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Race, Performance, and Baseball Card Values Race, Performance, and Baseball Card Values
John D. Hewitt
Grand Valley State University
Robert Muñoz Jr.
William L. Oliver
University of Colorado at Boulder
Robert M. Regoli
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Hewitt, John D.; Muñoz, Robert Jr.; Oliver, William L.; and Regoli, Robert M., "Race, Performance, and
Baseball Card Values" (2005).
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10.1177/0193723504273121JOURNAL OF SPORT & SOCIAL ISSUES / November 2005BASEBALL CARD VALUES
John D. Hewitt
Robert Muñoz, Jr.
William L. Oliver
Robert M. Regoli
This study reports on a search for racial disparities in the value of baseball
cards for Black and White members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame
(HOF). The study’s sample of 51 players was derived from the population of
the 96 players elected to the HOF since 1936 by the Baseball Writers of Amer
ica. Although the authors found that race produced no statistical difference
in Black and White players’ card values, they did observe that players’ career
performance plus the availability of a player’s card (scarcity) exerted a sig
nificant effect on the value of cards. The study concludes with a discussion of
possible interpretations of these findings.
Keywords: race; baseball cards; performance; values
e are curious to find out if differences exist in the value of Black
and White National Baseball Hall of Fame (HOF) players’ rookie
baseball cards and, if so, whether racial prejudice plays a role.
Several studies have examined racial discrimination in the broader game of
baseball. But does evidence of racism in the game mean that there is racism
in the purchasing decisions of card collectors? Feagin (2000) argues that rac
ism is integral to the foundation of the United States and pervades every
facet of life in society:
[It] is lived, concrete, advantageous for white, and painful for those who are not
Where one lives is often determined by the racist practices of landlords, bank
ers, and others in the real estate profession. The clothes one wears and what
one has to eat are affected by access to resources that varies by position in the
racist hierarchy. When one goes off to school, her or his education is shaped by
contemporary racism—from the composition of the student body to the charac
ter of the curriculum . . . and it is likely that racism affects who one’s political
representatives are. Even getting sick, dying, and being buried may be influ
enced by racism. (p. 2)
Journal of Sport & Social Issues, Volume 29, No. 4, November 2005, pp. 411-425
DOI: 10.1177/0193723504273121
© 2005 Sage Publications
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Thus, according to Feagin (2000), racism affects all human interaction
in all situations all of the time. It has a significant saliency as an explana
tory variable for social phenomena and is a strong determinant of one’s iden
tity, social relationships, political rights, and location in the labor market. It
affects employment, housing, publicly and privately valued goods, public
policy, and, of course, sports.
Several studies have found that Black athletes are perceived and eval
uated differently. The fact that the same behavior is often perceived differ
ently most likely effects evaluation of their performances and thereby the
significance of their contributions. In a study using photo-elicitation meth
ods, Gonzalez and Jackson (2003) found that respondents attributed the
success of White players to socioeconomic factors and the success of Black
players to physiological factors. The difference in the order of importance
given to contributing factors along racial lines was cited as evidence of the
institutionalization of racism and discrimination.
Not only are Black athletes likely to be viewed differently, they are
also more likely to be evaluated negatively. Gabriel, Johnson, and Stanton
(1999, p. 1334) discuss the negative stereotypes in the media portrayal of a
player’s behavior:“For instance,a white player who has off-field problems or
misses practices,might be called ‘fun-loving’, ‘free-spirited’ or ‘independent,’
whereas a nonwhite with similar behavior might be dubbed ‘uncoachable’,
‘temperamental’ or ‘disruptive.” A study of the media portrayal of players
along racial lines revealed that most players, Black Americans included, are
not viewed negatively; however, all of the players who were portrayed nega-
tively were Black. In addition, Black players are more likely to be viewed as
arrogant or insolent by their teammates and White coaches (Evans,1997).
Black players are also limited by perceptions of their abilities in that
they are subject to stacking, that is, limited to certain positions. Studies
have reported that Whites are disproportionately placed, and Black players
underrepresented, in key functionary or central positions that, because of
their critical role, have a greater impact on the outcome of a game. These
positions allow the greater display of intelligence, decision-making skills,
coordinative tasks, social interaction, group acceptability, leadership—in
football, the center, quarterback, and middle linebacker positions; in base
ball, pitcher and catcher positions; and in basketball, the point guard posi
tion (Frey & Eitzen, 1991; Jibou, 1988; Lomax, 1999; Ogden & Hilt, 2003).
