Solid Waste and
Emergency Response
OSWER No. 9200.1-51
EPA 540/R-04/005
August 2005
Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring
with Direct Push Technologies
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Washington, DC 20460
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This report has been funded wholly by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Contract
68-W-02-033. The report is not intended, nor can it be relied upon to create any rights enforceable by any party
in litigation with the United States. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use.
Copies of this report are available free of charge from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications
(NSCEP), P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419; telephone (800) 490-9198 or (513) 490-8190; or facsimile
(513) 489-8695. Refer to document EPA 540/R-04/005, Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring with Direct Push
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Table of Contents
Figures ................................................................................. iii
Tables.................................................................................. iv
Section 1: Introduction .....................................................................1
Background ........................................................................1
Intended Audience ...................................................................1
Scope and Limitations ................................................................1
Advantages and Limitations of Direct Push Technologies ....................................2
How to Use This Guidance ............................................................3
Section 2: Summary of Direct Push Technology Groundwater Sampling Methods ......................5
Point-in-Time Sampling...............................................................6
Sealed-Screen Samplers.........................................................6
Multi-Level Samplers ..........................................................9
Open-Hole Sampling Methods ..................................................12
DPT Monitoring Well Installation ......................................................14
Exposed-Screen Well Installation Methods .........................................14
Protected-Screen Well and Filter Pack Installation Methods ...........................16
Specialized Measurement and Logging Tools .............................................18
Geotechnical ................................................................20
Geophysical .................................................................22
Hydrogeologic ...............................................................22
Induced Fluorescence Systems ............................................22
Volatilization and Removal Systems ........................................23
Section 3: Data Quality Objectives for Groundwater Sampling .....................................25
Sample Bias .......................................................................25
Sample Turbidity .............................................................29
Sample Disturbance ...........................................................32
Sampling Interval.............................................................32
Sample Volume ....................................................................33
Sample Cross-Contamination .........................................................33
Selecting a DPT Groundwater Sampling Tool ............................................34
Section 4: Recommended Methods for Collecting Representative Groundwater Samples ...............35
Installation of a Filter Pack ...........................................................35
Well Development ..................................................................36
Low-Flow Purging and Sampling ......................................................36
Theoretical and Research Basis for Low-Flow Purging and Sampling....................37
Low-Flow Purging and Sampling Protocols ........................................38
Passive Sampling Protocols .....................................................38
Section 5: Recommended Methods for Minimizing Potential for Cross-Contamination ..................40
Avoiding Drag-down ................................................................40
Avoiding the Creation of Hydraulic Conduits .............................................41
Decontaminating Equipment ..........................................................41
Decommissioning DPT Wells and Borings ..............................................42
Retraction Grouting ...........................................................42
Re entry Grouting ............................................................42
Surface Pouring ..............................................................44
Section 6: Conclusions.....................................................................45
References ..............................................................................47
Appendix: Purging and Sampling Devices .....................................................61
Figure Page
2-1 Sealed Screen Sampler ................................................................8
2.2 Exposed-Screen Sampler–Well Point Driven Below the Base of a Borehole .....................10
2.3 Schematic Illustration of Degrees of Drag-Down Potentially Induced
by Direct Push Sampling Devices
2.4 Operation of the Waterloo Profiler .....................................................12
2.5 Collecting Samples From Discrete Depths (Profiling) Using
the Waterloo Drive-Point Profiler
2.6 Schematic of the Geoprobe
DT21 Profiler ..............................................15
2.7 Photograph of Pre-Packed Well Screens .................................................17
2.8 Small Diameter DPT Well Components .................................................19
2.9 Bottom-Up Method for Grouting Small Annular Spaces of DPT Wells .........................20
2.10 Example of a Properly Constructed DPT Well Installation
with Prepacked Well Screen
5.1 Methods for Sealing Direct Push Technology Holes ........................................43
Table Page
2.1 Comparison of Various Direct Push Technology Sampling
and Data Collection Capabilities
2.2 Annular Space for Well Completion Based on Size of Well Casing and Screen ..................17
3.1 Impacts of Sources of Bias on Specific Analytes During Sampling ............................26
3.2 Operational Characteristics and Appropriateness of Groundwater Sampling Devices
for Specific Analytes
3.3 Log n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients (Log K
) of Common
Organic Contaminants
3.4 Recommended DPT Groundwater Tools for Various Field Applications ........................34
4.1 Comparison Between Low-Flow and Passive Sampling .....................................39
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CPT cone penetrometer testing
CSP centrifugal submersible pump
DCE dichloroethene
DNAPL dense non-aqueous phase liquid
DO dissolved oxygen
DPT direct push technology
DQO data quality objectives
FID flame ionization detector
GC gas chromatograph
ID inner diameter
LIF laser-induced fluorescence
LNAPL light non-aqueous phase liquid
MIP membrane interface probe
OD outer diameter
ORP oxidation/reduction potential
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PCB polychlorinated biphenyl
PE polyethylene
PP polypropylene
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PVC polyvinyl chloride
QC quality control
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
ROST Rapid Optical Screening Tool
SC specific conductivity
SVOC semi-volatile organic compound
TCE trichloroethene
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UV ultraviolet
VOC volatile organic compound
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Section 1: Introduction
Direct push technology (DPT, also known as “direct drive,” “drive point,” or “push
technology”) refers to a growing family of tools used for performing subsurface investigations
by driving, pushing, and/or vibrating small-diameter hollow steel rods into the ground. By
attaching sampling tools to the end of the steel rods they can be used to collect soil, soil-gas, and
groundwater samples. DPT rods can also be equipped with probes that provide continuous in-
situ measurements of subsurface properties (e.g., geotechnical characteristics and contaminant
distribution). Interest in understanding how DPT groundwater collection methods compare with
traditional monitoring well sampling methods has steadily increased since the mid-1980s when
DPT first started being used for this purpose. Although environmental professionals recognize
that DPT provide a cost-effective alternative to conventional approaches to subsurface sampling,
some have been reluctant to use it for groundwater sampling because of uncertainty regarding
the quality of samples that the technology can provide. This guidance is designed to encourage
more widespread consideration of DPT by clarifying how DPT can be used to meet a variety of
data quality requirements for a variety of site conditions.
Intended Audience
The primary audience for this guidance is EPA regional folks working on CERCLA,
RCRA, and other related programs. It also may be useful for environmental professionals who
oversee or undertake the collection of groundwater samples at contaminated sites and have a
basic scientific understanding of groundwater sampling. Information is provided on the
application and limitations of DPT for groundwater sampling activities. Although this document
is not intended to provide substantial background information, Section 2 provides a general
overview of DPT groundwater sampling and an extensive list of resources is cited within the text
and listed in the reference section.
Scope and Limitations
This document focuses on groundwater sampling issues related to DPT, in particular
those regarding the quality and usability of the groundwater data. Two general types of DPT
groundwater sampling methods are discussed: “point-in-time” or “grab” sampling and sampling
with direct push installed monitoring wells. In order to provide a concise and readable
document, references are provided so that readers can access more detailed information where
needed. Other uses of DPT, such as soil sampling, soil-gas sampling, and deployment of
continuous logging equipment, generally are not controversial; therefore, they are not discussed
at length. In addition, this guidance assumes a basic level of understanding of DPT equipment.
Readers unfamiliar with DPT equipment should refer to:
Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for
Regulators (EPA, 1997). Chapter V of this guide, Direct Push Technologies, provides a
good overview of the tools and their capabilities. It is available at:
The Field Analytical Technology Encyclopedia (FATE) contains a section on Direct
Push Platforms. It is available at:
ASTM direct push standards, Standard Guide for Installation of Direct Push Ground
Water Monitoring Wells, D 6724-01; Standard Practice for Direct Push Installation of
Prepacked Screen Monitoring Wells in Unconsolidated Aquifers, D 6725-01; Standard
Guide for Direct-Push Water Sampling for Geoenvironmental Investigations, D-6001;
and Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site
Characterization, D-6282. They are available for purchase at:
This guidance is not intended to replace the knowledge and advice of an experienced
hydrogeologist. Site-specific situations may dictate that an expert familiar with site conditions
and project goals be involved in the planning and implementation of any groundwater sampling
event. Furthermore, Federal and State regulatory requirements can vary substantially among
jurisdictions and the appropriate regulatory and State agencies must be consulted to ensure that
legal requirements are met.
Advantages and Limitations of Direct Push Technologies
Direct push technologies are a valuable tool for environmental investigations because
they can offer a number of advantages over conventional well installation and sampling methods
and can provide many other types of data to a project team (e.g., in-situ detection of
contaminants, real-time geotechnical data). Some of the typical advantages of using DPT over
monitoring wells drilled and installed with conventional tools, such as hollow stem augers,
Faster sampling capability that helps to provide more data, thereby improving site
decision making and facilitates the use of a dynamic work plan strategy;
In general, lower cost when greater data density is needed;
Greater variety of equipment and methods resulting in greater flexibility in meeting
project goals;
Capability of collecting depth-discrete groundwater samples to locate contaminated
Better vertical profiling capability for generating three-dimensional profiles of a site that
improve the conceptual site model; and
Less investigation-derived waste generated, thereby saving additional time and money
while minimizing the potential for exposure to hazardous substances.
However, DPT cannot completely replace the use of conventional monitoring wells.
Rather, DPT provides environmental professionals with additional choices from which to select
equipment and methods for collecting groundwater samples. Conventional methods still have a
number of potential advantages over DPT, including:
Fewer limitations for deployment in a variety of geologic and hydrogeologic settings.
For example, conventional DPT may not be able to penetrate some caliches, bedrock, or
unconsolidated layers with significant amounts of gravel or cobbles. DPT is not
recommended where telescoped wells are needed to prevent contaminant migration
below confining layers;
Deeper limit of subsurface penetration than DP rigs in most geologic settings; and
Easier collection of large sample volumes.
Consequently, DPT and conventional monitoring well technologies may both be useful for
groundwater sampling. They can provide environmental professionals with a variety of options
to collect data sufficient for decision making, even when high quality groundwater samples are
How to Use This Guidance
This guidance is divided into four major sections designed to expose the reader to
potential issues and solutions regarding groundwater sampling with DPT:
Section 2: Summary of Direct Push Technology Groundwater Sampling Methods:
provides an overview of the different types of equipment available with DPT to collect
Section 3: Data Quality Objectives for Groundwater Sampling: provides the reader with
a summary of groundwater data quality issues that should be considered while planning a
groundwater sample collection activity.
Section 4: Recommended Methods for Collecting Representative Groundwater Samples:
provides the reader with information on filter packs, well development, and low-flow
sampling methods as they relate to DPT.
Section 5: Recommended Methods for Minimizing the Potential for Cross-
Contamination: provides the reader with information on drag-down, hydraulic conduits,
decontaminating equipment, and decommissioning DPT boreholes.
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Section 2: Summary of Direct Push Technology
Groundwater Sampling Methods
DPT groundwater sampling equipment generally falls into one of two broad categories:
C Point-in-time groundwater samplers: These tools or devices, also referred to as
“temporary samplers” or “grab samplers,” are used to rapidly collect samples to define
groundwater conditions during one sampling event. They are usually less than two
inches outside diameter (OD) and are generally constructed of steel or stainless steel.
Direct push methods (percussion or static weight) are used to advance point-in-time
samplers below the static water level in unconsolidated formations. Generally,
groundwater flows into the sampler from an exposed screen under ambient hydrostatic
pressure. Groundwater may be collected from the sampler using bailers or pumps, or the
sampler may be retracted to the surface to obtain the water sample. Once sampling is
completed, these devices are removed and the boring should be abandoned in accordance
with local regulations.
C DPT-installed groundwater monitoring wells: These monitoring wells are installed by
direct push methods to permit short-term or long-term monitoring of groundwater and are
usually two inches in diameter or less and constructed of PVC and/or stainless steel.
Since monitoring wells are installed for periods of several months to several years, the
annulus of the boring around the well casing is usually sealed to prevent migration of
contaminants into the aquifer. Surface protection is required to prevent tampering with
the well. A slotted or screened section permits groundwater to flow into the well under
ambient hydrostatic pressure. Groundwater may be collected from monitoring wells
using bailers, various pumps, or passive sampling devices.
Point-in-time sampling tools are typically used during site characterization to identify
plume boundaries or hot spots. They cannot be used for long-term monitoring or trend analysis
since the boreholes need to be decommissioned upon completion of sampling. In contrast,
temporary and permanent monitoring wells are typically used to provide trend analysis of
contaminant groundwater concentrations over an extended period of time. DPT can be used to
install small-diameter (e.g., up to 2 inches outside diameter [OD]) monitoring wells.
