March 2017
Descriptive analysis in education:
A guide for researchers
Susanna Loeb Pamela Morris
Stanford University New York University
Susan Dynarski Sean Reardon
University of Michigan Stanford University
Daniel McFarland Sarah Reber
Stanford University UCLA
Key Themes
Descriptive analysis characterizes the world or a phenomenon—answering
questions about who, what, where, when, and to what extent. Whether the
goal is to identify and describe trends and variation in populations, create
new measures of key phenomena, or describe samples in studies aimed at
identifying causal effects, description plays a critical role in the scientific pro-
cess in general and education research in particular.
Descriptive analysis stands on its own as a research product, such as when
it identifies socially important phenomena that have not previously been rec-
ognized. In many instances, description can also point toward causal under-
standing and to the mechanisms behind causal relationships.
No matter how significant a researcher’s findings might be, they contribute
to knowledge and practice only when others read and understand the
conclusions. Part of the researcher’s job and expertise is to use appropriate
analytical, communication, and data visualization methods to translate raw
data into reported findings in a format that is useful for each intended
U.S. Department of Education
Betsy DeVos,
Institute of Education Sciences
Thomas W. Brock,
Commissioner for Education Research
Delegated the Duties of Director
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance
Audrey Pendleton,
Acting Commissioner
Elizabeth Eisner,
Acting Associate C ommissioner
Amy Johnson,
Project Officer
NCEE 2017–4023
The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) conducts
unbiased large-scale evaluations of education programs and practices supported by federal funds;
provides research-based technical assistance to educators and policymakers; and sup-ports the
synthesis and the widespread dissemination of the results of research and evaluation throughout
the United States.
March 2017
This report was prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) by Decision Information
Resources, Inc. under Contract ED-IES-12-C-0057, Analytic Technical Assistance and
Development. The content of the publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of
IES or the U.S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products,
or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
This report is in the public domain. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, it
should be cited as:
Loeb, S., Dynarski, S., McFarland, D., Morris, P., Reardon, S., & Reber, S. (2017).
Descriptive anal-
ysis in education: A guide for researchers.
(NCEE 2017–4023). Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Re-
gional Assistance.
This report is available on the Institute of Education Sciences website at
The authors would like to thank Tom Szuba, of Quality Information Partners, for his substantial
role as a contributing writer.
About This Document v
Purpose v
Why Now? v
Intended Audience v
Organization vi
Chapter 1. Why Should Anyone Care about Descriptive Analysis? 1
Descriptive Analysis and the Scientific Method 2
Descriptive An alysis as Stand- Alone Resear c h
Descriptive An alysis as a Com p onent of C a us al Rese arch
The Researcher’s Role 6
Chapter 2. Approaching Descriptive Analysis 8
Approaching Descriptive Analysis as an Iterative Process 8
Meaningful Descriptive Analysis Reveals Socially Important Patterns 9
E x amples of Descriptiv e Studies T h at Reveal Consequential Phenomena
Descriptive Analysis to Support Causal Understanding 12
Planning an In tervention Strategy
T a rg e t i n g I n te rv e n ti on s
Contributin g t o the Interpret a tion of Caus al Study
Assessing Variation in T r eatment Impact
Prioritizing Potential Causal Mediators
Approaching Descriptive Analysis: Summary 17
Chapter 3. Conducting Descriptive Analysis 18
Key Terminology and Methodological Considerations 18
Res e ar ch Q ues t i ons
Using Data to Answer Research Questions 22
Statistical Adjustments 23
Comparisons 24
Groupings, Networks, and Clusters 25
Cautions Regarding Uncertainty and Fishing 26
Conducting Descriptive Analysis: Summary 27
Chapter 4. Communicating Descriptive Analysis 28
Communicating Data Visually 28
The Process of Communicating the Message 29
How to Fr ame Visualization N eeds
Common Approaches to Data Visualization 31
Tables 32
Graphs 33
Communicating Descriptive Analysis: Summary 37
Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusions 39
Appendix A. Resources Related Especially to Communications and Visualization 1
Appendix B. References B-1
Box 1. Descriptive Analysis Is a Critical Component of Research 2
Box 2. Examples of Using Descriptive Analyses to Diagnose Need and Target Intervention on the Topic of
“Summer Melt
Box 3. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Evaluate Plausible Causes and Generate Hypotheses 4
Box 4. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Interpret Causal Research 5
Box 5. Common Uses of Descriptive Accounts in Education Research and Practice 7
Box 6. Steps in a Descriptive Analysis—An Iterative Process 8
Box 7. Data Summaries Are Not Descriptive Analysis 10
Box 8. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Support or Rule Out Explanations 13
Box 9. An example of the Complexity of Describing Constructs 20
Box 10. Example of Descriptive Research that Compares Academic Achievement Gaps by Socioeconomic
Status over Time 24
Box 11. Example of Descriptive Research that Uses Network and Cluster Analysis as Descriptive Tools 25
Box 12. Visualization as Data Simplification 32
Box 13. Summary of Data Visualization Tips 37
Box 14. How to Recognize Good Descriptive Analysis 40
Figure 1. Line graphs showing time trends for three groups of teachers. 34
Figure 2. Bar graphs with identical y axes. 35
Figure 3. Variation in upward mobility of low-income children in the United States 35
Figure 4. An information-packed graph showing the emergence of networks within a classroom (with time
aggregation from 1 minute to 35 minutes). 36
Figure 5. A detailed title is used to convey information to ensure that the graphic stands alone and complete 37
About This Document
This document presents a guide for more effectively approaching, con-
ducting, and communicating quantitative descriptive analysis, which is
a critical component of the scientific process. Because understanding
“what is” is essential to successful education research and effective policy
and practice, this document also makes recommendations for improv-
ing the ways in which quantitative descriptive findings are communi-
cated throughout the education and research communities.
Descriptive analysis
characterizes the world
or a phenomenon—
identifying patterns in
the data to answer
questions about who,
what, where, when, and
to what extent.
Why Now?
Over the past 15 years, a focus on randomized control trials and the use of quasi-experimental meth-
ods (such as regression discontinuity) has improved the body of causal research in education. How-
ever, this emphasis on causal analysis has not been accompanied by an improvement in descriptive
analysis. In fact, advances in the methodological precision of causal analysis may have made descrip-
tive studies
to be a less rigorous approach to quantitative research. In contemporary work,
descriptive analysis is often viewed simply as a required section in a paper—motivating a test of effec-
tiveness or comparing the research sample to a population of interest. This view of descriptive re-
search is shortsighted: good descriptive analysis is often challenging—requiring expertise, thought,
and effort—and can improve understanding about important phenomena. The potential for descrip-
tion to inform policy, practice, and research is even more significant, given the recent availability of
large and complex datasets that are relevant for understanding education issues.
Intended Audience
Because description is common across the spectrum of empirical research, the audience for this
document is broad and varied. The primary audience includes members of the research community
who conduct and publish both descriptive and causal studies using large-
scale data. This audience includes Regional Educational Laboratory
(REL) researchers,
other education researchers, and scholars from a
range of disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics, public pol-
icy, and the social sciences broadly.
Although social scientists are one audience of research studies, other
members of the education community also rely on research to improve
their understanding of the education system. Thus, an important sec-
ondary audience is the policymakers (at local, state, and national levels) and practitioners (such as
teachers and school administrators) who read about or otherwise apply research findings throughout
The Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) program, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at
the U.S. Department of Education, works in partnership with school districts, state departments of education,
and others to use data and research to improve academic outcomes for students. Fundamentally, the mission of
the RELs is to provide support for a more evidence-reliant education system. For more information about the
REL program, visit
While our focus is on
education research, the
vast majority of this
report applies much more
broadly to quantitative
and qualitative
descriptive work in a
wide range of fields.
the education system. The guide can be useful for these stakeholders because it identifies how de-
scription can be useful for policy decisions and because it can help them to distinguish relevant
descriptive analyses from those that are ill-conceived or poorly implemented.
This document is organized into five chapters and related appendixes:
Chapter 1. Why Should Anyone Care about Descriptive Analysis? Raises awareness about the im-
portant role that descriptive analysis plays in the scientific process in general and education research
in particular. It describes how quantitative descriptive analysis can stand on its own as a complete
research product or be a component of causal research.
Chapter 2. Approaching Descriptive Analysis. Describes the iterative nature of the process of de-
scriptive analysis, which begins with recognition of a socially meaningful phenomenon and advances
through the identification of salient features, relevant constructs, and available measures. The pro-
cess concludes (subject to iterative revision) when patterns in the data are observed and subsequently
communicated in a format that is well suited to depict the phenomenon to a particular audience.
Chapter 3. Conducting Descriptive Analysis. Focuses on the specific components of description—
including the research question, constructs, measures, samples, and methods of distillation and anal-
ysis—that are of primary importance when designing and conducting effective descriptive research.
Chapter 4. Communicating Descriptive Analysis. Reminds researchers (1) that no matter how sig-
nificant their findings, those findings contribute to knowledge and practice only when others read
and understand the conclusions and (2) that part of their job is to use appropriate communication
and data visualization methods to translate raw data into reported findings in a format that is useful
for each type of intended audience.
Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusions. Condenses the document’s content into a concise summary
of key messages.
Chapter 1. Why Should Anyone Care about Descriptive Analysis?
To understand what works in education, we need to identify causal relationships. For example, we
might ask whether a specific academic intervention, such as a reading program, caused an effect,
such as an increase in student performance, in a particular group of students. This type of causal
analysis involves precise methods designed to isolate and measure the effects of specific variables
hypothesized to be playing a significant role in a cause-effect relationship.
While causal research garners substantial attention, most research (even most policy-relevant re-
search) is descriptive. In order to know what types of interventions might be useful—what problems
need to be solved—we must understand the landscape of needs and opportunities. Large-scale de-
scriptive research provides this landscape. We focus here on quantitative description, in contrast to
qualitative descriptive studies, which may have goals of identifying causal effects in specific contexts
through ethnography or interpretive techniques. The goal of quantitative description is not deep
understanding of personal perspectives of a phenomenon, but a more general understanding of
patterns across a population of interest.
Quantitative descriptive analysis characterizes the world or a phenom-
Causal research may be
enon by identifying patterns in data to answer questions about who,
the “gold standard” for
what, where, when, and to what extent. Descriptive analysis is data
determining what works in
education, but descriptive
simplification. Good description presents what we know about capac-
analysis is central to
ities, needs, methods, practices, policies, populations, and settings in
almost every research
a manner that is
relevan t to a specific research or policy question
project and is a necessary
Thus, data alone are not descriptive research, because data are not
component of high-quality
causal analysis.
purposeful: data dumps, all-purpose data dashboards, and generic ta-
bles of summary statistics may be useful for some purposes, but they
qualify as descriptive
analysi s
Descriptive analysis can stand on its own as a research product, such as when it identifies phenomena
or patterns in data that have not previously been recognized. In many instances, however, quantita-
tive description is part of a broader study that involves causal analysis. Causal research methods may
yield strong evidence about the effects of an intervention, as implemented in a particular time and
place, but descriptive research
the conditions and circumstances of the cause.
A combination of causal and descriptive analysis is necessary for understanding “why” an interven-
tion has a causal effect: a sound causal analysis can assess the effects of an intervention; and effective
descriptive work can identify the characteristics of the population, the features of implementation,
and the nature of the setting that is most relevant to interpreting the findings. When properly ap-
plied, description can help researchers understand a phenomenon of interest and use that
knowledge to prioritize possible causal mechanisms, generate hypotheses and intervention strategies,
interpret the findings of causal research, diagnose problems for practitioners and policymakers to
address, and identify new issues to study.
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. (2003).
Identifying and implementing
educationa l practices supported by rigorous evidenc e : A us er friendly gui d e
(NCEE EB2003). Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and
Regional Assistance. Retrieved from
When policymakers (at local, state, and national levels) and practitioners (such as teachers and
school administrators) make good decisions about how to improve education, it is often because
they have access to a broad body of information that is the product of both causal studies
scriptive analysis—pointing toward causal understanding of real phenomena occurring in our class-
rooms, schools, and school districts.
Descriptive Analysis and the Scientific Method
Application of the scientific method advances knowledge through observing phenomena, identifying
questions, generating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, and then producing new observations, ques-
tions, and hypotheses. Descriptive analysis is a fundamental component of this process because of
the role it plays in helping us to observe the world or a phenomenon and, subsequently, in identify-
ing research questions and generating hypotheses based on what has been observed (see Box 1).
Box 1. Descriptive Analysis Is a Critical Component of Research
Descriptive analyses are central to almost every research project. Whether the goal is to identify and describe
trends and variation in populations, create new measures of key phenomena, or simply describe samples in
studies aimed at identifying causal effects, descriptive analyses are part of almost every empirical paper and
report. Some studies provide excellent descriptive analyses that are clearly focused on relevant aspects of a
phenomenon. Unfortunately, other descriptive studies do little to provide relevant information, instead present-
ing a range of facts only tangentially related to the topic at hand. To be useful as an application of the scientific
method both the goals and the findings of descriptive work should be clear.
Descriptive Analysis as Stand-Alone Research
There are times when descriptive analysis stands on its own as research—particularly when findings
focus on identifying undocumented phenomena, identifying hidden patterns in large datasets, or
diagnosing real-world needs that warrant policy or intervention.
