Rules Amending Title 15
Hawaii Administrative Rules
1. Chapter 210 of Title 15, Hawaii
Administrative Rules, entitled "Rules, Regulations,
Charges, and Fees for Parks" is amended and compiled
to read as follows:
Subchapter 1 General Provisions
§15-210-1 Purpose
§15-210-2 Definitions
§15-210-3 Severability
[§15-210-3] §15-210-4 Enforcement
[§§15-210-4] §§15-210-5 to 15-210-12 (Reserved)
Subchapter 2 Use of [Public] Parks
§15-210-13 Park use
§15-210-14 Animals in [public] parks
§15-210-15 Closing of areas
§15-210-16 Abandoned property
§§15-210-17 to 15-210-25 (Reserved)
Subchapter 3 Commercial Activities
§15-210-26 Advertisements
§15-210-27 Business operations
§15-210-28 Commercial filming, photography,
and videotaping
§15-210-29 Permit for commercial activities
§15-210-30 General commercial use permit
§15-210-31 Commercial use permit fees
§15-210-32 Commercial use permit
cancellation, revocation, or
§15-210-33 Indemnification and hold harmless
§§15-210-34 to 15-210-45 (Reserved)
Subchapter 4 Permits and Fees for Use of Parks
§15-210-46 Permits
§15-210-47 Fees for use of facilities
§15-210-48 Fees for attendant or custodian
§15-210-49 Usage fee schedule
§§15-210-50 to 15-210-58 (Reserved)
§15-210-1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter
is to govern the use and protection of all parks under
the jurisdiction, management, and operation of the
Hawaii community development authority, providing
passive and active, cultural, educational and
commercial activities for the well-being of all who
visit the [area.] area including permitted park uses.
If any provision of these rules, regulations, charges,
and fees for parks or the application of such is held
to be invalid, the remaining portions of these rules
or the application of said portions shall not be
affected. [Eff 6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
§15-210-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter,
the following words and terms shall have the following
meanings unless otherwise provided:
"Abandoned property" means any [and all property,
including personal property, items, materials,
equipment, fixtures, motor vehicles, or vessels that
have been left unattended in the public parks for a
continuous period of twenty-four hours or more without
the written permission of the authority or the
authority's authorized representative. Anything
herein to the contrary notwithstanding, personal
property carried into the park and left after park
hours will be considered abandoned property;] personal
property that has been left in, at, or on any Hawaii
community development authority property that is
closed to the public, and/or the owner of the property
is not otherwise permitted to be on the premises. The
property of a person violating these rules and who is
required to leave any Hawaii community development
authority property shall be deemed abandoned;
"Admission fees" means a fee, charge, or
assessment levied on permittees for the privilege of
observing an event within the [public] parks;
"Agent of the authority" means a person, persons
or entity authorized by the Hawaii community
development authority to act on Hawaii community
development authority's behalf;
"Animals" means all animals wild and domestic;
"Authority" means the Hawaii community
development authority board established by section
206E-3, [HRS;] Hawaii Revised Statutes;
["Authority's authorized representative" means
any person authorized by the authority to act for the
authority including the executive director and agents
of the authority;]
"Camping" means the [possession of a backpack,
tents, blankets, tarpaulins, or other obvious camping
paraphernalia any time after park closure within the
public park;] use of camping items;
"Camping items" means structures of any kind
(except for permitted tents), sleeping bags,
mattresses, tarpaulins or tarpaulin like items, laid
directly on the ground which cover more than a
four-foot by four-foot area;
"Carts" means any wheeled unmotorized device used
for moving or carrying personal property which is
physically pushed or pulled;
"Commercial activity" means the use of or
activity in the [public] park for which compensation
is received by any person or entity for the sale of
goods or services or both rendered to customers or
participants in that use or activity. Display of
merchandise, demanding or requesting gifts, money, or
services shall be considered a commercial activity.
Commercial activities include activities whose base of
operations are outside the boundaries of the park, [or
provide transportation to or from the parks;] and for
which transportation to and from the park is provided;
"Compensation" includes, but is not limited to,
monetary fees, barter, or services in-kind;
"Disposal" means the process listed herein for
dealing with abandoned property;
"Executive director" means the executive director
[of] appointed by the authority;
"HCDA" means the Hawaii community development
authority, the executive director, the executive
director's staff this includes current officers,
directors, board members, employees, representatives
and authorized agents, or such authority's successor
in interest established by section 206E-3, Hawaii
Revised Statutes;
"HCDA property" means real property owned and
managed by the HCDA and not leased to another entity
within the Kakaako community development district.
Such real property includes, but is not limited to,
parks, park roadways, parking lots, beaches and beach
rights-of-way. HCDA property also includes
improvements made by the HCDA or the agent of the
authority. HCDA property is not limited to real
"HRS" means the Hawaii Revised Statutes;
"Kakaako makai gateway park facility" means the
landscaped, and other areas of the facility which is
HCDA property as outlined in the makai area plan;
"Kakaako mauka gateway park facility" means the
landscaped, and other areas of the facility which is
HCDA property as outlined in the makai area plan;
"Kakaako waterfront park facility" means the
stage, bleachers, stands, parking [lot,] lots,
landscaped, and other areas of the facility which is
HCDA property as outlined in the [park] makai area
"Kewalo basin park facility" means the parking
lots, landscaped, and other areas of the facility
which is HCDA property as outlined in the makai area
"Kolowalu makai park facility" is the park
formally known as Queen park and means the landscaped,
and other areas of the facility which is HCDA property
as outlined in the mauka area plan. Queen park was
traversed Queen Street prior to being known as
Kolowalu makai and mauka parks;
"Kolowalu mauka park facility" is the park
formally known as Queen park and means the landscaped,
and other areas of the facility which is HCDA property
as outlined in the mauka area plan. Queen park was
traversed Queen Street prior to being known as
Kolowalu makai and mauka parks;
"Law enforcement officer(s)" means any federal,
state or county employee with law enforcement powers;
"Mother waldron playground" means the basketball
and volleyball courts, play equipment, landscaped, and
other areas of the facility which is HCDA property as
outlined in the mauka area plan;
"Motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle of any
type, including, but not limited to, automobiles,
trucks, go-carts, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds,
[and dune buggies] dune buggies, golf carts,
all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), segways, hoverboards, or
any other vehicles which are mechanically propelled
regardless of whether the vehicle is required by the
State or any county to be licensed;
"Nude" means uncovered post-pubertal human
genitals, pubic areas, or [the nipple or areola of
post-pubertal human female breasts;] any portion of
the female breast below the top of the areola;
"Park" means any park, park roadway, parking lot,
playground, athletic field, beach, beach right-of-way,
court, swimming area, or other area that serves as
recreation area or facility under the control,
maintenance, and management of the authority and
designated as park in the Kakaako community
development district mauka and makai area plans. The
authority may from time to time exclude portions or
areas that are designated as park from this definition
for the purpose of maintenance, design, development or
for the purpose of lease or permit to third parties;
"Parking lot" means the area designated for the
parking of vehicles within the [public] park;
