The GED Mathematics Test
Introduction to Algebra
Margaret A. Rogers, M.A.
ABE/GED Teacher
Adult School Administrator
Education Consultant
California Distance Learning Project
Video Partner
Passing the GED Math Test
Algebra and money are essentially levelers: the first
intellectually, the second effectively.
Simone Weil (1909 - 1943)
Video 38 Focus: how you use algebra to simplify equations and solve for variables.
You Will Learn From Video 38:
! How to use algebra to solve equations.
! How to simplify algebraic expressions.
! How to isolate variables as a rule for solving equations.
! The rules for operations with signed numbers.
! That algebra has a language of its own.
Words You Need to Know:
While viewing the video, put the letter of the meaning by the
correct vocabulary word. Answers are on page 21.
_____1. signed numbers a. statement that two expressions are
_____2. algebra b. letters used to substitute for
_____3. variable c. the set of positive and negative
_____4. equation d. the opposite operation as addition
is to subtraction and multiplication is
to division
_____5. inverse operation e. branch of mathematics
Points to Remember:
Algebra is a branch of
mathematics that uses
rules to strategically
solve for variables.
You need to know
some basic rules of
algebra for the GED
Math Test.
Less than one-fourth
of the GED Math Test
must be solved with
Some of the simple
problems in algebra
can be solved using
basic arithmetic and
logical thinking.
Algebra can be fun!
Introduction to Algebra
Algebra is the branch of mathematics where the object is to use rules strategically to solve for
variables. Algebra has a symbolic language that is used to express relationships. Many of the
same rules and algorithms that we use in arithmetic we also use in algebra. However, in algebra,
these rules are often used to solve equations. Equations are statements that two expressions are
equal. An example of such an equation is:
3 x 8 = _____ x 6
In algebra, we are trying to find out which solution will make both sides of the equation equal.
We are trying to balance the equation. There are many solutions to this equation. A solution will
be any number or expression that can fill the blank to make the right side of the equation equal to
the left. The simplest solution is the number 4. However, we could also fill the blank with
expressions such as (2 + 2) or (9 - 5). After we fill the blank we want to test to make sure that
both sides of the equation are equal.
3 x 8 = _____ x 6
3 x 8 = 4 x 6
24 = 24
In algebra, letters are used to stand for unknown numbers. These letters are called variables. A
variable can stand for a single number or a complete expression. In the example above, we can
replace the blank line with a letter to stand for the variable answers.
3 x 8 = A x 6
On the GED Math Test you will have to simplify equations, solve for variables, and use
operations with signed numbers. There are many other skills that are associated with the
branch of mathematics. However, if you are comfortable with these skills, you will be well on
your way to answering most of the algebra questions correctly.
It is also important to understand the properties that allow you to manipulate an equation as you
simplify or solve for variables. In this Video Partners workbook, you will learn about and
practice with the following properties:
" Commutative properties of addition and multiplication
" Associative properties of addition and multiplication
" Distributive property of multiplication
Although algebra is more abstract than arithmetic, it is important not to be afraid of it. Algebra is
full of step-by-step procedures. If you learn the steps one by one and then systematically apply
them when you are simplifying or solving equations, you will be successful on the algebra
questions on the GED Math Test. And remember, there are only about 10 algebra questions out
of the 50 questions on the GED Math Test.
Balancing Equations
Equations are statements that two expressions are equal. In algebra, often some part of the
equation is missing. The object of solving the equation is to discover what part(s) will balance
the equation and make the two sides equal to one another.
Even though there are certain steps that are recommended to balance equations using the rules of
algebra, it is often possible to balance equations just by using arithmetic skills. In this equation, it
is easy to see that 4 is the only number that will make a true statement.
3 x 8 = A x 6
Using your arithmetic skills, find one number which will balance each of the following
equations. Answers are on page 21.
