Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE)
Data Transformation Guide
AUGUST 21, 2018
Vormetric Data Security Platform
Vormetric Data Security
VTE Data Transformation Guide
Version v6.1.0, Document Version 1
August 21, 2018
Produced in the United States of America
Copyright (C) 2009 - | Thales eSecurity, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The software ("Software") and documentation contains confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Thales e-Security, Inc. The
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Protected by U.S. patents:
VTE Data Transformation Guide
Thales Data Security includes a restricted license to the embedded IBM DB2 database. That license stipulates that the database may only be
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Document Version 1 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Documentation Version History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Service Updates and Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
1 Data Transformation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Data Transformation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How Vormetric Data Security Protects Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
VTE Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Inherent Properties of Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Data Transformation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Properties of copy and restore transformation method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Restore transformation method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Properties of the VTE dataxform Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
VTE Protection Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Security Rule (Policy Rules) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Key Selection Rules (Production/Standard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Data Transformation Rules (Key) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Overview of the dataxform Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Multithreading in the dataxform utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
dataxform space requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
dataxform Execution Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Length of Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Success of Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
dataxform and sparse files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
dataxform and duplicate elimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
dataxform and Linked Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Running dataxform and VSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Document Version 1 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Automatic Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Simplifying dataxform Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
An Ounce of Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2 Initial Data Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Data encryption overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Restore encryption method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Copy encryption method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
dataxform encryption method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
How to decide what method to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on file systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Encrypting GuardPoint data using the Copy or Restore encryption method . 32
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Information for encrypting block devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Encrypting data on a block device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Using dataxform to encrypt your data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Notes and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Create dataxform policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Apply the dataxform policy to the GuardPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Execute dataxform to start data encryption in the GuardPoint . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Remove the dataxform policy and apply production policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3 Rekeying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rekeying Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rekeying with dataxform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Notes and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
To rekey with dataxform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Rekeying using manual copy method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
A DataXform Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Common dataxform examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Document Version 1 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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To display dataxform version information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
To verify that a directory guarded with a rekey policy can be rekeyed with datax
form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
To estimate a dataxform runtime period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
To manually run dataxform on a specific set of files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
To run automatic data transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Automatic data transformation notes and limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
To run automatic dataxform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Cleaning up a previous dataxform session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Checking for HardLink Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Monitoring dataxform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Using the Message Log window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Using vordxf_* Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Using dataxform_status* Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Using dataxform_auto_config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Using dataxform_auto_lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Restarting an incomplete automatic dataxform session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
To recover from a failed dataxform session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Running dataxform in an Oracle database on an HPUX system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
dataxform man page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Unencrypting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Copy method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Dataxform method (Dataxform guard point method) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Document Version 1 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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VTE Data Transformation Guide
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The Data Transformation Guide describes how to use Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE)
on hosts to transform GuardPoint data from clear to encrypted or from encrypted to clear.
The following table describes the changes made for each document version.
Software &
Version Date Changes
v6.0.1 v1 09/15/17 Release for v6.0.1
v6.0.2 v1 10/10/17 Release for v6.0.2
v6.0.2 v2 12/6/17 Release for v6.0.2 patch. Changed images to match Thales standard.
v6.0.3 v1 03/6/18 Rereleased the 6.0.2 patch version as 6.0.3 GA release.
v6.1.0 v1 08/21/18 Release for v6.1.0
This document describes the detailed steps for encrypting and rekeying GuardPoint data.
The VTE Data Transformation Guide is for security teams who want to rekey the existing
GuardPoint data, or who need to perform an initial encryption of their GuardPoint data.
The Data Transformation Guide assumes that you have:
A working Vormetric Data Security Platform installed and configured (DSM and protected
Table 1: Documentation Version History
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Experience creating policies (see the Getting Started Guide and the VDS
Administrators Guide).
Root access to the protected host containing the data to be encrypted or rekeyed.
The license agreement that you have entered into to acquire the Thales products
(“License Agreement") defines software updates and upgrades, support and
services, and governs the terms under which they are provided. Any statements
made in this guide or collateral documents that conflict with the definitions or
terms in the License Agreement, shall be superseded by the definitions and terms
of the License Agreement. Any references made to “upgrades” in this guide or
collateral documentation can apply either to a software update or upgrade.
For support and troubleshooting issues:
Email questions to [email protected] or call 8772673247
For Vormetric Sales:
Email questions to [email protected] or call 8882673732
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Data Transformation Overview
This chapter provides a detailed overview of the data transformation process. It consists of the
following sections:
The Data Transformation Process ” on page 1
“Data Transformation Techniques” on page 4
“VTE Protection Policies” on page 11
“Overview of the dataxform Utility ” on page 13
Automatic Data Transformation ” on page 22
An Ounce of Prevention ” on page 24
“Summary ” on page 25
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The Data Transformation Process
Data transformation is the process of transforming GuardPoint data from:
•clear to encrypted
encrypted to clear
encrypted with one key to encrypted with version of a another key
Data transformation is used for:
Initial data transformation — This is encrypting GuardPoint data for the first time.
Rekeying — Changing the encryption key for GuardPoint data, also called key rotation.
Reverse transformation — Decrypting GuardPoint data to clear text. (Not a common
In addition to being disruptive to data center operations, data transformation is complex. It is
strongly recommended that you read and understand this section before proceeding to the
initial data transformation and rekey chapters.
Data Transformation Overview
The Data Transformation Process
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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How Vormetric Data Security Protects Files
The File System Agent encrypts the data within a file one block at a time. It does
not encrypt file metadata such a file’s name or size, thus enabling administrators to
manage files without being able to view or modify their contents. Whether initially
encrypting files, rekeying them, or decrypting them, the File System Agent must
Read each block of file data to be transformed.
Transform the block by encrypting, decrypting, or rekeying it.
Write the transformed block, either to its original location, or to an alternate one.
Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE) protects data either at the file level or at
the storage device level. VTE filelevel protection consists of two main components:
Data Security Manager (DSM)
An appliance that manages a database of the file sets protected by VTE
GuardPoints, the encryption keys that protect them, policies that specify access
rights and encryption protections that can be applied to GuardPoints. The DSM is
also a central point for logging events related to accessing protected files.
File System Agents
Software components that run on hosts with protected file sets (called protected
hosts). A File System Agent manages the files behind a GuardPoint by enforcing
the policy associated with it, and communicates data access events to the DSM for
A GuardPoint is usually associated with a Linux mount point or a Windows volume,
but may also be associated with a directory subtree. A File System Agent sits
between applications and the file system that hosts files within the GuardPoint. It
intercepts every file access request, and enforces the access and encryption rules in
the GuardPoints policy.
Data Transformation Overview
The Data Transformation Process
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Figure 1: VTE operation
VTE Policies
VTE policies consist of ordered lists of rules that specify:
Users, groups, and processes that are permitted to access protected data.
The actions available to authoriz
ed actors. For example create/delete, read/write,
decrypt, modify permissions, and so on.
Files acted upon
Policy rules may apply to entir
e directories and mount points, or only to files
named in a specific way (for example,
.docx files may be encrypted and
restricted to readonly access by designated users, while other files may be stored
clear and read and written by anyone).
In addition, each VTE policy specifies an encryption k
ey used to encrypt blocks of
file data when applications write them and decrypt them when they are read.
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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VTE encryption is transparent to applications. This means that the File System
Agent encrypts blocks of data as they are written, and decrypts data when they are
read by authorized users and applications. This architecture separates
administration of files from access to the data in them. Backup programs, for
example, may be authorized to read files, but not view the data in them. Therefore,
data can be backed up and taken offsite while remaining encrypted so that
security is not breached. V o r m e t r i c C o n f i d e n t i a l V e r s i o n D 0 4 Page 5
Inherent Properties of Data Transformation
For large file sets (hundreds of gigabytes or more), bulk transformation is time
consuming. Managing transformation time is important, because file set content
must be frozen (inaccessible to applications) throughout the transformation
process. Once transformation starts, it must continue until complete, so
transformation time determines the window of data unavailability. Two major
components contribute to transformation time:
Number of blocks of file data
Because VTE must read, transform, and rewrite each block of file data, this
component can be estimated by multiplying the number of file blocks to be
transformed by the average read, transformation, and write time for a block.
Number of files
Because the File System Agent transforms data file by file, each file must be
“looked up,” opened, and closed during transformation, using underlying file
system mechanisms. This typically requires multiple disk accesses. Therefore, file
sets that consist of many small files, perfile overhead, can actually exceed file
block transformation time.
Other factors, such as file system fragmentation, and load from concurrent
applications, may also affect transformation time. Mainly, the number of blocks
and number of files to be transformed are fundamental in that they cannot be
reduced or eliminated.
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Data Transformation Techniques
Two basic methods are available for initially encrypting and rekeying files protected
by VTE:
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Using the operating system file copy utility, a protected host administrator can
copy unprotected files into a location protected by a VTE GuardPoint with a
standard/production policy.
The VTE dataxform utility
Every File System Agent includes a utility program that can encrypt or transform
protected files. The
dataxform utility encrypts, rekeys, or decrypts data in place.
Both methods have advantages and limitations that make them suitable in different
scenarios. These are discussed in the sections that follow.
In addition to encrypting data, you can also reverse the transformation. To decrypt
protected files, copy them from a protected location to an unprotected one.
NOTE: VTE can also be configured to protect data at the disk level. For data
protected in this way, only the copy transformation technique is available for
Properties of copy and restore transformation method
The copy method performs initial encryption, rekeying, and decryption by copying
data from one directory, or GuardPoint, to another directory or GuardPoint.
In the following figure, the administrator of the protected hosts encrypts a file set
by copying it to a directory protected by a VTE GuardPoint with a standard policy.
Encryption is transparent to the copy utility.
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Figure 2: Initial Encryption
In the following figure, alreadyencrypted files protected by a VTE GuardPoint are
rekeyed by copying them to a directory protected by another GuardPoint with a
different encryption key. Both decryption and reencryption are transparent to
copy utilities.
Figure 3: R
ekeying Protected Data
In the following figure, you can decrypt a protected file set by copying files from
their protected location to unprotected directories. The File System Agent decrypts
file blocks before delivery to the copy utility for rewriting.
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Figure 4: Decrypting Data by Copying
NOTE: Exercise care here. If the governing policy does not authorize the copy utility
user to access data, VTE delivers encrypted file blocks to it.
Encrypting and rekeying files by copying has two important advantages:
Once you have installed an Agent and GuardPoints are activated on a protected
t, the protected host’s administrator can encrypt, decrypt, or rekey file sets
simply by copying them from one location to another. There are no procedures to
learn, and no requirement to coordinate with the DSM Security Administrator.
Data transformation is simply another routine administrative task.
If a copybased tr
ansformation is interrupted, for example, by a power failure or
system crash, the transformation resumes at or prior to the point of interruption.
This is because all of the source files remain available and can be recopied,
overwriting files at the destination that may have been only partially re
Offsetting these advantages are two limitations inherent to the copy method:
orage resource consumption
Copying a file set requires that both source and destination files exist
ltaneously. Storage capacity sufficient for both must be available during initial
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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encryption. For very large protected data sets, “extra” temporary storage may be
a significant expense. However, a greater concern is likely to be the impact of
moving production file sets as they are transformed. File data is unprotected
while in the copy utilitys buffers.
Impact on operating procedures
Original and copied file sets have different path names and/or network addresses.
After transformation, either both file sets must be renamed (the old path to a new
name, and the new path to the old name), or applications must be adapted to
process the transformed data set at the new directory. For a small data center
with a few protected file sets, some combination of these options is usually
practical. For data centers with hundreds of protected file sets, the administrative
complexity and consequent chance of error make copying a complex option.
See “Initial Data Encryption” on page 27 and “Rekeying” on page 43 for detailed
operational information on the copy method.
Restore transformation method
A variation of the copy method is to make a backup of the files for transformation
and restore the backup to the destination location. This works because:
Backing up data causes it to be read and decrypted.
Restoring data causes it to be written (reencrypting it with an alternative key).
VTE protection is transparent to backup programs.
This technique also creates a backup of the data set. However, a disadvantage is the
time required to copy data twice (once from the source location to backup, and
once from backup to destination location).
These considerations suggest that copying data to transform it is more suitable for
initial encryption (and final decryption), and less so for rekeying. Additionally, the
simplicity of recovering an interrupted transformation makes the copy/restore
method useful in situations where the probability of interruption during
transformation is significant.
See “Restore encryption method” on page 28 for detailed operational information
on the restore method.
Properties of the VTE dataxform Utility
The VTE dataxform utility transforms datainplace and contains two
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
•Usermode that controls the overall operation
•Kernelmode that transforms files blockbyblock
Figure 5: Offline Rekey
Data Transformation Overview
Data Transformation Techniques
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Transforming data in place has two important advantages:
Minimal storage requirements
dataxform transforms files in place, where they reside, it does not
require temporary file storage. However, the utility does need storage in which to
create a list of files for transformation.
The period of time that the data transformed by the
dataxform utility appears in
memory, outside the GuardPoint and therefore, unprotected, is shorter than with
copying. This is significant for rekeying (compared to copying), which holds clear
file data in memory between reading and rewriting. Moreover,
requires coordination between the protected host and DSM Security
Administrators, so that no one individual can subvert security during
Offsetting these advantages is the complexity of
recovering from an interrupted
dataxform run. Because dataxform transforms files inplace, data in a file
undergoing transformation at the time of a failure may be only partly transformed.
There is no way to determine which blocks have been transformed and which have
not. These files must be recreated after the
dataxform runs from a backup copy.
The protected host administrator must determine (by examining
dataxform logs)
which files may have been incompletely transformed, delete them from the
transformed file set, and recreate them by selective copying from a backup. The
table below summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the two file set
transformation methods.
Issue Copy Method dataxform method
Temporary storage
Equal to size of file set. Sufficient to hold a list of path names of files
in file set.
Security File data is unprotected while in copy
utility’s buffers.
File data is never outside the VTE
Initial encryption Files can be copied directly from source
ectory to a VTEprotected directory.
Files must be in a protected location before
Operational impact No access to files during transformation.
Path names or operating procedures must
be adjusted after transformation.
No access to files during transformation. No
other impact on operating procedures.
Recoverability Restart copy operation at, or prior to, point
of failure.
Files undergoing transformation at point of
failure must be discovered from dataxform
logs and restored from backup.
Data Transformation Overview
VTE Protection Policies
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
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VTE Protection Policies
The basic unit of VTE data protection policy application is the GuardPoint.
GuardPoints are typically associated with file system mount points, but may also be
associated with directory subtrees.
NOTE: Nested mount points within a directory, or mount points protected by a
GuardPoint, are also protected in Linux environments.
Figure 6: VTE GuardPoints
All files in the directory hierarchy, below a GuardPoint, are subject to the
GuardPoints policy, which consists of rules that specify:
otected files: Filenames or filename patterns (example: *.dat) to which the
policy applies.
Data Transformation Overview
VTE Protection Policies
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Authorized users: User(s) group(s), and application(s) permitted to access the
protected files.
Permissions: Actions permitted to users (example: create/delete, read/write,
rename, decrypt).
Policies also specify the name of an encryption algorithm and a key for encrypting
protected files. For example, a policy might specify that all Excel workbooks
protected by a GuardPoint be encrypted using an AES256 key called EXCELKEY.
Additionally, only users in group 128 have access to the files. All other files that are
not encrypted, are freely accessible to all users.
File System Agents use two types of policies:
Initial Data Transformation
Dataxform policies contain the elements listed above, plus a data transformation
key, used by the
dataxform utility to rekey file data. Transformation policies
contain strict access control rules that prevent application and user access to files
during transformation. VTE only uses dataxform policies for the initial
transformation. Afterwards, you replace it with a production policy.
Dataxform operates on a perGuardPoint basis. For initial encryption, the
dataxform policy specifies a clear production key (meaning that the utility does
not decrypt data because the data is unencrypted) and a new data transformation
key to encrypt the data.
Production policies contain the elements listed above. They protect data within
GuardPoint(s) during daytoday IT operations.
For decryption, the policy specifies a clear data transformation key (that is, the
utility does not reencrypt files as it rewrites them) and the current production key.
A rekeying transformation policy specifies both a current production (“old”) key
and a transformation (“new”) key.
The following tables show various policy components of a typical dataxform rekey
Security Rule (Policy Rules)
Order Resource User Process Action Effect When Browsing
1 key_op Audit, Permit, Yes
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Key Selection Rules (Production/Standard)
Data Transformation Rules (Key)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of the dataxform Utility
“Multithreading in the dataxform utility ” on page 15
dataxform space requirements ” on page 16
dataxform Execution Time ” on page 17
dataxform and sparse files ” on page 18
dataxform and duplicate elimination ” on page 20
dataxform and Linked Files ” on page 20
“Running dataxform and VSS” on page 21
“Simplifying dataxform Data Transformation ” on page 22
The dataxform utility is installed on a protected host during File System Agent
installation. The utility:
Reads each file blockbyblock
Uses the production key to decrypt each block
•Reencrypts it with the data transformation key
Rewrites it to its original location.
2 all_ops Deny Yes
Order Resource Key
Order Resource Key
Order Resource User Process Action Effect When Browsing
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
The following figure illustrates that transforming data with dataxform requires
collaboration between the Protected Host Administrator and the DSM Security
Figure 7: A
dministrator Collaboration
1. The protected host administrator disables access to the files to be transformed, by
stopping applications and/or databases that use them. They inform the DSM
Security Administrator when they are inaccessible.
