Intel® Software Guard
Extensions (Intel® SGX)
Data Center Attestation
Primitives: ECDSA Quote
Library API
Rev Production
August, 2023
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives: ECDSA
Quote Library API
© Intel Corporation
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Terminology ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Overview ............................................................................................................................................6
2.1. Intel® SGX ECDSA Quote Generation Library ..................................................................... 6
2.2. Intel® SGX ECDSA Quoting Verification Library Overview ................................................... 7
3. Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Libraries ...........................................................................................8
3.1. Quote Generation Library API’s ...................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Process Model .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.2. Set Enclave Load Policy ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.3. Get QE Target Info ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.4. Get Quote Size ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.5. Get Quote ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.6. Cleanup Enclaves by Policy .................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.7. Set Quote Generation Enclave and Dependent Library Directory Paths ........................... 15
3.1.8. Register a Logging Function with SGX and DCAP Libraries .................................................... 16
3.2. Enclave Loading ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1. Enclave Launch Policy Implications ................................................................................................. 17
3.3. Quote Library Dependent APIs .................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1. Platform Quote Provider Library ....................................................................................................... 18 Initialize and Cleanup the platform quote provider library .......................................... 18 Get PCK Certification Information ........................................................................................... 19 Free PCK Certification Information ......................................................................................... 21 Store Persistent Data ..................................................................................................................... 21 Retrieve Persistent Data .............................................................................................................. 22 Get SGX Quote Verification Collateral ..................................................................................... 23 Get SGX Quote Verification Collateral with Request Parameters................................ 25 Free SGX Quote Verification Collateral .................................................................................. 27 Get TDX Quote Verification Collateral .................................................................................... 27 Free TDX Quote Verification Collateral .................................................................................. 29 Get Quote Verification Enclave Identity (QVEIdentity) .................................................. 30 Free Quote Verification Enclave Identity .............................................................................. 31 Get the Root CA CRL ....................................................................................................................... 32
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
- 2 - Free the Root CA CRL .................................................................................................................... 33 Register a Logging Function with the Platform Quote Provider Library ................. 33 Clear local cache files ..................................................................................................................... 34 Get default platform policy for appraisal engine ............................................................... 34 Free default platform policy ....................................................................................................... 35
3.3.2. Intel® SGX Enclave Loading Library ................................................................................................ 36
3.4. Deployment Tool for PCK Certificate Chain Retrieval for Intel® SGX DCAP ............... 36
3.5. Key Derivations ................................................................................................................................. 36
3.5.1. QE_ID Derivation ....................................................................................................................................... 36
3.5.2. ECDSA Attestation Key Derivation .................................................................................................... 37 ECDSA Attestation Key Derivation using QE Seal Key (Intel® SGX DCAP Solution)
3.6. Quote Verification Library ............................................................................................................. 38
3.6.1. Set Enclave Load Policy .......................................................................................................................... 38
3.6.2. Verify Quote ................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.6.3. Get Quote Verification Supplemental Size ...................................................................................... 44
3.6.4. Get latest supplemental data version and size ............................................................................. 45
3.6.5. Verify Quote Unified Version ............................................................................................................... 46
3.6.6. Get Quote Verification Collateral........................................................................................................ 50
3.6.7. Free Quote Verification Collateral ..................................................................................................... 51
3.6.8. Extract FMSPC from Quote ................................................................................................................... 52
3.6.9. Verify Quote with Supplemental Data.............................................................................................. 53
3.6.10. Get QvE Identity Structure .................................................................................................................... 54
3.6.11. Free QvE Identity Structure ................................................................................................................. 56
3.6.12. Set Quote Verification Enclave and Dependent Library Directory Paths .......................... 57
3.7. Using Supplemental Data in Trust Decisions .......................................................................... 57
3.8. Enclave Identity Checking .............................................................................................................. 58
3.9. Trusted Verification Library ......................................................................................................... 59
3.9.1. QvE Report Verification and Identity Check.................................................................................. 59
A. Data Structures ............................................................................................................................. 62
A.1. Quote Library Data Structures ..................................................................................................... 62
A.2. Core Generic Quote Wrapper Structures .................................................................................. 62
A.3. Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Wrapper Structures ......................................................................... 63
A.4. Quote Format ...................................................................................................................................... 67
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ECDSA Quote Library API
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B. Result Code Mappings ................................................................................................................. 73
B.1. Quote Verification Result Mapping (sgx_ql_qv_result_t) ..................................................... 73
B.2. Quote Libraries API Return Result Mapping (quote3_error_t) ........................................ 73
C. Sample Sequence Diagrams ...................................................................................................... 76
C.1. Sample Quote Generation Sequence Diagram for the Intel® SGX DCAP APIs ............. 76
C.2. Deployment Phase PCK Retrieval Sequence Diagram ......................................................... 76
C.3. QvE Based Quote Verification Sequence Diagram................................................................. 77
C.4. Non-QvE Based Quote Verification Sequence Diagram ....................................................... 79
C.5. TCB Recovery Intel Activity Diagram Quote Verification Collateral ........................... 79
4. Disclaimer and Legal Information ......................................................................................... 81
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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1. Introduction
Attestation is a process of demonstrating that a software executable has been properly instantiated on a
platform. The Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) attestation allows a remote party to ensure
that a particular software is securely running within an enclave on an Intel® SGX enabled platform.
This specification describes the API surface for the libraries that allows the software to both generate an
attestation evidence for an Intel® SGX enclave of an application and to verify that attestation evidence.
The Intel® Software Guard Extensions Data Center Attestation Primitives (Intel® SGX DCAP) version of the
libraries generate the attestation evidence using an ECDSA Attestation Key to sign an identity Report of
an Intel® SGX enclave of an application. The signed Report is called an attestation Quote. The ECDSA
Attestation key is created and owned by the owner of the remote attestation infrastructure but is certified
by an Intel® SGX rooted key whose certificate is distributed by Intel®. The Intel® SGX rooted certificate
proves that the platform running the Intel® SGX enclave is valid and in good standing.
SGX Quote
Data structure used to provide proof to an off-platform
entity that an application enclave is running with Intel®
SGX protections on a trusted Intel® SGX enabled
Report (EREPORT)
Hardware report generated by the Intel® SGX HW that
provides identity and measurement information of the
enclave and the platform. It can be MAC’d with a key
available to another enclave on the same platform.
Quoting Enclave (QE)
Intel signed enclave that is trusted by the attestation
infrastructure owner to sign and issue Quotes or
attestations about other enclaves.
Quote Verification Enclave (QvE)
Intel signed enclave that is trusted by the attestation
infrastructure owner to verify Intel generated Quotes.
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Signing cryptographic algorithm as described in FIPS 186-
Attestation Key (AK)
Key used by the Quoting Enclave (QE) to sign Quotes that
describe the measurements and identity of an
application enclave.
Provisioning Certification Enclave (PCE)
Intel® SGX architectural enclave that uses a Provisioning
Certification Key (PCK) to sign QE REPORT structures for
Provisioning or Quoting Enclaves. These signed REPORTS
contain the ReportData indicating that attestation keys
or provisioning protocol messages are created on
genuine hardware.
Provisioning Certification Key (PCK)
Signing key available to the Provisioning Certification
Enclave for signing certificate-like QE REPORT structures.
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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The key is unique to a processor package or platform
instance, the HW TCB, and the PCE version (PSVN).
Provisioning Certification Key Certificate
(PCK Cert)
The x.509 Certificate chain signed and distributed by Intel
for every Intel® SGX enabled platform. This certificate is
used by Quote verifiers to verify that the QE generating
quotes is valid and running on a trusted Intel® SGX
platform at a particular PSVN. It matches the private
key generated by the PCE.
Platform Provisioning ID (PPID)
Provisioning ID for a processor package or platform
instance. PPID is not TCB dependent.
Security Version Number (SVN)
Version number that indicates when security relevant
updates occurred. New versions can have increased
functional versions without incrementing the SVN.
Platform Security Version Numbers
Set of SVNs for all components in the Intel® SGX
attestation Trusted Computing Base (TCB) including the
Enclave Page Cache (EPC)
Amount of memory on the platform allocated to enclave
code and data storage.
Intel® SGX Provisioning TCB
Trusted Computing Base of Intel® SGX provisioning that
includes the platform HW TCB and the PCE SVN.
Identifies the version of the PCE used to generate the PPID
and PCK signing key.
Intel® Software Guard Extensions Data Center Attestation
Launch Enclave. Generates the launch token needed to
load and initialize another enclave. The LE does not need
a launch token to load but its signing key (MRSIGNER)
must match the CPU configuration. See more in the
Launch Control documents.
Flexible Launch Control. An Intel® SGX feature that
allows arbitrary LE to generate Launch Tokens. The
default Launch Control Policy adheres Intel® SGX client
based Launch Policy List. FLC exposes a set of MSRs that
allow a platform owner to change the default LE
MRSINGER to a different MRSIGNER to enable LE to
generate Launch Tokens. Not all platforms or all BIOSs
support FLC.
Table 1-1: Terminology
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ECDSA Quote Library API
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2. Overview
Before an application enclave can be trusted by an off-platform entity, the application must prove that
its enclave is running with Intel® SGX protections on an Intel® SGX platform in good standing. Once
trusted, the off-platform entity or a relying party can provide secrets or trusted services. Each enclave
can generate a hardware rooted identity REPORT MAC’d with a symmetric key that another enclave on
the same platform can then verify. This is called an Intel® SGX Report based local attestation. This
REPORT can then be verified and signed by an asymmetric private key owned by a special enclave called
the Quoting Enclave (QE). The QE is running on the same platform as the application enclave. The
resulting data structure is called a Quote and the asymmetric signing key is called an attestation key.
Any relying parties that have access to a public portion of the attestation key can check the Quote
signature, the application enclave identity and the TCB of the platform to establish trust in the
application enclave.
Intel will develop a libraries for the Linux* OS based software that will generate quotes for application
enclaves as well as verify those quotes for a verifier. These libraries will not depend on any specific
platform software, such as the Intel® SGX PSW, but will rely on a set of APIs provided by the
environment in which the library runs. This will allow the libraries to load the Intel signed enclaves
required to generate the quotes and to verify the quotes. This allows the libraries to be designed and
distributed to work in different environments. For example, they can be linked into the Intel® SGX
PSW AESM or they can exist in another system service. They can also be linked as a part of an
application allowing them to run in the application process. See section Quote Library Dependent APIs
for the dependent system APIs.
2.1. Intel® SGX ECDSA Quote Generation Library
The ECDSA Quoting library contains an ECDSA-based Quoting Enclave (QE) that uses a FIPS 186-4 and
RFC 6090 compliant algorithm to generate a 256 bit ECC signing key. The key is on the p256 curve. The
QE is developed and signed by Intel.
The ECDSA attestation key generated by the QE needs to be certified by an Intel® SGX key rooted to the
platform HW fuses. Intel develops and signs an enclave called the Provisioning Certification Enclave
(PCE). The key generated by the PCE to certify (sign) attestation keys is rooted to the CPU HW fuses.
This key is called the Provisioning Certification Key (PCK) private key. Intel will also generate and
publish a public key that matches the signing key (PCK) generated by the PCE. The public key is
published as an X.509 certificate format called the Provision Certification Key Certificate (PCK Cert).
The PCE will provide an interface to retrieve the PCK Certificate identifier (EncPPID+TCB+PCEID) used by
a verifier to find the matching PCK Cert. The PCE also provides a mechanism to sign another enclave
(i.e. QE) REPORT using the PCK private key. For Intel® SGX DCAP, the QE will generate the ECDSA
Attestation Key (AK) and include a hash of the AK in the QE.REPORT.ReportData. Only the PCE can
produce the PCK private key. This PCE certification data will ultimately be embedded in the ECDSA
Quote generated by the QE. The AK is then used to signed application enclave Reports to prove that the
enclave is running with Intel® SGX protections at a given TCB. This is called the ECDSA Quote. The
Attestation infrastructure owner can verify the ECDSA attestation key using the PCK Certificate. The
Intel® SGX DCAP ECDSA Quoting Library described in this document will be shipped with the PCE library
and will use the PCE APIs internally. The applications will use the APIs described in this document to
generate Quotes for its enclave.
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ECDSA Quote Library API
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2.2.Intel® SGX ECDSA Quoting Verification Library Overview
The Intel® SGX ECDSA Quote Verification Library contains a Quote Verification Enclave (QvE) that can
verify the Quote generated by the ECDSA-based Quoting Enclave (QE). The QvE is developed and
signed by Intel.
The Intel SGX ECDSA Quote Verification Library also supports quote verification without using the QvE.
But the results cannot be cryptographically verified. This model supports quote verification on a non-
SGX platform.
The Intel® SGX ECDSA Quote Verification Library may be wrapped by a ‘usage’ library to meet the
requirements for a particular usage. These usages may be for Intel® SGX DCAP or the Intel® SGX AESM.
In those cases, the library released may need to be dynamically or statically linked by the ‘usage’. The
applications will use the APIs described in this document to verify Quotes generated for an enclave.
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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3. Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Libraries
3.1. Quote Generation Library API’s
This chapter presents a set of C-like APIs that allow applications to request an ECDSA Quote. The Intel®
SGX DCAP usage exposes a set of quote generation APIs that simplify the quoting interface to support a
single ECDSA attestation key specific to that platform.
This library is delivered as a dynamically linked library (.so).
3.1.1. Process Model
There are 2 process modes available for Quote Generation Library. The default mode is in-process mode
where the Quote Generation Library and its dependencies will be loaded into the application’s process.
In this mode, the application can use the enclave load policies described in Set Enclave Load Policy and
Cleanup Enclaves by Policy. Another mode is the out-of-process mode. To use this mode, users need to
create an environment variable, SGX_AESM_ADDR, before loading the Quote Generation Library to
switch to out-of-process mode. In this mode, the SGX AESM service installed with the Intel SGX Platform
Software will manage the loading and unloading of QE and PCE. As a result, APIs related to the enclave
load policy described in 3.1.2 and Cleanup Enclaves by Policy are not available in the out-of-process
mode. Multiple applications that use Quote Generation Library in out-of-process mode share one
instance of QE and PCE in memory. To switch between these 2 modes, users need to reload the Quote
Generation Library.
