Twenty questions about design behavior
for sustainability
How behavioral scientists, engineers, and architects can work together to
advance how we all understand and practice design—in order to enhance
sustainability in the built environment, and beyond.
A Report from the Nature Sustainability Expert Panel on ‘Behavioral science for design’
1 Report from a Expert Panel
Panel Co-Chairs. Leidy Klotz, University of Virginia; John Pickering, Evidn; Elke Weber,
Princeton University
Nature Research. Monica Contestabile
Panel Members. Adam Pearson, Pomona College; Alexey Voinov, University of Technology
Sydney; Allen Townsend, University of Virginia; Anna Ebers, University of Maryland; Anouk
Zeeuw van der Laan, Imperial College London; Baruch Fischhoff, Carnegie Mellon University;
Bethany Gordon, University of Virginia; Caitlin Wylie, University of Virginia; Catherine Owsik,
University of Virginia; Clinton Andrews, Rutgers University; Dave Rench-McCauley, Department
of Energy; Deidra Miniard, Indiana University; Doug Farr, Farr Architects; Elaine Ulrich,
Department of Energy; Eleni Fischer, ideas42; Eric Johnson, Columbia University; Erin
MacDonald, Stanford University; Erin Sherman, ideas42; Forrest Meggers, Princeton University;
Guru Madhavan, National Academy of Sciences; Ioanna Tsoulou, Rutgers University; James
Geppner, Erase40; Jeff Domanski, Erase40; Jianna Torre, Center for Advanced Hindsight;
Jinhyung Chon, Korea University; Joe Kantenbacher, Indiana University; John Gero, University
of North Carolina at Charlotte; John Thomas, California Environmental Associates; John
Pickering, Evidn.; Juan Castilla-Rho, University of Wollongong; Karen Akerlof, George Mason
University; Katelyn Stenger, University of Virginia; Lina Fedirko, Climate Works; Linda Steg,
University of Groningen; Marco Aurisicchio, Imperial College London; Marisa Henry, Johns
Hopkins University; Maya Fischhoff, Network for Business Sustainability; Michaela Barnett,
University of Virginia; Michal Strahilevitz, University of Wollongong; Michelle Zong, Center for
Advanced Hindsight; Morela Hernandez, University of Virginia; Nadja Zeiske, University of
Groningen; Nicki Cohen, ideas42; Nina Chen, The Nature Conservancy; Nina Mazar, Boston
University; Patrick Hancock; University of Virginia; Paul Ferraro, Johns Hopkins University; Priya
Shyamsundar, The Nature Conservancy; Richa Vuppuluri, University of Virginia; Richard
Gonzalez, University of Michigan; Richard Malak, Texas A&M University; Ruth Schmidt, Illinois
Institute of Technology; Sara Constantino, Princeton University; Sarah Welch, ideas42;
Shahzeen Attari, Indiana University; Shana Weber, Princeton University; Stephanie Preston,
University of Michigan; Stephanie Wilcoxen, The Behavioral Insights Team; Tima Bansal,
University of Western Ontario; Tomeka Caroll, University of Virginia; Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech
This report is the result of an expert panel by the Authors and Nature Sustainability. The
information and material contained in this publication is for educational, research and information
purposes only and is made available under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-Non-
Commercial 4.0 International). The authors, the authors’ institutions and Springer Nature will not
be liable for any loss or damage incurred through the use of this report. This report has not been
peer reviewed, copy-edited or produced according to the Nature Research policy standards (all
available at
To cite. Twenty Questions About Design Behavior for Sustainability, Report of the International
Expert Panel on Behavioral Science for Design, New York, 2019.
2 Report from a Expert Panel
Our era, the Anthropocene, is defined by the fact that human behavior has become the dominant
influence on the natural environment
. Given this essential role of human behavior, behavioral
science must inform our pursuit of sustainability
. Promisingly, behavioral science is being used to
encourage more sustainable end-use behavior, from learning generally why and when people act
in more sustainable ways
, to identifying specific ways to present information so that such
behavior becomes more likely
Our panel believes design behavior offers untapped potential for similar impact. Whether the
result is a new building or a new policy, design behavior turns existing situations into
preferred ones
, on a large scale (full definitions are on the next page). Whereas end-use
behavior can determine what happens in a situation, design behavior often determines the
situation itself. End-use behavior is an office worker deciding whether to put on a sweater or turn
up the thermostat. Designer behavior is deciding whether to heat that office with renewable solar
energy or with mechanical systems powered by fossil fuels. What’s more, designer behavior is
what leads to entirely new approaches to more sustainable energy use in buildings.
While there is certainly overlap between end-use and design behavior, the latter cannot be
understood by simply extending what has been learned about the former. Design behavior for
sustainability is part of an interdependent network of judgments and decisions that are shaped by
specific professional and socioeconomic contexts and that must consider both existing and
preferred states of complex Anthropocene situations.