Descriptive analysis is
This type of descriptive study can be especially informative when we do
relevant to all types of
not yet have a basic understanding of a phenomenon. For example, when
research. It can stand
virtual classrooms were initially introduced in schools, policymakers, prac-
alone as a complete
titioners, and causal researchers wanted to assess its effect on teaching and
research project or
supplement causal
learning. However, descriptive analysis was needed first to clarify our basic
understanding of the key aspects of the new phenomenon. Descriptive re-
search was used to answer questions like:
Who was en rolled in virtual education?
For example, was it homebound students for a finite
period of time, students who took one or two virtual classes to supplement their traditional
school experience, or full-time online students? Understanding who took online courses is
useful for properly assessing their potential merit. The potential implications are different if
students taking virtual classes have or don’t have access to similar material in face-to-face
When was virtual instruction occurring?
For example, was it during a specific class period
during a school day or was it self-paced to permit students to work at their convenience? If
the courses were largely synchronous (at a specific time), then they would probably not add
flexibility to students’ schedules, but if the courses were asynchronous (on-demand), they
might add flexibility for students who need it. Thus, looking at the effects separately for those
most likely to benefit from flexibility has merit.
How was time spent during the virtual course?
For example, did students interact more or
less with instructors in the online setting? What about with peers? Are they exposed to a
more diverse set of peers or to more effective instructors in one of the settings? Do they
spend more time listening to lectures or working actively on problems? By understanding the
differences between settings and the variation within settings, researchers shed light on
when, where, and how the settings could affect student learning and experience.
Descriptive research can be particularly valuable in today’s age of large datasets in which the volume
of information may otherwise obscure recognition of basic relationships. Countless pieces of data
are collected each day about our education system—each student’s attendance, classroom participa-
tion, assessment results, grades, and disciplinary incidents; each school’s enrollment, curriculum,
class schedules, staff characteristics, and facilities; and every state’s number and types of schools,
revenues and expenses, and academic achievement.
Descriptive research can be used to distill these
datasets into meaningful dimensions to uncover patterns and inform and improve decision-making.
Descriptive analysis can also be used to diagnose issues that warrant the immediate attention of
policymakers, practitioners, and researchers. For example, a descriptive study that reveals a previ-
ously unknown obstacle to college enrollment, such as the “summer melt” (see Box 2), helps stake-
holders understand that there is a problem and, subsequently, target and test interventions for the
population in need. In such a case, the descriptive study informs practitioners about what is actually
happening in their world—problems, opportunities, or other aspects of their system that they had
not previously understood.
Box 2. Examples of Using Descriptive Analyses to Diagnose Need and Target Intervention on the Topic
of “Summer Melt”
Diagnosing need
Arnold, K., Fleming, S., DeAnda, M., Castleman, B. L., & Wartman, K. L. (2009). The summer flood: The invisible
gap among low-income students. Thought and Action, Fall: 23–34.
“Summer melt” refers to the phenomenon of high school students who expect, in the spring, to attend college
when they graduate from high school but who fail to enroll in college the following fall. This paper was the first
to recognize the phenomenon after a descriptive analysis was made of counselor records, exit surveys from
graduating seniors, counselor-student interviews, and reports of actual college enrollments for students in the
Big Picture Longitudinal Study (BPLS). The authors reported that with slight variations across schools, 95–100
percent of BPLS students were accepted into college, but even under best-case scenarios, one-third of the stu-
dents reconsidered their college plans over the summer after graduation, and at least one in five decided not
to begin college at all—the “summer melt.”
The development of statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) represents a particularly large and rich source
of education data. These systems, which are partially sponsored by the IES SLDS Grant Program, are intended to
enhance the ability of states, districts, schools, and educators to efficiently and accurately analyze and use
education data, including individual student records. SLDSs are expected to help policymakers and practitioners
make better data-informed decisions in order to improve student learning outcomes. They will also facilitate
research that will contribute to efforts to increase student achievement and close achievement gaps. For more
information about the SLDS Grant Program, visit
Targeting and Testing Intervention
Castleman, B. L., Arnold, K. D., & Wartman, K. L. (2012). Stemming the tide of summer melt: An experimental
study of the effects of post-high-school summer intervention on college enrollment. The Journal of Research on
Educational Effectiveness, 5(1): 1–18.
Castleman, B. L., Page, L. C., & Snowdon, A. L. (2012). Summer melt handbook: A guide to investigating and
responding to summer melt. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Center for Education Policy Research. Re-
trieved March 25, 2015, from
The diagnosis of this previously unrecognized problem resulted in education policymakers and practitioners
having an urgent need to develop interventions that would counter summer melt. An example of an interven-
tion resource that emanated from the descriptive work and the resultant development and testing of an inter-
vention is the Summer melt handbook: A guide to investigating and responding to summer melt (the preceding
reference), which states:
“This guide is written for people who want to understand and confront the summer melt problem. It is intended
to provide specific guidance for designing and implementing a summer counseling initiative to mitigate sum-
mer melt in your district or student community. It will be useful to people in a variety of roles, including: school
district administrators, school counseling staff and leaders, high school leaders (that is, headmasters, princi-
pals and vice-principals), and community-based organizations focused on providing resources to high school
Similarly, this identification of summer melt as a problem led to the testing of interventions to reduce the melt,
such as a text messaging program for potentially at-risk high school graduates.
Descriptive Analysis as a Component of Causal R esearch
Causal research methods may generate strong evidence about the effects of an intervention, but
descriptive research explains the conditions and context of the cause. In causal research, answering
the question of whether an intervention “worked” is typically only the
When descriptive analysis
beginning of the research effort. The natural and necessary extension
uncovers facts that appear
of such analysis is “why” or, perhaps more often in the field of social
to confirm or reject
science experimentation, “why not.” Descriptive data can facilitate an-
particular theories or
causal stories, some
swering these “why” and “why not” questions by providing real-world
researchers refer to this as
data that help to frame, contextualize, and interpret causal study.
moving “toward a causal
During the planning phase of causal research, descriptive analysis can
create or contribute to the rationale for undertaking a study. Descrip-
tive identification of a phenomenon can help identify the potential benefits of interventions that
can then be tested. Moreover, although descriptive methods cannot be used to assert a causal rela-
tionship between variable X and outcome Y, they can be used to exclude explanations that are not
consistent with observation—thereby serving as evidence that refutes proposed causal mechanisms
that do not reflect what has been seen in the data. This evidence can, in turn, be integrated into the
researcher’s hypothesis and subsequent planning of a study’s design, interventions, and methods
(see Box 3).
Box 3. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Evaluate Plausible Causes and Generate
Scott-Clayton, J. (2012). What explains trends in labor supply among U.S. undergraduates? National Tax Jour-
nal, 65(1): 181–210.
Using October’s Current Population Survey (CPS) data from the U.S. Census, the paper in the preceding citation
describes an increase in paid work among college students over time (1970–2000). While description did not
enable Scott-Clayton to confirm the cause of this change, she was able to examine the plausibility of a number
of explanations through a series of descriptive analyses. In particular, by separately showing the trends for stu-
dents with different background characteristics, she was able to reveal plausible causes: demographic
changes in college student populations did not entirely explain the trend and the expansion of the federal
work-study program appeared to coincide with the shifts in employment rates. This example demonstrates that
while descriptive work cannot assert causal effect, it can contribute to our understanding of causal mecha-
nisms, largely by ruling out some potential causes and subsequently influencing the generation and prioritiza-
tion of other plausible hypotheses.
Interpreting “why” an intervention did or did not produce a causal effect is strengthened when a
researcher has access to descriptive details that accurately and thoroughly characterize the context
and conditions of a study. Such data fuel the design of more robust research efforts and advance the
scientific method and ongoing discovery.
For example, recent attention to implementation fidelity within causal studies highlights the useful-
ness of information not only on what works, but also on how variation in the delivery of an inter-
vention can influence demonstrated treatment effects.
Descriptions of implementation often focus
on how implementation may have varied across settings or across pop-
ulations and provide valuable insight into variation in study findings.
Similarly, many causal studies rely on descriptive analysis to portray the
quality of, and identify anomalies in, data. Analysis of this type is not
always presented in public reporting, but it is nonetheless critical to
understand when assessing the reproducibility and generalizability of
findings (see Box 4 for two examples).
Quality description of the
context and conditions of
a study influences the
interpretation of study
findings and advances the
scientific method and
ongoing discovery.
Box 4. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Interpret Causal Research
Glazerman, S., Isenberg, E., Dolfin, S., Bleeker, M., Johnson, A., Grider, M., & Jacobus, M. (2010). Impacts of
comprehensive teacher induction: Final results from a randomized controlled study (NCEE 2010–4028).
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education
Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
To evaluate the impact of comprehensive teacher induction relative to low-intensity induction support generally
given to beginning teachers, the research team conducted a randomized experiment in a set of districts that
were not already implementing a comprehensive induction program. Key findings showed that exposure to one
or two years of comprehensive induction did not affect retention or other teacher workforce outcomes.
In order to better understand this lack of effects, the authors reviewed various aspects of implementation. One
part of this analysis described differences in the hours of induction received by teachers in both the treatment
and control groups. While the treatment group received more support than the control group, control teachers
still received substantial mentoring. For example, in fall 2005, control teachers in districts doing mentoring for
one year received 67 minutes of support, while treatment teachers received 87 minutes of support. This sim-
ple description points to the possibility that the lack of effect may not have been due to a lack of the value in
the mentoring but, instead, to a weak treatment-control contrast.
With the appropriate caveats that this type of description should be interpreted with caution (because it is not
causal), this application of descriptive analysis extended the research team’s understanding of the complex
dynamics occurring within their experimental work and clearly demonstrated the value of description as a tool
for enhancing the interpretation of causal findings.
Bianco, S. D. (2010, June). Improving student outcomes: Data-driven instruction and fidelity of
implementation in a Response to Intervention (RTI) model.
TEACHIN G Exceptiona l Chil dre n Pl us, 6
Quint, J., Zhu, P., Balu, R., Rappaport, S., & DeLaurentis, M. (2015). Scaling up the Success for All model of
school reform: Final report from the Investing in Innovation (i3) evaluation. New York: MDRC.
This report describes the evaluation of the U.S. Department of Education’s Investing in Innovation program
scale-up of the Success for All (SFA) school reform model. Thirty-seven schools were randomly assigned either
to receive SFA (19 schools) or an alternative reading program (18 schools). After 3 years, students in SFA
schools scored significantly higher, on average, on a measure of phonics skills but not on tests of reading flu-
ency or comprehension. The results were more positive for students who entered school with low preliteracy
skills, who did gain reading fluency relative to the control group.
In order to understand the source of the effects, the research team collected principal and teacher surveys and
the School Achievement Snapshot, a form used by SFA coaches, as well as interviews and focus groups with
school personnel focused on implementing SFA program elements. They used
The simplicity maxim often
this information to understand the extent to which each school implemented
ascribed to Albert Einstein
each element of the program. They find that all but two of the 19 SFA schools
is relevant to anyone
were able to implement SFA with at least adequate fidelity and that the
conducting and presenting
breadth and depth of implementation improved over time, particularly between
descriptive research:
the first and second year of the program. The one element of SFA that the re-
searchers identified as having been used less (in less than half the schools) is
“Everything should be
the computerized tutoring program for struggling students, Team Alphie. This
made as simple as
descriptive part of the analysis shed light on whether the effects were driven
possible, but not simpler.”
by only a few schools implementing the program or by implementation of only
some aspects of the program. Overall, it provides evidence that the program was implemented with fidelity
and, thus, the results represent the program undertaken relatively fully, though the results might be slightly
stronger for a cohort that began after the first year, since implementation was weaker earlier on.
The Researcher’s Role
A range of empirical techniques supports effective descriptive analyses. Simple statistics that describe
central tendencies and variation (for example, means, medians, and modes) are the most common
tools of descriptive work and can be very helpful for describing data; however, more sophisticated
techniques for data manipulation have improved our ability to describe phenomena. Geographic
information systems (GIS), for example, offer tools for describing geographic variation. Similarly,
network analysis provides methods for identifying patterns of interactions among individuals and
With exponential increases in the amount of available data and the power of new technologies to
analyze large datasets, researchers are sometimes tempted to rely too heavily on sophisticated, but
unnecessary, analytical methods. Far too many research reports are plagued by this “disease of com-
plexity” in which complicated methods and presentation are assumed to imply greater scientific rigor
or value. When descriptive research is conducted or presented, complexity is not better or more
robust than simplicity—and it certainly isn’t more useful as a tool for communicating findings to a
The descriptive researcher’s job is to reduce the body of data to a format that is useful for the audi-
ence. This data reduction does not imply that all aspects of a setting or phenomenon should be
weighted equally. Instead, it focuses on the most salient features of the phenomenon as it
reall y
exists and, more broadly, the real-world context in which a research study is to be interpreted.
Appropriately presented descriptive analysis can help a reader
View the data in the correct context (real-world and research settings).
Identify relevant information in the data.
Assess the quality of the data, such as bias in data source(s).
Recognize the assumptions, limitations, and generalizability of the findings.
Whether the researcher’s goal is to describe trends in populations, create new measures of key phe-
nomena, or simply describe methods used to identify causal effects, descriptive analysis is a valuable
research tool (see Box 5). When approached correctly, it can contribute substantially to a wide range
of studies, both descriptive and causal in nature.
Box 5. Common Uses of Descriptive Accounts in Education Research and Practice
Establishing the characteristics of a place, population, policy, procedure, or phenomenon.
Explaining how a system and its constituent components operate.
Diagnosing real-world problems that need to be addressed by policies or interventions.
Prioritizing potential causal mechanisms (what do the data corroborate, and what do they rule out?).
Planning research rationale, design, and methods.
Generating data-supported hypotheses and exploratory directions.
Describing fidelity of implementation.
