College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook
2023 - 2024
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Incoming Engineering Students
A. Engineering Majors and Curriculum
B. Placement Exam - Math
Importance of Math for Engineering majors
How to enroll in a Math course
Math Placement Exam
Who needs to take the math placement exam?
What if I have AP Calc AB or BC credits earned or pending?
When should I take the math placement exam?
Which math course should I take?
C. Placement Exam - Chemistry
How to enroll in a Chemistry course
Chemistry Placement Exam
Who needs to take the chemistry placement exam?
What if I have AP Chem credits earned or pending?
When should I take the chemistry placement exam?
Which chemistry course should I take?
D. AP Exam Credits
AP scores and UHM course credit
How do I get my AP credits on my UHM transcript
E. College Credits (Early College or Transfer)
How do I get my AP credits on my UHM transcript
UH system Transfer Credit Database
What if my transfer courses don’t show in the database?
F. Planning First Semester Courses
1. Academic Calendar & Deadlines
2. Academic Policies
a. Grade Policy
b. Academic Integrity and Honesty
c. COE requirements for Good Standing
d. Academic Probation, Suspension Dismissal
e. UHM catalog
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
3. Academic Advising
a. Mandatory Advising Requirement
4. Engineering Curriculum
a. Engineering Curriculum Checksheets
b. Mathematics
c. Chemistry
d. Physics
e. UHM General Education Requirements (specific to engineering)
f. UHM General Education Requirements Tables
g. Engineering Design Projects
5. Pre-Engineering
6. Bachelor & Accelerated Master Program (BAM)
7. Minors and Multiple Majors
8. Registration
a. Errors
b. Overrides
c. Concurrent Enrollment at UH Community Colleges
9. Financial Aid
a. Course Program of Study (CPOS)
b. Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals/Approvals
10. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits
11. Graduation
12. Tutoring at UH Mānoa
13. Engineering & Other Contact Information
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
This University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa College of Engineering (CoE) Undergraduate Handbook provides
information for incoming students and continuing students.
For incoming students, it includes helpful sections regarding placement exams, AP credits, transfer
credits, planning first semester courses, and advising. Information about all CoE majors is included. In
addition, the remaining sections of the Handbook are helpful for navigating your degree program.
For continuing students, information about college academic policies, mandatory advising, curriculum
and general education requirements, design project requirements, and graduation are included.
Whether you're starting your first semester or continuing your degree plan, the College of Engineering
Undergraduate Handbook will guide you through your journey.
Please contact the CoE Student Academic Services (SAS) Office if you have any questions.
CoE Student Academic Services (SAS) Office
Location: Holmes Hall 250
Phone: (808) 956-8404
Book an appointment on STAR Balance with a College of Engineering Academic Advisor:
Please see the SAS office page for information on which advisor to schedule with based on your
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Incoming Engineering Students
(applied and/or been admitted to an engineering major)
A. Engineering Majors and Curriculum
B. Placement Exam - Math
Importance of Math for Engineering majors
How to enroll in a Math course
Math Placement Exam
Who needs to take the math placement exam?
What if I have AP Calc AB or BC credits earned or pending?
When should I take the math placement exam?
Which math course should I take?
C. Placement Exam - Chemistry
How to enroll in a Chemistry course
Chemistry Placement Exam
Who needs to take the chemistry placement exam?
What if I have AP Chem credits earned or pending?
When should I take the chemistry placement exam?
Which chemistry course should I take?
D. AP Exam Credits
AP scores and UHM course credit
How do I get my AP credits on my UHM transcript
E. College Credits (Early College or Transfer)
How do I get my AP credits on my UHM transcript
UH system Transfer Credit Database
What if my transfer courses don’t show in the database?
F. Planning First Semester Courses
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
A. Engineering Majors and Curriculum
The College of Engineering (CoE) currently offers the following majors in the Bachelor of Science (BS):
Civil Engineering (CE)
Construction Engineering (CNST)
Computer Engineering (CENG)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Engineering Science (ENGS)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
PreEngineering (PREN)
Preengineering majors work on taking all of the lower division (freshmen/sophomore)
coursework towards their intended engineering major. See section 5 of this handbook:
The curriculum checksheet for each major can be found on the college of engineering website below.
The curriculum checksheet includes all of the degree requirements and is sequenced in the
recommended course order. As the student completes courses they can check off the appropriate boxes
and review what they still need to take. It also includes notes that describe courses that fulfill the major
specific engineering electives and accepted substitutions.
The checksheets are updated each academic year. Students are responsible for the checksheet of the
year that they are accepted into their final engineering major. Pre-Engineering students should follow the
checksheet of the major that they intend to declare.
A breakdown of the engineering requirements and general education requirements listed on the
curriculum checksheets is provided in section 4 of this handbook: Engineering Curriculum.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
B. Placement Exam - Math
Importance of Math for Engineering majors
Math is very important towards making timely progress in any engineering degree.
All engineering students will need to earn credits for the entire calculus series (Math 241-244 or
Math 251A-253A) and should work on math right away in their first semester.
How to enroll in a Math course
All students must place into a Math course through any of the following:
AP Exam scores
SAT Math or ACT Math scores
Previous college precalculus or calculus credits
Taking the UHM Math placement exam
See the next sections to find appropriate scores/grades needed for the first Math course
Students cannot register for the first Math course based on high school math course grades.
Students will encounter a prerequisite registration error when registering for the Math course
without either the proper AP/college credits or the placement exam results posted to their record.
Math Placement Exam
Information about how to take the UHM Math Placement Exam can be found on the Math
Department website:
In-person (at UHM campus) and Online options for the exam are available.