To advance understanding of design behavior for sustainability, our panel engaged more than
three dozen experts from diverse fields—and spanning academia, practice, and policy. Panelists’
perspectives were synthesized over the course of a year, with two days of in-person discussion
preceded and followed by virtual collaboration. As an entry point to study design behavior for
sustainability, our panel focused on the design of the human built environment. Such design
shapes the quality of human life, and it sets in place long-term patterns of climate changing
emissions and other planetary impacts
. Within this context, our panel identified ways to advance
current understanding and practice of design for sustainability in the built environment. We
also highlighted opportunities to learn about design behaviors common to many sustainability
challenges, beyond the built environment.
The panel’s findings are presented here as twenty high-priority questions, including challenges
and opportunities embedded in each question. The questions are organized roughly according to
the overlapping factors that influence behaviors:
individual and interpersonal (i.e., designers’ knowledge, values, customs, and social
organizational (i.e., designers’ institutions and processes),
community (i.e., designers’ relationships with users and other stakeholders), and
enabling environment and policy (i.e., designers’ ability to contribute to global
sustainability efforts, codes, and laws).
The opportunities abound. Our panel’s sincere hope is that this report will inform and inspire
others to join in this important work for shaping our Anthropocene present and future.
3 Report from a Expert Panel
Definitions. The following definitions emerged from the panel and guide this report.
Design behavior - Creating with intent, informed by an understanding of humans and relevant
contexts, to go from how things are to how we want them to be. Our panel focused on the design
of the built environment. At the same time, we agree with the designer, behavioral scientist, and
Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, who wrote that ‘everyone designs who devises courses of actions
aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones’. For this reason, we expect that many
of the questions and insights from built environment design will be generalizable to design for
sustainability in other contexts.
Behavioral science – Systematic analysis and study of human perception, judgment, and decision
making and their influence on memory, learning, and action. In addition to considering individual
reasons for behavior and interventions to change it, our panel also focused on behavior at scale:
the interpersonal, organizational, cultural, and policy environments that also shape individual
Sustainability – Seeking the well-being of current and future generations within the limits of the
natural world, balancing the ways in which short-term interests at the individual and
organizational levels enhance or are at odds with those of global systems and communities in the
longer term. Our panel sought integrated consideration of environmental, social, and ethical
aspects of sustainability.
4 Report from a Expert Panel
The 20 Questions
Behavior of designers (individual and interpersonal) ......................................................... 5
1. How does design behavior differ from end-use behavior? ................................................... 5
2. What time scales do (and should) designers consider? ....................................................... 5
3. How can designers overcome perceptions that sustainability is a trade-off? ....................... 6
4. What mental models do (and should) designers bring? ....................................................... 7
5. What mental shortcuts do (and should) designers use? ...................................................... 7
6. How can social norms encourage sustainable design? ........................................................ 8
Design processes (organizational) ..................................................................................... 9
7. What process changes should be prioritized? ..................................................................... 9
8. How can decision environments support design for sustainability? ................................... 10
9. How do single sustainable design actions influence others? .............................................. 10
Designing with and for stakeholders (community) ........................................................... 11
10. How can designers engage with communities and users? ............................................. 11
11. What are equitable ways to distribute benefits, costs, and risks? .................................. 12
12. How do designed forms influence end-use behavior? .................................................... 13
13. How are designed forms perceived by users? ............................................................... 13
Evaluating—and growing—impact (enabling environment and policy) ............................... 14
14. What are practical ways to evaluate impact in low-frequency cases? ............................ 15
15. How can evaluation balance perfection and relevance? ................................................. 15
16. How can evaluation be encouraged? ............................................................................. 16
17. How can researchers and practitioners work together? ................................................. 16
18. What will support and grow the community to answer these questions—and ask more?17
19. How can this community influence policy? .................................................................... 18
20. Will you join us? ........................................................................................................... 18
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 19
References ...................................................................................................................... 20
5 Report from a Expert Panel
Behavior of designers (individual and interpersonal)
The consequences of climate change are an example of
how the large-scale systems humans have designed
have brought about a situation that does not appear to
be in our species’ best interest. Economics
and law
have been able to broaden their theoretical foundations
by rigorously incorporating behavioral science to extend
and account for systematic deviations from ‘rational’
models of consistent thinking and behavior. Embracing and applying analogous advances to
designer behavior can extend the boundaries of sustainability research and practice.
1. How does design behavior differ from end-use behavior?
Panelists prioritized the need to understand when it is appropriate (or not) to generalize from research
on end-use behavior. Generalized research on human behavior can be used to develop and test
hypotheses about when to expect differences for the specific context of design.
Challenges. Based on the distinctive attributes of design, as mentioned in the opportunities below,
design behavior is likely to deviate in important and systematic ways from findings that have been
observed more broadly across human populations.
Opportunities. In addition to research on human behavior in general, other lines of behavioral science
research provide jumping off points for the specific study of design. Research on expert and high-
stakes decision making is one such area of study. Designers, for example, are often highly trained
experts operating in competitive environments, and both experience and competition are known to
moderate human behaviors
. Another relevant line of research studies differences between decisions
made for oneself and decisions made for others. These self/other differences have been found in
behaviors relevant to design. Research shows, for example, that people can be more creative when
making decisions for others when they make them for themselves
. And finally, a line of behavioral
science research is uncovering cases in which cultural differences can lead to demonstrably different
manifestations even of well-known and well-established behavioral tendencies
. The importance of any
subculture must be considered when studying and designing for behavior change. The same is true of
designer culture. Studying it through the lens of behavioral science might uncover ways the culture
enables and inhibits more sustainable design.
