2018-01-0358 Published 03 Apr 2018
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Investigation of the Impact of Fuel Properties
onParticulate Number Emission of a Modern
Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Mohammad Fatouraie, Mario Frommherz, and Michael Mosburger Robert Bosch LLC
Elana Chapman and Sharon Li General Motors LLC
Robert McCormick and Gina Fioroni National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Citation: Fatouraie, M., Frommherz, M., Mosburger, M., Chapman, E. et al., “Investigation of the Impact of Fuel Properties on Particulate
Number Emission of a Modern Gasoline Direct Injection Engine,” SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0358, 2018, doi:10.4271/2018-01-0358.
asoline Direct Injection (GDI) has become the
preferred technology for spark-ignition engines
resulting in greater specic power output and lower
fuel consumption, and consequently reduction in CO
emission. However, GDI engines face a substantial challenge
in meeting new and future emission limits, especially the
stringent particle number (PN) emissions recently introduced
in Europe and China. Studies have shown that the fuel used
by a vehicle has a signicant impact on engine out emissions.
In this study, nine fuels with varying chemical composition
and physical properties were tested on a modern turbo-
charged side-mounted GDI engine with design changes to
reduce particulate emissions. e fuels tested included four
fuels meeting US certication requirements; two fuels meeting
European certication requirements; and one fuel meeting
China 6 certication requirements being proposed at the time
of this work. Two risk safeguard fuels (RSG), representing the
properties of worst case market fuels in Europe and China,
were also included. e particle number concentration of the
solid particulates was measured in the engine-out exhaust
ow at steady state engine operations with load and speed
sweeps, and semi-transient load steps. e test results showed
a factor of 6 PN emission dierence among all certication
fuels tested. Combined with detailed fuel analyses, this study
evaluated important factors (such as oxygenates, carbon chain
length and thermo-physical properties) that cause PN emis-
sions which were not included in PMI index. A linear regres-
sion was performed to develop a PN predictive model which
showed improved tting quality than using PMI.
ntroduction of the GDI engines into the light-duty gasoline
eet has been an enabler to achieve the reduction targets
of CO
emissions. One of the signicant challenges for the
new internal combustion engines has been the particulate
emissions. Locally rich combustion leads to the formation of
soot, resulting in high particulate emissions, especially at the
most efficient engine operation points in terms of fuel
consumption, i.e. low engine speeds and medium to high
loads. Improved engine component designs, updated controls
and optimized calibration have resulted in significant
improvements in particle emissions reduction; nevertheless,
the impact of the fuel and its chemical composition and
physical properties must also be considered. Many researchers
have been assessing the impact of the fuel properties on engine
out emissions, in addition to trying to determine an appro-
priate correlation that would provide some predictive method
of the fuels physical and chemical properties to the engine out
emissions [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].
Aikawa et al. introduced Particulate Matter Index (PMI)
as a model to predict particle emissions from fuel composition
(measured by detailed hydrocarbon analysis), including all
individual components of the fuel [1]. ere are many other
researchers who have developed methods to determine a
numerical relationship for fuel properties and the propensity
of the fuel to produce PN or PM [5, 7, 8]. As Chapman and
coworkers have shown, all provide a correlation to PMI
number with some having a more direct relationship than
others, and some having a stronger relationship to vehicle out
emissions [5]. Recent work by Leach and co-workers, and
Wittmann and Menger show stronger correlations of the PMI
to engine out PM and PN, as well as demonstrating that a
model tool can be developed to help translate fuel properties
to predicted engine out emissions [7]. Wittmann and Menger
have compared their approach to many others in the industry
and shown a stronger correlation, even to those correlations
that try to use simple and single fuel properties [7]. ey
showed that correlation would be based on 14 properties, and
developed a model around a single engine. Leach showed that
a detailed analysis could be avoided by using composition
classes and the bulk fuel dry vapor pressure equivalent (DVPE)
in a new particle number index (PNI), essentially improving
on the work of Aikawa and co-workers [8]. ese papers seem
to indicate that in addition to the fuel properties, some
NREL/CP-5400-71483. Posted with permission. Presented at WCX 18: SAE World Congress Experience, 10-12 April 2018, Detroit, Michigan.
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
combination of engine hardware, fuel preparation, engine
calibration settings and their eect on the engine out emis-
sions explain why the PMI number does not always show a
strong correlation to the PN or particulate mass (PM) emissions.
Additionally, researchers have been looking at the impact
of oxygenates on the PM/PN emissions. Leach et al. tested three
dierent alcohols, and found dierent eects on PN emissions,
with methanol being the highest [11]. N-butanol performed
similar to the model base fuel gasoline. Overall, PN increased
for each of the oxygenated fuels. Conversely, work by Sakai and
Rothamer showed that the addition of ethanol caused a decrease
in the engine out particulate in proportion to the ethanol
content [9]. Yinhui et al. showed that a fuel with 10% ethanol
produced limited improvement on particulate emission
compared to reducing the aromatic and olen content in the
gasoline [6]. ey also showed that the 10% ethanol increased
the PN emissions at low load conditions. Mohd Murad and
coworkers studied the impact of methanol and showed that the
methanol does not lead to low levels of particulate number
emissions, specically across a range of fuel injection timing
[10]. ey also showed that the addition of heavier components
to a fuel does not alter the spray structure under ash boiling
conditions. Also, they demonstrated that a higher initial boiling
point does not necessarily lead to higher particulate emissions,
and that the light end of the gasoline range did not inuence
a rich mixture or a liquid lm that promoted an increase in the
particulates [10]. Ratcli and coworkers examined a broad
range of oxygenates and found that in certain cases oxygenates
could produce higher PM than hydrocarbons with equivalent
double bond equivalent and vapor pressure at 443K - the fuel
parameters used in calculating PMI [12].
