CRAWFORD HILL PROPERTY (BLOCK 27, LOTS 6, 6.01, and 7 (partial easement))
WHEREAS, on or about March 17, 2020, the Township Committee adopted a Master Plan
Reexamination Report (the “Report”) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-89; and
WHEREAS, said Report reincorporated the terms of the 2004 Master Plan, which were
reiterated in the 2010 Master Plan Reexamination, and which among other things set forth a “land
use goal[] and objective[] of “[p]reserv[ing] Holmdel’s high quality of life by protecting the
Township’s open spaces from development and reducing the negative impacts associated with
development”; and
WHEREAS, said Report reincorporated the terms of the 2004 Master Plan, which were
reiterated in the 2010 Master Plan Reexamination, and which among other things set forth
“conservation goals and objectives” of “[p]rotect[ing] natural resources to the greatest extent
feasible” and “[p]rotect[ing] the visual quality of scenic corridors throughout Holmdel, particularly
vistas of open space, natural features, farmland, and historic sites”; and
WHEREAS, said Report reincorporated the terms of the 2004 Master Plan, which were
reiterated in the 2010 Master Plan Reexamination, and which among other things set forth “park
and recreation goals and objectives” of:
Provid[ing] adequate, appropriate and well-maintained parks and
recreational facilities that contribute to a high quality of life for
Township residents
Ensur[ing] that parks and recreational facilities are added, expanded
or improved over time to reflect changes in demographic trends,
recreational interests or facility use pattern
. . . .
Provid[ing] opportunities for both active and passive recreation in
. . . .
Provid[ing] a diverse range of parks and recreational facilities that
serve residents of all age groups and physical abilities
Ensur[ing] easy and convenient access to parks and recreational
. . . .
Coordinat[ing] park planning with initiatives for farmland and open
space preservation and natural resources conservation
; and
WHEREAS, said Report reincorporated the terms of the 2004 Master Plan, which were
reiterated in the 2010 Master Plan Reexamination, and which among other things set forth “historic
preservation goals and objectives” of:
Preserv[ing] the unique character, heritage, and identity of Holmdel
for the benefit of future generations, by protecting . . . sites notable
for their historic or architectural attributes.
Increas[ing] public awareness about the Township’s history, its
historical figures, and its historical sites and districts
Work[ing] with private property owners, residents, and the Holmdel
Historical Society to identity and document historic sites and
districts in the Township and to develop public policies to preserve
and rehabilitate such sites and districts
. . . .
. . . Encourag[ing] owners to take steps to protect the historical or
architectural attributes of [historic] structures
. . . .
Take advantage of funding, information and other resources
available through County, State, and federal agencies, as well as
private-sector entities and non-profit organizations that may help the
Township identify and protect historic resources
. . . .
Continue to work with County, State, and federal agencies, to
identify opportunities to enhance or provide for additional historic
preservation opportunities.
; and
WHEREAS, the Report further recommended the following new Goals and Objectives,
which in relevant part included:
Identification of areas within the Township that should not be
developed, either because of sensitivity or suitability for open space
at appropriate locations
. . . .
Maintain open space in a quantity and at locations in
accordance with accepted standards
Provide conservation areas as well as passive and
active recreation areas
. . . .
Continu[ing] to preserve and maintain open pace and encourage
farm land preservation where appropriate throughout the Township
. . . .
Evaluat[ing] the location, distribution, viability, and accessibility of
neighborhood parks throughout the Township
. . . .