2. What time scales do (and should) designers consider?
One cross-cutting behavioral challenge is to align the time scales humans use when making
decisions with the time scales required for sustainability. The time scale that is incentivized, or
just implied, can inhibit more sustainable choices. For example, consider a homeowner who
decides not to install solar panels because they plan to sell their home in a few years, or a mayor
who is not motivated to support a policy that would create green jobs because the jobs would not
be filled until the next mayor is in office. Incentive structures or visioning techniques that help the
homeowner expand the time scales they are considering may also be helpful for the mayor.
Individual & Interpersonal
Enabling Environment & Policy
6 Report from a Expert Panel
Challenges. Design for sustainability requires weighing costs and benefits that are often
distributed over long periods of time. Discounting, a dominant approach to predicting and
comparing future financial outcomes, is a central issue for sustainability, for example in the
valuation of ecosystem services
, in cooperative efforts to mitigate climate change
, and in risk
forecasts for infrastructure design
. An overarching challenge in these and other cases is that
humans tend to overly discount future risk events, with daily concerns taking precedence over
planning for the future
Two related challenges when dealing with such long time scales and large projects are lock-in
effect and path dependency. Lock-in occurs because the cost of changing outweighs the benefits
of doing so. Path dependency explains the continued use of a product or practice based on
historical preference or use. All facets of design are vulnerable to these effects, which behavioral
science has shown tend to increase with physical size, the scale of resources required, and the
number of people affected. As a result, some of the greatest effects of lock-in and path
dependence are in the built environment
Opportunities. Better understanding how designers do and should discount the future would
inform long-term responses to sustainability challenges. For example, behavioral scientists have
found that one reason for temporal discounting is that, as temporal distance increases, mental
representations become more abstract. This suggests that more vivid representations of the
future might help designers more accurately perceive the longevity of their projects and therefore
help them frame planning on a longer time scale.
In a similar way, better understanding path dependence and lock-in might help designers more
fairly compare the costs of changing our predecessors’ designs with the benefits of a new design.
For example, such comparisons are needed to weigh the benefits of building a new energy
efficient building, versus maintaining an old one, thereby avoiding the need for new materials.
More importantly, designers who are aware of path dependence and lock-in effects would be more
likely to consider how current designs will enable or constrain options for the future.
3. How can designers overcome perceptions that sustainability is a
Sustainability can be mistakenly seen as a trade-off, pursued at the expense of goals such as
equity, wellbeing, culture, or cost-savings. One reason this is a harmful misperception is because
all of these sub-goals are part of sustainability. A second reason this is a damaging misperception
is because, while some trade-offs between these sub-goals are inevitable, in other cases, benefits
in one goal lead to benefits in another. For example, a building that eliminates the need for
central air conditioning through passive design will likely not only use less energy but also cost
less in the first place and provide a healthier environment for occupants.
Challenges. Perceptions of sacrifice and trade-off perpetuate the idea that sustainable design
costs more. Panelists noted that it is imperative to break this mold and show that sustainability is
not only necessary but cost-effective. Sustainability is not a nice-to-have; it is the evolution of
good design.
Opportunities. Behavioral science could help uncover reasons for these misperceptions of trade-
off and how they manifest across various stakeholder groups, including among designers
7 Report from a Expert Panel
themselves. There is an opportunity to study perceived trade-offs through the stakeholder
engagement required for sustainable design. For example, design thinking tools such as
empathy mapping would not only yield insights for the design at hand, but also about more
general perceptions of trade-off. With this more general understanding, behavioral scientists
could then move on to finding ways to alleviate and even redefine these perceptions.
4. What mental models do (and should) designers bring?
Different designers bring different mental models to the task. Among built environment designers,
for example, engineers and architects will likely bring very different blends of an openness to
embracing creativity (a strength of many architects), and the need to be pragmatic and objective
in order to solve problems (a strength of many engineers)
. In a similar way, different designers
will assign different weights to quantitative performance measures, such as cost and energy use,
and qualitative ones, such as the ‘quality without a name’
expressed by great design works.
These different mental models will shape how each designer strives to serve the needs of multiple
stakeholders in both present conditions and projected future states.
Challenges. Panelists noted that designers’ mental models must accommodate the range and
interplay of multiple factors that influence human behavior, including environmental conditions,
societal influences, and individual psychology, biases, heuristics, values and preferences. The
conditions within which designers work and, in the case of professional design, the nature of
those who are drawn to and thrive in the profession might result in some specific and predictable
variance from the norm. Yet there is little behavioral research focusing directly on different
groups of designers that could inform this view.
Opportunities. Inquiring into designers’ mental models promises to deliver systematic insight
into designers’ thought processes to allow a better understanding of the value equation between
creative expression, traditional pragmatic concerns, and new concerns that the Anthropocene
brings. For example, to what extent do architects think of their role as stewards of more
responsible energy use as opposed to one focused on cultivating people’s relationships with
space? Is a plan to ‘bring the outside in’ through a bank of continuous windows at the expense of
energy performance considered a worthwhile sacrifice in the interest of providing better
daylighting and views? How might this value equation be perceived differently by others who help
with design, such as engineers or building owners and occupants? Translating evidence from
behavioral science to the design context
can help us better understand and ask more pointed
questions about the mental models we bring to design for sustainability.
