Data notifications and data classifications guide
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
How to access Data Notifications ............................................................................................................................ 3
How Filter combination impacts email notifications ................................................................................................. 4
Email subscriptions for Data Notifications ............................................................................................................... 4
Other useful notifications ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Quarterly Notifications (exchange and third-party data changes) .................................................................... 6
How to access Quarterly Notifications ............................................................................................................. 6
Email subscriptions for Quarterly Notifications ................................................................................................ 7
Weekly Notifications ........................................................................................................................................ 7
How to access Weekly Notifications ................................................................................................................ 8
Definition of Filters ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Amending your subscriptions................................................................................................................................... 9
Downloading notifications ........................................................................................................................................ 9
The Version Compare feature ................................................................................................................................. 9
The Data Notifications page .................................................................................................................................. 10
Data Notifications classifications guide .................................................................................................................. 11
About this section .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Notifications status definitions ....................................................................................................................... 11
Definition of categories for Data Notification classification ............................................................................. 12
Do you need support? ........................................................................................................................................... 14
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Data Notifications are published to communicate advance information about planned changes covering real-time,
historical or reference data across all asset classes and exchanges. Data Notifications keep you informed of
changes that could affect your business or may require that you take action.
Go to the sections Quarterly Notifications and Weekly Notifications in this guide to learn about these subsets of
Data Notifications.
This document includes a section that explains how Data Notifications (also known as Content Notifications) are
classified, providing the definitions of each aspect of the classification categories.
Data and Product Change Notifications are published online at MyAccount, with a subscription feature that
enables you to receive notifications of interest by email.
In MyAccount, you can:
View and filter notifications in the new and historical formats via separate tiles
Use filters to save your searches for future use
Download notifications into Excel® to review, filter or annotate and view notifications in PDF format
Use The Version Compare feature
How to access Data Notifications
To view Data Notifications online, please register or log in at Once logged in,
click Notifications & Alerts on the left- hand side menu and click View Data Notifications.
To see the latest notifications, click the Data Notifications pane. To view previously published notifications,
click the Data Notifications (Prior to 30 July 2021) pane
You can also enter a Data Notification number in the Search field (at the top of any MyAccount page) to go straight to a
specific notification.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
How Filter combination impacts email notifications
When a notification is published, an email is sent to all subscribers whose subscriptions match the classification
of the notification.
Read this section carefully before subscribing to emails for both Data and Quarterly Notifications.
When subscribing to Data Notifications and Quarterly Notifications, the selection of a value(s) from each category
is read as an ‘AND’ command. For example, ‘Eikon’ AND ‘Equity’ AND ‘Real-Time’ AND ‘Closing Run Change’
AND ‘Asia’ AND ‘Tokyo Stock Exchange’.
This design is intended to restrict the volume of notifications an individual receives given the total volume of
content change that occurs.
Similarly, a record classified as ‘Eikon’ and ‘Equity’ will be sent to subscribers with ‘Eikon’ and ‘Equity’ selected.
Subscribers whose subscriptions are set to ‘Eikon’ and ‘Fixed Income’ won’t receive this record as it was
classified ‘Eikon’ and ‘Equity’.
The email provides all the information published in the notification with the exception of any documents or URL
links. The email will contain information on the effective date, the notification number, the notification title and a
summary of the change taking place, its classification details and a link to the record on MyAccount.
Email subscriptions for Data Notifications
You may wish to view the Data Notifications page on a regular basis to keep up to date with pending changes.
You also have the option to receive an email when a new notification has been posted or when a revision takes
place. To do this, first click the Filters icon on the Data Notifications page.
You will see a list of column filters (you may need to scroll down to view all of them)
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
The filters enable you to select and save values, based on the content and change types relevant to you. Filters
include Product, Content Set, Change Type and Supplier. Each of these has a sub-item that allows you to specify
a more granular subscription.
To learn more, see the section Definition of Filters in this guide.
Important note when selecting the filter ‘Effective Date’ for email notifications: This criterion determines for
how long you will receive email notifications. For example, if you select the option ‘Next quarter’, you will receive
the notifications only until the next quarter.
To continue receiving these emails, either choose a ‘Specific Date Range’ in the future or do not select any value
for this filter.
Once you have made your selections, tick the Save filters box and click the Apply filter button. A pop-up will
display; please enter a name for your filter and click Save.
Once saved, click the
Email Notifications’ link
at the top of the page
Scroll down to see your
newly saved filter and switch
the toggle button. If your
subscription settings match
the classification of the data
notification, you will receive
an email whenever a new,
revised or cancelled
notification is published.
