Patient Safety and
A Qualitative Analysis
of Concerns During
the Public Health
NPSD Data Spotlight
This document is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission. Citation of the source is
appreciated. Suggested citation: NPSD Data Spotlight, Patient Safety and COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis of
Concerns During the Public Health Emergency, 2021. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;
November 2021. AHRQ Pub. No. 22-0005.
Patient Safety and COVID-19
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A Qualitative Analysis of Concerns During the Public Health Emergency
Health Services Advisory Group, Inc.
3133 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ, 85016
ActioNet, Inc.
3110 Lord Baltimore Drive, Suite 104
Baltimore, MD 21244
AHRQ contract HHSA290201700002C
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
Results ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Descriptions of Events or Unsafe Conditions .......................................................................................................... 4
Device Events .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Pressure Injury ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Blood and Blood Product ................................................................................................................................. 5
Medication or Other Substance ....................................................................................................................... 5
Analysis of Structured Data Elements in COVID-19 Related Reports .................................................................... 5
Descriptions of Other Contributing Factors ............................................................................................................. 6
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix A. Methodology and Limitations .................................................................................10
Methodology .............................................................................................................................10
Methodological Limitations .................................................................................................................................... 11
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The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) public health
emergency (PHE) of 2020 has had dramatic
impacts on the healthcare industry worldwide.
The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 caused
widespread incidence of Coronavirus Disease
The Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Organization
(PSO) program has received nearly 5,500
records of patient safety concerns in which
the COVID-
19 public health emergency
(PHE) was included as part of the description
of the event or unsafe condition.
Among a sample of records analyzed, the
most common description of the patient
safety concern, in 26.6% of records, was that
a patient had either
tested positive for
19 or was a person under
investigation (PUI).
Procedural issues with COVID-19 testing
represented 13.0% of records analyzed. The
results indicate a need to close the loop on
critical processes, such as testing, during a
The exposure of patients and staff to
individuals with positive COVID-
19 test
results was identified in 18.2% of records
analyzed. Results indicate opportunities to
improve communication for patient transfers,
and to ensure proper isolation and personal
protective equipment (PPE) usage.
Patient safety concerns such as falls,
pressure injuries, and adverse medication
events were reported less often in relation to
COVID-19 than policy- and procedure-
related concerns.
Some descriptions point to interactions
between staff workloads, policies and
procedures, and treatment methods that
may have contributed to specific pressure
injury incidents.
2019 (CO
VID-19), with a wide range of
presentations. In some cases, individuals were
asymptomatic or presented with only mild
symptoms such as fever and cough. Other cases
resulted in severe illness or death. As COVID-19
spread throughout communities, the healthcare
industry experienced unanticipated changes in
demand for services that simultaneously
overwhelmed some providers and services in the
system, while reducing demand for others.
reorganization of services required to attend to the
immediate needs of the PHE pulled resources
away from traditional programs for quality
improvement and patient safety. Yet patient safety
concerns and the need for quality service delivery
have remained throughout the PHE. This brief
presents one perspective on the COVID-19 PHE
and its impact on patient safety concerns in
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ) implements the Patient Safety
Organization (PSO) program for the Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) as
mandated by the Patient Safety and Quality
Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA).
Some AHRQ-
listed PSOs voluntarily submit data stemming from
reports by providers to the Patient Safety
Organization Privacy Protection Center
(PSOPPC) using the Common Formats for Event
Reporting Hospital (CFER-H) V1.2 and V2.0.
The data consist of a set of structured data
elements, and unstructured free text that describe
the nature of patient safety concerns and the
factors contributing to those concerns. The data
are not a representative sample of patient safety
concerns nationally.
As part of its response to the COVID-19 PHE,
AHRQ performed a pilot study of data collected through the PSO program to answer two questions:
First, could the CFER-H data be used for the timely analysis of reports on patient safety concerns.
Allen, S. 2021 global healthcare outlook. Deloitte Insights. 2021, Deloitte Development LLC.
Blumenthal D, Fowler EJ, Abrams M, Collins SR. Covid-19 Implications for the Health Care System. N Engl J Med
2020; 383:1483-1488.