Repeat policy for Math placement is explained on math website (usually only one chance)
Math placement exam scores take 2-3 business days to post into a student’s STAR account. If
the score is not posted after this timeframe, contact the math department:
The Math placement exam can only be taken once during specific time frames. It is important to
be prepared for this exam. It is highly encouraged to take the practice exam questions located on the
math placement website. The placement exam is designed to determine the appropriate level to start with
based on a student’s current math knowledge.
Who needs to take the Math Placement Exam?
Unless a student has or is expecting AP exam credits for Calculus as listed in the AP exam table
below, or has taken the equivalent of UHM’s precalculus or calculus courses in the table below,
they will need to take the Math placement exam.
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What if I have AP Calc AB or BC scores pending?
AP exam results do not get released until later in summer (~July).
You may want to take the Math placement exam even if you think you will pass the AP exam.
Taking the math placement will allow you to register for a math course before seats get filled. If
you find later that your AP scores place you into a higher math course, you can adjust your class
registration at that time.
Once you receive your official score, contact the Math dept at with a copy
of your score to ask for the override to register for the appropriate course.
When should I take the math placement exam?
Math placement exam result is needed to register for a Math course.
Sign up for the placement exam before registration begins, if possible.
Fall registration begins in ~ late May
Spring registration begins in ~ late November/early December
Registration continues through the first weeks of the semester, but students should take the
placement exam as soon as they are prepared.
The highest placement earned based on all placement exam results, AP/SAT/ACT scores, or
college credits is the one recognized by the system.
Which math course should I take?
See the following AP, SAT/ACT, Placement Exam, and College Credit tables to find which Math course to
AP Exam
Course credit earned
Math course to register for
Calculus AB
4 or 5
Math 251A**
(equivalent to Math 241)
Math 242 or 252A**
Math 241
Calculus BC
4 or 5
Math 251A** and 252A**
(equivalent to Math 241 and
Math 243 or 253A**
Math 251A**
(equivalent to Math 241)
Math 242 or 252A**
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
SAT or ACT Exam
Math course to Register for
Math 251A** or Math 241
Math 241
Math 251A** or Math 241
Math 241
If you have these scores contact the Math dept at [email protected]du with a copy of your score to
ask for the override.
UHM Math Placement Exam
Math course to Register for
Math 251A** or Math 241
(For Math 251A, contact the Math department at
[email protected]u or by telephone 808-956-4679)
Math 241
1 or 2
Math 140*
Math 134*
Previous College Credit
(early college or transfer credit)
Grade required
Math course to Register for
Any of Math 241, 242, or 243
C or better (not C-)
Next Math course in the standard
calculus series listed below
Math 140
C or better (not C-)
Math 241
Math 134
Math 140*
Look up the college/univ that you took your previous math courses at in the UH System Transfer
Database. If you have the equivalent of any of the above courses in this table proceed with the
suggested course to register for.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
*Pre-calculus courses: Math 134 → Math 140 → start calculus series
Math 134 - Enroll in this course if you take the placement exam and do not place into Math 140 or
higher. After passing this course you are able to then move onto Math 140.
Math 140 - Enroll in this course if your placement exam score is 1 or 2 or if you have earned
previous college credit for Math 134. After passing this course with a C or better you would be
able to move onto Math 241.
Math 134 and Math 140 will not automatically show up with course placeholders in STAR. You
may add those math courses as a Personal Choice on the STAR GPS registration page, or your
engineering advisor can help add the placeholder.
Standard 4 semester calculus series: Math 241 → Math 242 → Math 243 → Math 244
This is the standard sequence of calculus courses that shows on the curriculum check sheet.
Students should not take any other calculus courses like business calculus (Math 203) or applied
calculus (Math 215) as they do not count towards the engineering degree.
**Honors / Accelerated 3 semester calculus series: Math 251A → 252A → 253A
Students with a high enough score on the math placement, SAT, ACT, or AP exam, (see tables
above) may consider taking the accelerated calculus series. This series completes calculus in 3
semesters total rather than the standard 4 semesters.
To enroll in this series, contact the Math Director of Undergraduate Studies at
If you place in the Honors/Accelerated Math series, the College of Engineering highly recommends
trying it. If you are unsure or want to learn more about what makes it accelerated contact the Math
department to discuss.
C. Placement Exam - Chemistry
How to enroll in a Chemistry course
All students must place into a chemistry course through any of the following:
AP Exam scores
Previous college chem course credits
Taking the UHM Chemistry placement exam
See the next sections to find appropriate scores/grades needed for the first chemistry course
Students cannot register for the first chemistry course based on high school chemistry course
You will encounter a prerequisite registration error if you try to register for the chemistry course
without either the proper AP/college credits or the placement exam results posted to your student record.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Chemistry Placement Exam
Information about how to take the UHM Chemistry Placement Exam can be found at the
Chemistry Department website:
The chemistry placement is only offered Online.
Repeat policy for chemistry placement is explained on the chemistry placement website.
Chemistry placement exam scores take 2-3 business days to post into a student’s STAR account.
If the score is not posted after this timeframe, contact the chemistry department:
If you do not pass the exam on the first try, you must wait at least 24 hours before trying again.
Taking it before the 24 hour period is up will void the second chance.
Who needs to take the chemistry placement exam?
Unless a student has or is expecting AP exam credits for Chemistry as listed in the AP exam
table below, or has taken the equivalent of UHM’s chem courses in the table below, they will need
to take the Chemistry placement exam.
What if I have AP Chem scores pending?
