EEC Professional Certifications
An initiative of the Energy Efficiency Council
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
03 9069 6588
Level 18, 1 Nicholson St, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Version number
23 June 2022
Launch date of EEC Professional Certifications
1 April 2023
Revision of the areas of assessment, with
additional requirements included in Schedule 1;
Areas of assessment, and Schedule 4: Pre-
Part A: Foreword ................................................................................................................. 1
1. About the Sub-Rules .................................................................................................. 1
2. Sub-Rules purpose ..................................................................................................... 1
3. References ................................................................................................................. 1
4. Priority of documents .................................................................................................. 2
5. Definitions .................................................................................................................. 2
Part B: Governance............................................................................................................. 4
1. Overview .................................................................................................................... 4
2. Delegations ................................................................................................................ 4
3. Board ......................................................................................................................... 4
4. Secretariat .................................................................................................................. 4
5. Steering Committee .................................................................................................... 4
6. Assessment Panel ...................................................................................................... 4
7. Certification Reference Groups .................................................................................. 5
8. Ombudsperson ........................................................................................................... 5
9. Independent Expert(s) ................................................................................................ 5
Part C: Scope of certifications ........................................................................................... 6
1. Definition of insulation ................................................................................................ 6
2. Overview of certification levels ................................................................................... 6
3. Details on certification levels ...................................................................................... 6
4. Coverage .................................................................................................................... 6
Part D: Terms of certification ............................................................................................. 7
Part E: Requirements for certification ............................................................................... 8
1. General requirements ................................................................................................. 8
2. Pre-requisites for certification ..................................................................................... 8
3. Assessment criteria .................................................................................................... 8
4. Recognition of other certifications ............................................................................... 8
Part F: Applying for certification ........................................................................................ 9
1. Applying for certification ............................................................................................. 9
2. Assessment of applications ........................................................................................ 9
3. Submission of additional information ........................................................................ 10
4. Referral to Assessment Panel for certification decision ............................................ 11
5. Certification at another level ..................................................................................... 11
6. Notification of assessment determination and issue of certification ........................... 11
7. Appeals .................................................................................................................... 11
8. Resubmissions ......................................................................................................... 12
9. Duration of certification ............................................................................................. 12
10. Changing certification level ....................................................................................... 12
11. Administration ........................................................................................................... 12
Part G: Maintaining certification ...................................................................................... 13
1. Satisfying the requirements for certification .............................................................. 13
2. Maintaining currency of personal details ................................................................... 13
3. Payment of the scheduled fees ................................................................................ 13
4. Submission of a Continuing Professional Development Log ..................................... 13
5. Breaches of the requirements for maintaining certification ........................................ 14
6. Withdrawing from the Framework ............................................................................. 14
7. Administration........................................................................................................... 14
Part H: Renewing certification ......................................................................................... 15
1. Requirements for renewal of certification .................................................................. 15
2. Assessment of renewals ........................................................................................... 15
3. Decisions on renewal ............................................................................................... 16
4. Notification of assessment ........................................................................................ 16
5. Process to Appeal unsuccessful renewal applications .............................................. 16
6. Lapsed certifications ................................................................................................. 16
7. Administration........................................................................................................... 16
Part I: Complaints and reviews ........................................................................................ 17
Part J: Process for establishing and revising certification conditions ......................... 18
Schedule 1: Areas of assessment ................................................................................... 19
1. Overview of assessment criteria ............................................................................... 19
2. Details of assessment criteria by area of assessment .............................................. 19
Schedule 2: Recognised Certifications ........................................................................... 24
Schedule 4: Pre-requisites ............................................................................................... 26
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 1
Part A: Foreword
1. About the Sub-Rules
1.1 The Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules (the Sub-Rules) regulate one level of
certification for insulation installers which is a national certification for energy
services professionals who install insulation in residential and commercial
1.2 The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) is the peak body representing Australia’s
energy management sector. The EEC Professional Certifications Framework (the
Framework) and associated Professional Certifications (the Professional
Certifications), including the Certified Insulation Installer certification (the
Certified Insulation Installer), are owned and operated by the EEC.
1.3 The EEC operates the Framework, the rules relating to the Framework (the
Framework Rules) and the Sub-Rules in accordance with the Framework Policy.
1.4 As with all EEC activities, the EEC Board (the Board) is ultimately responsible for
the proper operation of the Framework and the associated Professional
Certifications, including the Sub-Rules.