3.1.2. Set Enclave Load Policy
When the Quoting Library is linked to a process, it needs to know the proper enclave loading policy.
The library may be linked with a long-lived process, such as a service, where it can load the enclaves and
leave them loaded (persistent). This better ensures that the enclave interfaces are available upon
quote requests and not subject to Intel® SGX memory (EPC) limitations when loaded on demand.
However, if the Quoting library is linked within an application process, there may be many applications
with the Quoting library and a better utilization of EPC is to load and unload the enclaves on demand
(ephemeral). The library will be shipped with a default policy of loading enclaves and leaving them
loaded until the library is unloaded (SGX_QL_PERSISTENT).
If the policy is set to SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, then the QE and PCE are loaded and unloaded on demand.
If an enclave is already loaded when the policy is changed to SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, the enclaves are
unloaded before returning.
This function only works when the Quote Generation Library is linked into the application process. If
the platform is configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation (i.e. the
environment variable "SGX_AESM_ADDR" is set), the API will return SGX_QL_UNSUPPORTED_MODE.
quote3_error_t sgx_qe_set_enclave_load_policy(sgx_ql_request_policy_t policy);
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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Sets the requested enclave loading policy to SGX_QL_PERSISTENT, SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, or
Return Values
Successfully set the enclave loading policy for the quoting library's enclaves.
Selected policy is not supported by the quoting library.
Unexpected error occurred.
The platform has been configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation.
3.1.3. Get QE Target Info
This API allows the calling code to retrieve the target info of the QE. The loading of the QE and the PCE
follows the selected loading policy. The application enclave uses the returned QE target info when
generating its Report.
During this API execution, the Quoting Library generates and certifies the attestation key. The key and
certification data is stored in process memory for the sgx_qe_get_quote_size() and sgx_qe_get_quote()
APIs to use. Generating and certifying the keys at this point make the following APIs more efficient. If
the following APIs return the SGX_QL_ATT_KEY_NOT_INITIALIZED error, this API needs to be called again
to regenerate and recertify the key.
quote3_error_t sgx_qe_get_target_info(sgx_target_info_t *p_target_info);
p_target_info [Out]
Pointer to the buffer that contains the QE target information. This is used by an application
enclave to generate a REPORT verifiable by the QE. Must not be NULL.
Return Values
Retrieved the p_target_info.
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p_target_info must not be NULL.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
Unable to load the enclaves required to initialize the attestation key. Could be due to file I/O
error or some other loading infrastructure errors.
Heap memory allocation error occurred in a library or an enclave.
Not enough EPC memory to load one of the enclaves needed to complete this operation.
Failed to generate and certify the attestation key. Typically, this may happen if the TCB used to
request PCE signing is higher than the platform TCB.
Enclave is lost after power transition or used in a child process created by linux:fork().
The platform quote provider library doesn't have the platform certification data for this platform.
Can't open SGX device. This error happens only when running in out-of-process mode.
Indicates AESM didn't respond or the requested service is not supported. This error happens only
when running in out-of-process mode.
Network connection or proxy setting issue is encountered. This error happens only when running
in out-of-process mode.
The request to out-of-process service has timed out. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
The requested service is temporarily not available. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
Unsupported attestation key ID.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
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ECDSA Quote Library API
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3.1.4. Get Quote Size
The application needs to call this API before generating a quote. The quote size varies depending on the
type of certification data used to describe how the ECDSA AK is certified. Once the application calls
this API, it uses the returned p_quote_size in bytes to allocate a buffer to hold the quote. A pointer to
this allocated buffer is provided to the sgx_qe_get_quote() API.
If the key is not available, this API returns an error (SGX_QL_ATT_KEY_NOT_INITIALIZED). In this case,
you must call sgx_qe_get_target_info() to re-generate and re-certify the attestation key.
The size returned in this API indicates the size of the quote buffer required in the sgx_qe_get_quote()
quote3_error_t sgx_qe_get_quote_size(
uint32_t *p_quote_size)
Pointer to the size of the buffer in bytes required to contain the full quote. This value is passed
in to the sgx_qe_get_quote() API. You need to allocate a buffer large enough to contain the
Return Values
Successfully calculated the required quote size. The required size in bytes is returned in the
memory pointed to by p_quote_size.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
Invalid parameter. p_quote_size must not be NULL.
Platform quoting infrastructure does not have the attestation key available to generate quotes.
Call sgx_qe_get_target_info() again.
Data returned by the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_get_quote_config() is invalid (see
section Platform Quote Provider Library).
Not enough EPC memory to load one of the quote library enclaves needed to complete this
Heap memory allocation error occurred in a library or an enclave.
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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Unable to load one of the quote library enclaves required to initialize the attestation key. Could
be due to file I/O error or some other loading infrastructure errors.
Enclave is lost after power transition or used in a child process created by linux:fork().
Certification data retrieved from the platform quote provider library is invalid.
The platform quote provider library doesn't have the platform certification data for this platform.
Can't open SGX device. This error happens only when running in out-of-process mode.
Indicates AESM didn't respond or the requested service is not supported. This error happens only
when running in out-of-process mode.
Network connection or proxy setting issue is encountered. This error happens only when running
in out-of-process mode.
The request to out-of-process service has timed out. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
The requested service is temporarily not available. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
Unsupported attestation key ID.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
3.1.5. Get Quote
Finally, the application calls this API to generate a quote. The function takes the application enclave
REPORT as input and converts it into a quote once the QE verifies the REPORT. Once verified, it signs it
with the ECDSA AK of the Intel® SGX DCAP QE. If the key is not available, this API returns an error
(SGX_QL_ATT_KEY_NOT_INITIALIZED). In this case, call sgx_qe_get_target_info() to re-generate and
re-certify the attestation key.
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For Intel® SGX DCAP, the Quote.Header.UserData[0..15] (see Quote_Format) contains the 128bit
platform identifier (QE_ID) based on the QE Seal Key at TCB 0 (see QE_ID Derivation). This allows the
attestation infrastructure to link a quote generated on the platform with the platform PCK Cert.
To allow the application to remain agnostic to the type of the attestation key used generate the quote,
the application should not try to parse the quote.
quote3_error_t sgx_qe_get_quote(
const sgx_report_t *p_app_report,
uint32_t quote_size
uint8_t *p_quote);
p_app_report [In]
Pointer to the application enclave REPORT that requires a quote. The report needs to be
generated using the QE target info returned by the sgx_qe_get_target_info() API. Must not be
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer that p_quote points to (in bytes).
p_quote [Out]
Pointer to the buffer that will contain the generated quote. Must not be NULL.
Return Values
Successfully generated the quote.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
Invalid parameter.
Platform quoting infrastructure does not have the attestation key available to generate quotes.
Call init_quote() again.
Data returned by the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_get_quote_config() is invalid.
Not enough EPC memory to load one of the Architecture Enclaves needed to complete this
Heap memory allocation error occurred in a library or an enclave.
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Unable to load the enclaves required to initialize the attestation key. Could be due to file I/O
error or some other loading infrastructure errors.
Enclave was lost after power transition or used in a child process created by linux:fork().
Report MAC check failed on an application report.
The platform quote provider library doesn't have the platform certification data for this platform.
Can't open SGX device. This error happens only when running in out-of-process mode.
Indicates AESM didn't respond or the requested service is not supported. This error happens only
when running in out-of-process mode.
Network connection or proxy setting issue is encountered. This error happens only when running
in out-of-process mode.
The request to out-of-process service has timed out. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
The requested service is temporarily not available. This error happens only when running in out-
of-process mode.
Unsupported attestation key ID.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
3.1.6. Cleanup Enclaves by Policy
This method is primarily a hint for the Quote library that it can release the QE and the PCE it cached for
efficiency. In the mainline case, sgx_qe_get_targetinfo(), sgx_qe_get_quote_size(), and
sgx_qe_get_quote() are called in succession. If the Quote library keeps the enclaves loaded between
sgx_qe_get_targetinfo() and sgx_qe_get_quote_size(), they may not be unloaded if the process using
the quote library fails prior to sgx_qe_get_quote(). sgx_cleanup_qe_by_policy() informs the Quote
Library that it should clean up the QE and the PCE since it cannot depend on the sgx_qe_get_quote() to
unload them. If SGX_QE_PERSISTENT is the default policy, it can choose to no-op.
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
ECDSA Quote Library API
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This function only works when the Quote Generation Library is linked into the application process. If
the platform is configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation (i.e. the
environment variable "SGX_AESM_ADDR" is set), the API will return SGX_QL_UNSUPPORTED_MODE.
quote3_error_t sgx_qe_cleanup_by_policy();
Return Values
Successfully completed.
The platform has been configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation.
3.1.7. Set Quote Generation Enclave and Dependent Library Directory Paths
This API can be used to set the location and filename of SGX ECDSA Quote Enclave (QE3), the SGX
Provisioning Certification Enclave (PCE) and the Platform Quote Provider Library (QPL) library (see
Platform Quote Provider Library). The function takes the path_type ENUM and the corresponding
directory path plus filename as input. The user can change the default directory path and filename
used by the Quote Generation Library to find the enclaves and the QPL independently with this API.
If this API is not called, it will load the PCE and QE in the local directory of the process and use the
dlopen search path for the platform quote provider library (see Platform Quote Provider Library).
This function only works when the Quote Generation Library is linked into the application process. If
the platform is configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation (i.e. the
environment variable "SGX_AESM_ADDR" is set), the API will return SGX_QL_UNSUPPORTED_MODE.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_set_path(
sgx_ql_path_type_t path_type,
const char *p_path);
path_type [In]
The entity whose directory path and filename is specified in p_path. It can be
p_path [In]
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The directory path and filename of the entity specified in path_type specified as a NUL terminated
Return Values
Successfully completed.
Invalid parameter.
The platform has been configured to use the out-of-process implementation of quote generation.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
3.1.8. Register a Logging Function with SGX and DCAP Libraries
The Quoting Library provides a function to register a logging function. This allows a process with
logging capability to register its logging function with all SGX and DCAP libraries (except Platform Quote
Provider Library). This allows the Quoting Library writer to utilize the registered logging function to
output debug logs of SGX and DCAP libraries.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_set_trace_callback(
sgx_ql_logging_callback_t logger,
sgx_ql_log_level_t loglevel);
logger [In]
Function pointer to the logging function. If NULL, default logging function is used.
It must have this prototype:
typedef void (*sgx_ql_logging_callback_t)(
sgx_ql_log_level_t level,
const char* message);
The logging function takes the string message and a logging level defined as:
typedef enum _sgx_ql_log_level_t
} sgx_ql_log_level_t;
loglevel [In]
Log level.
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Return Values
The logging function was successfully registered.
The logger parameter was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
3.2. Enclave Loading
The Quote libraries load and unload the Intel-signed and formatted QE, PCE, and QVE enclaves as needed
and as specified by the enclave loading policy. The Quote Libraries load the QE, PCE and QVE using a
library called the modified URTS (Untrusted Runtime Service) exposing APIs that are compatible with the
enclave loading APIs exposed by the Intel® SGX SDK. The modified URTS library is shipped with the Quote
Libraries or has it statically linked. The modified URTS library uses the Intel® Enclave Common Abstraction
Layer Library (see Enclave Common Loader API Reference document for API descriptions).
3.2.1. Enclave Launch Policy Implications
To use a Quoting Library that supports ECDSA quote generation, the platform that runs the Quote
Library must support Flexible Launch Control (FLC). FLC allows the platform owner to choose which
Launch Enclave (LE) can generate launch tokens or whether enclaves need launch tokens at all. Using
an LE allows the platform owner to enforce the enclave launch control policy by limiting which enclaves
can launch. Other platform owners may allow enclaves to launch without a launch token and
therefore will not have an LE. FLC is not available on all platforms. For platforms that support FLC, BIOS
must also support FLC.
Some environments may inherently allow the PCE and the QE based on the enclave MRSIGNER (hash of
the enclave signing key) and the <ProvisionKey> attribute. For example, the out-of-tree Intel® SGX
DCAP driver only allows the Intel-signed PCE and QE enclaves to launch with the <ProvisionKey>
attribute set to 1 by default to maintain legacy behavior. In this case, launching any other enclave with
the <ProvisionKey> attribute set to 1, the application process launching the enclave must request
permission from the OS. For the current DCAP driver, the application process or user running the
process must get file access permissions to the ‘sgx_prv’ group. For example:
$ sudo usermod -a -G sgx_prv <username>
Future versions of the DCAP driver will drop this legacy behavior and all process that use the quote
generation library will need to file access permissions to the ‘sgx-prv’ group as well as any user loading
their own <ProvisionKey> enclaves.
Also note that the Intel signed PCE will not provide certification information or Report signing to enclaves
with the <ProvisionKey> attribute to 0.
3.3. Quote Library Dependent APIs
The Quoting library looks for these APIs when needed and expects them to be available from a library
dynamically linked with the Quoting Library.
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3.3.1. Platform Quote Provider Library
The platform quote provider library provides a set of APIs that allow the Quote libraries to get platform
specific services. They are not required for the Quote Libraries to function but they may be required to
properly generate quotes in a given platform environment.
The Quote libraries looks for a library named using dlopen search path during
runtime. The Quote generation library does not require the platform quote provider library to
generate Quotes but the generated Quotes may not be verifiable. The Quote verification library does
require the platform quote provider library if the verification collateral is not passed in to the Verify
Quote API.
Both the Quote generation library and the Quote verification library provide APIs to override the default
platform quote provider library’s directory path and file name. (See Set Quote Generation Enclave and
Dependent Library Directory Paths and Set Quote Verification Enclave and Dependent Library Directory
Paths). Initialize and Cleanup the platform quote provider library
The sgx_qpl_global_init() function sets up the program environment that libdcap_quoteprov needs.
Think of it as an extension of the library loader.
This function must be called at least once within a program before the program calls any other
function in libdcap_quoteprov. The environment it sets up is constant for the life of the program and
is the same for every program, so multiple calls have the same effect as one call.
The sgx_qpl_global_cleanup function releases resources acquired by sgx_qpl_global_init. You should
call it after you are done using libdcap_quoteprov.
