Distance Education
Faculty Handbook
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Teaching online, hybrid or web-enhanced courses opens new opportunities to
transform your classroom. While there are many similarities between teaching an
online class and a traditional brick and mortar class, distance education requires
alternative methods of engaging students and delivering course instruction. This
faculty handbook contains essential information about requirements, guidelines,
and procedures for teaching Distance Education (DE) courses at Evergreen Valley
College and aims to support you in your professional development as an online
The Distance Education Committee
respectfully submit this Distance
Faculty Handbook to the Academic Senate for
approval. It is understood that the content of
this handbook will be annually reviewed and
updated as needed.
Approved by DEC
Approved by Academic Senate
Last Update: May 2024
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Technology will not
replace great
teachers, but
technology in the
hands of great
teachers can be
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Table of Contents
Welcome! ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Distance Education Committee (DEC) ............................................................................................... 6
DEC Charge ..................................................................................................................................... 6
DEC Membership ............................................................................................................................ 7
I. DE Definitions, Policy & Regulations .............................................................................................. 8
2. Curriculum Approval Process for DE Courses ............................................................................... 8
3. DE Modalities .................................................................................................................................. 9
4. CANVAS EVC’s LMS (Learning Management System) ............................................................. 11
4.1 Instructional Canvas Shells ...................................................................................................... 11
5. DE Course Standards at Evergreen Valley College ........................................................................ 11
5.1 Weekly Contact Hours ............................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Attendance in Online Courses ................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................. 12
5.4 Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI) ................................................................................... 13
5.2.1 Welcome Letter ................................................................................................................. 14
5.2.2 Orientation ........................................................................................................................ 14
5.2.3 Announcements ................................................................................................................ 15
5.2.4 Discussion Forums ........................................................................................................... 15
5.2.5 Email & Chat ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 EVC Blank Course Template ................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Proctored Exams ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.4.1 Proctoring Center .............................................................................................................. 17
5.5 Distance Education Course Reports ....................................................................................... 17
6. DE Certification (Faculty Eligibility to teach DE courses) ........................................................... 17
6.1 New or Continuing Distance Education Instructors ............................................................... 18
6.2 Training Waivers and Postponements .................................................................................... 18
6.3 Maintaining Eligibility to Teach Online ................................................................................. 19
6.3.1 Process for submitting documentation to maintain eligibility to teach online. .............. 20
6.4 Self-Reflective Assessment Survey ......................................................................................... 20
7. DE Faculty Support Resources ..................................................................................................... 21
EVC Distance Education Handbook
8 Local Peer Online Course Review (POCR) committee .................................................................. 21
8.1 Qualifications ........................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 Duties and Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 22
9. Appendices. ................................................................................................................................... 23
9.1 Appendix A: Faculty Online Teaching Certification form ...................................................... 23
9.2 Appendix B: Self Reflective Assessment form. ....................................................................... 23
9.3 Appendix C: Title 5 Regulations ............................................................................................. 23
9.3 Appendix D: Instructions for completing DE addendum. ..................................................... 24
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Distance education (DE) at Evergreen Valley College offers a wide variety of quality online classes
both asynchronously and synchronously with excellent learning resources and support to give
students a flexible online alternative to achieve academic success. In support of Evergreen Valley
College’s Mission, Vision, and Values, the Distance Education program offers students access to
quality instruction and support in online and hybrid environments to empower a global
community of learners.
Distance Education Committee (DEC)
This distance education handbook has been developed and compiled through the collaborative
efforts of the DE coordinator, DE committee members, and faculty mentors.
DEC Charge
The purpose of the Distance Education Committee (DEC) is to oversee and guide the college by
providing training and implementation of all the online and hybrid courses across the curriculum
and programs. The committee shapes the college's approach to create robust and quality online
learning by implementing a common Learning Management System (LMS). The committee
strives to support a campus culture to create innovative and cost-effective solutions to overcome
the challenges in Distance Education (DE). Specifically, this committee will:
Provide guidance in identifying appropriate approval process of online and hybrid
Provide campus-wide training utilizing the Online Education Initiatives (OEI) Rubric.
Promote LMS and OEI Rubric through division/departments and campus activities.
Provide input to the online evaluation form(s) (ex: online courses and faculty).
Provide input to the Distance Education Plan
Academic Senate supports DEC work by:
Actively contributing to the culture of online and hybrid learning while helping to lead
campus efforts to increase DE courses.
Supporting OEI assessment activities by participating in assessments, and adopting best
practices rubric and the LMS to offer GE courses through the State of California Exchange
Reporting back to divisions, and linking with the DE policies of the State of California.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
DEC Membership
The DEC membership was updated and approved by Academic Senate on 11/16/2021 to ensure it
had representation from all constituent groups
(7) - one from each division as determined by the division
Adjunct Faculty
(1) - from EVC adjunct faculty
Administrator at Large
(2) - Deans, VPAA, appointed by President
(2) -
Curriculum Chair or designee (1)
At large (1) - EVC faculty
Past Coordinator (1
Student representative (1) - nonvoting member
Chair: Current DE Committee member elected by DE committee.