Conversely, these studies found that Blacks are overrepresented in posi
tions requiring more physical skills such as speed and quickness—in foot
ball, running back, receiver, and defensive line positions; in baseball, the
outfield positions; in basketball, the forward position. Given that key posi
tions have a greater outcome on the game, the limited access of Black play
ers to these positions plays a part in the evaluation of the significance of
their contribution to a team.
In the voting of minority players into the HOF, Brown and Bear (1999,
p. 420) found that between 1952 and 1987, “white players were over
represented in the central positions (pitcher and catcher), and black players
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were overrepresented in the peripheral positions (the outfield).” These find
ings are significant because a player’s position, such as pitcher, is associated
with a greater likelihood of being elected to the HOF. For example, of the
players who entered the HOF (elected and put in by the Veterans Commit
tee) since 1936, a disproportionate number of these players (59 of the 189, or
31%) are pitchers (Thorn, Palmer, & Gershman, 2001, p. 224).
Jibou (1988) found that controlling for performance, being Black
shortens one’s career given the tendency of teams to retain White players of
declining but similar ability as Black players who are let go much earlier in
their career. Black players also face discrimination in getting into the HOF.
Findley and Reid (1997), for instance, found that Black players were less
likely to receive votes in both the nomination and ballot process of the HOF.
Desser, Monks, and Robinson (1999) found a preference for nominating
White players and a voting bias against Black players who made it on the
HOF ballot. Yet despite performance indicators, Findley and Reid found
Black players had a lower probability of being elected to the HOF, control
ling for other relevant factors.
Desser et al. (1999) also found evidence of the significantly superior
performance of Black baseball nominees relative to White nominees:
African American outperformed whites in batting average, runs produced, life-
time batting average more than .300, and stolen bases. . . . In no category did
white nominees significantly outperform African American nominees. In fact,
the sample of eligible African Americans not nominated had a higher mean life-
time batting average than the white nominees. (p. 88)
There is little question then, that racism has had widespread and pro-
found impact on the game of baseball and formal recognition of its heroes.
However, does this mean that fans of baseball, when purchasing rookie
cards for trading or collecting, make decisions on which cards are most val
ued according to the race of the players? In the study of baseball cards, we
can explore the possibilities of evidence of racial preferences in card values.
If, as Feagin (2000) argues, the United States is a totally racist society, the
results will indicate significant differences in card values by the race of play
ers, with the values of cards of White players greater than the values of
cards of Black players with similar performance records. Alternatively, if
there is no evidence of racial difference, if differences in card values are
determined by performance of players and the availability (scarcity) of cards
as most card dealers and collectors believe, then Feagin’s claim that the
United States is a totally racist society is not supported.
The material culture produced by sport does not just passively reflect
society’s beliefs—it serves as the substance by which symbolic messages are
transmitted and thereby serves as an active agent in social interaction. Of
all the cultural artifacts in existence, people collect sport memorabilia more
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than any other type. Of the sport memorabilia collected, people collect base
ball cards more than anything else (Anonymous, 2000). There are three rea
sons for their popularity.
1. Baseball cards are easily accessible and often inexpensive.
2. Baseball cards may rekindle fond memories of our childhoods.
3. Baseball cards can be an investment in the future.
Baseball card collecting emerged during the late 19th century when
tobacco tycoon James Buchanan “Buck” Duke started the practice of insert
ing a small cardboard into the backs of cigarette packages to prevent dam
age during shipping. Each cardboard had advertising on one side and the
picture of a popular actor on the reverse. Duke’s competitors responded to
this innovation by imprinting pictures of baseball players on the cards (Wil
liams, 1995). These first baseball cards became popular with both smokers
and nonsmokers; between 1886 and 1890, more than 20 different tobacco
sets were distributed (Lipset, 1983).