You can create a maximum of nine filters (irrespective of Data or Quarterly notifications). Once you reach this limit, you will need
to delete current filters to be able to create new ones.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Other useful notifications
Quarterly Notifications (exchange and third-party data changes)
Quarterly Notifications are a subset of Data Notifications. These provide a summary when there is a commercial
impact or content change impacting the commercials of third-party services.
There are two types of changes related to Quarterly Notifications:
1. Commercial impact only Invoices will change in some aspect or if new policies are implemented by the
supplier. This type of change includes:
Name change of the third-party service(s)
Price change for the third-party service(s)
Introduction of a new policy:
Introduction of a new business policy. For example, introduction of a prior approval process for a
Introduction of a new NDU policy or change to an existing NDU policy for a supplier
2. Content change impacting the commercials of the third-party servicesTypically this means a potential
data loss which requires action. Quarterly Notifications help you to understand the content change, assess
the impact and take action as defined in these notifications. This type of change includes:
When a service may be withdrawn with a replacement option to order. You need to determine if the
content is important to you and whether you require the replacement option.
When a service may be withdrawn and there is no alternative option. You’ll see an impact on the
invoice for the removal of the service and you won’t be able to access the data once the notification
is effective.
When a service merges with another service. You need to order the other service to avoid data loss.
There may be a price change due to the content moving services. The price change impact may make
the service no longer desirable.
When a service splits and new services are required to avoid data loss. You need to determine
which new service you require. There is price/invoice impact based on the combination of services that
you need.
When existing free data will become chargeable. You need to order the new service to avoid data
loss. As there will be new fees, you need to determine if the content is required.
When existing free data will become orderable but remains free of charge. You need to order the
new service to avoid data loss if you choose to retain access.
Whenever there is a new service to order, there could be prior approval requirements from the suppliers before the data can be
provided. Please request the service as soon as possible to ensure there is sufficient time to secure the supplier approval.
How to access Quarterly Notifications
To view Quarterly Notifications on MyAccount from the main menu, click Notifications & Alerts, scroll down to
the section Quarterly Notifications and click View Quarterly Notifications.
If you would also like to receive an email when the latest Quarterly Notification is posted to MyAccount, see the
section Email subscriptions for Quarterly Notifications in this guide.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Email subscriptions for Quarterly Notifications
To receive emails for Quarterly Notifications, you need to create an additional filter even if you have already created a filter for
Data Notifications.
Refer to the section How Filter combination impacts email notifications before setting up these
email subscriptions.
On the Data Notifications page, first click the Filters icon (refer to the section Definition of Filters in this guide).
Select Yes in the Quarterly Notification field and other relevant filters.
This criterion determines for how long you will receive email notifications. For example, if you select the option ‘Next quarter’,
you will receive the notifications only until the next quarter. To continue receiving these emails, either choose a ‘Specific Date
Range’ in the future or do not select any value for this filter.
Tick the Save filters box and click the Apply filters button. A pop-up will display; please enter a name for your
filter and click Save.
Once saved, click the ‘Email Notifications’ link at the top of the Data Notifications page. Finally, scroll down to
see your newly saved filter and switch the toggle button to enable emails for Quarterly Notifications.
You can create a maximum of nine filters (irrespective of Data or Quarterly notifications). Once you reach this limit, you will need
to delete current filters to be able to create new ones.
Weekly Notifications
Every Monday morning, a Weekly Notifications Report is posted to MyAccount. This file enables you to quickly
see a list of new and revised notifications. It consists of English-language notifications downloaded from
MyAccount with a future effective date. The Review Status (column B) indicates whether a notification is:
New: published in the last week
Notified: previously published
Revised: updated in the last week
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
How to access Weekly Notifications
As the reports are sorted by effective date, you may find it useful to see all changes taking place with regards
to data (in a given week or month, for example). The report is accessible from the left-hand menu;
click Notifications & Alerts and View Weekly Notifications > View Notifications.
Definition of Filters
Filter Description
An indication of the degree of certainty and lifecycle state. One of: Advanced
Notice, Tentative, Effective On, On Hold or Cancelled. Note: ‘Effective On’ is the
majority condition, so this status is not displayed in the list view in order to make
the others more prominent. It can, however, be chosen from the list of filters.
Effective date
The date on which the change will take effect. There are various options in the
filters available to allow you to specify date ranges.
Important note: This criterion also determines for how long you will receive
email notifications for the various Data Notifications.