"Permissible animals" means common domestic
household pets which includes animals such as
domesticated cats, dogs, mice, rats, rabbits, guinea
pigs, fish, and birds, but excludes animals which are
considered livestock, including, but not limited to,
chickens, horses, cattle, sheep, or pigs;
"Permitted tents" means a tent used to provide
shade which is not fully enclosed. The addition of a
side wall is allowed if it results in an enclosure of
less than fifty per cent (i.e., pop up tents);
"Permittee" means the promoter, sponsor,
exhibitor, league, or other person who obtains a
permit for the purpose of conducting a special event
at a [public] park;
"Personal property" means property of any kind or
nature, including but not limited to clothing,
personal care items such as personal hygiene products
and medicines, household items, materials, containers,
cardboard, camping items, furniture, equipment,
fixtures, bicycles or mopeds or motorcycles as defined
in section 291C-1, HRS;
"Picnic" means an outing with food or
refreshments provided by members of a group and eaten
in the [open;] open and may include games, music or
other activities for the enjoyment of members;
"Play apparatus" means equipment installed in the
park by the HCDA or with HCDA's express written
permission, specifically designed for recreation and
play such as swings and slides or other equipment so
designated by these rules or sign;
"Premises" means any park land under the control,
maintenance, and management of the [authority] HCDA
including, but not limited to, the Kewalo basin park,
Kakaako mauka gateway park, Kakaako makai gateway
park, [and the] Kakaako waterfront [park;] park,
Kolowalu mauka park and Kolowalu makai park;
["Public park" means any park, park roadway,
parking lot, playground, athletic field, beach, beach
right-of-way, court, swimming area, or other
unencumbered public land that serves as recreation
area or facility under the control, maintenance, and
management of the authority and designated as park in
the Kakaako community development district mauka and
makai area plans. The authority may from time to time
exclude portions or areas that are designated as park
from this definition for the purpose of maintenance,
design, development or for the purpose of lease or
permit to third parties; and]
"Soliciting" means engaging in unpermitted
commercial activities;
"Storing" means to put aside or accumulate, to
place or leave in a location;
"Structure" means any shelter built with
construction or other materials which can include
parts of a tent; and
"Vehicle" means every device in, upon, or by
which any person or property is or may be transported
or drawn upon a roadway or highway, [including mopeds,
but excluding bicycles and other devices moved by
human power.] but excluding bicycles. [Eff 6/11/05;
am and comp 5/25/07, am and comp ] (Auth:
HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §§206E-2, 206E-4)
§15-210-3 Severability. These rules shall be
liberally construed to protect and preserve the
health, safety, and general welfare within the Kakaako
community development district. Should any provision
of the rules be held to be unconstitutional or
invalid, such holding shall not be construed as
affecting the validity of any of the remaining
provisions. [Eff ] (Auth: HRS
§§206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§206E-4, 206E-5,
[§15-210-3] §15-210-4 Enforcement. (a)
Citations. [Police officers and any other officer
authorized shall] Law enforcement officer(s) and any
other person authorized by the HCDA shall have the
power(s) to issue a citation for any violation of the
provisions of this chapter:
(1) [There shall be provided for use by
authorized police officers, a form of
citation for use in citing violators of this
chapter for instances which do not mandate
the physical arrest of the violators. The
form and content of the citation shall be
adopted or prescribed by the administrative
judge of the district court and shall be
printed on a form commensurate with the form
of other citations used in modern methods of
arrest, so designed to include all necessary
information to make the same valid within
the laws and rules of the State of Hawaii
and the city and county of Honolulu;] Law
enforcement officer(s) may use a form of
citation that is authorized for use for
violations of Hawaii Administrative Rules,
ordinances, or HRS;
(2) In every case when a citation is issued, a
copy of the same shall be given to the
violator, or in the case of a parking,
standing, or stopping violation, a copy of
the same shall be affixed to the vehicle, as
provided in paragraph (5);
(3) Every citation shall be consecutively
numbered and each carbon copy shall bear the
number of its respective original;
(4) Whenever a motor vehicle is in violation of
any provision, other than a parking,
standing, or stopping provision, of this
section, any [police officer and any other
officer] law enforcement officer and any
other person so authorized shall take the
name, address, and driver's license number
of the alleged violator and the license
plate number of the vehicle or vehicle
identification number of the motor vehicle
involved, and shall issue to the alleged
violator in writing a citation, notifying
the alleged violator to answer to the
[complaint to be entered against the person
at a place and at a time provided in the
citation;] citation in writing at the
address provided and by the date listed; and
(5) Whenever any motor vehicle is parked,
standing, or stopped in violation of this
section, the [police officer and any other
officer] law enforcement officer and any
other person so authorized finding the
vehicle shall conspicuously affix to the
vehicle a citation. The citation shall be
addressed to the registered owner of the
vehicle, but need not identify the
registered owner by name, so long as the
citation identifies the vehicle by its
license plate number or vehicle
identification number. The citation shall
instruct the registered owner to answer to
the [charge against the registered owner at
a time and place specified in the citation.]
citation in writing at the address provided
and by the date listed. The registered
owner of a vehicle shall be responsible and
accountable for the illegal parking,
standing, or stopping of the vehicle when:
(A) The registered owner committed the
illegal parking, standing, or stopping
of the vehicle; or
(B) Another person committed the illegal
parking, standing, or stopping of the
vehicle, but the registered owner gave
the person explicit or implicit
permission to use the vehicle at the
time of the violation.
In any proceeding for violation of a
parking, standing, or stopping provision of
this section, the license plate number or
vehicle identification number of the parked,
standing, or stopped vehicle shall
constitute prima facie evidence that the
registered owner of the vehicle was
responsible and accountable for the illegal
parking, standing, or stopping of the
[vehicle; or] vehicle.
[(6) If a person cited for violating any
provision under this section does not appear
in response to a citation, a penal summons
shall be issued ordering the person's
appearance in court.
(b) Police officers and any other officer so
authorized may arrest in situations where:
(1) The alleged violator refuses to provide the
officer with the person's name and address
and any proof thereof as may be reasonably
available to the alleged violator;
(2) When the alleged violator refuses to cease
the person's illegal activity after being
issued a citation; or
(3) The alleged violator has previously been
issued a citation for the same offense
within a one-year period.] (b) Removed
(1) Complaint resolution may be initiated by
persons claiming ownership or entitlement to
vehicle towed under these rules by
contacting the HCDA at (808) 594-0300; and
(2) Any persons claiming ownership of the towed
vehicle under these rules who wishes to
pursue a contested case hearing shall file a
request within fifteen calendar days of the
vehicle being towed for which the contested
case hearing is sought pursuant to section
15-219-45 et seq.
(c) Severability. If any section, subsection,
sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this section
is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by
any court of competent jurisdiction, the portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent
provision and the holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions hereof.
