470-3765 (10/03)
470-3765 (10/03) 1
PARTIES.................................................................................................................................................... 1
LEASED PREMISES .................................................................................................................................2
COMMON USE..........................................................................................................................................3
TERM......................................................................................................................................................... 4
RENT, UTILITIES, AND SERVICES..........................................................................................................5
USED OF LEASED PREMISES ................................................................................................................ 6
ASSIGNMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 7
CARE, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIRS................................................................................................... 8
TENANT IMPROVEMENTS ......................................................................................................................9
ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS................................................................................................................10
LIENS....................................................................................................................................................... 11
INSURANCE............................................................................................................................................ 12
FIRE AND CASUALTY ............................................................................................................................ 13
TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS.................................................................................................................14
INDEMNIFICATION BY TENANT............................................................................................................ 15
INDEMNIFICATION BY LANDLORD....................................................................................................... 16
PRIVACY ................................................................................................................................................. 17
COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT.................................................................................................... 18
LANDLORD’S RIGHT OF ACCESS ........................................................................................................ 19
AUTHORITY ............................................................................................................................................ 20
VENDING SALES.................................................................................................................................... 22
BREACH OF AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................... 23
TERMINATION OF LEASE......................................................................................................................24
NONAPPROPRIATION ...........................................................................................................................25
470-3765 (10/03) 2
STATE REORGANIZATION PLAN.......................................................................................................... 26
CHANGE IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION.............................................................................................. 27
HOLDING SELF OUT .............................................................................................................................. 28
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND POLICIES.......................................................................................... 29
TOBACCO SMOKE ................................................................................................................................. 30
SURRENDER OF PREMISES AT THE END OF THE TERM................................................................. 31
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................32
a. Entire Lease
b. Choice of Law and Forum
c. Notices
d. Severability
e. Consent
f. Third Party Beneficiaries
g. Rights Cumulative
h. Headings and Caption
i. Amendments
j. Non-waiver
k. Obligations Beyond Agreement Term
l. Document Execution
m. Effective Date
470-3765 (10/03) 1
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Human Services (“Landlord”), as the owner of __________________
________________________________ (Institution), desires to lease a portion of the Institution premises,
as identified in Iowa Code section 218.1, to ________________________________________ (Tenant),
(“Tenant”) a nonprofit entity; and
WHEREAS, Tenant desires to lease specific portions of the Institution in which to provide services.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants set forth below, the parties
agree as follows:
a. This Lease is executed by and between the Iowa Department of Human Services (Landlord),
whose address for the purpose of this Lease is _______________________________________
________________ (Address of Institution), ____________________________ (City), Iowa,
__________ (Zip Code), and ________________________________________ (Tenant), a
nonprofit corporation, whose address for the purpose of this Lease is _____________________
__________________________________ (Address), ____________________________ (City),
Iowa, __________ (Zip Code).
b. Unless otherwise stated, the _____________________________________________ (Title of
Institution Person Who Will Administer the Lease) at the Institution is designated to act on behalf
of the Landlord for all purposes related to this Lease.
Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from the Landlord, according to the terms and
provisions set forth in this Lease, the following described premises: __________ Square Footage
______________________________________________________________________ (Description)
Tenant shall also have common use with Landlord of Landlord’s driveways to access leased
premises, parking areas adjacent to the leased premises, sidewalks leading to leased premises,
grounds adjacent to the leased premises, and (List other common uses negotiated, if applicable, such
as, use of landlord’s gym and auditorium will be considered a “common area” and made available
through scheduling with the landlord.) for its purposes.
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The term of this Lease is for a three-year period (Term is negotiable, however, not to exceed three (3)
years.) beginning __________ day of ____________________ 20_____, and ending __________
day of ____________________ 20_____, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the termination
provisions in this Lease.
a. Rates for rent, utilities and services shall be in the amount set out in Appendix A.
b. The parties shall review the rates set out in Appendix A yearly during the term of this Lease. The
review shall be for the purpose of determining the costs and rates for the following year for rent,
utilities, and services. In the event that agreement can not be reached on the costs and rates to
be charged, the parties may terminate this Lease pursuant to Section 24 of this Lease. Other
than adjusting the costs and rates set out in Appendix A, and adding or deleting services, all
other terms and conditions of this Lease shall remain in effect for the entire term of the Lease.
