Corresponding author:
Bo Zhang, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, P. O. Box 413,
Milwaukee, WI 53201–0413, USA.
Assessing the accuracy
and consistency of language
proficiency classification
under competing
measurement models
Bo Zhang
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, USA
This article investigates how measurement models and statistical procedures can be applied to
estimate the accuracy of proficiency classification in language testing. The paper starts with a
concise introduction of four measurement models: the classical test theory (CTT) model, the
dichotomous item response theory (IRT) model, the testlet response theory (TRT) model, and the
polytomous item response theory (Poly-IRT) model. Following this, two classification procedures
are presented: the Livingston and Lewis method for CTT and the Rudner method for the three
IRT-based models. The utility of these models and procedures are then evaluated by examining
the accuracy of classifying 5000 language test takers from a large-scale language certification
examination into two proficiency categories.
The most important finding is that the testlet format (multiple questions based on one
prompt), which language tests usually rely on, has a great impact on the proficiency classification.
All testlets in this study show a strong testlet effect. Hence, the TRT model is recommended for
proficiency classification. Using the standard IRT model would inflate the classification accuracy
due to the underestimated measurement error. Meanwhile, using the Poly-IRT model would give
slightly less accurate classification results. Concerning the CTT model, while its classification
accuracy is comparable to that of the TRT, there exists considerable inconsistency between their
classification results.
item response theory, language proficiency, language testing, proficiency classification, testlet
Proficiency classification has played a vital role in second language testing. It is one of
the major, if not the only, reasons for which many language learners actually take
language tests. Most large-scale standardized tests of English as a second language, such as
the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language
Testing Service (IELTS), and the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
Language Testing
27(1) 119–140
© The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission: http://www.
DOI: 10.1177/0265532209347363
120 Language Testing 27(1)
(MELAB), serve for classifying examinees to some degree. In using the scores from
these tests, universities and colleges usually set up a minimum score to classify their
applicants as those who meet the language requirement and those who don’t. By nature,
classification decisions are of high risk. Errors may result in individuals being deprived
of well-deserved educational or career development opportunities. Unfortunately, like in
any other educational test, it is almost impossible to avoid measurement error in estimat-
ing the proficiency levels in language tests. Consequently, classification errors are also
inevitable; hence evaluating the accuracy of test scores used to represent proficiency
categories is of great importance.
Language proficiency refers to a person’s general communicative competence in the
target language environment (Canale and Swain, 1980). The exact nature of language profi-
ciency or language ability has undergone some dramatic changes over the past few decades.
In general, the assumption that language ability is a ‘unitary competence’ (Oller, 1979) has
gradually been replaced by the belief that language competence is more complex and con-
sists of multiple inter-correlated abilities and strategies (Bachman, 1991). One representa-
tive example of this multi-component structure is the three-tier hierarchical model proposed
by Bachman and Palmer (1996). According to this model, top tier consists of language
knowledge and strategic competence. At the second tier, the knowledge component can be
further divided into organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. Meanwhile, stra-
tegic competence is composed of strategies used in goal setting, assessment, and planning.
Finally, at the bottom tier, organizational knowledge can be expressed as either grammati-
cal knowledge or textual knowledge, while pragmatic knowledge encompasses functional
or sociolinguistic knowledge. According to this model, a proficient language speaker
should not only demonstrate the structural knowledge of a target language but should also
have the necessary strategies to implement that knowledge effectively in actual use.
On the other hand, most language teachers are more familiar with the traditional defi-
nition whereby language proficiency comprises linguistic skills in the four core curricu-
lar areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While this conceptualization may
facilitate everyday language instruction, one possible drawback is the over-generalization
of these basic skills (Bachman and Palmer, 1996). That is, tasks vastly different in nature
may be classified under the same category. For example, listening to someone talk in
person and getting ready to respond is very different from listening to a news announce-
ment on the radio, but both would be labeled as involving listening comprehension pro-
ficiency under the above traditional definition.
As far as proficiency classification is concerned, language instructors and testers have
multiple options. With regard to measurement, they may use models based on either clas-
sical test theory (CTT) or item response theory (IRT). IRT itself provides a number of
models for analyzing any single test. Meanwhile, these models may be applied at differ-
ent levels of a test. For example, if multiple components of a test can be represented by
a meaningful unified score, proficiency classification may be conducted at the test level.
On the other hand, there may be interest in classifying examinees according to separate
curricular areas so that more diagnostic information may be obtained.