3 x 8 = _____ + 6 8 x 3 = 48 ÷ _____ _____ - 12 = 6 x 6
1,000 = B 4A = 24 25 = a
2 + 3 x 5 = X - 3 (2 + 3)5 = 50/y _____ = 4
1/2 x 1/3 = k/36 .2 + .2 = ____ % 1 dozen = b x 3
A variable is a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown quantity in an equation or
formula. The value of a variable can change. Sometimes the value is dependent on other
quantities and which quantities are known or unknown in the equation or formula. For example,
the formula for finding the area of a rectangle is A = LW. If the area is known to be 24, there are
several solutions for L and W. If L = 6, W = 4. If L = 8, W = 3. The solution for one variable is
dependent on the value of the other.
Write at least three solutions for the variables in the following formulas:
Answers are on page 21.
A = LW A = 1/2 BH P = 2L + 2W V = LWH
A = 12 A = 24 P = 36 V = 300
____________ ____________ _____________ _____________
____________ ____________ _____________ _____________
____________ ____________ _____________ _____________
Often there is a single solution for a variable. Find the solution for the missing value in the
formulas below:
A = LW L = 10, W = 5 A = _____ C = !D D = 3 C = _____
Operations with Signed Numbers
Before using the basic rules of algebra to solve for variables, it is essential to know how to
perform the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with positive and
negative numbers. Positive numbers are those to the right of zero on the number line. Negative
numbers have values less than zero and are found to the left of zero on the number line.
negative positive
… -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Remember, the number line is a representation of all numbers even though there is not enough
space to write all of the whole numbers, fractions, decimals, etc. They are all theoretically sitting
in their proper place on the number line. Also, the number line is infinite. It extends in both
directions with no end.
Practice this exercise to review your understanding of the number line. Answers are on page 21.
negative positive
… -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
On the number line above:
a. circle zero f. draw a triangle around 10
b. draw a box around -8 g. add 7 3/4 in the correct place
c. add 4.5 in the correct place h. add the next whole number to the left and right
d. put a star above -2 i. add - 2 1/2 in the correct place
e. add -1/2 in the correct place j. shade +9
There are special rules to add, subtract, multiply, and divide signed numbers. These rules are not
difficult, but you must be able to perform these operations with confidence in order to succeed in
When solving algebraic equations, you must be able to move terms from one side of the equals
sign to the other in order to isolate variables. In order to move terms, you will make use of the
rules for operations with signed numbers. You will also be using inverse operations as well.
Inverse operations are the opposite operations. Addition and subtraction are opposites, and
multiplication and division are opposites. Later you will learn to eliminate terms using inverse
However, before we follow the basic rules of algebra to solve equations, we must practice using
the rules for operations with positive and negative numbers. Different math books explain the
rules in slightly different ways, but the result is always the same. Read and practice the rules for
each of the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When you find you
are comfortable with these methods, then you will be ready for the basic rules of algebra.
Operations with Signed Numbers
The Rules
Checks and Bills
Change the sign of the number being subtracted.
Checks and Bills
Multiply ignoring the signs.
Give a sign to the answer: Like signs + Unlike signs -
Divide ignoring the signs.
Give a sign to the answer: Like signs + Unlike signs -
Addition - Checks and Bills
One way to think of the rules for adding signed (positive and negative) numbers is to just think
of checks and bills. An illustration for checks and bills is found in postman stories.
Although my father, who was born in 1908, clearly remembers when the mail was delivered
twice a day, that has not been the case since the 1950s. There is now only one delivery each day;
and yet we still use the phrase, “I’ll put it in the morning mail.” Every day is a new day when
analyzing postman stories.
Answers are on page 21.
On Monday the postman brought two checks, one for $56.00 and one for $10.00. Assuming you
have no other money in the world, what is your financial situation after this delivery?
On Tuesday, the postman brought a check for $25.00 and a bill for $13.00. Assuming you have
no other money in the world, what is your financial situation after this delivery?