AP exam results do not get released until later in summer (~July).
You may want to take the Chemistry placement exam even if you think you will pass the AP
Taking the chemistry placement earlier will allow you to register for a chemistry course before
seats get filled. If you find later that your AP scores place you into the next chemistry course you
can adjust your class registration at that time.
Once you receive your official score, contact the Chemistry dept at che[email protected]u with a
copy of your score to ask for the override.
When should I take the Chemistry placement exam?
Chemistry placement exam result is needed to register for a Chemistry course.
Sign up for the placement exam before registration begins, if possible
Fall registration begins in ~ late May
Spring registration begins in ~ late November/early December
Registration continues through the first weeks of the semester but students should try to take the
placement exam as soon as they are prepared.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Which chemistry course should I take?
AP Exam
Course credit earned
Chem course to register for
Chem 161/161L
and 162
None. Student has earned credit for all of the chem
courses that are required for the engineering curriculum.
Chem 161/161L
Chem 162
UHM Chemistry Placement Exam Score
Chem course to register for
20/25 or better
Chem 171/171L** or Chem 161/161L
16/25 or better
Chem 161/161L
8/25 15/25
Chem 131*
Below 8/25
none (review math skills and retake placement)
*Preparatory Chemistry course: Chem 131 → start Standard General Chemistry series
After passing this course with a C or better you would be able to move onto Chem 161 and 161L
Chem 131 does not have a lab.
Chem 131 will not automatically show up with a course placeholder in STAR. You may add it as a
Personal Choice on the STAR GPS registration page, or your engineering advisor can help add the
Standard General Chemistry series: Chem 161 and 161L → Chem 162
This is the standard sequence of calculus courses that is shown on the curriculum check sheet.
**Accelerated General Chemistry courses: Chem 171/171L
Highly recommended for engineering students if they place into it.
The Chem 171/171L will substitute for all of the Chem 161/161L and 162 requirements for
engineering majors.
Chem 171/171L is only offered in the Fall semester, and it is not guaranteed to be offered every
Fall semester. It is offered at the discretion of the Chemistry Department.
If you are pursuing medical school you will need Chem 161/16L and Chem 162/162L.
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D. AP Exam Credits
The pdf linked below explains what you may receive credit for based on your AP exam scores. Math
and Chemistry AP exam credits are explained in the previous placement exams sections.
Course credits earned based on the above UHM AP factsheet may or may not fulfill requirements
towards your engineering degree. Discuss credits earned with an advisor.
Students will need to have their official AP exam scores sent directly from the College Board to
UH Mānoa Admissions to have their credits entered on their UH Mānoa student record in STAR. AP
exam scores usually do not reach UH Mānoa until sometime in July. It can take a few weeks to be
updated in STAR contact UHM Admissions to check on status.
E. College Credits (Early College or Transfer Credits)
The Office of Admissions handles transfer credit evaluations for college courses taken at other
The student should have all of their previous college/university send the official transcript(s)
with final grades for all their previous college coursework directly to UH Mānoa Office of
Once Admissions receives the official transcripts, they will work with appropriate departments
to evaluate equivalencies and enter the equivalent course credits onto the UH Mānoa student
record in STAR.
Students may look up their transfer credits using the UH System Transfer Credit Database linked
below. The database only contains courses that were previously evaluated. If your course is not listed
in the database, it will be properly evaluated when you submit your official transcripts to UHM
Admissions. Contact an advisor if any questions arise.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
F. Planning First Semester Courses
Students need at least 12 credits to be considered full-time.
STAR GPS registration will make course recommendations based on the student’s
curriculum. But it won’t take into account credit load and placement exam scores or
AP/transfer credits until they are posted to your record. Work with your advisor to plan
for your particular situation.
View curriculum checksheets to see all courses required for your degree. If you are in
Pre-Engineering, view the checksheet for the major you intend to declare.
Incoming Freshmen Students
Example of first semester freshman schedule
Type of Course
Example course
Math course:
(based on placement or AP/College credits)
Math 241
Chemistry course:
(based on placement or AP/College credits)
Chem 161
Chem 161L
General Education course:
(see some options below)
*English (ENG) 100
General Education course:
(see some options below)
Hist 151 (FG)
Engineering Freshman Seminar (optional):
**Engr 100
Total Credits
15 credits
STAR GPS will not allow registration of math and chemistry courses without the placement exam score
or AP/college credits posted to a student’s STAR record.
But students may and should register for all other courses as soon as their registration opens.
We recommend that incoming students prioritize taking the highest math and chem they place into,
and add the Eng 100 and/or the other general education courses for a total of 1215 credits in their first
General education courses are flexible and can be replaced by any other general education
requirement. Review the general education section for more details. Here are common general
education courses that you could sign up for:
Intro to Economics (DS) = Economics 120, 130 or 131
Principles of Public Speaking (DA) = COMG 251
Global & Multicultural Perspectives (FGA, FGB, FGC) = YOUR CHOICE
*English (ENG) 100 is only open to freshmen at UHM. Students must complete Eng 100 in their
freshman year (before they reach 30 credits) or they will need to take it during summer school or at a
community college.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
English 100 (Eng 100) classes fill up quickly so if you cannot get a seat for Fall, you should plan
to take it in the Spring semester of freshman year and replace it with another General Education
**Engr 100 is our Engineering Freshman Seminar course which is an optional (not considered “in plan”
by STAR but highly recommended to take) 1 credit, CR/NC (credit/no credit) course intended to
familiarize incoming freshmen with college academic success, career preparation, and the engineering
disciplines. It is highly encouraged to take this course in addition to the Math, Chem, and other general
education courses.
