A Changing Rate Environment
Challenges Bank Interest Rate Risk Management
Interest rate risk is fundamental to the
business of banking. Changes in interest
rates can expose an institution to adverse
shifts in the level of net interest income
or other rate-sensitive income sources
and impair the underlying value of its
assets and liabilities. Examiners review
an insured institution’s interest rate risk
exposure and the adequacy and effec-
tiveness of its interest rate risk manage-
ment as a component of the supervisory
process. Examiners consider the
strength of the institution’s interest
rate risk measurement and manage-
ment program and conduct a review
in light of that institution’s risk profile,
earnings, and capital levels. When a
review reveals material weaknesses in
risk management processes or a level
of exposure to interest rate risk that is
high relative to capital or earnings, a
remedial response can be required.
In today’s changing rate environment,
bank supervisors are monitoring indus-
try balance sheet and income state-
ment trends to assess the industry’s
overall exposure to and management of
interest rate risk. This article reviews
the current interest rate environment,
Chart 1
discusses potential risks associated
with a rising rate environment and a
continued flattening of the yield curve,
and analyzes banking industry aggre-
gate balance sheet information and
trends. It also reviews findings from
recent bank examination reports in
which interest rate risk or related
management practices raised concern
and highlights common weaknesses in
risk management, measurement, and
modeling practices.
The Current Rate
Since the 1980s, and despite upward
rate spikes in 1994 and 2000, the level
of interest rates has generally been
declining (see Chart 1). In September
1981, the rate on the 10-year Treasury
bond reached a high of over 15 percent;
it has since declined to a low of just over
3 percent in June 2003. During roughly
the same period, other rate indices
also fell in generally the same manner,
though not always in tandem. For exam-
ple, the Federal funds rate fell from
over 19 percent to 1 percent, and the
Short-Term Rates Are Turning Up from Historic Lows
May 2005
1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004
30-Year Mortgage
10-Year Treasury Fed Funds
Source: FDIC
Fed funds, 10-year
Treasury, and 30-year
mortgage rates hit
highs in 1981
Fed funds rate
begins ratcheting
upward without
equal increases in
longer-term rates
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 5
30-year mortgage rate average peaked
at over 18 percent and dropped to under
6 percent.
During the past 12 months, however,
the banking industry has sustained a
well-forecasted series of “measured”
increases to the target Federal funds
rate. Since June 2004, the Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC) has
steadily increased the intended Federal
funds rate in moderate 25 basis point
increments to its current level of 3
percent. Generally, changes in the
Federal funds rate will affect other
short-term interest rates (e.g., bank
prime rates), foreign exchange rates,
and less directly, long-term interest
rates. However, increases to the
Federal funds rate have yet to drive
similar increases in longer-term yields.
In fact, over the 12 months that the
Chart 2
FOMC has moved the target Federal
funds rate steadily upward, the nominal
yield on the 10-year treasury has rarely
crested above 4.5 percent and actually
has declined from its July 2, 2004,
level. This “conundrum,evidenced by
nonparallel movement in short- and
long-term rates, has resulted in a flat-
tening of the yield curve.
Looking forward, many market partici-
pants anticipate further measured
increases in the Federal funds rate and
similar, although not equal, increases
in longer-term rates. Over the next
year, Blue Chip Financial Forecasts
is predicting an additional 130 basis
point increase in short-term rates and
a 104 basis point increase in longer-
term rates—a forecast that portends
continued flattening of the yield curve
(see Chart 2).