On Wednesday, the postman brought two bills. One was for $68.50, and the other was for
$16.00. Assuming you have no other money in the world, what is your financial situation after
this delivery? _______________
On Thursday, the postman brought two checks and one bill. The checks were for $24.75 and
$34.00. The bill was for $100.00. Assuming you have no other money in the world, what is your
financial situation after this delivery? _______________
On Friday, the postman brought three checks and one bill. The checks were for $14.00, $39.50,
and $45.00. The bill was for $64.00. Assuming you have no other money in the world, what is
your financial situation after this delivery? _______________
On Saturday, the postman brought only bills. Alas, there were three of them. There was an
electric bill for $44.50, a magazine subscription for $24.95, and a parking ticket for $6.00.
Assuming you have no other money in the world, what is your financial situation after this
delivery? _______________
There are no mail deliveries on Sunday.
Challenge problem: If every day were not a new day, how much money would you have or owe
at the end of the week? _______________
As adults experienced with money, we may have used different ways to arrive at the total each
day. No matter what we did, including subtraction, we were still adding signed numbers as we
completed this exercise. Continue to practice with some numerical problems:
Add (Checks and Bills):
Note: Any number without a sign is positive (a check).
+36 - 8 +100 -100 +32 60
- 5 -17 - 25 + 25 -17 40
-40 +81 +3 (+17) + (+5) + (-6) + (-2) + 15 = _____
-60 -36 - 7
- 2 12 + (-17) + (+8) + (-75) + (-8) = _____
During the holiday mail season, bills were mounting up for Carrie. She had placed many catalog
orders that were arriving C.O.D. She kept her checkbook right by the front door so she would be
ready to settle the bills and accept the items. On December 10
, she received C.O.D. orders for
$12.64, $39.57, and $19.11. She wrote checks for all of them. The same day, she received a gift
check for $50.00 from her Aunt Tilda. Did she spend more or come out ahead that day? How
much? _________________________________
The rules for subtracting signed numbers are completed in two steps:
1. Change the sign of the number being subtracted.
2. Add (Checks and Bills)
When you are subtracting (-4) from (+16), you would first change the sign of the number being
subtracted (-4). Then add (checks and bills). In this case, you now have two checks.
Subtract: +16 +16
- 4 + 4
Subtract: Answers are on page 22.
-12 +16 +38 +19 -37 -85
+3 -5 +2 -6 +5 -50
+8 +3 +50 75 -75 -75
-3 -8 -2 -60 60 -60
(+6) - (-9) - (+3) - (+7) = _____ (-6) - (+9) - (30) - (-7) = _____
The rules for multiplying signed numbers are completed in two steps:
1. Multiply ignoring the signs.
2. Give a sign to the answer: Like signs + Unlike signs -
Multiply: Answers are on page 22.
(8) (-3) (-3) (-5) (+5) (-11) (+5) (-3)
_______ _______ _______ _______
(-2) (-12) (+3) (-5) (+6) (+8) (-10) (-10)
_______ _______ _______ _______
(-7) (+9) (-20) (+5) (-5) (20) (-9) (+6)
_______ _______ _______ _______
The rules for dividing signed numbers are the same as multiplication and are completed in two
1. Divide ignoring the signs.
2. Give a sign to the answer: Like signs + Unlike signs -
Divide: Answers are on page 22.
(+48) ÷ (-12) (-25) ÷ (-5) (+36) ÷ (-6) (-24) ÷ (+6)
__________ __________ __________ __________
-10 -76 +64 +50 +366
-2 +4 +8 -25 -6
Mixed Practice
Add Subtract Multiply Subtract Add Add Subtract
-16 +12 +50 +38 -17 -12 12
+4 -7 +8 -6 +5 -50 -12
(-35) ÷ (-7) (-2) (+15) (-5) (10) (-18) (+6) 35/-7
____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______
(-100) ÷ (-20) (+50) ÷ (-10) (+9) (-7) 50 + (-3) -100/4
__________ ___________ __________ __________ _____
Measure Up
Calculator Permitted
An acre-foot is a measurement used for irrigation water. It is the amount of water that would
cover an acre of land one foot deep. An acre is equal to 160 square rods. A square rod is equal to
30.25 square yards. Practice your unit conversion skills by answering the following questions.
