RACP (version 5-1-2024)
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It is suggested that a copy of this complete document be given to your Project, Construction Manager,
and/or Architect so that they are fully aware of the RACP requirements related to each. This document
should be included in your bid packages and should be made an addendum to any and all construction
contracts, plans and specifications related to the RACP project.
Compliance with all RACP requirements, including the key items in these guidelines will be monitored
frequently throughout the construction phase of your project and will be reviewed once more during
the legislatively mandated close-out audit.
The sole and exclusive bidding requirement for RACP projects is in the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling
Act (Act 67 of 2004), which states "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the solicitation of a
minimum of three written bids for all contracted construction work on redevelopment assistance capital
projects shall be the sole requirement for the composition, solicitation, opening and award of bids on
such projects.” Unless the terms of the law change, the Office of the Budget cannot grant waivers for
bidding requirements to Grantees.
RACP projects are not subject to separation of trades. You are REQUIRED to solicit a minimum of three
(3) bids for "all generally contracted work" being performed within the RACP defined scope of work.
You are not required to receive three (3) bid responses. However, you should provide documentation to
prove that at least three bids were solicited by providing copies of the solicitation letters (preferably on
letterhead of the bidding entity) used in the bidding process. You are not required to select the lowest
bidder, but if you do not, you will have to provide a brief written justification for your selection. Note:
there is NO threshold level under the RACP program regardless of the size or dollar amount associated
with the work to be performed. You need to show that you solicited a minimum of three (3) bids for any
contract to be eligible for RACP.
Bidding is acceptable at either the general contractor level (described in option a. below) or at the sub-
contractor level (described in option b. below):
General Contractor (GC) Level - If you chose to bid at the GC level, please note that the bid
should encompass the entire RACP scope of work to be performed including all associated
construction work. The dollar amount bid on the project must include 100% of the work to be
performed by the GC and the sub-contractors. Bidding at the GC level will require submission of
bidding and construction related documents at the GC level only (see Sub-Contractor level
below for a distinction)
Sub-Contractor Level - If you choose not to solicit three bids for a General Contractor, then you
are required to solicit a minimum of three bids for EACH Sub-Contractor covering all trades
involved in the project. Note that any self-performed work by a non-bid GC is NOT an eligible
cost for reimbursement OR match purposes. Bidding at the Sub-Contractor level will require
submission of bidding and construction related documents at the sub level…meaning proof of
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bidding, construction contracts, payment and performance bonds, insurance etc. will need to be
provided for every sub-contractor in the RACP scope.
Professional Services: Professional services associated with the project are not required to be bid as
these associated costs are only eligible as match.
Change Orders: Grantees and/or Sub-Grantees are not required to competitively bid out change orders
as long as the work was within the RACP scope of the original bid and is less than 20% of the total
contract. If a change order is for work beyond the RACP scope of work originally bid, the Grantee will be
required to competitively bid out the new scope of work in order to be considered RACP eligible.
The Office of the Budget (OB) cannot grant waivers to the Pennsylvania Steel Products Procurement Act
(SPPA) unless the terms of the law change. All RACP Grantees must comply with the SPPA. If a
Grantee/RACP project fails to abide by the SPPA, it does so at its own risk.
A full explanation on the RACP steel requirements is available as a PDF download.
Up to 2011, OB only accepted the ST-4 Form (justification for the use of foreign steel) that the
Department of General Services (DGS) had exclusively devised to address exceptions linked to the
requirements of the SPPA, when it was necessary. Since 2011, OB has approved the acceptability of two
more DGS ST Forms (ST-2, ST-3) with some caveats, providing that the forms are properly filled out. The
ST-1 Form will not be accepted by OB. It is not necessary for the ST-2, ST-3, and ST-4 Forms to be
Since 2013, OB has utilized the DGS Exempt Machinery and Equipment Steel Products listings (2024
2023, 2022) as part of the RACP steel policy. DGS published a Statement of Policy - Steel Products
Procurement in the Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 43, Number 6 dated February 9, 2013 (See PA Bulletin
#43, pages 85-86) that discussed their production of an annual list, based on their analysis of submitted
ST-4 forms, which exempts certain steel products not produced domestically in sufficient quantity. DGS
publishes an updated "Exemption List" annually.
Please be aware that ST forms are acceptable only in cases where nonstructural steel needs to be
addressed. The DGS ST forms do not replace the steel certification forms associated with structural
steel. OB will continue to require the submission of steel mill certifications to demonstrate compliance
with the steel requirements for structural steel.
The PDF copies of the three acceptable ST Forms for RACP listed below can be obtained from the RACP
ST-2 Steel Origin Certification: Non-Identifiable, Non-Structural Steel
ST-3 75% U.S. Manufacture Certification
ST-4 Not Domestically Manufactured: Prime Contractor (only to be used when requesting items
to be exempted that are not found on the current year's List of Exempt Machinery and
Equipment Steel Products)
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It is suggested that the certifications be collected at the time any steel for the project is purchased and
delivered to ease the collection process.
Be advised that OB DOES NOT need to approve the ST forms prior to the start of the construction
period. The ST forms need to be submitted to demonstrate that compliance, when and where
necessary, has been met.
We shall deem as ineligible all contracts that are unable to demonstrate compliance via the submission
of steel certifications for Structural Steel and for Non-structural Steel the submission of steel
certifications and/or ST forms and/or DGS Exempt Machinery and Equipment Steel Products List.
Therefore, the value of construction contracts associated with non-compliant steel will be removed
(both materials and labor costs) from the scope of the project, which may in turn affect the project's
ability to leverage their full grant amount (project may not receive its full grant).
Recycled products, melted from previously used steel, are acceptable, providing that adequate
documentation from the supplier has been furnished. The supplier shall certify that the recycled steel
product was produced in the USA.