Ideally, both DPT point-in-time and monitoring well groundwater sampling equipment
should be used together to maximize their effectiveness. Point-in-time sampling techniques are
generally better for identifying plume boundaries, hot spots, preferred pathways, or other
monitoring points of interest. Once this information is collected, DPT monitoring wells, as well
as conventional monitoring wells, can be optimally placed to provide project teams with the
most useful monitoring data.
This section summarizes the various types of point-in-time sampling tools and DPT
monitoring well installation techniques. Since DPT groundwater sampling methods are often
used to their best advantage in combination with other specialized DPT measurement and
logging tools, these associated tools are also discussed at the end of this section. This
information is intended to provide the reader with an easily accessible summary of available
DPT tools. Other resources listed in the Introduction could also be used for a more
comprehensive survey of available tools and their capabilities. Table 2.1 provides a list of some
of the major DPT equipment available for groundwater investigations. It summarizes the
capabilities of the equipment and helps the reader to sort through the variety of tools and how
they may be useful for specific project goals. Because this section provides a basic overview of
existing equipment, readers already familiar with the capabilities of DPT equipment may wish to
proceed to Section 3 for information on how these tools can be used to collect groundwater
samples to meet project objectives.
Point-in-Time Sampling
A variety of point-in-time groundwater sampling tools are available for site
characterization, including:
Sealed-screen sampling;
Multi-level sampling (or vertical profiling); and
Open-hole sampling.
With these techniques, the time needed to retrieve the sample will vary according to the
hydraulic conductivity of the sampling zone. In general, sampling within coarse-grained
sediments takes minutes while fine-grained sediments can take several hours or more. In
situations where slow recharge inhibits the timely collection of groundwater samples, the
sampler may be left in place to recharge while the DPT rig is moved to a new sampling location.
Sealed-Screen Samplers
Sealed-screen samplers typically consist of a short (e.g., 6-inch to 3-foot) screen nested
within a sealed, water-tight tool body (Figure 2.1). Because the screen is not exposed to the
formation as the sampler is advanced into the subsurface, the screen does not become plugged or
damaged. In addition, the potential for cross contamination is greatly reduced and a true
depth-discrete sample that is representative of the target sampling zone can be collected. The
sample volume collected with some sealed-screen samplers is limited by the volume of the
sample chamber (e.g., 500 mL for the Hydropunch I
; 1.2 L for the Hydropunch II
; and 35 to
120 mL for each vial in the BAT
To collect the sample, the sealed-screen sampler is advanced to the target sampling depth
and the protective outer rod is retracted, exposing the screen to groundwater. Groundwater flows
through the screen under the hydraulic head conditions that exist at that depth and into the drive
rods or sample chamber. O-ring seals placed between the drive tip and the tool body help ensure
that the sampler is water tight as it is driven to the target sampling interval. The integrity of the
seal can often be checked by lowering an electronic water level indicator into the sampler prior
to retracting the protective outer rod.
Table 2.1
Comparison of Various Direct Push Technology Sampling and Data Collection Capabilities
Soil Gas
Install Small
Sealed-Screen Samplers
BAT Enviroprobe T T
HydroPunch I and
PowerPunch™ T T T
Screen Point 15 T T
SimulProbe® T T T
Multi-Level Samplers
Envirocore T T T T T T T
Waterloo Profiler T T T T
Specialized Measurement and Logging Tools
Figure 2-1
Sealed-Screen Sampler
Sampling fine-grained formations may be difficult because of the long time it takes to fill
the sampler with groundwater. Sample collection times in formations with low hydraulic
conductivity may exceed several hours for some tools, compared to several minutes or tens of
minutes in formations of high to moderate hydraulic conductivity (Zemo et al., 1994; Zemo et
al., 1995). However, to avoid downtime, the samplers can be left in the borehole to recharge
while the installing rig moves off the hole to another location to sample. To decrease sample
collection time, samples can be collected from samplers with longer, 30- to 42-inch screens (e.g.,
Screen Point 15) while the tool is downhole. A bailer or pump is needed to collect
the sample from the target zone.
Sealed-screen samplers generally are limited to collecting one sample per advance of the
sampler. However, depending upon the system used, multi-level sampling in a single borehole
can be accomplished with sealed-screen samplers by retrieving the sampler and decontaminating
it or replacing it with a clean sampler before reentering the hole to collect another sample.
Multi-Level Samplers
Multi-level samplers, most of which are exposed-screen samplers, are DPT equipment
capable of collecting groundwater samples at multiple intervals as the sampling tool is advanced,
without having to withdraw the tool for sample collection or decontamination. The terminal end
of a typical multi-level sampling tool has a 6-inch- to 3-foot-long screen made up of fine-mesh,
narrow slots, or small holes. The screen remains open to formation materials and water while
the tool is advanced (Figure 2.2). This allows samples to be collected either continuously or
periodically as the tool is advanced to vertically profile groundwater chemistry and
aqueous-phase contaminant distribution.
Multi-level samplers can be used to measure water levels at discrete intervals within
moderate- to high-yield formations to assist in defining vertical head distribution and gradient.
Additionally, some of these tools can be used to conduct hydraulic tests at specific intervals to
characterize the hydraulic conductivity in formation materials to identify possible preferential
flow pathways and barriers to flow (Butler et al., 2000; and McCall et al., 2000).
A drawback to multi-level sampling is the possible drag-down by the screen of
contamination from zones above the desired sampling interval (Figure 2.3) (Pitkin et al., 1999).
The Waterloo Profiler minimizes the potential for cross- contamination. It uses a 6-inch long,
uniform diameter, stainless-steel sampling tool into which several inlets or sampling ports have
been drilled and covered with fine-mesh screen. As the tool is advanced, distilled or deionized
organic-free water is slowly pumped down tubing that runs inside the drive rod and leads to the
sampling ports in the tool (Figure 2.4). The water keeps groundwater from entering the tool
while it is advanced. A peristaltic pump is typically used for depths less than 25 feet; a double-
valve pump can be used for sampling at greater depths.
After the first target interval is reached, the flow of the pump is reversed and the
sampling tube is purged so water representative of the aquifer is obtained. After the sample is
collected, the pump is reversed and distilled or deionized water is again pumped through the
sampling ports. The tool is then advanced to the next target interval where the process is
repeated (Figure 2.5).
Several field studies (Cherry, et al., 1992; Pitkin, et al., 1994; Pitkin, et al., 1999) have
demonstrated that the Waterloo Profiler is capable of providing a very detailed view of
contaminant plumes—particularly in complex stratified geological materials—without the
effects of drag-down and the cross contamination of samples. However, because a peristaltic
pump is typically used to collect samples when the sampling depth is less than 25 ft below
ground surface (bgs), there may be a negative bias in samples collected for analysis of VOCs or
dissolved gases. To avoid this potential bias, VOC samples should be collected in-line, ahead of
the pump, and a sufficient volume of water should be pumped through the system to account for
the initial filling of the containers when a negative head space was present.
Another multi-level sampler, the VERTEK ConeSipper
, attaches directly behind a
standard cone penetrometer to collect groundwater as the cone penetrometer testing (CPT) is
advanced. An inert gas flows to the ConeSipper
to control the rate of sample collection and to
purge and decontaminate the device down hole. The ConeSipper
is equipped with two filters,
which help minimize turbidity in the samples. The primary filter is a stainless steel screen whose
openings can range in size from 51 to 254 µm. A secondary filter, which can be made from
sintered stainless steel and comes with opening sizes ranging from 40 to 100 µm or regular
Figure 2.2
Exposed-Screen Sampler–Well Point Driven below the Base of a Borehole
Source: ASTM (2001e)
Figure 2.3
Schematic Illustration of Degrees of Drag Down Potentially Induced by Direct Push Sampling Devices
Figure 2.4
Operation of the Waterloo Profiler
Source: Pitkin et al. (1999)
stainless steel with openings ranging in size from 38 to 74 µm, removes fines (Applied Research
Associates, 2004).
Open-Hole Sampling Methods
Open-hole sampling is conducted by advancing drive rods with a drive point to the
desired sampling depth. Upon reaching the sampling depth, the rods are withdrawn slightly
which separates them from the drive tip and allow water to enter the rods. The water can be
sampled by lowering a bailer into the rods or by pumping. The open-hole method is only
feasible within formations that are fairly cohesive, otherwise the formation may flow upwards
into the rods when they are withdrawn, preventing samples from being collected.
With single-rod systems, open-hole sampling can only be conducted at one depth within
a borehole because the borehole cannot be flushed out between sampling intervals and cross-
contamination may occur. Dual-tube systems, on the other hand, can be used to conduct multi-
level sampling.
Figure 2.5
Collecting Samples From Discrete Depths (Profiling) Using the Waterloo Drive-Point Profiler
Dual-tube samplers are typically advanced into the subsurface to collect continuous soil
cores; however, groundwater samples can be collected at the end of each core run. Dual-tube
samplers have an outer casing that is driven to the target soil coring depth. The outer casing
holds the hole open and seals off the surrounding formation as an inner rod (with a sample liner
for soil sampling) is lowered into the outer casing and both are driven into the undisturbed
formation below. Once the soil core is retrieved, groundwater can be sampled by lowering a
bailer or pump into the outer casing The borehole can continue to be advanced so that multiple
groundwater samples can be retrieved from multiple depths in the same borehole. The water
should be purged from the casing with subsequent advances of casing and inner rod so that
groundwater from overlying intervals do not cross-contaminate the sample.
The amount of water that needs to be purged depends upon the type of sampling
equipment that is used. For pumping systems, purging procedures similar to those designed for
wells (low-flow purging) and described in Section 4, should be used. If bailers are used, then it is
important that all the water contained in the outer casing be removed to ensure that the water the
bailer is passing through comes from the interval of interest. The accepted procedure for
traditionally completed wells when bailers are used is to remove at least three volumes of water
and measure water quality indicators (e.g., pH, specific conductance) until they stabilize. The use
of a bailer in this situation may preclude the collection of some parameters that may be sensitive
to the iron in the outer casing (See Low-flow Purging Section 4.)
A dual-tube profiling system has been developed so that a simple screen can be inserted
through the cutting shoe of a dual-tube soil sampling device (Figure 2.6). This system enables
the operator to collect soil samples and then insert a screen at selected intervals, which they can
then use for sampling or conducting slug tests to locate preferential migration pathways (Butler
et al., 2000; McCall et al., 2000). This system also allows for bottom-up grouting to assure
proper boring abandonment.
DPT Monitoring Well Installation
A variety of DPT methods are available for installing temporary or permanent monitoring
wells. The two main installation methods used are exposed-screen and protected-screen wells.
These methods are discussed in detail in ASTM D-6724 and D-6725 (ASTM, 2003a and 2003b)
and are summarized here. As with conventional well installations, hydraulic connections should
not be created between otherwise isolated water-bearing strata. In addition, precautions should
be taken to minimize turbidity during the installation of filter packs and the development and
sampling of wells (Section 4).
Exposed-Screen Well Installation Methods
With exposed-screen well installation methods, the well casing and screen are driven to
the target depth using a single string of rods. Because the screen is exposed to formation
materials while it is advanced, proper well development (as discussed in Section 4) is important
to remove soil from screen slots. This method is not recommended for installing well screens
within or beneath contaminated zones because drag-down of contaminants with the screen may
cross-contaminate sampling zones and make acquisition of samples representative of the target
zone impossible. Exposed-screen well installation methods should only be used in upgradient
Figure 2.6
Schematic of the Geoprobe
DT21 Profiler
A) Screen components for insertion through the dual-tube system for slug testing and sampling.
B) The profiling screen is lowered through the outer rods after the inner rods are removed. Once the
screen is at the base of the outer rods, they are retracted as the screen is held in position for
accurate placement.
areas that are known to be uncontaminated. Also, some states prohibit allowing the formation to
collapse around a well screen in the construction of a monitoring well. Therefore, state
regulations should be consulted before selecting exposed-screen techniques.