(d) Penalty. [Except as otherwise provided in
subsection (a)(1) through (a)(4), any person convicted
of a violation of any section or provision of this
section shall be punished by a fine of not more than
$500 or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days,
or by both the fine and imprisonment; provided
however, any person who violates or causes a vehicle
to violate the provisions of the following sections
shall be fined not less than $25 but not more than
(1) §15-210-13(a)(11);
(2) §15-210-13(a)(14);
(3) §15-210-13(b)(5); or
(4) §15-210-13(f).]
Any person cited for a violation of any section or
provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine
of $50 for first time offense, $100 for second or
third time offenses, and $500 for repeated offense
beyond the third offense.
(e) Trespass. Any person(s) cited for repeated
violation of any provisions of this chapter may be
prohibited from use of the parks for a period of one
[(e)] (f) Injunction. The authority may maintain
an action for an injunction to restrain any violation
of this chapter and may take lawful action to prevent
or remedy any violation. [Eff 6/11/05; am and comp
5/25/07, am and ren §15-210-3, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
[§§15-210-4] §§15-210-5 to 15-210-12 (Reserved)
§15-210-13 Park use. (a) Within the limits of
any [public] park, it is unlawful for any person to:
(1) Wilfully or intentionally destroy, damage,
or injure any property;
(2) Climb onto any tree, except those designated
by signage for climbing, or to climb onto
any wall, fence, shelter, building, statue,
monument, or other structure, excluding play
[apparatus;] apparatus which is a part of
the park;
(3) Swim, bathe, wade in, or pollute the water
of any ornamental pool or fountain;
(4) Kindle, build, maintain, or use any fire,
other than [in a grill or brazier;] in a
HCDA designated barbeque pit;
(5) Annoy, molest, kill, wound, chase, shoot,
launch or throw projectiles or missiles at
any animal or bird;
(6) Distribute, post, or place any commercial
handbill or circular, notice, or other
advertising device or matter, except as
permitted by the terms of any agreement
relating to the use of park property;
(7) Use any surfboard or devices or materials
with jagged or rough ends and edges, which
are dangerous to surfers, swimmers, or
(8) [Construct] Construct, repair, or fabricate
(9) Permit any animal to enter and remain within
the confines of any [public] park area
except as otherwise provided in this chapter
or authorized by permits issued by the
authority or the [authority's authorized
representative;] agent of the authority;
(10) Feed any animal or bird [when signs are
posted prohibiting the feeding unless
authorized by a permit issued by the
authority or the authority's authorized
representative;] unless authorized by a
permit issued by the authority or the agent
of the authority;
(11) Wash, polish, or repair cars or other
(12) Enter or remain in any [public] park during
the posted hours that the park is [closed,
provided that public notice of closure is
made;] closed;
(13) [Camp at any park not designated as a
campground;] Camp at any parks or create a
camp site;
(14) Park any vehicle in the parking lot except
while its passengers are within the [public]
(15) Appear nude within the [public] park;
(16) Defecate or urinate other than in public
(17) Dispose of any trash other than in
designated rubbish bins;
(18) [Launder clothes or wash any article of
household use in barbecue areas, drinking
fountains, irrigation systems, or
restrooms;] Use any type of detergent or
soap to launder clothes or wash any personal
property within the park;
(19) Hang or lay more than one article of
clothing or [household use] personal
property to dry anywhere in the park; [or]
(20) Park vehicles outside of marked parking
[stalls.] stalls;
(21) Operate any vehicle within the park,
excluding the parking lot, unless authorized
by the authority or the agent of the
(22) Use skates, skateboards, hoverboards,
segways, scooters, or other similar items;
(23) Use inflatable bouncers or other similar
(24) Insert stakes or spikes of any length into
the grounds;
(25) Smoking of cigarettes, cigars, etc. or
utilizing e-cigs, e-cigarettes, vapor
cigarettes or similar devices;
(26) Personal use of fireworks of any type; or
(27) Access water from any source within the park
other than a park comfort station or park
(b) Except as authorized by permits, and subject
to the terms and conditions imposed by the authority,
it is unlawful for any person, within the limits of
any [public] park, to:
(1) Cut or remove any wood, plant, grass, soil,
rock, sand, or gravel;
(2) Sell or offer for sale any services,
merchandise, article, or thing, whatsoever;
(3) Moor, tie up, store, repair, or condition
any boat, canoe, raft, or other vessel;
(4) Repair or [condition] recondition any
(5) Operate a motorized scooter, motorized
vehicle, or other motorized recreational
equipment that is not regulated and licensed
by the city and county of Honolulu;
(6) Enter the [public park with a shopping cart
or park any shopping cart or vehicle on
grassed areas;] park with a cart with items
in the cart stacked, piled, or placed
exceeding a height of three feet;
(7) Amplify music or use battery-operated
loudspeakers (bullhorns);
(8) Ride or drive any horse or any other animal;
(9) Access electricity from any source within
the park;
[(9)] (10) Kindle, build, or maintain any
campfire, fire torch, or fire knife;
[(10)] (11) Serve, sell, or consume alcoholic
[(11)] (12) Engage in or conduct any activity which
creates any sound, noise, or music exceeding
80 dBA sound pressure level taken at a point
ten feet in front of the source for a
cumulative time period of at least five
minutes when measured with a calibrated
American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
Type I or Type II sound level meter with
weighting set at "A" and response set at
"slow" except any activity which is
sponsored by the authority;
[(12) Use anchors, stakes, or any ground
penetration for any purpose; or]
(13) Placement of anchors, stakes, or any ground
penetrating item for any purpose;
(14) Bring wading pools, dunking tanks,
inflatable pools, or portable hot [tubs.]
(15) Burning or lighting of firecrackers or
fireworks display in the parks;
(16) Placement of any structures;
(17) Holding any gathering with more than fifty
people in attendance;
(18) Digging holes; or
(19) Access water from any backflow preventer or
tamper with any backflow preventer and/or
irrigation system.
(c) Within the limits of any [public] park, it
is [unlawful] a violation of these rules for any
person, wherever signs are posted prohibiting the
activities, to:
(1) Throw, cast, catch, kick, or strike any
baseball, tennis ball, football, basketball,
croquet ball, or other object;
(2) Ride upon roller skates, roller blades,
skate boards, scooters, wheelies, [or
bicycles; or] hoverboards, segways, or other
wheeled devices;
(3) Engage in kite [flying.] flying;
(4) Engage in drone flying; or
(5) Ride bicycles anywhere except on designated
paths or areas.
(d) Except in park areas specifically designated
for the purposes, it is unlawful for any person to:
(1) Throw, cast, roll, or strike any bowling
ball or golf ball;
(2) Engage in model [airplane] airplane, or
drone flying;
(3) Engage in model boat sailing;
(4) Engage in model car, truck, or motorcycle
(5) Discharge firearms for target practice only;
(6) Engage in archery for target practice and
tournament only; [or]
(7) Launch model [rockets.] rockets; or
(8) Allow any domestic household pet to be off
leash at any time.