Term: All members are elected/appointed for two years, renewable by appropriate constituent
Meeting: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, 3:00pm- 4:30pm
Attendance: The committee may elect to enforce the three consecutive unexcused absences as a
term of vacancy but must make reasonable attempts to contact the member prior to announcing
the vacancy to the appropriate constituency.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
I. DE Definitions, Policy & Regulations
I. “Distance education” means education that uses one or more of the technologies to deliver
instruction to students who are separated from the instructor(s) and to support regular
and substantive interaction between the students and instructor(s) either synchronously or
asynchronously (34 C.F.R. §600.2) This definition of “distance education” does not include
correspondence courses.
II. Academic freedom freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject.
III. Distance Education classes or classes taught in the DE modality are defined, in accordance
with California Community College and ACCJC standards, as course sections in which
instructor and student meet in a classroom on campus part of the time or none of the time.
IV. Substantive interaction means engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment,
consistent with the content under discussion and includes three or more of the
Providing direct instruction
Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s coursework
Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or
Facilitating a group discussion using tools integrated in LMS regarding the content
of a course or competency
Other program specific instructional activities as approved by institution or
program accrediting agency
V. Distance Education Programs, in accordance with the ACCJC standards are those in which
100% of the required courses have an approved DE addendum through Evergreen Valley’s
curriculum process.
2. Curriculum Approval Process for DE Courses
Title 5 requires that all types of distance education courses be separately reviewed and approved.
This includes both new courses and courses already offered in the traditional mode. Distance
Education courses are required to be virtually equivalent to their on-campus version in all but the
methods of instruction and methods of evaluation. Therefore, the existing course outline's
expectations and parameters establish the requirements of the course quality. The course must
adhere to the approved course outline in terms of depth and breadth of content and student
EVC Distance Education Handbook
learning outcomes. Methodologies, assignments, interaction, and evaluation methods should be
the virtual equivalent of the on-campus class.
All-College Curriculum Committee (ACCC) has determined that methods of evaluation
used should ensure the same level of integrity, security and scrutiny associated with equivalent
on-campus classes. Depending on the assessment method designed for each course, certain
subjects may require that testing be done in a proctored environment or on-campus, rather than
online. On-campus or synchronous online meetings are not required for asynchronous online
courses but are required for hybrid and synchronous online courses at formally scheduled times
as listed in the Schedule of Classes.
At Evergreen Valley College, faculty must complete the DE addendum in CurriQnet (the
curriculum management system) to offer DE courses in any of the approved five modalities.
Separate approval is required for each type of a DE modality. See Instructions for completing and
submitting the DE addendum in Appendix D. Acting on the recommendations of the Distance
Education Committee on distance learning courses, the Curriculum Committee approves the
information requirements set forth in the Distance Education Addendum form, which is part of the
course documentation materials reviewed by the ACCC. It is the intent of this documentation to
clearly identify how the distance education class is comparable to on-campus class.
Since any change in the load value of a course from that stated on the approved course
outline is subject to collective bargaining, all distance education class maximums must be the
same as those for the equivalent on-campus classes, except if otherwise specified in the contract.
The Chancellor’s Office requires that the curriculum for each DE course and its associated
materials and resources be reviewed and revised, as necessary, when the course undergoes
curriculum review pursuant to Title 5, sections 55002 and 55206, every six years as part of the
accreditation process. The purpose of this review is to verify that such courses are virtual
equivalent to on-campus classes in terms of rigor, scope, and conduct.
3. DE Modalities
Distance education means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by time
and/or distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology (§ 55200). On
February 2
, 2022, the following DE modalities that all meet this definition were approved by the
Evergreen Valley College Academic senate as part of the new DE addendum.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Fully Asynchronous (fully online): All Course content is delivered through the college’s
Learning Management System (LMS) with no required meetings. All approved instructional
contact hours, including online assessments, are delivered through these online interactions in
the LMS. No in-person, on campus meetings or assessments should be required. An online
orientation is required. Instructor may choose to conduct the orientation via web conferencing
tool that must be recorded and posted in the LMS for students who may not be able to attend the
Asynchronous Hybrid (partially online, partially on campus): A portion of the on-
campus instruction (1%-99%) is replaced with activities and assessments delivered through the
LMS. An orientation is required. Instructor may choose to conduct the orientation via web
conferencing tool or during the scheduled-on campus, in-person meeting. The Online orientation
via web conferencing tool must be recorded and posted in the LMS for students who may not be
able to attend.
Fully Synchronous (scheduled online meetings via video conferencing): All class
meetings are scheduled online via web conferencing tool in the LMS to meet the weekly
instructional contact hours requirement. The LMS is used to augment instruction, evaluations,
and course content delivery. No in-person, on campus meetings or assessments should be
required. An online orientation is required.