Answers are on page 22.
How many square yards of water one foot deep are in two acre-feet? _____________________
How many square feet of water one foot deep are in an acre-foot? _____________________
Properties of Operations
Commutative Property of Addition and Multiplication
The commutative property is a law in mathematics that states that the order in which you add
or multiply numbers does not affect the result; for example, 3 + 4 = 4 + 3. In algebra you will use
the commutative property.
a + b = b + a
ab = ba
Associative Property of Addition and Multiplication
The associative property is a law in mathematics that states that when you add or multiply more
than two numbers, you can group the numbers in any order without affecting the result; for
example 3 + (4 + 5) = (3 + 4) + 5. You will use the associative property in algebra.
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
a(bc) = (ab)c
Distributive Property of Multiplication
The distributive property is a law in mathematics that states when a number is multiplied by a
sum written in parentheses, you can find the result by multiplying the number outside the
parentheses by each number in the parentheses and then adding. In other words, you are
distributing the multiplier across all of the terms; for example, 4 x (5+6) = 4 x 5 + 4 x 6 = 20 +
24 = 44. You will use the distributive property in algebra.
a(b + c) = ab + ac
Practice identifying the law of mathematics that is used in each of the following expressions.
Write commutative, associative, or distributive after each expression to show which law is
modeled by the expression. Answers are on page 22.
12 + 13 = 13 + 12 ______________________________ 5(c + d) = 5c + 5d ____________________________
10 x 6 = 6 x 10 _______________________________ x(yz) = (xy)z ________________________________
10 + (8 +9) = (10 + 8) + 9 _______________________ (2 x 3) + (2 x 4) = 2 (3 + 4) ____________________
xy = yx _____________________________________ 4 + 10 = 10 + 4 ______________________________
About Math and Life
Marina was excited about her new home business to wrap gifts and make gift
baskets. She knew starting a new business would require patience. She had to do
marketing and recruit a group of returning customers. She was prepared to have only a small
profit or even take a loss the first year. She set up a spreadsheet to track her expenses and
income. Working with this type of spreadsheet is like adding positive and negative numbers. You
can think of the income as checks and the expenses as bills. Marina’s spreadsheet appears below.
Excel Worksheet
Gifts by Marina 2005
How much of a profit or loss did Marina show during the first year of her business?
Explain whether or not she met her goals and why.
Do you think that Marina will continue her business during the following year. Why or why not
Answers are on page 22.
Isolating Variables and Solving for Unknowns
An equation is a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. Look at the
equation below:
3x + 5 = 35
This equations states that 3x + 5 is equal to 35. In order to solve the equation, you must find the
value for the variable, x, that will make the equation true. Since an equation is like a balance
scale, you can add or subtract the same quantity on both sides of the equation without upsetting
the balance. You can also multiply or divide by the same quantity on both sides of the equation
without upsetting the balance. Remember that whatever you do on one side of the equation, you
must do on the other side to maintain the balance.
Isolating Variables
To solve an equation, you must first isolate the variable. In the equation above, the variable, x, is
part of the term 3x. So you want to isolate that term on the left side of the equals sign. In order to
isolate that term, you must eliminate the other term, + 5. To eliminate terms, use the inverse
operation. An inverse operation is the opposite operation. Addition and subtraction are opposites
Multiplication and division are opposites. Subtract 5 from the left side to eliminate the + 5.
Remember, you also must subtract 5 from the other side.
3x + 5 = 35
- 5 = 35 - 5
3x = 30
Now the term with the variable, x, is isolated on the left side of the equals sign. In order to
solve for the value of x, now eliminate the 3 from the term 3x by using the inverse operation of
multiplication. Divide by 3. Then you must divide the right side by 3 as well.
3x = 30
3 3
x = 10
Substitute 10 into the original equation to check you answer.
