Application Deadlines
September 2019 Assessment: 19 Aug 2019
January 2020 Assessment: 16 Dec 2019
August 2020 Assessment: 20 Jul 2020
Submit applications to: [email protected]
For general questions: [email protected]
XVII Special Tactics Squadron
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Career Field Eligibility
3. Application Procedures
4. Phase I
5. Phase II
Annex A ALO Phase I Application Instructions & Example
Annex B ALO PT Evaluation Standards
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Special Operations Air Liaison Officer Assessment
Thank you for your interest in the Special Operations Air Liaison Officer (ALO) career
field. This document outlines the application procedures to become a Special Operations ALO.
The Special Tactics forces that a Special Operations ALO leads are organized under the 24th
Special Operations Wing (SOW) of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) and
assigned to the 17th Special Tactics Squadron (STS). Applicants familiar with earlier versions
of this package should review this document thoroughly, as it has undergone revision.
Special Operations ALOs require high levels of physical fitness, mental agility,
professionalism, leadership, interpersonal skills, initiative, psychological stability, motivation,
and technical competency. Additional eligibility criteria are listed below:
Security clearance: Secret (minimum), Top Secret (attainable)
Volunteer for Hazardous Duty: Static-line Parachute
Background: Outstanding resume and no negative personal or professional history
Medical/Physical: IFC III Flying Physical authorizing ground based controller, static-line
training, and static-line duties documented on a DD Form 2808
Physical Fitness: At a minimum, candidates must satisfactorily complete the minimum
scores on the PT Evaluation.
Special Operations ALO assessments are conducted whenever it is determined a
position will become vacant and needs to be filled. Each cycle has two phases: Phase I and
Phase II. In Phase I, a panel of officers reviews and stratifies applications submitted by the
deadline. The top applicants are invited to attend Phase II Selection. Phase II consists of a
one-week evaluation conducted at Hurlburt Field, FL, approximately 30-60 days after Phase I.
Candidates must attend Phase II in TDY status. AFSOC will normally fund Phase II
attendance for candidates.
Upon completion of Phase II evaluated events, the 720 Special Tactics Group (STG)
Commander makes his selection of new Special Operations ALOs. Applicants will be briefed on
their select/non-select status at the completion of Phase II. If you desire to become a Special
Operations ALO, but are unable to attend a Phase II selection, submit a Phase I package and
inform the Special Operations ALO point of contact of your situation.
An invitation to Phase II means the Phase I selection board would like to take a closer
look at your potential to become an ALO. Your decision to attend is voluntary and non-binding.
Selection at Phase II means the selection board president has approved your entry into the career
field and pipeline training. It is ultimately up to you to accept the challenge.
Active Duty USAF: The Special Operations ALO position is open to the following
career fields: 11XX, 12XX, 13 BX, and 13LX. Eligible grades are O-2 through O-4. CONUS
candidates must have at least 2 years Time on Station (TOS) prior to attending assessment and
selection. OCONUS candidates must be within 1 year of their DEROS prior to attending
assessment and selection.
It is highly recommended that candidates are:
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
CAS experts familiar with all components of fire support
Extremely fit (meeting the PT minimums is not extremely fit)
Ready to lead seasoned TACP operators autonomously
Experienced through combat deployment or a major joint exercise
**The above items are only recommendations, not prerequisites.
First-Time Non-Selects: Candidates who attend Phase II, but are not selected, are not
guaranteed a Phase II invitation in future selection cycles. If the cadre identify
deficiencies/weaknesses that they would like to see corrected before accepting you into the
Special Tactics community, you must submit an updated application that addresses those
deficiencies. Do NOT submit the same application package. You must have updated letters of
recommendation as well as accomplish a new PT test.
Phase I applications are due by the date posted on the message accompanying the
application package. The Assessment Director does an initial review of the applications for
completeness. The Assessment Director convenes a review board consisting of the 17th Special
Tactics Commander, Chief Enlisted Manager, and other Special Operations ALOs. The board
ranks the applications, identifying the candidates most likely to succeed. Once invitations are
sent, the Assessment Director contacts the individuals with Phase II reporting instructions.
The Assessment Director designates the candidate team leader. At that time, the team is
encouraged to begin team building via email and other means. The more cohesive the team is
prior to arrival, the better the team interaction will be during Phase II, enhancing everyone’s
chances to be selected. The team leader is the primary means of contacting the Assessment
Director for assessment-related matters. The Assessment Director is your definitive resource for
all policy, continuity, and information on Phase II.
All non-invited applicants will receive feedback on their applications from the
Assessment Director. If you do not hear from the Assessment Director within 45 days of
submitting your application, contact him for details.
Read through ANNEX A for complete instructions on constructing your Phase I package.