Forecasted change of 10-Year
Treasury Bond over the next 12
months = 104 bps
Continued Flattening of the Yield Curve Is Forecasted
Source: Blue Chip Financial Forecasts (BCFF)
Forecasted change of 3-Month
Treasury Bill over the next 12
months = 130 basis points
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
BCFF for week ended April 22, 2005 BCFF for Fourth Quarter of 2005 BCFF for Second Quarter of 2006
The Federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances overnight from the
Federal Reserve to other depository institutions. The intended Federal funds rate is established by the FOMC of
the Federal Reserve System. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan said during his February 16, 2005,
monetary policy testimony to the Senate Banking Committee, “For the moment, the broadly unanticipated behavior
of world bond markets remains a conundrum.” (Source: Bloomberg News)
Blue Chip Financial Forecasts is based on a survey providing the latest in prevailing opinions about the future
direction and level of U.S. interest rates. Survey participants such as Deutsche Banc Alex Brown, Banc of
America Securities, Fannie Mae, Goldman Sachs & Co., and JPMorganChase provide forecasts for all significant
rate indices for the next six quarters.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Assessing Banks’ Interest Rate
Risk Exposure
A rising rate environment in conjunc-
tion with a continued flattening of the
yield curve presents the potential for
heightened interest rate risk. A flattening
yield curve can pressure banks’ margins
generally, and rising rates can be particu-
larly challenging to institutions with a
“liability-sensitive” balance sheet—an
asset/liability profile characterized by
liabilities that reprice faster than assets.
The extent of this mismatch between the
maturity or repricing of assets and liabili-
ties is a key element in assessing an insti-
tution’s exposure to interest rate risk.
The shape of the yield curve is an
important factor in assessing the overall
rate environment. A steep yield curve
provides the greatest spread between
short- and long-term rates and is gener-
ally associated with favorable economic
conditions. Long-term investors, antici-
pating an improving economy and higher
rates, will demand greater yields to
compensate for the risk of being locked
Chart 3
into longer-term assets. In such a favor-
able environment, opportunities exist to
generate spread-related earnings driven
by asset and liability term structures.
A flattening yield curve can deprive
banks of these opportunities and raises
concern about a possible inversion in
the yield curve. An inverted yield curve,
where long-term rates are lower than
short-term rates, can present a most
challenging environment for financial
institutions. Also, an inverted yield curve
is associated with the potential for
economic recession and declining rates.
Given recent rising rates and flattening
of the yield curve, bank supervisors have
been monitoring trends in bank net
interest margins (NIMs) and balance
sheet composition.
While various factors (competition,
earning asset levels, etc.) affect NIMs,
a flattening yield curve is associated
with declining NIMs. Chart 3 shows that
during the 1990s, generally declining
industry NIMs followed the overall flat-
tening of the yield curve. As the spread
between long- and short-term rates (the
bars) generally decreased from 1991 to
Net Interest Margins (NIMs) Are Trending Down
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Trailing 4-quarter NIM
Treasury Yield Spread—
the difference between
the 10-year and 3-month
Treasury rates—on a
3-month moving average
Note: Median NIMs for banks excluding specialty banks.
Source: FDIC and Federal Reserve
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 7
1999—resulting in a flattening of the
Treasury yield curve—bank NIMs also
declined (the line on Chart 3 plots trail-
ing four-quarter NIM). Beginning in
2000, after a brief period of inversion,
the yield curve steepened dramatically,
and over the next five quarters, bank
NIMs increased. NIMs have since contin-
ued their general decline, and recent
quarters have seen the yield curve
continue to flatten, raising the potential
for continued pressure on bank NIMs.
Even though median bank NIMs have
been declining since 1994, this trend
has been accompanied by strong and, in
recent years, record levels of profitability.
Noninterest income sources (combined
with overall strong industry perfor-
mance) have helped mitigate the effects
of declining NIMs. Institutions with over
$1 billion in assets report significant
reliance on noninterest income; it
accounts for more than 43 percent of
their net operating revenue. While this
diversification of income sources is less
prevalent in smaller community banks
(institutions that hold less than $1 billion
in assets derive only 25 percent of net
operating revenue from noninterest
income sources), NIMs reported by these
smaller institutions generally are higher
and recently have improved compared to
those of the larger institutions.
In short, while individual banks may
be experiencing margin pressures, the
downward trend in bank NIMs has yet
to result in an industry-wide decline in
levels of net income. It is too early to
gauge the effects of a continuing or
prolonged period of flattening in the
shape of the yield curve.
Bank Balance Sheet
Composition—The Asset Side
Despite strong industry profitability,
bank supervisors are monitoring changes
in the nature, trend, and type of expo-
sures on bank balance sheets. Recent
aggregate balance sheet information
shows the industry increasing its expo-
sure to longer-term assets, holding
greater proportions of mortgage-related
assets, and relying more on rate-sensitive,
noncore funding sources—all factors
that can contribute to higher levels of
interest rate risk.