Tenant covenants and agrees during the term of this Lease to use and to occupy the leased premises
and the common areas only for the purpose of delivering services which the nonprofit organization
was established to deliver. Those services are described as follows: _________________________
(Services to be Provided). Tenant covenants and agrees to comply at all times with all applicable
federal, state and local laws and regulations in its use of the leased premises. The use of the leased
premises and of the common areas may not be altered by Tenant without the prior written consent of
the Landlord.
The parties agree that this Lease shall not be assigned and that the leased premises or any portion
thereof shall not be assigned nor sublet without the prior written approval of the Landlord.
a. Landlord will maintain the roof, structural part of the floor, walls and other structural parts of the
building in good repair. If Landlord does not have sufficient funds to maintain the roof or
structural parts of the leased premises in good repair, Tenant may, at its sole option, make such
repairs at Tenant’s expense without reimbursement from the Landlord, or Tenant may terminate
this Lease in accordance with Section 24 of this Lease.
b. Tenant shall, after taking possession of the premises and until the termination of this Lease and
the actual removal from the premises, at its own expense, care for and maintain the premises in
a reasonably safe, clean, serviceable and presentable condition, except for structural parts of the
building. Tenant shall furnish its own interior and exterior decorating. Tenant shall not permit or
allow the premises to be damaged by any act or negligence of the Tenant, its agents,
employees, or clients.
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c. Landlord shall be responsible for: (Customize for the institution needs, for example:)
OPTION 1: Providing and maintaining utilities including, but not limited to, electricity, heat, hot
and cold water, air conditioning (if applicable), pipes, wires, and ducts, up to the leased
OPTION 2: Providing and maintaining utilities including, but not limited to, electricity, heat, hot
and cold water, air conditioning (if applicable), pipes, wires, and ducts, up to and including the
leased premises. The costs incurred by the landlord as a result of this paragraph will be charged
back to the tenant as identified in Appendix A.
d. Tenant shall be responsible for: (Customize for the institution needs if use Option 1 above, for
Maintaining utilities including, but not limited to, pipes, wires, and ducts, in or on all of the leased
premises, and shall be responsible for routine maintenance of utilities in or on the leased
If use option 2 above, need to delete this section.
e. Tenant shall be responsible for collecting trash from the leased premises and placing it in an
area designated by the Landlord. The Landlord shall be responsible for disposing of the trash
placed in the designated area.
f. Janitorial services on the leased premises will be addressed in Appendix A, if provided by the
Landlord. Landlord will provide janitorial services for the common area.
g. Tenant is authorized to contract for the services identified in this section that Tenant is
responsible for providing.
h. Landlord shall provide lawn care and maintenance of the grounds for the common areas. Snow
removal shall be addressed in Appendix A.
a. Tenant may, at its own expense and with prior written consent of the Landlord, make
improvements or additions to the leased premises. It is expressly understood by the parties that
if Tenant plans to make any structural changes, improvements, or additions to the leased
premises including, but not limited to, removal of any wall, whether load-bearing or otherwise,
any alteration to the existing structure, or installation of satellite dishes or any similar
technological device, Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,
rules, regulations, codes and ordinances and approval from the Landlord must be obtained prior
to the initiation of the change, improvement or addition.
b. If any costs or expenses are incurred by the Landlord in determining the effect and feasibility of
changes, improvements, or additions on the structural integrity of the premises, the Tenant shall
be responsible for reimbursing the Landlord for those costs and expenses.
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c. If any materials are removed from the leased premises, the Landlord shall have the first right of
refusal to those materials at no cost to the Landlord. Tenant may at any time, at its own
expense, install items of equipment, furniture and other personal property in or upon the leased
premises. All such items shall remain the sole property of the Tenant, in which Landlord shall
have no interest. Such improvements, equipment and furnishings may be modified or removed
by Tenant at any time. Tenant shall repair and restore within 90 days of installation, modification
or removal of any such items, any and all damage to the leased premises. Nothing in this Lease
shall prevent Tenant from purchasing items to be installed pursuant to a conditional sale or
lease-purchase contract, or subject to a vendor’s lien or security agreement, as security for the
unpaid portion of the purchase price, provided that no such lien or security interest shall attach to
any part of the leased premises or any property of the Landlord.
d. Tenant shall have the right to install recreational equipment or other improvements on the
common areas at its own expense, upon prior written approval of the Landlord. Tenant shall
maintain recreational equipment in good condition and shall comply with all applicable standards
for recreational equipment. At the Landlord’s request, Tenant shall remove any improvements or
equipment at the end of the Lease, and repair any and all damage to the common areas
resulting from the installation, modification or removal of improvements or equipment.
e. All equipment and improvements shall remain the personal property of the Tenant at all times.