(e) In addition to the requirements of
subsection (b), the repair or [conditioning]
reconditioning of any surfboard shall be performed
only by a concessionaire of the authority who has a
surfboard concession. The repair work shall be
conducted only in an enclosed building or structure,
approved by the authority, the Honolulu county
department of planning and permitting, and the state
department of health. The terms and conditions to be
imposed by the authority shall include, together with
the requirements necessary to safeguard the health and
safety of the public, the securing of adequate
insurance to protect the State from any liability
resulting from the repair work.
(f) Within the limits of any [public] park, it
is unlawful for any person, where signs are posted
prohibiting or restricting the activities, to operate,
park, or stand a motor vehicle in violation of the
prohibitions or restrictions. The signs may impose
any prohibition or restriction upon the operation,
parking, or standing of motor vehicles which the
executive director shall determine will maximize the
enjoyment and use of any park by park users. The
restrictions may include the installation of parking
meters or parking toll booths in [public] parks. [Eff
6/11/05; am and comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
§15-210-14 Animals in [public] parks.
(a) [Persons may bring animals into public] Adult
persons may bring permissible animals into parks as
provided in this section or in accordance with any
other rules adopted by the authority pursuant to
chapter 91, HRS. [For purposes of this section,
"common domestic household pets" includes animals such
as domesticated cats, dogs, mice, rats, rabbits,
guinea pigs, fish, and birds, but excludes animals
which are considered livestock, including, but not
limited to, horses, cattle, sheep, or pigs.]
(b) Permissible animals in the parks shall be
constantly supervised by a legally responsible person.
(c) All permissible animals in the parks shall
be leashed or crated and under the control of a
legally responsible person.
(d) Permissible animals shall not be left
unattended in the parks even if the permissible animal
is leashed or crated.
(e) Animals which are not permissible animals
are not allowed in the parks.
[(b)] (f) The executive director is authorized to
designate areas in [public] parks for use by persons
having custody and control of [common domestic
household pets on a leash.] leash-free common domestic
household pets. In designating parks or areas therein
for [leashed] leash-free common domestic household
pets, commonly known as "bark parks", the executive
director shall consider the park's size, location, and
frequency of use by members of the public, as well as
the primary actual or designed use of each park or
area included in the designation. The executive
director shall post signs that notify the public of
the designation that describe or map the park or park
areas so designated. Signs for areas for [leashed]
leash-free common domestic household pets shall
further display the applicable requirements in
subsection (c).
[(c)] (g) Persons bringing [permitted]
permissible animals into [public] parks shall be held
responsible for the sanitary use of the park, the
protection of shrubbery, trees, turf, and other
property, and the safety, health, and welfare of all
park users, as well as the following specific
responsibilities associated with bringing common
domestic household pets into a [public] park:
(1) [The] Except in designated leash-free areas,
the person having custody and control of the
common domestic household pets [to] shall
restrain the common domestic household pets
at all times on a leash, cord, chain, or
other similar means of physical restraint of
not more than eight feet in length;
(2) All common domestic household pets [in the
park or park areas designated for leashed
common domestic household pets to] shall
display a valid license tag attached to the
common domestic household pet's collar;
(3) The person having custody and control of the
common domestic household pets [to] shall be
eighteen years of age or older; and
(4) The person having custody and control of the
common domestic household pets [to] shall
carry equipment for the removal and disposal
of the common domestic household pets' feces
and [to] shall clean up and dispose of feces
left by the common domestic household pets.
[Eff 6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4)
(Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-15 Closing of areas. (a) The visiting
hours for the parks shall be as noted on officially
posted park hour signs. All persons shall observe and
abide by the officially posted signs designating
closed areas and visiting hours.
(b) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative may establish a reasonable schedule]
agent of the authority may establish other reasonable
schedules of visiting hours for all or portions of the
premises and close or restrict the public use of all
or any portions thereof, when necessary for the
maintenance or protection of the area or the safety
and welfare of persons or [property, by the posting of
appropriate signs indicating the extent and scope of
closure.] property. Signs may be posted by the HCDA
or the agent of the authority to provide notice of the
change in park visiting hours or the closure of
specified areas. All persons shall observe and abide
by the [officially] HCDA approved posted signs
designating closed areas and visiting hours.
[(b)] (c) Vehicles left unattended in closed
areas may be impounded by the authority or the
authority's authorized representative at any time.
[(c)] (d) All impounded vehicles shall be towed
to a place of storage. Towing, storage, and other
related costs shall be assessed pursuant to section
290-11, HRS. [Eff 6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
§§206E-4, 290-11)
§15-210-16 Abandoned property. [Abandoned
property is subject to removal at the owner's
expense.] (a) Prohibition.
(1) Abandoned property is prohibited and may be
removed by the HCDA; and
(2) Moving abandoned property to another
location on HCDA property and "left in, at,
or on any HCDA property" is within the
meaning of the "abandoned property"
(b) Disposal, removal, notice and storage
procedures for abandoned property.
(1) Immediate disposal. The HCDA may dispose of
immediately, in any manner without notice,
verbal or written, abandoned property:
(A) Of a perishable nature, including but
not limited to items that require
(B) Posing a threat to the health, safety,
or welfare of the public, including but
not limited to property containing
flammable or otherwise hazardous
chemicals, or similarly dangerous items
that, if stored, could cause fire,
explosion, identifiable disease;
(C) Deemed to be inappropriate for storage
for health and safety reasons by the
HCDA, including but not limited to
property that is wet, soiled, dirty,
sharp, odorous, contaminated by mold or
infested with insects, roaches, or bed
bugs; or
(D) Where the apparent owner of the
property requests or permits such
(2) If the apparent owner is present at the time
that the HCDA is removing the property, the
owner will be provided a reasonable
opportunity to remove the property from HCDA
property; and
(3) The HCDA shall photograph, video, and/or
describe in writing any abandoned property
immediately disposed of pursuant to this
section and shall maintain a record of the
approximate location, date and method of
disposal of such abandoned property.
(c) Removal and storage. The HCDA may remove
and store abandoned property that:
(1) Interferes with the orderly management of
HCDA property;
(2) Remains in a park after park closure hours;
(3) Where the apparent owner of the property
requests or permits such removal:
(A) If the apparent owner is present at the
time that the HCDA is removing the
property, the owner will be provided an
opportunity to remove the property from
HCDA property;
(B) The HCDA shall photograph, video and/or
describe in writing any abandoned
property removed pursuant to this
section and shall maintain a record of
the approximate location, date and
method of disposal of such abandoned
property; and
(C) Any removed abandoned property shall be
stored for at least forty-five calendar
days prior to it being disposed.
(d) Exclusion from enforcement area.
(1) Members of the public may be excluded from
the area within which the abandoned property
is being removed by the HCDA; the exclusion
area may extend up to ten feet from any
property to be removed; and
(2) A person claiming ownership of the abandoned
property shall be permitted to enter the
exclusion area for purposes of removing that
property so that the property will not be
removed by the HCDA; provided, however, that
moving abandoned property from HCDA property
to another location within the same HCDA
property, or to another HCDA property shall
not be considered removal from HCDA
property, and that the removal is done
within forty-five minutes after the initial
notice of removal is given.