In one type of exposed-screen installation, the PVC well screen and casing are assembled
and placed around a shaft of a drive rod connected to a metal drive tip. The casing and screen,
which rest on top of the drive tip, are advanced to the target depth by driving the rod to avoid
placing pressure on the screen. The drive tip slightly enlarges the hole to reduce friction
between the formation and the well screen and casing, and remains in the hole plugging the
bottom of the screen. The filter pack surrounding the well screen commonly is derived from
formation materials that are allowed to collapse around the screen. Rigorous well development
improves the hydraulic connection between the screen and the formation and generally is
necessary to remove formation fines and the effects of well installation, which may include
borehole smearing or the compaction of formation materials. Due to the very small annulus (if
any) that surrounds a well constructed using the exposed-screen method, it is not generally
possible to introduce a filter pack or annular seal from the surface.
Exposed-screen methods also can be used to install well points—simple wells used for
rapid collection of water level data, groundwater samples, and hydraulic test data in shallow
unconfined aquifers. Well points are generally constructed of slotted steel pipe or
continuous-wrap, wire-wound, steel screens with a tapered tip on the bottom. They can be
driven into unconsolidated formations and used for either point-in-time sampling and
decommissioned after the sample is collected, or left in place for the duration of the sampling
program—possibly requiring the installation of a seal to prevent infiltration of water from the
ground surface to the screened interval.
The optimum conditions for well point installations are shallow sandy materials.
Predominantly fine-grained materials such as silt or clay can plug the screen slots as the well
point is advanced. Because well points are driven directly into the ground with little or no
annular space, the formation materials are allowed to collapse around the screen, and the well
point needs to be developed to prepare it for sampling.
Protected-Screen Well Installation Methods
When installing a protected-screen well, the well casing and screen are either advanced
within or lowered into a protective outer drive rod that has already been driven to the target
depth. Once the well casing and screen are in place, the drive rod is removed. Alternatively, the
casing, screen, and a retractable shield may be driven simultaneously to the target depth. Once
in place, the screen is exposed and the entire unit remains in the ground. If there is sufficient
clearance between the inside of the drive rod and the outside of the well casing and screen, a
filter pack and annular seal may be installed by tremie from the surface as the drive casing is
removed from the hole. Several filter packing and annular sealing approaches are available,
depending on the equipment used for the installation (ASTM D5092 and D6725; ASTM, 2003b
and 2003c). Regardless of the method of installation, the filter pack should be sized
appropriately to retain most of the formation materials (refer to Driscoll, 1986 or ASTM D5092-
The most common protected-screen method for installing DPT wells is to advance an
outer drive casing equipped with an expendable drive tip to the target depth. The well casing
and screen are then assembled, lowered inside the drive casing, and anchored to the drive tip.
The drive casing seals off the formations through which it has been advanced, protecting the well
casing and screen from clogging and from passing through potentially contaminated intervals.
The position and length of the screen should be selected to match the thickness of the monitoring
zone, which can be determined by using additional information, such as CPT logs or continuous
soil boring logs.
When DPT wells are installed in non-cohesive, coarse-grained formations, the formation
can be allowed to collapse around the screen (if this technique is not prohibited by state well
installation regulations) after it is placed at the target depth since turbidity problems are unlikely.
When turbidity is likely to pose a problem for groundwater sample quality (see Section 3), a
number of methods for installing filter packs are available. The filter pack can be poured or
tremied into place as the drive casing is removed. Depending on the relative size of the drive
casing and well, however, it may be difficult to introduce filter pack or annular seal materials
downhole unless the hole is in a cohesive formation that will remain open as the drive casing is
removed. Typical inside diameters of DPT wells range from 0.5-inch (schedule 80 PVC) to 2
inches (schedule 40 PVC), and the maximum inside diameter of drive casing is 3.5 inches. Table
2.2 provides a reference for understanding the relationship between inside diameters of DPT
drive casing, the outside diameter of well casing and screen, and the annular space available for
filter packs.
For the best control of filter pack placement and grain size, “sleeved” or “prepacked”
well screens can be used (Figure 2.7). Pre-packed screens are generally composed of a rigid
Type I PVC screen surrounded by a pre-sized filter pack. The filter pack is held in place by a
stainless-steel wire mesh (for organic contaminants) or food-grade plastic mesh (for inorganic
contaminants), such as polyethylene, that is anchored to the top and bottom of the screen.
Sleeved screens consist of a stainless-steel wire mesh jacket filled with a pre-sized filter-pack
material, which can be slipped over a PVC pipe base with slots of any size. Although sleeve
thickness generally ranges from only 0.25 to 0.5 inch, it has been shown to provide an effective
filter pack (Kram et al., 2000).
Table 2.2
Annular Space for Well Completion Based on Size of Well Casing and Screen
Inside Diameter of
Well Casing and
Screen (inches)
Outside Diameter of
Well Casing and
Screen (inches)
Annular Space with
1.5-inch Inside
Diameter (1.8-inch
OD) Drive Casing
Annular Space with
3-inch Inside
Diameter (3.5-inch
OD) Drive Casing
0.5 0.84 0.66 2.16
0.75 1.05 0.45 1.95
1 1.32 0.18 1.68
1.25 1.66 Not applicable 1.34
Figure 2.7
Photograph of Pre-Packed Well Screens
Courtesy Geoprobe® Systems, 1996.
Annular seals and grout should be placed above the filter pack to prevent infiltration of
surface runoff and to maintain the hydraulic integrity of confining or semi-confining layers,
where present. The sealing method used depends on the formation, the well installation method,
and the regulatory requirements of state or local agencies. Most protected-screen installations
tremie a high-solids (at least 20% solids) bentonite slurry or neat cement grout into place as the
drive casing is removed from the hole. (Additional guidance on grout mixtures is available in
ASTM D6725 (ASTM, 2003b).) A barrier of fine sand or granular or pelletized bentonite
(where water is present) may be placed above the primary filter pack before grouting to protect it
from grout infiltration, which could alter the water chemistry in the screened zone. Similar to
the pre-packed and sleeved screens mentioned above, modular bentonite sleeves that attach to
the well screens and are advanced with the well during installation are also available. As
depicted in Figure 2.8, some manufacturers provide a foam seal that expands immediately when
the casing is withdrawn to form a temporary seal above the screen
. A bentonite sleeve above
the seal expands more slowly after the casing is withdrawn but forms a permanent seal once it
To ensure a complete seal of the annular space from the top of the annular seal to the
ground surface, the grout or slurry should be placed from the bottom up. By using a high
pressure grout pump and nylon tremie tube (Figure 2.9) it is possible to perform bottom-up
grouting in the small annular spaces of DPT equipment. Slurries of 20-30% bentonite or neat
cement grout are most commonly used to meet state regulatory requirements.
A properly constructed DPT-installed monitoring well (Figure 2.10) can provide
representative water quality samples and protect groundwater resources. A 1997 study (McCall
et al., 1997) demonstrated that DPT wells installed in this manner beneath highly contaminated
source zones consistently provided non-detect values. In addition, as with conventional wells, a
properly constructed DPT well should have a flush-mount or above-ground well protection to
prevent physical damage or tampering of the well. Small locking well plugs are also available
for even 0.5-inch nominal PVC casing.
Specialized Measurement and Logging Tools
There are a number of specialized measurement and logging tools available that can be
used with DPT equipment to optimize the number and location of groundwater samples. These
tools can estimate geotechnical, geophysical, hydrogeologic, and analytical parameters in the
subsurface. They are particularly useful when the subsurface is highly stratified or contains
laterally discontinuous layers. In such situations, characterizing or monitoring a dissolved-phase
plume may require identifying preferred groundwater flow pathways, such as zones of high
hydraulic conductivity, for sampling. For example, if the presence of DNAPL is suspected, then
possible locations where DNAPL has pooled should be targeted by mapping the surface and
The foam bridge is constructed of a polyethylene cover over polyurethane foam. In choosing to use this
device, it should be kept in mind that polyethylene is permeable to many dissolved organic constituents and
polyurethane foam will bind organic constituents that come in contact with it. Whether this will affect the quality of
the sample is not known. However, purging the well should take care of any potential problems.
Figure 2.8
Small Diameter DPT Well Components
Source: GeoInsight Inc. product literature
Figure 2.9
Bottom-Up Method for Grouting Small Annular Spaces of DPT Wells
Adapted from Geoprobe®, 1996.
extent of an aquitard. The following section describes some of the specialized measurement and
logging tools that are currently available. Since new tools are continually being developed, the
list provided in this guide should not be considered complete and is directed at tools specifically
concerned with groundwater quality.
The most common type of DPT geotechnical measurements are conducted with a three-
channel cone as part of a CPT rig. It simultaneously measures the tip resistance, sleeve
resistance, and inclination of the cone. The ratio of sleeve resistance and tip resistance is used to
interpret the soil behavior types encountered (Chiang et al., 1992). In general, sandy soils have
high tip resistance and low sleeve resistance, whereas clayey soils have low tip resistance and
higher sleeve resistance. The data are recorded in real time on a computer at the ground surface
and compiled to generate logs that show soil behavior type and relative density with depth.
Actual soil samples are needed to correlate CPT soil behavior data to site soil types.
Figure 2.10
Example of a Properly Constructed DPT Well Installation with Prepacked Well
Adapted from Geoprobe®, 1996.
A number of geophysical measurements can be collected with probes or cones attached to
direct push rods. The most common equipment is a conductivity probe that measures the bulk
conductivity (or resistivity) of the adjacent soil as it is advanced. The differences in conductivity
can be related to changes in stratigraphy. Although actual soil logs are important to correlate
probe readings with actual site conditions, in general, finer-grained sediments (e.g., mineral
clays) are more conductive than coarser sediments (e.g., sands, gravels). Conductivity probes
are also affected by soil water content and ionic strength so they can be used to locate
contaminant plumes that have a different salt content than naturally occurring water/soils. In
addition, these instruments can sometimes be used for detecting DNAPL masses, which have
low conductivities, when there is a sufficiently large conductivity difference between the
DNAPL and the surrounding soil matrix. Although these probes will detect LNAPLs as well,
there are generally simpler and more reliable ways of locating them than using conductivity
probes. Electrical resistivity can also be measured with probes and cones to obtain similar
CPT rigs can be equipped with piezocones that measure dynamic pore water pressure as
the tool is advanced through the soil layers. The pore water pressure data can be used to
determine the depth to the water table and the relative permeability of the layers. Advancement
of the penetrometer can be paused at selected intervals to run dissipation tests to obtain estimates
of hydraulic conductivity. The combined results of the CPT and piezocone tests can help
identify potential preferential contaminant transport pathways in the subsurface. These pathways
are especially useful for targeting groundwater sampling locations. Using point-in-time DPT
sampling to identify which of these pathways are contaminated can further define optimum
intervals for monitoring well screens.
There are a number of probes that can be attached to DPT rigs to detect contaminants in
the subsurface. These include induced fluorescence systems and volatilization and removal
Induced Fluorescence Systems
Two widely available systems used with CPT rigs are the Site Characterization Analysis
Penetrometer System, or SCAPS, and the Rapid Optical Screening Tool, or ROST™. Both use a
CPT-deployed laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) probe to qualitatively identify the types and
relative concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons present. This is accomplished by transmitting
ultraviolet (UV) light from a nitrogen laser through a sapphire window into the soil. The UV
light causes polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) components to fluoresce, and the varying
intensity of the fluorescence is indicative of the amounts of the PAHs present. The spectrum of
the fluorescence describes the distribution of PAHs present in the hydrocarbon (or often
contaminant mass), which can be used for rough fingerprinting of the type of hydrocarbon
(Knowles, 1995).
Another induced fluorescence technology, sometimes referred to as a fuel fluorescence
detector (FFD), is very similar to LIF except that it generally uses a mercury lamp as its light
source, and the light is located in the probe at the sapphire window. This lamp provides a
continuous source of light rather than the pulsed technique of the LIF. Although downhole
detectors are available, fluorescence intensities from the soil are generally returned to the surface
for measurement via fiber optic cable. It generally reads total fluorescence. Some vendors have
filtering capabilities to limit wavelength reception to their detectors that allows some
differentiation between contaminant types.
Volatilization and Removal Systems
There are two established systems for analysis of VOCs by volatilizing the contaminants
in the subsurface and transporting them with a carrier gas to the surface for analysis. The
membrane interface probe (MIP), used with percussion or hydraulic driven DPT rigs, heats the
surrounding soil to promote diffusion of VOCs through a permeable membrane. Once VOCs
enter the probe, they are transported to the surface to a detector (e.g., a photoionization detector
or flame ionization detector) with a carrier gas. The probe is generally driven at a rate of one
foot per minute to maintain operating temperatures. The presence or absence of VOCs and their
relative distribution among sampling locations can be estimated. If more chemical specific
information is needed, the MIP can be used in combination with a direct sampling ion trap mass
spectrometer (DSITMS). Since this instrument does not have a separation column in front of it, it
may not be able to differentiate between chemicals having the same major ion signature.