Engineering 100 (Engr 100) is highly encouraged for first time freshmen engineering students.
We use this course to build community amongst our engineering freshmen and connect them with
upper classmen, faculty, and the college of engineering.
Incoming Transfer Students
Transfer students enter the program at any point in the curriculum, which is determined by the transfer
credits they receive as evaluated by UHM. It is critically important for transfer students to have their
previous colleges/universities send their final official transcripts directly to UHM Admissions. This
begins the transfer credit evaluation process by UHM Admissions.
STAR GPS will not allow registration of courses that require prerequisites until the transfer credits for
those prerequisites are posted to a student’s STAR record. The posting of transfer course credits is
handled by the UHM Admissions.
1. Be sure official transcripts were sent to UHM admissions directly from previous schools.
a. If unsure if the transcripts were received or it is taking long to see your credits, contact
UHM Admissions for an update.
b. Academic advisors will have difficulty assisting with course plans without the transfer
credits posted in STAR.
2. Login to STAR and check to see if the transfer credits are showing on the Transcript.
3. Try planning yourself! Get the appropriate major check sheet and check off the boxes for the
courses that you see you received credit for on the STAR transcript.
4. Meet with an academic advisor to discuss your transfer credits and curriculum, and plan your next
a. STAR Balance Appointments:
b. In STAR Balance select any Engineering Advisor with Non-Freshmen/Transfer
5. STAR GPS registration will make course recommendations based on the student’s
curriculum. But it won’t take into account credit load and placement exam scores or
AP/transfer credits until they are posted to your record. Work with your advisor to plan
for your particular situation.
--------------------------------- End of Incoming Engineering Student Section ---------------------------------
Continue on to important information for all new and continuing engineering undergraduate students.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
1. Academic Calendar & Deadlines
Important University-wide Dates and Deadlines are listed on the UHM Academic Calendar which is
available and updated by the UHM Office of the Registrar.
Deadlines are important and are strictly enforced by the University and College of Engineering. The
University and College only accept appeals for extenuating circumstances. Approval of appeals are not
2. Academic Policies
Grade Policy (Very Important)
All courses that fulfill degree requirements (including all general education requirements and engineering
requirements) need to be taken as A-F grading at whichever campus you are taking it. All courses or
requirements that show up on your curriculum check sheet need to be taken for A-F letter grade. CR
(credit) or P (passing) grades will not count towards the degree and will prevent graduation.
The only exception to this is that the College of Engineering recognizes CR grades earned during the
Spring 2020 semester as fulfilling degree requirements due to mid-semester disruption of courses
because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
UHM catalog
The UHM catalog includes information about all degree programs, undergraduate general education
requirements, campus and academic policies, tuition, and course descriptions and prerequisites. The
catalog is updated each academic year.
Academic Integrity and Honesty
The University has a student code of conduct that must be adhered to by the student. The code of
conduct includes policies on cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty. Please see the
student code of conduct on the UHM website below.
Reporting and investigation of academic dishonesty or other violations of the code is done through the
Office of Student Conduct. If found in violation, the resulting sanction(s) may include expulsion from the
Students in violation of the guidelines in any College of Engineering courses face immediate disciplinary
actions at the discretion of the instructor, but may result in reporting to the Department, College, and/or
the Office of Student Conduct. If found in violation, the resulting sanction(s) may include expulsion from
the University. Guidelines are listed at the following CoE webpage.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
COE requirements for Good Standing
Undergraduate engineering students are subject to the policies of academic probation, suspension, and
dismissal of UH Mānoa as specified in the Catalog.
In addition to the UH Mānoa requirements, engineering students are required to maintain 2.0 or higher in
both the cumulative GPA and major GPA for Good Standing. If either the cumulative or major GPA falls
below a 2.0, the student will be placed on academic probation.
Academic Probation, Suspension Dismissal
Students are placed on academic probation if either or both of the cumulative and major GPAs fall below
a 2.0. While on probation, students may continue in courses but must then maintain a semester GPA of
2.0 or higher for each probationary semester to continue. Failure to meet any of the above conditions may
result in suspension or dismissal.
Suspended students may not take courses for one semester at UH Mānoa and must reapply for
admission through the UH Mānoa Admissions (fill out the transfer application) within specified deadlines
for the semester of return. Students who do not take courses after being suspended for the required one
semester are eligible to be readmitted to the College of Engineering. Suspended students who attend
another institution (including other UH system campuses) will be considered “transfer” students when
reapplying to UH Mānoa and must meet the transfer requirements of the College of Engineering.
Dismissed students will not be able to take any courses at UH Mānoa for one year and will need to
reapply to return. After being dismissed, the student is encouraged to take courses at the community
colleges to show a history of academic success before reapplying to UH Mānoa. Usually the student is
not reaccepted to engineering but may appeal for readmission to an engineering major through the
College of Engineering.
3. Academic Advising
Mandatory Advising Requirement
Advising is mandatory for all continuing engineering students each semester.
What happens during mandatory advising?
During advising season, students must fill out their advising form, discuss with their advisor, and get their
form approved by their advisor before the posted deadline.
Not completing mandatory advising by the deadline posted on the website below will result in a
registration HOLD on the student.
Steps to Complete Mandatory Advising
Follow the set of instructions that applies to your situation on the CoE webpage.