2. The DSM Security Administrator creates a
dataxform policy with appropriate
encryption key(s) and applies it to the GuardPoint.
3. The protected host administrator runs the
dataxform utility on the GuardPoint
directory with the appropriate parameters and options, and informs the DSM
Security Administrator when the utility completes.
4. The DSM Security Administrator replaces the
dataxform policy with a
production/standard policy (or an initial test policy used to create the production
policy). These policies use production keys that are the same as the encryption key
used in the
dataxform policy. After the switch, the DSM Security Administrator
informs the protected host administrator.
5. The protected host administrator reena
bles user access to the protected data.
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Protected host and DSM Security Administrators must coordinate with each other
to transform protected data sets using
dataxform. While this makes it impossible
for a single individual to subvert VTE security, close coordination can be difficult to
arrange, particularly in large data centers with many protected hosts administered
by different individuals. To partially relax this requirement without compromising
dataxform execution can be automated. See “Automatic Data
Transformation ” on page 22.
In addition to rekeying protected files, you can use dataxform for the initial
encryption and decryption of file sets. For initial encryption, the DSM Security
Administrator specifies
clear_key as the transformation policys encryption key
and a new encryption key as the production key. This instructs the utility not to
decrypt files before “reencrypting” them. Similarly, to decrypt protected data, the
DSM Security Administrator specifies
clear_key, as the transformation key and
the existing encryption key as the production key, causing
dataxform to decrypt,
but bypass reencryption.
The dataxform utility starts by creating a list of all files that may require
transformation. To guarantee that the list remains correct until the transformation
is completed, the admin must prevent all file access by including an "
deny" rule in the policy. Without this rule, dataxform does not start.
When using dataxform, it is important to keep in mind the following issues:
Ensure that the pretransformation production policy, the dataxform policy, and
posttransformation production policy, all specify the same files to be affected.
Similarly, the
dataxform policy must specify the same production key as the pre
transformation production policy. The posttransformation production policy must
specify the same production key as the
dataxform policy’s transformation key.
NOTE: VTE does not crosscheck key relationships. This is the responsibility of the
VDA Security Administrator.
Multithreading in the dataxform utility
The dataxform utility is almost always I/O bound. You can reduce endtoend run
time by configuring the utility to transform multiple streams of data concurrently,
in separate kernel threads.
dataxform can be multithreaded in two dimensions:
File concurrency
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
dataxform can transform up to 32 files in concurrent execution threads. Each
time a kernel thread finishes transforming a file, it informs the user component,
which responds with a command to transform the next file in its work list. Number
of threads is set with the
--thd option.
File chunking
You can also configure the kernel component to divide individual files into chunks
and transform up to 16 chunks concurrently. The chunk size defaults to 128 KB,
but you can adjust it using the
--buf_size option.
File concurrency is useful for transforming large numbers of files, but lessso with
file sets that consist of a few large files. For the latter, chunking is typically more
Concurrent transformation reduces run time, and therefore the period during
which protected files are unavailable to applications. On the other hand, because
files undergoing transformation at the moment of a system crash must be
recovered from a backup, more active files means more timeconsuming postrun
recovery. Moreover, more concurrent transformation activity consumes more
processing, memory, and I/O resources, which are unavailable to other applications
running concurrently.
dataxform space requirements
Because it transforms data in place, dataxform must run to completion once it
starts. If the utility does not run to completion, some files will have been
completely transformed, some will not have been transformed, and some will only
be partially transformed. Transformed files will be encrypted with the
transformation key, notyettransformed ones with the pretransformation
production key, and those undergoing transformation will be in an indeterminate
encryption state. To enable successful completion of an interrupted
dataxform adopts two strategies:
Master file list
Before transforming the files in a set, the utility makes a diskbased list of path
names. The list determines the order of transformation, and is also used to
determine the restart point if transformation is interrupted. When
finishes transforming a file set, it deletes the master file list, so only temporary
storage for the list is required.
Status logging
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Each time dataxform finishes transforming a file, the utility records the status of
the transformation in the diskbased status file. Status includes the path names of
files being transformed at the time of recording. This enables
dataxform to
restart after interruption and recover incompletely transformed files from a
For large directories (e.g., those containing 100,000 or more files) the size of the
dataxform file list can run to tens of gigabytes (the size is largely determined by
file path name lengths). By default,
dataxform stores its master file list in the
directory in which it writes log entries. Before running
dataxform, the protected
host administrator should ascertain that the file system containing the logging
directory contains sufficient space to hold a list of full path names within the
GuardPoint (see
“Monitoring dataxform” on page 59). If this is not practical, the
administrator can designate an alternate location for the list and status files as a
dataxform command line option.
dataxform Execution Time
During transformation, a file set must remain static. Therefore, it is inaccessible to
users and applications. Once started, transformation must complete before admins
can permit applications access to the transformed files. This includes any restarts
and manual recovery of incorrectly transformed files. In effect, the transformation
process determines the duration of the outage. There are two elements to consider
when choosing a window of time during which transforming a data set does not
adversely affect the business function it supports:
Length of run
The run time, assuming that the run is problemfree.
Success of run
Maximizing the chance of success (and therefore minimizing the need for time
consuming manual recovery).
The following sections discuss these two considerations.
Length of Run
The dataxform utility includes a dry run capability that uses a combination of
sampling and calculation to estimate the duration of a problemfree run against a
given file set. A dry run can execute while data is online, however, this results in less
accurate runtime estimates. It counts both the number of files in the set and the
amount of data they contain. It also performs some sample transformations of
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
dummy files to estimate how long an actual transformation would run. The result
of a dry run is an estimate of
dataxform run time. In most cases, however, the
estimate is conservative, provided that other system activity is minimal during the
actual transformation. See
To estimate a dataxform runtime period” on page 50.
Success of Run
To maximize the chances of successful transformation, the protected host
administrator should ensure that the required resources will be available during the
•Storage space
See dataxform space requirements ” on page 16.
•Kernel threads
The utility uses kernel threads for actual file data transformation. The protected
host administrator can specify as many as 512 concurrent file and data chunk
transformation threads. The admin must also ensure that sufficient kernel threads
are preconfigured in the operating system (usually at system startup time) so that
the specification can be met in the presence of other system activity occurring
during transformation. See
“Multithreading in the dataxform utility ” on page 15.
Processing power and I/O bandwidth
You can maximize the power and bandwidth by limiting other system activity
during transformation. I/O bandwidth, particularly disk accesses, is especially
important for sets containing large numbers of files, because each file must be
located and opened (both of which require disk accesses) in addition to having its
data read and overwritten.
NOTE: Minimizing dataxform run time should be a priority because once the
utility starts, it must transform the entire data set before users and applications can
access it again.
dataxform and sparse files
Sparse files are files in which storage space is allocated in file block addresses, into
which data is written. Sparse files exist in both Linux and Windows file systems.
Most Linux file systems do not allocate space for file blocks until the blocks are
actually written. Thus, if an application creates a file and writes the first and 1000th
blocks, the second through 999th blocks are represented as a
hole in the file
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
system’s data structures. When an application reads file blocks that have never
been written, the file system returns zeros. Application reads from holes are thus
indistinguishable from reads of file blocks that actually contain zeros. When an
application writes data to file block addresses in the midst of a hole, the file system
allocates storage space for the data, subdividing the hole into two smaller ones if
In Windows, when a file is created with a specified size or when an application
writes to a file block address greater than had previously been written, the file
system allocates space for all blocks from the first to the highestnumbered.
Windows applications must issue special I/O requests to create holes. Sparse files
are therefore encountered less frequently in Windows.
The File System Agent and the dataxform utility cannot distinguish a file block
that contains zeros from a hole—both return blocks containing zeros when read.
dataxform decrypts and reencrypts such blocks and writes them back to
their original locations, file systems allocate storage space for blocks that may
previously have been holes. For large, mostly sparse files, this can result in run
times and storage consumption that far exceed expectations based on pre
transformation file sizes. Therefore,
dataxform provides administrators with two
options for dealing with sparse files:
Recognize holes
A protected host administrator can configure dataxform to detect and bypass
the processing of file blocks that contain all zeros. The result is that holes remain
holes, and file blocks that contained zeros prior to transformation continue to
contain zeroed after transformation. Application reads of either return decrypted
zeroed, and applications’ first writes cause the file system to allocate storage and
write encrypted data to them. See the
--preserve_sparse_files option in the dataxform man page” on page 82.
•Ignore holes
Alternatively, a protected host administrator can configure dataxform to ignore
holes. The utility decrypts, reencrypts, and rewrites all file blocks. Any file blocks
that previously corresponded to holes have storage allocated for them, and thus,
after transformation, files are no longer sparse. See the
option in the dataxform man page” on page 82.
In most cases, it is advantageous for the protected host administrator to configure
dataxform to recognize holes, so that sparse files remain sparse. Failure to do so
can result in longer than expected transformation times and posttransformation
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
file sets that consume significantly more storage space than prior to
dataxform and duplicate elimination
A similar phenomenon can occur with files that are deduplicated or compressed by
the underlying file system or volume manager. If deduplication or compression
boundaries do not align with the file blocks that are the units in which VTE encrypts
data, the size of a transformed file set may be greater or less than that of the same
file set prior to transformation.
dataxform and Linked Files
When using dataxform, protected host administrators must be cognizant of the
utilitys treatment of linked files—files for which two or more directory entries
point to a single data image. In general, the utility encrypts and rekeys linked files
correctly, but the relationship of links to GuardPoints means that administrators
must be aware of links and how the utility handles them prior to transformation. A
link may be hard—it may be a directory entry that points to a file inode to which
one or more other directory entries in the same file system also point. A link may
be soft—it may represent a file whose data consists of the path name of another
file in the same or a different file system.
The dataxform utility can detect that a directory entry is a hard or soft link. It
transforms any file with multiple hard links to it when it first encounters any of the
links to the file. Thereafter, it skips the alreadytransformed file, and creates a
skipped log entry. This is not an error, but an indication that
dataxform recognizes
that it has already transformed the file’s data. Soft links are simply skipped.
There are two situations with linked files in which data corruption can potentially
External links
Links in directories outside a GuardPoint, that point to files in directories within
the GuardPoint.
Links to external files
Links in directories protected by a GuardPoint that point to files in directories
outside the GuardPoint.
Data Transformation Overview
Overview of the dataxform Utility
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
In these cases, the File System Agent does not have complete control over
application access to file data. For example, in a GuardPoint that protects a
directory subtree (rather than a mount point), if a hard link in a directory outside
the GuardPoint points to a file within the GuardPoint, the File System Agent does
not see every access to the file’s data. If the file is opened through the external link
and data is written to it, the GuardPoint does not intercept the writes, and no
encryption occurs. If the file is later opened through the protected path, and the
data written from outside is read, the File System Agent decrypts it, even though it
was never encrypted. This situation does not occur with GuardPoints that protect
entire file systems, because hard links can only refer to file data within the same file
system name space as the files to which they point.
This problem does not occur with an external soft link, because a file opened
through a soft link in a directory outside the GuardPoint is ultimately opened
through its actual path, which lies within a protected directory.
Similarly, if a hard link in a protected directory refers to file data outside the
GuardPoint, the
dataxform kernel component opens it and transforms the data in
it. If the file is subsequently opened through a path outside the GuardPoint, data is
not decrypted as it is read, and therefore appears corrupt to applications. If
applications access the file from outside the GuardPoint and write data to it, the
GuardPoint intercepts subsequent reads through the link, and the File System
Agent decrypts data that was never encrypted.
To assist protected host administrators in dealing with linked files, the dataxform
utility includes a facility for listing the hard linked files within a GuardPoint.
Administrators can analyze these lists to determine whether the links cross
GuardPoint boundaries and therefore represent potential for operational errors
and data corruption.
See “Checking for HardLink Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform” on page
57 for more information.
Running dataxform and VSS
Vormetric Data Security supports transparent decryption of Microsoft Volume
Shadow Services (VSS) files. However, if you use VSS and you use
dataxform to
change the encryption keys, then you must make a VSS shadow copy before and
after running
dataxform to ensure that the latest encrypted data is backed up.
VSS snapshot does not go through the file system, so it takes the encrypted ondisk
data for backup. However, VSS restore does go through the file system, so
Data Transformation Overview
Automatic Data Transformation
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Vormetric Data Security decrypts the data transparently. To make the shadow copy,
you must have storage space available equal to two times the size of the data you
are copying.
You must keep the old encryption keys to decrypt VSS shadow copies. You also must
unguard and guard with the old encryption key policies. If a particular file or
directory is inside a GuardPoint, you must change the existing policy with the old
key. You must also change the policy before accessing any VSS files, and then before
a VSS restore.
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Automatic Data Transformation
Using dataxform for initial encryption or rekeying of data is a twoparty procedure
requiring cooperation between the DSM Security Administrator and administrators
of protected hosts. The DSM Security Administrator creates policies and applies
them to GuardPoints before and after transformation. The protected host
administrators disable access to protected file sets, run the
dataxform utility, and
reenable file access after transformation. The twoparty architecture preserves
security by making it impossible for a single individual to subvert data protection.
In small data centers, DSM Security administrators and protected host
administrators typically work closely together and have an understanding of each
others’ priorities and constraints. In larger organizations, organizational and
physical distances between them often exist. Moreover, a DSM cluster often
manages data security and key management for dozens, or hundreds, of protected
Simplifying dataxform Data Transformation
VTE can be configured to partially automate data transformation with dataxform,
reducing the need for administrator coordination. The administrator of a protected
host enables automatic transformation of a protected data set by creating a file
dataxform_auto_config in the GuardPoint’s root directory. This file
contains information used to verify version compatibility with the File System
Agent, as well as some parameters to be input to
dataxform (for example, the
location of the disk space to be used to construct the utilitys file list).
If a dataxform_auto_config file is present when the DSM Security
Administrator activates a
dataxform policy (one that contains both production
Data Transformation Overview
Automatic Data Transformation
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
and transformation keys), the File System Agent in the protected system
automatically starts
dataxform. Conversely, the protected host administrator can
disable automatic transformation by deleting the
dataxform_auto_config file
from a GuardPoints root directory.
When dataxform execution completes (or aborts), it leaves behind status files
that it uses to regulate subsequent executions. Whenever the
dataxform starts, it
looks for these files, and if it finds them, displays an informative message and exits
without transforming any files. This prevents
dataxform from running repeatedly.
Prior to running
dataxform, a protected host administrator must execute the
utilitys cleanup function to eliminate status files from previous runs (see
up a previous dataxform session” on page 56). If a transformation fails, the
protected host administrator must repair the problem, complete the
transformation, and then execute the cleanup function (see
“Recovering a Failed
dataxform Session” on page 69).
Even with automatic data transformation, the DSM Security Administrator must
dataxform progress (for example, by observing the DSM log), and replace
the GuardPoints
dataxform policy with a posttransformation production policy
when the run completes. Protected host administrators remain responsible for
blocking access to data (for example, stopping databases and applications or
unmounting file systems) so applications do not have access to files. Finally,
protected host administrators are responsible for reenabling application access to
files after transformation is complete and the DSM Security Administrator has
replaced the
dataxform policy with a posttransformation production policy.
To summarize, the DSM Security Administrator and protected host administrator
interact during automatic data transformation as follows:
Enable automation (protected host administrator)
To enable automation, the protected host administrator creates a
dataxform_auto_config file in the root directory protected by the GuardPoint.
This is a onetime action. The
dataxform_auto_config file needs to only be
updated when parameters change, or deleted when the administrator wishes to
disable automation.
Clean up from previous transformation (protected host administrator)
The protected host administrator executes the dataxform cleanup function (--
) to enable transformation to begin automatically when a transformation
policy is activated for the GuardPoint.
Disable access to data (protected host administrator)
Data Transformation Overview
An Ounce of Prevention
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
The protected host administrator disables access to data, and informs the DSM
Security Administrator that it is safe to replace the GuardPoint’s pre
transformation production policy with a
dataxform policy. The time between
disabling access and activation of the
dataxform policy is part of the overall
window of data unavailability.
Monitor dataxform progress (DSM Security Administrator)
The DSM Security Administrator monitors the progress of the utility, and when the
run is complete, replaces the
dataxform policy with a new posttransformation
production policy. Once the posttransformation production policy has been
activated, the DSM Security Administrator notifies the protected host
administrator that it is safe to reenable application access to the protected file
set. The time between completion of the
dataxform run and reenabling of data
access is part of the overall window of file unavailability. See
dataxform” on page 59 for operational details.
Partial automation of data transformation reduces the number of interactions
between protected host and DSM Security Administrators. Expect that, over time,
VTE will evolve to reduce the interactions to those required to maintain the
fundamental security precepts of the software.
See To run automatic data transformation” on page 53 for detailed operational
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An Ounce of Prevention
The dataxform utility transforms files in place, overwriting file blocks as it
transforms them. Inplace transformation is advantageous, because it minimizes
the temporary storage required to transform large file sets. However, if
fails partway through, files being transformed at the moment of failure must be
restored from backups after the run is complete and access to the data set has
been reenabled. This implies that a reliable, uptodate backup copy of a protected
file set is a necessary prerequisite to inplace transformation.
