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(mailto:?subject=How%20to%20Create%20a%20Gantt%20Chart%20in%20Excel&body=Check this out:
Jodi Sorensen (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/jodi-sorensen) on July 8, 2013
Step-by-Step Instructions for Making a Gantt Chart in Excel
I like Excel. I use it daily. In companies and homes all over the world, people use Excel for everything – from a makeshift calculator to tracking massive
projects. Given the software's omnipresence, it’s no wonder so many people try to repurpose it for tasks that Excel was never meant to do.
menu menu
To demonstrate, I created this
How to Create a Gantt chart in Excel
tutorial. I'll show you how to create an Excel Gantt chart, then I'll demonstrate how
the Smartsheet online Gantt chart software (/gantt-chart-software?lpv=txtlink) makes this far easier.
How would you like to create your Gantt chart?
Use a pre-built Gantt chart template in Smartsheet
Time to complete: 3 minutes
- or -
Manually create a Gantt chart in Excel
Time to complete: 30 minutes
What Is a Gantt Chart?
Gantt charts make it easy to visualize project management (/project-management?lpv=txtlink) timelines by transforming task names, start dates,
durations, and end dates into cascading horizontal bar charts.
How to Create a Gantt Chart in Excel
1. Create a Task Table
List each task in your project in start date order from beginning to end. Include the task name, start date, duration, and end date.
Make your list as complete as possible. Because of Excel's limitations, adding steps or extending out may force you to reformat your entire chart.
2. Build a Bar Chart
On the top menu, select Insert, and then click on the Bar chart icon. When the drop-down menu appears, choose the at Stacked Bar Chart,
highlighted in green below. This will insert a blank chart onto your spreadsheet.
Add Start Date data.
Position your mouse over the empty Excel chart and right click. Then, left click on Select Data. The Select Data Source window will appear.
Under Legend Entries (Series), click Add. This will take you to the Edit Series window.
Click in the empty Series name: form eld rst, then click on the table cell that reads Start Date.
Click on the icon at the end of the Series values eld. The icon is a small spreadsheet with a red arrow (the lower icon). This will open the Edit Series
Click on the rst Start Date, 3/2 in my example, and drag your mouse down to the last Start Date. After the right dates are highlighted, click on the icon
at the end of the Edit Series form. The window will close and the previous window will reopen. Select OK. Your start dates are now in the Gantt chart.
Next, add the Durations column using the same procedure you used to add the start dates.
Under Legend Entries (Series), click on Add.
Click in the empty Series name: form eld rst, then click on the table cell that reads Duration.
Click on the icon at the end of the Series values eld. The icon is a small spreadsheet with a red arrow (the lower icon). This will open the Edit Series
window. Click on the rst Duration, it is 5 in my example, and drag your mouse down to the last Duration. After the durations are highlighted, click on
the icon at the end of the Edit Series form. The window will close and the previous window will reopen. Select OK. Your durations are now in your
Gantt chart.
Change the dates on the left side of the chart into a list of tasks.
Click on any bar in the chart, then right click, then open Select Data.
Under Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, click on edit
Using your mouse, highlight the names of your tasks. Be careful not to include the name of the column itself, Task.
Click on OK.
Click OK again.
Your Gantt chart ought to look like this:
3. Format Your Gantt Chart
What you have is a stacked bar chart. The starting dates are blue and the durations are orange.
Notice your tasks are in reverse order. To x this, click on the list of tasks to select them, then right click over the list and choose Format Axis. Select the
checkbox Categories in reverse order and Close.
To give your Gantt chart more space delete the Start Date, Duration legend on the right. Select it with your mouse, then hit delete.
Hide the blue portions of each bar. Clicking on the blue part of any bar will select all of them. Then, right click and choose Format Data Series.
Click on Fill then select No ll.
Click on Border Color then select No line.
You're almost nished. You just need to remove the empty white space at the start of your Gantt chart:
Click on the rst Start Date in your data table. Right click over it, select Format Cells, then General. Write down the number you see. In my case it is
42064. Hit Cancel because you do not want to actually make any changes here.
In the Gantt chart, select the dates above the bars, right click and choose Format Axis.
Change the Minimum bound to the number you recorded.