(e) Notice. Notice after removal of abandoned
(1) If physically feasible, a written notice
shall also be left in the area/location from
where the abandoned property was removed,
and be prominently and conspicuously posted
for at least three consecutive calendar days
following removal of the abandoned property.
The notice may be collected by the HCDA
after three days have elapsed. This does
not require the HCDA to ensure that the
notice is in place seventy-two consecutive
hours but requires only inspection at the
end of the three-day period;
(2) Written notice shall also be posted on
HCDA's internet website for three
consecutive days;
(3) The written notice shall apprise the owner
of the abandoned property of the description
and location of the removed property and of
the intent of the HCDA to sell, donate, or
otherwise dispose of the property if not
claimed within forty-five calendar days
after removal. The notice shall also
(A) Date and time the abandoned property
was taken;
(B) Date and time the written notice was
originally posted; and
(C) Contact information for the owner of
the abandoned property to use if the
person desires to reclaim the abandoned
property and the time and location at
which the owner needs to reclaim the
abandoned property; and
(4) To the extent possible based on information
known to the HCDA, an additional written
notice shall also be mailed to the person
whose property was removed, at that person's
last known mailing address.
(f) Claiming of abandoned property.
(1) The owner or any other person entitled to
the stored abandoned property may claim the
property prior to its disposal upon
submitting to the HCDA satisfactory proof of
ownership or entitlement and payment of all
unpaid rent, debts, and charges owing and
all handling, storage, appraisal,
advertising, and other expenses incurred by
the HCDA in connection with the proposed
disposal of the stored abandoned property;
(2) Such amounts may be waived by the HCDA upon
satisfactory showing of inability to pay;
(3) A dispute between the owner or other person
entitled to the stored abandoned property
who claimed the property, and another party
shall not constitute a dispute to which the
State of Hawaii or the HCDA is a party, and
there is no right of action against the
State of Hawaii or the HCDA. The State of
Hawaii and may not be interpleaded in any
judicial or administrative proceeding
involving such a dispute.
(g) Disposal.
(1) If any stored abandoned property is not
claimed in forty-five calendar days, the
HCDA may dispose of the property by
disposing it;
(2) Alternatively, if any singular item of
abandoned property is determined by the HCDA
to have an estimated value of $1,000 or
more, the HCDA may, in lieu of disposing the
abandoned property, seek to publicly auction
the property. In that event, the HCDA shall
give public notice of the public auction,
including a brief description of the
property, details of the time and place of
the auction and giving notice to all persons
interested in claiming the property that
unless claims are made by persons who can
provide satisfactory proof of ownership
before a specified date, the property will
be sold at public auction to the highest
bidder. Such public notice shall be
published at least once in a publication of
statewide circulation or in a publication of
local circulation where the property was
seized; provided that the disposal shall not
take place less than five calendar days
after public notice has been given.
Following proper notices, any item of
impounded personal property having an
estimated value of $1,000 or more shall be
disposed of by public auction, through oral
tenders, or by sealed bids. Where no bid is
received, the abandoned property may be sold
by negotiation, disposed of or sold as junk,
kept by the HCDA or donated to any other
government agency or charitable
organization; and
(3) All expenses of handling, storage,
appraisal, advertising, and other sale
expenses incurred by the HCDA shall be
deducted from the proceeds of any sale of
the abandoned property. Any amount
remaining shall be held in trust for the
owner of the property for thirty calendar
days after sale, after which time the
proceeds shall be transferred to the
department of budget and finance pursuant to
the Unclaimed Properties Act.
(h) Records. Records relating to property not
immediately disposed of shall be kept as a public
record for a period of not less than two years from
the date of disposal of the property.
(i) Complaint resolution.
(1) All complaints by persons claiming ownership
or entitlement to abandoned property stored
or disposed of under these rules may contact
the HCDA at (808) 594-0300; and
(2) Any person claiming the property stored or
disposed of under these rules who wishes to
pursue a contested case hearing shall file a
request within fifteen calendar days of the
action or decision for which the contested
case hearing is sought pursuant to section
15-219-45 et seq. The HCDA shall continue
to store the abandoned property at issue in
the contested case hearing while the case is
pending. The HCDA may dispose of the
abandoned property if the contested case
hearing decision allows for such disposal.
[Eff and comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4)
(Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§§15-210-17 to 15-210-25 (Reserved)
§15-210-26 Advertisements. No person shall
display, post, or distribute notices or advertisements
except with the prior written permission of the
authority or the [authority's authorized
representative.] agent of the authority. Permission
may be granted only if the notice or advertisement
relates to services, goods, or facilities available
within or to be available within the premises and the
notices and advertisements are found by the authority
or the [authority's authorized representative to be
desirable and necessary for the convenience and
guidance of the public.] agent of the authority to be
desirable and necessary for the convenience and
guidance of the public and does not interfere with the
normal use of the park. [Eff 6/11/05; comp 5/25/07,
am and comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp:
HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-27 Business operations. No person shall
engage in or solicit any business, except in
accordance with the provisions of a permit, contract,
license, lease, concession, or other written agreement
with the authority or the [authority's authorized
representative.] agent of the authority. [Eff
6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and comp ]
(Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-28 Commercial filming, photography, and
videotaping. (a) Before any motion picture is filmed
or any video recordings, television production, or
sound track is made, which involves the use of
professional casts, models, settings, or crews, by any
person other than [bonafide newsreel or news
television personnel,] bona fide professional
journalist, a person shall obtain a written permit
from the authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority which shall be
subject to terms, conditions, and fees set by the
(b) Before any still photograph may be taken by
a commercial photographer for commercial purposes, a
person shall obtain a written permit from the
authority or the [authority's authorized
representative.] agent of the authority. The permit
shall be subject to terms, conditions, and fees set by
the authority. [Eff 6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
§15-210-29 Permit for commercial activities.
(a) No person shall engage in commercial activities
of any kind without a commercial use permit from the
authority or the [authority's authorized
representative.] agent of the authority. The permit
shall be subject to terms, conditions, and fees set by
the authority.
(b) Applicants, at a minimum, shall meet the
following criteria to qualify for a commercial use
(1) Be a duly organized business in good
standing in the State of Hawaii or an
individual over the age of eighteen;
(2) Hold a current Hawaii state general excise
tax license;
(3) Hold a current Hawaii state tax clearance
certificate; and
(4) Submit an application for a permit at least
forty-five days prior to the requested
permit commencement date.
(c) A commercial use permit application may be
denied if the authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority determines
(1) The proposed activity would be detrimental
to the integrity of the park;
(2) The proposed activity would be detrimental
to the safety of the users of the park;
(3) The requested area is already subject to an
issued permit(s) and issuing additional
[permits] permit(s) in the area would
compromise the access and availability of
the park or the enjoyment or safety of the
general public;
(4) The proposed activity will have a
significant negative impact on park users
and facilities;
(5) Legitimate and verified complaints have been
received regarding overuse and impairment of
the condition or public enjoyment of the
park area requested;
(6) The applicant, its principals, subsidiaries,
or affiliates has a prior record of
noncompliance with permit conditions or
violations of this chapter or other rules
administered by the authority or any county;
(7) The proposed commercial use is not allowed
on the premises pursuant to the Kakaako
community development district mauka and
makai area plan and rules; or
[(8) The executive director determines that the
activity or event is not in the best
interest of the resource or the public; or
(9)] (8) Any other basis for denial exists that
is provided for under this chapter.