Faced with these options, practitioners should be informed of the results and
consequences of different procedures in order to choose the one that best satisfies their
Bo Zhang 121
needs. Most importantly, they should be guided to find the procedure that minimizes
proficiency classification errors. In reality, as relevant research on language proficiency
classification is extremely scarce, this type of information is very limited. While a number
of proficiency classification methods have been proposed and evaluated for general use
(e.g. Hanson and Brennan, 1990; Livingston and Lewis, 1995; Rudner, 2001; Wainer
et al., 2005), none of them has been systematically studied for use in language tests. As
a result, it is unclear how these procedures may be applied to various language testing
The main purpose of this study is to gather empirical evidences to help practitioners
undertake appropriate proficiency classification in language testing. Two objectives
guide this research. The first is to evaluate classification accuracy under the aforemen-
tioned four measurement models. Clearly, the fewer classification errors a model makes,
the more valuable it is. The second objective is to study the consistency of classification
results when different measurement models are applied. In particular, results from the
testlet response theory (TRT) TRT model are compared to those from other models.
This paper begins with a concise introduction to the theoretical framework of the
four measurement models. Following this, two classification procedures are presented:
the Livingston and Lewis (1995) method for CTT and the Rudner (2005) method for the
three IRT-based models. Then, the efficacy of these classification procedures is evalu-
ated by using data from a large-scale certification test. Finally, the implications of the
findings from this research for the classification of overall language proficiency are
Competing measurement models
Classical Test Theory (CTT) Model
Classical test theory, also known as the true score test theory, assumes that any obtained
test score is a sum of two elements: the true ability that has motivated the measurement,
and the measurement error that is almost ubiquitous in educational testing. The CTT
model is simply expressed as (Allen and Yen, 1979):
where X is the observed score, T is the true score, and E is the error score. In any meas-
urement, only the observed score is known. To estimate the true score, some strong
assumptions have to be made. Under CTT, it is assumed that measurement error is
random and the true score is the expected value of the observed score. In other words,
the true score for an examinee is the average of the observed scores from an infinite
number of measurements of this examinee. Under this assumption, the exact value of
any true score can never be estimated and, thus, the true score under CTT remains a
theoretical construct.
Test reliability under CTT is defined as:
122 Language Testing 27(1)
where X, T, and E have been defined in Equation 1, ρ
is the reliability coefficient, σ
the true score variance, and σ
is the observed score variance. To estimate the magnitude
of measurement error, the standard error of measurement (SEM) is expressed as:
where σ
is the standard deviation of the observed score. Once the SEM is known, with
the assumption that X is a random variable with a mean of T and a standard deviation of
SEM, a confidence band may be built to estimate the true score.
The advantages of conducting proficiency classification under CTT are obvious. As
shown in Equation 1, the measurement model is relatively simple and a variety of methods
have been developed for estimating test reliability, such as by coefficient alpha (Cronbach,
1951) and split-half reliability (Spearman, 1910). These statistics have also been incorpo-
rated into standard statistics software packages, such as SAS and SPSS. The disadvantages
of using CTT, on the other hand, are also clear and somehow insurmountable. As true ability
is known through a confidence interval only, it has to be approximated in the proficiency
classification, which is likely to increase classification error. Moreover, the SEM as
computed in Equation 3 relies on information at the test level (i.e. the standard deviation of
the observed score distribution and test reliability), hence its value will be constant across
all examinees. As the SEM generally varies across the range of individual proficiencies
(e.g. Peterson et al., 1989), this classical SEM index provides only an estimate of the aver-
age measurement error for all examinees. Kolen, Hanson, and Brennan (1992) thus sug-
gested that the SEM conditional on the proficiency level, or the conditional SEM, should
be estimated. To obtain a point estimate of the true proficiency level along with the person-
specific SEM, one has to resort to models based on item response theory.
Dichotomous Item Response Theory (IRT) Model
Item response theory (Lord, 1980) has gradually become the mainstream theory in edu-
cational measurement. It is currently applied in most large-scale standardized achieve-
ment tests (e.g. SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and Melab) as well as most state
accountability tests. IRT models reflect the interaction between test items and test takers
by means of a probabilistic relationship. The most commonly used IRT models are the
unidimensional logistic models for scoring dichotomous items. The three-parameter
logistic model, or the 3PL, is expressed as (Birnbaum, 1968):
¼ 1jθÞ ¼ c
þ ð1 c
1 þ e
where p is the conditional probability that the response Y
from person j to item i is
correct, θ is the underlying proficiency or ability level, c is the item guessing parameter,
Bo Zhang 123
a is the item discrimination parameter, b is the item difficulty parameter, and D is a scaling
factor. Note that the term ‘ability’ is used interchangeably with the term ‘proficiency’ in
this writing as they both refer to the underlying linguistic competence which a test is
designed to assess.
For items with no chance of being guessed correctly (e.g. short-answer items with
correct/incorrect scoring), the c parameter would drop from Equation 4 and the model
would reduce to the two-parameter model. If the discrimination parameter can be further
assumed to be constant across all items, the one-parameter IRT model with the item dif-
ficulty parameter only may be applied. When the discrimination parameter is fixed at 1
for all items, the one-parameter model reduces to the Rasch model, which is probably the
most widely used IRT model in language testing to date (e.g. Adams et al., 1987; Lynch
et al., 1988; McNamara, 1990).