However, at the end of this Lease, if Tenant does not remove any of the improvements or
equipment from the leased premises and common areas after 90 days from the termination of
the Lease, the improvements or equipment shall become the property of the Landlord and may
be disposed of or used at the discretion of the Landlord.
a. Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations,
codes, and ordinances related to environmental matters concerning the operation of its business
including, but not limited to, handling, transportation, storage, treatment, or use of medical and
other toxic or hazardous substances and proper disposal of medical or other toxic or hazardous
wastes. Tenant shall have the responsibility to ensure that any contractors, subcontractors or
agents observe all applicable requirements. In the event that any medical or other toxic or
hazardous substance is spilled or contamination occurs on the leased premises, Tenant agrees
to be responsible for clean up, isolation or other remediation measures and for all costs to clean
up, isolate or remediate the spill or contamination.
b. Tenant shall give Landlord timely notice based on circumstances of any environmental
contamination and spills or any notice or claims of environmental contamination and spills
involving hazardous or toxic substances, wastes or other substances regulated by federal, state
or local laws, rules, regulations, or ordinances.
During the term of this Lease, Tenant agrees not to directly or indirectly create, incur, or allow any
mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, encumbrance or claim (collectively referred to as claim) on or with
respect to the leased property. If any claim arises at any time, the Tenant shall promptly, and at its
own expense, take whatever action is needed to discharge or remove the claim. Tenant shall furnish
Landlord with a surety company bond in the face amount of 110% of any contested claim. Landlord
shall have the right to apply the foregoing security to the payment of any contested claim if Tenant
fails to diligently contest the claim or is unsuccessful in preventing its enforcement.
470-3765 (10/03) 5
a. Landlord’s Obligations
. During the term of this Lease, Landlord intends to self-insure against all
risks and hazards related to the leased premises, the common areas, and its obligations under
this Lease. No separate fund has been established to provide such self-insurance, and the
Landlord shall not be obligated to establish any fund during the term of this Lease.
b. Tenant’s Obligations
. Tenant shall at its own expense cause to be issued and maintained during
the entire term of the Lease broad form general liability insurance covering acts with respect to
the leased premises and the common areas, and including services identified in the attached
appendix, in a minimum of One Million Dollars per occurrence, and Three Million Dollars in the
aggregate. All insurance policies required by this Lease shall provide coverage for all claims
arising from activities occurring during the term of the policy regardless of when the claim is filed
or expiration of the policy. The State of Iowa and the Department of Human Services shall be
additional named insureds on the insurance. Tenant shall provide a certificate of insurance to
the Landlord, which shall be subject to the Landlord’s approval. The insurer shall state in the
certificate that no cancellation of the insurance will be made without at least thirty (30) days’ prior
notice to Landlord and written notice shall be directed to the Landlord. Tenant shall be
responsible for insuring its own personal property, equipment, and furnishings used on the
leased premises and common areas.
a. In the event of a partial or total destruction of or damage to the structure in which the leased
premises are located which prevents the Tenant from conducting its program, Landlord shall
have the discretion to determine if the premises will be repaired. If the Landlord determines it
will repair the leased premises, this Lease shall not terminate, but rent shall be apportioned in
amounts equal to the percentage of the leased premises that is unusable during the construction
or repair.
b. If the Landlord determines not to repair the leased premises, Landlord shall give Tenant written
notice of termination of the Lease within twenty (20) business days after Landlord determines the
leased premises will not be repaired. Landlord shall give thirty (30) days prior written notice of
the termination of the Lease. Tenant shall be responsible for costs incurred to the date of
surrender of the leased premises.
a. Any taxes, assessments, fees, or levies, whether general or special, ordinary or extraordinary,
resulting from Tenant’s use of the leased property or from improvements made by the Tenant to
the leased property shall be the complete and sole responsibility of the Tenant during the term of
this Lease, regardless of the level or nature of the government body assessing the charge. Any
payments made for these charges shall not be considered rent and shall in no way affect the
amount of rent nor used to offset the cost charged for the utilization of support services or any
costs or rates outlined in Appendix A.