2. Sub-Rules purpose
2.1 The purpose of these Sub-Rules is to promote the effective delivery of energy
services across Australia. To that end, the Sub-Rules do the following:
2.1.1 define the scope for the Certified Insulation Installer certification;
2.1.2 define appropriate levels of certification for EEC certified individuals;
2.1.3 define the minimum qualifications and experience, and the required skills
and knowledge, for certification;
2.1.4 establish an independent assessment process for verifying the
qualifications, experience and required skills and knowledge of individuals
seeking certification; and
2.1.5 define the requirements individuals must comply with in order to maintain
and renew certification.
3. References
3.1 Referenced forms (the Referenced Forms) This document refers to the
following Referenced Forms. Current versions of these forms are available either
on the Framework website, or by request from the Secretariat (the Secretariat):
3.1.1 Application Form (the Application Form);
3.1.2 Continuing Professional Development (Continuing Professional
Development or CPD) Log (the CPD Log);
3.1.3 Job Assessment Form (the Job Assessment Form(s)).
3.2 Referenced guides (Referenced Guides) This document should be read in
conjunction with the Guide for Candidates.
3.3 Referenced Rules This document references the Framework Rules which are
administered under the EEC Professional Certifications Framework. This
document should be read in conjunction with the Framework Rules.
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 2
4. Priority of documents
4.1 The material included in the Schedules of these Sub-Rules form a part of these
4.2 The material listed under the headings ‘Referenced Forms’ and 'Referenced
Guides’ form a part of these Sub-Rules.
4.3 If there is any inconsistency between the documents, the various documents
shall be accorded the following priority:
4.3.1 Framework Rules;
4.3.2 the Sub-Rules (excluding the Schedules);
4.3.3 the Schedules;
4.3.4 the Referenced Forms; and
4.3.5 the Referenced Guides.
5. Definitions
Application Form means the application form for the desired level of certification
and available either on the Framework website, or by request from the Secretariat.
Assessment Panel means the panel appointed by the Board which is responsible
for establishing appropriate assessment criteria and assessing candidates for each
Professional Certification.
Assessor means an Assessment Panel member.
Board has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank
holiday in Melbourne, Victoria.
Certification Number means the number issued to candidates who have been
successful in their certification application.
Certified Insulation Installer means a level of certification which may be awarded to
an individual with the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively install insulation,
and who has met the certification requirements for this certification.
Certification Reference Group has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Chair means the chair of a meeting of the Assessment Panel.
Code of Conduct means the code of conduct set out in the Framework Rules.
CPD or Continuing Professional Development has the meaning given to it in the
Framework Rules.
CPD Log has the meaning given to it in rule 4.1 in Part G.
Directory of Certified Individuals means a publicly accessible directory of
individuals certified under these Sub-Rules.
EEC has the meaning given to it in rule 1.2 of Part A.
Energy and Related Services means any services provided with the aim of
improving energy performance and/or reducing emissions.
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 3
Evidence Guide has the meaning given to it in rule 6.5.2 of Part B.
Framework has the meaning given to it in rule 1.2 of Part A.
Framework Rules has the meaning given to it in rule 1.3 of Part A.
Guide for Candidates has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Independent Expert has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Job Assessment Form means the form submitted as part of an assessment which
documents insulation installation jobs completed as part of assessment and which
demonstrates the knowledge and skills associated with certification.
Ombudsperson has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Professional Certifications has the meaning given to it in rule 1.2 of Part A.
Recognised Certifications has the meaning given in the Framework Rules.
Referenced Forms has the meaning given to it in rule 3.1 of Part A.
Referenced Guides has the meaning given to it in rule 3.2 of Part A.
Reviewer has the meaning given to it in rule 7.6 of Part F.
Secretariat has the meaning given to it in the Rules of Association.
Statement of Reasons has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Steering Committee has the meaning given to it in the Framework Rules.
Sub-Rules has the meaning given to it in rule 1.1 of Part A.
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 4
Part B: Governance
1. Overview
1.1 The Framework has been established to promote the effective delivery of Energy
and Related Services (Energy and Related Services) across Australia. The
Board may, at its sole discretion, alter any aspect of the Framework and/or
Professional Certifications to ensure they continue to address the needs of
Australias energy management sector.
1.2 The decision to maintain the Framework and the Professional Certifications shall
be at the sole discretion of the Board.
2. Delegations
2.1 Delegations of the Board’s authority are set out in the Framework Rules.
3. Board
3.1 The Board’s role is set out in the Framework Rules.
4. Secretariat
4.1 The Secretariat’s role is set out in the Framework Rules.
5. Steering Committee
5.1 Governance requirements for the Steering Committee (Steering Committee) are
set out in the Framework Rules.
