April 11, 2018
CONTACT: Kimberly Friedman
PHONE: (501) 683-4788
2017 Arkansas School Performance Reports Released
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Department of Education released today the 2017 Arkansas School
Performance Reports. The reports, which reflect information from the 2016-2017 school year,
highlight student academic achievement and growth, graduation rate, and school quality and student
success for public schools in the state.
As a result of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Arkansas is able to include additional
information that will give educators, parents and communities a better picture of overall school
success. For example, for the first time ever, the ESSA School Index score (a calculation that
includes students’ weighted achievement and growth on state required assessments for grades three
through 10, graduation rates, and school quality and student success) provides parents an in-depth
report of schools’ progress toward the approved indicators.
The Accountability At-a-Glance provides the letter grades for schools, which are based on ESSA
School Index scores, and visuals that provide information about the overall ESSA School Index score
and the overall score for six subgroups. Each school is assigned to a grade span based on the
grades the school serves or the grade range of the school.
Number of
Elementary 535 83
204 46
301 34
Totals 1,040 163 290 384 170 33
ADE spent numerous hours obtaining stakeholder feedback throughout the process of developing
Arkansas’ accountability plan under ESSA. In addition, a total of seven meetings with educators,
parents, students and education associations were held to obtain feedback on the letter grade score
ranges. School districts have had the opportunity to review their ESSA School Index scores on
multiple occasions, and ADE team members held numerous regional meetings with district personnel
to provide information about the scores and obtain feedback prior to the release of the report cards.
While comprehensive, the performance reports are just one tool parents, schools and communities
can use to determine student and school success. The tool should be used to encourage ongoing
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communication between all stakeholders as they work together to improve education for all students.
Letters to parents and educators explaining the range of indicator scores for each letter grade or
school rating are available at http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/public-school-
The Accountability At-a-Glance, School Report Card and ESSA School Index Report are available on
ADE’s My School Info website at https://myschoolinfo.arkansas.gov. For assistance regarding how to
access the information available in My School Info, please see the following videos:
How to View the Accountability At-A-Glance: https://youtu.be/V3-M2fyUZew.
How to View the ESSA School Index Report: https://youtu.be/_2Er_2xf-u0.
How to View the School Report Card: https://youtu.be/q6Brz06xuVs.
Additional informational documents are available at https://bit.ly/2GvljUD.
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