(d) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority shall issue a
denial of an application in writing setting forth the
reason for the denial. The applicant may appeal the
denial in writing to the executive director within
fifteen calendar days from receipt of the denial. The
executive director's decision shall be final. [Eff
6/11/05; am and comp 5/25/07, am and
comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS
§15-210-30 General commercial use permit
provisions. All commercial use permits shall be
subject to the following provisions:
(1) Permits shall not be transferable or
assignable, unless explicitly authorized in
the approved permit;
(2) Permits shall be site and use specific;
(3) Persons or organizations to which permits
are issued are bound by the permit
conditions stipulated on or attached to the
(4) Permittee shall comply with all applicable
laws, rules, and regulations of the federal,
state, and county governments. Issuance of
a permit is not a grant of any other
approvals that may be required of the
permittee for the permitted activity, nor
does a permit exempt the permittee or the
permitted activity from any applicable laws,
rules, ordinances, and regulations of any
federal, state, or county governments;
(5) Permittee shall at all times have
comprehensive general liability insurance in
minimum amounts that may be set by the
authority, listing the State of Hawaii as an
additional insured;
(6) Permittee shall have the permit at the site
and produce it upon request;
(7) Depending upon type and intensity of the
commercial activity, a refundable security
deposit may be required by the authority or
the [authority's authorized representative.]
agent of the authority. The security
deposit shall be refunded if the area used
by the permittee has been cleaned and
restored to an acceptable condition upon
expiration of the permit or if the permit is
canceled prior to use. The authority may
retain all or part of the security deposit
for cleaning and site restoration purposes.
Retention of the security deposit shall not
preclude the authority from pursuing other
legal remedies to address cleaning and site
restoration if required;
(8) The use of the premises shall not be in
support of any policy that discriminates
against anyone based on race, religion,
color, sex, national origin, marital status,
sexual orientation, familial status,
ancestry, physical handicap, disability,
age, or HIV (human immunodeficiency
[virus);] virus) status;
(9) Permittee shall not transport onto the
premises nor cause or permit the escape,
disposal, or release of any hazardous
materials except as permitted by law.
"Hazardous materials" shall mean any
pollutant, toxic substance, hazardous waste,
hazardous substance, or oil as defined in or
pursuant to the Resource Conservation
Recovery Act, as amended, the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act, as amended, the Federal Clean
Water Act, or any other federal, state, or
local environmental law, regulation,
ordinance, rule or bylaw, whether existing
as of the effective date of these rules,
previously enforced, or subsequently enacted
or amended;
(10) Any other restrictions or conditions may be
imposed by the authority to protect the
integrity, condition, and safety of, or
access for the general public to the
premises; provided restrictions and
conditions may include, but are not limited
to, the size of the area available for the
activity, location of the activity, the type
of activity, seasonal and weather
restrictions, intensity of the activity or
the requirement to hire licensed security
services deemed necessary by the authority
or the [authority's authorized
representative;] agent of the authority;
(11) The issuance of a permit shall not
constitute a vested property interest, but
is a privilege granted for the use of the
premises for a specified activity and time
(12) Failure to use the permit at the designated
time and place, not due to an act of
interference by the authority, shall not
result in a refund or credit against paid
(13) Permits are not automatically renewable.
Granting of a permit does not entitle the
permittee to re-issuance of the permit;
(14) Permittee shall be responsible for the
cleanup and hauling away, and any costs
associated therewith, of any trash resulting
from the permittee's activity; and
(15) Permittee may charge a reasonable admission
fee to any person desiring to enter the
premises for the purpose of observing the
permitted event. [Eff 6/11/05; comp
5/25/07, am and comp ] (Auth:
HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-31 Commercial use permit fees.
(a) Applicants for a commercial use permit shall be
charged an application fee of $100 at the time of
filing the application to defray the cost of
processing, issuing, and administering commercial
activity permits. A schedule of usage fees shall be
set from time to time by the authority. The
application fee shall be paid when the application is
(b) All payments of fees and charges shall be in
cash, check, cashier's check, certified check, postal
money order, bank money order, or other methods
approved by the authority. [Eff 6/11/05; comp
5/25/07, comp ] (Auth: HRS §206E-4)
(Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-32 Commercial use permit cancellation,
revocation, or termination. (a) The authority or the
[authority's authorized representative] agent of the
authority may cancel a permit on thirty calendar days'
written notice.
(b) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority may cancel,
revoke, or terminate a permit without notice and
hearing when:
(1) An emergency is declared by the authority,
the [authority's authorized representative,]
agent of the authority, or other proper
(2) A permittee violates permit conditions or
provisions of this chapter;
(3) The permitted activity damages or threatens
damage to the integrity or condition of the
premises or the surrounding environment;
(4) Non-use of the permit; or
(5) The permitted activity poses a threat to the
health, safety, or welfare of the general
public or otherwise negatively impacts the
general public's use and enjoyment of the
premises or surrounding lands.
(c) Except for good cause shown, as determined
by the executive director, no refund will be given of
any amounts paid when a permit is canceled, revoked,
terminated, or voluntarily surrendered. [Eff 6/11/05;
am and comp 5/25/07, am and comp ] (Auth:
HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-33 Indemnification and hold harmless.
The permittee shall hold the authority and the State
harmless with respect to, and indemnify the authority
and the State against, all liability, loss, damage,
cost, and expense, including attorneys' fees, arising
out of or resulting from the acts or omissions of the
permittee, or the permittee's employees, officers,
agents, or subcontractors with respect to any
commercial activity conducted or any improvement
constructed or installed at the [public parks.] parks,
unless this requirements is waived or modified by the
authority based on a finding of good cause. [Eff
6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, am and comp ]
(Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§§15-210-34 to 15-210-45 (Reserved)
§15-210-46 Permits. (a) Required. Any person
using the premises shall first obtain a permit from
the authority for the following uses:
(1) Picnic groups, consisting of fifty or more
(2) Sports activities conducted by a league,
organization, association, group, or
(3) Recreational activities, including nonprofit
fundraising activities, sponsored by
community organizations, associations,
groups, or individuals;
(4) Meetings, gatherings, or other similar
activity held by organizations,
associations, or [groups;] groups consisting
of fifty or more persons;
(5) [Nonrecreational,] Non-recreational, public
service activities, meetings, and gatherings
held by organizations, communities, or
[groups;] groups consisting of fifty or more
(6) The playing of musical instruments as solo
or two or more instruments described as
(A) Musical instruments which are limited
to two octaves or less, including, but
not limited to, the following musical
[(i) Tuba;
(ii)] (i) Tympani;
[(iii)] (ii) Maracas;
[(iv)] (iii) Uliuli;
[(v)] (iv) Castanets;
[(vi)] (v) Tambourine; or
[(vii)] (vi) Percussion instruments
in which a human hand or
drumsticks are used to create
(B) Musical instruments which when played
do not exceed the sound pressure level
established in section
15-210-13(b)(11); and
(C) Musical instruments which are used or
played continuously without a regular
hourly break of thirty minutes, or for
more than six hours within a day;
(7) Hang gliding; or
(8) Commercial activities designed for profit,
which include but are not limited to the
exchange or buying and selling of
commodities or the providing of services
relating to or connected with trade,
traffic, or commerce in general. The
proposed commercial activities under the
permit shall be consistent with the use of
the park under consideration, subject to
reasonable limitations on the size of the
groups, and the time and area within which
the event is permitted.