The Tenant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the State of Iowa and the Landlord, and their
officers, agents and employees, harmless from any and all liabilities, damages, settlements,
judgments, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees of the Attorney General’s Office,
and the costs and expenses and attorney fees of other counsel required to defend the State of Iowa,
the Landlord or their officers, agents or employees related to or arising from:
a. Any violation of this Lease; or
470-3765 (10/03) 6
b. Any negligent, willful or intentional acts or omissions of the Tenant, its officers, owners,
employees, agents, board members, contractors or subcontractors or any other person in
connection with the tenancy, use, or occupancy of the leased premises or common areas, or any
part of the leased premises by Tenant or any person claiming through the Tenant; or
c. Any failure by the Tenant to comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules, regulations and
ordinances; or
d. Any failure by the Tenant to make all reports and any payments required to conduct business in
the State of Iowa including, but not limited to, federal and state withholding; taxes; and other fees
or costs required of the Tenant; or
e. Personal injury, death or property damage of another caused by the Tenant’s clients, visitors, or
Indemnification of the Landlord is conditioned upon
Landlord giving to Tenant prompt written notice of any expected, threatened or actual claim, loss,
liability, damage, or expense.
Tenant shall not be responsible for any actions taken by Landlord, its employees, agents, or officers in
knowing violation of any federal, state, or local law.
Indemnification procedure
After receipt by the Landlord of notice of the commencement or threatened commencement of any
action or proceeding involving a claim in which it will seek indemnification, the Landlord shall notify the
Tenant of the claim, in writing. Failure to notify the Tenant shall not relieve the Tenant of its
obligations under this section unless the Tenant can demonstrate damages attributable to the failure.
Within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the written notice and not later than ten (10) days before
the date on which any repose to a claim is due, the Tenant shall notify the Landlord in writing if the
Tenant elects to assume control of the defense and settlement of the claim (“Notice of Election”).
If Tenant delivers a timely Notice of Election, the Tenant shall be entitled to have sole control over the
defense and settlement of the claim, provided, however, that:
a. The Landlord shall be entitled to participate in the defense of the claims and to employ counsel
at its own expense to assist in the handling of the claim and to monitor and advise the Landlord
about the status and progress of the defense;
b. The Tenant shall obtain the prior written approval of the Landlord before entering into any
settlement of the claim or ceasing to defend against the claim; and
c. To the extent that any principles of Iowa governmental or public law may be involved or
challenged, the Landlord shall have the right, at its own expense, to control the defense of that
portion of the claim involving the principles of Iowa governmental or public law.
To the extent allowed by law, Landlord agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Tenant harmless
from any and all liabilities, damages, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses, including
reasonable attorneys’ fees, related to or arising from:
a. Any violation by Landlord of this Lease; or
b. Any negligent, willful or intentional acts or omissions of the Landlord or any of its employees or
agents acting within the scope of employment; or
470-3765 (10/03) 7
c. Any failure by the Landlord to comply with all local, state, and federal laws, rules, regulations and
Indemnification of the Tenant is conditioned upon
a. Tenant giving Landlord prompt written notice of any expected, threatened or actual claim, loss,
liability, damage, or expense.
b. Landlord shall not be responsible for any actions taken by Tenant, its employees, agents, or
officers in knowing violation of any federal, state, or local law.
Indemnification procedure
After receipt by the Tenant of notice of the commencement or threatened commencement of any
action or proceeding involving a claim in which it will seek indemnification, the Tenant shall notify the
Landlord of the claim, in writing. Failure to notify the Landlord shall not relieve the Landlord of its
obligations unless the Landlord can demonstrate damages attributable to the failure. Within fifteen
(15) days following receipt of the written notice and not later than ten (10) days before the date on
which any repose to a claim is due, the Landlord shall notify the Tenant in writing if the Landlord elects
to assume control of the defense and settlement of the claim (“Notice of Election”).