6. Assessment Panel
6.1 Each certification within the Framework has an associated Assessment Panel
(Assessment Panel). Governance requirements of Assessment Panels are set
out in the Framework Rules, which should be read in conjunction with these Sub-
Rules. The Assessment Panel referred to in these Sub-Rules is the Assessment
Panel appropriate to the Certified Insulation Installer certification.
6.2 The Assessment Panel shall have a minimum of two members at any given time.
6.3 Members of the Certified Insulation Installer Assessment Panel should have a
qualification of a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, or equivalent
6.4 Meetings of the Assessment Panel must include a quorum of not less than two
members of the Assessment Panel. The first order of business of Assessment
Panel meetings regarding decisions on certification shall be to nominate and vote
on a Chair (the Chair) for the meeting.
6.5 The Certified Insulation Installer Assessment Panel is responsible for undertaking
all of the following duties in accordance with the Framework Rules, these Sub-
Rules and associated Schedules and Guide for Candidates:
6.5.1 drafting and maintaining the areas of assessment to ensure that the
required skills and knowledge in each area remain current and relevant to
industry needs, with input from the Independent Expert where required;
6.5.2 drafting a confidential evidence guide (the Evidence Guide) to ensure
consistency of assessment between candidates, and reviewing it as
6.5.3 drafting a register of Recognised Certifications (Recognised
Certifications) that lists certifications which are recognised as relevant to
the areas of assessment, and reviewing it as required;
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 5
6.5.4 assessing applications for certification and renewal of certification;
6.5.5 determining the categories of professional development that are eligible
for inclusion in the CPD Log, with input from the Independent Expert (the
Independent Expert) where required;
6.5.6 providing advice to the Secretariat, the Steering Committee and the
Board on revisions to the Framework and/or these Rules that are
necessary for them to fulfil their objectives, with input from the
Independent Expert where required, and;
6.5.7 assisting with reviews or investigations of individuals certified under the
Framework at the request of the Secretariat, the Steering Committee, or
the Ombudsperson (the Ombudsperson).
7. Certification Reference Groups
7.1 Governance requirements for the Certification Reference Groups (the
Certification Reference Groups) are set out in the Framework Rules.
8. Ombudsperson
8.1 Governance requirements for the Ombudsperson are set out in the Framework
9. Independent Expert(s)
9.1 Governance requirements for the Independent Expert(s) are set out in the
Framework Rules.
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 6
Part C: Scope of certifications
1. Definition of insulation
1.1 Insulation is material used in buildings that reduces heat and sound transmission.
Insulation can be installed in all areas of a building including ceilings, walls and
under the floor. Further details are set out in Schedule 3.
1.2 An insulation installer is an individual with the knowledge and skills to safely and
effectively install insulation.
2. Overview of certification levels
2.1 The Board has established the following levels of certification:
2.1.1 Certified Insulation Installer, which may be awarded to an individual that
has met the certification requirements for this level of the certification.
Individuals may or may not have previous experience with insulation
3. Details on certification levels
3.1 Certified Insulation Installer is available to individuals with experience installing
3.1.1 A Certified Insulation Installer is not required to be a technical expert in
every aspect of insulation. Rather, certification indicates that they have
the knowledge, relevant technical expertise and practical experience
necessary to install insulation.
3.2 These certifications are awarded in accordance with the requirements set out in
Part E: Requirements for Certification.
3.3 The EEC does not guarantee the quality of work undertaken by certified
individuals and expressly disclaims, to the full extent of the law, any such
guarantee. Certification under the Framework Rules and these Sub-Rules is an
indication only that an individual has met the relevant requirements for knowledge
and experience set out in the Framework Rules and these Sub-Rules.
4. Coverage
4.1 Certified individuals are certified to install insulation as appropriate to their level of
certification within Australia and its states and territories.
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 7
Part D: Terms of certification
The Terms of certifications are set out in the Framework Rules, which should be read in
conjunction with these Sub-Rules.
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 8
Part E: Requirements for certification
1. General requirements
1.1 All candidates for certification must be at least eighteen years of age.
2. Pre-requisites for certification
2.1 The Board has established that the pre-requisites listed in Schedule 4 are
required for certification.
2.2 Qualifications referred to in Schedule 4 must be awarded by an Australian
educational institution of good standing, or an equivalent international institution
deemed satisfactory by the assessors (the Assessor(s)).
