NASA Implementation Guide to the Pathways ProgramsVersion 1
August 2012
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(Version 1)
August 2012
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NASA Implementation Guide to the Pathways ProgramsVersion 1
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SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Background .................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Applicability.................................................................................................. 5
1.4 About This Document ............................................................................... 6
SECTION 2 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Federal Laws, Regulations, and Executive Order References .............. 7
2.2 OPM References ......................................................................................... 7
2.3 NASA References ....................................................................................... 8
SECTION 3 OVERVIEW AND GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................ 10
3.1 Policies and Guidance ............................................................................... 10
3.1.1 OPM Policies and Guidance ...................................................... 10
3.1.2 NASA Policies and Guidance .................................................... 10
3.2 General Provisions .................................................................................... 10
3.3 Recruitment Strategies .............................................................................. 11
4.1 NASA Pathways IEP Roles and Responsibilities ................................. 12
4.2 NASA Pathways IEP Overview Flowchart ........................................... 16
4.3 NASA Pathways IEP Procedures ........................................................... 17
4.4 NASA Pathways IEP Eligibility Requirements ..................................... 17
4.5 NASA Pathways IEP Selection and Appointment .............................. 18
4.6 NASA Pathways IEP Student Schedules ............................................... 19
4.7 NASA Pathways IEP Changes in Status ................................................ 19
4.8 Duration of NASA Pathways IEP .......................................................... 19
4.9 Pay and Promotion for NASA Pathways IEP Participants ................ 19
4.9.1 Pay .................................................................................................. 19
4.9.2 Promotion ..................................................................................... 20
4.10 Employee Benefits for NASA Pathways IEP Participants ................. 21
4.11 LWOP and Return to Duty (RTD) for NASA Pathways IEP
Participants ................................................................................................. 21
4.12 Performance Evaluation for NASA Pathways IEP Participants ........ 22
4.13 Travel for NASA Pathways IEP Participants ....................................... 22
4.14 Training and Tuition for NASA Pathways IEP Participants .............. 22
4.14.1 Training and Development ........................................................ 22
4.14.2 Tuition Assistance ....................................................................... 23
4.15 Other Assignments and Employment for NASA Pathways IEP
Participants ................................................................................................. 23
4.15.1 Rotational Assignments .............................................................. 23
4.15.2 Outside Employment .................................................................. 23
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4.16 Program Completion Activities for NASA Pathways IEP
Participants ................................................................................................. 24
4.16.1 Resignation ................................................................................... 24
4.16.2 Termination .................................................................................. 24
4.16.3 Trial and Probationary Period .................................................... 25
4.16.4 Conversion .................................................................................... 25
SECTION 5 NASA PATHWAYS RGP .................................................................................... 27
5.1 NASA Pathways RGP Roles and Responsibilities ............................... 27
5.2 NASA Pathways RGP Overview Flowchart ......................................... 31
5.3 NASA Pathways RGP Procedures ......................................................... 32
5.4 NASA Pathways RGP Eligibility Requirements ................................... 32
5.5 NASA Pathways RGP Selection and Appointment ............................. 32
5.6 NASA Pathways RGP Changes in Status .............................................. 33
5.7 Promotions for NASA Pathways RGP Participants ............................ 33
5.8 Employee Benefits for NASA Pathways RGP Participants ............... 33
5.9 Performance Evaluation for NASA Pathways RGP Participants ...... 33
5.10 Training and Tuition for NASA Pathways RGP Participants ............ 33
5.11 Program Completion Activities for NASA Pathways RGP
Participants ................................................................................................. 34
5.11.1 Resignation ................................................................................... 34
5.11.2 Termination .................................................................................. 34
SECTION 6 NASA PATHWAYS PMF PROGRAM ............................................................. 35
APPENDIX A ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................... 36
REGULATIONS ................................................................................................... 38
IDENTIFICATION (SPID) NUMBERS .......................................................... 40
APPENDIX E SAMPLE PARTICIPANT AGREEMENTS .................................................... 41
Figure 4-01 NASA Pathways IEP Process Overview .......................................................................... 16
Figure 5-01 NASA Pathways RGP Process Overview ......................................................................... 31
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This section provides an overview of the document content, as well as how the information is
1.1 Purpose
This desk guide provides National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-specific guidance
to implement the Pathways Programs. It supplements guidance contained in the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance. The Pathways
Programs consists of three components which are the Internship Program, the Recent Graduates
Program (RGP), and the enhanced Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program.
This document is effective beginning with the effective date of the program as defined by OPM.
OPM’s final Pathways regulations became effective July 10, 2012. Agencies have until January 6,
2013 to complete all transition and conversion activities as described in the OPM Pathways
Transition and Implementation Guidance.
For students participating in NASA programs at the time of the effective date of the Pathways
Programs, please refer to the Transition Guide for NASA’s Pathways Programs and related OPM
1.2 Background
On December 27, 2010, President Obama signed Executive Order (E.O.) 13562 establishing
the Pathways Programs. On May 11, 2012, OPM issued the final rules on the Pathways
Programs, (77 Federal Register (FR) 92) (dated May 11, 2012). Pathways Programs replace
the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) (5 Code of Federal Regulations
(C.F.R.) 213.3202 (a)), Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) (5 C.F.R. 213.3202 (b)),
and enhances the PMF Program (5 C.F.R. 362).
Effective July 10, 2012, all agencies must use Pathways for any new student recruitment or
hiring actions.
The Pathways Programs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between OPM and NASA
identifies the agreement between the organizations and the roles and responsibilities as they pertain
to the implementation of the Pathways Programs.
1.3 Applicability
This guide is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities,
the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC), and the Office of the Inspector General. Unless
otherwise stated, the use of the word Center(s) in the text of this document includes NASA
Headquarters, the NSSC, and the Office of the Inspector General, and any reference to Center
Director(s) includes the Executive Director, Headquarters Operations and the Executive Director,
NSSC. This guide is primarily for use by NASA Center Human Resources (HR) Offices, but may
also be used by the other stakeholders identified in this guide.
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1.4 About This Document
This document contains information on regulations and processes relating to the Pathways
Programs. The following appendices are included in this document:
Appendix A, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix B, Requirements Relating to the 5 C.F.R. 302 Regulations
Appendix C, Overview of Benefits Eligibility by Program
Appendix D, Reporting Requirements and Special Program Identification (SPID) Numbers
Appendix E, Sample Participant Agreements
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This document contains references that, in some cases, are for specific subparagraphs; however, this
section generally lists the primary document or code. In addition, when a Web link is available, it is
provided here for your convenience. Since Web links may become invalid, the document names and
numbers are provided as available. The following references were used in the preparation of this
desk guide:
2.1 Federal Laws, Regulations, and Executive Order References
a. Government Organization and Employees, 5 United States Code (U.S.C.).
b. Exec. Order No. 13562, 3 C.F.R. 13562 (2010).
c. Administrative Personnel, 5 C.F.R.
