Colorado Office of Economic
Development & International Trade
SMART Act Hearing
Joint Business
January 21, 2022
Pat Meyers, Chief Economic Recovery Officer & Executive Director
Jeff Kraft, Deputy Executive Director & Director of Business Funding & Incentives
Lindsay Finlayson, Director of Operations
Leslie Hylton, Director of Government Affairs
Sarah Harrison, Program Coordinator for Community Revitalization
To achieve and sustain a healthy Colorado economy that works for everyone and
protects what makes Colorado the best state in the country to live, work, start a
business, raise a family, and retire. By growing our economy with jobs that cannot be
outsourced and infrastructure to enable entrepreneurship in all parts of the state, we
strive to grow a resilient economy where everyone not only gets by, but thrives.
OEDIT Mission
OEDIT’s vision to economic recovery and resilience includes three key phases: Innovate, Adapt and Thrive.
Through these three phases, OEDIT will modify current programs, educate on existing resources and collaborate
with outside organizations, partners and state agencies to get the economy back on its feet and working again:
1. Innovate: We will foster business innovation in a way that maximizes the Governor’s Bold 4 Initiatives and
positions Colorado to accelerate opportunities unique to the post COVID environment in the areas of remote
work and in the advanced industries, including bioscience, high tech and advanced manufacturing.
2. Adapt: The current economic downturn has created an immediate and long-term need to develop
forward-looking plans that will help communities adapt to changing market conditions in response to future
economic disruptions.
3. Thrive: The workforce of Colorados future will be more nimble, better prepared for economic disruptions,
and will be a model for enhanced inclusion, social equity, with a clear business case for protecting the
OEDIT Vision
OEDIT Organizational Chart
Executive Director
Patrick Meyers
Marketing &
Keri Ungemah
FTE = 3
Lindsay Finlayson
FTE = 15
OEDIT Deputy
Funding & Incentives
Jeff Kraft
FTE = 14
Global Business
Michelle Hadwiger
FTE = 10
Business Support &
Rural Prosperity
Glenn Plagens
FTE = 22
Industries Office
Margaret Hunt
FTE = 7
Office of Film, T.V.
& Media
Donald Zuckerman
FTE = 3
Outdoor Recreation
Industry Office
Nathan Fey
FTE = 4
Colorado Tourism
Tim Wolfe
FTE = 18
Leslie Hylton
FTE = 2
Economic Recovery
& Relief Staff
Hana Sayeed
FTE = 8
Chief Economic
Officer / OEDIT
Chief of Staff
Fiscal &
The Colorado Economic Recovery Office
Promote entrepreneurship and boost economic growth statewide by launching
and implementing new programs that increase access to capital for small
businesses from $0 to $84,077,800 by June 30, 2022.
OEDIT FY 2021-22 Wildly Important Goals (WIGs)
Successful completion of this goal will eliminate
barriers to business ownership, bolster
entrepreneurship and build long-term financial
sustainability for small businesses, including
underserved businesses, that are vital to the health
of the communities that drive Colorados economy.
Support rural communities in attracting and retaining jobs from 0 to 5,000 jobs
by June 30, 2022.
OEDIT FY 2021-22 Wildly Important Goals (WIGs)
Successful completion of this goal will mean
that communities are establishing the
business environment necessary to attract and
retain businesses, thereby paving the way to
create and sustain jobs for years to come.
OEDIT FY23 Budget Request
$48,434,131 Total Funds
$28,517,816 General Funds
$17,231,010 Cash Funds
$260,291 Re-appropriated Funds
$2,425,014 Federal Funds
*The above budget numbers do not include supplementals or budget amendments
*The above budget numbers also do not include one-time stimulus funds, which are
conveyed in later slides
OEDIT’s FY 2022-23 Budget Request includes the following:
R-1 Art in Public Places
Have the long bill reflect the CCI’s spending authority of approx. $2M it
receives in cash funds for the program
Modify the current cash fund to ensure a 3-year roll forward appropriation
to align with CapCo project timelines
***R-2 was withdrawn, P3 Office will be housed at DPA
OEDIT FY23 Budget Request
The Department respectfully requests the General Assembly consider legislation
on the following:
Stimulus Extensions (SB21-001, HB21-1263, SB21-241)
The JBC has agreed to move this forward as a JBC-sponsored bill.