Various regions around the world have specic local
emission regulations that require the use of specic certica-
tion fuels which must be considered in the engine design. is
presents a very challenging task for Automotive OEMs, and
so continued eort is devoted to determine an appropriate
correlation or predictive model relating the fuels physical and
chemical properties to engine out emissions. is work focuses
on the investigation of the inuence of chemical and physical
fuel properties relating to particle number emissions on an
GDI engine with design improvements to signicantly reduce
engine-out PN emissions to levels approaching what is
required by Euro6 PN emission legislation [13]. It is necessary
to reassess published particulates vs. fuel properties correla-
tions which were generated on older engine designs.
Furthermore, understanding the PN performance dierences
among certication and worse case fuels in dierent markets
will allow Automotive OEMs to avoid engine hardware prolif-
eration and reduce calibration eort.
Test Engine and Dyno Setup
e engine used in this study was a 2.0 L turbocharged four
cylinder direct injection spark ignition engine. The side
mounted fuel injector and the centrally located spark plug
were in a longitudinal arrangement. The Bosch 6-hole
HDEV5.2 injectors were mounted between the two intake
valves in each of the four cylinders, with a spray targeting that
was spreading diagonally downwards into the combustion
chamber. e engine specications are detailed in Table 1.
e engine design improvements to reduce PN emissions
included updated combustion chamber and piston designs
that enhanced air/fuel mixing and reduced fuel rich pockets.
e engine piston cooling was optimized to avoid unnecessary
cold piston surfaces that contributed to increased fuel lm on
the piston top. e injector spray target and injector seat
design went through multiple iterations, and achieved low PN
emissions and reduced soot deposits both inside and outside
the spray holes on the injector tip.
e test engine was setup on an engine dynamometer with
well controlled coolant, oil, fuel, ambient air and intercooler
outlet temperatures. In the majority of the engine testing, coolant
and oil temperatures were set at 90 (±3) °C, simulating hot engine
operations. e ambient air temperature was set at 23(±1) °C, the
intercooler outlet temperature at 31(±2) °C, and the fuel tempera-
ture at 21(±1) °C, all values simulating the typical engine opera-
tion in vehicles. e engine oil used for this test was a 5W-30
available in the market. e in-cylinder pressure was measured
using piezoelectric pressure transducers from AVL, through a
series of machined ports in the cylinder head. e automated
test procedure for the engine dynamometer was controlled with
iTest and INCA was used for the engine control unit command,
both communicating with IndiCom data acquisition and evalu-
ation soware. Engine parameters were resolved to crank angle
and the emission data were acquired at 1Hz frequency.
Fuels and Fuel Analysis
A total of nine fuels were tested in this study. e data for the
fuels is found in the Appendix. e fuel test matrix includes
the certication fuels for Europe, China, and the United States
and additionally two Risk Safeguard fuels (RSG) which are
representing the worst-case fuels for Europe and China, namely
RSG E10 and RSG M15. e RSG fuel blends were dened as
the most aggressive fuels to simulate the worst-case situations
that engines could face. Certication fuels are used to check
the compliance of the region-specic emission standards by the
respective emission regulation authorities. e North American
fuels in this test are represented by CARB LEV II, CARB LEV
III, EPA Tier 2, and the EPA Tier 3 premium blends. A special
China 6 Premium fuel blend, based on the dra of the China
6 Premium fuel specications, was also formulated by GM for
this study. e European certication fuels, Euro 5 and Euro
TABLE 1 Test engine specification
Engine type 4-stroke, 4-valve
Displacement [cm
] 1998
Bore x stroke [mm] 86 x 86
Compression ratio [-] 9.5:1
Aspiration Turbo-charged
Fuel delivery DI, side mounted
Injector Bosch 6-hole
Maximum rail
[bar] 350
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
6, complete the test fuel matrix. ese fuels covered a wide range
of fuel properties that are important to PN emissions.
All the certication fuels and the RSG E10 blend were
sourced from Gage Products Company. RSG M15 fuel was
blended by Haltermann Carless. All test fuels have been
subjected to Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA), by a
modified ASTM D6730 method, measuring individual
components in the fuels. e oxygenated hydrocarbon content
was analyzed using the procedure described in reference [14]
and ASTM D4815, and the distillation curves for the fuels
were measured with the ASTM D86 method at the GM Fuels
laboratory. e PMI number was calculated using the standard
calculator as shared from Honda, Aikawa and co-workers. In
this study, the oxygenates for the DHA were corrected using
the data produced by the ASTM D4815 method. is provides
a more representative PMI number, by adjusting all the
components in the DHA and thus the PMI nal number.
Additionally, the heat of vaporization (H
) of the fuels
were measured at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL), using the methods described by Chupka et al. [15].
Briey, H
was measured using a TA Instruments (Newark,
DE) simultaneous DSC/TGA (SDT) Q600 instrument. e
instrument was calibrated per manufacturer’s specications.
e cell constant was further calibrated using deionized water.
ree replicate analyses of water were run and a ratio of the
measured value to that reported in the literature was calcu-
lated to generate a calibration factor. All H
were then multiplied by this factor. Samples were introduced
via a gas tight syringe into a 90 uL platinum pan which was
equipped with an aluminum lid with a laser drilled pinhole,
75 um in diameter. Samples were held at ambient lab tempera-
ture for the duration of the test and a nitrogen purge ow of
50 mL/min was used to aid in sample evaporation. In some
cases where the test run time was over 3 hours, the pinhole
lid was not used to avoid baseline dri (these samples are
noted). To calculate the H
, the heat flow signal was
corrected for the heat ow associated with the empty pans by
subtracting this value from the total measured heat ow. e
area under the curve was calculated and divided by the sample
mass to obtain the H
of the sample. e samples were run
in duplicate in a randomized order for DSC/TGA analysis.