2.2 OPM References
a. OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance.
b. OPM Category Rating Web page. Location:
c. OPM Delegated Examining Operations Handbook: A Guide for Federal Agency
Examining Offices, May 2007. Location:
d. OPM Effect of Extended Leave Without Pay (LWOP) (or Other Nonpay Status) on Federal
Benefits and Programs Web site. Location: OPM Leave Administration Web page at:, then click the Fact Sheets on Federal Leave Programs link,
then the Leave without Pay Effect on Federal Benefits and Programs link.
e. OPM The Guide to Personnel Data Standards.
f. OPM Guide to Processing Personnel Actions, Update 59, July 10, 2012.
g. OPM Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families.
h. OPM Hiring Reform Web site. Location:
i. OPM Laws, Regulations & Other Guidance Web site. Location:
j. OPM Merit System Principles Web site. Location:
k. OPM Qualification Standards Web site. Location:
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l. OPM Supervisory Qualification Guide. Location:
Click the Standards tab, click the Specialty Areas link on the left side of the page, then
click the Supervisory Positions link.
m. Standard Form (SF) 50, Notification of Personnel Action.
n. SF 52, Request for Personnel Action.
2.3 NASA References
a. Pathways Programs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the U.S. Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b. NASA Transition Guide for NASA’s Pathways Programs.
c. NASA Pathways Participant Agreement Templates.
d. NASA Pathways Programs Web site. Location:
e. NASA Pathways Programs Web site on the NASA Human Resources Portal. Location: Click the Human Resources tab, click the Employment button in
the left navigation pane, then click the Pathways Programs link. Please note that access to
this site is restricted to internal NASA employees.
f. NASA Shared Services Center Service Delivery Guide, Personnel Action Processing,
g. NASA Manager’s Guide to Recruitment Best Practices, Version 1, Draft. 4, May 2009.
h. NASA Strategic Recruitment Guide. Currently under development, and not yet finalized.
i. NASA Classification Codes (NCCs). Location: Visit the NASA Supplemental Classification
System (NSCS) Web page at:
For the Aeronautics, Scientific, and Technical (AST) Codes, click the AST
Schematic button in the left navigation pane.
For the Non-AST Codes, click the Non-AST Schematic button in the left
navigation pane.
j. NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 3713.1, Reasonable Accommodations Procedures.
k. NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 3300.1, Appointment of Personnel To/From
l. NPR 3335.1, Internal Placement of NASA Employees.
m. NPR 3430.1, NASA Employee Performance Communication System (EPCS).
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n. NPR 3530.1, NASA Pay and Compensation Policy.
o. NASA Desk Guide on the NASA Flexibility Act of 2004, Version 3, April 2009.
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The Pathways Programs includes the following three programs that provide Federal employment
opportunities for current students, recent graduates, and advanced degree candidates:
Internship Program
Recent Graduates Program
PMF Program
3.1 Policies and Guidance
3.1.1 OPM Policies and Guidance
Effective Dates
Effective July 10, 2012, all agencies must use Pathways for any new student recruitment or hiring
OPM Instructions and Procedures
OPM has published the Pathways Implementation Guide for Agencies with specific instructions and
procedures for all Federal agencies to follow once the program becomes effective. That document
also contains numerous Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that will assist you in implementing the
new Pathways Programs.
3.1.2 NASA Policies and Guidance
This document provides NASA specific guidance for implementing the Pathways Programs at
NASA, and contains information that is not already covered in the OPM guidance. Please refer to
Section 2, References, for a listing of applicable NASA policies and guidance.
3.2 General Provisions
The OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance contains valuable information on
several aspects that apply to all three programs. Please refer to OPM’s guide regarding the following
Program Administration
Qualifying Educational Institutions
Pathways Program Participant Agreements
Filling Positions:
o Agency Workforce Planning
o Announcing Pathways Programs Opportunities
o Selection and Appointment
o VeteransPreference
o Documenting the Appointment
o Citizenship – While OPM’s guidance allows non-U.S. citizens to participate in some
circumstances, NASA requires U.S. citizenship to participate in the Pathways Programs.
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Conversion to the Competitive Service
Program Accountability and Oversight
3.3 Recruitment Strategies
The Office of Human Capital Management (OHCM) is currently working on a Strategic
Recruitment Guide as a comprehensive guide to NASA’s recruiting efforts. That guide will include
information applicable to all NASA programs and efforts.
Please note that OPM requires that all Pathways Programs opportunities must be posted on the
USAJOBS Web site to fulfill the public notice requirements. The postings may be in the form of a
job ad or a vacancy announcement. Agencies are not required to provide an Apply Online button
within the USAJOBS announcement, but must provide application instructions within the
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This section contains supplemental NASA-specific information on implementing the NASA
Pathways IEP. Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for
additional guidance.
Note: Any students who were participants in NASA student programs prior to
the implementation/transition of the Pathways Programs will be handled as per
their agreements that were in effect at the time of transition.
4.1 NASA Pathways IEP Roles and Responsibilities
Throughout this section, NASA stakeholder roles and responsibilities are identified. The Agency
has identified role titles in this document. However, some Centers may have different role titles
utilized for these functions. Please note that all of the responsibilities must be addressed, regardless
of the role title used at the Centers. When more than one role is responsible for a particular activity,
both roles are identified. In addition, initiator and support responsibilities are identified as available.
This paragraph provides a high-level overview of each role’s responsibilities. Note that the
responsibilities are not listed in rigid chronological order. The following is a list of the roles and a
high-level overview of responsibilities:
NASA Pathways IEP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Establish eligibility criteria for initial appointments into the
Pathways Programs. Note that NASA eligibility and
qualifications standards must comply with standards consistent
with OPM criteria.
Provide finalized versions of all Pathways documents, along with
a resource for obtaining the latest revisions.
Provide clarification on any policies not identified by OPM or
other NASA guidance.
Provide data to meet OPM reporting requirements.
Apply to vacancy.
Provide the Center Pathways Programs Manager with
appropriate documentation (e.g., transcripts, degree changes,
Grade Point Average (GPA), rotation plans, etc.) to validate
eligibility for the program.
Accept or decline offer.
Sign a NASA Pathways Participant Agreement.
Complete the required In-Processing activities after receiving
e-mails from Entrance on Duty System (EODS) (containing a
User Name, Password, information on logging into the system,
and information on starting the In-Processing process).
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NASA Pathways IEP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Consider benefits options, if applicable.
Provide documentation related to work/study schedule changes
as soon as possible, and at a minimum 4–6 weeks in advance.
Examples include: rotation schedule, major course of study
changes, graduation date changes, etc.
Provide Center Pathways Programs Manager with any
documentation or required paperwork upon completion of each
rotation or at the end of the program.
Center HR Office
(Includes Staffing and
Workforce Planning
A Delegated Examining
Unit (DEU)-certified
individual must
participate in these
procedures for external
Meet with Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative to
determine if a vacancy can be classified under the Pathways IEP.