Differing from the CTT, in which true ability can only be known through a confidence
interval, using IRT will provide a point estimate of each examinee’s true proficiency.
This estimation is quite independent of the particular choices of specific test items from
the potential population of all items: the so-called test-free measurement property
(Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985). In addition, as the person-specific standard error
can be estimated, the likelihood that a positive or negative error has been committed in
the proficiency classification can be evaluated more accurately under IRT.
Testlet Response Theory (TRT)
An important assumption under the IRT model is local independence (Hambleton and
Swaminathan, 1985). This assumption states that the relationship among items in any test
is established through nothing but the measured ability. For any individual test taker, a
response to any item should not be affected by responses to any other items. In other
words, responses should be independent. This assumption can also be expressed as follows:
no ability dimension other than the targeted one should have affected item responses.
A common condition that may indicate the local independence assumption has been
violated is the application of testlets (e.g. Rosenbaum, 1988; Yen, 1993). A testlet is
defined as a group of items based on the same stimulus (Wainer and Kiely, 1987). Testlets
are commonly employed in language assessments. A classic example of a testlet is a
reading passage followed by a number of multiple-choice questions. Responses to all
items in such a testlet not only depend on reading competence but also on the under-
standing of specific contextual or cultural background information embedded in the
common stimulus. For students with insufficient background knowledge, it is likely that
responses to all items in the testlet would be affected. Using IRT terminology, these items
are locally dependent.
When the local independence assumption is untenable, using the standard IRT model
would not provide the appropriate interpretation of test results because the model would
no longer fit the responses. Specifically, the item discrimination parameter would be
overestimated (Yen, 1993). As the discriminating power of test items represents the
amount of information an item contributes to ability estimation, the overall test informa-
tion is also likely to be overestimated (Sireci et al., 1991; Thissen et al., 1989). Hence,
124 Language Testing 27(1)
the major harm that local dependence (LD) does to IRT modeling is the inflation of
measurement precision.
One direct way to handle the LD effect is by adding a testlet effect term to the IRT model.
A testlet response (TRT) model (Bradlow et al., 1999) is formulated as:
¼ 1jθÞ ¼ c
þ ð1 c
1 þ e
Compared to the standard IRT model as described in Equation 4, the only new term here
is λ
, which is the testlet effect for person j in answering item i nested within testlet d.
The term λ
is assumed to be centered around 0. Its variance indicates the severity of
any local dependence.
In Figure 1, the test information inflation due to LD items is illustrated by the reading
test in the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). More details
of this examination can be found in the Method section of this article. In this reading test,
examinees read four paragraphs, each followed by five multiple-choice items. As ques-
tions about the same paragraph share the same stimulus, they are locally dependent. The
IRT estimates in the figure represent estimates derived by applying the standard 3PL
model. In this case, any possible LD effect has been completely ignored. In Figure 1a,
not much difference was observed between the point estimates of true proficiency by
these two models. Most dots in the figure are close to the 45-degree reference line, indi-
cating that estimates from these two models are about equal. However, in Figure 1b, the
standard error of the ability estimates from the TRT model is larger than that from the
IRT model for most examinees. What this means is that if the IRT model were selected
for the proficiency estimation of this reading test, test users would be overconfident
about their measurement precision as the IRT model would show less measurement error
than is, in fact, the case. Note that in Figure 1b, a very small portion of examinees actu-
ally shows larger standard error under IRT than under TRT. This inconsistency may be
attributed to random measurement error.
Polytomous Item Response Theory (Poly-IRT) Model
Another possible way to handle the LD effect is by using the polytomous IRT model
(Thissen et al., 1989). This method first collapses the responses from locally dependent
items into a polytomous item, thus eliminating any possible LD effect. Next, a polyto-
mous item response theory model will be applied to obtain a proficiency estimation. A
popular model for polytomous items is the graded response model, proposed by
Samejima (1969). This model takes a two-step approach in modeling how an examinee
responds to a polytomously scored item. The first step is to compute the conditional
probability that examinee j will score in the response category k and higher in item i by
the following function:
Þ ¼
Bo Zhang 125
where P
* is the conditional probability, b
is the step difficulty, and all other terms share
the same interpretation as in Equation 4. Next, the conditional probability for the score
category k is the difference between the conditional probability of two adjacent categories:
Figure 1. Comparing the proficiency estimates from the TRT and IRT models
Proficiency estimates from the ECPE reading test were first obtained by using the IRT model,
then by the TRT model. In this figure, the differences from using these two models were
depicted by the point estimate in 1(a) and the standard error in 1(b).
