It used to be
rather difficult
to find the
right way.
Know, where it’s at !
Today your destination
is just a click
Know, where it’s at !
m Petersberg 2
56070 Koblenz
Fon (49) 0261-9732370
Fax (49) 0261-9732759
Print and Artwork: Thema-Media GmbH
Content Webnologic Internet Systems
System Description ....................................... 4
System Administration .................................. 6
Performance Aspects and Components ............ 8
Application / Program-Interface .................... 12
on CD-ROM/DVD ................. 15
All CityGuide-Products ................................. 16
Contact and Information .............................. 21
References................................................. 22
CityGuide DMS
System Description
CityGuide DMS is an interactive geographical information system that will
help you publish your maps and data very conveniently over the Internet,
Intranet or on CDROM and DVD.
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
is based on Java and is available in form of an applet. These are small
programs that can be executed over a standard browser interface.
Java-Technology was developed by Sun Microsystems and can be found in everyday
applications on the internet, CDROMs, mobile phones, vehicles, the Mars-Rover and many
other areas of use. More information on Java can be found online at:
The use of Java-Technology in all CityGuide products ensures a flawless online- and offline
operation of the software. Independent of the operating system or the applied computer
is being used successfully across europe in many cities, communities and
companies, online as well as offline. Some examples include fire brigades, areas of law
enforcement and city survey offices.
Continuous development of the software has created a system that is
absolutely unique and a technological market leader.
Areas of Application
The modular data structure offers many different areas of application.
CityGuide-Systems can use their data sources without time consuming
administrative efforts across the Internet, Intranet or mobile applications.
Most efficient
for mobile
over the
Joining aerial photography
and digital altitude data
for smooth calculation
of enviromental visualizations.
Import of three dimensional
objects und their exact
Also available for
the local Intranet
Terminal-navigation via
- Centralized
data pool
- Easy
System Administration
The city survey office of the state capitol
of Düsseldorf uses CityGuide DMS since
2001 for the publication of it’s data and
maps within the city’s own Intranet
and for CD-ROM productions.
Since then there have been numerous
joint ventures with Webnologic Internet
Systems to publish theme oriented
CDROM-Editions of our maps.
Our next goal is the implementation of
mobile services in the state capitol with
the help of CityGuide Micro Edition.
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Nellessen
State Capitol of Düsseldorf
City Survey Office
CityGuide DMS is designed to minimize administrative efforts on data and
maps so our customers and license holders are able to manage their systems
easily by themselves.
To ensure convenient system administration
we offer the .
This powerful tool makes it easy for our
customers to import any amount of external
data and maps, configure program functions
and decide about the look and feel of the
program interface.
The Service Pack can be installed on a single
computer or on a network server for faster
deployment of new data.
CityGuide DMS-Service Pack
System Administration
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
Layout & Colors
CityGuide DMS
supports multiple languages. With just a few clicks you can
add new languages to the program including interface and all content...
Customize system- and start-parameters of . This will
enable you to create and use several different system configurations...
Administrate your maps with . Define properties such as
names, sizes and coordinate systems used for each map...
Import any amount of vector based or rasterized data into . Several
tools such as image-converter and multi-converter will support you on the way...
Create and administrate any amount of groups and objects in .
Import of external data can also be automated...
The service-menu tab in is reserved for you. Create links
to information such as order forms, company info and more ...
Create your own individual and most accurate print previews. You can configure
every aspect from paper size to print resolutions to match your company profile...
Conquer all possibilites with the routing function in . The integrated
editor supports you in the creation and development of versatile routing grids...
Import external data into with just a few clicks. You can also
define several different configuration profiles...
Via the export interface you can deploy your data, maps and contents quickly
and easily to the application...
The integrated encryption algorithm makes sure, that your map data can solely be
used by . This is most important for CD-ROM publications ...
Adapt your -application with HTML-parameters. There are numerous
program-preferences that can be set to allow or disallow certain functions...
Alter the program interface of to suit your company needs.
Define your own individually designed layout...
CityGuide DMS is intuitive and easy to use.
You can find a way to your destination with just a few mouse clicks.
The elements of the program interface have the following functions:
The menu at the top end of the map window
will give you a selection of available program
functions. Here you can switch on the drawing
editor, calculation and coordinate functions and
a complete routing solution...
The overview window
gives your position
relative to the entire map...
Object selection offers a direct
access to institutions and streets
of a given city. For an easier search
the user may chosse among several
categories to find his information.
Alternatively he may do a full text
search within the database...
The function buttons at the lower right
screen offer a quick and easy navigation
and access to additional information for
use in terminals and touch screen
The map window is
the central part
of the application
and offers complete
freedom for the user
to move around on
all source maps...