Create Position Description (PD) using requirements from the
Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative.
Enter the position into Workforce Transformation Tracking
System (WTTS) (Gains Module), and Publish the new
appointment. At this point, the NSSC In-Processing
Caseworkers are notified of the new Participant.
Coordinate with Pathways Programs Manager to complete the
staffing processes necessary for an external hire, including receive
from the Intern appropriate documentation (e.g., transcripts,
GPA, etc.) to validate eligibility for the program. Note that
coordination in the Center HR Office should be completed by a
DEU-certified individual.
Create the action in the Federal Personnel and Payroll System
(FPPS) with the appropriate Nature of Action Code (NOAC) for
appointment, Legal Authority Code (LAC), and Pay setting in
accordance with the NSSC Personnel Action Processing (PAP)
Service Delivery Guide (SDG) and the OPM Guide to
Processing Personnel Actions.
Legally Approve (LGAP) the action and forward to the NSSC
PAP team in accordance with the NSSC submission deadlines.
At this point, the NSSC PAP team is notified to begin their
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and
organization to ensure that Full-Time Employee (FTE) is
accounted for within Center phasing plans for Interns while in
the program and once again during conversion. (Initiate
Ensure the proper incoming Center skill mix to meet mission
Ensure levels are within hiring limits and budget requirements.
Meet with HR Office to determine if a vacancy can be classified
under the Pathways IEP.
Provide Center HR Office with PD requirements.
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NASA Pathways IEP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Submit requests for Interns to the Center Pathways Programs
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and Center
Recruitment Program Manager to develop effective recruitment
strategy to ensure sufficient pool of qualified applicants.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager to review and
consider qualified applicants for selection into available position.
Receive information from Center Pathways Programs Manager if
Intern has accepted or declined. If declined, make another
Assign a mentor to each Intern.
Provide meaningful developmental work assignments for Interns.
Monitor work performance of Intern, create a Performance Plan
for each Intern, and provide timely, constructive feedback with
regards to performance to Intern and Center Pathways Programs
Manager. Ensure that these activities are fulfilled within the
guidelines of NASA and Center Performance Plan policies.
Take appropriate action to address any issues that may impact
successful performance in or completion of the IEP (e.g., failure
to maintain required academic standing, misconduct, less than
fully successful performance, etc.).
Recommend Interns for possible promotion and conversion or
termination. This responsibility would occur after the Intern has
been employed for the required period of time. Terminations for
appropriate reasons may be effected at any time.
Center Pathways
Programs Manager
Lead the strategic roll-out of communication across their Center.
This will include major impacts, such as applicant process and
naming conventions.
Partner with Center HR Office and organization to ensure that
FTE is accounted for within Center phasing plans for Interns
while in the program and once again during conversion.
(Support responsibility)
Work with the Center Recruitment Program Manager to recruit
students to meet Center and Agency goals (e.g., Veterans,
disability, and diversity).
o Inform recruiters of available positions, Center needs, and
application process.
o Review materials used to recruit such as brochures and Web
o Prepare for on-the-spot interviews.
Coordinate with the Center Recruitment Program Manager to
ensure universities are aware of NASA Jobs ads and Pathways
vacancies that have been posted.
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NASA Pathways IEP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Partner with Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative
to review and consider qualified applicants for selection into
available position.
Partner with Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative
and Center Recruitment Program Manager to develop effective
recruitment strategy to ensure sufficient pool of qualified
Work with the HR Office to determine appropriate grade level
based on education.
Work with HR Office to ensure appropriate Intern PDs are in
Evaluate candidates to assess basic eligibility requirements.
Notify selected Participant and offer position.
Inform Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative that
selectee has accepted or declined offer.
Obtain Intern’s signature on the Pathways Participant
Receive from Intern appropriate documentation (e.g., transcripts,
degree changes, GPA, rotation plans, etc.) to validate eligibility
for the program.
Maintain student records in accordance with records retention
Refer qualified students who have not been selected for
conversion to other Centers.
Provide reporting data on program activities to NASA OHCM.
Ensure adequate training and development of all Interns.
Ensure out processing is completed as per Center and OHCM
Center Recruitment
Program Manager
Work with the Center Pathways Programs Manager to recruit
students to meet Center and Agency goals (e.g., Veterans,
disability, and diversity).
Ensure universities are aware of NASA Jobs ads and Pathways
vacancies that have been posted.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and
Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative to develop
effective recruitment strategy to ensure sufficient pool of
qualified applicants.
Coordinate logistical support for Agency and other recruiting
NSSC In-Processing
Receive notification of new Participant after Center publishes the
new Participant in WTTS.
Contact new Participant to begin in-processing and begin
benefits counseling.
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NASA Pathways IEP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Code and process actions from the Centers.
4.2 NASA Pathways IEP Overview Flowchart
The following is a high-level flowchart showing the IEP process:
Figure 4-01. NASA Pathways IEP Process Overview
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4.3 NASA Pathways IEP Procedures
Use the following procedures to process IEP participants:
1. Center Pathways Programs Manager contacts Supervisors/Assigned Organization
Representatives to identify the skills needed for Pathways IEP participants.
2. Center Pathways Programs Manager executes the recruiting strategy for the needed skills.
Recruiting methods include university recruiting and NASA’s automated staffing system.
3. Student applies for vacancy.
4. Center Pathways Programs Manager assesses the applications to evaluate for minimum
qualification requirements for the vacancy.
5. Center Pathways Programs Manager partners with Supervisor/Assigned Organization
Representative to interview and select the Student.
6. Center Pathways Programs Manager calls the selected Student and offers the position.
7. Student reviews offer.
a. If Student accepts the offer, notify the Supervisor/Assigned Organization
Representative and proceed to Step 8.
b. If Student declines the offer, notify the Supervisor/Assigned Organization
Representative, and go back to Step 6 to call the next selected Student.
8. Center HR Office updates the WTTS record, sends the SF 52 notes to FPPS, Publishes the
WTTS record, logs into FPPS, LGAPs the action, and forwards to the NSSC.
9. NSSC In-Processing Caseworker receives notification of a new employee, and counsels
10. Student completes In-Processing paperwork.
11. Student onboards into the NASA Pathways IEP.
12. NSSC PAP team processes the action.
4.4 NASA Pathways IEP Eligibility Requirements
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance as well as 5 C.F.R. 362,
Pathways Programs, for guidance on eligibility requirements. NASA Pathways candidates will meet
the qualification requirements consistent with the OPM qualification standards applicable to the
position being filled. Where appropriate, candidates will be required to meet NASA’s AST
qualification standards for the position(s) for which they are applying. In addition, the following
NASA eligibility requirements apply to the NASA Pathways IEP:
Currently has and maintains at least an overall 2.9 GPA or higher on a scale of 4.0. If a
student falls below the 2.9 threshold during the academic year, an academic improvement
period to raise a GPA may be extended by the employing Center.