In general, the earnings and capital
of a liability-sensitive institution will be
affected adversely by a rising rate envi-
ronment. A liability-sensitive bank has a
long-term asset maturity and repricing
structure relative to a shorter-term liabil-
ity structure. In an increasing interest
rate environment, the NIM of a liability-
sensitive institution will worsen (other
factors being equal) as the cost of the
bank’s funds increases more rapidly
than the yield on its assets. The higher
its proportion of long-term assets, the
more liability-sensitive a bank may be.
The industry’s exposure to long-term
assets increased during the 1990s (see
Chart 4). Exposure to long-term assets in
relation to total assets has risen steadily,
from 13 percent in 1995 to nearly 24
percent in 2004, indicating the potential
for heightened liability sensitivity.
cant exposure to longer-term assets could
generate further inquiry from examiners
about the precise cash flow characteris-
tics of a particular bank’s assets and a
review of the bank’s assessment of the
Refer to the Fourth Quarter 2004 FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile for complete 2004 industry performance results.
Except where noted otherwise, data are derived from the December 31, 2004, Consolidated Reports of Condition and
Income (Call Reports). Call Reports are submitted quarterly by all insured national and state nonmember commer-
cial banks and state-chartered savings banks and are a widely used source of timely and accurate financial data.
Long-term assets include fixed- and floating-rate loans with a remaining maturity or next repricing frequency
of over five years; U.S. Treasury and agency, mortgage pass-through, municipal, and all other nonmortgage debt
securities with a remaining maturity or repricing frequency of over five years; and other mortgage-backed secu-
rities (MBS) like collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs),
and stripped MBS with an expected average life of over three years.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Chart 4
Exposure to Longer-Term Assets Is Increasing
Longer-term asset holdings hit
a high of 23.8% in March 2004
and declined slightly to 22.4%
by year-end 2004
Ratio to
Total Assets
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Source: FDIC
Note: All FDIC-Insured Commercial Banks.
nature and extent of its asset-liability
mismatch and resulting rate sensitivity.
In addition to increasing its exposure
to long-term assets, the industry has
increased its exposure to mortgage-
related assets. Current data show that
bank holdings of mortgage loans and
mortgage-backed securities comprise 28
percent of all bank assets (see Chart 5),
compared to 18 percent in 1990.
Mortgage-related assets present unique
risks because of the prepayment option
that is granted the borrower and embed-
ded within the mortgage loan. Due to
lower prepayments in a rising rate envi-
ronment, the duration of lower-coupon,
fixed-rate mortgages will extend and
banks will be locked into lower-yielding
assets for longer periods. Like mortgage
loans, longer-term, fixed-rate mortgage-
backed securities are also exposed to
extension risk.
It is difficult to assess fully the current
magnitude of liability sensitivity or exten-
sion risk confronting the banking indus-
try. Even though exposure to long-term
and mortgage-related assets has been
moving steadily upward in recent years,
there are signs that bank risk managers
are responding to a changing rate envi-
ronment and altering their asset mix.
Since June 2003, banks have reduced
their exposure to fixed-rate mortgage
assets and are recently offering more
adjustable-rate mortgage loan products
(ARMs). As shown in Chart 6, industry
exposure to fixed-rate mortgages, while
generally increasing since 1995, began
to turn sharply downward in the third
quarter of 2003.
And, according to Federal Housing
Finance Board data, the percentage of
adjustable-rate, conventional single-
family mortgages originated by major
Mortgage-related assets includes loans secured by one- to four-family residential properties, including revolving
lines of credit, and closed-end loans secured by first and junior liens; mortgage pass-through securities and MBS,
including CMOs, REMICs, and stripped MBS. Extension risk can be explained as follows: Changes in interest rates
can pressure the value of mortgages and MBS because of the embedded prepayment option held by the mortgage
debtor. These options can affect the holder of such assets adversely in a falling or rising rate environment. As
rates fall, mortgages likely will experience higher prepayments, requiring the bank to reinvest the proceeds in
lower-yielding assets. Conversely, as rates rise, prepayments will slow and result in a longer, extended period
for principal return.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 9
Chart 5
Bank Balance Sheets Are Heavily Exposed to Mortgage-Related Assets
Interest and noninterest
bearing balances
Other loans
Consumer loans
Other assets
Source: FDIC
Note: Commercial Bank Assets as of December 31, 2004.