Important: Old versions of libdcap_quoteprov do not include these two APIs. To maintain backward
compatibility, it is necessary to verify the existence of these APIs before calling them. Only call the
APIs if they are present to ensure proper functionality.
quote3_error_t sgx_qpl_global_init();
Return Values
The libdcap_quoteprov library was initialized successfully and you can call other functions
The config file (sgx_default_qcnl.conf) is in JSON format but has a format error.
quote3_error_t sgx_qpl_global_cleanup();
Return Values
The libdcap_quoteprov library was cleaned up successfully.
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For ECDSA quote generation, the Quote generation library by default generates an attestation key
certified by the PCE using the raw Intel® SGX TCB of the platform. This may not work for all attestation
environments. The TCB used to generate the PCE signature over the ECDSA AK needs a matching Intel
generated x.509 PCK Certificate for that TCB. This is problematic for Xeon-E and client platforms that
do not have Intel Generated PCK Certs for all TCB levels. It also causes problems when the attestation
infrastructure caches PCK Certs and may not have certs for all platforms due to restrictions on
contacting Intel hosted services during runtime. In these cases, the Quote Library needs to get the TCB
from the platform software to generate the proper PCE signature. The Quote Library first requests the
TCB information from the platform quote provider library if it is available and submits that value for PCE
signing. In addition, the platform quote provider library responds with the associated Certification Data
to append to the ECDSA Quote. See the definitions for sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t and
If the platform quote provider library cannot be found, the sgx_ql_get_quote_config() symbol is not
found within the platform quote provider library or it returns an error, the platform quote library uses
the raw-TCB of the platform to certify the key and use the certification type PPID_RSA3072_ENCRYPTED
as the Quote’s Certification Data Type to identify platform. If the API is found, the API returns 2 pieces of
1. The TCB to use when requesting the PCE to certify the attestation key. This matches the TCB of
the PCK Certificate that the quote verifier uses to certify the attestation key.
2. The certification data for the associated PCK Cert to be added to the quote when the quote is
The data returned by this API is used to determine the ultimate size of the quote. The currentrelease
of the Quote Library only supports the sgx_ql_config_t.version of SGX_QL_CONFIG_VERSION_1
(0x0001). For this version of the sgx_ql_config_t data structure returned by the
sgx_ql_get_quote_config(), the sgx_ql_config_t.p_cert_data is expected to point to the PCK Cert chain
as defined by the certification type PCK_CERT_CHAIN (5) for the Quote Certification Data Type. The
Quote Library uses this data to replace the default certification data type generated by the QE. Because
of this, the ‘Quote Signature Data Len’ and the ’QE Certification Datafields in the Quote are not signed
by the AK.
Future versions of the sgx_ql_config_t data structure may support more Certification Data Types.
The functionality of the API is not limited to just ECDSA attestation. The data inputted and outputted
from this function only pertains to the TCB to use for generating the PCE signature and the data needed
to locate the associated PCK Certificate. It can be considered independent of the type of AK used for
quote signing and may apply to other attestation environments.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_get_quote_config(
const sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t *p_pck_cert_id,
sgx_ql_config_t **pp_cert_config);
p_pck_cert_id [In]
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The Quoting Library passes a pointer to the PCK Certificate ID structure. The platform quote
provider library will use this information to find the proper TCB and Quote Certification Data.
If the Quoting Library does not support reporting the optional field, encrypted PPID, when this
call is made, then p_encrypted_ppid is NULL, encrypted_ppid_size is 0 and crypto_suite is 0.
pp_cert_config [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the PCK certification data needed for quote generation. The platform
quote provider library allocates this buffer and it is expected that the Quote Library frees it with
the platform quote provider library sgx_ql_free_quote_config() API. If the platform does not
yet have the configuration data available, the SGX_QL_NO_PLATFORM_CERT_DATA error is
returned and the PCK Signature is generated using the raw TCB of the platform. If the library
does not support the data or there is a problem with the format, the Quoting library returns
Return Values
Platform has the certification data available and returned it in the p_quote_config buffer.
Platform quote provider library cannot provide the platform’s certification data.
Platform quote provider library rejected the input.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the verification collateral, this
error will be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the verification collateral,
this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
The server cannot find the QE identity.
The server cannot find the QvE identity.
The server cannot find the TCB info requested.
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The server is currently busy to response. Free PCK Certification Information
This API frees the PCK Cert configuration data buffer allocated by the platform quote provider library
sgx_ql_get_quote_config() API.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_free_quote_config(
sgx_ql_config_t *p_cert_config);
p_cert_config [Out]
Pointer to the PCK certification that the sgx_ql_get_quote_config() API allocated.
Return Values
Pointer is successfully freed or the input pointer is NULL. Store Persistent Data
Not required and does not need to be implemented by the platform quote provider library. If
implemented, it is expected that the platform quote provider library stores the data to the file specified
in the input.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_write_persistent_data(
const uint8_t *p_buf,
uint32_t buf_size,
const char *p_label);
p_buf [In]
Pointer to the data to be written. Must not be NULL.
buf_size [In]
Size of the data in bytes that p_buf points to.
p_label [In]
Pointer to the string label of the data to be stored. Must not be NULL and must be a valid
Return Values
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Data was written successfully.
Platform quote provider library was not found.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
One of the pointers is NULL
Not able to find the ‘label’ or there was a problem writing the data. Retrieve Persistent Data
Not required and does not need to be implemented by the platform quote provider library. If
implemented, it is expected that the platform quote provider library loads the data from the file specified
in the input.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_read_persistent_data(
const uint8_t *p_buf,
uint32_t *p_buf_size,
const char *p_label);
p_buf [In/Out]
Pointer to the buffer to store the data.
p_buf_size [In/Out]
Pointer to the size in the buffer. If the p_buff is NULL, the API returns the required size. Must
not be NULL.
Pointer to the string label of the data to be stored. Must not be NULL and must be a valid
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
Platform quote provider library was not found.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
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If all pointers are not NULL, the size of the inputted buffer is too small. Otherwise, one of the
mandatory input pointers is NULL
Not able to find the ‘label’ or there was a problem retrieving the data. Get SGX Quote Verification Collateral
For ECDSA quote verification, this API is called when the platform needs to retrieve the remote
platform’s quote verification collateral. This is the data required to complete quote
verification. It includes:
The root CA Cert
The root CA CRL
The PCK Cert CRL
The PCK Cert CRL signing chain
The signing cert chain for the TCBInfo structure
The signing cert chain for the QEIdentity structure
The TCBInfo structure
The QEIdentity structure
See the sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t definition.
The ‘version’ field of the sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t structure reflects the version of the PCCS/PCS
API used to retrieve the collateral. For V1 and V2 APIs of the PCS/PCCS, the ‘version’ field has
a value of 1.0. For V3 APIs of the PCS/PCCS, the ‘version’ field has the value of either 3.0 or
Collateral.version = 1.0 have CRL’s formatted in PEM (string).
Collateral.version = 3.0 have the CRL’s formatted in Base16 DER (string).
Collateral.version = 3.1 have the CRL’s formatted in raw binary DER.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral(
const uint8_t *fmspc,
const uint16_t fmspc_size,
const char *pck_ca,
sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t **pp_quote_collateral);
fmspc [In]
Base 16-encoded representation of FMSPC. (currently defined to be 6 bytes).
fmpsc_size [In]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed by fmspc.
ca [In]
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Null terminated string identifier of the PCK Cert CA that issued the PCK Certificates. Allowed
“processor” – indicates PCK Certificate was issued by the Intel SGX Processor CA.
“platform” – indicates PCK Cert was issued by the Intel SGX Platform CA.
pp_quote_collateral [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the PCK quote collateral data needed for quote verification. The
platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the Quote
Verification Library will free it using the platform quote provider library’s
sgx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral() API. If the platform quote provider library cannot
be found, the error SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE will be returned. If the platform
quote provider library cannot retrieve the data, the SGX_QL_NO_QUOTE_COLLATERAL_DATA
error will be returned.
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the quote verification collateral data
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the verification collateral, this
error will be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the verification collateral,
this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
The server cannot find the QE identity.
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The server cannot find the QvE identity.
The server cannot find the TCB info requested.
The server is currently busy to response. Get SGX Quote Verification Collateral with Request Parameters
This API performs the same function as the API described in Get Quote Verification Collateral
but allows for the caller to specify additional parameters that may be required to the
verification collateral in a specific attestation environment. This API is not required and does
not need to be implemented by the platform quote provider library.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral_with_parameters(
const uint8_t *fmspc,
const uint16_t fmspc_size,
const char *pck_ca,
const void* custom_param,
const uint16_t custom_param_length,
sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t **pp_quote_collateral);
fmspc [In]
Base 16-encoded representation of FMSPC. (currently defined to be 6 bytes).
Fmpsc_size [In]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed by fmspc.
Ca [In]
Null terminated string identifier of the PCK Cert CA that issued the PCK Certificates. Allowed
“processor” – indicates PCK Certificate was issued by the Intel SGX Processor CA.
“platform” – indicates PCK Cert was issued by the Intel SGX Platform CA.
Address of the buffer of additional information needed by a give attestation infrastructure.
The definition and format of this data is dependent on the implementer of the Platform Quote
Provider Library. For example, the reference Platform Quote Provider will attempt to encode
this data in Base64 format to be used when fetching the collateral from the network. If this
parameter is not NULL and custom_param_length is 0, the API will return an error. If this
parameter is NULL and c custom_param_length is greater than 0, the API will return an
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Length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by custom_param.
pp_quote_collateral [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the PCK quote collateral data needed for quote verification. The
platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the Quote
Verification Library will free it using the platform quote provider library’s
sgx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral() API. If the platform quote provider library cannot
be found, the error SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE will be returned. If the platform
quote provider library cannot retrieve the data, the SGX_QL_NO_QUOTE_COLLATERAL_DATA
error will be returned.
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the quote verification collateral data
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the verification collateral, this
error will be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the verification collateral,
this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
The server cannot find the QE identity.
The server cannot find the QvE identity.
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The server cannot find the TCB info requested.
The server is currently busy to response. Free SGX Quote Verification Collateral
Called to free the quote verification collateral data buffer allocated by the platform quote provider
library’s sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral() API.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral(
sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t *p_quote_collateral);
p_quote_collateral [Out]
Pointer to the quote verification collateral date provided by the
sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral() API.
Return Values
The pointer was successfully freed or the input pointer was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred. TDX Quote Verification Collateral
For TDX quote verification, this API is called when the platform needs to retrieve the remote
platform’s quote verification collateral. This is the data required to complete quote
verification. It includes:
The root CA Cert
The root CA CRL
The PCK Cert CRL
The PCK Cert CRL signing chain
The signing cert chain for the TDX TCBInfo structure
The signing cert chain for the TD_QE Identity structure
The TDX TCBInfo structure
The TD_QE Identity structure
See the sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t definition.
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The ‘version’ field of the sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t structure reflects the version of the PCCS/PCS
API used to retrieve the collateral. For V1 and V2 APIs of the PCS/PCCS, the ‘version’ field has
a value of 1.0. For V3 APIs of the PCS/PCCS, the ‘version’ field has the value of either 3.0 or
Collateral.version = 1.0 have CRL’s formatted in PEM (string).
Collateral.version = 3.0 have the CRL’s formatted in Base16 DER (string).
Collateral.version = 3.1 have the CRL’s formatted in raw binary DER.
quote3_error_t tdx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral(
const uint8_t *fmspc,
const uint16_t fmspc_size,
const char *pck_ca,
sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t **pp_quote_collateral);
fmspc [In]
Base 16-encoded representation of FMSPC. (currently defined to be 6 bytes).
fmpsc_size [In]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed by fmspc.
ca [In]
Null terminated string identifier of the PCK Cert CA that issued the PCK Certificates. Allowed
“processor” – indicates PCK Certificate was issued by the Intel SGX Processor CA.
“platform” – indicates PCK Cert was issued by the Intel SGX Platform CA.
pp_quote_collateral [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the PCK quote collateral data needed for quote verification. The
platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the Quote
Verification Library will free it using the platform quote provider library’s
sgx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral() API. If the platform quote provider library cannot
be found, the error SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE will be returned. If the platform
quote provider library cannot retrieve the data, the SGX_QL_NO_QUOTE_COLLATERAL_DATA
error will be returned.
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the quote verification collateral data
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
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Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the verification collateral, this
error will be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the verification collateral,
this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
The server cannot find the QE identity.
The server cannot find the QvE identity.
The server cannot find the TCB info requested.
The server is currently busy to response. TDX Quote Verification Collateral
Called to free the quote verification collateral data buffer allocated by the platform quote provider
library’s tdx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral() API.
quote3_error_t tdx_ql_free_quote_verification_collateral(
sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t *p_quote_collateral);
p_quote_collateral [Out]
Pointer to the quote verification collateral date provided by the
sgx_ql_get_quote_verification_collateral() API.
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Return Values
The pointer was successfully freed or the input pointer was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred. Get Quote Verification Enclave Identity (QVEIdentity)
When the SGX ECDSA quote is verified by the Quote Verification Enclave, the caller can request
that the QVE return an SGX REPORT. This allows the caller to cryptographically verify that the
quote verification results were generated by the QVE. The caller uses REPORT based local
attestation to perform this verification. Once the REPORT has been verified using local
attestation, the caller needs to verify that the REPORT was generated by the expected Intel
QVE. Intel signs and publishes a JSON data structure with the QVE identity information
(MRSIGNER, ProdID, ISVSVN, etc) called the QVEIdentity. The platform quote provider library
implements this API to provide the QVEIdentity to the caller. If the platform quote provider
library cannot retrieve the data, the SGX_QL_NO_QVE_IDENTITY_DATA error will be returned.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_get_qve_identity(
char **pp_qve_identity,
uint32_t *p_qve_identity_size,
char **pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain,
uint32_t *p_qve_identity_issuer_chain_size);
pp_qve_identity [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the UTF-8 encoded JSON string containing the QVE Identity structure.
The platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the caller will
free it using the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_free_qve_identity() API.
p_qve_identity_size [Out]
The length of the string in bytes in the buffer pointed by *pp_qve_identity including the
terminating null character.
pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the UTF-8 encoded string containing the QVE Identity issuer certificate
chain for SGX QVE Identity. It consists of SGX Root CA Certificate and SGX TCB Signing
Certificate. The platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that
the caller will free it using the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_free_qve_identity() API.