5. What mental shortcuts do (and should) designers use?
We all use mental shortcuts and rules of thumb (or ‘heuristics’) to save time and thought. Rather
than find the very best pasta sauce at the grocery store, for example, we may choose the first
option we find that is under a certain price and sodium content. Or, we might simply choose the
same sauce as last time. Panelists noted that designers use those kinds of shortcuts, just like
everybody else. And, like other trained professionals operating in high-stakes situations, designers
have evolved their own special heuristics for the task
8 Report from a Expert Panel
Challenges. Design of the built environment is a complex undertaking. Engineers and architects,
for example, are expected to apply technical expertise while balancing structural, functional, and
aesthetic objectives in a superior design solution within a specific context
. Designing for
functionality relies on considering a range of factors, including usability
, the accommodation of
users’ diverse preferences and capabilities
, and respectful acknowledgement of users’ intrinsic
humanity and desire for autonomy
. These choices must also be responsive to the realities of
cost, schedule, resources, and creative aspirations. What’s more, making these decisions requires
considering shifting uncertainties and incentives. To cope with such complexity, heuristics are
necessary. These natural tendencies to create and use mental shortcuts can be heightened further
when we’re facing pressures of time and budget. Unfortunately, not all heuristics lead to positive
outcomes. The heuristic to begin a new design from a previous successful project, for example,
might limit our tendencies to pursue transformational changes in the interest of increased
Opportunities. The literature on design heuristics in particular
, and expert cognition in general,
is a jumping off point for this question
. However, design for sustainability is likely to introduce,
and require, its own heuristics. This is because designing for sustainability—with its need to
consider varied, broad, and longer-term design goals about the built environment’s impact on the
Earth’s ecosystems—further increases the cognitive load on designers. Panelists suggested that
determining which heuristics are barriers and enablers to achieving more sustainable
outcomes will be an important next step. Gaining this understanding would allow for study of
purposeful introduction and removal of heuristics in order to enhance design outcomes. Study of
end-users provides a promising example: a simple heuristic can lead to marked improvement in
the understanding of energy use
. Heuristics promise similar potential to aid design behavior.
Recognizing which heuristics may be more likely to be potent, and when, can guide how we test
and develop new heuristic-driven mechanisms that enhance design for sustainability.
6. How can social norms encourage sustainable design?
Social norms represent accepted group conduct; that is, basic knowledge of what others do and
think that they should do. Social norms can be a significant motivational contributor to
sustainability behaviors
and can be made even more effective when combined with top-down
. In fact, simply showing how social norms are changing has the potential to significantly
effect decisions about sustainability
Challenges. Social norms in design are not currently for sustainability, which is why we have the
specter of an Anthropocene era and related challenges like climate change. Finding ways to
change this social norm in built environment design could lead to insights that are relevant across
sustainability challenges.
Opportunities. Panelists highlighted two opportunities for studying social norms. The first is to
examine the role of analogy and story in changing these norms. All over the world, in
developed and developing countries, stories seeded in entertainment programs show measurable
impact on public health behaviors, for example by reducing fertility rates in Brazil
and by
increasing girls’ school enrollment in India
. Working together, designers and behavioral
scientists could seek similar changes in norms around sustainable design. The second related
opportunity is to learn from how social norms have changed quickly in other areas such as
9 Report from a Expert Panel
LGBTQ rights and even smoking in bars. Such cases will provide insight into how to change design
norms, and also instill hope that it can be done in the time needed.
Design processes (organizational)
Panelists emphasized that individual design behavior
occurs in the context of design processes that both
intentionally and tacitly shape judgment, decision
making, and actions, and therefore also shape the
sustainability of outcomes
. Behavioral science can help
us understand these organizational processes within
which designers do their work, because when the same
individual designer follows a different design process, the different process may produce a more
or less sustainable new situation. Using behavioral science to learn more about these design
processes promises to reveal ways of creating processes that enable more sustainable outcomes.
7. What process changes should be prioritized?
One reason our panel prioritized study of design behavior is because one designer, or a relatively
small group of designers, influences the subsequent behavior of many users over long periods of
time. In a similar vein, panelists also pointed out the need to compare the effectiveness of
different design process interventions, in order to prioritize where efforts to change should be
Challenges. From initial problem identification to broad planning to detailed designs and
specifications, there are countless steps and relationships in the design process. There are also
interdependencies between the steps, feedback loops where outputs of one step determine inputs
Individual & Interpersonal
Enabling Environment & Policy
10 Report from a Expert Panel
to another, and vice versa. Information flows and incentives also influence the design process, as
do interwoven goals such as cost, feasibility, client demands, and personal creative expression. As
a result, there are more places to intervene in the design process than time to do so. What’s
more, the relative effect of interventions is not necessarily obvious.