Continuing in your current engineering major
Changing majors to another engineering major (ex. ME major to EE major)
Changing majors to another major outside of the CoE (ex. CE major to Biology major)
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Academic Advisor vs. Faculty/Major Advisor
Academic Advisor (college advisor) - Professional advisors in the College of Engineering who help all
levels (freshmen - senior) of engineering students with the following:
Mandatory Advising (Pre-Engineering majors)
General overview of engineering majors and career pathways
Understanding the general education requirements and engineering requirements
Approvals/Signatures for financial aid, VA, and all university forms
Preparing for graduation
Getting linked with campus support services
General problem-solving
Faculty Advisor (major advisor) - Professors from an engineering department who are assigned to
declared engineering students to advise on the following:
Mandatory Advising (for declared majors)
Career and research interests and questions
Selecting a track or an optional concentration
More about major specific engineering courses and engineering projects/electives
Who is my Faculty Advisor?
Your Faculty Advisor’s name and email address are provided on the CoE Advising Website
They may have posted instructions on the CoE Advising Website about how to set up an advising
meeting. Otherwise, you can email them about how to set up an advising meeting.
What should I discuss with my advisor?
Your current courses and next courses
Prerequisites and Fall/Spring only courses
Discrepancies on your records
Design Project courses
Declaring a track or concentration
Civil Engineering tracks General, Structures, or Sustainability
Electrical Engineering tracks Electro-Physics or Systems & Data Science
Electrical Engineering optional concentration in Biomedical or Energy
Mechanical Engineering optional concentration in Aerospace
Career and Research interests/questions
How do I plan my next classes?
1. View your major curriculum check sheet. The check sheets include all requirements to
graduate and notes about your curriculum tracks and engineering elective options. The course
requirements are laid out as a four year plan starting from calculus I (Math 241) in prerequisite
order on the check sheet.
a. Declared Engineering students - see your personal check sheet on the CoE advising
b. Pre-Engineering students - view the check sheet of the engineering major you are
interested in pursuing at the link below.
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2. View your transcript in STAR. The STAR transcript will list all courses the student has taken
and note the general education requirement fulfilled by each course (if applicable). Mark the
boxes of all the courses you have completed or have in-progress on your check sheet to help you
determine which courses are next on your check sheet.
3. Check the Prerequisites for the courses you identified as next courses to take.
a. Course prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions available in the UHM Catalog.
b. If you do not meet the prerequisite requirement to take the course, you should plan to
take that prerequisite course instead.
c. Pay close attention to prereq minimum grades requirements, if you get a C- or lower in a
prerequisite that requires a C or better you will need to retake that course.
4. Add up the credits for your next courses and determine the amount of credits you want to
take next semester.
a. 12 credits is the minimum for full time status.
b. 19 credits is the maximum you can take in a semester.
c. Talk to your advisor about balancing credit load. And which courses are recommended to
stay on track if you need to take fewer courses.
4. Engineering Curriculum
Engineering Curriculum Checksheets
The curriculum checksheet for each major can be found on the College of Engineering website below.
The curriculum checksheet includes all of the degree requirements and is sequenced in the
recommended course order. As you complete courses you can check off the appropriate boxes and
review what you still need to take. It also includes notes that describe courses that fulfill the major specific
engineering electives and accepted substitutions.
The checksheets are updated each academic year. You are responsible for the checksheet of the year
that you are accepted into your final engineering major. Pre-Engineering students should follow the
checksheet of the major they intend to declare.
Math is very important towards making timely progress in any engineering degree.
All engineering students will need to earn credits for the entire calculus series (Math 241-244 or
Math 251A-253A).
Some engineering majors also require a 300 level math course like differential equations or linear
algebra (see major curriculum check sheet for all math requirements).
All engineering students will need to earn credits for the equivalent of the general chemistry
series with one lab by taking either (Chem 161, 161L, and 162) or (Chem 171 and 171L).
Some upper division mechanical engineering (ME) courses require a C or better in Chem 162 (or
Chem 171).
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Physics is very important towards making timely progress in any engineering degree.
All engineering students will need to earn credits for the first two calculus-based physics courses,
Phys 170, 170L, 272, and 272L.
Some engineering majors also require the Phys 274 course without the lab (see major curriculum
check sheet for all physics requirements).
Students with AP Phys 1 credits for Phys 151 and 152 will still need to take Phys 170 and 272,
respectively. These students will need to contact the Physics department at p[email protected]
to ask for the override to register for Phys 170 because they are engineering majors who have
credit for Phys 151. (will need to do the same for Phys 272 - Phys 152).
UHM General Education Requirements (specific to engineering)
There are four types of UHM general education requirements that are required for all students to
1. Foundation
2. Diversification
3. Focus
4. Hawaiian or Second Language (waived for engineering students)
For more information of any of the general education requirements, please visit the catalog website.
The following tables below describe the general requirements as they work with the different
engineering curricula.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
General Education Requirements Tables
Highlighted are classes that will be your choice.
Foundation Requirements
Requirement Name
(in the catalog)
How it’s listed on
Credits needed
Required course OR your choice
How itʻs listed in STAR GPS
Foundation Written
Communication (FW)
Eng 100
3 credits
(1 course)
Eng 100
Written Communication
Foundation Quantitative
Reasoning (FQ)
Math 241
3 credits
(1 course)
Math 241 or Math 251A
Calculus I
Foundation Global &
Multicultural Perspectives
3 credits
(1 course)
1 course FG (A, B, or C) - YOUR
Global & Multicultural
Foundation Global &
Multicultural Perspectives
3 credits
(1 course)
1 course FG (A, B, or C) - YOUR
Global & Multicultural
*For the two courses needed for the Global & Multicultural Perspectives requirement, each course needs to be from a different group (A, B, C)
Note: Foundation Requirements cannot be double dipped with any other requirements.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
General Education Requirements Tables Cont’d
Highlighted are classes that will be your choice.