Change the Major unit to 2, for every other day. You can play with this to see what works best for you.
Select Close.
If you want to make your Gantt chart look a little nicer, remove most of the white space between the bars.
Click on the top orange bar.
Right click and select Format Data Series.
Set Separated to 100% and Gap Width to 10%.
You are nished. Your Gantt chart should look like this:
An Easier Way
This is
a lot
to remember.
While your Excel Gantt chart may look clean, it is not exactly serviceable.
The chart does not resize when you add new tasks.
It’s hard to read. There is no grid or daily labeling.
You cannot change a start date, duration or end date and have the other values adjust automatically.
You cannot share the chart with others or give them viewer, editor, or administrator status.
You cannot publish an Excel Gantt chart as an interactive web page which your team members can read and update.
It is possible to create more complete Gantt charts in Excel, however, they are more complicated to setup and maintain. The things that make Gantt
charts useful, sharable, and collaborative cannot be accomplished with Excel.
How to Create a Gantt Chart in Smartsheet
In Smartsheet (http://www.smartsheet.com?lpv=txtlink), to make a Gantt chart:
Select Create a New Sheet
Select Project Sheet
Smartsheet will prompt you to name your sheet with the Gantt chart. From there, you're good to go. You can start entering your task list.
Add task names for each task, two of either the start date, duration, or end date. When you enter two of these, Smartsheet populates the rest. From
here, when you change any of the three variables, the other two will automatically recalculate.
The other thing Smartsheet adds automatically are your horizontal bars. Unlike in Excel, there is no need to format anything. Smartsheet does it for
Another well-designed feature, when you use your mouse to click and drag either end of any green bar, Smartsheet changes the matching dates and
durations in the task table. From here you can add additional Gantt data such as predecessors and task groups.
You can even switch to Smartsheet's calendar view.
Already your simple Smartsheet is far more functional and responsive than an Excel Gantt chart, and you're just getting started. Watch our video to
learn even more.
Gantt Chart View in Smartsheet
See for yourself. If you don't own a Smartsheet account, try one on us. Get a free 30 day trial with nothing to install.
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Thank you! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/287#comment-287)
Submitted by Eamon Healey (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/eamon-healey) on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 14:46
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/287#comment-287)
I have a serviceable gantt chart in a spreadsheet thanks to you .. and now I know about another solution for a better tool that *isn't* MS Project. I will be
evaluating smartsheet! thanks again!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/287)
How do I add additional info to my calendar from my Gnatt Chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/299#comment-299)
Submitted by N. Grammater (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/n.-grammater) on Wed, 06/12/2013 - 17:18
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/299#comment-299)
I would like to add an additional comment that shows up after the 'Assigned To' comment. Is this possible?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/299)
How to plan around weekends (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/381#comment-381)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Sat, 09/28/2013 - 15:09
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/381#comment-381)
A task will take 6 days to complete, but no one will be working on it over the weekend. Setting working days for M-F, how can the gantt reect that?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/381)
Re: How to plan around weekends (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26113#comment-26113)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Mon, 09/30/2013 - 14:46
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26113#comment-26113)
Hi there, If the working days for your project are M-F, your task starts on Monday and the duration is 6, that task should nish on the following
Monday. Please email [email protected] to troubleshoot if you're running into a different scenario, happy to help out! Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/26113)
query regarding gantt chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37608#comment-37608)
Submitted by mandar (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/mandar) on Wed, 08/05/2015 - 10:48
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37608#comment-37608)
I have same query(If the working days for your project are M-F, your task starts on Monday and the duration is 6, that task should nish on the
following Monday.) in my sheet please help me out. How to resolve this in excel?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/37608)
RE: query regarding gantt chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37611#comment-37611)
Submitted by Emily Esposito (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/emily-esposito) on Wed, 08/05/2015 - 11:15
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37611#comment-37611)
Hi Mandar -- This article may help you out: http://www.excelfunctions.net/Excel-Workday-Function.html/ Best, Emily
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/37611)
Gantt Chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/417#comment-417)
Submitted by Danny (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/danny) on Sun, 11/17/2013 - 23:01
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/417#comment-417)
Thanks for this. It's great instructions! : ) I followed it step by step and got a simple Gantt Chart done.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/417)
Hours and Minutes Duration (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/428#comment-428)
Submitted by Charlie (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/charlie) on Wed, 11/20/2013 - 12:41
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/428#comment-428)
How can I change it so that the Gantt Chart Duration is in Hours and Minutes, not days?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/428)
Re: Hours and Minutes Duration (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26112#comment-26112)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Thu, 11/21/2013 - 13:45
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26112#comment-26112)
Hi Charlie, The Smartsheet Gantt chart doesn't support time tracking in hours and minutes, but I've shared your enhancements with our product
team. Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/26112)
I want to know if I can (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/444#comment-444)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Mon, 11/25/2013 - 01:53
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/444#comment-444)
I want to know if I can export the gantt chart to a word document?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/444)
Re: I want to know if I can (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26111#comment-26111)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Mon, 11/25/2013 - 13:44