Assessing and describing data quality.
Simplifying data for improved understanding by researchers and other audiences (for example, distilling a
body of geographic data into a single metric).
National Forum on Education Statistics. (2012).
Forum guide to taking action with education data
2013–801). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center
for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
Chapter 2. Approaching Descriptive Analysis
When approaching descriptive work, researchers should first endeavor to recognize a phenomenon
of interest (something that is occurring in the world). Once a phenomenon has been identified, a
researcher must fully consider the phenomenon in question, determine which features are most
salient, and make choices about data collection and methods. The combination of conceptualiza-
tion, design, planning, and analysis is iterative (see Box 6).
Box 6. Steps in a Descriptive Analysis—An Iterative Process
Step 1. Identify a phenomenon.
Step 2. Consider which features of the phenomenon are most salient.
Step 3. Identify the constructs (measures) that best represent these features.
Step 4. Determine whether there are observable patterns in the data.
Step 5. Communicate the patterns in the data that describe the realities of the phenomenon.
Step 6. Rethink and repeat as needed.
Approaching Descriptive Analysis as an Iterative Process
Step 1. Identify a phenomenon. What is the phenomenon? The first task in high-quality descriptive
research is for the researcher to fully consider the phenomenon in question independently from the
data and methods that he or she will eventually collect and use. Sometimes a researcher has a pre-
conceived idea about a research question or phenomenon; at other times, the researcher discovers
the question or phenomenon in the process of data collection or analysis.
In either case, once a
question or phenomenon has been identified, a researcher should consider it thoughtfully before
making choices about data and methods.
Step 2. Consider which features of the phenomenon are most salient. Which aspects, concepts, or
categorizations of reality are necessary to describe the phenomenon? Which are not? The answers to
these questions are likely to reveal what types of data collection will be most applicable for study.
The researcher’s conceptualization of the phenomenon will determine how to best organize the data
for analysis and reduce the data for description. For example, consider a researcher trying to describe
variation in classroom engagement. Classroom engagement entails a variety of interrelated factors,
including students’ motivations when they enter the classroom, teachers’ instructional practices, the
number and nature of peers, and the content of the material. The researcher must choose which of
these concepts are most salient and worth exploring. The phenomenon may be complex and previ-
ously unmeasured. Without clear hypotheses of what constitutes the phenomenon, it will be difficult
or impossible to describe and study.
Step 3. Identify the constructs (measures) that best represent the most salient features. What
measures will be most effective to systematically observe important features of the phenomenon?
Consider type(s) of data (for example, the unit of analysis) and method(s) of data collection that will
produce the appropriate level of abstraction and quantification for analysis. After carefully consid-
ering the phenomenon, researchers should identify ideas, attributes, or concepts that will be meas-
ured. Choosing what to measure depends on what the data collector believes is relevant and feasible.
See Chapter 3 for a discussion of “exploring the data” as it relates to descriptive analysis.
Whether collecting data or using pre-existing data sources, researchers must have a clear idea of what
they want to measure so that they can identify any gaps in their data, some of which might be over-
come by other data, modified methods, or thoughtful analyses. Sometimes, researchers will collect
their own data. At other times, researchers are limited to existing datasets (and are not able to capture
the unmeasured constructs). In either case, a researcher’s goal at this stage of the process is to trans-
form reality into data that are available for analysis.
Step 4. Determine whether there are observable patterns in the data. The researcher should use
methods that will identify patterns in the data if such patterns are present. If observed, these patterns
might provide a more developed narrative and holistic depiction of a phenomenon being studied.
Once the constructs are clear and the data have been collected, researchers may use a wide range of
investigative and statistical methods to scrutinize the data for patterns and relationships that describe
the key concepts of the phenomenon. Sometimes, researchers review the data with an expectation
that a certain pattern exists; at other times, patterns emerge from a more general exploration of the
data. In descriptive work, unlike causal research, these efforts to identify patterns in the data do not
always have to be limited to a pre-existing hypothesis.
Step 5. Communicate the patterns in the data that describe the realities of the phenomenon.
What type of data presentation is best suited to depict the phenomenon? The answer to this question
usually depends heavily on the intended audience and the types of data representations that they are
comfortable interpreting. After identifying any patterns in the data, the researcher’s job is to reduce
the body of data to a format that is best suited to a particular audience. A research effort may include
thousands of analyses, but good presentation is distilled and targeted to succinctly capture the es-
sences of the phenomenon and to help the reader think more productively about a particular topic.
This translation, from raw to reported findings, is undertaken specifically to meet the information
needs of practitioners, policymakers, other researchers, or other audiences (see Chapter 4). Such
translation, however, does not need to compromise the thoroughness of the descriptive research. In
order to ensure that high-quality descriptive research continues to be valued in education, this re-
search needs to be reported transparently, with the details easily available to those who are interested.
Step 6. Rethink and repeat as needed. The process of descriptive analysis is iterative, with each step
building upon others and requiring reconsideration and modification as the researcher’s under-
standing of the phenomenon, relevant theory, and the study advances. In most cases, the completion
of a study does not complete our understanding of a phenomenon. Few studies capture all aspects
of a phenomenon, so the researcher’s goal is often to describe relevant elements in convincing and
compelling ways—contributing to a larger body of research that advances knowledge and fuels future
Meaningful Descriptive Analysis Reveals Socially Important Patterns
Descriptive research beco mes relevant when it iden tifies patterns in data that convey meaningful
This information may be obviously or immediately meaningful to practitioners, policy-
makers, or other researchers, or the researcher may reveal its importance through the interpretation
of the description. In order to be meaningful, the patterns must be socially important, not simply
present. Consider the case of describing a dataset by providing the means of each variable for two
groups—males and females. This description provides information and may even show some patterns
(males have higher means on some variables and lower on others), but it isn’t a useful description
unless it explicitly identifies patterns that are socially meaningful (see Box 7).
Box 7. Data Summaries Are Not Descriptive Analysis
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) publishes numerous valuable reports that summarize the
data that it collects. For example, the Digest of Education Statistics contains data about a variety of subjects in
the field of education statistics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and grad-
uates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, federal funds for education, libraries, and international
This annual report broadly describes the education context in the United States and is a valuable
tool for both policy and research, but it is not intended to illuminate particular phenomena or communicate
their importance. Other NCES reports include analysis and interpretation that are somewhat more descriptive
in nature (for example, The Condition of Education).
Academic researchers have also used NCES data to un-
cover patterns more intentionally through descriptive analyses.
This difference in focus and motivation distin-
guishes summary statistics from descriptive analysis.
Examples of Descriptive Studies That Reveal Consequential Phenomena
The following examples of descriptive studies highlight how patterns in data can describe and reveal
phenomena that are important to education practitioners, policymakers, and researchers.
In “The Widening Academic Achievement Gap Between the Rich and the Poor: New Evi-
dence and Possible Explanations,” Reardon (2011) describes how the achievement gap be-
tween children from high- and low-income families is approximately 30–40 percent larger
among children born in 2001 than among students born 25 years earlier—and appears to
have been growing for the past 50 years.
The study clearly defines the phenomenon as well
as the unique methodological contribution relative to previous research. In particular, the
study brings to bear a more comprehensive combination of datasets to trace the evolution of
socioeconomic achievement gaps over time. While 50 years ago, the achievement gap be-
tween black and white children was larger than the gap between the tenth and ninetieth
percentile of the income distribution, the achievement gap is now almost twice as large on
the basis of income rather than race. The study exemplifies productive descriptive analysis
because the use of data is carefully laid out and justified, the results are believable, and the
implications affect policy and practice (for example, the need to prioritize efforts to overcome
The primary purpose of the
Digest of Education Statistics
is to provide a compilation of statistical information
covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school. For more
information about the
Diges t of Education Statistics
, visit
The Condition of Education
summarizes important developments and trends in education and uses the latest
available data. The report presents 42 indicators on the status and condition of education, which represent a
consensus of professional judgment on the most significant national measures of the condition and progress of
education for which accurate data are available. For more information about
The Condition of Educ ation
, visit
See, for example, Master, B., Sun, M., & Loeb, S. (in press). Teacher workforce developments: Recent changes
in academic competiveness and job satisfaction of new teachers.
Educa t ion Finance a n d Policy
. That study uses
three Baccalaureate and Beyond studies from NCES to describe changes in the characteristics of new college
graduates who enter teaching.
Reardon, S. F. (2011). The widening academic achievement gap between the rich and the poor: New evidence
and possible explanations. In R. Murnane & G. Duncan (Eds.),
Whither opportunity? Rising inequality and the
uncertain life chances of low-income childr en
. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.
the achievement gap for children from lower-income families) as well as research (for exam-
ple, the need to identify interventions that can benefit these children).
“Teacher sorting and the plight of urban schools: A descriptive analysis” (Lankford, Loeb, &
Wyckoff, 2002) is an example of descriptive research that assesses the distribution of educa-
tional resource availability rather than just variation in education outcomes.
The study pre-
sents a new, rich set of data about teachers in order to evaluate variation in the attributes of
teachers across schools. Data show large differences in the qualifications of teachers across
schools, with urban schools and schools with low-income, low-achieving, and non-white stu-
dents, in particular, having less-qualified teachers. The study has implications for both re-
search and practice, pointing toward a need to better understand why teacher characteristics
are sorted (distributed), what interventions might reduce sorting, and the importance of try-
ing to change these patterns even when limited by imperfect information about what has
been proven to work in a real-world setting.
In “The missing ‘one-offs’: The hidden supply of high-achieving, low-income students,”
Hoxby and Avery (2013) present an example of how a descriptive study can identify previ-
ously unrecognized phenomena.
The authors rely on ACT and College Board data for every
student in the high-school graduating class of 2008 who took either the ACT or the SAT I,
including information on where they applied to college. With these data, the authors were
the first to identify a problematic phenomenon in education—that high-achieving, low-in-
come students, especially those in small districts without selective public high schools, were
not applying to selective colleges, even though they had academic records that could qualify
them for admissions. The study creates actionable information for policymakers and practi-
tioners by identifying geographic areas with academically eligible, low-income students who
would potentially benefit from appropriate intervention strategies.
In “Teaching students what they already know? The (mis)alignment between instructional
content in mathematics and student knowledge in kindergarten,” Engel, Claessens, and
Finch (2013) report that although most children enter kindergarten already able to count
and recognize geometric shapes, teachers still spent substantial class time on this material.
The study was useful because it identified the phenomenon of the misaligned kindergarten
curriculum. Moreover, its publication in a journal that focused on education evaluation and
policy analysis ensured that the appropriate audience would learn about the phenomenon
and conceivably respond with efforts to better align kindergarten curriculum with the needs
of kindergarten students.
In “Curricular flows: Trajectories, turning points, and assignment criteria in high school
math careers,” McFarland (2006) uses network analytic techniques to depict the actual
Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2002). Teacher sorting and the plight of urban schools: A descriptive
Ed ucational Eva l ua tion and Polic y Analys is, 24
(1): 37–62.
Hoxby, C., & Avery, C. (2013). The missing “one-offs”: The hidden supply of high-achieving, low-income
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 46
(1): 1–65.
Engel, M., Claessens, A., & Finch, M. A. (2013). Teaching students what they already know? The
(mis)alignment between instructional content in mathematics and student knowledge in kindergarten.
Educationa l Evaluation and Policy Analysis , 35
(2): 157–178.
course-taking patterns as a network of students flows across courses.
Using that representa-
tion, he identifies flow patterns and reveals different career paths and points where tracks
intersect and overlap to show that it is in these junctures that most students are susceptible
to “track changes” that determine future course taking. His description of the course-taking
patterns reveals certain courses and types of students as being potentially more susceptible
to interventions aimed at pushing them into college-bound courses.
Each of these studies focuses on a primary phenomenon, clearly defining its boundary and describ-
ing relevant features. For example, Reardon (2011) does not simply show trends in achievement
separately for students with different characteristics. Rather, he specifically describes income and
race gaps over time. Similarly, Engel et al. (2013) do not uniformly describe students’ knowledge
and the curriculum they experience, but instead, they specifically characterize the misalignment in
great detail.
Informative descriptive studies often bring to bear new data that provide more convincing evidence
about a phenomenon. Acquiring such data and applying them in a novel, but appropriate, manner
often require a researcher to think originally or from a new perspective. In each of the examples
above, researchers drew on new data or introduced unique approaches to using existing data. Rear-
don (2011) is innovative in his approach to combining multiple datasets to describe trends over time
in a way that could not be achieved with a single dataset. Lankford et al. (2002) use state adminis-
trative data to characterize all teachers across a state and, subsequently, make comparisons across
schools (within and across geographic areas) in ways that nationally representative, but incomplete,
data could not be used. Similarly, Hoxby and Avery (2013) use data collected for practitioners (not
specifically designed for research), but nonetheless are able to provide new insights. Finally, Engel et
al. (2013) apply publicly available data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Early
Childhood Longitudinal Study to a new research question, illustrating how a currently existing da-
taset can be used to provide new insights.
Descriptive Analysis to Support Causal Understanding
Although descriptive analysis can stand on its own as a research product, in some instances, descrip-
tion is a precursor to explanation and cause. Causal research methods may yield strong evidence
about the effects of an intervention, but understanding “why” an intervention had a causal effect
often necessitates a combination of causal and descriptive work: sound causal analysis to assess the
effects and effective descriptive work to identify the characteristics of the population, the features of
implementation, and the nature of the setting most relevant to interpreting the findings.