Phase II Selection is conducted at Hurlburt Field, FL. The purpose of Phase II is to assess
each candidate in the nine STS attributes: Physical Fitness, Mental Agility, Professionalism,
Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, Initiative, Psychological Stability, Motivation, and Technical
Competency for the purpose of determining if you have the raw skills to operate in the Special
Operations environment. Your performance will be evaluated as a team member and as an
individual. The schedule is designed to stress you. The Special Operations ALO cadre will
observe and take notes on everything you do. These observations will be the basis for a hiring
recommendation made to the 720th STG Commander. The data will also be used to provide
critical feedback to enhance your personal and professional growth.
Candidates must be prepared for a physically and mentally demanding week. You
cannot trust your judgment of your physical and mental preparedness prior to coming to Phase
Feedback from most candidates indicates that this week is more demanding than anything
they anticipated. The cadre will push you physically and mentally beyond your comfort zone to
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
assess those critical attributes in adverse situations. You will be expected to perform to the best
of your ability in all events.
Billeting will be coordinated for all candidates. Candidates will be billeted together for
the duration of Phase II. The candidate team leader is responsible for passing travel and contact
information for all candidates. When the candidate team leader arrives, he must check in with the
Assessment Director for further instructions.
There are five ways to be dismissed during Phase II. Failure to pass the PT Evaluation
during Phase II is grounds for immediate dismissal. Medical disqualification results from a
medical assessment to determine your ability to safely continue Phase II. Self-Initiated
Elimination (SIE) means that you no longer wish to continue in the assessment. Quitting by
Action (QBA) is a Phase II policy that allows the Phase II cadre to give you three consecutive
warnings during an assessment event, for demonstrating lack of motivation to continue or
perform at the required level of effort. If a fourth warning is issued, you are subject to removal
from the assessment. If a candidate SIE’s or QBA’s, he will not be considered again for
assessment. Finally, the Phase II cadre retains the ability to remove a candidate at any time for
not performing to standards.
Candidates should be prepared for the following:
Extensive psychological testing and interviews
Briefing and writing skills evaluations
Problem solving events
Leadership ability evaluations
Ruckmarch with 50 – 70 lbs of weight at distances of 12 miles
Running for distances up to 8 miles at a time
Calisthenics sessions of various exercises
Water confidence evaluations, to include:
Under water swim intervals at 25 meters
Treading water
Surface swimming
Those candidates who successfully complete Phase II and are selected can expect to
receive an assignment at Ft Benning, GA, Hunter Army Airfield, GA, or Joint Base Lewis-McChord,
WA. The location will be dictated by the 17th Special Tactics Squadron Commander based upon
open positions. Applicants should be prepared to receive an assignment to any of the above locations
and your order of assignment preference is not a consideration for the board.
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Phase I Application Instructions & Example
Proof read your application for accuracy, format, grammar, and spelling. In Phase I, the
selection board relies solely on information and impressions made through your application.
Incomplete or poorly crafted applications are a reflection of the applicant’s professionalism. As a
general rule, successful Phase I applications are concise, easy to understand, and are not filled
with extra “fluff.” Your success in the Special Tactics community begins with this application.
The application will include the following in this order:
Cover page – Use Times New Roman and Font size 10
Personal Narrative – One page in length (See example for format and specifics)
Copy of your personal SURF (Single Unit Retrieval Format) accessible via the AMS
(Assignment Management System) webpage.
One signed recommendation letter from your commander, no more than one-page in
length. The letter should comment on your leadership abilities including relevant
Copies of your five most recent performance reports. Prior enlisted personnel
should include their enlisted performance reports if applicable.
If you are currently a qualified JTAC, include copies all of your Form 8s.
Copy of a DD Form 2808 (obtained at base medical unit) dated within 60-days of
application submission
authorizing ground based controller, static-line training, and
static-line duties
When complete, your application should be scanned into a PDF file as ONE DOCUMENT and
emailed to [email protected]il. Put your last name and “ALO
Application” in the subject line of the email, such as “Johnson-ALO Application”.
Additional Notes:
The format on the next few pages is not an option. Follow the example. Do not
include the footer you see below that says: “Current as of DATE”.
If the header or section does not apply to your situation, simply delete that section.
Be sure that all signature blocks are hand signed with wet ink.