The SCAPS Hydrosparge™ can be used with either CPT or percussion rigs and is
equipped with a module that is lowered into a sealed-screen sampler once the drive rods are
retracted to expose the screen. The module uses helium gas at a calibrated flow rate to purge
VOCs from the groundwater and transfer them via a Teflon tube directly into a detector at the
surface for real time analysis. One sample per location can be analyzed. To collect additional
samples at other depths, the sealed-screen sampler can be re-advanced at other locations adjacent
to the sampled hole. Data from the hydrosparge is semi-quantitative because of uncertainty
associated with sample volume measured.
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Section 3: Data Quality Objectives for Groundwater Sampling
Before selecting an approach to collecting environmental samples, EPA requires that
EPA-funded projects use a systematic planning process to plan the collection of project data
(EPA, 2000). To help planners select the best methods for obtaining data of the appropriate
type, quality, and quantity for their intended use, EPA has developed a seven-step recommended
data quality objective (DQO) process. DQOs are designed to provide qualitative and
quantitative statements that clarify study objectives, define the appropriate type of data, and
specify tolerable levels of potential decision errors that can be used as the basis for establishing
the quality and quantity of data needed to support decisions. Because DQOs are intended to be
project specific, they should be developed as part of the process for determining the goals for
their activity. For some groundwater investigations, a DQO may be needed that describes the
type of samples needed to characterize a groundwater plume; or a DQO may be needed to
describe the type of samples required to establish that contamination is no longer a threat to
drinking water. Although these DQOs may demand very different types of activities, the factors
that should be evaluated for DPT groundwater sampling projects typically include:
Determining the potential direction and degree of sampling bias;
Evaluating whether the sample volume is sufficient for the selected analytical methods;
Minimizing the potential for contamination drag-down or creating a conduit for
contaminant transport.
These factors are often issues for both DPT and conventional methods. Techniques exist for
resolving problems for both methods, however, this section summarizes how they apply to DPT
groundwater collection techniques.
Sample Bias
Sample bias generally is the systematic or persistent distortion of a measurement process
that causes errors in one direction. In other words, sample measurements can be consistently
different than the samples’ true values. There are several potential sources of sample bias when
sampling groundwater with any method, including DPT, but one of the most critical factors
typically is the type of sampling equipment used to retrieve the sample (Nielsen and Yeates,
1985). Three of the most common sources of bias, due to sampling equipment and methods,
Sample turbidity;
Sample disturbance; and
Sampling interval.
Sample turbidity can cause bias as a result of the adsorption of chemicals onto, or the
release of chemicals from, the surface of particles in the sample. There also are several sources
of bias that can result from sample disturbance. These sources are summarized in Table 3.1.
Because sampling interval can have an impact on all analytes in a similar way, (i.e., errors do not
necessarily result in one direction), it is not included in the table. The table helps to clarify what
factors may have significant impacts on specific analytes and which would have little or no
impact by indicating the direction of bias (“P” for positive bias and “N” for negative bias)
Table 3.1
Potential Impacts of Sources of Bias on Specific Analytes During Sampling
Potential Source of Bias
Sample Disturbance Turbidity
Exposure to
onto Sampler
(Plastics &
from Sampler
Aeration During
Adsorption onto
Particles (a)
Releases from
Particles (a)
VOCs N+++ N+++ N+++/P+++ (b) N+ P+ N++ 0 0
Dissolved Gases &
N+++ N+++ N+++/P+++ (b) N++ to N+++ (c) P+ N++ 0 0
Semi-Volatiles N+ N++ N++ N+ P++ N+ N++ P++
Pesticides N+ N+ N+ N+ 0 N+ N++ P++
Trace Metals N+ N+ N+++ N+ to N+++ (d) P+ N+ N+++ P+++
Radionuclides N+ N+ N+ N+ 0 0 N+++ P++
Major Ions (Inorganic
Anions & Cations)
0 0 N+ N+ 0 0 N+ P+
Bias Type: Relative Degree of Impact:
N = Negative + Weak
P = Positive ++ Moderate
0 = None +++ Strong
(a) Adsorption to and release from particles is directly related to the level of turbidity and will also depend heavily on particle size and type. Adsorption is a greater
factor when fine-grained, organic-rich particles are present.
(b) Depending on the analyte concentrations in the sample or the ambient atmosphere, concentrations in the sample may increase or decrease significantly.
(c) Reaction of the dissolved oxygen in groundwater with iron in the drive rods will significantly reduce measured dissolved oxygen and oxidation/reduction potential
(ORP) due to oxidation of the zero valent iron under ambient conditions. Therefore, the sample must be isolated from steel drive rods to minimize this effect.
(d) Some trace metals can complex with hydrous iron oxides (rust) forming soluble ferrous iron. Therefore, the sample must be isolated from steel drive rods to
minimize this effect.
and the degree of bias (“+” for weak, “++” for strong, and “+++” for very strong) when sampling
for various analytes. For example, if investigators are interested in collecting groundwater
samples for VOC analysis, they should be concerned about any changes in temperature or
pressure of those samples because it would likely have a negative bias on results. However, if
they were collecting the same samples for analysis of major, naturally occurring, inorganic
anions and cations (e.g., Ca
, Na
, K
, SO
, CO
, NO
, Cl
), they normally would not have to
be concerned about pressure or temperature changes since they normally would not affect
The iron in steel drive rods of point-in-time samplers can have a significant affect on
measured concentrations of analytes, such as dissolved oxygen, iron, and some trace metals as
well as changing oxygen-reducing potentials. As discussed in Section 4, these affects can be
minimized by placing the pump intake within the screened interval to be sampled and pumping
at a low-flow rate to avoid drawdown of standing water in contact with the rods into the intake
To minimize sampling bias, sampling equipment that meets project DQOs should be
selected. For DPT, the primary difficulty in collecting groundwater samples typically is caused
by the small inside diameter of many sampling points—generally 0.75-inch or less for the rods
used with DPT sampling tools and 1 to 2 inches for DPT-installed wells. For DPT tools of these
sizes, the available sampling devices are usually limited to less than 1-inch OD. For rods or well
casing/screen with inside diameters less than 2 inches, sampling equipment usually is limited to
bailers, inertial-lift pumps, suction-lift (e.g., peristaltic) pumps, gas-drive pumps, centrifugal
pumps, and bladder pumps. For 2 inches and larger, additional devices available include
gas-operated piston pumps and several designs of electric submersible pumps (e.g., gear-drive,
helical rotor, or progressing cavity).
Bladder pumps (Pohlman et al., 1990; Unwin and Maltby, 1988; Parker, 1994; Barcelona
et al., 1984), gear-drive electric submersible pumps (Imbrigiotta et al., 1988; Backhus et al.,
1993), centrifugal pumps, and helical rotor pumps have consistently outperformed other pumps
in their ability to deliver a representative sample for a wide variety of analytes under a wide
range of field conditions. These devices are recommended for use in collecting samples for all
classes of analytes. Each of the other devices has limitations that may affect the
representativeness of samples for one or more classes of analytes (Nielsen and Yeates, 1985;
Herzog et al., 1991; Parker, 1994; Pohlman et al., 1994; Pohlman and Hess, 1988; Pearsall and
Eckhardt, 1897; Unwin and Maltby, 1988; Imbrigiotta et al., 1988; Pohlman et al., 1990).
However, some of these devices may be appropriate for collecting samples for some sets of
A detailed discussion of the operational characteristics of sampling devices is provided in
the Appendix. In addition, Table 3.2 provides a summary of some important operational
characteristics related to DPT applications and the appropriateness of each device for sampling
analyte classes. For example, the table shows that bailers are adequate for sampling narrow
diameter wells when the analytes of concern are inorganic ions. If trace VOCs are being
analyzed, bailers may not be as reliable for providing high quality samples as other methods. In
addition, choosing a sampling tool is often related to the specific use the data acquired will be
put. For example, bailers might be completely acceptable when sampling VOCs to locate a
DNAPL source zone when the dissolved values in the water are very high and marginal losses
are not important.
Table 3.2
Typical Operational Characteristics and Appropriateness of Groundwater Sampling
Devices for Specific Analytes
Useful Depth
Sample Delivery
Field Indicators Inorganics Organics Radioactive Biological
"/$ Coliform
Bailer ½" unlimited highly variable
½” unlimited highly variable T T T T T
½" 25' 50 mL - 4 L/min
½" 250' 50 mL - 20 L/min T
Bladder Pump ½" 300' 25 mL - 8 L/min T T T T T T T T T T T T
Piston Pump 2" 1000' 100 mL - 8 L/min T T T T T T T T T
Electric Submersible Pumps:
Gear-Drive 2" 300' 50 mL - 12 L/min
Helical Rotor 2" 180' 100 mL - 6 L/min T T T T T T T T T T T T
Centrifugal 1.75” 220' 100 mL - 34 L/min T T T T T T T T T T T T
T = Device compatible with analyte
* Presumes use of inert drive gas
SC - specific conductivity VOCs - volatile organic compounds " - alpha
ORP - oxidation/reduction potential SVOCs - semivolatile organic compounds
$ - beta
DO - dissolved oxygen
Sample Turbidity
In groundwater sampling, turbidity generally refers to the presence of suspended particles
in the sample. These particles may be entrained in the groundwater when the subsurface is
disturbed, such as when a DPT sampling tool or well is advanced and installed. The disturbance
may cause some compaction and disaggregation of granular material as well as the breakage of
grain coatings and cementing agents. The largest particles (i.e., silts) typically will settle out
quickly but much can remain suspended in the water column. Depending on their type and size,
some particles are neutrally buoyant, remaining suspended once they have become suspended.
Turbidity can also be generated during sampling activities due to the relatively high entrance
velocity of groundwater into the well when water is withdrawn by sampling tools, such as high-
speed submersible pumps, or sealed-screen samplers when the screen is opened to the formation.
Although turbidity can be present in samples from sand and gravel formations, it
particularly can be a problem when sampling in fine-grained formations. High turbidity also can
be associated with the DPT sampling tools that lack screens or filter packs to keep the fines from
entering the sampling tool or well. Conventional wells can also produce samples with high
turbidity, especially if the slot size of the screen or the grain size of the filter pack are incorrectly
sized for the formation.
The term “artifactual turbidity” is sometimes used to distinguish particles stirred up
during drilling and sampling, which would not be mobile under ambient groundwater flow
conditions, from those particles that are mobile under ambient conditions—colloids. Colloids
are typically clays, hydroxyls, and humic materials that are 1 to 1000 µm in diameter. Although
colloidal transport may be considered important in formations made up of materials coarser than
fine sand (Dragun, 1988; Mason, 1991), under most ambient conditions, colloids are immobile in
the subsurface. Because most turbidity is artifactual in origin, for the purpose of this discussion
it is just referred to as “turbidity”.
Sample turbidity can be important because it can be a common source of significant bias,
both negative and positive, in groundwater samples, particularly when metals and semi-volatile
organic compounds (SVOCs) are the analytes of concern (see Table 3.1). For example, some
clay colloids can artificially increase the measured concentration of dissolved metals because
metals are found in their structure (e.g., aluminum, magnesium, and iron) and as similarly sized
impurities associated with them. The surficial negative charge of the colloids and impurities
attracts and loosely typically binds the positively charged metal cations in groundwater. The risk
of positive bias can be further increased when acid is used to preserve a sample because it will
cause the metals to dissolve back into the sample. On the other hand, if the dissolved metals
bind to the colloids, and the sample is then filtered to remove high turbidity levels, the
concentration of dissolved metals in the groundwater may be significantly reduced and the
sample normally would not be representative of actual conditions.
In a similar way, colloids can become a “source” or a “sink” for organic constituents.
Although organic chemicals of concern generally do not occur naturally in clays, they can sorb
to colloids and naturally occurring organic matter. The level of sorption that will occur depends
on the individual chemical, whether it was in equilibrium with the suspended colloids before
being collected, and the analytical preparation method used. If groundwater sampling creates or
occurs under non-equilibrium conditions, then significant sorption may occur. In addition, if
organic constituents in groundwater have bound to clays or humic acids in the subsurface,
causing them to become immobile, the sampling process can disturb these immobile constituents
and cause them to become dissolved in the groundwater sample.
