Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Engines
3.1 HYDROGEN ENGINES ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 C
OMBUSTIVE PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN............................................................... 3-3
3.3 A
IR/FUEL RATIO .................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4 P
RE-IGNITION PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS .............................................................. 3-9
3.4.1 F
UEL DELIVERY SYSTEMS ................................................................................. 3-9
3.4.2 THERMAL DILUTION......................................................................................... 3-12
3.4.3 E
NGINE DESIGN.............................................................................................. 3-12
3.5 I
GNITION SYSTEMS .............................................................................................. 3-14
3.6 C
RANKCASE VENTILATION .................................................................................... 3-15
3.7 T
HERMAL EFFICIENCY.......................................................................................... 3-16
3.8 E
MISSIONS.......................................................................................................... 3-17
3.9 P
OWER OUTPUT.................................................................................................. 3-19
3.10 H
YDROGEN GAS MIXTURES.................................................................................. 3-20
3.11 C
URRENT STATUS ............................................................................................... 3-23
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines and Related Technologies: Rev 0, December 2001
Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Engines
At the completion of this module, the technician will understand:
the combustive properties of hydrogen that relate to its use as a combustive fuel
the air/fuel ratio of hydrogen fuel mixtures and how it compares to other fuels
the types of pre-ignition problems encountered in a hydrogen internal combustion
engine and their solutions
the type of ignition systems that may be used with hydrogen internal combustion
crankcase ventilation issues that pertain to hydrogen use in an internal combustion
the thermal efficiency of hydrogen internal combustion engines
the type of emissions associated with hydrogen internal combustion engines
the power output of hydrogen internal combustion engines
the effect of mixing hydrogen with other hydrocarbon fuels
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3.1 Hydrogen Engines
The small number of vehicles using hydrogen internal
combustion engines (HICE) makes it difficult to explain how
to repair them. Therefore, this section does not serve as a
repair manual, but as an outline describing the operation of
a hydrogen engine and its major components, its benefits,
drawbacks and how components can be modified or re-
designed to reduce the drawbacks.
In general, getting an internal combustion engine to run on
hydrogen is not difficult. Getting an internal combustion
engine to run well, however, is more of a challenge. This
section points out the key components and techniques
required to make the difference between a hydrogen engine
that just runs and one that runs well.
The earliest attempt at developing a hydrogen engine was
reported by Reverend W. Cecil in 1820. Cecil presented his
work before the Cambridge Philosophical Society in a paper
entitled “On the Application of Hydrogen Gas to Produce
Moving Power in Machinery.” The engine itself operated on
the vacuum principle, in which atmospheric pressure drives
a piston back against a vacuum to produce power. The vac-
uum is created by burning a hydrogen-air mixture, allowing
it to expand and then cool. Although the engine ran satisfac-
torily, vacuum engines never became practical.
Figure 3-1 Hydrogen-Powered 1965 Cobra Replica
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Sixty years later, during his work with combustion engines
in the 1860s and 1870s, N. A. Otto (the inventor of the Otto
cycle) reportedly used a synthetic producer gas for fuel,
which probably had a hydrogen content of over 50%. Otto
also experimented with gasoline, but found it dangerous to
work with, prompting him to return to using gaseous fuels.
The development of the carburetor, however, initiated a new
era in which gasoline could be used both practically and
safely, and interest in other fuels subsided.
Hydrogen has since been used extensively in the space pro-
gram since it has the best energy-to-weight ratio of any fuel.
Liquid hydrogen is the fuel of choice for rocket engines, and
has been utilized in the upper stages of launch vehicles on
many space missions including the Apollo missions to the
moon, Skylab, the Viking missions to Mars and the Voyager
mission to Saturn.
In recent years, the concern for cleaner air, along with
stricter air pollution regulation and the desire to reduce the
dependency on fossil fuels have rekindled the interest in hy-
drogen as a vehicular fuel.