If a large file set must be fully backed up prior to running dataxform, backup time
must be added to the estimated transformation time to calculate the window of
unavailability. (Backup and transformation must be consecutive so that files do not
change between the two.) For large data sets, backup time can be substantial. In no
case, however, can one recommend bypassing the backup step. If files are worth
protecting with VTE, they are presumably of significant value to the enterprise.
Data Transformation Overview
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Therefore, every reasonable effort must be made to protect them against loss as
well as theft.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Periodic rekeying of encrypted data is increasingly becoming a regulatory or policy
necessity, particularly in the health care and financial fields. In addition, a
sometimesoverlooked problem in deploying online data encryption is the initial
encryption of legacy data sets. There are two basic techniques for both initial
encrypting and rekeying:
Copy data from its source to a destination protected by the desired encryption
Encrypt or rekey data in place, overwriting it block by block
As data center operations grow more complex, and as file sets grow larger, copying
becomes a less viable option. Running
dataxform requires cooperation between
the DSM Security Administrator and administrators of protected hosts. File sets
must remain offline for the duration of a
dataxform run, so the expected outage
window must be estimated, and everything possible done beforehand to ensure
that the run will succeed. The utility includes facilities for estimating run time, and
for discovering potential problems, such as linked files, prior to running the
Data Transformation Overview
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Initial Data Encryption
After installing and configuring your Vormetric Data Security Platform, one of the most
common procedures is to encrypt the data you want to protect. This is called initial data
encryption. There are two methods for encrypting data with the VTE platform. The first is by
copying or restoring your clear data into a GuardPoint with a production/standard encryption
policy. The second is by using the
dataxform utility to encrypt the data in place. This chapter
describes both of these methods in the following sections:
“Data encryption overview” on page 27
“Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on file systems” on page 31
“Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block devices” on page 33
“Using dataxform to encrypt your data” on page 35
NOTE: Before using the procedures in this chapter read the Chapter 1, “Data Transformation
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Data encryption overview
The first step in the data encryption process is to determine the optimal encryption method for
your environment. There are three methods:
Clear data is encrypted by copying it into a GuardPoint with an encryption policy.
Clear data stored on a backup device is encrypted by restoring it to a GuardPoint with an
encryption policy.
Data is encrypted inplace using the dataxform command line utility.
The optimal method depends on the following:
1. Whether you are encrypting data on a block device or directory.
2. The amount of disk space you have.
Initial Data Encryption
Data encryption overview
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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3. Speed of your backup devices.
NOTE: Whichever method you select, backup your data before encrypting it.
Restore encryption method
In this method, your sensitive data is backed up to a storage device. To encrypt the
1. Block access to the directory or device that will be encrypted.
2. Create a GuardPoint with an encryption policy on the directory or block device that
will hold the protected data.
3. Restore the data from the backup device to the GuardPoint. As data is written into
the GuardPoint, it is encrypted.
4. Replace the encryption policy with a production policy or the initial test policy.
5. Open access to the nowprotected directory or block device.
In the following example, users access Oracle databases on the protected host.
Initial Data Encryption
Data encryption overview
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Figure 8: Users Accessing a restored Oracle DB
To encr ypt \DB-3:
1. Block user access to it.
2. Create an encryption GuardPoint on
3. Restore the backup data from the backup media to \DB-3.
4. Restore access to the directory.
This method requires no extra disk space.
The speed of this method depends on
the speed of the restoration device.
Copy encryption method
In this method, you encrypt clear data by copying it into a GuardPoint with an
encryption policy. This method is generally faster than the restore encryption
method. If the data you copy to the GuardPoint is on the same drive and volume as
the GuardPoint, this method is comparable in speed to
dataxform, which is about
24 GB per minute. If the data to be encrypted is accessed from a slower disk or a
different volume, the encryption will be slightly slower.
Following is an example of the Copy Encryption process:
Initial Data Encryption
Data encryption overview
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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1. Block all access to the directory containing the data to be encrypted.
2. Rename that directory (example: from
\mssql\data\2 to \mssql\data\2-OLD).
3. Create a new directory for your sensitive data with the original directory path
\mssql\data\2) and block access to it.
4. Create a GuardPoint with an encryption po
licy on that directory.
5. Copy the sensitive data into the GuardPoin
t. Data in the GuardPoint is encrypted.
6. Replace the encryption policy
with a production policy or the initial test policy.
7. Allow access to the new directory.
This method requires additional disk space
at least as large as \mssql\data\2-
. The speed of the method depends on the speed of the copy.
Figure 9: User
s using the copy method
dataxform encryption method
In this method, you encrypt data in place using the dataxform tool. In general,
this method is the fastest. To generate an estimated time for encryption see “To
estimate a dataxform runtime period” on page 50.
Following is an overview of the dataxform method:
Initial Data Encryption
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on file systems
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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1. Block all access to the directory containing the sensitive data.
2. Create a dataxform policy for the GuardPoint on this directory.
3. Run dataxform on the directory. After completion, the data in the GuardPoint is
4. Remove the dataxform policy on the GuardPoint and replace it with a production
5. Open access to the directory.
How to decide what method to use
Some general rules:
If the data you are encrypting is in a block device, you must use the Copy or
Restore encryption method.
If you can copy the data into an encrypting GuardPoint on the same disk and same
volume, the Copy method is as fast as the
dataxform method.
If you can copy the data into an encrypting GuardPoint on the same disk, but
different volume, or SAN or NAS, you can use the Copy method but it is slightly
The Copy method also requires disk space that is twice the size of the data you are
If the data you are encrypting comes from a backup device that is not a disk, for
example, a storage array, you can use the Restore method.
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on file
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This section describes how to use the Copy or Restore encryption method on file
Warning! If you apply an encryption GuardPoint to a folder containing
files, those files remain unencrypted. If you try to access those files, they
are then encrypted. If you attempt a write, you can potentially corrupt
Initial Data Encryption
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on file systems
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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parts or the entire file. The only method to access those files in an
unencrypted state is to disable or remove the GuardPoint.
1. Verify that there is a good backup of the data to be encrypted. This step is vital.
2. Stop ALL access and services to the data to be encrypted. Make sure no processes,
services, or users are currently accessing the data.
3. Make sure you have enough empty storage space to copy the data.
4. Make sure that you have a VTE production policy.
Encrypting GuardPoint data using the Copy or Restore encryption
1. Log on to the Management Console as an administrator of type All, or as a Security
Administrator with Key and Policy roles. Switch to the domain containing the host
you want to protect.
2. Create an encryption policy to encrypt data copied into the GuardPoint.
a. Create an encryption key.
b. Using that encryption key, create a policy with a single rule:
Action: all_ops Effect: permit apply_key
3. Under Key Selection Rule select the encryption key that you just created.
4. Create an empty directory for the protected data.
5. Apply the encryption policy to the empty directory. This is the new GuardPoint.
6. Block data access to the old operational directory.
7. Copy or restore the data from the old operational directory to the newly created
GuardPoint. This data is encrypted.
8. Disable the encryption policy from the new GuardPoint and apply your production
policy. Your data is now fully encrypted and you can redirect access to the
9. Start application testing and inform application teams that systems are ready for
use. Everything should work exactly as before except that now the data is encrypted.
Monitor the situation with your users.
Initial Data Encryption
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block devices
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block
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The process for using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block devices and
raw disks is much the same as with file systems.
1. Verify that there is a good backup of the data.
2. The block device receiving the protected data must be new or clean as all existing
data will be unusable.
3. Stop ALL services and access to the block device to be encrypted.
4. You will need a VTE production policy.
Information for encrypting block devices
The Oracle DBA defines a disk group with secvm disks/devices. Then secvm
communicates with the DSMDBA and updates the disk group information. Oracle
ASM provides the mapping of secvm devices to physical disks/devices.
All databases (table space) in a disk group must be encrypted. Do not mix
encrypted and nonencrypted databases in a single disk group. Nonencrypted
databases must be kept in separate disk groups that are not protected by a File
System agent.
You can configure the same GuardPoints in both the Edit Host window and the
Edit Host Group window, and apply different policies to those GuardPoints. If you
want to apply GuardPoints globally to a set of hosts, configure the GuardPoints in
a host group. If you plan to configure the host in a host group, do not configure
GuardPoints at the host level.
Partitions are identified by their device name. Device names for partitions vary
between platforms.
Encrypting data on a block device
1. Log in to the Management Console as an administrator of type All, or as a Security
Administrator with Key and Policy roles.
Initial Data Encryption
Using the Copy or Restore encryption method on block devices
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
2. Switch to the domain containing the host you want to protect.
3. Create an encryption policy with the following rule:
Action: all_ops Effect: permit apply_key
4. Under Key Selection Rule select an appropriate encryption key.
5. Click Hosts > Hosts in the Management Console to open the Hosts window.
6. Click on the protected host name containing the block device where you will create
the GuardPoints.
7. Click the Guard FS tab. The host’s GuardPoints, if any, are display in the Protected
8. Click Guard to open the Guard File System panel.
•For Policy, choose an appropriate encryption policy. In the example, the name of
the encryption policy is
•For Type, choose the device type that fits the OS and Storage system.
For Windows choose Raw or Block Device (Auto Guard).
For Linux/UNIX choose Raw or Block Device (Auto Guard).
Select Raw or Block Device (Manual Guard) for raw devices that are to be
manually guarded and unguarded in order to failover to a different node in a
cluster. See Automatic and Manual GuardPoints” on page 77 for details on this
•For Path, enter the GuardPoint folder. For example, /dev/sda1
You can browse, but it should show block devices. Click a partition name to select
Inactive partitions are displayed. Open partitions are not displayed, nor are
currently guarded partitions.
NOTE: Thirdparty applications can open raw devices in obscure ways, and may
cause the Remote File Browser to ignore and not display supposedly inactive
devices. For example, inactive raw devices in the Oracle DBCA disk discovery path
are not displayed in the Remote File Browser, even when the devices are not
assigned to a disk group. If /dev/sd* is configured in the DBCA disk discovery path
and DBCA is running, inactive /dev/sd* devices are not displayed in the browser.
This is because the devices are kept open by the Oracle process. To get around this
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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problem, close dbca and open the browser again. The devices are free, displayed in
the browser, and available for selection
9. Click OK to apply the policy to the GuardPoint. The Edit Host panel opens.
A red status indicator means that the policy has not yet started to encrypt the data.
Click Refresh until the Status turns green. This may take up to 30 seconds. The policy
is then activated and the GuardPoint is protected.
10. Repeat this process for each block device that you want to protect.
11. Stop ALL services and access to the block device with the active data.
12. Using the appropriate method, copy or restore the data into the newly created
devices so that VTE encrypts it.
13. Disable the encryption policy (if necessary) from the new GuardPoint and apply your
production policy.
14. Start all services and restore access to the data that is now fully encrypted.
Make sure that the applications and services access the newly created Vormetric
protected hosts. Vormetric encrypted raw or block protected hosts are accessed
using the directory:
/dev/secvm/dev/xxxxx where xxxxx is the original device name.
15. Start application testing and inform application teams that systems are ready for
use. Everything should work exactly as before; however, monitor the situation with
your users.
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Using dataxform to encrypt your data
The dataxform utility is an executable that encrypts datainplace in a GuardPoint.
This section describes how to use
dataxform for initial data encryption. For more
details on
dataxform and its capabilities see “DataXform Reference” on page 49
and “Overview of the dataxform Utility ” on page 13.
NOTE: dataxform does not work on block devices.
The process for using dataxform for initial data encryption is as follows:
“Create dataxform policy.
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Apply the dataxform policy to the GuardPoint. The GuardPoint contains the files
to be encrypted.
“Execute dataxform to start data encryption in the GuardPoint.
“Remove the dataxform policy and apply production policy.Remove
policy and apply the production policy.
Notes and Limitations
For detailed dataxform information, see dataxform man page” on page 82 and
“Overview of the dataxform Utility ” on page 13.
Guarding and transforming linked files is potentially dangerous. See “Checking for
HardLink Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform” on page 57.
You can execute multiple
dataxform sessions on the same host as long as each
dataxform session is executed in a different GuardPoint. If you execute multiple
instances of
dataxform manually, the instances run in parallel. If you execute
multiple instances of
dataxform automatically (see Automatic Data
Transformation ” on page 22 and To run automatic data transformation” on page
53), the instances run consecutively.
NOTE: dataxform is optimized to run as fast as possible, tuning itself to the
computer automatically. To run more than one instance simultaneously, you may
need to reduce to number of execution threads allocated to each instance. See
dataxform man page” on page 82.
1. If you use Microsoft Volume Shadow Services (VSS) files and use dataxform to
change the encryption keys, then you must make a VSS shadow copy before and
after running
dataxform. See “Running dataxform and VSS” on page 21.
2. Verify that there is a good backup of the data to be encrypted. This step is vital.
3. Stop ALL services and access to the data to be encrypted. Make sure no processes,
services, or users are currently accessing the data.Create a VTE production policy.
(See the DSM Administrator Guide)
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Create dataxform policy
The dataxform initial encryption policy is required when you run the dataxform
executable on a directory. After
dataxform encrypts the files, you remove the
dataxform initial encryption policy and add a production policy to the GuardPoint.
1. Log in to the Management Console as a Security Administrator with Key and Policy
roles or as an administrator of type All. Switch to the domain containing the host you
want to protect.
2. Create an encryption key.
3. Create an initial encryption policy:
a. Click Policies > Manage Policies to display the Policies window. The Policies
window lists policies available to this domain.
b. Click Add Online Policy. The Add Online Policy window opens.
c. For Policy Type, select Standard.
d. Enter a name and optional description for your policy. In this example, we used
e. Click Add in the Security Rules panel. The Add Security Rule window opens.
f. Select Action. The Select Action window opens.
g. Select key_op and click Selection Action. The Add Security Rule window returns
with key_op in the Action field.
h. Select Effect to display the Select Effect window.
i. Select Permit and Apply Key, then click Select Effect.
j. Click OK. The Add Policy window opens with the Security Rule added. The Key
Selections Rules panel and the Data Transformation Rules Panel also display.
k. Click Add in the Key Selection Rules panel. The Add Key Rule window opens.
l. Click Key. The Select Symmetric Key window opens.
m. Select clear_key and click Select Key.
n. The Add Key Rule window opens with clear_key. Click OK. The Add Policy
window opens with the Security Rule added.
o. Click Add in the Data Transformation Rules panel. The Add Key Rule window
p. Click Key. The Select Symmetric Key window opens.
q. Select the key you created in Step 2.
r. Click Select Key. The Add Key Rule window opens with the key name entered.
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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s. Click OK. The Add Online Policy window opens with the Data Transformation Rule
4. Click OK. The dataxform policy is added to the Policies window.
Apply the dataxform policy to the GuardPoint
Once you create the dataxform policy, you must apply it to the directory
containing the data for encryption. When a policy is applied to a directory, the
directory is called a GuardPoint.
In the following instructions, you apply the dataxform1 policy to a directory on one
of your protected hosts. In the following steps, we will use an example directory
/vipdata to demonstrate the procedure.
1. Click Hosts > Hosts in the Management Console. The Hosts window opens.
2. Click on the protected host name in blue that contains the directory with the files to
encrypt. The Edit Host screen opens.
3. Click the Guard FS tab. Existing GuardPoints display. Click Guard.
4. For Policy, choose dataxform1.
5. For Type, select Directory (Auto Guard).
Select Directory (Manual Guard) for Linux/UNIX file system directories that must be
manually guarded and unguarded in order to failover to a different node in a cluster.
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints” on page 77 for details on this issue.
6. For Path, enter the directory for the files to be encrypted.
Optionally, click Browse to browse and highlight the GuardPoint directory.
NOTE: Browse will not work if the host was registered with One-way
7. Click OK to apply the policy to the GuardPoint.
The Edit Host panel opens. A red status indicator means that the policy hasn't taken
8. Click Refresh until the Status turns green. This may take up to 30 seconds. The policy
is now activated and the GuardPoint is ready to run the
dataxform executable.
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Execute dataxform to start data encryption in the GuardPoint
The following instructions are for running dataxform on a GuardPoint for the
initial encryption.
1. Disable existing active GuardPoints before manually running dataxform. Encrypt
the data. For each GuardPoint run
dataxform. Example:
# dataxform --rekey --print_stat --gp <directory>
See dataxform man page” on page 82 for all the features and options.
# dataxform --rekey --print_stat --preserve_modified_time --gp
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guardpoint
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx2
About to perform the requested data transform operation
-- Be sure to back up your data
-- Do not access files in the guard point during the transform
-- Please do not attempt to terminate the application
Scan found 10005 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
Transformed 10010 files (273 KB) of 10005 files (273 KB) for
guard point /opt/apps/dx2
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 25 seconds
Data transform skipped some files
The file /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal01 was skipped. It
was an additional hard link
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere03 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere02 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere01 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal02 was skipped. It
was an additional hard link
Number of additional hard links skipped: 2
Number of soft links skipped: 3
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile01
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile02
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile03
The data transform operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 25
Data transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx2 finished but 5
files were skipped
View the dataxform run results in the local log,
/var/log/vormetric/vordxf _path_usr.log, or in the Logs window.
