become disabled you can
receive benefits (e.g. a pension). In the event of your death,
your family members or your heirs will receive a survivors pen-
sion if the necessary conditions are met.
Pensions and other benefits are paid abroad in accordance with
the regulations of the pension fund institution (e.g. pension fund).
8a. How do I request the cash pay-out of the
termination benefit?
You have to contact your last employer’s pension fund institution
(e.g. pension fund).
An application must be submitted to your last employer’s pension
fund institution. You can do this before leaving Switzerland.
Please ask your last employer for the necessary form. The form
indicates which documents you must enclose, which include:
Documents confirming that you intend to leave Switzerland
definitively or have already left the country (e.g. confirmation
from the commune of your notice of departure).
If you are married, your spouse has to submit his/her written
Once you have received the termination benefit, you cannot
request any further payments from the pension fund institution.
Thus you can no longer draw any pensions.
In most cases, the termination benefit is not paid out until after
the departure.
8b. How can I receive 2
pillar benefits after
leaving Switzerland?
You have to contact the pension fund institution (e.g. pension fund)
of your last employer or the vested benefits institution where you have
a vested benefits account or a vested benefits policy ( Section 5)
If you have not applied for a cash pay-out of the benefit
( Section 8a) you continue to be covered by the 2
pillar pen-
sion scheme. Please inform your pension fund institution in which
form you would like to maintain the pension scheme cover.
There are three options ( Section 5 «Regarding the occupa-
tional pension scheme»).
The previous pension fund institution can give you the necessary
All changes of address, also abroad, are to be reported to the
bank or insurance company where your capital is deposited.
8c. What happens to my termination benefit
if I do nothing?
Check to make sure that all termination benefits were transferred to the
new employer’s pension fund institution each time you changed jobs
in the past. If you are unsure whether this was done, make an enquiry at the
Pillar Central Office.
The pension fund institution of your last employer will transfer
termination benefit to the auxiliary fund no sooner than six
and no later than two years after you leave your job. An
application for payment must then be addressed to the auxiliary
By enquiring at the 2
Pillar Central Office, you can find out if
you still have any money in the auxiliary fund or in a pension
fund institution.
9. Drawing an accident insurance pensions
We recommend that you contact your employer’s accident insurance
company before leaving Switzerland if you had an accident in Switzer-
land covered by the compulsory accident insurance scheme.
If you are already receiving an accident insurance pension, this will
also be paid to you abroad.
20 20
C What are my entitlements if I
no longer live in Switzerland?
10. My entitlements under the OASI/DI
If you did not apply for reimbursement of your accumulated
OASI contributions before leaving Switzerland, you can also do
this from abroad ( Section 7b).
Please note:
Reimbursement is only possible if there is no social security
agreement in place with your country (except Australia, Chile,
China, India, Philippines, South Korea and Uruguay).
The entitlement to reimbursement expires 5 years after the
insurance contingency. After that point you cannot claim any
If there is a social security agreement
in place with your country
or with the country in which you reside as a recognised refugee
or stateless person ( list of countries Section 7a):
You will have a claim to a (partial) old-age pension on reaching
the Swiss retirement age;
You will have a claim to a (partial) disability pension in the event
of disability understood as such under Swiss law. Disability
pensions are only paid out abroad if the degree of disability is
at least 50 %;
Your qualified family members will have a claim to survivors’
benefits in the event of your death.
As a general rule:
If you were covered under OASI /DI for a short time only, either
you or your family members can receive a lump sum payment
corresponding to the value of a pension in lieu of a pension.
11 You can get informa-
tion about each
security agreement
from the Federal
Social Insurance Office
What do I have to do in order to receive a pension only if a
social security agreement is in place?
You have to apply for a pension yourself. The OASI /DI does not take
action automatically. You can apply for yourself only. If you are married
and your spouse was insured in Switzerland, he/she must apply for a pension
separately as soon as he/she is qualified.