(b) Issuance standards for permits. The
authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority shall uniformly
treat each application, based upon the facts
presented, free from improper or inappropriate
considerations and from unfair discrimination and
shall exercise no other discretion over the issuance
of a permit under this section, except as provided in
this section. All permits issued by the authority
(1) Ensure maximum permissible use of the areas
and facilities by appropriate distribution
of users;
(2) Ensure proper, orderly, and equitable use of
areas and facilities through scheduling and
user controls;
(3) Ensure protection and preservation of areas
and facilities by not overtaxing facilities;
(4) Promote the health, safety, and welfare of
the users of said areas and facilities.
(c) General provisions.
(1) Permits governing the use of public
facilities and areas within the premises
shall consist of the following types:
(A) Group use; or
(B) Special use; [or
(C) Temporary concession;]
(2) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority may
issue permits. Permits shall be obtained
from the authority. The current address of
the authority is: [677 Ala Moana Boulevard,
Suite 1001,] 547 Queen Street, Honolulu,
Hawaii 96813. Future change of address will
be reflected on Hawaii community development
authority's website (www.hcdaweb.org). The
following conditions shall apply to all
(A) Permits shall be issued on a first-come
first-served basis;
(B) All responsible persons eighteen years
of age or older shall be eligible to
secure permits;
(C) Permits shall be requested no later
than forty-five days before the
requested permit date and, once issued,
may be picked up between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on State of
Hawaii regular working days;
(D) Permits shall not be transferred;
(E) Persons or organizations to whom
permits are issued are bound by the
permit conditions stipulated on or
attached to the permit and any
applicable federal, state, and county
laws, ordinances, rules, and
(F) The size of groups as well as the
length of time any permit may be in
effect may be limited by the authority
or the [authority's authorized
representative;] agent of the
(G) Fees and charges as set by the
authority shall be assessed for permits
to defray the cost of park maintenance,
special facilities, services, or
supplies provided by the State, or to
meet other conditions as the authority
or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority
may prescribe to carry out the
provisions of this chapter. Charges
may be waived by the authority if, in
its opinion, the waiver is in the
public interest and benefits the State;
(H) Deposits. The authority or the
[authority's authorized representative]
agent of the authority may require a
security deposit as a condition of
issuing a permit. A deposit shall be
collected from the applicant prior to
issuance of the permit. This deposit
is required to assure proper cleanup
and restoration and shall be refunded
by mail if the area used is cleaned and
restored to the satisfaction of the
authority or the [authority's
authorized representative.] agent of
the authority. The amount of deposit
shall be determined as follows:
Event Group Size
50 – 100 $200
100 – 200 [400] $500
More than 200 [500] $1,000
Events requiring special
conditions or equipment
(I) All payments of fees and charges shall
be in cash, cashier's check, certified
check, postal money order, or bank
money order provided that personal or
business checks may be used to pay for
events that will occur thirty or more
days after the date of the payment;
(J) All permittees shall, upon request,
show the permit to any law enforcement
officer, the authority, or the
[authority's authorized
representative;] agent of the
authority; and
(K) Other procedures, terms, and conditions
deemed by the authority or the
[authority's authorized representative]
agent of the authority necessary to
carry out the provisions of this
chapter, or any applicable federal,
state, or county laws, ordinances,
rules, or regulations;
(3) Permits may be denied when:
(A) The premises or park facilities are
closed or will be closed because of
damages, or because of scheduled or
[ongoing,] ongoing construction,
repairs or maintenance activities, or
because of other reasons;
(B) A state of emergency is declared by the
authority, the [authority's authorized
representative,] agent of the
authority, or other proper authorities;
(C) Natural or civil disturbances occur or
threaten to occur, including, but not
limited to, tsunamis, floods,
earthquakes, storms, riots,
demonstrations, and employee strikes;
(D) There are inadequate facilities to meet
the needs of the applicant for the
(E) The premises or facilities will be used
by another permittee; or
(F) The applicant has a prior record of
noncompliance with permit conditions or
violations or violations of this
chapter; and
(4) Permits may be canceled or terminated at any
time without advance notice when:
(A) A state of emergency is declared by the
authority, the [authority's authorized
representative,] agent of the
authority, or other proper authorities;
(B) Natural or civil disturbances occur or
threaten to occur including, but not
limited to, tsunamis, floods,
earthquakes, storms, riots,
demonstrations, and employee strikes;
(C) Permittee violates permit conditions or
provisions of this chapter; or
(D) Fees, as required, are not paid.
(d) Group use permits.
(1) Any group larger than [twenty-five] fifty
members shall be required to obtain a group
use permit to remain within the premises;
(2) Group use permits may be denied to any
person, group, organization, or association
when space is inadequate to accommodate the
group or as otherwise provided in
subsection (c);
(3) Group use permits shall set forth the day
and time the group shall be allowed to
remain on the premises as follows:
(A) Permits may be issued for [hours
between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. of the
same day;] using the park between the
hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.;
(B) An earlier or later starting time may
be granted by the authority or the
[authority's authorized representative]
agent of the authority to accommodate
special functions; and
(C) Minors below the age of eighteen may be
allowed to remain on the premises on
their own if the adult who secures the
permit for them will be responsible for
them and also provided that their use
is between the hours 7:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. of the same day. Minors staying
beyond 7:00 p.m. in park areas that
normally stay open past 7:00 p.m. shall
be under the supervision of adults on a
ten minors to one adult ratio. All
minors from the same family, who are
accompanied by at least one of their
parents, shall be allowed to remain in
the area past the 7:00 p.m. deadline,
where permitted, without regard to the
adult-minor ratio; and
(4) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority may
require the permittee at the permittee's own
cost, to provide licensed security services
or protection in the interest of public
safety and welfare and for the protection of
property when [the number or persons under
the permit is one hundred or more.]
recommended by public safety and/or law
enforcement officer.
(e) Special use permits.
(1) Special uses shall be permitted only with a
special use permit issued by the authority
or the [authority's authorized
representative.] agent of the authority.
