Direct Injection 4.3 L Propane Engine
Research, Development, and Testing
Brad Zigler
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
June 13, 2019
DOE Vehicle Technologies Program
2019 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting
This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted information.
Project ID # ft081
Todd Toops (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Sundar Krishnan (Univ. of Alabama)
Kalyan Srinivasan (Univ. of Alabama)
NREL | 2
Project start date: July 2017
Project end date: July 2020
Percent complete: ~60%
Total project funding: $3,231,643
DOE share: $2,064,117
Contractor share: $1,167,526
Project funding above was based
on FOA award, subsequently
under revision
Direct fuel injection technology is
technical barrier for propane
engines as they are primarily
based on gasoline engines, which
have increasingly shifted from port
injection to direct injection (DI)
Emissions controls to enable
no-fuel (vs. bi-fuel) propane
operation with DI are necessary
NREL, ORNL, University of Alabama
Industry collaboration
Blossman Services, Inc.
United Parcel Service (UPS)
FOA: Funding opportunity announcement
NREL: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
NREL | 3
This project was originally developed as a proposal to a DOE Vehicle Technologies
Office (VTO) FOA area of interest to fund:
Research, development, and demonstration of a direct injection (DI) propane
engine for an on-road vehicle approved for highway use...
Includes light, medium, and heavy-duty applications…
Based on a currently-available commercial engine...
Include demonstration of engine in a vehicle or on a test stand and must be
combined with a vehicle simulation in the Argonne National Laboratory
Autonomie Vehicle Modeling & Simulation Platform or similar tool…
Must meet current U.S. standards for criteria pollutants.
NREL | 4
An industry-led team successfully proposed:
Research and development for mono-fuel DI propane variant of General
Motors 4.3L V6 gasoline spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) engine…
Including critical high pressure fuel system controls for DI propane
Minimizing hardware changes (pistons and cylinder heads) to enable post-
project commercialization
Exhaust aftertreatment research and development for mono-fuel DI propane
operation, including industry guidance on particulate matter emissions
Meeting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Phase 2 medium-duty /
heavy-duty regulations…
Demonstrating at least a 20% greenhouse gas (GHG) improvement (with a
stretch goal of 30%) over a baseline gasoline engine version on a custom drive
cycle representing package delivery truck operations
Integrated into a Freightliner MT-55 commercial truck…
Demonstrated in fleet use with UPS
With comparative chassis dynamometer GHG studies to feed back into
NREL | 5
After key go/no-go decision, project transitioned to a DOE lab + University effort:
Research and development for mono-fuel DI propane variant of General
Motors 4.3L V6 gasoline spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) engine…
Including critical high pressure fuel system controls for DI propane
Exhaust aftertreatment research and development for mono-fuel DI propane
operation, including industry guidance on particulate matter emissions
While still retaining key industry input and collaboration, the revised project still
addresses most of industry and VTOs interests:
Research, development, and demonstration of a direct injection (DI) propane
engine for an on-road vehicle approved for highway use...
Includes light, medium, and heavy-duty applications…
Based on a currently-available commercial engine
The critical technical barriers of adapting DI technology for propane engines
with integrated aftertreatment still remains the focus of the revised project.
NREL | 6
Identify vehicle design and performance requirements from
UPS and Freightliner
Baseline comparative 6.0L V8 port fuel injection (PFI)
gasoline UPS truck performance, emissions, GHGs
Baseline 4.3L V6 SIDI performance on gasoline
Evaluate vehicle simulations with 4.3L DI propane
Develop high pressure fuel system (pump, fuel rails,
injectors) + tank integration simulations and combustion
models to understand propane vs. gasoline differences
Develop DI propane specific hardware and software
controls and calibration no changes to injectors
Develop mono-fuel propane emissions control strategy
and hardware
NREL | 7
Conduct informative particulate matter emissions
Demonstrate capability of meeting EPA certification
requirements on medium-duty engine cycle (not an
official certification)
Integrate prototype engine + independent engine
controls into Freightliner MT-55 truck for UPS
Conduct chassis dynamometer studies to verify
GHG improvement
Operate prototype vehicle in UPS fleet operations
ith data loggers
Feed engine and chassis dynamometer data from
propane 4.3L V6 (and comparative 6.0L V8 PFI
gasoline) to Autonomie simulations
Enable post-p
roject potential for
commercialization (durability, certification) for
UPS type applications
NREL | 8
Approach - Milestones
Develop custom package delivery chassis dynamometer
drive cycle - December 2017 milestone
Develop initial 1-dimensional model of 4.3L high
pressure fuel system (pump, fuel rails, injectors)
- April 2018 milestone
Baseline 4.3L V6 SIDI performance on gasoline and project
DI propane engine performance - June 2018 milestone
Evaluation of 4.3L DI engine applicability -
December 2018 Go/No-Go milestone decision
The FOA project award ended, but NREL, ORNL, U. Alabama, and Vieletech (with
industry input) are continuing core research New milestones under development.