OASI pensions:
If you live in your country of origin, please send your applica-
tion to the social security office in your place of residence;
If you live in another country, please send your application
directly to the Swiss Compensation Office (SCO) in Geneva.
DI pensions:
If you live in your country of origin, please send your applica-
tion to the social security office at your place of residence;
If you live in another country, please send your application
directly to the DI Office for Persons Insured Abroad in Geneva.
OASI /DI pensions or single lump sum payments will only be paid into a
personal bank account.
12 You can get the
address from
the Federal Social
Insurance Office
11. My entitlements under the occupational
pension scheme (2
If you did not apply for your accumulated capital (termination
benefit) to be paid out in cash before your departure, you can
also do this from abroad at any time ( Section 8a).
If you wish to maintain the pension scheme cover (for the
three options Section 5 «Regarding the occupational pension
scheme»), you will receive a (partial) pension or a lump sum
payment as defined defined in the the regulations of your
pension fund institution (e.g. pension fund) or in the contract
with a bank or insurance company:
on reaching the retirement age;
in the event of disability as defined by Swiss law;
in the event of your death, for your family members, if they
meet the requirements.
What do I have to do in order have the benefits paid
out to me?
You have to apply for your benefits yourself. The pension fund institution,
insurance company or bank will not take action on their own initiative.
Please submit an application to your pension fund institution,
insurance company or bank.
D Appendix
Important Addresses
Adresses, factsheets and forms
relating to AHV/IV at
Compensation offices:
The addresses of the compensation
offices are to be found at
Swiss Compensation Office (SCO):
Postfach 3100
1211 Genf 2
022 795 91 11
DI Office for Persons
Insured Abroad:
Postfach 3100
1211 Genf 2
022 795 91 11
Pillar Central Office:
LOB Guarantee Fund
Postfach 1023
3000 Bern 14
031 380 79 75
Federal Social Insurance
Ofce (FSIO):
Effingerstrasse 20
3003 Bern
058 462 90 11
Substitute Occupational
Benefit Institution
FZK vested benefits accounts
8036 Zürich
D 041 799 75 75
F 021 340 63 33
I 091 610 24 24
For questions regarding
special charge:
State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)
Quellenweg 6
3003 Bern-Wabern
058 463 36 39
Cantonal return counselling services:
You can obtain the addresses from
the aliens police or from the migration
office in your canton.
26 27
Possible claims
upon and
following departure
from Switzerland
from the OASI/DI
A social security
agreement is in place
with your country
( Sections 7a and 11)
No reimbursement
possible (except Australia,
China, Chile, India, the
Pilippines, South Korea
and Uruaguay)
Pension or lump sum
No social security
greement is in place
with your country
( Section 7b)
of the accumulated
OASI contributions
No insurance cover:
no benefit
Claims on
Claims on
retirement, disa-
bility and death
from the occupational pension scheme
Pension scheme cover is
ot wanted
( Section 8a)
Cash pay-out
of the termination
No pension scheme
over: no benefit
Pension scheme cover
s upheld
( Sections 8b and 12)
No cash pay-out
of the termination
benefit possible
Pension or lump
um payment
Auxiliary fund
The auxiliary fund of the Substitute Occu-
pational Benefit Institution is a special
pension scheme fund. If you leave your
job without instructing your employer’s
pension fund institution what to do with
the accumulated capital (termination
benefit), the fund will transfer the termi-
nation benefit to the auxilliary fund
within 2 years. This does not affect your
pension scheme cover.
These are all the payments a person
receives from an insurance. Benefits may
be received regularly; this is normally in
the form of a pension. Lump sum benefits
are only paid once (reimbursement of
the accumulated OASI contributions);
thereafter the beneficiary can make no
further insurance claims.
Compensation offices
These are the offices which administer
the OASI /DI. They collect the contributions,
calculate and pay the pensions. Each
canton has its own cantonal compensation
office and there are also compensation
offices for certain trade associations; you
will find the addresses on the Internet
A person is considered disabled when, due
to an illness or accident, he or she is no
longer able to work and the inability to
work will continue for a long period.