2.3 The determination of whether a candidate satisfies these pre-requisites for
certification shall be made by the Assessor in their sole discretion, in accordance
with these Sub-Rules.
3. Assessment criteria
3.1 As well as meeting the pre-requisites set out above (Part E, Section 2),
candidates for the Certified Insulation Installer certification must establish their
eligibility for certification by satisfying the Assessor that they:
3.1.1 have the required skills and knowledge in all of the areas of assessment
set out in Schedule 1;
3.1.2 have completed pre-requisites set out in Schedule 4; and
3.1.3 have the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively install
3.2 A confidential Evidence Guide is maintained by the Assessment Panel to assist
Assessors to determine whether candidates satisfactorily demonstrate the
required skills and knowledge in each area of assessment, and to assist in
consistency of assessment between candidates.
3.3 The determination of whether a candidate satisfies these assessment criteria
shall be made by the Assessor and Assessment Panel (if required) in their sole
discretion, in accordance with Part F of these Sub-Rules.
4. Recognition of other certifications
4.1 Schedule 2 lists external certifications that are recognised as relevant to the
areas of assessment.
4.2 Candidates holding current certifications on this list are considered to have
demonstrated relevant knowledge in the areas of assessment indicated.
4.3 All candidates must demonstrate to the Assessor that they have the capacity to
apply their knowledge in the context of insulation installation, regardless of any
certifications held.
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 9
Part F: Applying for certification
1. Applying for certification
1.1 To apply for certification, candidates must:
1.1.1 provide evidence that they satisfy the pre-requisites set out in Schedule
1.1.2 read the Guide for Candidates (the Guide for Candidates) and
familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct (the Code of Conduct;
set out in the Framework Rules), the Framework Rules and these Sub-
1.1.3 complete the Application Form and submit it to the Secretariat along with
any supporting documentation requested in the form;
1.1.4 subject to rules 1.2 and 1.3, complete three (3) Job Assessment Forms
and submit them to the Secretariat along with any supporting
documentation requested in the form;
1.1.5 agree to be bound by the Framework Rules, these Sub-Rules and the
Code of Conduct should their application for certification be successful;
1.1.6 pay the required fee within the terms as set out by the Secretariat on the
Framework website.
1.2 If a candidate is applying for certification in multiple applications of insulation, the
candidate must ensure that at least one of the Job Assessment Forms submitted
in accordance with rule 1.1.4 relates to each application of insulation applied for.
1.3 If a candidate is currently certified and applies for a different application of
insulation provided under these Sub-Rules, then the candidate is only required to
submit one Job Assessment Form, which must relate to the new application of
insulation applied for:
1.3.1 Subject to rule 9.3, that additional application of insulation is valid only for
the remaining period of the current certification.
2. Assessment of applications
2.1 Assessments will be conducted by one Assessor appointed by the Secretariat.
2.2 The Secretariat will complete an initial review of any applications for certification
to confirm that each application is complete and complies with the pre-requisites
set out in Part E of these Sub-Rules. Incomplete applications or applications that
do not meet the pre-requisites will not be accepted and will not be assessed by
the Assessor.
2.3 The candidate must set out in the Application Form if there are any
circumstances where the candidate may require alternative assessment
arrangements. The Secretariat will require evidence of the circumstances and
may make reasonable adjustments to the assessment process at its discretion.
2.4 If the Secretariat decides not to accept an application in accordance with rule 2.2,
the Secretariat must notify the candidate and may (in the Secretariat's absolute
discretion), give the candidate an opportunity to rectify the deficiencies in their
2.5 If the Secretariat notifies a candidate in accordance with rule 2.2, and:
2.5.1 the candidate cannot meet the application requirements; or
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 10
2.5.2 otherwise does not or cannot rectify the deficiencies in their within 5
Business Days of the Secretariat providing an opportunity to do so, then
the Secretariat will notify the candidate that it will not accept their
application and comply with section 6 (Notification of assessment
determination and issue of certification).