Opportunities. Collaborative efforts between behavioral scientists and designers could identify
high-leverage places to intervene in the design process. Designers bring an understanding of
which points are most influential to design outcomes. And behavioral scientists have a sense for
which interventions are likely to result in the biggest change in behavior. Given the infinite
possibilities for intervention and the limited capacity for research in this area, panelists felt that
such prioritization of leverage points would be a valuable research investment.
8. How can decision environments support design for sustainability?
Design processes often include support for decision making that is intended to aid design.
Sustainability outcomes can be shaped by the various kinds of decision support used throughout
the design process, ranging from design software to sustainability rating systems and measures.
Challenges. Although the role of this decision support is to guide – not to dictate – design
behaviors, reliance on these systems can lead to autopilot perceptions and behaviors or blind
spots. Rating systems, for example, might encourage performing to the lowest bar of
acceptability, in which designs aim to achieve ‘just good enough’ specifications, rather than
striving to exceed baseline measures
. Decision support might also lead to individual components
of design being considered in isolation, rather than as a whole. Measures of home energy use, for
example, might lead to highly insulated homes but neglect the need to make sidewalks or public
transit accessible, which would reduce energy use outside of the home
Opportunities. Behavioral science has long examined how decision environments can influence
the decisions that are made
. Such decision support is already part of daily life in everything
from food menus that disclose calorie information to retirement plans that automatically enroll
employees and allow them to opt out, rather than the other way around. Study of built
environment design shows promise for more sustainable outcomes through relatively simple
changes to rating systems
. There is a need to extend this study to other forms of decision
support, and to test the effects in new contexts. Such study would give behavioral scientists
new applied contexts for their research. And it would provide designers with decision support that
is grounded in science, and therefore more likely to result in more sustainable outcomes.
9. How do single sustainable design actions influence others?
The design processes that generate the built environment involve systems of actors and
interconnected decisions. As a result, single design choices result in and influence other design
Challenges. In some cases, spillover effects from one decision to another may be negative.
Research in other sustainability domains has shown that relying on emotional associations can
lead to instances in which actions on one environmental issue make other actions less likely.
People receiving weekly feedback on their domestic water consumption, for example, lowered
their water use but at the same time increased their electricity consumption
. In a similar way,
11 Report from a Expert Panel
focusing on less influential actions, like recycling, can divert attention away from more influential
ones, like voting on climate change policy.
Opportunities. Research can identify and remediate instances in which negative spillover might
occur. And research can seek cases of positive spillover, which is when one positive action leads
to other positive choices, such as when people who have been convinced to recycle become more
likely to car-share.
Panelists noted that researchers could have broad impact by identifying if
and under what conditions single design interventions create positive spillover and therefore lead
to a series of pro-sustainability choices throughout the design process.
Designing with and for stakeholders (community)
Design for sustainability requires understanding the
diverse and evolving needs of users and their
communities. This, in turn, requires applying inclusive
practices to recruit, support, and elicit the local
knowledge of practitioners, researchers, and residents
from marginalized groups. No one doubts that
sustainability requires this approach, although
generalizable examples that are grounded in science remain rare.
10. How can designers engage with communities and users?
Stakeholder engagement, in order to improve design decision making
, requires taking various
approaches (interviews, workshops, and surveys, for example) to identify the social and
environmental issues that matter most to users
. Investments in genuine stakeholder
engagement, through practices such as design thinking
and participatory modeling
, seek to
help create a shared understanding of environmental, ethical, and social objectives.
Challenges. The first challenge in engaging stakeholders is getting access to them. Like designers,
stakeholders are busy, and unlike designers, stakeholders are not typically getting paid for their
contributions to the design. Moreover, most stakeholders unfamiliar with how they might
Individual & Interpersonal
Enabling Environment & Policy
12 Report from a Expert Panel
influence a design. And stakeholders may speak a different language, or in the case of projects
intended to serve communities for a long time, stakeholders may not yet have been born. Even
when designers manage to engage with communities and users, these stakeholders are
susceptible to the same cognitive biases as designers. They may not know what their needs are or
may inaccurately predict their needs
. Mass transit riders, for instance, cannot be expected to
understand the costs and benefits of every alternative type of transportation. Stakeholder
perspective is essential, but should complement, rather than override, the training and experience
of designers.
Opportunities. Guided by behavioral science, designers can do their homework even before
engaging with users. In order to define problems, develop possible solutions, and embrace
participation, designers need to understand how social structures, such as groups’ histories,
cultures, cognitive biases, power relations, differing access to resources, and knowledge systems,
define, steer and inform stakeholders’ mental models and perspectives. Behavioral science
provides a systematic approach to doing so.
In a similar way, behavioral science, specifically as it applies to group processes
, can also be
used to evaluate methods for engaging stakeholders. Such methods include charrettes,
integrated workshops, participatory 3D mapping, and participatory modeling. While these various
participatory and collaborative methods all seem better than not engaging stakeholders at all,
there is limited evidence showing whether and how these approaches work. Any such evidence
from the context of built environment design would produce useful insights for other sustainability
Technology offers new opportunities to engage stakeholders. The World Climate Simulation, for
example, is being used to build climate change awareness and enable people to experience some
of the dynamics that emerge in the UN climate negotiations. The interactive tool allows
participants to see, in real time, how their proposed policies impact the global climate system.