Chart 6
1–4 family loans
and MBS
CRE loans
Other securities
C&I loans
Fixed-Rate Mortgage-Related Loans Reverse Trend
Ratio to
Total Assets
Fixed-rate mortgage holdings
generally increased until September
2003, and subsequently dropped
sharply to 8.65% of total assets.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Source: FDIC
Note: All FDIC-Insured Commercial Banks. Fixed-Rate loans secured by 1–4 family residential properties.
lenders increased from 15 percent in
2003 to a recent peak of 40 percent in
June 2004. Lower levels of fixed-rate
mortgages would reduce an institution’s
exposure to extension risk. In addition,
higher levels of ARMs could increase
an institution’s asset sensitivity. Such
changes in balance sheet structure
could mitigate potential exposure to
rising interest rates.
All ARMs are not the same, and the degree of asset sensitivity will depend on each product’s unique structure.
ARMs with an initial fixed-rate period of one to five years (“hybrid” loans) have grown in popularity. Freddie
Mac’s 2004 ARM Survey found that 40 percent of all adjustable-rate mortgages were hybrid products, primarily
3/1 and 5/1 structures. The interest rate on such hybrid loans are fixed for three or five years, respectively,
adjusting annually thereafter based on some interest rate index. Accordingly, such hybrid products will not
reduce liability sensitivity during the fixed-rate period of the loan.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Bank Balance Sheet
The Liability Side
The potential for interest rate risk
driven by maturity or repricing mismatch
cannot be assessed by looking only at
the asset side of the balance sheet.
Information on the nature and dura-
tion of banks’ liabilities is also needed.
Banks that rely heavily on short-term
and more rate-sensitive funding sources
could experience a material increase
in funding costs as interest rates rise.
Some banks may not be able to offset
such higher funding costs through
increased asset yields. Increased expo-
sure to short-term, rate-sensitive whole-
sale funding sources can render a bank
more liability sensitive, increasing its
exposure to rising rates.
Over the past several years, banks
have increased their reliance on whole-
sale, noncore funding sources such as
overnight funds, certificates of deposit
(greater than $100,000), brokered
deposits, and Federal Home Loan Bank
(FHLB) advances. Noncore funding
Chart 7
sources have climbed steadily from about
25 percent of total assets in 1992 to over
35 percent today. This trend is mirrored
by core deposits falling from 62 percent
of total assets in 1992 to 48 percent in
2004 (see Chart 7). Combined with an
increase in holdings of long-term assets,
a shorter-term and more volatile liability
structure could expose an institution to
significant interest rate risk in a rising
rate environment.
To assess fully the impact of the
increase in noncore funding sources
and the decrease in core deposits, more
information about the tenor of noncore
liabilities is needed. FHLB advances are
a significant component of noncore fund-
ing for many institutions and illustrate
the importance of looking deeper into
the repricing structure of a bank’s fund-
ing sources. Call Report data provide
some information on the maturity struc-
ture of FHLB advances, but the picture is
clouded. Recent reports show that while
the use of shorter-term FHLB advances
(under one year) has been on the rise,
67 percent of all FHLB advances have a
maturity greater than one year (see
Chart 8).
Source: FDIC
Banks Increase Reliance on Noncore Funding Sources
Ratio to
Total Assets
Note: All FDIC-Insured Commercial Banks. Noncore liablities include time deposits over $100 million, other borrowed money,
Federal funds purchased and securities sold, insured brokered deposits less than $100,000, and total foreign office deposits.