!Program - Components
CityGuide DMS contains a large number of elements which have been
designed to meet the expectations of the most versatile user groups.
However, the user himself will find the program interface logically structured
and easy to navigate at all times.
This concept allowed most different applications in the areas of tourism, city
government offices and federal institutions. The software capabilities can be
configured with the following components:
is capable of
calculating exact coordinates
on a given source map.
These may be transferred
easily to other applications
by simple copying.
This function also allows to
establish georeferenced data
for any given location in a
given city.
Choices are:
Gauß Krüger
Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM)
CityGuide DMS
This mode offers a variety of
tools to the user that he can
use to measure surfaces and
dimensions of figures in a
selected scale.
Choices are:
With CityGuide DMS
drawing solution !
you also have a
fully integrated
The following multifunctional tools are
included in this feature:
s E oids
tangles Polygons
t Cliparts
Line llips
Link any kind of with
Any position inside a map can be “linked”
to external HTML-pages or Internet
Place a “link” on a web page to transfer
the visitor to a certain position on a map.
Choose any position on your source map
and send it as a link to friends and business
partners to show them where to meet you.
external data source
CityGuide DMS !
From coordinates to information
From information to coordinates
From coordinates to a meeting point
This editor function
will support you in the creation of
individual drawings for unlimited purposes.
With just a few mouse clicks you may:
Create your own directions
Add your own clipart to a given map
Insert additional text into a map
Load and Save your drawing for later use
CityGuide DMS
Print Previews:
CityGuide DMS
individual print
integrated printing
can print on
every available printer.
to suit your needs
and requirements.
makes it possible to
preview the document as it is,
independent of the operating
system or the printer driver.
The survey office of the city
of Flensburg publishes the
official citymap with CityGuide
DMS since June 2004, because
we were convinced by the
user friendly interface and the
large amount of information
that this program can manage
for our citizens.
Positive feedback from the
people of Flensburg has
proven to us that our
decision was quite correct.
Jutta Holm
City Survey Office Flensburg
Fully Multilangual:
CityGuide DMS
program itself
data, maps and information
Language Pack
multiple languages. With just a
few mouse clicks you can
expand the program and all
content to include new languages...
Not just the and
the , but also your
may be translated into different
A new language, such as English, French or Italian may be added by means of an additional
. More languages are available by request...
Let CityGuide DMS guide your way...
Ever since DMS Version 6.0 you have the option to add routing functionality to your data
and maps. This makes way for entirely new possibilities.
Users of CityGuide DMS can simply
select a start and a destination
from the groups and object lists.
A few seconds later and they have their
route calculated, shown or printed on
In addition to that, you may supply several
different routing grids for your customers,
such as pedestrians, bikes, or accessible.
Data Source
CityGuide DMS
So called “Routing Grids” serve as the
data source for the routing function.
More and more cities already have
the necessary information for the
creation of these grids.
All other information is drawn from the
existing database of .
Thus, administration of the system is
very convenient since it uses the same
data it collected before for several
different functions throughout the
Never was it so easy
to make more of
your data !
Never was it so easy
to make more of
your data !
Many communities do not yet have
the necessary data to create
their own routing grid.
In this case we would like to introduce
as our innovative solution.
any number of routing
grids with the street information
you already possess in your maps
and database.
Thanks to a simple and logical
structure of the grids, it is easy to
administrate and expand them to
meet any purpose.
CityGuide DMS Routing Editor
A dialogue window enables you to add new
nodes and stretches and even apply attributes
and colors to your routes. All with a few
mouse clicks.
Thus, the administrative effort is rendered to
a minimum.
The Routing-Editor ...
is based on -Technology
is independent of the operating system
supports any number of routing-grids
is very easy to use
CityGuide DMS
Thanks to the included routing function
it is now easy to plot the shortest route
to an address or any point of interest
either on foot or by bike.
The application runs suprisingly fast and
is easy to navigate. The user is guided to
his destination
either as text or arrows on a map screen.
Once the route is calculated, it is possible
to switch back and forth between views.
This new service will be free of charge to the citizens of Neuss and will
offer more information on local goods, cultural experiences and services
especially for the inner city.
by waypoints (crossroads)
Martin Stitz,
Real Estate and City Surveying
City of Neuss
Ill. Properties of a routing grid
Areas of Application
CityGuide DMS is a powerful tool that enables you to publish your
place bound data and maps with ease over the internet, intranet
or on CD-ROM and DVD.
The Service-Pack for CityGuide DMS will support
you when it comes to adding and administrating
any number of external data sources and maps for
the system.
The strict application of Java-technology in all
CityGuide products ensures a flawless operation of
the software independent of the operating system
and the applied computer technology.