The HHS Office for Civil Rights enforces the confidentiality provisions of the PSQIA and its implementing regulation.
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Second, to what extent can the unstructured free text collected through the CFER-H be leveraged to
generate meaningful understanding about patient safety concerns as they relate to the COVID-19 PHE.
The results are not intended to be a systematic analysis of how COVID-19 contributed to patient safety
concerns. Rather, the intent is to understand the capacity of the unstructured text to inform our
understanding of these patient safety concerns.
All results are aggregated and paraphrased to maintain the non-identification of data and anonymity of
the contributing providers and PSOs. The data used for this analysis include reports on patient safety
concerns with initial report dates between March 10, 2020 and October 18, 2020. The initial report date
represents the date a provider completed the Healthcare Event Reporting Form and entered the data
into the provider system. The results presented in this report, therefore, are indicative of events that
occurred during the first seven months of the COVID-19 PHE, and they are not a reflection of the current
state of affairs.
Table 1 presents the summary results of analysis for the Description of the Event or Unsafe Condition
or the Description of Additional Details of Event or Unsafe Condition reported using the CFER-HV1.2
and V2.0 systems. Of the 320 records analyzed, 19 (5.9%) explicitly identified patients as having a
negative COVID-19 test result and are not considered further in this analysis. With respect to the
timeliness of reporting, the analysis identified that the average time between a provider entering the
report into their system and submission to the PSOPPC was 146.8 days, or just under five months, with
a standard deviation of 31.0 days.
The most commonly reported type of event was the identification of a patient with a positive test result
or a patient under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 (n = 80; 26.6%). For these records, the description
of a positive test result or PUI status was the entirety of the unstructured text provided. No other patient
safety event was identified in the record (e.g., fall, pressure injury, medication event, etc.).
Given that no specific patient safety concern was identified in the free text for these reports, the
structured data was analyzed further. Nearly all of these reports were submitted under the event type
category of Healthcare-Associated Infection. The reports generally included demographic data about
the patient (typically patient age and sex), provided a location in the facility, and often included data on
contributing factors (typically categorized as Human Factors). The report date, or the date that the event
is reported into a system by a provider, indicated that all 80 records with this limited information were
reported between March 2020 and May 2020. During the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 PHE, when
little information was known about the nature of the virus and its mode of transmission, these records
may represent providers who reported COVID-19 positive cases as a patient safety concern out of an
abundance of caution. There is no evidence in these reports that any other type of patient safety concern
The second most common type of patient safety concern identified in the data was related to a COVID-
19 test not being performed, ordered, or sent properly (n = 39; 13.0%). These descriptions of events
Improper screening or failure to ask screening questions
Failure to collect swab
Miscommunication between staff on testing procedures
Lack of feedback from the lab on test results
The median number of days between a provider entering the report into their system and the submission of that report to
the PSOPPC was 147.5 days.
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Patient failures to obtain proper COVID-19 test prior to arrival for procedure
Table 1. Summary Description of Patient Safety Concerns
Summary Description
Number of Records
Percentage of Records
Positive COVID-19 Test Result or PUI
COVID-19 test not performed/ordered/sent
Patient incorrectly transferred/discharged
Staff or patient exposure
Pressure injury
Proper PPE
Against medical advice
Environmental services issue
Delayed treatment
There were 19 reports in the sample that explicitly identified the patient as receiving a negative COVID-19 test result. These reports have been excluded from
further analysis.
In eight of the 39 records (20.5%), the delay in COVID-19 testing was described as directly being linked
to delays in patient care. In several cases, specimens collected for testing were either lost in transit to
the lab, or the results were not communicated back to the submitting provider, requiring additional testing
be performed after significant delays. Additionally, nearly half of the records reviewed related to testing
(n = 16) noted a failure of the patient to obtain a test in advance of a procedure.