View the list of files that were not transformed in
NOTE: Lowpower systems can run out of memory while running dataxform. If
entries like
"[VMD] [ERROR] [1933564] [DXF4328E] Kernel component
gave unexpected status 4." and "[VMD] [ERROR] [3670108]
[DXF4300E] Out of Memory"
are sent to the system messages file, lower the -
parameter value. It takes longer to run, but dataxform uses less memory
and completes successfully.
2. Read the dataxform command line messages as it encrypts files. Specifically note
messages that list files or folders that are skipped and the reasons why. The
dataxform log file also contains this information. Use it to identify failed
transformations (see
“Monitoring dataxform” on page 59.
3. If a dataxform fails during transformation, you can usually rerun it and it resumes
transformation beginning with the next file.The risk is that all files that were in
progress during the transformation may not be completely transformed at the point
of failure. In this case you will have to restore it from your backup and transform it
NOTE: If dataxform fails, do not clean up the GuardPoint or remove the
dataxform status files. If you run dataxform again in the same GuardPoint,
dataxform will use these files and resume operations where it left off.
4. After you have verified that the encryption is successful, clean up the dataxform
session files before you run
dataxform again on the same GuardPoint. See
“Cleaning up a previous dataxform session” on page 56.
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Remove the dataxform policy and apply production policy
After running dataxform, the data in the target folder is encrypted. The next step
is to remove the
dataxform policy and apply your production policy. If you do not
have a production policy, the DSM Administrator Guide describes how to create
1. In the Management Console, click Hosts > Host Name > Guard FS.
2. Select your initial encryption policy and click Unguard.
3. Click Guard and apply the production/standard policy to the GuardPoint that you
just encrypted.
•For Policy, choose the production policy. In this example, the name of the
production policy is
•For Type, use Directory (Auto Guard).
Select Directory (Manual Guard) for Linux/UNIX file system directories that are to
be manually guarded and unguarded in order to failover to a different node in a
cluster. See
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints” on page 77 for details on this
•For Path, enter the GuardPoint folder. For example, /vipdata for Linux/UNIX hosts
or c:\vipdata for Windows hosts.
Optionally, click Browse to browse and highlight the GuardPoint directory.
NOTE: Browse does not work if the host was registered with One-way
4. Click OK to apply the production policy to the GuardPoint. The Edit Host panel
A red status indicator means that the policy has not taken effect. Click Refresh until
the Status turns green. This may take up to 30 seconds. The policy is now activated
and the GuardPoint is protected.
5. Start all services and restore access to the data that is now encrypted.
6. Inform application teams that systems are ready for use. Everything should work
exactly as before; however, monitor the situation with your users.
Initial Data Encryption
Using dataxform to encrypt your data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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This chapter describes how to rekey your existing GuardPoints. It consists of the following
“Rekeying Overview” on page 43
“Rekeying with dataxform” on page 44
“Rekeying using manual copy method” on page 47
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Rekeying Overview
Data encryption keys are the keys used to encrypt data in a GuardPoint. Rekeying, also called
key rotation, is the process of changing the encryption key used to encrypt your GuardPoint
data. Changing GuardPoint encryption keys increases security and is required in some
organizations. Best practices covered in the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Special Publication 80057 dictate that encryption keys should be rotated periodically to
ensure the security of data from compromise. This security, however, comes at a cost – namely,
downtime to perform the reencryption of the data.
There are two methods for rekeying:
Using the dataxform utility
Data is encrypted inplace using the dataxform utility. This method is fast and easy, but
requires total and exclusive access to the GuardPoint. All users and applications are blocked
from accessing the data until
dataxform is finished executing. See “Rekeying with
dataxform” on page 44.
Manual copying
A GuardPoint is created on a new directory or device and guarded using a new encryption key.
Then the data is copied from the original GuardPoint to the new GuardPoint. During the copy,
data is decrypted with the original key and encrypted with the new key when it is placed in the
new GuardPoint. This method does not require exclusive access to the original GuardPoint,
but requires extra storage space of at least the amount of data to be copied. It also requires
more steps to ensure that the newly reencrypted data is both protected by a policy using the
new key and known to users or applications that require access to the data. See
using manual copy method” on page 47.
Rekeying with dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Rekeying with dataxform
Rekeying with dataxform requires that you change the current key of the
production policy on your GuardPoint to a new key.
Notes and Limitations
For detailed dataxform information, see dataxform man page” on page 82 and
“Overview of the dataxform Utility ” on page 13.
Guarding and transforming linked files is potentially dangerous. See “Checking for
HardLink Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform” on page 57.
If you use Microsoft Volume Shadow Services (VSS) files and you use
to change the encryption keys, then you must make a VSS shadow copy before
and after running
dataxform. See “Running dataxform and VSS” on page 21.
You can execute multiple
dataxform sessions on the same host as long as each
dataxform session is executed in a different GuardPoint. If you execute multiple
instances of
dataxform manually, the instances run in parallel. If you execute
multiple instances of
dataxform automatically (see Automatic Data
Transformation ” on page 22 and To run automatic data transformation” on page
53), the instances run consecutively.
NOTE: dataxform is optimized to run as fast as possible, tuning itself to the
computer automatically. To run more than one instance at once, you may need to
reduce to number of execution threads allocated to each instance. See
man page” on page 82.
If you change the encryption key on particular production policy, and if another
GuardPoint on another host uses the same production policy, then that
GuardPoints data will be unreadable because it still uses the old key. To avoid this:
Transform all of the data in all of the GuardPoints on all of the Hosts that use
the same production policy with the new key
Change the name of the production policy used on the GuardPoint on which
you ran
dataxform. The policy will then only apply to that GuardPoint and not
the other GuardPoints using the policy of the original name.
Rekeying with dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
To rekey with dataxform
The following steps describe the process of transforming data from one encryption
key to another encryption key using the
dataxform utility.
1. If dataxform was run on this GuardPoint previously, you must clean up those
dataxform sessions. See “Cleaning up a previous dataxform session” on page 56.
2. Log into the DSM Management Console.
3. In the Keys menu, create a new key for reencrypting data.
4. Create a dataxform policy that specifies the following:
a. Action: key_op
b. Effect: apply_key, permit
c. Key Selection Rules tab key: The original key currently in use.
d. Data Transformation Rules tab key: The new key.
5. Block all access to data in the GuardPoint that is to be reencrypted.
6. In the Management Console, click the Hosts tab, select the <hostname>, and click
the Guard FS tab.
7. Disable the production policy on the GuardPoint.
8. Add a new GuardPoint to the host with the same directory as the original
GuardPoint, applying the
dataxform policy to the GuardPoint.
NOTE: At this point, all access to the GuardPoint is denied except for dataxform.
9. From the command line on the protected host, run dataxform as root or admin
user with at least the
--rekey and --gp options.
# dataxform --rekey --print_stat --preserve_modified_time --gp
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx2
About to perform the requested data transform operation
-- Be sure to back up your data
-- Do not access files in the guard point during the transform
Rekeying with dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
-- Please do not attempt to terminate the application
Scan found 10005 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
Transformed 10010 files (273 KB) of 10005 files (273 KB) for
guard point /opt/apps/dx2
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 25 seconds
Data transform skipped some files
The file /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal01 was skipped. It
was an additional hard link
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere03 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere02 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/filenothere01 was skipped. It was a soft
The file /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal02 was skipped. It
was an additional hard link
Number of additional hard links skipped: 2
Number of soft links skipped: 3
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile01
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile02
Missing 1 references to hard link /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile03
The data transform operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 25
Data transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx2 finished but 5
files were skipped
View the dataxform run results in the local log,
/var/log/vormetric/vordxf _path_usr.log, or in the Logs window.
View the list of files that were not transformed in
NOTE: If dataxform fails, do not clean up the GuardPoint or remove the
dataxform status files. If you run dataxform again in the same GuardPoint,
dataxform will use these files to resume operation where it had left off.
NOTE: Lowpower systems can run out of memory while running dataxform. If
entries like
"[VMD] [ERROR] [1933564] [DXF4328E] Kernel component
Rekeying using manual copy method
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
gave unexpected status 4." and "[VMD] [ERROR] [3670108]
[DXF4300E] Out of Memory"
are sent to the system messages file, lower the -
parameter value. It will take longer to run, but dataxform will use less
memory and complete successfully.
10. On the production policy, change the key to use the new key instead of the original
11. Delete the transformation policy and reenable the production policy that now has
the new key.
12. Verify proper access to the data.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rekeying using manual copy method
This section describes how to rekey your GuardPoint using the copy method.
If you change the encryption key on a production policy, and if another
GuardPoint on another host uses the same production policy, then that
GuardPoints data becomes unreadable because the data is still
encrypted/decrypted with the old key. To avoid this:
Transform all of the data in all of the GuardPoints on all of the Hosts that use
the same production policy with the new key
Change the name of the production policy used on the GuardPoint on which
you ran
dataxform. The policy will then only apply to that GuardPoint and not
the other GuardPoints using the policy of the original name.
1. Identify a location where VTE can create a GuardPoint and has enough space to hold
the data for rekeying.
2. Log into the Management Console.
3. In the Keys menu, create a new key for reencrypting data.
4. Create a transformation policy that specifies the following:
Action: all_op
Effect: apply_key, permit
Key Selection Rules key: The new key
5. On the Management Console, click Hosts > hostname > Guard FS
Rekeying using manual copy method
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
6. Add a new GuardPoint that uses the new production policy on the protected host
location you identified in Step #1.
7. Copy or move the data from the original directory to the new GuardPoint.
The data in the new directory is rekeyed.
NOTE: Use of a multithreaded copy command, like the xcopy (Windows only), is
highly recommended to minimize the transfer time.
Direct all applications and users to use the new data location, or change the name
of the new GuardPoint directory to the name of the original directory.
1. If you direct all applications and users to use the new data location, make sure that
they use the production policy that contains the new encryption key.
2. If you change the name of the new GuardPoint directory to the name of the original
directory use the following instructions:
a. In the Management Console, disable the original GuardPoint.
b. Unguard the newly created GuardPoint with the rekeyed data.
c. On the protected host, rename the original directory to a temporary name.
d. Rename the newly created directory to the original directory name.
e. In the Management Console, modify the original policy to use the newly created
f. Enable the original GuardPoint with the original policy. This puts the original policy
in effect with the new key on the newly transformed data.
3. Verify that the rekeyed data is accessible to users.
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DataXform Reference
This appendix consists of the following sections:
“Common dataxform examples” on page 49
“Cleaning up a previous dataxform session” on page 56
“Checking for HardLink Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform” on page 57
“Monitoring dataxform” on page 59
“Recovering a Failed dataxform Session” on page 69
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints” on page 77
“Running dataxform in an Oracle database on an HPUX system” on page 81
dataxform man page” on page 82
“Unencrypting Data” on page 87
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common dataxform examples
To display dataxform version information
# dataxform --version
System Response
Build version: 5.2.2
Build ID: 850
Build Date: 2014-121-22 09:22:38 (PST)
To verify that a directory guarded with a rekey policy can be rekeyed with
In the following example, the first GuardPoints have a standard policy. In the second, the
GuardPoint has a rekey policy:
# dataxform --rekey_supported --gp /opt/apps/apps1/doc
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
The kernel component doesn't support data transform on
Verify this is a guard point with valid data transformation
policy, and check the system log files for any other problems.
It may be due to one or more of following reasons; 1.policy has
no valid key rule(s), and/or 2. policy has no key_op rule,
and/or 3. policy has valid permit rule(s), and/or 4. policy
rule that contains key_op in the action field also specifies
other actions.
# dataxform --rekey_supported --gp /opt/apps/dx2
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx2
NOTE: You can also get the message "not a guard point or there is no
data transformation rule"
when an administrator is inside the GuardPoint or
accessing files in the GuardPoint. Check that no one is in the GuardPoint and that a
rekey policy is applied to the GuardPoint. If a GuardPoint does not qualify for
rekeying, check that a key is configured in the Data Transformation Rules tab of the
assigned policy in the Management Console.
To estimate a dataxform runtime period
Rekeying the files in a GuardPoint can take a long time if there are thousands of
files to be rekeyed. The
--deep_scan argument on the dataxform command
simulates and estimate how long a
dataxform session will take on a specified
GuardPoint. Enter all the arguments that you would normally use for the
dataxform session, and assign the rekey policy to the GuardPoint, so dataxform
accurately simulates the actual rekey process.
NOTE: --deep_scan is CPU and I/O intensive. Expect a drop in system
performance while running
--deep_scan. It can take a long time to complete‐‐
enough so that for very small file systems, you are better off running
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
directly rather than trying to estimate how long it will take with the --deep_scan
The following shows a simple dataxform command line session with the --
# dataxform --deep_scan --gp /opt/apps/dx4
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx4
About to perform a deep scan of the guard point
-- To enable consistent results, do not access the guard point
the scan
-- Transformation simulations will be performed, which may take
some time
Do you wish to continue (y/n)?y
Status information for directories in guard point
Directory /opt/apps/dx4/ab_dir/ contains 40 files (1 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx4/ac_dir/ contains 40 files (1 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx4/aa_dir/ contains 40 files (1 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx4/ad_dir/ contains 37 files (1 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx4/ contains 46 files (915 bytes)
Scan found 203 files (5 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
Estimated data transformation time for /opt/apps/dx4 is 0h 0m
-- This is an estimated time using actual data
transformations on test files
-- The actual transformation time may be more or less than this
The second line of the --deep_scan output in the example above is "Data
transformation is supported on gp". This line is displayed when the
directory being scanned is an active GuardPoint with a rekey policy. This line is not
displayed when the directory being scanned is a regular directory, a disabled
GuardPoint, or an active GuardPoint with a regular, nonrekey policy.
The --deep_scan results are also echoed to /var/log/vormetric/vordxf-
_path_usr.log and forwarded to the Logs windows.
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
To manually run dataxform on a specific set of files
Use the following procedure to manually execute dataxform on a specific set of
files in a GuardPoint.
1. Back up the data in the GuardPoint.
2. If specific files are to be encrypted, create a file list.
A file list is a text file that consists of the full path name of each file to be
transformed. Enter one file path per line. If a file list is not specified,
dataxform will
rekey all the files in the GuardPoint.
3. Log on to the Management Console as an administrator of type Security
Administrator with
Host role permissions or type All.
NOTE: Existing active GuardPoints must be disabled before running a manual data
4. For an existing GuardPoint, disable it. For new GuardPoints, go to step 5.
a. Open the Guard FS tab of the host with the GuardPoint to be transformed. The
applied policies and GuardPoints of the host are displayed.
b. Disable the GuardPoint that is currently in effect. Select the Select check box for
the GuardPoint and click Disable.
c. Confirm that the GuardPoint is disabled:
For Linux and UNIX systems: execute the secfsd -status guard command
repeatedly until the GuardPoint is no longer displayed.
For Windows systems: on the task bar, rightclick the Vormetric Tray Icon and
click View > File System > GuardPoints until the GuardPoint is no longer
5. Create a dataxform policy and apply it to the now disabled or newly created
GuardPoint. The
dataxform policy specifies the following:
Action: key_op
Effect: apply_key, permit
Key Selection Rules key: The original key currently in use. Use clear_key if
Data Transformation Rules key: The new key. Use clear_key if decrypting.
6. Confirm that the GuardPoint is reenabled:
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
For Linux and UNIX systems: execute the secfsd -status guard command
repeatedly until the GuardPoint is displayed.
For Windows systems: On the task bar, rightclick the Vormetric Tray Icon and click
View > File System > GuardPoints until the GuardPoint is displayed.
7. Execute the dataxform command with the desired options on the host system. For
#dataxform --rekey_list --file_list dx_fileList.txt
System Response
--gp /home/apps/apps1/data --dir_recovery /root
--dir_recovery allows you to specify where dataxform status files are placed.
8. (Optional) Monitor dataxform progress on the host system.
# tail -f /var/log/vormetric/vordxf_path_usr.log
9. Wait until dataxform completes.
10. Disable or delete the dataxform policy and replace with a production policy.
Reboot the host if you cannot disable or delete the rekey policy
Caution: Do not apply a policy that is configured for encryption to a
directory that contains unencrypted files because, when
apply_key is
configured, the unencrypted files are encrypted when they are accessed.
The data will be unusable if read and corrupted if saved.
To run automatic data transformation
You can automatically transform your GuardPoint data by creating a dataxform
policy and placing a file,
dataxform_auto_config, in the toplevel directory of
the GuardPoint.
The dataxform_auto_config file consists of one or two lines. The first line is
mandatory. It specifies an internally used version number. Currently, the internal
version number is
1. Set the first line to “version=1. The second line is optional.
The second line lists additional
dataxform parameters. By default, dataxform
executes the
--rekey and --gp options. These options rekey all the files in the
GuardPoint. Do not enter the
--rekey_list, --file_list, or --gp options in
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
the dataxform_auto_config file. An example dataxform_auto_config file is
shown below:
--thd 4 --preserve_modified_time
Automatic data transformation notes and limitations
(Windows only) UNIX and Windows users can run both manual and automatic
dataxform. However, after Windows users run automatic dataxform, the folder
for the GuardPoint remains in a “busy” state and it cannot be unguarded.
Windows users must reboot the system after performing automatic
to reset the state of the GuardPoint and unguard the folder.
(Windows only) Do not run automatic
dataxform in GuardPoints that are on
network drives. Automatic
dataxform runs as the local “system” account. This
account operates only on the file system and cannot operate across the network.