One method of determining whether the level of turbidity will significantly impact the
concentration of an organic constituent by causing it to become bound to colloids is to examine
the logarithm of the n-octanol/water partition coefficient (log K
) because the log K
is a
measure of a compound’s tendency to remain dissolved in water. The higher the K
value, the
more likely the chemical is to partition from the water onto suspended organic particles. Table
3.3 contains the log K
of a number of common organic chemicals.
This information can also be used as a quality control check on groundwater sample
results. In general, the compounds with the higher log K
levels are SVOCs. If the
groundwater concentrations for these chemicals approach or exceed their solubility, then the
measured concentrations may have been artificially inflated by turbidity and other sampling data
should be evaluated (e.g., nephelometric turbidity units [NTU], a measure of turbidity, dissolved
oxygen). Alternatively, turbidity may not be a source of bias in a sample if the constituents of
concern are organic compounds with low log K
values (e.g., < 2.5). In this situation, other
issues, such as stability of groundwater indicator parameters during sampling, may be more
important in evaluating groundwater sample quality. A paper by Paul and Puls (1997) helps to
illustrate the significance of these numbers. In the study, which included analysis of both
laboratory and field samples spiked with kaolinite and sodium montmorillonite clays, the
researchers demonstrated that TCE, cis-DCE, and vinyl chloride concentrations were statistically
unaffected by turbidity levels. This group of chemicals has low log K
values (< 2.42). The
report concluded that the presence of solids in the groundwater samples had little or no effect on
the VOC concentrations evaluated in the study. Losses of VOC due to volatilization during the
sampling process were thought to have a greater effect on concentrations. As a word of caution,
however, matrix effects can affect the tendency of some compounds to sorb more than their low
log K
values would indicate. This increased level of sorption generally occurs when the soil
matrix contains a substantial amount of organic materials, which can range from humic and
fulvic acids to organic debris (roots leaves) and peat. Site-specific factors, such as total organic
carbon (TOC), should be considered when deciding to take measures to reduce turbidity in
groundwater samples. High levels of TOC in groundwater samples can yield analytical results
that indicate higher levels of dissolved VOCs than are actually present. These higher levels can
drive a risk assessment, even though the VOCs are actually sorbed to particles and are immobile.
When turbidity is a concern for groundwater sampling, steps can be taken to minimize it,
provided adequate quality control (QC) procedures, described in Section 4, are followed, such as
installation of filter packs (also discussed in Section 2), developing the well, and using low-flow
sampling. In addition, DPT methods that promote high turbidity levels, such as open-hole
sampling or exposed-screen methods, should be avoided. A representative sample cannot be
salvaged with filtering if inappropriate sampling techniques have already compromised the
sample. If filtering is justified by a project’s DQOs, proper filtering techniques should be used.
For more information on filtering, readers should refer to Ground-Water Sampling Guidelines
for Superfund and RCRA Project Managers (EPA, 2002).
Table 3.3
Log n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients (Log K
) of Common Organic
Chemical Log K
Chemical Log K
Acenaphthene 4.07 Ethylbenzene 3.13
Acetone -0.24 Ethylene Glycol -1.36
Aldrin 5.52 Fluoranthene 5.22
Anthracene 4.45 Fluorene 4.12
Arochlor 1221 2.8 estimated Heptachlor 5.44
Arochlor 1242 5.58 Hexachlorobutadiene 4.78
Arochlor 1260 6.91 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 7.7
Benzene 2.13 Lindane 3.7
Benzo(a)anthracene 5.61 Methoxychlor 4.3
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 6.85 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.29
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7.1 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 1.24
Benzo(a)pyrene 5.99 Naphthalene 3.59
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 4.20, 5.11 Pentachlorophenol 5.01
Carbon Tetrachloride 2.83 Phenanthrene 4.468
Chlordane 6 Phenol 1.48
Chlorobenzene 2.84 Pyrene 5.18
Chloroform 1.97 Styrene 2.95
Chrysene 5.6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.39
p, p-DDT 6.36 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 3.4
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 6.36 Toluene 2.73
Dibenzofuran 4.17 Toxaphene 3.3
1,1-Dichloroethane 1.79 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2.49
1,2-Dichloroethane 1.48 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 2.07
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.86 Trichloroethene 2.42
Dieldrin 5.16 Tetrahydrofuran1,4-Dioxane -0.27
1,4-Dioxane -0.27 Vinyl Chloride 0.6
Endrin 5.16 m-Xylene 3.2
Log K
values taken from Howard et al., 1993a and 1993b and from Montgomery and Welkom, 1991.
Sample Disturbance
If groundwater samples are disturbed during the collection process (e.g., agitation,
allowing sample temperature to increase, or creating a situation for sample materials to adsorb or
desorb analytes) there is a risk of negative impacts on groundwater sample quality, beyond the
issue of generating turbidity, because it may result in the:
C Volatilization of any VOCs that are present;
C Dissolution of dissolved gases; or
C Oxidation/reduction of metals.
Sampling methods should be carefully selected in order to minimize disturbance during
sampling. As shown in Table 3.2, bladder pumps and to a lesser extent centrifugal pumps
generally are the best equipment for all analytes when sampling rods or wells less than 2-inches
in diameter and where high quality samples are needed. Research has shown that suction lift
pumps (e.g., peristaltic pumps—see Appendix) cause a negative bias in VOC and dissolved gas
measurements because of the negative pressure generated by the pumping action. When point-
in-time sampling is conducted in situations where volatilization of VOCs is a concern, sealed-
screen samplers, such as the BAT Enviroprobe™ or Hydropunch™, which maintain in-situ
pressure conditions, should be considered.
Sampling Interval
The most appropriate sampling interval to use at a site should be determined because the
location and length of a sampling interval can bias a sample. Short or long sampling screens can
be used with both DPT and conventional monitoring wells; however, DPT point-in-time methods
are generally more economical and better designed to target smaller sampling intervals than
conventional wells. When selecting discrete sampling intervals (e.g., 6-inch interval), there is a
risk of missing contaminants that may be migrating through sections of the aquifer that do not
fall within the screened interval(s). When selecting long sampling intervals (e.g., 5 to 15 feet),
there is a risk that a highly contaminated but discrete interval will be diluted by larger
uncontaminated intervals.
To determine the most appropriate sampling interval, a number of sources of existing
information should be evaluated and, if necessary, additional subsurface data collected. DPT
equipment can provide many cost-effective and comprehensive methods for collecting
subsurface data for this purpose, including continuous soil logs, detailed stratigraphic logs using
specialized measurement and logging tools (e.g., cone penetrometer testing, membrane interface
probe, induced fluorescence), multi-level discrete groundwater samples to create a vertical
profile of contamination, and piezometric data over a wide area to determine groundwater flow
direction (see U.S. EPA, 1997 for more details). Based on this information, as well as slug tests
and/or aquifer tests to estimate hydraulic conductivity for specific stratigraphic zones,
contaminant source locations can be estimated. At this point the appropriate sampling intervals
can be selected, thereby minimizing the installation of extraneous and ineffective wells or the
risk of missing or diluting important transport pathways.
Sample Volume
There are three sample volume issues that can be particularly relevant to collecting
groundwater samples with DPT:
C Point-in-time methods can be extremely slow in fine-grained formations (e.g., several
hours or more).
C Sample chamber volume of some sealed-screen, point-in-time samplers is quite small
(e.g., less than one liter), which can make it difficult to collect the larger volumes needed
for some types of analyses (e.g., SVOCs, PCBs/pesticides).
C Both DPT wells and point-in-time samplers often have a smaller diameter than their
conventional well counterparts. The smaller volume of the DPT wells may require
lower-flow purge rates to avoid significant drawdown during sampling.
Consequently, subsurface conditions and the required analytical suite should be considered when
selecting a DPT method to sample groundwater. Depending on the site conditions and site
DQOs, larger volume samplers or low-flow purge equipment capable of very low-flow rates
(discussed in Section 4) may be needed, or a sampler can be left in place to recharge while other
locations are sampled. If a sampler is left in place to recharge, sample quality can be
compromised if the sample container is filled in increments collected over a period of time. This
is a concern primarily when filling sample vials for volatile organic analysis, which need to be
filled completely with one sampling effort. Otherwise, volatile compounds may partition into
the headspace above the sample.
Sample Cross-Contamination
Any groundwater sampling method can cause cross-contamination that affects
groundwater sample quality and/or long-term water quality in at least three ways:
C Causing contaminant drag-down;
C Creating hydraulic conduits; and
C Biasing samples from improperly decontaminated equipment.
In evaluating the potential for cross-contamination and developing a sampling plan, the
site geology, the types of contaminants present, and the sampling methods and equipment used
should be examined. For example, drilling a hole through an aquitard creates a potential conduit
for contaminant migration. If DNAPLs are perched on top of the aquitard and precautions are
not taken, they may migrate down the borehole and contaminate a previously uncontaminated
Although cross-contamination can be a serious concern that may pose additional
challenges when using DPT equipment, DPT methods also provide many strategies for
minimizing or eliminating the risk of cross-contamination. Section 5 reviews these methods and
additional resources that can provide specific details needed in the appropriate use of DPT
Selecting a DPT Groundwater Sampling Tool
DPT tools can be considered for a wide range of groundwater field applications, and
they can meet project DQOs in a broad variety of cases. Sampling bias, sample volume, and
cross-contamination are potential problems whether DPT or conventional monitoring wells are
used. It is important to understand the limitations of equipment being used and how they relate
to project needs. The first step in selecting equipment should be narrowing down the categories
of appropriate tools. With DPT equipment, that can be done by deciding whether qualitative,
semi-quantitative, or quantitative data are needed. Table 3.4 provides a summary of the
applications of DPT tools, emphasizing the basic concept that the project objectives should be
considered when selecting equipment and methods.
Table 3.4
Recommended DPT Groundwater Tools for Various Field Applications
General Field Application
Measurement and
Logging Tools (a)
Monitoring Well
Presence of contamination
(i.e., qualitative sampling
Approximation of
contaminant zone/level
(i.e., semi-quantitative
sampling goals)
Define specific
contaminants and accurate
concentrations (i.e.,
quantitative sampling
Long-term monitoring
(a) Includes induced fluorescence and volatilization and removal systems.
Section 4: Recommended Methods for Collecting Representative
Groundwater Samples
Collecting groundwater samples that are representative of in-situ aquifer conditions
generally is important in any groundwater investigation. One of the most important factors in
meeting this goal, for many analytes, typically is to minimize turbidity. This is because particles
from formation materials that are suspended in a sample, but are not normally suspended in
groundwater, can provide a substrate for various analytes to adsorb or desorb. This process can
create a positive or negative bias for analytical results. In addition, although the causes of
turbidity and their solutions for both DPT and conventional groundwater sampling methods
generally are similar, the relatively narrow rod diameters of DPT systems can create additional
hurdles. This section focuses on the activities that can minimize turbidity, specifically for DPT
As discussed in Section 3, turbidity can cause substantial bias, both negative and
positive, when sampling metals and SVOCs, but typically is much less an issue when sampling
VOCs. There are several precautions that can be taken to minimize turbidity in DPT
groundwater samples. Important techniques to consider include:
C Installation of a filter pack;
C Well development; and
C Low-flow purging or passive sampling protocols.
Each of these techniques can be applied to monitoring wells installed with DPT, but not all are
possible with point-in-time samplers. For example, filter packs normally cannot be installed
when using point-in-time samplers. Furthermore, well development and low-flow/passive
sampling protocols normally can only be used with those point-in-time samplers that provide
access to the sample location from the surface (See Section 2). Usually, samplers that rely on a
sealed sample chamber to retrieve groundwater cannot be developed, nor can low-flow or
passive sampling protocols be followed. However, there are some samplers in this category that
may work, such as one of the BAT™ system samplers, that sample water through a ceramic or
polymer tip that acts as an in-situ filter to prevent turbidity. The decision to use a specific type
of point-in-time sampler should be weighed against project DQOs.
Installation of a Filter Pack
As mentioned in Section 2, installing a filter pack in monitoring wells can be an
important means of minimizing sample turbidity. However, its installation is not always possible
or necessary, depending on project objectives. A common construction technique for DPT wells
is to let the formation collapse around the screened interval, rather than installing a filter pack.
In fact, this is the only option for exposed-screen well installations since there is no annular
space between the drive rods and the borehole walls to accommodate a filter pack. Similarly,
DPT point-in-time sampling techniques do not allow for the installation of filter packs due to the
lack of annular space between the drive rods/sample tool and the formation. Wells installed
using protected-screen methods, however, may have adequate annular space for a filter pack and
should be selected where data quality objectives dictate. Please refer back to Section 2 for more
information on filter pack installation techniques, including the use of pre-packed and sleeved
well screens.