Particle Counter
Particulate number emissions were measured in the engine-
out exhaust flow using a Horiba MEXA-2100SPCS. The
measurement method is based on the requirements described
in Revision 4 of the UN/ECE Regulation No.83, which is a
uniform provision concerning the approval of new vehicles
regarding the emission of pollutants. To achieve sucient
repeatability of the measurement, this regulation enforces the
count of only solid particles in the engine exhaust which are
larger than 23 nm. e exclusion of volatile particles stems
from the fact that the dilution conditions signicantly aect
the formation of Nucleation Mode particles due to condensa-
tion of volatile substances such as sulfates and soluble organic
fractions. is is being achieved by having heated sample lines
(to 150°C) and Volatile Particle Remover (VPR) at 300-400°C
aer the rst dilution stage. e total dilution ratio of 2500
was set during the tests in two stages.
Test Procedure and PN
All measurements are performed at the engine test laboratory
at the Robert Bosch LLC facility in Farmington Hills,
Michigan. An automated test procedure, shown in Figure 1,
was implemented to assess the PN emission of the fuels. Tier
3 premium fuel was chosen as the baseline fuel for this study
and the engine calibration was performed to optimize the fuel
injection timing, targeting to minimize the PN emission and
specific fuel consumption. Single homogenous injection
strategy was used for the fuel injection timing calibration to
reduce the complexity of the test matrix. e same engine
calibration settings were used for all test fuels.
To address the concern whether the PN emission perfor-
mance at a single steady state point of 2000rpm/10bar BMEP
would suciently represent real world engine operations, the
visitation frequency of the engine speed and load during a
typical drive cycle was calculated and shown in Figure 2. e
distribution of the engine load at 2000 RPM is shown in the
right panel. It is clear that the engine spent a substantial
amount of time at 2000rpm and 8-10 bar BMEP.
 FIGURE 1  Automated Test Procedure.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 2  Engine load and speed visitation points during a
drive cycle.
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
It is well known that PN measurements have a high uncer-
tainty and it is not easy to ensure adequate PN measurement
repeatability and accuracy so that the impact of fuel properties
can be determined with sucient condence. A few measures
were taken in this study to reduce the impact of engine
hardware performance shi and improve PN measurement
repeatability and accuracy:
1. Before testing each fuel, the injectors were cleaned in
an ultrasonic bath for an hour to remove all the soot
deposits from the injectors and reset the engine PN
performance to that of clean injectors.
2. A 20 hour endurance test was performed for each fuel
to ensure that the level of soot deposit on the injectors
and other parts of the engine and measurement
equipment has achieved equilibrium. e PN
emissions were measured every 5 minutes during
this test.
3. e average of the last 4 hours of the endurance test
data at 2000rpm and 10bar BMEP were used to assess
the impact of the fuels. is not only ensured that the
engine had sucient time to reach desired operating
conditions and stable PN performance, but also
allowed a large data ensemble of PN measurements.
e average values and the standard deviations are
shown in Figure 3.
4. e test order for dierent fuels were randomized and
each fuel was tested more than once non-
consecutively. e Tier-3 premium were tested
periodically throughout the entire study and
repeatable results were observed.
For the dierent test fuels, the same valve timings and
injection strategies were used that were optimized for Tier-3
premium fuel. e engine was operated at the stoichiometric
condition by injecting the same energy content into the
combustion chamber. e closed loop lambda control of the
ECU controlled the stoichiometry during the test based on
the oxygen concentration in the exhaust. Due to dierences
in the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen composition of the fuels,
the lower heating values are dierent among the studied fuels.
e ignition timing was adjusted to achieve the maximum
brake torque (MBT), such that the CA50, where 50% of the
cumulative heat release has been converted, is approximately
8 °CA aTDC with the baseline fuel, Tier-3 premium and kept
constant for the other tested fuels. A summary of the engine
parameters for the three types of testing is shown in Table 2.
Although the main focus of this study was to assess the impact
of certication fuels and worst case fuels in dierent markets
on PN emissions, it is desirable to establish a correlation
between fuel properties and PN emissions that provides a tool
to project the PN performance of a certain hardware for
dierent markets.
As shown in Figure 3, among the certication fuels, LEV II
and LEV III produced the lowest PN results and were not signi-
cantly dierent from one another. As expected, the highest PN
emissions were from the RSG fuels with RSG M15 a factor of
roughly 2.5 higher compared to China 6 Premium. e dierence
in the heat of combustion between the fuels, based on various
levels of oxygenates, as well as the fuel densities led to dierent
injection durations. This difference resulted in 10% longer
duration of injection for RSG M15 compared to Tier 2 premium
fuel. From injector tip inspection aer the test and measured
injector energizing time during the 20hr test, none of the fuels
had produced major soot deposit inside the spray holes that
caused fuel ow shis. e maximum injector energizing time
shi of the worst PN performing fuel, the RSG M15, is around 1%.