Public interest in baseball cards soared with the rise in tobacco sales
in the late 1800s and early 1900s. However, the public’s fascination declined
almost as rapidly as it had risen. In 1913, R.J. Reynolds Company aban-
doned the baseball card tradition when they introduced Camel cigarettes.
The hobby experienced a near crippling meltdown. One by one, tobacco com-
panies dropped the baseball cards out of fear that consumers would consider
their cigarettes inferior to Camels. With no new cards being produced, inter-
est in cards quickly faded until 1938 when the stage was being set for a
remarkable baseball card comeback.
The hobby’s resurrection can be traced to the creation of the Topps
Company.Their first product was a single piece of chewing gum priced at one
cent. Their gum hit a home run with the public and a tradition developed
where businesses would place Topps gum on their counter next to the cash
register to use as an instant change-maker. In 1947, Topps introduced its
most popular product: Bazooka bubble gum. For several years, Topps found
itself in a fiercely competitive and exploding bubble gum market. During
this time, a young employee recommended to Topps president that baseball
cards be inserted into packages. In 1951, Topps issued its first card set.
Cards were sold in small packs with each pack containing two cards and a
gum piece for one penny.
While Topps brought baseball cards back to the limelight, another
company, Bowman, produced baseball cards 3 years earlier, issuing its first
set in 1948. The two companies squared off in a bitter rivalry. The competi
tion ended amicably in 1956 when Topps purchased Bowman. Topps was in
total control of the baseball card industry between 1956 and 1980. Its
monopoly ended in 1981 when a District Court ruled that Topps and the
Major League Baseball Player’s Association (MLBPA) had restrained free
trade in the baseball card market in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act
of 1890. The MLBPA was ordered to issue licenses to at least one new
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company immediately. In 1981, three companies distributed baseball cards:
Donruss, Fleer, and Topps.
Earlier research has been mixed regarding the impact of a player’s
race on the value of his baseball card. For example, when Nardinelli and
Simon (1990) and Anderson and LaCroix (1991) compared card values of
Black and White players, they found that the cards of Whites were more
valuable than those of Black Americans. On the other hand, in a study of 29
HOF members, B. Regoli (1991) concluded that race and card values were
not related and concluded that the card prices of comparable Black and
White players were similar.
In a subsequent study, R. Regoli (2000) argued that to more fully
understand the relationship between race and card values, it is necessary to
identify those factors (and their significance) that are the best predictors of
card values for Black and White players. He further suggested that collec
tors might use different systems of evaluation when they are determining
the card values of Blacks and Whites. According to R. Regoli (2000), card
values for Whites were foremost based on their “on the field” performance,
whereas card values of Black Americans were predominantly based on
extra performance factors, such as the validation of their achievements by
the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA), a group of mostly
White journalists.
The present research replicates and extends these earlier works by
exploring the relationship between race and card rookie values after con-
trolling for performance and the availability of the cards.
Data were derived from three sources: (a) prices listed for cards in
near mint condition in the April, 2003, issue of Beckett’s Baseball Monthly,
(b) the Professional Service Authentication (PSA) April 2003 Population
Report on the scarcity of cards, and (c) player career data reported by Thorn
et al. (2001) in Total Baseball.
There are 254 members in the HOF. Included are 189 former Major
League players, 23 executives or pioneers,18 Negro League players, 16 man
agers, and 8 umpires. Since 1936, the BBWAA has elected 96 players to the
HOF, whereas the Committee on Baseball Veterans has chosen an addi
tional 93 players. The 96 players elected to the HOF constitute the study’s
population. However, only 51 of them were included in the analysis after
applying the following criteria.
1. To have comparable samples of Black and White HOF players, every player
in the study had to have played in the integrated major baseball league that
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started in 1947 with Jackie Robinson. Only 66 of the 96 players met this con
dition; thus, 30 players, including Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner, and Babe Ruth,
who played in a segregated major baseball league only, were excluded.
2. Before 1948, baseball cards were distributed erratically; so, it is not too sur
prising that the value of cards produced prior to 1948 is highly exaggerated
because of their scarcity and sensitivity because of the very poor quality of
available printing. Because their rookie cards were manufactured before
1948,10 players were eliminated from the study, leaving us with 56 players.