2.6 As part of the review conducted in accordance with rule 2.2, if the Secretariat
determines that:
2.6.1 the pre-requisites for certification have been met, then the Secretariat will
forward the Job Assessment Forms to the Assessor for independent
review. Confidential or sensitive information will be anonymised prior to
the Secretariat submitting the Job Assessment Forms and associated
documentation to the Assessor;
2.6.2 all prerequisites have been met except for the prerequisite set out in rule
1.1.4, and having regard to the assessment criteria set out on Part E, that
the candidate may be eligible for provisional certification, then the
Secretariat must notify the candidate that: they are provisionally certified and comply with section 6
(Notification of assessment and issue of certification); and they must submit their Job Assessment Forms as with rule 1.1.4
within six months of the date they are provisionally certified, to be
assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria in Part E; or
2.6.3 the pre-requisites for certification have been met and the candidate is not
eligible for certification, then the Secretariat must inform the candidate
and comply with section 6 (Notification of assessment and issue of
2.7 For all applications forwarded to the Assessor in accordance with rule 2.6.1, the
Assessor will consider the candidate's Job Assessment Forms and any
associated documentation and, having regard to the pre-requisites and the
assessment criteria set out on Part E, make a decision as to whether the
candidate may be eligible for certification.
2.8 Job Assessment Forms submitted by provisionally certified individuals as
required under rule, will be assessed in accordance with rule 2.7.
2.9 The Secretariat must inform the candidate of the Assessor's decision made in
accordance with rule 2.7 and comply with section 6 (Notification of assessment
and issue of certification).
3. Submission of additional information
3.1 If the Assessor considers the information lodged with an application is insufficient
for the Assessor to determine a candidate's eligibility for certification, the
Assessor may, at their discretion, request additional or information from the
3.2 The Secretariat shall make requests in writing for additional or redrafted
information on behalf of the Assessor.
3.3 The candidate must provide any additional or redrafted information within ten
business days (Business Days) of receiving request for that information.
Information provided following that period will only be accepted and considered at
the sole discretion of the Assessor.
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3.4 Fees for the assessment of additional information will vary depending on the
extent of re-assessment necessary, and will be set by the Secretariat in
consultation with the Assessor on a case by case basis.
4. Referral to Assessment Panel for certification decision
4.1 Not used.
5. Certification at another level
5.1 Not used.
6. Notification of assessment determination and issue of certification
6.1 The Secretariat shall communicate the assessment determination to the
candidate in writing, which must include a statement of reasons (the Statement
of Reasons) that sets out the grounds for the determination, and any other
relevant information.
6.2 Successful candidates will be issued with a certification and a Certification
Number (the Certification Number).
6.3 Unsuccessful candidates will be notified of:
6.3.1 their right to appeal the determination in accordance with section 7
(Appeals); and
6.3.2 when they can reapply and the applicable reapplication fee.
7. Appeals
7.1 Candidates for certification may appeal their assessment determination if, after
reviewing the statement of reasons, they believe the Assessor and/or the
Assessment Panel (as applicable) have not properly applied the Framework
Rules or these Sub-Rules to the assessment.
7.2 Appeals by candidates will incur a fee in respect of administration and
reassessment costs. The required fee must be paid by the candidate before an
appeal will be considered by the Secretariat.
7.3 Appeals must be made in writing to the Secretariat within ten Business Days of
the candidate being notified of an unsuccessful application, and must clearly
state how the Framework Rules and/or Sub-Rules have not been properly
applied to the application by the Assessment Panel.
7.4 The Secretariat shall forward appeals that meet the above requirements to the
Ombudsperson for review.
7.5 If the Ombudsperson determines that the Sub-rules have been appropriately
applied, the appeal will be dismissed and the candidate informed by the
Secretariat of the Ombudsperson’s decision. The Ombudsperson’s decision is
7.6 If the Ombudsperson determines that the appeal is well founded, the candidate's
application and the Ombudsperson’s reasoning will be forwarded to a member of
the Assessment Panel that did not take part in the original decision (the
7.7 In considering the appeal, the Reviewer may, at their discretion, take into account
any of the following:
7.7.1 the original application and any supporting documentation provided by
the candidate;
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7.7.2 notes, scores and other materials produced by the Assessor and the
Assessment Panel (if any) in the course of the original assessment;
7.7.3 the statement of reasons produced by the Assessor and/or the
Assessment Panel;
7.7.4 the appeal documentation provided by the unsuccessful applicant, and;
7.7.5 any other documentation provided by the candidate to support their case.
7.8 If the Reviewer determines that the candidate is eligible for certification, the
Reviewer will advise the Secretariat to issue the candidate a certification and a
Certification Number. In such cases, the reviewer may recommend that the fee
paid to lodge the appeal is refunded. Refunds will be made at the sole discretion
of the Secretariat.
7.9 If the Reviewer confirms the determination made by the Assessment Panel, or
that there was an error but that the candidate is still not eligible for certification,
that decision is final and cannot be further appealed by the candidate.
8. Resubmissions
8.1 Resubmission of an application will be subject to the standard applicable fee for
9. Duration of certification
9.1 Terms of certification commence on the date candidates are formally notified that
their application has been successful.