126 Language Testing 27(1)
While the collapsing of locally dependent items will eliminate the LD effect, one
potential drawback of this practice is the loss of test information (Yen, 1993). This loss
tends to be particularly severe for testlets with a large proportion of locally dependent
items. Take, for example, the cloze test in the present study which has 20 items, all based
on the reading of one passage. Proficiency estimation using the polytomous IRT model
for this test would rely on responses to only one item with 21 categories (0–20). In other
words, using the polytomous model may not represent accurately how examinees have
responded to the original 20 dichotomous items.
Proficiency classification
Proficiency classification accuracy refers to the extent to which decisions based on test
scores match decisions that would have been made if the scores did not contain any
measurement error (Hambleton and Novick, 1973). In educational testing, this accuracy
must be estimated because errorless test scores never exist. Any misclassification of an
examinee would indicate a classification error. A false positive error occurs when an
examinee is classified at a higher proficiency category than the true one, whereas a false
negative error results when an examinee is put into a category lower than their true abil-
ity. In practice, which type of error is of more concern is a matter of judgment.
One straightforward method to measure classification accuracy is through comparing
the classification results based on scores from two equivalent forms of the same test. If
examinees are classified consistently into the same categories by both forms, classifica-
tion accuracy is high. The challenge of this method lies in the difficulty of justifying
testing the same examinees twice using the same test. Accordingly, classification accu-
racy has to be evaluated based on one single test administration. A number of such pro-
cedures have been developed, some based on CTT (Hanson and Brennan, 1990; Huynh,
1976; Lee et al., 2004; Livingston and Lewis, 1995; Subkoviak, 1976) and others on IRT
(Rudner, 2005; Wainer et al., 2005).
To evaluate classification accuracy under CTT, a true score distribution needs to be
approximated. The present study employed the procedure developed by Livingston and
Lewis (1995) (hereafter referred to as LL) for the CTT classification. This method
assumes that the proportional true score follows a four-parameter beta distribution.
Based on the first four moments of the observed score distribution, the exact form of the
true score distribution may be estimated by a method proposed by Lord (1965). Once a
true score distribution is defined, an assumed score distribution from an alternate form
can be estimated. The LL procedure compares the observed score distribution to the
reconstructed alternate score distribution in order to assess the classification accuracy
(Brennan, 2004). For the exact steps and technical details of the LL method, refer to
Livingston and Lewis (1995). With regard to the effectiveness of the LL procedure, Wan,
Brennan, and Lee (2007) conducted a simulation study and concluded that the LL proce-
dure yielded relatively accurate decision results, compared to four other classification
methods under CTT.
Under the IRT framework, the point estimate of ability may be treated as the true
score on the latent trait. Thus, the approximation of the true score distribution in CTT is
Bo Zhang 127
unnecessary. The major challenge shifts to how to account for the measurement error
associated with the point estimate of proficiency levels. Rudner (2001, 2005) introduced
a method for evaluating the decision accuracy through the computation of the expected
likelihood of classifications. In the following, without loss of generality, this method will
be described using a pass/fail classification scheme.
Suppose that the passing score is θ
. The true ability is θ
for Examinee A and θ
Examinee B. Their positions on the ability scale are depicted in Figure 2. Due to the error
associated with the ability estimation, a conditional distribution accompanies each true
theta. As θ
is smaller than θ
, Examinee A should be classified as a non-master in all
estimations. Likewise, Examinee B should be a master. However, there is a clear chance
that Examinee A would be classified as a master. That chance can be represented by the
size of Area A in the figure, where the theta estimates are larger than the cut score θ
. In
classification terminology, this chance is the likelihood that a false positive error would
be committed, whereby a true non-master is identified as a master.
The size of Area A can be computed as the area to the right of the following z score:
z ¼
where se(θ
) is the standard error of the θ
estimates. The expected frequency of false
positive errors for all examinees equals the sum of the above likelihood over all non-
masters, or
Figure 2. Illustration of the false positive and negative errors in proficiency classification
In this figure, θ
is the cut-off score, θ
and θ
are the true proficiency levels for two examinees.
Area A contains the estimates of θ
that are larger than the cut score, thus the positive errors.
Likewise, Area B represents the negative errors.
128 Language Testing 27(1)
Lðm; nÞ ¼
> θ
Þf ðθ
where L(m,n) refers to the frequency that non-masters are classified as masters, N is the
number of non-masters,
is the θ
estimate, and f(θ
) is the population density of θ
Likewise, the frequency of false negative errors (masters classified as non-masters) can
be calculated by
Lðn; mÞ ¼
< θ
Þf ðθ
where M is the number of masters. The expected frequencies for the correct classifica-
tions for both masters and non-masters could be computed in the same manner as in the
last two equations. In order to evaluate the classification accuracy, these expected fre-
quencies can then be compared to the observed.