Descriptive analysis plays a central role in many aspects of causal research, including planning an
intervention strategy, targeting interventions, contributing to the interpretation of causal study, as-
sessing variation in treatment impact, and prioritizing potential causal mediators (when description
provides evidence concerning which alternative hypotheses are more or less consistent with observed
reality) (see Box 8).
McFarland, D. A. (2006). Curricular flows: Trajectories, turning points, and assignment criteria in high school
math careers.
Sociolog y of Education, 79
(3): 177–205.
Box 8. An Example of Using Descriptive Analysis to Support or Rule Out Explanations
Murnane, R. J. (2013). U.S. high school graduation rates: Patterns and explanations. Journal of Economic Liter-
ature, 51(2): 370–422.
Murnane (2013) uses multiple data sources and measurement approaches to document high-school gradua-
tion rates in the U.S. from 1970–2010—an important contribution, given that no single dataset measures na-
tional high-school graduation rates over time. Through this descriptive analysis, he describes six striking pat-
terns, including stagnation over the last three decades of the twentieth century and increases in graduation
rates over the first decade of the twenty-first century. The study then interprets salient patterns in the data in
light of more or less plausible explanations for these trends:
“Increases in high school graduation requirements during the last quarter of the twentieth century
increased the nonmonetary cost of earning a diploma for students entering high school with weak skills. By
so doing, they counteracted the increased financial payoff to a diploma and contributed to the stagnation in
graduation rates over the last decades of the twentieth century. Of course, this raises the question of why
high school graduation rates increased during the first decade of the twenty-first century, a period in which
high school graduation requirements were not reduced, and in some states were increased.” [page 47]
“Evidence from the NAEP indicates an improvement over the last ten to fifteen years [leading into the first
decade of the twenty-first century] in the reading and mathematics skills among entering freshman at the
bottom of the skills distribution. This may have translated into lower nonmonetary costs of completing high
school graduation requirements.” [page 48]
Planning an Intervention Strategy
In the planning phase, descriptive analyses are valuable when determining whether an intervention
is needed and how to design a needed intervention to be most effective. An example of this use of
description comes from the Foundations of Learning Demonstration site in Newark, New Jersey.
Using descriptive analysis, researchers learned that (a) a substantial proportion of children in pre-
school classrooms in low-income communities have behavioral challenges; (b) such behavioral chal-
lenges were impeding teachers’ ability to deliver effective instruction; (c) teachers reported that these
issues were a primary concern, so staff could be expected to be open to strategies that address the
issue; and (d) teachers were currently receiving very little training on these issues. As a result of the
information that researchers learned from the descriptive analyses, the study’s interventions were
intentionally designed to target teachers’ abilities to effectively set limits and support children’s be-
havior regulation in the classroom. See Chapter 1 for introductory discussion on these and related
Targeting Interventions
Descriptive data can also provide assessments of target populations that are more or less likely to
have a positive response to an intervention. For example, Gennetian, Castells, and Morris (2010)
used description to determine that when interventions that provided earning supplements were tar-
geted at parents who were likely to work in the absence of the program, the supplements were less
likely to achieve their purpose of increased self-sufficiency.
Similar effects were observed when in-
Morris, P., Raver, C., Millenky, M., Jones, S., & Lloyd, C. (2010).
Making preschool more productive: How
classroom management training can help teachers
. New York: MDRC. Retrieved from
Gennetian, L., Castells, N., & Morris, P. (2010). Meeting the basic needs of children: Does income matter?
Children and Youth Services Review, 32
(9): 1138–1148.
terventions targeted parents who had substantial barriers to their employment. But when interven-
tion programs targeted parents who would not have otherwise worked, the financial incentive was
more likely to meet the objective of increasing family income and self-sufficiency.
Contributing to the Interpretation of Causal Study
When a randomized trial is conducted to assess the effects of an intervention, the question of
whether the intervention “worked” (had an effect) is usually only the beginning of analysis and in-
terpretation. Descriptive data can be used to assess the subsequent (and critically important) “why”
and “why not” questions. For example, when an effect is seen, descriptive analysis can help to iden-
tify plausible mechanisms; when an effect is not observed, description can support efforts to distin-
guish between theory failure and implementation failure.
One of the central challenges facing researchers is when their study finds no significant differences
between control groups and treatment groups in spite of an intervention (which is termed “null
effects”). Two competing explanations are typically at play: implementation failure and theory failure
(Rosenbaum, 1986; Wandersman, 2009).
Implementation failure refers to an intervention that
fails to meet its stated objectives because it was not effectively implemented, which would result in
low-dosage or low-quality delivery of the program to the stated participants. For example, sometimes
ineffective implementation occurs because of poor attendance (as happens when parents don’t show
up to a parenting program), or sometimes it occurs because of problems with the program itself (such
as when internet or hardware issues affect the implementation of computer assisted instruction). In
contrast, theory failure occurs when an intervention changes a participant’s intended behavior, but
that new behavior doesn’t result in intervention outcomes as expected. Thus, it is a failure of the
“theory of change” that led to null effects.
For example, in Jacob, Goddard, Kim, Miller, and Goddard (2015), the Balanced Leadership prin-
cipal program resulted in participants reporting that they felt more efficacious, used more effective
leadership practices, and created a better instructional climate than control group principals.
ever, teachers indicated that the instructional climate of the schools did not change. Thus, the inter-
vention resulted in new behavior as intended, but these changes did not lead to expected improve-
ments in teachers’ perspectives on instructional climate or student achievement, despite expectations
about the value of strong leadership for effective schools—an example of theory failure. This example
of description illustrates the problem with the theory behind the program—changes in principals’
perceptions did not lead to changes in teachers’ perspectives. More-intensive descriptive research
(for example, ethnography) would be needed to understand why the teachers did not experience a
change in the principals’ behavior.
Null effects may occur for a third reason, unrelated to implementation failure or theory failure. In
a randomized control trial, one group of participants is assigned to the intervention condition and
Rosenbaum, D. P. (1986).
Comm unity crime preventio n : Does it work?
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Wandersman, A. (2009). Four keys to success (theory, implementation, evaluation, and re-source/system
support): High hopes and challenges in participation.
Am erican Journal of Commun ity Psycholog y , 43
(1–2), 3–
Jacob, R., Goddard, R., Kim, M., Miller, R., & Goddard, Y. (2015). Exploring the causal impact of the McREL
Balanced Leadership Program on leadership, principal efficacy, instructional climate, educator turnover, and
student achievement.
Educat ional Eva l uati on and Policy Analysis, 37
(3): 314–332.
another is assigned to the control condition (the “counterfactual” without intervention). Program
impact in randomized trials is produced by this contrast, which is the difference between services
received by the treatment group (participants in the intervention) and those received by the control
group (which does not receive the intervention).
Null results or variation in results across settings
could be driven by the control conditions. In some cases, the control group may experience alterna-
tive interventions that mask the true effects of the intervention under study. Researchers can use
descriptive data to assess and better understand the “counterfactual story” and other factors within
treatment and control groups that may influence variation in the observed impact of an intervention.
For example, a recent analysis of 28 studies of Head Start conducted between the program’s incep-
tion and 2007 found that much of the variation in Head Start’s impact on child achievement and
cognitive development could be explained by differences in the types of preschool services used by
the control group (Shager et al., 2013).
Similarly, analysis of variation across sites suggested that
program impacts were smaller for Head Start centers that draw more children from center-based
programs rather than from home-based care (Walters 2014).
In these examples, description of the
counterfactual condition (and other variation) can be useful when interpreting causal studies de-
signed to predict or determine differences based on treatment effects.
Assessing Va riation in Tr eatment Impact
Variation in treatment impact has been the focus of a number of efforts to synthesize research and
uncover what works (and how much and under what conditions effects might be most pronounced).
This analysis of moderators (or interactions of the treatment effect with pre-treatment characteristics)
as a component of an impact study can be used to shed light on the circumstances in which larger
and smaller impacts occur.
However, moderator variables should be chosen with reason, not simply
because they are asked of every participant. Looking at many moderator effects may yield one or
more that are “statistically significant” but statistical tests can yield “false positives.” Conducting
more tests yields more false positives, a point we return to below in discussing data “fishing.”
For more information about describing treatment contrast and the counterfactual condition, see Dynarski, M.,
& Kisker, E. (2014).
Going public: Writing about research in everyday langua ge
(REL 2014–051). Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation
and Regional Assistance, Analytic Technical Assistance and Development. Retrieved from
Shager, H. M., Schindler, H. S., Magnuson, K. A., Duncan, G. J., Yoshikawa, H., & Hart, C. M. (2013). Can
research design explain variation in Head Start research results? A meta-analysis of cognitive and achievement
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35
(1): 76–95.
Walter, C. (2014).
Inputs in the production of early childhood huma n capital: Evid ence from Hea d Start
(NBER Working Paper No. 2014.01). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
For more on analysis variation in treatment effects, see Schochet, P., Puma, M., & Deke, J. (2014).
Understanding variation in treatment effects in educat ion impact evaluations: An overview of quantitative
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for
Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Analytic Technical Assistance and Development. Retrieved from
Bloom, Hill, and Riccio (2003) present an innovative and influential example of empirical analysis
that effectively brings together implementation and impact efforts.
In this synthesis, a series of
randomized trials of welfare-to-work initiatives were conducted in 59 locations. In each location,
data were collected to discern variation in approaches to program implementation. The authors were
able to link these descriptive data about implementation to data about program impact at each loca-
tion—showing which aspects of implementation were most strongly associated with impacts on earn-
ings (the key outcome of these welfare-to-work experiments). Findings suggested that those program
locations with smaller caseloads, close personal attention to participants, and a strong emphasis on
getting a job quickly were the most effective at boosting earnings among program group participants.
Prioritizing Potential Causal Mediato r s
In many randomized trials, it is difficult to determine the precise cause of intervention impacts,
which sometimes raises concerns about the “black box” nature of experiments. Explicitly proving
that a particular mechanism is the basis for the causal effect of an intervention (that is, the “central
causal mediator”) may not be possible given the design of randomized experiments. However, de-
scriptive information sometimes enables a researcher to triangulate on more and less likely candi-
dates for a causal mechanism given available information (see Box 8 above).
For example, in the welfare reform arena, there has been much debate about the effectiveness of
policy-induced increases in family income as a means for improving school achievement in chil-
In the design of policies, practices, and intervention strategies, it is critical to understand
how much, if any, of the association between parents’ income and children’s achievement is causal.
Why, exactly, did preschool children benefit when their parents participated in welfare-to-work sup-
port programs? Was it the increased employment that their parents experienced as a result of the
program, or was it their reduced reliance on welfare? At the family-process level, do children benefit
because parents invested more financial resources in their children or because the parents were less
stressed financially and, subsequently, more engaged in positive interactions with their children?
Duncan, Morris, and Rodrigues (2011) revisited data on a number of possible mediators in a set of
welfare and antipoverty experiments conducted in the 1990s.
Their descriptive findings point to
the importance of income for boosting a child’s achievement and suggest that family income has a
policy-relevant, positive impact on the eventual school achievement of preschool children more
broadly. While this descriptive analysis does not provide causal proof, and the authors cautioned
against extrapolating beyond their specific findings, the study has compelling implications on both
theory and policy—with findings suggesting the possibility that interventions that increase family
income might be more effective mechanisms for improving student achievement than interventions
in schools.
Bloom, H. S., Hill, C. J., & Riccio, J. A. (2003). Linking program implementation and effectiveness: Lessons
from a pooled sample of welfare-to-work experiments.
Jou r nal of Policy Analysis a n d Manage me nt, 22
(4): 551–
Magnuson, K., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2009). Enduring influences of childhood poverty.
Focus, 26
(2): 32–37.
Duncan, G., Morris, P., & Rodrigues, C. (2011). Does money really matter? Estimating impacts of family
income on young children's achievement with data from random-assignment experiments.
Deve lop m ental
Psychology, 47
(5): 1263–1279.
Approaching Descriptive Analysis: Summary
Descriptive analysis is a valuable research tool. It can contribute to a wide range of studies, both
descriptive and causal in nature. When approaching descriptive work, researchers should endeavor
to first recognize a phenomenon of interest. Once a phenomenon has been identified, the researcher
must fully consider the phenomenon in question, determine which features are most salient, and
define relevant constructs (measures) that represent these features. Analysis should focus on identi-
fying patterns in the data that are most important to “telling the story.” The researcher’s job includes
presenting the information in a format that is readily comprehensible for a particular audience or
audiences. This approach to descriptive analysis is iterative, with each step building upon others and
requiring reconsideration and modification as the researcher’s understanding of the phenomenon
and the study unfolds.
Chapter 3. Conducting Descriptive Analysis
The process of descriptive analysis begins with a phenomenon in question. Sometimes the phenom-
enon emerges from the data; sometimes it arises from experience or anecdote; and sometimes it
comes from gaps in the extant research. Not all phenomena or questions about phenomena are well
articulated or can be answered with existing or collected data, and often, a researcher needs to re-
think, reconsider, and reevaluate the study question until it is well articulated, conceptually clear,
and methodologically feasible. However it materializes, the questions and their importance must be
precise and apparent—independent of the data and methods that will be used. The researcher must
understand the phenomenon in question and the concepts that are central to it.
The researcher must then bring data to bear on the question of interest. Sometimes, multiple da-
tasets are available and together provide better description than a single
Descriptive research does
dataset, but even highly related data may not always be suitable to fully
not describe data—it uses
data to describe the world
describe a phenomenon or answer a study question. While existing da-
for the purpose of
tasets may be appropriate for some aspects of the study, sometimes the
identifying and improving
data are not collected at the right time or at the right level of granularity,
our understanding of
or they simply may not be available at all. When existing datasets are not
socially important
appropriate, the researcher may choose to conduct a custom data collec-
tion. Whatever the data source, the researcher should ensure that the data sufficiently match the
question, relevant constructs, appropriate measures, and available methods.