9.2 Subject to rule 9.3, certification as a Certified Insulation Installer is valid for a
period of three years. Any period during which an individual is provisionally
certified is included in this three year period.
9.3 Where a certified individual applies for an additional application of insulation in
accordance with rule 1.3 and that additional application of insulation is granted,
that additional certification is valid only for the remaining period of the current
10. Changing certification level
10.1 Not used.
11. Administration
11.1 All decisions relating to a candidate’s certification shall be kept on file by the
Secretariat along with Application Forms, associated documentation and
assessment materials and the statement of reasons for a minimum of seven
years (or arrangements shall be made to keep them in storage for an equivalent
11.2 The Secretariat shall maintain a publicly accessible directory of certified
individuals (the Directory of Certified Individuals) that are certified under these
11.3 This directory shall include the name of certified individuals, Certification
Numbers, certification level and status, duration of certification, date of initial
certification and the states and territories (and region if applicable) in which the
certified individuals operate. Certified individuals irrevocably consent to the
publication of this information for the duration of their certification.
11.4 This directory may include the contact details of the certified individuals. Certified
individuals must consent to the publication of this information.
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 13
Part G: Maintaining certification
1. Satisfying the requirements for certification
1.1 To maintain certification, certified individuals must satisfy and continue to satisfy
all the requirements for certification verified in the course of the assessment
process, including the pre-requisites set out in Schedule 4.
1.2 To maintain certification, certified individuals must comply and continue to comply
with the Framework Rules, these Sub-Rules and the Code of Conduct.
1.3 From time to time, the Assessment Panel, in consultation with the Steering
Committee, the Certification Reference Group, and, if required, with the advice of
the Independent Expert, may revise the areas of assessment or introduce
additional requirements for certification, such as revised pre-requisites for
certification or mandatory training programs for certification. Any revision must be
with the approval of the Board.
1.4 In these instances, certified individuals may be required to show they have met
the revised criteria for certification within a given timeframe.
1.5 Additional requirements may also be set out in the Framework Rules which
should be read in conjunction with these Sub-Rules.
2. Maintaining currency of personal details and other matters
2.1 It is the responsibility of certified individuals to notify the Secretariat in writing of
any of the following:
2.1.1 change of contact details;
2.1.2 change of employer;
2.1.3 the loss or revocation of any relevant certifications;
2.1.4 any circumstance resulting in the certified individual no longer satisfying
the pre-requisites in Schedule 4;
2.1.5 any change to or loss of the certified individual's public liability insurance
cover (where a change occurs, the certified person must provide the
Secretariat with a copy of a current certificate of insurance which satisfies
the requirements in Schedule 4).
3. Payment of the scheduled fees
3.1 To maintain their certification, certified individuals are required to pay all the
applicable fees set out by the Secretariat.
4. Submission of a Continuing Professional Development Log
4.1 Certified individuals are required to submit to the Secretariat a CPD Log on
renewal which includes the following areas:
4.1.1 Certified individuals must describe eligible CPD activities undertaken
within the 12 months immediately preceding the date of submission of the
CPD Log, and how they relate to the areas of assessment.
4.1.2 Each CPD activity listed must make a substantial contribution to the
development of the certified individual's skills and knowledge in one of
the areas of assessment.
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4.1.3 Activities undertaken to satisfy CPD requirements in other certification
programs may be used to satisfy CPD requirements under the
Framework, as long as they make a substantial contribution to the
development of the certified individual's skills and knowledge in one of
the areas of assessment.
4.1.4 A certified individual that has had development areas identified as part of
the certification process must ensure that at least one of the CPD
activities in each calendar year substantially addresses each
development area identified.
4.2 Where a certified individual has not been granted an exemption in accordance
with Part H, not submitted their annual CPD Logs and failed to meet all CPD
requirements may be required to demonstrate that they continue to satisfy all the
requirements for certification by re-applying for certification. These applications
will be processed in accordance with the standard application process set out in
Part F: Applying for Certification.
5. Breaches of the requirements for maintaining certification
5.1 The Secretariat may, at any time and in its sole discretion, suspend or revoke
certification if it determines that a certified individual has failed to meet any of the
following requirements for maintaining certification:
5.1.1 compliance with the Framework Rules, these Sub-Rules or the Code of
5.1.2 satisfying all the requirements for certification verified in the course of the
assessment process;
5.1.3 undertaking the required CPD activities;
5.1.4 submitting any other information or materials as required; or
5.1.5 paying the required fees.