Figure 3-2 Hydrogen-Powered Pickup
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3.2 Combustive Properties of Hydrogen
The properties of hydrogen are detailed in Section 1. The
properties that contribute to its use as a combustible fuel
are its:
wide range of flammability
low ignition energy
small quenching distance
high autoignition temperature
high flame speed at stoichiometric ratios
high diffusivity
very low density
Wide Range of Flammability
Hydrogen has a wide flammability range in comparison with
all other fuels. As a result, hydrogen can be combusted in an
internal combustion engine over a wide range of fuel-air mix-
tures. A significant advantage of this is that hydrogen can
run on a lean mixture. A lean mixture is one in which the
amount of fuel is less than the theoretical, stoichiometric or
chemically ideal amount needed for combustion with a given
amount of air. This is why it is fairly easy to get an engine to
start on hydrogen.
Generally, fuel economy is greater and the combustion reac-
tion is more complete when a vehicle is run on a lean mix-
ture. Additionally, the final combustion temperature is
generally lower, reducing the amount of pollutants, such as
nitrogen oxides, emitted in the exhaust. There is a limit to
how lean the engine can be run, as lean operation can sig-
nificantly reduce the power output due to a reduction in the
volumetric heating value of the air/fuel mixture.
Low Ignition Energy
Hydrogen has very low ignition energy. The amount of energy
needed to ignite hydrogen is about one order of magnitude
less than that required for gasoline. This enables hydrogen
engines to ignite lean mixtures and ensures prompt ignition.
Unfortunately, the low ignition energy means that hot gases
and hot spots on the cylinder can serve as sources of igni-
tion, creating problems of premature ignition and flashback.
Preventing this is one of the challenges associated with run-
ning an engine on hydrogen. The wide flammability range of
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hydrogen means that almost any mixture can be ignited by a
hot spot.
Small Quenching Distance
Hydrogen has a small quenching distance, smaller than
gasoline. Consequently, hydrogen flames travel closer to the
cylinder wall than other fuels before they extinguish. Thus, it
is more difficult to quench a hydrogen flame than a gasoline
flame. The smaller quenching distance can also increase the
tendency for backfire since the flame from a hydrogen-air
mixture more readily passes a nearly closed intake valve,
than a hydrocarbon-air flame.
High Autoignition Temperature
Hydrogen has a relatively high autoignition temperature.
This has important implications when a hydrogen-air mix-
ture is compressed. In fact, the autoignition temperature is
an important factor in determining what compression ratio
an engine can use, since the temperature rise during com-
pression is related to the compression ratio. The temperature
rise is shown by the equation:
= the compression ratio
= absolute initial temperature
= absolute final temperature
γ = ratio of specific heats
The temperature may not exceed hydrogen’s autoignition
temperature without causing premature ignition. Thus, the
absolute final temperature limits the compression ratio. The
high autoignition temperature of hydrogen allows larger
compression ratios to be used in a hydrogen engine than in
a hydrocarbon engine.
This higher compression ratio is important because it is re-
lated to the thermal efficiency of the system as presented in
Section 3.7. On the other hand, hydrogen is difficult to ignite
in a compression ignition or diesel configuration, because
the temperatures needed for those types of ignition are rela-
tively high.
High Flame Speed
Hydrogen has high flame speed at stoichiometric ratios. Un-
der these conditions, the hydrogen flame speed is nearly an
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order of magnitude higher (faster) than that of gasoline. This
means that hydrogen engines can more closely approach the
thermodynamically ideal engine cycle. At leaner mixtures,
however, the flame velocity decreases significantly.
High Diffusivity
Hydrogen has very high diffusivity. This ability to disperse in
air is considerably greater than gasoline and is advanta-
geous for two main reasons. Firstly, it facilitates the forma-
tion of a uniform mixture of fuel and air. Secondly, if a
hydrogen leak develops, the hydrogen disperses rapidly.
Thus, unsafe conditions can either be avoided or minimized.
Low Density
Hydrogen has very low density. This results in two problems
when used in an internal combustion engine. Firstly, a very
large volume is necessary to store enough hydrogen to give a
vehicle an adequate driving range. Secondly, the energy den-
sity of a hydrogen-air mixture, and hence the power output,
is reduced.