SB21-291 ARPA Fix
The JBC has agreed to move this forward as a JBC-sponsored bill.
Innovative Housing Incentive Proposal
The Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force has recommended funding this.
Legislative Agenda
The 2021 Talent Pipeline Report was published on Dec. 17, 2021. The report identifies:
Top Jobs
Critical industries
Key features of the current labor force
Strategies to align supply with industry demand
Policy Recommendations: Building on CO POWER 2021, the recommendations focus on three priorities:
Enhance opportunities for employers to implement talent development strategies
Strengthen critical industries so all businesses can thrive
Structure supports necessary to enhance the participation of targeted populations in the labor force
2021 Talent Pipeline Report
The Colorado Community Revitalization Grant (SB21-252) provides gap funding for projects in
creative districts, historic districts, main streets or neighborhood commercial centers.
This grant supports creative projects that combine creative industry workforce housing, commercial
spaces, performance space, community gathering spaces, child care centers, and retail partnerships
for the purpose of economic recovery and diversification by supporting creative sector
entrepreneurs, artisans, and community non-profit organizations.
Currently, there are 33 awarded and recommended projects, totaling $62M of the appropriated $65M.
Of these 33 projects, geographic funding follows:
Urban projects = $28.5M (11 projects)
Rural projects = $34M (22 projects)
Community Revitalization Grants Update
Community Revitalization Grants Update
Pueblo Fuel & Iron ($1 million):
redeveloped historic building
including a culinary incubator,
28 affordable housing units, an
urban farm, performing arts
space, child care center, and
additional affordable housing at
a satellite location.
Ridgway Space to Create ($2 million):
a new construction, mixed-use,
workforce housing project that includes
artist live-work space, a community
amenity area, commercial hub, and
performing art space.
In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2020 175, the Department has prepared a plan to improve
equity, diversity, and inclusion, including efforts to:
Implementation of a demographic survey to identify any gaps in our outreach efforts in order to reduce
barriers that prevent underserved communities from accessing OEDIT’s programs and funding.
Creating more inclusive and equitable hiring and retention policies that will be rolled out by the end of the
current fiscal year.
Employee Engagement Highlights
OEDIT has a 79.7% employee engagement index compared to the average state agency index 60.9%
80.6% of employees feel that OEDIT has made positive progress on our EDI Plan/Initiatives
80.3% of employees say they feel safe expressing their identities and bringing their whole self to work.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion WIGs
Stimulus Funding Implementation
State Stimulus Programs
Funded ($M)
Incentivize Events and Conferences $10.0
Colorado Startup Loan Fund $31.4
Small business loans $15.0
Advanced Industry Grant Program $10.0
OEDIT Strategic Fund $15.0
Rural Jump Start $3.0
Community Revitalization Grant Program $65.0
MTCF Marijuana Entrepreneurship Program $4.0
Arts Relief $17.0
Film Incentive $6.0
Small Business Accelerated Growth Program $1.7
Total $178.1
Stimulus Funding Implementation
Federal Direct to Agency Stimulus Programs
Amount Funded
State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) $115.3
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Creative Corps Grant $0.5
National Endowment for the Arts, Creative Districts Grant $0.3
Economic Development Administration, State Tourism and
Outdoor Industry Grant $9.7
Economic Development Administration, Statewide
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy $1.0
Total $126.8
Federal State and Local Fiscal
Recovery Funds
Funded ($M)
Colorado Startup Loan Program (HB-1288) $10.0
Economic Recovery And Relief Cash Fund
(SB-291): Economic Development $30.0
Economic Recovery And Relief Cash Fund
(SB-291): Small Business Stimulus Rural $10.0
Total $50.0
Thank You & Questions