Attends a qualifying educational institution as defined in the OPM Implementation Guide
for Agencies.
Is a United States citizen.
Must be able to complete 640 hours of work prior to completing their graduation
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4.5 NASA Pathways IEP Selection and Appointment
Please refer to the following:
1. OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on selection and
appointment, including qualifications, appointments, classification, tenure groups for
Reduction in Force (RIF), and trial period.
2. 5 C.F.R. 302, Employment in the Excepted Service, for information on eligibility standards,
rating applications, and Veteran’s preference.
3. Appendix B, Requirements Relating to the 5 C.F.R. 302 Regulations, for information on
implementing the regulations with the Pathways Programs.
In addition, the following items identify NASA’s policy for application of Veterans’ Preference:
Veterans’ preference applies to selections made under the Pathways Programs authority.
Centers must consider candidates by either of the following:
o Using a numeric rating and ranking system to include Veterans’ preference points.
o Categorizing candidates according to preference (i.e., preference and non-preference)
in which preference eligibles have absolute preference.
Pathways Programs notices will clearly describe how Veterans’ preference will be applied.
Student trainees may be appointed based on level of education. For purposes of this standard, the
college or university will determine the “level of education” that the student trainee has attained.
Student Trainee Appointment Requirements
Level of Education
To GS-1
High School Student.
To GS-2
High School Graduate/Equivalent.
To GS-3
Completion of one full semester or the equivalent of post-high school study.
To GS-4
Completion of 1 academic year of post-high school study. (The 1 academic year is
the equivalent of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours.)
To GS-5
Completion of 2 academic years of post-high school study leading to a bachelor’s
or higher degree. (The 2 academic years is the equivalent of 60 semester hours or
90 quarter hours.)
To GS-6
Completion of 3 academic years of post-high school study leading to a bachelor’s
or higher degree. (The 3 academic years is the equivalent of 90 semester hours or
135 quarter hours.)
To GS-7
Completion of 4 academic years of study (or all the requirements) for a bachelor’s
degree and accepted into a master’s program.
To GS-9
Completion of 1 academic year of master’s level education or acceptance into a
Doctoral program.
To GS-11
Completion of 1 year of Doctorate Level study or accepted into a Doctoral
Program. (Research)
To GS-12 *
Completion of 1 year of Doctoral Program. (Research)
*This is for Research Positions
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4.6 NASA Pathways IEP Student Schedules
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
student schedules, including break in program. For additional information, refer to 5 C.F.R. 610,
Hours of Duty; NPR 3600.1, Attendance and Leave; and Center policies governing hours of work.
4.7 NASA Pathways IEP Changes in Status
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
changes in status, including separations and conversion to the competitive service.
4.8 Duration of NASA Pathways IEP
A student’s time in the program is limited to the number of years shown in the following table:
Timeframe *
(Number of years from Entrance On Duty (EOD)
date until exit from the program, not the number
of years in an in-work status at NASA.)
High School **
3 years
Associate’s Degree and Vocational/Technical School
3 years
Bachelor’s Degree
6 years ***
Master’s Degree
4 years
Doctorate Degree
5 years
* Time spent pursuing successive degrees may allow for the additional timeframe for the successive degrees.
** High School students must meet a minimum age requirement of 16 years.
*** Includes time spent pursuing the AA degree.
Students may request additional time to complete the program if there is evidence of a personal or
academic circumstance warranting special consideration. Students who do not complete their
degrees in the time allocated cannot continue to participate in the program.
Upon graduation, the degree of specialization in this field must satisfy the specific educational
requirements in the qualification standard for the corresponding position if the student is converting
to competitive service.
4.9 Pay and Promotion for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
4.9.1 Pay
Students are paid using the appropriate pay schedule for their position. Salary Tables are posted on
the OPM Web site at: Click the View Salaries & Wages link, then click the current
year link.
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Student trainees who are classified in an occupational series ending in “99” may be covered by a
special rate table if all of the following apply:
Their position is officially classified to an NCC that directly links to a covered position. For
example, a General Schedule (GS)-899 Student Trainee (Engineering), NCC 340-04 would
not be covered by special rate since that NCC covers technical or support positions, while a
GS-899 Student Trainee (Engineering), NCC 7XX group would be covered since this NCC
covers AST positions. Engineers in NCC 2XX would also be covered since they are non-
AST but still professional engineers.
Their positions are classified at one of the covered grades.
They fully meet the qualification requirements for the covered series and grade.
They meet all other coverage requirements for the special rate table in question (e.g., official
worksite location).
In other words, a student trainee who is fully qualified to be classified in a series, NCC, and grade
that is covered by special rates is entitled to the appropriate special rate if the student trainee
otherwise would be eligible but for the use of the “99” occupational series code. For example, an
engineering Intern with a bachelor’s degree in a qualifying academic field as determined by AST
qualifications may be eligible for special salary rates pay for engineers as long as the position is
classified to a covered NCC.
4.9.2 Promotion
Student trainees may be promoted to higher-graded trainee positions based on level of education
plus student trainee work experience. For purposes of this standard, the college or university will
determine the “level of education” that the student trainee has attained. The following table
provides the level of education and work experience requirements for each of the listed Grade
Student Trainee Promotion Requirements
Level of Education and Work Experience
To GS-2
High School Graduate/Equivalent.
To GS-3
Completion of one full semester or the equivalent of post-high school study and
completion of GS-2 Pathways Programs trainee work experience.
To GS-4
Completion of 1 academic year of post-high school study and GS-3 Pathways
Programs trainee work experience. (The 1 academic year is the equivalent of 30
semester hours or 45 quarter hours.)
To GS-5
Completion of 2 academic years of post-high school study leading to a bachelor’s
or higher degree and GS-4 Pathways Programs trainee work experience. (The 2
academic years is the equivalent of 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours.)
To GS-6
Completion of 3 academic years of post-high school study leading to a bachelor’s
or higher degree and GS-5 Pathways Programs trainee work experience. (The 3
academic years is the equivalent of 90 semester hours or 135 quarter hours.)
To GS-7
Completion of 4 academic years of study (or all the requirements) for a bachelor’s
degree and GS-6 Pathways Programs trainee work experience.
To GS-9
Completion of 1 academic year of graduate level education and GS-7 Pathways
Programs trainee work experience.
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Student Trainee Promotion Requirements
Level of Education and Work Experience
To GS-11
Completion of 1 year of Doctorate Level study or acceptance into a Doctoral
program (Research) and GS-9 Pathways Programs trainee work experience.
To GS-12 *
Completion of 1 year of Doctorate Program (Research) and GS-11 Pathways
Programs trainee work experience.
* This is for Research positions.
