United States
Department of
Farm Service Agency
Do you farm or ranch and want to grow your operaon or make improvements?
The Farm Service Agency oers nancial assistance to help farmers start a farm, expand their operaon,
improve natural resources or recover from natural disasters. Get started today to see how FSA can help you.
Jump-Start Your Farming or Ranching Operaon With FSA
Contact Us
Bring Documents
Consult With Us
For more information visit www.fsa.usda.gov/outreach or find your local FSA office at http://offices.usda.gov.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.
Easy Steps to
Get Started
With FSA
Contact your local Farm Service Agency County Oce to schedule an
appointment. You can nd your local county oce online at
We will sit down with you one-on-one, review your documents and
register your farm with FSA. Registering your farm allows you to apply for
FSA programs. We then discuss what programs and loans are best to help
you accomplish your goals. As a registered farm, you also will receive
monthly newsleers, have access to various resources and be eligible to
vote in FSA County Commiee Elecons.
Aer we determine your eligibility to parcipate in FSA programs and
loans, we walk you through the applicaon process. More informaon
may be needed depending on the program.
During your rst visit, be sure to bring:
Proof of identy (driver’s license, social security card, IRS EIN number)
Proof of Ownership (copy of recorded deed)
Enty Idencaon Status (arcles of incorporaon, trust & estate
documents, partnership agreement)
FSA-FL-02 (4/2016)