Cityguide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
is being used across Europe in more than 40
different cities to represent the official citymap online at their
respective homepages.
No further software installation is needed on an Internet-Server
for the operation of . The application itself is run
on the computer of the user.
All data and maps necessary for the navigation are downloaded
when needed by the software.
The number of people that use online
speaks for itself:
CityGuide DMS
on the Internet
The official citymap of the state capitol of Wiesbaden alone is used
more than 200.000 times per month.
Cityguide DMS
Aside from using online you can also have it function
within a local area or company network environment (Intranet).
The Service Pack of makes it easy to configure a
customized network edition of the software for your company or
city department.
Our online demonstration contains many examples of
installations throughout Germany. Please feel free to visit our customers.
You can also visit us online:
For further questions and information on CityGuide products you may
contact our online-support at:
[email protected] zur Verfügung.
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
on the Intranet
Convince yourself...
The survey office of the city of Wiesbaden decided in favor of the CityGuide DMS software by Webnologic
Internet Systems during the summer of 2001. The software makes it possible for the city to publish it’s most
diverse maps internally and online on it’s homepage as the so called „Stadtplan“.
Currently, CityGuide DMS is launched approximately
290.000 times per month. In addition to that the city
published a “City Atlas” and a “Real Estate Indicator”
CD-ROM with Webnologic Internet Systems.
CityGuide DMS is a unique visualization software on the
market, capable of including any number of maps and
objects that the city survey office itself is able to
implement into the software.
Our next project with Webnologic Internet Systems is
the realization of a 3D Model of the metropolitan area
of Wiesbaden.
Frau Jindrak
City Survey Office Wiesbaden
Technical Editor
CityGuide DMS on CD-ROM/DVD
Official Citymaps
Frankfurt am Main
Citymap/Aerial Photography
Real Estate Values-Edition
Real estate value information
from the bord of surveyors of
the city of Koblenz
Aerial Photo-Edition
City of Euskirchen from above
Aerial photography and
borders of real estate
3 at the Rhine
Citymaps of the regions
Düsseldorf / Krefeld / Neuss
Sports in Düsseldorf
Various information on sports
& acitivites in the state capital
for information- and
businesses in the city of
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
may be used across the most different platforms and
working environments. Aside from Internet and Intranet you can also use
as a CD-ROM or a DVD-Version.
When planning to publish a CD-ROM based product there are numerous
ways to create an appealing look for media and container. On the
next page we would like to introduce you to several draft examples.
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS
may be used across the most different platforms and
working environments. Aside from Internet and Intranet you can also use
as a CD-ROM or a DVD-Version.
When planning a disc based publication you have a complete choice of
materials and topical combinations. We would like to show you these examples
from over 35 official CD-ROM productions:
Production of Content
Mini-CD Edition
Up to 180 MB of storage
capacity equal several
map sources that will fit
onto this little CD-ROM.
A great way for individual
Data Security
Your maps and data are of high value...
In order to protect your installation from external access and data grabbers
we can offer as a trustworthy protection against
these threats.
With only a few mouse clicks you will be able to create a CD-ROM/DVD-Master
that can be safely sent to the publisher for production.
A wealth of different
labels make it certain
that your publication
is a fitting addition for
the occasion.
Super Jewelbox
The highly advanced
tray for insertion into
the jewelbox grants
your CDs and DVDs a
perfect presentation.
CityGuide DMS
Small editions of
fit great on this special
50 MB disc. Ideal for
commercial purposes.
An exclusive package
for the business card
version of CityGuide.
Inlays come in four or
six pages.
Innovative package
for CDs or DVDs with
room for an attractive
Creative Product Packaging
Even limited editions and exotic formats, such as a citymap on a business
card-sized CD-ROM can be realized without a problem. We are happy to
assist you in your project and help you bring your ideas to life...
All CityGuide-Products...
You are interested in ? Why not take a look at the full range
of our CityGuide-products.
We can offer you a very distinguished selection of products for almost every
aspect of the application of your maps and data. Meeting your individual
expectations is our strength...
CityGuide DMS
CityGuide DMS is an interactive geographical
information system that will help you publish your
maps and data very conveniently over the Internet,
Intranet or on CDROM and DVD.
More information can be found online at:
CityGuide 3D expands your maps and data with a
third dimension. This will give you the ability to look
at three dimensional terrain models including buildings
and daylight lighting effects.
The sources for calculations are your maps, a digital
altitude model and data for 3D-objects.