Synchronous Hybrid (class meetings are partially online and partially on campus):
A portion of on-campus instruction (1%- 99%) is replaced with activities and assessments
delivered synchronously via web conferencing. An orientation is required. Instructor may choose
to conduct the orientation via web conferencing tool or during the scheduled-on campus, in-
person meeting. The Online orientation via web conferencing tool must be recorded and posted
for students in the LMS who may not be able to attend.
Online Blend (partially asynchronous and partially synchronous): A portion of the
asynchronous course (1%-99%) is replaced with scheduled online meetings via web conferencing
tool in the LMS. No in-person, on campus meetings or assessments should be required. An
online orientation is required.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
4. CANVAS EVC’s LMS (Learning Management System)
Canvas is the learning management system we use at EVC. Faculty and students log in through
SSO (single sign on) from the EVC website. Keeping up to date on the LMS features and college’s
distance education update is the responsibility of each instructor. There are professional
development activities offered each semester and announcements and information sent regularly
through college’s email. Faculty are encouraged to utilize the faculty resource course: Innovation
in Online Teaching and Learning (IOTL) as resource. You may also sign up for the free @One
course, Introduction to Teaching with Canvas to familiarize yourself with Canvas.
4.1 Instructional Canvas Shells
Every credit and noncredit course, scheduled in Self-Service automatically results in an
instructional Canvas course shell being created and populated with the instructor and enrolled
students. Instructional Canvas course shells become available 6 weeks before the term starts.
They are populated with student enrollment two weeks before the semester starts.
Faculty are encouraged to develop their courses in sandboxes prior to loading content into
instructional shells. To create a sandbox shell, simply click on Start a New Course button on
the dashboard. Once the course is ready, transfer your sandbox shell content to your instructional
shells and publish this live” course shell by the first day of the semester.
At the end of the term, the course does not disappear but does change in how it may be accessed
and used. It moves automatically to Past Enrollments section under All Courses.
5. DE Course Standards at Evergreen Valley College
The online course must adhere to the approved course outline in terms of depth and breadth of
content and student learning outcomes. Methodologies, assignments, interaction, and evaluation
methods should be comparable to the equivalent on-campus class.
All-College Curriculum Committee (ACCC) has determined that methods of evaluation used
should ensure the same level of integrity, security and scrutiny associated with equivalent on-
campus classes. Depending on the assessment method designed for each course, this may require
that testing be done in a proctored environment or on-campus, rather than online.
Since any change in the load value of a course from that stated on the approved course outline is
subject to collective bargaining, all distance education class maximums must be the same as those
for the equivalent on-campus classes, except if otherwise specified in the contract.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
On-campus or synchronous online meetings cannot be required for asynchronous online courses
but are required for hybrid courses at formally scheduled times as listed in the Schedule of
Classes. All online courses at EVC need to follow the OEI course design rubric standards.
5.1 Weekly Contact Hours
Online classes, both synchronous and asynchronous, must be virtual equivalents of on-campus
courses (cover the same content and meet the same student learning outcomes and appropriate
interaction). Thus, online course design should incorporate time devoted to instructional
activities and student support, ensuring regular opportunities for learning and communication in
the online learning environment reflective of the content and the duration of the course as
defined in COR. This ensures weekly contact hours and total learning time per credit unit are met.
For hybrid courses, in addition to the online weekly contact hours, instructors are required to
meet the face-to-face contact hours as listed in the course schedule.
5.2 Attendance in Online Courses
Attendance is critical to an institution appropriately using federal aid funds. Taking attendance
allows the institution to make clear determinations of when a student last attended class (‘Last
Day of Attendance’), which then has implications to the use of federal funds and what federal
funds must be returned. Attendance in DE courses works differently depending on the modality:
attendance in an online synchronous course refers to attending virtual meetings and participating
at the levels indicated by the instructor. Attendance in online asynchronous course is defined as
active participation through completing academic work such as submitting assignments, quizzes,
participating in discussions, or other activities individually or in groups. The type and level of
participation will be defined by the instructor in the course syllabus and during orientation.
5.3 Accessibility
Both State and Federal law require community colleges to operate all programs and activities in a
manner which allows full accessibility to students with disabilities. Accordingly, as the system
develops its capacity for creation of technology-based instructional resources and the delivery of
distance learning, it must proceed with the needs of all students in mind, including the needs of
students with disabilities. Under the CCC DE Access Guidelines, Chapter 6, Standards and
Criteria for Courses, Section 55200 ("Definition and Application"), CA Code 11135, and Section
508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended in 1998, the Access Board has established standards for
electronic and information technology. The regulations require that electronic and information
EVC Distance Education Handbook
technologies developed, procured, maintained, or used are accessible to students with disabilities.