Well Development
Wells should be developed after completing the installation and allowing sufficient time
for the annular seal to completely set (typically two weeks, but not less than 48 hours). The
purpose of well development or development of a point-in-time sampler generally is to repair
borehole damage caused by advancement and installation procedures, such as the smearing of
fine-grained particles along the borehole walls and the generation of turbidity. Development
generally is designed to remove these particles to improve the hydraulic connection between the
well and formation so that groundwater can enter more freely. Development also is designed to
remove the groundwater impacted by well installation so that groundwater representative of
ambient conditions can be sampled.
Like conventionally installed wells, DPT-installed monitoring wells should be developed.
This process typically involves block surging and pumping or bailing groundwater until certain
water quality parameters (e.g., pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and
temperature) have stabilized and turbidity has been removed or decreased as much as possible.
Wells are surged by raising and lowering a surge block (any tool that is slightly smaller than the
inside diameter of the well casing) within the screened interval to mechanically backwash the
well screen. These activities help to dislodge particles smeared within the borehole and the
particles clogging the screen so they can be removed. In-line turbidimeters can be used during
development or purging procedures to judge turbidity levels and their potential impact on sample
Due to the way some point-in-time samplers are constructed and used, they may not
accommodate a pump or bailer for development. Those samplers that can accommodate a pump
or bailer can be developed similar to the method described above for wells, although due to the
generally smaller diameters of point-in-time samplers, smaller diameter surge blocks, pumps,
and bailers usually will be needed. In general, if DQOs recommend development for
groundwater samples to meet quality standards, then many point-in-time samplers may not be
appropriate for the situation.
Low-Flow Purging and Sampling
Low-flow purging, also referred to as low-stress purging, low-impact purging, and
minimal drawdown purging, is a method of preparing a well for sampling which, unlike
traditional purging methods, does not require the removal of large volumes of water from the
well. The term “low-flow” refers to the velocity at which groundwater moves through the pore
spaces of the formation adjacent to the screen during pumping. It does not necessarily reflect the
flow rate of the water discharged by the pump at the ground surface. The focus of low-flow
purging and sampling is on collecting high-quality samples by minimizing the impact of
pumping on well hydraulics and aquifer chemistry. Because the flow rate used for purging is, in
many cases, the same as or only slightly higher than the flow rate used for sampling, the process
is a continuum and is referred to as “low-flow purging and sampling.” Although minimizing the
disturbance of sampling on the aquifer is important for all types of groundwater sampling
devices, it can be particularly important for DPT point-in-time samplers and exposed screen
wells because installation of a filter pack generally is not feasible with these tools.
Low-flow purging and sampling generally are appropriate for collecting groundwater
samples in a wide variety of situations. It can be used to sample all categories of aqueous phase
contaminants and naturally occurring analytes, including VOCs, SVOCs, trace metals and other
inorganics, pesticides, PCBs, radionuclides, and microbiological constituents and often is
particularly appropriate for situations where colloidal transport is an issue (i.e., radionuclides,
metals, and hydrophobic compounds). However, low-flow methods generally are not applicable
to the collection of NAPLs because they do not respond to the effects of pumping in the same
manner as groundwater.
Theoretical and Research Basis for Low-Flow Purging and Sampling
Groundwater sampling research has demonstrated that water standing in a well casing for
a protracted time is not representative of ambient groundwater quality (Gillham et al., 1985;
Miller, 1982; Marsh and Lloyd, 1980; Barcelona and Helfrich, 1996). Hence, this water should
not be collected as part of the sample for analysis. In addition, the water within the screened
interval of nearly all wells generally is representative, provided that the well has been designed,
installed, developed, and maintained properly and the aquifer has a sufficient flow rate to ensure
the water in the screened interval is being replaced.
Based on these findings, recommended low-flow sampling protocols have been
developed so that groundwater can be collected from the screened interval without significant
mixing with the water standing in the casing. Research has shown that this method does indeed
provide high quality, representative groundwater samples (Backhus et al., 1993; Bangsund et al.,
1994; Barcelona et al., 1994; Karklins, 1996; Kearl et al., 1994; Kearl et al., 1992; McCarthy and
Shevenell, 1998; Puls and Paul, 1995; Puls and Barcelona, 1996; Puls and Barcelona, 1989; Puls
and Powell, 1992; Puls et al., 1992; Puls et al., 1991; Serlin and Kaplan, 1996; Shanklin et al.,
Because they are sampled almost immediately, point-in-time DPT tools should not
develop a stagnant water column that will affect most analytical results. However, a standing
water column for even a short period of time can affect some inorganic analytes (e.g., iron,
nitrogen, and hexavalent chromium) and sensitive geochemical parameters (e.g., dissolved
oxygen, oxygen reducing potential, and pH) if the water is in contact with steel drive rods. The
zero valent iron in the rods can quickly react with any dissolved oxygen in the groundwater
causing alteration of the analytes and parameters and potentially complexing with metal
analytes. As a result, water being collected should be isolated from contact with the drive rods
when sampling for these analytes or parameters. Placing the pump intake within the screened
interval and pumping at a low-flow rate to avoid drawdown of water in contact with the drive
rods should help isolate the sample from the rods. Although there is little concern about the
water column affecting organic analytes when sampling with point-in-time DPT samplers, when
turbidity is a concern, low-flow sampling may help to lower turbidity to acceptable levels
(McCall et al., 1997; EPA, 1996a).
Low-Flow Purging and Sampling Protocols
To conduct low-flow purging and sampling, a pump that can be operated at a low-flow
rate normally is needed. For large wells (e.g., 2-inch diameter or greater), less than 500 mL/min
is often needed; for small diameter DPT wells and point-in-time samplers, flow rates as low as
100 mL/min may be needed. As a result of their design, bailers generally are inappropriate for
low-flow purging and sampling. Inertial-lift pumps, or other well sampling devices that agitate
the water column also generally cannot be used for low-flow purging and sampling
Before purging and sampling can begin, the hydraulic conductivity of the screened
interval normally needs to be evaluated to ensure that low-stress pumping is maintained. To
begin, the water level should be measured to determine when drawdown in the well stabilizes.
As water is purged from the well, water quality indicator parameters (e.g., pH, temperature,
specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and in some cases turbidity) generally
need to be measured to determine when the readings stabilize and samples can be collected. The
results can then be used to define well-specific, low-flow procedures.
Passive Sampling Protocols
In situations where a sampling point cannot yield sufficient water to support low-flow
sampling, a passive sampling (also referred to as micropurging) approach generally is preferred
(Powell and Puls, 1993; Puls and Barcelona, 1996). Passive sampling involves placing the pump
intake within the screened interval and purging a minimal volume of groundwater from the well
or sampler—a single volume of the pump chamber and discharge tubing, rather than the greater
volumes purged by low-flow sampling or the multiple well volumes purged using other
techniques. The goal of passive sampling generally is to obtain groundwater within the well
screen or sampler screen, which is most representative of ambient groundwater quality, without
disturbing the water column and introducing the stagnant water above. The sample should be
collected immediately after purging the small volume of groundwater.
Passive sampling methods may be appropriate for use in a variety of situations and can be
applied to most wells in which there is sufficient water to ensure that a pump intake is
submerged throughout purging and sample collection. They are most often applied to wells and
samplers installed in low-yield formations. In very low yield formations, however, the water in
the screened interval may be of equivalent quality to that in the casing above and not
representative of formation water. The application of passive sampling methods, therefore,
should be evaluated on a site-specific basis.
Passive sampling typically is easiest to apply when dedicated pumps are used. The flow
rates used for passive sampling are lower than those used for low-flow purging and
sampling—generally less than 100 mL/min. Because very low hydraulic conductivity
formations do not yield sufficient water to satisfy the demands of a pump, even at these low-flow
rates, drawdown may occur. Thus, to determine the volume of water available for sampling, the
volume of water within the well screen above the pump intake should be calculated. Only this
volume, which normally will be very small for most DPT wells, should be collected. Sampling
should not continue once water from the top of the screen is drawn close to the pump because
casing water should not be collected as part of the sample. Since indicator parameters are not
typically analyzed, this method does not normally provide any evidence that the sample taken is
representative of formation water. When non-dedicated equipment is used, there is a higher risk
of mixing casing and screened interval water which can add to the uncertainty of the
representativeness of the sample. Table 4.1 provides a comparison between low-flow and
passive sampling methods.
Table 4.1
Comparison of Some Key Elements of Low-Flow and Passive Sampling
Low-Flow Sampling Passive Sampling
Sufficient to maintain steady water
level during sampling
Too low to allow low-flow
Analyte Applicability
All analytes except NAPLs All analytes except NAPLs
Pump Discharge Rate
500 mL/min to100 mL/min depending
on well/sampling point size and
hydraulic conductivity.
<100 mL/min
Purge Volume
Continuous until parameters (e.g.,
specific conductance, turbidity, O
redox) stabilize
Greater than the volume of the
pump and the submerged tubing
Section 5: Recommended Methods for Minimizing Potential for
As mentioned in Section 3, the potential for cross-contamination should be considered
when advancing any type of groundwater sampling tool or monitoring well into the subsurface
because it can result in sample bias, incorrect decisions, or the spread of contaminants. Methods
for avoiding cross-contamination should be discussed and accounted for in project planning with
respect to:
C Avoiding drag-down;
C Avoiding the creation of hydraulic conduits;
C Decontaminating equipment; and,
C Decommissioning DPT wells and borings.
These issues typically apply to both DPT and conventional wells; however, because of the
different methods of construction, the solutions often differ even though the results are often the
same. This section provides guidance on how these issues can relate to DPT methods because
the methods for conventional wells are well established.
Avoiding Drag-Down
Drag-down of contamination is commonly considered to be less of a problem with DPT
methods than with conventional well drilling techniques, such as hollow stem augering, where
contaminants have a better chance of sticking to the augers as they advance. As DPT rods are
advanced, the action of pushing the drive rods through new soil generally wipes away old soil.
In fact, researchers have demonstrated the lack of drag-down with DPT in a number of studies
(Cherry, et al. 1992; Pitkin et al., 1994; McCall et al., 1997; Pitkin et al., 1999); however, as with
conventional drilling techniques, it is unlikely that DNAPL or certain soils, such as sticky clays,
would be completely wiped clean as the rods advance. In addition, certain DPT methods can
result in drag-down if used in inappropriate situations. This is primarily a problem with
advancing multi-level samplers in contaminated fine-grained soil, which can clog the screens,
and with advancing exposed screen monitoring well installations, which can carry shallow
contaminated soil and groundwater to the target sampling depth. Thus, exposed screen well
installations should not be considered for use in contaminated areas.
Where drag-down is a concern, use of DPT equipment that will minimize drag-down
potential, such as protected-screen point-in-time samplers, the Waterloo Profiler, or sealed-
screen monitoring wells should be considered. In addition, the DPT sampler or well should be
properly developed to remove the affected soil and groundwater.
Avoiding the Creation of Hydraulic Conduits
Creation of hydraulic conduits that allow the downward flow of groundwater and
contaminants can be avoided by sealing off the borehole annulus—the space between the
borehole wall and the rod string. This issue is of particular concern when the borehole
hydraulically connects previously unconnected hydrogeologic units, or when DNAPLs with low
viscosity are present that can migrate downward along the vertical conduit. In addition to using
grout to seal the annulus, an important method of reducing downward migration along the rod
string is to minimize the borehole annulus. Two important considerations include:
C Using a drive tip that is the same diameter or smaller than the drive rods; and
C Using rods and samplers with the same diameter.
The absence of an annulus, however, does not necessarily prohibit contaminant migration
because there may not be an effective seal between the steel rods and the borehole wall. This
issue is not unique to DPT methods and should also be considered when drilling boreholes using
conventional techniques.
DPT techniques are not recommended for installing monitoring wells with screens set in
an interval below a confining layer if there is a real danger of contaminating the lower layer.
Instead, construction of a “telescoped” monitoring well using conventional drilling methods
should be used. This type of well involves drilling into the top of the aquitard, placing a steel
casing in the hole and grouting it into place by tremieing grout into the annulus. The hole is then
advanced using a drill bit that fits inside the steel casing. Upon reaching the target depth, the
well screen and casing are lowered into place and the well completion materials are installed as
the casing is slowly retracted. Multiple casings can be telescoped inside the other if more than
one aquitard is present. DPT cannot be used for telescoped well construction because the
annulus is too narrow to allow for an adequate grout seal to be installed along the drive casing.