Note that it is acceptable to have one-grade qualification requirements for NASA Pathways IEP
participant promotions in occupational families that would normally only include two-grade interval
classifications. Related classification background/explanation:
The Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families defines the classification series
of Student Trainees in the Federal government as XX99 for all occupations.
Therefore, the student trainees are not the same series as entry-level engineers or any
other occupation (e.g., they would not be classified under the series for Aerospace
Engineer, Program Analyst, HR Specialist, etc.).
The Guide to Personnel Data Standards identifies the PATCO codes for
occupational series (P for Professional, A for Administrative, T for Technical, C for
Clerical, and O for Other). For General Student Trainee positions, the code is “O”
– Other, so there is no requirement that they be 2-grade level interval positions as it
is with Professional and Administrative positions.
4.10 Employee Benefits for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
Please refer to Appendix C, Overview of Benefits Eligibility by Program. Please also refer to the
OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on employee benefits,
including health and life insurance. Any questions regarding employee benefits should be directed
to the NSSC Customer Contact Center, requesting Benefits Processing assistance.
4.11 LWOP and Return to Duty (RTD) for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
Please note that LWOP or any other nonpay status may have an effect on Federal benefits. Please
visit the OPM Leave Administration Web page at:, then click the Fact
Sheets on Federal Leave Programs link, then the Leave without Pay Effect on Federal
Benefits and Programs link.
Interns with or without a Not to Exceed (NTE) date (for their program) are placed in an LWOP
status upon completion of each period of active work. The service computation dates will be
adjusted if LWOP exceeds 6 months in a calendar year. Students must provide an estimated RTD
date for their next work period prior to going on LWOP. Since both LWOP and RTD actions must
be submitted to the NSSC prior to the effective date for processing, students must provide written
confirmation of their LWOP/RTD date to the Supervisor and/or Center Pathways Programs
Manager at least 6 weeks in advance to meet processing deadlines.
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When an Intern goes out on LWOP, the Center initiates an SF 52, Request for Personnel Action, in
FPPS in accordance with the submission deadline. Centers must ensure the Intern’s contact
information is updated and current so that the NSSC Benefits Processing team is able to contact the
Intern in a timely manner. Please note that the Intern’s personal phone and e-mail information
should be included.
When ending a period of active work and beginning a period of LWOP, Interns must follow the
Center’s out-processing requirements. Normal LWOP periods should not extend past 18 months.
Only one time during the internship may an Intern request an LWOP period that would last longer
than 18 months.
Breaks in the program (i.e., neither working nor in school) will be considered by Center HR Offices
on a case-by-case basis as requested by the students in writing. Approval will be considered by HR
Offices for rare and unusual circumstances.
4.12 Performance Evaluation for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
Complete student performance evaluations in accordance with NASA’s performance evaluation
requirements. Refer to NPR 3430.1, NASA Employee Performance Communication System
(EPCS), for additional information.
4.13 Travel for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
At the Center’s discretion, travel expenses may be paid from the Center to school and for the return
trip. The initial trip to the Center and the return trip at the end of the program are typically not
paid. However, travel and relocation expenses may be paid for those students who are converted to
permanent and term appointments.
Students may travel in a Temporary Duty (TDY) status and receive associated compensation due to
job-related requirements.
4.14 Training and Tuition for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
4.14.1 Training and Development
NASA’s commitment to continuous and quality learning and employee development enables the
workforce to achieve mission success. NASA offers a wide range of training and development
opportunities that include mentorships, leadership courses and programs, formal education,
on-the-job developmental experiences, and technical courses that support employee career
development. Centers can reference 5 U.S.C. Chapter 41, Training; 5 C.F.R. 410, Training; and
NPD 3410.2F, Employee and Organizational Development, Training authorities for more
information regarding the guidelines for the training and development of employees.
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4.14.2 Tuition Assistance
At the discretion of the Center, tuition assistance may be offered to an undergraduate or graduate
student if he or she is in good academic standing and received a Meets Expectation or higher
performance rating in the latest work period. The employing Center will set forth the maximum
amount and criteria for payment of tuition assistance.
Before an Intern accepts tuition assistance from the employing Center, the Center may require the
Intern to sign a continued service agreement to continue employment in NASA for a specified
period of time, when and if converted to a permanent position. Service in a non-pay status is not
counted toward completion of the obligation unless it is at the convenience of the Agency.
4.15 Other Assignments and Employment for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
4.15.1 Rotational Assignments
Rotational assignments can broaden the employee’s perspectives on the mission, goals, and
objectives of the Center and the Agency. Therefore, management officials and supervisors have the
discretion to define the nature and content of the assignments and to tailor them to meet
Agency-specific needs. The purpose and duration of the assignments should be mutually agreed
upon by the supervisor and the student; however, managers have final authority to determine
rotational assignments. Assignment objectives should be well defined in advance of the assignment.
Documentation must provide a clear understanding of the expectations, goals, and timing of the
An Intern may initiate a request for a rotational assignment but must first receive concurrence from
his/her supervisor before making contacts or agreements to start the rotation. A personnel action
must be processed for any assignment over 30 days.
Note that a rotation is a defined period of work or school study, usually a semester, a summer, or a
quarter in length.
4.15.2 Outside Employment
An employee who wishes to engage in outside employment or other outside activities must comply
with appropriate regulations, policies, and procedures. Outside employment means any form of
compensated or uncompensated non-Federal employment or business relationship involving the
provision of personal services by the employee. It includes, but is not limited to, personal services
as an officer, employee, agent, consultant, contractor, general partner, teacher, or speaker.
Accordingly, before engaging in certain outside employment activities outlined in 5 C.F.R. 6901.103,
Outside Employment, including employment with a NASA contractor, subcontractor, grantee, or
other entity which has an agreement with NASA, the student employee must request and obtain
administrative approval. This requirement is to ensure compliance with statutes and regulations
affecting outside employment and financial conflicts of interest. Because these requirements may
affect a student’s ability to accept some employment opportunities with their own educational
institution, Interns considering other employment opportunities during their NASA appointment
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(including during both duty periods and LWOP) should consult with a local NASA ethics official
within their Center’s Chief Counsel’s Office as soon as possible.
4.16 Program Completion Activities for NASA Pathways IEP Participants
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on:
a. Program completion activities
b. Conversion after program completion
c. Crediting other experience
d. Resignation
e. Termination
f. Trial Period
In addition, the subparagraphs identify clarifications or NASA-specific requirements for resignation,
termination, trial probationary period, and conversion.
4.16.1 Resignation
Student employees electing to resign must submit a letter of resignation. The letter should include
effective date, reason for resignation, and a permanent mailing address.
4.16.2 Termination
If the Center elects not to convert to competitive service an Intern who has completed his/her
education requirements and is within the 120-day conversion period for optional conversion, the
Intern’s appointment expires at the end of the 120-day period. A termination due to the expiration
of an Intern’s appointment is not effected under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 35, 43, or 75, and the Intern does
not have appeal rights. Follow the Termination-Expiration of Appointment procedures found in
the OPM Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.