Comparison of the PM Index
e PM Index, developed by Aikawa et al.[1], is the most estab-
lished particulate matter and number predictor for gasoline
fuels. Regardless of engine type or test cycle, the PMI predicts
the relative tendency of a specic gasoline blend to produce
PM. Detailed compositional information about the fuel with
the volatility and structural characteristics of its constituents
 FIGURE 3  PN emission average values, normalized to
emissions of Tier 3 certification fuel, during the last 4 hours of
endurance tests
© SAE International
TABLE 2 Test parameters
Load sweep
20 hour
load step
Lambda [-] 1 1 1
RPM rpm 2000, 3000 2000 1500
BMEP [bar] 1-20 10 1 and 8
1 bar: 300
290 260-300
CA50 [°CA
8 8 8
[°C] 90 90 90
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
are combined in this method. As seen in the formula below,
PMI is calculated based on the double bond equivalent (DBE),
the vapor pressure at 443 Kelvin (V.P. (443K)) and the weight
fraction (W
) of every single hydrocarbon and oxygenate
component of the fuel. In addition, Aikawa et al. also
concluded that the PMI can be correlated to either mass or
number based particle emission.
Detailed hydrocarbon analysis is required to get the
necessary data for the PMI calculation. e fuel analysis and
PMI calculation was performed by the GM Fuel Lab and at
NREL and the results are shown in Table 3. e calculated
PMI for the LEV certication fuels are the lowest in this
comparison. e calculated PMI for RSG E10 is signicantly
higher than the rest of the tested fuels, which is approximately
twice as high as the calculated index for Euro 6 fuel. e PMI
for the worst-case scenario fuel for China, RSG M15, is 13 to
16% higher than that of China 6 Premium certication fuel.
Because of dierences in the implementation of the DHA
analysis, including dierences in the approach to calculation
of the vapor pressure at 443K, the NREL PMI values are
slightly dierent, but exhibit identical trends.
Figure 4 shows the PN emissions as a function of PM
index. e coecient of determination (R
) for the correlation
is low, indicating that PMI is not adequate to predict the varia-
tion in PN emissions for these fuels. is may not be surprising
in that all but one of the fuels contain oxygenates, which are
not explicitly accounted for in the calculation of PMI. ere
may also be other factors that are not captured by PMI such as
density, viscosity, and surface tension and their eect on fuels
spray penetration, spray angle and breakup, as well as H
Removal of the two highest PM emitting fuels (the RSG fuels)
improves the R
to 0.74 supporting the idea that PMI is not
capturing all the important fuel related factors for this group
of fuels. In particular, the high PN emissions for RSG M15
relative to other fuels with similar PMI values (such as Tier 2
and Tier 3) is of interest. To aid in subsequent discussion of
these results, additional fuel properties are presented in Table 4.
Tier 2 vs Euro 6
In order to dissect the discrepancy in the PN prediction of the
PMI, the parameters aecting the PN levels for Tier 2 and
Euro 6 fuels are investigated in more details by examining the
factors that make up PMI, as well as those that are not directly
included in the PMI calculation. e Tier 2 and Euro 6 fuels
had fairly similar PMI values (1.66 and 1.28), but PN emissions
are almost twice as high for Euro 6. e chemical group
composition of the two fuels with respect to the carbon
number are shown in Figure 5. e peak of the overall hydro-
carbon composition of Tier 2 is at the carbon number of 8,
whereas Euro 6 exhibit a at composition with the maximum
at C
. e overall aromatic content of Euro 6 is less than Tier
2, contributing to the higher PMI of the later fuel. However,
the level of aromatic hydrocarbons with more than 8 carbon
atoms (C
aromatics) is higher in Euro 6 which contains
11.7 % C
aromatics compared to only 8.51 % in Tier 2.
TABLE 3 PM Index of the tested fuels
Fuel type
PM Index
GM Fuel
PM Index
% D4815
LEV II 1.12 1.24 MTBE 10.88
1.17 1.30 Ethanol 10
Tier 2 1.66 1.66 None 0
Tier 3
1.68 1.76 Ethanol 9.71
Euro 5 1.89 1.75 Ethanol 5.07
Euro 6 1.28 1.64 Ethanol 9.87
China 6
1.33 1.49 MTBE 8.17
RSG E10 2.77 3.07 Ethanol 9.87
RSG M15 1.5 1.73 Methanol
© SAE International
 FIGURE 4  Normalized PN emissions at 2000rpm and 10bar
BMEP as a function of average PMI
© SAE International
TABLE 4 Heat of vaporization and lower heating value
measurement results
Fuel type
Lower Heating
Density at
LEV II 42.54 381 0.743
41.78 425 0.749
Tier 2 43.18 372 0.740
Tier 3
41.69 423 0.749
Euro 5 41.91 421 0.753
Euro 6 41.73 461 0.752
China 6
42.51 385 0.759
RSG E10 - 426 0.740
RSG M15 - 513 0.739
ASTM D240 from Supplier Certicate of Analysis
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Another reason for the lower PMI of Euro 6 is due to the
ethanol content. In PMI calculation, each component is
linearly weighted in the blend, which neglects the synergist
or antagonistic behavior of individual components in the fuel
blend. Low boiling and thus high vapor pressure components
in the fuel are under predicted for near-azeotropic ethanol-
gasoline blend. Although several studies have conrmed a
reduction of PM emissions using ethanol instead of gasoline,
there are investigations showing dierent results [16, 17, 18,
19]; Vuk et al. presented a considerable reduction in PM emis-
sions with E10 (10% ethanol in gasoline) compared with the
E0 fuel but increasing with E30 and E50 [20].