Decontaminating Equipment
As with all groundwater sampling equipment, DPT equipment should be decontaminated
before sampling at a new location to avoid cross-contamination. In addition, disposable
material should be discarded properly. Some sampling tools, by virtue of their design, may be
difficult to disassemble for cleaning. In these cases, when replacing associated tubing, hose, or
pipe is not feasible, it may be more practical to clean these tools by circulating cleaning solutions
and rinses through the device in accordance with appropriate guidance (e.g., ASTM D5088,
ASTM, 2001g; RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring Draft Technical Guidance, EPA, 1992).
Where field decontamination is not practical or possible, it may be simpler to use dedicated
sampling devices or take a number of portable sampling devices into the field and decontaminate
them later at a more appropriate location. Following any cleaning procedure, equipment rinseate
blanks should be collected to assess the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure.
Decommissioning DPT Wells and Borings
As with conventional soil borings or abandoned monitoring wells, DPT boreholes for
point-in-time sampling and abandoned DPT monitoring wells should be decommissioned to
avoid creating a conduit for contaminant migration, either from the surface or between
subsurface geologic units. Several methods are available for decommissioning DPT holes, but
the method chosen should be capable of backfilling the hole completely with grout or a bentonite
slurry, from bottom to top and without gaps. The most appropriate method will depend on a
number of factors, including the type and size of DPT equipment being used, site-specific
subsurface conditions, and state and/or local regulations. The type of slurry selected may also
depend on the remedial action anticipated at the site. For example, a silica flour grout mixture
may be selected for sites that may be treated with in-situ thermal technology.
The methods available for decommissioning DPT boreholes include:
C Retraction grouting;
C Re entry grouting; and
C Surface pouring.
These methods are detailed in ASTM D6001 (ASTM, 2001e), EPA (1997), and Lutenegger and
DeGroot (1995). Figure 5.1 illustrates the use of these methods, and the following paragraphs
summarize the techniques and their applications.
Retraction Grouting
Retraction grouting typically involves pumping a high-solids bentonite and water mixture
or a neat cement grout through the rod and tool string and out the bottom of the sampling tool as
the tool is withdrawn from the hole. To use this method, a port is needed at the end or sides of
the tool or an expendable tip is necessary on the terminal end of the tool through which the grout
can be pumped. Because the hole is grouted as the tool is withdrawn, this method ensures that
the borehole is sealed throughout its length. Retraction grouting is generally considered to be
the most reliable borehole sealing technique.
Re entry Grouting
Re entry grouting typically involves pumping grout through a tremie pipe (a rigid pipe,
usually Schedule 40 or 80 Type I PVC) inserted into the borehole immediately following
withdrawal of the rod string. Alternatively, the rod string may be reinstalled in the borehole,
without the sampling tool, so that grout may be pumped through the open rods. The grout should
be pumped continuously from the bottom of the hole to the top as the tremie pipe (or rod string)
is withdrawn to avoid gaps and bridging (i.e., plugging the hole before grout reaches total depth)
of the grout. Typically, re entry grouting is effective only if the hole remains open until tremie
pipe or rods can be extended to the bottom of the borehole. If a portion of the borehole
collapses, the tremie pipe or rods will not penetrate to the total depth of the hole. In this
situation, it may be necessary to put an expendable tip on the end of the rod string, push the
string to the total depth of the hole,
Figure 5.1
Sample Methods for Sealing Direct Push Technology Holes
knock out the tip, and pump grout through the rods as they are withdrawn. Re entry grouting by
this method may not provide a reliable seal if the DPT rods do not follow the original borehole,
but the original borehole should provide the path of least resistance under most conditions.
By using a high pressure grout pump and nylon tremie tube it is possible to perform
bottom-up grouting in the small annular spaces of DPT equipment. Slurries of 20-30% bentonite
or neat cement grout are most commonly used to meet state regulatory requirements.
Surface Pouring
Surface pouring normally is the simplest method of borehole decommissioning; however,
it may not be as effective as the other methods in most situations. It involves pouring either dry
bentonite (granules, chips, or pellets), bentonite slurry, or neat cement grout from the surface
down the open borehole after the rod string and tool are removed. Surface pouring may be
effective if the borehole does not collapse after the rods are removed, and if the borehole is
relatively shallow (less than about 10 or 15 feet). Where dry bentonite materials are proposed for
use, it normally will only be effective if the bentonite is either hydrated from the surface
immediately after installation or if it is installed beneath the water table. Maintaining a seal in the
borehole requires that the soil moisture content be sufficient to keep the bentonite hydrated after
installation. In deep holes, dry bentonite products can bridge, resulting in an incomplete seal. In
situations where boreholes partially collapse, materials poured from the surface will not seal the
borehole properly. This method can be improved by using a flexible tremie tube or a rigid tremie
pipe to reenter the hole and fill it from the bottom up, however, if the hole collapses before the
tremie can be installed, the tremie may not be effective either.
Section 6: Conclusions
Direct push technologies can be valuable tools for environmental investigations and
facilitate the use of a dynamic work plan strategy. They have a number of potential advantages
over conventional groundwater sampling methods and they can have the added benefit of being
able to provide numerous other types of detailed subsurface data, such as geophysical, analytical,
and hydrogeologic data. The diversity and capabilities of DPT equipment and methods are large
enough that under many situations DPT can be used to provide the level of groundwater data
quality needed for projects where the subsurface conditions and depth of investigation are
amenable to pushing techniques. When techniques common to conventional well installation are
followed, such as adequate well development, low-flow purging and sampling, proper
decontamination of equipment, and preventing the creation of a hydraulic conduit, quality
groundwater samples can be obtained.
DPT will not be appropriate for all situations. DPT methods typically are more limited in
their depth of penetration and the types of materials they can penetrate than conventional drilling
methods. Some methods may not be able to provide sufficient sample volume or sufficiently low
turbidity. Use of DPT may be limited in lower yield formations. Conventional wells with larger
diameters may be required to minimize the affect of lower yield formations. Lastly, DPT methods
cannot always be used where confining layers are present and there is a danger of creating a
vertical hydraulic conduit that could contaminate underlying layers. In these instances, telescoped
wells may be needed to prevent downward migration of contaminants beneath a confining layer.
As a result, DPT cannot completely replace the use of conventional monitoring wells. Rather,
DPT provides additional choices to select equipment and methods for collecting environmental
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Zemo, D.A., Y.G. Pierce, and J.D. Gallinatti. 1994. Cone penetrometer testing and discrete-depth
ground water sampling techniques: a cost-effective method of site characterization in a
multiple-aquifer setting, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.
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Appendix: Purging and Sampling Devices
A wide variety of purging and sampling equipment is available for use in DPT sampling
points. Available devices can be classified into five general categories:
Grab mechanisms (including bailers, thief samplers, and syringes);
Suction-lift mechanisms (including surface centrifugal and peristaltic pumps);
Centrifugal submersible pumps;
Positive displacement mechanisms (including gas displacement pumps, bladder pumps,
piston pumps, progressing cavity pumps and gear pumps); and
Inertial-lift pumps.
Though frequently used in the groundwater industry for well development, the gas-lift method is
generally considered unsuitable for purging and sampling because the extensive mixing of drive
gas and water is likely to strip dissolved gasses from the groundwater and alter the concentration
of other dissolved constituents (Gillham et al., 1983). This method is not discussed for this
Grab Sampling Devices
Bailers, thief samplers (e.g., messenger samplers), and syringes are all examples of grab
sampling devices. These devices are lowered into the sampling point on a cable, rope, string,
chain, or tubing to the desired sampling depth and then retrieved for purge water discharge,
sample transfer, or direct transport of the device to the laboratory for sample transfer and analysis.
The most commonly used grab samplers are bailers, which are available in both single
check valve and dual check valve designs. The single check valve bailer is lowered to the
sampling point, and water entering the bailer opens the check valve and fills the bailer. During
retrieval, gravity and the weight of the water inside the bailer closes the check valve. There is
some potential for the contents of the bailer to mix with the surrounding water column during
retrieval. If mixing is not desirable, then a dual check valve bailer is advisable. Dual check valve
bailers are intended to prevent mixing of the sample with the water column upon retrieval. Water
passes through the dual check valve bailer as it is lowered. Upon retrieval, both check valves
seat, retaining the aliquot of water inside the bailer. Groundwater investigators can minimize
mixing by raising the bailer in a steady upward motion with no pausing or slight downward
motion, which can occur if the retrieval is done manually.
The thief sampler, employs a mechanical, electrical, or pneumatic trigger to actuate plugs
or valves at either end of an open tube to open and/or close the chamber after lowering it to the
desired sampling depth, thus sampling from a discrete interval within the well.
The syringe sampler is divided into two chambers by a moveable piston or float. The
upper chamber is attached to a flexible air line that extends to the ground surface. The lower
chamber is the sample chamber. The device is lowered into the sampling point and activated by
applying a suction to the upper chamber, thereby drawing the piston or float upward and allowing
water to enter the lower chamber. In situations where the pressure exerted on the lower chamber
by submergence is great enough to cause the piston or float to move upward prior to achieving the
desired sampling depth, the upper chamber can be pressurized to prevent piston movement. The
device is then activated by slowly releasing the pressure from the upper chamber, allowing water
to fill the lower chamber.
Samples collected with grab samplers, especially various types of bailers, exhibit variable
accuracy and precision in sample chemistry, often due to operator technique (Puls et al., 1992;
Barcelona et al., 1984; Gillham et al., 1983; Pohlmann et al., 1991; Unwin and Maltby, 1988; Tai
et al., 1991). Grab samplers can aerate and/or agitate a sample, causing sample oxidation,
degassing, and stripping of VOCs from the sample. Care should be taken to avoid sample
agitation during transfer of the sample from a grab sampler to the sample container. Pouring
water from the top of a bailer either directly into the sample container or to a transfer vessel may
agitate/aerate the sample and cause alteration of sample chemistry. These devices can also
increase the turbidity of a sample through the surging action created in the well as the device
moves through the water column. Grab samplers generally do not subject the sample to pressure
changes, though some change may be imparted to a sample when using a syringe sampler
activated with a suction. A potential for sample contamination exists due to exposure of the grab
sampling device to the surface environment during repeated removal and reinsertion of the device
during use. Also, the suspension cord or cable used with grab samplers could contribute
contaminants to groundwater samples (Canova and Muthig, 1991).
Suction-Lift Pumps
Surface centrifugal pumps and peristaltic pumps are two common suction-lift pumps.
These pumps are usually placed at or above ground level during purging and sampling. They
draw water to the surface by applying suction to an intake line through the use of impellers or
rotors typically driven by an electric motor. Surface centrifugal pumps use impellers that are
typically constructed of brass or mild steel, plastic, or synthetic rubber. A peristaltic pump
consists of a rotor with rollers that squeeze flexible tubing as they revolve within a stator housing.
This action generates a reduced pressure at one end of the tubing and an increased pressure at the
other end. Several types of elastomeric material can be used for the tubing, although silicone
rubber is the most common.
Suction-lift pumps may be unacceptable for some groundwater sampling applications.
Exertion of a reduced pressure on the sample can cause volatilization or may result in degassing,
which can cause changes in the pH, redox potential, and other gas-sensitive parameters
(Barcelona et al., 1983; Ho, 1983; Barker and Dickhout, 1988). Peristaltic pumps may be
satisfactory for some analytes that are not affected by changes in the sample that can be caused by
application of reduced pressure when used under low-flow rate and low lift conditions (Barcelona
et al., 1983; Puls and Powell, 1992; Backhus et al., 1993).
Because surface centrifugal pumps can cause cavitation, they are not appropriate for
collection of samples to be analyzed for dissolved gases, VOCs, or gas-sensitive parameters such
as trace metals. Because the pumped water contacts the pump mechanism, artifacts from sample
contact with these materials should be considered when evaluating these pumps for sampling. In
addition, these pumps can mix air from small leaks in the suction circuit into a sample, which can
cause sample bias. These pumps are typically difficult to adequately decontaminate between
uses. To avoid the limitations posed by the effects of pumping or undesirable pump materials, an
intermediate vessel could be used on the suction side of the pump circuit.