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3.3 Air/Fuel Ratio
The theoretical or stoichiometric combustion of hydrogen
and oxygen is given as:
+ O
= 2H
Moles of H
for complete combustion = 2 moles
Moles of O
for complete combustion = 1 mole
Because air is used as the oxidizer instead oxygen, the nitro-
gen in the air needs to be included in the calculation:
Moles of N
= Moles of O
x (79% N
in air / 21% O
in air)
= 1 mole of O
x (79% N
in air / 21% O
in air)
= 3.762 moles N
Number of
moles of air
= Moles of O
+ moles of N
= 1 + 3.762
= 4.762 moles of air
Weight of O
= 1 mole of O
x 32 g/mole
= 32 g
Weight of N
= 3.762 moles of N
x 28 g/mole
= 105.33 g
Weight of air = weight of O
+ weight of N (1)
= 32g + 105.33 g
= 137.33 g
Weight of H
= 2 moles of H
x 2 g/mole
= 4 g
Stoichiometric air/fuel (A/F) ratio for hydrogen and air is:
A/F based on
= mass of air/mass of fuel
= 137.33 g / 4 g
= 34.33:1
A/F based on
= volume (moles) of air/volume (moles) of fuel
= 4.762 / 2
= 2.4:1
The percent of the combustion chamber occupied by hydro-
gen for a stoichiometric mixture:
% H
= volume (moles) of H
/total volume (2)
= volume H
/(volume air + volume of H
= 2 / (4.762 + 2)
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= 29.6%
As these calculations show, the stoichiometric or chemically
correct A/F ratio for the complete combustion of hydrogen in
air is about 34:1 by mass. This means that for complete
combustion, 34 pounds of air are required for every pound of
hydrogen. This is much higher than the 14.7:1 A/F ratio re-
quired for gasoline.
Since hydrogen is a gaseous fuel at ambient conditions it
displaces more of the combustion chamber than a liquid
fuel. Consequently less of the combustion chamber can be
occupied by air. At stoichiometric conditions, hydrogen dis-
places about 30% of the combustion chamber, compared to
about 1 to 2% for gasoline. Figure 3-3 compares combustion
chamber volumes and energy content for gasoline and hy-
drogen fueled engines.
Figure 3-3 Combustion Chamber Volumetric and Energy Comparison for
Gasoline and Hydrogen Fueled Engines
Depending the method used to meter the hydrogen to the
engine, the power output compared to a gasoline engine can
be anywhere from 85% (intake manifold injection) to 120%
(high pressure injection).
Because of hydrogen’s wide range of flammability, hydrogen
engines can run on A/F ratios of anywhere from 34:1
(stoichiometric) to 180:1. The A/F ratio can also be ex-
pressed in terms of equivalence ratio, denoted by phi (Φ). Phi
is equal to the stoichiometric A/F ratio divided by the actual
A/F ratio. For a stoichiometric mixture, the actual A/F ratio
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is equal to the stoichiometric A/F ratio and thus the phi
equals unity (one). For lean A/F ratios, phi will be a value
less than one. For example, a phi of 0.5 means that there is
only enough fuel available in the mixture to oxidize with half
of the air available. Another way of saying this is that there
is twice as much air available for combustion than is theo-
retically required.
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3.4 Pre-Ignition Problems and Solutions
The primary problem that has been encountered in the de-
velopment of operational hydrogen engines is premature ig-
nition. Premature ignition is a much greater problem in
hydrogen fueled engines than in other IC engines, because of
hydrogen’s lower ignition energy, wider flammability range
and shorter quenching distance.
Premature ignition occurs when the fuel mixture in the com-
bustion chamber becomes ignited before ignition by the
spark plug, and results in an inefficient, rough running en-
gine. Backfire conditions can also develop if the premature
ignition occurs near the fuel intake valve and the resultant
flame travels back into the induction system.
A number of studies have been aimed at determining the
cause of pre-ignition in hydrogen engines. Some of the re-
sults suggest that pre-ignition are caused by hot spots in the
combustion chamber, such as on a spark plug or exhaust
valve, or on carbon deposits. Other research has shown that
backfire can occur when there is overlap between the open-
ing of the intake and exhaust valves.
It is also believed that the pyrolysis (chemical decomposition
brought about by heat) of oil suspended in the combustion
chamber or in the crevices just above the top piston ring can
contribute to pre-ignition. This pyrolysed oil can enter the
combustion chamber through blow-by from the crankcase
(i.e. past the piston rings), through seepage past the valve
guide seals and/or from the positive crankcase ventilation
system (i.e. through the intake manifold).