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain_size [Out]
The length of the string in bytes in the buffer pointed by *pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain
including the terminating null character.
Return Values
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Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the QVE identity data available.
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
The Quote Library could not locate the provider library.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the QVE Identity, this error will
be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the QVE Identity
collateral, this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
The server cannot find the QvE identity.
The server is currently busy to response. Free Quote Verification Enclave Identity
Called to free the quote verification enclave identity data buffer allocated by the platform quote
provider library’s sgx_ql_get_qve_identity() API.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_free_qve_identity(
char *p_qve_identity,
char *p_qve_identity_issuer_chain);
p_qve_identity [Out]
Pointer to the QVE identity that the sgx_ql_get_qve_identity() API returned.
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain [Out]
Pointer to the QVE identity issuer chain that the sgx_ql_get_qve_identity() API returned.
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Return Values
The pointer was successfully freed or the input pointer was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred. Get the Root CA CRL
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_get_root_ca_crl (
char **pp_root_ca_crl,
uint16_t *p_root_ca_crl_size);
pp_root_ca_crl [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the UTF-8 encoded JSON string containing the x.509 SGX Root CA CRL.
The platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the caller will
free it using the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_free_root_ca_crl () API.
p_root_ca_crl_size [Out]
The length of the string in bytes in the buffer pointed by *pp_root_ca_crl including the
terminating null character.
Return Values
The data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the root ca crl data available.
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the root ca crl, this error will be
returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the root ca crl, this error
will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
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quote3_error_t sgx_ql_free_root_ca_crl (
char *p_root_ca_crl);
p_root_ca_crl [Out]
Pointer to the root CA CRL that the sgx_ql_get_root_ca_crl() API returned.
Return Values
The pointer was successfully freed or the input pointer was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred. Register a Logging Function with the Platform Quote Provider Library
The Platform Quote Provider Library provides a function to register a logging function. This allows a
process with logging capability to register its logging function with the Platform Quote Provider Library.
This allows the Platform Quote Provider Library writer to utilize the registered logging function to output
its debug logs.
quote3_error_t sgx_ql_set_logging_callback(
sgx_ql_logging_callback_t logger ,
sgx_ql_log_level_t loglevel = SGX_QL_LOG_ERROR);
logger [In]
Function pointer to the logging function. Must not be NULL.
It must have this prototype:
typedef void (*sgx_ql_logging_callback_t)(
sgx_ql_log_level_t level,
const char* message);
The logging function takes the string message and a logging level defined as:
typedef enum _sgx_ql_log_level_t
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} sgx_ql_log_level_t;
loglevel [In]
Log level. Default is SGX_QL_LOG_ERROR.
Return Values
The logging function was successfully registered.
The logger parameter was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred. Clear local cache files
The Platform Quote Provider Library may cache files in local hard drive when the caching option is
enabled. This API is used to clear the cached files.
quote3_error_t sgx_qpl_clear_cache (uint32_t cache_type);
cache_type [In]
Specify the types of cache that you want to clear. It can be a specific 'sgx_qpl_cache_type_t'
value, or you can select a combination of individual values using the bitwise OR operator '|'.
Return Values
The specified cache files was cleared successfully. Get default platform policy for appraisal engine
The default platform policy is provided by platform owners. Use this API to retrieve the default platform
policy from PCCS.
quote3_error_t tee_get_default_platform_policy(const uint8_t *fmspc, const
uint16_t fmspc_size, uint8_t **pp_platform_policy, uint32_t
fmspc [In]
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Base 16-encoded representation of FMSPC. (currently defined to be 6 bytes).
fmpsc_size [In]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed by fmspc.
pp_platform_policy [Out]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed by fmspc.
p_platform_policy_size [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the default platform policy for the specified fmspc in jwt format. The
platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the caller will free
it using the platform quote provider library’s tee_free_platform_policy() API.
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library cannot get a default platform policy for this platform.
The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
Network error.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
The server is currently busy to response. Free default platform policy
Called to free the platform policy data buffer allocated by the platform quote provider library’s
tee_get_default_platform_policy () API.
Quote3_error_t tee_free_platform_policy(uint8_t *p_platform_policy);
p_platform_policy [In]
Pointer to the buffer that the tee_get_default_platform_policy API allocated.
Return Values
The pointer was freed successfully.
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3.3.2. Intel® SGX Enclave Loading Library
Provided by the modified ‘urts’ library that uses the Intel® SGX Enclave Loading Abstraction Layer Library
(see Enclave Common Loader API Reference document). This ‘modified-sgx-urts’ library exposes the
same enclave loading API as provided by the legacy Intel® SGX SDK.
3.4. Deployment Tool for PCK Certificate Chain Retrieval for Intel® SGX DCAP
Some attestation environments do not provision each platform with its PCK Cert or the PCK Cert TCB at
platform bring-up and then store it persistently for each VM when the VM starts up. Also, some
environments do not permit access to the external Intel hosted PCK Certificate Service during runtime.
These environments retrieve the PCK Cert Chain from Intel during platform bring-up (Deployment) and
store the PCK Cert chain in a PCK Cert Proxy/PCK Cert Inventory hosted within their attestation
infrastructure. Then, the PCK Cert chain is provided to the VM when the VM starts up (run-time) based
on a request from the VM to the Proxy Service. Or, it provides the PCK Cert TCB at VM start up and
then retrieve the PCK Cert when the Quote is verified. There is a need to identify the PCK Cert
retrieved during deployment to download the TCB or PCK Cert to the VM at runtime.
The PPID in the PCK Cert could be used for this purpose but the Intel® SGX protects the PPID privacy by
encrypting the PPID with a PCK Server owned public key. The RSA-OAEP algorithm used to encrypt the
PPID changes the encrypted PPID value between successive requests to the PCE. The Enc(PPID)
generated during deployment does not match the Enc(PPID) used during runtime.
The PCKRetrievalTool will be released along with the Quote Library release. The production version of
the Quote Library encrypts the PPID with a 3072bit RSA-OAEP key owned by the Intel hosted PCK
Certification Service. The PCKRetrievalTool output can be used to request a PCK Cert from the service.
The PCK Retrieval Tool will output a Base16 (Hex) encoded text file in CSV format:
EncryptedPPID(384 BE byte array),PCE_ID(LE 16 bit integer),CPUSVN(16 byte BE
byte array),PCE ISVSVN (LE 16 bit integer),QE_ID (16 byte BE byte array)
To request PCK Certs Online, follow the onboarding and RESTful API described in the PCK Service
Note: The EncPPID changes each time the tool is called while the QE_ID does not. The user of the
tool should keep a link between the QE_ID and EncPPID to properly link the Platform to its PCK Cert
Note: You may get more than one PCK Cert Chain for each platform depending on the number of
active TCB levels for that platform and the PCK Certificate Service API used.
3.5. Key Derivations
3.5.1. QE_ID Derivation
The QE_ID is a platform ID that is not associated with a particular SVN but is dependent on the Quoting
Enclave (QE) MRSIGNER and its Seal Key. The QE_ID is designed to be dependent on the seal key, which
depends on the platform OWNER_EPOCH value. The OWNER_EPOCH value is set by the platform owner
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in the BIOS configuration. If the BIOS non-volatile memory (FLASH) is wiped, then the QE_ID changes
even if generated by the same QE. This prevents the QE_ID from being a true HW ID. A true HW ID
cannot be modified by the platform owner.
KEY_ID = 0,
2) QE_ID = AES128-CMAC(QE_ID-Seed, 16 bytes below)
“QE_ID_DER (ascii encoded)
0x0080 (Big Endian)
3.5.2. ECDSA Attestation Key Derivation ECDSA Attestation Key Derivation using QE Seal Key (Intel® SGX DCAP
The ECDSA Attestation key is derived from the QE seal key at the current TCB level. This allows the QE
to regenerate the same attestation key without requiring persistent storage. However, the key changes
when any of the QE TCB components change (CPUSVN, PCE_ISVSVN or the QE_ ISVSVN). This extends
the lifetime of the QE attestation key beyond the time the QE library exists in process memory.
The QE attestation key is used by the QE to sign reports from application enclaves. It is a 256 bit ECC
signing key using NIST curve secp256r1.
The QE attestation key derivation is rooted in the HW key. EGETKEY does a series of AES-base
derivations resulting in a Provisioning Key unique to the HW, the current TCB (CPUSVN), and the QE
identify (MRSIGNER, ISVPRODID, ISVSVN). The AK private key is derived from 320 random bits (providing
128 bits of entropy) derived from the Seal Key using the following flow:
KEY_ID = 0,
Current CPUSVN,
Current ISVSVN)
2) Block 1 = AES-CMAC(Sealing Key, QE string with Counter = 0x01)
3) Block 2 = AES-CMAC(Sealing Key, QE string with Counter = 0x02)
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4) Block 3 = AES-CMAC(Sealing Key, QE string with Counter = 0x03)
5) QE ATT Seed = most significant 320 bits of (Block 1 || Block 2 || Block 3).
6) QE ATT key pair is generated using NIST SP 186-4 section B 4.1 “Key Pair Generation Using Extra
Random Bits.” AE ATT Seed are used for the random bits.
Counter (See Description)
“QE_KEY_DER (ascii encoded)
0x0140 (Big Endian)
3.6.Quote Verification Library
This chapter presents a set of C-like APIs that allow applications to verify an Intel® SGX ECDSA Quote as
defined in Quote_Format using either Quote Verification Enclave (QVE) when SGX is available or with
a untrusted implementation when SGX is not available. Both implementations are built with the
Quote Verification Library (QVL) published with DCAP.
This library is delivered as a dynamically linked library (.so/.dll)
3.6.1. Set Enclave Load Policy
When the Quote Verification Library is linked to a process, it needs to know the proper enclave loading
policy. The library may be linked with a long-lived process, such as a service, where it can load the
enclaves and leave them loaded (persistent). This better ensures that the enclaves will be available upon
quote requests and not subject to EPC limitations if loaded on demand. However, if the Quoting library
is linked with an application process, there may be many applications with the Quote Verification Library
and a better utilization of EPC is to load and unloaded the quoting verification enclave on demand
(ephemeral). The library will be shipped with a default policy of loading the enclave and unloading on-
If the policy is set to default SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, then the QvE will be loaded and unloaded on-
demand. If the enclave is already loaded when the policy is change to SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, the enclave
will be unloaded before returning.
To enhance quote verification performance, we introduced new polices
DCAP 1.18 release. Each thread will have its own QvE instance, so please make sure you have enough
EPC to load QvE in this mode. We recommend using the 2 new policies to get better performance if your
system has enough EPC.
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Note that the QvE loading policy can only be changed once in one process.
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_set_enclave_load_policy(sgx_ql_request_policy_t policy);
SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL - Default policy. QvE is initialized and terminated on every quote
verification function call.
SGX_QL_PERSISTENT - All the threads will share single QvE instance, and QvE is
initialized on first use and reused until process ends.
SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL_QVE_MULTI_THREAD - QvE is loaded per thread and be
unloaded before function exit.
SGX_QL_PERSISTENT_QVE_MULTI_THREAD - QvE is loaded per thread and only
be unloaded before thread exit.
Return Values
Successfully set the enclave loading policy for the quoting library's enclaves.
The selected policy is not supported, or it has been set once.
3.6.2. Verify Quote
This API will verify an SGX ECDSA Quote as defined in Quote_Format generated by an SGX ECDSA
Quoting Enclave. This API is designed to work with verification code running in an enclave as well as
verification code running in an untrusted environment. A non-NULL p_qve_report_info input parameter
indicates the verifying platform is SGX compatible and should use an SGX ECDSA Quote Verification
Enclave (QVE) to verify the Quote. The platform software will know if the platform is SGX-capable or not.
The Intel provided DCAP library will support both the QVE based verification as well as the non-QVE
based verification. When p_qve_report is non-NULL, the user needs to provide the application
enclave’s target info and the QVE will return a REPORT which targets the calling enclave in the
p_qve_report_info structure. Then calling application’s enclave can use SGX DCAP TVL library to verify
the QvE has the expected identity. When p_qve_report_info is NULL, the quote verification will be
performed but the results cannot be cryptographically authenticated.
The caller may provide the p_quote_collateral as defined in sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t. If
p_quote_collateral is NULL, then the quote library will attempt to retrieve the collateral from the
platform quote provider library. If the quote library fails to retrieve the data from the platform quote
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provider library, it will return SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE . The QVE will verify the format
and the certificate chains of all the collateral passed in. The API will return the appropriate error if the
collateral format or signature check fails. The current version of the QVE only supports version 1 of the
The expiration_check_date is used to compare to the x.509 ‘Not After’ field, x.509 CRL ‘Next Update’
and the JSON ‘nextUpdate’ field. If any of these collateral’s ‘Not After’ or ‘nextUpdate’ field has a date
earlier than the expiration_check_date input parameter, the value pointed by
p_collateral_expiration_status will have a non-zero value. But this check alone will not cause the
Verify Quote API to return an error.
If all the input parameters, the quote verification collateral, and the quote format are correct, the API
will return SGX_QL_SUCCESS. It will also indicate the verification result in p_quote_verifcation_result.
The verification result can have the following values (see sgx_ql_qve_result_t):
If callers of this API want to adhere to a strict compliance verification based on Intel’s latest verification
policy, they should input a trusted current time for expiration_check_data and only accept results when
the API returns SGX_QL_SUCCESS, *p_expiration_status is 0, and the *p_quote_verification_result is
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OK. The other non-terminal verification results will need more analysis before
establishing trust in the attesting enclave.
o SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_CONFIG_NEEDED The SGX platform firmware and SW are at
the latest security patching level but there are platform hardware configurations that
may expose the enclave to vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can be mitigated with
the appropriate platform configuration changes that will produce an
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OK verification result.
are at the latest security patching level but there are certain vulnerabilities that can only
be mitigated with software mitigations implemented by the enclave. The enclave
identity policy needs to indicate whether the enclave has implemented these
firmware and SW are at the latest security patching level but there are certain
vulnerabilities that can only be mitigated with software mitigations implemented by the
enclave. The enclave identity policy needs to indicate whether the enclave has
implemented these mitigations. There are also platform hardware configurations that
may expose the enclave to vulnerabilities. These configuration vulnerabilities can be
mitigated with the appropriate platform configuration changes that will produce an
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o SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OUT_OF_DATE - The SGX platform firmware and SW are not at
the latest security patching level. The platform needs to be patched with firmware
and/or software patches in order to produce an SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OK verification
and SW are not at the latest security patching level. The platform needs to be patched
with firmware and/or software patches. There are also platform hardware
configurations that may expose the enclave to vulnerabilities. These configuration
vulnerabilities can be mitigated with the appropriate platform configuration changes.