Potential patient and staff exposure to individuals testing positive for COVID-19, or PUI, presented
another large group of patient safety concerns identified in the records. Within this group, 29 records
(9.6%) were associated with the transfer or discharge of a patient such as:
Patients transferred between units without masking or testing
Patients transferred between units without notifying the receiving unit
Failure to follow visitation restrictions (e.g., allowing multiple visitors for a single patient)
Patient discharge without providing test results
Transfer-related concerns often involved the failure to notify the receiving unit that a patient was being
transferred. In some instances, receiving units did not have beds or staffing available to receive the
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patient, or the unit had been designated for treating patients that did not align with the transfer patient’s
COVID-19 status (e.g., positive or negative test results). In addition, there were another 26 records
(8.6%) in which individuals were exposed to patients or staff identified as testing positive for COVID-19.
In several instances, the exposure occurred because staff were not following PPE protocols, such as
removing exposed PPE before treating non-COVID-19 patients or wearing PPE when working with
patients who had positive test results. In other cases, the exposure occurred with an asymptomatic
individual, and was later identified when the individual tested positive.
Of the 301 records analyzed, another 26 (8.6%) identified a cluster of other patient safety concerns
associated with delays in care associated with the following:
Lab staff being unable or unwilling to draw labs on patients who tested positive for COVID-19 or
were PUI
Lost lab specimens and results
Improper screening of patients on presentation
Incomplete, incorrect, or missing documentation
Policies and procedures have changed rapidly throughout the COVID-19 PHE for front-line staff, and
the effective communication of those changes played a role in some instances where care delays
occurred. In other instances, the increased workloads experienced by hospital staff and laboratories
may have also contributed to miscommunications and errors in order entry, specimen handling, and
accurate documentation.
In total, approximately two-thirds of the records analyzed identified a patient safety concern due to a
patient testing positive for COVID-19, being PUI, or due to operational challenges associated with
delivering care in the PHE. After accounting for records identifying patients’ testing status for COVID-
19, nearly 40 percent were associated with policy- and procedure-related issues such as closing the
loop on the testing process to ensure timely results are obtained, improving communication and patient
transfer protocols, ensuring that staff understand and follow proper safety protocols, and completing all
documentation in a timely and accurate manner.
Descriptions of Events or Unsafe Conditions
The CFER-H technical specifications capture 10 types of patient safety concerns (e.g., falls, device,
medication). Prior to drawing the sample of 320 reports for in-depth review, the unstructured free text
data for all records submitted to the PSOPPC since the beginning of the COVID-19 PHE were searched
for a reference to COVID-19. This search yielded a sample of 5,498 reports. The vast majority of records
with descriptions that included references to COVID-19 fell into the Other event type, or Healthcare-
Associate Infections (n = 5,097; 92.7%). Of the remaining 401 records, most contained descriptions of
patient safety concerns that happened to patients who were positive for COVID-19, but they did not
include information or otherwise indicate that the disease caused, contributed to, or exacerbated the
patient safety concern. There were, however, several notable descriptions of events where the COVID-
19 PHE played some role in the patient safety concern described.
The results presented in this section of the report are based on analysis of the 301 reports that were
sampled for in-depth review.
Device Events
Among the device or medical/surgical device concerns (n = 14; 4.7%), the most commonly described
incident was a device failure or malfunction, often associated with a ventilator. Additionally, several
incidents were described where backup devices were unavailable due to use with other patients. In a
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smaller set of records, device events occurred because of user error in operating the device, or because
a device was used with the wrong patient.
Pressure Injury
Among the pressure injury events (n = 10; 3.3%), several records identified the development of pressure
injuries due to the interaction between patient pronation and poor patient mobility. Four records identified
the development of multiple pressure injuries to the lips, tongue, ears, and cheeks from patients placed
in a prone position. Reporters identified staff workload as a factor that prevented assisting patient
mobility. The remaining pressure injuries were identified across multiple other contact points such as
the coccyx, buttocks, and feet.
Blood and Blood Product
Among the blood and blood product concerns (n = 10; 3.3%), there were three incidents involving an
adverse reaction to a transfusion. Additional near misses occurred when the wrong blood product (e.g.,
fresh frozen plasma versus COVID-19 convalescent plasma) was either entered into the ordering system
incorrectly or delivered by the blood bank. Two additional concerns described situations where too few
units of blood were ordered and where blood product was wasted because the bag broke or the unit
was left out unattended overnight.