Individual OASI/DI account (IA)
These are accounts which compensation
offices manage for the insured. If you have
worked for several employers, you may
have an individual account at several com-
pensation ofces.
Insurance contingency
This is the moment when a person reaches
retirement age, becomes disabled or
dies, and thus insurance entitlements are
OASI/DI (Old-Age and Survivors‘
Insurance/Disability Insurance)
This is the basic State insurance for pen-
sions and other social security benefits in
Switzerland (1
OASI insurance number
The insurance number serves to identify
you within the insurance. You will find it
on the back of your health insurance card.
Occupational pension scheme
The occupational pension scheme covers
the same risks as the OASI /DI. It supple-
ments the OASI /DI and is compulsory for
all persons who are gainfully employed
and earn more than 21 150 francs annually
(as per 1.1.2018).
Pension fund institution
(for example pension funds)
Pension fund institutions administer the
occupational pension scheme. They
may take the form of a pension fund, an
insurance company or a bank. The pen-
sion fund institution collect contributions,
calculate and pay pensions. Your entire
accumulated capital in the occupational
pension scheme must always be held at a
single pension fund institution.
Pension scheme cover (in the 2
If you meet the conditions ( occupational
pension scheme), you are insured and
thus, in the event of an insurance contin-
gency you will receive benefits from the
pension fund institution. In order to main-
tain a good pension scheme cover, the
accumulated capital (termination benefit)
can only be paid out under certain condi-
tions (e.g. on departure from Switzerland).
Reimbursement of the accumulated
OASI contributions
Foreign nationals may claim reimbursement
of the accumulated OASI contributions
on leaving Switzerland if no social security
agreement is in place between Switzer-
land and their native country (except Aus-
tralia, Chile, China, India, the Philippines,
South Korea and Uruaguay).
Retirement / retired
Retirement age.
Retirement age
This is the age when a person retires and
can receive an old-age pension. In the
OASI it is 64 for women and 65 for men.
In the occupational pension scheme it
may be lower, depending on the particular
pension fund institution.
Social security agreement
These are international agreements
between countries which coordinate the
rights and obligations of their nationals in
the social security system.
In the event of your death, these are your
surviving family members (spouse,
children under 18 or children in education
until 25 years of age).
Swiss Compensation Office (SCO)
This office has the same function as the
compensation offices and is responsible
for all persons living abroad who were
insured under the OASI /DI.
Termination benefit
This is the amount (accumulated capital
or credit balance) available at the pension
fund institution when a person changes
jobs or stops working. When a person
changes jobs, the termination benefit is
transferred to the new employer’s pension
fund institution. A cash pay-out is possible
only in certain cases, for example on
departure from Switzerland.
Vested benefits account
This is a blocked account at a bank into
which the termination benefit may
be paid when gainful employment ends
before retirement.
Vested benefits policy
This is a blocked policy with an insurance
company into which the termination
benefit may be paid if gainful employment
ends before retirement.
Edition 2018
Publisher: State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), in cooperation with the Federal Social
Insurance Office (FSIO) Layout: Illustrations: Contact:
State Secretariat for Migration, Quellenweg 6, 3003 Bern-Wabern, 058 465 11 11,
Federal Social Insurance Office, Effingerstrasse 20, 3003 Bern,
Tel. 058 462 90 11, Distribution
BBL, Distribution of Publications,
No 420.001.eng
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Arabisch, arabe, arabo
Deutsch, allemand, tedesco
Englisch, anglais, inglese
Französisch, français, francese
Italienisch, italien, italiano
Portugiesisch, portugais, portoghese
Russisch, russe, russo
Ser-Kro-Bos, sr-hr-bs, ser-cro-bos
Spanisch, espagnol, spagnolo
Tamilisch, tamoul, tamil
Türkisch, turc, turco