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Noncore Liabilities
Core Deposits
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 11
Chart 8
Use of Shorter-Term FHLB Advances Is Increasing
2001 2002 2003 2004
Source: FDIC
38% of Total
29% of Total
33% of Total
FHLB Advances
(in billions)
FHLB advances with a remaining maturity of one year or less
FHLB advances with a remaining maturity of more than one year through three years
FHLB advances with a remaining maturity of more than three years
The Call Report, however, does not
capture the nature and extent of options
embedded within the FHLB advance
structures. Call Report instructions
provide that FHLB advances with a three-
year (or longer) contractual maturity are
to be recorded in the long-term bucket,
even if the advance is callable or convert-
ible by the FHLB at any time. A callable
or convertible advance allows the FHLB
to convert the advance from fixed- to
floating-rate or terminate the advance and
renew the extension at current market
rates. Therefore, advances such as those
reported as having a three-year maturity
may actually reprice in the near term,
depending on the rate environment.
Many advances contain embedded
options. The FHLB Combined Financial
Report (as of June 30, 2004) reflects
that of then-outstanding advances,
approximately 55 percent were callable
and 22 percent were convertible. Trans-
lated to bank balance sheets, these data
indicate the presence of a greater level
of option risk on banks’ balance sheets
than currently included in Call Report
information. In a rising rate environ-
ment, the probability increases that
the FHLB will exercise its option to call
or convert lower-yielding advances,
thereby exposing the borrowing
institution to higher funding costs.
In conclusion, aggregate industry
trends—specifically higher levels of
exposure to long-term assets, mortgage-
related assets, and noncore funding
sources that exhibit optionality—raise
concerns about the potential for height-
ened levels of interest rate risk in today’s
environment. These concerns must be
tempered by awareness that off-site data
provide only a rough, opaque, and end-
of-period view of banks’ balance sheet
cash flow characteristics and composi-
tion. Each bank is unique in terms of
asset and liability mix, risk appetite,
hedging activities, and related risk
profile. Moreover, bank risk exposures
are not static. Interest rate risk man-
agement strategies can change an
institution’s risk profile quickly—even
overnight—through the use of financial
derivatives (e.g., interest rate swaps).
See Instructions for Preparation of Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (FFIEC 031 and 041) at
RC-M–Memorandum Item 5, which provides, “Callable Federal Home Loan bank advances should be reported
without regard to their next call date unless the advance has actually been called.”
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Thus, it is difficult to draw conclusions
about the level of interest rate risk
strictly from off-site information. Off-site
and industry-wide analyses must be
joined with on-site examination results
to derive a more comprehensive super-
visory assessment of interest rate risk
exposure, its measurement, and its
Supervisory Assessment of
Interest Rate Risk
Bank examiners assess the level of
interest rate risk exposure in light of
a bank’s asset size, complexity, levels
of capital and earnings, and most
important, the effectiveness of its risk
management process. At the core of
the interest rate risk examination
process is a supervisory assessment
of how well bank management identi-
fies, monitors, manages, and controls
interest rate risk.
This assessment
is summarized in an assigned risk
rating for the component known as
sensitivity to market risk, which is
part of the CAMELS rating system.
An unsatisfactory rating for sensitivity
to market risk (the “S” component of
CAMELS) represents a finding of mate-
rial weaknesses in the bank’s risk
management process or high levels of
exposure to interest rate risk relative to
earnings and capital. Chart 9 indicates
that the number of FDIC-insured insti-
tutions with an unsatisfactory “S” com-
ponent rating is minimal out of the
population of nearly 9,000 insured insti-
tutions. Fewer than 5 percent of insured
institutions are rated 3 or worse for this
component, and most of those are in the
less severe 3 rating category. Moreover,
since 2000, the number of institutions
with an adverse “S” component rating
has declined steadily.
To capture emerging trends, FDIC
supervisors are conducting periodic
reviews of bank examination reports in
an effort to discern the nature and cause
of adverse “S” component ratings. A
review of recent examination reports that
presented supervisory concerns about
interest rate risk reveals several common-
alities in the banks’ operating activities:
Concentrations in mortgage-related
Ineffective or improperly managed
“leverage” programs,
Acquisition of complex securities
without adequate prepurchase and
ongoing risk analyses.
“Effective board and senior management oversight of a bank’s interest rate risk activities is the cornerstone of
a sound risk management process.” Joint Agency Policy Statement on Interest Rate Risk, 12 FR 33166 at 33170
(1996); distributed under Financial Institution Letter 52-96 (hereafter Interest Rate Risk Policy Statement).