Peristaltic pumps do not usually cause cavitation but, as in all suction-lift pumps, the
exertion of a reduced pressure on the sample can bias the sample. The flexible tubing required for
use in a peristaltic pump mechanism may also cause sample bias.
Centrifugal Submersible Pumps
A centrifugal submersible pump (CSP) consists of impellers housed within diffuser
chambers that are attached to a sealed electric motor, which drives the impellers through a shaft
and seal arrangement. Water enters the CSP by pressure of submergence, is pressurized by
centrifugal force generated by the impellers, and discharged to the surface through tubing, hose,
or pipe. A CSP is suspended in a well by its discharge line and/or a support line. Electric power
is supplied to the motor through a braided or flat multiple-conductor insulated cable.
Flow rate and depth capability for all designs are wide ranging. For variable-speed CSPs,
the discharge rate can be reduced by regulating the frequency of the electrical power supply and
controlling the motor speed to reduce flow rate.
While there is no available peer-reviewed literature addressing the sampling effects of
small-diameter variable-speed CSPs on dissolved gases or VOCs, one study found these pumps
produced samples for some dissolved metals that were comparable to samples from bladder
pumps (Pohlmann et al., 1994). With all CSPs, heat generated by the motor could increase
sample temperature, which could result in loss of dissolved gases and VOCs from the sample.
CSPs are only available in diameters that will fit into sampling points 1.75 inches or larger
in diameter. CSPs can be damaged when used in silty or sandy water, requiring repair or
replacement of pump components and/or motor. If overheating occurs, there are three possible
consequences. First, where the motor has internal water or oil in it for improved cooling
characteristics, some of this liquid could be released into the sampling point, which could
potentially contaminate the sampling point or samples. Because of this, motors that contain oil
should not be used if the oil could interfere with the analytes of interest. Further, water used in
motors should be of known chemistry. Second, when this type of motor eventually cools, it can
draw in water from the sampling point, which could cause future cross-contamination problems.
Proper decontamination of the pump should include changing internal cooling fluid if the pump is
For example, the plasticizers in flexible PVC can contaminate samples with phthalate esters. The use of
silicone rubber tubing, which contains no plasticizers, can obviate this problem; however, the potential for sample
bias due to sorption/desorption exists with both materials (Barcelona et al., 1985). These pumps can be used with
the intermediate vessel system described above, so that the sample contacts only the intake tubing and vessel,
avoiding contact with the pump mechanism tubing. Alternatively, using silicone rubber tubing at the pump head
only can minimize this problem (Ho, 1983; Barker and Dickhout, 1988)
to be used in non-dedicated applications. As an alternative, dry sealed motors can be used to
avoid these potential problems. Third, extensive or long-term overheating problems may result in
motor failure, usually requiring replacement of the motor. CSPs should not be allowed to operate
dry, or damage may occur to the pump seals and/or motor. Some CSP designs may be difficult to
disassemble in the field for cleaning or repair. For these pumps, if used portably, cleaning is
usually performed by flushing the pump and discharge line and washing the exterior surfaces in
accordance with ASTM D5088 (ASTM, 2001h).
Gas-Drive Pumps
Gas-drive or gas-displacement pumps are distinguished from gas-lift pumps by the method
of water transport. A gas displacement pump forces a discrete column of water to the surface via
pressure-induced lift without the extensive mixing of drive gas and water produced by gas-lift
devices. Hydrostatic pressure opens the inlet check valve and fills the pump chamber (fill cycle).
The inlet check valve closes by gravity after the chamber is filled. Pressurized gas is applied to
the chamber, displacing the water up the discharge line (discharge cycle). By releasing the
pressure, the cycle can be repeated. A check valve in the discharge line maintains the water in the
line above the pump. A pneumatic logic unit, or controller, is used to control the application and
release of the drive gas pressure. The lift capability of a gas-displacement pump is directly
related to the pressure of the drive gas used.
Although there is a limited interface in gas-displacement pumps between the drive gas and
the water, the potential exists for loss of dissolved gases and VOCs across this interface
(Barcelona et al., 1983; Gillham et al., 1983). This potential greatly increases if the pump is
allowed to discharge completely, which would cause drive gas to be blown up the discharge line.
Contamination of the sample may also result from impurities in the drive gas. Typical lifts for
gas displacement pumps rarely exceed 250 feet using single-stage compressors; greater lifts can
be achieved using two-stage compressors or compressed-gas cylinders. Gas-displacement pumps
are available for sampling points as small as 1/2 inch in diameter.
Bladder Pumps
Bladder pumps, also known as gas-operated squeeze pumps or diaphragm pumps, consist
of a flexible membrane (bladder) enclosed by a rigid housing. Water enters the bladder under
hydrostatic pressure through a check valve at the pump bottom. The inlet check valve closes by
gravity after the bladder is filled. Compressed gas is applied to the annular space between the
outside of the bladder and pump housing, which squeezes the bladder. This action forces the
water out of the bladder and up the discharge line to the surface. By releasing the gas pressure,
this cycle can be repeated; a check valve in the discharge line prevents discharged water from
re-entering the bladder. In some bladder pump designs, the water and air chambers are reversed,
with water entering the annular space between the pump housing and bladder; the bladder is then
inflated to displace the water. A pneumatic logic controller controls the application and release of
drive gas pressure to the pump. The lift capability of bladder pumps is directly related to the
pressure of the drive gas source.
Bladder pumps provide representative samples under a wide range of field conditions.
There is no contact between the drive gas and the water in a bladder pump, eliminating the
potential for stripping of dissolved gasses and VOCs and the potential for sample contamination
by the drive gas. Pressure gradients applied to the sample can be controlled by reducing the drive
gas pressure applied to the bladder, thus minimizing disturbance to the sample chemistry.
Bladder pumps are recommended for sampling all parameters under a wide variety of field
conditions (Parker, 1994; Kearl et al., 1992; Puls et al., 1992; Barcelona et al., 1983; Pohlmann et
al., 1991; Unwin and Maltby, 1988; Tai et al., 1991; Pohlmann et al., 1994).
Bladder pump designs are available for use in sampling points as small as 1/2 inch in
diameter. Bladder pump flow rates are controlled by adjusting the drive gas pressure or the
discharge and refill cycle timing. Where maximum flow rates are too low for purging, secondary
purging pumps or packers can be used in conjunction with bladder sampling pumps in order to
reduce purge time requirements.
Dual-Acting Piston Pumps
Dual-acting piston pumps consist of a plunger or set of plungers (pistons) moving inside a
stationary submerged barrel (cylinder). As the piston travels back and forth in the cylinder, it
alternately draws water into the cylinder under suction, then displaces the water from the
cylinder. In a dual-acting piston pump, water is simultaneously discharged and drawn in both
directions of piston travel. A check valve in each discharge port or in the discharge line is used to
prevent discharge water from re-entering the pump. The piston can be cycled manually, or
through the use of a pneumatic or mechanical actuator.
Piston pumps can provide representative samples for some parameters (Barcelona et al.,
1983; Knobel and Mann, 1993). Samples may be altered due to the suction produced during refill
of the pump; this effect is reduced as the pump cycling rate is decreased. Likewise, reducing the
pump cycling rate also reduces the pressure applied to the sample, minimizing the potential for
sample alteration. If a flow restrictor or valve is used to reduce the discharge rate, the resultant
pressure changes could alter sample chemistry (Barcelona et al., 1983; Gillham et al., 1983).
Currently available designs of dual-acting piston pumps will only fit in sampling points
that are 2 inches in diameter or larger. The flow rate of a piston pump depends on the inside
diameter of the pump cylinder and the stroke length and rate. The ability to control the minimum
flow rate for sampling is dependent on the degree to which the stroke rate can be controlled.
Helical Rotor Pumps
Helical rotor pumps, also referred to as progressing cavity pumps, utilize a down-hole
rotor and stator assembly driven by an electric motor to displace water through a discharge line to
ground surface. Rotation of the helical rotor causes the cavity between the rotor and stator to
progress upward, thereby pushing water in a continuous flow upward through the discharge line.
In some progressing cavity pumps, the discharge rate can be varied by adjusting the speed of the
pump motor between 50 and 500 rpm. The progressing cavity pump is typically suspended in a
well by its discharge line or by a suspension cable. A two-conductor electric cable supplies
power from a 12-volt DC power supply and control box to the pump motor.
The operating principle of progressing cavity pumps makes them suitable for collection of
samples to be analyzed for VOCs (Imbrigiotta et al., 1988). There is some evidence these pumps
may not be suitable for sampling trace metals and other inorganic analytes at higher flow rates
due to increased turbidity (Barcelona et al., 1983); to control turbidity, a variable speed pump
controller should be used to reduce flow rate. The pressure applied to a sample is directly related
to the motor speed, and can be controlled in designs using variable-speed motor controls.
Overheating of the motor may raise the temperature of the sample (Parker, 1994).
Progressing cavity pumps require sampling point diameters of at least 2 inches. The
relatively low discharge rates attainable with most progressing cavity pumps makes them most
useful in applications where purging does not require removal of large volumes of water from
monitoring wells. With variable flow rate progressing cavity pumps, once purging is complete
the discharge rate may be reduced before samples are collected.
Gear-Drive Pumps
Another type of positive displacement electric submersible pump is the gear-drive pump.
In this type of pump, an electric motor drives a pair of PTFE gears. As these gears rotate, their
advancing teeth draw water into the pump through the pump intake port and push it through the
gears in a continuous flow up the discharge line. The discharge rate can be varied by using the
pump controls to adjust the speed of the pump motor. As with many other submersible pumps,
the gear-drive pump is usually suspended in a well by its discharge line. Electric power is
supplied to the 24-volt DC motor through a cable from the power source and control box at
ground surface.
Gear-drive pumps provide good recoveries of dissolved gases, VOCs, trace metals and
other inorganics, and mobile colloids (Backhus et al., 1993; Imbrigiotta et al., 1988). However
cavitation may occur if the pump is run at high rpm, which could affect dissolved gases or VOCs.
The potential for cavitation can be reduced by controlling motor speed. The pressure applied by a
gear-drive pump to a sample is directly related to the motor speed, and can be controlled by using
the variable-speed motor controls. Gear-drive pumps are constructed of materials acceptable for
sampling sensitive groundwater parameters; pump bodies are commonly constructed entirely of
stainless steel materials while the gears are constructed of PTFE.
Gear-drive pumps require a sampling point diameter of at least 2 inches. Maximum
discharge rates for gear-drive pumps range from more than 3 gallons per minute at lifts of less
than 20 feet to 0.25 gallons per minute at lifts of 250 feet. Discharge rates are easily controlled
by using the flow control, which adjusts the power supplied to run the pump motor; pump
discharge can be adjusted to less than 50 ml/min.
Inertial Lift Pumps
Inertial lift pumps consist of a discharge line (either flexible tubing or rigid pipe) with a
ball-check foot valve attached to the lower end of this line. In operation, the pump is lowered
into a water column and cycled through reciprocating motion, either through manual action or
through the use of a reciprocating mechanical arm mechanism driven by an electric motor or
internal combustion engine, to achieve discharge of water. As the pump is moved upward, water
that has entered the pump under hydrostatic pressure is lifted upward, held in the pump by the
seated foot valve. When the upward motion of the pump is stopped, the inertia of the water
column inside the pump carries it up and out of the discharge line. As the pump is pushed
downward, the foot valve opens, allowing the pump to refill, and the cycle is repeated to pump
water from the sampling point.
Inertial lift pumps can be constructed of any flexible tubing material or rigid discharge
pipe that has sufficient strength to tolerate the pump cycling. Typically, these materials include
rigid and flexible PVC, PE, PP, and PTFE. Tubing diameters of ¼ inch or
d inch can be used to
collect samples from sampling points as small as ½ inch in diameter.
If inertial-lift pumps are cycled rapidly prior to or during sample collection, some loss of
VOCs and/or dissolved gasses could occur in the discharge stream. Inertial lift pumps do not
cause pressure changes in the sample. However, the cycling action of an inertial lift pump in a
sampling point can significantly increase sample turbidity and agitate and aerate the water column
within the sampling point. This can result in alteration of concentrations of a wide variety of
analytes (including dissolved gases, VOCs, and trace metals) and interference with analytical
determinations in the laboratory.
The flow rate of an inertial lift pump is directly related to the cycling rate of the pump.
Flexing of the tubing in the sampling point can cause the flow rate to drop. To achieve discharge
rates suitable for sample collection, it is necessary to insert a short length of small-diameter
flexible tubing into the discharge line to divert a portion of the discharge stream into sample