To transform files on a network drive, log on to the system as an administrator
with privileges to access the network drive and to modify the GuardPoint to be
transformed, and then run
dataxform manually.
•Lowpower systems can run out of memory while running
dataxform. If entries
like "
[VMD] [ERROR] [1933564] [DXF4328E] Kernel component gave
unexpected status 4.
" and "[VMD] [ERROR] [3670108] [DXF4300E]
Out of Memory" are sent to the system messages file, lower the --thd
parameter value. It will take longer to run, but
dataxform will use less memory
and should complete successfully.
Automatic dataxform processes directories and files according to the native
sort order of the system. Automatic
dataxform is aware of the files currently
being processed. If the automatic
dataxform process is interrupted, you can
restart it and it will resume from roughly where it had left off. It will resume within
a range of files generally equal to the number of open threads that were running,
using the files listed in
./dataxform_status-alt-_gp, and based on the system sort order. We
strongly recommend that no one access the GuardPoint during data
transformation because depending where
dataxform is in the list of directories
and files to process, the directories and files that you create can be skipped, and
changes that you make to the files can go unnoticed. You will then have to
manually transform the new or modified files. Additionally, if you do not configure
dataxform properly, it is easy to rekey a file twice, thus corrupting that
file. Automatic
dataxform, on the other hand, is easier to recover.
Common dataxform examples
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
To run automatic dataxform
1. Back up and block all access to the GuardPoint.
2. Create a dataxform_auto_config file.
3. Log on to the Management Console as an administrator of type Security
Administrator with
Host role permissions or type All.
4. Open the Guard FS tab of the host with the GuardPoint to be transformed. The
applied policies and GuardPoints of the host are displayed.
5. Disable the GuardPoint that is currently in effect. Select the Select option for the
GuardPoint. Click Disable.
6. (Optional) Enter the df command on the host system repeatedly until the secfs
mount for the GuardPoint is no longer displayed, or execute the “
secfsd -status
” command repeatedly until the GuardPoint is no longer displayed.
7. Copy the dataxform_auto_config file into the GuardPoint. Data transformation
should start within seconds.
8. Apply the dataxform policy to the now disabled GuardPoint.
(Optional) Execute the “secfsd -status guard command repeatedly on the
host system until the GuardPoint and rekey policy are displayed. You can also keep
clicking the Refresh button in the Edit Host window, Guard FS tab, until the green
status ball is displayed.
9. (Optional) Monitor dataxform progress on the host system.
# tail -f /var/log/vormetric/vordxf_path_usr.log
10. Check log files to verify successful dataxform completion.
The /var/log/vormetric/vordxf_path_usr.log file lists the success or failure
dataxform, the files that were affected, and the actions taken. Refer to “Using
dataxform_status* Files” on page 62 for details.
Check the rekey status in the Logs window.
11. Disable or delete the dataxform policy. Reboot the host if you cannot disable or
delete the rekey policy.
12. Delete the dataxform_auto_config file from the GuardPoint.
If you do not delete the dataxform_auto_config file, the next time you apply a
rekey policy to the GuardPoint, data transformation will begin immediately. It is
better to copy the file into the GuardPoint when you are ready.
13. Apply a production policy to the GuardPoint. If the dataxform policy used an
encryption key, be sure to use the same key in the production policy.
Cleaning up a previous dataxform session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Caution: Do not apply a policy that is configured for encryption to a
directory that contains unencrypted files because, when
apply_key is
configured, the unencrypted files are encrypted when they are accessed.
The data will be unusable if read and corrupted if saved.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleaning up a previous dataxform session
When dataxform execution completes (or aborts), it leaves behind status files
that it uses to regulate subsequent executions. Whenever the
dataxform starts, it
looks for these files and if it finds them, either resumes running where it left off, or
displays an informative message and exits without transforming any files. The
exiting prevents
dataxform from running repeatedly. Prior to running
dataxform, a protected host administrator must execute the utilitys “cleanup”
function to eliminate status files from previous runs. If a transformation fails, the
protected host administrator must repair the problem, complete transformation,
and then execute the cleanup function.
Warning! NEVER run a cleanup operation after a partial transformation,
as you will be unable to resume transforming the remaining files.
When dataxform is run, it checks the status in the dataxform_status-gp file. If
the status is “done”,
dataxform exits with “data transform status for
GuardPoint_dir: previous attempt completed” error message. Remove the
status file and other configuration files with the
--cleanup option.
The command syntax for cleaning a previous dataxform session is:
# dataxform --cleanup --gp gp
For example:
# dataxform --cleanup --nq --gp /opt/apps/dx2
System Response
Checking for Hard-Link Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
About to remove the data transformation status files
The --cleanup operation does not return a message indicating a successful
completion. If there are no errors, the cleanup operation completed successfully,
and you can now run
dataxform on the GuardPoint.
Checking for Hard-Link Files Inside the GuardPoint with
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guarding and transforming linked files is potentially dangerous. Links require
special consideration. Depending on how policies and keys are applied to both the
link file/directory and the source file/directory, there is the potential for policy
conflicts and key mismatches. A key mismatch will corrupt data files when they are
saved. See also
dataxform and Linked Files ” on page 20 for more information.
With regard to links:
There is only one instance of a file; where, with links, it can have multiple names.
The instance is transformed when the first name for it is encountered. Subsequent
names are recognized as aliases of the already transformed instance and are
Never make a links to sources outside of the GuardPoint. If a file in a GuardPoint is
linked to a file in another GuardPoint, and encryption is applied, crosschanges to
the same file from different GuardPoints will use different keys and corrupt files.
If a file in a GuardPoint is a link to a file that is not in any GuardPoint, then only
standard operating system access controls are applied to the file outside the
GuardPoint. That means that root, and possibly others, can access and modify the
file instance without an encryption key and without restriction. Only the file
instance in the GuardPoint should be accessed, otherwise the key will not be used
to decrypt/encrypt the instance. If the instance is changed and saved outside of
the GuardPoint, it will be corrupted.
Security rules for link files inside the GuardPoint must be intelligently written to
anticipate how files are accessed and how keys are applied. For example, you can
create a file named
a.foo and create a link to it named a.bar. If you write a
security rule that applies one key to
*.foo and another key to *.bar, the key
applied depends upon how the file is accessed. Again, this is an opportunity for
crosschanges and file corruption.
Checking for Hard-Link Files Inside the GuardPoint with dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
A GuardPoint should be inactive when you transform its contents. Make sure that
linked files are also inactive.
The --check_links example below detected links. It found three hard links to
files outside the GuardPoint and two to files inside the GuardPoint. The
dataxform output includes the full path names of the hardlink files detected in
the GuardPoint.
# dataxform --check_links --gp /opt/apps/dx2
System Response
Status information for directories in guard point
Directory /opt/apps/dx2/ab_dir/ contains 2002 files (57 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx2/ac_dir/ contains 2000 files (57 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx2/ad_dir/ contains 2000 files (57 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx2/aa_dir/ contains 2000 files (57 KB)
Directory /opt/apps/dx2/ contains 2003 files (43 KB)
Scan found 10005 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for guard
point /opt/apps/dx2
Scanning for hard links in directory /opt/apps/dx2
Found 1 references to hard link but expected 2
Hardlink reference 1 /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile01
Found 1 references to hard link but expected 2
Hardlink reference 1 /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile02
Found 1 references to hard link but expected 2
Hardlink reference 1 /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkfile03
Found 2 references to hard link
Hardlink reference 1 /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal02
Hardlink reference 2 /opt/apps/dx2/ab_dir/linkedfile02
Found 2 references to hard link
Hardlink reference 1 /opt/apps/dx2/hardlinkedfileLocal01
Hardlink reference 2 /opt/apps/dx2/ab_dir/linkedfile01
Note the lines that read:
Found 1 references to hard link but expected 2
Because dataxformexpected” more links than it found, a likely culprit is that the
file inside the GuardPoint is linked to a file outside the GuardPoint. We strongly
recommend that links do not go outside the GuardPoint because policy and key
application can become unpredictable and corrupt files.
Also, note the lines that read:
Found 2 references to hard link
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
These lines indicate that the link file and the source file both reside inside the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring dataxform
Dataxform activity is recorded in three places:
•The Message Logs window
/var/log/vormetric/dataxform_status-gp and
dataxform_status_alt-gp files
Using the Message Log window
During a rekey operation, the DSM logs both the current encryption key and the
new encryption key. Transformed files are listed four times because multiple
operations occur during a rekey operation (the logging level is set to
INFO and
audit is enabled). This can result in an extremely large number of log entries. In
the example below, a GuardPoint is opened with the
clear_key key and saved
with the
aes128 key.
Ensure that there are no errors in the DSM log that have to do with dataxform or
DXF. Look for errors that contain strings like “denied” and “failed”. For example,
[DXF4376E] Data transform in guard point /opt/apps/dx9 failed for 6 files
[DXF4271E] Number of files in error due to a signal stopping the dataxform: 6
The example errors indicate that dataxform had been interrupted as it was
actively transforming six files.
The dataxform messages indicate that dataxform is supported, dataxform
detected a number of files, it transformed that same number of files, and then
completed successfully.
If errors are generated, check the dataxform_status_skip-_gp file for a list of
the files that were in the process of being transformed, but are now in an unknown
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Using vordxf_* Files.
Data transformation activity is recorded and prepared for transmission to the DSM.
One file that records transformation activity is updated dynamically and should be
checked first should any problems arise. You may want to use the “
tail -f
command on the file to monitor the data transformation process in realtime.
The data transformation log file resides in /var/log/vormetric on the host
The base name of the data transformation log file is vordxf_path_usr.log, where
path is the underscoreseparated (
_) full path to the GuardPoint directory. usr is the
name of the user executing
dataxform. Only the UNIX root user or the Windows
Administrator user can run dataxform. For example, vordxf-
Always wait for the “Data transform for guard point path
...” message before making any changes to the GuardPoint.
2011-01-17 12:45:55.846 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4344I] Data
transform version
2011-01-17 12:45:55.857 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4429I] Data
transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx9
2011-01-17 12:45:55.886 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4378I] Scan
found 63 files (1 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
2011-01-17 12:45:55.889 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4366I] The
current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds
2011-01-17 12:45:56.220 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4380I]
Transformed 69 files (1 KB) of 63 files (1 KB) for guard point
2011-01-17 12:45:56.224 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4366I] The
current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
2011-01-17 12:45:57.242 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4371I] Data
transform skipped some files
2011-01-17 12:45:57.255 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4201I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/filenothere01 was skipped. It was a soft
2011-01-17 12:45:57.283 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4201I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/filenothere02 was skipped. It was a soft
2011-01-17 12:45:57.286 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4201I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/filenothere03 was skipped. It was a soft
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
2011-01-17 12:45:57.289 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4200I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/hardlink01 was skipped. It was an additional
hard link
2011-01-17 12:45:57.292 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4200I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/hardlink02 was skipped. It was an additional
hard link
2011-01-17 12:45:57.299 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4200I] The
file /opt/apps/dx9/hardlink03 was skipped. It was an additional
hard link
2011-01-17 12:45:57.302 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4257I]
Number of additional hard links skipped: 3
2011-01-17 12:45:57.307 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4258I]
Number of soft links skipped: 3
2011-01-17 12:45:57.312 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4365I] The
data transform operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 2 seconds
2011-01-17 12:45:57.316 [VMD] [INFO ] [15792] [DXF4363I] Data
transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx9 finished but 6 files
were skipped
dataxform logging is tied to VMD logging. The size of the vordxf_path_usr.log
file is set by the Maximum File Size textentry box on the FS Log tab of the
Management Console. The default maximum
vordxf_path_usr.log file is 1 MB.
The following vordxf_path_usr.log excerpt shows a dataxform session that
scans the directory and subdirectories for files to transform, performs a policy
check with the DSM, and successfully transforms all but three files.
2011-01-10 14:37:03.970 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4344I] Data
transform version
2011-01-10 14:37:03.997 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4345I] Data
transform version, using policy aes128_to_clear_dx on
guard point /opt/apps/lib/dx4
2011-01-10 14:37:04.155 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4429I] Data
transformation is supported on /opt/apps/lib/dx4
2011-01-10 14:37:06.564 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4378I] Scan
found 10000 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
2011-01-10 14:39:25.797 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4380I]
Transformed 10003 files (273 KB) of 10000 files (273 KB) for
guard point /opt/apps/lib/dx4
2011-01-10 14:39:35.949 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4371I] Data
transform skipped some files
2011-01-10 14:39:35.980 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4201I] The
file /opt/apps/lib/dx4/filenothere01 was skipped. It was a soft
2011-01-10 14:39:35.986 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4201I] The
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
file /opt/apps/lib/dx4/filenothere02 was skipped. It was a soft
2011-01-10 14:39:35.989 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4201I] The
file /opt/apps/lib/dx4/filenothere03 was skipped. It was a soft
2011-01-10 14:39:36.000 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4258I]
Number of soft links skipped: 3
2011-01-10 14:39:36.050 [VMD] [INFO ] [26158] [DXF4363I] Data
transform for guard point /opt/apps/lib/dx4 finished but 3
files were skipped
Check the status files in /var/log/vormetric, or the status
file location you configured, for dataxform_status_skip-_gp
and dataxform_status_error-_gp files. The following is the
dataxform_status_skip-_gp file for the preceding example.
These are link files and link file cannot be transformed.
# cat dataxform_status_skip-_opt_apps_lib_dx4
System Response
Skipped, the name refers to a
: /opt/apps/lib/dx4/filenothere01
Skipped, the name refers to a
softlink : /opt/apps/lib/dx4/filenothere02
Skipped, the name refers to a softlink :
An error status file was not generated. The dataxform_status_error-_gp file is
generated when
dataxform fails to complete. It did complete successfully, so no
error status file is generated. The error status file consists of the full path of each
file that was being processed when
dataxform failed. The files are not necessarily
corrupt. You must check each file in the list to determine its current status.
Using dataxform_status* Files
Several dataxform_status_* files are used to run dataxform. One file you
generate. The other files are generated by
dataxform to track the dataxform
session. Each
dataxform_status file contains specialized records of the last or
dataxform session. The files are placed in /var/log/vormetric by
default, but you can specify an alternate location using the
argument to
dataxform. The default location on some Windows systems is
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
s. (On Windows Vista and
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Windows Server 2008, the status file is written to
The files are:
where, gp is the full path to the GuardPoint. The slash (/) and backslash (\) path
delimiters are replaced with underscores (
_). For example,
# pwd
System Response
# ls dataxform_status*
System Response
where, /opt/apps/lib/dx1 and /opt/apps/lib/dx2/aa_dir are the actual
GuardPoint paths.
On Windows, dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status_alt-_gp
include the partition letter in the GuardPoint path. In the example below, the
GuardPoint is on the
C: partition:
The format and use of each file are described below.
dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status_alt-_gp are used together
to monitor data file processing. These status files indicate the threads that are
started, the threads that are running, their status, and sequence.
For a dataxform failure or interruption, the dataxform_status-_gp and
dataxform_status_alt-_gp files can be used to guesstimate the files that have
been completed and the files that still must be transformed. Some manual
verification will be needed to verify precisely the files that have and have not been
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
transformed. You can use this information to create a file list and manually resume
dataxform session, or, you can just leave these status files in place and resume
dataxform. Automatic dataxform will determine where to resume.
The structure of dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status_alt-_gp
files is:
in-progress files
n is an internally used version number. It has no user value. Ignore it.
status is the current dataxform processing status. Status can be done, in-
, stopped, or undone. An in-progress status indicates that
dataxform is still processing data files. Do not work in, or access, the GuardPoint
dataxform is still in-progress. Otherwise, you risk corrupting data. A
stopped status indicates that the last dataxform session was interrupted before
it could complete. The
done status means that dataxform completed. Note that,
dataxform completes, not all files are necessarily transformed. Check the
log files for data files that have not been transformed.
undone indicates that rekey
from a file list had been performed.
action is the operation specified on the dataxform command line. It can be either
rekey or rekey_list. Automatic dataxform is implicitly configured to operate
file is the full path name of the file currently being processed. When status is
done, the current parameter is blank. In every other case, current will be set to
some value, such as the default unset value
n is the total number of files being concurrently processed by dataxform. Each file
is transformed as a separate subprocess, or thread. The number of subprocesses
is hardcoded and varies by platform. On Windows it is 8 and on Solaris it is 28. You
cannot configure the number of subprocesses. The n
in-progress files
parameter is set to zero when
dataxform completes.
is the sequence number. There are two status files,
dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status_alt-_gp. The
dataxform utility writes status information to one file. When a subprocess
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
completes and a new data file is opened for transformation, the current status file
is closed, and the other status file is opened with the new data file as the
current=file file. The seqno number increments each time dataxform begins to
process the next data file. If a
dataxform session fails or is interrupted, check the
seqno number. Use the status file with the higher seqno number to determine the
files that were being processed when
dataxform stopped. The status file with the
seqno number indicates the last fully processed data file in the
current=file parameter. The status file with the higher seqno number indicates
the last opened data file in the
current=file parameter. Most likely the last
opened data file was not successfully transformed.
<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> This is a check value used to ensure the integrity
of the status files, and can be ignored by the user.