Applying both the updated patches and the appropriate platform configuration changes
will produce an SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OK verification result.
There may be cases where the caller cannot abide by the strict compliance verification applied by this
API. For example, the caller may not have access to a trusted time source for the expiration_time or
the platform owner may not be able to patch all platforms prior to Intel’s latest TCB level. In these
cases, the caller can make use of the optional supplemental data returned by this API. This
supplemental data will allow the caller to implement a different quote verification policy. When this
API returns an error other than SGX_QL_SUCCESS or the *p_quote_verification_result is a terminal
error, no alternative verification policy should be performed. See Verify Quote - Supplemental for
more information.
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_verify_quote(
const uint8_t *p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
const sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t *p_quote_collateral,
const time_t expiration_check_date,
uint32_t *p_collateral_expiration_status,
sgx_qv_result_t *p_quote_verification_result,
sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t *p_qve_report_info,
uint32_t supplemental_data_size,
uint8_t *p_supplemental_data);
p_quote [In]
Pointer to an SGX Quote. The QVE only supports version 3 of the SGX ECDSA Quote. Currently, the
QVE only supports Quotes with CertType = 5. The Intel signed QVE will only verify Quotes
generated by an Intel Signed QE. This type of certification data contains the PCK Certificate Chain
in the Quote.
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
p_quote_collateral [In]
This parameter is optional. If not NULL, this is a pointer to the Quote Certification Collateral
provided by the caller. The quote collateral structure contains a version number. This is the
data that is required to fully verify the quote. Such as the TCBInfo, QEIdentity and CRL
structures, etc. If it is NULL, the DCAP library will attempt to retrieve the collateral from the
platform quote provider library if available. If the platform quote provider library is not available
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or the collateral cannot be retrieved, this API will return SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE
expiration_check_date [In]
This is the date that the QVE will use to determine if any of the inputted collateral have expired.
The expectation is that the caller has access to a trusted current source or uses a hardcoded
threshold date.
p_collateral_expiration_status [Out]
Address of the outputted expiration status. This input must not be NULL. When this API
returns a 0 at this address, none of the inputted collateral has expired as compared to the
inputted expiration_check_date. This API will return a non-zero value when one or more of the
inputted collateral has expired according to the inputted expiration_check_date. This value will
contain a non-zero value if the API returns a value other than SGX_QL_SUCCESS.
p_quote_verification_result [In/Out]
Address of the outputted quote verification result. This value will contain
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED if the API returns a value other than SGX_QL_SUCCESS.
p_qve_report_info [In/Out]
This parameter is optional. If not NULL, the user needs to provide a ‘nonce’ and application
enclave’s target info, then the QVE will generate a report using the target_info provided in the
sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t structure . The QVE.REPORT.REPORT_DATA =
supplemental_data] ||32-0x00’s).
If NULL, the quote can still be verified on a non-SGX capable platform or by an untrusted QVL but
the results cannot be cryptographically verified.
supplemental_data_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_supplemental_data (in bytes). The value should match the
value returned by the sgx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size(). If the caller does not need
the supplemental data, the parameter should be 0 and the p_supplemental_data should be NULL.
SGX_QL_QUOTE_INVALID_PARAMETER if the size in not large enough to return the supplemental
p_supplemental_data [Out]
The parameter is optional. If it is NULL, supplemental_data_size must be 0. This data can be
used by the CSP or Relying Party to enforce a different quote verification policy than enforced by
this API.
Return Values
Successfully evaluated the quote.
One of the input parameters value is invalid
The inputted quote format is not supported. Either because the header information is not
supported or the quote is malformed in some way.
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The quote verifier doesn’t support the certification data in the Quote. Currently, the Intel QVE
only supported CertType = 5.
The quote verifier doesn’t support the format of the application REPORT the Quote.
The quote verifier doesn’t support the format of the application REPORT the Quote.
The signature over the QE Report is invalid.
The attestation key provided in the Quote was not produced by the QE described in the quote.
The format of the PCK Cert is unsupported.
There was an error verifying the PCK Cert signature chain including PCK Cert revocation.
The format of the TCBInfo structure is unsupported.
There was an error verifying the TCBInfo signature chain including TCBInfo revocation.
PCK Cert FMSPc does not match the TCBInfo FMSPc.
The format of the QEIdentity structure is unsupported.
The Quote’s QE doesn’t match the inputted expected QEIdentity.
There was an error verifying the QEIdentity signature chain including QEIdentity revocation.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
Unable to load the enclaves required to initialize the attestation key. Could be due to file I/O
error, loading infrastructure error or insufficient enclave memory.
Enclave lost after power transition or used in child process created by linux:fork().
Report MAC check failed on application report.
The Quote Library could not locate the platform quote provider library or one of its required
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The QVE was unable to generate its own report targeting the application enclave because there
is an enclave compatibility issue.
The Quote Library was available, but the quote library could not retrieve the data.
Only returned when the quote verification library supports both the untrusted mode of
verification and the QvE backed mode of verification. This error indicates that the 2 versions of
the verification modes are different. Most caused by using a QvE that does not match the
version of the DCAP installed.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
3.6.3. Get Quote Verification Supplemental Size
If the owner of the quote verification needs to provide a different quote verification policy beyond the
policy enforced by the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API, the caller can request the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API
to return supplemental data. This supplemental data can be used to implement that alternate policy.
For example, if the owner of the quote verification does not have access to a trusted time source to
reliably enforce the expiration date check, they can use the supplemental data to check that the
verification collateral’s ‘tcbEvalDataSetNumber’ or ‘crlNum’ against some reference value to ensure old
collateral is not used in the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API.
Or, for example, if the platform owner that generates the quote hasn’t patched all platforms before the
TCB Recovery Event date, a verifier using the latest verification collateral (TCBInfo, QEIdentity and
QVEIdentity) will get an out-of-date status returned from sgx_qv_verify_quote(). If the quote
verifier wants to provide a longer grace period, they can use the supplemental data to make sure that
the platform has the mitigations prescribed for a specific threat published by Intel in the past. The
supplemental data will provide a data associated with the platform’s out-of-date TCB. This date can be
compared to the public notification date of a particular Intel Security Advisory (SA). If the
supplemental TCB date is greater-then-or-equal-to the SA’s public notification date, then that platform
has been patched for that SA and all SA’s published before it.
The supplemental data input parameter provided to the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API is optional. If the
caller of sgx_qv_verify_quote() wants to implement an alternative verification policy, they must call this
API first to get the proper size of the alternative data, allocate the buffer and pass it in to
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sgx_qv_verify_quote(). If they do not need an alternative verification policy, they do not need to call
this API.
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size(
uint32_t *p_data_size)
Pointer to hold the size of the buffer in bytes required to contain all the supplemental data. This
value is passed in to the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API. The caller is responsible for allocating a
buffer large enough to contain the supplemental data.
Return Values
Successfully calculated the required supplemental data size. The required size in bytes is returned
in the memory pointed to by p_data_size.
Invalid parameter. p_data_size must not be NULL.
Only returned when the quote verification library supports both the untrusted mode of
verification and the QvE backed mode of verification. This error indicates that the 2 versions of the
verification modes are different. Most caused by using a QvE that does not match the version of
the DCAP installed.
Unexpected internal error.
3.6.4.Get latest supplemental data version and size
This is an extension of API `sgx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size()`, the owner of the quote
verification can use this API to get latest supplemental data version and size, then decide the allocated
buffer size based on returned size, decide which supplemental version based on returned latest version.
For example, if latest major version is 4, then caller can specify major version 3 or 4 in structure
tee_supp_data_descriptor_t when calling API `tee_verify_quote()`.
If set major version to 0, then API `tee_verify_quote()` will always return latest version supplemental
quote3_error_t tee_get_supplemental_data_version_and_size (
const uint8_t *p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
uint32_t *p_version,
uint32_t *p_data_size)
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p_quote [In]
Pointer to an SGX Quote. The QVE only supports version 3 of the SGX ECDSA Quote. Currently, the
QVE only supports Quotes with CertType = 5. The Intel signed QVE will only verify Quotes
generated by an Intel Signed QE. This type of certification data contains the PCK Certificate Chain
in the Quote.
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
Pointer to hold the latest version of of the supplemental data. The caller can specify the major
supplemental data version based on this value. Note that the minimal support major version is 3.
Pointer to hold the size of the buffer in bytes required to contain all the supplemental data. This
value is passed into the quote verification API. The caller is responsible for allocating a buffer large
enough to contain the supplemental data.
Return Values
Successfully calculated the required supplemental data size. The required size in bytes is returned
in the memory pointed to by p_data_size.
Invalid parameter. p_data_size must not be NULL.
Only returned when the quote verification library supports both the untrusted mode of
verification and the QvE backed mode of verification. This error indicates that the 2 versions of
the verification modes are different. Most caused by using a QvE that does not match the version
of the DCAP installed.
Unexpected internal error.
3.6.5. Verify Quote Unified Version
This is an updated version of API `sgx_qv_verify_quote()`, which merge SGX and TDX quote verification
into one single API, also add additional SA (Intel® Adversary ID) list in supplemental data. Users are
recommended to use this new API to verify quote.
This usage of this API is almost same with API `sgx_qv_verify_quote()` except supplemental data. We
introduced another structure `tee_supp_data_descriptor_t` to allow user to specify supplemental data
major version, then user can always get specific supplemental data version even the structure has been
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/** Descriptor of the supplemental data requestor structure. Used when requesting supplemental data
from the DCAP quote verification API */
typedef struct _tee_supp_data_descriptor_t
uint16_t major_version; ///< Input. Major version of supplemental data
///< If == 0, then return latest version of
///< the sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t structure
///< If <= latest supported, return the latest minor
///< version associated with that major version
///< if larger than latest supported, return an
uint32_t data_size; ///< Input. Supplemental data size of `p_data`, which returned
///< by API `tee_get_supplemental_data_version_and_size()`
uint8_t *p_data; ///< Output. Pointer to supplemental data
For example, if latest major version is 4, but caller always want the API returns supplemental version 3 in
his infrastructure, then caller can specify major version 3 in structure tee_supp_data_descriptor_t
when calling this API.
If set major version to 0, then this API will always return latest version supplemental data.
quote3_error_t tee_verify_quote(
const uint8_t *p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
const uint8_t *p_quote_collateral,
const time_t expiration_check_date,
uint32_t *p_collateral_expiration_status,
sgx_qv_result_t *p_quote_verification_result,
sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t *p_qve_report_info,
tee_supp_data_descriptor_t *p_supp_data_descriptor);
p_quote [In]
Pointer to an SGX/TDX Quote. The QVE only supports version 3 of the SGX/TDX ECDSA Quote.
Currently, the QVE only supports Quotes with CertType = 5. The Intel signed QVE will only verify
Quotes generated by an Intel Signed QE. This type of certification data contains the PCK Certificate
Chain in the Quote.
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
p_quote_collateral [In]
This parameter is optional. If not NULL, this is a pointer to the Quote Certification Collateral
provided by the caller. The quote collateral structure contains a version number. This is the
data that is required to fully verify the quote. Such as the TCBInfo, QEIdentity and CRL
structures, etc. If it is NULL, the DCAP library will attempt to retrieve the collateral from the
platform quote provider library if available. If the platform quote provider library is not available
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or the collateral cannot be retrieved, this API will return SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE
expiration_check_date [In]
This is the date that the QVE will use to determine if any of the inputted collateral have expired.
The expectation is that the caller has access to a trusted current source or uses a hardcoded
threshold date.
p_collateral_expiration_status [Out]
Address of the outputted expiration status. This input must not be NULL. When this API
returns a 0 at this address, none of the inputted collateral has expired as compared to the
inputted expiration_check_date. This API will return a non-zero value when one or more of the
inputted collateral has expired according to the inputted expiration_check_date. This value will
contain a non-zero value if the API returns a value other than SGX_QL_SUCCESS.
p_quote_verification_result [In/Out]
Address of the outputted quote verification result. This value will contain
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED if the API returns a value other than SGX_QL_SUCCESS.
p_qve_report_info [In/Out]
This parameter is optional. If not NULL, the user needs to provide a ‘nonce’ and application
enclave’s target info, then the QVE will generate a report using the target_info provided in the
sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t structure . The QVE.REPORT.REPORT_DATA =
supplemental_data] ||32-0x00’s).
If NULL, the quote can still be verified on a non-SGX capable platform or by an untrusted QVL but
the results cannot be cryptographically verified.
Pointer to tee_supp_data_descriptor_t structure. This parameter is optional, if it is NULL, then API
will not return any supplemental data. If it’s not NULL, then user can specify the major version of
supplemental data by setting p_supp_datal_descriptor->major_version
If p_supp_datal_descriptor == NULL, no supplemental data is returned
If p_supp_datal_descriptor->major_version == 0, then return the latest version of the
sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t structure
If p_supp_datal_descriptor <= latest supported version, return the latest minor version
associated with that major version
If p_supp_datal_descriptor > latest supported version, return an error
Return Values
Successfully evaluated the quote.
One of the input parameters value is invalid
The inputted quote format is not supported. Either because the header information is not
supported or the quote is malformed in some way.
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The quote verifier doesn’t support the certification data in the Quote. Currently, the Intel QVE
only supported CertType = 5.
The quote verifier doesn’t support the format of the application REPORT the Quote.
The quote verifier doesn’t support the format of the application REPORT the Quote.
The signature over the QE Report is invalid.
The attestation key provided in the Quote was not produced by the QE described in the quote.
The format of the PCK Cert is unsupported.
There was an error verifying the PCK Cert signature chain including PCK Cert revocation.
The format of the TCBInfo structure is unsupported.
There was an error verifying the TCBInfo signature chain including TCBInfo revocation.
PCK Cert FMSPc does not match the TCBInfo FMSPc.