3x + 5 = 35
3(10) + 5 = 35
30 + 5 = 35
35 = 35
Solving for Unknowns
Practice these steps to solve for the unknown in the following equations:
a. Use inverse operations to eliminate terms without variables (remember to keep the
equation in balance by performing the same operation on both sides of the equals
b. Isolate the term with the variable on one side of the equals sign.
c. Use inverse operations to eliminate numbers from the term with the variable leaving
just the letter by itself (remember to keep the equation in balance by performing the
same operation on both sides of the equals sign).
d. After finding the value of the variable, plug it into the equation to check your work.
2x + 8 = 30
a. 2x + 8 = 30 b. 2x = 22 c. 2x = 22
2x - 8 = 30 - 8 2 2
x = 11
d. 2x + 8 = 30
2(11) + 8 = 30
22 + 8 = 30
30 = 30
Exercise: Answers are on page 22.
x + 5 = 20 a - 12 = 48 5 = 100 60/y = 12
2x - 8 = 32 2y - 6 = 22 5 = 3y - 28 4q = 48
20 + 5 = 10 16 - z = 12 x + 25 = 100 48 + 2 = 72
Measure Up - It’s Just a Matter of Time
120 seconds = _____ minutes _____ minutes = 3 hours 1 day = _____ hours
1 century = _____ years 3 decades = _____ years 2 years = _____ days
_____ weeks = 2 years 3 weeks = _____ days 3 days = _____ hours
36 months = _____ years 40 minutes = _____ hour 3 months = _____year
Combining Like Terms
Sometimes an equation will contain terms that should be combined before solving the equation.
Any like terms can be combined to simplify the process of solving the equation. In the equation
below, there are examples of like terms that can be combined.
3x + 6 -12 + 4 -x = 16
Before solving this equation, you can combine the terms that contain the variable, x. These are
like terms because they contain the same variable. Remembering the rules for signed numbers,
we know that 3x + (-x) = 2x.
2x + 6 -12 + 4 = 16
Now you can combine the numerical terms that are on the same side of the equals sign. In this
equation, the two positive numbers can be combined to make + 10. Add +10 to -12, and you are
left with -2.
2x - 2 = 16
Now solve the equation using the steps on page 13. Answer is on page 23.
Practice by combining like terms in the following expressions. Answers are on page 23.
5t - 6 + 2t + 3 2xy - xy + 13 + 3 x + x + 5 + 7 + 4x
_______________ _______________ _______________
26 - 35 + c + 5c + 100 3(2x - 4) + 6 - 2x 15" + 16 + " - 12
_______________ _______________ _______________
Now practice solving more complex equations by combining like terms and then following the
other rules:
" Combine like terms on each side of the equals sign.
" Isolate the term with the variable on one side of the equals sign.
" Use inverse operations to solve for the variable.
" Check your answer.
12x + 13 = 74 6x + 7 = 37 x + x + 5 + 2x = 25
8y - 4y + 12 = 33 8(k - 3) = 5k + 3 5z + 4z - 10 = 35
Out into Space
3 3
Circle Up
Write four 1’s and three 2’s in the circles so that no three numbers that are next to each other
have a sum that is divisible by three. Answers are on page 23.
Circle Up courtesy of Alva Carlson, adapted from Ted Lewis
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
In some algebra problems, the value of the variable(s) is given, and students are asked to
evaluate or find the value of the expression. For example, if a = 2, the value of a + 5 = 7. To
evaluate an algebraic expression, substitute the value of the variable(s) into the expression and
perform the necessary operations.
If a = 2, then a + 5 = _____
2 + 5 = 7
If x = 3 and y = 10, evaluate the following expressions. Answers are on page 23.
x + y = _____ y - x = _____ xy = _____ y/x = _____
2x + 3y = _____ 3(x + y) = _____ x
= _____ y
= _____
- x
= _____ (y
) (x
) = _____ xy +15 = x(y - x) = _____
If a = 6, b = 4, and c = 8, evaluate the following expression: ab + ac + b/c = _____
Algebra Word Problems
Some word problems can be solved by setting up an algebraic equation and then solving for all
or part of the answer. Sometimes word problems seem very confusing, and algebra will help you
set them up for solution. Here is an example of such a problem:
This year Andrew is two years less than twice his brother’s age. Their combined ages are equal
to 22. How old are the boys?
