© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Product Roadmap
Gopal Krishnamurthy
Founder/CEO, Visual BI Solutions
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Legal Disclaimer
This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject
to your license agreement or any other agreement with Visual BI Solutions. Visual BI Solutions has no obligation to pursue any course of business
outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and Visual BI Solution’s
strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by Visual BI Solutions at any time for any reason without
notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of
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document, except if such damages were caused by Visual BI Solutions intentionally or grossly negligent.
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
What You Get With VBX - Summary
400+ map options
GeoJSON support for
custom maps
30+ Base Map layers E.g.
ESRI, Google, OSM
Marker, Cluster, Choropleth,
Heat & Bubble layers
BW & HANA Hierarchy Support | WebI-as-a-Data-Source | Reusable Data Sources | Advanced Interactivity & Drill-Through
Context Menu | Advanced Conditional Formatting | Mobile-Compatible & Responsive
Custom Events | Custom Scripting Functions | and more
Responsive UI Container
for mobile UX
Customizable Export, Print &
Presentation options
Advanced Table, KPI Tile, What-
If Analyzer & more
Excel, Google Sheets & Web
Service connectors
Advanced input & filter
Patented time period
Integrated Search to handle
larger data sets
Easier slice & dice, sort, filter
& alert capabilities
50+ Charts, with 23
exclusive to VBX
400+ Properties for
extensive formatting
40% faster delivery with
reduced scripting
2x-6x performance gains
through Data Utility
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Visual BI Extensions for SAP Lumira Designer (What is Included as Today)
50+ Charts
Basic Charts (Line, Column, Bar)
Stacked Chart (Column / Bar)
Combination (Single / Dual Axis)
Pie / Donut Chart
Scatter plot / Bubble Chart
Treemap / Heatmap
Progress Bar / Bullet Chart
Radar Chart
Chart Selector
Table with Sparkline Charts
Funnel Chart
Specialty Charts: Marimekko ,Tag Cloud, Box
Gauge (Advanced, Angular, Solid, Linear)
Drilldown Chart (Bar, Column, Pie, Funnel,
Pyramid, Tree)
Pyramid Chart
Polar chart
Circular/ Number Counter /Semi Circular Donut
Stacked and Grouped Charts
Specialty Charts : Gantt Chart , Risk Matrix,
Calendar Heatmap , Waffle Chart
Fixed Column Charts
Multiple Axis Charts / Super Combination Chart
Advanced Column Bar Chart
Spie Chart
Stream Graph
Sankey Chart
Parallel Coordinates Chart
Slope Chart
Sunburst Chart
Pyramid Chart
Lolli Pop Chart
Activity Gauge
Dot Plot Chart
Rainfall Chart
Additional Features
Data Utility
Hierarchies: Leverage BW/HANA hierarchies
Chart Export options: PDF, JPEG, SVG, PNG
Predefined themes (CSS)
Enhanced Chart Interactivity
Advanced Conditional Formatting
Identical Scaling for multiple charts
Permanent color assignment for measures and
Custom Data Label and Tooltip
Support for Trendlines / Error Bars
Ability to rename Measure Labels
Extensive Scripting options
Extensive Formatting
- Zoom and Lasso /Reverse Lasso
(including Mobile)
- Show / Hide series based on legend click
- Drill Down & Expand / collapse
- Tooltip
- Legend
- Axis / Axis Labels
- Title, Subtitle & Label Formatting
- Chart, line and Plot Area Formatting
- Value Display Formatting (in axis, tooltip, etc)
Conditional Formatting Enhancements
Bullet Chart Enhancements
Runtime Deviation Bar
Dynamic Series (enable/disable)
Legends for the Series (Show/Hide)
Series Label options
Configuring the pattern for the series
Custom Ranking for Measures
Annotations in Charts
Annotations at run time
Additional Properties German Support
Custom Context Menu in Charts
Conditional Formatting - Positive and
Negative Value colors for Boolean Formats
Plot Line and Plot Band Scripting
Stacked Waterfall Chart
CSV Export on Charts Context Menu
Table Context Menu Enhancements
Conditional Formatting Scripting
Runtime Property Editor
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Drill Down Capability
Various Map Types
GeoJSON for custom maps
Data Types
400+ regional Maps
(Continents, Countries, States..)