3. The study only examines the card values of Black and White HOF members.
Therefore, five Latino players—Luis Aparicio, Rod Carew, Roberto
Clemente, Juan Marichal, and Tony Perez—were eliminated, leaving 51
The dependent variable in this study is card value in dollars (value).
This variable was created by tallying the prices listed in the April 2003 issue
of Beckett’s Baseball Monthly for the rookie cards (in near mint or mint con
dition) of the 51 players who constituted our sample. The independent vari
ables were race (Black or White), availability (number of cards available on
the market), and performance (career performance as measured on a scale
from 0 to 100). The study’s three independent variables were produced in the
following ways:
1. Race: Determined by inspecting eachplayerscardinBergerandSlocums
(1985) Topps Baseball Cards, 1951-1985. The players were dichotomized
into Black (n = 18) and White (n = 33) subcategories. (See Brown and Bear,
1999,for a discussion of the procedures used to determine a player’s race.)
2. Performance: The most objective available measure of a player’s career per-
formance is his total baseball ranking, or TBR (Thorn et al., 2001). There is
general agreement among baseball statisticians that TBR is among the best
composite indicators available for comparing the career performances of
players in relation to each other. (See Thorn et al., 2001, for a full discussion
of the development and construction of the TBR.) The TBR ratings for our
sample of 51 players ranged from 2.0 for Lou Brock to 95.9 for Willie Mays
(see Table 1).
3. Card availability: The value of a baseball card is affected by how scarce or
rare it is. Unfortunately, card companies do not publish data revealing their
production numbers for any specific year. One technique, however, for gaug
ing the availability of cards is through the population reports published by
the PSA, a card certification company (see B. Regoli, 2001). Every month,
PSA reports the number of specimens of a card that exist in near mint or
better condition. Using information from the April 2003 PSA Population
Report, we constructed a measure of availability based on how many rookie
cards of each player in near mint or better condition were reported to exist.
The number of such cards ranged from 13 (Bob Lemon) to 1,416 (Kirby
Puckett). This extraordinary range in the availability of cards is the result
of several possible factors, including the year the card was produced (older
cards are more scarce) and patterns and practices of collectors at different
points in card history.
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Rookie Card, Value, Reputation, Availability, and Performance (N =
Name Card Value Availability Performance
Hank Aaron 1954 Topps #128 1500 164 90.1
Ernie Banks 1954 Topps #94 800 121 24.9
Johnny Bench 1968 Topps #447 125 239 30.2
Yogi Berra 1948 Bowman #6 450 70 34.8
George Brett 1975 Topps #228 80 1042 43.9
Lou Brock 1962 Topps #387 125 111 2.0
Roy Campanella 1949 Bowman #84 700 90 22.2
Steve Carlton 1975 Topps #477 150 114 35.6
Gary Carter 1975 Topps #620 15 74 30.1
Don Drysdale 1957 Topps #18 225 83 34.7
Rollie Fingers 1969 Topps #597 40 109 22.5
Carlton Fisk 1972 Topps #79 50 96 33.4
Whitey Ford 1951 Bowman #1 1400 35 39.2
Bob Gibson 1959 Topps #514 200 84 46.3
Catfish Hunter 1965 Topps #526 80 136 6.9
Reggie Jackson 1969 Topps #260 250 252 44.0
Fergie Jenkins 1966 Topps #254 70 146 32.1
Al Kaline 1954 Topps #210 600 119 45.9
Harmon Killebrew 1955 Topps #124 250 159 32.8
Ralph Kiner 1948 Bowman #3 150 48 27.0
Sandy Koufax 1955 Topps #123 800 179 20.0
Bob Lemon 1949 Bowman #238 200 13 35.2
Mickey Mantle 1951 Bowman #253 8500 53 77.4
Eddie Mathews 1952 Topps #407 8000 15 52.2
Willie Mays 1951 Bowman #395 3000 56 95.9
Willie McCovey 1960 Topps #316 125 64 38.1
Joe Morgan 1965 Topps #16 60 29 63.9
Eddie Murray 1978 Topps #36 80 1313 34.1
Stan Musial 1948 Bowman #36 800 49 70.1
Phil Niekro 1964 Topps #541 80 37 38.0
Jim Palmer 1966 Topps #126 100 200 36.4
Gaylord Perry 1962 Topps #199 85 93 36.8
Kirby Puckett 1984 Fleer XRC # 93 100 1416 32.3
Robin Roberts 1949 Bowman #46 250 39 25.9
Brooks Robinson 1957 Topps #328 350 214 23.3
Frank Robinson 1957 Topps #35 200 162 71.0
Jackie Robinson 1949 Leaf #79 1100 81 33.3
Nolan Ryan 1968 Topps #177 600 398 14.2
Mike Schmidt 1973 Topps #615 150 361 77.9
Tom Seaver 1967 Topps #581 500 264 51.2
Ozzie Smith 1979 Topps #116 80 796 42.4
Duke Snider 1949 Bowman #226 900 55 24.3
Warren Spahn 1948 Bowman #18 300 43 43.1
Willie Stargell 1963 Topps #553 125 85 31.6
Don Sutton 1966 Topps #288 50 45 13.7
Hoyt Wilhelm 1952 Topps #392 750 38 29.2
Billy Williams 1961 Topps #141 60 215 30.1