If an Intern is terminated at any other time, the Center must determine if the action must be
processed in accordance with any of the following and the Intern be given appeal rights:
5 U.S.C. Chapter 35, Retention Preference, Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments,
Restoration, and Reemployment
5 U.S.C. Chapter 43, Performance Appraisal
5 U.S.C. Chapter 75, Adverse Actions
In most cases, this determination is based on whether the Intern meets the definition of “employee”
as set forth in 5 U.S.C. 7511; in general, when an Intern has been employed more than 2 years, or
more than 1 year if he/she is a preference eligible.
The Center may also allow an Intern to resign in lieu of termination. Please refer to paragraph
4.16.1, Resignation.
Interns may also be terminated for reasons including, but not limited to:
Inability of the Agency, for administrative reasons, to retain the Intern in the job (e.g.,
budget constraints, reorganization, lack of available work, etc.).
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Failure to follow or violations of the terms and conditions as identified in the Pathways
Programs Participant Agreement.
Change in the academic status (including major) which will not qualify the Intern for the
target position.
Lack of available work.
Budget reasons.
Performance issues.
Failure to receive a favorable recommendation for conversion at the end of the academic
Suspension, expulsion, or withdrawal from the educational institution.
Inability of the Agency, for administrative reasons, to retain the Intern in the job (e.g.,
budget constraints, reorganization, etc.).
4.16.3 Trial and Probationary Period
The entire tenure of an Intern’s trainee work experience is served on a trial basis. This must be
stated in the Remarks section of the SF 50, Notification of Personnel Action.
Interns who are converted to career or career-conditional appointments are subject to the
probationary period in accordance with 5 C.F.R., 315.801, Probationary Period; When Required.
Additionally, time spent on the Intern appointment is credited towards probation provided it meets
the requirements of 5 C.F.R. 315.802, Length of Probationary Period; Crediting Service. One
month of work experience can be credited toward one month completion of the probationary
Example: A student in the Intern Program for 6 months will be required to
serve another 6 months to complete the probationary period unless the student
has 6 months of prior Federal service that meets the requirement of 5 C.F.R.
315.802, Length of Probationary Period; Crediting Service.
Time spent in a non-Federal internship or as an active duty military member is not creditable
towards the probationary period. 5 C.F.R. 315.802, Length of Probationary Period; Crediting
Service, only allows credit for prior Federal service in the same agency and in the same line of work.
4.16.4 Conversion
In addition to the OPM guidance, please refer to NPR 3300.1, Appointment of Personnel To/From
NASA, for guidance on conversion requirements. Please also refer to the NASA AST qualification
requirements in NPR 3300.1, Chapter 2, AST Rating Procedures.
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To be eligible for conversion, when students begin their NASA Pathways IEP participation, they
must have sufficient time left in their academic schedule to complete the required number of work
hours so that they may be eligible for conversion. Additionally, students must have at least a fully
successful or equivalent performance rating from their final evaluation.
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This section contains supplemental NASA-specific information on implementing the NASA
Pathways Recent Graduates Program. Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and
Implementation Guidance for additional guidance.
5.1 NASA Pathways RGP Roles and Responsibilities
Throughout this section, NASA stakeholder roles and responsibilities are identified. The Agency
has identified role titles in this document. However, some Centers may have different role titles
utilized for these functions. Please note that all of the responsibilities must be addressed, regardless
of the role title used at the Centers. When more than one role is responsible for a particular activity,
both roles are identified. In addition, initiator and support responsibilities are identified as available.
This paragraph provides a high-level overview of each role’s responsibilities. Note that the
responsibilities are not listed in rigid chronological order. The following is a list of the roles and a
high-level overview of responsibilities:
NASA Pathways RGP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Establish eligibility criteria for initial appointments into the
Pathways Programs. Note that NASA eligibility and
qualifications standards must comply with standards established
by OPM.
Provide finalized versions of all Pathways documents, along with
a resource for obtaining the latest revisions.
Provide clarification on any policies not identified by OPM or
other NASA guidance.
Provide data to meet OPM reporting requirements.
Recent Graduate
Apply to vacancy.
Provide the Center HR Office with appropriate documentation
(e.g., transcripts, GPA, etc.) to validate eligibility for the program.
Accept or decline offer.
Sign a NASA Pathways Participant Agreement.
Complete the required In-Processing activities after receiving
e-mails from EODS (containing a User Name, Password,
information on logging into the system, and information on
starting the In-Processing process).
Consider benefits options.
Work with Center Pathways Programs Manager to verify
completion of program activities.
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NASA Pathways RGP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Center HR Office
(Includes Staffing and
Workforce Planning
A DEU-certified
individual must
participate in these
procedures for external
Meet with Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative and
the Center Pathways Program Manager to determine if a vacancy
can be classified under the NASA Pathways RGP. (Initiate
Create PD using requirements from the Supervisor/Assigned
Organization Representative.
Create the Request for Eligibles (RFE) in the HR Portal.
Complete the staffing processes necessary for an external hire,
including receive from the Recent Graduate appropriate
documentation (e.g., transcripts, GPA, etc.) to validate eligibility
for the program. Note that this must be completed by a
DEU-certified individual.
Enter the position into WTTS (Gains Module), and Publish the
new appointment. At this point, the NSSC In-Processing
Caseworkers are notified of the new Participant.
Create the action in FPPS with the appropriate NOAC for
appointment, LAC, and Pay setting in accordance with the NSSC
LGAP the action and forward to the NSSC PAP team in
accordance with the NSSC submission deadlines. At this point,
the NSSC PAP team is notified to begin their processing.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and
organization to ensure that FTE is accounted for within Center
phasing plans. (Support responsibility)
Ensure the proper incoming Center skill mix to meet mission
Ensure levels are within hiring limits and budget requirements.
Work with Center Pathways Programs Manager,
Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative, and Center
Training and Development personnel to ensure all training and
development requirements are met. (Support responsibility)
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NASA Pathways RGP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
Meet with HR Office to determine if a vacancy can be classified
under the NASA Pathways RGP.
Provide Center HR Office with PD requirements.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and Center
Recruitment Program Manager to develop effective recruitment
strategy to ensure sufficient pool of qualified applicants.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager to review and
consider qualified applicants for selection into available position.
Assign a mentor to each Recent Graduate.
Work with Center HR Office, Center Pathways Programs
Manager, and Center Training and Development personnel to
ensure all training and development requirements are met.
(Support responsibility)
Monitor work performance of Recent Graduate, create a
Performance Plan for each Recent Graduate, and provide timely,
constructive feedback with regards to performance to Recent
Graduate and Center Pathways Programs Manager. Ensure that
these activities are fulfilled within the guidelines of NASA and
Center Performance Plan policies.
Take appropriate action to address any issues that may impact
successful performance in or completion of the RGP (e.g.,
misconduct, less than fully successful performance, etc.).