Let x = the brother’s age
Let 2x - 2 = Andrew’s age
Now set up the equation to solve for x, the brother’s age.
x + 2x - 2 = 22
3x - 2 = 22
+2 = 22 + 2
3x = 24
3 3
x = 8
Andrew’s brother is 8, so Andrew is 14.
It is important to practice setting up the proper equation to solve algebra word problems. You
will definitely see algebra word problems on all forms of the GED Math Test. Practice setting up
equations for the following questions. Answers are on page 23.
1. Stan and Oliver have a lawn-mowing business. If Stan earns $3.00 for every $1.00 that
Oliver earns, how much is Oliver’s share for the day that they earned $75.00?
2. The length of a rectangle is twice the width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 24 inches,
what is the length of the rectangle?
3. The swim team sold tickets to their skit night to earn money to go to the finals in another
city that was 200 miles away. They sold four adult tickets for each child’s ticket. If they
sold 155 tickets, how many adults bought tickets?
4. Stella’s sock drawer contains 30 pairs of socks. There are 3 times less 2 the number of
pink socks than blue socks. How many pairs of pink socks and blue socks does Stella
Algebra Review
Answers are on page 24.
+3 + (-12) = (-3) + (-4) = (-6) + (4) + (-2) + (+8) + (-4) =
+3 - (-5) = (-16) - (-35) = (-4) - (+27) = 67 - (-60) =
(-3)(+6) = (-6)(-3) = (8)(+10) = (9)(-7) =
36/-12 = 100 -225 ÷ -5 = (-16)/(+4) =
If a = 2, b = 6, and c = 7, evaluate the following expressions:
ab - c = _____ a + b + c = _____ bc/a = _____ a + b - c = _____
a(b + c) = _____ c
- ab = _____ c + ab = _____ abc = _____
(-a)(c) = _____ b + a
= _____ bc ÷ -a = _____ abc = _____
Simplify by Combining Like Terms:
6x - 5x + 5 - 2 7xy + 4xy + x + y - 2y 3a
+ a
- 2 + 8 - 4 s + 6 + 6s + 6 - 2s
____________ __________________ _______________ _______________
6k + 7 = 37 6x - 16 = 56 7(y - 2) = 21 11q + 12 = 9q - 32
Suki and Mei Li worked out at the gym together and jumped rope for aerobic exercise. Suki
jumped for several minutes, but Mei Li was able to jump 12 minutes longer. Together
they jumped for one hour and six minutes. How many minutes did Suki jump? Write
an equation and solve it. Show your work.
Mei Li
Strategy Session
Analyze Method for Solution
For some of the questions on the GED Math Test, the answer choices will not be the solution, but
rather the method to find the solution. About 10 of the 50 questions will require the test taker to
choose the method for solving the problem.
Before taking the GED Math Test, it is important to practice writing how to solve problems. For
example, look at the following sample question.
Bradley and Marcia walked to school each day in the morning. The walk was 12 blocks long.
After school, Marcia took the same route home. Bradley walked four blocks to the dime
store, back to the school, and home the same route as in the morning. How many blocks did
the children walk altogether? What is the correct solution?
1) (2 x 12) + 12 + (4 + 4)
2) (12 + 12) - 8 + 12
3) (3)(12) - 8
4) (3)(12) + 8 ÷ 2
5) (4)12 + 8
Use some of the other strategies that you know to select the best method to solve the problem.
" Look for key words.
" Remember order of operations.
" Keep in mind the properties of operations.
" Eliminate incorrect choices.