Considering the physical eects, ethanol has a higher
density and viscosity. is results in poor spray atomization
and deeper spray penetration [18]. e lower heat of combus-
tion of ethanol further inuences the spray penetration of Euro
6, due to a higher amount of fuel that is required at equal
engine operation points. e injector energizing times (as a
proxy for injection duration) of Euro 6 was around 2 % longer
than Tier 2 which could result in deeper spray penetration and
thereby more piston wetting at the same SOI. is change of
the spray is not included in the PMI although it can signi-
cantly aect PN emissions. Another reason for the opposite
trend in the PMI and the PN can be the H
of the fuels,
seen in Table 4 Heat of Vaporization measurement results. e
of Euro 6 is around 24 % higher than that of Tier 2. In
order to vaporize, the fuel needs a certain amount of thermal
energy to transform from the liquid into the gaseous phase.
is means that Euro 6 needs more thermal energy to fully
vaporize and thereby causes colder conditions in the combus-
tion chamber. Due to these colder conditions, the evaporation
of the heavy end of the fuel would be impeded. [4, 21].
Due to the correlation with the vapor pressure and linear
weighting, PMI doesn’t capture the entire evaporation
behavior - especially the low distillate end. e distillation
curves of Tier 2 and Euro 6 fuels are presented in Figure 6.
e gure is intentionally plotted as a function of temperature,
since during the engine operation the fuel temperature would
be directly aected by the coolant temperature. e evapora-
tion of the last 30 % of the fuels is similar but the nal boiling
point of Tier 2 is higher. e higher the boiling point and the
larger the percentage of fuel concentrated in its heavy end,
the higher is the probability for the presence of liquid fuel due
to non-timely evaporation. Due to the large proportion of
ethanol in Euro 6, the initial vaporization vary signicantly.
At 90 °C, equivalent to the engine operation temperature,
almost 60 % of Euro 6 is evaporated. Flash boiling might occur
under these conditions. Heat transfer in the cylinder head and
pressure increase in high-pressure pumps increase the temper-
ature of the liquid fuel before the injection. In homogeneous
injection mode, the injection takes place during the intake
stroke and therefore the fuel is injected into approximately
the manifold pressure which can be lower than the saturation
pressure, especially under throttled conditions. High volatility
components of the fuel become superheated under these
conditions and ash vaporization would occur. is eect is
known to greatly inuence the atomization and vaporization
process [22, 23]. However, ash boiling can also adversely
aect the fuel vaporization. During the injection process, the
temperature of the fuel assimilate to the intake air temperature
and the saturation pressure rises above the ambient pressure.
Flash boiling components cause spray plume collapse and
therefore lead to a deeper spray penetration and thereby to
wetting of the piston and the cylinder walls [24, 25].
Based on the discussion above, the higher PN emissions
observed for Euro 6 relative to Tier 2, in spite of their similar
PMI values, are caused by several factors that are not included
in the PMI model. ese likely include the combined eects
of reduced lower heating value in the Euro 6 requiring longer
injection duration, increased H
causing reduced tempera-
ture during evaporation and thus hindering evaporation of
heavy aromatics, and the potential for ash boiling to occur
for the ethanol blend.
Tier 2 vs RSG M15
Tier 2 and RSG M15 are predicted to emit similar PN emissions.
However, based on the PN results in Figure 4, there is a big dier-
ence between these. Many of the same considerations discussed
for the Tier 2 - Euro 6 comparison apply here as well. While
energy density of RSG M15 was not measured, given this fuels
high oxygenate content its lower heating value will be signi-
cantly lower than that of Tier 2, requiring longer injection
 FIGURE 6  The eect of ethanol on the distillation curve for
Euro 6 and Tier 2 fuels.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 5  Volume fraction distribution of chemical
structures as a function of carbon number for of Euro 6 and
Tier 2 fuels.
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
duration at the same BMEP. RSG M15 also has the highest H
of the fuels studied. Figure 7 shows the carbon histogram of
Tier 2 and RSG M15. M15 fuel blend contains higher content of
larger aromatics but also 15 % methanol and 7% MTBE,
mirroring the higher heavy aromatics content and high alcohol
content of Euro 6. e high heavy aromatics combined with the
high H
may be a cause of the much higher PN of RSG M15.
Regarding the distillation behavior, similar evaporation
behavior can be found between RSG M15 and Euro 6. e
distillation curves of Tier 2 and RSG M15 are shown in
Figure 8. e study by Qin et al. showed a signicant reduc-
tion of PN emissions with the addition of methanol [13]. e
low boiling oxygenate components of the fuels cause a high
percentage of evaporated fuel at low temperatures. Due to
the lower boiling point of methanol versus ethanol, approxi-
mately 65 % of the RSG M15 is evaporated at 90 °C.
RSG M15 vs RSG E10
e two risk safeguard fuels RSG M15 and E10 show the
largest discrepancies in the PMI and PN measurement results.