3.4.1 Fuel Delivery Systems
Adapting or re-designing the fuel delivery system can be ef-
fective in reducing or eliminating pre-ignition.
Hydrogen fuel delivery system can be broken down into three
main types: central injection (or “carbureted”), port injection
and direct injection.
Central and port fuel delivery systems injection form the
fuel-air mixture during the intake stroke. In the case of cen-
tral injection or a carburetor, the injection is at the inlet of
the air intake manifold. In the case of port injection, it is in-
jected at the inlet port.
Direct cylinder injection is more technologically sophisti-
cated and involves forming the fuel-air mixture inside the
combustion cylinder after the air intake valve has closed.
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Central Injection or Carbureted Systems
The simplest method of delivering fuel to a hydrogen engine
is by way of a carburetor or central injection system. This
system has advantages for a hydrogen engine. Firstly, cen-
tral injection does not require the hydrogen supply pressure
to be as high as for other methods. Secondly, central injec-
tion or carburetors are used on gasoline engines, making it
easy to convert a standard gasoline engine to a hydrogen or
a gasoline/hydrogen engine.
The disadvantage of central injection is that it is more sus-
ceptible to irregular combustion due to pre-ignition and
backfire. The greater amount of hydrogen/air mixture within
the intake manifold compounds the effects of pre-ignition.
Port Injection Systems
The port injection fuel delivery system injects fuel directly
into the intake manifold at each intake port, rather than
drawing fuel in at a central point. Typically, the hydrogen is
injected into the manifold after the beginning of the intake
stroke. At this point conditions are much less severe and the
probability for premature ignition is reduced.
In port injection, the air is injected separately at the begin-
ning of the intake stroke to dilute the hot residual gases and
cool any hot spots. Since less gas (hydrogen or air) is in the
manifold at any one time, any pre-ignition is less severe. The
inlet supply pressure for port injection tends to be higher
than for carbureted or central injection systems, but less
than for direct injection systems.
The constant volume injection (CVI) system uses a mechani-
cal cam-operated device to time the injection of the hydrogen
to each cylinder. The CVI block is shown on the far right of
the photo with four fuel lines exiting on left side of the block
(one fuel line for each cylinder).
The electronic fuel injection (EFI) system meters the hydro-
gen to each cylinder. This system uses individual electronic
fuel injectors (solenoid valves) for each cylinder and are
plumbed to a common fuel rail located down the center of
the intake manifold. Whereas the CVI system uses constant
injection timing and variable fuel rail pressure, the EFI sys-
tem uses variable injection timing and constant fuel rail
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Figure 3-4 Constant Volume Injector
Examples of port injection type systems are shown in Figure
Figure 3-5 CVI and EFI Port Injection Systems
Direct Injection Systems
More sophisticated hydrogen engines use direct injection
into the combustion cylinder during the compression stroke.
In direct injection, the intake valve is closed when the fuel is
injected, completely avoiding premature ignition during the
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intake stroke. Consequently the engine cannot backfire into
the intake manifold.
The power output of a direct injected hydrogen engine is
20% more than for a gasoline engine and 42% more than a
hydrogen engine using a carburetor.
While direct injection solves the problem of pre-ignition in
the intake manifold, it does not necessarily prevent pre-
ignition within the combustion chamber. In addition, due to
the reduced mixing time of the air and fuel in a direct injec-
tion engine, the air/fuel mixture can be non-homogenous.
Studies have suggested this can lead to higher NOx emis-
sions than the non-direct injection systems. Direct injection
systems require a higher fuel rail pressure than the other
3.4.2 Thermal Dilution
Pre-ignition conditions can be curbed using thermal dilution
techniques such as exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) or water
As the name implies, an EGR system recirculates a portion
of the exhaust gases back into the intake manifold. The in-
troduction of exhaust gases helps to reduce the temperature
of hot spots, reducing the possibility of pre-ignition. Addi-
tionally, recirculating exhaust gases reduce the peak com-
bustion temperature, which reduces NO
Typically a 25 to 30% recirculation of exhaust gas is effective
in eliminating backfire.
On the other hand, the power output of the engine is re-
duced when using EGR. The presence of exhaust gases re-
duces the amount of fuel mixture that can be drawn into the
combustion chamber.