All distance education courses must meet the following accessibility requirements:
Videos with audio are captioned.
Audio files have text transcripts.
Images have alternative text and, if needed descriptions.
Color alone is not used to convey meaning.
Tables include row and column headers.
Meaningful (descriptive) links are used.
Consultation with Disabilities Support Program (DSP) is required if other accommodations
are needed.
The college provides the necessary training and resources for faculty to ensure accessibility in
Web-mediated courses. Since Spring 2021, EVC has been offering a 3.0-unit college credit course
to all called EDIT023: Accessible Course Content
5.4 Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI)
DE courses require frequent communication with students. Research shows that instructor's
contact is the most important factor contributing to DE student success. Title 5 section 55204
requires that in addition to locally established requirements applicable to all courses, any
portion of a course conducted through distance education must include regular and substantive
interaction between the instructor(s) and students and among students.
Instructors will initiate substantive interactions with the student on a frequent and
regular basis reflective of the content and the duration of the course as defined in
the Course Outline of Record (COR).
All instructional tools in use by students must be fully integrated or embedded into
LMS and meet regulatory compliance standards such as Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA), Accessibility, and Student Authentication.
Each week of instructional time should be aligned with the duration of the course
and number of credit units. A week of instructional time is any week in which the
institution specifies availability of the instructional materials, other resources, and
instructor support necessary for academic engagement and completion of course
objectives. The institution expects enrolled students to perform educational
activities demonstrating academic engagement each week.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
At EVC, evidence of Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI), to meet state and federal
requirements (see Appendix C), includes but is not limited to the following: Welcome letter,
Orientation, Home page that includes response time for communication and feedback,
Announcements, Discussion forums, Canvas inbox, Zoom Student hours and Chat rooms,
integrated into the LMS, and use of speed grader and rubrics to provide timely feedback. In
addition, field trips, group meetings/seminars, individual meetings, lab activities, library
workshops, review/study sessions, supplemental seminars, telephone/voicemail, video
conferencing all contribute to RSI.
5.2.1 Welcome Letter
One of the best practices in distance education is to send a “Welcome letter” to your students
prior to the first day of class. At EVC, we recommend you send the Welcome letter 1- 2 weeks
before class begins. The welcome letter must include
The date your course starts.
Canvas login information (usually found on your institutional website.)
Links to supporting information for connecting to student services like counseling,
financial aid, disabled students’ programs, and technical assistance for their connectivity
or computer work.
The work required to demonstrate attendance and engagement.
In addition, it is recommended that you have a warm and welcoming tone throughout and include
A link to the Canvas overview video like the one found in our orientation.
And other course specific information for a smooth startlog into Canvas and access the
course content.
5.2.2 Orientation
A common rationale for requiring students to attend an online course orientation (live or
recorded) is that students often require reviews and refreshers of orientation content to fully
internalize the information. Therefore, an online version of the orientation can provide the
opportunity to review information. It is mandatory for faculty to offer Orientation for online
courses; it can be offered in-person for hybrid courses and virtually via the web conferencing tool
SJECCD Zoom integrated into Canvas. Orientations can include audio/video material (e.g.,
instructor’s presentation or screen captures, etc.) and be recorded for later viewing for students
unable to attend the live orientation. Note that students in fully asynchronous courses are not
EVC Distance Education Handbook
required to attend the live orientation meeting. The following is a list of items to be included in
an orientation meeting and syllabus:
LMS (Learning management System) Navigation
Instructor contact information and Response time
Course Syllabus and Schedule
o Accessibility Statement
o Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Required materials.
Hardware and software requirements
Guidelines on how to prepare for and succeed in online courses
o Electronic resources available at EVC
o Technical support
o Academic Support
5.2.3 Announcements
Announcements on the course Announcement page are used to address all students at once, for
general information such as additions made to learning modules, test date reminders, etc. An e-
mail distribution list can be used for the same purpose, but should not replace the Announcement
page, since some students may access the course without reading their email first. Also,
Announcements, unlike the email distribution list stay in the course and can easily be reviewed
and tracked.
5.2.4 Discussion Forums
Contact among students provides the opportunity for students to receive the benefit of peer
interaction in the learning environment. Graded threaded discussions with required peer replies
are one way to ensure student to student interaction. Instructors are expected to read all their
students' posts in each module and to mark them as part of the grade as determined in each
course. While instructors do not have to respond to each student post, they are required to
monitor that students stay on the discussion topic designed for the class, and that they respond to
other students' posts in addition to responding to the instructor's topic. Students appreciate it
when instructors comment on their post as it helps them clarify content and/or validate their
comprehension and analysis of the material they are learning.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
5.2.5 Email & Chat
Email communication should happen as follows, either through Canvas Inbox or college email.
When the semester begins, all communication should be through Canvas Inbox. Prior to the
semester, faculty can use college email to communicate with students. Faculty’s personal email
(non-EVC) should not be used for communication with students.