Once the data are in hand, the researcher needs to understand what the observed facts are and how
they relate to the study question. Doing so requires the researcher to select appropriate analytical
methods for answering the research question. An important part of this descriptive analysis is char-
acterizing the uncertainty of the observed phenomenon—no data are perfect and, by definition, any
findings that emerge from the data are an inexact description of the world. Uncertainty is a critical
factor for ascertaining how precise (or imprecise) even high-quality, highly relevant data are for their
intended purposes.
Key Terminology and Methodological Considerations
The following concepts and terms are of primary importance when designing and conducting ef-
fective descriptive research:
research questions
, and
met h ods
of syn-
thesis and analysis.
Research Questions
A compelling research question addresses a persistent or persuasive problem or intellectual tension
such as when competing theories suggest different courses of action.
For education research, such
questions will be socially important and highly relevant to improving our understanding of educa-
tion processes, distribution (access), effects, and quality. Research questions that relate to these as-
pects of the education system often will inform decision-making about policies and practices in some
regard. For example, identifying gaps in student outcomes or educational opportunities can point
Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2008).
The craft o f research,
3rd ed. (NFES 2013–801).
Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
tion or data analysis might suggest ways to refine the question of interest. For example, a researcher
may initially be concerned about assessing variation in educa-
tional opportunities that are driven by differences in school qual-
ity. Further discernment, however, might reveal that even when
spending (perhaps the most basic measure of equity) is the same
across schools, differences in staff skills and experience might sys-
tematically disadvantage some students. With this logic, the re-
searcher might be motivated to ask a more precise question: how
do the skills and experience of teachers vary across schools that
serve students of different types, as characterized by income, race,
and ethnicity? In such a case, a fairly general topic of exploration
has been distilled into a more specific and actionable research
We present this review of key
terms and methodological
considerations as an overview
of these issues as they relate to
descriptive analysis. We do not
fully capture the complexities of
all topics.
Instead, we suggest that you
refer to graduate-level
coursework and texts to
appropriately address the many
facets of research design and
toward ways to more effectively target resources. Without a compelling research question, research-
ers may improve understanding about a phenomenon, but for what purpose?
The role of the researcher is to choose and refine the study question. Question development is
iterative. The researcher might be generally interested in a particular topic, but preliminary observa-
With a research question in hand, the researcher should identify the key constructs of interest (that
is, those ideas, attributes, or concepts that will be measured). Good descriptive work requires a clear
conceptualization of the constructs that one wants to describe, but achieving such clarity can be a
challenging task (see Box 9).
The motivation for the research question often helps to distill and clarify the constructs of interest.
For example, consider the broad topic of the distribution of teachers across schools. If the underlying
motivation for a research question was to assess differences in educational opportunities for stu-
dents, then a “teacher characteristics” construct within that broad topic would likely reflect the
teachers’ ability to provide educational opportunities. Relevant constructs might include teaching
practices and subject-matter knowledge. Other constructs, such as gender, may be less appropriate
for the purpose of that particular research question. If, however, the motivation for the research
question originated in an interest in labor market demographics and occupational choices in the
education workforce, a “teacher characteristics” construct might include constructs related to gen-
der, age, and race-ethnicity rather than teaching practices and subject matter knowledge.
Logic models can aid in this process of refinement. For more in-depth treatment of this approach, see Lawton,
B., Brandon, P. R., Cicchinelli, L., & Kekahio, W. (2014).
Logic mo d e ls: A tool for desig n ing an d mon itoring
program evalu ations
(REL 2014–007). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education
Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory
Pacific. Retrieved from; or Shakman, K., &
Rodriguez, S. M. (2015).
Logic models for program design, implemen t ation, and eva l uation : Workshop toolkit
(REL 2015–057). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National
Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands.
Retrieved from
How many eighth grade English teachers are in your schools?
C om p on e n t Issues to be clarified
H ow m an y Does 'how many ' refer to a head count or full-time equivalent (FT E ) count?
Eighth grade Does 'eighth grade ' Include classes with seventh-, eightn-, an d ninth-grade students, or just classes
with only eighth gra d e rs?
E n glish
Does 'English ' include reading and writing classes ? Special education English language classes ? Other language
arts classes ? English as a Second Language classes?
T eachers Do 'teachers' Include only certified teachers? Only certified English teachers? Certified teaching assistants? Only
teachers assigned to leach d a sse s/stu den ts this gradin g period ?
At what point in time should fee answer be va lid ? At fee b egin n in g or end of the current or previous
school year?
Does this include teachers or students cross-enrolled in virtual settings? What if someone teaches English In m ore
than one school - does he or sh e get counted more than once ?
Y our
Does this m ean o n ly schools under the authority of the state or local education agency, or does It include all
schools within the boundaries of the state or locality?
S ch oo ls Are special education schools included? Correctional institutions that grant educational degrees? Other residential
facilities? C ross-enrolled virtual settings? Private schools?
Box 9. An example of the Complexity of Describing Constructs
How many eighth-grade English teachers are in your schools? This “simple” question illustrates the complexity
of the real world and the importance of clearly conceptualizing and precisely measuring a research construct.
On one end of the spectrum, there may not be any full-time certified English teachers teaching an English class
to only eighth-grade students in the single middle school in a school district this semester. At the same time,
50 or more full- or part-time teachers may be leading reading, writing, or language classes with at least one
eighth-grade student at some point during the academic year. Clearly, the “right” answer depends on the con-
text of the question.
Measures should be valid and reliable. A valid measure captures the concept of interest. For example,
we might aim to measure how engaged and active parents are in their child’s school. We might
consider measuring this engagement with the number of times a teacher reports that he or she has
interacted with the parents at school. If the teacher never initiated the meetings, this measure might
be a valid measure of engagement. However, if most meetings are initiated by teachers, for example
in response to student misbehavior, then the number of interactions would not be a valid measure
of the construct of interest, instead measuring student misbehavior. A valid measure, thus measures
the concept of interest. A reliable measure captures the construct of interest accurately, not just on
average. For example, we might be interested in students’ vocabulary. Asking each student all possi-
ble words is infeasible. Measuring overall vocabulary by asking students to report the meaning of
only one or two words, is more feasible but not at all accurate. Some students will know many words
but not the specific ones chosen, while others will know very few but just happened to know the
National Forum on Education Statistics. (2005).
Forum guide to metadata: The meaning behind education
(NFES 2009–805). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences,
National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
ones chosen. A reliable measure will capture the underlying construct with some accuracy, though
almost all measures have some error.
Once a researcher has a definition of the construct to be described that he or she can justify explicitly,
it is necessary to operationalize the construct and determine how it can be measured. Different re-
search questions call for, and different researchers prefer to use, different types of data. Sometimes
available datasets are sparse, and the researcher is left with little choice but to use what is accessible
(assuming that it is relevant). At other times, datasets are rich, or the researcher will be conducting
an original (primary) data collection and will need to refine and distill data and methods to generate
the measures of interest. In either case, the researcher must choose the measures. This decision-
making should integrate the researcher’s intuition, an awareness of prior research, and an examina-
tion of available data and data collection opportunities.
Some measures of interest simply may not be available in a dataset or may be too burdensome in
terms of effort or cost to collect. For example, a dataset with measures of observed teaching practice
on a large scale has only recently become accessible.
Prior to the availability of this dataset, collect-
ing such data was beyond the capacity of most individual researchers.
In the absence of ideal data—an absence that almost always occurs—researchers must rely on proxy
data, which refer to data that relate to, but are not a direct measure of, a construct. Proxy data are,
by definition, imperfect, but by necessity, are commonly used when they are a reasonable substitute
or approximation. Many descriptive studies use multiple proxies for measuring a construct of inter-
est. When this occurs, each proxy may be imperfect, but together they can provide more robust
insight into the phenomenon. However, when using proxy data, the researcher should describe (1)
why the proxies are relevant for answering the research question and (2) their imperfections as
measures of the underlying construct. If proxy measures have strong construct validity—that is, they
capture the underlying concept or process of interest—then they can be used to answer the research
questions. If not, they are not valid and cannot be used. For example, consider a researcher inter-
ested in measuring parent involvement in school. He or she may have access to the number of times
a parent entered the school, but this data might not be a valid proxy because it includes the times
parents are called in to deal with student misbehavior. A measure limited to the number of times a
parent volunteers to help at school, attends school-wide meetings, or participates in PTA events is
likely to be a far more valid, though still imperfect, proxy of parent involvement.
In addition to construct validity, measures must be sufficiently reliable for their intended purpose.
Some measures may be appropriate for capturing an underlying construct, on average, but may be
too imprecise to adequately measure other changes or differences. If the purpose of the measure is
to assess change over time or differences between groups, then an imprecise or time-limited measure
is not sufficiently reliable, even though it may be acceptable for other purposes. Concern about the
precision of a measure is particularly relevant when dealing with small samples or trend analyses.
Many textbooks and articles cover these and other aspects of measurement. See, for example, Crocker, L., &
Algina, J. (2006).
Introduction to classical and modern test theory
. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.;
Messick, S. (1989). Validity. In R. L. Linn (Ed.),
Educational measurement
, 3rd ed. (pp. 13–103). New York:
Macmillan; and Feldt, L. S., & Brennan, R. L. (1989). Reliability. In R. L. Linn (Ed.),
Educationa l measurement,
3rd ed. (pp. 105–146). New York: Macmillan.
The Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database (MET LDB), available at
For example, although common measures of improvement (change) in students’ test scores may
describe school effectiveness, on average, over time, these “value-added” measures may not be suffi-
ciently precise for gauging individual school performance, especially those schools with smaller stu-
dent populations.
Motivation and availability, the two driving factors behind determining
are also important when choosing samples. For example, when research is motivated by the purpose
of improving our understanding of how well schools are serving America’s students, relevant gradu-
ation-rate data might reflect a sample that is restricted to individuals who attended schools in the
United States. If, instead, the researcher’s interest in graduation rates is driven by an effort to assess
skills available in the job market, it will make sense to include all individuals in the U.S. job market,
regardless of where they attended school.
Researchers often are constrained by their choice of samples—either because they are using secondary
data (that has already been collected and may or may not be entirely relevant) or because they are
collecting primary data but have limited time, funding, or access to respondents and collection sys-
tems. As is the case with
and proxy
measu r es
, good research explicitly and thoroughly
explains both the strength and limitations of a sample as they relate specifically to the study at hand.
A relationship clearly observed in a sample (
internal validity
) may or may not be observed in the
population of interest (
ex ternal validity
) depending on how representative the sample is of the pop-
As a rule of thumb, researchers can answer their research ques-
Good descriptive research
tions best when they use as much data as possible—as long as those
relies primarily on low-
data are of good quality. Incorporating irrelevant or low-quality
inference, low-assumption
data only detracts from validity. But when multiple sources of
methods that use no or
good data provide independent measures of the same construct,
minimal statistical
agreement increases the credibility of the results, and disagreement
suggests (1) the need for caution when interpreting findings and
Graphical methods and more
(2) a call for additional research (or thought) about why different
complicated statistical
adjustments have their place
data point to different understandings.
in descriptive analyses as well
but need to be used with
Using Data to Answer Research Questions
Good descriptive research relies primarily on low-inference, low-
assumption methods that use no or minimal statistical adjustments.
Therefore, measures of central
tendency (such as mean, median, and mode), measures of variation (such as range and standard
deviation), and basic frequency analyses are particularly useful statistical tools for description.
We use the term “statistical adjustments” to describe methods, such as regression analysis, that can separate
the variation in one variable that overlaps with variation in other variables. For example, an “adjusted” measure
of height might not include the variation in height that is related to age or gender and, instead, provide a
measure of how tall a person is relative to other people of the same age and gender. Regression analysis can be
used to create such a measure.
Measures of central tendency are simple and compelling ways to describe and compare measures of
interest but are best used in combination with measures of variation. For example, it may be true
that the average scores for black students on a particular assessment are lower than the average scores
for white students, but this statement masks the fact that many black students score higher than
many white students.
Thus, the use of central tendencies, without corresponding measures of var-
iation, is susceptible to not accurately characterizing the data, measure, construct, question, and
phenomenon. Good descriptive analyses also incorporate assessments of heterogeneity—by location,
time, institution, etc.—when presenting central tendency and variation. The black-white test score
gap, for example, varies across time, place, grade level, and test subject.
Descriptive research can
incorporate other types of statistical methods, some of which are discussed below, but more complex
treatments often present challenges and should be used with caution.
Statistical Adjustments
Statistical adjustments are appropriate and helpful when a researcher tries to ensure that measures
are comparable. Suppose, for example, that test scores from one group were collected at ages 8–10
and from another group at ages 9–11. A researcher might use a statistical model to adjust the average
scores in each group to account for the differences in ages of the samples.
However, statistical adjustments—particularly those relying on regression models with multiple vari-
ables and those that rely heavily on linearity or other assumptions—can present challenges to re-
searchers because these complex adjustments can mask underlying relationships in the data. For
example, if a researcher is interested in racial or ethnic differences across groups but includes con-
trols for income and residential characteristics, such adjustments might mask actual differences in
the groups that reflect economic or social segregation.