While PM emissions are similar, the E10 has a PMI that is
more than 1.2 PMI units higher. Figure 9 exhibits the results
of the hydrocarbon analysis of RSG M15 and E10. e overall
hydrocarbon composition seems to be identical at rst glance,
but particularly the distribution of the higher molecular
weight hydrocarbons diverges. RSG E10 includes approxi-
mately 23% C
aromatics whereas RSG M15 only consist
of 14%. Within the tested fuels, the amount of C
aromatics is highest with E10. When comparing the C
aromatics, an even bigger dierence is shown. e percentage
of C
aromatics of the E10 fuel is approximately 6 %
whereas the percentage of M15 is only 0.5 %. Particularly the
high amount of heavy aromatic hydrocarbons leads to the
highest PMI for RSG E10. RSG M15 has the highest H
which is signicantly higher than the value for RSG E10. is
may contribute to the similar level of PN observed for these
fuels, in spite of the higher heavy aromatic content of RSG E10.
e distillation curves of RSG M15 and RSG E10 are
shown in Figure 10. Except the bigger dierence between 50
and 70 % distillation, which can be attributed to the higher
percentage of low boiling oxygenate components of M15, the
two fuels similarly evaporate with a small oset. Due to the
bigger proportion of high boiling point components of E10,
the respective percentages vaporize at higher temperatures
over the whole range. Based on the distillation curves, a clear
statement on whether the higher nal boiling point of E10 or
 FIGURE 7  Volume fraction distribution of chemical
structures as a function of carbon number for of RGS M15 and
Tier 2 fuels.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 8  Distillation curves of Tier 2 and RSG M15.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 9  Volume fraction distribution of chemical
structures as a function of carbon number for RSG E10 and
RSG M15 fuels.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 10  Distillation curves for RSG M15 and RSG E10
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
the higher probability of ash boiling of M15 has a stronger
impact on PN emissions cannot be given.
e dierences in the fuels in terms of vaporization and
ash boiling would reect signicantly in terms of sensitivity
to the injection timing. More advanced injection timing leads
to higher chances of spray impingement with the piston and
consecutively diffusion flames with high PN emission.
Asweep of injection timing was performed as the part of the
semi-transient portion of the automated test at 1500 RPM and
8 bar BMEP. Normalized PN emissions for each fuel as a
function of injection timing is plotted in Figure 11. e values
for all fuels are normalized to the highest emission of the RSG
E10 fuel at the most advanced injection timing and shown in
the top panel (a). e bottom panel (b) is scaled to highlight
the certication fuels more clearly. Most of the certication
fuels did not show signicant sensitivity to the start of injec-
tion for the studied range (from 300 °CA bTDC to 260 °CA
bTDC), with Euro 5 fuel exhibiting the largest reduction which
was in the order of 2.
RSG E10 exhibits the highest sensitivity to the start of
injection, which can be attributed to the highest nal boiling
point, high heavy aromatics content, and high heat of vapor-
ization. e results indicate that with a retarded start of injec-
tion and avoiding the piston impingement, the PN emission
could be reduced by an order of magnitude. is reduction
comes at the cost of charge inhomogeneity and increases the
specic fuel consumption by 1 %.
As highlighted in Figure 2, the engine resides at mid-load
points for a signicant time at 2000 RPM; therefore engine
load sweep was performed to investigate the sensitivity of the
fuels to dierent engine load operations. e result of the PN
emissions for the load sweep between 4-10 bar are shown in
Figure 12. e results are normalized to the PN emission of
the Tier-3 premium fuel as the baseline. All of the certication
fuels exhibit similar sensitivity to the engine load at this speed
and the PN emission ranking of them doesn’t change. e
injection timing during these loads were kept constant at 290
°bTDC and as shown in Figure 11, the certication fuels didn’t
exhibit a signicant sensitivity to the start of injection timing.
e RSG-M15 and RSG-E10 fuels dont follow the same trend.
is range of load sweep represents the transition between
the throttled operations to the boosted conditions which
would aect the ash boiling characteristic of the fuels.
Signicant calibration eort would be required to develop a
robust SOI for these fuels at dierent loads.
Regressions Analysis
Besides the investigation of the impact of chemical and physical
fuel properties on particulate number emissions in gasoline
direct injection engines, the development of a PN predictive
model was the main goal of this work. Aikawa et al. introduced
the PMI and it became the established PN and PM predictive
model [1]. However, complex calculation and insucient PN
and PM prediction for oxygenated fuels, which have been
conrmed in this study, leave potential for improvement.
e measured PN was set as the dependent variable and
the chemical components and the physical properties as the
independent ones. Due to the small number of dependent
variables and a huge selection of the independent ones, it was
impossible to calculate a general model to predict the PN
emissions. e regression analysis provided a wide variety of
possible models which perfectly correlate to the PN. In order
to counteract, the selection of the independent variables was
based on previous research and results of this study and
thereby reduced to a small number, which resulted in the
coecient of determination of 0.92. e values of the param-
eters of the nal model are rounded for clarity. e loss in the
coecient of determination due to rounding of the parameters
is minor and does not signicantly aect the nal result. e
nal model and the selected variables are shown below and
 FIGURE 11  Sensitivity of PN emission to the start of
injection timing. The PN values are normalized to RSG E10 at
300 °CA bTDC. Panel b is scaled for clarity.
© SAE International
 FIGURE 12  Normalized PN emission at mid-load conditions
at 2000 RPM. The data is normalized to the PN emission of
Tier-3 fuel.
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
explained subsequently. (PNR is referring to the PN
Regression Equation)
0030055 0 001 0 004
0010001 0 00005
.. ..
.. .BB
A = Aromatics C9/C9+ [Vol. %]
O = Total percentage of oxygenates [Vol. %]
V = Heat of vaporization [kJ/kg]
B = Final boiling point [°C]
E = Vol. % of fuel evaporated @ 90 °C [%]
C9/C9+ Aromatic Hydrocarbons e most signicant
correlation to the PN was found with the C
and C
hydrocarbons. In the fundamental research by Kobayashi et
al., PM from gasoline and hydrocarbons of various chemical
structures were measured and it was found that the aromatic
ame showed the highest concentration [4]. e reason for this
is that the aromatic compounds are harder to evaporate and
relatively slower to decompose than other hydrocarbons.