Promot[ing] the initiative that all residences within the Township
should be within a 10 minute[] walk to a park, including active
recreation facilities
; and
WHEREAS, in the November 2021 general election, Holmdel voters approved an increase
in the annual collection rate to the Holmdel Open Space, Recreation, Floodplain Protection,
Farmland, and Historic Preservation Trust Fund to the amount of $0.035 per $100 of assessed
property valuation; and
WHEREAS, on February 8, 2022, the Township Committee adopted Ordinance 2022-02,
codified at § 26-10.1 et seq., which implemented the voter approved increase to the collection rate
of the Trust Fund, and further authorized the use of trust funds for “[a]cquisition of lands for
recreation and conservation purposes” and “[h]istoric preservation of historic properties,
structures, facilities, sites, areas, or objects, and the acquisition of such properties, structures,
facilities, sites, areas, or objects for historic preservation purposes”, per § 26-10.3(a) and (e); and
WHEREAS, on December 18, 2019, the Holmdel Environmental Commission, established
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:56A-1 et seq. and Ordinance § 2-63.1 et seq., prepared a list of “Open
Space Preservation Recommendations,” which included the property located at 791 Holmdel
Road, comprising Block 27, Lots 6 and 6.01, and which is commonly known as Crawford Hill
Property (as it will be referenced hereafter); and
WHEREAS, Crawford Hill constitutes the highest point in Monmouth County; and
WHEREAS, the Crawford Hill Property is a generally undeveloped property, to which the
Township holds a landscape easement around its perimeter; and
WHEREAS, the Crawford Hill Property currently houses the Horn Antenna, which is a
large microwave horn antenna that was used as a satellite communication antenna and radio
telescope during the 1960s at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel; and
WHEREAS, notably, former Bell Labs physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson utilized
the Horn Antenna to detect the cosmic microwave radiation that provided irrefutable evidence of
the Big Bang; and
WHEREAS, in 1978, Wilson and Penzias earned a Nobel Prize in Physics for this work;
WHEREAS, in 1989, the Horn Antenna was designated a National Historic Landmark in
the National Register of Historic Places, a list maintained by the United States Department of the
Interior, National Park Service; and
WHEREAS, the National Register has various levels of significance, and the Horn Antenna
is listed as having National Significance; and
WHEREAS, in addition, the Horn Antenna was listed on the New Jersey Register of
Historic Places on February 24, 1993; and
WHEREAS, at all relevant times through present, the Horn Antenna has been located upon
the Crawford Hill Property; and
WHEREAS, if a National Historic Landmark is moved in any way, the landmark loses its
designation and resubmission is required, see 36 C.F.R. 60.14(b)(2); N.J.A.C. 7:4-3.2; and
WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel makes the following
1. The Township Committee desires to acquire the Crawford Hill Property for open space,
recreation, and historic preservation purposes.
2. The Township Committee notes that the Crawford Hill Property is uniquely suited for
open space, recreation, and historic preservation purposes as it includes a peak that
constitutes the highest point in Monmouth County and houses the Horn Antenna, a
National Historic Landmark.
3. The Township has received a ground swelling of public support for preservation of the
Crawford Hill Property at meetings of the Township Committee, through electronic
submissions, and other outreach from residents.
4. The Township Committee finds that acquisition of the Crawford Hill Property for open
space, recreation, and historic preservation purposes is consistent with its current
Master Plan.
5. The Township Committee finds that acquisition of the Crawford Hill Property is
consistent with the 2019 recommendation of the Holmdel Environmental Commission
specifically enumerating this property for acquisition.