ID The unique notification number prefixed with ‘DN’.
Product The product families and/or products associated with this content change.
Quarterly notifications A flag for Data Notifications that have been included in the quarterly changes.
Change type The type(s) of change that the notification is describing.
Content set Describes the content types for the content impacted by the change.
Supplier organisation
Describes the parent organisation(s) who supply the content impacted by
the change.
Content services
Describes the discrete service(s) being consumed by client who are impacted
by this change. A content service consists of data provided by a parent
supplier organisation.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Amending your subscriptions
If you need to amend or delete your subscriptions, first click the Email Subscriptions link on the Data
Notifications page. Next, click the kebab button (the three dots) to edit or delete your previously saved filter.
Subscription changes apply become effective immediately.
If you do not want to receive emails, you can log in to MyAccount to monitor notifications and switch the email
button off. If the round button is on the right, then email notifications are on.
Downloading notifications
If you prefer to view Data Notifications in Excel® format, you can download any set of search results — simply
click Download.
The Version Compare feature
This feature enables you to quickly see the difference between the latest published notification and an earlier
version of the same notification to determine whether the update is significant and requires action.
To use this feature, open a notification that has been revised and scroll down to the Versions tab. Tick the
relevant boxes and click the Compare button.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
You will see a side-by-side
comparison of the sections that have
changed. This will also indicate
whether the instrument list or its
content has changed
The Data Notifications page
When you open a data notification, you can scroll down to see the service package information, for example, PE,
PDP and instrument. There are three tabs:
1. Content Added
2. Content Updated
3. Content Removed
The first three columns of data are RIC, PE and PDP. To see all PDP codes, click the View all PDPs hyperlink. A
pop-up will display all PDPs for a specific RIC.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Data Notifications classifications guide
About this section
This section will help customers requiring Data Notifications to make the most of the subscription,
Excel® download and MyAccount filters to isolate those changes that are of the most relevance or interest.
Each Data Notification is classified across five categories, which constitute:
Subscription criteria, i.e., for customers to subscribe to and receive emails for a specific subset of
Data Notifications
Search filters in MyAccount
Filterable categories in the Excel® download feature
The categories that are used in classifying every Data Notification are as follows:
Associated products Content set Change type Supplier organisation Content services
Notifications status definitions
Each notification has a status. The status determines whether an effective date or date range is populated. See
the table below to know more about the date status:
Advance Notice
Where an effective date is not yet known, an Advance Notice enables us to publish
information about an important upcoming change at the earliest possible opportunity,
even if details are not yet confirmed. This means the effective date may be provided or it
may be blank. This status gives you a clear indication that the information is incomplete
but is shared with you for your attention. We will provide more information as it becomes
available and update the date type and date as applicable, by publishing a
new version of
the notification.
Tentative (TEN)
This new date type enables us to provide a date range in cases where the effective date
is not yet established. This should reduce the number republished notifications due solely
to a change of effective date. We will update the date type and date as applicable, by
publishing a new version of the notification.
Effective On
At this stage, there is more certainty of the effective date; the change is planned to take
effect on the date specified.
New Status Values
Two new statuses will be displayed on the notification list screen and within the
notification details.
On Hold (HOLD)
This indicates that the change has been put on hold, with an explanatory note. Any
effective date originally stated will be removed. A new version of the customer notification
will be republished with new dates once the reason for the hold has been resolved.
Cancelled (CAN)
If a notification has been cancelled there will be a clear indication of this, accompanied by
the reason for cancellation. Cancellation is part of the reissuing process, like any other
amendment. It is not possible to cancel a notification without it also being republished
to customers.
If you do not have access to MyAccount, please register. If you are a LSEG Eikon user, you can use your user ID and password
to log in.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Definition of categories for Data Notification classification
Associated Products
The list of products presented in the Associated Products category is a subset of all products available from
LSEG. Since the full list of products is so extensive, the values presented are those deemed most critical
following consultation with customers.
The category covers two levels of product definition: the product family name and the specific product name. For
example, ‘LSEG Datascope Plus’ is a specific product that resides within the ‘LSEG Enterprise Information’
product family.
All impacted products will be displayed in the Associated Products list on a Data Notification page.
Content set
The content set category classifies the content change according to its corresponding asset class or content set.
Three or more levels of categorisation are available to enable general or very specific selection. For example,
customers may subscribe to all Fixed Income content change notifications, or select from one of the more
detailed values available, e.g., Convertible.