If Landlord delivers a timely Notice of Election, the Landlord shall be entitled to have sole control over
the defense and settlement of the claims, provided, however, that:
a. The Tenant shall be entitled to participate in the defense of the claims and to employ counsel at
its own expense to assist in the handling of the claim and to monitor and advise the Tenant
about the status and progress of the defense;
b. The Landlord shall obtain the prior written approval of the Tenant before entering into any
settlement of the claim or ceasing to defend against the claim.
Tenant agrees it will provide adequate supervision and training to insure that any confidential
information Tenant, its employees, and agents acquire or have knowledge of as a result of this Lease,
is protected and maintained in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local law, and any
laws applicable to Landlord.
Landlord covenants that Tenant shall quietly enjoy the leased premises and shall have unobstructed
ingress and egress to the leased premises and to the common areas at all times, except as agreed
upon by the parties, to assure the safety of clients residing at the Institution and the employees and
agents of the Landlord. In the event Landlord desires to inspect the leased premises at reasonable
times, Landlord shall make prior arrangements with Tenant so as to minimize disruption of the
Tenant’s operation. Tenant agrees that Landlord shall have the right of access to the leased premises
at any time Landlord has a reasonable suspicion that Tenant is failing to perform according to the
terms and conditions of this Lease to determine whether security, maintenance, repair, abatement of
nuisance, removal of hazardous or toxic waste, or other pertinent emergency measures as provided
for by and under the terms of this Lease have been properly performed. Tenant acknowledges that
other programs existing now or in the future on other portions of the Institution may be a source of
occasional noise or disturbance to the Tenant’s program; Tenant shall not consider such activities to
constitute a breach of this covenant of quiet enjoyment.
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a. Landlord shall have a continuing right of access to the leased premises:
1. To inspect the leased premises to determine the need for repairs or maintenance of the
Landlord’s facility;
2. To make necessary repairs or conduct maintenance of the facility or of the leased premises
as required under this Lease;
3. For the purposes of ensuring the safety of persons for whom the Landlord is responsible;
4. For emergencies which require the presence of the Landlord on the leased premises.
b. Landlord shall give reasonable notice prior to entering the leased premises whenever it is
feasible to do so and will not endanger the safety or well being of any person to do so.
c. Tenant will allow access to inspectors, surveyors, or other persons who require access to the
leased premises in order for Landlord to maintain licensures, accreditations or similar approvals
for the operation of Landlord’s programs and services.
a. Landlord covenants it has the power to enter into a Lease pursuant to Iowa Code section
b. Tenant warrants that the individual signing this Lease has been granted the right, power and
authority to enter into this Lease on behalf of the Tenant.
Tenant is authorized by Landlord to attach, affix, paint and/or exhibit signs on the leased premises, or
other portions of the Institution with prior written consent of the Landlord, to appropriately direct the
public to that portion of the Institution which constitutes the leased premises, to properly identify the
Tenant’s program including, but not limited to, directional signs, free-standing signs at the public
access perimeters of the Institution’s grounds, and signs affixed to structures of the Institution;
provided that:
a. All signs shall comply with the ordinances of _________________________________________
(County Institution is Located in) and the laws of the State of Iowa;
b. All signs shall comply with Institutional policies;
c. Signs shall not change the structure of the leased premises or other portions of the Institution;
d. Signs, if and when removed, shall not damage the building. Tenant agrees to repair any
resultant damage from the erection or removal of such signs.
Landlord holds exclusive rights to all vending sales and machines. The Tenant agrees not to
introduce any vending sales without the express prior written approval of the Landlord.
470-3765 (10/03) 9
In the event either party fails to observe and perform any covenant, condition or obligation created in
this Lease, the nonbreaching party shall provide written notice to the other party requesting that the
breach be immediately remedied. In the event that the breach continues ten (10) days beyond the
date of the written notice, the party giving notice may either:
a. Provide a second notice that the Lease will be terminated twenty (20) days after the second
notice is given unless the breach is remedied within the twenty (20) day period and seek any
legal or equitable remedy allowed by law; or
b. Enforce the terms and conditions of the Lease and seek any legal or equitable remedies
c. In the event that a party’s failure to observe or perform any covenant, condition or obligation
created in this Lease results in an immediate threat to the safety and well-being of an individual,
the nonbreaching party may take whatever actions are reasonably necessary to alleviate the
threat and protect any individual from harm. Prior notice shall be required only to the extent it is
reasonable to do so under the circumstances. The non-breaching party may also proceed as set
out in paragraphs a. and b. of this section at the same time as or following taking action to
alleviate the threat or protect an individual from harm.