NREL | 9
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
Existing standardized chassis dynamometer drive cycles did not accurately represent real-
world package delivery truck drive data.
Developing a new cycle was necessary for UPS and Freightliner to understand potential GHG
impact of the 4.3L DI propane engine versus 6.0L PFI gasoline baseline in this application.
Custom ”package delivery” chassis dynamometer drive cycle enabled relevant GHG studies
HHDDT: Heavy heavy-duty diesel truck
HWFET: Highway fuel economy test
HTUF: Hybrid truck users forum
HTUF: Hybrid truck users forum
mph: Miles per hour
NYCC: New York city composite
NREL | 10
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
NRELs Drive-Cycle Rapid Investigation, Visualization, and Evaluation (DRIVE) analysis tool
was applied to in-use 1 Hz data collected for 1,300 days in 90 Class 5/6 package delivery
vehicles in NRELs Fleet DNA database (76 of 90 vehicles were UPS).
New NREL package delivery cycle was used for this project, and the cycle itself is published.
Hz: Hertz
min: Minutes
P&D: Parcel and delivery
Custom ”package delivery” chassis dynamometer drive cycle enabled relevant GHG studies
NREL | 11
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
NREL projected 4.3L engine torque and power using E85, with which General Motors enables
higher output in the Chevrolet Silverado. Propane DI performance was estimated to match
E85-enabled levels.
NREL and Freightliner performed WOT vehicle simulations for projected 4.3L DI propane
versus baseline 6.0L PFI gasoline with 23,000 # GVW (~12,500 # payload... heavily loaded).
0-30 MPH, 0-60 MPH, and maximum maintainable speed at 3%, 6%, and 9% grade evaluated.
4.3L DI propane 0-30 MPH was projected at ~23% slower, 0-60 MPH at ~17% slower, and no
gradeability change... acceptable performance given the GHG benefit.
Go/no-go decision to stop was ultimately based on unknown 4.3L durability as a medium
duty engine, risking post-project commercialization to the industry partners.
Vehicle performance was projected with 4.3L DI propane to inform go/no-go decision
E85: Ethanol flex-fuel
GVW: Gross vehicle weight
HP: Horsepower
MPH: Miles per hour
WOT: Wide open throttle
#: Pound
NREL | 12
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
University of Alabama instrumented the 4.3L high pressure fuel system to collect dynamic
response data under steady state and transient engine conditions.
A 1-dimensional (1-D) GT-SUITE model was developed to evaluate fluid property change
effects for propane versus gasoline, guiding hardware and calibration changes required to
enable propane operation with existing injectors.
High pressure DI system dynamics for gasoline mapped and propane performance modeled
IMEP: Indicated mean effective pressure
RPM: Revolutions per minute
s: Seconds
NREL | 13
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
University of Alabama studies on fuel system dynamics are critical to understanding
propane phase changes and thermodynamic conditions existing in the vehicle tank, the low
pressure pump, the high pressure pump, the fuel rails, and the direct injectors.
Since Tier 1 suppliers do not yet see a market for unique propane DI injectors, production
gasoline DI injectors must be adapted with control system changes to enable their use.
Unlike DI gasoline, conditions during shut-down, cold-start, hot soak, and hot-restart may
allow propane to become two-phase in the fuel system, leading to a loss of engine control.
High pressure DI system dynamics for gasoline mapped and propane performance modeled
NREL | 14
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
Propane conversion at low temperatures is
required to enable mono-fuel propane DI
operation, without a “crutch” of using bi-fuel with
gasoline for the challenging cold start.
ORNL has conducted bench-scale flow reactor
studies of new catalyst materials, in collaboration
with Umicore.
Range of metals and functionalities included to find
most reactive formulation at low temperatures
Range of three way catalysts (TWC) synthesized to evaluate low temp. propane conversion
sample ID Description Pt (g/l) Pd (g/l) Rh (g/l) OSC NSC
w/o OSC 0 6.36 0.14 N N
w/o OSC 0 6.50 0 N N
with High OSC 0 6.50 0 H N
with Medium OSC 0 4.06 0 M N
with Low OSC 0 1.41 0 L N
Catalyst Matrix [OSC=oxygen storage capacity; NSC=NOx storage capacity]
Pd: Palladium
Pt: Platinum
Rh: Rhodium
g: Gram
L: Liter
NREL | 15
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
Initial evaluations performed after degreening
catalyst cores
Stoichiometric evaluation performed with
propane as the only hydrocarbon
Can modify based on engine evaluation findings
Catalyst with mid-level OSC (oxygen storage
capacity) showed the best reactivity for propane
CO reactivity trends are show best reactivity
without any OSC
TWC w/ mid-level OSC is best when OSC is present
Initial results indicate Pd-Only with a mid-level OSC loading yields best propane reactivity
Gas Concentration
1000 ppm
CO 5000 ppm
NO 1000 ppm
0.78% (stoichiometric)
1670 ppm
O 13%
GHSV 60,000 h
C3H8: Propane
CO: Carbon monoxide
CO2: Carbon dioxide
H2: Hydrogen
H2O: Water
O2: Oxygen
N2: Nitrogen
NO: Nitric oxide
GHSV: Gas hourly space velocity
NREL | 16
Technical Accomplishments and Progress
NREL and Vieletech extensively mapped the 4.3L with Chevrolet Silverado production
controls on a chassis dynamometer, then transitioned to engine dynamometer studies on
gasoline with independent controls.