Change type
Change type describes the type of change that affects the accessibility, availability, display or structure of the
content. More than one change type value can be selected per Data Notification. Continued on the next page.
Change type Description
Calculation methodology change
A change to the way that an instrument or field values are calculated,
e.g., a fixing calculation altered to utilise a different/smaller number
of contributors.
Chain/portfolio change
A change being applied at a chain/portfolio level, i.e., Chain
RIC/Symbol name changes or Chain/RIC/ FID/Portfolio reordering.
Closing run change
A change to the frequency or time when real-time fields/FIDs are
cleared down.
Content removal
(alternatives available)
Content, e.g., instrument, series, page, which will be removed and
has an alternative.
Content removal
(no alternatives available)
Content, e.g., instrument, series, page, which will be removed and
has no alternative.
Contributor change A change which involves the addition or removal of a contributor.
Delayed data change
A change to the specification of delayed data, e.g., the time by which
real-time data is delayed.
Depth of coverage change
An increase or decrease in the level of coverage provided, e.g.,
expansion of market depth or historical data coverage.
Display template change A change to the display template.
Field/FID change
A change to a field or FID or changes to the behaviour of or definition
of data within that field or FID.
File code change
A change impacting file codes including RICs moving, new or
removed file codes and release time changes.
Index constituent change Constituents of an Index being altered or a weighting change.
Instrument classification change
A change to instrument classification, e.g., asset class change due to
a RECTYPE amendment.
Name change A change to the name of a billable service.
New market A new market which has not previously been available.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Change type Description
New policy
The introduction of a new policy, for example, terms and conditions or
commercial obligations relating to a service.
New RICs/symbols
New RICs/symbols being introduced. These exclude new tenors
added to a pre-existing series which would be deemed as a
tenor change.
New series The introduction of a new series of futures or options.
News change A change impacting pre-existing news services.
Non-classified/other change
Only used when the type of change is not covered by those above
or below.
Page change
A change being applied at a page level, e.g., instrument/price/field
map collect
A permissioning change where Instruments change permissioning
entities but remain in the same product offerings, and the change can
be accommodated by the application of a map collect. These include
PE changes within existing PDP codes and content moving from a
restricted access/fee- liable service to a free-of-fees service.
order new service
A permissioning change which may require customers to subscribe to
the appropriate PDP/ entitlement codes to view the new content. For
T1, RFR and/or PRSV updates may be required.
Policy change
A change to the terms and conditions or commercial terms of an
existing policy.
Price change
A change to the price a customer pays for a service; this could be
a price increase or a price decrease for services which are
already billable.
Record template change A change to the record template.
Reference data change
A change to an instrument’s reference data, e.g., expiration dates,
SEDOL, ISINs, etc.
RIC/symbol replacement change
A change where a pre-existing RIC/symbol will be replaced by an
alternative RIC (not a RIC rename), e.g., a contributed spot RIC being
replaced by a composite RIC.
Regulatory change
A change to content for example its availability, display, meaning
arising from a regulatory change.
RIC/symbol syntax change A change where the RIC/symbol syntax structure is being amended.
Session time change
A change to a pre-existing market trading schedule, e.g., new phases,
changes to existing sessions or DST amendments.
Special trading day
The introduction of a trading day which is not part of a market’s usual
trading calendar.
Tenor change
A change to RICs/Symbols within a series, e.g., the expansion or
removal of instruments within a Money Market/FX Forwards series.
Supplier organisation
The supplier is the provider of the content covered in the notification, which could be LSEG or a third party.
A third-party could typically be an exchange, an interdealer broker, a commercial and retail bank or one of a
whole host of other types.
Previously only exchanges were listed by name; non-exchange suppliers were classified as
‘Contributed/Third-Party’. Now, all suppliers are explicitly listed by name, regardless of type.
MyAccount – Data notifications and data classifications guide
Content services
These are separate orderable third-party ‘add-on’ content services. A content service is organized according to
customer’s intended use of the service (Individual, Enterprise or Redistribution use) and further organized by
timelines of delivery (Real time or Delayed).
Do you need support?
Please go to and click the Get Support button. You can also raise product and content
queries from the same page. Select Get MyAccount Support if you need help with the portal.
LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. With $6.25 billion in
revenue, over 40,000 customers and 400,000 end users across 190 countries, LSEG is powering participants across the global financial
marketplace. We provide information, insights and technology that enable customers to execute critical investing, trading and risk decisions with
confidence. By combining a unique open platform with best-in-class data and expertise, we connect people to choice and opportunity – driving
performance, innovation and growth for our customers and partners