Recommend Recent Graduates for possible promotion,
conversion to permanent positions, or termination. This
responsibility would occur after the Recent Graduate has been
employed for the required period of time. Terminations for
appropriate reasons may be effected at any time.
Request 120-day extensions to Recent Graduate appointments
when necessary.
Center Pathways
Programs Manager
Lead the strategic roll-out of communication across their Center.
This will include major impacts, such as applicant process and
naming conventions.
Partner with Center HR Office and organization to ensure that
FTE is accounted for within Center phasing plans. (Initiate
Work with the Center Recruitment Program Manager to recruit
Recent Graduates to meet Center and Agency goals (e.g.,
Veterans, disability, and diversity).
o Inform recruiters of available positions, Center needs, and
application process.
o Review materials used to recruit such as brochures and
Web sites.
Coordinate with the Center Recruitment Program Manager to
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NASA Pathways RGP Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Overview of Responsibilities
ensure universities are aware of NASA Jobs ads and Pathways
vacancies that have been posted.
Partner with Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative
and Center Recruitment Program Manager to develop effective
recruitment strategy to ensure sufficient pool of qualified
Obtain Recent Graduate’s signature on the Pathways Participant
Refer qualified Recent Graduates who have not been selected for
conversion to other Centers for consideration, if possible.
Provide reporting data on program activities to NASA OHCM.
Work with Center HR Office, Supervisor/Assigned Organization
Representative, and Center Training and Development personnel
to ensure all training and development requirements are met.
(Initiate responsibility)
Consider/approve requests for 120-day extensions to Recent
Graduate appointments.
Center Recruitment
Program Manager
Work with the Center Pathways Programs Manager to recruit
Recent Graduates to meet Center and Agency goals (e.g.,
Veterans, disability, and diversity).
Ensure universities are aware of NASA Jobs ads and Pathways
vacancies that have been posted.
Partner with Center Pathways Programs Manager and
Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative to develop
effective recruitment strategy to ensure sufficient pool of
qualified applicants.
Coordinate logistical support for Agency and other recruiting
Center Training and
Development Personnel
Work with Center Pathways Programs Manager, Center HR
Office, and Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative to
ensure all training and development requirements are met.
(Support responsibility)
NSSC In-Processing
Receive notification of new Participant after Center publishes the
new Participant in WTTS.
Contact new Participant to begin in-processing and begin
benefits counseling.
Code and process actions from the Centers.
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5.2 NASA Pathways RGP Overview Flowchart
Figure 5-01 NASA Pathways RGP Process Overview
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5.3 NASA Pathways RGP Procedures
Use the following procedures to process NASA Pathways RGP participants:
1. Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative and Center Pathways Programs Manager
collaborate to identify skills needed for potential RGP participants.
2. Center HR Office and Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative initiate the RFEs
in the HR Portal, identifying the position needed, the grade level, major, and if the position
should be filled with a Recent Graduate, including determination whether position should
exceed 1 year based on applicable criteria.
3. Center HR Office finalizes the PD in the Electronic Position Description System (ePDS).
4. Center HR Office creates the vacancy, builds the requisition in NASA Staffing and
Recruiting System (STARS), and submits to USAJOBS.
5. Center Pathways Programs Manager executes recruiting strategy for needed skills.
6. Recent Graduate applies to the vacancy announcement.
7. Center HR Office logs into NASA STARS to perform qualifications on applicants and sends
Certificate of Eligibles to Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative.
8. Supervisor/Assigned Organization Representative receives the Certificate of Eligibles,
selects the applicant, and returns the selection to the Center HR Office.
9. Center HR Office calls selected Recent Graduate and offers the position.
10. Recent Graduate reviews offer.
a. If Recent Graduate accepts the offer, proceed to Step 11.
b. If Recent Graduate declines the offer, notify the Supervisor/Assigned Organization
Representative, and go back to Step 7 to call the next selected Student.
11. Center HR Office updates the WTTS record, sends the SF 52 notes to FPPS, Publishes the
WTTS record, logs into FPPS, LGAPs the action, and forwards to the NSSC.
12. NSSC In-Processing Caseworker receives notification of a new employee, and counsels
Recent Graduate.
13. Recent Graduate completes In-Processing paperwork.
14. Recent Graduate onboards into the NASA Pathways RGP.
15. NSSC PAP team processes the action.
5.4 NASA Pathways RGP Eligibility Requirements
For information on eligibility requirements, please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and
Implementation Guidance.
5.5 NASA Pathways RGP Selection and Appointment
Please refer to the following:
1. OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on selection and
appointment, including qualifications, appointments, classification, tenure groups for RIF,
trial period, and movement between and within agencies/components.
2. 5 C.F.R. 302, Employment in the Excepted Service, for information on eligibility standards,
rating applications, and Veterans’ preference.
3. Appendix B, Requirements Relating to the 5 C.F.R. 302 Regulations, for information on
implementing the regulations with the Pathways Programs.
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In addition, the following items identify NASA’s policy for application of Veterans’ Preference:
Veterans’ preference applies to selections made under the Pathways Programs authority.
Centers must consider candidates by either of the following:
o Using a numeric rating and ranking system to include Veterans’ preference points.
o Categorizing candidates according to preference (i.e., preference and non-preference)
in which preference eligibles have absolute preference.
Pathways Programs notices will clearly describe how Veterans’ preference will be applied.
5.6 NASA Pathways RGP Changes in Status
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
changes in status, including separations and conversion to the competitive service.
5.7 Promotions for NASA Pathways RGP Participants
In accordance with OPM guidance, Recent Graduates are not eligible for accelerated promotions.
To be promoted, Recent Graduates must meet all OPM qualification requirements, including time in
grade. Per the discussion section in the OPM regulations: accelerated promotions are not
consistent with the Recent Graduate Program.
5.8 Employee Benefits for NASA Pathways RGP Participants
Please refer to Appendix C, Overview of Benefits Eligibility by Program. Please also refer to the
OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on employee benefits,
including health and life insurance.
5.9 Performance Evaluation for NASA Pathways RGP Participants
Supervisors will complete performance evaluations of the RGP participant in accordance with
NASA’s performance evaluation requirements. Please refer to NPR 3430.1, NASA Employee
Performance Communication System (EPCS).
Note: This performance evaluation is in addition to the evaluation the
supervisor completes after each rotation.
5.10 Training and Tuition for NASA Pathways RGP Participants
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
NASA’s commitment to continuous and quality learning and employee development enables the
workforce to achieve mission success. NASA offers a wide range of training and development
opportunities which include mentorships, competitive degree programs, leadership courses and
programs, formal education, on-the-job developmental experiences, and technical courses that
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support employee career development. Centers can reference 5 U.S.C. Chapter 41, Training; 5
C.F.R. 410, Training, and NPD 3410.2F, Employee and Organizational Development, Training
authorities for more information regarding the guidelines for the training and development of
Additionally, per OPM requirements, the following are required for RGP participants:
Within 45 days of appointment, the participant must have an Individual Development Plan
(IDP) that is approved by his/her supervisor.