To answer the questions above, look at the key word altogether. It is italicized to show its
importance. That word lets you know you are going to be adding. Therefore, choices 2), 3), and
4) are not correct because they use the operations of subtraction and division. Now analyze
choices 1) and 5) to see which one best describes the situation in the problem. Choice 1) leaves
out one of the 12-block legs of one of the children. Therefore 5) is the correct answer.
Often the problems that require algebra will just require that you choose the correct set-up for
the equation, and you will not have to solve the equation to find the correct answer. Here is an
example of an algebra problem.
Which of the following expressions could be used to find 212 plus the sum of d - 4c?
1) (d - 4c) - 212
2) 212 + (d - 4c)
3) -212 + (4c + d)
4) 212 + 4cd
5) 212(d - 4c)
The key word is plus, so you know you must add. This time it is not pointed out as a key word.
Only choices 2), 3), and 4) have addition. Of those, only choice 2) contains d-4c. It is correct.
Practice choosing the correct method to solve each problem below. Underline the key word(s) in
each problem before you make a choice. Answers are on page 24.
1. Belinda works for a factory that manufactures cameras. She can inspect 12 cameras in her
6 hour shift. Which expression shows how to find how many cameras (C) she could
inspect if she increased her shift to 8 hours?
1) C = (12)(6)
2) 12/6 = C/8
3) C = (12)(8)
4) 12(6 + 8) = C
5) C = 6(12)/8
2. The Green Guys Landscapers were hired to make a circular garden for Mrs. Peters. She
wanted the circle to be 12 feet across the center. Which expression shows how to find the
measurement for the circumference of the new garden?
1) (3.14)6
2) (3.14)6
3) (3.14)12
4) (3.14)12
5) (3.14)
3. LuAnn and Billy had a backyard business making birdhouses. They bought the
birdhouses and then painted and decorated them for sale. They bought each birdhouse for
$5.00 and sold each one for $11.00. If they sold 40 houses last year, which expression
shows how much money they made?
1) (11 - 5)40
2) 40(11 + 5)
3) (11 - 5) ÷ 40
4) (11 + 5) ÷ 40
5) 11 x 40
4. Two angles of a scalene triangle measure 95 degrees and 50 degrees. Which expression
could be used to find the measurement of the third angle?
1) 360 - (95 + 50)
2) 360 - (95 - 50)
3) 180 - (95 - 50)
4) 180 - (95 + 50)
5) 90 + 95 + 50
Analyze Method for Solution
GED Exercise
1. If x = 7, and y = 10, what is the value
of the expression xy - (y + 2)?
1) 71
2) 66
3) 58
4) 50
5) 5
2. Max has a brother who is four years
more than twice his age. If their
combined ages equal 37, how old is
1) 29
2) 22
3) 15
4) 11
5) 10 Max
3. Which of the following expressions
is the simplified form of
3t - 5t + 16 - 9?
1) 8t + 25
2) 2t + 25
3) 8t + 7
4) 15t -7
5) -2t + 7
4. Carl and Jim participated in a
walkathon to raise money for a
medical charity. Carl raised $15 for
every mile he walked. How many
miles did he walk if he raised
1) 10 miles Jim
2) 11.5 miles
3) 12 miles
4) 15 miles
5) 17 miles
5. The geometry teacher drew a right
triangle on the board and labeled one
of the angles 50 degrees. What is the
measure of the other two angles?
1) 90 degrees and 60 degrees
2) 40 degrees and 80 degrees
3) 40 degrees and 90 degrees
4) 90 degrees and 45 degrees
5) not enough information is given
6. Levi took three tests in his
geography class and scored 85, 72,
and 78. He needed to have an
average of 80 to get a B in the class.
What minimun score did he need on
the fourth and last test?
1) 95
2) 91
3) 90
4) 89
5) 85
7. A grocer stocks cans of vegetables
on a shelf. The peas are in cans that
have a circular bottom with an area
of 9.42 square inches and hold 56.52
cubic inches. How tall are the cans?