Sensitivity to market risk is rated under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS), which is used
by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council member regulatory agencies. Under the UFIRS, each
financial institution is assigned a composite rating based on an evaluation and rating of six essential components
of an institution’s financial condition and operations: the adequacy of capital (C), the quality of assets (A), the
capability of management (M), the quality and level of earnings (E), the adequacy of liquidity (L), and the sensitivity
to market risk (S). The resulting acronym is referred to as the CAMELS rating. Composite and component ratings
are assigned based on a 1 to 5 numerical scale. 1 indicates the highest rating, strongest performance and risk
management practices, and least degree of supervisory concern, while 5 indicates the lowest rating, weakest
performance, inadequate risk management practices, and, therefore, the highest degree of supervisory concern.
In general, fundamentally strong or sound conditions and practices are reflected in 1 and 2 ratings, whereas
supervisory concerns and unsatisfactory performance are increasingly reflected in 3, 4, and 5 ratings.
A “leverage” strategy is a coordinated borrowing and investment program with the goal of achieving a positive
net interest spread. Leverage programs are intended to increase profitability by leveraging the bank’s capital
through the purchase of earning assets using borrowed funds. While “leverage” in general defines banking, a
typical leverage strategy focuses on a bank’s acquisition of wholesale funding, such as Federal Home Loan Bank
advances, and the targeted investment of such proceeds into bonds with a different maturity or credit rating, or
both, such that a higher yield is earned from the bonds than the interest rate on the borrowings. Profitability may
be achieved if a positive net interest spread is maintained, despite changes in interest rates. When improperly
managed, these strategies cause increased interest rate risk and supervisory concern.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 13
Chart 9
Source: FDIC
Unsatisfactory “S” Component Ratings Are Declining
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
5 Rated
4 Rated3 Rated
In addition, concerns have emerged
about the adequacy and effectiveness
of bank management’s use of interest
rate risk models. Weaknesses center
on (1) the accuracy of model inputs
as well as the accuracy and testing of
assumptions, (2) whether the models
are capturing the cash flow characteris-
tics of complex instruments, specifically
instruments with embedded options,
and (3) whether management is using
adequate stress tests to determine
sensitivity to interest rate changes.
Key supervisory concerns identified
from a review of examination com-
ments specific to interest rate risk
models include:
Data input should be accurate,
complete, and relevant. Many
loans, securities, or funding items
may present complex or unique
cash flow structures that require
special, tailored data entry. Aggre-
gating structural information at too
high a level may result in the loss of
necessary detail, and the reliability
of the cash flows projections may
become questionable.
Assumptions must be appropriate
and tested. Model results are
extremely sensitive to the assump-
tions used; these assumptions should
be reasonable and reviewed periodi-
cally. For example, prepayment
speeds can change significantly in
any given rate environment. And
a bank’s historical prepayments
experience may differ materially
from vendor-supplied prepayment
speeds. The model’s sensitivity to
changes in key material assumptions
should be evaluated periodically.
Option risk embedded in assets
and funding sources should be
captured effectively. Many banks
have options embedded in their
balance sheet through exposure
to mortgage-related assets, callable
or convertible advances, or other
structured products. Interest rate
risk measurement systems should
be capable of identifying and
measuring the effect of embedded
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Significant leverage programs
should be understood fully. Man-
agement should understand fully
the nature of the leverage programs
and the risks of the instruments
used, and effectively assess the
impact of adverse rate movements
or yield curve changes. Given that
leverage programs often are
designed to take advantage of
spreads between short- and long-
term rates, measurement systems
should capture the effects of
nonparallel shifts of the yield curve.
Sensitivity stress tests should include
a reasonable range of unexpected
rate shocks; for example, stress
tests should not simply approxi-
mate market expectations of a
modest ratcheting up of the yield
curve over the next 12 months.
Bank management should provide
for stress tests that include potential
interest rate changes and meaningful
stress situations using a sufficiently
wide range in market interest rates,
immediate and gradual shifts in
market rates, as well as changes in
the shape of the yield curve. The
Interest Rate Risk Policy Statement
suggests at least a 200 basis point
shock over a one-year horizon.