Prior to the beginning of the course: Instructors are expected to send a "welcome"
email to all registered students. See 5.2.1 Welcome letter. During the first two weeks of the
course - instructors are expected to initiate contact with all students who did not contact
them at least once a week, to verify that they were able to access and navigate the course
properly, and to remind the students of their expected activities for that week, as well as to
help with the required assignment(s) and discussion(s).
During the rest of the course: Instructors are expected to respond to individual email
messages within 24- 48 hours. Individual reminders of class assignments and required
activities are best if both are sent individually and announced on the course
Announcement page. This form of individual attention has been proven to have a direct
effect on students' attitudes and consequently on their success.
Chat App Integrated into Canvas: Students today communicate, interact, connect and
support one another through text messaging. Instructors may also use Chat Apps
integrated into Canvas such as Pronto for interactions. Using integrated chat apps protect
student’s privacy.
5.3 EVC Blank Course Template
Faculty are encouraged to use the EVC Blank Course Template located in Canvas Commons to
build their courses. This template is both OEI course design rubric (developed and adopted in
2019) and Peralta Equity rubric aligned (template updated and aligned in 2022) and meets both
RSI and accessibility requirements. The course template has pre-built modules for faculty to use
and customize and is updated regularly by EDIT faculty. The template is updated annually by
EDIT faculty in collaboration with DE Coordinator.
5.4 Proctored Exams
A common rationale for requiring students to take proctored exams is so that the integrity of tests
can be guaranteed, along with the authenticity of the student who is taking the exam. However,
EVC Distance Education Handbook
such exams, typically used in on-campus courses, may not be appropriate for the online modality.
Instead, remote proctoring software that ensures test integrity may be used if it has not been
already replaced. EVC adopted the Respondus Proctoring software in Fall 2022. Overview and
Information for faculty on using Respondus Software can be found in Appendix E. Faculty may
also use an alternate method(s) of assessment.
5.4.1 Proctoring Center
On-campus or online proctored testing situations may be required, depending on the evaluation
methodologies listed in the Course Outline of Record (COR) If proctored exams are required in an
online class then they need to be setup using Respondus Proctoring software to establish the
integrity of the courses and the authenticity of the students. If students cannot take the proctored
exam(s) either online or on campus or, it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the
instructor and arrange alternate arrangements.
5.5 Distance Education Course Reports
Distance Education courses require the same reports as on-campus courses (such as syllabus
submission, first census or grade sheets).
To ensure that students attend class and access the material designed for the class, instructors are
expected to include at least one content-specific assignment due before first census date (first
census date is the Monday nearest one fifth of the course). If a student does not hand in the
assignment (or enter a content-related post to the discussion forum) by the first census date, they
should be considered a No Show and dropped from the course. While initial contact for class
management purposes and posting of a student bio indicate the student had some involvement in
the course, these parameters are not content-specific and thus are insufficient to determine first
census attendance in the class. With the increase in BOTS (fraudulent students) in online classes,
it is recommended that faculty help identify possible fraudulent student by engaging students
early and frequently during census period and managing their rosters. Best practice is to have
between 3 -5 required check-in assignments using a variety of assessments and activities.
6. DE Certification (Faculty Eligibility to teach DE courses)
Teaching a DE course requires both pedagogical and technical knowledge. In January 2016, EVC
joined the Online Education Initiative (OEI). The aim of the Distance Education program at EVC
is to ensure that faculty build quality courses following the OEI course design rubric standards.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
The DE Coordinator at EVC ensures that all instructors assigned to teach Asynchronous,
Synchronous or hybrid courses have the required qualifications. The Technology Resource Center
offers a variety of workshops both in-person and virtually for faculty who teach distance
education courses. Training is also offered through EDIT courses. Faculty are encouraged to self-
enroll and access the faculty resource Canvas course: Innovation in Online Teaching and Learning
(IOTL). Please review the eligibility standards below approved and authorized by the Academic
Senate in Spring 2022.
Note: DE courses taught at EVC use CANVAS as the LMS (Learning Management System)
6.1 New or Continuing Distance Education Instructors
Faculty who are new to distance education and would like to teach an online or hybrid course at
EVC will need to become DE Certified. Certification (Approved by Academic Senate in Spring
2022) is attained as follows:
To teach in Asynchronous and Asynchronous hybrid modality, complete
EVC’s EDIT 022 OR the equivalent @One Certificate in Online Teaching & Design course.
To teach Synchronous, Synchronous hybrid and Online blend, complete
EVC’s EDIT 022
EDIT 028 or EDIT 015 or the equivalent 2-week @One Introduction to Live Online
Teaching & Learning course
Note: The EDIT courses are part of the Online teaching certificate offered at EVC. EDIT 022 and
EDIT 015 are 3-unit courses and EDIT 028 is a 1-unit course.