Much of what a researcher may wish to do with regression can also be accomplished by calculating
unadjusted statistics (such as averages) separately by groups or by plotting data in order to visualize
full distributions and bivariate relationships (instead of relying on statistical adjustments). The ben-
efit of simpler approaches is that they do not require assumptions that are common in regression-
based approaches. Often, more controls and more assumptions about the structure of relationships
between variables (for example, linearity) do not improve analysis, and, in fact, they frequently cloud
our understanding of what is really happening in the data and the real world. Thus, researchers can
use statistical adjustments to more clearly identify the phenomena in question, but need to be careful
that the adjustments are, in fact, clarifying and not muddling the relationships in question.
Stark, P., & Noel, A. M. (2015).
Trends in high school dropout and co mpletion rates in the United States:
1972 –2012
(NCES 2015–015). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education
Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved July 2015 from
Vanneman, A., Hamilton, L., Anderson, J. B., & Rahman, T. (2009).
Achievement gaps: How black and white
students in pu blic schools perform in mathematics an d reading on the National Asses sment of Educ ational
(NCES 2009–455). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences,
National Center for Education Statistics.
Much descriptive research is comparative—that is, it compares data across time, place, and popula-
tion or group. Comparative research is essential for understanding the world but has some common
difficulties that researchers should work to overcome.
One common problem with comparative study is that constructs of interest may change over time
or may differ across places or populations. For example, a researcher who wanted to measure the
disparity in education outcomes between children of parents with higher and lower levels of educa-
tional attainment over the course of the twentieth century would have to consider the fact that the
characteristics that represent high and low levels of education have changed dramatically over the
100-year window of study. Thus, a comparison between the outcomes of children whose parents
have less than a high school degree and those whose parents have a college degree would reflect two
very different populations in 2015 from what it would have 30 or 50 or 80 years ago. This problem
is a conceptual one—if the social or education definition of categories such as “educational attain-
ment,” “race,” “wealth,” or “achievement” change over time, this loss of consistency means that the
underlying trends in these categories will be blurred by changes in definition.
Another common problem when conducting comparative studies is the realization that data from
different times, places, or populations are not always collected in the same way. One survey may have
collected data about both parents’ highest academic degree earned; another about the number of
years of education either parent received; and a third about the highest degree in a household by
any resident adult. This type of data problem can sometimes be solved but often proves to be insur-
mountable without the use of innovative methods and statistical approaches (see Box 10). Thus,
while simple techniques are usually preferable, more complicated techniques may be necessary to
overcome data limitations.
Box 10. Example of Descriptive Research that Compares Academic Achievement Gaps by
Socioeconomic Status over Time
Reardon, S. F. (2011). The widening academic achievement gap between the rich and the poor: New evidence
and possible explanations. In R. Murnane & G. Duncan (Eds.), Whither opportunity? Rising inequality and the
uncertain life chances of low-income children. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press.
Reardon (2011) set out to study academic achievement gaps by socioeconomic status across time.
Unfortunately, some measures of socioeconomic status, like parental education and occupational status, are
difficult to compare over time, and the relative value of income varies over time as well. But Reardon noticed
that many rank-based measures of income-achievement gaps have a common interpretation over time. Thus,
the gap in test scores between children whose family income is at the tenth and ninetieth percentiles of the
(contemporaneous) income distribution was a well-defined construct.
A second comparability concern facing Reardon was that income was not measured the same way across the
12 studies (datasets) available to him. In some cases, income was reported by students; more often, it was
reported by parents. Regardless of the source, in most of the studies, income had been reported in a set of 5–
16 ordered categories that were not consistent over time. Reardon took two steps to improve the comparability
of these measures: (1) he smoothed the category-based income-achievement association in order to estimate
average achievement levels at the tenth and ninetieth percentiles; and (2) he adjusted the resulting measures
to account for the fact that student-reported income is generally less reliable than parent-reported income.
By creating a construct whose interpretation was constant over time, and by using differently collected data to
estimate this common parameter, Reardon reported plausibly comparable measures of income-achievement
gaps over time, which is useful across a broad spectrum of research- and policy-related work.
Groupings, Networks, and Clusters
While much descriptive work relies heavily on central tendencies and variation, other analytical
methods are emerging to identify and explore more recently observed phenomena, such as networks,
clustering, and other interactions within education organizations and interpersonal relationships.
In the context of education, peer networks sometimes refer to the phenomenon of students inter-
acting with other students to attain education goals.
For example, peer groups of students may tend
to organize themselves into certain course-taking patterns.
Clusters, on the other hand, are groups
of units (such as students, teachers, classrooms, or schools) not that interact with each other but that
have similar traits. Members of a cluster share multiple characteristics, such as personality traits or
learning behaviors, which distinguish them from other clusters.
Network analysis and cluster analysis are two common approaches for studying grouping phenom-
ena (see Box 11). Network analysis describes systems of links among people or other subjects of
study, whereas cluster analysis describes sets of actors with the same characteristics, whether they are
courses or behavioral indexes.
Descriptive analysis can contribute to the identification and depic-
tion of these types of patterns from within large sets of data that measure individual dynamics and
Once better understood, such complex social and organizational patterns may shed
light on the emergence of skill gaps and other achievement outcomes, as well as on possible points
for productive interventions in the social and interpersonal associations of students and other indi-
viduals in a classroom or school setting.
Box 11. Example of Descriptive Research that Uses Network and Cluster Analysis as Descriptive Tools
Daly, A. J., & Finnigan, K. (2011). The ebb and flow of social network ties between district leaders under high
stakes accountability. American Education Research Journal, 48(1): 39–79.
This study examined the underlying social networks of a district leadership team engaged in systemic reform
efforts in response to multiple schools being designated as “in need of improvement” under the No Child Left
Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. Using a survey to collect data on social networking relationships between central
office administrators and school building leaders, the researchers developed a longitudinal case study focused
O'Donnell, A. M., & King, A. (1999).
Cognitive perspectives on peer l e arning
. New York: Routledge.
McFarland, D. A. (2006). Curricular flows: Trajectories, turning points, and assignment criteria in high school
math careers.
Sociolog y of Education, 79
(3): 177–205.
See, as examples, for more information on network analysis: Kadushin, C. (2012).
Un derstanding social
. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; Knoke, D., & Yang, S. (2008).
Social network analysis,
2nd ed.
Los Angeles: Sage Publications; Prell, C. (2011).
Social network analysis : Hist ory, theory and metho d o log y ,
ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications; Scott, J. (2012).
Social network analysis
. Los Angeles: Sage Publications; and
Wasserman, S., & Faust, K. (1994).
Social network analysis: Methods a n d applications
. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press. See, as examples, for more information on cluster analysis: Aldenderfer, M. S., &
Blashfield, R. K. (1984).
Cluster analysis
(Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Los Angeles: Sage
Publications; Everitt, B. S., Landau, S., Leese, M., & Stahl, D. (2011).
Cluster analysi s,
5th ed. New York: Wiley;
and King, R. S. (2014).
Cluster analysis and data mining: An introduction
. Dulles, VA: Mercury Learning &
Wasserman, S., & Faust, K. (1994).
Social network analysis: Methods a n d applications
. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Rawlings, C. M., & McFarland, D. A. (2010). Influence flows in the academy: Using affiliation networks to
assess peer effects among researchers.
Social Science Research, 40
(3): 1001–1017.
on three reform-related networks: knowledge, advice, and innovation. The findings suggested that the net-
works became more centralized over time, which may have limited the transfer of knowledge, advice, and inno-
vation and impeded the effectiveness of reform efforts. The descriptive network analysis provided practical in-
sight into which individuals “moved” knowledge and practice throughout the system. From a policy perspective,
the findings showed that successful reform activities were associated with intentional partnerships (network
connections) among central office staff and onsite school administrators.
Cautions Regarding Unc ertainty and Fishing
All sampling methods introduce some error and uncertainty, but many other potential sources of
uncertainty affect data collection and analysis, including missing data, participant attrition, and var-
iation in the delivery of an intervention (that is, implementation fidelity). Reporting standard errors
and other descriptions of uncertainty (for example, evidence of clustering or dependence in the data)
influence how data are analyzed and findings are interpreted and authors should make these availa-
ble to audiences in either raw form (for researchers) or descriptive form (for practitioners and poli-
In today’s era of big data, “fishing” is a concern in both descriptive and causal analyses. Fishing refers
to analysis in which the primary motivation is to look for any and all patterns in a dataset without
the boundaries of preconceived hypotheses, research questions, and constructs. If an investigator
tests for any and all possible differences between two groups for which a large set of data is available,
it is possible (and even likely) that some patterns may be observed, even if they are without merit
and will not hold for the population more broadly. Researchers may search for “statistically signifi-
cant” relationships and rely too heavily on statistical significance to signal an important result.
Statistical significance, however, is only a measure of how unlikely a relationship is to exist in a
population given the size of the observed relationship in the sample. If researchers search for too
many “unlikely” relationships in a sample, they are bound to find one that looks as if it is big enough
to exist in the population, even if it does not. Limiting the number of allowable comparisons to be
tested buffers against this possibility.
Thorough reporting of research methods, including the num-
ber of statistical tests, also reduces the temptation to search for and focus on statistical significance.
Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why most published research findings are false.
PLoS Medic i ne, 2
(8): e124.
A healthy debate considers the role of “exploring the data” (or more pejoratively “fishing” or “cherry-picking
results”) when it comes to descriptive analysis. Unlike causal research that evaluates whether evidence is
consistent with a specific hypothesis, descriptive analysis is intended to describe what is real in the world based
on data. When a researcher reviews data for descriptive purposes, previously unseen patterns in the data
sometimes arise. The fact that the analysis was not designed to uncover that truth does not detract from the
value of identifying it. There is latitude for “exploring the data” in descriptive analysis, subject to the caveat that
such “findings” should be consistent with sound theory and rigorous methods. It may be appropriate to use these
findings as the foundation for generating hypotheses, prioritizing causal mechanisms, or otherwise pointing
toward causal understanding, but not as evidence for causation.
For a discussion of these difficulties and a 20-word solution to the problem of transparency around methods
and results of quantitative studies, see Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (2011). False-positive
psychology undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant.
Psychologica l Science, 22
(11), 1359–1366. Retrieved from
In contrast to fishing, data “mining” can be a productive avenue for description
if approached cau-
. Data mining utilizes every observation and feature (even those that lack a basis in a concept)
for the purpose of describing what is occurring in the world. Online or virtual education settings
specifically, and education information systems more generally, provide rich opportunities for data
mining as the data capture complex interactions at both large and detailed scale. Though traditional
data mining techniques are often not appropriate for some types of issues and characteristics relevant
to education,
data mining can lead to the identification of new phenomena or hidden patterns in
data that had not previously been recognized. There can be no claim of causation with data-mined
findings, but they can serve as foundations for generating hypotheses, prioritizing possible causal
mechanisms, or otherwise pointing toward causal understanding.
Conducting Descriptive Analysis: Summary
In education research, a robust study question is socially important and highly relevant to improving
our understanding of education processes, distribution (access), effects, and quality. With a research
question in hand, the researcher must identify the key ideas, attributes, or concepts (constructs) that
will be measured. Existing datasets can be appropriate for some aspects of a study. When they are
not, the researcher may choose to conduct a custom data collection or rely on proxy data, which are
imperfect but commonly used when they are a reasonable substitute or approximation. Data mining
can be a productive approach for description if approached cautiously.
Good descriptive research relies primarily on low-inference, low-assumption methods that use no or
minimal statistical adjustments. Measures of central tendency, variation, and basic frequency anal-
yses are particularly useful tools. Although there can be no claim of causation, any descriptive finding
that uncovers a socially relevant “truth” in the data can serve as the foundation for generating hy-
potheses, prioritizing possible causal mechanisms, or otherwise pointing toward causal understand-
Romero, C., & Ventura, S. (2013). Data mining in education.
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledg e Discovery,
: 12–27.
Chapter 4. Communicating Descriptive Analysis
A great book has literary value only when it can be read and understood. The same is true for great
research studies: no matter how significant the findings, they contribute to knowledge and practice
only when others read and understand the conclusions.
A researcher could communicate findings simply by displaying all available raw data so that readers
are able to manipulate and interpret it in any way they prefer. While possible, this approach is clearly
less than ideal: presenting a large amount of data without description increases the likelihood of
misinterpretation by the audience.
The researcher’s job and expertise is to reduce the body of data to a format that is useful for the
audience. This translation, from raw to reported findings, is undertaken specifically to meet the
information needs of the readers.
Communicating Data Visually
Most researchers understand the utility of statistics to reduce raw data
Data visualization is part of
into information that is meaningful to an audience (for example, pre-
the research and the
senting the mean, median, mode, and other measures of central
processes—helping both
tendencies for a large dataset). Data visualization, or the graphical dis-
the researcher and the
play of information, is another useful tool for communicating research
reader identify patterns in
the data.
Because data are generally more easily processed and understood when they are visualized, graphs
can help both researchers and their audiences identify and understand patterns in data. In the pro-
cess of descriptive research, data visualization can also clarify patterns or problems in the data, which
may or may not be shared with the audience.
When considering visualization, it is helpful to focus on three key features: function, familiarity, and
Function. Above all other considerations, graphics should accurately reflect the data and
appropriately illustrate the story of your findings. The overarching message that you are try-
ing to communicate should be clear. Before including a figure, always consider whether ef-
forts to visualize the data have increased the risk of a reader misunderstanding or misinter-
preting the information.
Visualizing data typically requires more space than presenting the same information in a
table. Because of this reality, figures should provide benefits beyond what tables can offer.
The tradeoff between space and information will need to be evaluated in light of data type,
physical constraints, and audience need.
