Kona Shelter 808-329-1175
Waimea Shelter 808-885-4558
Keaau Shelter 808-966-5458
Pet Ownership
Hawaii County Codes and
Hawaii Revised Statutes
Kona 808-329-1175
Waimea 808-885-4558
Keaau 808-966-5458
HCC 4-24 Noisy Dogs
No person shall keep any dog which barks,
bays, cries, howls or makes any other noise
continuously or incessantly for a period of ten
minutes or barks, bays, cries, howls or makes
any other noise intermittently for a period of
twenty minutes within a thirty-minute period
of time to the disturbance of any person at any
time of day or night and regardless of whether
the dog is physically situated in or upon private
HCC 4-25 Noisy dog; procedure for abate-
ment of nuisance
a) Any person disturbed
by a noisy dog shall make
a reasonable attempt to
advise the owner or cus-
todian who keeps such
dog of this fact. Reasona-
ble attempts for notifica-
tion include by letter,
email, visit to the owner
or custodian, or any other
legal method. If the person disturbed by a noisy
dog is unable to notify the owner or custodian
of the noisy dog, or after notifying the owner
or custodian, the nuisance is not abated, the
person disturbed by the noisy dog may then
notify the appropriate enforcement agency.
(c) There shall be a penalty of $25 for the first
violation of this section. The second violation
has a penalty of $75, the third $100, and any
subsequent violation $200
* Please refer to Problem Solving ~
Noisy Dogs brochure for more specific
Noise Complaint
The included information is not a complete
listing of all animal laws and regulations.
for a complete listing please contact us.
All dogs in the County of Hawaii
are required by law to be licensed.
HRS 143-2 License required
It shall be unlawful for any person to own or har-
bor a dog unless the dog is licensed, this law shall
not apply to dogs under the age of three months,
which do not run at large, dogs in quarantine, and
dogs brought into the state exclusively for the
purpose of entering them in a dog show or dog
exhibition and not allowed to run at large.
Licenses are available for purchase at all three
HIHS locations during normal business hours.
If your dog is found to be unlicensed it may result
in a fine up to $50 as determined by a judge.
Animal Laws
Sterilized $2.10
Un-sterilized $6.10
HCC 4-29 Leash Required for Public
No person shall bring or permit any dog in any
County park, public school ground, or airport unless
it is held under control by a suitable leash, not more
than six feet long; provided, however, that dogs
even under control by a suitable leash shall not be
allowed in any County beach park. These re-
strictions shall not apply to dogs utilized by police
for patrol or other police purposes.
HCC 4-30 Permitting to Stray
The owner of any dog which strays upon any public
lands or the private lands of another is subject to
fines of $25 - $500 and/or 100 hours of community
service as determined by a judge.
HCC 4-19 Defecation and Nuisance
No person who owns, harbors, keeps or has charge
or control of any dog or other small domesticated
animal shall cause, suffer, or allow such animal to
soil, defile, defecate on, or commit any nuisance on
any part of any street, including any sidewalk, pas-
sageway or bypath, or on any play area, park, or
place where people congregate or walk, or on any
public property, or on any private property, without
the permission of the owner of the property
HCC 4-23 Female dogs
Any female dog in season is not permitted to run at
large or be off the premises of the owner or keeper
during this period except when being exercised on a
leash by a responsible adult. At all other times,
when any dog is in season such dog shall be confined
within a building or enclosure in such manner that
she will not come in contact with a male dog.
Loose Animals
Licensing Fees
The Hawaii Island
Humane Society also
Microchipping as an
additional means of
HRS 711-1109 Cruelty to animals
(1) A person commits the offense of cruelty to
animals in the second degree if the person intention-
ally, knowingly, or recklessly:
(a) Overdrives, overloads, tortures, torments, beats,
causes substantial bodily injury, or starves any
animal, or causes the overdriving, overloading, tor-
ture, torment, beating, or starving of any animal;
(b) Deprives a pet animal of necessary
sustenance or causes such deprivation;
(c) Mutilates, poisons, or kills without need any
animal other than insects, vermin, or other pests;
(e) Carries or causes to be carried, in or upon any
vehicle or other conveyance, any animal in a cruel
or inhumane manner;
(f) Confines or causes to be confined, in a kennel
or cage, any pet animal in a cruel or inhumane man-
(g) Tethers, fastens, ties, or restrains a dog to a
doghouse, tree, fence, or any other stationary obj-
ect by means of a choke collar, pinch collar, or
prong collar
HRS 711-1109.6 Animal Hoarding
A person commits the offense of animal hoarding if
the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly:
(a) Possesses more than fifteen dogs, cats, or a com-
bination of dogs and cats;
(b) Fails to provide necessary sustenance for
each dog or cat; and
(c) Fails to correct the conditions under which the
dogs or cats are living
"Necessary Sustenance"
Includes but is not limited to the following
(1) Food of sufficient quantity and quality to allow
for normal growth or maintenance of body weight;
(2) Open or adequate access to water in sufficient
quantity and quality to satisfy the animal's needs;
(3) Access to protection from wind, rain, or sun;
(4) An area of confinement that has adequate space
necessary for the health of the animal and is kept
reasonably clean and free from excess waste or
other contaminants that could affect the animal's