In accordance with the Trade Practices Act of July 23, 1968, P.L. 686 (71 P.S. § 773.101 et seq.), the
Grantee cannot and shall not use or permit to be used in the work any aluminum or steel products made
in a foreign country which is listed below as a foreign country which discriminates against aluminum or
steel products manufactured in Pennsylvania. The countries of Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, and Spain
have been found to discriminate against certain products manufactured in Pennsylvania. Therefore, the
purchase or use of those countries' products, as listed below, is not permitted:
Argentina: carbon steel wire rod and cold-rolled carbon steel sheet.
Brazil: welded carbon steel pipes and tubes; carbon steel wire rod; tool steel; certain stainless
steel products, including hot-rolled stainless steel bar; stainless steel wire rod and cold-formed
stainless steel bar; pre-stressed concrete steel wire strand; hot-rolled carbon steel plate in coil;
hot-rolled carbon steel sheet; and cold-rolled carbon steel sheet.
South Korea: welded carbon steel pipes and tubes; hot-rolled carbon steel plate; hot-rolled
carbon steel sheet; and galvanized steel sheet.
Spain: certain stainless steel products, including stainless steel wire rod, hot-rolled stainless
steel bars; and cold-formed stainless steel bars; pre-stressed concrete steel wire strand; and
certain steel products, including hot-rolled steel plate, cold-rolled carbon steel plate, carbon
steel structural shapes; galvanized carbon steel sheet, hot-rolled carbon steel bars, and cold-
formed carbon steel bars.
Penalties for violation of the above paragraphs may be found in the Trade Practices Act, which penalties
include becoming ineligible for public works contracts for a period of three years.
This provision in no way relieves the Grantee of responsibility to comply with those provisions which
prohibit the use of foreign-made steel and cast iron products.
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The requirement for 100% payment and performance (P&P) bonds is a state law; the Office of the
Budget cannot waive this requirement.
A performance bond must be obtained at 100% of the contract amount, conditioned upon the faithful
performance of the contract in accordance with the plans, specifications, and conditions of the contract.
Such bond shall be solely for the protection of the contracting body which awarded said contract.
A payment bond must be obtained at 100% of the contract amount. Such bond shall be solely for the
protection of claimants supplying labor or materials to the Grantee, its contractor or to any of its
subcontractors, in the prosecution of the work provided for in such contract, and shall be conditioned
for the prompt payment of all such material furnished or labor supplied or performed in the prosecution
of the work. "Labor or materials" shall include public utility services and reasonable rentals of
equipment, but only for periods when the equipment rented is actually used at the site.
The Office of the Budget cannot grant waivers for the PA Prevailing Wage Act. All Grantees must comply
with the act. Grantees that fail to abide by the Prevailing Wage Act do so at their own risk. Please do
not assume that PA Prevailing Wage is always consistent with your local union wages.
All projects should apply for a wage determination letter prior to the start of construction by registering
the project with the PA Department of Labor and Industry to obtain the prevailing wage rates relevant
to your project. This determination sheet will provide the necessary trade classifications for the project,
along with their corresponding hourly wage and hourly fringe rates that are required for the certified
payrolls required as part of RACP. The wage determination should be obtained within 120 days of the
award of construction contracts. If necessary, the Department of Labor and Industry can issue
determinations letters after construction has begun.
The prevailing wage information and forms can be found on the
PA Department of Labor & Industry
Typically your architect should provide a letter stating the plans and specs are in compliance with ADA
regulations. Additionally, the Grantee agrees to comply with the General Prohibitions Against
Discrimination, 28 C.F.R. § 35.130, and all other regulations promulgated under Title II of The Americans
with Disabilities Act which are applicable to all benefits, services, programs, and activities provided by
the commonwealth through contracts.
The Grantee shall procure and furnish evidence to OB, of fidelity bonds with coverage to be maintained
under the administrative title of the position, in amounts and for such positions as are reasonably
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determined by OB. Fidelity Bonding is also commonly known as "Employee Dishonesty Insurance."
Grantees should submit certificates of insurance to support fidelity bond coverage is in effect and the
coverage amount meets or exceeds the RACP grant amount, or the coverage amount meets or exceeds
the monthly project funding schedule contained in Appendix C of the grant agreement. For Grantees
with multiple projects and/or grants larger than $5,000,000 the coverage amount can be the lesser of
either $1,000,000 or 20% of the RACP grant amount(s).
Worker’s Compensation Insurance - The Grantee shall provide Worker's Compensation
Insurance where required, and shall accept full responsibility for the payment of premiums for
Worker's Compensation Insurance and Social Security, as well as income tax withholding and
any other taxes or payroll deductions required by law for its employees who are performing
services related to the project.
General Liability & Property Damage Insurance - The Grantee will provide and maintain
comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance in the minimum amount of
$250,000.00 per person for injury and death in a single occurrence; $1,000,000.00 per
occurrence for injury or death of more than one (1) person in a single occurrence; and
$500,000.00 for a single occurrence of property damage, and which shall be endorsed to protect
the commonwealth.
Flood Insurance If the project is wholly or partially within a floodplain, proof of sufficient flood
insurance coverage must be provided. In any case, a project is required to provide a copy of a
floodplain map of the project area, with the project site being delineated thereon.
Identify Commonwealth as Additional Insured: The commonwealth shall be listed on the above
insurance policies as an additional insured. Upon request, the Grantee shall furnish proof of insurance
as required by this section to OB.
Article 8 of the RACP Grant Agreement spells out sale price restrictions for a governmental entity that
sells property that was acquired and/or improved with RACP funds. The restrictions are required to
insure that the Grantees CANNOT sell the property for a net gain or even recoup the value of the grant
in the sale price. A PDF download is available that contains more information on Article 8.