Familiarity. People tend to process information more quickly when it is presented in a fa-
miliar manner, so visualization choices often depend on how an audience expects to see a
Few, S. (2014). Data visualization for human perception. In M. Soegaard & R. F. Dam (Eds.),
encyclopedia of human-computer interaction
, 2nd ed. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation.
Retrieved March 2015 from
particular type of data presented. If there is a standard way of presenting the data, a re-
searcher needs a strong reason to depart from the norm. For example, time trends are often
presented as line graphs with time on the x-axis and the variable of interest on the y-axis.
Readers are accustomed to this format and, as a rule, can readily interpret these types of
There are times, however, when the frequently recognized mode of presentation is so inef-
fective that its costs outweigh the benefits of its familiarity with audiences. The pie chart is a
prime example: while familiar, pie charts are a cumbersome approach to presenting simple
information and make it difficult for a reader to accurately perceive meaning in the data.
Simplicity. Good communicators tend to recognize the benefits of simplicity. Sometimes a
researcher may wish to add visual interest to a graph in order to
All efforts to improve
make a report appear more attractive or noticeable. In all circum-
the visual appeal of data
should also improve the
stances, cosmetic upgrades should be secondary to the goal of ef-
accuracy or integrity of
fective communication. The use of pictures, colors, extraneous
the message.
symbols, or other imagery often serves only to distract from the
fundamental message that needs to be conveyed. Data visualization should
the integrity of the message, and efforts to visualize data should
detract from accuracy
or integrity.
The Process of Communicating the Message
Like other aspects of descriptive analysis, choosing how to communicate findings is best done itera-
tively. Begin by deciding what the story is (the
messag e
) and to whom it will be told (the
Only then can the researcher make sound decisions about the most effective way to communicate
the story (
Often, the process of customizing the message for an intended audience
What you do to develop
results in presentations that differ by audience type. A report published
your conclusions and what
in a peer-reviewed academic journal will likely look different from the
you present to
communicate your
same research story written for a policymaker or practitioner audience.
message may be different.
The research audience may be used to graphical representations with
numerous axes and multiple statistics (for example, standard deviations
as well as averages). The practitioner audience, on the other hand, may expect fewer but more fo-
cused graphics that tell the story more succinctly. In each case, the complementary final products
contain only a subset of the analysis undertaken by the researcher. The research principles, stand-
ards, and methods do not change, but because of varying information needs, the “final” presentation
is modified for intended audiences.
How to Fra m e Visual iza t ion Needs
Entire books have been written about communications, report writing, research methods, and data
visualization (see appendix A). They are worth reading and understanding. While we cannot go into
such detail here, some of the principles driving the process of customizing a research message for a
particular audience can be distilled into the following four questions.
Core Message: What is yo ur story (the messa ge)?
Carefully consider the motivation for the research and the significance of the findings (for
example, their ramifications on education practice, policies, or research). Doing so will help
to prioritize the features of the message that need to be effectively highlighted and accurately
Emphasize the most important patterns in the data for answering your research question.
Limit presentation to those data that are clearly focused (on your specific research question
and findings) rather than to a range of facts only tangentially related to the core message.
Potential Audiences: Wh o would ben efit from hearing this story (the audience)?
Identify your intended audience(s). One approach for doing so is simply to ask yourself (or
knowledgeable colleagues) which audiences would benefit from learning about your findings.
Before you narrow your targets, reflect broadly on potentially interested parties, including
researchers in other disciplines, teachers, administrators, policymakers (local, state, and fed-
eral), leaders of national organizations, and policy advocates.
Customizing the Message: For each target audience , what ar e the audience’s specific information
needs and how can you most effectively co mmunicate your story (customization)?
Assess which aspects of your findings are most relevant to each
Note that different
specific audience. For example, a practitioner or policy audi-
audiences have different
ence may be interested in a newly diagnosed problem that re-
information needs.
quires their attention. Alternatively, a researcher audience
Some audiences require
may need to understand your data sources and methods so
details about methods and
that they can plan a causal study that grows out of your find-
statistical significance,
while others benefit from
summary findings that
Consider other information that might be helpful to frame or
focus on a “take home”
contextualize your story for each audience. Existing research,
previously recognized problems, or opportunities facing prac-
titioners, and contemporary policy debate can be meaningful to the discussion.
Determine what type of presentation will best reach each of your intended audiences—know-
ing that each audience will likely need a slightly or substantially different presentation of
your story to correctly interpret your message. Identify the types of visualizations that each
audience expects for each type of data and determine whether there is a standard (familiar)
way of presenting a particular type of data. While customizing communications takes effort,
recall that your work contributes to knowledge and practice only when others read and un-
derstand your conclusions.
Choose the publication mechanism that is most appropriate for each audience. For example,
you may wish to target a particular academic journal for education researchers, a different
journal for economists, a third for psychologists, a public policy quarterly for state legislators,
and a practitioner-friendly periodical for school principals and teachers.
While producing separate, customized documents for specific audiences may be the ideal form of
communication, some publications are able to reach multiple audiences. For example, within a single document,
Iterate: How can you improve efforts to communicate your message to each specific target audience?
Try different approaches to visualization and presentation. Share a draft with a representative
of your target audience. Even a single voice can help to confirm or redirect your efforts.
Ask yourself whether you can further simplify the presentation. First drafts are often more
complicated than they need to be. Show as much as you need to make the point, and no
more. Be realistic about how much data your audience can absorb in one figure.
The product of your efforts to visualize your data should be evaluated against the three key features
of data visualization described in preceding text: function, familiarity, and simplicity:
. Does the resulting graphic accurately reflect the data and the overarching message
you are trying to communicate? Have efforts to visualize the data increased the risk of mis-
understanding or misinterpreting the information?
Famili arity.
Will the graphical approach be familiar to your audience? Do the benefits of an
innovative approach to visualization outweigh the cost of novelty?
. Can you further simplify the graphic? As a rule, simpler is better. Purely cosmetic
changes for the purpose of increasing visual appeal rarely increase accuracy or reduce com-
plexity and, therefore, are not recommended.
In addition, all figures should stand alone and be easy to read when printed.
. Can the information contained in the graphic (including the caption) be un-
derstood completely without additional explanation? If not, given how frequently audiences
refer to images without reading associated text, what should be added to the image to con-
struct a stand-alone piece of information?
Color and Printability
. A substantial portion of your audience prints reports
in black
and white. Moreover, nearly 8.0 percent of men and 0.5 percent of women of Northern
European ancestry have some version of red-green color blindness.
Make your images dis-
tinguishable on the basis of contrast rather than color, and confirm that they are distinguish-
able by printing them without color to ensure that your graphics are distinct in gray scale
and in black and white.
Common Approaches to Data Visualization
Researchers have many options when considering how to approach data visualization to best meet
the information needs of their audience(s). After all, the same statistical fact can be expressed in
multiple ways, such as a table, line graph, or scatter graph (see Box 12). For example, a conditional
mean may be communicated by (1) running a regression that includes indicator variables and their
interactions; (2) showing subgroup means in a table; or (3) plotting subgroup means in a graph. For
the vast majority of readers, tables and graphs (options 2 and 3) are a more transparent and easily
interpreted way to describe data.
an executive summary can target policymaking audiences in need of high-level messaging, main text reaches a
general audience, and appendices provide data and methodological details for a researcher audience.
American Academy of Ophthalmology. (2011).
Genetics home referenc e: Co lor vision deficiency.
MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of
Medicine. Retrieved March 2015 from
Box 12. Visualization as Data Simplification
The same statistical facts can usually be expressed with a table, in a graph, or via regression, but tables and
graphs are a much more transparent way to describe findings for most audiences.
Tabl es
Tables tend to be most effective as a presentation format when displaying only a few data points
(values), presenting secondary findings, or reporting standard errors, confidence intervals, and sig-
nificance levels. In these cases, tables may be sufficient for the audience and will likely require less
space than a graph.
Tables may also be preferable on the rare occasions when a researcher needs to present a large
amount of data so that the reader will be able to replicate the work or match the data to a specific
source. However, this goal can also be addressed by presenting data and source notes in an appendix.
Using an appendix to share detailed notes about sources, values, and methods is an effective ap-
proach to communicating the message because it visually displays data in the text, yet preserves the
information needed for replicability and transparency for those readers who are interested.
When presenting data in tables, consider the following tips:
Be thoughtful about table titles. A good title will convey meaningful information to your
o For a researcher audience, the title should describe the specific information presented
in the table (for example, “Table 3. Predictors of court involvement and school segrega-
tion, 1961”).
o For a policy or practitioner audience, consider using a title that summarizes the main
point of the table. If your data support a specific mes-
sage, the title could convey that message, such as “Ur-
banicity was the most important predictor of court in-
volvement and school segregation in 1961.” This strat-
egy, if undertaken, has to be done carefully and accu-
rately so as not to be misleading. Sometimes findings
are more complicated than a title can convey accurately.
For the vast majority of
audiences, graphs and tables
are much more easily
understood than regression
coefficients and other complex
statistical presentations.
Assign a meaningful descriptive title to each variable presented in the table (such as, First
Grade Students, Second Grade Students, etc., rather than Group 1, Group 2, etc.). Then
group the variables thematically or logically in your table, rather than alphabetically or ran-
domly. An exception to this is a long list of variables that do not reflect a theme or logic,
such as a list of state names.
Include detailed notes in a caption so that your table is self-contained. This gives the viewer
the option to “just read the table,” yet still view all of the information needed to understand
your message.
As a rule of thumb, any data that can be accurately presented in graphic form should be presented
in graphic form. The goal of visualization, after all, is to help readers better identify and understand
important patterns in the data—and graphs generally are more easily processed and understood than
Design choices should be based on meaningful criteria, such as data type, message, and audience
need. Unfortunately, too many published graphs appear to be designed haphazardly, as though what
is easiest to do in a spreadsheet program will meet audience need regard-
Space permitting, and
less of data type and message (hence the abundance of apparently arbi-
with rare exception,
trarily constructed pie charts, area graphs, bar and column charts, scatter
whatever data can be
plots, and line graphs). Other than pie charts, these types of graphs can
presented graphically
should be presented
be suitable visualization choices, but not because they are easy to create
in a spreadsheet or analytical application.
Reviewing all graph types is far beyond the scope of this project, but a few examples help illustrate
the range of options.
It is important to present as much content as necessary for a graphic to fully
meet the information needs of the audience and, as practical, to stand alone as a complete piece of
information. To varying degrees, the following examples include descriptive titles, source notes, and
explanations of graphed data in captions to help ensure that the figure stands alone as a useful
communication tool.
Time trend data: Line graphs are appropriate for continuous data and are an effective way to present
and compare slopes (or levels, if the y axis starts at zero). For example, figure 1 effectively illustrates
how line graphs can be used to demonstrate differences in time trends (for characteristics of three
groups of teachers over 35 years).
For more information on visual presentations, see Cleveland, W. (1994).
The ele m ents of graphing data
, 2nd
ed. Summit, NJ: Hobart Press; Few, S. (2009).
Now you see it: Simple vis ualizati on tech niques for qua n titative
analys is
. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press; Tufte, E. R. (2001).
The visual di sp lay of quantitative inf o rmation,
ed. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press; and Wong, D. M. (2010).
The Wall Street Journal g uide to inform ation
graphics: The dos and do n’ts of presenting data, facts, and figures.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
A number of statistical packages have graphing capabilities. Stata, for example, includes numerous graphing
options, as described in Mitchell, M. N. (2012).
A visual guide to Stata graphics
, 3rd ed. College Station, TX:
Stata Press. A number of online resources are also available including, among others: and
Figure 1. Line graphs showing time trends for three groups of teachers.
Source: Lankford, H., Loeb, S., McEachin, A., Miller, L. C., & Wyckoff, J. (2014). Who enters teaching? Encouraging evidence that the status
of teaching is improving. Educational Researcher, 43(9), 444–453.
Discrete data with frequencies or proportions: Bar graphs are appropriate for discrete data and can
be used to distinguish magnitude and proportion. Each bar provides the value for a group and a
comparison across bars yields information on relative size. When using bar graphs to communicate
proportions, the y-axes should be identical so that any differences in the heights of the bars can be
accurately compared (see figure 2).
While it is often appropriate for bar graphs to show the entire y-axis (0–100), doing so sometimes
results in so much white space that it is difficult to see data values. In all cases, however, when
comparing values across more than one figure, axes should be identical to ensure accurate represen-
Geographic data: Maps can be useful for describing geographic variation. For example, figure 3
shows variation in the upward mobility of low-income children across the United States. The darker
colors stand out to illustrate the low social mobility in those geographic regions and serve as an
example of how researchers can use visualization tools to creatively present findings in a clear, audi-
ence-friendly manner.
Figure 2. Bar graphs with identical y axes.
Figure 3. Variation in upward mobility of low-income children in the United States
Note: This figure presents a heat map of measures of intergenerational mobility by commuting zone. It is based on 1980–82 birth cohorts.
Children are assigned to commuting zones based on the location of their parents (when the child was claimed as a dependent), irrespective
of where they live as adults. In each commuting zone, child income rank is regressed on a constant and parent income rank. Using the
regression estimates, absolute upward mobility is defined as the predicted child rank given parent income at the 25th percentile. The maps
are constructed by grouping commuting zones into ten deciles and shading the areas so that lighter colors correspond to higher absolute
Source: Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P., & Saez, E. (2014). Where is the land of opportunity? The geography of intergenerational mobility
in the United States. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(4): 1553–1623.