Using the Z score to compute the probability in Equation 8 relies on the assumption
of normality of the conditional distribution of the theta estimates. Guo (2006) introduced
a method based on the likelihood function of the ability estimates which is thus free from
the assumption of normality. For testing conditions examined in that study, results with
or without the assumption of normality were similar. Wainer et al. (2005) studied the
proficiency classification under the Bayesian framework. As the Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) procedure was employed for the proficiency estimation, the exact values
of the conditional distribution of the ability estimates are available. Accuracy of profi-
ciency classification could be assessed by simply counting the number of times that false
positive or false negative errors have been committed.
Instruments and participants
The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) is an English lan-
guage proficiency test for adult non-native speakers of English at the advanced level
(English Language Institute, 2006). Learners take this test to be certified as having the
necessary English skills for education, employment, or professional business purposes.
The test assesses English language proficiency in the following areas: speaking, writing,
listening, cloze, grammar, vocabulary, and reading. In reporting, grammar, cloze, vocab-
ulary, and reading are scored together as one section labeled as the GCVR test. Candidates
must pass all four sections in order to be awarded the certificate.
This study investigated proficiency classification for two sections in the ECPE: listen-
ing and GCVR. Both sections have a large number of items, allowing investigation of the
efficacy of different measurement models in proficiency classification. The 50-item
listening test consists of two parts. The first 35 items are independent items, each based
on an independent prompt. The last 15 items are based on three long dialogues or para-
graphs, each followed by five questions. These items are locally dependent and
Bo Zhang 129
susceptible to the testlet effect. In the cloze test, all 20 items share one stimulus, thus a
strong testlet effect may be present. The reading test asks examinees to read four para-
graphs, each followed by five questions. Again, it is highly possible that these items will
show local dependence. The grammar and vocabulary tests each use 30 independent
items. Subjects were 5000 examinees, randomly selected from a one-year administration
of the ECPE.
Measurement models and model estimation
Table 1 lists the measurement models applied to each test. The grammar and vocabulary
tests use no testlet, thus the results from TRT would be equivalent to those from IRT. The
listening, GCVR, and reading tests all showed strong testlet effects. The appropriate
model for them is thus the TRT model. The IRT model was applied to investigate possi-
ble damage to the proficiency classification should local dependence be ignored.
As all items were multiple-choice items, the three-parameter logistic model was
applied for both IRT and TRT. The proficiency estimation under IRT was obtained by
using the MULTILOG computer program (Thissen, 1991). This program implements the
marginal maximum likelihood method to estimate the ability trait. To increase the esti-
mation accuracy, prior distributions were imposed on item parameters as follows: normal
(1.1, 0.6) for the as, standard normal for the bs, and normal (−1.1, 0.5) for the logit form
of the c’s. As the sample size of this study was large (i.e. 5000), the impact of these priors
on as and bs was probably quite limited (Harwell and Janosky, 1991). The main purpose
of using these priors was to constrain the c parameter to reasonable values. The profi-
ciency estimation for the Poly-IRT model was also conducted by using the MULTILOG
For the TRT model, parameter estimation was based on the Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) procedure, as operationalized in the Scoright program (Wang et al.,
2004). This program adopts the full Bayesian structure for estimating testlet model
parameters. For details on the estimation algorithm, refer to Wang, Bradlow, and
Wainer (2002), or the Scoright program manual (Wang et al., 2004). One important
issue in the MCMC estimation is monitoring the convergence of the posterior distribu-
tion of model parameters. Following the suggestions in the Scoright manual on how to
Table 1. Measurement models for various tests
Subtests Measurement models
Listening x x x x
GCVR x x x x
Grammar x x
Vocabulary x x
Reading x x x x
130 Language Testing 27(1)
improve and check the model convergence, a potential scale reduction factor close to
1 was set as the convergence criterion. In addition, three chains were run, each thinned
with five draws to reduce the autocorrelation effect. Convergence was achieved for
all tests.
Cut scores for proficiency classification
As the ECPE test serves a certificatory purpose, classification decisions based on its
results are binary by nature. Accordingly, cut scores in this research were used to separate
examinees into two categories: masters versus non-masters. The following steps were
taken to establish cut scores that are comparable across different measurement models.
First, in the year that the test data were sampled, 52% of examinees passed the listening
test and 58% passed the GCVR. One can reasonably assume that these percentage groups
of examinees were masters under all the investigated models. Next, for each measurement
model, the estimated proficiency level that corresponded to the above percentile ranks
(i.e. 48 for the listening test, 42 for the GCVR and its subtests) were set as cut scores.