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Name/Rank: 1Lt John B. Doe
SSN: 123-45-6789
Work Address: 123 Main Street, Hurlburt Field, FL 32544
Work Email: john.doe@hurlburt.af.mil
Work Phone: 850-555-1234
Current Duty Station: Hurlburt Field, FL
Current Unit: 1st Special Operations Wing
AFSC/Current Position: Flight Commander
Marital Status: Married
Attended Phase II / SOCOM Training: Yes / No If yes, when: (Month, Year) CRO, STO, SOWT, Other:
Commander Name/Rank: Major John Smith
Email/Phone: [email protected] / 850-678-1234
Functional Manager Name/Rank: Capt Mike Johnson
Email/Phone: michael.johnson@hurlburt.af.mil/ 850-789-3456
PT Test Results PT Test Date:
Pull-ups Sit-ups Push-ups
Mile run_ mins secs
25 meter underwater swim ( Pass / Fail ) 200 meter swim mins secs
12 Mile Ruck March hours mins secs
Administrator Name/Rank:
Administrator Signature
Candidate acknowledgment statement: “I, (Insert Name Here), hereby apply to become a Special Operations ALO and
volunteer to perform the hazardous duties inherent to Special Tactics. I acknowledge that I can be removed from further
assessment for any of the following reasons: 1) quitting through words or actions, 2) becoming a medical or safety risk, 3)
committing an integrity violation such as lying, cheating, or stealing, or 4) failing to meet specified standards.
The photo will be a forward facing
portrait. You will be in service dress
and the photo should extend from the
bottom of your name tag/bottom of
your ribbon rack to the top of your
head. Use your base official photo lab
for best results.
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Candidate Signature: Date:
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
20 Oct 2014
SUBJECT: Personal Narrative
This document is provided to give the selection board an overall understanding of your
character and personality. It should be clear, concise, and free of extra “fluff” statements.
It should include:
Your personal background, such as where you grew up, significant jobs/positions
held, and/or an explanation of your experiences and involvements before and during
military service
An identification and explanation of your perceived strengths and weaknesses
A discussion on what attracts you to become a Special Operations ALO
Why Special Operations ALO is the right career for you
The narrative will be formatted with 1 inch margins on the left and right sides. The top margin
will be between 1 inch and 1.5 inches depending on the heading you establish. The bottom will
be 1 inch.
The heading format you see above should be followed with your own information entered in the
FROM portion. The document may not exceed more than one page in length. Use Times New Roman
with font size 12. Include a crest in the upper left hand corner of your header similar to an official
memorandum for record. See AFH 33-337 The Tongue and Quill or sister service equivalent for
examples of an Official Memorandum
for Record.
JOHN A. DOE, 1st Lieutenant, USAF
Logistics Training Flight Commander
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
XXX. Whatever St
SUBJECT: Special Operations ALO Recommendation Letter (EXAMPLE)
Captain John A. Doe is my number one recommendation for the newly opened Special
Operations ALO positions. Capt Doe possesses an exceptionally strong duty concept, as evidenced
by the motivated and professional way he addresses his daily work, as evidenced by his recent
selection as PACAF CGO of the Year. His service leading our TAC Team has been - and
continues to be - impeccable. I’ve personally called upon him to instruct me on various ALO skills
and physical training concepts. His decision making ability and clear judgment underscore his
unselfish sense of duty. Capt Doe is highly dedicated to his work as a Terminal Attack Control and
Command Specialist and he exercises every opportunity to better himself and expand his
knowledge both on and off duty.
Capt Doe’s physical and personal skills, his adaptability and willingness to learn all attribute to
his superb ability as a team player. He will be a valued asset to the Special Tactics community. I
am confident in my decision for his recommendation. If you have any questions you may contact
me at DSN: XXX-XXXX or by email at:
To be blunt, Captain Doe succeeds magnificently at everything he undertakes. He is a sincere,
articulate young officer who is made of just the right decisive “stuff we’re looking for in our leaders.
I am confident he would make an excellent Special Operations ALO and recommend his selection on
your next board.
NOTE: Letter of Recommendation will be formatted according to AFH 33-337 The Tongue and
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
General. Special Operations ALO applicants shall complete the physical training test in
accordance with these procedures as part of the Special Operations ALO application.
Standards. You must complete the minimum number of exercises, run, and swim within the
times specified below. Special Operations ALO selection is extremely competitive; you
should give your very best effort, which should be well beyond the minimums. Your PT
Evaluation should have been accomplished within three months of the Phase I due date and as
close to Phase I as possible to reflect your current level of fitness.
CALISTHENICS: pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups -- exercise to time limit or until
muscle failure
10 pull-ups in 1 minute
70 sit-ups in 2 minutes
60 push-ups in 2 minutes
RUN: 5 miles non-stop
5 miles completed within 40 minutes (40:00)
UNDERWATER SWIM: swim and remain underwater for 25 meters
Successful completion
SWIM: 200 meters non-stop -- any stroke except backstroke (without fins)
200 m completed within 7 minutes (7:00)
RUCKMARCH: 12 miles non-stop
12 miles completed within 3 hours (3:00:00)
Does not have to occur on same day as other PT events, but within 7 days
Administration. The PT test must be given in the order listed and completed within a three-
hour timeframe. If you are unable to meet any of the minimums, you have failed the test.