Another technique for thermally diluting the fuel mixture is
the injection of water. Injecting water into the hydrogen
stream prior to mixing with air has produced better results
than injecting it into the hydrogen-air mixture within the in-
take manifold. A potential problem with this type of system
is that water can get mixed with the oil, so care must be
taken to ensure that seals do not leak.
3.4.3 Engine Design
The most effective means of controlling pre-ignition and
knock is to re-design the engine for hydrogen use, specifi-
cally the combustion chamber and the cooling system.
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A disk-shaped combustion chamber (with a flat piston and
chamber ceiling) can be used to reduce turbulence within
the chamber. The disk shape helps produce low radial and
tangential velocity components and does not amplify inlet
swirl during compression.
Since unburned hydrocarbons are not a concern in hydrogen
engines, a large bore-to-stroke ratio can be used with this
engine. To accommodate the wider range of flame speeds
that occur over a greater range of equivalence ratios, two
spark plugs are needed. The cooling system must be de-
signed to provide uniform flow to all locations that need cool-
Additional measures to decrease the probability of pre-
ignition are the use of two small exhaust valves as opposed
to a single large one, and the development of an effective
scavenging system, that is, a means of displacing exhaust
gas from the combustion chamber with fresh air.
Figure 3-6 Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
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3.5 Ignition Systems
Due to hydrogen’s low ignition energy limit, igniting hydro-
gen is easy and gasoline ignition systems can be used. At
very lean air/fuel ratios (130:1 to 180:1) the flame velocity is
reduced considerably and the use of a dual spark plug sys-
tem is preferred.
Ignition systems that use a waste spark system should not
be used for hydrogen engines. These systems energize the
spark each time the piston is at top dead center whether or
not the piston is on the compression stroke or on its exhaust
stroke. For gasoline engines, waste spark systems work well
and are less expensive than other systems. For hydrogen en-
gines, the waste sparks are a source of pre-ignition.
Spark plugs for a hydrogen engine should have a cold rating
and have non-platinum tips. A cold-rated plug is one that
transfers heat from the plug tip to the cylinder head quicker
than a hot-rated spark plug. This means the chances of the
spark plug tip igniting the air/fuel charge is reduced. Hot-
rated spark plugs are designed to maintain a certain amount
of heat so that carbon deposits do not accumulate. Since
hydrogen does not contain carbon, hot-rated spark plugs do
not serve a useful function.
Platinum-tip spark plugs should also be avoided since plati-
num is a catalyst, causing hydrogen to oxidize with air.
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3.6 Crankcase Ventilation
Crankcase ventilation is even more important for hydrogen
engines than for gasoline engines.
As with gasoline engines, unburnt fuel can seep by the
piston rings and enter the crankcase. Since hydrogen has a
lower energy ignition limit than gasoline, any unburnt
hydrogen entering the crankcase has a greater chance of
igniting. Hydrogen should be prevented from accumulating
through ventilation.
Ignition within the crankcase can be just a startling noise or
result in engine fire. When hydrogen ignites within the
crankcase, a sudden pressure rise occurs. To relieve this
pressure, a pressure relief valve must be installed on the
valve cover. A typical pressure relief valve installation is
shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Pressure Relief Valve on Engine Crankcase
Exhaust gases can also seep by the piston rings into the
crankcase. Since hydrogen exhaust is water vapor, water
can condense in the crankcase when proper ventilation is
not provided. The mixing of water into the crankcase oil re-
duces its lubrication ability, resulting in a higher degree of
engine wear.
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3.7 Thermal Efficiency
The theoretical thermodynamic efficiency of an Otto cycle
engine is based on the compression ratio of the engine and
the specific-heat ratio of the fuel as shown in the equation:
= the compression ratio
γ = ratio of specific heats
= theoretical thermodynamic efficiency
The higher the compression ratio and/or the specific-heat
ratio, the higher the indicated thermodynamic efficiency of
the engine. The compression ratio limit of an engine is based
on the fuel’s resistance to knock. A lean hydrogen mixture is
less susceptible to knock than conventional gasoline and
therefore can tolerate higher compression ratios.
The specific-heat ratio is related to the fuel’s molecular
structure. The less complex the molecular structure, the
higher the specific-heat ratio. Hydrogen (γ = 1.4) has a much
simpler molecular structure than gasoline and therefore its
specific-heat ratio is higher than that of conventional gaso-
line (γ = 1.1).