Furthermore, in the case of decomposition, aromatics may
disintegrate into unsaturated alkyl compounds such as acety-
lenes which serve again as precursors for the formation of a
benzene ring. ese results were also shown in several studies
with GDI engines [20, 26]. Detailed investigations of the eects
of the aromatic contribution on PM resulted in a higher propen-
sity to produce PM with higher aromatic species, although the
tested fuels consist of a wide range between 0 and 20 % of C
aromatics, the low molecular weight aromatics showed no eect
on PN, which could indicate that the heavy aromatics do not
disintegrate into smaller ones but directly take part in the PAH
and thereby the soot formation mechanisms. Furthermore, it
was found that only the percentage of the high molecular weight
aromatics markedly aect the PN emissions.
Total Percentage of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons A
majority of studies have supported the signicant eects of
oxygenate hydrocarbons on PN emissions. Gasoline fuel with
oxygenated compounds tend to produce less PN emissions,
but negative effects on PN were also shown with higher
percentage of oxygenates [20]. e highest percentage of
oxygenates of the tested fuel is RSG M15 with 19 Vol. %. is
high percentage could be an explanation for the worse PN
emissions of RSG M15. Although oxygenates are included in
the PMI, they merely play a minor role in the nal value. Due
to the lack of double bonds and the high vapor pressure
compared to other components, the oxygenates are roughly
counted as parans and the potential of positive eects on
PN is not included. at is why the oxygen containing hydro-
carbons are selected as a variable for the regression analysis.
Final Boiling Point e physical properties with the signif-
icant eects on the PN emissions are gured out to be the nal
boiling point, the percentage of fuel evaporated at 90 °C, and
the heat of vaporization. In the PMI calculation, the boiling
point is indirectly accounted for each component of the fuel
through a logarithmic correlation with the vapor pressure.
However, the evaporation behavior of the fuel blend is dierent
than the evaporation of each single component added. As can
be seen with Tier 2 compared to Euro 6 and also RSG M15, the
distillation of the fuel blend behaves in a dierent way. Due to
the respective higher long-chain aromatic content of Euro 6
and RSG M15, an assumption could be made that this leads to
a higher boiling point. However, in both cases the nal boiling
point of Tier 2 is higher and the eects can be explained due
to the near-azeotropic behavior of the fuel mixture.
Vol. % of Fuel Evaporated @ 90 °C e value for the
percentage of fuel evaporated at 90 °C is a characteristic value,
which can be found from the distillation curve of the fuel.
is value is suitable to quantify the eects of ash boiling
and therefore was set as an independent variable. e disparity
between the C9/C9+ aromatics and the PN of RSG M15 and
E10 can be explained due to ash boiling.
Heat of Vaporization A certain amount of thermal
energy is required to vaporize the fuel, which is dened as the
heat of vaporization or enthalpy of vaporization. In a direct
injection engine, the required thermal energy is extracted from
the charge air. e eect of charge cooling enables achieving
higher eciency through increased compression ratio by miti-
gating knock. ereby, the CA50 be adjusted closer to the
optimum of 8 °CA aTDC. However, the cooling eect would
cause undesirable conditions regarding the formation of soot
in the cases of spray impingement with the piston surface or
the cylinder liner. e higher the heat of vaporization, the
worse the evaporation of the fuel which leads to a higher prob-
ability of diusion ames on the engine surfaces.
e eects of chemical and physical properties of gasoline fuel
on particulate number emissions have been studied in a
modern GDI engine. e certication fuels of Europe, China,
the US, and additionally two Risk Safe Guard fuels were used
for this investigation. ere are a few conclusions that can
drawn from this study:
A factor of 6 in PN dierence was observed during the
steady state operation point at 2000 RPM and 10 Bar
BMEP among all certication fuels tested. e same
trend was observed at dierent engine operating points.
e risk safeguard fuels exhibited the highest PN
emission and highest sensitivity to the injection
timing calibration.
e long-chain aromatic hydrocarbons, more precisely the
aromatics, showed the biggest impact on particulate
number emissions. is nding is consistent with
previously published investigations and the C
aromatics. Despite the emphasis in the PM Index
calculation, the contribution of the smaller-chain aromatics
on PN emission were insignicant at the tested condition.
e oxygenated compounds blended in the fuels have
non-linear eects. e fuel bound oxygen lowers the
sooting tendency of the fuel but the eect of ethanol
addition in terms of aecting the spray development and
vaporization of the fuel can result in higher PN emission.
Based on the regression analysis performed on the
various physical parameters of the fuel blends, nal
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
boiling point, percentage of fuel evaporated at 90 °C, and
heat of vaporization indicated to be the best suitable
variables to characterize the evaporation behavior.
Higher nal boiling point and higher heat of
vaporization values result in worse evaporation and
therefore lead to higher particulate emissions due to
diusion ames of liquid lm on the engine surfaces.
Based on the ndings of this study, a PN predictive model
was successfully developed. Including the aromatic and
oxygenated hydrocarbons as two fuel components and the
three physical properties, nal boiling point, the percentage
of fuel evaporated at 90 °C, and the heat of vaporization. It is
nevertheless necessary to validate the PNR with dierent
engines and fuels to further improve this model.