The PT test should be administered by your supervisor. Other test administrators will be
considered on a case-by-case basis, following coordination with the Assessment Director. If
you fail to execute the proper form, the test administrator will correct you, and the incorrect
repetition will not be counted. The test administrator will document the results on the cover
sheet of your application and sign the appropriate space. Each candidate and administrator
should watch the instructional video posted at:
0ZF9Il5EPl1. The video should be used as a guide for exercise form ONLY, the repetition and
time standards referenced do not apply to Special Operations ALO candidates.
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
Procedures. Calisthenics events will be tested one right after the other with approximately a
2-minute time lapse between events. Upon completion of all the calisthenics events, a 10-
minute rest period is given prior to starting the 5-mile run. Upon completion of the 5-mile
run, a 20-minute rest period is given prior to starting the underwater swim. Within 10
minutes after the underwater swim, begin the 200 meter swim.
Pull-ups (one minute time limit). This exercise is executed on a pull-up bar. The
individual grasps the bar with the hands about shoulder width apart. Hands can be facing
toward the candidate (chin up) or away from the candidate (pull up). This is a two-count
exercise. The exercise begins in the “dead hang” position. Count one: pull the body
directly upward until the chin is over the bar. Count two: lower the body until the body is
again in the “dead hang” position. Repeat as many times as possible. Individuals will not
swing excessively or bicycle feet as the chin is pulled over the bar. Legs are allowed to
bend, but must not be kicked or manipulated to aid upward movement. If the candidate
falls off or releases the bar, the exercise is terminated. Designed to measure strength and
endurance in the back, triceps, and biceps muscles used when performing specific
mission tasks. A two-minute rest follows this event.
Sit-ups (two minute time limit). Starting position: back flat on the ground, hands behind
the head, fingers interlocked, head off the ground and knees bent at approximately a 90
degree angle. Another individual during the exercise holds the feet (optional). This is a
two-count exercise. Count one: sit up until the back is vertical, breaking a 90 degree
plane with the ground. Count two: return to the starting position. There is no authorized
rest position during this exercise. If the candidate rests, the exercise is terminated. If an
individual raises buttocks from ground, removes hands from behind the head during a
repetition, or the fingers are not interlocked, the repetition is not counted. Designed to
measure strength and endurance in abdominal and hip flexor muscle groups used when
performing specific mission tasks. A two-minute rest follows this event.
Push-ups (two minute time limit). This exercise starts from the front leaning rest
position. The body must be maintained straight from head to heels with knees together.
This is a two-count exercise. Count one: flex the elbows, lowering the body until the arm
is bent at least 90 degrees at the elbow and the upper arm breaks a parallel plane with the
ground. Count two: raise the body until the elbows are straight and locked. Repeat this
exercise as many times as possible. The candidate will not raise his buttocks in the air,
sag his middle to the ground, or raise any hand or foot from their starting position. If a
hand or foot is raised, the exercise is terminated. The only authorized rest position is the
starting position. Designed to measure the strength and endurance of the chest and triceps
muscles used when performing mission tasks. A two-minute rest follows this event.
Five Mile Run. Performed with running shoes and running shorts. This run must be
continuous (non-stop). If a candidate stops anytime during the run, the test will be
stopped and considered a failure for the entire test. The test should be conducted on a
measured running track. Designed to measure aerobic endurance used when performing
mission tasks, specifically employment or evasion situations. This event is followed by a
20-minute rest period prior to the underwater swim.
Underwater Swim. Perform one 25-meter underwater swim utilizing a lap swimming
pool. If the candidate’s head breaks the water surface in order to take a breath of air, the test
will be stopped and considered a failure for the entire test. Swimsuits and mask or swim
goggles are the only equipment items allowed. Allow a 10-minute rest period prior to the
200 meter swim.
Current as of 17 Jun 2019
200 Meter Swim. The swim will be performed with swimsuits and mask or swim goggles,
without fins, in a lap swimming pool. This swim must be continuous (non-stop). If you
stop anytime during the swim, the test will be stopped and considered a failure for the
entire test. Designed to measure aerobic endurance in a maritime environment.
Twelve Mile Ruck March. Performed in ABU or Multi-cam uniform and field boots.
Use a rucksack with a total weight of 40 lbs. The ruck march must be completed within
3 hours. The test should be conducted on a measured flat surface with minimal
incline/decline of elevation. Designed to measure aerobic endurance used when
performing mission tasks, specifically employment or evasion situations. This event does
not have to be conducted the same day as the other PT events, but should be conducted
within 7-days of the PT event. If selected for Phase II, you will accomplish the PT test and
ruck march within 24 hours of each other. Prepare yourself now.