Within 90 days of appointment, the participant must be assigned a mentor who is an
employee outside the participant’s chain of command.
Within the initial appointment, the participant must receive 40 hours annually of formal
training related to his/her IDP as identified in the OPM regulations.
5.11 Program Completion Activities for NASA Pathways RGP Participants
Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
program completion activities, including conversion after program completion, crediting other
experience, resignation, and termination.
5.11.1 Resignation
Employees electing to resign must submit a letter of resignation. The letter should include effective
date, reason for resignation, and a permanent mailing address.
5.11.2 Termination
Service in the NASA Pathways RGP confers no rights to further Federal employment in either the
competitive or excepted service upon expiration of the appointment. Recent Graduates may be
noncompetitively converted to a competitive service appointment upon successful completion of
the established Program period which is any of the following:
1. At the end of 1 year.
2. At the end of 2 years for those positions determined to warrant more rigorous training and
3. At the end of an approved extension of 120 days.
If a Recent Graduate is not converted, his or her appointment expires at the end of the established
Program period, and the employee must be terminated on that date. There is one exception: if the
employee held a career or career-conditional appointment in the Agency immediately before
entering the Program, and fails to complete the Program for reasons not related to misconduct, poor
performance, or suitability, the Center may elect to place him or her in a permanent competitive
service position.
Terminations of Recent Graduates during the Program period may be taken for appropriate reasons.
The procedural requirements for taking such actions and the employee’s rights to appeal must be
considered, as discussed in paragraph 4.16.2, Termination. Supervisors should notify their servicing
HR Office as soon as termination is anticipated.
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Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance. Please
also refer to NPR 3300.1, Appointment of Personnel To/From NASA.
Use the following procedures to process NASA Pathways PMF participants:
1. Center works with Agency PMF Program Coordinator to select a PMF participant from
OPM’s list of available candidates.
2. After a candidate is selected and accepts the position, he/she signs the Participant
Agreement and is assigned a mentor.
3. Center initiates the SF 52, Request for Personnel Action. Refer to the updated OPM Guide
to Processing Personnel Actions.
4. Center HR Office updates the WTTS record, sends the SF 52 notes to FPPS, Publishes the
WTTS record, logs into FPPS, LGAPs the action, and forwards to the NSSC.
5. NSSC In-Processing Caseworker receives notification of a new employee, and counsels
6. NSSC PAP team processes the action.
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Acronyms that are used in this desk guide are identified upon first use in this document. Thereafter,
the acronym is used. In cases where the first or only instance of the use of an acronym is in a table
or graphic, it may not be spelled out on first reference. Since many acronyms and abbreviations
have multiple meanings, the following list includes those used in this guide and the applicable
Aeronautics, Scientific, and Technical
Code of Federal Regulations
Delegated Examining Unit
Department of the Interior
Executive Order
Entrance on Duty
Entrance on Duty System
Employee Performance Communication System
Electronic Position Description System
Frequently Asked Question
Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program
Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance
Federal Employees Health Benefits
Federal Employees Retirement System
Federal Insurance Contributions Act
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
Federal Personnel and Payroll System
Federal Register
Flexible Spending Account
Full-Time Employee
Grade Point Average
General Schedule
Human Resources
Individual Development Plan
Intern Employment Program
Legal Authority Code
Legally Approve
Leave Without Pay
Memorandum of Understanding
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Classification Code
NASA Enterprise Applications Competency Center
NASA Employees Benefit Association
Nature of Action Code
NASA Policy Directive
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NASA Procedural Requirements
NASA Supplemental Classification System
NASA Shared Services Center
Not to Exceed
Office of Human Capital Management
Office of Personnel Management
Personnel Action Processing
Position Description
Presidential Management Fellows
Request for Eligible’s
Recent Graduates Program
Reduction in Force
Return to Duty
Student Career Experience Program
Service Delivery Guide
Standard Form
Special Program Identification
Staffing and Recruiting System
Student Temporary Employment Program
Temporary Duty
Thrift Savings Plan
United States Code
Workforce Transformation Tracking System
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The regulations detailed in 5 C.F.R. 302, Employment in the Excepted Service, provide information
on eligibility standards, rating and arranging applications, selection, appointment, etc.
The following guidance is from the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance:
Veterans’ preference applies to selection for positions in the
Pathways Programs. Selections must be made in accordance with the
requirements of 5 CFR part 302, veterans’ preference laws, and OPM
guidance issued as a Memorandum for Chief Human Capital
Officers, dated February 9, 2009, on Procedures for Passover of
Compensably-Disabled Preference Eligibles in the Excepted Service. This
includes, but is not limited to, ranked and unranked referral lists.
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Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance for guidance on
employee benefits. Each program participant is eligible for benefits based on the type of Pathways
Program in which he/she is enrolled. While there are certain restrictions, the following chart
provides a general overview of eligibility for the different Pathways Programs:
Overview of Benefits Eligibility for NASA Pathways Programs Participants by Program
Based on Initial Appointment
Than 90
Than 1
Than 1
Federal Employees Health
Benefits (FEHB)
No No Yes * Yes Yes Yes
Federal Employees’ Group Life
Insurance (FEGLI)
No No No Yes Yes Yes
NASA Employees Benefit
Association (NEBA)
No No No Yes Yes Yes
Federal Employees Dental and
Vision Insurance Program
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flexible Spending Account
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Federal Long Term Care
Insurance Program (FLTCIP)
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) No No No Yes Yes Yes
Annual Leave No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sick Leave Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Holidays Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Retirement Coverage:
Federal Employees
Retirement System (FERS)
No No No Yes Yes Yes
Federal Insurance
Contributions Act (FICA)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
* Eligible for FEHB, but must pay full cost of employee and employer share.
Questions regarding NASA Benefits should be directed to the NSSC at 1-877-677-2123.
Please note that LWOP or any other nonpay status may have an effect on Federal benefits. Please
visit the OPM Leave Administration Web page at:, then click the Fact
Sheets on Federal Leave Programs link, then the Leave without Pay Effect on Federal
Benefits and Programs link.
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August 2012
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OPM requires specific reporting criteria for agencies to follow when reporting on Pathways
Programs. Please refer to the OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance.
SPID numbers are used when generating reports in FPPS Datamart. The NASA Enterprise
Applications Competency Center (NEACC) will provide a new derivation table to the NSSC,
including the correct SPID codes to be used with the Pathways Programs.
The Department of the Interior (DOI) provided three new SPID codes to be used for the Pathways
Programs. They are the following:
74 - Internship Program
75 - Recent Graduates Program
76 - Presidential Management Fellows
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August 2012
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This appendix contains sample Participant Agreements.
Important: The samples included in this appendix are for reference only.
Please access the official templates on the HR Portal.
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