Diversification Requirements
Requirement Name
(in the catalog)
How it’s listed on
Credits needed
Required course OR your choice
How itʻs listed in STAR GPS
Diversification Social
Science (DS)
Econ 120, 130, or
3 credits
(1 course)
One of Econ 120, 130, or 131
Intro to Economics
Diversification Social
Science (DS)
3 credits
1 course DS (non-econ) - YOUR
Social Science (non-Econ)
Diversification Arts
Comg 251
3 credits
(1 course)
Comg 251 (DA)
Principles of Public Speaking
Humanities or Literature
(DH or DL)
DH or DL
3 credits
1 course DH or DL - YOUR CHOICE
Humanities or Literature
Diversification Sciences
(DB, DP, DY)
All requirements are met by the engineering curriculum.
You do not need to choose anything on your own.
Note: Diversification Requirements can be double dipped with Focus requirements. (Ex. Hwst 107 is both a DH and HAP focus)
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
General Education Requirements Tables Cont’d
Highlighted are classes that will be your choice.
*Focus Courses are subject to approval by UHM
Focus Requirements
(in the catalog)
How it’s listed
on checksheet
Required course OR your choice
How itʻs listed in STAR GPS
Hawaiian, Asian,
Pacific Issues
(H or HAP)
H Focus (1)
1 course,
any level
No placeholder
Add in STAR as “Personal Choice” then
select the HAP box under the Attribute
section of the search menu.
Ethical Issues
(E or Eth)
E Focus (1)
1 course,
300- or 400-
CE and CNST majors: CEE 489C
CEE 489C
CENG and EE majors: EE 495
EE 495
ME majors: ME 481
ME major w/ aerospace: EPET/ME 400
ME 481
EPET or ME 400
ENGS major: ME 481
ME 481
(O or OC)
O Focus (1)
1 course,
300- or 400-
CE and CNST majors: CEE 490
CEE 490
CENG and EE majors: EE 496
EE 496
ME majors: ME 482
ME major w/ aerospace: EPET/ME 301
ME 482
EPET or ME 301
ENGS major - ME 482
ME 482
Note: Focus Requirements can be double dipped with Diversification requirements. (Ex. Ling 150C is all of a DS, HAP focus, and WI focus)
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
General Education Requirements Tables Cont’d
Highlighted are classes that will be your choice.
*Focus Courses are subject to approval by UHM.
Focus Requirements continued
(in the catalog)
How it’s listed
on checksheet
Required course OR your choice
How itʻs listed in STAR GPS
Writing Intensive
(W or WI)
W Focus (5)
5 courses, at
least two at the
300- or 400-
**If your major
needs to find
your choice of
WI, you can
add in STAR as
Choice” then
select the WI
box under the
Attribute section
of the search
CE major
CEE 320, 330, 355, 370L, 375
CEE 320, 330, 355, 370L, 375
CNST major
CEE 320, 355, 370L, 375
+ 1 course - YOUR CHOICE
CEE 320, 355, 370L, 375
+ 1 course-YOUR CHOICE**
CENG major
EE 361L, 367L, 468, 496
EE 361L, 367L, 468, 496
+ 1 course-YOUR CHOICE**
EE major
(EE 343L or EE 326L depending on track)
and EE 496 + 3 courses-YOUR CHOICE
(EE 343L or EE 326L depending on
track) and EE 496
+ 3 courses-YOUR CHOICE**
ME major
ME 322, 341, 375, 422, 481
ME 322, 341, 375, 422, 481
ME major w/ aerospace conc.
EPET/ME 201, 301, ME 322, 375
+ 1 course-YOUR CHOICE
EPET/ME 201, 301, ME 322, 375
+ 1 course-YOUR CHOICE
ENGS major
ME 322, 375, 481
+ 2 courses-YOUR CHOICE
ME 322, 375, 481
+ 2 courses-YOUR CHOICE**
Note: Focus Requirements can be double dipped with Diversification requirements. (Ex. Ling 150C is all of a DS, HAP focus, and WI focus)
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
General Education Requirements Tables Cont’d
Highlighted are classes that will be your choice.
*Focus Courses are subject to approval by UHM.
Hawaiian Language or Second Language (HSL) Requirement
WAIVED for all engineering students. Hawaiian Language or Second Language is not required for engineering students.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Engineering Design Projects
Each engineering major requires design projects as part of their curriculum. Please see the tables below
for more information on the project requirements.
*The College of Engineering encourages students to get involved in projects outside of the
required project courses even as freshmen and throughout their time in college.*
Civil Engineering (CE) and Construction Engineering (CNST)
If you have questions about senior design (CEE 489B/C
and 490) please talk with your CEE faculty advisor.
CEE489B/C is fall only CEE 490 is spring only.
Prereq for CEE 489B/C: CEE 305
passed and senior standing
Prereq for CEE 490: CEE 489B passed
Computer Engineering (CENG) and Electrical Engineering (EE)
You are required to do sophomore (296), junior (396), and senior level design(496). The CRN for all
x96 courses are not listed in STAR. You will need to contact the project faculty directly to discuss
signing up for x96. Talk to your faculty advisor about finding an x96 project to join.
Sophomore design course x296 can be taken as EE or ENGR.
Usually taken in
sophomore year
Junior design x396 can be taken as EE or ENGR.