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26111#comment-26111)
Hi there, You can export your work in Smartsheet to Project, Excel or Google Spreadsheets, but not Word. Best, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/26111)
How do I place one task on every monday of the week? (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/490#comment-490)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Mon, 01/20/2014 - 14:03
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/490#comment-490)
I want to layout a task on the GANTT chart so that it is lled in on every monday for a month. I would like to know how I would be able to do this so that
it is all on one line and not separated on different lines so it doesn't look like a different task?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/490)
Repeated tasks (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34089#comment-34089)
Submitted by Joaquin (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/joaquin) on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 11:24
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34089#comment-34089)
Hi did you found the solution for to weekly tasks? regards
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/34089)
RE: Repeated tasks (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34131#comment-34131)
Submitted by Emily Esposito (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/emily-esposito) on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 09:24
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34131#comment-34131)
Hi Joaquin, unfortunately there is not currently a way to automate recurring tasks. You could set recurring update requests so you can at least
be notied on a weekly basis of row content, then you can change the row dates to be the dates of the new recurrence. I have also submitted
this feedback to our Product team. Best, Emily
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/34131)
Gantt Chart in Excel (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/549#comment-549)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Tue, 03/04/2014 - 08:24
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/549#comment-549)
Thank you so much! Step by step detailed instructions helped to learn and create Gantt chart quickly. It is really helpful.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/549)
Export Gantt chat to excel (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/38465#comment-38465)
Submitted by Sharan Bhardwaj (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/sharan-bhardwaj) on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 00:31
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/38465#comment-38465)
Hi, I do not nd the option as how to export the Gantt chart to excel spreadsheet. can you send me the step by step points for that. thanks Sharan
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/38465)
RE: Export Gantt chat to excel (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/38494#comment-38494)
Submitted by Smartsheet Comm... (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/smartsheet-community-manager) on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 10:10
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/38494#comment-38494)
Hi Sharan. Excel does not support a Gantt chart format so exporting a Gantt chart to Excel will only export the task list. Excel also does not
support certain column types (drop down lists, contact lists, harvey balls, check box, etc), so exporting these will only preserve the text values
entered into the column. The best option for exporting a Gantt chart is to do it as a pdf. Here is more information:
http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/770623 Please email support@smartsheet.com with any additional questions. Thank you! -
The Smartsheet Team.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/38494)
A big Thank you! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/556#comment-556)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 04:37
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/556#comment-556)
I can't truly thank you enough for these detailed instructions....you just saved my day...Thank you so much
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/556)
I Love this...my project (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/562#comment-562)
Submitted by Nnamdi (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/nnamdi) on Tue, 03/11/2014 - 20:58
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/562#comment-562)
I Love this...my project supervisor asked me to draw a gantt chart... I had No idea how to do it professionally. Thanks a million
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/562)
Milestones (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/604#comment-604)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Mon, 04/07/2014 - 08:49
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/604#comment-604)
Thank you! I was looking for a tool to display my milestones and read about Gantt chart during my studies for CPLP. I search the web for instructions
and yours were the best. I did it in no time. Thanks for the sharing of knowledge.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/604)
Great help (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/611#comment-611)
Submitted by Kyle (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kyle) on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 19:56
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/611#comment-611)
Thank you so much, this was a snap.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/611)
Life Savers! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/612#comment-612)
Submitted by Sam Matankari (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/sam-matankari) on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 20:31
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/612#comment-612)
I'm doing this operations management plan and needed to do a Gantt chart and you guys totally came through, Thanks.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/612)
Weekend shading (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/23084#comment-23084)
Submitted by Jen (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/jen) on Tue, 08/05/2014 - 14:02
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/23084#comment-23084)
thanks for the great tutorial. Also, good to know there are options to MS Project. I added shading for weekends to the background. Select chart, right
click and "format chart area" - change properties to "don't move or size with cells" - change ll to "no ll" - resize the columns behind the chart and
style as needed
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/23084)
gannt chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24263#comment-24263)
Submitted by Chandra (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/chandra) on Thu, 06/12/2014 - 00:01
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24263#comment-24263)
very helpful! thank you!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24263)
project management (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/23991#comment-23991)
Submitted by ann (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/ann-) on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 12:02
