Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
Welcome to the 2024 Cookie Program! The Juliette Cookie Program is designed to allow individually
registered Girl Scouts to participate in the world’s largest entrepreneurial program. The cookie
program is a key part of a Girl Scouts experience. Its much more than a fundraiser, it’s a unique way
for Girl Scouts to build confidence and develop important skills. Many successful businesswomen and
community leaders have started their leadership journey selling Girl Scout Cookies!
Girl Scouts learn five major skills during the Cookie Program:
Goal Settin gGirl Scouts set personal goals and then make a plan to reach it. Girl Scouts need to
know how to set and reach a goal to succeed in school and in life.
Decision MakingGirl Scouts decide how and when to sell cookies and what she will do with her
proceeds. This skill is important because Girl Scouts need to make decisions every day. Learning this
skill will help her make good ones.
Money Management For some Girl Scouts, this
might be the first time they have to handle money.
Talk to your Juliette about the different forms of
money such as paper bill, coins, checks and credit
cards. Older Girl Scouts can learn how to set a
budget. Girl Scouts need to know how to handle
money whether it’s their lunch money, allowance
or (someday) their paycheck!
People Skills Girl Scouts learn how to talk and
listen to their customers. Practice explaining to
customers what her goals are and brainstorm ways
to thank customers. This skill helps Girl Scouts in
school when working on group projects,
participating in sports, on the playground and,
later, at work.
Girl Scout Cookie Program:
Juliette Participation
Where the Cookie Dough Goes
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
Business EthicsBy following sale guidelines, selling dates and safety protocols, Girl Scouts learn
that strong values should lead any business including her own.
2023-24 GSEMA Cookie Program
What’s New!
Theme & Mascot: Own Your Magic with the Axolotl mascot
Digital Cookie for Girl Scouts and caregivers is the new online platform to promote and
manage a Girl Scout’s cookie business. With support from their caregiver, a Juliette can take
cookie orders, track purchases and deliveries, and forge a more direct digital connection with
their customers. With the Digital Cookie™ platform, the Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and
love is better than ever. Fun, easy-to-use tools help Juliettes to superpower their sale. The Digital
platform lets consumers buy onlineand
gives Juliettes more ways to participate, more
ways to learn, and more ways to find adventure!
Cookie price increase to $6.00 per package
Troop proceeds increase to $1.10 per package sold
Opt-Out Juliette troop now earns $1.15 per package sold
Juliettes who opt-out can now earn cookie credits
Sh ippin g Updat es:
o GSEMA will be offering a $10.00 off per order for all direct shipping costs starting at 9
packages+ from February 1 through March 8. Shipping costs are affected by many factors
including demand, transportation costs and fuel prices. These prices are driven by the
vendors and not GSUSA or GSEMA. Customers plus place an order of 4 packages or more
to place a direct ship order.
Juliette payment schedule has changed please see “How to pay for cookies” section on page 5.
Working on your Gold Award? Please contact the Juliette Coordinators for more information.
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
Customers love our amazing, name-brand Girl Scout Cookies which are baked especially for Girl Scouts
of Eastern Massachusetts by ABC Bakers, one of two bakers that produce Girl Scout Cookies in the USA!
Cookie Flavors
Thin Mints
Caramel deLites
Peanut Butter Patties
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Caramel Chocolate Chip (GF)
Girl Scout Cookies are $6 per package.
There are 12 packages of cookies in a case.
Caramel Chocolate Chip is not on the order card
because it is available only while supplies last. Place a
Planned Order to pick up at a cupboard (2 case limit).
All Girl Scout Cookies are available to order online via
Smart Cookies Direct Ship.
Girl Scout Cookies are date stamped for freshness.
See order card for nutritional information or visit
November 2023
20 Digital Cookie registration email sent to
caregivers of all registered Juliettes
21 Cookie Program begins for Online and In Person
sales (Juliettes may begin emailing customers)
December 2023
5 Cookie Cupboards open check cupboard
listing for hours. Juliette caregivers can begin to
email orders to Juliette Coordinator
23 GSEMA offices and council cupboards closed
for the holidays
January 2024
2 GSEMA offices reopen
4 GSEMA council cookie cupboards open
15 GSEMA offices are closed for MLK Day
February 2024
16-18 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
19 GSEMA offices are closed for Presidents’ Day
March 2024
1 Last day to register Girl Scouts as GSEMA
members for participation in the Cookie
8 Cookie Program ends - All cookie cupboards
close for the season
8 Last day for Digital Cookie Direct Ship orders
April 2024
2 Last day for Girl Scouts to sell/distribute
cookies from 2023-24 inventory
22 Recognitions delivered to council; caregivers
will receive an email from Juliette
Coordinator to schedule a pick up
What cookies do Girl Scouts sell?