If this Lease is not terminated pursuant to paragraphs 13, 25 or 26, the following paragraphs apply to
the termination of this Lease:
a. Tenant’s Right to Terminate
. Tenant may terminate this Lease for any reason upon giving at
least sixty (60) days prior written notice to Landlord.
b. Landlord’s Right to Terminate
. Landlord may terminate this Lease for any reason upon giving at
least sixty (60) days prior written notice to Tenant.
c. Unless otherwise specified in this Lease, neither party shall incur liability for termination of the
Lease pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph.
a. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, and subject to the limitations, conditions,
and procedures stated below, the Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease without
penalty by giving sixty (60) days written notice to Tenant as a result of any of the following:
1. The legislature fails to appropriate funds sufficient to allow the Landlord to operate the
Institution as required to fulfill its obligation under this Lease.
2. The Department’s authorization to operate the Institution is withdrawn or there is a material
alteration in the programs administered at the Institution.
b. Failure to appropriate funds for purposes of this Lease shall mean a twenty-five percent (25%)
reduction from the prior year’s operation budget appropriated or assigned to the Institution.
c. In the event this Lease is terminated pursuant to this section, Landlord agrees that it will exercise
reasonable efforts to identify and pursue viable alternatives to allow Tenant to continue to
operate Tenant’s program with minimal interruption and change in circumstances.
d. Landlord shall have no liability of any kind for any damages, losses, or costs incurred by Tenant
as a result of Landlord’s termination of this Lease pursuant to this section.
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a. Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease, by giving Tenant at least sixty (60) days
prior written notice, in the event the current utilization of the Institution is altered by legislative
mandate or by direction of the State of Iowa to the extent that either:
1. Other state-funded programs at the Institution are individually or in the aggregate reduced
to the extent that Landlord is no longer able to perform its obligations under the Lease;
2. Other state or state-sponsored programs are relocated to the Institution making it
impractical for Landlord to continue leasing the leased premises to Tenant;
3. The Institution is no longer utilized by the State of Iowa in any manner.
b. In the event the Lease is terminated pursuant to this section, Landlord agrees that it will exercise
reasonable efforts to identify and pursue viable alternatives to allow Tenant to continue to
operate Tenant’s program with minimal interruption and change in circumstances.
c. Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever for any damages, losses, costs incurred by Tenant as
a result of Landlord’s termination of this Lease pursuant to this section.
In the event that Tenant alters its business organization from that of a nonprofit organization to any
other form of business organization, Tenant shall give at least sixty (60) days prior written notice to
Landlord of the intended alteration. This Lease shall terminate effective the last day of Tenant’s
existence as a nonprofit organization. Tenant shall give up possession of the leased premises and
have all its personal property removed from the leased premises by the last day of its existence as a
nonprofit organization.
Tenant agrees that it will not hold itself out in any manner as being associated with, a part of,
sponsored by, or any similar statement, the State of Iowa, the Department of Human Services or any
of its Divisions, or the Institution.
a. The Tenant, its employees, agents and subcontractors, shall comply with all applicable local,
state and federal laws, rules, ordinances, regulations and orders including, but not limited to,
those relating to equal employment and affirmative action and the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 and its amendments. Tenant, its employees, agents, officers and subcontractors shall
also comply with all federal, state and local laws and codes regarding business permits and
licenses that may be required to carry out the work to be performed by the Tenant.
b. Tenant agrees to comply with Institutional policies. The Institution shall maintain copies of all
applicable policies at the Institution’s Business Office.