Anticipated availability is spring
More information can be found online at:
CityGuide Mobile
CityGuide Mobile
is a pedestrian navigation system for
mobile units such as Java enabled mobile phones and
enables people to use the infrastructure
of a city more efficiently by offering the entire spectrum
of activities and events at the click of a button
More information can be found online at:
CityGuide MicroEdition is the mobile GIS-version of
CityGuide DMS and offers a selection from different
source maps, full-text database search for objects and
addresses on top of the routing function of CityGuide
More information can be found online at:
CityGuide ServerEdition is the server-application, which
makes it possible for mobile devices to access maps and
data via a standard Internet- or Bluetooth-Connection.
CityGuide Server is currently being used by CityGuide Mobile
and CityGuide MicroEdition.
Webnologic Internet Systems, founded
in 1998 by Markus Heitzer, has recently
been awarded with the „Media in Motion“
award of the federal state of Rhineland-
Palatine. The award has been endowed
with the sum of 100.000 uros.
The company specializes in the develop-
ment of platform independent software
systems within the GIS-application range.
For efficiency and compatibilty, software
has been
Across Europe there are many institutions,
federal departments and city govern-
ments that we proudly refer to as
customers of Webnologic Internet Systems.
We follow a consequential strategy which
is primarily defined by innovation and
We offer a distinct background in IT-
consulting, work experience and
competence both for planning and
accomplishing your projects.
Your ideas count, and therefore we strive
to “jump” our own shadow, and make
possible what wasn’t before.
based on Java technology.
You success is our goal.
Reach us by mail:
...and the Internet:
ebnologic Internet Systems
Am Petersberg 2
56070 Koblenz
Tel. +49 (261) 9732370
Fax +49 (261) 9732759
For further questions and information please feel free to contact us by
email under the following address: [email protected].
Suddenly navigation
is as easy as another phonecall...
Partners of CityGuide DMS
On this page we proudly present a list of our partners for the
. We want to thank everybody for their trust and
teamwork during the completion of their individual project.
Digital Mapping System
Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Federal Surveying Office for the state of
Schleswig Holstein
City of Darmstadt
City of Brühl
City of Frankfurt
The state capital of Bavaria
The state capital of Hesse
City of Hagen
City of Hanau
City of Hildesheim
City of Kaiserslautern
City of Koblenz
City of Langenhagen
City of Offenburg
City of Trier
Duisburg Police Department
City of Euskirchen
City of Neumünster
City of Worms
Federal Office for Radiation Protection
Federal Surveying Office for the state
of Saarland
The state capital of North Rhine-Westfalia
The state capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg
City of Baden Baden
City of Flensburg
City of Düren
City of Freiburg
City of Heilbronn
City of Kassel
City of Königsbrunn
City of Krefeld
City of Mönchengladbach
City of Neuss
City of Peine
City of Wolfsburg
City of Celle
The capital of Sicily
City of Hameln
CDROM-Products of CityGuide DMS
Shown below you will see a list of all CDROM-editions of that
have been published until today.
CityGuide DMS
Cityatlas Trier, 2000
Official Citymap Koblenz, 2000
Official Citymap Duesseldorf, 2001
Digital Citymap Offenburg, 2001
Citytatlas Stuttgart, 2001
Official Citymap Koblenz, 2002
State capital of Wiesbaden, 2002
City of Euskirchen from above, 2005
State capital of Duesseldorf, 2001
City of Trier, 2002
State capital of Duesseldorf, 2002
Official Citymap Duesseldorf, 2002
City of Kaiserslautern from above, 2002
Official Citymap Trier, 2002
Official Citymap Neuss, 2002
Official Digital Citymap Mönchengladbach, 2002
Official Citymaps of
Duesseldorf, Krefeld, Neuss, 2003
Interactive Citymap of Kassel, 2003
Official Citymap Darmstadt, 2003
Cityatlas Wiesbaden, 2003
Official Citymaps Neuss, 2003
Sports in Duesseldorf, 2004
City of Trier, 2004
Digital Citymap Hildesheim, 2004
State capital of Duesseldorf, 2004
Company Handbook for the Information- and
Communication-Area Düsseldorf, 2004
State capital of Wiesbaden, 2004
City of Kassel, 2004
City of Kassel, 2004
Interactive Cityatlas Kassel, 2004
Official Citymaps Frankfurt am Main, 2005
Official Digital Citymap Mönchengladbach, 2005
State capital of Duesseldorf, 2005
City of Koblenz, 2005
Digital Citymap Hildesheim, 2005
Election Bureaus in Duesseldorf / Elections NRW, 2005
The 7000 Oaks of Kassel / Joseph Beuys, 2005
The Current Cityatlas of Stuttgart, 2005
Aerial Photography
Real Estate Values
Special Editions
Know where it’s at !
m Petersberg 2
56070 Koblenz
Fon +49 (0)261-9732370
Fax +49 (0)261-9732759