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
1. Girl Scouts must be registered for the 2024 membership year.
2. Caregivers must be registered for the 2024 membership year.
3. Caregivers must have a CORI with GSEMA.
4. Caregivers must sign and submit a
Juliette Product Program Agreement and Permission
Form, as well as the Juliette Bank Account Information Form. Cookie payments will be
direct debited from account. The cupboard cannot accept cash or checks.
5. Once all of the above has been completed, Coordinator will send out Cookie Program
materials to the Juliette.
1. Participate individually by working with the council Juliette Coordinator and be placed
within the Juliette council troop.
How It Works:
Juliettes are placed into a council troop specifically for the Cookie Program.
Proceeds are handled differently during the Cookie Program for Juliettes because from a legal
standpoint, the IRS views an individual Girl Scout as a commissioned salesperson if she receives
proceeds on a per box basis.
Juliettes can earn all the individual girl recognitions and Cookie Credits.
The Juliette troop earns $$1.10 per package sold. At the end of the program the proceeds are
split evenly among all the participating Girl Scouts in the troop. Example: There are 5 Girl
Scouts in the troop and the troop proceeds are $100. Each Girl Scout will earn an additional
$20.00 that will be added to their Cookie Credit.
Direct Ship packages are automatically allocated in Smart Cookies.
Cookies picked up at a cupboard will be allocated to a Girl Scout once the order has been paid in full.
Recognitions are delivered to the council Juliette Coordinator who will work out an arrangement for
pick up with caregiver.
Girl Scout Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors can also choose to be placed in the council Opt-Out Troop.
- Juliettes in this troop opt-out of recognitions, but are eligible for cookie credits, theme patch
and the 500 Club recognition event or alternative recognition once the Juliette has achieved the
required milestones in Smart Cookies.
- The Opt-Out Troop earns $1.15 per package.
In addition to recognitions, Juliettes can start to earn Cookie Credit once they have sold 100 packages
of cookies. Credits can be used for GSEMA Programs including camp, GSEMA shops (excluding
online), and for GSEMA or GSUSA Destination programs. Cookie Credits have an expiration date so be
sure to use before they expire! Cookie Credits cannot be replaced if lost or expired.
*Levels are cumulative and calculated independently of one another.
Earnings Tier * Number of Packages
Earning Rate per
Level I 100 199 $0.10
Level II 200 499 $0.15
Level III 500+ packages $0.20
How to Participate in a Council Juliette Troop
Two Ways to Participate in the Cookie Program as a Juliette
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
2. Participate with a troop - proceeds are kept with the troop and the troop should include the
Juliette in program activities.
How to place a Cookie Order How to pay for Cookie Orders
Caregivers should email Girl Delivery and paper
order form cookie orders (not Direct Ship orders)
every Friday by 4 PM for the upcoming week to
council coordinators ([email protected] and
Orders are placed in full cases only; two orders
per month limit
There are no exchanges or returns.
100% of the balance due is expected via
direct debit on the following schedule:
December 19: 100% balance due for order
taken out of the cupboard from December
5 through December 18.
January 19: 100% balance due for orders
taken out of the cupboard from December
19 through January 18.
February 13: 100% balance due for order
taken out of the cupboard from January
19 through February 12.
March 15: 100% balance due for orders
taken out of the cupboard from February
13 to March 8.
Additional orders will not be entered until
prior balance is paid in full.
Email should include Girl Scout’s name,
cupboard location and time that cookies will be
picked up, and how many cases of each flavor.
View a list of cupboard locations.
Juliettes pay $6 per package/$72 per case.
How it works:
Juliettes may sell with a troop at any level.
For cookie order and recognition entry into cookie database the Troop Leader/Troop
Cookie Coordinator must inform the Juliette Cookie Coordinator via email, the name of
the Juliette who is participating with the troop so the Juliette can be added to the troop
roster in Digital Cookie.
The Juliette will receive cookie program materials from Troop Cookie Coordinator.
The Juliette can participate in troop booth sales.
Troop Cookie Coordinator will order cookies for Juliette.
- Caregiver will need to contact Troop Cookie Coordinator for any online Girl Delivered
Orders and paper order card orders so that an order may be placed in Smart Cookies.
The troop might have inventory on hand.