Before proficiency classification was conducted, how well each test item measured the
relevant language proficiency was examined. This is important as items that do not
measure the corresponding trait properly may invalidate the application of measurement
models. For this purpose, the corrected point-biserial correlation between item responses
and corresponding section total score was first computed. The term ‘corrected’ implies
responses to the item under study were not included in the computation of the total score.
Three items two from the listening test and one from the vocabulary test showed a
negative correlation. The IRT analysis also indicated that these items in this sample
had a negative discrimination parameter, implying that examinees with higher ability
were actually less likely to answer these items correctly. Consequently, these items were
excluded from the proficiency classification.
Table 2 presents Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the reliability of the tests under
study. The listening and GCVR tests showed the highest reliability, which is important as
their classification results are actually reported in practice. The grammar, vocabulary,
and reading tests all had reliability around 0.7. While 0.7 has been recommended as a
general guideline for acceptable reliability (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994), for high-
stakes decisions such as proficiency classification, a higher reliability coefficient is more
desirable. Not surprisingly, coefficient alpha is lowest for the cloze test. This test has the
shortest length and, furthermore, cloze tests generally measure a variety of linguistic
skills at both the syntax and discourse levels (Alderson, 1979; Bachman, 1982; Oller,
1973; Saito, 2003 specifically for the ECPE test), making them susceptible to showing
low coefficient alpha. Moreover, the cloze test is more a test format than a curricular area
or a language competence. For all these reasons, proficiency classification was not per-
formed for the cloze test in this study.
Bo Zhang 131
Data on the magnitude of the testlet effect is presented in Table 3. Following the sug-
gestion by Bradlow, Wainer, and Wang (1999) that a variance over 0.3 for the testlet term
( j) indicates sizable testlet effect, all tests relying on testlets demonstrated strong
testlet effects, which also confirms the belief that the reading and listening passages in
the ECPE test violate the local independence assumption. As expected, the cloze test
demonstrated strong testlet effect since all items in this subtest shared the same prompt.
Note that same testlets, when placed in different tests, exhibited different magnitude of
the testlet effect. As an example, the cloze items demonstrated weaker testlet effect in the
GCVR test than in the cloze test. But the testlet effect for the reading items became stron-
ger in the GCVR test than in the reading test. While it is hard to illuminate this change of
effect by studying the item responses only, analyzing the content of these testlets may
shed some light on these shifts.
Table 4 gives the summary statistics for the proficiency estimate under the four mea-
surement models. Note that the raw score and the three IRT-based estimates are not on
the same scale, thus their means and standard deviations (SD) should not be compared.
In addition, the IRT scales were centered around 0 during the estimation, hence, their
means should all have been 0. Any non-zeros are due to the estimation error. As shown
in the table, the proficiency distribution by IRT and TRT are very similar for the listening
Table 2. Test reliability coefficient
Subtests No. of items Reliability
Listening 48 0.76
Grammar 30 0.70
Cloze 20 0.58
Vocabulary 29 0.73
Reading 20 0.74
GCVR 99 0.86
Table 3. Magnitude of the testlet effect
Subtest No. of testlets Testlet effect
Listening 1 1.05
2 0.41
3 1.09
Cloze 1 1.43
Reading 1 0.58
2 0.53
3 0.35
4 0.59
GCVR 1 0.27
2 1.31
3 1.44
4 1.33
5 1.83
132 Language Testing 27(1)
and GCVR tests. One major difference is the standard deviation of the Poly-IRT esti-
mates is consistently smaller than that of IRT and TRT. In other words, collapsing items
in testlets into polytomous items tend to shrink the proficiency difference among the
examinees. Meanwhile, the skewness statistics indicate that the IRT-based estimates are
distributed more symmetrically than the raw score.
Figure 3 illustrates different proficiency distributions for the listening test. The shape
of these distributions is very similar and very close to the normal distribution. As the
GCVR test shows the same pattern, to save space, its histograms are not presented.
Instead, results for the reading test are given as more difference was observed. In
Figure 4, while the proficiency distributions under IRT and TRT are still alike, the Poly-
IRT and raw score distributions look quite different. Specifically, the Poly-IRT distribu-
tion is considerably less even. For example, there are about 7% of examinees at the
proficiency category of 0.5 but only 2% at the 0.2 level. In contrast, the corresponding
percentage is about 5% at both levels under IRT and TRT. Meanwhile, the raw score
distribution is apparently more negatively skewed than the other three.
Table 5 presents the classification results for listening and GCVR tests. Cell values
indicate the percentage of examinees falling into each category. The column labeled as
‘accuracy’ gives the percentage of examinees expected to be classified correctly. Using
the listening test as an example it can be seen that under the testlet model, 41.5% of
examinees had been correctly identified as not passing and 43.3% as passing. Thus
84.8% (41.5% plus 43.3%) of total examinees were expected to be correctly identified.