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a. Public Law 103227, also known as the Pro-Children of 1994 (Act), requires that smoking not be
permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and
used routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, early childhood development
services, education or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded
by Federal programs either directly or through State or local governments, by Federal grant,
contract, loan, or loan guarantee. The law also applies to children’s services that are provided in
indoor facilities that are constructed, operated, or maintained with such federal funds. The law
does not apply to children’s services provided in private residences; portions of facilities used for
inpatient drug or alcohol treatment; service providers whose sole source of applicable Federal
funds is Medicare or Medicaid; or facilities where WIC coupons are redeemed. Failure to comply
with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to
$1,000 for each violation and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the
responsible entity.
b. The Tenant, its employees, agents and subcontractors will comply with the requirements of the
Act and will not allow smoking within any portion of any indoor facility used for the provision of
services for children as defined by the Act.
a. Tenant agrees that upon the termination of this Lease, tenant will surrender the leased premises
in good and clean condition, except for the effects of ordinary wear and tear arising from the
passage of time and normal use of the leased premises. Tenant shall be liable for damage to
the leased premises other than the effects of ordinary wear and tear.
b. Tenant shall at the termination of this Lease, remove any personal property from the leased
premises and repair any damages caused by the removal. Any personal property that is not
removed within 90 days of the termination of the Lease shall become the property of the
Landlord and may be disposed of or used at the discretion of the Landlord.
a. Entire Lease:
1. This Lease, and any appendices, attachments, addenda, riders, or exhibits attached to the
Lease, constitute the entire agreement between the parties except as otherwise expressly
stated. Any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding this Lease shall
not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated herein. Any
modifications to this Lease must be made in writing and expressly agreed upon by both
2. Additional provisions: The parties agree that if an appendix, attachment, addendum, rider
or exhibit is attached to this Lease by the parties, it shall be deemed a part of this Lease
and fully incorporated in this Lease.
b. Choice of Law and Forum. This Lease shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with,
and shall be given legal effect in conformity with, the laws of the State of Iowa. Any and all
litigation or actions commenced in connection with this Lease shall be brought in Des Moines,
Iowa in the Polk County District Court for the State of Iowa or in the United States District Court
for the southern District of Iowa, if jurisdiction is proper in that forum.
470-3765 (10/03) 12
c. Notices. Notices required by this Lease shall be given in writing and delivered to the
representative of the party designated below at the address given below. The effective date for
any notice under this Lease shall be the date of delivery of such notice (not the date of mailing)
which may be effected by certified U.S. Mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid or
by recognized overnight delivery service, such as Federal Express or United Parcel Service
(UPS). Failure to accept “receipt” shall constitute delivery.
If to Landlord:
Address City State
Zip Code
If to Tenant:
Address City State
Zip Code
d. Severability. If any term, covenant or condition of this Lease or the application of it to any
person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Lease or the application of the term, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other
than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and each term,
covenant or condition of this Lease shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted
by law.
e. Consent. Landlord agrees that any consent required pursuant to this Lease shall be given in a
timely manner unless otherwise specified by terms of the Lease.
f. Third Party Beneficiaries. The rights and benefits created under this Lease extend only to the
parties to this Lease; no third party beneficiaries are intended in this Lease, except as otherwise
specifically stated.
g. Rights Cumulative. The various rights, powers, options, elections, and remedies of either
party, provided in this Lease, shall be construed as cumulative and no one of them as exclusive
of the others, or exclusive of any rights, remedies or priorities allowed either party by law, and
shall in no way affect or impair the right of either party to pursue any other equitable or legal
remedy to which either party may be entitled as long as any default remains in any way
unremedied, unsatisfied or undischarged.
h. Headings and Caption. The section headings or captions are for identification purposes only
and do not limit or construe the contents of the sections.
i. Amendments. This Lease may be amended in writing by mutual consent of both parties. All
amendments to this Lease shall be signed by both parties.
j. Non-Waiver:
1. The waiver by Landlord of, or the failure of Landlord to take action with respect to, any
breach of any term, covenant, or condition contained in this Lease shall not be deemed to
be a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition, or subsequent breach of the same, or any
other term, covenant, or condition contained in this Lease.
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2. The subsequent acceptance of rent under this Lease by Landlord shall not be deemed to
be a waiver of any preceding breach by Tenant of any term, covenant, or condition of the
k. Obligations Beyond Agreement Term. This Lease shall remain in full force and effect to the
end of the specified term or until terminated or cancelled pursuant to the terms of this Lease. All
obligations of Tenant and Landlord incurred or existing under this Lease as of the date of
expiration, termination or cancellation will survive the termination or conclusion of this Lease.
l. Document Execution. This Lease may be executed in multiple originals, which, when taken
together, form a complete Lease, and each party to the Lease shall possess one of the fully
executed Leases.
m. Effective Date. Landlord and Tenant mutually agree that this Lease shall be in full force and
effect on the __________ day of ____________________ 20_____.