Behavioral science can be used to identify attributes of games and simulations which help
designers and stakeholders merge their complementary perspectives
11. What are equitable ways to distribute benefits, costs, and risks?
Communities affected by designs include not only those who directly use the designs, but also
those whose physical, economic, and social environments are altered by the designs. One major
reason to engage with affected communities is that doing so helps designers distribute benefits,
costs, and risks equitably across populations in the present and future
Challenges. Disadvantaged populations often have limited access to design decision making and
the goals it produces. If not considered, the differential structure, agency, and power of the
involved groups can produce inequitable goals and designs.
Opportunities. Design can learn from other areas that have been able to enhance community
participation and equity in decision making. For instance, research on the global HIV epidemic
highlights not only ways in which risks can be effectively communicated to different segments of
the public, but also how researchers and organizations can involve vulnerable communities in
decision making in ways that can influence public policy
. In this case, diverse community
participation led to nuanced findings: messaging to promote HIV testing was viewed as
13 Report from a Expert Panel
marginalizing and fear-inducing for people of color or target groups, making these groups less
likely to want to be tested
. Openly published evaluations of project impact, to which we will
return in questions 14-16, also allow the communities affected by research to hold researchers
accountable to those communities’ interests.
12. How do designed forms influence end-use behavior?
The behavior of end-users is influenced by individual, social, and physical factors
. Basic social
and decision science has yielded important insights into which individual and social factors affect
sustainable behavior
, but effects of physical factors have been understudied in these
. Does an office building that makes energy use transparent encourage occupants to
think about energy use in their homes, or even on their commutes? Can a change in the
placement of thermostats make office occupants more likely to adjust them? In each of these
examples, the physical form that designers produce create a context that may suggest or
discourages sustainable behaviors among occupants. Understanding which physical factors
generally influence sustainable behavior among end-users would give designers new ways to
create a built environment that encourages this behavior—including when end-users encounter
other situations.
Challenges. Panelists noted that, while designers may have assumptions about which elements
their designs affect users’ sustainability-related behaviors, these assumptions may not always be
true, and typically are not tested systematically, if at all.
Opportunities. Panelists highlighted an opportunity for designers to create physical structures
that encourage more sustainable end-use behavior by translating and extending findings from
humans’ senses of touch (haptics), and body movement and position (“proprioception”).
Staircases painted to look like piano keys, for example, can lead people to enjoy taking the stairs,
which has health benefits
. This suggests that similar mechanisms may be able to prompt
sustainable behaviors.
Panelists also highlighted the opportunity presented by the fact that human behavior increasingly
sits at the intersection of personal digital worlds and shared physical ones. A simple example
is how telecommuting can eliminate the need for a new highway lane. In a similar way, smart
digital systems and sensors embedded in physical infrastructures can add capacity to
infrastructure without any physical construction. And augmented reality products, such as Google
Glass, are providing new ways to connect physical and digital environments. While there can be
negative environmental and social impacts to such technologies, they also have the potential to
help alleviate such impacts. In the hands of designers who understand behavioral science, such
technologies could possibly be used to decouple environmental impact from human behaviors.
13. How are designed forms perceived by users?
Designers may define the original intent and form of built environments, but users are the ones
who shape how these physical contexts are actually perceived and used. Psychology’s construal
theory recognizes that users base their judgments, decisions, and actions more on mentally
constructed representations of the world than on the conditions that objectively exist
. As a
result, panelists recognized that even when physical forms are explicitly designed for specific
14 Report from a Expert Panel
purposes, the behaviors we eventually observe may be more influenced by users’ perceptions than
the objective characteristics of the designed element.
Challenges. This gap between objective and perceived reality can lead to unintended
consequences when the designers’ intended usage is reframed or misperceived. A recent example
can be seen in the intentionally humorous and stigmatizing plastic bags produced by a Vancouver
grocery store. These bags, emblazoned with the logo ‘Into the Weird: Adult Video Emporium’,
were designed with the intent of shaming customers into bringing reusable carryalls. Despite
their intent, the bags’ novelty made them instant collectibles rather than mechanisms to dissuade
unsustainable behaviors
. It is challenging to consider all of the possible interpretations of
Opportunities. The architect Eliel Saarinen famously advised that one should ‘always design a
thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house
in an environment, an environment in a city plan’. Behavioral scientists, with their practice
systematically studying the relationship between the extended environment and discrete physical
forms within it, can help designers apply this advice. In the case of the shopping bag, this would
have led the designers to consider the bag itself, and also the people who might buy it. At the
most basic level, behavioral science can help designers gain a more thorough understanding
of user perceptions.