5.2 Certified individuals that have their certification suspended or revoked shall be
provided with a Statement of Reasons.
5.3 Suspensions may be lifted if the certified individual complies with these
requirements within a reasonable time period.
5.4 Formerly certified individuals that believe that the Secretariat has not properly
applied the Framework Rules or these Sub-Rules may appeal to the
Ombudsperson to review the decision by following the appeals process in Part F
of these Sub-Rules.
5.5 No fees will be refunded upon suspension or revocation of certification.
6. Withdrawing from the Framework
6.1 Certified individuals may revoke their certification under the Framework at any
time by notifying the Secretariat in writing.
6.2 No fees will be refunded upon withdrawing certification.
7. Administration
7.1 All materials associated with the maintenance of certification shall be kept on file
by the Secretariat for a minimum of seven years (or arrangements shall be made
to keep them in storage for an equivalent period).
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 15
Part H: Renewing certification
1. Requirements for renewal of certification
1.1 Certified individuals that wish to renew their certification must submit all
necessary documentation at least six weeks prior to the expiry of their
1.2 To renew their certification, certified individuals must satisfy all of the following
1.2.1 submit the required CPD logs;
1.2.2 submit three (3) Job Assessment Forms for insulation installations
completed within the 12 months immediately preceding the date of
submitting a renewal application using the Job Assessment Forms;
1.2.3 provide evidence that the certified individual satisfies the pre-requisites in
Schedule 4;
1.2.4 submit any information or materials required;
1.2.5 complete the renewal of certification form and submit it to the Secretariat
along with any documentation requested in the form;
1.2.6 agree to continue to be bound by the Framework Rules, these Sub-Rules
and the Code of Conduct should their application for renewal be
successful; and
1.2.7 pay the required fees as set out by the Secretariat.
1.3 Applicants that have taken formal leave (such as parental or long service leave)
lasting three or more months within a one-year period may apply for a partial
exemption from the requirements listed in Part H section 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 (as
appropriate), noting that:
1.3.1 the partial exemption will only be applied up to a maximum period of one
(1) year, meaning that applicants could apply to be exempt from up to
one third of the time period that requirements listed in Part H section
1.2.1 or 1.2.2 (as appropriate) apply.
1.3.2 applications for partial exemptions from the requirements listed in Part H
section 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 (as appropriate) shall be considered by the
Secretariat, in consultation with the Assessment Panel where necessary,
on a case-by-case basis.
2. Assessment of renewals
2.1 The Secretariat will complete an initial review of any renewal application to
confirm that the application is complete, and if satisfied, will forward the
application to a member of the Assessment Panel for independent review.
Confidential or sensitive information will be anonymised prior to the Secretariat
submitting the application and associated documentation to the assessor.
2.2 If the Secretariat considers that a renewal application is not complete, it may
inform the applicant and provide the applicant with a reasonable opportunity to
submit a completed renewal application.
2.3 In the case of renewal applications forwarded to the Assessor by the Secretariat
in accordance with rule 2.1, the Assessor will consider those applications in
accordance with the requirements for certification renewal. The Assessor will take
into account all relevant evidence.
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2.4 The Assessor will make a preliminary determination as to whether certification
should be renewed. At minimum, the Assessor shall consider whether the
certified individual:
2.4.1 has fulfilled the requirements for maintaining certification;
2.4.2 has fulfilled the requirements for renewal of certification, including any
additional requirements established by the Assessment Panel;
2.4.3 has, based on available information, complied with the Framework Rules,
the Sub-Rules and Code of Conduct over the period of their certification;
2.4.4 remains actively engaged in the delivery of certified activity.
3. Decisions on renewal
3.1 The Assessor will, acting in accordance with the Framework Rules and these
Sub-Rules, determine whether the certification of a certified individual should be
4. Notification of assessment
4.1 The Secretariat shall communicate the Assessor’s determination to the certified
individual in writing, which must include, where the candidate is assessed as
unsuccessful, a Statement of Reasons that sets out the reasons for the
Assessor’s determination.
4.2 Successful candidates will be issued with a new certification certificate.
4.3 Unsuccessful candidates shall be notified of their right to appeal the Assessor’s
5. Process to Appeal unsuccessful renewal applications
5.1 Appeals regarding unsuccessful renewal applications shall follow the appeals
process set out in Part F: Applying for certification.