Signed this __________ day of ____________________ 20_____.
Name Title Date
Address City State Zip Code
Name Title Date
Address City State Zip Code
470-3765 (10/03) 1
Iowa Department of Human Services
This Appendix is entered into as of the __________ day of ______________________________ 20_____,
by and between the Iowa Department of Human Services (“Landlord”), as the owner __________________
__________________________________________ (Name of Institution), and ______________________
__________________________________________ (Tenant).
The Landlord and Tenant have entered into a Lease Agreement for leased premises effective on
________________________________________ (enter effective date).
The Landlord and Tenant desire to incorporate the following terms and conditions into the Lease
The Tenant shall be responsible for submitting payment of the costs and rates as follows: (Customize
to your needs to include billing and payment terms, for example: paid quarterly to business office
within twenty (20) days of receipt of the invoice.)
a. Rent/Utilities: (Customize to your needs to include total cost and how calculated, for example:
computed annually based on an average utility cost per square foot of leased premises. This
cost will cover the costs of both rent and utilities including, but not limited to, (insert those utilities
to be covered.)
b. Phones: (Customize to your needs to include cost and how calculated.)
a. Rent: (Customize to your needs to include cost and how calculated, for example: computed
annually based on: (insert method used to calculate rent).)
b. Utilities: (Customize to your needs to include cost and how calculated, for example: computed
annually based on: (insert method used to calculate utilities).)
c. Phones: (Customize to your needs to include cost and how calculated.)
470-3765 (10/03) 2
3. SERVICES: (Customize this list and address all terms and conditions that apply to those services
agreed upon between the parties to be utilized during the term of Appendix A.)
a. Snow Removal: (Customize to needs of institution, for example: snow removal will be provided
by landlord in designated common areas or up to and including leased premises, etc.)
b. Janitorial: Janitorial services and supplies will be provided by Landlord to Tenant at the rate of
c. Laundry: Use of laundry facilities and supplies will be made available to Tenant at the rate of
$__________ per pound. (Need to be clear on whether tenant is responsible for actually doing
laundry or landlord.)
d. Pest Control: Tenant will be assessed $__________ per month for their portion of Landlord’s
pest control service.
e. Maintenance Service: Landlord, if required, will make available to Tenant on an emergency
basis, maintenance service at a rate of $__________/hour, per employee, and material plus
f. Food Service: The Institution will provide meal service for Tenant at a cost per plate as follows:
breakfast $__________, lunch $__________, supper $__________. Tenant shall notify
Landlord of the number of meals needed in a timely manner. Landlord shall deliver meals to the
following location: (Customize to institution needs.) Tenant agrees to serve meals in a manner
which is in accordance with industry standards and in such a manner as to ensure the safety and
welfare of Tenant’s clients.
4. PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICES: (Customize this list and address all terms and conditions
that apply to those services agreed upon between the parties to be utilized during the term of
Appendix A.)
a. Psychiatrist Services: Physician services will be available on an as needed basis to Tenant for
the purpose of: (Customize to institution needs, i.e., admission processing, medication
management and consultation.) at the rate of $__________ per hour.
b. Nursing Services: A nurse will be available on an as needed basis to Tenant for the purpose
of: (Customize to institution needs.) at an hourly rate of $__________.
c. Dietitian/Dietary Tech Services: A dietitian or dietary tech will be available on an as needed
basis to Tenant for the purpose of: (Customize to institution needs.) at a rate of $__________
per hour for dietitian; $__________ per hour for dietary tech.
d. Data Processing Services: The Landlord will make available on an as needed basis, data
processing services, including: (Customize to institution needs, i.e., hardware/software support,
network management, data processing education.) at a rate of $__________ per hour.
All other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement remain in full force and effect, except as specifically
addressed by this Appendix.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Appendix to be effective as of the date set forth above.
Name Title Date
Address City State Zip Code
Name Title Date
Address City State Zip Code