Be sure that you set the appropriate number of credits in STAR GPS
when you register for 396. In STAR GPS, EE 396 defaults to a minimum of
1cr. You will need at least 2cr for 396 for graduation. Please discuss with your
396 instructor about the amount of credits to take based on the number of
semesters you will be involved in the project.
Prereq: C or better in
EE or ENGR 296
Usually taken in junior
Senior design will be EE 496.
Be sure that you set the appropriate number of credits in STAR GPS
when you register for 496. In STAR GPS, EE 496 defaults to a minimum of
2cr. You will need at least 3cr for EE 496 for graduation. Please discuss with
your 496 faculty about the amount of credits to take based on the number of
semesters you will be involved in the project.
Prereq: C or better in
EE or ENGR 396
Should be taken in
senior year as
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Please talk to you ME faculty advisor about the
process of registering for senior design (ME 481
and 482). The head faculty of the senior design will
also email seniors about the process of signing up
for ME 481 and 482.
Prereq for ME 481: ME 322, ME 341, ME 372,
and ME 375 passed
Prereq for ME 482: ME 481 passed
Mechanical Engineering (ME) w/ Aerospace Concentration
ME/EPET 400 and ME/EPET 401 are spring
and fall only, respectively.
Prereq for ME/EPET 400: ME/EPET 301
Prereq for ME/EPET 401: ME/EPET 400
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
5. PreEngineering
Preengineering major students are a part of the College of Engineering.
Academic advising with an engineering advisor
Notification of all engineering events/opportunities and scholarships
Access to the 100 and 200 lvl engineering courses for which they meet prereqs (except CEE/ME
271 and ME 213 which are major restricted)
Preengineering majors work on taking all of the lower division (freshmen/sophomore) coursework
towards their intended engineering major. Students will need to be declared before they can take the 300
level and above engineering courses.
Once a Pre-engineering student has successfully met the following or equivalents they should declare
their intended engineering major:
Eng 100
Math 241 and 242
Chem 161/161L and Chem 162 (or Chem 171/171L)
Phys 170/170L
overall GPA of 3.0 at UHM
AFTER successful completion of the above requirements, students can declare by filling out a transfer
request form and sending it to the Student Academic Services Office at [email protected]u.
If a preengineering student places into Math 241 and Chem 161/161L in their first semester it
typically takes a year to finish the requirements to declare and the student will be on track for the 4-year
graduation plan.
If a student places into a lower math course or needs to retake courses before moving on, it will
take longer to declare and graduate. There are opportunities to speed up time to graduation with certain
courses in the summer. Students should work with academic advisors to discuss their progress and
pathway to declaring and graduation.
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6. Bachelor & Accelerated Master Program (BAM)
The BAM program provides a fast track for students to receive a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in an
accelerated amount of time (potentially within five years). To be eligible to apply for the BAM, students
need to pass a Gateway Course (course differs depending on which engineering degree the student is
pursuing) with appropriate grade, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and to apply while in the junior level
portion of the curriculum. See the department websites for their specific admissions requirements and
BAM coordinator contact persons for any questions.
Civil Engineering:
Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering:
7. Minors and Multiple Majors
Find out which programs offer a minor:
The College of Engineering does not offer any engineering minors.
To learn more about declaring a particular minor and planning courses to complete it, students need to
meet with an advisor from the intended minor degree program. After doing so the student can officially
declare the minor by contacting the Office of the Registrar ( to ask them to add the
minor to their STAR record.
Multiple Majors
Before applying for a second or multiple major(s), students need to consult with advisors in the
appropriate college/school to ensure that they meet the criteria for pursuing multiple majors and/or
degrees. Engineering students should first contact the Director of Academic Affairs in the CoE Student
Academic Services Office to discuss a multiple major.
To be eligible for consideration, you must already have a declared major and be in good academic
standing (2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average or above). Note that each college/school may have its own
eligibility and application requirements in addition to this.
The College of Engineering requires a 3.0 cumulative gpa and history of good academic
performance in engineering related college courses.
The College of Engineering does not allow certain majors to be combined with the engineering
major.Please discuss with the Director of Academic Affairs in the Student Academic Services
Find the advising office of non-engineering majors through the following website.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
8. Registration
Registration timetable:
Your exact registration start date/time will be shown in STAR GPS.
Registration Errors
If you are encountering a prerequisite error and actually do not meet the prerequisite, you will not be able
to take that course until you do meet the prerequisites. Register instead for the prerequisite course.
For all other errors:
Check the Registration Error webpage and contact the appropriate person/office to clear error
Contact CoE Student Academic Services Office for clarification and
importantly include the type of error that you are receiving in STAR
Prerequisites for each course are listed in the course descriptions available in the UHM Catalog.
For example, the Math 241 course description taken from the catalog is shown below. There is a short
description of the course and the prerequisite requirement is Math 140 or Math 215, or assessment exam.
Also note that at the top of the math catalog page it mentions, “The minimum required grade for
prerequisites is a grade of C (not C-) or better, unless otherwise specified.”
This means a student needs to have passed Math 140 or Math 215 with a C or better or passed the
placement exam to register for Math 241.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Registration Overrides
Contact the instructor of the course or the Dept Office/Chair of the course to ask about overrides.
If you cannot reach the department you can contact the CoE Student Academic Services Office at
Biol 171 override - Engineering students planning to take Biol 171 at UH Mānoa need to ask for
an override to take Biol 171 without the 171L. Please use the following form to request Biol 171
Time Conflict and Credit Overload overrides
o Follow website instructions -
o Please contact the CoE Student Academic Services Office at [email protected]
Concurrent Enrollment at UH Community Colleges
Credits taken at UH Community Colleges (UHCC) will transfer to UH Mānoa (UHM). Courses need to be
taken as a letter grade to count toward a student’s engineering degree requirements. Certain policies
may apply if courses are taken at UHCCs:
Financial Aid’s Concurrent Enrollment Policy -
To allow your Mānoa financial aid to help cover all your courses, a student must take 6-
11 credits at UH Mānoa and additional credits at a UHCC and turn in the Financial Aid
UH System Concurrent Enrollment Form.