Dave Winfield 1974 Topps #456 40 699 36.9
Early Wynn 1949 Bowman #110 125 59 18.2
Carl Yastrzemski 1960 Topps #148 150 280 46.1
Robin Yount 1975 Topps #223 50 853 31.4
SOURCE: Professional Sports Authenticators (2003), at
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We sought to model card value as a function of race, availability, and
performance—as measured by total baseball score.It was expected that card
value would increase as cards became less available and as performance
increased. We also expected that race would affect card value. Race could
have an additive effect on card value, so that cards for Black players would
have lower value, after statistically controlling for availability and perfor
mance.Race could instead affect card value through an interaction with per
formance, so that, for example, card value as a function of performance
would increase more steeply for White players than it would increase for
Black players.Finally,a null effect of race on card value would be of interest,
especially given the research findings reviewed earlier in the article on the
pervasive and widespread effects of race. However, the modest sample size
and the observational nature of the data set would make it impossible to
argue that race has a negligible (let alone, null) effect on card value.
The variables of value and availability were highly skewed and were,
hence,log transformed before they were entered into the analysis.Examina
tion of the errors (residuals) from the regression analyses indicated that the
transformations helped produce linear effects and distribution of errors
that were close to normal. It was especially important to meet the statistical
assumptions of regression analysis (e.g., normal distribution of errors) to
increase statistical power and to yield valid statistical tests.
In an initial regression model, log-transformed value was regressed on
the variables log-transformed availability, performance, race (0 = White; 1 =
Black), and the interaction of race and performance. The regression coeffi-
cient for the interaction term was not significant, t(46) = –.87, p = .387.
Hence, we next examined an additive model, for which log-transformed
value was regressed on log-transformed availability, performance, and race.
The R
for the model was .27.
Table 2 displays the regression coefficients for the additive model. All
variables are statistically significant except for race (the alpha level of .05
was used for all statistical tests). Card value clearly increases with increas
ing player performance and decreases with increasing card availability. The
negative regression coefficient for race, if reliable, would indicate that cards
for Black players are lower in value than cards for White players after con
trolling for log-transformed availability and performance. However, the
observed regression coefficient for race (–.124) did not reach statistical sig
nificance, t(47) = –.34, p = .734.
Three observations (Morgan, Mantle, and Mathews) appeared to have
a high degree of influence on the additive regression model, as indicated by
regression diagnostics. When these observations were excluded from the
analysis, the same pattern of results was obtained. After removing the influ
ential observations,the regression coefficient for race increased to a positive
value, which, if reliable, would indicate that cards for Black players are
higher in value than cards for White players after controlling for the other
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variables. However, the observed regression coefficient for race (.193) was
not significant, t(44) = .582, p = .564.
Table 3 is designed to help interpret the effects of the independent
variables on card value for the additive regression model. The table displays
the changes (effects) in card value predicted by the model over meaningful
intervals of each independent variable and holding the other variables con
stant at reference values. The reference values for the continuous variables
were their medians, and the reference value for race was Black. The effects
of the additive model over the intervals were reverse-transformed, so that
all numbers in the table are in the original, untransformed units. For the
continuous variables (availability and performance), the intervals from low
to high were defined by their interquartile ranges.For the dichotomous vari-
able (race), the meaningful interval was defined as White to Black (i.e., the
entire range). As displayed in the table, the effects for availability and per-
formance are on the order of $100. The effect of race was $26, and this
difference was not significant.