Medication or Other Substance
Of the 17 (5.6%) safety concerns involving medications or other substances, 14 were related to either
an incorrect dose (e.g., overdose, extra dose, or missed dose), or an incorrect medication provided to a
patient. In two instances, adverse reactions to medications used to treat COVID-19 were identified. In
one instance, the reporter indicated the lack of a medication used to treat COVID-19 as the patient safety
Analysis of Structured Data Elements in COVID-19 Related Reports
Among the 301 reports analyzed, the structured data elements were also reviewed to determine
whether they provided additional meaningful information. The results of the analysis indicate that the
structured data elements submitted by PSOs and their contracted providers are highly specific to the
PSO submitting the data. The PSO program relies on voluntary data submission. Thus, while analysis
of the structured data elements showed that a limited number of data elements are available for each
event type, these are not always submitted by all contributing PSOs.
PSOs generally provided data elements for the location in the facility where the event occurred and
contributing factors to the events reported. For incidents that involved a patient, the PSOs reported
patient age and sex for 26 (8.6%) records, with race and ethnicity not being reported for any records.
The extent of harm to the patient and expected duration of harm were also reported with moderate
Within each event type module, there were also a limited number of structured data elements that
were reported consistently. These included the following data elements:
Blood and blood product
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o Type of blood product
o Description of incorrect action
o Reuse of a single-use device
o Unique device identifier
o Assisted or unassisted fall
o Type of injury as a result of fall
o Risk assessment prior to fall
o At risk of fall
Healthcare-associated infection
o None
Medication and other substance
o Incorrect action
o Stage the event originated
o Type of perinatal event
o Patient affected by perinatal event
o Gestational age
Pressure ulcer
o Most advanced stage of pressure ulcer
o Stage on admission
o Admission skin inspection documented
o Pressure ulcer prevention intervention in place
o Secondary patient morbidity
Surgery or anesthesia
o Characteristics of surgical adverse outcome
o Incorrect action for surgical invasive procedure
Descriptions of Other Contributing Factors
The technical specifications for the CFER-H V1.2 and V2.0 data allow users to report Contributing
Factor(s) for an event, using structured data categories for environment, staff qualifications, supervision
and support, policies and procedures, data, communication, human factors, and other reasons. When
other reasons is selected as a contributing factor, the reporter may provide unstructured text to describe
what the contributing factor was. Analysis of 124 records for which “COVID-19” was referenced in the
Contributing Factors unstructured text, yielded the following as the most commonly referenced issues:
COVID-19 related
PPE related
Knowledge deficit (coupled with COVID-19 related)
Negative pressure room
Isolation policy issue
Chain of command related
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Education or instruction deficit
Shift change
Refuse to provide Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure device (BPAP) on COVID-19 negative patient
Positive COVID-19
Exposure to associate who tested positive for COVID-19
Patient unable to get COVID-19 testing
Most of the responses provided as unstructured text on contributing factors were short phrases like
those cited above. These descriptions contain less information than the Description of the Event or
Unsafe Condition, because of the brevity of the text. There were, however, a limited number of
responses that provided additional explanatory information. Some of these explanatory statements were
related to fall and pressure ulcer events, while others were provided with records form the other event
category. Table 2 presents text that paraphrases the data information submitted.
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Table 2. Paraphrased text describing other contributing factors for a limited number of records
Type of Event Descriptive Text About the Event Referencing COVID-19
Fall Event COVID-19 precautions cause a delay in care due to donning PPE.
Pressure Ulcer Event
Very busy environment due to COVID-19 crisis and less time and
attention paid to repositioning.
Pressure Ulcer Event
failure, NSTEMI
, requiring pressors, sedation; due to COVID-19
precautions and periods of hemodynamic instability, unable to provide
Other Event
surgery/ED, process ED samples. Many areas for errors to occur
Other Event
Due to COVID-19, Dr. canceled patients procedure and follow-up
Other Event
High influx of pre-op/procedural COVID-19 testing and insufficient
manpower to complete in a timely manner.