By default, the log files are generated by dataxform during manual and automatic
data transformation and placed in
/var/log/vormetric on UNIX systems and
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
on some Windows
systems. (On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the status file is written to
\ProgramData\Vormetric\DataSecurityExpert\agent\log. An alternate
location can be specified using the
--dir_recovery argument to dataxform.
A successful dataxform status file looks like:
# cat ./dataxform_status-_opt_apps_lib_dx2_aa_dir
System Response
0 in-progress files\
Note that the status is done, there is no current file, and there are 0 files being
processed. The
seqno number is the number of files in the GuardPoint. There is no
dataxform_status_alt-_gp file because the
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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dataxform_status_alt-_gp file is deleted when dataxform completes
successfully. Also, look for a
dataxform_status_skip-_gp file to see what files
in the GuardPoint, if any, were detected but not transformed.
The dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status_alt-_gp files for a
dataxform session are shown below.
# cat dataxform_status-_Guard
System Response
current=48986 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/stage2
8 in-progress files
48881 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/reiserfs_stage1_5
48936 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/fat_stage1_5
48333 /Guard/dir_47/boot/initramfs-2.6.32-
48758 /Guard/dir_47/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
46899 /Guard/dir_5/boot/initramfs-2.6.32-
48821 /Guard/dir_47/boot/config-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
48986 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/stage2
47316 /Guard/dir_5/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
# cat dataxform_status_alt-_Guard
System Response
current=49031 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/ufs2_stage1_5
8 in-progress files
49031 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/ufs2_stage1_5
48936 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/fat_stage1_5
48333 /Guard/dir_47/boot/initramfs-2.6.32-
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
48758 /Guard/dir_47/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
46899 /Guard/dir_5/boot/initramfs-2.6.32-
48821 /Guard/dir_47/boot/config-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
48986 /Guard/dir_47/boot/grub/stage2
47316 /Guard/dir_5/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64
The number that precedes every file path in the status file is the offset into the
dataxform file list. It is used to quickly locate entries if dataxform needs to be
restarted. This number of can be ignored.
Note the seqno numbers in both status files. dataxform_status_alt-_Guard
has the higher
seqno number so it is the true snapshot of what dataxform was
doing while the files were captured or
dataxform failed. The dataxform utility
was running 8 subprocesses.
The other status file, dataxform_status-_Guard, is older because it has the
seqno number. The current=file parameter shows the last loaded file only
and it shows that the previous
current file was stage2. Note that stage2 is still
listed in the alternate file,
dataxform_status-_Guard. This indicates that
stage2, like all the files listed in the alternate file, was still being processed when
dataxform stopped.
The final line with the prefix hmac= is a check sum field. This is used to verify that
the file content is intact should the transform be interrupted and need to be
All data in the status files after this line are 'noise'. This occurs for efficiency
reasons. The
dataxform program writes the status files using a simple block write
of all the status information into the existing file, overwriting any entries already
present. If, as often happens, the existing status file is larger than the data being
written, then some of the stale entries may be visible after the final checksum line.
The additional effort of removing this stale data for each file transformation would
Monitoring dataxform
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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add a significant additional amount of time to the overall transformation, so this
'noise' is simply left and can be ignored.
Using dataxform_auto_config
The dataxform_auto_config file is usergenerated and consists of one or two
lines and is placed in the GuardPoint to initiate automatic data transformation.
Usually, it contains just one line, “
version=1. The version is an internally used
number that currently must be set to
1. File usage is described in “To run automatic
data transformation” on page 53.
# cat dataxform_auto_config
System Response
NOTE: When you assign a rekey policy to a GuardPoint, a message like the following
is issued in the
secfsd.log file every 20 seconds until a
dataxform_auto_config file is placed in the GuardPoint, manual dataxform is
run on the GuardPoint, or a nonrekey policy is applied to the GuardPoint:
/secfsd[29252]: Information: Mon Mar 28 11:54:37 2011
do_dataxform: no auto config file exists; not starting
dataxform. This information is not displayed in the Logs window.
Using dataxform_auto_lock
The dataxform_auto_lock file is a twoline file generated by dataxform and is
placed in the GuardPoint during manual and automatic data transformation. The
first line is the name of the host system on which
dataxform is being executed.
The second line indicates the
dataxform status. Status is “inprogress”, “stopped”,
or “done”. A stopped status indicates that the last
dataxform session was stopped
before it reached completion. An example of a successful
dataxform run is:
# cat dataxform_auto_lock
System Response
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
If a dataxform_auto_lock file is present in a GuardPoint, and/or other
dataxform configuration files are in /var/log/vormetric (except for
dataxform_auto_config) dataxform will exit with an error. You cannot
perform a new data transformation in the Guardpoint unless you delete the
dataxform_auto_lock file and the dataxform_* files in
/var/log/vormetric. The recommended way to remove old status files is to run
dataxform with the --cleanup argument.
Warning! Do not use --cleanup if a previous dataxform session did
not complete successfully (see
“Recovering a Failed dataxform Session”
on page 69).
Example of using the --cleanup argument to remove old status files:
# cat /opt/apps/lib/dx1/ad_dir/dataxform_auto_lock
System Response
# dataxform --cleanup --nq --gp /opt/apps/lib/dx1/ad_dir
System Response
About to remove the data transformation status files
You can now run dataxform again and successfully rekey files in the GuardPoint.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
A dataxform session can fail for different reasons: dataxform can be canceled,
the process is killed, the system crashes, and so on. The recovery process is similar
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
for manual and automatic dataxform, however, for incomplete automatic
dataxform sessions, see “Restarting an incomplete automatic dataxform session”.
Restarting an incomplete automatic dataxform session
Although unlikely, if an automatic dataxform session fails to complete, your
intervention may be required to allow it to resume.
In the case of a system restart‐‐for example after a power failure‐‐the automatic
session will be resumed when the GuardPoint is mounted during the boot
sequence. However, if the
dataxform session terminated unexpectedly (for
example, if the session had been killed), then the system will not restart it
automatically, and the GuardPoint status needs to be reset so that another
automatic session will be initiated.
The following steps reset the GuardPoint status:
1. Verify that the session really has terminated unexpectedly by verifying that no
dataxform process is running. Use the standard system tools (ps or task
2. From the Management Console, disable the GuardPoint, then wait until the
GuardPoint status on the agent no longer lists the GuardPoint.
3. From the Management Console, enable the GuardPoint.
An automatic dataxform session will start soon after this, and the session will
continue from where it previously stopped.
To recover from a failed dataxform session
The following is an example of how to recover from a failed dataxform session.
The GuardPoint in this example is
1. A manual dataxform session is run, then canceled using Ctrlc:
# dataxform --rekey --nq --print_stat --preserve_modified_time
--gp /opt/apps/dx9
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx9
About to perform the requested data transform operation
-- Be sure to back up your data
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
-- Do not access files in the guard point during the transform
-- Please do not attempt to terminate the application
Scan found 10003 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for guard point
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 2 seconds
Shutting down data transform: received fatal signal 2
Transformed 1126 files (24 KB) of 10003 files (273 KB) for guard
point /opt/apps/dx9
The current operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 7 seconds
Data transform got errors on some files
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile931 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1102 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1121 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1100 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1120 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1132 could not be transformed, a
signal stopped the data transform
Number of files in error due to a signal stopping the dataxform: 6
The data transform operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and 7 seconds
Could not complete data transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx9,
data transform was interrupted by a signal
Data transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx9 finished but 6 files
were not processed due to errors
The dataxform_status-_opt_apps_dx9, dataxform_status_error-
, and dataxform_dir_list-_opt_apps_dx9 files are created in
the log directory, or the GuardPoint, depending on the command line options. By
default, all status and log files go to
/var/log/vormetric. If --status_gp was
included on the command line, the status files go in the GuardPoint.
The dataxform session log file, /var/log/vormetric/vordxf-
, is updated. It displays the same basic information as
displayed on the terminal screen.
2. The dataxform messages indicate that the session had been interrupted and that a
number of files (6) are in an unknown state due to the interruption.
3. You may optionally use the --recovery option to generate a set of files that track
the progress
dataxform made in the GuardPoint (see later). However this step is
not required and can be deferred until after a new
dataxform session has been run
to transform the remaining files.
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
4. Resume the data transformation run, using the same command as you used to start
it before.
# dataxform --rekey --nq --print_stat --preserve_modified_time
--gp /opt/apps/dx9
System Response
Checking if /opt/apps/dx9 is a guard point with a rekey
policy applied /opt/apps/dx9 is a guard point with a
rekey policy applied
Automatic data transform status for /opt/apps/dx9:
previous attempt did not complete
Note: data from a previous dataxform run is being used
About to perform the requested data transform operation
-- Be sure to back up your data
-- Please do not attempt to terminate the application
Scan found 10003 files (273 KB) in 5 directories for
guard point /opt/apps/dx9
Transformed 10001 files (273 KB) of 10003 files (273 KB)
for guard point /opt/apps/dx9
Data transform got errors on some files
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile931 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1102 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1121 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1100 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1120 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1132 could not be
transformed, it was in progress in the previous data
The data transform operation took 0 hours, 0 minutes and
7 seconds
Could not complete data transform for guard point
/opt/apps/dx9, data transform was interrupted by a
Data transform for guard point /opt/apps/dx9 finished
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
but 6 files were not processed due to errors
5. If for some reason this session also did not complete, performing the same
operation again should continue from where the previous session ended. The status
records are accumulated across each session.
6. Use the --recovery option to generate a set of files that track the progress
dataxform made in the GuardPoint. Use these files later to determine which files in
the GuardPoint have not been transformed.
Warning! Do not run the --recovery option more than once, as a
second run may overwrite vital information required to recover any files
that did not transform correctly.
# dataxform --recovery --gp /opt/apps/dx9
System Response
Note: data from a previous dataxform run is being used
Number of files previously in error due to a signal stopping the
dataxform: 6
Scan found 10010 files (273 KB) in 6 directories for guard point
Generating list of files previously transformed on /opt/apps/dx9
Data transform got errors on some files
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile931 was previously in error. A signal
stopped the dataxform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1102 was previously in error. A
signal stopped the dataxform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1121 was previously in error. A
signal stopped the dataxform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1100 was previously in error. A
signal stopped the dataxform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1120 was previously in error. A
signal stopped the dataxform
The file /opt/apps/dx9/datafile1132 was previously in error. A
signal stopped the dataxform
Number of files in error due to a signal stopping the dataxform: 6
The dataxform_files_todo-_opt_apps_dx9 and dataxform_files_done-
_opt_apps_dx9 are created, and the
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
/var/log/vormetric/dataxform_status-_opt_apps_dx9 file may be
# cat dataxform_status-_opt_apps_dx9
System Response
0 in-progress files
This file indicates that the dataxform session had completed.
7. The /var/log/vormetric/vordxf-_opt_apps_dx9_root.log file is updated.
It displays the same basic information displayed on the terminal screen.
8. The primary files of interest are dataxform_files_todo-_opt_apps_dx9,
dataxform_files_done-_opt_apps_dx9, and dataxform_status_error-
dataxform_files_todo-_opt_apps_dx9 lists the files that dataxform had not
touched and are yet to be transformed, and any files for which a transform was
attempted but for some reason failed.
dataxform_files_done-_opt_apps_dx9 lists the files that dataxform rekeyed
successfully. Leave these files alone.
dataxform_status_error-_opt_apps_dx9 lists the files that were being
processed at the time an error occurred—for example, when
dataxform was
interrupted in the above example. These are the files that have to be checked
individually to determine if they had been processed. They may or may not have
been completely processed.
# cat dataxform_status_error-_opt_apps_dx9
System Response
Error, was in progress during a previous session:
Error, was in progress during a previous session:
Error, was in progress during a previous session
Error, was in progress during a previous session:
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
Error, was in progress during a previous session:
Error, was in progress during a previous session:
Note that if more than one session restart was required to complete the dataxform
run, there may be repeated entries in the above list.
# cat dataxform_files_todo-_opt_apps_dx9
System Response
# head -12 dataxform_files_done-_opt_apps_dx9
System Response
9. Disable the GuardPoint with the rekey policy through the Management Console. Do
not reapply the regular policy because you are not able to use the in the
GuardPoint. A proper rekey policy restricts access to all the files in the GuardPoint.
You have to disable the rekey policy so you can access all the files in the GuardPoint
and determine their transformation status.
10. At this point, you should restore the files that were named in the error listing above
from a backup, and run a transformation session for just these files, using the "
list (
to select which files are to be
Recovering a Failed dataxform Session
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
transformed. However, depending on the exact nature of the error reported, some
entries may need to be removed from the "
" list, for example, if somehow a file
no longer exists, then attempting to transform it again will obviously not work.
11. If you are running automatic dataxform, remove the dataxform_auto_conf file
from the GuardPoint.
12. Reapply the rekey policy to the GuardPoint, but first be sure that your current
directory is not the GuardPoint.
13. Verify that the policy has been successfully reapplied.
# secfsd -status guard
System Response
GuardPoint Policy Type ConfigState Status Reason
---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ------
/opt/apps/dx1 allowAllOps_fs local guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/dx3 denyAllOps_fs local guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/dx4 allowAllOps_fs local guarded guarded N/A
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 allowAllOps_rd rawdevice guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/dx9 clear_to_aes128_dx local guarded guarded N/A
14. Run dataxform on just the files in the
list. For example:
# dataxform --rekey_list --file_list
var/log/vormetric/dataxform_files_todo-_opt_apps_dx9 --nq --
print_stat --preserve_modified_time --gp /opt/apps/dx9
System Response
Checking if data transform is supported for guard point
Data transformation is supported on /opt/apps/dx9
Previous status information does not relate to a --rekey_file
About to perform the requested data transform operation
-- Be sure to back up your data
-- Please do not access files in the guard point during the
transform process
-- Please do not attempt to terminate the application
Starting data transform of /opt/apps/dx9 for files listed in
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints
VTE Data Transformation Guide
. . . . .
The data transform operation took 0 hours, 1 minutes and 20 seconds
In this case the dataxform completes successfully. The
file was removed
because no errors were encountered in the rekey process.
15. Disable the rekey policy.
16. If you are satisfied with the successful completion, clean up the files left by the rekey
# dataxform --cleanup --gp /opt/apps/dx9
System Response
About to remove the data transformation status files
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
17. Apply a regular policy that uses the applied key.
18. Check that the access controls and encryption keys configured in the policy are
working as expected.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints
A File System Agent GuardPoint is usually applied immediately after it is configured
in the Management Console. This is called an Automatic GuardPoint. However,
GuardPoints can also be applied later on a host system. This is called a Manual
NOTE: Manual GuardPoints can be applied to UNIX platforms only.
When would you want to apply the GuardPoint later? Consider the case of a 2node
protected host cluster configured as active/passive in a cluster environment, such
(Veritas Cluster Server (VCS), IBM PowerHA (formerly HACMP), or Microsoft Cluster
Server (MSCS). There are two nodes, one which is currently active and the other
that is currently inactive. Both nodes are locked. You apply GuardPoint protection
to active nodes only. You should never apply a GuardPoint to a passive node. If the
active node develops a problem and tries to switch over to the inactive node, the
cluster process will fail to switch over because the mirror directory on the inactive
node is currently mounted on the active node. The solution is for the cluster
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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process to unmount (for example, unguard) the currently active node, place it in an
inactive state, place the old inactive node in an active state, and then mount (for
example, guard) the mirror directory on the newly active node. Inappropriate
switching on any AIX system can spawn messages like:
“invalid GuardPoint
The directory is not on cluster file system partition shared across nodes”
“secfsd Failed to unguard <dirpath> will retry later
Agent is calling clean for resource <resource name> because the resource
became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
Generally, when you get messages like these, check that only active nodes are
properly guarded.
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints are set in the Edit Host window, Guard File
System subwindow.
The GuardPoint type is usually set to Directory (Auto Guard) for file system
based directories and to
Raw or Block Device (Auto Guard) when applying
GuardPoint protection to raw or block devices. When an auto GuardPoint is
applied, regardless if it is a file system directory or a raw device, the change is
pushed to the host system, and the GuardPoint is applied immediately. This is
evident by using the
df command to display secfs mounts (for example,
GuardPoints) or
secfsd to display the GuardPoints themselves. The secfsd
output shows a guard type of
local for directories configured with Directory
(Auto Guard)
# df
System Response
Filesystem 1K-
blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 40123784 11352236
26733380 30% /
/dev/sda1 101086 14590
81277 16% /boot
none 254492 0 254492 0%
40123784 11352236 26733380 30%
/opt/apps/apps1/tmp 40123784 11352236 26733380 30%
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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/opt/apps/apps1/lib 40123784 11352236 26733380 30%
/opt/apps/apps1/doc 40123784 11352236 26733380 30%
# secfsd -status guard
GuardPoint Policy
Type ConfigState Status Reason
---------- ------ ---- -------- ---
--- ---
/opt/apps/apps1/tmp allowAllOps_fs local
guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/apps1/lib allowAllRootUsers_fs local
guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/apps1/doc allowAllOps-winusers1_fs local
guarded guarded N/A
When a manual GuardPoint is applied, regardless if it is a file system directory or a
raw device, the change is pushed to the host system only. The host is aware of the
GuardPoint but the host does not mount it. This is indicated in the
Type column of
the “
secfsd -status guard” output. For example, the GuardPoint
/opt/apps/apps2/bin has been configured with Directory (Manual
so the guard type is set to “manual”.