Meanwhile, 7.5% of examinees could be misclassified as masters. They represented the
false positives. False negatives are the 7.7% of examinees who were expected to pass but
actually were classified as failing.
The overall classification accuracy was high for both tests. Results based on
different measurement models were similar. For the listening test, about 85% of
Table 4. Summary statistics of the estimated proficiency under different models
Mean SD Skewness Cut score
Listening IRT 0.00 0.89 0.07 0.016
Testlet 0.00 0.88 0.09 0.017
Poly-IRT 0.01 0.85 0.08 0.013
CTT 33.90 5.79 0.33 34
GCVR IRT 0.00 0.94 0.08 0.189
Testlet 0.00 0.93 0.10 0.194
Poly-IRT 0.04 0.91 0.08 0.144
CTT 67.19 11.40 0.16 65
Reading IRT 0.00 0.86 0.20 0.173
Testlet 0.00 0.81 0.23 0.144
Poly-IRT 0.02 0.79 0.26 0.152
CTT 15.01 3.35 0.69 15
Vocabulary IRT 0.00 0.87 0.01 0.254
CTT 17.05 4.54 0.02 14
Grammar IRT 0.00 0.85 0.06 0.167
CTT 21.70 4.10 0.41 22
Bo Zhang 133
examinees were expected to be correctly identified, which also means about 15% of
examinees may be misclassified. Classification accuracy was slightly higher for the
GCVR test with the percentage of correct identification around 87%. For both the listen-
ing and GCVR tests, the false positive error rate and the false negative error rate were
about equal.
Table 6 gives the results for the subtests under GCVR. Classification accuracy was
clearly lower for these tests and both false positive and false negative errors increased
considerably. For the reading test, the classification error rates were considerably lower
under IRT than under TRT. This seemingly higher accuracy should not be interpreted as
3 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.4 1 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3
Cut Score
Cut Score
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
Figure 3. Illustration of the proficiency distribution under four models for the Listening Test
In this figure, the x-axis is the proficiency estimate from each model and the y-axis indicates the
percentage of examinees falling into each proficiency category. Area to the right of the cut score
line represents the total percentage of the masters. As the cut-score for the three IRT models
are very close to each other, their lines almost overlapped.
134 Language Testing 27(1)
meaning that the IRT model would provide more accurate proficiency classification
results. As shown in Table 3, the reading test had a strong testlet effect, thus the accuracy
of proficiency estimation had been inflated under the IRT model. What this table actually
reveals is that using the IRT model would also overestimate the accuracy of proficiency
Finally, the consistency between the TRT model and the other three models in terms of
proficiency classification are reported in Table 7. For all these tests, the agreement between
the TRT and IRT models was above 95%. This is even true for those tests with a strong testlet
effect. This high agreement was not surprising as the point estimates of the proficiency level
were similar under these two models, as exemplified by the reading test in Figure 1.
3.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.7 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7
Cut Score
Cut Score
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Figure 4. Illustration of the proficiency distributions under four models for the Reading Test
This figure shows how the proficiency distribution under Poly-IRT and CTT is different from
that under IRT and TRT.
Bo Zhang 135
The Poly-IRT model provided comparable results to the TRT model for listening and
GCVR tests. The agreement between these two models was considerably lower for the
reading test, probably due to the fact that all testlet items were collapsed into polytomous
items. For listening and GCVR tests, the CTT model tended to classify more masters
under TRT as non-masters than vice versa. However, the reading test shows an opposite
pattern in that as many as 8% of non-masters under IRT would be identified as masters
under CTT.
The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) was presented
above as a representative example of commonly used second language tests. Such tests
measure general language competence by assessing skills in the key curricular areas such
as listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. They routinely use long pas-
sages as the prompts in order to ask a large number of multiple-choice items. The main
Table 5. Classification accuracy: Listening and GCVR tests
Tests Measurement Classified Expected Accuracy
models proficiency proficiency levels
Fail Pass
Listening Testlet Model Fail 41.5 7.7
Pass 7.5 43.3
IRT Model Fail 41.5 7.6
Pass 7.5 43.5
Poly-IRT Model Fail 41.3 8.0
Pass 7.7 43.0
CTT Fail 39.8 8.1
Pass 7.7 44.3
GCVR Testlet Model Fail 37.0 5.8
Pass 6.0 51.1
IRT Model Fail 37.1 5.6
Pass 5.9 51.4
Poly-IRT Model Fail 36.8 5.9
Pass 6.2 51.1
CTT Fail 35.8 6.0
Pass 5.6 52.6
136 Language Testing 27(1)
advantage of this practice is that a broad content area can be covered within a limited
timeframe, which benefits for both validity and reliability. However, one major disadvan-
tage, as demonstrated repeatedly in this article, is that special attention has to be directed
to the testlet effect.