Special uses are all types of uses other
than [temporary concession and] group use
and are considered compatible with the
functions and purposes of each individual
area, facility, or unit of the premises;
(2) Requests for permits for special uses shall
each be considered on its own merits,
including its effect on the park area,
facilities, and the public's use and
(3) Special uses [include] include, but are not
limited [to] to, such activities as
assemblies, carnivals, celebrations,
concerts, concessions, demonstrations,
festivals, gatherings, meetings, pageants,
parades, public expressions of views,
rallies, regattas, shows, sport events,
weddings, and other community or ethnic
oriented events, or activities, or other
spectator attractions that are open to the
general public or to restricted groups;
(4) Requests for permits shall be submitted to
the authority a minimum of forty-five days
before the date of use being requested for
all special use activities or events
including those involving the charging of
fees, the sale of goods or services, and
sponsorship or co-sponsorship by commercial
(5) Requests for special use permits shall be
submitted in writing and shall provide the
name, address, and phone number of the
applicant, the date, time, duration, nature,
and place of the proposed event, an estimate
of the number of persons expected to attend,
and a statement of equipment and facilities
to be used in connection therewith. If the
event is for the purpose of raising funds, a
statement on how the profits will be used is
(6) Permits may be denied when:
(A) A prior permit for the same time and
place has been or will be granted;
(B) The event presents a clear and present
danger to the public health or safety;
(C) The event is of a nature or duration
that cannot reasonably be accommodated
in the particular park area applied
(D) The event will significantly interfere
or conflict with the public's general
use and enjoyment of the particular
park area applied for; or
(E) Applications or requests for permits
are not received by the authority
within the times specified in
paragraph (4);
(7) The permit may contain conditions relating
to protection and use of the park area for
the purposes for which it is maintained,
reasonable limitations on the time and area
within which the event is permitted, and
requirements for liability insurance
coverage; [and]
(8) The authority or the [authority's authorized
representative] agent of the authority may
require the permittee at the permittee's own
cost, to provide licensed security services
or protection in the interest of public
safety and welfare and for the protection of
property when [the number of persons under
the permit is one hundred or more.]
recommended by public safety and/or law
enforcement officer; and
[(f) Temporary concession permit.
(1) Activities where donations or entry or
registration fees are collected for the
purpose of defraying expenses incurred by
the permittee in conducting the event or
activity or activities where the public is
charged an admission fee or where a donation
is accepted for the purpose of realizing a
profit (fundraising activity) shall require
a temporary concession permit;
(2) The applicant must be a bonafide nonprofit
organization as defined in Internal Revenue
Code section 501(c)(3);
(3) The authority may require a financial report
if it deems necessary;
(4) A temporary concession permit is allowed
only if it is in conjunction with another
activity or event which is authorized by a
special use permit;
(5) The temporary concession permit is issued to
the nonprofit organization who is promoting,
producing, staging, or conducting the event
or activity;
(6) Except for craft fairs and art marts, no
person may profit from a temporary
concession. All net profits earned from the
temporary concession must be applied to the
expenses of the nonprofit organization
incurred in connection with events or
activities directly related to the purpose
for which it has been organized;
(7) The nonprofit organization must procure a
liability insurance certificate bearing
their name with the authority as additional
insured. Products liability shall be
included if food or other items are sold;
(8) If a commercial food caterer or lunchwagon
is allowed to operate by prior arrangement
with the nonprofit organization, liability
insurance coverages, including products
liability, shall be provided by both the
nonprofit organization and commercial food
caterer or lunchwagon; and]
(9) Groups or applicants applying [for the
temporary concession permit to sell food
shall first obtain clearance] to sell food
shall first obtain documentation
demonstrating the proper approval from the
department of health. The clearance
certificate must be presented to the
authority before the [temporary concession
permit may be issued.] special use permit
may be issued. Liability insurance
coverages, including products liability,
shall be provided prior to the issuance of
the special use permit. [Eff 6/11/05; am
and comp 5/25/07, am and comp ]
(Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-47 Fees for use of facilities. (a) The
executive director is authorized to issue a permit and
charge a fee for the use of the parks or recreational
facilities within the parks to help cover operating
and maintenance expenses when the parks or facilities
are used for special events. [A schedule of fees
shall be set from time to time by the authority. The
effective date of any change in fees shall be thirty
days after posting the approved fee schedule on the
Hawaii community development authority website. For
purposes of this section, "special] "Special events"
(1) Athletic practices and events involving:
(A) Professional teams;
(B) Collegiate teams;
(C) National amateur teams;
(D) For-profit organizations; or
(E) Teams and organizations utilizing the
facilities for tournament play;
(2) International, national, or regional events;
(3) Entertainment events;
(4) Educational events;
(5) Promotional events; or
(6) Fundraising events.
(b) Permittee may charge a reasonable admission
fee to any person desiring to attend the special event
within the park or at a recreational facility within
the park; provided however, that the permittee may not
exclude members of the public from entering or
remaining on portions of the park or facility that are
not subject to the permit.
(c) The executive director may consider waiver
of permit fees on a case-by-case basis.
(d) The executive director shall provide the
authority with an annual report setting forth the
permit fees established for special events at the
parks or recreational facility within the park and the
amount of fees collected for each park or facility.
The report shall be submitted no later than sixty days
following the end of the Hawaii community development
authority's fiscal year. [Eff 6/11/05; am and comp
5/25/07, am and comp ](Auth: HRS
§206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-48 Fees for attendant or custodian
services. Organizations whose use of state
recreational facilities requires an attendant or
custodian, shall pay the cost of the attendant or
custodian service fees to the authority. [Eff
6/11/05; comp 5/25/07, comp ] (Auth: HRS
§206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§15-210-49 Usage fee schedule.
Carnivals $1,000 N/A N/A
$1,000 per
$200 N/A N/A
Festivals $500 N/A N/A
Fitness training [$10] $100
Food/beverage sales [$20] $100
Ocean recreational
(surfing, scuba
diving, kayaking,
[$10] $100
Other $500 N/A N/A
Pageants $500 N/A N/A
T-shirt sales $100 $500 $2,000
Wedding ceremonies [$50] $100
$300 $2,500 $10,000
[$20] $100
$300 $2,500 $10,000]
Special Events:
Athletic practices
and events as
specified in
(A through E)
$500 N/A N/A
national, or
regional events
$500 N/A N/A
Educational events $100 N/A N/A
Promotional events
events] Other
[Eff and comp 5/25/07, am and comp ]
(Auth: HRS §206E-4) (Imp: HRS §206E-4)
§§15-210-50 to 15-210-58 (Reserved)"
2. Material, except source notes, to be
repealed is bracketed. New material is underscored.
3. Additions to update source notes to reflect
these amendments and compilation are not underscored.
4. These amendments to and compilation of
chapter 15-210, Hawaii Administrative Rules shall take
effect ten days after filing with the Office of the
Lieutenant Governor.
I certify that the foregoing are copies of the
rules drafted in the Ramseyer format, pursuant to the
requirements of section 91-4.1, Hawaii Revised
Statutes, which were adopted on _____________________,
and filed with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.
Interim Executive Director
Hawaii Community Development
Deputy Attorney General