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3.8 Emissions
The combustion of hydrogen with oxygen produces water as
its only product:
+ O
= 2H
The combustion of hydrogen with air however can also pro-
duce oxides of nitrogen (NOx):
+ O
+ N
= H
O + N
+ NO
The oxides of nitrogen are created due to the high tempera-
tures generated within the combustion chamber during
combustion. This high temperature causes some of the ni-
trogen in the air to combine with the oxygen in the air. The
amount of NOx formed depends on:
the air/fuel ratio
the engine compression ratio
the engine speed
the ignition timing
whether thermal dilution is utilized
In addition to oxides of nitrogen, traces of carbon monoxide
and carbon dioxide can be present in the exhaust gas, due to
seeped oil burning in the combustion chamber.
Depending on the condition of the engine (burning of oil) and
the operating strategy used (a rich versus lean air/fuel ra-
tio), a hydrogen engine can produce from almost zero emis-
sions (as low as a few ppm) to high NOx and significant
carbon monoxide emissions.
Figure 3-8 illustrates a typically NOx curve relative to phi for
a hydrogen engine. A similar graph including other emis-
sions is shown in Figure 3-9 for gasoline.
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Figure 3-8 Emissions For A Hydrogen Engine
Figure 3-9 Emissions For A Gasoline Engine
As Figure 3-9 shows, the NOx for a gasoline engine is re-
duced as phi decreases (similar to a hydrogen engine). How-
ever, in a gasoline engine the reduction in NOx is
compromised by an increase in carbon monoxide and hydro-
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3.9 Power Output
The theoretical maximum power output from a hydrogen en-
gine depends on the air/fuel ratio and fuel injection method
As mentioned in Section 3.3, the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio
for hydrogen is 34:1. At this air/fuel ratio, hydrogen will dis-
place 29% of the combustion chamber leaving only 71% for
the air. As a result, the energy content of this mixture will be
less than it would be if the fuel were gasoline (since gasoline
is a liquid, it only occupies a very small volume of the com-
bustion chamber, and thus allows more air to enter).
Since both the carbureted and port injection methods mix
the fuel and air prior to it entering the combustion chamber,
these systems limit the maximum theoretical power obtain-
able to approximately 85% of that of gasoline engines. For
direct injection systems, which mix the fuel with the air after
the intake valve has closed (and thus the combustion cham-
ber has 100% air), the maximum output of the engine can be
approximately 15% higher than that for gasoline engines.
Therefore, depending on how the fuel is metered, the maxi-
mum output for a hydrogen engine can be either 15% higher
or 15% less than that of gasoline if a stoichiometric air/fuel
ratio is used. However, at a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, the
combustion temperature is very high and as a result it will
form a large amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which is a cri-
teria pollutant. Since one of the reasons for using hydrogen
is low exhaust emissions, hydrogen engines are not normally
designed to run at a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio.
Typically hydrogen engines are designed to use about twice
as much air as theoretically required for complete combus-
tion. At this air/fuel ratio, the formation of NOx is reduced
to near zero. Unfortunately, this also reduces the power out-
put to about half that of a similarly sized gasoline engine. To
make up for the power loss, hydrogen engines are usually
larger than gasoline engines, and/or are equipped with tur-
bochargers or superchargers.
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3.10 Hydrogen Gas Mixtures
Hydrogen can be used advantageously in internal combus-
tion engines as an additive to a hydrocarbon fuel.
Hydrogen is most commonly mixed with high pressure natu-
ral gas for this purpose since both gases can be stored in the
same tank. If hydrogen is blended with other fuels, it usually
has to be stored separately and mixed in the gaseous state
immediately before ignition. In general, it is impractical to
use hydrogen in conjunction with other fuels that also re-
quire bulky storage systems, such as propane.
Gaseous hydrogen cannot be stored in the same vessel as a
liquid fuel. Hydrogen’s low density will cause it to remain on
top of the liquid and not mix. Furthermore, liquid fuels are
stored at relatively low pressures so that very little hydrogen
could be added to the vessel.
Liquid hydrogen cannot be stored in the same vessel as
other fuels. Hydrogen’s low boiling point will freeze other fu-
els resulting in fuel “ice”!