6. Lapsed certifications
6.1 Formerly certified individuals that have allowed their certification to lapse may
follow the renewal process in this Part H to renew their certification provided that
they apply for renewal within one year from the date that their certification
6.2 If a formerly certified individual renews their certification in accordance with rule
6.1, they will be required to pay both the usual re-certification fee, and an
additional charge for lodging a late application for renewal.
6.3 If a formerly certified individual:
6.3.1 has not renewed their certification within one year from the date their
certification expired; and
6.3.2 wishes to renew their certification,
that individual may only do so by re-applying for certification in accordance with
Part F of these Rules.
7. Administration
7.1 All decisions relating to certification renewals shall be kept on file by the
Secretariat along with applications, associated assessment materials and the
Statement of Reasons for a minimum of seven years (or arrangements shall be
made to keep them in storage for an equivalent period).
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 17
Part I: Complaints and reviews
Requirements for complaints and reviews are set out in the Framework Rules which are to
be read in conjunction with these Sub-Rules.
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 18
Part J: Process for establishing and revising certification
The process for establishing and revising certification conditions are set out in the
Framework Rules which are to be read in conjunction with these Sub-Rules.
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 19
Schedule 1: Areas of assessment
1. Overview of assessment criteria
Candidates for the Certified Insulation Installer certification must establish their eligibility by
demonstrating that they have the required skills and knowledge in all areas of assessment.
The areas of assessment refer to specific techniques and methods presented in the pre-
requisite training requirements listed in Schedule 4.
2. Details of assessment criteria by area of assessment
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
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Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
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Schedule 2: Recognised Certifications
These certifications have been recognised by the Assessment Panel as having relevance to
one or more of the areas of assessment. Individuals with recognised certifications still need
to go through the normal assessment process, however their certifications will be taken into
account by the Assessment Panel when considering their eligibility in the relevant areas.
Recognised certifications are regularly reviewed by the Assessment Panel and are revised
over time as appropriate.
Certifying body
Relevant areas of
Insulation Accreditation
Clean Energy Council
Areas 1 8
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 25
Schedule 3: Definition of Insulation
1.1 Insulation is material used in buildings that prevents heat and sound
transmission. Insulation can be installed in ceilings, walls and under the floor of
buildings. Insulation includes:
1.1.1 Batts (e.g. glasswool, rockwool, sheepswool, polyester);
1.1.2 Blanket insulation for under roof (e.g. glasswool, polyester);
1.1.3 Loose fill (e.g. glasswool, rockwool, cellulose fibre);
1.1.4 Spray foam;
1.1.5 Rigid boards (polyester, PIR, EPS, XPs); and
1.1.6 Pliable building membranes (including reflective foil insulation).
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EEC Professional Certifications Framework 26
Schedule 4: Pre-requisites
1. Training requirements
Candidates must complete the following:
Units of competency, or equivalent unit of competency, and be able to present a
Statement of Attainment from a registered TAFE or registered training organisation
o CPCCWHS2001 - Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the
construction industry;
o CPCCOM1015 - Carry out measurements and calculations;
o CPCCCM2012 - Work safely at heights;
o CPCCPB3014 - Install bulk insulation and pliable membrane products; and
If applying to be certified for installation of ceiling insulation:
o CPCCPB3027 - Install ceiling insulation products; and
o EEC001 - Prepare for insulation retrofitting within ceiling spaces.
Candidates undertaking EEC001 - Prepare for insulation retrofitting within ceiling spaces
must receive a Statement or Certificate of Attainment from a TAFE or RTO approved by the
EEC. Approved TAFEs and RTOs are available either on the Framework website, or by
request from the Secretariat.
Assessment area
Unit of competencies covered
Area 1: Legislation, regulations and
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements,
policies and procedures in the construction
industry assessment areas
Area 2: Workplace health and safety
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements,
policies and procedures in the construction
industry assessment areas
Area 3: Electrical safety
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
Area 4: Insulation materials and equipment
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
Area 5: Installing insulation
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
Certified Insulation Installer Sub-Rules
EEC Professional Certifications Framework 27
Area 6: Insulation installation quality and
CPCCPB3014 Install bulk insulation and
pliable membrane products
CPCCPB3027 Install ceiling insulation
Area 7: Working safely at heights
CPCCCM2012 Work safely at heights
assessment areas
Area 8: Measurements and calculations
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements
and calculations assessment areas
Area 9: Prepare for insulation retrofitting
within ceiling spaces
EEC001 Prepare for insulation retrofitting
within ceiling spaces
2. Other requirements
Candidates must hold the following certificates:
General Construction Induction certificate (i.e. white card); and
Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance (coverage for $5 million+).