Findings from this study support using the testlet response model for language profi-
ciency classification. All investigated tests with testlets violate the local independence
assumption and exhibit a strong testlet effect. Although high consistency is observed in
the classification results based on the TRT and IRT models, using the IRT model would
give test users a wrong impression of how many classification errors may have been
committed. From the test design perspective, this could hinder future efforts to improve
overall test quality.
This research supports the current practice of conducting a proficiency classification
for listening and GCVR tests. These tests are reliable and satisfactory proficiency clas-
sification accuracy can be achieved. On the other hand, proficiency classification may
not be extended to such subtests as grammar, vocabulary, and reading, without loss of
accuracy. Compared to the tests using independent items only (e.g. the vocabulary and
Table 6. Classification accuracy: Grammar, vocabulary, and reading tests
Tests Measurement Classified Expected Accuracy
models proficiency proficiency levels
Fail Pass
Grammar IRT Model Fail 35.0 8.7
Pass 8.0 48.3
CTT Fail 31.2 9.5
Pass 8.0 51.4
Vocabulary IRT Model Fail 34.9 7.6
Pass 8.1 49.4
CTT Fail 32.7 8.8
Pass 7.8 50.7
Reading Testlet Model Fail 34.6 9.8
Pass 8.4 47.2
IRT Model Fail 35.5 7.7
Pass 7.5 49.3
Poly-IRT Model Fail 33.6 10.2
Pass 9.3 46.8
CTT Fail 36.3 8.0
Pass 8.0 47.7
Bo Zhang 137
grammar tests), tests with testlets only are more susceptible to both the positive and
negative errors. However, when combined with sufficient independent items, the testlet
effect could be mitigated and testlet items may pose little threat to proficiency classifica-
tion, as reflected in the results shown above for the listening and GCVR tests.
Overall, the CTT procedure provides slightly lower classification accuracy than the
IRT and TRT procedures. Even for tests where CTT offers comparable results, caution
should still be exercised in selecting this model for the proficiency classification. Results
from CTT are usually more sample dependent than those from IRT and TRT (Hambleton
and Swaminathan, 1985). Moreover, CTT relies on strong assumptions that are hard to
meet and test in most test data. This research assumes that a certain percentage of exam-
inees are masters. In practice, standards are usually set up by content experts (Cizek,
2001). In that case, classification errors may be quite different under CTT and TRT in
language testing.
Table 7. Classification consistency between TRT and other models: Listening, GCVR, and
Reading Tests
Tests Measurement Classified TRT Model Consistency
models proficiency
levels Fail Pass
Listening IRT Model Fail 48.2 0.8
Pass 0.8 50.2
Poly-IRT Model Fail 47.6 1.4
Pass 1.4 49.6
CTT Fail 47.0 4.5
Pass 2.0 46.4
GCVR IRT Model Fail 41.1 1.9
Pass 1.9 55.1
Poly-IRT Model Fail 41.5 1.5
Pass 1.5 55.5
CTT Fail 40.8 3.1
Pass 2.2 53.9
Reading IRT Model Fail 40.6 2.4
Pass 2.4 54.6
Poly-IRT Model Fail 40.1 3.0
Pass 2.4 54.0
CTT Fail 38.3 0.8
Pass 4.7 56.2
138 Language Testing 27(1)
Compared to the other three models, it is harder to implement the TRT classification
procedure as its proficiency estimation is usually based on the Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) method. This procedure takes a longer time and requires special atten-
tion to estimation convergence. However, computer programs such as Scoright and
Winbugs (Spiegelhalter et al., 2003) have greatly lessened the technical complexities in
applying the TRT model.
This study has investigated language proficiency classification using a pass/fail
scheme as implemented for the ECPE test. For situations where the classification deci-
sion requires more than two proficiency levels (e.g. advanced, proficient, basic, and
below basic), more than one cut-off score should be defined. The measurement models
and classification procedures as discussed in this article will remain unchanged. The only
difference will be that the expected and observed proportions have to be calculated for
more than two categories (Rudner, 2003). While this research has evaluated the accuracy
of the proficiency classification based on a fixed cut-off score, it might also be interest-
ing to examine classification accuracy along the proficiency continuum so that classifi-
cation error could be minimized. For this purpose, the PPoP curve method (Wainer et al.,
2005) would be a useful alternative.
The current study has investigated the impact of applying different measurement
models to language proficiency classification. The findings have provided some clear
guidelines on how proficiency classification can be conducted for language tests. It
should nevertheless be noted that procedures studied in this research are more suitable
for tests with a large number of items. For tests with a limited number of items (such as
the writing and speaking tests of the ECPE), proficiency classification is more challeng-
ing, and thus an area to which more future research should be devoted.
This research was funded by the University of Michigan, English Language Institute, Spaan
Fellowship for Studies in Second or Foreign Language Assessment.
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