Please reach out to the DE coordinator for details on the certification process and getting added to
the Faculty Eligibility for Online Teaching (FEOT) list.
6.2 Training Waivers and Postponements
Note: Due to lack of funding and other resources, POCR review was put on hold since Fall 2021
Previous Online Teaching Experience: Faculty members who have continuously
taught DE courses the past 3 years may be eligible to waive some of the faculty training
requirements for initial DE certification. It is highly recommended that refresher training
be taken to maintain skills with changing technologies and to meet State legal
EVC Distance Education Handbook
requirements for online instructor certification and submitted through the DE eligibility
form, housed in the IOTL canvas course.
Previous Online Training/Certification: Faculty who have not taught online but have
taken the equivalent training coursework for certification within the past 3 years may be
eligible to waive some or all the training requirements. Faculty applying for certification
need to submit appropriate evidence of the completion of the coursework/certificate and
course descriptions to the DE committee. Since technology changes so quickly, any training
coursework that was finished more than 5 years ago needs to be repeated.
Emergency Hires: In the case that an emergency hire does not fulfill the training
requirements prior to teaching online, the faculty member must complete the training
requirements within their first semester of employment. Even if some of the training
requirements have been waived, faculty will need to go through Peer Online Course Review
(POCR) process by using the Faculty Online Teaching Certification form to request POCR
review prior to being cleared to teach. Additionally, Canvas training is highly
6.3 Maintaining Eligibility to Teach Online
To maintain DE certification, the faculty member shall demonstrate continued professional
growth through distance education related activities such as, but not limited to course work,
attendance at workshops, seminars, professional meetings, professional reading and study,
publications, and conference presentations.
These activities, for a total of at least 4 hours, must be documented and completed at least once
every two years and be approved by the DE Committee.
The following are a few examples of DEC (Distance education Committee) approved workshops,
professional development sessions, and courses related to DE. This is by no means an exhaustive
Attend Innovation in online teaching and learning (IOTL) workshops offered at EVC
Attend DE sessions at PDD.
Complete EDIT courses (EVC faculty get a fee waiver to take these courses)
Complete Facilitated @One courses (they cannot be selfpaced)
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Attend POCR norming sessions (Please note: CVC requires certified POCR faculty to attend
at least two (2-hour) workshops each year)
Attend CVCOEI workshops on best practices in online teaching.
Attend Conferences related to DE
o CCC TechConnect’s Online Teaching Conference
o Peralta Online Equity Conference
o InstructureCon
Obtain ACUE Micro credentials related to online teaching.
Selected Instructure facilitated courses related to online teaching from Coursera (Please
check with the DE Coordinator).
Curate/Create OER that is published on LibreText and adopted for teaching at EVC.
Technology Training offered at SJECCD.
Equivalent DE Training offered at other Community colleges (subject to review and
approval. Please check with DE Coordinator)
POCR LITE review of faculty's online course (subject to funding)
If you intend to participate in a DE-related activity not listed above, please reach out to the DE
coordinator before participating in the activity, who will take it to the DE committee for approval.
6.3.1 Process for submitting documentation to maintain eligibility to teach online.
Faculty will complete and submit the DE eligibility form, housed in the IOTL canvas course as a
canvas quiz, to provide documentation of DE-related activities to maintain their eligibility to
teach online at EVC. They will receive notification regarding their eligibility as a feedback
comment on the quiz within four weeks of submission.
Faculty Show & Tell - DE Refresher Training Incentive
Faculty who host - participate and present at an IOTL Show & Tell workshop will get double
credit that is 2 hours credit for presenting a one-hour IOTL workshop.
6.4 Self-Reflective Assessment Survey
To ensure all distance education courses meet the new Federal and State legislation and
accreditation standards for distance education, the DE Committee in collaboration with office of
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Academic Affairs, conducts a Self-Reflective Assessment Survey (Appendix B) every Spring that
faculty teaching distance education course must complete.
Feedback from this important survey is used to guide topics for IOTL workshops and training
offered by the DE coordinator. The aim is to help faculty meet the Title 5 regulations (listed in
Appendix C) and support them in achieving continued excellence in instruction and robust
student success.
7. DE Faculty Support Resources
Faculty Resource Canvas course: Innovation in Online Teaching and Learning (IOTL)
@One Free and Self-paced courses: This link takes you to the catalog of courses offered by
@One, Online network of Educators.
Instructor Resources: List of Canvas Instructor Guides
Student Resources: List of Canvas Student Guides
District Helpdesk for Technical Support:
o Hours: M-TH: 7:00 am to 7:30 pm; Fri. 7:00 am to 5:30 pm)
o Phone: (408) 270-6411
o Email - helpdesk@sjeccd.edu
Evenings and Weekends Helpdesk for Technical Support
o Phone: (844) 303-5596
o Email: support@instructure.com
EVC - Online Library.
Online Campus Tutoring Center.