Evaluating—and growing—impact (enabling
environment and policy)
To realize the opportunities highlighted in this
report, the community studying design behavior for
sustainability must extend far beyond this panel and
beyond existing researchers and practitioners. To
support this growing community, and to justify
moving research findings to policy, evaluation is
essential: to find how and when interventions can be
scaled up, are cost effective, and can be implemented quickly. Such evaluation will also hold
designers and researchers accountable to a wide variety of stakeholders, including those who are
not in immediate proximity to the design we aim to influence. However, evaluating design
behavior for sustainability in the built environment presents challenges in the form of the low
Individual & Interpersonal
Enabling Environment & Policy
15 Report from a Expert Panel
frequency of interventions, the need to study behavior in context (with communities and users),
and the fact that individual decisions are made within systems of influence and are difficult to
14. What are practical ways to evaluate impact in low-frequency
The experimental methods often associated with behavioral science lend themselves to evaluating
high-frequency end-use behaviors. For example, home energy reports that provide feedback on
how energy is being used
can be sent to tens of thousands of households that are randomly
assigned to treatment or control conditions. By comparison, interventions to change design
behavior are relatively low-frequency and will therefore require different approaches. Consider,
for example, a case in which a large purchaser of architectural and design services—say, a
government or a major corporation—agrees to alter its procurement process to boost the energy
performance of their facilities. Such an initiative holds the potential to avert tremendous
quantities of greenhouse gas emissions over the lifetime of the facilities, and even more potential
to learn and hone interventions for application with other governments or corporations.
Challenges. While the example changes to procurement processes promise tremendous impact,
evaluating this impact will pose new challenges. The number of purchases per year will likely be in
the tens and the situations are likely to be very different from each other, ranging, for example,
from state police building retrofits to new construction of university science laboratories. In such
circumstances, it is not obvious what would be the best method of modeling a plausible
counterfactual. Further, data on facility performance may not be available for years after
procurement, if it is available at all.
Opportunities. Nevertheless, there are research and evaluation methods, such as case studies,
ethnography, and focus groups, which are suited to smaller sample sizes. What these
methods sacrifice in generalizability, they make up for in specificity and detail, even allowing
evaluation to capture unexpected impacts. Panelists noted that it is our responsibility to consider
a wider net of methods when evaluating impact, even if they are more resource-intensive, or
unfamiliar. Doing so will help the design-behavior research community learn which interventions
are effective and revise their theories, leading to more effective interventions in the future, and
growing confidence among those who fund the interventions.
15. How can evaluation balance perfection and relevance?
To determine which design behavior interventions are fit to be adapted to diverse contexts and
scaled up, it is critical to evaluate each intervention’s effectiveness with respect to its specific
contextual factors.
Challenges. Decisions regarding sustainability are constantly being made in practice, regardless
of whether research has advanced to a stage at which it can weigh in. This raises difficult
questions about balancing research precision with relevance. For example, only reporting findings
that meet conventional levels of statistical significance will result in incomplete scientific
understanding, and given the urgency of sustainability challenges, may be socially irresponsible.
16 Report from a Expert Panel
Opportunities. Panelists felt that design behavior offered an opportunity to rethink measures of
success. To capture and communicate the uncertainty in evaluations, for example, panelists noted
that statistical significance levels can be reported together with confidence intervals and effect
sizes. Whatever the format of results, they should be reported as they are. Those considering a
similar intervention can then combine this reported and more comprehensive information with
their understanding of context in order to make a more informed choice.
16. How can evaluation be encouraged?
In theory, there is universal agreement that evaluation of prior efforts is a cornerstone for
improved behavior change interventions. And, in some cases, evaluation is simply required. Public
agencies and private foundations have begun requiring evaluation of long-term social impacts as
part of their funding strategies, incentivizing the recipients of funds to measure impacts.
Challenges. Still, only a fraction of programs are integrating evaluation into their upfront
planning. Panelists noted that this ambivalence toward evaluation not only plagues academia, it is
also prevalent among practitioners and the public sector. One explanation is that evaluation is a
resource-intensive activity that is not paired with the same incentives as creating a new behavior
change program. Higher resource costs, and fewer career incentives are some of the factors that
may deter researchers from the important work of evaluation. In addition, evaluation might bring
to light shortcomings in the behavioral intervention itself, which can be interpreted as reflecting
poorly on those who implemented the intervention.
Opportunities. Panelists felt that many of these challenges could be overcome if evaluation were
seen as an integral part of any behavior change program, be it research project or a private
initiative. Evaluation would provide an opportunity to define measures of academic success that
extend beyond the number of publications, conference presentations, and citations
. Such
measures, of course, should incentivize evaluation towards long-term social impact, rather than
short-term payoff to individual agents. To overcome the challenge that evaluation might bring to
light shortcomings, evaluations can focus less on outcomes and more on process, seeking to
understand why and under which conditions the intervention is effective. Panelists recognized that
good evaluation is not easy, but it remains an untapped opportunity to help demonstrate and
enhance the value in design behavior interventions
17. How can researchers and practitioners work together?
Behavioral science is not a purely academic domain. There is a growing community of behavioral
science practitioners, many of whom have extensive training in research and connections to
. As insights from behavioral science increasingly penetrate corporations and
governments, the potential for research collaboration has soared. This offers unique opportunities
for synergistic relationships between behavioral science practitioners and academic researchers of
design behavior for sustainability.
Challenges. To realize the benefits of collaboration, researchers need to see an academic benefit
of spending time with practitioners, including the opportunities it presents for bilateral learning.