The format of the QEIdentity structure is unsupported.
The Quote’s QE doesn’t match the inputted expected QEIdentity.
There was an error verifying the QEIdentity signature chain including QEIdentity revocation.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
Unable to load the enclaves required to initialize the attestation key. Could be due to file I/O
error, loading infrastructure error or insufficient enclave memory.
Enclave lost after power transition or used in child process created by linux:fork().
Report MAC check failed on application report.
The Quote Library could not locate the platform quote provider library or one of its required
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The QVE was unable to generate its own report targeting the application enclave because there
is an enclave compatibility issue.
The Quote Library was available, but the quote library could not retrieve the data.
Only returned when the quote verification library supports both the untrusted mode of
verification and the QvE backed mode of verification. This error indicates that the 2 versions of
the verification modes are different. Most caused by using a QvE that does not match the
version of the DCAP installed.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
Unexpected error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform data.
Generic message parsing error from the attestation infrastructure while retrieving the platform
This platform is an unrecognized SGX platform.
3.6.6. Get Quote Verification Collateral
In current quote verification implementation, verification owner can ask QVL (Quote Verification Library)
to retrieve collateral automatically internally or provide collateral buffer explicitly.
If the owner of the quote verification needs to get collaterals before quote verification, e.g. Internet is
not available during quote verification. Then this API will help verification owner to connect PCCS (Or
Intel PCS) to retrieve collateral.
provide a different quote verification policy beyond the policy enforced by the sgx_qv_verify_quote()
API, the caller can request the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API to return supplemental data. This
supplemental data can be used to implement that alternate policy.
quote3_error_t tee_qv_get_collateral(const uint8_t *p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
uint8_t **pp_quote_collateral,
uint32_t *p_collateral_size);
p_quote [In]
Pointer to an SGX Quote. The QVE only supports version 3 of the SGX ECDSA Quote. Currently, the
QVE only supports Quotes with CertType = 5. The Intel signed QVE will only verify Quotes
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generated by an Intel Signed QE. This type of certification data contains the PCK Certificate Chain
in the Quote.
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
Pointer to the pointer which hold the quote verification collateral buffer, including CRL, TCB info,
QE identity etc. Please refer to structure ` sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t` for detail. API internal logic will
try to allocate enough memory to hold the collateral buffer, and you need to call API
`tee_qv_free_collateral()` to free the buffer after use.
Pointer to hold the collateral buffer size in bytes.
Return Values
Successfully to free the collateral buffer
Invalid parameter. p_quote, pp_quote_collateral and p_collateral_size must not be NULL. Or
quote type is not correct, only support SGX and TDX quote so far.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
Cannot find quote provider library on the system.
Cannot get quote collateral from PCCS or Intel PCS.
3.6.7. Free Quote Verification Collateral
Free the quote verification collateral buffer allocated by API tee_qv_get_collateral() API.
This API was added to the QVL (Quote Verification Library) to allow user to retrieve and free quote
verification collateral buffer, instead of asking QVL to handle the collateral buffer internally.
quote3_error_t tee_qv_free_collateral(uint8_t *p_quote_collateral);
Pointer to hold the collateral buffer in bytes which allocated by API tee_qv_get_collateral().
Return Values
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Successfully to free the collateral buffer
Invalid parameter. p_quote_collateral must not be NULL.
The collateral buffer type is not supported. Only SGX (0x0) and TDX (0x81) are supported now.
3.6.8. Extract FMSPC from Quote
This function takes SGX/TDX quote as input and extract the FMSPC (Family-Model-Stepping-Platform-
CustomSKU) from PCK certificate chain in cert_type 5 quote. You need to allocate a buffer which equal
or larger than 6 bytes, then this function will copy the FMSPC value to the memory you allocated. Note
that the out FMSPC is hex-encoded string (6 bytes). Finally, you should free the FMSPC buffer.
quote3_error_t tee_get_fmspc_from_quote(const uint8_t* p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
uint8_t* p_fmspc_from_quote,
uint32_t fmspc_from_quote_size);
Pointer to an SGX/TDX Quote. Only Quote with CertType = 5 which contains PCK Certificate Chain
is supported.
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
Pointer to hold the FMSPC buffer, which allocated by user.
Size of the buffer pointed to p_fmspc_from_quote, must equal or larger than 6 bytes.
Return Values
Successfully to extract the FMSPC from quote, which is hex-encoded string representation (6
Invalid parameter. p_quote and p_fmspc_from_quote must not be NULL, and fmspc_from_size
must larger or equal to 6 bytes.
Cannot parse the PCK certificate chain, or root certificate is not trusted.
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The certification type is not supported in the quote, which means PCK certificate chain doesn’t
exist or not correct.
3.6.9. Verify Quote with Supplemental Data
This is an example API that will implement an alternative verification policy when the
sgx_qv_verify_quote() return SGX_QL_SUCCESS and *p_quote_verification_result contains a non-
terminal verification result. There are currently no plans to implement this in the DCAP library.
If the quote verifier (CSP or relying party) needs to implement a different verification policy than the one
provided in the sgx_qv_verify_quote(), they can implement an API similar to this one. This API is a
simple example, but the implementer may consider inputting the QVE report to verify the QVE inputs
and results. It may also consider returning a REPORT of its own so that the caller can verify that an
enclave owned by the alternate verifier generated the alternative verification result.
A quote verifier that only needs to know if a platform may be vulnerable to a targeted SA, check:
Find the targeted SA at
center/default.html and record the 'Original Release' date.
Platform may be vulnerable to the SA if the platform's TCB evaluation has a 'tcbDate'
less-than-or-equal to date recorded in step 1.
A quote verifier that only needs to know if the collateral used is newer than some date even if the
collateral is expired.
On a TCB Recovery Event, retrieve the new TCBInfo and QEIdentity and record the
tcbEvalDataSetNumber. (The tcbEvalDataSetNumber of latest TCBInfo and QEIdentity
will always be in sync)
When a PCK Cert CRL is updated, retrieve the new CRL and record the ‘CRLNum’.
Determining freshness:
i. Compare the supplemental ‘tcb_eval_dataset_num’ to the recorded
tcbEvalDataSetNumber’ from the TCBInfo/QEidentity from step 1. If
‘tcb_eval_dataset_num’ is greater-than-or-equal-to the ‘tcbEvalDataSetNumber’,
then the TCBInfo and QEIdentity are ‘fresh’
ii. Compare the supplemental ‘pck_crl_num’ to the recorded CRLNum from step 2, if
‘pck_crl_num’ is greater-than-or-equalto the CRLNum, then the PCK CRL is ‘fresh’
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_verify_quote_supplemental(
const uint8_t *p_supplemental_data,
uint32_t supplemental_data_size,
const time_t *p_freshness_date,
const time_t *p_vulnerability_date);
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p_supplemental_data [In]
Pointer to the supplemental data returned by the passed in by the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API.
Must not be NULL. If the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API returned a terminal verification result, the
data returned in p_supplemental_data will be invalid.
supplemental_data_size [In]
Number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by p_supplemental_data.
freshness_date [In]
Optional parameter. If NULL, vulnerability_date must not be NULL. If not NULL, all collateral
used in the sgx_qv_verify_quote() must have an issue date later than or equal to the freshness
date. If any of the collaterals’ issue dates precedes the freshness date, this API will return
vulnerability_date [In]
Optional parameter. If NULL, freshness_date must not be NULL. If not NULL, the platform must
have the prescribed mitigations for all SGX SAs published before the vulnerability_date. If the
platform doesn’t have the prescribed mitigations for all SGX SAs published before this date, then
Return Values
The quote supplemental date checks pass. All collateral have issue dates later than or equal the
inputted freshness date and
The quote supplemental date checks pass.
The quote supplemental date checks pass.
Invalid parameter. p_supplemental_data is NULL, supplemental_data_size is incorrect, or both
freshness_data and vulnerability date are NULL.
At least one of the collaterals’ issue date precedes the freshness date.
The platform may be vulnerable to one or more SGX SAs published before the vulnerability date.
3.6.10. Get QvE Identity Structure
When the SGX ECDSA quote is verified by the Quote Verification Enclave, the caller can request
that the QVE return an SGX REPORT. This allows the caller to cryptographically verify that the
quote verification results were generated by the QVE. The caller uses REPORT based local
attestation to perform this verification. Once the REPORT has been verified using local
attestation, the caller needs to verify that the REPORT was generated by the expected Intel
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QVE. Intel signs and publishes a JSON data structure with the QVE identity information
(MRSIGNER, ProdID, ISVSVN, etc) called the QVEIdentity.
This API will use the quote provider library (see Get Quote Verification Enclave Identity
(QVEIdentity)) to retrieve the QVEIdentity to the caller. If the platform quote provider library
cannot be found, the error SGX_QL_PLATFORM_LIB_UNAVAILABLE will be returned. If the
platform quote provider library cannot retrieve the data, the
SGX_QL_NO_QVE_IDENTITY_DATA error will be returned.
This API was added to the Quote Verification Library to prevent the application from having to
link directly to the Platform Quote Provider Library.
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_get_qve_identity (
uint8_t **pp_qveid,
uint32_t *p_qveid_size,
uint8_t **pp_qveid_issue_chain,
uint32_t *p_qveid_issue_chain_size,
uint8_t **pp_root_ca_crl,
uint16_t *p_root_ca_crl_size);
pp_qve_identity [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the UTF-8 encoded JSON string containing the QVE Identity structure.
The platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that the caller will
free it using the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_free_qve_identity() API.
p_qve_identity_size [Out]
The length of the string in bytes in the buffer pointed by *pp_qve_identity including the
terminating null character.
pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain [Out]
Pointer to a pointer to the UTF-8 encoded string containing the QVE Identity issuer certificate
chain for SGX QVE Identity. It consists of SGX Root CA Certificate and SGX TCB Signing
Certificate. The platform quote provider library will allocate this buffer and it is expected that
the caller will free it using the platform quote provider library’s sgx_ql_free_qve_identity() API.
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain_size [Out]
The length of the string in bytes in the buffer pointed by *pp_qve_identity_issuer_chain
including the terminating null character.
Return Values
Data was read successfully.
The platform quote provider library does not have the QVE identity data available.
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The platform quote provider library rejected the input.
The Quote Verification Library could not locate the provider library.
Heap memory allocation error in library or enclave.
If the platform quote provider library uses the network to retrieve the QVE Identity, this error will
be returned when it encounters network connectivity problems.
If the platform quote provider library uses message protocols to retrieve the QVE Identity
collateral, this error will be returned when it encounters any protocol problems.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
3.6.11. Free QvE Identity Structure
Called to free the quote verification enclave identity data buffer allocated by the platform quote
provider library’s sgx_qv_get_qve_identity() API.
This API was added to the Quote Verification Library to prevent the application from having to link
directly to the Platform Quote Provider Library.
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_free_qve_identity(
uint8_t *p_qveid,
uint8_t *p_qveid_issue_chain,
uint8_t *p_root_ca_crl);
p_qve_identity [Out]
Pointer to the QVE identity that the sgx_ql_get_qve_identity() API returned.
p_qve_identity_issuer_chain [Out]
Pointer to the QVE identity issuer chain that the sgx_ql_get_qve_identity() API returned.
Return Values
The pointer was successfully freed or the input pointer was NULL.
An unexpected internal error occurred.
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3.6.12. Set Quote Verification Enclave and Dependent Library Directory Paths
This API can be used to set the location and filename of SGX ECDSA Quote Verification Enclave (QVE)
and the Platform Quote Provider Library (QPL) library (see Platform Quote Provider Library). The
function takes the path_type ENUM and the corresponding directory path plus filename as input. The
user can change the default directory path and filename used by the Quote verification library to find
the enclaves and the QPL independently with this API.
If this API is not called, it will load the QVE in the local directory of the process and use the dlopen
search path for the platform quote provider library (see Platform Quote Provider Library).
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_set_path(
sgx_qv_path_type_t path_type,
const char *p_path);
path_type [In]
The entity whose directory path and filename is specified in p_path. It can be
p_path [In]
The directory path and filename of the entity specified in path_type specified as a NUL terminated
Return Values
Successfully completed.
Invalid parameter.
Unexpected internal error occurred.
3.7. Using Supplemental Data in Trust Decisions
The supplemental data structure has other values that the relying party can use to further evaluate a
Quote. Section Verify Quote with Supplemental Data describes how to use the supplemental data
to verify the quote when the verifier wants to implement a less strict verification policy. But the
supplemental data has other values that can be used to get other important information from the
Quote to further evaluate the enclave and the platform. See the full description of the supplemental
data structure in Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Wrapper Structures.
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New values were added for multi-package platforms only. Multi-package platforms will have and
sgx_type = 1 (scalable). When sgx_type = 1 (scalable), the security properties may be different than
when the sgx_type = 0 (standard). The following supplemental data values are valid onl.y when
sgx_type=1 (scalable) otherwise they are undefined.
o Value of Platform Instance ID for this multi-package platform.
o Indicates whether a platform can be configured to enable the add package flow
o Indicates whether the encrypted platform keys are stored by SGX Registration Authority
Service (direct registration vs indirect registration)
o Indicate whether the platform has SMT (simultaneous multithreading) enabled
When sgx_type = 1 (scalable), the security properties are different then when the sgx_type = 0
3.8. Enclave Identity Checking
The Verify Quote API will verify that the application’s enclave REPORT was generated by an SGX enclave
running with SGX protections, but it does not identify whose enclave it is. The verifier calling the Verify
Quote API is responsible for checking the identity of the application enclave’s report.
There are several fields in the REPORT as defined in the Enclave Report Body. The verifier will use the
various fields in the REPORT to ensure its enclave generated that REPORT according to an identity policy.
The verifier must choose an enclave identity policy.
Verify Enclave Identity
o Strict Enclave Modification Policy
The MRENCLAVE is the hash over the enclave pages loaded into the SGX
protected memory. Whenever the contents of the signed enclave have
changed, its MRENCLAVE will change. If the MRENCLAVE is used to identify an
enclave, the verifier must be updated whenever a new modified version of the
enclave is released.
o Security Enclave Modification Policy
The identity of the enclave can also be established by verifying the MRSIGNER
and the ProdID. The MRSIGNER is the hash of the public portion of the key
used to sign the enclave. The ProdID is used to distinguish different enclaves
signed with the same key. Using the MRSIGNER+ProdID as the enclave
identity, the verifier enclave identity policy doesn’t need to be updated each
time the enclave is modified.