In summary, it is clear that the gasoline fuel chemical and
physical properties impact the PN emissions from an engine.
e variation in certication fuels and market fuels (which
the certication fuels in some cases represent) present a signif-
icant challenge for OEMs to meet future emissions regula-
tions. e wide range of PMI number with those fuels and the
impacts of the oxygenates present challenges not understood
before. Since the certication fuels are representations of
market fuels, an improvement in market fuel quality variation
can substantially reduce the risk of vehicle in-use PN
emission compliance.
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Contact Information
Dr. Elana Chapman
General Motors LLC
Dr. Sharon X. Li
General Motors LLC
Dr. Mohammad Fatouraie
Robert Bosch LLC
Research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory was
conducted as part of the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines
(Co-Optima) project sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Energy - Oce of Energy Eciency and Renewable Energy,
Bioenergy Technologies and Vehicle Technologies Oces.
Co-Optima is a collaborative project of several national labo-
ratories initiated to simultaneously accelerate the introduction
of aordable, scalable, and sustainable biofuels and high-
eciency, low-emission vehicle engines. Work at the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory was performed under Contract
No. DE347AC36-99GO10337.
anks also goes to the support from the Analytical
Chemists at General Motors for their assistance in the testing
and compiling of the data: Doug Conran, Andrew Zabik,
Jessica McGahan, and Justin Pletzke; additionally the support
of the Analytical Chemist at NREL, Earl Christensen for his
eorts on the DHA and PMI calculations. We want to espe-
cially thank the help and support of Je Jetter from Honda
for the collaboration with the use of the PMI method and tools.
DVPE - Dry Vapor Pressure Equivalent
ECU - Engine Control Unit
GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection
HDEV - Name of a Bosch type of Fuel Injector
HOV - Heat of Vaporization
PM - Particulate Matter
PMI - Particulate Matter Index
PN - Particulate Number
PNR - PN Regression Equation
RSG - Risk Safeguard Fuel
RSG E10 - Risk Safeguard Fuel 10% Ethanol
RSG E15 - Risk Safeguard Fuel 15% Methanol
VP - Vapor Pressure
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
TABLE A1 Fuel Properties: Heat of Vaporization and Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis with Carbon Number by Aromatics shown
with PMI number
Euro 5
Tier 3
Prem LEV II Euro 6 Tier 2
China 6
Premium RSG E10 RSG M15
Oxygenate Type Ethanol Ethanol Ethanol MTBE Ethanol None MTBE Ethanol Methanol
Heat of
Vaporization DSC/
TGA (KJ/kg)
421 425 423 381 461 372 385 426 513
CARBON# ( Vol %) Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics Aromatics
1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
6 0.01 0.70 0.58 0.83 0.01 0.58 -- -- 0.27
7 19.00 5.74 6.42 6.42 14.06 18.95 17.05 -- 4.85
8 0.06 6.71 6.15 9.30 0.11 4.31 6.48 1.28 1.74
9 12.36 6.09 5.68 6.04 6.39 3.94 9.48 8.59 7.82
10 2.36 2.85 4.52 2.05 3.79 2.46 0.93 8.26 6.12
11 0.85 0.67 1.35 0.47 1.00 1.38 0.79 4.36 0.27
12 0.41 0.33 0.66 0.26 0.52 0.73 0.04 1.50 0.16
13 -- 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.01 -- 0.03
TOTAL 35.04 23.10 25.36 25.36 25.88 32.34 34.79 23.99 21.27
C9 + Aromatics 15.98 9.95 12.21 8.81 11.70 8.51 11.24 22.71 14.38
C10 + Aromatics 3.62 3.85 6.53 2.77 5.31 4.57 1.76 14.12 6.56
PMI Number 1.89 1.17 1.68 1.12 1.28 1.66 1.33 2.77 1.5
© SAE International
© 2018 SAE International; General Motors LLC; National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
TABLE A2 Fuel Properties as listed on the Certificate of Analysis from the supplier
Property Euro 5
Prem Tier 3 Prem LEV II Euro 6 Tier 2
China 6
Premium RSG E10 RSG M15
RON D2699 96.9 99.8 99.5 100.5 96.3 96.5 96.6 >101 104
87.1 88.8 88 88.5 85.6 86.8 85.9 88.6 87.7
RVP @100F
D5191 (psi)
8.52 7.2 9.2 6.71 8.27 8.83 8.5 10.6 13.9
Aromatic %
32.2 23.4 23.1 25.1 26 31.3 24.83 22.1
Olefin %
5.1 6.5 4.8 10.1 8.4 12.5 18.2 22.8
% D4815
5.07 10 9.71 10.88 9.87 0 8.17 9.87 15.3
Ethanol Ethanol Ethanol MTBE Ethanol None MTBE Ethanol Methanol
0.7532 0.7494 0.7433 0.7401 0.7588
Density @15
C (g/cc)
0.7529 0.7491 0.752 0.74 0.7393
T10 ( C )
58.3 52.4 59.7 53.3 57.2 51.9 48.7 39.4
T90 ( C )
155.9 160.7 144.3 160.7 149.4 160.8 185.9 166.6
T95 ( C )
168.9 177.5 177.6 186.1 171.6 196.1
FBP ( C )
185.2 201.9 182.8 190 212.8 195.5 221.7 197.7
at 70C
34.1 44.9 45.6 63.2
at 100C
52 57.4 55.2 67.3
at 150C
84 87.5 79.2 87
© SAE International
 FIGURE A1  Chart of the test fuel densities (ASTM 4052).
© SAE International
 FIGURE A2  Distillation Curve (ASTM D86) Chart for all fuels.
© SAE International
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ISSN 0148-7191