Graphs for researchers. Researchers often demand much more detailed information than other
readers. Like other audiences, researchers need to understand the main message of a graph but often
will also benefit from additional details, such as standard error estimates. A range of visualization
choices are available to highlight key findings
present additional details. Figure 4 is an example
of an information-packed graph that shows the emergence of networks within a classroom.
5 illustrates how researchers can succinctly include critical descriptions of graphed data within a
single figure caption so that the figure stands alone as a useful communication tool.
Figure 4. An information-packed graph showing the emergence of networks within a classroom (with
time aggregation from 1 minute to 35 minutes).
Source: Bender-deMoll, S., & McFarland, D. A. (2006). The art and science of dynamic network visualization. Journal of Social Structure,
For more information on graphing networks, see Bender-deMoll, S., & McFarland, D. A. 2006. The art and
science of dynamic network visualization.
J o urnal of Social Structure, 7
(2). Retrieved from
Figure 5. A detailed title is used to convey information to ensure that the graphic stands alone and
Note: A comparison of three groups of youth “diagnosed” around the age of 20 years as competent (good adaptation and low adversity
history), resilient (good adaptation and high adversity history), and maladaptive (poor adaptation and high adversity history). Mean IQ scores
from childhood (measured 10 years earlier) are shown for the three groups. Means for the subgroups of resilient and maladaptive youth with
extremely high lifetime adversity are shown by stars.
Source: Masten, A. S., & Obradović, J. (2006). Competence and resilience in development. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
1094: 13-27. doi: 10.1196/annals.1376.003.
Communicating Descriptive Analysis: Summary
One of a researcher’s jobs is to translate raw data into reported findings that are useful for the
intended audience. It is often most effective to begin by deciding what the story (the message) is and
to whom (the audience) it will be told. Only then can the researcher make sound decisions about
the most appropriate way to communicate the story (customization).
Unnecessarily complex presentation is an obstacle to effective communication. For the vast majority
of audiences, graphs and tables are much more easily understood than regression coefficients, three-
dimensional imagery, or other complex presentations. It is critical that graphics present just as much
information as necessary to fully meet the needs of the audience. Keep figures simple and neat, label
axes, and avoid formats that are likely to confuse readers. The benefits of an appealing image are not
worth the risk of misrepresenting data or message (see Box 13).
Box 13. Summary of Data Visualization Tips
Chapter 4 has recommended some rules of thumb for data visualization, but very few hard and fast recom-
mendations are broadly applicable other than the following tips:
Unnecessarily complex presentation is an obstacle to understanding and is detrimental to research.
The benefits of an appealing image are not worth misrepresenting data or an important message.
With rare exception, whatever can be presented graphically should be presented graphically.
Good figures are designed to contain all of the information necessary to be understood. Although it is not
always practical for a figure to stand alone, if extensive text is needed to convey meaning, reconsider
presentation to see if an alternative approach to visualizing the data is possible.
The same data can be presented differently for different purposes or for different audiences, depending on
what you wish to convey and to whom.
Three-dimensional (3D) graphs should not be used to represent two-dimensional (2D) data. While there
may be rare exceptions, most readers will view your findings on a 2D computer monitor or a piece of pa-
per, and 3D renderings can negatively affect perception and understanding.
Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusions
Descriptive analysis characterizes the world or a phenomenon; it identifies patterns in data to answer
questions about who, what, where, when, and to what extent. Good descriptive analysis presents
what we know about capacities, needs, methods, practices, policies, populations, and settings in a
manner that is relevant to a
specif ic
research or policy question.
Descriptive analysis can stand on its own as a research prod-
This document presents suggestions
uct, such as when it identifies patterns in data that have not
for more effectively considering,
conducting, and communicating
previously been recognized. Sometimes, description is a pre-
descriptive analysis, which is a
cursor to causal analysis (pointing toward causal understand-
critical component of the scientific
ing) or a follow-up to causal analysis (explaining why effects
were or were not observed and suggesting more likely and less
likely mechanisms). Whether the goal is to describe trends and variation in populations, create new
measures of key phenomena, or describe samples for causal effects, descriptive analyses are part of
almost every empirical paper and report.
When approaching descriptive work, researchers should endeavor first to recognize a phenomenon
or question of interest (something that is occurring in the real world). Once a phenomenon of in-
terest has been identified, a researcher should consider the phenomenon in question comprehen-
sively and determine which features are likely to be salient before defining the constructs that repre-
sent these features. Choices about data collection and methods flow from these decisions.
During the data analysis phase, researchers use analytical and statistical methods to uncover observ-
able patterns in the data. Sometimes, researchers review data with an expectation that a certain pat-
tern exists. At other times, patterns emerge from a more general exploration of the data. In order to
be meaningful, the patterns must be important, not simply present. Data dumps, all-purpose data
dashboards, and generic tables of summary statistics do not qualify as sound descriptive analyses.
Good descriptive research relies primarily on low-inference, low-
Descriptive analysis is an iterative
process, with each step building
assumption methods that use no or minimal statistical adjust-
upon others and requiring
ments. Measures of central tendency (such as mean, median, and
reconsideration and modification
mode), measures of variation (such as range and standard devia-
as the researcher’s understanding
tion), and basic frequency analyses are useful statistical tools for
of the phenomenon and the study
description. Graphical methods and more complicated statistical
adjustments have their place in descriptive analyses as well, but they should be used with caution
because adjustments can mask relationships in the data.
At its core, descriptive analysis is data simplification. The researcher’s job is to reduce the body of
data to a format that helps an audience (such as practitioners, policymakers, or other researchers) to
better understand a phenomenon. Often, this process of simplifying and customizing findings results
in presentations that differ by audience type. A report published in a peer-reviewed academic journal
may look very different from the same research story written for a policymaker or practitioner audi-
ence. Researchers may need access to data for the purposes of reproducibility, while practitioners
may need a more comprehensive description of the study population to assess generalizability. In
either case, the complementary final products contain only a subset of the analyses undertaken by
the researcher. The underlying findings do not change, but because of varying information needs,
the “final” presentation is modified for specific intended audiences. The translation, from raw to
reported findings, is undertaken specifically to meet the information needs of the readers.
Some of the overarching principles that drive the process of customizing a research message for a
particular audience can be distilled into the following questions, which, when answered by a re-
searcher, frame the presentation of descriptive findings:
What is your story (the message)?
Who needs to hear this story (the audience)?
For each target audience, what are the audience’s specific information needs and how can
you effectively communicate your story (customization)?
How can you further improve your efforts to communicate your message to each specific
target audience (iteration)?
Description plays an important role in identifying both needs and solutions in day-to-day and long-
term efforts to improve teaching, learning, and the administration and management of our educa-
tion system. Because understanding “what is” is a first step to effective practice and policy, educators,
policymakers, and researchers should all be able to recognize good descriptive analysis. Although
conducting descriptive analysis requires substantial expertise, its core principles reflect sound re-
search and communications practices relating to clarity, comprehensiveness, accuracy, comprehen-
sion, and relevance (see Box 14).
Box 14. How to Recognize Good Descriptive Analysis
Good description is clear about what it is trying to describe, its justification of methods and measures, and
how data were transformed into a description of the phenomenon of interest.
Good description provides detail and breadth that fully capture a phenomenon without being unnecessarily
complex with respect to concept, data, methods, or presentation. It is neither too narrow nor too broad in
focus; it is not unsuitably coarse or unnecessarily fine-grained.
Good description is accurate. It reflects key concepts, incorporates a variety of perspectives and ap-
proaches, does not distort data or lend itself to misinterpretation, and will be accepted by broad communi-
ties of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers because it reflects real-world observation.
Good description is both sensible and comprehensible. It uses appropriate concepts and methods, relies
on relevant measures, and is presented in a manner that relates the salient features of a phenomenon in
a way that can be readily interpreted by its intended audience.
Good description focuses on socially important phenomena (and research questions).
Over the past 15 years, a focus on randomized control trials and the use of quasi-experimental meth-
ods has improved the body of causal research in education. However, this emphasis on causal anal-
ysis has not been accompanied by an improvement in descriptive analysis. In contemporary scholar-
ship, descriptive analysis is too frequently viewed simply as a responsibility of the publication proto-
col. This misinterpretation of the scientific method should be corrected if the education community
is to benefit from the unique value of descriptive research, which is a powerful tool for fueling dis-
covery and advancing knowledge.
Appendix A. Resources Related Especially to Communications and Visualization
This appendix presents examples of additional resources that have been published about communi-
cations and data visualization.
Cleveland, W. (1993).
Visual izin g data
. Lafayette, IN: Hobart Press.
Evergreen, S. D. H. (2013).
Presentin g data effectively: Communicating your findings for maxi -
mum impact
. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Few, S. (2009). Now you see it: Simple visualization techniques for quantitative analysis. Oakland,
CA: Analytics Press.
Few, S. (2012).
Show me the numbers: Design ing tables and graphs to enlighten
, 2nd ed. Oakland,
CA: Analytics Press.
Few, S. (2014). Data visualization for human perception. In M. Soegaard & R. F. Dam (Eds.).
Th e
encyclopedia of human-computer interaction
, 2nd ed. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction De-
sign Foundation. Retrieved March 2015 from
Tufte, E. R. (2001).
The visual display of quantitative information,
2nd ed. Cheshire, CT:
Graphics Press.
Wong, D. M. (2010). The Wall Street Journal guide to information graphics: The dos and don’ts
of presenting data, facts, and figures. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Appendix B. References
Aldenderfer, M. S., & Blashfield, R. K. (1984).
C l uster analysi s
(Quantitative Applications in the
Social Sciences). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
American Academy of Ophthalmology. (2011).
Genetics home reference: C olor vision d eficiency
Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health,
National Library of Medicine. Retrieved March 2015 from
Arnold, K., Fleming, S., DeAnda, M., Castleman, B. L., & Wartman, K. L. (2009). The summer
flood: The invisible gap among low-income students.
Thought and Action ,
Fall: 23–34.
Bender-deMoll, S., & McFarland, D. A. (2006). The art and science of dynamic network visualiza-
Journal of Social Structure, 7
Bianco, S. D. (2010, June). Improving student outcomes: Data-driven instruction and fidelity of
implementation in a Response to Intervention (RTI) model.
TEACHING Exceptional Chil -
dren Plus,
Bloom, H. S., Hill, C. J., & Riccio, J. A. (2003). Linking program implementation and effective-
ness: Lessons from a pooled sample of welfare-to-work experiments.
Journal of Policy Analysis
and Management, 22
(4): 551–575.
Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2008).
The craft of research,
3rd ed. (NFES
2013–801). Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Castleman, B. L., Arnold, K. D., & Wartman, K. L. (2012). Stemming the tide of summer melt:
An experimental study of the effects of post-high-school summer intervention on college enroll-
The Journal of Research on E d ucational E ffectiveness, 5
(1): 1–18.
Castleman, B. L., Page, L. C., & Snowdon, A. L. (2012).
Summer melt handbook: A guide to in -
vestigating and responding to summer melt
. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Center for
Education Policy Research. Retrieved March 25, 2015, from
Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P., & Saez, E. (2014). Where is the land of opportunity? The geog-
raphy of intergenerational mobility in the United States.
The Q u arterly Journal of Economics,
(4): 1553–1623.
Cleveland, W. (1993).
Visual izin g data
. Lafayette, IN: Hobart Press.
Cleveland, W. (1994).
The elements of graphing data
, 2nd ed. Summit, NJ: Hobart Press.
Crocker, L., & Algina, J. (2006).
Introduction to classical and modern test theory
. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Daly, A. J. and Finnigan, K. (2011). The ebb and flow of social network ties between district lead-
ers under high stakes accountability
. American Education Research Journal, 48
(1): 39–79.
Duncan, G., Morris, P., & Rodrigues, C. (2011). Does money really matter? Estimating impacts of
family income on young children’s achievement with data from random-assignment experi-
Developmental Psychology, 47
(5): 1263–1279.
Dynarski, M., & Kisker, E. (2014).
G oing public : Writing abo u t re search in everyday language
(REL 2014–051). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sci-
ences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Analytic Technical
Assistance and Development. Retrieved July 21, 2015, from
Engel, M., Claessens, A., & Finch, M. A. (2013). Teaching students what they already know? The
(mis)alignment between instructional content in mathematics and student knowledge in kin-
Educational E v aluation an d Policy Analysis, 35
(2): 157–178.
Evergreen, S. D. H. (2013). Presenting data effectively: Communicating your findings for maxi-
mum impact. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Everitt, B. S., Landau, S., Leese, M., & Stahl, D. (2011).
Clu s ter analysis,
5th ed. New York: Wiley.
Feldt, L. S., & Brennan, R. L. (1989). Reliability. In R. L. Linn (Ed.),
Educational measu r ement,
3rd ed. (pp. 105–146). New York: Macmillan.
Few, S. (2009). Now you see it: Simple visualization techniques for quantitative analysis. Oakland,
CA: Analytics Press.
Few, S. (2012).
Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlighten
, 2nd ed. Oakland,
CA: Analytics Press.
Few, S. (2014). Data visualization for human perception. In M. Soegaard & R. F. Dam (Eds.),
Th e
encyclopedia of human-computer interaction
, 2nd ed. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction De-
sign Foundation. Retrieved March 2015 from
Gennetian, L., Castells, N., & Morris, P. (2010). Meeting the basic needs of children: Does in-
come matter?
Children and Youth Se rvices Review, 32
(9): 1138–1148.
Glazerman, S., Isenberg, E., Dolfin, S., Bleeker, M., Johnson, A., Grider, M., & Jacobus, M.
Impacts of comprehensive teacher inducti on: Fin a l results from a randomized con -
trolled study
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