Multiple Data source for Maps
Custom Data Label and Tooltip
Support for Mobile
Ability to define initial Zoom / Location
Advanced Conditional Formatting
Custom marker icons
Zoom / Lasso Functionality
30+ Map layer options
Data Visualization for Heat Maps
Performance Enhancements - Heat/Bubble Map
Indoor Analyzer
Location Analyzer Zoom based custom Layer Selection
Indoor Analyser Enhancements
- Marker Layers
- Choropleth Layer
- Bubble Layer
- Cluster Layer
- Heat Map Layer
- Latitude and Longitude
- Regional dimensions
(Country, State, Counties)
- Support for full address details
- ESRI Maps with Charts
- Google Maps
- Open street Maps
- Custom Map
Advanced KPI Tile
Advanced Label
Export Options
Advanced Table
Trend Icon
Additional Data Source
What If Analyzer
Script Box
Search Box
Advanced KPI Tile Enhancements
Advance Table Enhancements
Constant Data source with BYOD
Multiscreen View in Responsive UI
Advanced Label support for Self-service
component creation
Advanced Table with more API Scripts
Custom Context Menu in Advanced
Advanced Table with predefined Table
VBX Theme
Data Merge Component
- PDF (Export to PDF Template)
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Email
- Microsoft Excel
- Google Sheets
- OData
Selectors Speciality Charts
Period Selector
Hierarchy Filter
Dynamic Grid Box
Listbox and Dropdown
- Search Box
- Alerting capabilities
Range Slider
Facet Filter
- Hierarchy Support
- Search Box
- Sorting
New Selector - Time Slicer
Period Selector Week / Month
List Box/ Combo Box
Facet Filter Template
Multiselect Box
- Y-M
- Y-Q-M
- Y-Q-M Multi Select
Data Utility as Component
Gantt Chart Enhancements
Data Source Config
Timeline Series Chart
Visual BI Extensions for SAP Lumira Designer (What is Included as Today)
ESRI - Reference Layer / Geo Fencing
- Integrating Location Analyzer with
ESRI Reference Layer - for
example like demographics
information, income, spending, ...
- Ability to configure the Location
Analyzer with Geo Fencing / Geo
Location based Filtering
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
New Charts
- Rainfall Chart
Additional Features
- Scripting for Conditional Formatting
- Runtime Property Editor
Visual BI Extensions for SAP Lumira Designer (What is Included in VBX 2.5)
New Selectors
- Multiselect Box
New Utilities
- Data Merge Component
Additional Features
- Export to PDF Template
Speciality Charts
New Speciality Charts
- Data Source Config
- Timeline Series Chart
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
VBX 2.5 Highlights Rainfall Chart
The Rainfall Chart typically denotes the Area Chart but is represented by another series of Y axis frame. The Rainfall Chart displays the quantitative data and where the area below the
line is being filled with the respective color based on the Y Axis frames.
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
VBX 2.5 Highlights Timeline Series Chart
A Timeline Series Chart is a type of chart which visually shows a series of events over a linear timescale. In this case, the events will be represented by the Measures and the Timescale will
be represented by the Dimension.
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
VBX 2.5 Highlights Multiselect Box
Using the MultiSelect Box, you can set the default Dimension member, configure the dependent data sources and set the maximum members for display.
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
This presentation and Visual BI Solution’s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by Visual BI Solutions at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to
the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
VBX Roadmap
Upcoming 2019 & 2020
Packed Bubble Chart
Tornado Chart
Scatter Punch Card
Venn Diagram
Network Chart
Speciality Charts
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Additional Chart Types
Packed Bubble Chart
Tornado Chart
Scatter Punch Card
Venn Diagram
Network Chart
Product Roadmap 2019 & 2020
Visual BI Extensions
This presentation and Visual BI Solution’s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by Visual BI Solutions at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to
the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
New Visuals
R Box
A utility for bringing R Visualizations as part of Lumira
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Support for SAP Lumira Designer Client Version
Visual BI Extensions
SAP Lumira Designer
Supported Visual
BI Extensions (VBX) Release
Lumira Designer 2.0 or higher
Till Release 2.0
Lumira Designer (2.1 or higher)
Release 2.0 till Release 2.4
Lumira Designer (2.2
or higher)
Release 2.5 or higher
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
a must have for any dashboard/
analytic app developer... Support has
been outstanding as well
From the SAP App Center
support and advice has been excellent.
Easy to use and they add that bit extra to
our charts that are not available 'out of
the box' ...
significantly reduces the development
time and makes design studio on
par/superior compared to other
very well documented and you don't
need to be a programmer to use them
..helped us significantly reduce
dashboard development time and cut
down on the amount of scripting This
suite is worth the investment
It fills the gaps that you find in the design
studio. The support was very prompt
I had zero Design Studio experience and
was quickly able to create professional
dashboards using the VBX suite
VBX Charts provided us with exactly the
kind of properties control we needed
helped us significantly reduce dashboard
development timeWe received fantastic
and fast support
Fully recommend this to every customer.
a 'must have' for building flexible,
professional looking, interactive
dashboardssupport was first class
...It has been a successful and popular
View the reviews in SAP App Center
© 2019 Visual BI Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Friday March 22, 2019
Pricing and Licensing
Visual BI Extensions
Download your 15 Day Trial from:
You will receive all components (charts, maps, selectors, utilities)
No functional limitation