Other Event
didn’t check pump because patient was PUI for COVID-19 to
reduce risk of transmission.
The descriptions presented in Table 2 are consistent with the findings obtained from analysis of the
Description of the Event or Unsafe Condition text. The results highlight how the COVID-19 PHE may
contribute to patient safety concerns by increasing both the volume of work to perform, and the speed
with which the policy and procedure environment is changing.
The results contained in this report provide insight into the ability of the CFER-H data to provide timely
information, and the capacity of the unstructured free text data to provide useful information. The results
also help inform some aspects of the healthcare industry’s preparedness for future PHEs.
The reports submitted to the PSOPPC related to COVID-19 took, on average, just under five months
between reporting and submission. While this time frame may be timely with respect to the consideration
of longer-term policy- and decision-making, it is not likely to be sufficient for rapid responses to emerging
issues such as a global pandemic. In contrast, the AHRQ Network of Patient Safety Databases analysis
of all PSO data submissions through December 31, 2019 identified that the median time between
provider reporting and submission to the PSOPPC was 1.6 years. In comparison, this result indicates
that those PSOs and providers who were reporting patient safety concerns related to COVID-19 were
doing so more than three times more rapidly than had previously been observed. This suggests that the
PSO community has the capacity and capability to increase the timeliness and velocity of reporting, in
at least some circumstances.
Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (a type of heart attack).
Registered Pharmacist
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The qualitative review of the unstructured free text also resulted in the identification of several
meaningful findings. Even among a small sample of 301 records, distinct patterns began to emerge that
speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted some patient safety concerns and offer
insights into how the healthcare industry might improve processes for care delivery. The results obtained
from this small sample of reports suggests that a more robust analysis of the unstructured free text data,
using tools such as natural language processing and taking advantage of the more than 2.1 million
records currently held by the PSOPPC, could potentially yield valuable insights for improvement in
patient safety.
The most frequently described patient safety concern was the statement that a patient had tested
positive for COVID-19 or was PUI. During the early stages of the PHE, less was known about the modes
of transmission for COVID-19. In light of such uncertainty, the diagnosis of a patient as positive for the
disease presents concern for how best to prevent transmission to other patients and staff.
Many of the patient safety concerns reported where COVID-19 was identified in the description of the
event were policy- or procedure-related events, such as improper or lost specimens and test results,
poor communication related to patient transfers, and the inadvertent exposure of patients and staff to
individuals with a positive test result. These policy- and procedure-related events are more likely to occur
in a rapidly changing environment, and when staff are experiencing higher than normal workloads.
Drawing from these findings, the healthcare industry has an opportunity to identify critical processes
related to current and future PHEs and implement policies and procedures to reduce failures at each
step of the process.
Among this sample of reports, patient safety concerns that are typically not associated with the COVID-
19 PHE (e.g., falls, pressure injuries, perinatal events, venous thromboembolisms, surgery and
anesthesia events, etc.) were reported substantially less often than policy- and procedure-related
concerns. When these types of patient safety concerns were reported, they were often described as a
patient safety event that occurred to a patient with COVID-19, rather than as an event that was caused
or made worse by COVID-19. Some descriptions, however, point to interactions between staff workloads
and treatments involving patient pronation that may have contributed to specific pressure injuries by
limiting the ability of staff reposition patients in a timely manner.
The COVID-19 PHE required the healthcare industry to identify and implement rapid changes in the
delivery of care and to triage patients in order to leverage resources for those in greatest need. Drawing
on data submitted to the AHRQ PSO program about patient safety concerns where COVID-19 was
referenced in the description, this brief examines the nature of the relationship between the PHE and
the types of concerns being reported. The findings point to a need for the industry to develop better
preparedness for identifying and implementing PHE-specific adaptations in a complex system, such as
maintaining the accuracy and completeness of critical care processes (e.g., screening and testing),
developing communication systems to effectively disseminate and implement changes across all levels
of staff, and identifying areas in which the PHE may interact with changes in the system to negatively
impact patient care.