Operation with production hardware provided a starting point from which to develop
propane-specific controls and calibration, guided by U. Alabama’s fuel system simulations.
Conversion to propane operation is underway, and will include integration of a “vehicle-
like” propane storage / low pressure pump system to address key technical barriers.
Mapped baseline 4.3L DI gasoline controls from which to develop propane-specific controls
NREL | 17
Responses to Previous Year Reviewers’
This project has not previously been reviewed at a VTO
Annual Merit Review.
NREL | 18
Collaboration and Coordination
Conducting 4.3L engine systems research for DI propane, including
chassis and engine dynamometer experimental studies
Conducting emissions controls research, including catalyst materials
evaluations and particulate matter studies
Including a graduate student (Dae-Kun Kim) for thesis research through
the University of Tennessee (Prof. Ke Nguyen)
University of Alabama
Conducting experimental studies at NREL (including sending a Ph.D.
student to NREL during summer of 2018)
Building 1-D high pressure fuel system simulations, and combustion
Sponsoring two graduate students with this research
Under subcontract to NREL, with deep expertise in developing
independent engine controls (Dr. Matt Viele, Drivven founder)
NREL | 19
Collaboration and Coordination
Blossman Services
Project PI for and prime for former FOA award (under NETL subcontract)
Continues to provide technical guidance, propane fuel system design
(vehicle side), and collaboration
Provided technical guidance, vehicle specifications, and performed vehicle
simulations for go/no-go decision
United Parcel Service
Provided technical guidance
Supplied package delivery truck used in NREL chassis dynamometer studies
Planned to operate prototype vehicle in fleet operation testing
Collaborating with ORNL to provide low-temperature, propane-active
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Providing technical exchange
Shared 4.3L engine mapping data from prior EPA research study
NREL | 20
Remaining Challenges and Barriers
While the project shifted away from the FOA award scope due
to commercialization drivers, the revised project focuses on
remaining key technical challenges and barriers for propane to
adopt direct injection.
Project focus is now on deeper dive into dynamic high
pressure fuel system performance under steady state and
transient engine operation
Transition to gas-phase within the fuel system is a major issue
Propane thermodynamic properties differ significantly from
gasoline, and one must account for those to use gasoline direct
injectors (no propane specific injectors until industry builds
sufficient volume).
Project focus also continues to include emissions controls and
catalyst materials that enable low temperature propane
conversion key industry segments prefer mono-fuel.
The revised project focuses on earlier stage research with
publication emphasis to inform industry for subsequent
commercial development.
NREL | 21
Proposed Future Research
For the remainder of this funded project:
Finalize milestones (with DOE concurrence) for continuation of re-scoped project.
Equip NRELs engine dynamometer with vehicle-representative propane fuel system to
continue 4.3L propane-specific controls research.
Link University of Alabama’s fuel system and combustion system simulations to drive
propane-specific controls.
Continue bench-scale catalyst materials development, then scale up to couple catalyst to
NRELs engine dynamometer.
Collect particulate matter emissions as industry guidance for DI effects with propane.
Link all of the above to develop propane-specific controls to provide (and publish!)
industry guidance on how DI propane barriers can be addressed through hardware and
controls changes.
With additional funding, proposed future research*:
While this specific engine ultimately faced commercialization challenges, industry
collaboration could leverage this project as early-stage development to support another
engine platform.
The propane industry has been asking for comparative fuel economy / emissions studies
versus baseline (gasoline or diesel) to inform Autonomie. We have a baseline gasoline
dataset already for a key Class 5/6 application from this study, and could study a current
technology PFI propane variant.
* Any proposed future work is subject to change based on funding levels.
NREL | 22
This project began as a FOA award project to conduct research
and development for adapting a General Motors 4.3L SIDI
gasoline engine to mono-fuel propane DI operation.
Focus was on controls and aftertreatment development with
minimum other hardware changes that would preclude post-
project commercialization.
While the vehicle integration, certification-ability
demonstration, and fleet use testing are no longer in scope,
the remaining project still focuses on key industry challenges:
Developing controls hardware, strategy, and calibration to
enable DI propane based on gasoline DI platforms
Developing aftertreatment with low temperature
conversion to support mono-fuel DI propane engines.
Thank You
This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding provided
by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Office. The
views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government. The U.S.
Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S.
Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published
form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.
The project team members wish to thank Dr. Michael Weismiller and DOE Vehicle
Technologies Office for support of this research.