All courses taken at both Mānoa and UHCCs need to count toward a student’s
degree requirements.
Refer to the website for the form deadline.
Math classes at UHCC
Each UHCC campus has a different math placement exam that needs to be taken in
order to register for a math class at that campus.
Students are allowed to register for the UHCC class they place in based on their UHCC
placement exam results.
For example: Student places into Math 241 based on the Mānoa placement
exam. Student places into Math 140 based on the UHCC placement exam.
Student is allowed to register for Math 241 at Mānoa, or Math 140 at the UHCC
campus they took the placement exam at.
Information about UHCC placement tests (students would take the Math Path 3:
STEM/Calculus Placement -
Chemistry classes at UHCC
No placement exam is required if registering for a UHCC Chemistry course, however a
math prerequisite is required. Contact UHCC course instructor if registration error is
Class availability -
Class availability shows all classes being offered at each UH system campus. It also includes class
information like seat availability, dates/times, location, instructor, general education designation (like FG,
WI, HAP, etc), and CRN.
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
9. Financial Aid
Academic Advisors do not have access to your financial records. If you have questions about your aid
please contact the UHM Financial Aid Office directly.
The UHM Financial Aid Office offers in-person services and virtual (Zoom) front desk hours as
listed on their website.
Course Program of Study (CPOS)
Financial Aid will only recognize courses that are a part of your course program of study (CPOS) as
eligible for aid. This means they will only pay for courses required for your degree(s).
Once you reach full time status (12 credits of UHM courses that count towards your degree) any
other UHM courses taken beyond those 12 credits are free and will not affect financial aid.
Email for an Academic Advisor’s assistance if:
Courses in STAR GPS show NOT IN PLAN without a green icon next to them
You receive a notification from the Financial Aid office that courses do not count towards
your degree (CPOS)
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals/Approvals (SAP)
Financial Aid forms/approvals that require Academic Advisor signature, email
10. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits
For the most up-to-date information on VA benefits and requirements contact the UHM VA Office directly.
Office: Queen Liliʻuokalani Center for Student Services, Room 010
Contact: 808-956-8010, uh[email protected]
The VA will only pay for courses required for the student’s degree(s).
Information on starting Benefits and Course Certification can be found on the UHM VA office’s website:
How it works:
Each semester after officially registering (waitlisted does not count) for all courses, fill out the VA
enrollment certification form (available at the above website).
If the VA form requires approval/signature of an Academic Advisor, email the CoE Student
Academic Services Office at
For Veteran students there is additional assistance available at the Office of Veterans Student Services
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
11. Graduation
In your senior year, please mark the semester that you intend to graduate on your mandatory
advising form. All students intending to graduate need to file forms and complete the college’s
graduation check procedure.
When can I start filing to graduate? Is there a deadline to file to graduate?
Start filing to graduate after you have started registration for final semester courses.
The deadline to file to graduate is posted on the CoE Graduation webpage and is usually by the
week of the graduating semester.
~ early September for Fall graduation
~ end of January for Spring/Summer graduation
Some of you may have issues that will need to be taken care of before registration ends (end of the first
week of the semester). Please start the process of filing to graduate soon after you have registered.
How do I file to graduate?
Complete the Instructions to File to Graduate on the CoE Graduation website:
12. Tutoring at UH Mānoa
Learning Assistance Center - offers services such as 1-on-1 tutoring appointments, supplemental
instruction, Student Housing Success Center, and academic coaching.
Learning Emporium - offers weekly tutoring for Chemistry, Information & Computer Science, Math, and
Physics. Group tutoring sessions vary by semester.
College of Engineering Honor Societies - offer tutoring for the 100-200 level engineering courses.
CEE/CNST - Chi Epsilon (XE)
EE/CENG - Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
ME - Pi Tau Sigma (PTS)
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
13. Engineering & Other Contact Information
Phone / Email
College of Engineering Student
Academic Services (SAS) office
Holmes 250
(808) 956-8404
Civil & Environmental
Engineering department
Holmes 383
(808) 956-7550
Electrical & Computer
Engineering department
Holmes 483
(808) 956-7586
Mechanical Engineering
Holmes 302
(808) 956-7167
Chemistry department
Bilger 239
(808) 956-7480
Math department
Keller 401A
(808) 956-4679
Physics department
(808) 956-7087
Admissions office
(808) 956-8975
Keller 111
(808) 956-5000
Cashier’s office
(808) 956-7554
Include your home campus, name and student ID in the email subject.
Counseling and Student
(808) 956-7927
Disability services (KOKUA
(808) 956-7511 or (808) 956-
Financial Aid Services
Connect to their virtual front desk.
Health Services
-Health Clearance Requirements
1710 East
West Road
(808) 956-8965
Mānoa Career Center
QLC 212
(808) 956-7007
2023-2024 College of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook Return to Table of Contents
Engineering & Other Contact Information Cont’d
Phone / Email
Registrar’s office
-Order transcripts and diploma
-Verification of enrollment
(808) 956-8010
Student Housing
Frear Hall
(808) 956-8177
Veterans Benefits
(808) 956-8010
Veterans Student Services
(808) 956-2192