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/23991#comment-23991)
great help..thank you
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/23991)
great tutorial. was able to (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24301#comment-24301)
Submitted by matt (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/matt) on Tue, 07/08/2014 - 11:57
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24301#comment-24301)
great tutorial. was able to plot lots of times to a table. question, lets say i have a task that goes for a certain duration, stops, then starts back up again.
instead of showing in two different timelines, how do i make them appear on the same line: what i have now: task 1 ------------- task 1 -------------------- what
i want it to look like: task 1 ------------- -------------------- thanks
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24301)
RE: great tutorial. was able to (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37905#comment-37905)
Submitted by Emily Esposito (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/emily-esposito) on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 08:17
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/37905#comment-37905)
Hi Matt -- I think this post will explain what you're looking for! http://ksrowell.com/blog-visualizing-data/2013/05/16/how-to-make-a-gantt-chart-for-
repeated-tasks/. -Emily
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/37905)
Thanks! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24315#comment-24315)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Fri, 07/18/2014 - 01:39
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24315#comment-24315)
Just had to comment and say this was a great easy to follow walkthrough on how to make one in excel, helped me massively!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24315)
Thank you! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24322#comment-24322)
Submitted by Jill (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/jill) on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 11:08
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24322#comment-24322)
I've been doubling my work by doing project plans in excel and gantt charts in MS Project (which I can't seem to get the hang of). This is so helpful!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24322)
Gantt Chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24089#comment-24089)
Submitted by Margaret Matthews (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/margaret-matthews) on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 05:55
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24089#comment-24089)
Needed to create a Gantt chart for my proposal - had an idea but these details are very useful -an excellent site. Thanks!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24089)
Great Help (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24221#comment-24221)
Submitted by joao (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/joao) on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 07:08
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24221#comment-24221)
Thanks a lot for this explanation; I will use it denitively for small projects, instead of MS Project
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24221)
Gantt Chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24408#comment-24408)
Submitted by steve casarow (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/steve-casarow) on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 08:02
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24408#comment-24408)
Hope do i show hours versus days on the gantt chart?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24408)
Re: Gantt Chart (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24520#comment-24520)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 14:57
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24520#comment-24520)
Hi Steve, Today in Smartsheet, days are the smallest unit of time available for scheduling, though we do have partial days in our sights to add in the
near future. Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24520)
Thank you (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24505#comment-24505)
Submitted by John (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/john) on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 05:56
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24505#comment-24505)
This is great, thank you. I have tried and failed to do Gantt charts in Excel before, so this has really helped me out. The instructions are very east to
follow and the process is very quick. Also, if you want the chart to automatically update, you can include additional empty rows when you select the
data. This means the chart will have empty space at the bottom of it, but it will then automatically update when new data is added.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24505)
thanks (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24761#comment-24761)
Submitted by David Fairley (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/david-fairley) on Thu, 10/23/2014 - 10:05
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/24761#comment-24761)
thanks for a clear tutorial on creating these graphs. it's really useful!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/24761)
Smart Sheet (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25256#comment-25256)
Submitted by Moj (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/moj) on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 23:52
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25256#comment-25256)
Hey thanks for the intro to the Gang sheet. I just wanted to nd out for how long can you access the sheet for free. 2. Can you export the sheet out
into excel? 3. Can you save any project plan in smart sheet?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25256)
Re: Smart Sheet (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25263#comment-25263)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Thu, 11/13/2014 - 09:28
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25263#comment-25263)
Hi Moj, You can sign up for a free, 30 day trial of Smartsheet. You can export your sheet to Excel – or Microsoft Project or Google Sheets. And yes,
you can save any project plan in Smartsheet. Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25263)
i can only export the part (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/29564#comment-29564)
Submitted by eddy (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/eddy) on Thu, 01/08/2015 - 06:13
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/29564#comment-29564)
i can only export the part containing the task .... i m no able to export the results or the calender plz reply as soon as possible ty
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/29564)
Re: i can only export the part (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/29596#comment-29596)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Thu, 01/08/2015 - 10:54
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/29596#comment-29596)
Hi Eddy, Please email us at [email protected] so we can help you out – we'll need to know what product you're exporting to.
Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/29596)
Gannt chart in excel (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25273#comment-25273)
Submitted by Derrick (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/derrick) on Fri, 11/14/2014 - 03:36
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25273#comment-25273)
thanks for such a helpful tutorial
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25273)
Thank you for the excellent (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25529#comment-25529)
Submitted by Asif (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/asif) on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 14:42
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25529#comment-25529)
Thank you for the excellent help provided by you.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25529)
Good Content Didn't Ever Learn (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25608#comment-25608)
Submitted by Brent Sweet (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/brent-sweet) on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 09:18
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25608#comment-25608)
I am what I would consider an excel formula expert. I have taken lots of classes and am almost done with an MBA program. I use Gnatt charts alot. I
always used Thinkcell which is a paid program to create them because I could not gure out how to do this in excel. This is a great tutorial!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25608)
Generate Excel Graph (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25897#comment-25897)
Submitted by amit (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/amit) on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 21:43
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/25897#comment-25897)
You can generate excel graphs from excel data online.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/25897)
many thanks for tutorial (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26030#comment-26030)
Submitted by balaji ajit singh (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/balaji-ajit-singh) on Wed, 12/03/2014 - 01:04
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/26030#comment-26030)
This has made me to feel condent in preparing Gaantt Chart in Excel. many thanks for such a useful tutorial
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/26030)
Saving Gannt Charts (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/32701#comment-32701)
Submitted by John (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/john) on Wed, 02/11/2015 - 04:25
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/32701#comment-32701)
Where would the Gannt Charts created in Smartsheet be saved?...Are they saved to the Cloud, your servers, or locally here at our company?
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/32701)
Re: Saving Gantt Charts (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33381#comment-33381)
Submitted by Kelly Anthony (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/kelly-anthony) on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 12:14
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33381#comment-33381)
Hi John, Yes, your Gantt charts in Smartsheet are saved and available in the cloud. You can export a snapshot of your Gantt chart as a PDF, or use
our integration with Oce Timeline (http://www.smartsheet.com/apps/ocetimeline) if you're looking to use a version of your Gantt chart in a
Power Point presentation. Thanks, Kelly
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/33381)
Thanks for the tip (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33248#comment-33248)
Submitted by Steve Rundle (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/steve-rundle) on Tue, 02/17/2015 - 06:53
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33248#comment-33248)
Thanks for this tip to create Gannt charts in Excel. It opens up quite a few new possibilities. This is much easier, and all-together better than conditional
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/33248)
Thank you very much.This (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33555#comment-33555)
Submitted by Anonymous (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/anonymous) on Fri, 02/20/2015 - 09:00
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/33555#comment-33555)
Thank you very much.This really helped me today.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/33555)
Great tip for Excel (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34302#comment-34302)
Submitted by Christopher (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/christopher) on Fri, 03/06/2015 - 05:11
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/34302#comment-34302)
Thanks for this. It's great instructions! I was looking for this.
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/34302)
Good one !!! (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/35459#comment-35459)
Submitted by Victor (not veried) (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/author/victor) on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 02:55
Permalink (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/35459#comment-35459)
Good one !!!
reply (https://www.smartsheet.com/comment/reply/2249/35459)
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