Online Evergreen Valley College Bookstore
8 Local Peer Online Course Review (POCR) committee
In 2018, EVC joined the CVC-OEI Consortium college with focus on student equity. As part of
CVC-OEI (California Virtual Campus Online Education Initiative) cohort, EVC has established a
local POCR as a faculty resource to implement OEI Course Design Rubric adopted by the EVC
Academic Senate, Spring 2019. The rationale for establishing local POCR is that it positively
influences student success in courses that have been reviewed and redesigned using the OEI
Course Design Rubric. Research shows that OEI Pilot courses that have been through the POCR
process are performing at +4.9 percentage points above the statewide average of online success.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
8.1 Qualifications
DE faculty who are experienced online instructors (have taught online for at least 2 semesters
within the last 3 years) and completed the six-week (60 hours) POCR online course facilitated
either by @One or EVC based POCR program, to support best practices in online course design.
To become a POCR certified reviewer and complete the 60-hour POCR course please contact the
DE Coordinator and POCR Lead.
8.2 Duties and Responsibilities
The local POCR serves as resource for professional development of new and experienced
online faculty.
To ensure that DE courses at EVC meet accreditation requirements, POCR will review and
assess fully online courses for Regular Effective Contact elements in Section B of OEI
Rubric Standard
Create a community of practice among peers in which they share their challenges, develop
new approaches, and support one another.
The goal is to have more aligned Quality Reviewedcourses, certificates, and degrees from
EVC on the CVC Exchange.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
9. Appendices.
9.1 Appendix A: Faculty Online Teaching Certification form
Please use the DE eligibility form in the IOTL Canvas course to submit documentation of your
certification. Contact the DE coordinator for more information.
9.2 Appendix B: Self Reflective Assessment form.
This Microsoft form is sent out each spring to all faculty and is to be completed by faculty who are
teaching online courses that semester.
Self-Reflective Assessment Survey Spring 2023
Self-Reflective Assessment Survey Spring 2022
9.3 Appendix C: Title 5 Regulations
Below is a summary of the regulations that you must follow when you teach any Distance Education
Modality. Each item is linked to resources that will help you as you revise your course to remain in
compliance. At the bottom of the list is a link to detailed descriptions of the regulations, including the
actual language or each one. (update the language)
Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008: “an institution that offers
distance education to have processes through which the institution establishes that the
student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student
who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit.”
How do we meet it? Students must regularly log in and participate in distance education courses via
the college provided learning management system (LMS) under their own college provided identification.
Accounting for the students’ presence in the course via log in or test attempts is not enough to meet this
requirement. Students must also participate in the course work via assignments, activities, discussions
etc. through the learning management system.
How do I do that in my course? Having policies that cover participation levels of your students,
like drop policies and late policies help with authenticating that the student enrolled in the course is the
one taking the course. In addition, making sure that you are checking their participation using the Canvas
analytic dashboard can help you determine the level of participation of your students and give you the
Last Date of Attendance should they stop attending. You should also have activities that happen within
Canvas rather than everything in your course happening off in a publisher website.
Title 5, section 55200: Accessibility. Definition and Application. Distance education
means instruction in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and
interact through the assistance of communication technology. All distance education is
subject to the general requirements of this chapter as well as the specific requirements
of this article. In addition, instruction provided as distance education is subject to the
requirements that may be imposed by the American with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.
§12100 et seq.) and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C
EVC Distance Education Handbook
How do we meet it? All course content delivered via distance education must be accessible to the
visually and hearing impaired. Captioning and/or other means of providing alternative text and/or audio
must be available for content that is a regular component of the course.
How do I do that in my course? This OEI Canvas Course has a module that will explain what
needs to be accessible and a checklist on the second page of the module that will give you revision
guidance. It may be worth your time to review the entire module. Here is a direct link to the
checklist. Additionally, the information about how to check your Canvas pages for accessible content
using two checking tools that we have available are linked below:
Canvas Instructor Guide - Accessibility Checker Tutorial
Pope Tech Canvas LMS integration Tutorial
Title 5, section 55204. Regular Substantive Interaction. In addition to the
requirements of section 55002 and any locally established requirements applicable to
all courses, district governing boards shall ensure that: Any portion of a course
conducted through distance education includes regular and substantive interaction
between the instructor(s) and students and among students, either synchronously or
asynchronously through group or individual meetings, orientation and review
sessions, supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops,
telephone contact, voice mail, e-mail, or other.
How do we meet it? All course content delivered via distance education must show evidence of
regular and substantive interaction between instructor and students and among students. Substantive
means engaging students in teaching, learning and assessment, consistent with the content under
discussion. Regular means instructors will initiate and proactively engage in substantive interaction
with students on a predictable and scheduled basis reflective of the content and duration of the
How do I do that in my course? Please review the topics in the module at this location.
Detailed Regulatory Information: This link will provide you with detailed descriptions and
regulatory language for all the requirements and information about how we should be designing to
meet those requirements.