# secfsd -status guard
GuardPoint Policy
Type ConfigState Status Reason
---------- ------ ---- -------- --
---- ---
/opt/apps/apps1/tmp allowAllOps_fs
local guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/apps1/lib allowAllRootUsers_fs local guarded g
uarded N/A
/opt/apps/apps1/doc allowAllOps-winusers1_fs
local guarded guarded N/A
/opt/apps/apps2/bin HR_policy01
manual unguarded not guarded Inactive
Note the Type value. A Type of manual indicates a manual GuardPoint. A Type
of local
indicates an automatic GuardPoint.
A manually applied GuardPoint retains a yellow triangle status (Pending) in the
Management Console until the GuardPoint is applied on the host. After the
Automatic and Manual GuardPoints
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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GuardPoint is applied on the host, and the host communicates the change to the
server, the status changes to a green ball (Normal). It returns to the yellow triangle
when the GuardPoint is manually unguarded.
Use the secfsd command to guard and unguard Directory (Manual Guard)
Raw or Block Device (Manual Guard) GuardPoints. The secfsd syntax
secfsd -guard path
secfsd -unguard path
NOTE: In zonebased File System Agent deployments, such as Solaris Zones, always
specify paths relative to the global zone, never the local zone. Also, you must guard
and unguard manual GuardPoints in the global zone.
For example, to manually guard and unguard a file system directory:
1. Configure a GuardPoint with the type Directory (Manual Guard).
2. Log onto the protected host with File System Agent as the root user.
3. Wait until the configuration change is downloaded to the protected host.
You can run the status command until you see the manual GuardPoint. For example:
# secfsd -status guard
System Response
GuardPoint Policy Type ConfigState Status
---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ -
/opt/apps/etc allowAllOps_fs manual unguarded not guarded
/opt/apps/lib/dx3 allowAllOps_fs local guarded guarded
4. Enable the GuardPoint.
# secfsd -guard /opt/apps/apps2/bin
System Response
secfsd: Guard initiated
The GuardPoint is active and the policy is enforced.
Running dataxform in an Oracle database on an HP-UX system
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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5. Disable the GuardPoint.
# secfsd -unguard /opt/apps/apps2/bin
System Response
secfsd: Unguard initiated
Running dataxform in an Oracle database on an HP-UX
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attempts to run automatic dataxform in an Oracle 9i database on HPUX 11iv1
can fail to transform every file if the number of threads is not enough for the
number of files to be transformed.
When a set of files is passed to dataxform, dataxform is triggered and creates a
user thread for each file. Each user thread does a
REKEY ioctl with the filename
and passes it to
secfs2. Multiple kernel threads can also be created per file,
depending on the size of the file. This can exhaust the system resources. The
function that generates kernel threads can fail and return
ENOMEM, which means
that to create the thread, it would have to exceed the
nkthread kernel tunable
limit. This condition is encountered only if
freekthread_cnt becomes 0, in which
case new threads must be allocated. Thread size and number are set in
by including the
--mt, --thd, and --buf_size options.
This is an HPUX systemspecific issue. It depends entirely on the HPUX kernel
configurable parameters and the system hardware specifications. Tune the system
per Oracle documentation so that Oracle can create and run databases. Check that
there are enough kernel threads available before starting
dataxform (for example,
REKEY_CHECK_SUPPORT ioctl). For dataxform to work on HPUX, kernel
tunable "nkthread" should be set to a higher value. The current recommended
values for Oracle are:
nkthread >= 6000
nproc >= 4000
This issue applies to automatic dataxform only.
dataxform man page
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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dataxform man page
dataxform is located at:
Add the path for the directory that contains dataxform to the user $PATH
environment variable so you can run
dataxform without having to specify the
full path. Also, a symbolic link named
/usr/bin/dataxform. is created during
File System Agent installation and
/usr/bin is usually defined in the $PATH
(Windows) C:\Program
Some of the more common uses are:
# dataxform --version
dataxform --cleanup --nq --gp /opt/apps/dx2
dataxform --recovery [--file_list file] --gp dir
[--dir_recovery path][--nq]
dataxform --rekey_supported -gp dir
dataxform --rekey --gp dir [--nq]
dataxform --rekey_list --file_list file --gp dir
dataxform --scan --gp dir
dataxform --deep_scan --gp dir
dataxform --check_links --gp dir
Option Description (Parameter)
dataxform man page
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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‐‐buf_size Sets the size of the kernel buffers that are allocated to run dataxform. Buffer sizes
range between 4 and 128 KB. The default buffer size is 128 KB. The selected default
has been empirically determined to be the safest and most efficient. We strongly
recommend that you do not change the default value.
(integer between 4 and 128, inclusive)
‐‐check_links Lists the subdirectories in the GuardPoint or regular directory, the number of files in
the top directory and in each subdirectory, and the total number of files and
directories. The disk usage for each directory, and total disk usage, are also listed. In
addition, this argument scans for hard links in the GuardPoint or regular directory. Use
the --gp option to specify the GuardPoint or regular directory to scan. No files are re
keyed. This operation generates only a list of hardlink files.
‐‐cleanup Deletes the status files that were generated by a previous dataxform session and
that prevents you from running another dataxform session. It removes the
dataxform_auto_lock, dataxform files, and dataxform_status files
from a GuardPoint. It also deletes the dataxform_status-gp file from
/var/log/vormetric. If those files are detected by dataxform, dataxform
will abort with the message: “Automatic data transform status for
gp: previous attempt completed.” Use --cleanup to remove these files,
or remove them manually, after a dataxform session. Include the --gp option to
specify the GuardPoint. If the --dir_recovery argument was used to output the
dataxform_* files to a different location, be sure to include --dir_recovery
and the full path to the alternate directory when you run cleanup.
If you are running automatic dataxform, disable or remove the GuardPoint before
using the --cleanup argument. Enable or reapply the GuardPoint afterwards. You
must do this because once automatic dataxform completes it is done. It no longer
checks the GuardPoint for a dataxform_auto_config file. When the GuardPoint
is enabled or reapplied, dataxform is reactivated and searches for the file.
‐‐deep_scan Lists the subdirectories in the GuardPoint or regular directory, the number of files in
the top directory and in each subdirectory, and the total number of files and
directories. The disk usage for each directory, and total disk usage, are also listed. In
addition, this argument creates a set of simulation files of various sizes in the
GuardPoint, and uses these to estimate how long it would take to rekey the actual
directory or GuardPoint. See also To estimate a dataxform runtime period” on
page 50.
dataxform man page
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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‐‐dir_recovery Allows you to specify where dataxform status files are placed. The status files are
output in one of three places:
1) Without any arguments, the status files are placed in /var/log/vormetric on
a UNIX system or the log folder on a Windows system. Windows log folders are
located at:
(Windows Server 2003) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
(Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)
(Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application
2) With the --status_gp argument, the status files are placed in the GuardPoint.
3) With the --dir_recovery argument, the status files are placed in a user
specified location.
The name of the status files created by --dir_recovery are
dataxform_status-_gp and dataxform_status-alt_gp, where gp is the
underscoreseparated path to the GuardPoint. For example, if the path to the
GuardPoint is /home/apps/lib/dx1, then a status file name would be
The dataxform file, dataxform_auto_lock, is always written to the
(directory name)
‐‐encrypt_sparse_file_holes Checks for "holes" in sparse files and fills and encrypts them. The dataxform utility
processes each rekey block in 1k "chunks" (the rekey block is on a 1K boundary and
multiples of 1K in size). Each "chunk” consisting of all zeros is considered a "hole”. By
default, holes on UNIX systems are not rekeyed or written, thus keeping the file size
small. It is quicker and more efficient to process every block of Windows data as
regular, nonsparse data.
The default on UNIX systems is: --preserve_sparse_files.
Windows users should always include: --encrypt_sparse_file_holes on the
dataxform command line.
‐‐file_list Used with –-recovery to specify the output file name, or with –-rekey_list,
to specify the input file name. When used with --recovery, the output file name is
automatically appended with “_done”. --file_list takes one argument, file.
(file name)
‐‐gp Specifies the full path to the GuardPoint directory to process.
‐‐mt The --mt option sets the maximum number of threads allowed to transform one file.
Valid values are between 1 and 16. We recommend that you do not change the default
values for “Sparse Files”. To increase dataxform performance, you may want to start
with the default value and gradually increase the maximum threads value. See also ‐‐
thd” on page 86.
(integer between 1and 16 inclusive)
dataxform man page
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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‐‐nq The --nq (“no queries”) option does rekeying without prompts. Without this option,
dataxform prompts you to verify that you want to continue with the rekey
‐‐preserve_access_time Directs dataxform to leave the lastaccessed time of files intact during the rekey
process. This option is useful when the lastaccessed time is used to trigger file
‐‐preserve_modified_time Directs dataxform to leave the lastmodified time of files intact during the rekey
process. This option is useful when the lastmodified time is used to trigger file
‐‐preserve_sparse_files Checks for "holes" in sparse files and preserves them in the rekeyed file. The
dataxform utility processes each rekey block in 1k "chunks" (the rekey block is on a
1K boundary and multiples of 1K in size). Each "chunk" consisting of all zeros is
considered a "hole". Holes are not rekeyed nor written, therefore creating a sparse
file, which can be considerably smaller in size. Sparse files are preserved by default on
UNIX systems. This dataxform option is provided only for backward compatibility.
When run on a Windows host, include
--encrypt_sparse_file_holes on the dataxform command line. See
‐‐print_stat Displays the time it takes dataxform to complete each phase of the transformation
‐‐recovery Generates the files needed to complete an interrupted dataxform session. The
generated files are dataxform_files_done-_path and
dataxform_files_todo-_path, and they are placed in
/var/log/vormetric on UNIX systems. Use the --gp option to specify the
‐‐rekey The –-rekey option rekeys all the files in the GuardPoint specified by the --gp
‐‐rekey_list Same as --rekey, except that dataxform transforms only the files in the file
specified in the --file_list option. This option is typically used to recover a failed
dataxform session. Use the --gp option to specify the GuardPoint.
dataxform man page
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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‐‐rekey_supported Checks the specified directory to determine if it is a valid GuardPoint, if a rekey policy
is currently applied, and if anyone is currently accessing the directory. The –-gp
option specifies the GuardPoint to check. No files are rekeyed. This operation
indicates only if the specified GuardPoint is ready to be rekeyed.
‐‐scan Lists the subdirectories in the GuardPoint or regular directory, the number of files in
the top directory and in each subdirectory, and the total number of files and
directories. The disk usage for each directory, and total disk usage, are also listed.
When run on a GuardPoint that had already been transformed but not cleaned,
--scan also returns the number of hard links and soft links that were skipped in the
previous dataxform session. No files are rekeyed. Use the --gp option to specify
the GuardPoint.
‐‐status_gp Causes dataxform to put the status, run, and error files in the GuardPoint rather
than in the log directory. See also “Using dataxform_status* Files” on page 62.
‐‐status_interval Sets the time interval (in seconds) at which data transformation status messages are
sent to the DSM. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
‐‐thd Sets the number of threads that dataxform can use to transform files. A “thread”
equates to a file. The more threads specified, the more files that are transformed
concurrently. You may process up to 32 files concurrently. Threads are numbered 0
through 31, but the values you enter are 1 through 32. 0 indicates all 32 threads. The
default number of threads is 4 times the number of CPUs (4 * #CPUs). If messages like
“access denied” are displayed or files are being skipped, try reducing the number of
threads. If the errors still occur after the number of threads is set to 1, the errors are
not due to dataxform processes colliding. Most likely there is something wrong
with the files or policy permissions.
The default value has been empirically determined to be the safest and most efficient.
We strongly recommend that you do not increase the default value. See also ‐‐mt
on page 84.
(integer between 1and 32, inclusive)
‐‐version Displays dataxform version information.
Unencrypting Data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Unencrypting Data
There are two methods for unencrypting data, also known as, migrating the data
back to clear_key:
Copy method
1. Stop all applications accessing the GuardPoint.
2. Log on as a user who can see clear text for all files in the GuardPoint.
3. Copy all files from the GuardPoint to a new directory that is not guarded.
4. In the DSM, unguard the GuardPoint. Make sure that it does not display in the DSM.
5. Delete all files in the original directory.
6. Copy all files from the unguarded/clear text directory to the original directory.
7. Start any application once all files have finished copying.
NOTE: Do not rename directories. This will not result in unencrypting directories.
Dataxform method (Dataxform guard point method)
1. Stop any application accessing the GuardPoint.
2. In the DSM, clone the original policy that you used to encrypt the data.
3. In the DSM, reverse the keys. Put the original key in for the key_selection rule and
the clear_key in for the transformation rule
4. In the DSM, guard with that policy.
NOTE: Make sure the status is green before you guard with that policy.
5. Run dataxform rekey on the GuardPoint:
# dataxform --rekey --gp /<dirName> --preserve_modified_time
# dataxform --rekey --gp /DataSecurity/mydir --
Unencrypting Data
VTE Data Transformation Guide
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6. Run dataxform cleanup on the GuardPoint:
# dataxform --cleanup --gp /<dirName>
# dataxform --cleanup --gp /DataSecurity/myDir
7. In the DSM, unguard the Guard Point.
Data should now be in clear text which means that its unencrypted.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
access control
The ability of Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE) to control access to data on protected hosts. Access can
be limited by user, process (executable), action (for example read, write, rename, and so on), and time period.
Access limitations can be applied to files, directories, or entire disks.
admin administrator
The default DSM administrator created when you install the DSM. admin has DSM System Administrator
privileges and cannot be deleted.
Administrative Domain
(domains). A protected host or group of protected hosts on which an DSM administrator can perform security
tasks such as setting policies. Only DSM administrators assigned to a domain can perform security tasks on the
protected hosts in that domain. The type of VTE tasks that can be performed depends on the type of
administrator. See also
local domain.
See DSM Administrator and types.
Agent utilities
A set of utilities installed with the VTE agents and run on protected hosts. These utilities provide a variety of
useful functions such as gathering protected host and agent configuration data, registering agents on the
DSM, and encrypting data on the protected host.
All Administrator, Administrator of type All
The DSM Administrator with the privileges of all three administrator types: System, Domain and Security.
The DSM server. Often referred to as a DSM hardware appliance, which is a hardened DSM server provided by
Vormetric, or as a DSM virtual appliance, which is the software version of the DSM to be deployed by the
customers as a virtual machine.
asymmetric key cryptography
See public key cryptographic algorithm.
asymmetric key pair
A public key and its corresponding private key used with a public key algorithm. Also called a key pair.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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A process that establishes the origin of information, or determines the legitimacy of an entity's
Access privileges granted to an entity that convey an “official” sanction to perform a security
function or activity.
block devices
Devices that move data in and out by buffering in the form of blocks for each input/output
catch-all rule
The last policy rule that applies to any GuardPoint access attempt that did not fit any of the other
rules in the policy.
certification authority or CA
A trusted third party that issues digital certificates that allow a person, computer, or organization
to exchange information over the Internet using the public key infrastructure. A digital certificate
provides identifying information, cannot be forged, and can be verified because it was issued by an
official trusted agency. The certificate contains the name of the certificate holder, a serial number,
expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting messages and
digital signatures) and the digital signature of the certificateissuing authority (CA) so that a
recipient can verify that the certificate is real. This allows others to rely upon signatures or
assertions made by the private key that corresponds to the public key that is certified. The CA
must be trusted by both the owner of the certificate and the party relying upon the certificate.
When a protected host is disconnected from the DSM, the GuardPoint data is not accessible to
users. Challengeresponse is a passwordbased procedure that allows users to gain access to their
GuardPoint data during disconnection. Users run a utility,
vmsec challenge, a seemingly
random string (the challenge) is displayed. The user calls this in to their DSM Security
administrator. The administrator returns a counterstring (the response) that the host user must
enter to decrypt guarded data.
Character device
See raw device.
Data in its encrypted form. Ciphertext is the result of encryption performed on plaintext using an
algorithm, called a cipher.
cleartext or plaintext
Data in its unencrypted form.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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cryptographic algorithm
A computational procedure that takes variable inputs, including a cryptographic key, and produces
ciphertext output. Also called a cipher. Examples of cryptographic algorithms include AES, ARIA,
and DES.
cryptographic key
See encryption key.”
cryptographic signature
See signing files.”
Database Encryption Key (DEK)
A key generated by Microsoft SQL when TDE is enabled.
Data Security Manager (DSM)
Sometimes called the Security Server or appliance. A Vormetric server that acts as the central
repository and manager of encryption keys and security policies. Receives instructions and
configuration from administrators through a GUIbased interface called the Management Console.
Passes and receives information to and from VTE Agents. Available as a complete hardened
hardware system (DSM Appliance) or as software solution installed on a UNIX box (software-only
A utility to encrypt data in a directory. Short for “data transform.
A relational model database server developed by IBM.
The process of changing ciphertext into plaintext using a cryptographic algorithm and key.
Digital signature
A cryptographic transformation of data that provides the services of origin authentication, data
integrity, and signer nonrepudiation.
See administrative domains.
Domain Administrator
The secondlevel DSM administrator created by a DSM System Administrator. The DSM Domain
Administrator creates and assigns DSM
Security Administrators to domains and assigns them their
roles. See DSM Administrator and types.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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Domain and Security Administrator
A hybrid DSM administrator who is has the privileges of a DSM Domain Administrator and Security
See Data Security Manager (DSM).