On the practitioners’ side, a challenge is the real or perceived intrusion of scientific methods on
day to day operations, data privacy, and intellectual property rights. For both researchers and
17 Report from a Expert Panel
practitioners, realizing full benefits requires connecting at the most influential early stages of
project implementation, rather than after a behavioral issue has already emerged. This early
engagement is especially relevant for complex sustainability challenges, which need to be
addressed at the strategic level to ensure long-term, systemic change.
Opportunities. To determine behavior change interventions to implement, academic researchers
can consult with practitioners to confirm whether a particular point in the design process is
indeed viewed as high-leverage. Conversely, researchers can help practitioners with the
systematic evaluation of impacts. Such an approach would demonstrate added credibility to
project funders, many of which are seeking integrated teams of researchers and practitioners.
Panelists noted that these collaborative arrangements can provide significant financial incentive
for behavioral scientists to participate, because the funding behavioral scientists require is mostly
for personnel and therefore a relatively small piece of the larger project.
Research-practice partnerships also offer potential for sustained data sharing. Good data from
beyond the laboratory are difficult for researchers to obtain. At the same time, practitioners often
have more data than what they can make sense of. One-off examples of data sharing show
potential for more sustained efforts. Panelists thought that these efforts might benefit from
engaging neutral third parties like national labs and NGOs to ensure secured data storage and
Finally, panelists noted that perhaps the greatest benefit of research-practice partnerships is that
they offer a pipeline for moving insights to impact. Even the most successful behavioral change
intervention in the laboratory still requires a pathway to implementation. However, if the
intervention has been tested in context, there is no additional step needed to achieve impact.
18. What will support and grow the community to answer these
questions—and ask more?
The questions in this report require expertise that extends beyond any single domain, instead
pulling from skill sets and perspectives that have historically resided comfortably within the well-
defined boundaries of individual disciplines. In addition to blurring perceived boundaries between
these diverse fields, advancing understanding of design behavior for sustainability will involve
creating more porous boundaries between academic theory, methodology, and practical
Challenges. Collaborating effectively in this way, however, is often easier said than done. The
incentive structures in each discipline and between research and practice are very different. Even
if all involved are sincerely aligned on the end goal of increased sustainability, the varied mindsets
and contexts in which we work typically reward different activities and suggest different measures
or proof of value. In departments or schools where such collaborations are not yet happening,
academics who participate in these interdisciplinary exchanges may need to devote scarce time to
explaining the reasons for the new approach.
Opportunities. Panelists noted that growing these collaborations is an opportunity for those
involved to learn new processes and modes of inquiry, and even to embrace tensions and
productive discomfort. Tenured faculty can lead by example to show the benefits of such work,
clearing the way for untenured faculty and graduate students to have similar experiences. In so
18 Report from a Expert Panel
doing, there are opportunities to expand notions of design and behavioral science by defining
and classifying the skills that researchers and practitioners require to engage in this work. From
these skills, educators can develop classroom and online education experiences for students and
professionals to develop these skills.
19. How can this community influence policy?
A common question across research areas is how to move the ‘best practice standards’, as
documented in the literature, into policy. And so, when it comes to what we know about design
behavior for sustainability, panelists felt that, rather than reinvent the wheel, we should begin
with the rich literature that has emerged in the past three decades on the supply of and demand
for the use of science in both environmental policy
and knowledge usability
Challenges. It has been well-documented that the conventional ‘loading dock approach’ to
producing science (e.g., peer review publications, professional communications) does not fully
consider potential users’ needs, and thereby misses opportunities to produce usable knowledge
for sustainability
. Thus, one of the focal areas of the supply and demand literature—and the
related emergent field of evidence-based policy—is identifying the specific barriers that impede
the use of science
. A perceived lack of time and the difficulty of seeking out relevant
academic evidence and expertise are particularly seen as barriers for policy makers
. Barriers for
academics include a lack of trust regarding policy makers’ intentions and inexperience working
together with policy makers
Opportunities. Unfortunately, few emergent recommendations for the communication of science
to decision makers have been found to be universally generalizable across a wide diversity of
circumstances, or even specific to certain contexts
. However, investing in high-quality
communication is one approach that has been shown to be relatively consistently linked to
increased use of research in policy
. Panelists agreed that we should challenge ourselves to
contextualize our findings beyond academic impacts, delineating aspects of our research that are
practically useful and how.
20. Will you join us?
Our panel believes that identifying the questions in this report is an important milestone, albeit an
early one. Going forward to pursue these, and other yet-to-be-uncovered, questions will require
persistence and teamwork far beyond this initial panel.
Challenges. Ultimately, success will be defined not by the extent to which we are able to
articulate the problem, but our capability of bringing solutions into reality.
Opportunities. We are hard at work building and enhancing the network—to learn about and
from design for sustainability through long-term interactions across multiple communities. Please
contact any of the co-chairs or panelists if you would like to contribute. We are eager to hear
from you!
19 Report from a Expert Panel
The Panel benefitted from the support of the University of Virginia’s Convergent Behavioral
Science Initiative, the Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment at Princeton University, the
Center for Decision Sciences at Columbia University, the environmental initiatives at ideas42 and
at Evidn., and the National Science Foundation, through awards #1840560 and #1744246.
20 Report from a Expert Panel
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