1) 3 inches
2) 6 inches
3) 9 inches
4) 10 inches
5) 11 inches
Answers and Explanations
Words You Need to Know page 2
1. c.
2. e.
3. b.
4. a.
5. d.
Balancing Equations page 4
18 2 48
B = 10,000 A = 6 a = 5
X = 20 y = 2 16
k = 6 40 b = 4
L = 12, W = 1 B = 6, H = 8 L = 10, W = 8 L = 15, W = 10, H = 2
L = 4, W = 3 B = 4, H = 12 L = 14, W = 4 L = 10, W = 7.5, H = 4
L = 6, W = 2 B = 3, H = 16 L = 11, W = 7 L = 10, W = 6, H = 5
Other solutions are possible.
A = 50 C = 9.42
Operations with Signed Numbers page 5
negative -1/2 positive 7 3/4
-13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
-2.5 4.5
Operations with Sign Numbers
Addition - Checks and Bills pages 6 and 7
Monday $66.00
Tuesday $12.00
Wednesday owe $84.50
Thursday owe $41.25
Friday owe $34.50
Saturday $75.45
Challenge owe $88.70
+31 -25 +75 -75 +15 100
-100 +45 +2 +29
Subtraction page 8
-15 +21 +36 +25 -42 -35
+11 +11 +52 +135 -135 -15
+5 -38
Multiplication page 8
-24 +15 -55 -15
+24 -15 +48 +100
-63 -100 -100 -54
Division page 9
-4 +5 -6 -4
+5 -19 +8 -2 -61
Mixed Practice page 9
-12 +19 +400 +44 -12 -62 +24
+5 -30 -50 -108 -5
+5 -5 -63 -47 -25
Measure Up page 9
9,680 square yards
43,560 square feet
Properties of Operations page 10
commutative property of addition distributive property of multiplication
commutative property of multiplication associative property of multiplication
associative property of addition distributive property of multiplication
commutative property of multiplication commutative property of addition
About Math and Life page 11
Marina made a profit of $98.00
Marina met her goal because she was prepared to make only a small profit or even take a loss.
Answers will vary.
Solving for Unknowns page 13
x = 15 a = 60 = 20 y = 5
x = 20 y = 14 y = 11 q = 12
x = 4 z = 4 x = 75 = 12
Measure Up page 13
2 180 24
100 30 730
104 21 72
3 2/3 1/4
Combining Like Terms page 14
2x - 2 = 16
2x = 18
x = 9
7t - 3 xy + 16 6x + 12
6c + 91 4x - 6 16! + 4
Solving Equations page 14
12x + 14 = 74 6x + 7 = 37 x + x + 5 + 2x = 25
12x = 60 6x = 30 4x + 5 = 25
x = 5 x = 5 4x = 20
x = 5
8y - 4y + 13 = 33 8(k - 3) = 5k + 3 5z + 4z - 10 = 35
4y + 13 = 33 8k - 24 = 5k + 3 9z - 10 = 35
4y = 20 3k = 27 9z = 45
y = 5 k = 9 z = 5
Out into Space page 15
Other solutions may be possible.
3 3
1 1
1 3
2 2
1 2
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions page 15
13 7 30 3 1/3
36 39 9 100
91 900 45 21
72 1/2
Algebra Word Problems page 16
$18. 75
8 inches
22 pink and 8 blue
Algebra Review page 17
-9 -7 0
+8 +19 -31
-18 +18 80
-3 -4 45
5 15 21 1
26 37 19 84
-14 150 -21 -42
x + 3 11xy + x + 3y 4a
+ 2 5s + 12
k = 5 x = 12 y = 5 q = -10
x + x + 12 = 66
2x + 12 = 66
2x = 54
x = 27 Mei Li
x + 12 = 39
Suki jumped for 39 minutes.
Strategy Session page 19
l. increased
2. circumference
3. how much money
4. third angle
GED Exercise page 20
l. 3)
2. 4)
3. 5)
4. 3)
5. 3)
6. 5)
7. 2)