DSM Administrator and types
Specialized system security administrators who can access the Vormetric DSM Management
Console. There are five types of DSM administrators:
DSM System Administrator Creates/removes other DSM administrators of any type, changes
their passwords, creates/removes, domains, assigns a Domain Administrator to each domain.
Cannot do any security procedures in any domain.
Domain Administrator Adds/removes DSM Security Administrators to domains, and assign
roles to each one. Cannot remove domains and cannot do any of the domain security roles.
Security Administrator Performs the data protection work specified by their roles. Different
roles enable them to create policies, configure hosts, audit data usage patterns, apply
GuardPoints, and so on.
Domain and Security Administrator Can do the tasks of DSM Domain and Security
All Can do the tasks of all three of the DSM administrative types
DSM Automation Utilities
Also called VMSSC. A set of command line utilities that is downloaded and installed separately on
the protected host or any networked machine. These utilities can be used by advanced users to
automate DSM processes that would normally be done with the Management Console. See the
DSM Automation Reference for complete details.
A command line interface executed on the DSM to configure the DSM network and perform other
systemlevel tasks. See the DSM Command Line Interface documentation
DSM CLI Administrator
A user who can access the DSM CLI. DSM CLI Administrators are actual system users with real UNIX
login accounts. They perform tasks to setup and operate the DSM installation. They do not have
access to the Management Console.
DSM database
A database associated with the DMS containing the names of protected hosts, policies,
GuardPoints, settings, and so on.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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DSM System Administrator
The highest level of DSM administrator. This administrator creates/removes other DSM
administrators of any type, creates/removes domains, and assigns a Domain Administrator to each
domain. The DSM System Administrator cannot perform any security procedures in any domain or
system. This administrator is not related to computer or network system administrators.
See Extensible Key Management (EKM).”
The process of changing plaintext into ciphertext using a cryptographic algorithm and key.
encryption agent
See Vormetric Transparent Encryption agent.
encryption key
A piece of information used in conjunction with a cryptographic algorithm that transforms
plaintext into ciphertext, or vice versa during decryption. Can also be used to encrypt digital
signatures or encryption keys themselves. An entity with knowledge of the key can reproduce or
reverse the operation, while an entity without knowledge of the key cannot. Any VDS policy that
encrypts GuardPoint data requires an encryption key.
Extensible Key Management (EKM)
An API library specification provided by Microsoft that defines a software framework that allows
hardware security module (HSM) providers to integrate their product with the Microsoft SQL
failover DSM
A secondary DSM that assumes the policy and key management load when a protected host
cannot connect to the primary DSM or when a protected host is specifically assigned to the
failover DSM. A failover DSM is almost identical to the primary DSM, having the same keys,
policies, protected hosts, and so on.
See “Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)”.
See “Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)”.
file signing
See signing files.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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File Key Encryption Key (FKEK)
The key used to encrypt the file encryption key that is used to encrypt ondisk data, also known as
a wrapper key.
See “File Key Encryption Key (FKEK)
File System Agent
A Vormetric software agent that resides on a host machine and allows administrators to control
encryption of, and access to, the files, directories and executables on that host system. For
example, administrators can restrict access to specific files and directories to specific users at
specific times using specific executables. Files and directories can be fully encrypted, while the file
metadata (for example, the file names) remain in cleartext. Also called the
VTE Agent.
Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)
An encryption algorithm that preserves both the formatting and length of the data being
encrypted. Examples of such algorithms used by Vormetric include FF1 and FF3, both of which are
approved by NIST. Vormetric’s FPE tokenization format uses the FF3 algorithm.
Fully qualified domain name. A domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy
of the Domain Name Server (DNS). For example: example.vormetric.com.
General Parallel File System is a highperformance shareddisk clustered file system developed by
A location in the file system hierarchy, usually a directory, where everything underneath has a
Vormetric data protection policy applied to it. The File System Agent intercepts any attempt to
access anything in the GuardPoint and uses policies obtained from the DSM to grant or deny the
access attempt. Usually, depending on the policies, data copied into a GuardPoint is encrypted,
and only authorized users can decrypt and use that GuardPoint data.
Hardware Security Module or HSM
A tamperresistant hardware device that stores keys and provides stringent access control. It also
provides a random number generator to generate keys. The DSM Appliance can come with an
embedded Hardware Security Module.
host locks
Two Management Console options, FS Agent Locked and System Locked, that are used to protect
the File System Agent and certain system files. File System Agent protection includes preventing
some changes to the File System Agent installation directory and preventing the unauthorized
termination of File System Agent processes.
v6.1.0 VTE Data Transformation Guide
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host password
This is not a regular login or user password. This is the password entered by a host system user to
unlock a GuardPoint when there is no DSM connection. This password decrypts cached keys when
the DSM is not accessible. The host must also be configured with Cached on Host keys. See
initial test policy
A first data security policy applied to a GuardPoint that is used to gather directory access
information so DSM Security Administrators can create a permanent operational policy. The initial
test policy encrypts all data written into the GuardPoint; decrypts GuardPoint data for any user
who access it; audits and creates log messages for every GuardPoint access; reduces log message
“noise” so you can analyze the messages that are important to you for tuning this policy; is run in
Learn Mode which does not actually deny user access, but allows you to record GuardPoint
After enough data is collected, the DSM Security Administrator can modify the initial test policy
into an operational policy.
Key Agent
A Vormetric agent that provides an API library supporting a subset of the PKCS#11 standard for key
management and cryptographic operations. It is required for the following products: Vormetric
Key Management (VKM), Vormetric Tokenization, Vormetric Application Encryption (VAE),
Vormetric Cloud Encryption Gateway (VCEG). Sometimes called the VAE Agent.
key group
A key group is a collection of asymmetric keys that are applied as a single unit to a policy.
key management
The management of cryptographic keys and other related security objects (for example,
passwords) during their entire life cycle, including their generation, storage, establishment, entry
and output, and destruction.
key template
A template that lets you quickly add agent keys or thirdparty vault keys by specifying a template
with predefined attributes. You can define specific attributes in a template, then you can call up
the template to add a key with those attributes.
key shares
When data is backed up or exported from VTE (for example, symmetric keys or DSM database
backups), they can be encrypted in a wrapper key needed to restore the exported data on the new
machine. Wrapper keys can be split and distributed to multiple individuals. Each split piece of the
wrapper key is called a key share. Decrypting the data requires that some specified number of the
individuals that received key shares contribute their key share to decrypt the data.
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key wrapping
A class of symmetric encryption algorithms designed to encapsulate (encrypt) cryptographic key
material. The key wrap algorithms are intended for applications such as protecting keys while in
untrusted storage or transmitting keys over untrusted communications networks. Wrapper keys
can be broken up into key shares, which are pieces of a wrapper key. Key shares are divided
amongst two or more custodians such that each custodian must contribute their key share in
order to assemble a complete wrapper key.
Key Vault
A Vormetric product that provides passive key vaulting. It securely stores symmetric and
asymmetric encryption keys from any application and tracks key expiration dates.
Key Management Interoperability Protocol. A protocol for communication between enterprise key
management systems and encryption systems. A KMIPenabled device or client software can
communicate with the DSM to manage encrypted keys.
Learn Mode
A DSM operational mode in which all actions that would have been denied are instead permitted.
This permits a policy to be tested without actually denying access to resources. In the Learn Mode,
all GuardPoint access attempts that would have been denied are instead permitted. These
GuardPoint accesses are logged to assist in tuning and troubleshooting policies.
Live Data Transformation (LDT)
A separately licensed feature of Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE) that allows you to
transform (encrypt or decrypt) or rekey GuardPoint data without blocking use or application
access to that data.
local domain
A DSM domain in which DSM administration is restricted to Domain Administrators or Security
Administrators assigned to that domain. To access a local domain in the Management Console, a
DSM administrator must specify their local domain upon login.
Management Console
The graphical user interface (GUI) to the DSM.
Master encryption key (MEK)
The encryption key for Oracle Database used to encrypt secondary data encryption keys used for
column encryption and tablespace encryption. Master encryption keys are part of the Oracle
Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) twotier key architecture.
See Master encryption key.
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Microsoft SQL Server
A relational database server, developed by Microsoft.
Microsoft SQL Transparent Data Encryption (MS-SQL TDE)
Microsoft SQL Server native encryption for columns and tables.
multi-factor authentication
An authentication algorithm that requires at least two of the three following authentication
1) something the user knows (for example, password); 2) something the user has (example: RSA
SecurID); and 3) something the user is (example: fingerprint). VTE implements an optional form of
multifactor authentication for Management Console users by requiring DSM administrators to
enter the token code displayed on an RSA SecurID, along with the administrator name each time
the administrator logs on to the Management Console.
A VTE feature that enables the creation of multiple local domains within a single DSM. A local
domain is a DSM domain in which DSM administration is restricted to Domain Administrators or
Security Administrators assigned to that domain. This allows Cloud Service Providers to provide
their customers with VTE administrative domains over which the customer has total control of
data security. No other administrators, including CSP administrators, have access to VTE security in
a local domain.
offline policy
Policies for Database Backup Agents. Online policies are for the File System Agent.
one-way communication
A VTE feature for an environment where the DSM cannot establish a connection to the agent, but
the agent can establish a connection to the DSM. For example, the protected host is behind a NAT
so protected host ports are not directly visible from the DSM, or the protected host is behind a
firewall that prohibits incoming connections, or the protected host does not have a fixed IP
address as in the cloud. When an agent is registered with oneway communication, changes made
for that protected host on the DSM are not pushed to the protected host, rather as the protected
host polls the DSM it will retrieve the change.
online policies
Policies for the File System Agent. Offline policies are for Database Backup Agents.
A set of security access and encryption rules that specify who can access which files with what
executable during what times, and whether or not those files are encrypted. Policies are created
by DSM Security Administrators, stored in the DSM, and implemented on protected hosts by a File
system Agent. See
rule (for policies).
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policy tuning
The process of creating a simple Learn Mode policy that allows any protected host user to access a
GuardPoint; to examine who accesses the GuardPoint, what executables they use, and what
actions they require; and to modify the policy such that it allows the right people, using the right
executable, performing the right action to do their job, and prevent anyone else from
inappropriate access.
process set
A list of processes that can be used by the users in a user set associated with a policy rule.
protected host
A host on which a VTE Agent is installed to protect that hosts data.
public key cryptographic algorithm, public key infrastructure
A cryptographic system requiring two keys, one to lock or encrypt the plaintext, and one to unlock
or decrypt the ciphertext. Neither key can do both functions. One key is published (public key) and
the other is kept private (private key). If the lock/encryption key is the one published, the system
enables private communication from the public to the unlocking key's owner. If the
unlock/decryption key is the one published, then the system serves as a signature verifier of
documents locked by the owner of the private key. Also called asymmetric key cryptography.
raw device
A type of block device that performs input/output operations without caching or buffering. This
results in more direct access.
register host
The process of enabling communication between a protected host and the DSM. Registration
happens during agent installation. Before registration can happen, the host must be added to the
DSM database.
The process of changing the encryption keys used to encrypt data. Changing keys enhances data
security and is a requirement to maintain compliance with some data security guidelines and
regulations. Also called key rotation.
A set of Management Console permissions assigned to DSM Security Administrators by DSM
Domain Administrators. There are five roles: Audit (can generate and view logging data for file
accesses), key (can create, edit, and delete keys), Policy (can create, edit, and delete policies), Host
(can configure, modify, and delete protected hosts and protected host groups), and Challenge &
Response (can generate a temporary password to give to a protected host user to decrypt cached
encryption keys when connection to the DSM is broken).
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A hardware authentication token that is assigned to a computer user and that generates an
authentication code at fixed intervals (usually 60 seconds). In addition to entering a static
password, Management Console administrators can be required to input an 8digit number that is
provided by an external electronic device or software.
rule (for policies)
Every time a user or application tries to access a GuardPoint file, the access attempt passes
through each rule of the policy until it finds a rule where all the criteria are met. When a rule
matches, the effect associated with that rule is enforced. A rule consists of five access criteria and
an effect. The criteria are Resource (the file/directories accessed), User (the user or groups
attempting access), Process (the executable used to access the data), When (the time range when
access is attempted) and Action (the type of action attempted on the data, for example read.
write, rename and so on). Effect can be permit or deny access, decrypt data access, and audit
access attempt. See policy.
1) The File System Agent initialization script. 2) An acronym for Vormetric Secure File System
agent. It generally refers to the kernel module that handles policies (locks, protected host settings,
logging preferences) and keys, and enforces data security protection.
A proprietary device driver that supports GuardPoint protection to raw devices. secvm is inserted
in between the device driver and the device itself.
Security Administrator
The thirdlevel DSM administrator who does most of data protection work like creating policies,
configuring protected hosts, auditing data usage patterns, applying GuardPoints and other duties.
The privileges of each Security Administrator is specified by the roles assigned to them by the
Domain Administrator. See roles. See
DSM Administrator and types.
Security Server
See DSM.
separation of duties
A method of increasing data security by creating customized DSM administrator roles for
individual DSM administrators such that no one administrator has complete access to all
encryption keys in all domains of all files.
signing files
File signing is a method that VTE uses to check the integrity of executables and applications before
they are allowed to access GuardPoint data. If file signing is initiated in the Management Console,
the File System Agent calculates the cryptographic signatures of the executables that are eligible
to access GuardPoint data. A tampered executable, such as a Trojan application, malicious code, or
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rogue process, with a missing or mismatched signature, is denied access. Also called cryptographic
Suite B mode
A set of publicly available cryptographic algorithms approved by the United States National
Security Agency (NSA). These algorithms enhance security by adding up to 384bit encryption to
the communication between the Web browser and the DSM, the DSM and Agent, and between
DSMs in HA environments.
Symmetric-key algorithm
Cryptographic algorithms that use the same cryptographic keys for both encryption of plaintext
and decryption of ciphertext. The keys, in practice, represent a shared secret between two or
more parties that can be used to maintain a private information link. This requirement that both
parties have access to the secret key is one of the main drawbacks of symmetric key encryption, in
comparison to publickey encryption.
System Administrator (DSM)
See DSM Administrator and types.
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
A technology used by both Microsoft and Oracle to encrypt database content. TDE offers
encryption at a column, table, and tablespace level. TDE solves the problem of protecting data at
rest, encrypting databases both on the hard drive and consequently on backup media.
user set
A named list of users on which a policy rule applies.
VAE Agent
See Key Agent.
VDE Agent
Vormetric agent installed on a protected host to implement disk encryption. See Vormetric Disk
Encryption (VDE).
Acronym for Vormetric Daemon, vmd is a process that supports communication between the DSM
and kernel module.
VMSSC or Vormetric Security Server Command Line Interface
See DSM Automation Utilities.
Vormetric Application Encryption (VAE)
A product that enables data encryption at the application level as opposed to the file level as is
done with VTE.
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Where VTE encrypts a file or directory, VAE can encrypt a column in a database or a field in an
application. VAE is essentially an API library for key management and cryptographic operations
based on PKCS#11. See the Vormetric Application Encryption Installation and API Reference Guide.
Vormetric Cloud Encryption Gateway (VCEG)
Vormetric product that safeguards files in cloud storage environments, including Amazon Simple
Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Box. The cloud security gateway solution encrypts sensitive data
before it is saved to the cloud storage environment, then decrypts data for approved users when it
is removed from the cloud.
Vormetric Data Security Platform or VDS Platform
The technology platform upon which all other Vormetric products—Vormetric Transparent
Encryption (VTE), Vormetric Application Encryption (VAE), Vormetric Key Management (VKM),
Vormetric Cloud Encryption Gateway (VCEG), Vormetric Tokenization Server (VTS), Vormetric Key
Management (VKM), and Vormetric Protection for Teradata Database—are based.
Vormetric Encryption Expert or VEE
Earlier name of the Vormetric Transparent Encryption (VTE) product. It may sometimes appear in
the product GUI or installation scripts.
Vormetric Key Management (VKM)
Vormetric product that provides a standardsbased platform for storing and managing encryption
keys and certificates from disparate sources across the enterprise. This includes Vormetric
encryption keys, 3rdparty software keys, KMIP device keys and so on.
Vormetric Protection for Teradata Database
Vormetric product that secures sensitive data in the Teradata environment.
Vormetric Security Intelligence
Vormetric product that provides support for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
products such as ArcSight, Splunk and QRadar. Provides solutions that monitor realtime events
and analyze longterm data to find anomalous usage patterns, qualify possible threats to reduce
false positives, and alert organizations when needed. Documented in the VDS Platform Security
Intelligence User Guide.
Vormetric Tokenization Server (VTS)
Vormetric product that replaces sensitive data in your database (up to 512 bytes) with unique
identification symbols called tokens. Tokens retain the format of the original data while protecting
it from theft or compromise.
Vormetric Transparent Encryption or VTE
Vormetric product that protects dataatrest. Secures any database, file, or volume without
changing the applications, infrastructure or user experience.
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Vormetric Vault
A virtual vault to store 3rdparty encryption keys, certificates and other security objects.
VTE Agent
Vormetric agents that are installed on protected hosts to implement data protection. See File
System Agent.
wrapper keys
See key wrapping.
Web Services Description Language.