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Appendix A. Methodology and Limitations
The data for this analysis was acquired through the AHRQ PSO program, and the patient safety work
product (PSWP) voluntarily submitted by PSOs to the PSO Privacy Protection Center (PSOPPC). The
PSWP is submitted using the AHRQ Common Formats for Event Reporting Hospital (CFER-H) V1.2
and V2.0 technical specifications for patient safety concerns, and it covers events with initial report dates
from March 10, 2020 through October 18, 2020. The initial report date represents the date a provider
completed the Healthcare Event Reporting Form and entered the data into the provider system. The
patient safety concerns submitted to the PSOPPC for analysis include data elements containing
descriptions of the event in the reporter’s own words: the Description of the Event or Unsafe Condition
(data element 15) and Description of Additional Details of Event or Unsafe Condition (data element 87
in CFER-H V1.2 only). Additionally, when asked to indicate the factors contributing to the event or unsafe
condition, the Contributing Factor(s) for Event (data element 105) may be reported as “Other
Contributing Factor”, and unstructured text may be submitted to elaborate on the nature of the
contributing factor. These unstructured text data elements comprise the data used for this analysis.
The unstructured text in the Description of the Event or Unsafe Condition, Description of Additional
Details of Event or Unsafe Condition, and Contributing Factor(s) for Event were analyzed during a pilot
study in September 2020 to identify records where the word “covid” was used, including covid”,
“covid19”, “covid-19”, and “covid- 19”. During the pilot study, 3,558 records were identified, and 100
were randomly sampled for qualitative content analysis to identify the nature of the patient safety event
that occurred. In November 2020, the pilot study was expanded to identify records that included the
terms “covid”, “ncov”, “cov2”, “sars”, “pneumonia”, or “severe acute respiratory”.
The expanded review
identified a total of 5,498 patient safety concerns reported between March and October 2020. From
these records, an additional 220 records were randomly sampled, stratified by the Category(s)
associated with the Event or Unsafe Condition (data element 21). The combined data from these two
samples were used to obtain the results displayed in Table 1. From the expanded review of patient
safety concerns in November 2020, the results in Table 2 were obtained from a sample of 124 records
out of the 318 (5.7% of 5,498) for which the Contributing Factor(s) for Event included free text associated
with the “Other Contributing Factor” response. Table 3 presents the number of records classified as
belonging to each event or unsafe condition category identified in the database as well as the number
sampled for analysis.
The term “pneumonia” yielded a substantial number of records that were unrelated to COVID-19. Additionally, the term
“severe acute respiratory” was used in one record that was unrelated to COVID-19. Because of these issues, records
identified using only these terms were removed from the sample; however, records which also included the terms “covid”,
“ncov”, “cov2” and “sars” were retained for analysis.
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Table 3. Number of Records by the Category(s) Associated with the Event or Unsafe Condition
Category of Event or Unsafe Condition
Number of Records
Number of Records
Blood or blood product
Device of medical/surgical supply
Healthcare-associated infection
Medication or other substance
Pressure ulcer
Surgery or anesthesia
Venous thromboembolism
Methodological Limitations
The sampling was completed in two stages for this analysis, using different criteria for inclusion at each
stage. While the data sampled reflect the diversity of descriptions for patient safety concerns, the data
may not be representative of all patient safety concerns submitted to the PSOPPC. Furthermore,
because of the voluntary nature of data submission by PSOs and their providers, the database held by
the PSOPPC is not representative of the population of patient safety concerns in the United States.
Rather, the data presented here represent a cross-section of patient safety concerns submitted by a
subset of PSOs and providers. Data obtained from other sources, other PSOs, or other providers are
likely to yield different results. It is unknown to what extent the results of this analysis generalize to the
broader population. Furthermore, the records analyzed for the description of the patient safety concern,
and the records analyzed for contributing factors are not the same records. This analysis cannot,
therefore, connect the two sets of results together to draw broader conclusions about the relationships
between these data elements. Finally, because the data must be non-identified prior to presenting the
results, the analysis requires paraphrasing text and aggregation of results which prevents direct
presentation of the text submitted by PSOs and their providers.
Publication No. 22-0050
November 2021