The variance between the model’s
forecasted risk levels and actual
risk exposures should be analyzed
routinely (sometimes called “back-
testing”). This exercise will highlight
areas of material variance and
improve identification of errors in
assumptions, inputs, or calculations.
Lessons from History Help
Place Concerns About Rising
Rates in Context
Current concerns about the risks of
a rising rate environment should be
viewed in historical context. An internal
FDIC review of bank and thrift failures
discloses that interest rate risk is not a
common cause of insured depository
institution insolvencies.
The FDIC review studied the causes
of the bank insolvencies that occurred
during three periods of rising rates: the
period from 1978 to 1982 and the rate
spikes in 1994 and 2000. The analysis
revealed that no institution failures in
the 1990s were caused by the move-
ment of interest rates. However, certain
insolvencies in the early 1980s, prima-
rily of savings and loan institutions,
were affected by changes in the inter-
est rate environment. The review deter-
mined that these insolvencies followed
a period of rapid and prolonged
increases in short- and long-term rates,
during which the yield curve was
inverted (for the most part, the yield
curve was inverted from September
1978 through April 1982). These insti-
tutions were heavily concentrated in
longer-term, fixed-rate mortgage loans,
and were also challenged by a new and
unregulated market for deposits. Addi-
tional factors that contributed to these
early insolvencies were economic reces-
sion, capital weakness, and regulatory
forbearance. A historical depiction of
institution failures, in relation to the
10-year Treasury bond yield and
general periods of yield curve inver-
sion, is shown in Chart 10. From a
historical perspective, only in the
unique circumstances of the early
1980s can rising rates be associated
with bank or thrift insolvency.
Today’s environment is markedly
different. Despite rising rates and a flat-
tening yield curve, the curve remains
upward sloping. The economy generally
has been improving, and the regulatory
environment has changed considerably.
Stricter regulatory capital standards
were mandated in 1988, and limits on
permissible investments were adopted
in 1989. Prudential standards were
implemented following the enactment
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo-
ration Improvement Act of 1991, and
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005
Interest Rate Risk
continued from pg. 15
Chart 10
1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002
Source: Haver Analytics, Federal Reserve, and FDIC
Note: Failure data prior to 1980 include only commercial bank failures.
Periods of Inverted Yield Curve
A Historical Review Places Today’s Concerns in Context
Treasury Rate
10-Year Treasury Bond Yield
# of Commercial Bank/Thrift Failures
interest rate risk and investment activi-
ties policy statements were issued in
1996 and 1998. In addition, the indus-
try now relies on more advanced interest
rate risk measurement and manage-
ment methodologies. Taken together,
these developments mitigate the level
of supervisory concern about the aggre-
gate level of interest rate risk in the
industry today.
Interest rate risk is garnering atten-
tion given the changing rate environ-
ment and trends in aggregate bank
balance sheet and income statement
information. Rising rates and a flatten-
ing yield curve could pressure NIMs,
particularly for institutions that exhibit
liability sensitivity, given their rela-
tively greater exposure to long-term
assets. In addition, banks are exhibit-
ing increased exposure to more
volatile, rate-sensitive funding sources
with degrees of optionality not fully
captured by Call Report data. How-
ever, these aggregate measures of
bank balance sheet and income state-
ment composition serve only as indi-
cators of the possible presence of
interest rate risk. Off-site analysis and
on-site examinations identify excessive
or poorly managed interest rate risk
relative to a particular institution’s
risk profile, earnings, and capital
levels. Examination findings, while
revealing weaknesses in some circum-
stances, overall indicate that bank risk
managers are acting effectively to
moderate their institutions’ exposure
to interest rate risk in this challenging
Keith Ligon
Chief, Capital Markets Branch
The author acknowledges the assis-
tance provided by Examiners Thomas
Wiley, Lawrence Reynolds, and John
Falcone in the Division of Supervision
and Consumer Protection; and Finan-
cial Analyst Douglas Akers with the
Division of Insurance and Research,
in the preparation of this article.
Supervisory Insights Summer 2005