Cookies sold by Juliette count toward the troop earnings.
Payment for cookies is made to the troop.
Juliettes earn recognitions and Cookie Credits
Troop will include Juliette in any program activities earned from the cookie earnings.
Recognitions will be sent to the troop.
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
Paper Order Card
Girl Scouts sell cookies using the paper order card. Girl Scouts can ask
neighbors, friends, and family members to place orders for cookies on
the paper order card. Girl Scouts receive cookies either from cupboard
or troop and hand delivery to customer. GSEMA recommends collecting
customer payment at time of order.
Digitial Cookie
Direct Ship
With the help of their caregiver, Girl Scouts can send emails through
Digital Cookie that contains the link to their online store inviting
friends and family to purchase Girl Scout cookies.
Customer places order, pays online and the cookies are shipped
directly to them.
The Girl Scout will automatically receive credit for the sale in Digital
Digital Cookie
Girl Delivery
Customers can place online orders using the e-card and choose girl
delivery. Caregivers must notify Juliette Coordinator of these orders
so that a Planned Order can be placed for caregiver to pick up at a
If Juliette is working with a troop, caregiver must inform the Troop
Cookie Coordinator so these cookies can be added to the troops next
planned order for pick up at a cupboard.
The Girl Scout will then hand-deliver the order to the customer.
Customer has two payment options: they can pay at time of delivery
by paying with cash or credit card, or pay online at time of order.
Direct Sales
Girl Scout for go’s the order card and instead takes the cookies door to
door. The purchase and payment happen at the same time. Customers
tend to purchase more when they can purchase right away!
Booth Sales
Due to GSEMA’s safety guidelines, Juliette’s are not allowed to hold in-
person booth sales by themselves. Juliette’s can join another troop’s
booth sale or team up with another Juliette. There must always be at
least 2 Girl Scouts and two unrelated GSEMA Registered/GSEMA
CORI’D (1 of whom MUST be female) adults present at a booth sale.
Juliette Girl Scouts are allowed to sell cookies from their private
property/driveway/lawn as long as other non-family Girl Scout members
are NOT present:
Individual Girl Scouts caregivers must check with the city/towns
zoning laws
Booth cannot be set up on the street, sidewalks, street corner, medians
or public property
There is no need for the Girl Scouts Caregiver to fill out a Troop
Activity form or for the homeowner to submit their insurance binder
to GSEMA. But again, no other Girl Scout members can be present.
Ways Juliette Girl Scouts Can Participate
Juliette Cookie Program Guide, December 2023
The only Girl Scout-approved online venue for Girl Scouts to sell Girl Scout Cookies is the Digital Cookie
platform. Girl Scouts cannot sell cookies on other online platforms. However, GSEMA encourages Girl
Scouts and adults to use age-appropriate online tools (such as: social media, email, or blog posts) to
market and promote their cookie sales to friends and family. Remember Girl Scouts, not families, sell
Girl Scout Cookies. Please be sure to stress this important policy with Girl Scouts and their families.
Selling Girl Scout Cookies Online
GSEMA Online Social Media Policy
Girl Scouts and families cannot post cookie sales links on online re-sale sites, such as Craig’s List,
eBay or a Facebook Marketplace. Failure to comply could result in the deactivation of the girl’s
Digital Cookie account.
GSEMA encourages girls to post on a family-and friend-facing webpage such as a private Facebook
page. Girls may also post their sales links on public-facing social media webpages. If girls are
engaging in digital marketing and sales activity beyond friends and family be sure they are
adhering to all Safety Activity Checkpoints for Computer and Internet Use,
Computer Internet
Safety Pledge and Cookie and Product Sales Safety Activity Checkpoints. In addition the following
Supplemental Safety Tips for online marketing apply:
To protect personal identity, NEVER allow Girl Scouts to direct message with people they do
not know online or on social media platforms. Always use the Digital Cookie online sales link
for customer orders.
If a Girl Scout’s sales link is posted on a public facing site, be aware the link is now searchable
by anyone and could potentially appear anywhere on the internet.
Never share personal information (last name, phone number, email or street address).
Never share personal location information.
Promote online safety. Instruct girls never to put their full names or contact information
online, engage in virtual conversation with strangers, or arrange in-person meetings with
online contacts.
If girls are posting on public social media pages such as a town-wide Facebook page please be sure
they are only posting in the town they live. If they would like to post to another town page please
check with the Service Unit Cookie Mentor of that town. Girl Sales links posted on public social
media pages should be for Direct Ship order only.