The analysis produced two major findings: (a) player race did not
affect card value, and (b) both career performance and card availability did
exert a significant and strong impact on card prices for both Black and
White players.
Should we conclude that race does not affect card values? Not neces
sarily. It may be that the better performance of Blacks keeps their card val
ues comparable to Whites. In other words, as long as Black players fulfill
expectations, their cards will be evaluated favorably (Gabriel et al., 1999).
These findings suggest the possibility that Black superstars or sports heroes
are seen on the same plane as Whites.To put it differently, on some level, the
evaluation of the performance of Black HOF members transcends racial
The enshrinement into the HOF represents a perception that a player
is among the very best to have played the game. Less than 1% of all major
league baseball players are ever enshrined in Cooperstown. Once a player
has achieved this high and honorable status, he is truly idealized in the
minds of others (Goffman, 1959). He is in every respect a social icon and a
Regression Coefficients for the Additive Model
Estimate Standard Error tValue Pr(<|t|)
Intercept 6.356 .857 7.42 .000
Log availability *0.404 .161 *2.51 .015
Performance 0.027 .009 3.07 .004
Race Black *0.124 .363 *0.34 .734
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cultural hero. This lofty status is reserved for very few and bestows on those
who achieve it a special recognition thousands of others only dream of. In a
sense,a player is not seen so much in terms of Black or White but as someone
who arouses in the minds of many memories and fantasies of days in their
past. Roland Gift, lead singer for the Fine Young Cannibals, expressed this
dynamic when he said, “I’m not Black, I’m famous” (Gates, 1997, p.158).
Although there are indeed real, objective differences in the career perfor-
mances of HOF players, all are now and then, more or less,the subject of peo-
ple’s stories. And it may be this sense of the players and their cards that
accounts for the absence of an overall statistical difference in card values.
In the final analysis, if racism has an effect on card collecting, it is
likely to be in rather subtle ways. Unfortunately, our sample may simply be
too small to draw absolute conclusions. There may be too little variance with
such a small sample of only the very best players. Our analysis was of a small
the BBWAA. Because they are in the HOF, all of their rookie cards are more
valuable and more expensive than less stellar players. Future research
using larger samples that would include players put into the HOF by the
Veterans Committee, players nominated to the HOF but who did not receive
sufficient votes to be inducted, and other extremely good players but who
were not up to the standard of the HOF may produce different findings.
In addition to all the ways in which baseball presents a rich,fresh labo
ratory for studying prejudice and discrimination,its source and its effects on
consumption, performance, evaluation, income and, even, career prospects,
baseball has the rare quality of remaining a symbol of both constancy and
evolution in our society. The essential rules of baseball have not changed in
more than a century; the game represents a genuine continuity across the
ages—the perfect medium for comparison (Gould, 2003). In a monumental
Effects Based on Additive Model Over Meaningful Intervals of the
Independent Variables
Low High Effect Lower .95 Upper .95
55.5 214.5 –108.1 –45.5 –246.5
28.1 44.0 87.6 54.8 137.2
White Black –25.9 –38.9 20.9
NOTE: The units for low and high are in number of cards and in total baseball ranking
(TBR) units for availability and performance, respectively. The units for effect and the
corresponding upper and lower confidence limits are in dollars. See text for details.
a. At race = Black; performance = 34.7 TBR units.
b. At race = Black; availability = 109 cards.
c. At performance = 34.7 TBR units; availability = 109 cards.
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way, it embodies both the presence of change in our society—the first wide
spread breaking of the color line, daily and nationally, physically and cultur
ally, historically and presently—and the remaining elephant in our collec
tive living rooms, that large, cumbersome object we keep trying to ignore in
the midst of our games and collections, amid all our hopes and keepsakes.