9.3 Appendix D: Instructions for completing DE addendum.
§ 55206 of Title V DE regulations requires a separate course approval via a DE addendum to the official
course outline of record, if any portion of the instruction in a new or existing course is to be provided
through distance education.
Distance Education courses are required to be virtual equivalent to their on-campus version in all but the
delivery modality. Therefore, the existing course outline's expectations and parameters establish the
requirements of the course quality for this proposal.
This document is intended to help faculty complete the new DE addendum section on CurriQnet so it
meets federal, state and local requirements.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
To begin, log into CurriQnet and either open your course proposal or launch a new
proposal. Click on the DE Addendum tab from the navigation menu on the left
(you may need to scroll down a little)
Step 1: Select Modalities
Click the checkbox next to each modality the course can be offered. You can check
one or more boxes in one go. We recommend checking all the modalities. That
way you have DE approval already in place, in the event the course needs to be
offered in another modality. Checking a modality does not mean you have to offer the course in that
Explanation for each modality
Fully Asynchronous (fully online): If you would like to offer the course fully online using Canvas
with NO required (on-campus or zoom) meetings.
o If your course is online but has on campus exams that is considered a hybrid. Please make
sure you check the Asynchronous hybrid modality.
o If all learning content is online but the exams are on Zoom, that is considered an Online
Asynchronous Hybrid (partially online, partially on campus): If you would like to teach the course
such that a portion (one or more class meetings) is on campus.
o If all learning content is online but the exams are on campus, that is considered an
Asynchronous hybrid.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
o If all learning content is online but the exams are on Zoom, that is considered an Online
Fully Synchronous (scheduled online meetings via Video conferencing): If you would like to offer
the course such that all class meetings are scheduled via Zoom. There can be no required on-
campus meetings.
Synchronous Hybrid (class meetings are partially online and partially on campus): In this
modality, you have the flexibility to have one or more meeting on campus and the rest are online
via Zoom
o If your course is online via zoom but has on campus exams that is considered a hybrid.
Please make sure you check the Synchronous hybrid modality.
Online Blend (partially asynchronous and partially synchronous): This is a new online modality
which allows for limited instructor interactions without requiring the student to come on campus
o If all learning content is online but the exams are on Zoom, that is considered an Online
blend. Please check the Online blend modality.
Note: Each modality checked is good for Fall, Spring and Summer. Once the DE addendum is approved,
the course can be offered during any term.
Step 2: Press Save and make selection from drop down menu
1) After checking the modalities. Press Save.
2) Then select the available option (there will only be one) from the drop-down menu.
It is necessary that you press save and make the selection from the drop-down menu. This is just a step
that needs to be done because of the way CurriQnet is set up. It will ensure that the appropriate section
for step 3 is visible.
Note: This step must be done after modality the box/es is checked. If you go back and change the box
selection, step 2 must be done again.
Step 3: Read through “How will the Class meets online?”
Depending on whether the modalities you chose has Asynchronous or Synchronous portions, you will see
one or both of the following two sections.
How will the class meet asynchronously online?
EVC Distance Education Handbook
How will the class meet synchronously online?
The listed items are what is required for All DE courses. If your course requires or uses other ways of
meeting these requirements please list them in the “Otherbox.
If your course meets the requirements in some or all the ways that are listed, you do not have to do
anything. Go to the next step.
Step 4: How will Regular Substantive interaction be provided in the course?
Please indicate by checking the appropriate boxes, the type of interactions that will be employed by the
instructor to effectively meet Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI). The most common of these are
listed. You will need to select at least three.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Please use the other box to describe how, when, and how frequently you will use a different type of
If you will not be using any other type of interactions besides the ones checked, go to the next step.
Step 5: Choose Online Adaptations of Methods of Instruction
Please indicate by checking the appropriate boxes the which methods of instruction will be used by the
instructor in the course. At least a few of these activities must be instructor-initiated and in Canvas. You
will need to choose at least two.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Please use the other box to list and describe if you plan to use a different method of instruction or tool
then the ones listed. Any additional tools must be integrated into the LMS and meet regulatory
compliance such as FERPA, Accessibility, Student authentication and RSI
If you will not be using any other methods of instructions besides the ones checked, go to the next step.
Step 6: Choose Online Adaptation of Methods of Evaluation
Please indicate by checking the appropriate boxes which methods of evaluation will be used by the
instructor in the course. At least a few of these assessments must be instructor-initiated and in Canvas.
You will need to choose at least 2.
EVC Distance Education Handbook
Please use the “other” box to list and describe if you plan to use a different method of evaluation then the
ones listed. For example, if the course uses a Capstone project as a final assessment, please include that in
the “other” box.
If you will not be using any other methods of evaluation besides the ones checked, go to the next step
Step 7: Click Save to finish
That’s it. Click Save and you are done with the DE Addendum!