Hydrogen can be used in conjunction with compact liquid
fuels such as gasoline, alcohol or diesel provided each are
stored separately. In these applications, the fuel tanks can
be formed to fit into unused spaces on the vehicle. Existing
vehicles of this type tend to operate using one fuel or the
other but not both at the same time. One advantage of this
strategy is that the vehicle can continue to operate if hydro-
gen is unavailable.
Hydrogen cannot be used directly in a diesel (or “compres-
sion ignition”) engine since hydrogen’s autoignition tempera-
ture is too high (this is also true of natural gas). Thus, diesel
engines must be outfitted with spark plugs or use a small
amount of diesel fuel to ignite the gas (known as pilot igni-
tion). Although pilot ignition techniques have been developed
for use with natural gas, no one is currently doing this with
One commercially available gas mixture known as Hythane
contains 20% hydrogen and 80% natural gas. At this ratio,
no modifications are required to a natural gas engine, and
studies have shown that emissions are reduced by more
than 20%. Mixtures of more than 20% hydrogen with natu-
ral gas can reduce emissions further but some engine modi-
fications are required.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines and Related Technologies: Rev 0, December 2001
Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Engines
PAGE 3-21
Key Points & Notes
Lean operation of any internal combustion engine is advan-
tageous in terms of oxides of nitrogen emissions and fuel
Figure 3-10 Hythane Powered Bus
For hydrocarbon engines, lean operation also leads to lower
emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons.
As more oxygen is available than required to combust the
fuel, the excess oxygen oxidizes more carbon monoxide into
carbon dioxide, a less harmful emission. The excess oxygen
also helps to complete the combustion, decreasing the
amount of unburned hydrocarbons.
As with hydrogen, the drawback of lean operation with hy-
drocarbon fuels is a reduced power output. Lean operation of
hydrocarbon engines has additional drawbacks. Lean mix-
tures are hard to ignite, despite the mixture being above the
LFL of the fuel. This results in misfire, which increases un-
burned hydrocarbon emissions, reduces performance and
wastes fuel. Another disadvantage is the reduced conversion
efficiency of 3-way catalytic converters, resulting in more
harmful emissions.
To some extent, mixing hydrogen with other hydrocarbon
fuels reduces all of these drawbacks. Hydrogen’s low ignition
energy limit and high burning speed makes the hydro-
gen/hydrocarbon mixture easier to ignite, reducing misfire
and thereby improving emissions, performance and fuel
economy. Regarding power output, hydrogen augments the
mixture’s energy density at lean mixtures by increasing the
hydrogen-to-carbon ratio, and thereby improves torque at
wide-open throttle conditions.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines and Related Technologies: Rev 0, December 2001
Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Engines
PAGE 3-22
Key Points & Notes
However, the difficulty associated with storing adequate
amounts of hydrogen can reduce vehicle range.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines and Related Technologies: Rev 0, December 2001
Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Engines
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines and Related Technologies: Rev 0, December 2001
PAGE 3-23
Key Points & Notes
3.11 Current Status
A few auto manufacturers have been doing some work in the
development of hydrogen-powered vehicles (Ford has re-
cently announced that they have developed a “production
ready” hydrogen-powered vehicle using an ICE and BMW
has completed a world tour displaying a dozen or so hydro-
gen-powered 750i vehicles). However, it is not likely that any
hydrogen-powered vehicles will be available to the public un-
til there is an adequate refueling infrastructure and trained
technicians to repair and maintain these vehicles.
Figure 3-11 BMW’s Hydrogen-Powered Internal Combustion Vehicle
Like current gasoline-powered vehicles, the design of each
hydrogen-powered vehicle will most likely vary from manu-
facturer to manufacturer and model to model. One model
may be simple in design and operation, for example, a lean-
burning fuel metering strategy using no emission control
systems such as EGR, catalytic converter, evaporate fuel
canister, etc. Another model may be very sophisticated in
design and operation, for example, using an EGR fuel meter-
ing strategy with a catalytic converter, multiple spark plugs,
Until such time that a hydrogen infrastructure exists, hy-
drogen/natural gas fuel blends provide a logical transition to
fully hydrogen-powered vehicles. These vehicles can operate
on either fuel, depending on availability.