Verify Attributes
o Decide which enclave attributes are important and verify they are set properly.
o Production enclaves should not have the REPORT.Attribute.Debug flag set to 1.
When the Debug flag is set, a debugger can read the enclave’s memory and should not
be provisioned with production secrets.
Verify SSA Frame extended feature set
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Verify the ISV_SVN level of the enclave
o Whenever there is a security update to an enclave, the ISV_SVN value should be
increased to reflect the higher security level. When verifying an enclave’s REPORT, the
verifier should check that the ISV_SVN in the REPORT has a minimum trusted value.
Verify that the ReportData contains the expected value.
o This can be used to provide specific data from the enclave or it can be used to hold a
hash of a larger block of data which is provided with the quote. The verification of the
quote signature confirms the integrity of the report data (and the rest of the REPORT
Additional data which is provided with a report could be:
Nonce - provided to the enclave and then inserted tied to the REPORT to
prevent a replay of a previously used Quote.
Public Key - corresponding to a Private key which has been generated within the
3.9. Trusted Verification Library
This chapter presents a set of C-like APIs in a library, sgx_dcap_tvl, that an application enclave can
statically link with to verify the report and the identity of the Intel® SGX ECDSA QvE (Quote Verification
Enclave). Also, the application enclave can include the trusted library’s sgx_dcap_tvl.edl file to allow
an application to make ECALLs directly to the trusted library. The library, header file, and EDL files are
delivered with the Intel® SGX SDK installer.
3.9.1.QvE Report Verification and Identity Check
This function allows a user’s enclave to more easily verify the QvE REPORT returned in the
p_qve_report_info paramer in the Verify Quote API was generated by the Intel QvE at an expected TCB
level. This API will use SGX local attestation to verify the QvE REPORT. This API does not verify the Quote
In order to verify QvEs’ identity, caller needs to provide a QvE ISV SVN as a threshold. If the QvE ISV SVN
in the REPORT is smaller than the threshold, the API will return error SGX_QL_QVE_OUT_OF_DATE. Intel
will publish the latest QvE Identity JSON structure and its certificate chain in the Intel® PCS. The caller
can get latest QvE ISV SVN from the JSON structure. The sgx_dcap_tvl will hardcode the Intel® SGX QvE
enclave’s identity values, including latest QvE ISVSVN, misc_select and misc_select_mast, attribute and
attribute mask, MRSIGNER, PRODID within the API. (See Enclave Identity Checking for more information
on enclave identity checking). This API will check the QvE REPORT against these hardcoded values. If this
API finds any identity mismatches in the QvE REPORT, e.g. the report includes a different MRSIGNER to
hardcoded value, this API will return an error code.
In addition, the caller needs to cache the outputs of the Verify Quote API. The outputs should contain
the QvE REPORT, the expiration_check_date, the expiration status of verification collateral, the quote
verification result and the optional supplemental data. Then, the caller provides this QvE output, the ISV
SVN threshold and ECDSA quote. The API will verify the QvE’s identity info by following 3 steps.
a. Verify the QvE’s REPORT and REPORT.report_data
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b. Compare the QvE identity values in the REPORT with hardcoded identity values
c. Make sure the QvE’s ISV SVN in the REPORT is greater or equal to threshold provided by caller
quote3_error_t sgx_tvl_verify_qve_report_and_identity(
const uint8_t *p_quote,
uint32_t quote_size,
const sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t *p_qve_report_info,
time_t expiration_check_date,
uint32_t collateral_expiration_status,
sgx_ql_qv_result_t quote_verification_result,
const uint8_t *p_supplemental_data,
uint32_t supplemental_data_size,
sgx_isv_svn_t qve_isvsvn_threshold);
p_quote [In]
Pointer to an SGX Quote. The QvE only supports version 3 of the SGX ECDSA Quote. Currently, the
QVE only supports Quotes with CertType = 5. This type of certification data contains the PCK
Certificate Chain in the Quote. The Intel signed QVE will only verify Quotes generated by an Intel
Signed QE.
quote_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
p_qve_report_info [In]
An output of the Verify Quote API. It must contain QvE REPORT and a nonce.
expiration_check_date [In]
This is the date to verify QvE REPORT.report_data, you must use same value for this API to the
“expiration_check_data” input provided to the Verify Quote API.
collateral_expiration_status [In]
An output of the Verify Quote API which indicates the quote verification collateral's expiration
quote_verification_result [In]
An output of the Verify Quote API which indicates the quote verification result.
p_supplemental_data [In]
An output of the Verify Quote API. It is a pointer to the supplemental data. If the Verify Quote API
was provided a non-NULL pointer to p_supplemental_data, then this API must be provided the
outputted data. This parameter is optional.
supplemental_data_size [In]
Size of the buffer pointed to by p_supplemental_data (in bytes). The value should match the
value retuned by the Verify Quote API.
qve_isvsvn_threshold [In]
The threshold of QvE ISVSVN, the ISVSVN of QvE used to verify the Quote must be greater or equal
to this threshold. You can get latest QvE ISVSVN from the QvE Identity (JSON) structure provided
by the Intel PCS
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Return Values
Successfully evaluated the QvE report and Identity.
One of the input parameters value is invalid.
The QvE report can NOT be verified.
Unexpected error during verify QvE report and Identity.
The QvE identity info from report doesn’t match to value in sgx_dcap_tvl.
The input QvE ISV SVN threshold is smaller than actual QvE ISV SVN.
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A. Data Structures
A.1. Quote Library Data Structures
typedef enum {
SGX_QL_PERSISTENT, ///< AEs areinitialized on first use and reused until process
///< ends.
SGX_QL_EPHEMERAL, ///< AEs are initialized and terminated on every quote.
///< If a previous QE exists, it is stopped & restarted before
///< quoting.
} sgx_ql_request_policy_t;
/** Identifies the type of certification data used in the Quote */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_certification_data_t {
uint16_t cert_key_type; ///< The type of certification key used to sign the QE3
///<Report and Att key hash (ECDSA_ID+Authentication
uint32_t size; ///< Size of the data structure for the cert_key_type
uint8_t certification_data[]; ///< Certification data associated with the
} sgx_ql_certification_data_t;
/** Enumerates the different certification data types used to describe the signer of
the attestation key */
typedef enum {
PPID_RSA2048_ENCRYPTED = 2, ///< RSA-2048-OAEP Encrypted PPID + CPU_SVN, PvE_SVN,
PPID_RSA3072_ENCRYPTED = 3, ///< RSA-3072-OAEP Encrypted PPID + CPU_SVN, PvE_SVN,
PCK_CLEARTEXT = 4, ///< Clear PCK Leaf Cert
PCK_CERT_CHAIN = 5, ///< Full PCK Cert chain
///< (trustedRootCaCert||intermediateCa||pckCert)
ECDSA_SIG_AUX_DATA = 6, ///< Indicates the contents of the
///< ECDSA_SIG_AUX_DATA of another Quote.
} sgx_ql_cert_key_type_t;
A.2. Core Generic Quote Wrapper Structures
/** Enumerates the different attestation key algorithms */
typedef enum {
SGX_ALG_EPID = 0, ///< EPID 2.0 - Anonymous
SGX_ALG_RESERVED_1 = 1, ///< Reserved
SGX_ALG_ECDSA_P256 = 2, ///< ECDSA-256-with-P-256 curve, Non - Anonymous
SGX_ALG_ECDSA_P384 = 3, ///< ECDSA-384-with-P-384 curve, Non-Anonymous
} sgx_ql_attestation_algorithm_id_t;
/** Describes the header that contains the list of attestation keys supported by a
given verifier */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_att_key_id_list_header_t {
uint16_t id; ///< Structure ID
uint16_t version; ///< Structure version
uint32_t num_att_ids; ///< Number of 'Attestation Key Identifier' Elements
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/** Describes a single attestation key. Contains both QE identity and the attestation
algorithm ID. */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_att_key_id_t {
uint16_t id; ///< Structure ID
uint16_t version; ///< Structure version
uint16_t mrsigner_length; ///< Number of valid bytes in
uint8_t mrsigner[48]; ///< SHA256 or SHA384 hash of the
///< Public key that signed the QE.
///< The lower bytes contain
///< MRSIGNER. Bytes beyond
///< mrsigner_length '0'
uint32_t prod_id; ///< Legacy Product ID of the QE
uint8_t extended_prod_id[16]; ///< Extended Product ID or the QE.
///< All 0s for legacy format
///< enclaves.
uint8_t config_id[64]; ///< Config ID of the QE.
uint8_t family_id[16]; ///< Family ID of the QE.
sgx_ql_attestation_algorithm_id_t algorithm_id; ///< Identity of the attestation
///<key algorithm.
/** The full data structure passed to the platform by the verifier. It will list all
of the attestation algorithms and QE's supported by the verifier */
typedef struct _ sgx_ql_att_key_id_list_t {
sgx_ql_att_key_id_list_header_t header; ///< Header for the attestation key
///< ID list provided by the quote
///< verifier.
sgx_ql_att_key_id_t id_list[]; ///< Place holder for the
///< attestation ID list.
typedef struct _sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t {
sgx_quote_nonce_t nonce; ///<
sgx_target_info_t app_enclave_target_info;
sgx_report_t qe_report;
A.3. Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Wrapper Structures
/** Used to describe the PCK Cert for a platform */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_pck_cert_id_t
uint8_t *p_qe3_id; ///< The QE_ID used to identify the platform
///< for PCK Cert Retrieval
uint32_t qe_id_size; ///< The Size of the QE_ID (currently 16
///< bytes)
sgx_cpu_svn_t *platform_cpu_svn; ///< Pointer to the platform raw CPUSVN
sgx_cpu_svn_t *platform_pce_isv_svn; ///< Pointer to the platform raw PCE ISVSVN
uint8_t *p_encrypted_ppid; ///< Pointer to the encrypted PPID (Optional)
uint32_t encrypted_ppid_size; ///< Size of encrypted PPID.
uint8_t crypto_suite; ///< Crypto algorithm used to encrypt the
///<PPID (currently only
///<PCE_ALG_RSA_OAEP_3072 = 1 supported)
uint16_t pce_id; ///< Identifies the PCE-Version used to
///<generate the encrypted PPID.
/** Contains valid versions of the sgx_ql_config_t data structure. */
typedef enum _sgx_ql_config_version_t
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/** Contains the certification data used by the quoting library to certify the
attestation key and the certification data required to generate the final quote. */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_config_t
sgx_ql_config_version_t version;
sgx_cpu_svn_t cert_cpu_svn; ///< The CPUSVN used to generate the PCK
///< Signature that certifies the attestation
///< key.
sgx_isv_svn_t cert_pce_isv_svn; ///< The PCE ISVSVN used to generate the PCK
///<Signature that certifies the attestation
uint32_t p_cert_data_size; ///< The size of the buffer that
///<p_cert_data points to
uint8_t *p_cert_data; ///< The certification data used for the quote.
/** Contains the possible values of the quote verification result. */
typedef enum _sgx_ql_qv_result_t
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OK = 0, ///< The Quote verification passed and
///< is at the latest TCB level
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_CONFIG_NEEDED, ///< The Quote verification passed and
///< the platform is patched to the
///< latest TCB level but additional
///< configuration of the SGX platform
///< may be needed.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OUT_OF_DATE, ///< The Quote is good but the TCB
///< level of the platform is out of
///< date.
///< The platform needs patching to be
///< at the latest TCB level.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_OUT_OF_DATE_CONFIG_NEEDED, ///< The Quote is good but the TCB
///< level of the platform is out of
///< date and additional configuration
///< of the SGX Platform at its
///< current patching level may be
///< needed. The platform needs
///< patching to be at the latest TCB
///< level.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_INVALID_SIGNATURE, ///< The signature over the
///< application
///< report is invalid.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_REVOKED, ///< The attestation key or platform
///< has been revoked.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED, ///< The Quote verification failed due
///< to an error in processing the
///< Quote.
SGX_QL_QV_RESULT_SW_HARDENING_NEEDED,///< The TCB level of the platform is
///< up to date, but SGX SW Hardening
///< of the enclave is needed
///< is up to date, but additional
///< configuration of the platform
///< at its current patching level
///< may be needed. Moreover, SGX SW
///< Hardening of the enclave is also
///< needed
} sgx_ql_qv_result_t;
/** This is the data provided to the quote verifier by the verifying platform
software. They are NULL terminated strings. This data will need to be marshalled into
the QVE as byte buffers. PCK Cert chain is in the Quote thus there is no need to
provide it in the collateral. */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t
union {
uint32_t version; ///<‘version’ is the backward compatible legacy
///< representation
struct {
uint16_t major_version; ///< For PCS V1 and V2 APIs, the
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uint16_t minor_version; ///< major_version = 1 and minor_version = 0
} ///< the CRLs will be formatted in PEM. For
}; ///< PCS V3 APIs, the major_version = 3 and the
///< minor_version can be either 0 or 1. A
///< minor_verion of 0 indicates the CRL’s are
///< formatted in Base16 encoded DER. A minor
///< version of 1 indicates the CRL’s are
///< formatted in raw binary DER.
uint32_t tee_type; ///< 0x00000000: SGX or 0x00000081: TDX
char *pck_crl_issuer_chain; ///< concatenated - the order
///< as it is returned from PCS (root ca +
///< signing cert). ‘version’ 1 collateral has
///< CRL encoded in PEM format. ‘version’ 3
///< collateral has CRL encoded in DER format.
uint32_t pck_crl_issuer_chain_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< pck_crl_issuer_chain string. Size
///< includes the terminating NULL
///< character.
char *root_ca_crl; ///< CRL for certs signed by root cert.
///< Version 1.0: PEM
///< Version 3.0: Base16 DER
///< Version 3.1: Raw Binary DER
uint32_t root_ca_crl_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< root_ca_crl string. Size includes
///< the terminating NULL
char *pck_crl; ///< CRL for PCK leaf certs.