Although our study found no significant differences in the relation
ship between players’ race and card value, the average card of Black players
is lower. Some studies of discrimination in baseball memorabilia demon
strate evidence that collectors value the baseball cards of Black players less,
whereas others do not find any evidence of discrimination. These studies use
different samples, a chief difference in them being the distance in time
between the players’ career end and the time of measure.
Does racism appear to influence the rookie card values of HOF play
ers? The attitudes and beliefs of baseball card collectors, who are over
whelmingly White and middle aged, are likely to reflect the attitudes and
beliefs of the larger society toward people of color (Bloom, 1997; Helmreich,
1997). It is thus possible that the way collectors value cards reflects what
Feagin (2000) claims to be a systematic racist or racial ideology that is a fun
damental component of the social organization of American society.
Collectors often buy cards as an investment, just as if they were buy-
ing stock in a company. At the same time, they are not naïve about the exis-
tence and workings of racial ideology that operates in American society.
They may see the cards of White HOF members as a very conservative
choice,a relatively safe and secure investment. Like blue-chip stocks, collec-
tors express a confidence that over time the cards of White HOF members,
primarily because of their scarcity, will increase in value. On the other hand,
collectors may simply be exercising caution or discretion when investing in
cards of Black players. The reality of an existing racial ideology could
influence the choices they make.
Feagin’s (2000) claim that an all-pervasive racism in American society
would be far reaching so as to even affect the rookie card values of HOF play
ers does not appear supported. Although there are some discernable differ
ences in card values of Black and White HOF players, the results here do not
provide support for the idea of racial preferences in the value of baseball
Does this mean race does not affect the value of baseball cards?
Bonilla-La Silva (2003) argues that contemporary racism is disguised by
referring to liberal notions of meritocracy and the minimal of racism. In
accordance with this logic, many argue that equally deserving Blacks rise to
the top and that discrimination is not as bad as it once was because of the
exceptional Black representation across different arenas of social life.
Accordingly, the question of whether card value depends on whether a
player is Black or White cannot be answered in simple dichotomous terms
for several reasons.
First, players in our sample, which includes only those selected into
the HOF, have already been affected by several decisions in the selection
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process that some studies have found to be affected by race. Thus, only those
players, including Black players, deemed as the crème de la crème,are
included in our sample.The fact that the HOF selection process includes fac
tors other than performance subjects Black players to an analysis of their
selection worthiness by a primarily White decision-making body.
Second, and relevant to both the selection process and the results of
our analyses, there are severe limitations in conceptualizing racism in a
static fashion or, more specifically, to interpret results in dichotomous fash
ion or simply as a quantitative result. It is more analytically meaningful to
consider racism along a continuum and also to consider the results in terms
of the logic and meaning of the collector preferences.
Although our findings indicate a lack of significant relationship
between player race and card value, we have to keep in mind that we are
looking at a preselective sample—thatis,Blackplayerswhohavealready
been deemed worthy of selection by the larger, dominant White society. The
fact that some Black players have been allowed into the HOF, and the card
values of these players are similar by race, does not clearly establish evi
dence for an arena of social life free of racism or racial thinking.
Unlike the past, when Blacks were excluded from most American
institutions, today, we can point to almost any arena of social life in the
United States and find the inclusion of African Americans. However, the
inclusion of some Blacks does not satisfactorily account for the exclusion of
many Blacks on a widespread level. Our finding—that no statistically sig-
nificant difference exists in the value of their cards based on race—must be
understood as only being operative for, or indicative of, Black players found
to be acceptable for inclusion in the HOF. That is, there may be a form of
tokenism at work here, a seeming level of equality based on those Black
players found to be worthwhile and acceptable by a predominantly White
decision-making body.
Thus, the measure of racism here should not be limited to whether
Blacks are included or valued equally but that Blacks are included and val
ued equally under what conditions and based on what criteria. We have indi
cated above the need to expand our sample and data to address this ques
tion. However, future studies that hope to shed light on the impact of player
race on card values also require a different methodology to determine
whether any racial logic or thinking exists in the mind of collectors.
It is only by way of a more qualitative approach such as focused inter
views that researchers will be able to more meaningfully understand the
meaning of numbers or, more specifically, the reasoning and values attached
to the monetary value associated with the cards of Black and White players.