; and
WHEREAS, in addition to Block 27, Lots 6 and 6.01 constituting the Crawford Hill
Property, the Township further seeks to obtain an easement interest in the rights of way traversing
Block 27, Lot 7 that provide access to the Crawford Hill Property, as provided in the exhibit map
and description attached as Exhibit A and hereafter referenced as the “Property”; and
WHEREAS, Crawford Hill Holding, LLC is the fee simple owner of the Property in its
entirety; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to numerous statutory schemes, including but not limited to the
Local Lands and Buildings Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12-1 et seq., Home Rule Act, N.J.S.A. 40:61-1,
New Jersey Green Acres Land Acquisition Act, N.J.S.A. 13:8A-1 et seq., and Municipal Trust
Fund Act, N.J.S.A. 40:12-15.1 et seq., the Township is authorized to acquire land and premises
that are necessary for maintaining open space and enhancing recreational opportunities by
condemnation; and
WHEREAS, all condemnations in New Jersey are procedurally governed by the Eminent
Domain Act of 1971, N.J.S.A. 20:3-1 et seq. (the “Act”); and
WHEREAS, as a condition precedent to a condemnation, the Act requires the Township to
engage in bona fide negotiations with the prospective condemnee, which negotiations shall be
based upon an appraisal, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 20:3-6 (“Bona Fide Negotiations”); and
WHEREAS, in the event Bona Fide Negotiations are unsuccessful, the Act authorizes the
Township to acquire property pursuant to eminent domain under the Act (“Eminent Domain”); and
WHEREAS, on June 13, 2023, the Township Committee adopted Resolution #2023-168
directing Gagliano & Company to complete an appraisal of the Potential Condemnation Area; and
WHEREAS, Gagliano has prepared an appraisal report dated August 7, 2023, a copy of
which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference, determining that the
aggregate valuation of the Property is $1,920,000 (the “Valuation”); and
WHEREAS, on August 8, 2023, the Township Committee adopted Resolution #2023-____
authorizing entry into Bona Fide Negotiations with Crawford Hill Holding, LLC for the acquisition
of the Property; and
WHEREAS, in the event the Township is unable to acquire the Property through Bona Fide
Negotiations, the Township seeks to authorize the acquisition of the Property through Eminent
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of
Holmdel, as follows:
1. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated as if set forth at length.
2. The Township Committee hereby accepts the Valuation of $1,920,000 (the “Cost of
Acquisition”) established by the appraiser as having been performed in a competent
manner and in accordance with applicable law as establishing the fair market value of the
3. The Township Committee hereby authorizes the acquisition of the Property in the amount
of the Valuation.
4. Upon a determination that the Township is unable to acquire the Property pursuant to Bona
Fide Negotiations, the Township Committee hereby authorizes and directs the acquisition
of the Property by Eminent Domain for the purposes set forth in this Ordinance.
5. Upon the Chief Financial Officers ability to certify to the sufficiency of funds, the
Township Committee hereby authorizes and directs the Chief Financial Officer to pay the
Cost of Acquisition for the acquisition of the Property into the Superior Court pursuant to
the Act.
6. The Township Attorney and Special Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to take any
and all steps reasonably necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
7. The Mayor, Township Administrator, Chief Financial Officer, and such other officials,
employees and agents of the Township, specifically including, but not limited to
professional appraisers, environmental experts, consulting engineers, surveyors and similar
professionals as are appropriate, are hereby authorized and directed to execute such
documents and to perform all acts necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
8. Upon the Chief Financial Officer’s ability to certify to the sufficiency of funds, the Chief
Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the Township’s costs connected
with title reports, appraisal reports, attorneys’ fees, professional consultants’ fees, and other
costs reasonably arising from the foregoing.
9. All ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions that are inconsistent with
the provisions of this ordinance are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed.
10. Should any section, clause, sentence, phrase or provision of this ordinance be declared
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not
affect the remaining portions of this ordinance.
11. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final adoption and publication pursuant
to law.
Publication by Summary Pursuant to N.J.S.A.40:49-2
This Ordinance authorizes the acquisition of Block 27, Lots 6, 6.01, and 7 (partial easement) by
eminent domain for open space, recreation, and historic preservation purposes.
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and passed on the first reading at a meeting of the
Township Committee of the Township of Holmdel held on August 13, 2023 and will be
considered for final passage and adoption at a meeting of said Township Committee to be held
on August 22, 2023 at Township Hall, 4 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, NJ at 6:30 PM at
which time and place all persons desiring to be heard thereon will be given full opportunity. 
Domenico Luccarelli, Mayor 
Wendy L Patrovich, RMC/CMR 
Township Clerk