///< Version 1.0: PEM
///< Version 3.0: Base16 DER
///< Version 3.1: Raw Binary DER
uint32_t pck_crl_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< pck_crl string. Size includes the
///< terminating NULL
char *tcb_info_issuer_chain; ///< concatenated PEM format - the order
///< as it is returned from PCS (root ca +
///< signing cert)
uint32_t tcb_info_issuer_chain_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< tcb_info_issuer_chain string. Size
///< includes the terminating NULL
char *tcb_info; ///< TCB Info structure
uint32_t tcb_info_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< tcb_info string. Size includes the
///< terminating NULL
char *qe_identity_issuer_chain; ///< concatenated PEM format - the order
///< as it is returned from PCS (root ca +
///< signing cert)
Uint32_t qe_identity_issuer_chain_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< qe_identity_issuer_chain string. Size
///< includes the terminating NULL
char *qe_identity; ///< QE Identity Structure
uint32_t qe_identity_size; ///< Size in bytes of the
///< qe_identity string. Size includes the
///< terminating NULL
} sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t;
/** Contains data that will allow an alternative quote verification policy. */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t
union {
uint32_t version; ///< 'version' is the backward compatible
///< legacy representation
struct {
uint16_t major_version; ///< If this major version doesn't change,
///< the size of the structure may change
///< and new fields appended to the end but
///< old minor version structure can still
///< be 'cast'
///< If this major version does change,
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///< then the structure has been modified in
///< a way that makes the older definitions
///< non-backwards compatible. i.e. You
///< cannot 'cast' older definitions
uint16_t minor_version; ///< If this version changes, new fields
///< have been appended to the end of
///< the previous minor version definition
///< of the structure
///< Set to 1 to support SA_List. Set to 0
///< to support everything except the SA List
time_t earliest_issue_date; ///< Earliest issue date of all the
///< collateral (UTC)
time_t latest_issue_date; ///< Latest issue date of all the
///< collateral (UTC)
time_t earliest_expiration_data; ///< Earliest expiration date of all the
///< collateral (UTC)
time_t tcb_level_date_tag; ///< The SGX platform that
///< generated the quote has the mitigations
///< prescribed for all Security Advisories with
///< an SGX TCB impact, released
///< on or before this date.
///< See Intel Security Center Advisories.
uint32_t pck_crl_num; ///< CRL Num from PCK Cert CRL
uint32_t root_ca_crl_num; ///< CRL Num from Root CA CRL
uint32_t tcb_eval_dataset_num; ///< Lower number of the TCBInfo’s and
///< QEIdentity’s tcbEvalDataSetNumber
uint8_t root_key_id[48]; ///< ID of the collateral’s root signer
///< (hash of Root CA’s public key SHA-384
sgx_key_128bit_t pck_ppid; ///< PPID from remote platform. Can be used
///< for platform ownership checks.
sgx_cpu_svn_t tcb_cpusvn; ///< CPUSVN of the remote platform’s PCK
///< Cert
sgx_isv_svn_t tcb_pce_isvsvn; ///< PCE_ISVNSVN of the remote platform’s
uint16_t pce_id; ///< PCE_ID of the remote platform
uint8_t sgx_type; ///< Indicate the type of memory protection
///< available on the platform, it should be
///< one of Standard (0) and Scalable (1)
///< Multi-Package PCK cert related flags, they
///< are only relevant to PCK Certificates
///< issued by PCK Platform CA
uint8_t platform_instance_id[PLATFORM_INSTANCE_ID_SIZE]; ///< Value of Platform
///< Instance ID,16bytes
pck_cert_flag_enum_t dynamic_platform; ///< Indicate whether a platform can be
///< extended with additional packages
///< - via Package Add calls to SGX
///< Registration Backend
pck_cert_flag_enum_t cached_keys; ///< Indicate whether platform root
///< keys are cached by SGX
///< Registration Backend
pck_cert_flag_enum_t smt_enabled; ///< Indicate whether a plat form has
///< SMT (simultaneous multithreading)
///< enabled
char sa_list[MAX_SA_LIST_SIZE]; ///< String of comma separated list
///< of Security Advisory IDs
} sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t;
typedef struct _tee_supp_data_descriptor_t
uint16_t major_version; ///< Input. Major version of supplemental data
///< If == 0, then return latest version of
///< the sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t structure
///< If <= latest supported, return the latest minor
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///< version associated with that major version
///< if larger than latest supported, return an
uint32_t data_size; ///< Input. Supplemental data size of `p_data`, which returned
///< by API `tee_get_supplemental_data_version_and_size()`
uint8_t *p_data; ///< Output. Pointer to supplemental data
/** */
typedef enum
SGX_QL_QE3_PATH, ///< Indicate overriding the default QE3
///< location and filename
SGX_QL_PCE_PATH, ///< Indicate overriding the default PCE
///< location and filename
SGX_QL_QPL_PATH ///< Specify the location and file name of
///< The platform quote provider library
///< used by quote generation. Overrides the
///< dlopen search path and default
///< filename.
} sgx_ql_path_type_t;
/** */
typedef enum
SGX_QV_QVE_PATH, ///< Indicate overriding the default QVE
///< location and filename
SGX_QV_QPL_PATH ///< Specify the location and file name of
///< The platform quote provider library
///< used by quote generation. Overrides the
///< dlopen search path and default
///< filename.
} sgx_qv_path_type_t;
A.4. Quote Format
The new quote structure to support ECDSA will have a version number of 3. The existing Intel®
Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) Quote structure with a version number of 2 will still exist. The version 3
quote does not specifically support EPID but was designed so that the header is compatible based on
size and the first 5 fields of the header.
Endianess: Little Endian (applies to all integer fields).
Quote Header
Quote Header
Header of Quote data structure.
This field is transparent (the user knows
its internal structure).
Rest of the Quote data structure can be
treated as opaque (hidden from the user).
ISV Enclave
Enclave Report
Report of the attested ISV Enclave.
The CPUSVN and ISVSVN is the TCB when
the quote is generated.
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The REPORT.ReportData is defined by the
ISV but should provide quote replay
protection if required.
Quote Signature
Data Len
Size of the Quote Signature Data structure
Quote Signature
Variable-length data containing the
signature and supporting data. E.g.
ECDSA 256-bit Quote Signature Data
Table 2: High-Level Quote Structure
Version of the Quote data structure.
Value: 3
Attestation Key
Type of the Attestation Key used by the Quoting
Supported values:
- 2 (ECDSA-256-with-P-256 curve)
- 3 (ECDSA-384-with-P-384 curve) (Note:
currently not supported)
(Note: 0 and 1 are reserved, EPID is moved to
version 3 quotes.)
Byte Array
Reserved field.
Value: 0
Security Version of the Quoting Enclave
currently loaded on the platform.
Security Version of the Provisioning
Certification Enclave currently loaded on the
QE Vendor ID
Unique identifier of the QE Vendor.
Value: 939A7233F79C4CA9940A0DB3957F0607
(Intel® SGX QE Vendor)
Note: Each vendor that decides to provide a
customized Quote data structure should have
unique ID.
User Data
Byte Array
Custom user-defined data. For the Intel® SGX
DCAP library, the first 16 bytes contain a QE
identifier that is used to link a PCK Cert to an
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Enc(PPID). This identifier is consistent for
every quote generated with this QE on this
Table 3: Quote Header
Size (bytes)
ISV Enclave
Report Signature
ECDSA signature over the Header and
the Enclave Report calculated using
ECDSA Attestation Key.
ECDSA Attestation
Public Key
Public part of the ECDSA Attestation
Key generated by the Quoting Enclave.
QE Report
Enclave Report
Report of the Quoting Enclave that
generated the ECDSA Attestation Key.
Report Data: SHA256(ECDSA Attestation
Key || QE Authentication Data) || 32-
Note: The ‘QE Report’ field in the
Quote structure is the value of the QE
Report when the PCE certifies it. The
certification step may happen before
generating a Quote. Therefore,
CPUSVN and ISVSVN in this field may
be older than the currently loaded QE.
QE Report
ECDSA signature over the QE Report
calculated using the Provisioning
Certification Key.
QE Authentication
QE Authentication
Variable-length data chosen by the
Quoting Enclave and signed by the
Provisioning Certification Key (as a part
of the Report Data in the QE Report). It
can be used by the QE to add
additional context to the ECDSA
Attestation Key utilized by the QE.
For example, this may indicate the
customer, geography, network, or
anything pertinent to the identity of
the Quoting Enclave.
Size should be set to 0 if there is no
additional data.
QE Certification
QE Certification
Data required to verify the QE Report
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Table 4: ECDSA 256-bit Quote Signature Data Structure
Size (bytes)
Byte Array
Security Version of CPU (raw value).
SSA Frame extended feature set.
Reports what SECS.MISCSELECT settings are
used in the enclave. You can limit the
allowed MISCSELECT settings in the
sigstruct using MISCSELECT/MISCMASK.
Byte Array
Reserved field.
Byte Array
Set of flags describing attributes of the
enclave. The ISV can limit what
SECS.ATTRIBUTES can be used when
loading the enclave through parameters to
the SGX Signtool. The Signtool will produce
ATTRIBUTESMASK which determine
allowed ATTRIBUTES - For each
set, then corresponding bit in the
SECS.ATTRIBUTES must match the same bit
Byte Array
Hash of enclave measurement.
Byte Array
Reserved field.
Byte Array
Hash of enclave signing key.
Byte Array
Reserved field.
Enclave Product ID.
The ISV should configure a unique
ISVProdID for each product which may
want to share sealed data between enclaves
signed with a specific MRSIGNER. The ISV
may want to supply different data to
identical enclaves signed for different
Security Version of the enclave.
Byte Array
Reserved field.
Report Data
Byte Array
Additional report data.
The enclave is free to provide 64 bytes of
custom data to the REPORT. This can be
used to provide specific data from the
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enclave or it can be used to hold a hash of a
larger block of data which is provided with
the quote. The verification of the quote
signature confirms the integrity of the
report data (and the rest of the REPORT
Table 5: Enclave Report Body
Size (bytes)
Byte Array
ECDSA signature, the r component followed
by the s component, 2 x 32 bytes.
Table 6: ECDSA P-256 Signature
Size (bytes)
Public Key
Byte Array
EC KT-I Public Key, the x-coordinate followed
by the y-coordinate (on the RFC 6090 P-256
curve), 2 x 32 bytes.
Table 7: ECDSA P-256 Public Key
Size (bytes)
Size of the ‘Data’ array. 0 is a valid value.
Byte Array
Data that to be additionally ‘signed’ by the
certification key.
Table 8: QE Authentication Data
Size (bytes)
Certification Data
Determines type of data required to verify the
QE Report Signature in the Quote Signature
Data structure.
Supported values:
- 1 (PCK identifier: PPID in plain text,
- 2 (PCK identifier: PPID encrypted using
- 3 (PCK identifier: PPID encrypted using
- 4 (PCK Leaf Certificate in plain text,
currently not supported)
- 5 Concatenated PCK Cert Chain
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- 7 (PLATFORM_MANIFEST, currently not
Size of Certification Data field.
Certification Data
Byte Array
Data required to verify the QE Report
Signature depending on the value of the
Certification Data Type:
- 1: Byte array that contains
concatenation of PPID, CPUSVN,
- 2: Byte array that contains
concatenation of PPID encrypted using
- 3: Byte array that contains
concatenation of PPID encrypted using
- 4: PCK Leaf Certificate
- 5: Concatenated PCK Cert Chain (PEM
formatted). PCK Leaf
Cert||Intermediate CA Cert|| Root CA
- 6: Intel® SGX Quote (currently not
- 7: PLATFORM_MANIFEST (currently not
Table 9: QE Certification Data
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B. Result Code Mappings
B.1. Quote Verification Result Mapping (sgx_ql_qv_result_t)
B.2. Quote Libraries API Return Result Mapping (quote3_error_t)
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C. Sample Sequence Diagrams
C.1. Sample Quote Generation Sequence Diagram for the Intel® SGX DCAP
Intel® SGX
Usage Quote
Plaform Quote
Provider Lib
PCK Management
Get Quote
QE Target InfoID
Return sgx_report
Get App Enclave Report with QE target info
Find sgx_ql_quote_config
using dlopen & dlsym
return Quote
(PCK Cert Chain, QE_ID)
if found, call sgx_ql_qet_quote_config(QE_ID, TCBr)
Return PCK Cert Chain+TCBm
return quote size
Usage App
QE_ID Found
PCK Cert Chain + TCBm
GetPCKCertChain_and_TCBm(QE_ID, TCBr)
if found, call sgx_ql_qet_quote_config(QE_ID, TCBr)
Generate and Certify Key
Store in Blob
Return PCK Cert Chain+TCBm
Find sgx_ql_quote_config
using dlopen & dlsym
if found, call sgx_ql_qet_quote_config(QE_ID, TCBr)
Return PCK Cert Chain+TCBm
Find sgx_ql_quote_config
using dlopen & dlsym
C.2. Deployment Phase PCK Retrieval Sequence Diagram
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Intel® SGX
PCK Retrieval
PCK Management
QE Target Info and Key ID
Find sgx_ql_quote_config using dlopen & dlsym
return Quote
return quote size
Intel PCK
PCK Cert + TCBm
Exctract Enc_PPID + TCBr + PCE_ID
Extract QE_ID
Store the PCK Cert Chain, TCBm, QE_ID, TCBr
QE_ID not registered
Get Root Certs
Root Certs
C.3. QvE Based Quote Verification Sequence Diagram
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C.4. Non-QvE Based Quote Verification Sequence Diagram
C.5. TCB Recovery Intel Activity Diagram Quote Verification Collateral
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SGX TCB Recovery Event (ECDSA)
Analysis SGX Module Owners PCK Key Generation SGX CommunicationTCB Info QE Identity
Affects SGX
Start building
Create SGX TCB
Recovery Public
Disclosure Email
Insert New
TCB Level
Date Tag
Entries with
changes to
Recovery Public
Publish Security
Modify 'Up-
to-date' TCB
Date Tag
Public Disclosure Date
Start SGX TCB Recovery
New Certs?
New QE?
Insert New
Date Tag
Entries with
changes to
Modify 'Up-
Date Tag
Publish PCK
Update Issue
Date and
Update Issue
Date and
External Actions
Internal Actions
Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Data Center Attestation Primitives:
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4. Disclaimer and Legal Information
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Optimization Notice
Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for
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Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel
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microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more
information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.
Notice revision #20110804
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