Although Feagin (2000) posits that race affects all levels of society, it is not as
simple as a yes or no question or Black or White differences; it is also a ques
tion of how race might affect both the outcomes and also the meanings,
explanations, and interpretations collectors associate with the outcomes or,
in this case, the value of the cards. It is not simply a case of show me the
money; we must also ask of our research to show me the meaning.
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1. A rookie card is a player’s first appearance on a regular issue card from a card set
distributed nationally.
2. There are two principle ways for players to enter the National Baseball Hall of Fame
(HOF). They may be elected by a 75% vote of the Baseball Writers Association of
America (BBWAA) or by a vote of the HOF Veterans’ Committee. The most
esteemed way to enter the HOF is to be elected by the BBWAA (Deane, 1989). To be
elected to the HOF, players must meet the following criteria:(a) active as a player in
the Major Leagues at some time during a period beginning 20 years before and end
ing 5 years prior to election; (b) played in each of 10 Major League championship
seasons; (c) ceased to be an active player or a player in the Major Leagues at least 5
calendar years preceding the election but may be otherwise connected with base
ball; (d) in case of death of an active player or a player who has been retired for less
than 5 full years, a candidate who is otherwise eligible shall be eligible in the next
regular held at least 6 months after the date of death or after the end of the 5-year
period,whichever occurs first; (e) any player on Baseball’s ineligible list shall not be
an eligible candidate. The less prestigious but alternative way to enter the HOF is
by a vote of the Veterans Committee.The Veterans Committee can select any player
who competed in any portion of at least 10 seasons and who has been retired as a
player for at least 21 years. In addition, players whose service in the Negro Baseball
Leagues prior to 1946 and the Major Leagues thereafter total at least 10 years or
portions thereof are defined as eligible candidates.
3. The current study did not involve random sampling from a population. In fact, all
baseball players meeting certain criteria were included in the analysis,so the entire
population of interest was included. Some methodologists, such as Richard Berk
(2004), argue that inferences based on standard regression analysis of observa-
tional data of this type cannot be trusted. However, randomization tests provide a
possible alternative basis for inference (Manly, 1997). Randomization tests address
the question of whether the observed results could have been produced by random
processes without relying on strong distributional assumptions.We carried out ran-
domization tests for the regression coefficients from the additive model. The ran-
domization tests yielded p values that were very close to those that appear in Table
2. We will make available the results of the randomization tests on request.
4. We can only speculate on what might be found if instead of limiting our analysis to
the HOF players, we considered the card value of all postintegration players. But
such speculation is not likely to be very fruitful. The card values for the vast major
ity of commonplayersarelargely identical and tend to fall in the range of .05 cents to
.20 cents per card.
John D. Hewitt is a professor of criminal justice at Grand Valley State
University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Washington State Univer
sity. Professor Hewitt is the author or coauthor of four books and more than
40 articles dealing with crime delinquency, adolescent behavior, and sport
card collecting. Robert Munoz, Jr., received his Ph.D. in sociology from the
University of Colorado. His research publications are in the areas of sport,
family, cultural c ompetency in the mental health field, and race and e thnic
studies in the United States. His areas of teaching include racial and ethnic
groups from Latin America and the Caribbean and also on the U.S.-Mexican
border relations. He is a resident of Portland, Oregon. William L. Oli ver
received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Colorado. He is cur
rently a research associate in the Institute of Cognitive Science at the Univer
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sity of Colorado. His research interests are in the areas of statistical natural
language processing, s kill acquisition, and expertise. Robert M. Regoli is a
professor of sociology at the University of Colorado. He received his Ph.D.
from Washington State University. He is the author or coauthor of seven
books and more than 100 journal publications. He is a former president of
the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, a fellow of the academy, and
recipient of two J. William Fulbright Awards, where he conducted research
and le c t u red at the In stitute of Criminology, National Taipei University, Tai
pei, Taiwan.
The authors contributed equally to the manuscript; their names are
listed alphabetically. We would like to thank the Council of Research and
Creative Work at the University of Colorado for financial support. We also
greatly appreciate the suggestions of our colleagues, Matt DeLisi, Timothy
Fong, Mike Radelet, Adam Regoli, Rick Rogers, and Jules Wanderer. Direct
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